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Odontol. vital ; (39): 17-26, jul.-dic. 2023. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1550584


Resumen Introducción En el presente artículo se describen las diferentes clasificaciones de terceros molares retenidos y se recomienda una nueva clasificación que permite predecir la dificultad para la remoción respectiva. Objetivo Lo anterior tiene la finalidad servir de guía para que los estudiantes o profesionales en Odontología utilicen como clasificador el grado de dificultad de terceras molares, el cual se constituiría en un instrumento de medición del tiempo necesario para remover la pieza dental, los pasos necesarios para dicha remoción y la morbilidad relacionada.

Abstract Introduction Different literaly classifications of impacted wisdom teeth will be shown in adddition to a new categorization wich predicts their removal difficulty. Aim The goal of the above statement is to be used as a guide for students and/or collegues to classify the degree of difficulty as a tool to measure the needed time to extract the tooth and the necessary steps to remove it and the related morbility.

Humans , Surgical Procedures, Operative/classification , Molar, Third/surgery , Mouth
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 17(3): 224-228, sept. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514370


El Centro de Salud Familiar (CESFAM) de San Pedro de Atacama, es el único establecimiento de Atención de salud en la comuna y alrededores, se hace imperativo para los Cirujanos Dentistas ser resolutivos y entregar una solución efectiva a la demanda local. El objetivo de este trabajo consistió en determinar prevalencia de complicaciones postexodoncia de terceros molares de pacientes atendidos en CESFAM San Pedro de Atacama entre enero y octubre de 2020. Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal entre enero y octubre 2020, se realizó revisión retrospectiva de fichas clínicas manuales y base de datos electrónica de atenciones odontológicas realizadas en CESFAM. Se incluyeron en el estudio pacientes mayores 18 años, sistémicamente sanos o ASA II compensados, que se hayan realizado exodoncia de tercer molar superior o inferior y que hayan asistido a control clínico a los 7 días. Se excluyeron fichas clínicas ilegibles o sin evolución, pacientes que tuvieran antecedentes de pericoronaritis hasta 7 días previos y pacientes inmunocomprometidos. La frecuencia de complicaciones postoperatorias se relacionó según dificultad de la intervención (leve/moderada/alta) y si el diente era maxilar o mandibular. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo y estadístico de los datos obtenidos mediante prueba exacta de Fisher para evaluar asociación entre las variables utilizando programa estadístico STATA v. 15. Entre enero y octubre de 2020 se realizaron 146 exodoncias de terceros molares; 61 fueron de dificultad leve (41,7 %), 58 dificultad moderada (39,8 %) y 21 dificultad alta (18,5 %). El total de complicaciones postexodoncia alcanza 5,4 % (n=8) donde la complicación más frecuente es alveolitis. Las complicaciones postexodoncia se relacionan significativamente con el nivel de dificultad leve (p0,05).

The Communnity Health Center (CESFAM) of San Pedro de Atacama, is the only establishment of health assistance in the community and surroundings, it is imperative for Dental Surgeons to be decisive and deliver an effective solution to local demand. Determinate the prevalence of post-extraction complications of third molars in patients treated at CESFAM San Pedro de Atacama between January and October 2020. Descriptive cross- sectional study between January and October 2020. It has been done a retrospective review of manual clinical records and electronic database of dental care performed at CESFAM. Patients over 18 years old, systemically healthy or compensated ASA II, who had extracted an upper or lower third molar and who had attended a 7-day clinical check-up were included in the study. Were excluded Illegible or no follow up clinical records, patients with a history of pericoronitis up to 7 days previously, and immunocompromised patients. The frequency of postoperative complications was related to the difficulty of the intervention (mild / moderate / high) and whether the tooth was maxillary or mandibular. A descriptive and statistical analysis of the data obtained by Fisher's exact test was carried out to evaluate the association between the variables using the statistical program STATA v. 15. Between January and October 2020, 146 third molar extractions were performed; 61 were of mild difficulty (41.7 %), 58 of moderate difficulty (39.8 %) and 21 of high difficulty (18.5 %). The result of post-extraction complications reached 5.4 % (n = 8), where the most frequent complication was alveolitis. Post-extraction complications are significantly related to the level of mild difficulty (p 0,05).

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Surgery, Oral , Molar, Third/surgery , Tooth Extraction , Chile/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prevalence , Dry Socket/complications
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 17(3): 274-280, sept. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514384


El desplazamiento de un tercer molar a un espacio anatómico adyacente, ya sea en su totalidad o un fragmento de este, se encuentra descrito como una complicación rara pero posible de las exodoncias de terceros molares. En este reporte se aborda específicamente el desplazamiento accidental de un tercer molar inferior hacia el espacio submandibular izquierdo, el cual fue resuelto quirúrgicamente mediante un abordaje intraoral bajo anestesia general por el equipo de cirugía maxilofacial del Hospital de Urgencia Asistencia Pública, Santiago, Chile. Se realizó una revisión de literatura en la plataforma PubMed con las palabras claves "third molar - submandibular - displacement" obteniendo un total de 17 artículos en los cuales se reportan 15 casos. El propósito del presente escrito fue presentar recomendaciones sobre el manejo actual de esta complicación en base a la literatura disponible.

The displacement of a third molar into an adjacent anatomical space, either in its entirety or a fragment of it, has been described as a rare but posible complication of third molar extractions. This report will specifically address the accidental displacement of a lower third molar into the left submandibular space, which was surgically removed through an intraoral approach under general anesthesia, by the maxillofacial surgeon team of "Hospital de Urgencia Asistencia Pública", Santiago, Chile. An literature review was carried out on PubMed platform with the keywords ""third molar - submandibular - displacement"", obtaining a total of 17 articles where are reported 15 cases. The purpose of this paper is to present recommendations on the current management of this complication based on the available literature.

Humans , Male , Adult , Tooth Migration , Intraoperative Complications , Molar, Third/surgery , Submandibular Gland/surgery
Odontol. vital ; jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1431015


La literatura científica sostiene que los terceros molares muy a menudo son lo que contemplan varías complicaciones al momento del procedimiento quirúrgico, debido no solo a su erupción sino también a sus diferentes características que suceden como anatomía, forma, posición de su erupción, etc. Para ello el estudio complementario Integral antes de pasar al acto quirúrgico es la primera opción que se hace. Para que un correcto tratamiento post-quirúrgico sea efectivo tanto antibiótico farmacológico, biomateriales integrales, etc. Objetivo: Establecer por medio de una revisión de la literatura cuáles son las acciones o procedimientos quirúrgicos ejecutándose que pueden evitar las complicaciones más prevalentes en la extracción de terceros molares mandibulares incluídos, retenidos e impactados. Materiales y métodos: Se plantea un estudio de tipo descriptivo y de análisis respectivamente con 2 tipos de bases electrónicas: PubMed y SciELO tomando como sustentación artículos que contemplen meta-análisis, revisiones sistemáticas, revisiones literarias, etc. Resultados: Se confirmó que el mejor procedimiento ante quizás una posible: hemorragia, fracturas, laceraciones, etc. es el buen manejo quirúrgico farmacológico durante la cirugía y posterior a esta. Conclusión: Con esta revisión de la literatura se llega a la idea de que un correcto diagnóstico, manejo estricto farmacológico y el conocimiento de las complicaciones que pueden suscitarse durante y posterior en las extracciones dentales son acciones correctas que se utilizan muy comúnmente durante el procedimiento quirúrgico, lo que evita sus respectivas dificultades.

After the various articles compiled by different authors, is becomes clear that the third molars are very often what contemplate various complications at the time of the surgical procedure, due not only to their eruption but also to their different characteristics that occur such as anatomy, shape, position of its eruption, etc. For this reason, the comprehensive complementary study before proceeding to the surgical act is the first option that is made. For a correct post-surgical treatment to be effective both antibiotic-pharmacological, integral biomaterials, etc. Purpose: To establish through a review of the literatura which are the actions or surgical procedures being performed that can avoid the most prevalent complications in the extraction of included, retained and impacted mandibular third molars. Materials and methods: A descriptive and analytical study is proposed, respectively, with 2 types of electronic databases: PubMed and SciELO, taking as support articles that include meta-analyses, systematic reviews, literary reviews, etc. Results: It was confirmed that the best procedure for perhaps a possible one: hemorrhage, fractures, lacerations, etc. It is good pharmacological surgical management during and after surgery. Conclusion: With this review of the literature, the idea is reached that a correct diagnosis, strict pharmacological management and knowledge of the complications that can arise during and after dental extractions are correct actions that are very commonly used during the surgical procedure. , which avoids their respective difficulties.

Humans , Tooth, Impacted/complications , Molar, Third/surgery
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 17(2): 216-223, jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440347


La exodoncia de los terceros molares inferiores es uno de los procedimientos clínicos más comunes en el cual el control del dolor mediante el bloqueo anestésico del nervio alveolar inferior, bucal y lingual resulta ser fundament al y la manera más común de hacerlo es mediante la infiltración de soluciones de anestesia local. Entre ellos la lidocaína y articaína son algunos de los más comunes y pueden estar asociado a vasoconstrictores como la epinefrina que puede provocar aumento de la presión arterial y frecuencia cardíaca razón por la cual se hace necesario la monitorización de cambios hemodinámicos durante la cirugía. Describir los cambios hemodinámicos asociados al uso de lidocaína al 2 % y/ o articaína al 4 % en la presión sistólica y diastólica, frecuencia cardiaca y saturación parcial de oxígeno en relación a distintos tiempos operatorios. Se realizó una revisión sistemática en las bases de datos de PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science y Sciencedirect. Se analizaron 7 ensayos clínicos controlados en los que utilizaron articaína al 4 % y/o lidocaína al 2 % con epinefrina al 1:100,000 y/o 1:200,000 en volúmenes de 1,8 a 5,4 mL, en los cuales evaluaron la presión sistólica y diastólica, frecuencia cardiaca y saturación parcial de oxígeno en distintos tiempos de la cirugía. Si bien hubo cambios en PAS, PAD, FC y SPO2, todas se mantuvieron dentro de rangos normales bajo el uso de articaína al 4 % y lidocaína al 2 % con epinefrina 1:100,000 y/o 1:200,000 a volúmenes de 1,8 a 5,4mL medidas a distintos tiempos operatorios.

The extraction of lower third molars is one of the most common clinical procedures in which pain control through anesthetic blockade of the lower alveolar, buccal and lingual nerves turns out to be essential and the most common way to do it is through the infiltration of solutions of local anesthesia. Among them, lidocaine and articaine are some of the most common and may be associated with vasoconstrictors such as epinephrine, which can cause an increase in blood pressure and heart rate, which is why it is necessary to monitor hemodynamic changes during surgery. To describe the hemodynamic changes associated with the use of 2 % lidocaine and/or 4 % articaine in systolic and diastolic pressure, heart rate and partial oxygen saturation in relation to different operative times. A systematic review was carried out in the PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science and Sciencedirect databases. Seven controlled clinical trials were analyzed in which 4 % articaine and/or 2 % lidocaine were used with epinephrine at 1:100,000 and/or 1:200,000 in volumes of 1,8 to 5,4 mL, in which systolic pressure was evaluated. and diastolic, heart rate and partial oxygen saturation at different times of surgery. Although there were changes in SBP, DBP, HR and SPO2, all remained within normal ranges under the use of 4 % articaine and 2 % lidocaine with epinephrine 1:100,000 and/or 1:200,000 at volumes of 1,8 to 5 .4mL measured at different operative times.

Humans , Male , Female , Carticaine/therapeutic use , Hemodynamic Monitoring/methods , Anesthetics, Local/therapeutic use , Lidocaine/therapeutic use , Molar, Third/surgery , Surgery, Oral , Hemodynamics/drug effects
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 12(1): 168-181, abr. 4, 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556343


Introduction: Extraction of the impacted mandibular third molar is a common procedure in dentistry. Many complications may arise after this operation, the most common being pain, trismus, and swelling. Systemic medications have been used in an attempt to manage these problems, but because of their side effects, the need for non-medication treatment arises to treat these complications without side effects, such as cryotherapy, ice packs, low-level laser therapy, and ozone. Ozone is one of the most effective antimicrobials used in the dentistry field, and it also has a positive effect on soft tissue healing, activates cellular metabolism, and can react with blood components; for these reasons ozone is used to manage trismus, swelling, and pain after removal of the mandibular third molar. Aim: The purpose of the study was to assess the effects of topical ozone gel on complications from the extraction of the impacted mandibular third molar. Materials and Methods: Thirty patients were enrolled in the current study and were randomly divided into two equal groups. Preoperatively clinical examination included measurement of facial swelling measurements and maximum mouth opening. The position and configuration of the impacted lower third molar, the surrounding bone, the mandibular canal, and the neighboring tooth were all assessed using a panoramic X-ray. On days 2 and 7, after surgery, the facial swelling dimensions and maximum mouth opening were again assessed. Statistics were used to analyze results. Results: Findings indicate statistical significance for pain, but not for swelling or mouth opening. Conclusions: After lower third molar surgery, topical ozone gel helps reduce postoperative pain.

Introducción: La extracción del tercer molar mandibular retenido es un procedimiento común en odontología. Pueden surgir muchas complicaciones después de esta operación, siendo las más comunes dolor, trismo y edema. Se han utilizado medicamentos sistémicos en un intento de controlar estos problemas, pero debido a sus efectos secundarios, surge la necesidad de tratamientos sin medicamentos para tratar estas complicaciones sin efectos secundarios, como crioterapia, bolsas de hielo, terapia con láser de baja intensidad y ozono. El ozono es uno de los antimicrobianos más eficaces utilizados en el campo de la odontología, además tiene un efecto positivo en la cicatrización de los tejidos blandos, activa el metabolismo celular y puede reaccionar con los componentes sanguíneos; Por estas razones, el ozono se utiliza para controlar el trismo, la hinchazón y el dolor después de la extracción del tercer molar mandibular. Objetivo: El propósito del estudio fue evaluar los efectos del gel de ozono tópico sobre las complicaciones de la extracción del tercer molar mandibular impactado. Materiales y Métodos: Se inscribieron treinta pacientes en el estudio actual y se dividieron aleatoriamente en dos grupos iguales. El examen clínico preoperatorio incluyó la medición de la hinchazón facial y la apertura máxima de la boca. La posición y configuración del tercer molar inferior impactado, el hueso circundante, el canal mandibular y el diente vecino se evaluaron mediante una radiografía panorámica. Los días 2 y 7, después de la cirugía, se evaluaron nuevamente las dimensiones de la hinchazón facial y la apertura máxima de la boca. Se utilizaron estadísticas para analizar los resultados. Resultados: Los hallazgos indican significación estadística para el dolor, pero no para la hinchazón o la apertura de la boca.Conclusión: Después de la cirugía del tercer molar inferior, el gel de ozono tópico ayuda a reducir el dolor postoperatorio.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Ozone/therapeutic use , Pain, Postoperative/prevention & control , Tooth, Impacted/surgery , Molar, Third/surgery , Ozone/administration & dosage , Tooth Extraction/methods , Treatment Outcome
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 12(1): 348-361, abr. 4, 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560801


Objective: To determine the efficacy of serratiopeptidase in third molar surgery. Materials and Methods: A bibliographic search was carried out until April 2022, in the biomedical databases: Pubmed/Medline, Cochrane Central Registry of Clinical Trials, Scopus, Scielo and Google Scholar. Studies reporting the ef-ficacy of serratiopeptidase in third molar surgery, which were randomized clinical trials, in English and without time limits, were included. The RoB 2.0 tool was used to assess the risk of the included studies and the GRADEPro GDT tool to assess Results: The preliminary search yielded a total of 116 articles, discarding those that did not meet the selection criteria, leaving only 10 articles. Six articles entered a meta-analysis and found that serratiopeptidase reduces trismus but not reduce inflammation and pain after third molar surgery. Conclusions: The literature reviewed suggests that ser-ratiopeptidase is effective in reducing trismus after third molar surgery.

Objetivo: Determinar la eficacia de la serratiopeptidasa en la cirugía del tercer molar. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica hasta abril de 2022, en las bases de datos biomédicas: Pubmed/Medline, Registro Cochrane Central de Ensayos Clínicos, Scopus, Scielo y Google Scholar. Se incluyeron estudios que reportaron la eficacia de la serratiopeptidasa en cirugía de terceros molares, que fueron ensayos clínicos aleatorios, en inglés y sin límite de tiempo. Se utilizó la herramienta RoB 2.0 para evaluar el riesgo de los estudios incluidos y la herramienta GRADEPro GDT para evaluar la calidad de la evidencia y la fuerza de recomendación de los resultados. Resultados: La búsqueda preliminar arrojó un total de 116 artículos, descartando aquellos que no cumplieron con los criterios de selección, quedando solo 10 artículos. Seis artículos participaron en un metanálisis y encontraron que la serratiopeptidasa reduce el trismo, pero no reduce la inflamación y el dolor después de la cirugía del tercer molar. Conclusión: La literatura revisada sugiere que la serratiopeptidasa es efectiva para reducir el trismo después de la cirugía del tercer molar.

Humans , Peptide Hydrolases/therapeutic use , Trismus/prevention & control , Molar, Third/surgery , Pain, Postoperative/prevention & control , Pain, Postoperative/drug therapy , Tooth Extraction/adverse effects
Rev. ADM ; 80(2): 76-81, mar.-abr. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1513112


La cirugía de terceros molares es uno de los procedimientos más realizados dentro de la práctica odontológica, generalmente conlleva la prescripción de fármacos, incluidos antibióticos indicados para prevenir la aparición de procesos infecciosos. La resistencia antimicrobiana es considerada como un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial, por lo que el uso de antibióticos debe ser cauteloso. La solución electrolizada de súperoxidación ha demostrado tener efectos bactericidas, virucidas y ha sido utilizada para la prevención y el tratamiento de procesos infecciosos. El objetivo del presente estudio fue demostrar la efectividad de dicha solución en la prevención de infecciones posteriores a la cirugía de terceros molares. Se realizó un estudio aleatorizado, ciego, prospectivo en 20 pacientes utilizando un diseño split mouth, en donde cada paciente fue sujeto control y experimental, en el grupo control se irrigó durante el procedimiento con solución de súperoxidación y no se prescribió antibiótico posterior, mientras que en el grupo control se irrigó con solución fisiológica y se prescribió antibiótico posterior. Se realizaron 40 cirugías en 20 pacientes utilizando en cada paciente ambas terapéuticas. Se analizó el dolor postoperatorio, inflamación y presencia de infección. El dolor y la inflamación fueron ligeramente superiores en el grupo experimental al tercer día; sin embargo, al séptimo día los resultados fueron similares. No se presentó ningún caso de infección postoperatoria. El uso de solución de súperoxidación transoperatoria puede ser una herramienta muy útil en la prevención de infecciones postoperatorias posterior a cirugía de terceros molares en pacientes sanos en cirugías con dificultad leve a moderada (AU)

Third molar surgery is one of the most performed procedures in dental practice, generally involving the prescription of drugs including antibiotics indicated to prevent the onset of infectious processes. Antimicrobial resistance is considered a public health problem worldwide, so the use of antibiotics should be cautious. The electrolyzed super oxidation solution has been shown to have bactericidal and virucidal effects and has been used for the prevention and treatment of infectious processes. The objective of the present study was to demonstrate the effectiveness of said solution in the prevention of infections after third molar surgery. A randomized, blind, prospective study was conducted in 20 patients using a split mouth design where each patient was a control and experimental subject, in the control group they were irrigated during the procedure with super oxidation solution and no subsequent antibiotic was prescribed. while the control group was irrigated with physiological solution and a subsequent antibiotic was prescribed. Forty surgeries were performed on 20 patients using both therapies in each patient. Postoperative pain, inflammation and presence of infection were analyzed. Pain and inflammation were slightly higher in the experimental group on third day, however on seventh day the results were similar. There were no cases of postoperative infection. The use of trans operative super oxidation solution can be a very useful tool in the prevention of postoperative infections after third molar surgery in healthy patients undergoing surgeries with mild to moderate difficulty.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Postoperative Complications/prevention & control , Drug Resistance, Microbial , Oxidation , Molar, Third/surgery , Mouthwashes/therapeutic use , Pain, Postoperative/prevention & control , Tooth Extraction/adverse effects , Double-Blind Method , Randomized Controlled Trial
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1448789


ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the role of radiological predictive markers on orthopantomogram for inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) injury related to the removal of mandibular third molar surgery and the occurrence of post-operative IAN paresthesia. Material and Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted on 60 patients (aged 17-35 years) indicated for extraction and showed one or more of the seven previously known panoramic radiographic risk signs of IAN injury. Variables such as age, sex, tooth angulation, and relationship with the inferior alveolar canal (IAC) were assessed to see their outcome on IAN injury. Data analysis is presented through tables and descriptive methods. Results: Among patients, 26 were male and 34 were female, with a mean age of 26.17 years. Out of seven radiological predictive markers, only six were found in this study, whereas one marker, viz. interruption of white line of the canal was not found. After surgical removal of the lower third molar, only two patients with radiographic signs showing the deflection of roots and darkening of roots continued with sensory deficit 5 weeks post-operatively. Conclusion: The risk of inferior alveolar nerve injury during lower third molar surgery is very low, even in patients with radiological predictive markers.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Paresthesia/complications , Mandibular Nerve Injuries/complications , Molar, Third/surgery , Tooth Extraction/methods , Radiography, Panoramic/methods , Prospective Studies , Risk Factors , Observational Study
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 38(89): 57-67, 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553127


La exodoncia es el procedimiento odontológico más antiguo del que se tiene registro, pero pocas publi-caciones abarcan con detalle esta temática. Conocer los pormenores de esta práctica puede servir para generar políticas educativas, sanitarias, como así también sistematizarla y bajar así sus riesgos y complicaciones. El objetivo del presente estudio fue describir y analizar variables quirúrgicas asocia-das a las extracciones unitarias de piezas dentarias. Los datos se analizaron mediante las pruebas Chi-cuadrado de Pearson, exacta de Fisher y Kruskal-Wallis, según lo que correspondía (p<0,05, signifi-cativo). Concurrieron más mujeres que hombres, con una mediana de edad de 37 años (intervalo, 18 a 86), siendo los terceros molares las piezas más ex-traídas. La pieza que requirió más odontosecciones fue el primer molar superior, mientras que la pieza que requirió más alveolectomías fue el tercer mo-lar inferior, siendo esta última la pieza con mayores complicaciones intra y post quirúrgicas, incluso una alteración nerviosa. La caries penetrante fue amplia-mente el motivo más frecuente de exodoncias (79%) superando los reportes en estudios similares, La du-ración promedio (DE) de las extracciones unitarias fue de 39 minutos (21), pero difirió significativamente entre piezas dentarias (p<0,05). Las complicaciones post quirúrgicas se asociaron significativamente a cirugías más prolongadas (p<0,05). La cantidad de anestubos utilizados también difirió significativa-mente entre piezas dentarias (p<0,05), siendo el sec-tor posterior inferior el que más cantidad necesitó. Los datos aportados en el estudio pueden ser utiliza-dos para mejorar recursos en los servicios de salud odontológicos (AU)

Dental extractions are the first procedures reported in dentistry, but few articles focus on its individual details. With proper information, educational and health policies could be systematically improved, and thus reduce risks and complications. The aim of the study was to describe and analyze surgical variables associated with single tooth extractions performed by students. The practice of 500 single extractions on 500 patients who attended the Oral and Maxillofacial service of the School of Dentistry of the University of Buenos Aires, between September 2021 and September 2022, performed by fourth-year students supervised by teachers, are described. Data were analyzed using Pearson's Chi-square, Fisher's exact or Kruskal-Wallis tests, as appropriate (p<0.05, significant). More women attended than men, with a median age of 37 years (range 18 to 86), with third molars being the most extracted pieces. Decay teeth was by far the most frequent reason for extractions (79%), exceeding reports in similar studies, that may be explained by a younger sample and the multiple extractions exclusion. The tooth that required the most sections was the upper first molar, while the tooth that required the most alveolectomies was the lower third molar, the latter being the tooth with the greatest intra- and post-surgical complications, including a reported nerve damage. The average duration (SD) of single extractions was 39 minutes (21), but it differed significantly between teeth (p<0.05), for example, upper central incisors presented an average of 21 (9), and upper first premolars 47 (25), characteristics not reported to date. As other studies reported, post-surgical complications were significantly associated with longer surgeries (p<0.05). The amount of anesthesia cartridges used also differed significantly between teeth (p<0.05), being the posterior mandible the one that needed the most amount. The data provided in the study can be systematically used to improve temporal and economic resources in dental health services (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Tooth Extraction/statistics & numerical data , Education, Predental , Intraoperative Complications/epidemiology , Argentina/epidemiology , Schools, Dental , Anesthesia, Dental/statistics & numerical data , Molar, Third/surgery
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 38(90): 21-28, 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553695


Se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente con alte-ración de la sensibilidad, consecuente a la extracción de un tercer molar inferior retenido bajo el contexto de urgencia, resultando en la injuria del nervio denta-rio inferior. La cirugía fue realizada en el Servicio de Urgencias Odontológicas y Orientación de Pacientes de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (FOUBA), en respuesta a la sintomatolo-gía dolorosa que venía presentando la paciente desde hacía tiempo, motivo por el cual concurre a la consul-ta. En este trabajo se exponen los parámetros utiliza-dos, las etapas evolutivas y los resultados obtenidos luego de un tratamiento con láser de diodo de baja intensidad, efectuado con equipamiento Woodpecker LX 16 Plus, realizado en el área de Unidad Láser de la Cátedra de Endodoncia de la FOUBA. El tratamiento fue aceptado por la paciente quien firmó el consen-timiento informado correspondiente. Se observó una pronta y favorable recuperación ante las aplicacio-nes de fotobiomodulación láser. En la sexta sesión, se pudo determinar que la recuperación sensitiva había sido completa. Asimismo, en este trabajo se hace mención a ciertos factores preventivos prequirúr-gicos a tener en cuenta para minimizar los riesgos de lesión nerviosa ante situaciones similares, tales como forma y posición de la pieza dentaria en la man-díbula, la importancia de los estudios imagenológicos como la tomografía computarizada de haz cónico (CBCT) y la técnica quirúrgica (AU)

A clinic case of a patient with alteration of sensitivity is presented, following an emergency extraction of a retained lower third molar, which resulted in the injury of the lower dental nerve. The surgery was performed at the Dental Emergency and Patient Orientation Service of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Buenos Aires (FOUBA), in response to the painful symptomatology that the patient had been presenting for some time, reason for which the patient arrived to the clinic. This report presents the parameters used, the evolutionary stages and the results obtained after a treatment with low intensity diode laser, performed with Woodpecker LX 16 Plus equipment, carried out in the Laser Unit area of the Chair of Endodontics, FOUBA. The treatment was performed with the permission of the patient, who signed the corresponding informed consent. A prompt and favorable recovery was observed after photobiomodulatory applications. Completion of sensory recovery was determined during the six sessions. Furthermore, this work describes certain pre-surgical preventive factors to take into account to minimize the risks of nerve injury in similar situations, such as the shape and position of the tooth in the jaw, the importance of imaging studies such as cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) and the surgical technique (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Mandibular Nerve/physiopathology , Argentina , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Schools, Dental , Molar, Third/surgery
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 22(4): 6-12, out.-dez. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1414497


Introdução: A extração de terceiros molares é um dos procedimentos mais comuns realizados pelos cirurgiões bucomaxilofaciais e as potenciais complicações dessa intervenção estão bem documentadas. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é encontrar as associações entre essas complicações e variáveis relacionadas aos dentes ou aos pacientes e, assim, ajudar os cirurgiões a predizê-las e preveni-las. Métodos: Nosso estudo avalia a prevalência de omplicações em exodontias de terceiros molares inferiores utilizando uma amostra populacional brasileira em um período de 10 anos para estabelecer a probabilidade dessas complicações e sua associação com variáveis como idade, sexo e posição do dente na arcada . As mesmas variáveis foram usadas em relação a pericoronarite prévia. Trata-se de um estudo observacional retrospectivo transversal, seguindo as diretrizes STROBE. Resultados e Conclusões: Mil e nove pacientes tiveram 1.822 terceiros molares extraídos, sem associação detectada entre condições sistêmicas e complicações, embora esses pacientes com complicações sistêmicas tenham 1,9 vezes mais chances de ter pericoronarite. A pericoronarite foi mais prevalente em pacientes saudáveis, com classificação A e III de Pell & Gregory e posição distoangular. Esses achados corroboram a literatura atual ao comparar a classificação de Pell e Gregory e a maior prevalência de complicações... (AU)

Introducción: La extracción de terceros molares es uno de los procedimientos más comunes realizados por los cirujanos orales y maxilofaciales y las posibles complicaciones de esta intervención están bien documentadas. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio es encontrar las asociaciones entre estas complicaciones y variables relacionadas con dientes o pacientes y así ayudar a los cirujanos a predecirlas y prevenirlas. Métodos: Nuestro estudio evalúa la prevalencia de complicaciones en extracciones de terceros molares inferiores utilizando una muestra de población brasileña durante un período de 10 años para establecer la probabilidad de estas complicaciones y su asociación con variables como la edad, el sexo y la posición de los dientes en el arco. Las mismas variables se utilizaron para determinar pericoronitis previa. Se trata de un estudio observacional, transversal, retrospectivo, siguiendo las directrices STROBE. Resultados y Conclusiones: A mil nueve pacientes se les extrajeron 1.822 terceros molares, no detectándose asociación entre condiciones sistémicas y complicaciones, aunque estos pacientes tenían 1,9 veces más probabilidad de tener pericoronitis. La pericoronitis fue más prevalente en pacientes sanos, con clasificación A y III de Pell & Gregory y posición distoangular. Estos hallazgos corroboran la literatura actual al comparar la clasificación de Pell y Gregory y la mayor prevalencia de complicaciones... (AU)

Introduction: Extraction of third molars is one the most common procedures carried out by Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and the potential complications of such intervention are well documented. Purpose: The objective of this study is to find the associations between these complications and variables related either to the teeth or the patients and thus help surgeons to predict and prevent them. Methods: Our study evaluate the prevalence of complications in extractions of the lower third molars using a Brazilian population sample over a period of 10 years to establish the probability of these complications and their association with variables such as age, sex and tooth position in the arch. The same variables were used to determine previous pericoronitis. This is a retrospective cross-sectional observational study, following the STROBE guidelines. Results and Conclusions: One thousand and nine patients had 1,822 third molars extracted, with no associations detected between systemic conditions and complications, although these patients are 1.9 times more likely to have pericoronitis. Pericoronitis was more prevalent in healthy patients, with Pell & Gregory classification A and III and distoangular position. These findings corroborate the current literature when comparing Pell and Gregory classification and the higher prevalence of complications... (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Postoperative Complications , Oral Surgical Procedures/adverse effects , Intraoperative Complications , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Molar, Third/surgery
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 22(2): 32-38, abr.-jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1399219


Objetivo: Relatar a importância da avaliação e indicação correta de técnicas cirúrgicas para extração de terceiros molares inclusos. Metodologia: Com esta revisão bibliográfica pretende-se conhecer um pouco melhor estas abordagens cirúrgicas, comparando-as, e perceber, através de estudos publicados em bases de dados como a Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS), Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SciELO) e PubMed, no recorde temporal de 2015 a 2021. Resultados: O presente estudo demonstrou a importância da técnica cirúrgica bem aplicada na vida profissional do cirurgião dentista, auxiliando no ato operatório para a exodontia de terceiros molares inclusos, diminuindo riscos e otimizando tempo cirúrgico e a resposta pós-operatória do paciente. Conclusão: O cirurgião dentista deve estar apto técnica e cientificamente, a fim de diagnosticar e tratar as inclusões dentárias. Importa enfatizar a importância do conhecimento de todos os critérios de indicação e contraindicação, sinonímia, conduta pré e pós-operatória, técnica e tática cirúrgica que, em conjunto, terão papel fundamental no êxito do caso abordado, atenuando as chances da ocorrência de acidentes e complicações cirúrgicas... (AU)

Objetivo: Informar la importancia de la evaluación e indicación correcta de las técnicas quirúrgicas para la extracción de los terceros molares incluidos. Metodología: Con esta revisión bibliográfica, pretendemos conocer un poco mejor estos abordajes quirúrgicos, comparándolos, y percibirlos, a través de estudios publicados en bases de datos como la Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud (LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) y PubMed, en el registro temporal 2015 a 2021. Resultados: El presente estudio demostró la importancia de la técnica quirúrgica bien aplicada en la vida profesional del odontólogo, asistiendo en la cirugía para la extracción de terceros molares incluidos, reduciendo riesgos y optimizando el tiempo quirúrgico y la respuesta postoperatoria del paciente. Conclusión: El dentista debe ser capaz técnica y científicamente para diagnosticar y tratar las inclusiones dentales. Es importante destacar la importancia de conocer todos los criterios de indicación y contraindicación, sinomesia, conducta pre y postoperatoria, técnica quirúrgica y tácticas que, en conjunto, jugarán un papel fundamental en el éxito del caso abordado, atenuando las posibilidades de accidentes y complicaciones quirúrgicas... (AU)

Objective: To report the importance of the evaluation and correct indication of surgical techniques for the extraction of third molars included. Methodology: With this literature review, we intend to know these surgical approaches a little better by comparing them, and to perceive, through studies published in databases such as the Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and PubMed, in the time record 2015 to 2021. Results: The present study demonstrated the importance of the surgical technique well applied in the professional life of the dentist, assisting in the surgery for the extraction of third molars included, reducing risks and optimizing surgical time and postoperative response of the patient. Conclusion: The dentist should be able technically and scientifically in order to diagnose and treat dental inclusions. It is important to emphasize the importance of knowing all the criteria of indication and contraindication, synomy, pre- and postoperative conduct, surgical technique and tactics that, together, will play a fundamental role in the success of the case addressed, attenuating the chances of accidents and surgical complications... (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Tooth, Unerupted/surgery , Molar, Third/surgery , Practice Patterns, Dentists' , Mouth Rehabilitation
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1402396


Dentes ectópicos são frequentemente encontrados, entretanto, terceiros molares inferiores ectópicos são inco-muns, com etiologia obscura e pouco descritos na literatura pertinente. Sua localização já foi relatada nas regiões condilar, subcondilar, incisura mandibular, ângulo e borda inferior da mandíbula. Devido à importância do plane-jamento terapêutico, manejo adequado e variedade das manifestações clínicas desta condição, este trabalho teve como objetivo relatar um caso clínico de terceiro molar inferior ectópico na região de incisura mandibular, com radiolucência aumentada ao redor da coroa, em um paciente do gênero masculino, de 28 anos e sem sintomato-logia. Acompanhamento radiográfico pode ser indicado, no entanto, em pacientes sintomáticos ou com alterações patológicas associadas, a extração deve ser considerada. Diante disso, o tratamento de escolha foi a extração do dente 38 sob anestesia geral, por via intraoral, tendo em vista a posição dentária, radiolucência e morbidade as-sociada à cirurgia. O tecido mole circundante foi enviado para análise anatomopatológica. O paciente evoluiu sem intercorrências durante avaliação pós-operatória (AU)

Ectopic teeth are frequently found, however, ectopic lower third molars are uncommon, with obscure etiology and little described in the pertinent literature. Its location has been reported in the condylar, subcondylar, mandibular notch, angle and lower edge of the mandible. Due to the importance of therapeutic planning, adequate manage-ment and variety of clinical manifestations of this condition, this study aimed to report a clinical case of an ectopic lower third molar in the region of the mandibular notch, with increased radiolucency around the crown, in a male gender pacient, 28 years old and without symptoms. Radiographic follow-up may be indicated, however, in symp-tomatic patients or patients with associated pathological changes, extraction should be considered. Therefore, the treatment of choice was the extraction of tooth 38 under general anesthesia, intraorally approach, considering the dental position, radiolucency and morbidity associated with the surgery. The surrounding soft tissue was sent for anatomopathological analysis. The patient evolved uneventfully during the postoperative evaluation (AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Tooth Eruption, Ectopic/surgery , Mandible/pathology , Molar, Third/surgery
Chinese Journal of Stomatology ; (12): 258-265, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935859


Objective: To evaluate the risk factors of inferior alveolar nerve injury (IANI) after surgical removal of the mandibular third molars (M3) and present a new risk scoring system to predict the probability of IANI. Methods: Patients who underwent extraction of M3 in the Stomatology Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine from April 2017 to December 2019 were involved. The investigators enrolled a sample composed of 949 mandibular third molars. Prediction model was used for univariate and multivariate analysis of gender, age, M3, inferior alveolar canal (IAC), and the contact between M3 and IAC, to assess the risk factors of IANI. Combined with the risk factors determined by the outcomes of prediction model, the risk scoring system was constructed. The diagnostic performance of each cut-off score was examined to conduct a risk stratification of IANI risk scores. The predictive ability and reliability of the model were evaluated. Results: In prediction model, twenty nine cases (4.4%, 29/664) experienced postoperative IANI. Number of root (P<0.01), depth of impaction (P<0.05), contact between M3 and IAC (P<0.01) and their contact position (P<0.05) were statistically significant as contributing risk factors of IANI. Specifically, the incidence of temporary IANI was higher in those who aged under 25 years (P<0.001), while female suffer more permanent injury (P<0.05). Based on the IANI risk scoring system, patients were stratified into low-risk, middle-risk and high-risk groups at cutoff scores of 3 and 4. The area under the receiver operator characteristic curve of the risk scoring system were 0.81 [95%CI (0.70-0.90), P=0.002] and 0.80 [95%CI (0.68-0.92), P=0.007] towards good discrimination. Conclusions: Age, gender, number of root, depth of impaction, and contact between M3 and IAC were risk factors of IANI. IANI risk scoring system might help in preoperative assessment, recognition of high-risk cases and decision-making to reduce IANI.

Aged , Female , Humans , Mandible/surgery , Mandibular Nerve , Molar, Third/surgery , Reproducibility of Results , Risk Factors , Tooth Extraction/adverse effects , Trigeminal Nerve Injuries/etiology
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936119


OBJECTIVE@#To evaluate the relevant indicators affecting difficulty in the extraction of impacted mandibular third molars and score difficulty of different operation and risk indicators, so as to build an intuitive and accurate scale to help operators make more accurate analysis and prediction of difficulty before the operation.@*METHODS@#Based on literature and the clinical review, the difficulty indicators of tooth extraction were summarized. Firstly, 10 doctors from Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology who had been engaged in alveolar surgery for a long time established an expert nominal group, and then rated whether the summarized indicators needed to be retained in the form of face-to-face questionnaires. A level 1 and 2 item frame for evaluating difficulty in the tooth extraction was formed after discussion; Then Delphi method was used to send a questionnaire to 30 experts by e-mail. After two rounds of scoring and modification, the scale of difficulty in the extraction of impacted mandibular third molars was formed.@*RESULTS@#The recycling rate of two rounds of questionnaires was 100.0%, which showed that the experts were very enthusiastic about the study; The authority coefficients (Cr) of the two rounds of Delphi expert consultation were both 0.92, which showed that the results were representative and authoritative. After two rounds of grading and revision, the variable coefficient (CV) decreased and the Kendall's concordance coefficient (W) increased, which were statistically significant: In the first round, the CV was 0.24 and W was 0.56 (P < 0.001), and in the second, the CV was 0.19 and W was 0.72 (P < 0.001), which indicated that there was a good convergence among the expert opinions. Finally, a scale of difficulty in the tooth extraction containing 12 items at level A and 37 items at level B was formed, including operation difficulty indicators, risk difficulty indicators and common difficulty indicators.@*CONCLUSION@#Based on comprehensive literature retrieval, the study has put forward the concept that difficulty in the extraction of impacted mandibular third molars is composed of operation difficulty and risk difficulty. Using Delphi method, the long-term clinical experience and professional knowledge of experts are transformed into quantitative indicators as a scoring scale. The scale has certain representativeness and authority.

Humans , Delphi Technique , Mandible/surgery , Molar, Third/surgery , Tooth Extraction , Tooth, Impacted/surgery
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 37(86): 1-8, 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1412794


La cirugía de los terceros molares retenidos puede ser considerada una intervención de rutina para el cirujano bucomaxilofacial. Como todo procedimien-to quirúrgico, puede presentar complicaciones intra y postoperatorias. Las más frecuentes son el dolor, edema, trismus, hemorragia y fracturas de las piezas dentarias a extraer, o de las tablas óseas. Pero tam-bién se pueden presentar otras complicaciones ines-peradas, como la impulsión o desplazamiento de la pieza dentaria a espacios anatómicos vecinos, entre los que podemos encontrar al espacio pterigomandi-bular, la celda submaxilar, el seno maxilar, el espacio infratemporal, según se trate de terceros molares retenidos inferiores o superiores. En el presente ar-tículo, se describe una situación clínica de un tercer molar superior, que fue accidentalmente impulsado a la región infratemporal, y removido en una segunda cirugía realizada 3 semanas después del primer in-tento de exodoncia. Se analizan también los estudios preoperatorios para su correcto diagnóstico, y las maniobras clínicas e instrumentales tendientes a po-sibilitar su remoción minimizando las complicaciones intra y postquirúrgicas (AU)

Surgery of retained third molars can be considered a routine intervention for the oral surgeon. Like any surgical procedure, it can present intra and posto-perative complications. The most frequent are pain, edema, trismus, hemorrhage and fractures of the teeth to be extracted or of the bone tables. But other unexpected complications can also occur, such as the impulsion or displacement of the tooth to neighbo-ring anatomical spaces, among which we can find the pterygomandibular space, the submaxillary cell, the maxillary sinus, the buccal space, the infratemporal space and the lateral pharyngeal space, depending on whether they are lower or upper retained third mo-lars. In this article, the clinical case of a third upper molar is described, which was accidentally driven to the infratemporal region, which was removed in a second surgery performed 3 weeks after the first attempt at exodontics. It should be noted the impor-tance of diagnostic imaging as an indispensable com-plement to the correct location of the displaced tooth and its subsequent removal (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Tooth, Impacted/surgery , Infratemporal Fossa , Intraoperative Complications/surgery , Molar, Third/surgery , Tooth Extraction/adverse effects , Radiography, Panoramic/methods , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography/methods , Parapharyngeal Space , Molar, Third/diagnostic imaging
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 37(87): 87-92, 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551412


El tratamiento odontológico sigue siendo percibido en la actualidad como una experiencia atemorizadora para muchas personas. Se han establecido diversos métodos para tratar de evaluar el temor y ansiedad que refieren las personas cuando deben recibir tra-tamientos bucales. Sin embargo, estos no han sido aplicados adecuadamente como parte de la atención clínica cotidiana. Considerando esto, podría suponer-se que el miedo es uno de los factores desencadenan-tes en la deserción de los tratamientos odontológicos, y las personas asistirían solo en el momento de una urgencia. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar el afrontamiento de emociones (miedo) en los pacien-tes que concurren a la consulta para la extracción de un tercer molar en la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (FOUBA). La metodología que se utilizó fue cuantitativa y cualitativa. El diseño fue exploratorio-descriptivo (AU)

Dental treatment is still perceived today as a frightening experience for many people. Various methods have been established to try to assess the fear and anxiety that people report when they must receive oral treatments, however, these have not been adequately applied as part of daily clinical care. Considering this, it could be assumed that fear is one of the triggering factors in desertion of dental treatments and people would attend only at the time of an emergency. The objective of this study was to analyze the coping with emotions (fear) in patients who attend the consultation for the extraction of a third molar at the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Buenos Aires (FOUBA). The methodology used was quantitative and qualitative. The design was exploratory-descriptive (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Patients/psychology , Tooth Extraction/psychology , Dental Anxiety/psychology , Molar, Third/surgery , Argentina/epidemiology , Schools, Dental/statistics & numerical data , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Surveys and Questionnaires , Qualitative Research
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 21(4): 6-13, out.-dez. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1391244


Complicações pós-operatórias como edema, dor e trismo são comuns em cirurgias orais. Terapias, como o uso de analgésicos e anti-inflamatórios, são indicadas para estas complicações. No entanto, intervenções pré-operatórias podem ser alternativas. Desta forma, o presente estudo avaliou o efeito da dexametasona no edema, intensidade de dor e abertura de boca (trismo) no pós-operatório de retirada de terceiros molares inferiores. Pacientes (n=14, 9 mulheres) foram incluídos em um estudo clínico, cruzado, cego, randomizado, placebo-controlado e boca dividida. Pacientes receberam aleatoriamente medicação preemptiva (dexametasona 8mg, intramuscular, músculo masseter) ou placebo (soro fisiológico) uma hora antes da primeira cirurgia. O procedimento contralateral foi realizado 21 dias após. Avaliou se o edema e a abertura bucal nos momentos pré-operatórios e no 3º e 7º dias pós-operatórios, além de dor espontânea (imediatamente, 2 e 24 horas, 3 dias e 7 dias). Os dados foram analisados usando anova de medidas repetidas seguida do teste post hoc LSD de Fisher. Comparado ao placebo, a medicação reduziu edema (3 dias), dor (2 e 24 horas) e trismo (3 dias). Os resultados sugerem que o uso preemptivo da dexametasona intramuscular é capaz de aumentar o bem-estar dos pacientes submetidos a cirurgias orais, tendo o potencial de reduzir os custos pós-operatórios... (AU)

Postoperative complications such as edema, pain, and trismus are common in oral surgery. Therapies, such as the use of painkillers and anti inflammatory drugs, are indicated for the reversal of these complications. However, preoperative (preemptive) interventions can be alternatives. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the effect of dexamethasone on edema, pain intensity, and mouth opening (trismus) in the postoperative period of removal of impacted lower third molars. Patients (n = 14, 9 women) were included in a clinical, crossover, blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled, and divided mouth study. Preemptive mediation (dexamethasone 8mg, intramuscular, masseter muscle) or placebo (saline) was randomly given before the first surgery. The contralateral procedure was performed 21 days later. In the postoperative period, edema, mouth opening (preoperative, 3 and 7 days), and spontaneous pain (immediately, 2 and 24 hours, 3 days and 7 days) were analyzed. The data were analyzed using the one-way repeated measures ANOVA followed by Fisher's LSD post hoc. Compared to placebo, the medication reduced edema (3 days), pain (2 and 24 hours), and trismus (3 days). The results suggest that the preemptive use of dexamethasone is able to increase the well-being of patients undergoing oral surgeries, with the potential to reduce postoperative costs... (AU)

Las complicaciones posoperatorias como hinchazón, dolor y trismo son comunes en las cirugías orales. Las terapias, como el uso de analgésicos y antiinflamatorios, están indicadas para estas complicaciones. Sin embargo, las intervenciones preoperatorias pueden ser alternativas. Así, el presente estudio evaluó el efecto de la dexametasona sobre el edema, la intensidad del dolor y la apertura de la boca (trismo) en el postoperatorio de remoción del tercer molar inferior. Los pacientes (n = 14, 9 mujeres) se incluyeron en un estudio clínico, cruzado, ciego, aleatorizado, controlado con placebo y de boca dividida. Los pacientes recibieron aleatoriamente medicación preventiva (8 mg de dexametasona, intramuscular, músculo masetero) o placebo (solución salina) una hora antes de la primera cirugía. El procedimiento contralateral se realizó 21 días después. Se evaluó el edema y la apertura de la boca en el preoperatorio y en el tercer y séptimo días postoperatorios, además del dolor espontáneo (inmediato, 2 y 24 horas, 3 días y 7 días). Los datos se analizaron utilizando anova de medidas repetidas seguido de la prueba post hoc de LSD de Fisher. En comparación con el placebo, el medicamento redujo el edema (3 días), el dolor (2 y 24 horas) y el trismo (3 días). Los resultados sugieren que el uso preventivo de dexametasona intramuscular puede aumentar el bienestar de los pacientes sometidos a cirugía oral, con el potencial de reducir los costos posoperatorios... (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Pain , Pain, Postoperative , Postoperative Complications , Postoperative Period , Surgery, Oral , Trismus , Dexamethasone , Molar, Third , Pain Measurement , Edema , Analgesics , Anti-Inflammatory Agents , Molar , Molar, Third/surgery
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 21(4): 14-19, out.-dez. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1391245


A importância da permanência dos dentes naturais na cavidade bucal vem sendo cada dia mais reconhecida e almejada, seja pelo fator estético ou pelo funcional. Uma alternativa para a reabilitação de indivíduos com perdas dentárias ou exodontias indicadas é o transplante dental. Esta modalidade de tratamento corresponde à transferência de um órgão dental, para um alvéolo receptor. O presente trabalho relata e discute um caso de triplo transplante autógeno, utilizando terceiros molares, enfatizando as etapas cirúrgicas e demonstrando que após dois anos de preservação os resultados confirmam o sucesso deste tratamento. Anamnese, exames clínicos e radiográficos foram analisados de forma criteriosa, antes e após a cirurgia, sendo a radiografia panorâmica utilizada antes e após o ato cirúrgico e radiografias periapicais após, para acompanhamento individual das unidades transplantadas. Houve sucesso na realização dos transplantes dentários, obtendo regeneração pulpar e adaptação ao alvéolo receptor, mantendo o espaço dental com vitalidade e oclusão dentaria satisfatória. O procedimento apresentou sucesso significativo, obtendo êxito nas três unidades transplantadas, devolvendo o equilíbrio ao desenvolvimento crânio facial, comprovando sua eficácia na reabilitação oral em jovens com perdas prematuras de unidades dentárias... (AU)

The importance of the maintenance of natural teeth in the oral cavity has been increasingly recognized and desired, for the aesthetic and also the functional factor. An alternative for the rehabilitation of individuals with indicated tooth loss or extractions is dental transplantation. This type of treatment corresponds to the transfer of a dental organ to a recipient alveolar socket. The present work reports and discusses a case of triple autogenous transplantation, using third molars, emphasizing the surgical stages and demonstrating that after two years of preservation the results confirm the success of this treatment. Anamnesis, clinical and radiographic examinations were carefully analyzed, before and after surgery, with panoramic radiography used before and after surgery and periapical radiographs afterwards, for individual monitoring of transplanted units. Dental transplants were successful in achieving pulp regeneration and adaptation to the recipient alveolus, maintaining the dental space with vitality and satisfactory dental occlusion. The procedure was significantly successful, achieving success in the three transplanted units, restoring balance to the facial skull development, proving its effectiveness in oral rehabilitation in young people with premature loss of dental units... (AU)

La importancia de la permanencia de los dientes naturales en la cavidad bucal ha sido cada vez más reconocida y buscada, ya sea por motivos estéticos o funcionales. Una alternativa para la rehabilitación de personas con pérdida de dientes o extracciones recomendadas es el trasplante dental. Esta modalidad de tratamiento corresponde a la transferencia de un órgano dentario a un alvéolo receptor. Este trabajo reporta y discute un caso de triple trasplante autógeno, utilizando terceros molares, enfatizando los pasos quirúrgicos y demostrando que luego de dos años de preservación, los resultados confirman el éxito de este tratamiento. Se analizó cuidadosamente la anamnesis, los exámenes clínicos y radiográficos, antes y después de la cirugía, con radiografía panorámica antes y después de la cirugía y radiografías periapicales después, para el seguimiento individual de las unidades trasplantadas. Los trasplantes dentales fueron exitosos, logrando la regeneración pulpar y la adaptación al alvéolo receptor, manteniendo el espacio dentario con una oclusión y vitalidad dentarias satisfactorias. El procedimiento fue significativamente exitoso, teniendo éxito en las tres unidades trasplantadas, devolviendo el equilibrio al desarrollo craneofacial, demostrando su efectividad en la rehabilitación oral en jóvenes con pérdida prematura de unidades dentales... (AU)

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Transplantation, Autologous , Molar, Third , Molar, Third/surgery , Mouth Rehabilitation , Radiography, Panoramic , Aftercare , Dental Occlusion