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Rev. Ateneo Argent. Odontol ; 70(1): 8-12, jul. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571347


El torus mandibular es un crecimiento exofítico óseo benigno en la parte interna de la mandíbula, generalmente presente en ambos lados. Su etiología se relaciona a diversos factores como la herencia, grado de estrés, factores ambientales, nutricionales y trauma oclusal. Puede causar problemas funcionales y estéticos, como dificultad en la pronunciación, mal aliento, molestias al comer con prótesis mal adaptadas y ulceraciones. En la mayoría de los casos no es necesario el tratamiento, excepto cuando se requiere para mejorar la función protésica o solucionar problemas funcionales. En este artículo presentamos la situación clínica que describe la escisión exitosa del torus mandibular bilateral en un paciente de 57 años para la posterior rehabilitación protésica. La escisión del torus mandibular bilateral es un procedimiento seguro y predecible que ayuda a prevenir complicaciones protésicas y biológicas, mejorando la estabilidad y la función del sistema estomatognático (AU)

The mandibular torus is a benign bony exophytic growth in the inner part of the mandible, usually present on both sides. Its etiology is related to various factors such as heredity, degree of stress, environmental and nutritional factors, and occlusal trauma. It can cause functional and aesthetic problems, such as difficulty in pronunciation, bad breath, discomfort when eating with ill-fitting prostheses, and ulcerations. In most cases, treatment is not necessary, except when it is required to improve prosthetic function or solve functional problems. In this article we present the clinical situation that describes the successful excision of the bilateral mandibular torus in a 57-year-old patient for subsequent prosthetic rehabilitation. Bilateral mandibular torus excision is a safe and predictable procedure that helps prevent prosthetic and biological complications, improving the stability and function of the stomatognathic system (AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Oral Surgical Procedures, Preprosthetic/methods , Exostoses/surgery , Exostoses/pathology , Mouth Rehabilitation/methods , Osteotomy/methods , Argentina , Biopsy/methods , Dental Prosthesis/methods , Dental Service, Hospital/methods
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 17(3): 293-299, sept. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514388


El desgaste dental severo se describe como la pérdida sustancial de la estructura dental, con exposición de la dentina y pérdida significativa de igual o más de 1/3 de la corona clínica. El uso de materiales compuestos de resina permite al clínico ser más conservador, debido a su aplicación mínimamente invasiva. Además de ello, son relativamente económicas, proporcionan buena estética general, así como un buen rendimiento y facilidad en la reparación. El objetivo de esta revisión de literatura sistematizada es recopilar información disponible en la literatura referente a cuál es el rendimiento clínico de las restauraciones adhesivas con resina compuesta en casos de pacientes con desgaste severo e incremento de la dimensión vertical como objetivo rehabilitador. Se analizaron artículos entre los años 2000 y 2022, seleccionando cuatro bases de datos (Pubmed, Scopus, Scielo y Web of Science). Para identificar los descriptores se utilizó los Medical subject headings (Mesh): Tooth Wear, Composite Restorations, Resin y Oral Rehabilitation. No se aplicó restricciones de idioma, país de origen, autor o lugar de publicación donde se realizó el estudio. Como resultado de la búsqueda se obtuvieron 71 artículos, de los cuales se seleccionaron 5 que cumplieron con los criterios de elegibilidad para ser considerados en la revisión de literatura sistematizada. Se encontró un promedio de tasa de éxito ente el 89,4 % - 100 % en un promedio total de 5.2 años de seguimiento. Se puede concluir, hasta donde se tiene conocimiento en la literatura científica disponible, que el tratamiento de restauraciones adhesivas con resinas compuestas en pacientes con desgaste severo es recomendable, enfocado en un periodo a corto-mediano plazo (3-5 años), siendo una opción de tratamiento económica y mínimamente invasiva.

Severe tooth wear is described as the substantial loss of tooth structure, with dentin exposure and significant loss of equal to or more than 1/3 of the clinical crown. The use of resin composite materials allows the clinician to be more conservative, due to its minimally invasive application. In addition to this, they are relatively inexpensive, provide good general aesthetics, as well as good performance and ease of repair. The objective of this systematic literature review is to collect information available in the literature regarding the clinical performance of adhesive restorations with composite resin in cases of patients with severe wear and increase in the vertical dimension as a rehabilitation objective. Articles between the years 2000 and 2022 were analyzed, selecting four databases (Pubmed, Scopus, Scielo and Web of Science). To identify the descriptors, the Medical subject headings (Mesh) were used: Tooth Wear, Composite Restorations, Resin and Oral Rehabilitation. No language, country of origin, author or place of publication restrictions where the study was conducted were applied. As a result of the search, 71 articles were obtained, of which 5 were selected that met the eligibility criteria to be considered in the systematic literature review. An average success rate between 89.4 % - 100 % was found in a total average of 5.2 years of follow-up. It can be concluded, to the best of our knowledge in the available scientific literature, that the treatment of adhesive restorations with composite resins in patients with severe wear is recommendable, focused on a short-medium term period (3-5 years), being a Inexpensive and minimally invasive treatment option.

Humans , Composite Resins , Tooth Wear/rehabilitation , Mouth Rehabilitation/methods
Rev. Fundac. Juan Jose Carraro ; 27(47): 48-63, 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1579017


INTRODUCCIÓN. Es de especial interés y a la vez un gran desafío prevenir y/o tratar defectos mucosos peri-implantarios (DMP) que en la actualidad presentan una elevada tasa de incidencia, especialmente una vez rehabilitados. El objetivo de este artículo fue presentar una estrategia quirúrgica con el propósito de corregir las consecuencias originadas por el mal posicionamiento de dos implantes en el sector antero-superior y describir la técnica quirúrgica y las variables que guían la elección de la misma, profundizando sobre sus indicaciones con el fin de lograr resultados naturalmente estéticos. PRESENTACIÓN DE CASO CLÍNICO. Una paciente presentó un defecto mucoso peri-implantario (DMP) a nivel del 1.1 y 1.2. Ambos implantes con una posición tridimensional errada, tanto en el eje vestíbulo-palatino como en el ápico-coronal. La dimensión del defecto en sentido ápico-coronal para ambos implantes fue de 2mm, tomando como referencia el límite amelo-cementario de las piezas dentarias homólogas contralaterales. El espesor mucoso era fino: de 1,5mm para el incisivo lateral y 1,8mm para el incisivo central, que permitían por translucidez observar la superficie gris de los implantes. Se eligió para tratar el DMP y a partir del análisis de diversos parámetros clínicos, una técnica de túnel modificada más un injerto de tejido conectivo. Se realizaron controles semanales durante el primer mes y luego mensuales. Al 8vo mes se evidenció estabilidad en los resultados obtenidos y se inició la fase de rehabilitación final. CONCLUSIÓN. Los resultados del presente caso clínico demostraron que la técnica de túnel modificada en conjunto con un injerto de tejido conectivo fue efectiva para obtener completa cobertura del DMP, como así también tratar su componente horizontal, incrementando el espesor del tejido blando y devolviendo un perfil de emergencia natural (AU)

Connective Tissue/transplantation , Dental Implantation, Endosseous/adverse effects , Free Tissue Flaps , Therapy, Soft Tissue/methods , Mouth Mucosa/injuries , Dental Abutments , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported/methods , Dental Prophylaxis/methods , Denture, Partial, Temporary , Mouth Rehabilitation/methods
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1444286


Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative and progressive disease that predominantly affects women and has no cure. Obstacles to the dental care of people with AD differ in each phase, but the dental surgeon should remember to include the caregivers, formal or informal, in the treatment. Some skills need to be considered in the planning process, and dental health indices can be very helpful for the professional to assess the patient's ability to undergo treatment and how the older person can benefit from it. The dental surgeon should evaluate each person's specific needs so that personalized oral hygiene protocols can be established. The suggested adaptations must be by the reality of the older adult with AD, the family context, and daily routine, and they must contemplate the information provided by the caregiver. In this article, we invite the dental surgeon to understand the continuum of AD to properly plan treatment, considering the individual's limitations, future perspectives, and safety, always keeping the older adult free of oral infections and comfortable with his or her oral health condition

A doença de Alzheimer (DA) é neurodegenerativa, de caráter progressivo, afeta predominantemente mulheres e até o momento não possui cura. Os obstáculos para o atendimento odontológico de pessoas com DA são diferentes em cada fase, porém em nenhuma delas o cirurgião-dentista pode esquecer de incluir os cuidadores, formais ou não, no tratamento. Algumas habilidades precisam ser consideradas no processo de planejamento, e os índices odontológicos podem ser de grande utilidade para que o profissional pondere sobre a capacidade de o paciente receber o tratamento e quanto ele pode se beneficiar dele. A avaliação das necessidades específicas para cada indivíduo deve ser conduzida pelo cirurgião-dentista, de forma que seja possível estabelecer os protocolos personalizados de higiene oral. As adaptações sugeridas devem estar de acordo com a realidade da pessoa com DA, de seu contexto familiar, de sua rotina diária, e devem contemplar as informações fornecidas pelo cuidador. O cirurgião-dentista deve compreender o continuum da DA para planejar adequadamente, considerando as limitações, as perspectivas futuras e a segurança do indivíduo, mantendo-o sempre livre de infecções e confortável com sua condição de saúde bucal, em colaboração com seus cuidadores, formais ou informais

Humans , Aged , Oral Health , Caregivers , Alzheimer Disease , Mouth Rehabilitation/methods
Rev. Fundac. Juan Jose Carraro ; 25(45): 26-31, 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437486


La osteoporosis se caracteriza por una masa ósea baja con deterioro de la microarquitectura del tejido que conduce a la fragilidad, lo que aumenta el riesgo de fracturas. Después de la menopausia, la deficiencia de estrógenos aumenta la exposición del tejido al ligan- do RANK, lo que resulta en un aumento de la reabsorción y pérdida ósea, que pueden provocar osteoporosis. (1) Los bifosfonatos y el denosumab son utilizados para el tratamiento de la osteoporosis debido a su capacidad anticatabólica, que reducen la remodelación previniendo la pérdida de masa ósea, disminuyendo la probabilidad de fracturas y aumentando la densidad mineral del tejido. (2) La osteonecrosis de los maxilares asociadas a drogas antirresortivas es una situación que se presenta en pacientes que consumen de manera crónica antirresortivos para el tratamiento de enfermedades como: osteoporosis, osteogénesis imperfecta, enfermedad de Paget, displasia fi- brosa, hipercalcemia maligna asociada a tratamiento oncológico (AU)

Osteoporosis is characterized by low bone mass with deterioration of the tissue microarchitec- ture leading to fragility, which increases the risk of fractures. After menopause, estrogen deficiency increases tissue exposure to the RANK ligand, resulting in increased bone loss and resorption, which can lead to osteoporosis. (1) Bisphosphonates and denosumab are used for the treatment in low concentration, due to their anticatabolic capacity, which reduce remodeling, preventing loss of bone mass and fractures besides, antiresorptives drugs increase the mineral density of the tissue. (2) Osteonecrosis of the jaw associated with antiresorptives drugs occurs in patients whose chro- nically consume these drugs for the treatment of diseases such as: osteoporosis, imperfect osteogenesis, Paget's disease, fibrous dysplasia, malignant hypercalcemia associated with oncological treatment (AU)

Humans , Female , Aged , Osteoporosis/complications , Bone Density Conservation Agents/adverse effects , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/etiology , RANK Ligand/physiology , Denosumab/adverse effects , Mouth Rehabilitation/methods
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 10(5): 1-11, oct. 31, 2021. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398029


Introduction: The objective of a complete denture prosthesis is restoring aesthetics, comfort, and function by the replacement of missing dental and alveolar structures employing a stable prosthesis. Case Report: Many conditions can complicate the treatment plan and fabrication of a complete denture prosthesis. Complete denture fabrication in clinically compromised conditions is a challenging task for the dentist. In this clinical report, we present comprehensive management of a patient with denture-induced hyperplasia, flabby ridge, and severely resorbed edentulous ridge. The three part strategy for management of the above-mentioned challenges can provide high-quality complete dentures, based on recognized prosthodontic principles. This first part will discuss the management of denture induced hyperplasia by elimination of the inflammation and excision of the lesion. Part two will cover management of the flabby ridge using a modified window technique for the impression of maxillary flabby tissues for an improved and controlled application of the impression material that is usually obtainable in dental practice. Part three highlights the rehabilitation procedure of the resorbed mandibular ridge using a functional impression technique with minimum soft tissue displacement and neutral zone arrangement of teeth to improve stability of the denture. Conclusion: rehabilitation of a patient with denture induced hyperplasia, flabby ridge, and severely resorbed edentulous ridges was successful.

Introducción: El objetivo de una prótesis completa es restaurar la estética, la comodidad y la función mediante el reemplazo de las estructuras dentales y alveolares faltantes empleando una prótesis estable. Case Report: Muchas condiciones pueden complicar el plan de tratamiento y la fabricación de una prótesis completa. La fabricación completa de la dentadura en con-diciones comprometidas clínicamente es una tarea desafiante para el dentista. En este reporte de un caso clínico, presentamos el ma-nejo integral de un paciente con hiperplasia inducida por dentadura postiza, cresta flácida y cresta edéntula severamente reabsorbida. La estrategia de tres partes para el manejo de los desafíos mencionados anteriormente puede proporcionar prótesis completas de alta calidad, basadas en reconocidos principios protésicos. La primera parte discutirá el manejo de la hiperplasia inducida por dentadura postiza mediante la eliminación de la infla-mación y la extirpación de la lesión. La segunda parte cubrirá el manejo de la cresta alveolar flácida utilizando una técnica de ventana modificada para la impresión de tejidos flácidos maxilares para una aplicación mejorada y controlada del material de impresión que generalmente se obtiene en la práctica dental. La tercera parte destaca el procedimiento de rehabilitación del reborde mandibular reabsorbido utilizando una técnica de impresión funcional con un desplazamiento mínimo de los tejidos blandos y una disposición de la zona neutra de los dientes para mejorar la estabilidad de la dentadura. Conclusion: La rehabilitación de un paciente con hiperplasia inducida por dentaduras postizas, cresta flácida y reabsorbida fue exitosa.

Humans , Male , Aged , Dental Implants , Alveolar Process , Hyperplasia/surgery , Mouth Rehabilitation/methods , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Denture, Complete , Lasers
Rev. ADM ; 78(2): 100-105, mar.-abr. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1247906


Trastorno neurológico enmarcado dentro de los trastornos de espectro autista (TEA) cuyas manifestaciones se reflejan en los ámbitos de la comunicación, interacción e imaginación social. Se clasifica en el manual diagnóstico y estadístico de trastornos mentales (DSM IV), se caracteriza por un mayor o menor grado de deterioro en las habilidades de lenguaje y comunicación, así como patrones repetitivos o restrictivos de pensamiento y comportamiento. El síntoma más distintivo es el interés obsesivo en un solo objeto o tema y la exclusión de cualquier otro pero siempre conservando habilidades de lenguaje. El pronóstico es bueno, debido a la compensación cognitiva, el enfoque repetitivo y restrictivo a actividades humanas productivas o generadoras de deferencias particulares, aunque no hay tratamiento específico, sino más bien interdisciplinario e individualizado, éste consiste en manejar los síntomas conductuales y la comorbilidad de forma independiente ya sea farmacológica o intervencionista. Paciente masculino de cinco años de edad, con un peso de 26 kg, cuadro de inmunizaciones completas, previamente diagnosticado con trastorno de Asperger (2015); caries dental de diversos grados, manejo estomatológico para su rehabilitación. El objetivo de este reporte es dar a conocer los cuidados para el tratamiento dental en pacientes con este trastorno (AU)

Neurological disorder known as autism spectrum disorders (ASD) whose main manifestations are reflected in the areas of communication, interaction and social imagination. It was first classified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM lV), characterized by a greater or lesser degree of deterioration in language and communication skills, as well as repetitive patterns or restrictive of thought and behavior. The most distinctive symptom is obsessive interest in a single object or topic and the exclusion of any other, but always retaining language skills. The prognosis is good in most of the cases, due to the cognitive compensation, the repetitive and restrictive approach to productive or deferential human activities, although there is no specific treatment, but rather interdisciplinary and individualized, this consists of managing behavioral symptoms and comorbidity independently either pharmacologically or interventionally. Male patient with five years old and weight of 26 kg, complete immunization chart, previously diagnosed with Asperger's disorder (2015); with dental caries of various degrees implementing dental management. The objective of this report is to make aware of the care and behavior management for dental treatment in patients with this Disorder (AU)

Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Dental Care for Disabled , Dental Care for Children , Asperger Syndrome , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Patient Care Team , Prognosis , Signs and Symptoms , Behavioral Symptoms , Rett Syndrome , Dental Caries/therapy , Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , Diagnosis, Differential , Mouth Diseases/therapy , Mouth Rehabilitation/methods
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 36(82): 67-75, 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1292310


El objetivo del presente informe clínico es describir una manera de lograr resultados predecibles en las restauraciones estéticas, con una rehabilitación integral. Se emplearon distintos materiales, centrados en la nueva generación de materiales cerámicos para la confección de frentes estéticos. Se realizó un diagnóstico seguido de un plan de tratamiento que integró tanto la correcta función como la estética. Se tuvo en cuenta que la responsabilidad estética no se limita sólo a la forma, el tamaño y el color de los dientes, sino que, además, es importante preservar o recuperar la armonía dentogingival (AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Ceramics , Dental Veneers , Dentistry, Operative , Esthetics, Dental , Mouth Rehabilitation/methods , Patient Care Planning , Argentina , Schools, Dental , Crowns , Diagnosis, Oral , Inlays
RFO UPF ; 25(3): 404-409, 20201231.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1357821


Objetivo: avaliar a previsibilidade das reabilitações de maxilas edêntulas através da técnica all-on-four, mensurada pelas tensões sobre implantes em estudos laboratoriais e sobrevida de próteses, perda óssea marginal e sucesso dos implantes em estudos clínicos. Revisão de literatura: foi executada uma busca na literatura nas bases de dados Lilacs, SciELO e PubMed/Medline, utilizando termos relacionados ao tema, sem restrição temporal e adaptados para cada base. As buscas foram realizadas por um único examinador no período de setembro a novembro de 2019. Após a leitura crítica dos 21 artigos selecionados, constata-se que existem vários estudos com muitos delineamentos que avaliaram a previsibilidade mensurada de várias formas. Considerações finais: diante das evidências científicas encontradas, a reabilitação de maxilas edêntulas com a técnica all-on-four demonstra ser previsível e estável. Estudos retrospectivos, prospectivos e revisões sistemáticas relatam altos índices de sucesso, baixa perda óssea marginal, embasando o uso da técnica all-on-four na odontologia.(AU)

Objective: to assess the predictability of edentulous maxillary rehabilitation using the all-on-four technique, measured by tensions over implants in laboratory studies and prosthetic survival, marginal bone loss and implant success in clinical studies. Literature Review: A literature search was performed in the Lilacs, SciELO and PubMed/ Medline databases, using terms related to the theme, without time restriction and adapted for each base. The searches were carried out by a single examiner from September to November 2019. After a critical reading of the 21 selected articles, it appears that there are several studies with many designs that evaluated the predictability measured in various ways. Final considerations: In view of the scientific evidence found, the rehabilitation of edentulous jaws with the all-on-four technique proves to be predictable and stable. Retrospective, prospective studies and systematic reviews report high success rates, low marginal bone loss, basing the use of the all-on-four technique in dentistry.(AU)

Humans , Jaw, Edentulous/rehabilitation , Dental Prosthesis/methods , Mouth Rehabilitation/methods , Alveolar Bone Loss
Rev. ADM ; 77(6): 321-328, nov.-dic. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1151475


La periimplantitis se define como la patología inflamatoria e irreversible que afecta al hueso periimplantario y le hace perder soporte y función al implante según la definición del European Workshop on Periodontology (EWOP). La prevalencia estimada de la periimplantitis es de 28 a 77%. Los diferentes protocolos de abordaje de la periimplantitis nos ofrecen diversas posibilidades: destoxificación de la superficie y regeneración, limpieza mecánica y resección del tejido inflamado, extracción del implante, entre otros. El principal problema de los tratamientos regenerativos es limpiar y desintoxicar correctamente la superficie del implante expuesto, ya que al tratarse de superficies generalmente muy rugosas, las bacterias del medio bucal las colonizan con mucha facilidad y es prácticamente imposible eliminar por completo el biofilm. El protocolo de tratamiento para la periimplantitis se basa en un algoritmo de tratamiento, en el que se retiran los implantes gravemente afectados por periimplantitis de forma atraumática, lo cual garantiza la conservación del lecho al 100% al no retirarse volumen óseo, y cuándo deben utilizarse las trefinas, pues las que se utilizan en el protocolo únicamente rompen la unión ósea de los primeros milímetros sin retirarlo. En el siguiente caso clínico mostramos el retratamiento de un caso de periimplantitis en el que se ha realizado una nueva rehabilitación implantosoportada (AU)

Periimplantitis is defined as the inflammatory and irreversible pathology that affects the peri-implantary bone and causes it to lose support and function to the implant as defined by the European Workshop on Periodontology (EWOP). The estimated prevalence of periimplantitis figures ranging from 28 to 77%. The different protocols for approaching periimplantitis offer different possibilities: detoxification of the surface and re-generation, mechanical cleaning and resection of inflamed tissue and extraction of the implant mainly. The main problem with regenerative treatments is to correctly clean and detoxify the surface of the exposed implant, since as these are generally highly rough surfaces, bacteria in the oral environment colonise them very easily and it is practically impossible to completely eliminate the biofilm. This treatment algorithm, in which implants severely affected by periimplantitis are removed atraumatically, guarantees the conservation of the bed at 100% since no bone volume is removed and trephines must be used, since those used in the protocol only break the bone union of the first few millimetres, without removing it. In the following clinical case, we show the re-treatment of a case of peri-implantitis where a new implant-supported rehabilitation has been performed (AU)

Humans , Male , Aged , Osseointegration , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures/methods , Dental Implantation, Endosseous , Peri-Implantitis/therapy , Bone Regeneration , Algorithms , Clinical Protocols , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported , Retreatment , Mouth Rehabilitation/methods
RFO UPF ; 25(1): 96-106, 20200430. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1357739


Introdução: maxilas severamente atrofiadas representam um desafio às reabilitações implantossuportadas. A reconstrução maxilar com enxertos ósseos para permitir a reabilitação com implantes osseointegrados é um tratamento com boa previsibilidade e alto índice de sucesso. No entanto, a morbidade causada pela necessidade de regiões doadoras e grande quantidade de osso dificulta a aceitação dos pacientes, podendo, inclusive, ser contraindicada dependendo da condição sistêmica. Objetivos: revisar a literatura, discutir as indicações, as complicações, a previsibilidade das reabilitações com implantes zigomáticos, assim como relatar um caso. Relato de caso: os implantes zigomáticos surgiram como uma alternativa para a reabilitação de pacientes maxilectomizados, decorrente da exérese de tumores, perdas ósseas decorrentes de infecções ou traumas, e casos de atrofia óssea severa, como abordado no caso em questão, em que a paciente apresentava edentulismo total em maxila e não gostaria mais de utilizar a prótese convencional, optando pela prótese sobre implante. Considerações finais: a reabilitação com implantes zigomáticos pode apresentar complicações, como o mau posicionamento dos implantes, comprometendo a reabilitação; todavia, apesar das restrições da técnica, a literatura mostra que os implantes zigomáticos, quando bem indicados, representam uma boa alternativa para a reabilitação de maxilas severamente atrofiadas.(AU)

Introduction: severely atrophied jaws pose a challenge to implant-supported rehabilitations. Maxillary reconstruction with bone graft to allow rehabilitation with implants is a treatment with good predictability and high success rate. However, a morbidity is the disease of the donor regions and the greater amount of bone hinders the acceptance of the patients; including, to be contraindicated depending on the systemic condition. Objectives: this article is a review of the literature, such as the indications, complications, predictability of rehabilitations with zygomatic implants, as well as a case report. Case report: the zygomatic implants appeared as an alternative for the rehabilitation of maxilectomized patients, due to the excision of tumors, bone losses due to infections or trauma and cases of severe bone atrophy, as approached in the case in question, in which the patient had total maxillary edentulism and would no longer like to use the conventional prosthesis, opting for the implant prosthesis. Final considerations: rehabilitation with zygomatic implants may present complications, such as poor placement of implants, compromising rehabilitation; however, despite the limitations of the technique, the literature shows that zygomatic implants, when well indicated, represent a good alternative for the rehabilitation of severely atrophied maxilla.(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Zygoma/surgery , Maxillary Diseases/surgery , Dental Implants , Alveolar Bone Loss/surgery , Dental Implantation, Endosseous/methods , Radiography, Panoramic , Alveolar Bone Loss/diagnostic imaging , Treatment Outcome , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported/methods , Mouth Rehabilitation/methods
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 57(1): e2053, ene.-mar. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126490


RESUMEN Introducción: El edentulismo es la pérdida total o parcial de dientes, ocasionado principalmente por la caries y la enfermedad periodontal; es un proceso gradual que está comúnmente asociado al aumento de edad. Actualmente es considerado una discapacidad debido a la limitación funcional que ocasiona en quien lo presenta. Objetivo: Exponer el tratamiento rehabilitador multidisciplinario, funcional y estético en un paciente con desarmonías oclusales. Presentación del caso: Paciente masculino de 74 años, diagnosticado con edentulismo parcial bimaxilar, mediante examen clínico y radiológico. Se sometió a terapia periodontal generalizada, cirugía preprotésica, restauración de plano oclusal de forma directa e indirecta y rehabilitación bucal con prótesis removibles total superior y parcial inferior; lo cual le permitió recuperar funcionalidad, estética y autoestima. Conclusiones: El edentulismo desencadena alteración en el estado funcional y emocional del paciente. Un diagnóstico integral y plan de tratamiento multidisciplinario y ordenado desencadenó éxito en el presente caso(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Edentulism is total or partial tooth loss mainly caused by dental caries and periodontal disease. It is a gradual process often associated to aging. At present edentulism is considered to be a disability, due to the functional limitations undergone by sufferers. Objective: Describe the multidisciplinary, functional and esthetic rehabilitation treatment provided to a patient with occlusal disharmony. Case presentation: A 74-year-old male patient was diagnosed with bimaxillary partial edentulism based on clinical and radiographic examination. The patient underwent generalized periodontal therapy, pre-prosthetic surgery, direct and indirect occlusal plane restoration, and oral rehabilitation with total upper and partial lower removable prostheses, as a result of which he recovered his functionality, esthetic appearance and self-esteem. Conclusions: Edentulism triggers changes in the functional and emotional state of patients. Comprehensive diagnosis and orderly multidisciplinary treatment led to success in the case herein presented(AU)

Humans , Male , Aged , Periodontal Diseases/diagnosis , Dental Caries/therapy , Mouth Rehabilitation/methods , Vertical Dimension , Dental Prosthesis/methods , Esthetics
Rev. bras. queimaduras ; 19(1): 37-42, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361386


OBJETIVO: Esse estudo teve como propósito verificar, por meio da fotogrametria computadorizada, a eficácia do uso da órtese oral como auxiliar na terapia fonoaudiológica. MÉTODO: Após a documentação fotográfica, cada paciente foi submetido a terapia fonoaudiológica, por meio da terapia miofuncional orofacial, associada ao uso da órtese oral, confeccionada segundo Borges et al. (2011). Ao término do tratamento, foi realizado novo registro fotográfico, em seguida, a mensuração da dimensão vertical (distância entre lábio superior/inferior) e horizontal (distância entre comissuras direita/esquerda), com o uso do programa Corel Draw X3. RESULTADOS: As médias da abertura bucal aumentaram da avaliação inicial para a avaliação final, tendo aumentado 5,1 mm no sentido horizontal (67,3 mm para 72,4 mm) e 13,9 mm no sentido vertical (de 32,7 mm para 46,6 mm). Essas diferenças se revelam significativas para as avaliações (p <0,05). CONCLUSÃO: O uso da órtese oral associado a terapia fonoaudiológica demonstrou ser eficaz como mais um instrumento na prevenção da microstomia.

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to through computerized photogrammetry, the efficacy of oral orthosis as an aid in speech therapy. METHODS: After the photographic documentation, each patient underwent speech therapy, through orofacial myofunctional therapy, associated with the use of an oral orthosis, made according to Borges et al. (2011). At the end of the treatment, a new photographic record was taken, then the vertical dimension measurement (distance between upper lip) and horizontal (distance between corners right/left), using the program Corel Draw X3. RESULTS: The mean mouth opening increased from the initial evaluation to the final evaluation, increasing 5.1 mm in the horizontal direction (67.3 mm to 72.4 mm) and 13.9 mm in the vertical direction (from 32.7 mm to 46.6 mm). These differences are significant for the evaluations (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: The use of oral orthosis associated with speech therapy proved to be effective as another tool in the prevention of microstomia.

Humans , Burns/rehabilitation , Photogrammetry/instrumentation , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences/methods , Microstomia/therapy , Mouth Rehabilitation/methods , Orthotic Devices/supply & distribution , Longitudinal Studies , Myofunctional Therapy/instrumentation
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 56(2): e1985, abr.-jun. 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1093223


ABSTRACT Introduction: The cemento-ossifying fibroma is a benign bone neoplasm that affects mainly the female sex during the third or fourth decades of life. This lesion has a slow growth and the treatment is the surgical removal of the tumor, because radiotherapy is not indicated. Objective: to describe and discuss a case of central cemento-ossifying fibroma. Case report: A 41-year-old female patient sought dental treatment due to tooth mobility in the anterior region of the mandible. In this region of the mandible, an increase in volume was noted with a firm consistency on palpation, covered by normal mucosa, and displacement of teeth. Radiographically, the presence of an extensive lesion in this region was observed. An incisional biopsy was performed which led to the final diagnosis of central cemento-ossifying fibroma. Subsequently the tumor was completely removed. An autogenous bone graft was performed and four osseointegrated implants were installed to rehabilitate the patient. Implant-supported prostheses (lower arch) and a complete denture (upper arch) were installed to restore esthetics and function of the patient's oral cavity. Conclusion: Despite being a benign tumor, the central cemento-ossifying fibroma caused functional and aesthetic damage to the patient and required a complex rehabilitation treatment. After approximately 5 years of tumor removal, there was no recurrence of the lesion or signs of peri-implant or periodontal diseases, evidencing the success of the treatments(AU)

RESUMEN Introducción: El fibroma cemento-osificante es una neoplasia ósea benigna que afecta principalmente al sexo femenino durante la tercera o cuarta décadas de la vida. Esta lesión tiene un crecimiento lento y el tratamiento es la extirpación quirúrgica del tumor, porque la radioterapia no está indicada. Objetivo: Describir y analizar un caso de un fibroma cemento-osificante central. Presentación caso: Paciente de 41 años de edad buscó tratamiento dental debido a la movilidad dental en la región anterior de la mandíbula. En esta región de la mandíbula se observó un aumento de volumen con una consistencia firme a la palpación, cubierta por la mucosa normal y desplazamiento de los dientes. Radiográficamente, se observó la presencia de una lesión extensa en esta región. Se realizó una biopsia incisional, que indicó el diagnóstico final del fibroma cemento-osificante central. Después el tumor fue completamente extirpado. Se realizó un injerto óseo autógeno y, posteriormente, se instalaron cuatro implantes osteointegrados para rehabilitar al paciente. Se instalaron prótesis soportadas por implantes (arco inferior) y una dentadura (arco superior) para restablecer la estética y la función de la cavidad bucal de la paciente. Conclusiones: A pesar de ser un tumor benigno, el fibroma cemento-osificante central causó daños funcionales y estéticos al paciente y requirió un complejo tratamiento de rehabilitación. Después de 5 años de la extirpación del tumor, no hubo recurrencia de la lesión. Además, no hubo signos de enfermedades periimplantarias y/o periodontales, lo que demuestra el éxito del tratamiento(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Prostheses and Implants/adverse effects , Mouth Neoplasms/surgery , Cementoma/diagnostic imaging , Mouth Rehabilitation/methods
RFO UPF ; 24(3): 402-407, 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1357701


Objetivo: expor, por meio de uma revisão de literatura, uma discussão sobre os benefícios do uso do pino de fibra de vidro e matriz de celulóide na reabilitação oral de crianças, como suas possibilidades e técnicas mais adequadas para o tratamento de pacientes com amplas destruições coronárias em dentes decíduos. A cárie dentária é uma das doenças crônicas mais comum na infância, se o diagnóstico adequado não for realizado em estágios iniciais podem gerar danos irreparáveis, levando a perda dentária. Atualmente, se reconhece a importância de se preservar os dentes decíduos até o período correto de sua esfoliação, dessa forma, dependendo da quantidade de remanescente dental, o tratamento reabilitador estético em dentes decíduos, pode necessitar de um retentor intra-canal. Considerações finais: embora exista um número considerável de alternativas reabilitadoras, a mais utilizada é o de pino de fibra de vidro com matriz anatômica de celuloide, por ser de fácil execução, baixo custo e não necessitar de etapa laboratorial. Porém, a escolha do tratamento restaurador deve ser feita de comum acordo com os pais e um grande grau de colaboração dos pacientes.(AU)

Objective: To present, through a literature review, a discussion about the benefits of using fiberglass posts and celluloid matrix in the oral rehabilitation of children and the most appropriate potentials and techniques for the treatment of patients with extensive crown destruction in deciduous teeth. Dental caries is one of the most common chronic diseases in children and, if not diagnosed properly in its early stages, it may cause irreparable damages that lead to tooth loss. Currently, the importance of preserving deciduous teeth up to the correct period of exfoliation is established. Therefore, depending on the amount of remaining teeth, the aesthetic rehabilitation in deciduous teeth may require an intracanal retainer. Final considerations: Although there is a considerable number of rehabilitation alternatives, the most used is the fiberglass post with anatomic celluloid matrix, because it is easy to perform, presents low cost, and does not require a laboratory step. However, the treatment should be selected in agreement with the parents and significant cooperation from the patients.(AU)

Humans , Child , Tooth, Deciduous , Post and Core Technique , Dental Pins , Glass/chemistry , Mouth Rehabilitation/methods , Dental Caries/therapy , Esthetics, Dental
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 34(78): 37-48, 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1116632


En personas con discapacidad se presentan las enfermedades prevalentes de la cavidad bucal con mayor frecuencia. Dentro de éstas, las alteraciones oclusales, como el apiñamiento dentario, son muy frecuentes y se considera responsable de exacerbar la patología gingival, periodontal y la estética, con impacto en la salud bucodental y la calidad de vida de estos pacientes. La técnica basada en el uso de placas alineadoras es sencilla, no invasiva y fundamentalmente preventiva de la enfermedad buco-dental (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Orthodontics, Corrective , Quality of Life , Dental Care for Disabled , Malocclusion/therapy , Oral Hygiene , Arthrogryposis/therapy , Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome/therapy , Occlusal Splints , Williams Syndrome/therapy , Esthetics, Dental , Mouth Rehabilitation/methods
RFO UPF ; 23(3): 377-381, 18/12/2018. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-995419


O padrão oclusal pode ser considerado um fator crítico para a longevidade dos componentes do sistema estomatognático como também das reabilitações implantossuportadas. Objetivo: revisar a literatura em relação ao padrão de oclusão mais adequado para reabilitar um paciente edêntulo com prótese Protocolo de Brånemark. Revisão de literatura: nesta revisão, os artigos de estudos clínicos retrospectivos (2 artigos) e in silico (2 artigos) foram incluídos. Considerações finais: padrões de oclusão em prótese Protocolo de Brånemark são um tema muito escasso na literatura; o uso de uma oclusão mutuamente protegida com guia lateral em canino favorece a distribuição da tensão sobre os implantes e o osso alveolar; no entanto, a condição do arco antagonista pode influenciar esta escolha. (AU)

The occlusal pattern can be considered a critical factor for the longevity of the components of the stomatognathic system, as well as of the implantsupported rehabilitations. Objective: to review the literature regarding the most appropriate standard of occlusion to rehabilitate a patient edentulous with Brånemark Protocol prothesis. Literature review: in this review, articles from retrospective clinical studies (02 articles) and in silico studies (02 articles) were included. Final considerations: this literature review shows that standard of occlusion in the Brånemark Protocol prosthesis ns are a very scarce subject in the literature, the use of a mutually protected lateral guiding in canine favors the stress distribution on the implants and alveolar bone, however the condition of the arc antagonist may influence this choice. (AU)

Humans , Dental Implantation, Endosseous/methods , Dental Occlusion , Denture, Complete , Dental Prosthesis Design/methods , Mouth Rehabilitation/methods
RFO UPF ; 23(3): 305-309, 18/12/2018. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-995380


Objetivo: o tratamento de pacientes desdentados com reabsorção alveolar severa é uma temática desafiadora na reabilitação protética. Identificada por Kelly em 1972, a síndrome da combinação é uma manifestação intraoral encontrada em pacientes totalmente desdentados na arcada superior, em oposição a uma prótese mandibular de extensão distal bilateral. Relato de caso: este estudo revisa e discute, por meio de um caso clínico, as características clínicas presentes em um paciente com manifestações da síndrome da combinação. Além disso, apresenta uma proposta de tratamento reabilita¬dor, restabelecendo a função fonética e a estética do paciente. Considerações finais: diagnosticar a síndrome e estabelecer um plano de tratamento adequado às necessidades do paciente, criando condições clínicas para o restabelecimento da saúde, são imprescindíveis para obter resultado e, assim, impedir o avanço do quadro clínico. (AU)

Objective: treatment of patients with reactivity with respiratory problems. Identified by Kelly in 1972, a combination syndrome and an intraoral manifestation found in fully edentulous patients in the upper arch as opposed to a mandibular prosthesis of bilateral distal extension. Case report: the present study reviews and discusses, through a clinical case, as clinical features present in a patient with manifestations of the combination syndrome, in addition, to present a proposal of rehabilitative treatment, restoring function, phonetics and esthetics to the patient. Final considerations: diagnosing a syndrome and establishing a treatment plan appropriate to the needs of the patient and creating clinical conditions for the reestablishment of health are essential to obtain the result and thus impeding the advancement of the clinical picture. (AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Jaw, Edentulous/therapy , Jaw, Edentulous, Partially/therapy , Dental Prosthesis Design/methods , Mouth Rehabilitation/methods , Syndrome , Alveolar Bone Loss/therapy , Treatment Outcome