Introducción: Las distrofias musculares son trastornos miogénicos hereditarios caracterizados por una atrofia muscular progresiva y una debilidad de distribución y gravedad variable. La población de Republica Dominicana es fruto de una mezcla de etnias, haciéndola portadora de una herencia cromosómica y ADN diverso, siendo susceptibles a poder presentar cualquier desorden de carácter hereditario. Material y métodos: Con una muestra de 17 pacientes obtenidos entre septiembre 2019- marzo 2020, se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo y transversal, en el cual se hizo una revisión de los expedientes de la clínica de miopatías en la consulta de neurología pediátrica del Hospital Infantil Doctor Robert Reid Cabral, para describir el perfil clínico de los pacientes con distrofia muscular y los hallazgos de electromiografía en los casos que la misma. Resultados: se encontró que la distribución de la edad correspondió a 5-9 años en un 53%, siendo el sexo masculino, el más frecuente. En el 70.59% presentaron antecedentes familiares de distrofia muscular. Los principales motivos de consulta fueron cansancio y caídas frecuentes. Conclusión: En los hallazgos de electromiografía, el porcentaje de pacientes que presentó esta prueba con alteraciones fue de 88.24% y sin alteraciones el 11.76%. Esto nos demuestra, la gran utilidad de dicho estudio en el diagnóstico de las distrofias musculares en países donde no se cuenta con estudio molecular, siendo una de las pruebas esenciales en el abordaje diagnóstico de los pacientes con sospecha clínica de dichas patologías.
Introduction: Muscular dystrophies are hereditary myogenic disorders characterized by progressive muscular atrophy and weakness of variable distribution and severity. The population of the Dominican Republic is the result of a mixture of ethnic groups, making it the bearer of a diverse chromosomal inheritance and DNA, being susceptible to presenting any hereditary disorder. Methods: With a sample of 17 patients obtained between September 2019-March 2020, a retrospective, descriptive and cross-sectional study, in which a review of the files of the myopathies clinic was made in the pediatric neurology consultation of the Children's Hospital Doctor Robert Reid Cabral, to describe the clinical profile of patients with muscular dystrophy and the electromyography findings in the cases with the same. Results: The age distribution corresponded to 5-9 years; 53%, being the masculines, the most frequent sex. In 70.59%, there was a family history of muscular dystrophy. The main reasons for consultation were fatigue and frequent falls. Conclusion: In the electromyography findings, the percentage of patients who presented this test with alterations was 88.24% and 11.76% without alterations. This result shows us the great utility of said study in the workup of muscular dystrophies in countries with no availabilities for molecular studies, being one of the essential tests in the diagnostic approach of patients with clinical suspicion of said pathologies.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Prednisone , Muscular Dystrophies , Patients , Pediatrics , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , ElectromyographyABSTRACT
Resumo Este relato de caso clínico descreve e analisa uma experiência de desinternação infantil prolongada em um hospital público a partir da atuação harmônica de equipe multidisciplinar de saúde. Além da revisão de literatura, realizou-se estudo qualitativo de finalidade descritiva e exploratória com utilização de técnicas de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental mediante levantamento retrospectivo em prontuários. Os resultados foram discutidos a partir de três categorias: vulnerabilidades físicas, sociais, psicológicas e éticas das doenças crônicas incapacitantes; atuação da equipe multidisciplinar na desinstitucionalização; e políticas de saúde de atenção domiciliar. Concluiu-se que o processo foi capaz de reduzir o tempo de internação e a quantidade de reinternações futuras, reduzir os gastos ao sistema de saúde e reinserir o paciente na comunidade e no âmbito familiar, proporcionando, assim, melhor estruturação do sistema, bem como atendimento humanizado centrado no indivíduo e na família.
Abstract This clinical case report describes and analyzes an experience of prolonged child hospital discharge in a public hospital based on the harmonic action of a multidisciplinary health team. In addition to a literature review, a descriptive and exploratory qualitative study using bibliographic and documentary research techniques was conducted via a retrospective survey in medical records. The results were discussed based on three categories: physical, social, psychological and ethical vulnerabilities of disabling chronic conditions; multidisciplinary teamwork in deinstitutionalization; and home care health policies. We concluded that the process reduced hospitalization time and the number of future hospitalizations, reduced expenses to the health system and reinserted the patient into their community and family environment, thus providing better system structuring and humanized care centered on the individual and family.
Resumen Este reporte de caso clínico describe y analiza una experiencia de deshospitalización infantil prolongada en un hospital público a partir de la actuación armonizada de un equipo multidisciplinario de salud. Este es un estudio cualitativo, descriptivo y exploratorio en que realizó una revisión de la literatura utilizando técnicas de búsqueda bibliográfica y documental a través de un levantamiento retrospectivo de historias clínicas. Los resultados fueron discutidos a partir de tres categorías: vulnerabilidades físicas, sociales, psicológicas y éticas de las enfermedades crónicas incapacitantes; actuación del equipo multidisciplinario en desinstitucionalización; y políticas de salud de atención domiciliaria. Se concluyó que el proceso logró reducir el tiempo de hospitalización y el número de futuros reingresos, reducir costos al sistema de salud y reinsertar al paciente en la comunidad y en la familia, proporcionando así una mejor estructuración del sistema y una atención humanizada centrada en el individuo y la familia.
Child , Patient Care Team , Chronic Disease , Deinstitutionalization , Muscular DystrophiesABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Dystrophin disfunction results in sarcolemma destabilization, leading muscle cell damage by continuous degeneration cycles and limited regeneration. In muscle dystrophy, caused by dystrophin dysfunction, inflammation, necrosis and fibrosis are pathophysiological muscle function loss characteristics. As a genetic disease, this muscle dystrophy has no cure, however, advances in drug therapy using glucocorticoids can decrease the disease progression. Subsequently, alternative therapies were studied, such as ursolic acid (UA), that inhibits muscle atrophy and increases muscle mass and strength. Herein, we used 10 mg/kg daily supplementation in mdx mice for 4 weeks to evaluate serum creatine phosphokinase (CPK), muscle strength (Kondziela test), muscular organization (histology) and expression of fibrosis related genes (TGF-ß, TNF-α, mstn and ostn). UA supplementation increased muscle morphological organization, motor strength and decreased muscular TGF-ß expression. Altogether, the gene expression profile, histological organization and strength could suggest that UA treatment did not stop the fibrogenesis but decreased its progress.
RESUMEN: La disfunción de la distrofina resulta en la desestabilización del sarcolema, llevando al daño de las células musculares por ciclos continuos de degeneración y regeneración limitada. En la distrofia muscular, debido a la disfunción de la distrofina, la inflamación, la necrosis y la fibrosis, son características fisiopatológicas de la pérdida de la función muscular. Como enfermedad genetica no es possible remediar esta distrofia muscular, sin embargo, los avances en la terapia de medicamentos con glucocorticoides pueden disminuir la progresión de la enfermedad. Se estudiaron terapias alternativas, como el ácido ursólico (UA), que inhibe la atrofia muscular y aumenta la masa y la fuerza muscular. En este estudio, utilizamos una suplementación diaria de 10 mg / kg en ratones mdx durante 4 semanas para evaluar la creatina fosfoquinasa (CPK) sérica, la fuerza muscular (prueba de Kondziela), la organización muscular (histología) y la expresión de genes relacionados con la fibrosis (TGF-ß, TNF- α, mstn y ostn). La suplementación con AU aumentó la organización morfológica muscular, la fuerza motora y la disminución de la expresión muscular de TGF-ß. El perfil de expresión génica, la organización histológica y la fuerza simultáneamente podrían sugerir que el tratamiento con AU no detuvo la fibrogénesis sino que disminuyó su progreso.
Animals , Male , Mice , Oleanolic Acid/analogs & derivatives , Muscular Dystrophies , Oleanolic Acid/administration & dosage , Fibrosis , Transforming Growth Factor beta , Mice, Inbred mdx , Creatine Kinase/blood , Muscle StrengthABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: Reveal frontal and sagittal patterns of spinal deformity depending on neuromuscular nosology for surgery and outcome planning. The characteristics of spinal deformity vary according to the pathology. In cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophies, and spinal muscular atrophy, specific features of deformities are poorly written, especially in the sagittal profile. Methods: The evaluation criteria were age, gender of the patients, the volume of blood loss, duration of hospitalization, measurement of the deformity curve, thoracic and lumbar kyphosis (Cobb angle), pelvic obliquity concerning the horizontal line, the percentage of curve correction. Cobb angle was measured preoperatively before hospital discharge (up to 21 days postoperatively) and one year after surgery. Results: The cohort of 71 patients with spinal deformities due to neuromuscular diseases included four groups: muscular dystrophy (MD), spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), and cerebral palsy (CP). The most characteristic deformity in the frontal plane was C-shaped thoracolumbar scoliosis with rotation of the pelvis; rotation of the vertebrae increased according to the magnitude of scoliosis. Lumbar hyperlordosis was common in patients with PD, whereas decreased thoracic kyphosis or even thoracic lordosis occurs more frequently in patients with DMD. Moderate correction of scoliosis was observed in all groups. There was no significant improvement in functional status, according to the FIM. Conclusion: The findings showed that rigid hyperlordosis is the main problem of spinal deformities in neuromuscular patients. Scoliosis and pelvic obliquity can be well corrected in NMS by pedicle screw construction with standard maneuvers and pelvic screw fixation. Level of Evidence IV; Lesser quality prospective study.
RESUMO Objetivo: Revelar padrões frontais e sagitais de deformidade espinhal depende da nosologia neuromuscular para cirurgia e planejamento de resultados. As características da deformidade espinhal variam de acordo com a patologia. Na paralisia cerebral, nas distrofias musculares e na atrofia muscular espinhal, as características específicas das deformidades estão mal escritas, especialmente no perfil sagital. Métodos: Os critérios de avaliação foram: idade, sexo dos pacientes, volume de perda de sangue, duração da internação hospitalar, medida da curva de deformidade, cifose torácica e lombar (ângulo Cobb), obliquidade pélvica em relação à linha horizontal, a porcentagem da correção da curva. O ângulo Cobb foi medido no pré-operatório antes da alta hospitalar (até 21 dias de pós-operatório) e um ano após a cirurgia. Resultados: A coorte de 71 pacientes com deformidades espinhais devido a doenças neuromusculares incluiu quatro grupos: distrofia muscular (DM), atrofia muscular espinhal (AME), distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD) e paralisia cerebral (PC). A deformidade mais característica no plano frontal era a escoliose toracolombar em forma de C com a rotação da pélvis; a rotação das vértebras aumentou de acordo com a magnitude da escoliose. A hiperlordose lombar era comum em pacientes com DP, enquanto que a diminuição da cifose torácica ou mesmo a lordose torácica ocorre com maior frequência em pacientes com DMD. A correção moderada da escoliose foi observada em todos os grupos. Não houve melhora significativa no status funcional, de acordo com a FIM. Conclusão: Os achados mostraram que a hiperlordose rígida é o principal problema das deformidades espinhais em pacientes neuromusculares. A escoliose e a obliquidade pélvica podem ser bem corrigidas no NMS através da construção de parafusos pediculares com manobras padrão e fixação de parafusos pélvicos. Nível de Evidência IV; Estudo prospectivo de menor qualidade.
RESUMEN Objetivo: La revelación de los patrones frontal y sagital de la deformidad de la columna vertebral depende de la nosología neuromuscular para la planificación de la cirugía y los resultados. Las características de la deformación de la columna vertebral varían según la patología. En la parálisis cerebral, las distrofias musculares y la atrofia muscular espinal, las características específicas de las deformidades están mal escritas, especialmente en el perfil sagital. Métodos: Los criterios de evaluación fueron la edad, el sexo de los pacientes, el volumen de pérdida de sangre, la duración de la hospitalización, la medición de la curva de deformación, la cifosis torácica y lumbar (ángulo de Cobb), la oblicuidad pélvica en relación con la línea horizontal, el porcentaje de corrección de la curva. El ángulo de Cobb se midió antes del alta hospitalaria (hasta 21 días después de la operación) y un año después de la misma. Resultados: La cohorte de 71 pacientes con deformidades espinales debidas a enfermedades neuromusculares incluía cuatro grupos: distrofia muscular (DM), atrofia muscular espinal (AME), distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD) y parálisis cerebral (PC). La deformación más característica en el plano frontal era la escoliosis toracolumbar en forma de C con rotación de la pelvis; la rotación de las vértebras aumentaba según la magnitud de la escoliosis. La hiperlordosis lumbar fue común en los pacientes con EP, mientras que la disminución de la cifosis torácica o incluso la lordosis torácica ocurre más frecuentemente en los pacientes con DMD. Se observó una corrección moderada de la escoliosis en todos los grupos. No hubo una mejora significativa del estado funcional según el FIM. Conclusión: Los resultados mostraron que la hiperlordosis rígida es el principal problema de las deformidades de la columna vertebral en los pacientes neuromusculares. La escoliosis y la oblicuidad pélvica pueden corregirse bien en el SMN mediante la construcción de tornillos pediculares con maniobras estándar y la fijación de tornillos pélvicos. Nivel de evidencia IV; Estudio prospectivo de menor calidad.
Humans , Scoliosis , Muscular Dystrophies , Spinal Diseases , Cerebral PalsyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Although it is predominantly a muscular disease, impairments in the central nervous system in patients with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) have been described in the literature. Objective: To describe the cognitive profile of patients with FSHD and to correlate the impairments found with clinical variables and quality of life. Methods: Cross-sectional and case-control study that evaluated FSHD patients using a series of cognitive assessments (Mini-Mental State Examination — MMSE, Montreal Cognitive Assessment — MoCA, verbal fluency with phonological restriction — FAS, categorical verbal fluency — FAS-cat, trail-making test — TMT, and Rey's Verbal Auditory Learning Test); a neurological severity scale (Gardner-Medwin-Walton — GMWS); and a quality of life measurement tool (Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey). Results: Individuals with FSHD (13) and healthy controls (26) were paired by gender and age. Significant differences between case and control groups were found in MMSE, TMT A, and A7 (p≤0.05) and MOCA (p≤0.001) performances. A positive correlation was verified in long-term memory impairments and the age in which symptoms appear (r=-0.593, p=0.033). Regarding quality of life assessment, the emotional domain correlated to MEEM (r=0.657, p=0.015), TMT A (r=-0.601, p=0.030), and A7 (r=0.617, p=0.025) performances. Conclusions: Individuals with FSHD presented mild impairments in the performance of tasks that involve attention, planning, and long-term memory functions. Those impairments were associated neither with the disease duration nor with its neurological severity.
RESUMO Embora seja uma doença predominantemente muscular, alterações no sistema nervoso central em pacientes com Distrofia Facioescapuloumeral (FSHD) têm sido descritas na literatura. Objetivo: Caracterizar o perfil cognitivo de pacientes com FSHD e correlacionar as alterações encontradas com variáveis clínicas e qualidade de vida. Métodos: Estudo transversal, caso-controle que avaliou pacientes com FSHD por meio de uma série de avaliações cognitivas (Mini Exame do Estado Mental — MEEM; Montreal Cognitive Assessment — MoCA; fluência verbal com restrição fonológica — FAS; fluência verbal categórica — FAS-cat; Trail Making Test — TMT; e Rey's Verbal Auditory Learning Test — RAVLT); uma escala de gravidade neurológica (Gardner-Medwin-Walton — GMWS); e um questionário (Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short-Form Health Survey — SF-36). Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 13 indivíduos com FSHD e 26 controles saudáveis, pareados por sexo e idade. A análise comparativa entre os grupos FSHD e controle mostrou diferenças significativas no desempenho cognitivo dos testes MEEM, TMT A e A7 (p≤0.05) e no MoCA (p≤0,001). Verificou-se uma correlação positiva com a idade de início dos sintomas e o prejuízo na memória de longo prazo (r=-0,593, p=0,033). Em relação à qualidade de vida, observou-se uma correlação entre o domínio de limitação emocional e os testes MEEM (r=0,657, p=0,015), TMT A (r=-0,601, p=0,030) e A7 (r=0,617, p=0,025). Conclusões: Pacientes com FSHD apresentaram alterações leves na realização de tarefas que envolvem as funções de atenção, planejamento e memória de longo prazo. Essas alterações não tiveram associação com o tempo de doença nem com sua gravidade neurológica.
Humans , Cognition , Muscular DystrophiesABSTRACT
INTRODUÇÃO: A distrofia muscular de cinturas do tipo 2B (DMC2B) é uma doença neuromuscular, degenerativa, rara, hereditária, progressiva, com consequentes prejuízos progressivos na capacidade motora e funcional. OBJETIVO: descrever e analisar os efeitos da fisioterapia aquática sobre a funcionalidade, força muscular, amplitude de movimento e qualidade de vida de uma paciente com diagnóstico DMC2B atendida em projeto de extensão universitária. MÉTODOS: Paciente do sexo feminino, 32 anos, solteira, com diagnóstico genético de Distrofia Muscular de Cinturas do Tipo 2B, nível 3 da escala Vignos (modificada por Garder-Medwin e Walton). O relato de caso apresenta a reabilitação através da Fisioterapia Aquática (hidrocinesioterapia) e seus impactos sobre a força muscular, amplitude de movimento, capacidade funcional e qualidade de vida da paciente (CAAE No. 43505321.0.0000.0018). RESULTADOS: O protocolo de fisioterapia aquática, composto por 12 sessões, 60 min/2x/semana, resultou em melhoras na capacidade funcional global e aumento de 9,52% na avaliação da função motora distal, aumentos de 100% da força de preensão manual e aumento para o limite superior (grau 5) na escala MRC para várias das musculaturas testadas, além de ganho de ADM e melhora expressiva da Qualidade de Vida. CONCLUSÃO: A melhora funcional apresentada pela paciente sugere que a reabilitação funcional fundamentada na fisioterapia aquática, em intensidade leve a moderada, é uma opção terapêutica segura e eficaz para a melhora da força muscular, amplitude de movimento, capacidade funcional e qualidade de vida na DMC2B.
INTRODUCTION: Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy, Type 2B (LGMD2B), is a rare, hereditary, progressive neuromuscular degenerative disease coursing with progressive impairments in motor and functional capacity. OBJECTIVE: To describe and analyze the effects of aquatic physical therapy on the functionality, muscle strength, range of motion, and quality of life of a patient diagnosed with LGMD2B attended on an outreach program. METHODS: A female patient, 32 years old, single, with genetic diagnosis of LGMD2B, level 5 at Vignos scale (modified by Garder-Medwin e Walton). The case reports the Aquatic Physical Therapy rehabilitation protocol (hydrokinesiotherapy) and its impacts on muscle strength, range of motion, functional capacity, and patient quality of life (CAAE No. 43505321.0.0000.0018). RESULTS: The aquatic physical therapy protocol, composed of 12 sessions, 60 minutes/2x/week, resulted in improvements in overall functional capacity and a 9.52% increase of distal motor function, 100% increase in handgrip strength, and increase up to the upper limit (grade 5) on the MRC scale for several of the muscles tested, in addition to increased range of motion and expressive improvement in Quality of Life. CONCLUSION: The patient' functional improvement suggests that water-based physical therapy rehabilitation, at mild to moderate exercise intensity, is a safe and effective therapeutic option for improvement muscle strength, range of motion, functional capacity, and quality of life in LGMD2B patients.
Hydrotherapy , Rehabilitation , Muscular DystrophiesABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To report on a patient with congenital muscular dystrophy (CMD) due to a missense variant of LMNA gene and explore its pathogenicity.@*METHODS@#The 1-year-and-1-month-old boy has presented with motor development delay and elevation of muscle enzymes for more than half a year. Congenital myopathy was suspected. Following muscle biopsy, HE staining, immunostaining and electron microscopy were conducted to clarify the clinical diagnosis. Meanwhile, DNA was extracted from the child and his parents' peripheral venous blood samples. Trio-whole exome sequencing (trio-WES) was carried out to detect pathogenic variant in the child. Candidate variant was verified by Sanger sequencing and bioinformatic analysis.@*RESULTS@#Both light and electron microscopy showed a large area of necrotic muscle tissues with infiltration of inflammatory cells. Immunohistochemistry revealed a large amount of muscle cells to be diffusely positive for Dysferlin. The patient's motor delays, elevations of muscle enzymes and histopathological results suggested a clinical diagnosis of CMD. A de novo missense c.1072G>A (p.E358K) variant was detected in the LMNA gene by trio-WES. The variant was unreported previously (PS2) and was absent from major allele frequency databases (PM2). It was a loss of function variant and was considered as hotspot variant in the LMNA gene (PM1) as the amino acid (E), located in position 358, was highly conserved, and change of this amino acid was found to cause destruction of the filament domain (AA: 30-386), which may result in serious damage to the intermediate filament protein. Furthermore, c.1072G>A (p. E358K) in LMNA gene was also predicted to be pathogenic based on MutationTaster, PROVEAN and PolyPhen-2 (PP3) analysis. According to the guidelines of the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG), the variant was classified to be likely pathogenic (PS2+PM1+PM2+PP3).@*CONCLUSION@#The child's condition may be attributed to the de novo missense c.1072 G>A (p.E358K) variant of the LMNA gene. Above discovery has expanded the variant spectrum of the LMNA gene.
Humans , Infant , Male , Gene Frequency , Genomics , Lamin Type A/genetics , Muscular Dystrophies/genetics , Mutation , Exome SequencingABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION: Limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMDs) are neuromuscular and genetic disorders that progress with weakness and damage of the proximal muscles, developing with loss of functionality. Virtual reality environments are suggested as an effective alternative for performance of daily life activities. However, there is no evidence in the literature on the use of virtual reality in this populationOBJECTIVE: Assess motor performance through a motor learning protocol in a coincident timing taskMETHODS: 10 participants with LGMD and 10 healthy individuals were selected and included in the study to perform a non-immersive virtual reality task divided into three phases: acquisition (20 attempts), retention (5 attempts), and transfer (5 attempts, with speed increaseRESULTS: It is observed that the accuracy of movement improves from the beginning to the end of the acquisition (p = 0.01); however, there is a marginal difference between the groups in block A1 (p = 0.089). Regarding the variability of touches, observed by the variable error, both groups improved performance in all phasesCONCLUSION: Even with lower performance than the control group at the beginning of the practice, individuals with LGMD showed the potential to optimize motor function during the practice of a non-immersive virtual reality activity and were able to match their performance with the control group after a few attempts
INTRODUÇÃO: As distrofias musculares de cinturas (DMC) são distúrbios neuromusculares e genéticos que progridem com fraqueza e dano dos músculos proximais, desenvolvendo-se com perda de funcionalidade. Sugere-se ambientes de realidade virtual como uma alternativa eficaz para o desempenho das atividades da vida diária. No entanto, não há evidências na literatura sobre o uso da realidade virtual nessa populaçãoOBJETIVO: Avaliar o desempenho motor através de um protocolo de aprendizagem motora em uma tarefa de timing coincidenteMÉTODO: 10 participantes com DMC e 10 indivíduos saudáveis foram selecionados e incluídos no estudo para realizar uma tarefa de realidade virtual não imersiva dividida em três fases: aquisição (20 tentativas), retenção (5 tentativas) e transferência (5 tentativas, com aumento de velocidadeRESULTADOS: Observou-se que a acurácia do movimento melhorou do início ao final da aquisição (p = 0,01); no entanto, existe uma diferença marginal entre os grupos no bloco A1 (p = 0,089). Em relação à variabilidade de toques, observada pelo erro variável, ambos os grupos melhoraram o desempenho em todas as fasesCONCLUSÃO: Mesmo com desempenho inferior ao grupo controle no início da prática, os indivíduos com DMC mostraram potencial para otimizar a função motora durante a prática de uma atividade de realidade virtual não imersiva e foram capazes de corresponder seu desempenho com o grupo controle após poucas tentativas
Muscular Dystrophies, Limb-Girdle , Muscular Dystrophies , Virtual RealityABSTRACT
RESUMEN La distrofia muscular de cinturas de las extremidades (LGMD, por sus siglas en inglés) incluye varios trastornos con etiologías heterogéneas. Se heredan en patrón autosómico recesivo o autosómico dominante y constituyen la cuarta causa genética más común de debilidad muscular, reportando una prevalencia de 1 en 20,000. Las manifestaciones clínicas son inespecíficas, pueden presentarse desde la primera infancia hasta la edad adulta, dependiendo del subtipo de la enfermedad y de la proteína afectada. El diagnóstico inicial se realiza mediante pruebas genéticas antes de obtener una biopsia muscular. Hasta la actualidad no hay tratamientos que modifiquen la evolución de la enfermedad. El propósito de la terapia es conservar la independencia funcional y tratar las complicaciones asociadas, manteniendo al máximo la calidad de vida.A continuación se reporta el caso de un paciente pediátrico, residente en Quito, Ecuador sin antecedentes patológicos ni familiares previos, con alteración de la motricidad fina progresiva dado por trastorno motor en manos, dedos en flexión, hipotrofia de eminencias tenar e hipotenar y atrofia de interóseos de manos, se realizan estudios en relación a neuropatía periférica distal con afectación de sensibilidad bilateral y simétrica, encontrando como única variante, cambios electromiográficos: polineuropatía crónica, sensitiva y motora de predominio axonal, (desmielinizante en menor grado), de grado marcado presumi-blemente de etiología hereditaria. El diagnostico final lo determinó estudio genético con mutación del gen TTN en relación con: Distrofia muscular de cinturas, tipo 2J (CINTURA ESCAPULAR DE PREDOMINIO DISTAL).
ABSTRACT Limb girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD) includes several disorders with heterogeneous etiologies. They are inherited in an autosomal recessive or autosomal dominant pattern and constitute the fourth most common genetic cause of muscle weakness, reporting a prevalence of 1 in 20,000. The clinical manifestations are nonspecific, can begin from early childhood to adulthood depending on the subtype of the disease and the protein affected. The initial diagnosis is made by genetic testing before obtaining a muscle biopsy. To date there are no treatments that modify the evolution of the disease. The purpose of therapy is to preserve functional independence and treat associated complications, maintaining quality of life as much as possible.The following is the case of a pediatric patient, resident in Quito, Ecuador with no prior family or pathological history, with progressive fine motor disorder due to motor disorder in the hands, flexed fingers, hypotrophy of tenar and hypothenar eminences, and atrophy of interosseous hands, studies are performed in relation to distal peripheral neuropathy with bilateral and symmetrical sensitivity involvement, finding electromyographic changes as the only variant: chronic, sensitive and motor polyneuropathy with axonal predominance (demyelinating to a lesser degree), of marked degree presumably of hereditary etiology. The final diagnosis was determined by a genetic study with a mutation of the TTN gene in relation to: Girdle Muscular dystrophy, type 2J (DISTAL PREDOMINANT SCAPULAR GIRDLE).
Humans , Male , Child , Muscular Dystrophies, Limb-Girdle , Genetics , Muscular Dystrophies , Polyneuropathies , Atrophy , Peripheral Nervous System DiseasesABSTRACT
Resumen Para las distrofias musculares no miotónicas como la Distrofia de Duchenne y la Distrofia de Becker, la cardiopatía forma parte inherente de su espectro clínico. La expresión clínica de éstas se puede manifestar con insuficiencia cardíaca des- compensada, arritmias o muerte súbita; gran parte de ellos cursan asintomáticos en el transcurso del tiempo, pero cuando se manifiestan constituyen una de las principales causas de muerte en estos pacientes, por lo que su detección temprana y tratamiento óptimo influyen en gran medida en el pronóstico clínico de estos pacientes. A continuación, se presenta el caso de un paciente en quien se encontró de forma incidental el compromiso cardíaco de uno de estos desórdenes neuromusculares.
Abstract Cardiac involvement in muscular dystrophies: a clinical case For non-myotonic muscular dystrophies such as Duchenne Dystrophy and Becker Dystrophy, heart disease is an inherent part of its clinical spectrum. The clinical expression of these diseases can be manifested with decompensated heart failure, arrhythmias or sudden death; A large part of them are asymptomatic over time, but when they manifest they constitute one of the main causes of death in these patients, so their early detection and optimal treatment greatly influence the clinical prognosis of these patients. The following is the case of a patient in whom the cardiac involvement of one of these neuromuscular disorders was found incidentally.
Humans , Male , Adult , Heart Failure/diagnostic imaging , Muscular Dystrophies/complicationsABSTRACT
Abstract Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) usually affects men. However, women are also affected in rare instances. Approximately 8% of female DMD carriers have muscle weakness and cardiomyopathy. The early identification of functional and motor impairments can support clinical decision making. Objective: To investigate the motor and functional impairments of 10 female patients with dystrophinopathy diagnosed with clinical, pathological, genetic and immunohistochemical studies. Methods: A descriptive study of a sample of symptomatic female carriers of DMD mutations. The studied variables were muscular strength and functional performance. Results: The prevalence was 10/118 (8.4%) symptomatic female carriers. Deletions were found in seven patients. The age of onset of symptoms in female carriers of DMD was quite variable. Pseudohypertrophy of calf muscles, muscular weakness, compensatory movements and longer timed performance on functional tasks were observed in most of the cases. Differently from males with DMD, seven female patients showed asymmetrical muscular weakness. The asymmetric presentation of muscle weakness was frequent and affected posture and functionality in some cases. The functional performance presents greater number of compensatory movements. Time of execution of activities was not a good biomarker of functionality for this population, because it does not change in the same proportion as the number of movement compensations. Conclusion: Clinical manifestation of asymmetrical muscle weakness and compensatory movements, or both can be found in female carriers of DMD mutations, which can adversely affect posture and functional performance of these patients.
Resumo A distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD) geralmente afeta indivíduos do sexo masculino. No entanto, mulheres também são acometidas em casos raros. Aproximadamente 8% das portadoras de DMD têm fraqueza muscular ou cardiomiopatia. A identificação precoce das alterações funcionais e motoras pode alterar a tomada de decisão clínica. Objetivo: Investigar as deficiências motoras e funcionais de 10 pacientes do sexo feminino com distrofinopatia diagnosticada por estudos clínicos, patológicos, genéticos e imuno-histoquímicos. Método: Estudo descritivo de uma amostra de portadoras sintomáticas de mutações DMD. As variáveis estudadas foram força muscular e desempenho funcional. Resultados: A prevalência foi de 10/118 (8,4%) de portadoras sintomáticas de DMD. Foram encontradas deleções em sete pacientes. A idade de início dos sintomas em portadoras de DMD foi variável. Pseudo-hipertrofia de panturrilhas, movimentos compensatórios, fraqueza muscular e aumento no tempo de execução de tarefas funcionais foram observados na maioria dos casos. Diferentemente dos homens com DMD, sete pacientes apresentaram fraqueza muscular assimétrica. A apresentação assimétrica da fraqueza muscular foi frequente, podendo afetar a postura e a funcionalidade. O desempenho funcional geralmente apresenta aumento no número de movimentos compensatórios. Não podemos sempre considerar o tempo como um bom marcador de funcionalidade para essa população, uma vez que não muda na mesma proporção que o número de compensações em todas essas pacientes. Conclusão: Fraqueza muscular assimétrica e movimentos compensatórios, ou ambos, podem ser encontrados em portadoras sintomáticas de DMD, o que pode afetar a postura e a funcionalidade dessas pacientes.
Humans , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne/diagnosis , Muscle Strength/physiology , Muscular Dystrophies/genetics , Cardiomyopathies/etiology , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Prevalence , Muscle Weakness/etiology , Muscle Weakness/epidemiology , Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne/genetics , Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne/epidemiology , Muscle Strength/genetics , Physical Functional Performance , Heterozygote , Muscular Dystrophies/physiopathology , Muscular Dystrophies/epidemiology , Mutation/genetics , Cardiomyopathies/epidemiologyABSTRACT
RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi mapear o uso da fisioterapia aquática em indivíduos com distrofias musculares, de forma a caracterizar as intervenções no meio aquático e identificar componentes mensurados (variáveis estudadas e instrumentos utilizados nos estudos). A revisão sistemática do tipo de escopo incluiu estudos experimentais, descritivos e observacionais (em inglês, português e espanhol). As buscas foram realizadas nas plataformas Medline (PubMed), CINAHL, Embase, PEDro, Lilacs, ERIC, Scopus, Web of Science e Google Scholar. Os dados extraídos foram alocados em três categorias: (1) caracterização dos registros, (2) informações referentes a fisioterapia aquática e (3) componentes mensurados. Foram encontrados 556 registros e, destes, selecionados 20. As amostras dos estudos selecionados incluíram, na maioria, indivíduos com distrofia muscular de Duchenne, com idade entre 5 e 22 anos, que fizeram fisioterapia aquática com duração média de 45 minutos uma ou duas vezes por semana, por 21 semanas. Essas características corroboram estudos feitos em diferentes populações. A maioria dos estudos investigou alterações pulmonares e controle postural/desempenho funcional, poucos avaliaram os efeitos no sistema cardíaco. Recomenda-se usar a Egen Klassifikation, a North Star Ambulatory Assessment e fazer o teste de caminhada de seis minutos.
RESUMEN El presente estudio tuvo el objetivo de mapear la práctica de fisioterapia acuática por individuos con distrofias musculares, para caracterizar las intervenciones en el medio acuático e identificar los componentes medidos (variables estudiadas e instrumentos utilizados en los estudios). La revisión sistemática de alcance incluyó estudios experimentales, descriptivos y observacionales (en inglés, portugués y español). Se llevaron a cabo las búsquedas en Medline (PubMed), CINAHL, Embase, PEDro, Lilacs, ERIC, Scopus, Web of Science y Google Scholar. Los datos obtenidos se asignaron en tres categorías: (1) caracterización de registros; (2) informaciones sobre fisioterapia acuática; y (3) componentes medidos. Se encontraron 556 registros, de los cuales se seleccionaron 20. Las muestras de los estudios seleccionados incluyeron mayoritariamente a individuos con distrofia muscular de Duchenne, con edades entre 5 y 22 años, y que se habían sometido a sesiones de fisioterapia acuática con un promedio de duración de 45 minutos, una o dos veces por semana, durante 21 semanas. Estas características confirman estudios realizados con diferentes poblaciones. La mayoría de los estudios han investigado las alteraciones pulmonares y el control postural/rendimiento funcional, pero pocos han evaluado los efectos sobre el sistema cardíaco. Se recomienda emplear la Egen Klassifikation, la North Star Ambulatory Assessment y aplicar la prueba de caminata de seis minutos.
ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to map the use of aquatic physical therapy in individuals with muscular dystrophy, to characterize aquatic physical therapy intervention and identify measured components (variables and measurement instruments used) by the studies. A systematic scoping review included experimental, descriptive and observational studies (in English, Portuguese and Spanish languages). The searches were carried out on MEDLINE (PubMed), CINAHL, Embase, PEDro, Lilacs, ERIC, Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar. The extracted data were characterized into three categories: (1) characterization of the records, (2) information referring to aquatic physical therapy, and (3) measured components. There were 556 studies records and 20 records were selected. The studies samples included mostly individuals with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, aged between 5 and 22 years old. Aquatic physical therapy sessions lasted about 45 minutes, and one or two sessions per week were carried out for 21 weeks. That corroborates studies conducted in different populations. Most of the studies investigated pulmonary system and postural control/ functional ability, and a few studies evaluated cardiac system. Egen Klassifikation and North Star Ambulatory Assessment are recommended, and also to perform 6-minute walk test.
Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Physical Therapy Modalities , Hydrotherapy/standards , Muscular Dystrophies/rehabilitation , Reference Standards , Respiratory Function Tests , Maximal Voluntary Ventilation , Treatment Outcome , Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne/physiopathology , Muscular Dystrophy, Duchenne/rehabilitation , Postural Balance/physiology , Physical Functional Performance , Lung Diseases/physiopathologyABSTRACT
Biallelic pathogenic mutations of the LAMA2 gene result in congenital muscular dystrophy type 1A (CMD1A). The patient in this study was a boy aged 19 months, with the clinical manifestations of motor development delay and increases in the serum levels of creatine kinase, aminotransferases, and lactate dehydrogenase. Genetic analysis showed that the patient had compound heterozygous mutations in the LAMA2 gene, among which c.7147C>T (p.Ala2383Ter) from his mother was a known nonsense mutation, and c.8551_8552insAA (p.Ile2852ArgfsTer2) from his father was a frameshift mutation which had never been reported before and was identified as a pathogenic mutation based on the ACMG guideline. The boy was confirmed with CMD1A. A literature review of related articles in China and overseas revealed that most children with CMD1A have disease onset within 6 months after birth, with the features of motor developmental delay, elevated serum creatine kinase, and white matter impairment on imaging examination. The mutations of the LAMA2 gene have remarkable heterogeneity, the majority of which are null mutations. There are no specific treatment methods for CMD1A currently, and children with CMD1A usually have a poor long-term prognosis.
Humans , Infant , Male , China , Genetic Testing , Laminin , Genetics , Muscular Dystrophies , Genetics , MutationABSTRACT
There is scant information about the comprehensive distribution of dystrophic muscles in muscular dystrophy. Despite different clinical presentations of muscular dystrophy, a recent multi-center study concluded that phenotypic distribution of dystrophic muscles is independent of clinical phenotype and suggested that there is a common pattern of involved muscles. To evaluate this possibility, the present case report used cadaveric dissection to determine the whole-body distribution of fat-infiltrated, dystrophic muscles from a 72-year-old white male cadaver with adult-onset, late-stage muscular dystrophy. Severely dystrophic muscles occupied the pectoral, gluteal and pelvic regions, as well as the arm, thigh and posterior leg. In contrast, muscles of the head, neck, hands and feet largely appeared unaffected. Histopathology and a CT-scan supported these observations. This pattern of dystrophic muscles generally conformed with that described in the multi-center study, and provides prognostic insight for patients and the physicians treating them.
Humans , Male , Aged , Muscular Dystrophies , Autopsy , Musculoskeletal SystemABSTRACT
Abstract Aim: To investigate the consequences of chronic eccentric exercise in histopathology, inflammatory, and myogenic regulatory factors response in gastrocnemius muscle of X-chromosome-linked muscular dystrophy (mdx) mice. Method: Male mdx and control mice (C57BL/10 lineage) were distributed in the following groups: Sedentary Control (SC), Trained Control (TC), Sedentary Mdx (S-Mdx), and Trained Mdx (T-Mdx). Trained animals were subjected to downhill running for 7 weeks. Gastrocnemius was submitted to histopathological analysis and immunoexpression of Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and myogenic regulatory factors (myoD and myogenin). Results: The exercise influenced inflammation response as demonstrated by the increased COX-2 immunoexpression in T-Mdx. Interestingly, Myogenic regulatory factors revealed that the lack of dystrophin has not been influenced myoD and the increase of myogenin occurred due to exercise and was not aggravated by the absence of dystrophin. Conclusion: In conclusion, an eccentric exercise in gastrocnemius of mdx mice was characterized by an intense inflammatory process without myogenic response. These findings suggest that special attention should be given to inflammatory aspects related to COX-2 associated with a decrease of myoD expression, as biomarkers in motor rehabilitation programs.
Animals , Mice , Exercise , Myogenin , Cyclooxygenase 2 Inhibitors , Muscular DystrophiesABSTRACT
Introducción: La distrofia muscular a tipo Miyoshi es una enfermedad genética, neuromuscular que afecta a las cinturas escapular y pélvica, causando alto grado de discapacidad, su diagnóstico se realiza a través de exámenes enzimáticos y biopsia muscular. Caso clínico: Paciente de 48 años de edad con una evolución de su diagnóstico de hace 16 años, con gran limitación funcional para la marcha desde hace un año y medio, debilidad muscular y atrofia de la musculatura posterior de ambos miembros inferiores. Se le realizó tratamiento rehabilitador integral con objetivos específicos. Conclusiones: Luego de 30 sesiones de tratamiento, se cumplieron los objetivos trazados con evolución satisfactoria, siendo el tratamiento rehabilitador integral un pilar importante en la mejoría clínica del paciente(AU)
Introduction: Muscular dystrophy of Miyoshi type is a genetic and neuromuscular disease that affects the pelvic and shoulder girdle and causes high degree of disability. Its diagnosis is through enzyme testing and muscle biopsy. Clinical case: 48- years- male patient with evolution of his diagnosis made 16 years ago. The patient had great functional limitation for walking from a year and a half before, muscle weakness and atrophy of the posterior muscles of both lower limbs. It was applied comprehensive rehabilitation treatment with specific objectives. Conclusions: After 30 treatment sessions, the objectives were achieved with a satisfactory evolution. The comprehensive rehabilitative treatment proved to be an important pillar in the patient´s clinical improvement(AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Quality of Life , Exercise , Disabled Persons/rehabilitation , Muscular Dystrophies/diagnosisABSTRACT
Objective The present work evaluated the motor deficit resulting from the psoas muscle access through the extreme lateral interbody fusion (XLIF) approach. Methods This was a prospective, non-randomized, controlled, single-center study with 60 patients, with a mean age of 61.8 years old. All of the subjects underwent a lateral transpsoas retroperitoneal approach for lumbar interbody fusion with electroneuromyographic guidance and accessing 1 to 3 lumbar levels (mean level, 1.4; 63% cases in only 1 level; 68% cases included L4-L5). The isometric hip flexion strength in the sitting position was determined bilaterally with a handheld dynamometer (Lafayette Instrument, Lafayette, IN, USA). Themean value of three peak forcemeasurements (N) was calculated. Standardized isometric strength tests were performed before the procedure and at 10 days, 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months postsurgery. Results Ipsilateral hip flexion was diminished (p < 0.001) at the early postoperative period, but reached preoperative values at 6 weeks (p > 0.12). The mean hip flexion measures before the procedure and at 10 days, 6 weeks, 3 months and 6 months after surgery were the following, respectively: 13 N; 9.7 N; 13.7 N; 14.4 N; and 16 N (ipsilateral); 13.3 N; 13.4 N; 15.3 N; 15.9 N; and 16.1 N (contralateral). Neither the level nor the number of treated levels had a clear association with thigh symptoms, but hip flexion weakness was the most common symptom. Conclusions Patients in the early postoperative period of transpsoas access presented hip flexion weakness. However, this weakness was transient, and electroneuromyography use is still imperative in transpsoas access. In addition, patients must be thoroughly educated about hip flexion weakness to prevent falls in the immediate postoperative period.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Arthrodesis , Psoas Muscles/injuries , Hip Joint/abnormalities , Muscular Dystrophies/complications , Postoperative Complications , Spinal Fusion/methods , Prospective Studies , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Controlled Clinical Trial , Visual Analog ScaleABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To detect potential variation in an ethnic Han Chinese family affected with late-onset lipid storage myopathy.@*METHODS@#Next generation sequencing (NGS) was used to screen disease-related genes in the proband. Suspected mutation was validated with PCR and Sanger sequencing in two patients, their father, and 100 healthy controls.@*RESULTS@#Heterozygous c.770A>G (p.Tyr257Cys) and c.1395dupT (p.Gly466Tryfs) mutation were detected in the two patients. Their father was found to be heterozygous for the c.770A>G (p.Tyr257Cys) mutation, while the c.1395dupT (p.Gly466Tryfs) variation was not reported previously and not found among the healthy controls.@*CONCLUSION@#Mutations of the ETFDH gene probably underlie the pathogenesis in this family. The novel c.1395dupT (p.Gly466Tryfs) has enriched the mutation spectrum of EDFDH gene.
Humans , Asian People , Electron-Transferring Flavoproteins , Genetics , Heterozygote , High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing , Iron-Sulfur Proteins , Genetics , Lipid Metabolism, Inborn Errors , Genetics , Muscular Dystrophies , Genetics , Mutation , Oxidoreductases Acting on CH-NH Group Donors , GeneticsABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common childhood muscular dystrophy that anesthesiologists can encounter in the operation room, and patients with DMD are susceptible to complications such as rhabdomyolysis, hyperkalemic cardiac arrest, and hyperthermia during the perioperative period. Acute onset of hyperkalemic cardiac arrest is a crisis because of the difficulty in achieving satisfactory resuscitation owing to the sustained hyperkalemia accompanied by rhabdomyolysis. CASE: We here report a case of a 13-year-old boy who had multiple leg fractures and other trauma after a car accident and who had suffered from acute hyperkalemic cardiac arrest. He was refractory to cardiopulmonary resuscitation and showed sustained hyperkalemia. With extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and in-line hemofiltration, he recovered from repeated cardiac arrest and hyperkalemia. CONCLUSIONS: Combining ECMO and in-line hemofiltration might be a safe and effective technique for refractory hyperkalemic cardiac arrest and rhabdomyolysis in patients with DMD.