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REVISA (Online) ; 13(Especial 1): 324-332, 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538312


Objetivo: Sistematizar a assistência de enfermagem à luz da teoria de Callista-Roy no cuidado ao paciente politraumatizado. Método:Trata-se de um estudo do tipo qualitativo de abordagem descritiva e exploratória na modalidade de caso clínico, realizado por estudantes de Enfermagem da Universidade Estadual de Feirade Santana no Hospital Geral Clériston Andrade na Clínica Ortopédica. A prática ocorreu em setembro de 2023, onde foram coletados dados e prestados cuidados à paciente. Resultados:Foi aplicada a Sistematização de Enfermagem, sob perspectiva da teoria deCallista-Roy, onde a coleta de dados foi realizada por meio do prontuário e contato direto com a paciente. Segundo a teoria, foram identificados os modos de adaptação físico-fisiológico, identidade de autoconceito, interdependência e desempenho de papel. Por fim, com base nas informações colhidas, foram realizados o planejamento, implementação e avaliação das condutas adotadas. Considerações finais:. Portanto, através da aplicação da sistematização de Enfermagem e do Modelo de adaptação é possível observara importância do exercício profissional da Enfermagem no processo de cuidado holístico, a fim de garantir as melhores condições de recuperação que perpassam o físico, como também na fundamentação teórico-prática do trabalho de enfermagem.

Objective: Systematize nursing assistance based on Callista-Roy's theory in the care of polytraumatized patients. Method:This is a qualitative study with a descriptive and exploratory approach in the form of a clinical case, carried out by nursing students from the State University of Feira de Santana at Clériston Andrade General Hospital in the Orthopedic Clinic. The practice took place in September 2023, where data were collected, and care was provided to the patient. Results:The Nursing Process was applied from the perspective of Callista-Roy's theory, with data collection performed through medical records and direct contact with the patient. According to the theory, modes of physical-physiological adaptation, self-concept identity, interdependence, and role performance were identified. Finally, based on the gathered information, planning, implementation, and evaluation of the adopted measures were carried out. Final considerations: Therefore, through the application of the nursing process and the Adaptation Model, it is possible to observe the importance of the nursing profession in the holistic care process, aiming to ensure the best conditions for recovery that go beyond the physical, as well as in the theoretical-practical foundation of nursing work.

Objetivo: Sistematizar la asistencia de enfermería a la luz de la teoría de Callista-Roy en el cuidado del paciente politraumatizado. Método:Se trata de un estudio cualitativo con enfoque descriptivo y exploratorio en forma de caso clínico, realizado por estudiantes de enfermería de la Universidad Estatal de Feira de Santana en el Hospital General Clériston Andrade en la Clínica Ortopédica. La práctica tuvo lugar en septiembre de 2023, donde se recopilaron datos y se brindó atención a la paciente. Resultados:Se aplicó el Proceso de Enfermería desde la perspectiva de la teoría de Callista-Roy, con la recopilación de datos realizada a través de expedientes médicos y contacto directo con la paciente. Según la teoría, se identificaron modos de adaptación físico-fisiológica, identidad del autoconcepto, interdependencia y desempeño del rol. Finalmente, con base en la información recopilada, se llevaron a cabo la planificación, implementación y evaluación de las medidas adoptadas. Consideraciones finales: Por lo tanto, mediante la aplicación del proceso de enfermería Y el Modelo de Adaptación, es posible observar la importancia de la profesión de enfermería en el proceso de atención integral, con el objetivo de garantizar las mejores condiciones de recuperación que van más allá de lo físico, así como en la fundamentación teórico-práctica del trabajo de enfermería.

Adult Health , Nursing Theory , Multiple Trauma , Nursing Care
In. Taranto, Eliseo; Nuñez, Edgardo. Esenciales en emergencia y trauma. Montevideo, Bibliomédica, 2024. p.15-23, tab.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1567353
Invest. educ. enferm ; 41(2): 11-25, junio 15 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1437731


Background. Numerous health conditions in the older adult population can be attributed to falls, including traumatic brain injury (TBI), which can lead to devastating short and long-term sequelae. Older adults are also more likely to experience frailty, which encompasses physical, psychological, and social deficits that may lead to adverse health outcomes. Our literature review synthesizes current evidence for understanding frailty in the context of TBI among older adults using the Integral Model of Frailty as a framework. Content synthesis. A total of 32 articles were identified, and 9 articles were included. The results of this review indicate that outcomes resulting from TBI are closely linked to the physical, psychological, and social domains of frailty. Conclusions. A small amount of literature currently examines frailty in the context of TBI among older adults. Using the Integral Model of Frailty to Invest Educ Enferm. 2023; 41(2): e02Multidimensional Frailty and Traumatic Brain Injury among Older Adults:A Literature Reviewunderstand frailty in the context of TBI can help clinicians anticipate patient outcomes and improve care plans. We emphasize the need for a greater understanding of TBI concerning frailty to improve health outcomes among older adult patients.

Antecedentes. Numerosos trastornos de salud en la población de adultos mayores pueden atribuirse a las caídas, incluida la lesión cerebral traumática (LCT), que puede provocar secuelas devastadoras a corto y largo plazo. Los adultos mayores también son más propensos a experimentar fragilidad, que abarca déficits físicos, psicológicos y sociales que pueden conducir a resultados adversos para la salud. Nuestra revisión de la literatura sintetiza la evidencia actual para la comprensión de la fragilidad en el contexto de la LCT entre los adultos mayores utilizando el Modelo Integral de Fragilidad como marco. Síntesis del contenido. Un total de 32 artículos fueron identificados, y 9 artículos fueron incluidos. Los hallazgos de esta revisión indican que los resultados de la LCT están estrechamente relacionados con los dominios físico, psicológico y social de la fragilidad. Conclusión. Una pequeña cantidad de literatura examina actualmente la fragilidad en el contexto de la LCT entre los adultos mayores. Usar el Modelo Integral de Fragilidad para entender la fragilidad en el contexto de la LCT puede ayudar a los clínicos a anticipar los resultados de los pacientes y mejorar los planes de cuidados. Enfatizamos la necesidad de una mayor comprensión de la LCT en relación con la fragilidad para mejorar los resultados de salud entre los pacientes adultos mayores.

Antecedentes. Numerosos distúrbios de saúde na população idosa podem ser atribuídos a quedas, incluindo traumatismo cranioencefálico (TCE), que pode causar sequelas devastadoras a curto e longo prazo. Os idosos também são mais propensos a experimentar fragilidade, que engloba déficits físicos, psicológicos e sociais que podem levar a resultados adversos à saúde. Nossa revisão da literatura sintetiza as evidências atuais para entender a fragilidade no contexto do TCE entre idosos usando o Modelo Abrangente de Fragilidade como estrutura. Síntese de conteúdo. Um total de 32 artigos foram identificados e 9 artigos foram incluídos. As descobertas desta revisão indicam que os resultados do TCE estão intimamente relacionados aos domínios físico, psicológico e social da fragilidade. Conclusão.Um pequeno corpo de literatura atualmente examina a fragilidade no contexto do TCE entre adultos mais velhos. Usar o Modelo Abrangente de Fragilidade para entender a fragilidade no contexto do TCE pode ajudar os médicos a antecipar os resultados do paciente e melhorar os planos de tratamento. Enfatizamos a necessidade de uma maior compreensão do TCE em relação à fragilidade para melhorar os resultados de saúde entre pacientes idosos

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Frail Elderly , Accidental Falls , Brain Injuries , Multiple Trauma
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 14: 1-6, mar. 20, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1425437


Objetivo: Apresentar as características clínicas dos pacientes vítimas de trauma que necessitaram de transfusão emergencial para uma abordagem do Diagnóstico de Enfermagem "Risco de Choque"; descrever a atuação da equipe de Enfermeiros do Trauma nesse contexto. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, retrospectivo, de abordagem quantitativa. Os dados retratam o período de outubro de 2018 a dezembro de 2019, perfazendo um total de 447 pacientes com choque hemorrágico por trauma inseridos no Protocolo de Transfusão Maciça de um hospital público. Resultados: O "Risco de Choque" foi o diagnóstico de enfermagem prioritário nos pacientes com hemorragia grave por trauma. Houve predominância do sexo masculino, vítimas de politraumatismo em sua maioria, com idade entre 18 e 29 anos. 197 pacientes apresentaram líquido livre que foi detectado através do exame de ultrassom de emergência nos pacientes com trauma torácico ou abdominal. O Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência foi o meio utilizado por 378 pacientes para atendimento pré-hospitalar. Conclusão: A caracterização mostra a gravidade desses casos, com necessidade de transfusão maciça. O conhecimento desses fatores pela equipe multiprofissional de pacientes críticos com hemorragia grave associada ao trauma é fundamental, tornando-se necessária a abordagem do diagnóstico de enfermagem "risco de choque" pelo profissional Enfermeiro. (AU)

Objective: To present the clinical characteristics of the trauma patients who required emergency transfusion for an approach to the Nursing Diagnosis "Risk of Shock"; describe the role of the Trauma Nurses team in this context. Methods: This is a descriptive, retrospective study with a quantitative approach. The data portrays the period from October 2018 to December 2019, making up a total of 447 patients with traumatic hemorrhagic shock inserted in the Mass Transfusion Protocol of a public hospital. Results: There was a predominance of male subjects, victims polytrauma in that majority, aged between 18 and 29 years old. 197 patients had free fluid that was detected by emergency ultrasound examination in patients with chest or abdominal trauma. The Mobile Emergency Care Service was the resource used by 378 patients to the pre-hospital care. Conclusion: The characterization shows the severity of these cases, requiring massive transfusion. The knowledge of these factors by the multidisciplinary team of critically ill patients with severe hemorrhage associated with trauma is essential, making it necessary for the nursing professional to approach the nursing diagnosis "risk of shock". (AU)

Objetivo: Presentar las características clínicas de los pacientes traumatizados que requirieron transfusión urgente para el abordaje del Diagnóstico de Enfermería "Riesgo de Choque"; describir el papel del equipo de enfermeras de trauma en este contexto. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo con enfoque cuantitativo. Los datos retratan el período de octubre de 2018 a diciembre de 2019, lo que hace un total de 447 pacientes con choque hemorrágico traumático insertado en el Protocolo de Transfusión Masiva de un hospital público. Resultados: El "Riesgo de Choque" fue el diagnóstico de enfermería prioritario en los pacientes con hemorragia por trauma severo. Predominó el sexo masculino, mayoritariamente víctimas de politraumatismos, con edades comprendidas entre los 18 y 29 años. 197 pacientes tenían líquido libre que fue detectado por el examen de ultrasonido de emergencia con traumatismo torácico o abdominal. El Servicio Móvil de Atención de Emergencias fue el medio utilizado por 378 pacientes para la atención prehospitalaria. Conclusión: La caracterización muestra la gravedad de estos casos, requiriendo transfusión masiva. El conocimiento de estos factores por parte del equipo multidisciplinario de pacientes críticos con hemorragia severa asociada a trauma es fundamental, por lo que es necesario que el profesional de enfermería aborde el diagnóstico de enfermería "riesgo de shock". (AU)

Multiple Trauma , Shock, Hemorrhagic , Nursing Diagnosis
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 14: 1-5, mar. 20, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1435374


Objetivo: Descrever o perfil dos pacientes atendidos pela onda vermelha em 2018 e 2019. Métodos: Trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa, de caráter transversal, retrospectiva, descritiva e documental realizada no Hospital de Pronto-Socorro João XXIII, Belo Horizonte, Brasil. O universo deste estudo foram 83 prontuários eletrônicos de pacientes que entraram no protocolo da Onda Vermelha. Foi realizada distribuições de frequência, medidas de tendência central (média e mediana) e de variabilidade (desvio padrão). Resultados: A maioria dos pacientes foi do sexo masculino, com idade entre 1 e 95 anos e média de 33,4 anos. O mecanismo do trauma mais frequente foi contuso, o meio transporte foi ambulância do Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência, a causa mais frequente dos traumas foi acidente automobilístico seguido de trauma por projétil de arma de fogo. As cirurgias mais frequentes foram laparotomia, toracotomia e craniectomia. Óbito foi o desfecho mais comum. Conclusão: Os pacientes chegam muito graves e o óbito foi o principal desfecho. Sugere-se estudos que possibilitem análise comparativa de dados e padronização do cálculo da probabilidade de sobrevivência. Recomenda-se atualização do protocolo da onda vermelha, incluindo outras cirurgias que já são realizadas e novos critérios de inclusão de pacientes. (AU)

Objective: To describe the profile of patients treated in the "Red Wave", in the period of 2018-2019. Methods: It is a quantitative, cross-sectional, retrospective, descriptive and documentary research. Held at the first-aid post João XXIII Hospital, in Belo Horizonte. The universe of this study was 83 electronic medical records of patients who entered the "Red Wave" protocol. Simple frequency distributions, measures of central tendency (mean and median) and variability (standard deviation) have been performed. Results: Male, aged between 1 and 95 years old, being an average at 33,4 years old. The most frequent trauma mechanism was blunt, the means of transport was an ambulance from the Mobile Emergency Service, the causes of the trauma were an automobile accident, followed by trauma by a firearm projectile. From the performed surgeries, the most frequent ones were laparotomy, thoracotomy and craniectomy. Among the outcome, death was the most common one among patients. Conclusion: Patients arrive very seriously and death was the main outcome. Studies that allow comparative data analysis and standardization of the calculation of survival probability are suggested. It is recommended to update the red wave protocol, including other surgeries that are already performed and new inclusion criteria for patients. (AU)

Objetivo: Describir el perfil de los pacientes atendidos por la onda roja en 2018 y 2019. Métodos: se trata de un estudio cuantitativo, transversal, retrospectivo, descriptivo y documental realizado en el Hospital de Pronto-Socorro João XXIII, Belo Horizonte, Brasil. El universo de este estudio fue de 83 historias clínicas electrónicas de pacientes que ingresaron al protocolo Red Wave. Se realizaron distribuciones de frecuencia, medidas de tendencia central (media y mediana) y variabilidad (desviación estándar). Resultados: La mayoría de los pacientes eran varones, con edades comprendidas entre 1 y 95 años y media de 33,4 años. El mecanismo de traumatismo más frecuente fue contundente, el medio de transporte fue una ambulancia del Servicio Móvil de Emergencias, la causa más frecuente de traumatismo fue un accidente automovilístico seguido del traumatismo por proyectil de arma de fuego. Las cirugías más frecuentes fueron laparotomía, toracotomía y craniectomía. La muerte fue el resultado más común. Conclusión: Los pacientes llegan muy en serio y la muerte fue el resultado principal. Se sugieren estudios que permitan el análisis de datos comparativos y la estandarización del cálculo de la probabilidad de supervivencia. Se recomienda actualizar el protocolo de onda roja, incluyendo otras cirugías que ya se realizan y nuevos criterios de inclusión de pacientes. (AU)

Multiple Trauma , Thoracotomy , Emergencies , Laparotomy
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970968


Spondyloptosis in the clinic is rarely reported. We herein present a 47-year-old female, who suffered from a crush injury directly by a heavy cylindrical object from the lateral side. She was diagnosed to have traumatic L3 spondyloptosis with multiple traumas. Staged surgical procedures were conducted and a three-year follow-up was obtained. Eventually, normal spinal alignment was restored, and neurological deficits were gradually improved. At three years follow-up, the motor strength scores and function of the sphincters were incompletely improved. Previously published reports on traumatic lumbar spondyloptosis were reviewed and several critical points for management of this severe type of spinal injury were proposed. First, thoracolumbar and lumbosacral junction were mostly predilection sites. Second, numerous patients involving traumatic lumbar spondyloptosis were achieved to American Spinal Injury Association grade A. Third, lumbar spondyloptosis was commonly coupling with cauda equina injury. Finally, the outcomes were still with poorly prognosis and recovery of patients was correlation to spondyloptosis severity. Based on this case report and literatures review, we highlighted that the spinal alignment restoration relying on staged operations and following rehabilitation hereof are both important once facing with multiple traumas. Furthermore, we suggested to perform routine CT angiography during lumbar spondyloptosis to justify whether there are large vessel compression or injury.

Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Lumbar Vertebrae/injuries , Spondylolisthesis/surgery , Spinal Injuries , Multiple Trauma/complications
Singapore medical journal ; : 732-738, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007328


INTRODUCTION@#Musculoskeletal injuries are the most common reason for surgical intervention in polytrauma patients.@*METHODS@#This is a retrospective cohort study of 560 polytrauma patients (injury severity score [ISS] >17) who suffered musculoskeletal injuries (ISS >2) from 2011 to 2015 in National University Hospital, Singapore.@*RESULTS@#560 patients (444 [79.3%] male and 116 [20.7%] female) were identified. The mean age was 44 (range 3-90) years, with 45.4% aged 21-40 years. 39.3% of the patients were foreign migrant workers. Motorcyclists were involved in 63% of road traffic accidents. The mean length of hospital stay was 18.8 (range 0-273) days and the mean duration of intensive care unit (ICU) stay was 5.7 (range 0-253) days. Patient mortality rate was 19.8%. A Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score <12 and need for blood transfusion were predictive of patient mortality (p < 0.05); lower limb injuries, road traffic accidents, GCS score <8 and need for transfusion were predictive of extended hospital stay (p < 0.05); and reduced GCS score, need for blood transfusion and upper limb musculoskeletal injuries were predictive of extended ICU stay. Inpatient costs were significantly higher for foreign workers and greatly exceeded the minimum insurance coverage currently required.@*CONCLUSION@#Musculoskeletal injuries in polytrauma remain a significant cause of morbidity and mortality, and occur predominantly in economically productive male patients injured in road traffic accidents and falls from height. Increasing insurance coverage for foreign workers in high-risk jobs should be evaluated.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Trauma Centers , Retrospective Studies , Singapore/epidemiology , Multiple Trauma/epidemiology , Length of Stay
Chinese Journal of Traumatology ; (6): 125-130, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981927


The wound mechanism, injury characteristics and treatment principles of anti-armored vehicle ammunition against armored crew in the past 20 years are summarized in this paper. Shock vibration, metal jet, depleted uranium aerosol and post armor breaking effect are the main factors for wounding armored crew. Their prominent characteristics are severe injury, high incidence of bone fracture, high rate of depleted uranium injury, and high incidence of multiple/combined injuries. During the treatment, attention must be paid on that the space of armored vehicle is limited, and the casualties should be moved outside of the cabin for comprehensive treatment. Especially, the management of depleted uranium injury and burn/inhalation injury are more important than other injuries for the armored wounds.

Humans , Uranium/analysis , Respiratory Aerosols and Droplets , Motor Vehicles , Burns/therapy , Multiple Trauma
African journal of emergency medicine (Print) ; 13(1): 30-36, 2023. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1413412


Introduction: The global prevalence of trauma-related mortality ranges from 2% to 32%; however, In Egypt, it reaches 8%. Trauma chiefly affects people in the productive age group; seriously ill patients with multiple injuries present with various levels of polytrauma. Application of incorrect triage systems and improperly trained trauma teams increase mortality and morbidity rates in non-dedicated institutions; however, these rates can decrease with appropriate infrastructure. This study aimed to improve the quality of care for patients with polytrauma through improved knowledge of the different severity levels of polytrauma and defined databases, using a suitable triage trauma system, well-trained trauma team, and appropriate infrastructure. Methods: This observational cross-sectional study was conducted at the emergency department (ED), over a study period of 7 months, from August 10, 2019, to March 09, 2020. This study included 458 patients with polytrauma who had met the inclusion and exclusion criteria and attended the ED of Suez Canal University Hospital. Results: The incidence of trauma among all emergency cases in the ED was 5.3%. However, most multiple injuries are mild, accounting for 44.4%, while 27.3% of the cases had life-threatening injuries. Moreover, 41.9% of the patients were managed non-operatively, whereas 58.1% of the patients required surgical interventions. Concerning the outcome, 56% and 6.9% of patients with and without life-threatening injuries respectively, died. Conclusion: Facilities of the highest quality should be available for patients with polytrauma, especially those with life-threatening injuries. In addition, training emergency medical service staff for trauma triage is essential, and at least one tertiary hospital is required in every major city in the Suez Canal and Sinai areas to decrease trauma-related mortality.

Wounds and Injuries , Multiple Trauma , Topography , Prevalence , Morbidity , Mortality , Emergency Medical Services , Tertiary Care Centers , Triage
In. Machado Rodríguez, Fernando; Liñares Divenuto, Norberto Jorge; Gorrasi Delgado, José Antonio; Terra Collares, Eduardo Daniel; Borba, Norberto. Traslado interhospitalario: pacientes graves y potencialmente graves. Montevideo, Cuadrado, 2023. p.205-228, tab.
Monography in Spanish | UY-BNMED, LILACS, BNUY | ID: biblio-1524002
MedUNAB ; 25(3): [487-491], 01-12-2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1436140


Introducción. El trauma abdominal penetrante causado por embestida de asta de toro representa menos del 3%. Son heridas que deben ser consideradas sucias, y la primera causa de muerte por este tipo de trauma es el shock hipovolémico. Presentación de caso. Se presenta el caso de un hombre de 60 años con trauma abdominal penetrante por asta de toro en flanco izquierdo e hipogastrio de 18x8 cm de extensión, con evisceración aguda traumática. Fue llevado a laparotomía exploratoria, donde no se evidenciaron lesiones de órganos sólidos ni de vísceras huecas. El paciente evolucionó sin complicaciones. Discusión. Las heridas por asta de toro dadas sus características son consideradas sucias y alcanzan hasta un 50% de infección. Dentro de su manejo inicial se deben incluir antibióticos y abordajes quirúrgicos, según cada caso. Conclusión. El trauma abdominal penetrante causado por embestida de asta de toro es un mecanismo poco frecuente; sin embargo, los cirujanos deben estar entrenados para tratar o no de manera quirúrgica a este tipo de pacientes.

Introduction. Penetrating abdominal trauma caused by bull horn ramming represents less than 3%. These are wounds that should be considered dirty, and the leading cause of death from this type of trauma is hypovolemic shock. Case Presentation. A 60-year-old man with penetrating abdominal trauma by bull horn in the left flank and hypogastrium, 18x8 cm in extension, with acute traumatic evisceration. He was taken to exploratory laparotomy, where no solid organ or hollow viscera lesions were evidenced. The patient evolved without complications. Discussion. Given their characteristics, bull horn wounds are considered dirty and have an infection rate of up to 50%. Initial management should include antibiotics and surgical approaches, according to each case. Conclusion. Penetrating abdominal trauma caused by bull horn ramming is an infrequent mechanism; however, surgeons must be trained to treat or not to treat this type of patient surgically.

Introdução. O trauma abdominal penetrante causado pelo impulso de chifre de touro representa menos de 3%. São feridas que devem ser consideradas sujas, e a principal causa de morte por esse tipo de trauma é o choque hipovolêmico. Apresentação do caso. Homem de 60 anos com trauma abdominal penetrante por chifre de touro no flanco esquerdo e hipogástrio, 18x8 cm de extensão, com evisceração traumática aguda. Foi encaminado para laparotomia exploratória, onde não foram encontradas lesões em órgãos sólidos ou vísceras ocas. A paciente evoluiu sem complicações. Discussão. Devido às suas características, as feridas de chifre de touro são consideradas sujas e atingem até 50% de infecção. Dentro de seu manejo inicial, antibióticos e abordagens cirúrgicas devem ser incluídos, de acordo com cada caso. Conclusão. Trauma abdominal penetrante causado pelo impulso de chifre de touro é um mecanismo raro; no entanto, os cirurgiões devem ser treinados para tratar esses tipos de pacientes cirurgicamente ou não.

General Surgery , Multiple Trauma , Rural Population , Abdomen , Animals
Rev. colomb. cir ; 37(3): 469-479, junio 14, 2022. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378760


Introducción. En la actualidad, el trauma de recto continúa siendo una situación clínica compleja y temida por ser potencialmente mortal. Su detección y manejo temprano es la piedra angular para impactar tanto en la mortalidad como en la morbilidad de los pacientes. Hoy en día, aún existe debate sobre la aproximación quirúrgica ideal en el trauma de recto y las decisiones de manejo intraoperatorias se ven enormemente afectadas por la experiencia y preferencias del cirujano. Métodos. Se realizó una búsqueda de la literatura en las bases de datos de PubMed, Clinical Key, Google Scholar y SciELO utilizando las palabras claves descritas y se seleccionaron los artículos más relevantes publicados en los últimos 20 años; se tuvieron en cuenta los artículos escritos en inglés y español. Discusión. El recto es el órgano menos frecuentemente lesionado en trauma, sin embargo, las implicaciones clínicas que conlleva pasar por alto este tipo de lesiones pueden ser devastadoras para el paciente. Las opciones para el diagnóstico incluyen el tacto rectal, la tomografía computarizada y la rectosigmoidoscopía. El manejo quirúrgico va a depender de la localización, el grado de la lesión y las lesiones asociadas. Conclusión. El conocimiento de la anatomía, el mecanismo de trauma y las lesiones asociadas permitirán al cirujano realizar una aproximación clínico-quirúrgica adecuada que lleve a desenlaces clínicos óptimos de los pacientes que se presentan con trauma de recto.

Introduction. Currently, rectal trauma continues to be a complex clinical and potentially fatal situation. Its early detection and management is the cornerstone to avoid both mortality and morbidity of patients. Today there is still debate about the ideal surgical approach in rectal trauma, and intraoperative management decisions are greatly affected by the experience and preferences of the surgeon. Methods. A literature search was performed in the PubMed, Clinical Key, Google Scholar and SciELO databases using the keywords described. The most relevant articles published in the last 20 years were selected. Articles written in English and Spanish were considered.Discussion. The rectum is the organ less frequently injured in trauma; however, the clinical implications of overlooking this injury can be devastating for the patient. Options for diagnosis include digital rectal examination, computed tomography and rectosigmoidoscopy. Surgical management will depend on the location, degree of the injury and the associated injuries. Conclusion. Knowledge of the anatomy, the mechanism of trauma and the associated injuries will allow the surgeon to make an adequate clinical-surgical approach that leads to optimal clinical outcomes in patients presenting with rectal trauma.

Humans , Rectum , Multiple Trauma , Sigmoidoscopy , Wounds and Injuries , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Colorectal Surgery , Diagnosis
Nursing (Ed. bras., Impr.) ; 25(287): 7528-7539, abr.2022.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1372416


Objetivo: caracterizar os vídeos do YouTube sobre o transporte aeromédico do politraumatizado. Método: estudo descritivo e quantitativo, realizado mediante acesso à plataforma de vídeos YouTube, entre julho e setembro de 2021, com utilização de instrumento composto por 13 variáveis que foram tabuladas e analisadas de maneira descritiva por software. Resultados: foram encontrados quatro vídeos, postados entre 2018 e 2021, dos quais a maioria foi postada em canais pessoais, em sua maior parte destinados aos profissionais da saúde, com predominância de médicos na narração. Os vídeos com mais inscritos nos canais e aqueles mais curtos obtiveram maior número de visualizações. Conclusão: os vídeos da plataforma YouTube sobre o transporte aeromédico do politraumatizado foram voltados aos profissionais da saúde, no entanto, há carência de citação de portarias, conselhos profissionais, legislações, além de atribuições dos profissionais que atuam no cuidado de saúde ao paciente com múltiplos traumas nesse tipo de transporte(AU)

Objective: to characterize YouTube videos about the aeromedical transport of polytraumatized patients. Method: descriptive and quantitative study, carried out through access to the YouTube video platform, between July and September 2021, using an instrument composed of 13 variables that were tabulated and analyzed in a descriptive way by software. Results: four videos were found, posted between 2018 and 2021, most of which were posted on personal channels, mostly aimed at health professionals, with a predominance of doctors in the narration. The videos with the most subscribers on the channels and the shortest ones got the most views. Conclusion: the videos on the YouTube platform about the aeromedical transport of polytraumatized patients were aimed at health professionals, however, there is a lack of citation of ordinances, professional advice, legislation, in addition to the attributions of professionals who work in health care for patients with multiple trauma in this type of transport(AU)

Objetivo: caracterizar videos de YouTube sobre el transporte aeromédico de pacientes politraumatizados. Método: estudio descriptivo y cuantitativo, realizado a través del acceso a la plataforma de videos YouTube, entre julio y septiembreVde 2021, utilizando un instrumento compuesto por 13 variables que fueron tabuladas y analizadas de forma descriptiva porVsoftware. Resultados: se encontraron cuatro videos, publicados entre 2018 y 2021, la mayoría de los cuales fueron publicadosVen canales personales, en su mayoría dirigidos a profesionales de la salud, con predominio de médicos en la narración. LosVvideos con más suscriptores en los canales y los que eran más cortos tenían la mayor cantidad de vistas. Conclusión: los videosVen la plataforma de YouTube sobre el transporte aeromédico de pacientes politraumatizados fueron dirigidos a los profesionalesVde la salud, sin embargo, falta la citación de ordenanzas, consejos profesionales, legislación, además de las atribuciones de losVprofesionales que actúan en la atención de la salud para pacientes politraumatizados en este tipo de transporte.(AU)

Multiple Trauma , Air Ambulances , Prehospital Care
In. Pedemonti, Adriana; González Brandi, Nancy. Manejo de las urgencias y emergencias pediátricas: incluye casos clínicos. Montevideo, Cuadrado, 2022. p.15-21.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1525384
In. Pedemonti, Adriana; González Brandi, Nancy. Manejo de las urgencias y emergencias pediátricas: incluye casos clínicos. Montevideo, Cuadrado, 2022. p.23-33.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1525400
In. Pedemonti, Adriana; González Brandi, Nancy. Manejo de las urgencias y emergencias pediátricas: incluye casos clínicos. Montevideo, Cuadrado, 2022. p.35-43, tab.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1525410
Rev. argent. neurocir ; 35(3): 182-191, sept. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1418344


Introducción: El TEC es una de las principales causas de discapacidad y muerte en nuestra sociedad. Tiene una mortalidad que ronda el 30% y una morbilidad cercana al 60%1, 2, 3, 4, 5.No hay un estudio estadístico epidemiológico exhaustivo sobre TEC en Argentina, por tal motivo la finalidad de este trabajo es conocer la epidemiología de esta patología en el Hospital San Bernardo (HSB) de Salta. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un trabajo observacional transversal prospectivo. Se incluyeron todos aquellos pacientes que ingresaban al HSB desde agosto de 2014 hasta agosto de 2015 por el servicio de guardia con diagnóstico de TEC asociado o no a politraumatismo. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó la versión 3.3.3. del Software R para Windows. Resultados: Se estudiaron un total de 1.496 pacientes de los cuales 76% fueron de sexo masculino y 24% femenino. El 84% de los TEC son leve, el 13% moderado y el 4% grave. Según el mecanismo del trauma, el 39% fue por accidente de tránsito, el 32% fue por agresión física y el 22% por caídas. El 19% de los pacientes fue internado. Los días promedio de internación son 10,27. De los pacientes internados, el 27% requirió cirugía de urgencia. Evaluado el GOS, el 19% tuvo GOS 1, 46% GOS 2 ­ 4 y 35% GOS 5. Conclusión: El TEC es una patología que afecta principalmente a adultos varones jóvenes. Las causas más frecuentes en nuestro medio son los accidentes de tránsito y la agresión física. El TEC en nuestro medio presenta una mortalidad global del 19%, con una morbilidad del 47%. Los datos estadísticos de nuestro Hospital referentes al TEC son concordantes con la bibliografía mundial

Introduction: Head Trauma (TBI) is one of the main causes of disability, death and economic loss in our society. It has a mortality of around 30% and a morbidity close to 60%1, 2, 3, 4, 5.There is no exhaustive statistical study on TBI in Argentina, for this reason the purpose of this project is to know the San Bernardo Hospital epidemiology of this pathology. Materials and methods: A prospective cross-sectional observational study was carried out. Patients who were admitted to the San Bernardo Hospital emergency department from August 2014 to August 2015 with a diagnosis of TBI associated or not with multiple trauma were included. Version 3.3.3 was used for statistical analysis of the R Software for Windows. Results: A total of 1.496 patients were studied, of which 76% were male and 24% female, with range of 14 ­ 97 years old (Table 4). 84% of TBI were mild, 13% moderate, and 4% severe. According to the mechanism of trauma, 39% was due to a traffic accident, 32% was due to physical aggression and 22% due to falls. 19% of the patients were hospitalized. The average days of hospitalization are 10.27. Of the hospitalized patients, 27% required emergency surgery. The patients GOS was 19% GOS 1, 46% GOS 2 ­ 4 and 35% GOS 5. Conclusion: TBI is a prevalent pathology that affects mainly young male adults. The most frequent cause in our environment are traffic accidents and physical aggression. TBI in our setting presents an overall mortality of 19% with a morbidity of 47%. Statistics of diagnosis and treatment of patients with TBI in our Hospital are similar to those published in the world bibliography and guidelines

Craniocerebral Trauma , Accidental Falls , Brain , Multiple Trauma , Epidemiology , Epidemiological Monitoring
Rev. bras. ortop ; 56(3): 399-402, May-June 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1288665


Abstract Tillaux fractures are fractures of the lateral margin of the distal tibia, usually reported in children between 12 and 14 years old. As intraarticular fractures, they require anatomic reduction and fixation to avoid posttraumatic complications. Since the injury mechanism is external rotation of the foot on the leg, these injuries are commonly associated with other fractures or ligamentous lesions. Currently, arthroscopy is being increasingly used to assist and improve surgical treatment of ankle fractures. The authors describe a 12-month follow-up of a rare case of a missed Tillaux fracture associated with syndesmosis injury in a 76-year-old polytrauma patient, successfully treated by arthroscopically-assisted reduction and internal fixation.

Resumo As fraturas de Tillaux são fraturas da margem lateral da tíbia distal, geralmente relatadas em crianças entre 12 e 14 anos. Como fraturas intra-articulares, requerem redução e fixação anatômica para evitar complicações pós-traumáticas. Como o mecanismo de lesão é a rotação externa do pé na perna, essas lesões são comumente associadas a outras fraturas ou lesões ligamentares. Atualmente, a artroscopia está sendo cada vez mais utilizada para auxiliar e melhorar o tratamento cirúrgico das fraturas do tornozelo. Os autores descrevem um acompanhamento de 12 meses de um caso raro de uma fratura não percebida de Tillaux associada a lesão por sindesmose em um paciente de politrauma com 76 anos de idade, tratado com sucesso por redução e fixação interna assistida por artroscopia.

Humans , Male , Aged , Tibial Fractures , Multiple Trauma , Ankle Injuries , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures , Intra-Articular Fractures , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Ankle , Ankle Fractures
Rev. colomb. cir ; 36(3): 421-426, 20210000. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1253955


Introducción. La mayoría de las lesiones de carótida cervical en nuestra institución se manejan por vía endovascular. El objetivo de este estudio fue describir los desenlaces del manejo de las lesiones de carótida cervical en un hospital de cuarto nivel en la ciudad de Cali, Colombia. Métodos. Estudio de series de casos, retrospectivo, descriptivo, en pacientes con trauma de carótida (penetrante y cerrado), admitidos en un centro de alta complejidad de la ciudad de Cali, en el periodo comprendido desde enero de 2018 hasta enero de 2020. Resultados. Se evaluaron 20 pacientes con lesión de carótida, de los cuales 90 % tenía trauma penetrante, en su mayoría por proyectil de arma de fuego. La zona más frecuentemente afectada fue la carótida interna (65 %) y el 40 % de los pacientes presentaban síntomas neurológicos al ingreso. Se realizó manejo endovascular en 13 pacientes, con un 75 % de éxito en el manejo endovascular al ingreso. La mortalidad general fue del 20 %, que en su mayoría estuvo relacionada con traumatismo en otros órganos. El 69 % de los pacientes quedaron sin secuelas neurológicas al alta y el 25 % con secuelas mínimas. Discusión. Se muestra una serie de casos con lesión de carótida donde, teniendo en cuenta las variables de mal pronóstico para hacer una selección adecuada de los pacientes candidatos a este tipo de terapia, el resultado del manejo endovascular fue exitoso

Introduction. Most cervical carotid injuries in our institution are managed by endovascular approach. The objective of this study was to describe the outcomes of the endovascular management of cervical carotid lesions in at a I Level Trauma Center in Cali, Colombia. Methods. Retrospective, descriptive case series study in patients with both penetrating and blunt carotid trauma who were admitted to a I Level Trauma Center between January 2018 and January 2020. Results. Twenty patients with carotid injury were evaluated, of which 90% had penetrating trauma, mostly from a firearm projectile. The most frequently affected area was the internal carotid (65%) and 40% of the patients had neurological symptoms on admission. Endovascular management was performed in 13 patients, with a 75% success rate in endovascular management on admission. Overall mortality was 20%, most of which was related to trauma to other organs; 69% of the patients were left without neurological sequelae at discharge and 25% with minimal sequelae.Discussion. We describe a case series of patients with cervical carotid injury, taking into account the variables of poor prognosis to make an adequate selection of patients for endovascular management, the result of endovascular management was successful

Humans , Carotid Artery Injuries , Endovascular Procedures , Wounds and Injuries , Multiple Trauma , Angiography , Embolization, Therapeutic
Acta sci., Health sci ; 43: e56944, Feb.11, 2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368140


This study sought to retrospectively assess the relationship between intra and extra-abdominal injuries in polytrauma patients undergoing laparotomy at the Regional University Hospital of Maringá between 2017 and 2018.This study was based on 111 electronic medical records from the Brazilian public health system "SUS", admitted to the hospital due to trauma and undergoing laparotomy, comparing two groups: abdominal injury without extra-abdominal injury (WoEI) and abdominal injury with extra-abdominal injury (WiEI).A total of 111 medical records were analyzed, 57 from 2017 and 54 from 2018. Of these 111records, 43 (39%) were trauma victims with only abdominal injuries and 68 (61%) trauma victims with abdominal and extra-abdominalinjuries. Most patients were male (85%), with an average age of 33 years, ranging from 14 to 87 years. In statistical analysis, according to the T-test, there was significance (p > 0.05) between the WoEI and WiEI groups for data collected regarding death rates and hospitalization days. As for the morbidity rate and difference between genders (male and female), there was no statistical significance (p < 0.05).Polytraumapatients are exposed to greater kinetic energy, with more severe conditions and therefore required more in-hospital care.

Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Wounds and Injuries/complications , Laparotomy/nursing , Abdominal Injuries/mortality , Outpatient Clinics, Hospital/statistics & numerical data , Wounds and Injuries/nursing , Multiple Trauma/mortality , Medical Records , Retrospective Studies , Hospital Care , Electronic Health Records/supply & distribution , Hospitalization/statistics & numerical data