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Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 79(11): 1002-1011, Nov. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350136


ABSTRACT Background: Scientific productivity on motor neuron disease (MND) research has been hypothesized to be low in Southeast Asia (SEA). Objective: To investigate the scientific productivity of SEA countries on MND and the associations between research metric indices and various country-specific socioeconomic parameters. Methods: We searched electronic databases for relevant articles from SEA on MND from the earliest indexed record to June 30, 2020. We obtained the following research productivity indices: bibliometric (number of publications in journals with impact factor (IF) and Scopus citations) and altmetric indices (PlumX metrics). We also collected data from published literature and reliable sources on the following socioeconomic variables: population, gross domestic product (GDP), GDP per capita, %GDP allocated for research and development (R&D) and the number of neurologists per country. Results: We included 196 articles that satisfied our inclusion criteria. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis studies comprised the majority of the articles (n = 112; 57.1%). The top three countries in terms of the numbers of publications in journals with IF and in PlumX metrics were Singapore (n = 129), Malaysia (n = 26), and Thailand (n = 18). GDP per capita, %GDP for R&D and number of neurologists per one million population had strong positive correlations with the bibliometric and altmetric indices. Conclusions: This study highlights that although the scientific productivity of MND research in SEA has been low, it is continuously growing. This also emphasizes the imperative to improve economic indices and the number of neurologists in SEA to enhance scientific output on MND.

Resumo Antecedentes: A produtividade científica em pesquisa sobre doenças do neurônio motor (DNM) tem sido considerada baixa no sudeste asiático. Objetivo: Investigar a produtividade científica sobre DNM em países do sudeste asiático e as associações entre os índices métricos de pesquisa e vários parâmetros socioeconômicos específicos de cada país. Métodos: Foram consultadas bases de dados eletrônicas em busca de artigos relevantes sobre DNM provenientes do sudeste asiático, partindo do registro indexado mais antigo até 30 de junho de 2020. Obtivemos os seguintes índices de produtividade em pesquisa: bibliométrico (número de publicações em periódicos com fator de impacto (FI) e citações na base Scopus) e índices altmétricos (métrica PlumX). Também coletamos dados da literatura publicada e fontes confiáveis ​​sobre as seguintes variáveis ​​socioeconômicas: população, produto interno bruto (PIB), PIB per capita, % do PIB alocada para pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P & D) e o número de neurologistas por país. Resultados: Selecionamos 196 artigos que atenderam aos nossos critérios de inclusão. Estudos sobre esclerose lateral amiotrófica representaram a maioria dos artigos (n = 112; 57,1%). Os três principais países em termos de número de publicações em periódicos com FI e em métricas PlumX foram Cingapura (n = 129), Malásia (n = 26) e Tailândia (n = 18). O PIB per capita, a % do PIB para P & D e o número de neurologistas por um milhão de habitantes tiveram fortes correlações positivas com os índices bibliométricos e altmétricos. Conclusões: Embora a produtividade científica em pesquisa sobre DNM no sudeste asiático ainda seja baixa, este estudo mostra que ela vem crescendo continuamente. Isto também enfatiza a necessidade de melhorar os índices econômicos e o número de neurologistas na região para aumentar a produção científica sobre o assunto.

Humans , Motor Neuron Disease , Biomedical Research , Asia, Southeastern , Socioeconomic Factors , Bibliometrics
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 79(10): 912-923, Oct. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1345319


Abstract Background: Adult-onset spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) represents an expanding group of inherited neurodegenerative disorders in clinical practice. Objective: This review aims to synthesize the main clinical, genetic, radiological, biochemical, and neurophysiological aspects related to the classical and recently described forms of proximal SMA. Methods: The authors performed a non-systematic critical review summarizing adult-onset proximal SMA presentations. Results: Previously limited to cases of SMN1-related SMA type 4 (adult form), this group has now more than 15 different clinical conditions that have in common the symmetrical and progressive compromise of lower motor neurons starting in adulthood or elderly stage. New clinical and genetic subtypes of adult-onset proximal SMA have been recognized and are currently target of wide neuroradiological, pathological, and genetic studies. Conclusions: This new complex group of rare disorders typically present with lower motor neuron disease in association with other neurological or systemic signs of impairment, which are relatively specific and typical for each genetic subtype.

RESUMO Antecedentes: Atrofia muscular espinhal (AME) de início no adulto representa um grupo de doenças neurodegenerativas hereditárias em expansão na prática clínica. Objetivo: Este artigo de revisão sintetiza os principais aspectos clínicos, genéticos, radiológicos, bioquímicos e neurofisiológicos relacionados às formas clássicas e recentemente descritas de AME proximal do adulto. Métodos: Os autores realizaram uma revisão crítica não sistemática descrevendo as principais apresentações de AME proximal de início no adulto. Resultados: Previamente restrito às apresentações de AME tipo 4 associada ao gene SMN1, este grupo atualmente envolve mais de 15 diferentes condições clínicas que compartilham entre si a presença de comprometimento progressivo e simétrico do neurônio motor inferior se iniciando no adulto ou no idoso. Novos subtipos clínicos e genéticos de AME proximal de início no adulto foram reconhecidas e são alvos atuais de estudos direcionados a aspectos neurorradiológicos, patológicos e genéticos. Conclusões: Este novo grupo complexo de doenças raras tipicamente se apresenta com doença do neurônio motor inferior em associação com outros sinais de comprometimento neurológico ou sistêmico, os quais apresentam padrões relativamente específicos para cada subtipo genético.

Humans , Radiology , Muscular Atrophy, Spinal/genetics , Motor Neuron Disease , Rare Diseases , Neurophysiology
Arq. bras. neurocir ; 40(3): 238-244, 15/09/2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362120


Spasticity is amotor disorder that leads to a resistance to passive jointmovement. Cerebral palsy is the most important cause of spasticity and can be caused by several factors, including multiple gestations, alcoholism, infections, hemorrhages, drowning, and traumatic brain injuries, among others. There aremany scales that help tomeasure andmonitor the degree of impairment of these patients. The initial treatment should focus on the causal factor, such as tumors, inflammation, degenerative diseases, hydrocephalus, etc. Subsequently, the treatment of spastic musculature includes oral or intrathecal myorelaxants, spinal cord electrostimulation, neurotomies, Lissauer tract lesion, dentatotomy and selective dorsal rhizotomy. The latter is a safetechnique, possibleto beperformed inmost centers with neurosurgical support, and it is effective in the treatment of severe spasticity. In this article, the authors describe the surgical technique and conduct a review the literature.

Motor Neuron Disease/surgery , Rhizotomy/rehabilitation , Muscle Spasticity/surgery , Muscle Spasticity/etiology , Cerebral Palsy/complications , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures/methods , Rhizotomy/methods , Laminoplasty/methods , Muscle Relaxants, Central/therapeutic use
ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 46(1): 55-61, mar. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1293301


Introducción: el año 2019 se conmemoraron los 500 años de la muerte de Leonardo da Vinci en el Chateux du Cloux, Francia. Según registros históricos, Leonardo vivió los últimos años de su vida con una parálisis en su mano derecha, atribuida a un probable accidente cerebrovascular (ACV), lo cual afectó a su capacidad para emprender nuevos proyectos pictóricos. Este trabajo describe como fueron los últimos años de vida de Leonardo, revisa los antecedentes sobre salud y su probable enfermedad neurológica, sus eventuales etio-logías y sus consecuencias. Desarrollo: Leonardo llegó a Francia en 1516 por invitación del rey Francisco I para llevar el Renacimiento y completar su formación personal. En 1517 es visitado por el cardenal Luis de Aragón, y su secretario registra en su diario que Leonardo se encuentra afectado de una parálisis de la mano derecha. Algunos autores sugieren un ACV como causa probable, sobretodo porque según el historiador Vasari, Leonardo vivió sus últimos años en condición de discapacidad. Se llega a plantear que su condición de vege-tariano habría podido influir como factor de riesgo de ACV. Sin embargo, un dibujo no fechado de Figino muestra a Leonardo con una parálisis de tipo periférica de la mano derecha, abriendo el diagnóstico diferencial. Conclusiones: no hay información suficiente para valorar el tipo y la causa de enfermedad neurológica de Leonardo da Vinci, no obstante, está influyó significativamente en su interacción con su discípulo Francisco Melzi y su mecenas Francisco I, hecho que contribuyó a que su legado perdure hasta hoy.

Introduction: the year2019 marked the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci at the Chateau du Cloux, France. According to historical records, Leonardo lived the last years of his life with palsy on his right hand, attributed to a probable stroke, which affected his ability to undertake new pictorial projects. This study describes how were the last years of Leonardo's life, reviews his medical history and his probable neurological disease, with its possible etiologies and its consequences. Discussion: Leonardo arrived in France in 1516 invited by King Francis I to lead the Renaissance and complete his education. In 1517, cardinal Luis de Aragón visited Leonardo, and his secretary recorded in his diary that he was affected by a palsy on his right hand. Some authors suggest that stroke could have been a probable cause, especially because according to the historian Vasari, Leonardo lived his last years in a condition of disability. His vegetarian food habit could have been a risk factor for his suspected stroke. However, an undated drawing by Figino shows Leonardo with a peripheral nerve palsy on his right hand, opening up the differential diagnosis. Conclusions:there is not enough information to assess the type and cause of Leonardo da Vinci's neurological disease. However, this condition significantly affected his interaction with his discipleFrancisco Melzi and his patron Francisco I, a fact that contributed to his legacy enduring until today.

Motor Neuron Disease , Stroke , History , Paralysis , Metals, Heavy , Vegans
Rev. méd. Minas Gerais ; 31: 31205, 2021.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1291276


A Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA), uma doença neurodegenerativa fatal, que afeta neurônios motores superiores e inferiores, tem como fisiopatologia mais aceita a excitotoxicidade mediada por glutamato. O atual estudo tem como objetivo estabelecer a relação entre esse neurotransmissor e a ELA, a partir de uma revisão de literatura nas bases de dados Pubmed e Medline. O glutamato é o principal neurotransmissor do Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC) e a excitotoxicidade gerada pelo seu acúmulo nas fendas sinápticas é tida como um dos principais mecanismos envolvidos na fisiopatologia da ELA. Os indivíduos afetados pela ELA apresentam diminuição da expressão de determinados grupos de receptores metabotrópicos de glutamato (mGlu) nos neurônios e nas células da glia desses pacientes. Os mGlu possuem um papel de destaque na modulação da excitotoxicidade por glutamato e são subdivididos em três grupos. Os mGlus do grupo 1 amplificam as transmissões sinápticas excitatórias rápidas, e os dos grupos 2 e 3 atuam como neuroprotetores inibindo a liberação do glutamato na fenda sináptica. Os mGlus são, portanto, considerados alvos terapêuticos para a atuação de drogas que combatem a excitotoxicidade e induzem a produção de fatores neurotróficos, constituindo importante atuação no combate à ELA.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), a fatal neurodegenerative disease that affects upper and lower motor neurons, has as the most accepted pathophysiology the glutamate-mediated excitotoxicity. The present study aims to establish the relationship between this neurotransmitter and ALS, based on a literature review in the PubMed and Medline databases. Glutamate is the main neurotransmitter of the central nervous system (CNS) and the excitotoxicity generated by its accumulation in the synaptic clefts is considered one of the main mechanisms involved in the pathophysiology of ALS. People affected by ALS present a decrease in expression of certain metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGlu) groups in neurons and glial cells of these patients. mGlu has a prominent role in modulating glutamate excitotoxicity and are subdivided into three groups. Group 1 mGlu amplifies rapid excitatory synaptic transmissions, while groups 2 and 3 act as neuroprotective agents, since among other functions they inhibit glutamate release into the synaptic cleft. Finally, mGlu are considered therapeutic targets for the action of drugs that fight excitotoxicity and induce the production of neurotrophic factors, constituting an important action in the fight against ALS.

Humans , Receptors, Metabotropic Glutamate , Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis , Motor Neuron Disease , Neurotransmitter Agents , Neurodegenerative Diseases , Superoxide Dismutase-1 , Neurotoxins
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-828088


Xiaoxuming Decoction is an ancient classic herbal formula for the treatment of stroke. In ancient times, the connotation of stroke was very extensive, including facial neuritis, acute cerebral infarction, acute cerebral hemorrhage, sequelae of cerebral hemorrhage, unexplained weakness of limbs, cervical spondylosis, acute myelitis, acute radiculitis, Guillain Barre syndrome, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, motor neuron disease, dermatomyositis, hypokalemic paralysis peripheral neuritis. It has been identified that: ①Xiaoxuming Decoction is very common in the treatment of cerebrovascular diseases, such as cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage and other cerebrovascular diseases, facial neuritis, acute myelitis, acute radiculitis, Guillain Barre syndrome, unexplained limb weakness, multiple sclerosis, motor neuron disease, myasthenia gravis, and rheumatic and immune system diseases, such as dermatomyositis, and can not only alleviate symptoms, but also improve prognosis and the long-term survival rate. ②Sudden limb failure, facial paralysis, and hypoalgesia without heat syndrome are the key indications of Xiaoxuming Decoction. ③This is a special prescription for the treatment of acute facial neuritis, and can cure in one week in the combination with moxibustion. ④In the treatment of facial neuritis complicated with hypertension or acute cerebrovascular disease, Xiaoxuming Decoction generally has a certain antihypertensive effect, without any hypertensive effect, which reflected its two-way regulatory effect for blood pressure. ⑤In the treatment of unknown limb weakness, acute myelitis, acute radiculitis, Guillain Barre syndrome, Xiaoxuming Decoction can rapidly alleviate the symptoms. ⑥This is the basic formula for multiple sclerosis and motor neuron disease. Long term use of Xiaoxuming Decoction can alleviate the symptom of limb weakness, reduce the occurrence of complications and delay the progress of the disease, but with a poor long-term prognosis. ⑦In the treatment of myasthenia gravis, Xiaoxuming Decoction can significantly improve muscle strength, and gradually help stop hormone reduction. After thymoma surgery, Xiaoxuming Decoction is also applicable to some patients with recurrent myasthenia gravis. ⑧Xiaoxuming Decoction also plays a role in the treatment of dermatomyositis and cervical spondylopathy. ⑨Raw ephedra is the monarch drug of Xiaoxuming Decoction, which is the key to the effect. The dosage starts with 6 g is titrated in a small dose and increases gradually. In addition, this formula is forbidden for those with red face, fast heart rate, high blood pressure, blocked stool, red tongue, yellow fur, wiry and rapid pulse or powerful pulse, and spout pulse.

Humans , Dermatomyositis , Facial Nerve Diseases , Guillain-Barre Syndrome , Motor Neuron Disease , Multiple Sclerosis , Myasthenia Gravis , Myelitis , Radiculopathy , Spondylosis
Rev. med. Rosario ; 85(2): 72-76, mayo-ago. 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1053263


Las enfermedades de la moto neurona inferior constituyen un grupo heterogéneo de entidades con pronósticos diferentes. El signo radiológico "ojos de serpiente" hace referencia a la hiperintensidad bilateral en el asta anterior de la médula espinal en los cortes axiales de las imágenes por resonancia magnética, generalmente asociada a afecciones como infartos espinales, amiotrofia espondilótica, enfermedad de Hirayama y esclerosis lateral amiotrófica. Se ha descripto recientemente un reducido número de casos de enfermedad de moto neurona inferior asociada a "ojos de serpiente" con características clínicas y pronóstico distintivos. Presentamos dos casos de enfermedad de moto neurona inferior asociada al signo "ojos de serpiente" en pacientes jóvenes. El curso clínico fue progresivo con períodos prolongados de estabilidad clínica y ausencia de compromiso de moto neurona superior durante la evolución. Los pacientes presentaron debilidad segmentaria y asimétrica de miembros superiores con predominio distal en el primer caso y proximal en el segundo. Los casos presentados se corresponden en gran parte con lo comunicado en la literatura, dando apoyo a la existencia de una nueva entidad con pronóstico relativamente benigno denominada enfermedad de moto neurona inferior esporádica con signo de ojos de serpiente en las imágenes por resonancia magnética y cuya identificación debiera obviar tratamientos innecesarios (AU)

Lower motor neuron diseases are a heterogeneous group of entities with different prognosis. The "snake eyes" sign refers to bilateral hyper intensity of the anterior horns on axial magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal cord. It has been associated with ischemia, cervical spondylosis, Hirayama disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Recently, a small number of cases of lower motor neuron disease associated with the "snake eyes" sign have been described as having distinctive clinical manifestations and prognosis. Two young patients with "snake eyes" sign associated with lower motor neuron disease had a progressive initial course followed by a stabilization of symptoms without involvement of upper motor neuron. They presented with asymmetric segmental arm weakness with distal predominance in the first a case and proximal predominance in the second. These cases match with those reported in the literature giving support to lower motor neuron disease with "snake eyes" as a pathological entity with a relatively good prognosis. This diagnosis should avoid unnecessary treatments (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Motor Neuron Disease/diagnostic imaging , Spinal Cord Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Muscular Atrophy, Spinal , Diagnosis, Differential , Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Pers. bioet ; 23(1): 111-121, jun. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | COLNAL, BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1020114


Resumen La esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (ELA) es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa de etiología desconocida, curso progresivo y pronóstico desfavorable, para la cual no existe tratamiento curativo. Muchos son los profesionales de la salud involucrados en la atención de un paciente con ELA. El manejo apropiado de los problemas éticos es de gran importancia en todas las etapas de la ELA. El objetivo del siguiente trabajo es identificar las categorías éticas más vulneradas que atentan la calidad de la atención a estos pacientes. Se realizó una investigación cualitativa, cualitativa, observacional, descriptiva, longitudinal; se empleó la observación participativa y se tomó como base el espectro completo de cuestiones éticas en la atención de pacientes con ELA. Como resultado se encontró cumplimiento incompleto del respeto al derecho del paciente a una información completa, poca consideración de las consecuencias de la información insuficiente, así como irrespeto por las preferencias de la persona enferma en el tratamiento de situaciones de emergencia. Las categorías más vulneradas por los profesionales de salud fueron: el proceso de toma de decisiones, la toma de decisiones al final de la vida y la indicación médica.

Abstract Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a neurodegenerative disease of unknown etiology, progressive course and unfavorable prognosis, for which there is no curative treatment. Many are the health professionals involved in the care of a patient with ALS. The proper handling of ethical problems is of great importance in all stages of ELA. The objective of the following work is to identify the most vulnerable ethical categories that threaten the quality of care for these patients. A qualitative longitudinal descriptive observational research was carried out, participatory observation was used and the full spectrum of ethical issues in the care of patients with ALS was taken as a basis. As a result, incomplete compliance with the patient's right to complete information was found, little consideration of the consequences of insufficient information, and disrespect for the preferences of the sick person in the treatment of emergency situations. The categories most affected by health professionals were: The decision-making process, decision making at the end of life and medical indication.

Resumo A esclerose lateral amiotrófica (ELA) é uma doença neurodegenerativa de etiologia desconhecida, curso progressivo e prognóstico desfavorável, para a qual não há tratamento curativo. Muitos profissionais da saúde estão envolvidos na atenção de um paciente com ELA. O manejo apropriado dos problemas éticos é de grande importância em todas as etapas dessa doença. Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar as categorias éticas mais vulneradas que atentam a qualidade da atenção a esses pacientes. Foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa, observacional, descritiva e longitudinal; foram utilizados a observação participativa e, como base, o espectro completo de questões éticas na atenção de pacientes com ELA. Como resultado, verificou-se que não se cumpriu totalmente o direito do paciente a uma informação completa, que houve pouca consideração das consequências da informação insuficiente, bem como desrespeito das preferências da pessoa doente no tratamento de situações de emergência. As categorias mais vulneradas pelos profissionais da saúde foram: o processo de tomada de decisões; a tomada de decisões no final da vida e a indicação médica.

Humans , Problem Solving , Quality of Health Care , Motor Neuron Disease , Codes of Ethics , Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-719558


Patients with dysphagia often have difficulty in supplying adequate nutrition orally, and thus they often use gastrostomy for nutrition support. If the nutrition affects the deterioration of the disease, as in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the majority of patients will have a gastrostomy tube for proper nutrition. To prevent complications from gastrostomy tubes, it is important to educate the caregiver or patient about how to properly manage it. If these patients opt for home care because of financial or cultural reasons, it will be difficult for their healthcare team to observe them closely, leading to complications due to lax tube management. In this case, appropriate management education becomes more important. This paper reports an extremely rare case of duodenal intussusception caused by a migrated percutaneous radiologic gastrostomy (PRG) tube in a patient with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) using simultaneous oral and enteral nutrition. The patient was treated successfully with urgent tube removal using the air reduction maneuver. This case highlights the importance of gastrostomy management.

Humans , Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis , Caregivers , Deglutition Disorders , Education , Enteral Nutrition , Gastrostomy , Home Care Services , Intussusception , Motor Neuron Disease , Patient Care Team
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-766642


Multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN) is an uncommon, asymmetric motor neuropathy. As MMN is a treatable disorder, its differentiation from lower motor neuron disease is important. Evidence of conduction block (CB) or positive IgM anti-GM1 is considered one of important markers for the diagnosis. However, some patients with atypical MMN have no detectable CB or anti-GM1 antibody. We experienced a case of MMN with focal nerve enlargement on ultrasound. Ultrasound can be a valuable tool in supporting the diagnosis of MMN.

Humans , Diagnosis , Immunoglobulin M , Motor Neuron Disease , Peripheral Nervous System Diseases , Ultrasonography
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-766674


Multifocal acquired demyelinating sensory and motor neuropathy (MADSAM) is a peripheral neuropathy characterized by multifocal weakness and associated sensory impairment. MADSAM is associated with multifocal persistent conduction block and other signs of demyelination. The incidence of cranial nerve involvement in MADSAM was recently reported to be approximately 15%. However, reports of hypoglossal neuropathy occurring in MADSAM are rare. Unilateral hypoglossal neuropathy in MADSAM is usually misdiagnosed as motor neuron disease. We report a patient with MADSAM presenting with tongue hemiatrophy.

Humans , Cranial Nerves , Demyelinating Diseases , Diagnosis, Differential , Hypoglossal Nerve Diseases , Incidence , Motor Neuron Disease , Motor Neurons , Peripheral Nervous System Diseases , Tongue
Fisioter. Bras ; 19(3): f:414-l:416, 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-948122


Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA) é uma doença degenerativa que cursa com a deterioração dos neurônios motores. O início do comprometimento clínico pode ser bulbar com o tempo médio de vida após os primeiros sintomas de 2 à 5 anos, apresentando sérios distúrbios de deglutição, fala e respiração. Os transtornos de deglutição podem ocasionar desnutrição, desidratação, aspiração, desprazer, além de complicações mais graves como a pneumonia aspirativa e o óbito. Com a evolução da doença o paciente necessita de procedimentos que geram dúvidas nos profissionais e nos familiares como o momento correto de indicação do uso de vias alternativas de alimentação de longa duração denominada gastrostomia (GTT). O objetivo desse artigo é analisar o impacto da disfagia e o momento mais favorável para a colocação da gastrostomia. A colocação precoce da GTT pode auxiliar a evitar que o paciente se debilite clinicamente mais rapidamente, responda melhor as terapêuticas da equipe multidisciplinar e tenha mais conforto. (AU)

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a degenerative disease that occurs with the deterioration of motor neurons. The beginning of clinical impairment may be bulbar with the average life time, after the first symptoms, between 2 to 5 years, presenting serious swallowing, speech and breathing disorders. Deglutition disorders can lead to malnutrition, dehydration, aspiration, displeasure, and more serious complications such as aspiration pneumonia and death. With the evolution of the disease, the patient needs procedures that generate doubts in the professionals and family, as the correct moment of indication of the use of alternative long-term feeding routes called gastrostomies (GTT). The objective of this article is to analyze the impact of dysphagias and the most favorable moment for the placement of gastrostomies. Early GTT placement may help prevent the patient from clinically debilitating more quickly, respond better to multidisciplinary team therapeutics, and feel more comfortable. (AU)

Humans , Motor Neuron Disease , Deglutition Disorders , Enteral Nutrition , Neurodegenerative Diseases , Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
CoDAS ; 30(1): e20170056, 2018. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-890821


RESUMO Objetivo Descrever e correlacionar a funcionalidade bulbar com penetração e aspiração laringotraqueal em distintas consistências de alimento na Doença do Neurônio Motor (DNM). Método Participaram do estudo 18 indivíduos diagnosticados com DNM, independentemente do tipo e tempo da doença. Foi aplicada a escala Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale-Revised/BR (ALSFRS-R/BR), sendo analisado apenas o parâmetro bulbar que compreende fala, salivação e deglutição, com pontuação de 0 (incapacidade) a 12 (funcionalidade normal). Realizou-se videofluoroscopia da deglutição com aplicação da Penetration-Aspiration Scale (PAS) descrita por Rosenbek et al. (1996). Realizado Teste de Correlação de Pearson. Resultados Considerando a consistência do alimento, o nível da PAS variou de 1 a 5 na consistência pastosa, de 1 a 4 na líquida espessada e de 1 a 3 na líquida rala, e não houve aspiração laringotraqueal. Para todas as consistências de alimentos, houve correlação negativa entre funcionalidade bulbar e penetração laríngea (pastoso: r=-0,487, p=0,041; líquido espessado: r=-0,442, p=0,076; líquido ralo: r=-0,460, p=0,073), porém somente na consistência pastosa houve diferença estatística significante, ou seja, indivíduos com baixa funcionalidade bulbar apresentaram maior nível de penetração laríngea. Conclusão Houve correlação negativa entre funcionalidade bulbar e penetração laríngea na DNM. Os parâmetros bulbares da escala ALSFRS-R/BR mostraram-se significantes para predizer risco de penetração laringotraqueal na consistência pastosa na DNM.

ABSTRACT Objective Describe and correlate bulbar functionality with laryngeal penetration and/or laryngotracheal aspiration for different food consistencies in Motor Neuron Disease (MND). Methods Study participants were 18 individuals diagnosed with MND regardless of the type and time of onset of disease. The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale - Revised/BR (ALSFRS-R/BR) was applied, and only the bulbar parameter, which includes speech, salivation and swallowing, was analyzed, with scores raging from 0 (disability) to 12 (normal functionality). Swallowing videofluoroscopy was performed using the Penetration-Aspiration Scale (PAS) described by Rosenbek et al. (1996). The Pearson correlation test was used for data analysis. Results According to food consistency, the PAS level ranged from 1 to 5 for puree consistency, 1 to 4 for thickened liquid, and 1 to 3 for liquid, and no laryngotracheal aspiration was observed. Negative correlation between bulbar functionality and laryngeal penetration was observed for all food consistencies (pasty: r=-0.487, p=0.041; thickened liquid: r=-0.442, p=0.076; liquid r=0.460, p=0.073), but statistically significant difference was found only for the puree consistency, that is, individuals with poor bulbar functionality presented higher levels of laryngeal penetration. Conclusion Negative correlation was observed between bulbar functionality and laryngeal penetration in MND. The bulbar parameters of the ALSFRS-R/BR are significant for predicting risk of laryngotracheal aspiration for pasty consistency in MND.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Deglutition Disorders/etiology , Motor Neuron Disease/complications , Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis/complications , Fluoroscopy , Deglutition Disorders/diagnosis , Motor Neuron Disease/diagnosis , Food , Middle Aged
Dement. neuropsychol ; 11(3): 249-254, July-Sept. 2017. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-891018


ABSTRACT. INTRODUCTION: TDP-43 is an intranuclear protein involved in many cellular processes. When altered, it shows a change in pattern of distribution, as well as in functioning, throughout the Central Nervous System structures. Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration (FTLD) and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) are examples of TDP-43 proteinopathy. These disorders form a clinical spectrum, with some patients having a pure cognitive disorder while others also exhibit motor features. METHODS: We studied two donated brains from patients with a diagnosis of Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD), one of which was associated with ALS (ALS-FTD). After fixation and macroscopic examinations, sample analyses were performed. Specific regions were chosen for the application of immunohistochemistry (IHC) with anti-Aß, AT8, anti-α-synuclein and anti-phospho-TDP-43. RESULTS: Both brains presented anti-phospho-TDP-43 positivity, but this was not equally distributed throughout the encephalic zones. In the FTD case, the studied brain presented phosphorylated TDP-43- in the frontal cortex, hippocampus, entorhinal cortex and mesencephalon; in the ALS-FTD case, the abnormal protein was also seen in the pons and medulla oblongata. The brain in the ALS-FTD case presented Aß and AT8 positivity in the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex (Braak I and II). DISCUSSION: The hypothesis supported by scientific literature that these neurodegenerative diseases can have the same etiology with distinct encephalic region involvement is corroborated by the present study.

RESUMO. INTRODUÇÃO: TDP-43 é uma proteína intranuclear envolvida em vários processos celulares. Essa molécula, quando alterada, mostra padrões de distribuição modificados, assim como de funcionamento, ao longo das estruturas do Sistema Nervoso Central. A Degeneração Lobar Frontotemporal (DLFT) e a Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA) são dois exemplos de proteinopatia de TDP-43. Esses transtornos formam um espectro clínico, com alguns pacientes apresentando um transtorno cognitivo puro enquanto outros também apresentam disfunções motoras. MÉTODOS: Nós estudamos dois cérebros doados de pacientes com diagnóstico de Demência Frontotemporal (DFT), um dos quais se associava com ELA (ELA-DFT). Após fixação e exame macroscópico, foram realizadas análises de amostras. Regiões específicas foram escolhidas para aplicação de imunohistoquímica (IHQ) com anti-Aß, AT8, anti-α-sinucleina e anti-fosfo-TDP-43. RESULTADOS: Ambos os cérebros foram positivos para anti-fosfo-TDP-43, mas de forma não igualmente distribuida pelas regiões encefálicas. No caso DFT, o cérebro estudado apresentou TDP-43-fosforilada no córtex frontal, hipocampo, córtex entorrinal e mesencéfalo; no caso ELA-DFT, a proteína anormal também foi vista na ponte e no bulbo. O cérebro do caso ELA-DFT foi positivo para Aß e AT8 no hipocampo e no córtex entorrinal (Braak I e II). DISCUSSÃO: O presente estudo corrobora a hipótese atualmente sustentada pela literatura científica de que essas duas doenças neurodegenerativas possuem a mesma etiologia, mas acometem regiões encefálicas distintas.

Humans , Motor Neuron Disease , Frontotemporal Dementia , TDP-43 Proteinopathies , Neuropathology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-62317


Motor neuron diseases (MNDs) refer to a heterogeneous group of progressive neurologic disorders caused by degeneration of motor neurons. The diseases affect either the upper motor neurons, lower motor neurons, or both, and are characterized by weakness, atrophy, fasciculation, spasticity, and respiratory failure. We report a case of a 61-year-old male patient with no past history of cardiovascular or pulmonary disease, who presented with only dyspnea, and no indication of any other symptom such as muscle weakness, atrophy, or bulbar dysfunction. Neuromuscular conduction study, including a study of the phrenic nerve, confirmed the diagnosis of MND. The patient greatly improved giving respiratory assistance at night, using a noninvasive ventilator. This case indicates that MNDs should be considered as differential diagnoses for patients showing acute respiratory failure of unknown causes. This report will aid in the prompt diagnosis and treatment of MNDs.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Atrophy , Diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential , Dyspnea , Fasciculation , Lung Diseases , Motor Neuron Disease , Motor Neurons , Muscle Spasticity , Muscle Weakness , Nervous System Diseases , Phrenic Nerve , Respiration, Artificial , Respiratory Insufficiency , Ventilators, Mechanical
Laboratory Medicine Online ; : 141-146, 2017.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-110638


BACKGROUND: Many studies have reported the association between several anti-neuronal antibodies and neurologic diseases. However, there is no useful autoantibody screening test for neurologic diseases unlike the antinuclear antibody test for rheumatologic diseases. Hence, we investigated the clinical utility of the autoimmune target (AIT) test as screening test for autoantibodies in neurologic diseases. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed the results of the AIT test for 375 serum samples of patients diagnosed with several neurologic diseases such as motor neuron disease (MND), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Parkinson's disease (PD), encephalopathy (EC), polyneuropathy (PN), cerebral ischemic attack, encephalitis, myelitis, epilepsy, and stroke. RESULTS: The overall positive rate of the AIT test in aforementioned diseases was 77.9%. The positive rates for MND, ALS, PD, EC, PN, and the others were 81.3%, 83.9%, 84.8%, 59.3%, 73%, and 75%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate high positive rates in the AIT test. We believe that the AIT test has potential application for autoantibody screening in the neurologic diseases. We look forward to last as the study about relations between the results of the AIT test and the specific antibodies for neurologic diseases.

Humans , Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis , Antibodies , Antibodies, Antinuclear , Autoantibodies , Brain Diseases , Encephalitis , Epilepsy , Mass Screening , Motor Neuron Disease , Myelitis , Parkinson Disease , Polyneuropathies , Retrospective Studies , Stroke
Clinical Endoscopy ; : 270-278, 2017.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-165384


BACKGROUND/AIMS: With the notable exceptions of dementia, stroke, and motor neuron disease, relatively little is known about the safety and utility of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube insertion in patients with neurodegenerative disease. We aimed to determine the safety and utility of PEG feeding in the context of neurodegenerative disease and to complete a literature review in order to identify whether particular factors need to be considered to improve safety and outcome. METHODS: A retrospective case note review of patients referred for PEG insertion by neurologists in a single neuroscience center was conducted according to a pre-determined set of standards. For the literature review, we identified references from searches of PubMed, mainly with the search items “percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy” and “neurology” or “neurodegenerative disease.” RESULTS: Short-term mortality and morbidity associated with PEG in patients with neurological disease were significant. Age greater than 75 years was associated with poor outcome, and a trend toward adverse outcome was observed in patients with low serum albumin. CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the relatively high risk of PEG in patients with neurodegenerative disease. We present points for consideration to improve outcome in this particularly vulnerable group of patients.

Humans , Dementia , Gastrostomy , Mortality , Motor Neuron Disease , Multiple Sclerosis , Neurodegenerative Diseases , Neurosciences , Parkinson Disease , Retrospective Studies , Serum Albumin , Stroke
Korean Journal of Spine ; : 170-172, 2016.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-42835


Hirayama disease, juvenile muscular atrophy of the distal upper limb, is a rare disease predominantly affecting the anterior horn cells of the cervical spinal cord in young men. This cervical myelopathy is associated with neck flexion. It should be suspected in young male patients with a chronic history of weakness and atrophy involving the upper extremities followed by clinical stability in few years. Herein, we report 2 cases of Hirayama disease on emphasis of diagnostic approach and describe the pathognomonic findings at flexion magnetic resonance imaging.

Humans , Male , Anterior Horn Cells , Atrophy , Cervical Cord , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Motor Neuron Disease , Motor Neurons , Neck , Rare Diseases , Spinal Cord Diseases , Spinal Muscular Atrophies of Childhood , Upper Extremity
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-111895


BACKGROUND: Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) with motor neuron disease (MND) is a syndrome of progressive changes in behavior, language, muscle weakness and atrophy due to loss of function of neurons in the frontal and temporal lobes and in motor neurons. Etiology and pathogenesis of FTD with MND are still uncertain. CASE REPORT: A 71-year-old man presented with a 2-year history of progressive muscle weakness and cognitive deficits. We diagnosed this patient as FTD with MND by neurological examination, electromyography, brain imaging and neuro-psychological evaluation. We also confirmed antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) in this patient as a way to rule out secondary causes of MND. CONCLUSIONS: This was a very rare case of FTD with MND in APS. We should focus study on the possible role of autoimmune pathogenesis in FTD with MND.

Aged , Humans , Antiphospholipid Syndrome , Atrophy , Cognition Disorders , Electromyography , Frontotemporal Dementia , Motor Neuron Disease , Motor Neurons , Muscle Weakness , Neuroimaging , Neurologic Examination , Neurons , Temporal Lobe