Abstract Objective: To identify the most prevalent oral lesions based on reports from a pathology institute's reports and associations between malignant and oral potentially malignant disorders with patient's demographic variables and the anatomical location. Material and Methods: All 1,298 histopathological reports of oral lesions recorded in the database were reviewed. Demographic variables, anatomical location of the lesion, histopathological diagnosis of the lesions, and their biological behavior were analyzed. Results: Regarding the biological behavior of the identified lesions, benign lesions were predominant (70%), followed by lesions of undetermined behavior (14.3%), malignant lesions (14.2%), absence of histological alteration (1.2%), and finally, oral potentially malignant disorders (0.5%). The anatomical locations of the most prevalent oral lesions potentially malignant disorders and malignant were in the following structures of the oral cavity: gums, buccal mucosa, floor of the mouth and hard palate (p=49.2%), and tongue (p=48.7%). Conclusion: The probability of malignant and premalignant lesions was higher among males (PR= 4.21; 95% CI 2.08-6.22), the increase in age (PR = 1.06; 95% CI 1.05-1.08), and in the tongue region (PR = 5.48; 95% CI 1.67; 17.92). Identification of malignant and potentially malignant oral conditions is higher in older men and in tongue specimens.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Mouth Neoplasms/epidemiology , Diagnosis, Oral , Mouth/injuries , Mouth Mucosa/injuries , Biopsy , Logistic Models , Cross-Sectional Studies/methodsABSTRACT
Abstract The last decade provided significant advances in the understanding of microbiota and its role in human health. Probiotics are live microorganisms with proven benefits for the host and were mostly studied in the context of gut health, but they can also confer significant benefits for oral health, mainly in the treatment of gingivitis. Postbiotics are cell-free extracts and metabolites of microorganisms which can provide additional preventive and therapeutic value for human health. This opens opportunities for new preventive or therapeutic formulations for oral administration. The microorganisms that colonize the oral cavity, their role in oral health and disease, as well as the probiotics and postbiotics which could have beneficial effects in this complex environment were discussed. The aim of this study was to review, analyse and discuss novel probiotic and postbiotic formulations intended for oral administration that could be of great preventive and therapeutic importance. A special attention has been put on the formulation of the pharmaceutical dosage forms that are expected to provide new benefits for the patients and technological advantages relevant for industry. An adequate dosage form could significantly enhance the efficiency of these products.
Oral Health/classification , Probiotics/analysis , Microbiota/immunology , Pharmaceutical Preparations/administration & dosage , Ligilactobacillus salivarius/classification , Mouth/injuriesABSTRACT
Treacher Collins também chamada de disostose mandibulofacial, é uma alteração genética dominante rara caracterizada pela má-formação dos ossos e tecidos da face. É uma síndrome crânio-facial que apresenta alterações bilaterais e simétricas de estruturas originadas do primeiro e segundo arcos branquiais. A maioria dos casos possui transmissão autossômica dominante e expressividade variável. O objetivo do presente estudo é realizar um relato de caso sobre o impacto do tratamento odontológico na qualidade de vida do paciente portador de Treacher Collins. Paciente, 39 anos, sexo feminino compareceu a uma clínica odontológica em Belo Horizonte, com a queixa principal de falhas dentárias e sensibilidade. Durante a anamnese a paciente relatou ter a STC, durante o exame clínico extraoral verificou a presença de hipoplasia malar e mandibular, malformação dos pavilhões auriculares com perda auditiva, obliquidade e coloboma palpebral inferior. Ao exame intraoral observou ser classe II de Angle, ausência dos dentes 11, 12, 13, 21 e 22 e extrusão do dente 41 e recessão gengival e periodontite estágio I grau A. Após exames de periodontograma e complementares foi realizado uma raspagem nas áreas com profundidade de sondagem maior que 3mm, frenectomia labial inferior, aplicação de laser para sensibilidade, enxerto gengival e colocação de prótese parcial removível. A paciente ao final do tratamento relatou ter se sentido realizada e contente com a sua conclusão, ela foi encaminhada ao Sistema único de Saúde para realizar as cirurgias para corrigir as alterações crânio-faciais. O tratamento odontológico deve ser adaptado a cada indivíduo de acordo com sua necessidade, tendo uma abordagem multidisciplinar, possibilitando uma melhora na qualidade de vida e estética do paciente(AU)
Treacher Collins syndrome is a rare dominant genetic disorder characterized by malformation of the bones and tissues of the face. It is a craniofacial syndrome that presents bilateral and symmetrical alterations of structures originating from the first and second branchial arches. The aim of the present study is to perform a case report on the impact of dental treatment on the quality of life of a patient with CTS. Patient, 39 years old, female, attended a dental clinic in Belo Horizonte, with the main complaint of dental flaws and sensitivity. During the anamnesis the patient reported having CTS, during the extraoral clinical examination she verified the presence of malar and mandibular hypoplasia, malformation of the pinnae with hearing loss, obliquity and lower eyelid coloboma. Intraoral examination revealed Angle class II, missing teeth 11, 12, 13, 21 and 22, extrusion of tooth 41, gingival recession and stage I periodontitis grade A. After periodontogram and complementary exams it was performed a scaling in areas with a probing depth greater than 3mm, lower lip frenectomy, laser application for sensitivity, gingival graft and placement of partial removable prosthesis. The patient at the end of treatment reported feeling fulfilled and happy with its completion, she was referred to the Unique Health System to undergo surgery to correct the craniofacial changes. The current treatment aims at functional and aesthetic correction and the need for psychosocial support, having the joint participation of a multidisciplinary team to achieve this goal(AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Dental Care , Mandibulofacial Dysostosis , Mouth , Periodontitis , Craniofacial Dysostosis , Gingival Recession , Labial Frenum , Labial Frenum/surgery , Malocclusion, Angle Class II , Mandible/abnormalitiesABSTRACT
Objectives: To evaluate the effect of pressure on the skin of upper lip in decreasing pain perception during a local maxillary anesthetic injection. Material and Methods: A split-mouth crossover randomized clinical trial was designed. Seventy-one volunteer students (23.6±1.9 years old, 53.5% women) were selected. A group chosen at random had their left or right side of upper lip compressed by a wooden clothes peg as the compression instrument and 0.6 ml of lidocaine 2% with epinephrine 1:100,000 was administered at the buccal apex level of the lateral incisors tooth. Two weeks later anesthesia was administered on the opposite side of the lip according to the randomization recorded. The intensity of perceived pain level between the two injections using a 100 mm visual analog scale (VAS) and co-variable effect were compared (Wilcoxon test p < 0.05, RStudio). Results: The average of the perceived pain with and without upper lip compression was 27.6±14.5 mm (range 0-80 mm) and 36.33±17.9 mm (range 10-90 mm) respectively (p= 0.002). No significant differences were recorded according the covariance analysis with the sex (p = 0.55) and age (p = 0.89). Conclusion: The upper lip compression significantly reduces the perception of pain during a local maxillary anesthetic technique.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Pain , Anesthesia, Local , Lip , Mouth , Randomized Controlled TrialABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción En el presente artículo se describen las diferentes clasificaciones de terceros molares retenidos y se recomienda una nueva clasificación que permite predecir la dificultad para la remoción respectiva. Objetivo Lo anterior tiene la finalidad servir de guía para que los estudiantes o profesionales en Odontología utilicen como clasificador el grado de dificultad de terceras molares, el cual se constituiría en un instrumento de medición del tiempo necesario para remover la pieza dental, los pasos necesarios para dicha remoción y la morbilidad relacionada.
Abstract Introduction Different literaly classifications of impacted wisdom teeth will be shown in adddition to a new categorization wich predicts their removal difficulty. Aim The goal of the above statement is to be used as a guide for students and/or collegues to classify the degree of difficulty as a tool to measure the needed time to extract the tooth and the necessary steps to remove it and the related morbility.
Humans , Surgical Procedures, Operative/classification , Molar, Third/surgery , MouthABSTRACT
O pênfigo vulgar (PV) é uma doença autoimune que acomete o tecido epitelial dos indivíduos afetados. As manifestações orais são frequentemente os primeiros sinais observados da doença. Objetivou-se apresentar um caso clínico de pênfigo vulgar em uma paciente de 39 anos de idade, atendida em um serviço hospitalar de referência do estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. A paciente queixava-se de lesões dolorosas na cavidade bucal há aproximadamente 1 mês, de progressão rápida. Ao exame clínico intrabucal, realizou-se o teste de Nikolsky, com resultado positivo. Em seguida, realizou-se biópsia incisional, confirmando a hipótese diagnóstica clínica de PV. A paciente recebeu o tratamento multiprofissional e foi medicada para o controle da doença, com melhora significativa do quadro clínico. O diagnóstico precoce da doença pelo profissional é importante, seguida de uma abordagem multiprofissional para um correto diagnóstico da patologia, possibilitando remissão da sintomatologia e melhora da qualidade de vida dos pacientes... (AU)
Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) is an autoimmune disease that affects the epithelial tissue of affected individuals. Oral manifestations are often the first signs observed of the disease. We aimed to present a clinical case of pemphigus vulgaris in a 39-year-old patient seen at a reference hospital service in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. The patient complained of painful lesions in the oral cavity for about 1 month, with rapid progression. Upon intraoral clinical examination, the Nikolsky test was performed, with a positive result. An incisional biopsy was then performed, confirming the clinical diagnosis of PV. The patient received multiprofessional treatment and was medicated to control the disease, with significant improvement in the clinical picture. The early diagnosis of the disease by the professional is important, followed by a multiprofessional approach for a correct diagnosis of the pathology, enabling remission of the symptoms and improving the quality of life of patients... (AU)
El pénfigo vulgar (PV) es una enfermedad autoinmune que afecta al tejido epitelial de los individuos afectados. Las manifestaciones orales suelen ser los primeros síntomas observados de la enfermedad. El objetivo es presentar un caso clínico de pénfigo vulgar en una paciente de 39 años de edad, atendida en un servicio hospitalario de referencia del estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. El paciente se quejaba de lesiones dolorosas en la cavidad oral desde hacía aproximadamente un mes, con una rápida progresión. Tras el examen clínico intraoral, se realizó la prueba de Nikolsky, con resultados positivos. Posteriormente, se realizó una biopsia incisional que confirmó el diagnóstico clínico de PV. El paciente recibió tratamiento multiprofesional y fue medicado para controlar la enfermedad, con una mejora significativa del cuadro clínico. Es importante el diagnóstico precoz de la enfermedad por parte del profesional, seguido de un abordaje multiprofesional para un correcto diagnóstico de la patología, que permita la remisión de los síntomas y la mejora de la calidad de vida de los pacientes... (AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Pemphigus , Mouth/pathologyABSTRACT
É sabido que a cavidade oral é a porta de entrada para muitos microrganismos e que possui alguns gêneros de bactérias que quando se associam ou proliferam em excesso, com a falta de higienização correta, fatores ambientais e imunológicos podem causar danos em algumas partes dos dentes como no tecido pulpar e canais radiculares. Neste sentido, a endodontia tem sido capaz de tratar pessoas com problemas dentários em fases muito precoces como as medidas profiláticas até casos infeciosos que afetam a polpa dos dentes causando as lesões perirradiculares que são infecções causadas por microrganismos, Para tanto, é necessário que a odontologia ofereça transformações positivas por meio de técnicas que sejam mais previsíveis para os tratamentos. A literatura tem indicado o uso da laserterapia como técnica auxiliar para o tratamento endodôntico pelo seu potencial mínimo invasivo, preciso e eficaz em menor tempo de cura de patologias orais como as lesões perirradiculares. Este estudo pretendeu abordar a importância da laserterapia sobre as variáveis patológicas de pacientes com lesão perirradiculares. Para realiza-lo foi necessário buscar na literatura estudos que associem este tipo de tratamento e sua eficiência no tratamento desta patologia. Para realizar esta pesquisa foi necessário buscar dados na literatura que tratam sobre o tema para investigar o tempo indicado ao tratamento com a laserterapia bem como o estágio em que as lesões podem ser tratadas com auxílio deste método. Corroborando com o estudo apresentamos um caso clínico(AU)
It is known that the oral cavity is the gateway to many microorganisms and that it has some genera of bacteria that when they associate or proliferate in excess, with the lack of correct hygiene, environmental and immunological factors can cause damage in some parts of the teeth such as in pulp tissue and root canals. In this sense, endodontics has been able to treat people with dental problems at very early stages such as prophylactic measures to infectious cases that affect the pulp of teeth causing perirradicular lesions that are infections caused by microorganisms, therefore, it is necessary that dentistry offer positive transformations through techniques that are more predictable for treatments. The literature has indicated the use of laser therapy as an auxiliary technique for endodontic treatment for its minimal invasive, precise and effective potential in shorter time of cure of oral pathologies such as perirradicular lesions. This study aimed to address the importance of laser therapy on the pathological variables of patients with perirradicular lesions. To accomplish this, it was necessary to seek studies in the literature that associate this type of treatment and its efficiency in the treatment of this pathology. To carry out this research it was necessary to seek data in the literature that deal with the subject to investigate the time indicated for treatment with laser therapy as well as the stage at which lesions can be treated with the aid of this method. Corroborating the study, we present a clinical case(AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Root Canal Therapy , Laser Therapy , Root Canal Filling Materials , Root Canal Preparation , Dental Pulp Cavity/injuries , Dental Pulp Diseases , Microbiota , Mouth/microbiologyABSTRACT
O envelhecimento bucal precoce apresenta cada vez uma maior incidência nos consultórios odontológicos e sua degradação aos tecidos orais exige uma atenção por parte do cirurgiãodentista devido ao seu alto grau de complexidade. Esse envelhecimento precoce é causado principalmente por hábitos parafuncionais, dieta ou ambos. Suas consequências são desgastes patológicos dos tecidos dentários, extrusão passiva, perda de dimensão vertical e comprometimento estético e funcional. Por conta disso, o presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar um relato de caso clínico em um paciente jovem e com queixa estética como consequência de hábitos parafuncionais, aonde foram realizados uma reabilitação oral envolvendo aumento da dimensão vertical de oclusão através de Table Tops sem desgastes dentários e restaurações estéticas, ambas com resina composta. Essa reabilitação devolveu a DVO da paciente, trazendo conforto, contatos estáveis, guias de desoclusão e satisfação estética e funcional por parte da paciente(AU)
Early oral aging has an increasing incidence in dental offices and its degradation to oral tissues requires attention from the dentist due to its high degree of complexity. This premature aging is mainly caused by parafunctional habits, diet, or both. Its consequences are pathological wear of dental tissues, passive extrusion, loss of vertical dimension and aesthetic and functional impairment. Because of this, the present study aims to carry out a clinical case report in a young patient with an aesthetic complaint as a result of parafunctional habits, where an oral rehabilitation was carried out involving an increase in the vertical dimension of occlusion through Table Tops without dental wear and aesthetic restorations, both with composite resin. This rehabilitation returned the patient's OVD, bringing comfort, stable contacts, disocclusion guides and aesthetic and functional satisfaction on the part of the patient(AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Aging , Composite Resins , Dental Restoration, Permanent , Mouth , Sleep Wake Disorders , Stress, Physiological , Vertical Dimension , Bruxism , Gastroesophageal Reflux , Aging, Premature , Esthetics, Dental , Tooth WearABSTRACT
Com o aumento da expectativa de vida, é esperado que a população idosa se faça presente cada dia mais na sociedade. Por esse motivo, é importante reconhecer as necessidades de saúde desse grupo de pessoas que vivem institucionalizadas, para que a odontogeriatria atue de forma mais ativa e proceda de maneira mais efetiva, atendendo as demandas priorizando uma maior qualidade de vida.Objetivo:Identificar as principais alterações que acometem a cavidade oral de idosos institucionalizados. Metodologia:Fez-se uma revisão integrativa nas bases de dados LILACS, BBO, IBECS, SciELOe PubMed. Foram usados os descritores "Saúde do Idoso Institucionalizado", "idoso" e "odontologia" junto de seus sinônimos e variações em inglês, retirados do DeCS e MeSH. Os critérios de inclusão foram artigos originais, artigos nas línguas portuguesa, inglesa e espanhola, estudos que envolveram pessoas e sem restrição quanto ao ano de publicação. Foram excluídos estudos feitos em animais, revisões de literatura, capítulos de livros, teses e dissertações. Resultados:Foram identificados 555 registros. Desses, 15artigos foram selecionados para compor a revisão. Diversas alterações orais foram encontradas. As principais foram hiperplasia tecidual, estomatite e xerostomia, candidíase e halitose. Sendo os principais fatores causadores: má higiene oral, medicamentos utilizados e má adaptação de próteses dentárias. Conclusões:Considerando os resultados da análise dessa revisão integrativa, pode-se concluir que a hiperplasia tecidual, estomatite, xerostomia são as alterações mais predominantes nos idosos institucionalizados (AU).
With the increase in life expectancy, it is expected that the elderly population will become more and more present in society. For this reason, it is important to recognize the health needs of this group of people who live institutionalized, so that geriatric dentistry acts more actively and proceeds more effectively, meeting the demands prioritizing a better quality of life. Objective:To identify the main alterations that affect the oral cavity of institutionalized elderly.Methodology:An integrative review was carried out in the LILACS, BBO, IBECS, SciELO and PubMed databases. The descriptors were used "Saúde do Idoso Institucionalizado", "idoso" e "odontologia"together with its synonyms and variations in English, taken from DeCS and MeSH. The inclusion criteria were original articles, articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish, studies involving people and without restriction regarding the year of publication. Animal studies, book chapters,literature review,theses and dissertations were excluded. Results:555 records were identified. Of these, 15articles were selected to compose the review. Several oral alterations were found. The main ones were tissue hyperplasia, stomatitis and xerostomia, candidiasis and halitosis. The main causative factors being: poor oral hygiene, medications used and poor adaptation of dental prostheses.Conclusions:Considering the analysis results of this integrativereview, it can be concluded that tissue hyperplasia, stomatitis, xerostomia are the most predominant changes in institutionalized elderly (AU).
Con el aumento de la esperanza de vida, se espera que la población anciana estécada vez más presente en la sociedad. Por eso, es importante reconocer las necesidades de salud de este grupo de personas que viven institucionalizadas, para que la odontología geriátrica actúe más activamente y proceda con mayor eficacia, atendiendo las demandas priorizando una mejor calidad de vida.Objetivo: Identificar las principales alteraciones que afectan la cavidad oral de ancianos institucionalizados.Metodología: Se realizó una revisión integradora en las bases de datos LILACS, BBO, IBECS, SciELO y PubMed. Se usaron los descriptores"Saúde do Idoso Institucionalizado", "idoso" e "odontologia"Los criterios de inclusión fueron artículos originales, artículos en portugués, inglés y español, estudios involucrando personas y sin restricción en cuantoal año de publicación. Se excluyeron estudios en animales, revision de literatura, capítulos de libros, tesis y disertaciones.Resultados: Se identificaron 555 registros. De estos, 15artículos fueron seleccionados para componer la revisión. Se encontraron varias alteraciones orales. Los principales fueron hiperplasia tisular, estomatitis y xerostomía, candidiasis y halitosis. Siendo los principales factores causales: la mala higiene bucal, los medicamentos utilizados y la mala adaptación de las prótesis dentales.Conclusiones: Considerando los resultados del análisis de esta revisión integrativa, se puede concluir que la hiperplasia tisular, la estomatitis, la xerostomía son las alteraciones más predominantes en los ancianos institucionalizados (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Quality of Life/psychology , Oral Health/education , Health of Institutionalized Elderly , Health Policy , Mouth/pathology , Social PerceptionABSTRACT
Introduction: The SARS CoV 2 infection has resulted in several health, economic, and social crises in all areas. The disease shows a substantial biological diversity in humans causing a series of sequels in the trans- or post-infection period in the entire organism. Case Report: The manifestations that occur in the oral cavity and pharynx have not been evaluated. In this study, two clinical cases are reported. The first patient, a 67-year-old male, presents erosive lesions on the dorsal surface of his tongue after SARS CoV 2 infection. Results: Therapy consisting of reinforcing oral cleaning, use of antifungal solutions, mouthwashes containing superoxidation solution and B complex was given to the patient. The reported lesions improved satisfactorily. The second case, a 47-year-old male patient, presented vesiculobullous lesions on the lingual and labial mucosa accompanied by severe painful symptoms after SARS CoV 2 infection. An incisional biopsy was performed. The histopathological result was compatible with pemphigus vulgaris, and the treatment protocol was started with 0.1% topical mometasone and 2g miconazole gel, observing adequate involution of the lesions after 20 days. Conclusions: The aim of this study is to report on the lesions affecting the oral cavity and pharynx in post-COVID patients with the aim of carrying out a thorough intraoral examination, establishing a clinical or histopathological diagnosis to implement a specific treatment plan in each case to improve the health and quality of life of the patients. Keywords: SARS-CoV-2; Oral manifestations; Oral ulcer; Pemphigus; Mouth; Mucous membrane.
Introducción: La infección por virus de SARS CoV 2 ha dejado a su paso una estela de crisis en materia de salud, económica, social y en todos los ámbitos a la fecha seguimos realizando la observación del comportamiento de la enfermedad en los seres humanos con una diversidad biológica importante y que ha traído como consecuencia una serie de secuelas que se presentan en el periodo trans o posterior a la infección en toda la economía corporal. Reporte de Caso: Se ha evaluado poco las manifestaciones que se presentan en la cavidad bucal y faringe; se presentan dos casos clínicos el primero paciente masculino de 67 años de edad posterior a la infección por SARS CoV 2 presenta diluciones de continuidad en bordes laterales de la lengua se indica terapia y refuerza limpieza bucal, antimicótico, colutorios con solución de superoxidación y complejo B, las úlceras involucionan de manera satisfactoria. Resultados: El segundo caso masculino de 47 años posterior a la infección por SARS CoV 2 debuta con lesiones vesículo-ampollosas en mucosa lingual, labial con sintomatología dolorosa severa, se realiza biopsia incisional donde el resultado histopatológico es compatible con pénfigo vulgar, se inicia protocolo de tratamiento con mometasona tópica al 0.1% y miconazol gel 2g observándose una adecuada involución de las lesiones a los 20 días. Conclusiones: El objetivo de este trabajo es poner en contexto de la comunidad médica y científica las lesiones concernientes a la cavidad bucal y faringe que están presentando los pacientes postcovid con el objetivo de realizar una exhaustiva exploración intraoral, establecer un diagnóstico clínico o histopatológico y con base en esto instaurar un plan de tratamiento específico en cada caso en particular con el fin fundamental de mejorar la salud y calidad de vida del paciente.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Aged , Oral Ulcer/etiology , Oral Ulcer/drug therapy , COVID-19/complications , Oral Manifestations , Pemphigus , Mouth/injuriesABSTRACT
Os hemangiomas são neoplasias benignas dos tecidos moles. São lesões caracterizadas pela proliferação de células endoteliais. Objetivos: O objetivo deste trabalho é demonstrar por meio de uma revisão da literatura os principais hemangiomas de interesse odontológico e suas características clínicas e abordagens terapêuticas. Revisão de literatura: O estudo mostrou prevalência de até 6% na população geral, sendo o tumor mais comum na infância. Essas lesões apresentam rápido crescimento pós-natal, que pode levar meses a dois anos em média, mas geralmente após esse período ocorre sua involução. O diagnóstico é comumente baseado nas características clínicas e na história do paciente. É importante entender que o estudo histopatológico pode ser necessário nos casos em que o diagnóstico é incerto, para diferenciá-lo de outras neoplasias graves. Destacam-se as principais complicações relacionadas a lesões, ulcerações e hemorragias, além de infecções secundárias que podem causar alto índice de morbidade. Assim, é fundamental que o dentista reconheça essas patologias e tenha capacidade para tratá-las. Considerações finais: Foi possível observar que os hemangiomas são manifestações vasculares incomuns para o cirurgião-dentista, porém o profissional deve saber diagnosticá-los e tratá-los. Dentre as áreas acometidas, essas lesões são frequentes na cavidade oral e o tratamento consiste em acompanhamento com intervenções conservadoras(AU)
Hemangiomas are benign soft tissue neoplasms. These are lesions characterized by the proliferation of endothelial cells. Objectives: The objective of this work is to demonstrate through a literature review about the main hemangiomas of dental interest and clinical characteristics and therapeutic approaches. Literature review: The study showed a prevalence of up to 6% in the general population, being the most common tumor in childhood. These lesions presents a rapid postnatal growth, which may take months until two years on average, but usually after this period their involution occurs. The diagnosis is commonly based on clinical characteristics and patient's history. It is important to understand that the histopathological study may be necessary in cases that the diagnostic is uncertainty, in order to differentiate it from other serious neoplasms. Main complications related to injuries, ulceration and hemorrhage can be highlighted, in addition to secondary infections that can cause a high rate of morbidity. Thus, it is essential that dentists recognize such pathologies and be able to treat them. Final considerations: Was possible do observe that hemangiomas are uncommon vascular manifestations for the dental surgeon, however, the professional must know to diagnose and treat them. Among the affected areas, these lesions are frequently seen in the oral cavity and the treatment consists of following up with conservative interventions(AU)
Soft Tissue Neoplasms , Mouth Neoplasms , Hemangioma , Hemangioma/diagnosis , Hemangioma/therapy , Cell Proliferation , Mouth/injuries , NeoplasmsABSTRACT
When selecting implant guidance methods or judging whether the patient can be implanted, many doctors ignore or only use visual inspection to estimate a patient's mouth opening. This phenomenon often leads to failure to complete the implantation due to insufficient mouth opening or the deflection of the implant due to limited angle, resulting in the high incidence of corresponding complications. The main reason is that doctors lack accurate analysis and control of the overall geometric conditions of the intraoral surgical area, and three-dimensional position blocking of surgical instruments occurs during the operation. In the past, mouth opening was defined as the distance between the incisor edges of the upper and lower central incisors when the patient opens his mouth widely, and the implant area could be in any missing tooth position. When it is in the posterior tooth area, the specific measurement scheme of the mouth opening could not be simply equivalent to the previous measurement method in the anterior tooth area. However, how to measure quickly and conveniently the mouth opening of any surgical area to determine whether it could be implanted and meet the needs of the selected guidance method remains unclear. This paper introduces new concepts, establishes new classification and corresponding accurate measurement scheme of implant area, and establishes a decision tree of implant methods guided by the actually measured value. Results provide a quantitative basis for rational formulation and implementation of implant treatment.
Humans , Mouth , Dental Implantation, Endosseous/methods , Incisor , Clinical Decision-Making , Dental ImplantsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To preliminarily explore the applicable scenarios of an intraoral camera to assist oral anatomical landmarks recognition, so as to improve the clinical diagnosis and treatment mode, cultivate the concept of caring for patients, strengthen doctor-patient communication, assist experts to teach, and improve the clinical diagnosis and efficacy rate.@*METHODS@#A new type of an intraoral camera was applied in the recognition of oral anatomy landmarks and four application scenarios were developed, namely: (1) clinical diagnosis and treatment scenarios, in which doctors used intraoral camera to conduct a comprehensive examination of patients in the mouth and take videos and photos; (2) doctor-patient communication scenarios, when the doctor told the patient about the treatment plan, the video or photo taken by the intraoral camera was displayed to the patient; (3) expert teaching scenarios, when the expert used an intraoral camera to teach in the patient's mouth, and the young doctor learned oral anatomical signs on the projection screen, with the study of theoretical lessons; (4) difficult case recording scenarios, in the process of clinical diagnosis and treatment, when encountering difficult cases, you could use intraoral camera to record and take photos for young doctors to discuss, and experts to comment and guide.@*RESULTS@#The application of intraoral camera could: (1) improve the clinical diagnosis and treatment mode and raise the clinical diagnosis and efficacy rate; (2) stimulate young doctors' interest in learning, use intraoral camera in assessments, and skillfully combine theoretical knowledge of anatomical landmarks with clinical practice, so as to improve the teaching effect; (3) cultivate, through self or mutual use, the concept of caring for patients and reinforce the importance of gentle operation; (4) strengthen doctor-patient communication. Doctors could communicate with patients more visually, so that the patients could better understand their own situation, and strengthen the patients' trust in the doctors.@*CONCLUSION@#Intraoral camera can assist oral clinical diagnosis and treatment, such as the recognition of oral anatomical landmarks. It plays a certain role in promoting the improvement of clinical diagnosis and treatment mode, stimulating learning interest, cultivating the concept of caring for patients, and enhancing doctor-patient communication.
Humans , Physician-Patient Relations , Physicians , Communication , Mouth , LearningABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To explore the possibility of using human skin and oral microorganisms to estimate the geographic origin of an individual through the sequencing analysis of bacterial 16S rRNA gene.@*METHODS@#Microbial DNA was extracted from the palm and oral microorganisms of the Han population in Shanghai and Chifeng, Inner Mongolia, and the composition and diversity of the microbiota were analyzed by full-length 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Then, differential species were screened and a geographic location prediction model was constructed.@*RESULTS@#The compositions of palm and oral microorganisms between Shanghai and Chifeng samples were both different. The abundance and uniformity of palm side skin microorganisms were higher in Chifeng samples than in Shanghai samples, while there was no significant difference in oral microorganisms. Permutational multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) confirmed that the β-diversity between the samples from the two places were statistically significant, and the coefficients of determination (R2) for skin and oral samples were 0.129 and 0.102, respectively. Through principal co-ordinates analysis (PCoA), the samples from the two places could be preliminarily distinguished. The predictive model had the accuracies of 0.90 and 0.83 for the geographic origin using the skin and oral samples, respectively.@*CONCLUSIONS@#There are differences in the compositions of palm and oral microbiota between Han populations in Shanghai and Chifeng. The prediction model constructed by the random forest algorithm can trace the unknown individuals from the above two places.
Humans , China , DNA, Bacterial/genetics , Microbiota/genetics , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S/genetics , Skin/microbiology , Forensic Genetics , High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing , Mouth/microbiologyABSTRACT
Objective:To explore the effects of mouth opening breathing for different reasons on children's maxillofacial development. Methods:One hundred and fifty-one children were selected as the research objects of this experiment. They were divided into 49 cases of adenoid hypertrophy group(group A), 52 cases of tonsillar hypertrophy group(group B) and 50 cases of adenoid with tonsillar hypertrophy group(Group C). Healthy children in the same period were selected as the control group, a total of 45 cases. The reflex nasopharyngeal measurement parameters, facial development indexes and cephalometric parameters of group A, group B, group C and control group were analyzed, and the incidence of Angle ClassⅡand Angle Class Ⅲ in group A, group B and group C were studied. Results:Compared with the control group, the reflex nasopharyngeal measurement parameters in group A, group B and group C was significantly different(P<0.05), and the cephalometric parameters changed with variation in groups(P<0.05). The incidence of Angle Class Ⅱ facial pattern in group A and group C was higher, but the incidence of Angle Class Ⅲ facial pattern in group B and group C was higher(P<0.05). Conclusion:Adenoid hypertrophy leads to mandibular retraction; tonsil hypertrophy leads to anterior mandibular arch; adenoid hypertrophy and tonsil hypertrophy are easy to lead to clockwise rotation of the mandible. In clinical practice, to avoid children's uncoordinated maxillofacial development, we should correct the maxillofacial situation of children as soon as possible.
Child , Humans , Maxillofacial Development , Malocclusion, Angle Class III/complications , Nasopharynx , Adenoids , Palatine Tonsil , Mouth Breathing/etiology , Hypertrophy/complications , MouthABSTRACT
Chinese medicine entered a significant period from foundation to maturity between Han and Tang dynasties when the Chinese traditional stomatology was a key stage. Sorting and analysis of existing literature and research outcomes have showed that current research on stomatology between Han and Tang dynasties focuses on oral physiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment, and health care. It also involves stomatology history and explanation of termino-logies related to mouth and teeth recorded in medical books, use of simple methods, and thinking with citation and analysis of literature simply listed and reasoning preliminarily deducted. From the macro perspective, current research has not unveiled the whole picture of stomatology between the two dynasties and left a series of key issues unresolved. Thus, new methods should be developed and employed to carry out medical research on stomatology between Han and Tang dynasties given that is has a prosperous future.
Mouth , Oral Medicine , Cognition , China , Medicine, Chinese TraditionalABSTRACT
Neuroendocrine carcinoma(NEC) is a malignant tumor derived from neuroendocrine cells, with distinct clinical, morphological and immunohistochemical characteristics. Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the head and neck is very rare in clinic. Larynx is the most common affected site, and the root of the tongue is extremely rare. The clinical manifestations are mainly eating pain, cauliflower like mass in the mouth, and ulcerative lesions that have not healed for a long time. Maxillofacial MRI and contrastenhanced CT are the most commonly used examination tools for such diseases, which can detect the spaceoccupying lesions of tumors. Neuroendocrine granules found in the cytoplasm under pathological light microscope can be diagnosed as neuroendocrine carcinoma. However, for most cases, it is difficult to make a diagnosis only under light microscope, and it is often necessary to make a diagnosis by means of immunohistochemistry and other technical means. This paper reports a case of neuroendocrine carcinoma of the root of the tongue, introduces its characteristics, diagnosis and treatment, and reviews the relevant literature of this case.
Humans , Carcinoma, Neuroendocrine/pathology , Tongue , Neck/pathology , Larynx/pathology , Mouth/pathologyABSTRACT
Abstract Candidiasis is one of the most common fungal infections of oral cavity in humans, causing great oral discomfort, pain and aversion to food. To develop more effective antifungal systems for the treatment of oral candidiasis, an oral mucoadhesive wafer containing sertaconazole solid dispersion (STZ-SD) was developed in this study. Dispersion of STZ in Soluplus® as a solubility enhancement excipient was done by melting, solvent evaporation and freeze drying method at various STZ to Soluplus® ratios. The optimized STZ-SD was then incorporated in the sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (SCMC) gel, xanthan gum gel, or their combination to prepare the lyophilized wafers. The swelling capacity, porosity, and mechanical, release and mucoadhesive properties of the wafers, together with their antifungal activity, were then evaluated. The melting method sample with the ratio of 8:1 showed the best results in terms of saturation solubility and dissolution rate. The STZ-SD-composite wafer exhibited higher hardness and mucoadhesion, as compared to those made of the SCMC polymer. The STZ-SD-wafer also exhibited a greater antifungal effect when compared to the STZ-wafer. The present study, thus, suggested that the STZ-SD-wafer could serve as a novel effective delivery system for oral candidiasis treatment.
Mouth/pathology , Candidiasis, Oral/drug therapy , Food/classification , Freeze Drying/classification , Gingiva/abnormalitiesABSTRACT
Las lesiones de la cavidad oral corresponden a un hallazgo frecuente y muchas veces difíciles de diagnosticar. Su correcto reconocimiento podría ser clave en detectar patologías que podrían cambiar el pronóstico del paciente. El objetivo de esta revisión es describir una clasificación de las lesiones de la cavidad oral que permita ayudar al diagnóstico en la práctica clínica. Para esto, se detallan y se describen las lesiones, orientando al diagnóstico y a la necesidad de biopsiar. Para simplificar la orientación diagnóstica, las lesiones se clasifican en 2 grandes grupos: tumorales y no tumorales. Las lesiones no tumorales se subdividen en lesiones de la mucosa oral y lesiones de la lengua.
Lesions of the oral cavity are frequent and often difficult to diagnose. However, correct recognition could change the patient's prognosis. This review aims to describe a classification of oral mucosa lesions, to help the diagnosis in clinical practice. The lesions are described for this, guiding the diagnosis and the need for biopsy. To simplify the diagnostic orientation, the lesions are classified into two groups: tumor and non-tumor lesions. Non-tumor lesions are subdivided into lesions of the oral mucosa and lesions of the tongue.
Humans , Mouth Mucosa/pathology , Biopsy/methods , Mouth/pathologyABSTRACT
Abstract The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of different disinfection protocols of dentin on bond strength of an MDP-containing universal adhesive. Twelve extracted mandibular third molars were separated horizontally at the mid-coronal of crown to get smooth and sound dentin surfaces using low-speed diamond saw. The teeth were randomly fallen into four groups: chlorhexidine (CHX), ozone, Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation (LASER) and no treatment (control). After cavity disinfection application, a universal adhesive (G-Premio Bond) was applied to the surface of dentin according to self-etch mode as instructed by the manufacturer. After incremental built-up of composite resin (Charisma Smart), the specimens were immersed in distilled water at 37°C for 24h. Dentin/composite beams with 1 mm² cross sectional area were produced and micro-tensile bond strength (µTBS) was applied on these beams (n=20). Failure mods were determined under a stereomicroscope at ×40. The resin penetration of samples stained with Rhodamine B fluorochrome dye was examined with a confocal laser scanning microscope. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS-22. Test results were analyzed using One-way Anova and Tukey HSD Post-Hoc tests (p0.5). All applications of cavity disinfection procedures decreased the µTBS of the resin-dentin interface.
Resumen El propósito de este estudio fue comparar el efecto de diferentes protocolos de desinfección de la dentina sobre la fuerza de unión de un adhesivo universal que contiene MDP. Doce terceros molares mandibulares extraídos se quebraron horizontalmente en la mitad de la corona para obtener superficies de dentina lisas y sólidas utilizando una sierra de diamante de baja velocidad. Los dientes se dividieron aleatoriamente en cuatro grupos: clorhexidina (CHX), ozono, irradiación con láser Er,Cr:YSGG (LASER) y ningún tratamiento (control). Después de la aplicación de la desinfección de la cavidad, se aplicó un adhesivo universal (G-Premio Bond) a la superficie de la dentina según el modo de autograbado indicado por el fabricante. Después de la obturación con resina compuesta (Charisma Smart), las muestras se sumergieron en agua destilada a 37°C durante 24h. Se produjeron porciones de dentina/resina con un área de sección transversal de 1 mm² y se aplicó una fuerza de adhesión microtensile (µTBS) (n=20). Los modos de falla se determinaron bajo un microscopio estereoscópico a ×40. La penetración de la resina de las muestras teñidas con colorante fluorocromo rodamina B se examinó con un microscopio de barrido láser confocal. El análisis estadístico se realizó con SPSS-22. Los resultados de las pruebas se analizaron utilizando las pruebas post-hoc Anova unidireccional y Tukey HSD (p0.5). Todas las aplicaciones de procedimientos de desinfección de cavidades redujeron el µTBS de la interfaz resina-dentina.