Summary The skeletal muscle tissue has a remarkable ability to alter its plastic structural and functional properties after a harmful stimulus, regulating the expression of proteins in complex events such as muscle regeneration. In this context, considering that potential therapeutic agents have been widely studied, nutritional strategies have been investigated in order to improve the regenerative capacity of skeletal muscle. There is evidence of the modulatory action of fatty acids, such that oleic and linoleic acids, that are abundant in Western diets, on muscle function and trophism. Thus, fatty acids appear to be potential candidates to promote or impair the recovery of muscle mass and function during regeneration, since they modulate intracellular pathways that regulate myogenesis. This study is the first to describe and discuss the effect of fatty acids on muscle plasticity and trophism, with emphasis on skeletal muscle regeneration and in vitro differentiation of muscle cells.
Resumo O tecido muscular esquelético possui a notável capacidade plástica de alterar suas propriedades estruturais e funcionais após um estímulo lesivo, regulando a expressão de proteínas durante eventos complexos como a regeneração muscular. Nesse contexto, considerando que possíveis agentes terapêuticos vêm sendo amplamente estudados, estratégias nutricionais têm sido investigadas na perspectiva de melhorar a capacidade regenerativa do músculo esquelético. Há evidências da ação modulatória dos ácidos graxos, como os ácidos oleico e linoleico, que são abundantes nas dietas ocidentais, sobre a função muscular e o trofismo. Nesse sentido, os ácidos graxos parecem ser potenciais candidatos para promover ou prejudicar a recuperação da massa e a função muscular durante a regeneração, uma vez que modulam vias intracelulares reguladoras da miogênese. Este trabalho é o primeiro a descrever e discutir o efeito dos ácidos graxos sobre a plasticidade e o trofismo muscular, com ênfase na regeneração do músculo esquelético e na diferenciação de células musculares in vitro.
Humans , Regeneration/physiology , Muscle, Skeletal/physiology , Fatty Acids/metabolism , Cell Differentiation/drug effects , Muscle, Skeletal/cytology , Muscle, Skeletal/metabolism , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/cytology , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/metabolism , Myoblasts, Skeletal/cytologyABSTRACT
Ca2+ sparks represent synchronous opening of the ryanodine receptor (RyR) Ca2+ release channels located at the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membrane. Whereas a quantal nature of Ca2+ sparks has been defined in cardiac muscle, the regulation of Ca2+ sparks in skeletal muscle has not been well-studied. Osmotic-stress applied to an intact skeletal muscle fiber can produce brief Ca2+ sparks and prolonged Ca2+ burst events. Here, we show that termination of Ca2+ bursts occurs in a step wise and quantal manner. Ca2+ burst events display kinetic features that are consistent with the involvement of both stochastic attrition and coordinated closure of RyR channels in the termination of SR Ca2+ release. Elemental unitary transition steps could be defined with a mean DF/F0 of ~0.28, corresponding to the gating of 1-2 RyR channels. Moreover, the amplitude of the elemental transition steps declines at the later stage of the burst event. In tandem Ca2+ burst events where two Ca2+ bursts occur at the same position within a fiber in rapid succession, the trailing event is consistently of lower amplitude than the initial event. These two complementary results suggest that SR Ca2+ release may be associated with local depletion of SR Ca2+ stores in mammalian skeletal muscle.
Animals , Calcium/metabolism , Calcium Signaling , Male , Mammals , Mice , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/cytology , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/metabolism , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/metabolism , Muscle, Skeletal/cytology , Muscle, Skeletal/metabolism , Muscle, Skeletal/metabolism , Osmotic Pressure , Time FactorsABSTRACT
This study describes gross, microscopic and muscle fiber anatomy of the esophagus of the llama, Lama glama. The esophagus was studied grossly in twenty-five adult llamas and a subset of ten with normal esophageal physiology was used for the microanatomic studies. Esophageal length was 122 +/- 7 cm with two-thirds of the length in the neck and the remainder in the thorax, consistent with the long neck of the llama. Esophageal diameter increased steadily from 2.5 +/- 0.3 cm in the cranial cervical region to 3.9 +/- 0.8 cm in the caudal thoracic region. The mucosal epithelium was keratinized stratified squamous and there were abundant submucosal glands throughout the esophagus. The entire muscularis of the esophagus was striated muscle in two general layers but also with a somewhat random orientation of fibers. The tunica muscularis steadily increased in thickness from 3.43 +/- 0.30 mm in the cranial cervical region to 4.39 +/- 0.39 mm in the middle thoracic region. In the llama Type 2 muscle fibers predominated in the esophageal musculature, with the percentage of Type 1 fibers increasing from 1 percent cranially to 33 percent in the caudal thoracic region of the esophagus. This study of the normal llama esophagus enhances our knowledge of this species and provides the basis for future study of pathological conditions of the esophagus.
Este estudio describe la anatomía morfológica, microscópica, y tipo de fibra muscular del esófago de la llama, Lama glama. Estudiamos la anatomía morfológica del esófago, con fisiología normal, en 25 llamas adultas y, adicionalmente, en 10 de ellas la anatomía microscópica. La longitud del esófago fue 122 +/- 7 cm con dos tercios en el cuello y un tercio en el tórax. El diámetro del esófago aumentó de 2,5 +/- 0,3 cm en la región craneal del cuello y a 3,9 +/- 0,8 cm en la región caudal del tórax. El epitelio de la mucosa eera escamoso estratificado queratinizado y la submucosa contenía abundantes glándulas a lo largo de todo el esófago. La muscular entera del esófago se compuso de músculo esquelético en más o menos dos capas, pero con algunas fibras orientadas al azar. La muscular aumentó de 3,43 +/- 0,30 mm en la región craneal del cuello a 4,39 +/- 0,39 mm en la región media del tórax. Fibras musculares Tipo 2 predominaron en la muscular. El porcentaje de fibras Tipo 1 aumentó de 1 por ciento al inicio del esófago a 33 por ciento en la región caudal torácica. Este estudio del esófago normal de la llama ofrece más información sobre la anatomía de la llama y proporciona una base para futuros estudios de patologías esofágicas.
Animals , Female , Adult , Camelids, New World/anatomy & histology , Camelids, New World/embryology , Camelids, New World/physiology , Esophagus/anatomy & histology , Esophagus/physiology , Esophagus/innervation , Esophagus/blood supply , Epithelium/anatomy & histology , Epithelium/ultrastructure , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/cytology , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/ultrastructureABSTRACT
This study was performed in order to characterize the types of the infiltrating cells, and the expression profiles of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and membrane attack complex (MAC) in patients with inflammatory myopathies and dysferlinopathy. Immunohistochemical stains were performed using monoclonal antibodies against several inflammatory cell types, MHC class I, and MAC in muscles from inflammatory myopathies and dysferlinopathy. There was significant difference in the types of infiltrating cells between polymyositis (PM), dermatomyositis (DM), and dysferlinopathy, including significantly high CD4+/CD8+ T cell ratio and B/T cell ratio in DM. In dysferlinopathy, CD4+ T cells were the most abundant and the proportions of infiltrating cell types were similar to those of DM. MHC class I was expressed in muscle fibers of PM and DM regardless of the presence of inflammatory infiltrates. MAC was expressed in necrotic fibers and vessels of PM and DM. One patient with early stage DM had a MAC deposits on endomysial capillaries. In dysferlinopathy, MAC deposit was also observed on the sarcolemma of nonnecrotic fibers. The analysis of inflammatory cells, MHC class I expressions and MAC deposits may help to differentiate dysferlinopathy from idiopathic inflammatory myopathy.
Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Dermatomyositis/immunology , Genes, MHC Class I , Membrane Proteins/genetics , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/cytology , Muscle Proteins/genetics , Muscular Dystrophies, Limb-Girdle/immunology , Myositis/immunology , Polymyositis/immunology , T-Lymphocytes/cytologyABSTRACT
O grande interesse atual em tirar proveito das variações na performance humana, nos levam a busca do entendimento as adaptações fisiológicas, bioquímicas e morfológicas nos tecidos envolvidos. Os resultados obtidos através de modelos experimentais fornecem informações para melhor entender a função muscular, e com isso permitir planejar um treinamento adequado ao objetivo pretendido, tendo como base adaptações fisiológicas. A performance esportiva depende de um grande número de fatores, o tipo do músculo e os estímulos a que ele é submetido e são sem dúvida parâmetros importantes para o desempenho atlético. Para cada modalidade é ideal ter um grupo de fibras predominante adequado às características específicas da atividade. Dependendo do tipo de estímulo podemos obter um aumento de força, sendo esta adaptação uma das mais importantes para a manutenção da saúde ou a melhora do desempenho atlético.
Humans , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/cytology , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/physiology , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal , Musculoskeletal Physiological Phenomena , Phenotype , Skeletal Muscle Myosins , Musculoskeletal System/anatomy & histology , Exercise , MyosinsABSTRACT
Daily administration of clenbuterol, a beta adrenoceptor agonist (0.5 mg/kg body weight; for 7 days) to normal innervated and denervated adult chicks (Gallus domesticus) resulted in different growth related responses by gastrocnemius muscle. While normal innervated muscle undergoes hypertrophy, structural reorganization in denervated tissue is accomplished by the de novo emergence of new cells. A contrasting cell population with extremely narrow cross sectional dimensions is a characteristic feature of denervated muscle in presence of clenbuterol. Measurement of fiber dimensions, number of cells per unit area and examination of histochemical preparations support this.
Adrenergic beta-Agonists/pharmacology , Animals , Cell Division/drug effects , Chickens , Clenbuterol/pharmacology , Male , Muscle Denervation , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/cytology , Muscle, Skeletal/cytologyABSTRACT
The study was conducted on 9 sprinters and 5 long distance runners to investigate the difference in power spectral characteristics of rectus femoris muscle and the feasibility of using electromyographic techniques in categorization of muscle groups in slow dominant and fast dominant types. EMG signal was recorded, after digitization at 4 KHz, from rectus femoris muscle during isometric knee extension (at maximum voluntary contraction level) until fatigue. Digitized signal was processed for Fast Fourier Transform and Root Mean Square (RMS) voltage. Significant difference (P < 0.05) was found in RMS voltage between sprinters and long distance runners. Both groups showed decline in Mean Power Frequency (MPE) and rate of decline in sprinters was rapid. Normalized MPF showed better discrimination between the two groups. It is concluded that the EMG response observed in this study was possibly a result of differences in the muscle fibre composition of the athletes. EMG study using spectral characteristics would be useful in categorizing the sports persons in terms of suitability of the events.
Adult , Electromyography , Humans , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/cytology , Muscle, Skeletal/cytology , Running , Sports MedicineABSTRACT
The rate of axonal regeneration, after sciatic nerve lesion in adult C57BL/6J mice, is reduced when compared to other isogenic strains. It was observed that such low regeneration was not due just to a delay, since neuronal death was observed. Two general mechanisms of cell death, apoptosis and necrosis, may be involved. By using the terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) technique, we demonstrated that a large number of sensory neurons, as well as satellite cells found in the dorsal root ganglia, were intensely labeled, thus indicating that apoptotic mechanisms were involved in the death process. Although almost no labeled neurons or satellite cells were observed one week after transection, a more than ten-fold increase in TUNEL labeling was detected after two weeks. The results obtained with the C57BL/6J strain were compared with those of the A/J strain, which has a much higher peripheral nerve regeneration potential. In A/J mice, almost no labeling of sensory neurons or satellite cells was observed after one or two weeks, indicating the absence of neuronal loss. Our data confirm previous observations that approximately 40 percent of C57BL/6J sensory neurons die after sciatic nerve transection, and indicate that apoptotic events are involved. Also, our observations reinforce the hypothesis that the low rate of axonal regeneration occurring in C57BL/6J mice may be the result of a mismatch in the timing of the neurons need for neurotrophic substances, and production of the latter by non-neuronal cells in the distal stump
Animals , Male , Mice , Apoptosis/physiology , In Situ Nick-End Labeling/methods , Muscle, Skeletal/cytology , Neurons, Afferent/cytology , Sciatic Nerve/injuries , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/cytology , Nerve Fibers/physiology , Nerve Regeneration/physiology , Sciatic Nerve/pathologyABSTRACT
Las fibras musculares esqueléticas del cerdo han sido tradicionalmente tipificadas como I, IIA y IIB, más sus formas híbridas, determinando la actividad de la enzima miosina ATPasa miofibrilar. Recientemente, la utilización de anticuerpos monoclonales contra isoformas de cadena pesada de miosina, electroforesis y estudios moleculares, han documentado la existencia, además, de la isoforma IIx. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la existencia de las isoformas de miosina, presentes en los distintos tipos fibrilares, utilizando técnics histoquímicas e inmunohistoquímicas combinadas, dentro de una unidad experimental compuesta por muestras musculares del M. longissimo del dorso, en cerdas de 150 kg promedio. Las muestras fueron obtenidas 45 minutos después de la faena, mediante escisión y congeladas en acetona enfriada con hielo seco. Cortes seriados de 10 µm de espesor fueron tratados por la técnicas de mATPasa modificada por Nwoye (1982), a pH 4,6, NADH-TR e inmunohistoquímica. Histoquímicamente fueron identificados cinco grupos de fibras: tipo I oscuras, IIA claras, y tres tipos intermedios. Los ensayos inmunohistoquímicos permitieron identificar las isoformas ß lenta I, IIa, IIx y IIb presentes en fibras de tipo I, IIA, IIX, IIB y un grupo híbrido IIAX
Animals , Rats , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/classification , Swine , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/cytology , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/physiology , Immunohistochemistry , MyosinsABSTRACT
Objective: We compared end-to-side neurorraphy with and without the perineural sheath. Method: Twenty rats were used. The peroneal nerve was sectioned and the distal end was sutured to the lateral face of the tibial nerve. We removed the perineural sheath only on the right side, but not on the left side. The proximal end of the peroneal nerve was curved back approximately at a 100 angle and implanted into the adductor muscle. Six months later, the 14 surviving animals were submitted to electrophysiological tests, sacrificed, and the nerves and muscles were taken for histological exams. Results: On the right side, the muscles that had positive response needed and average of 258.89 mV (+ 92.31) of electric stimulus and on the left side 298.34 mV (+139.32). The average weight of the tibial cranial muscles of the right side was 0.47 g (0.18) and for the left side 0.45 g (0.15). The distal end of the peroneal nerve showed averages of 310.29 (+191.34) nerve fibers on the right side and 287.71 (+183.60) on the left side. The tibial nerve above the neurorraphy showed averages of 939.46 (+223.51) nerve fibers on the right side and 959.46 (+327.48) on the left side. The tibial nerve below the neurorraphy showed averages of 935.17 (+298.65) nerve fibers on the right side and 755.31 (+323.26) on the left side. The average areas of the right tibial cranial muscles were 0.0162 m2 (+0.008), after 230 magnification, and 0.0152 m2 (0.0064) for the left tibial cranial muscles. The histological features of the tibial cranial muscles, taking normal as 100 per cent, were 78.21 (+20.75) on the right side and 82.14 (+15.89) on the left side. The statistical analysis (Student's t test) did not reveal any difference (p<0.05) among right and left sides for all variables. Conclusion. The authors concluded that the two neurorraphies (with and without perinerium) did not show any difference regarding morphological and electrophysiological features studies.
Humans , Male , Animals , Rats , Peripheral Nerves/surgery , Peroneal Nerve/transplantation , Tibial Nerve/transplantation , Nerve Transfer , Rats, Wistar , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/cytology , Muscle Fibers, Skeletal/physiology , Nerve Fibers/physiologyABSTRACT
The frequency, the distribution of fiber types, the area, the number of nuclei per fiber, the number and the morphological, metabolic and contractile characteristics of the muscle of the Masseter and Longissimus Dorsi muscles of Piau, Sorocaba and Large White breeds of pigs were studied. Superficial segments of these muscles were frozen in n-Hexane at -70 degree. For morphological studies, some cryostat sections (10µm) were stained with Hematoxylin Eosin (HE). For fiber typing, subsequent sections were reacted for NADH-TR and myofibrilar ATPase (m-ATPase) after alkaline (pH 10.4) and acid(pH 4.6) preincubations. Masseter muscle of Piau, Sorocaba and Large White pigs revealed a mosaic pattern of Slow Oxydative (SO) and Fast Oxydative Glycolytic (FOG) fibers with the following frequencies: 34.9 per cent and 64.4 per cent; 47.4 per cent and 52.6 per cent; 25,3 per cent and 74,7 per cent, respectively. The area of SO fibers was smaller than of FOG. Longissimus Dorsi muscle revealed three kinds of fibers, SO, FOG and Fast Glycolytic (FG), with frequencies of 12.5 per cent, 29.5 per cent and 57.9 per cent; 21.8 per cent, 21.8 per cent 56.4 per cent; 13.2 per cent, 17.6 per cent and 69.2 per cent, respectively. SO and FOG fibers were arranged in metabolic groups of 5-15 fibers. In Large White pigs, the frequency of SO fibers was significantly lower, while its area was larger. The number of nuclei per fiber was significantly greater in Large White and Sorocaba pigs than in the Piau.