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Rev. ADM ; 77(1): 11-16, ene.-feb. 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1087826


Introducción: La epidemiología sobre alteraciones en tejidos blandos bucales es limitada cuando se compara con caries, enfermedades periodontales y maloclusiones, por lo que su estudio representa un paso adelante en la odontología más allá de los dientes. Objetivo: Describir la prevalencia de las lesiones bucales en tejido blando encontradas en la Clínica de Estomatología de la Facultad de Odontología de la ULA, del 2015 al 2018, con la finalidad de proporcionar una fuente de datos actualizada, que oriente a una mejor prevención y oportuno diagnóstico. Material y métodos: Se realizó una investigación descriptiva, documental, retrospectiva y multivariable. Resultados: De 1,000 fichas clínicas estudiadas, las patologías más frecuentes fueron: lengua saburral (50.6%), queilitis (33.4%), traumatismo de la mucosa de los carrillos (27.6%), várices linguales (18.3%), anquiloglosia (13.7%) y agrandamiento de rugas palatinas (11.7%). La zona con mayor alteración fue la lengua (92.1%), mientras que el paladar fue la menos afectada (29%). De los hábitos predisponentes a la formación de lesiones, el mordisqueo de mucosa fue el más común (16.5%). En cuanto a los factores locales asociados, una higiene oral regular/ deficiente resultó el principal (53.8%). Conclusión: La educación del paciente sigue siendo considerada la clave para disminuir la aparición de patologías y su evolución a entidades más graves (AU)

Introduction: Epidemiological studies on soft tissue alterations in the mouth are limited when compared with caries, periodontal diseases and malocclusions, so their study represents a step forward in dentistry beyond the teeth. Objective: To describe the prevalence of soft tissue oral lesions found in the Stomatology Clinic of the ULA School of Dentistry, from 2015 to 2018, in order to provide an up-to-date data source, to guide better prevention and timely diagnosis. Material and methods: A descriptive and documentary, retrospective and multivariable research was carried out. The statistical package IBM SPSS Statistics v 23 was applied for the analysis. Results: 1,000 clinical records studied, the most frequent pathologies were: saburral tongue (50.6%), cheilitis (33.4%), traumatism of the cheek mucosa (27.6%), lingual varices (18.3%), ankyloglossia (13.7%) and enlargement of palatal rugas (11.7%). The tongue was the most affected (92.1%), while the palate was the least affected (29%). Of the predisposing habits to the formation of lesions, mucosal nipping was the most common (16.5%). Regarding the associated local factors, a regular / deficient oral hygiene was the main one (53.8%). Conclusion: Patient education is still considered the key to diminish not only the appearance of pathologies but their evolution to more serious entities (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Mouth Diseases/classification , Mouth Diseases/epidemiology , Mouth Mucosa/injuries , Schools, Dental , Stomatitis, Aphthous/epidemiology , Tongue, Fissured/epidemiology , Tongue Habits , Tongue, Hairy/epidemiology , Leukoplakia, Oral/epidemiology , Cheilitis/epidemiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Retrospective Studies , Colombia , Oral Ulcer/epidemiology , Age and Sex Distribution , Glossitis, Benign Migratory/epidemiology , Macroglossia/epidemiology
J. appl. oral sci ; J. appl. oral sci;28: e20190020, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1056587


Abstract Objective: This study sought to identify the differences between the oral changes presented by patients with solid and hematologic tumors during chemotherapeutic treatment. Methodology: This is an observational, prospective and quantitative study using direct documentation by follow-up of 105 patients from 0 to 18 years using the modified Oral Assessment Guide (OAG). Of the 105 patients analyzed, 57 (54.3%) were boys with 7.3 years (±5.2) mean age. Hematologic neoplasms accounted for 51.4% of all cases. Results: Voice, lips, tongue, and saliva changes were not significantly different (p>0.05) between patients with solid or hematologic tumors and during the follow-up. From the 6th until the 10th week of chemotherapeutic treatment alterations in swallowing function, in the mucous membrane (buccal mucosa and palate), in the labial mucosa, and in the gingiva occurred and were distributed differently between the two tumors groups (p<0.05). The main alterations were observed in patients with hematologic tumors. Conclusion: It was concluded that the oral changes during the chemotherapeutic treatment occurred especially in swallowing function, in the mucous membrane, in the labial mucosa and in the gingiva, and these alterations were found mainly in patients with hematologic tumors.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Mouth Diseases/chemically induced , Neoplasms/drug therapy , Antineoplastic Agents/adverse effects , Deglutition Disorders/chemically induced , Prospective Studies , Longitudinal Studies , Hematologic Neoplasms/complications , Hematologic Neoplasms/drug therapy , Mouth Diseases/classification , Mouth Mucosa/pathology , Antineoplastic Agents/therapeutic use
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.);85(4): 399-407, July-Aug. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019582


Abstract Introduction Reactive hyperplastic lesions develop in response to a chronic injury simulating an exuberant tissue repair response. They represent some of the most common oral lesions including inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia, oral pyogenic granuloma, giant cell fibroma, peripheral ossifying fibroma, and peripheral giant cell lesions. Objective The incidence of those lesions was investigated in an oral pathology service, and the clinical characteristics, associated etiological factors, concordance between the clinical and histopathological diagnostic was determined. Methods A total of 2400 patient records were screened from 2006 to 2016. Clinical features were recorded from biopsy reports and patients' files. Results A total of 534 cases of reactive hyperplastic lesions were retrieved and retrospectively studied, representing 22.25% of all diagnoses. The most frequent lesion was inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia (72.09%), followed by oral pyogenic granuloma (11.79%), giant cell fibroma (7.30%), peripheral ossifying fibroma (5.24%), and peripheral giant cell lesions (3.55%). Females were predominantly affected (74.19%), the gingiva and alveolar ridge were the predominant anatomical site (32.89%), and chronic traumatism was presented as the main etiological factor. The age widely ranges from the 1st decade of life to the 7th. Clinically, the reactive hyperplastic lesions consisted of small lesions (0.5-2 cm) and shared a strong likeness in color to the oral mucosa. The concordance between the clinical and histopathological diagnostic was high (82.5%). Conclusion Reactive hyperplastic lesions had a high incidence among oral pathologies. The understanding of their clinical features helps to achieve a clearer clinical and etiological diagnosis, and the knowledge of factors related to their development. This may contribute to adequate treatment and positive prognosis.

Resumo Introdução As lesões hiperplásicas reativas se desenvolvem em resposta a uma lesão crônica que estimula uma resposta acentuada de reparo tecidual. Elas representam uma das lesões orais mais comuns, inclusive hiperplasia fibrosa inflamatória, granuloma piogênico oral, fibroma de células gigantes, fibroma periférico ossificante e lesão periférica de células gigantes. Objetivo A incidência dessas lesões foi investigada em um serviço de patologia bucal e as características clínicas, os fatores etiológicos associados e a concordância entre os diagnósticos clínico e histopatológico foram determinados. Método Foram selecionados 2.400 registros de pacientes entre 2006 e 2016. As características clínicas foram registradas a partir de laudos de biópsia e dos prontuários dos pacientes. Resultados Um total de 534 casos de lesões hiperplásicas reativas foram recuperados e retrospectivamente estudados, representando 22,25% de todos os diagnósticos. A lesão mais frequente foi hiperplasia fibrosa inflamatória (72,09%), seguida por granuloma piogênico oral (11,79%), fibroma de células gigantes, (7,30%), fibroma periférico ossificante (5,24%) e lesão periférica de células gigantes (3,55%). O sexo feminino foi predominante (74,19%), a gengiva e a crista alveolar foram o local anatômico predominante (32,89%) e o traumatismo crônico foi demonstrado como o principal fator etiológico. A idade variou desde a 1ª década de vida até a 7ª. Clinicamente, as LHR consistiram em pequenas lesões (0,5 a 2 cm) que apresentaram uma forte semelhança de cor com a mucosa oral. A concordância entre o diagnóstico clínico e histopatológico foi alta (82,5%). Conclusão As lesões hiperplásicas reativas apresentaram alta incidência entre as patologias bucais. A compreensão das características clínicas ajuda na realização de um diagnóstico clínico e etiológico mais claro, bem como determinar os fatores relacionados ao seu desenvolvimento. Dessa forma contribui para um tratamento adequado e um prognóstico positivo.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Hyperplasia/pathology , Mouth/pathology , Mouth Diseases/pathology , Giant Cells/pathology , Retrospective Studies , Granuloma, Pyogenic/congenital , Granuloma, Pyogenic/pathology , Fibroma, Ossifying/etiology , Fibroma, Ossifying/pathology , Fibroma/etiology , Fibroma/pathology , Hyperplasia/classification , Hyperplasia/etiology , Mouth Diseases/classification , Mouth Diseases/diagnosis , Mouth Diseases/etiology , Mouth Mucosa/pathology
Rev. Assoc. Paul. Cir. Dent ; 70(2): 172-180, abr.-jun. 2016. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-797069


O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a prevalência, gravidade e os fatores associados à cárie dentária(CD), lesão dentária traumática (LDT) e desgaste dentário erosivo (DDEr) em crianças menores de 5 anos de idade no município de Diadema, São Paulo. Cirurgiões-Dentistas treinados e calibrados examinaram o total de 1215 crianças de 1, 2, 3 e 4 anos de idade para CD e LDT e 839 crianças de 3 e 4 anos de idade para DDEr nas 19 Unidades Básicas de Saúde, durante a campanha de Multivacinação Infantil, em 2012. Utilizou-se os índices de Knutson, ceo-d e ceo-s para CD, os critérios modificados de Andreas en para LDT e o índice de O´Brien modificado para DDEr. Foram realizadas análises descritivas e regressões de Poisson (IC 95%). As prevalências encontradas levando em consideração o totalda amostra examinada foram: CD (20,3%), LDT (20,1%) e DDEr (51,3%). Os fatores associados para CDforam a idade da criança e ter dois ou mais filhos na família; para LDT a idade e a presença de mordida aberta anterior e/ou sobressaliência acentuada; para DDEr consumir refrigerante e suco mais de 3 vezes ao dia, deixar a bebida na boca ou beber na mamadeira e relato de refluxo gastroesofágico. No município de Diadema, a prevalência de CD é baixa; LDT é moderada, sendo fratura de esmalte a mais frequente; DDEr é alta, no entanto a maioria das lesões acometem somente o esmalte.

This study aimed to assess the prevalence, severity and associated factors of Dental Caries (DC),Traumatic Dental Injury (TDI) and Erosive Tooth Wear (ETW) in children under 5 years-old in the municipality of Diadema, São Paulo. Trained and calibrated dentists examined a total of 1215 children aged 1-4years-old for DC and TDI, and 839 children aged 3 and 4 years-old for ETW in 19 Primary Health Centres during the National Children’s Vaccination in 2012. For the assessment of DC the Knutson, dmf-t and dmf-s indexes were used, a modified And reasen criteria was used for TDI and a modified version of theO’Brien index for ETW. Descriptive analysis and Poisson regression (CI 95%) were used. The prevalence of DC, TDI, ETW was 20.3%, 20.1% and 51.3% respectively. The Factors associated with DC were age and having more than one child in the family, for TDI the factors were age and presence of anterior openbite and/or increased overjet and for ETW, the factors were drinking soft drink or juice more than 3 timesa day, keeping it in the mouth without swallowing or using baby’s bottle, report of gastroesophageal reflux. In Diadema, the prevalence and severity of DC lesions is low; LDT is moderate enamel fracture being the most common; DDEr is high, however most lesions only affect the enamel.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Tooth, Deciduous/physiology , Mouth Diseases/classification , Mouth Diseases/complications , Mouth Diseases/diagnosis , Epidemiology/statistics & numerical data
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 30(69): 25-32, jul.-dic. 2015. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-869412


La extracción dentaria es una de las prácticas odontológicas realizadas con mayor frecuencia, pero a corto plazo los pacientes necesitan rehabilitaciones orales para optimizar el funcionamiento del sistema estomatognático. Dado que conocer las características de la población que demanda exodoncias puede contribuir a elaborar estrategias para limitar la pérdida de piezas dentarias, nos propusimos 1) registrar las características de la población que demanda exodoncias; 2) identificar las piezas dentarias extraídas; 3) registrar las causas de exodoncia; 4) identificar patologías bucales durante la consulta para una exodoncia. Para llevarlo a cabo se seleccionaron aleatoriamente 2000 historias clínicas de pacientes que concurrieron a la Cátedra de Cirugía y Traumatología Buco Maxilofacial I de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (FOUBA) y se realizaron exodoncias con anestesia local entre enero de 2012 y mayo de 2014...

Dental extraction is one of the most frequent practices in dentistry, causing necessary oral rehabilitation to ensure normal stomatognathic system function. The purpose of this study was to get to know the characteristics of the population in need of dental extraction so as to develop strategies tending to limit teeth loss. We set to 1) record the characteristics of the population on demand for dental extraction; 2) Identify teeth extracted; 3) Record cause of dental extraction; 4) Identify oral pathologies during examination for dental extraction. We selected 2000 Records of patients who attended “Cátedra de Cirugía y Traumatología Bucomaxilofacial I de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires, FOUBA” for dental extraction with local anesthetics in the period between January 2002 and May 2014...

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Female , Child , Young Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Tooth Extraction/statistics & numerical data , Tooth Diseases/epidemiology , Tooth Diseases/etiology , Schools, Dental , Age and Sex Distribution , Argentina , Dental Caries/complications , Cuspid/surgery , Molar/surgery , Bicuspid/surgery , Mouth Diseases/classification , Tooth Loss/complications , Retrospective Studies , Data Interpretation, Statistical
Rev. ADM ; 72(4): 218-220, jul.-ago. 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-775323


El pénfigo vulgar es el tipo más común de un grupo padecimientos crónicos autoinmunes identificados por la presencia de lesiones ampulosas situadas en las mucosas y piel. El pénfigo vulgar oral (PVO) se caracteriza por la presencia de ampollas localizadas en las encías, paladar blando, carrillos, pero cualquier sitio de la cavidad oral puede ser afectado. Estas lesiones se presentan primero en la cavidad oral y meses después en la piel, por lo que su diagnóstico temprano y oportuno es vital para el pronóstico. El propósito de este trabajo es presentar esta condición clínica en una persona adulta mayor.

Pemphigus vulgaris is the most common of a group of chronic autoim-mune conditions characterized by the presence of mucosal and dermal blisters. In the case of oral pemphigus vulgaris (OPV), these are typi-cally found on the gums, soft palate, and cheeks, though anywhere in the oral cavity can be affected. These lesions appear first in the oral cavity and then, months later, on the skin. Therefore, early diagnosis is crucial for prognosis. The aim of this paper is to present a case report of this condition in an older adul.

Humans , Female , Aged , Mouth Diseases/classification , Pemphigus/diagnosis , Pemphigus/drug therapy , Prognosis , Prednisolone/therapeutic use , Treatment Outcome
Actas odontol ; 12(1): 14-20, jul.2015.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BNUY | ID: lil-789983


La mucosa bucal es afectada por una gran variedad de patologías. El diagnóstico clínico resulta muchas veces difícil, y para ello es necesario contar con una guía. La siguiente guía se basa en algunas lesiones elementales y enfermedades de la mucosa bucal, y es una herramienta simple y práctica para realizar el diagnóstico...

The oral mucosa is frequently affected by a lot of pathologies. The clinical diagnosis is sometimes difficult and the clinician needs a simple guide to do it. This guide, based in some elementary lesions and diseases of the oral mucosa, is a simple and practical way to make a diagnosis...

Humans , Mouth Diseases/classification , Mouth Diseases/diagnosis , Mouth Mucosa/pathology
Rev. Soc. Odontol. La Plata ; 25(50): 27-32, jul. 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-768630


Los lipomas son tumores benignos de origen mesenquimal que se pueden localizar en lugares donde el tejido adiposo está normalmente presente. De hecho, sonn los tumores mesenquimales más frecuentes en nuestro organismo. Se localizan principalmente en tejidos subcutáneos del cuello, tronco ylas extremidades, siendo raros en la cavidad bucal. Su tamaño, en la cavidad bucal, usualmente no excede los 3 cm y se localiza más frecuentemente en carrillos, lengua y piso de la boca. Se presenta un caso de un lipoma de 4,7 cm de diámetro en fondo de surco vestibular y se hace una revisión de la literatura.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Mouth Diseases/classification , Mouth Diseases/diagnosis , Lipoma , Lipoma/surgery , Age and Sex Distribution , Argentina , Biopsy/methods , Dental Service, Hospital , Diagnostic Imaging/methods , Lipoma , Oral Surgical Procedures/methods
Acta odontol. latinoam ; Acta odontol. latinoam;28(2): 103-107, 2015. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-768612


El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la frecuencia relativa y distribución de lesiones reaccionales hiperplásicas (LRH) de la mucosa oral, presentes en el registro de biopsias del Servicio de Anatomía Patológica de la Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Chile. Este estudio de tipo retrospectivo consistió en 1149 biopsias con diagnóstico histopatológico de LRH, entre los años 2000-2011. Las LRH se clasificaron en 5 grupos: Hiperplasia fibrosa (HF), granuloma piogénico (GP), granuloma periférico de células gigantes (GPCG) y fibroma osificante periférico(FOP). Los datos de edad y sexo de los sujetos, y de localización y tipo de lesión, fueron obtenidos del registro de biopsias de cada caso. De las LRH, la lesión más frecuente fue HF (71,1 por ciento), seguido de GP (21,1 por ciento), GPCG (5 por ciento) y FOP (2,9 por ciento) respectivamente. Las biopsias de LRH fueron mas frecuentes en mujeres (70,7 por ciento). El rango etario más afectado fue el de 50 a 59 años (22 por ciento). La localización de mayor frecuencia de LRH fue el maxilar superior (24,7 por ciento), seguida de mejilla (20,6 por ciento), lengua (19,4 por ciento), mandíbula (18,5 por ciento), labio inferior (9,9 por ciento) y labio superior (6,7 por ciento). En este estudio, de las LRH el diagnóstico más prevalente fue FH. El sexo más afectado fue el femenino, el rango etario el de 50 a 59 años y la ubicación más frecuente, maxilar superior. Estos resultados en general son concordantes con lo descrito en otros países.

The aim of this study was to determine the relative frequency and distribution of reactive hyperplastic lesions (RHL) of the oral mucosa at the Oral Pathology Institute of the School of Dentistry at the University of Chile. This was a retrospective study of 1149 biopsies with histopathological diagnosis of RHL, performed between 2000 and 2011. The RHL were classified in 4 groups: fibrous hyperplasia (FH), pyogenic granuloma (PG), peripheral giant-cell granuloma (PGCG) and peripheral ossifying fibroma (POF). Results: the most frequent RHL was FH (71. 1%), followed by PG (21.1%), PGCG (5 %) and POF (2.9%). RHLs were more frequent in women (70.7%). The most highly affected age group was the 50- to 59-year-olds (22%). The most frequent location for RHL was maxilla (24.7%), followed by cheek (20.6%), tongue (19.4%) and jaw (18.5%). The most prevalent RHL diagnosis was FH. Themost frequently affected sex was female, the most frequent agerange was 50-59 years, and the most frequent location, maxilla.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Middle Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Mouth Diseases/classification , Mouth Diseases/epidemiology , Gingival Hyperplasia/epidemiology , Age and Sex Distribution , Chile , Fibroma, Ossifying/epidemiology , Fibroma/epidemiology , Granuloma, Giant Cell/epidemiology , Granuloma, Pyogenic/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Data Interpretation, Statistical
Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 126(2): 29-34, 2013. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-691137


Introducción. Las lesiones en cavidad oral representan un amplio espectro de afecciones: variaciones anómalas y del desarrollo; microtraumas; lesiones por agentes físicos, químicos; infectocontagiosas; inmunoalérgicas; enfermedades sistémicas; desórdenes nutricionales y tumorales. Objetivo. Presentar la experiencia de la atención estomatológica en la población pediátrica, en 10 años de trabajo interdisciplinario. Diseño. Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo, corte transversal. Material y método. Revisamos, historias clínicas estomatológicas, período enero de 2000 a junio de 2010. Consideramos como variables de estudio edad; sexo; antecedentes personales; familiares; lesiones elementales; localización; síntomas y hallazgos patológicos en estudios complementarios. Expresamos los resultados en promedios y porcentajes. Resultados. Consignamos 499 pacientes; 221 (47,02%) masculinos y 277 (58,94%) femeninos; en un paciente no se consignó sexo. Agrupamos las patologías, en un intento de clasificación, por lesiones elementales; encontramos: 264 casos de tumores (52,91%); 58 vegetación, verrugosidad (11,62%); 55 pérdidas de sustancia (11,02%); 49 vesículas, ampollas (9,82%); 48 manchas, pseudomanchas (9,62%); 21 hiperplasia, hipertrofia (4,21%), 4 otras patologías (0,80%). Localizaciones preferentes: labio inferior, lengua, piso de boca, paladar, bermellón; mucosa yugal y labio superior. Conclusión. Encontramos predominio en sexo femenino; la patología tumoral fue la más frecuente, representada en especial por el mucocele. Consideramos que el eje de la prevención estomatológica en la población pediátrica, es el diagnóstico temprano; el examen de la cavidad oral debe ser sistemático; el manejo de las patologías en interdisciplina es lo más adecuado.

Introduction. Oral cavity lesions, representing a broad spectrum of conditions: abnormal variations and development; microtrauma; injury by physical, chemical, infectious, immuno, systemic diseases, nutritional disorders and tumor. Objective. Present experience dental care in the pediatric population, in 10 years of interdisciplinary work. Design. A retrospective, descriptive, crosssectional. Materials and methods. We review, dental records, period in January 2000, June 2010. We consider study variables age, sex, medical history, family, elementary lesions, location, symptoms and pathological findings in further studies. We express the results in averages and percentages. Results. Consign 499 patients, 221 (47.02%) male and 277 (58.94%) female, in a patient sex was not recorded. Pathologies grouped in an attempt classification, by elementary lesions; found: 264 tumor cases (52.91%); 58 vegetation warty (11.62%) loss of substance 55 (11.02%); 49 vesicles, blisters (9.82%), 48 spots, pseudomanchas (9.62%), 21 hyperplasia, hypertrophy (4.21%), 4 other pathologies (0.80%). Preferential localization: lower lip, tongue, floor of mouth, palate, vermilion, buccal mucosa and upper lip. Conclusion. Found predominantly in females, the disease was the most frequent tumor, represented especially by the mucocele. We believe that the axis of dental prevention in the pediatric population is early diagnosis, the oral cavity examination should be systematic, management of diseases in interdisciplinary is most appropriate.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Early Diagnosis , Mouth Diseases/diagnosis , Mouth Mucosa/pathology , Mouth Diseases/classification , Oral Medicine , Pediatrics , Office Visits/trends
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-140042


The aim of this paper is to review the literature and identify orofacial manifestations of hematological diseases, with particular reference to anemias and disorders of hemostasis. A computerized literature search using MEDLINE was conducted for published articles on orofacial manifestations of hematological diseases, with emphasis on anemia. Mesh phrases used in the search were: oral diseases AND anaemia; orofacial diseases AND anaemia; orofacial lesions AND anaemia; orofacial manifestations AND disorders of haemostasis. The Boolean operator "AND" was used to combine and narrow the searches. Anemic disorders associated with orofacial signs and symptoms include iron deficiency anemia, Plummer-Vinson syndrome, megaloblastic anemia, sickle cell anemia, thalassaemia and aplastic anemia. The manifestations include conjunctiva and facial pallor, atrophic glossitis, angular stomatitis, dysphagia, magenta tongue, midfacial overgrowth, osteoclerosis, osteomyelitis and paraesthesia/anesthesia of the mental nerve. Orofacial petechiae, conjunctivae hemorrhage, nose-bleeding, spontaneous and post-traumatic gingival hemorrhage and prolonged post-extraction bleeding are common orofacial manifestations of inherited hemostatic disorders such as von Willebrand's disease and hemophilia. A wide array of anemic and hemostatic disorders encountered in internal medicine has manifestations in the oral cavity and the facial region. Most of these manifestations are non-specific, but should alert the hematologist and the dental surgeon to the possibilities of a concurrent disease of hemopoiesis or hemostasis or a latent one that may subsequently manifest itself.

Anemia/complications , Anemia/diagnosis , Facies , Hemostatic Disorders/classification , Hemostatic Disorders/complications , Hemostatic Disorders/diagnosis , Humans , Mouth Diseases/classification , Mouth Diseases/etiology
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-139877


Background: Mucocele is one of the most common benign soft tissue tumor present in the oral cavity. They are of two types - one is extravasation and second one is retention type but the majority are extravasation type. Aims: The objective is to determine various factors related to mucocele such as role of trauma due to nearby teeth, recurrence, duration, and to find out whether there is any role of psychological stress which initiates trauma like lip or cheek biting. Materials and Methods: 36 cases of mucocele diagnosed at the Department of the Oral Pathology, Govt. Dental College and Hospital, Ahmedabad, between 2004 and 2008 were reviewed. The clinical data were recorded and histopathologic diagnosis was made. Statistical Analysis Used: Data analysis tool, Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Results: A diagnosis of mucocele was established in 36 cases with male-to-female ratio of 1.77:1. Most common type was extravasation in 30 (83.33%) cases. The peak age of occurrence was between 1st and 3rd decade. Lateral side of the lower labial mucosa was the most affected site in 34 (94.44%) cases. The history of trauma appeared the major etiological factor seen in 28 (77.77%) cases. Conclusion: We conclude that there was male predominance and they were more affected in 2nd and 3rd decade. The lateral side of lower labial mucosa was the commonest site and the trauma due to teeth or lip biting was the major etiological factor for the occurrence of the mucocele. The article highlights role of psychological stress in occurrence of mucocele. The reader should understand the importance of histopathology examination and should try to control the psychological stress in such mucocele patients.

Adolescent , Adult , Age Factors , Aged , Bites, Human/epidemiology , Child , Female , Humans , India/epidemiology , Lip/injuries , Lip Diseases/epidemiology , Male , Middle Aged , Mouth Diseases/classification , Mouth Diseases/epidemiology , Mucocele/classification , Mucocele/epidemiology , Recurrence , Self-Injurious Behavior/epidemiology , Sex Factors , Stress, Psychological/epidemiology , Young Adult
Rev. ADM ; 64(2)mar.-abr. 2007. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-467726


Estudio transversal de 3293 registros de diagnósticos histopatológicos de un laboratorio de patología bucal; de 2,018 casos, 61.2 por ciento se presentaron en mujeres y 36.2 por ciento en hombres. Los datos se tomaron de las historias clínicas enviadas por los cirujanos con la biopsia, que es marcada con un número de registro, edad, género, localización, sintomatología, donde se describe macroscópicamente y microscópicamente, y por último el diagnóstico histopatológico. Se encontraron 357 lesiones diferentes, siendo las más frecuentes las siguientes: hiperplasia fibrosa, granuloma periapical, mucocele, hiperplasia fibrosa inflamatoria, granuloma piógeno, quiste periapical, folículo dental, papiloma, quiste dentígeno y displasia leve. Las lesiones inflamatorias, seguidas de las neoplásicas fueron las más comunes en el estudio. Las décadas de la vida más afectadas fueron la segunda y la tercera. Las áreas de localización más comunes fueron: mandíbula, maxilar, labio, encía, y mucosa yugal; 1,804 casos (54.7 por ciento) se presentaron en tejidos blandos, y en tejidos duros fueron 1,313 casos (39.8 por ciento). Al comparar el diagnóstico clínico con el diagnóstico histopatológico emitido por el laboratorio, el 65.6 por ciento no coinciden, y sólo coinciden el 26.3 por ciento de los diagnósticos clínicos. El género femenino fue el más afectado

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Mouth Diseases/classification , Mouth Diseases/epidemiology , Histological Techniques , Age Distribution , Biopsy/methods , Cross-Sectional Studies , Mexico/epidemiology , Mouth Mucosa/ultrastructure , Mouth Neoplasms/epidemiology , Sex Distribution , Data Interpretation, Statistical
Rev. Bras. Odontol. (Impr.) ; 64(3/4): 205-209, 2007. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-541881


A meta deste estudo foi analisar os dados dos registros de pacientes atendidos com lesões da cavidade bucal no serviço de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-maxilofacial do HCFMUSP no período de maio a dezembro de 2004. Foram levantadas as seguintes variáveis em 98 prontuários: gênero, raça, idade, tipo de lesão, quantidade e localização anatômica da lesão. Um total de 98 pacientes foi analisado e foram encontrados 40 tipos de lesões. Houve predomínio de pacientes do sexo feminino, brancos, entre 30 a 40 anos. A região anatômica mais frequente foi a mandíbula. As lesões mais prevalentes foram querocisto, hiperplasia fibrosa inflamatória e carcinoma epidermóide.

Humans , Mouth/pathology , Mouth Diseases/classification , Mouth Diseases/epidemiology , Mouth Neoplasms/epidemiology , Age Distribution , Prevalence
Acta odontol. venez ; 45(1): 96-99, 2007. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-483965


Se expone el caso clínico de un paciente de 67 años de edad el cual presenta múltiples lesiones papulares, redondeadas, de color amarillento, ubicadas en la mucosa de ambos carrillos (a la altura de los molares superiores y en cercanía con el conducto excretor Stenon de la glándula parótida) y en el fondo de ambos vestíbulos de la mandíbula. A estas lesiones se les dio el diagnóstico definitivo de: Gránulos de Fordyce. De igual manera, en este estudio y basándose en la bibliografía, se señalan en detalle las características clínicas e histológicas más relevantes de estas lesiones, a objeto de orientar al odontólogo en el diagnostico de las mismas para evitar que las confunda con verdaderas patologías

The clinical case of a 67 year old patient is presented. He suffers from multiple papule injuries, rounded, of yellowish color, located in the mucous of both cheeks (at the height of the superior molars and close to the Stenon excretory way of the parotid gland) and at heart of both lobbies of the jaw. These injuries were diagnosed as Fordyce Grains. Likewise, in this study and based on the literature, the clinical and histological details of these injuries are described in detail, in order to guide dentists in their diagnosis and so they do not confuse them with real pathologies.

Humans , Male , Aged , Choristoma , Sebaceous Gland Diseases/diagnosis , Sebaceous Gland Diseases/pathology , Sebaceous Gland Diseases/epidemiology , Biopsy/methods , Diagnosis, Differential , Mouth Diseases/classification , Mouth Diseases/pathology , Sebaceous Gland Diseases/etiology , Prognosis , Venezuela/epidemiology
Acta odontol. venez ; 45(2): 283-286, 2007. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-499549


La Varicela es una enfermedad viral que se presenta con frecuencia en la población infantil, cursa con lesiones cutáneas y en ciertas ocasiones en cavidad bucal. Se presenta un caso de paciente masculino de 5 años de edad, quien consulta por presentar lesiones en cavidad bucal, ademàs de las lesiones cutáneas. Fue tratado con antivirales tópico y sistémico, notándose mejoría de las lesiones en dos semanas.

The Chicken pox is a viral infection that is presented frequently in the infantile population, it presented with skin lesions and, in certain occasions, in oral cavity. A 5 years old male patient, who consult for present vesicles in oral cavity and skin lesions, it was treated with topical and systemic antiviral, being noticed improvement of the lesions in two weeks.

Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Mouth Diseases/classification , /pathogenicity , Chickenpox/diagnosis , Chickenpox/drug therapy , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Chickenpox Vaccine , Mouth Diseases/pathology , Chickenpox/microbiology
Acta odontol. venez ; 45(2): 240-243, 2007. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-499559


Esta investigación tiene como objetivo evaluar la prevalencia de lesiones que afectan la mucosa bucal, mediante un estudio retrospectivo de los casos diagnosticados en el Laboratorio Central de Histopatología Bucal Dr. Pedro Tinoco de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Central de Venezuela durante el período 1968 - 1987. Se realizó un estudio de carácter retrospectivo, transversal y descriptivo. (Prevalencia) donde se revisó un total de 7.000 microhistorias para obtener la información planteada durante el período 1968 - 1987, pudiendo determinar que 2.251(32,1 por ciento) de éstas correspondían a la patología a estudiar. Estos datos fueron analizados de acuerdo a diagnóstico histopatológico, edad, sexo y localización anatómica. La patología diagnosticada con más frecuencia fue la Leucoplasia(n=343; 15,2 por ciento) seguida por Hiperplasia fibrosa por prótesis dental(n= 290; 12,8 por ciento) y Fibroma Traumático(n= 238; 10,5 por ciento). La mayor prevalencia de edad fue del grupo de 20 - 29 años(n=417; 18,5 por ciento). El sexo femenino fue el de mayor predilección(n=1545; 68,6 por ciento).La localización anatómica más frecuentemente afectada fue encía maxilar(n=319; 14,1 por ciento). Se reportaron 24 casos de paracoccidiodomicosis (1,0 por ciento) de los cuales la totalidad de estos afectó el sexo masculino. Nuestros resultados ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de evaluar periódicamente los pacientes con lesiones leucoplásicas dado el potencial de transformación maligna de las misma y a los pacientes portadores de prótesis.

This research is intended to assess the prevalence of lesions affecting the oral mucosa, through a retrospective study of cases diagnosed at the Laboratorio Central de Histopatología Bucal "Dr. Pedro Tinoco" de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Central de Venezuela during 1968 - 1987. A descriptive retrospective study was made reviewing a total of 7,000 histories to obtain the information stated during the period 1968 - 1987, determined that 2,251 (32.1%) of these corresponded to the pathology studied. This data was analyzed according to histopathological diagnoses, age, sex, and anatomical location. The most frequent diagnosed pathology was Leucoplakia ( N=343; 15.2%), followed by denture - induced fibrous hyperplasia ( N= 290; 12.8%) and irritation fibroma (N= 238; 10.5%). The prevalent age group was between 20 and 29 years (N= 417; 18.5% ) and female affected gender (N= 1545; 68.6%). The most frequent anatomical location was the maxilary gingiva (N= 319 ; 14.1%). 24 cases of Paracoccidiodomycosis were reported (1.0%) of which all were affected the male. Our results evidence the need of the fellow - up assement in patients with Leukoplakia, given the potencial of malignant transformation and patients bearing prosthetics.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Diagnosis, Oral/methods , Mouth Diseases/classification , Mouth Diseases/epidemiology , Mouth Mucosa/injuries , Mouth Mucosa/ultrastructure , Age and Sex Distribution , Biopsy/methods , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dental Records , Mouth Diseases/pathology , Schools, Dental , Histological Techniques , Retrospective Studies , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Venezuela/epidemiology
Acta odontol. venez ; 45(2): 229-233, 2007. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-499561


Objetivo: Identificar las manifestaciones bucales en pacientes VIH + y establecer la asociación con el contaje de linfocitos T CD4. Material y Método: Se estudiaron 96 pacientes VIH +, atendidos en la consulta del Servicio de Odontología del Hospital Universitario de Maracaibo, en el Occidente de Venezuela. En cada paciente se realizó examen clínico bucal y se investigaron los valores de CD4 Resultados: El 87,5 por ciento fueron varones; la edad promedio fue de 33,97±8,82 años. Las lesiones bucales se presentaron en el 65,62 por ciento de los pacientes, de los cuales el 60,42 por ciento estaban bajo tratamiento antirretroviral. Se observó que los pacientes con manifestaciones bucales tenían valores de CD4 más bajos que los que no la presentaron; además al comparar los CD4 de los pacientes con y sin manifestación bucal que recibían tratamiento, se encontraron que los primeros mostraron valores más bajos que los segundos (P<0.05). Conclusiones: Los pacientes con VIH con lesiones bucales presentaron valores de CD4 menores a los pacientes VIH + sin lesiones bucales, independientemente del tratamiento antirretroviral.

Objective: To identify the oral manifestation in HIV+ patients and to establish the association with the CD4 cells. Material and Method: It have been studied 96 HIV+ patients, attended in the consulting room of the Odontology Service in the Universitary Hospital of Maracaibo. In each patient it was made an oral examination and the CD4 values were taken. Results: The 87.5% were male, the average age was 33.97± 8.82 years. The oral manifestation were present in the 65.62% of the patients, 60.42% were under medical treatment. It was observed that the patients with oral manifestations had lower values of CD4 cells than the ones that didn't have them; in adittion when the number of CD4 cells of the patients with and without oral manifestations under medical treatment were compared, it was founded that the first ones showed lower values than the second ones (P<0.05). Conclusion: The patients with HIV with oral manifestations presented lower CD4 values than the HIV patients without oral manifestations independently of the antiretroviral treatment.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , /isolation & purification , HIV Infections/complications , HIV Infections/immunology , Oral Manifestations , Anti-Retroviral Agents/therapeutic use , Blotting, Western , Dental Care for Chronically Ill , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Mouth Diseases/classification , HIV Infections/epidemiology , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Venezuela/epidemiology
Acta odontol. venez ; 45(2): 225-228, 2007. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-499562


Las lesiones bucales en pacientes VIH/SIDA inclusive pueden ser el primer signo de la infección. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación de lesiones bucales presentes con el contaje de CD4 en niños VIH/SIDA que acudieron al CAPEI/UCV durante 1999 a 2005. Materiales y métodos: La investigación involucró al 154 niños VIH/SIDA entre 5 y 12 años, a los cuales se les realizó una historia clínica que constaba de un interrogatorio y un examen clínico intra y extra bucal, exámenes complementarios del contaje de la subpoblación de linfocitos CD4 con el fin de determinar el estatus inmunológico en el que se encontraban. Resultados: Se observo una estrecha relación entre la presencia de lesiones bucales y el estatus inmunológico, las cuales aprecian con mayor frecuencia al presentar una inmunosupresión severa. Conclusión: En niños VIH/SIDA, la presencia de lesiones bucales representan un indicativo importante de progreso de la enfermedad hacia estadios mas avanzados y se correlacionan de forma directa con un deterioro del sistema inmune.

Oral lesions often found in HIV/AIDS infected children are frequently the first clinical sing of the infection. Objective: To establish the prevalence of oral lesions and they relationship with CD4 count in children HIV/AIDS whom went to CAPEI/UCV from 1999-2005- Materials and method: 154 children HIV/AIDS infected between 5 and 12 years old. A record card was made for each child, providing data on anamnesis and intra and extra oral examination, complementally lab test to check CD4 count for immunology status. Results: Oral lesions were directly related to inmunological status, they are more frequency in severe inmunosupression Conclusion: Oral lesions in children HIV/AIDS can be considered as indicator of progression of HIV infection.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Dental Care for Chronically Ill/methods , HIV Infections/immunology , Oral Manifestations , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/immunology , /immunology , Mouth Diseases/classification , Mouth Diseases/etiology , HIV Infections/epidemiology , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/epidemiology , Venezuela/epidemiology