Introducción: Globalmente, existe un aumento de la prevalencia del queratocono y su diagnóstico en edades tempranas. Se notifican un gran número de casos subclínicos y otros con una rápida progresión, condicionada por el inicio precoz de la enfermedad y la asociación a factores de riesgo. Objetivo: Describir los aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos y el resultado de los medios de diagnóstico implicados en la detección precoz del queratocono infantil. Desarrollo: En niños con ametropía hay elementos que alertan la presencia de un queratocono como causa del defecto refractivo. Desde el punto de vista epidemiológico se encuentran: distribución geográfica, rol de la herencia y factores ambientales. Clínicamente se señalan los antecedentes de enfermedades, tales como las alergias, la presencia de miopía o astigmatismo miópico con inestabilidad refractiva y los signos clínicos relacionados con la progresión del cono. En los pacientes de riesgo es preciso realizar exámenes mediante diferentes medios de diagnóstico según su disponibilidad, siendo primordial el análisis refractivo, queratométrico y topográfico. Conclusiones: En la evaluación de los niños con ametropía se deben tener en cuenta elementos epidemiológicos y clínicos que permiten sospechar y diagnosticar precozmente el queratocono. En la interpretación de los resultados de los medios de diagnóstico involucrados en su detección, se deben considerar los hallazgos más frecuentes en la población infantil según el grado de progresión de la ectasia.
Introduction: Globally, there is an increase of the keratoconus prevalence and its diagnosis in early ages. A great number of subclinical cases and others with a quick progression are notified, conditioned by the early onset of the disease and the association with risk factors. Objective: To describe the epidemiological, clinical aspects and the result of diagnostic means involved in the early detection of infant keratoconus. Development: There are elements that alert the presence of a keratoconus as a cause of the refractive defect in children with ametropia. From the epidemiologic point of view they are: geographical distribution, heredity role and environmental factors. History of previous diseases are clinically pointed out, such as allergies, myopia or myopic astigmatism with refractive instability and the clinical signs related to cone progression. In risk patients it is necessary to carry out exams by means of different diagnostic means according to their availability, being essential the refractive, keratometric and topographic analysis. Conclusions: In the evaluation of children with ametropia, epidemiological and clinical elements should be taken into account that allow to suspect and early diagnose the keratoconus. In the interpretation of results of the diagnostic means involved in their detection the most frequent findings in the infant population, should be considered according to the ectasia degree of progression.
Child , Keratoconus , Refractive Errors , Astigmatism , Corneal Topography , MyopiaABSTRACT
La miopía constituye un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial, y se espera que afecte a un número cada vez mayor de personas en las próximas décadas. El control de la progresión de este defecto refractivo se ha convertido en una parte importante de la práctica clínica, ante la ausencia de un tratamiento protocolizado con el objetivo de disminuirla, se han valorado varias opciones terapéuticas. El objetivo del estudio fue proporcionar información actualizada sobre el tratamiento óptico en niños miopes. Para su realización se revisaron publicaciones, en idioma español e inglés, disponibles en bases de datos como PubMed, Ebsco, Google Académico, SciELO entre otras(AU)
Myopia constitutes a worldwide public health problem, and is expected to affect an increasing number of people in the coming decades. The control of the progression of this refractive defect has become an important part of clinical practice, and in the absence of a protocolized treatment with the aim of reducing it, several therapeutic options have been evaluated. The aim of the study was to provide updated information on optical treatment in myopic children. For its realization, publications were reviewed, in Spanish and English, available in databases such as PubMed, Ebsco, Google Scholar, SciELO, among others(AU)
Humans , Child , Evidence-Based Practice/methods , Myopia , Review Literature as Topic , Databases, BibliographicABSTRACT
Introducción: A partir de su formación permanente y continuada, desde la educación en el trabajo, el tecnólogo de la salud en optometría y óptica desarrolla modos de actuación en la atención primaria de salud, mediante la interacción con escuelas de la comunidad, para identificar problemas visuales en niños y contribuir a su rehabilitación, al brindar educación especializada a familias y docentes. Objetivo: Exponer los resultados de una investigación sobre problemas visuales en niños en edad escolar atendidos en el Policlínico Mario Escalona para la socialización de datos que contribuyan a la educación especializada de familias y docentes en la rehabilitación visual. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, desde enero de 2020 hasta abril de 2022, para conocer la incidencia del uso de dispositivos electrónicos en niños en edad escolar atendidos en el Policlínico Mario Escalona. Conformaron el universo 1953 niños. Se valoró el defecto refractivo y el tiempo de uso de los dispositivos electrónicos. Resultados: El astigmatismo miópico fue la ametropía más frecuente, con una incidencia superior al 50 por ciento. En encuestas realizadas a los padres se corroboró el uso desmedido de dispositivos electrónicos. Conclusiones: Como acto de responsabilidad profesional, desde la atención primaria de salud, el tecnólogo de la salud en optometría y óptica debe identificar los problemas visuales en niños en edad escolar y brindar educación especializada a familias y docentes, que contribuya a la rehabilitación visual(AU)
Introduction: From his or her permanent and continuous training, from education at work, the health technologist in Optometry and Optics develops modes of action in primary health care, through interaction with community schools, to identify visual problems in children and contribute to their rehabilitation, by providing specialized education to families and professors. Objective: To present the results of a research on visual problems in school-age children treated at Mario Escalona Polyclinic for the socialization of data that contribute to the specialized education of families and teachers in visual rehabilitation. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out from January 2020 to April 2022, in order to know the incidence of the use of electronic devices in school-age children attended at Policlínico Docente Dr. Mario Escalona Reguera. The universe consisted of 1953 children. The refractive defect and the time of use of electronic devices were assessed. Results: Myopic astigmatism was the most frequent ametropia, with an incidence higher than 50 percent. Surveys of parents corroborated an excessive use of electronic devices. Conclusions: As an act of professional responsibility, from primary health care, the health technologist in Optometry and Peptics should identify visual problems in school-age children, as well as provide specialized education to families and professors, contributing to visual rehabilitation(AU)
Humans , Child , Vision Disorders/epidemiology , Visual Acuity , Eye Diseases/epidemiology , Myopia/epidemiology , Primary Health Care , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Wearable Electronic DevicesABSTRACT
La visión, el más dominante de los sentidos, tiene un papel esencial en cada aspecto y etapa de la vida. Se da por sentada la visión, pero sin ella, resulta difícil la realización de tareas cotidianas como aprender a caminar, leer, conducir y trabajar. La miopía es una alteración visual que se encuentra entre las cinco condiciones, donde su atención clínica ha sido calificada de prioridad inmediata para la Organización Mundial de la Salud. La prevalencia de la miopía y la miopía magna aumentan a nivel mundial a un ritmo alarmante. Existen diversos factores socioeconómicos, psicológicos y sociales que impactan en la calidad de vida de quienes la padecen. De ahí la motivación de realizar un acercamiento a dichas variables para comprender desde una perspectiva social las implicaciones de esta afección visual mediante una búsqueda actualizada de diversos artículos publicados, con el objetivo de identificar los problemas sociales relacionados a la miopía. Se utilizó la plataforma Infomed, específicamente la Biblioteca Virtual de Salud, con todos sus buscadores(AU)
The vision, the dominantest in the senses, has an essential paper in each aspect and stage of the life. It is given by sitting the vision, but without her, it is difficult the realization of daily tasks as learning how to walk, to read, to drive and to work. The myopia is a visual alteration that is between the five conditions where its clinical attention it has been described as immediate priority for the World Organization of the Health. The prevalencia of the myopia and the great myopia increase at world level to an alarming rhythm. Diverse socioeconomic, psychological and social factors that impact in the quality of life of who you/they suffer it, exist of there the motivation of carrying out an approach to this variables to understand from a social perspective the implications of this visual affection by means of a modernized search of diverse published articles, with the objective of identifying the social problems related to the myopia. The platform Infomed was used, specifically the Virtual Library of Health, with all its searchers(AU)
Humans , MyopiaABSTRACT
Introducción: La Organización Mundial de la Salud considera a la miopía un problema de salud mundial debido a su prevalencia creciente. Se espera que afecte al 52 % de la población mundial en 2050. Objetivo: Determinar la progresión de la miopía durante la pandemia de COVID-19 con respecto al período previo al confinamiento. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo y ambispectivo de una serie de 12 pacientes atendidos en la Consulta de Oftalmología Pediátrica del Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer" antes de la pandemia y que acudieron en el período de confinamiento por la COVID-19 para su seguimiento. Las variables evaluadas fueron edad, género, antecedentes patológicos familiares de miopía, horas pantalla, equivalente esférico y biometría. Resultados: El promedio de edad fue de 9,7 años y el 58,3 por ciento correspondió al sexo femenino. El 75 por ciento de los pacientes tenían antecedentes patológicos familiares de miopía y el tiempo estimado frente a pantalla fue de 5,3 ± 0,8 h diarias. La media de la biometría se incrementó en el tiempo de 23 mm en 2019 a 25,5 mm en 2021. La diferencia de la media del equivalente esférico previo a la COVID-19 fue -0,89 y -0,84 para ojo derecho y el ojo izquierdo, respectivamente. En la etapa epidémica se percibió un aumento hasta -1,97 y -1,72. Conclusiones: El incremento del uso de los medios digitales debido al confinamiento ha causado la progresión de la miopía(AU)
Introduction: Myopia is considered a global health problem by the World Health Organization due to its increasing prevalence and is expected to affect 52 percent of the world's population by 2050. Objective: To determine the progression of myopia during the COVID-19 pandemic with respect to the pre-confinement period. Methods: A descriptive and ambispective study of a series of 12 patients treated at the Pediatric Ophthalmology Clinic of the Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology "Ramón Pando Ferrer" before the pandemic and who visited the hospital during the COVID-19 confinement period for follow-up, was carried out. The variables evaluated were age, gender, family history of myopia, screen hours, spherical equivalent and biometry. Results: The average age was 9.7 years and 58.3 percent of the patients were females. Seventy-five percent of the patients had a family history of myopia and the estimated time in front of the screen was 5.3 ± 0.8 h per day. The medium biometry increased over time from 23 mm in 2019 to 25.5 mm in 2021. The difference in medium pre-COVID-19 spherical equivalent was -0.89 and -0.84 for right eye and left eye, respectively. In the epidemic stage, an increase to -1.97 and -1.72 was perceived. Conclusions: Increased use of digital media due to confinement has caused myopia progression(AU)
Humans , Female , Child , Myopia/epidemiology , Epidemiology, DescriptiveABSTRACT
Objective: Based on a cohort and intervention study of the Eastern Chinese Student Surveillance, Cohort and Intervention Study (ES-SCI), this research aims to explore the correlation between monitor of the school environment and longitudinal data on myopia and provide evidence for the government myopia intervention strategy. Methods: This survey adopts the stratified cluster sampling method with the school as the unit. Students from grade 1 to grade 3 were selected according to the whole class to monitor the school environment in the classroom. Students will use the full-automatic computer optometer (TOPCON RM800) to conduct optometry from 2019 to 2021 under the condition of mydriasis to perform refractive eye examinations. Meantime eye axis length monitoring was also conducted. Cox proportional risk regression model was used to explore the relationship between school environmental monitoring and the occurrence and development of students' myopia. Results: From 2019 to 2021, 2 670 students from 77 classrooms participated in the observation study. The students' diopter after right/left eye mydriasis decreased in varying degrees (P<0.001), and the axial length of the right/left eye increased in various degrees (P<0.001). The weighted qualified rate of per capita area of primary school classrooms increased from 18.0% in 2019 to 26.0% in 2021, the weighted average illuminance pass rate of blackboard surface increased from 23.8% in 2019 to 26.4% in 2021, and the weighted average illuminance pass rate of classroom table decreased from 86.7% in 2019 to 77.5% in 2021. The trend chi-square test was significant (P<0.05). Cox proportional risk regression showed that after correcting for the grade, gender, parental myopia, diet, sleep, near work (sitting posture, working time, electronic mobile equipment, eye exercises), and outdoor activities, the per capita area of 1.36- m2 was the protective factor of eye axis length (HR=0.778, 95%CI: 0.659-0.918, P=0.003); The average reflection ratio of blackboard 0.15-0.19 was the protective factor of eye axis length (HR=0.685, 95%CI: 0.592-0.793, P<0.001); The average illumination of the blackboard 150-, 300-, 500- lx was the protective factor of the eye axis length (HR=0.456, 95%CI: 0.534-0.761, P<0.001; HR=0.794, 95%CI: 0.705-0.895, P<0.001; HR=0.690, 95%CI: 0.619-0.768, P<0.001). The blackboard evenness 0.40-0.59 was the risk factor of eye axis length (HR=1.528, 95%CI: 1.018-2.293, P=0.041), and the blackboard evenness 0.80- was the protection factor of eye axis length (HR=0.542, 95%CI: 0.404-0.726, P<0.001). The evenness of the desktop 0.40-0.59 was the protective factor of eye axis length (HR=0.820, 95%CI: 0.698-0.965, P=0.017). The average illuminance of 150-, 300-, 500- lx was the protective factor of a diopter (HR=0.638, 95%CI: 0.534-0.761, P<0.001; HR=0.911, 95%CI: 0.848-0.978, P=0.011; HR=0.750, 95%CI: 0.702-0.801, P<0.001). The average illumination of desktop 500- lx was a protective factor of a diopter (HR=0.855, 95%CI: 0.763-0.958, P=0.007). Conclusion: School environmental monitoring indicators, such as meeting per capita area standards, passing blackboard, and desk top-related indicators, all play protective effects on myopia development in students.
Humans , Mydriasis , Myopia/prevention & control , Refraction, Ocular , Students , Surveys and Questionnaires , SchoolsABSTRACT
Objective To compare the macular structure and microcirculation in both eyes of the patients with myopic anisometropia.Methods Optical coherence tomography angiography(OCTA)was employed to scan the macular areas in both eyes of 44 patients with myopic anisometropia.The patients were assigned into high and low groups based on the refractive diopter,and the parameters such as retinal thickness,choroidal thickness,vascular density,and perfusion density in the macular areas of both eyes were compared between the two groups.Results Other macular areas except the central and external nasal areas and the choroid of the fovea in the high group were thinner than those in the low group(all P<0.05).There was no statistically significant difference in retinal vascular density or perfusion density in different areas between the two groups(all P>0.05).Conclusion In the patients with myopic anisometropia,most areas of the retina in the case of high myopia is thinner than that in the case of low myopia,while there is no difference in retinal vascular density or perfusion density in both eyes.
Humans , Anisometropia , Choroid/blood supply , Microcirculation , Myopia , Retina , Tomography, Optical Coherence/methodsABSTRACT
Myopia has emerged as a public health issue with the increasing prevalence of myopia in children and adolescents in China. In the clinical diagnosis and treatment of myopia, there are clinical stages and classifications, but they are not suitable for the prevention and control of myopia at the public health level. At the public health level, because there is no staging standard for myopia, there is a lack of staging prevention and control guidance for different refractive errors. Therefore, the Public Health Ophthalmology Branch of the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association organized domestic experts in relevant fields to conduct literature searches and discuss based on the research data on myopia at home and abroad, put forward the stages of public health strategies for myopia prevention and control and corresponding group prevention and control measures for each stage to reached this experts consensus. This consensus first proposes a method for assessing myopia risk, in order to predict the occurrence and development of myopia in children and adolescents; From the perspective of public health, myopia prevention and control is further divided into four stages: myopia prodromal stage, myopia development stage, high myopia stage, and pathological myopia stage. According to this consensus, myopia prevention and control technology is targeted and implemented in different stages to provide guidance for myopia prevention and control from the perspective of public health.
Humans , Child , Adolescent , Public Health , Consensus , Myopia/epidemiology , Refractive Errors/epidemiology , Asian People , China/epidemiologyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the clinical phenotype and genetic characteristics of a Chinese pedigree affected with Cohen syndrome.@*METHODS@#A proband who was admitted to Zhengzhou People's Hospital on June 2, 2021 due to intellectual disability and developmental delay, in addition with her younger sister and other family members, were selected as the study subjects. Clinical data of the proband and her younger sister were collected. Genomic DNA was extracted from peripheral venous blood and chorionic villi samples. Chromosomal abnormalities were detected with chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA). Whole exome sequencing (WES) and Sanger sequencing were carried out to detect candidate variants in the proband. With RNA extracted from the peripheral blood samples, VPS13B gene transcripts and expression were analyzed by PCR and real-time quantitative PCR. Prenatal diagnosis was carried out at 12 weeks' gestation.@*RESULTS@#The proband was a 10-year-old female with clinical manifestations including development delay, obesity, severe myopia and peculiar facial features. Her sister was 3 years old with a similar phenotype. CMA revealed no chromosomal abnormality in the proband, while WES results revealed that the proband and her sister had both harbored compound heterozygous variants of the VPS13B gene, namely c.10076_10077delCA (p.T3359fs*29) and c.6940+1G>T, which were respectively inherited from their mother and father. Based on the guidelines from the American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ACMG), both variants were classified as pathogenic (PVS1+PS4+PM4+PP1; PVS1+PM2_Supporting+PM3+PP1). In vivo splicing assay confirmed that the c.6940+1G>T variant has produced a frameshift transcript with skipping of exon 38. Compared with the control group, the expression of RNA in the peripheral blood of the proband's parents has decreased to 65% ~ 70% (P < 0.01), whilst that in the proband and her sister has decreased to 40% (P < 0.001). Prenatal diagnosis at 12 weeks of gestation has found that the fetus only harbored the heterozygous c.10076_ 10077delCA variant.@*CONCLUSION@#The c.10076_10077delCA (p.T3359fs*29) frameshift variant and c.6940+1G>T splicing variant probably underlay the Cohen syndrome in this pedigree. Genetic testing has facilitated the diagnosis of this disease.
Female , Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , East Asian People , Intellectual Disability/genetics , Mutation , Myopia/genetics , Pedigree , Vesicular Transport Proteins/geneticsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To explore the underlying mechanism of inhibition by Jinkui Shenqi Pills (JKSQP) on glucocorticoid-enhanced axial length elongation in experimental lens-induced myopia (LIM) guinea pigs.@*METHODS@#Sixty 2-week old male guinea pigs were randomly divided into 4 groups with 15 guinea pigs in each group, according to the random numbers generated by SPSS software: control, LIM, saline and JKSQP groups. The control group includes animals with no treatment, while the guinea pigs in the other 3 groups received lens-induced myopization on the right eyes throughout the experiment (for 8 weeks). The saline and JKSQP groups were given daily intraperitoneal injections of 10 mg/kg hydrocortisone for 2 consecutive weeks at the same time, and then orally administered either saline or JKSQP [13.5 g/(kg•d) for 6 consecutive weeks. Body weight, anal temperature and animal appearance were observed and recorded to evaluate the GC-associated symptoms. The ocular parameters, including refraction and axial length, were measured by streak retinoscopy and A-scan ultrasonography, respectively. The levels of plasma hormones associated with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPAA), including free triiodothyronine, free thyroxine, estradiol and testosterone, were measured by radioimmunoassay, and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and cyclic guanosine monophosphate were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. In addition, the mRNA and protein expressions of retinal amphiregulin (AREG) was measured by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting, respectively.@*RESULTS@#JKSQP effectively increased body weight and anal temperature, improved animal appearance and suppressed axial length elongation in glucocorticoid-enhanced myopic guinea pigs with normalization of 4 HPAA-associated plasma hormones (all P<0.05). The plasma level of cAMP was significantly increased, whereas the plasma level of cGMP and the mRNA and protein expressions of retinal AREG were decreased after treatment with JKSQP (all P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#JKSQP exhibited a significant inhibitory effect on axial length elongation with decreased expression of AREG in the retina, and normalized 4 HPAA-associated plasma hormones and the expression of cAMP and cGMP in GC-enhanced myopic guinea pigs.
Male , Animals , Guinea Pigs , Glucocorticoids , Hypothalamo-Hypophyseal System , Pituitary-Adrenal System , Myopia/metabolism , Body Weight , RNA, Messenger , Disease Models, AnimalABSTRACT
ABSTRACT A 12-year-old boy with Donnai-Barrow syndrome diagnosed intra-uterus presented esotropia, high myopia, nystagmus, and optic disk staphyloma in an ophthalmologic examination. The patient had associated Fanconi syndrome and sensorineural hearing loss as well as facial manifestations as hypertelorism, downward slanting of palpebral fissures and low ear implantation. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed agenesis of the corpus callosum. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case associated with esotropia, nystagmus, and optic disk staphyloma.
RESUMO Paciente do sexo masculino, 12 anos, com diagnóstico intrauterino de síndrome de Donnai-Barrow, apresentava ao exame oftalmológico esotropia, alta miopia, nistagmo e estafiloma de disco óptico. Associado ao quadro, apresentava síndrome de Falconi e perda auditiva neurossensorial, além de alterações faciais, como hipertelorismo, inclinação inferior das fissuras palpebrais e implantação baixa das orelhas. Ressonância magnética revelou agenesia de corpo caloso. Ao nosso conhecimento, este é o primeiro caso relatado associando esotropia, nistagmo e estafiloma de disco óptico.
Humans , Male , Child , Abnormalities, Multiple , Optic Nerve Diseases/physiopathology , Esotropia/physiopathology , Nystagmus, Pathologic/physiopathology , Myopia/physiopathology , Renal Tubular Transport, Inborn Errors , Syndrome , Acidosis, Renal Tubular , Retinal Detachment , Cryptorchidism , Fanconi Syndrome/physiopathology , Agenesis of Corpus Callosum/physiopathology , Hernias, Diaphragmatic, Congenital , Hearing Loss, Sensorineural , Hypertelorism/physiopathologyABSTRACT
Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados sensoriales y motores poscirugía refractiva con técnicas de superficie (LASEK-MMC o PRK-MMC) en pacientes miopes con o sin astigmatismo asociado. Método: Se realizó estudio experimental controlado aleatorizado abierto, en el cual fueron incluidos 160 pacientes (320 ojos), de ellos tratados con LASEK-MMC (80 pacientes) y con PRK-MMC (80 pacientes), seguidos por 3 meses. Las principales variables evaluadas fueron: edad, tipo de error refractivo, equivalente esférico, ángulo Kappa, anisometropía, estereopsis, punto próximo de convergencia y su anomalía, amplitud de convergencia y de divergencia (cerca y lejos) y magnitud de la desviación del alineamiento ocular. Resultados: El grupo tratado con PRK-MMC tenía edad media de 26,48 años ± 4,47 y equivalente esférico preoperatorio de -3,27 ±1,54 que disminuyó significativamente (p <0,05) a -0,04 ± 0,23 dioptrías (D) a los tres meses de la cirugía. El grupo tratado con LASEK-MMC tenía edad media de 26,31 años ± 4,86 y equivalente esférico preoperatorio de -3,34 ± 1,66 dioptrías (D) que disminuyó significativamente (p <0,05) a -0,06 ± 0,26 D a los tres meses de la cirugía. Además, disminuyó la anisometropía, mejoró la estereopsis y disminuyó la amplitud la amplitud de convergencia y divergencia para lejos. El alineamiento ocular también mejoró. Conclusiones: Las técnicas de superficies para tratar pacientes con miopía o astigmatismo miópico compuesto disminuyen la anisometropía, mejoran la estereopsis y disminuyen la amplitud de convergencia y divergencia para lejos, con mayor proporción de pacientes con ortoforia después de la operación(AU)
Purpose : To evaluate sensory and motor outcomes after refractive surgery with surface techniques (LASEK-MMC or PRK-MMC) in myopic patients with or without associated astigmatism. Methods : An open randomized controlled experimental study was performed, in which 160 patients (320 eyes) were included, treated with LASEK-MMC (80 patients) and with PRK-MMC (80 patients), followed up during 3 months. The main variables evaluated were: age, type of refractive error, spherical equivalent, Kappa angle, anisometropia, stereopsis, near convergence point and its anomaly, convergence and divergence amplitude (near and far) and magnitude of ocular alignment deviation. Results : The group treated with PRK-MMC had an average age of 26.48 years ± 4.47 and preoperative spherical equivalent of -3.27 ± 1.54 which decreased significantly (p < 0.05) to -0.04 ± 0.23 diopters (D) three months after surgery. The LASEK-MMC treated group had an average age of 26.31 years ± 4.86 and preoperative spherical equivalent of -3.34 ± 1.66 diopters (D) which decreased significantly (p < 0.05) to -0.06 ± 0.26 D three months after surgery. In addition, anisometropia decreased, stereopsis improved, Kappa angle increased, and convergence and divergence amplitude (for far) decreased; ocular alignment also improved. Conclusions : Surface techniques to treat patients with myopia or compound myopic astigmatism decrease anisometropia, improve stereopsis, increase Kappa angle, and decrease near point anomaly and convergence and divergence amplitude (for far), with higher proportion of patients with orthophoria postoperatively(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Myopia/etiologyABSTRACT
Los errores de refracción contribuyen como un gran problema de salud pública. Las crecientes tasas de prevalencia de la miopía han alcanzado los niveles de epidemia en varias áreas. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar las tasas de prevalencia de errores de refracción en los estudiantes de medicina. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo en el Departamento de Oftalmología, durante un período de un año desde enero de 2020 hasta diciembre de 2020. Los estudiantes de medicina fueron seleccionados al azar, como un total de 250 sujetos. Todos se sometieron a un examen oftálmico. De 250 estudiantes, se documentaron 148 (59.2%) casos de RE. La mayoría de los casos comunes eran mujeres (89, 60.1%), mientras que los hombres eran (59, 39.9%). De estos, 98 estudiantes tienen miopía (66.2%), 42 casos tienen astigmatismo (28.4%) y 8 casos tienen hipermetropía (5.4%). La etapa tardía de las clases (sexto) tiene los casos RE más frecuentes. La miopía fue la RE predominante entre los estudiantes de medicina. La clase anticipada y la mujer son factores predisponentes.
Refractive errors are contributing as a major public health problem. The increasing prevalence rates of myopia have reaching to epidemic levels in several areas. This study was aimed to determine the prevalence rates of refractive errors in medical students. A prospective study was conducted in the Department of Ophthalmology, over a period of one year from Jan 2020 to Dec 2020. Medical students were randomly selected, as a total of 250 subjects. All were undergoing an ophthalmic examination. Of 250 students, 148(59.2%) cases of RE were documented. Most common cases were female (89, 60.1%), whereas male was (59, 39.9%). Of these, 98 students have myopia (66.2%), 42 cases have astigmatism (28.4%) and 8 cases have hypermetropia (5.4%). The late stage of classes (6th) has the most frequent RE cases. Myopia was the predominant RE among the medical students. Advance class and female are predisposing factors
Humans , Adult , Refractive Errors/pathology , Astigmatism/diagnosis , Students, Medical , Prevalence , Myopia/diagnosisABSTRACT
Determinar la prevalencia del error de refracción (RE) como causa en los ojos en los niños en niños de esta edad (6-12 años) en la ciudad de Sulaimania. El estudio de tasa de prevalencia entre los pacientes que asisten al Shahed Dr. Aso Eye Hospital para el período del 1 de octubre de 2008 al 1 de junio de 2009. Un total de 116 niños (6-12 años) asisten al departamento de entrecerrares durante aproximadamente 8 meses. El estudio incluyó ambos sexos, eran niños de 55 años y niñas 61. Se sometieron a un examen ocular completo. Encontramos que (72) pacientes (62.02 %) tenían un error de refracción, incluyen: 33 pacientes (45.9 %) = hipermetropia (H); 22 pacientes (29.16%) = miopía [m]; 18 pacientes (24.3%) astigmatismo (AST.); 4 mixtos; 6 h-as. y 8 m-as. En conclusiones, la causa más frecuente del entrecerrar de la infancia a este ancho [6-12 años) es el error refractivo, mientras que las otras causas en su conjunto constituyen solo 1/3 de las causas, y el error de refracción más común es la hipermetropía
To determine the prevalence of refractive error (RE) as a cause in squinted in children in this aged (6-12 years) in Sulaimania city. The prevalence rate study among patient attending Shahed Dr. Aso eye hospital for the period from 1st October 2008 - 1st June 2009. A total of 116 children ( 6-12 years) attending squint department for about 8 months. The study included both sexes, were boys 55 and girls 61. Underwent full ocular examination. We found that (72) patients (62.02%) had refractive error, include: 33 patients (45.9 %) = Hypermetropia (H); 22 patients (29.16%) = Myopia [M]; 18 patients (24.3%) Astigmatism (Ast.); 4 mixed; 6 H-Ast. and 8 M-Ast. In conclusions, the most prevalent cause of childhood squint at this aged [6-12 years) is refractive error while the other causes as a whole constitute only 1/3 of the causes, and most common refractive error is hypermetropia
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Refractive Errors/pathology , Astigmatism/pathology , Hyperopia/pathology , Myopia/pathologyABSTRACT
Introducción: El incremento del empleo de los dispositivos electrónicos en las actividades de estudio, trabajo, entretenimiento e interacción social desde las plataformas digitales deriva numerosos riesgos y causas de problemas visuales y defectos refractivos. La prevalencia de estos puede conllevar a considerarlos como problemas de salud a nivel global. Objetivo: Describir los riesgos y las repercusiones del uso excesivo de los dispositivos electrónicos en la salud visual a cualquier edad. Métodos: El método de revisión bibliográfica y la sistematización de resultados investigativos de diversos autores posibilitan identificar los riesgos y la repercusión del uso excesivo de los dispositivos electrónicos sobre la salud visual, así como las recomendaciones para afrontar esa realidad. Resultados: La sistematización permite demostrar cómo incide el uso de los dispositivos electrónicos en la elevada prevalencia de trastornos oculares y visuales, como el síndrome visual informático y la miopía en la población mundial actualmente. Conclusiones: Entre los riesgos y las repercusiones del uso excesivo de los dispositivos electrónicos sobre la salud visual, señalados por varios autores, se describieron factores ópticos y ambientales que inciden en la aparición de trastornos como la visión tubular, el síndrome visual informático, además de los defectos refractivos como la miopía, considerados problemas de salud a nivel global en la actualidad(AU)
Introduction: The increase in the use of electronic devices in study, work, entertainment and social interaction activities from digital platforms derives numerous risks and causes of visual problems and refractive defects. The prevalence of these can lead to consider them as global health problems. Objective: To describe the risks and repercussions of excessive use of electronic devices on visual health to prevent eye problems at any age. Methods: The bibliographic review method and the systematization of research results from various authors make it possible to identify the risks and repercussions of the excessive use of electronic devices on visual health, as well as the recommendations to face this reality. Results: The systematization allows us to demonstrate how the use of electronic devices affects the high prevalence of eye and visual disorders, such as computer vision syndrome and myopia in the world population today. Conclusions: The excessive use of electronic devices has caused visual problems and refractive errors globally. An act of responsibility is imposed to inform and raise awareness about the damage to eye health and its harmful effects(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Eye Health , Risk Factors , Wearable Electronic Devices/adverse effects , Myopia/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Objetivo: Determinar el cambio de la sensibilidad al contraste en pacientes operados de miopía con técnicas de superficie y su relación con la aberrometría ocular. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio experimental con 324 ojos de 162 pacientes miopes atendidos en la consulta de Cirugía Refractiva del Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer" en el período de enero 2019 y marzo de 2020 y que fueron operados de cirugía refractiva con láser de excímero, técnicas de superficie y perfil de ablación asférico. La sensibilidad al contraste fue la variable principal de comparación entre ambas técnicas quirúrgicas. Se formaron dos grupos de pacientes, cuya asignación fue secuencial, al primer grupo, se le realizó la técnica quirúrgica PRK-MMC (81) y al segundo LASEK-MMC (81) con un seguimiento de 3 meses. Resultados: Predominaron las mujeres con miopía leve y edades entre 21 y 28 años. A los tres meses la sensibilidad al contraste, agudeza visual sin corrección, equivalente esférico y el valor cuadrático medio total mejoraron de manera significativa, mostrando una relación positiva con la sensibilidad al contraste en ambos grupos, sin diferencias entre ellos. Conclusiones: La sensibilidad al contraste mejora con técnicas de superficie y posee una relación positiva y significativa con los resultados visuales, refractivos y aberrométricos. El estudio de las aberraciones oculares proporciona un arma fundamental para valorar la calidad óptica del ojo humano, información que permite conocer la calidad visual que se puede esperar en los pacientes evaluados(AU)
Objective: To determine the change in contrast sensitivity in patients operated on for myopia with surface techniques and its relationship with ocular aberrometry. Methods: An experimental study was carried out with 324 eyes of 162 myopic patients treated at the Refractive Surgery Clinic of the Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology "Ramón Pando Ferrer" between January 2019 and March 2020 who underwent refractive surgery with excimer laser and surface techniques and aspheric ablation profile. Contrast sensitivity was the main variable of comparison between both surgical techniques. Two groups of patients were sequentially assigned, the first group underwent PRK-MMC (81) and the second LASEK-MMC (81) with a 3-month follow-up. Results: Women with mild myopia and ages between 21 and 28 years predominated. After 3 months contrast sensitivity, uncorrected visual acuity, spherical equivalent and total average square value improved significantly, showing a positive relationship with contrast sensitivity in both groups, with no differences between them. Conclusions: Contrast sensitivity improves with surface techniques and has a positive and significant relationship with visual, refractive and aberrometric outcomes. The study of ocular aberrations provides a fundamental tool to assess the optical quality of the human eye, information that allows us to know the vision quality that can be expected in the patients evaluated(AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Contrast Sensitivity , Myopia/surgeryABSTRACT
1. INTRODUCCIÓN El desprendimiento de retina es un problema visual grave que puede ocurrir a cualquier edad, aunque suele darse en individuos de edad media o en personas de la tercera edad. La incidencia es relativamente baja considerando que las estima-ciones varían según zonas geográficas; y, se han reportado datos de entre 6,3 y 17,9 por 100 000 habitantes. Otras características im-portantes a considerar son la degeneración en encaje de 45,75% y la miopía de 47,28% que influyen en la presentación del desprendi-miento de retina. Al mismo tiempo que la edad, los cambios vítreos retinianos y la presencia de pseudofaquia1,2. Además, de los factores oculares relacionados también influyen, el seguimiento inadecuado de los factores de riesgo y el difícil acceso a médicos especialistas que se traduce en retraso en el diagnóstico certero y tratamiento tardío que implica deterioro del pronóstico visual cuando el área macular está incluida en el área desprendida con pobres resultados en adultos jóvenes y en edad productiva.El tratamiento evitará el deterioro o pérdida irreversible de la visión. El pronóstico con tratamiento quirúrgico es bueno si el des-prendimiento no incluye a la mácula.
1. INTRODUCTIONRetinal Detachment is a serious visual problem that can occur at any age, although it usually occurs in middle-aged or elderly in-dividuals. The incidence is relatively low considering that estimates vary ac-cording to geographical areas; and, data have been reported be-tween 6,3 and 17,9 per 100 000 inhabitants. Other important cha-racteristics to consider are socket degeneration of 45,75% and myopia of 47,28% that influence the presentation of retinal deta-chment, as well as age, vitreoretinal changes and the presence of pseudophakia1,2.In addition to the related ocular factors, inadequate follow-up of risk factors and difficult access to medical specialists also play a role, resulting in delayed accurate diagnosis and late treatment that implies deterioration of the visual prognosis when the macular area is included in the detached area with poor results in young adults and those of productive age.Treatment will prevent irreversible deterioration or loss of vision. The prognosis with surgical treatment is good if the detachment does not include the macula.
Humans , Male , Female , Retinal Detachment , Visual Acuity , Vitreoretinopathy, Proliferative , Vitreous Detachment , Retinal Pigment Epithelium , Fundus Oculi , Ophthalmology , Therapeutics , Blindness , Diabetic Retinopathy , Diagnostic Techniques, Ophthalmological , Ecuador , Vitreoretinal Surgery , MyopiaABSTRACT
El síndrome antisintetasa es una miopatía inflamatoria idiopática (MII) de origen autoinmune, poco frecuente, que se caracteriza por la presencia de autoanticuerpos antisintetasa ARNt (generalmente anti-Jo1), asociado frecuentemente a miositis, enfermedad pulmonar intersticial, poliartritis, manos de mecánico y fenómeno de Raynaud. Se reporta el caso de una mujer de 45 años de edad que presenta este síndrome con características fenotípicas de dermatomiositis y responde de forma favorable luego de la administración del tratamiento con glucocorticoides asociado a metotrexato.
Anti-synthetase syndrome is a rare autoimmune inflammatory myopathy characterized by autoantibodies against tRNA synthetases (most commonly anti-Jo1) with clinical features that include myositis, interstitial lung disease, polyarthritis, mechanic's hands and Raynaud's phenomenon. We report a 45-year-old woman who presented with dermatomyositis phenotypical features and a significant improvement with corticosteroids and metotrexate treatment.
Female , Myopia , Arthritis , Lung Diseases , MyositisABSTRACT
Objetivos: describir el comportamiento del defecto miópico hasta el año de vida, en pacientes que desarrollaron retinopatía de la prematuridad, y determinar los principales factores de riesgo del mismo. Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal, prospectivo en 37 pacientes que, habiendo sido tratados o no por retinopatía de la prematuridad, mantuvieron un seguimiento estable en consulta posterior a la fase aguda de la enfermedad. Fueron evaluadas a los seis y 12 meses de vida teniendo en cuenta las variables edad gestacional al nacer, peso al nacer, tipo de retinopatía de la prematuridad, presencia de miopía. Resultados: la mediana de edad gestacional y peso al nacer fueron 30,2 semanas y 1 287 g. A los seis meses cinco ojos de 27 pacientes (considerando solo los ojos derechos) presentaron miopía, lo cual representa el 18,5 por ciento. A los 12 meses este valor se incrementó a 44,4 por ciento. La edad gestacional y el peso al nacer no mostraron relación con el desarrollo de miopía (p = 0,072 y p = 0,397) a los 12 meses. En pacientes con retinopatía de la prematuridad grave el defecto miópico resultó más frecuente (p = 0,003). Conclusiones: la prematuridad y el peso al nacer no constituyeron variables que influyeran en la aparición de miopía. Por el contrario, la retinopatía de la prematuridad grave sí se asoció con una mayor miopía, sobre todo a los 12 meses(AU)
Objectives: to describe the behavior of the myopic defect up to one year of life, in patients who developed retinopathy of prematurity, and to determine the main risk factors for it. Method: a descriptive, longitudinal, prospective study was carried out in 37 patients who, having been treated for retinopathy of prematurity or not, maintained a stable follow-up in consultation after the acute phase of the disease. They were evaluated at 6 and 12 months of life taking into account the variables gestational age at birth, birth weight, type of retinopathy of prematurity, presence of myopia. Results: Median gestational age and birth weight were 30.2 weeks and 1287g. At 6 months, 5 eyes of 27 patients (considering only the right eyes) presented myopia, which represents 18.5 percent. At 12 months this value increased to 44.4 percent. Gestational age and birth weight were not related to the development of myopia (p = 0.072) and p = 0.397) at 12 months. In patients with severe retinopathy of prematurity, myopic defect was more frequent (p = 0.003). Conclusions: prematurity and birth weight were not variables that influenced the appearance of myopia. On the contrary, severe retinopathy of prematurity was associated with greater myopia, especially at 12 months(AU)
Humans , Infant , Retinopathy of Prematurity/etiology , Risk Factors , Myopia/diagnosis , Birth Weight , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prospective Studies , Longitudinal Studies , Gestational AgeABSTRACT
La masificación del Internet y comunicación móvil, así como el mayor acceso a herramientas digitales y de dispositivos electrónicos ha modificado la calidad de vida y salud de la población mundial, con un impacto especialmente importante en los niños. El uso desmedido de pantallas constituye un problema en esta población por su impacto en el sedentarismo, sobrepeso, alteraciones en el comportamiento, trastornos depresivos y del sueño, pero también por el efecto que tiene sobre el sistema visual en desarrollo: predispone a síndrome de ojo seco, a un exceso de acomodación-convergencia, provoca un desenfoque hipermetrópico de la fóvea (se cree que esto estimula el crecimiento axial), aumenta la tensión del cuerpo ciliar y músculos extraoculares, además de los efectos nocivos de la luz azul-violeta para las estructuras intraoculares. Estudios sugieren que los niños son más propensos a desarrollar miopía por estar menos expuestos a la luz natural y pasar más tiempo en ambientes cerrados ante pantallas, muchos incluso han demostrado una asociación entre el uso de pantallas, el trabajo cercano y la presencia de miopía, pero no existen datos concluyentes que aíslen un riesgo independiente. A partir de esta revisión se concluye que la prevalencia de la miopía está aumentando con base en una etiología multifactorial(AU)
The massification of the Internet and mobile communication, as well as increased access to digital tools and electronic devices, have changed the quality of life and health of the world's population, with a particularly important impact on children. The excessive use of screens is a problem among this population because of its impact on sedentary lifestyles, overweight, behavioral alterations, depressive and sleep disorders; but also because of its effect on the developing visual system, since it predisposes to dry eye syndrome, excessive accommodation-convergence, causes hypermetropic defocus at the fovea (this is believed to stimulate axial growth), increases the tension of the ciliary body and extraocular muscles, in addition to the harmful effects of blue-violet light on intraocular structures. Studies suggest that children are more prone to developing myopia because they are less exposed to natural light and spend more time in indoor environments in front of screens; many studies have even shown an association between the use of screens, close-eye work and the presence of myopia, but there are no conclusive data that isolate an independent risk. From this review, the prevalence of myopia is concluded to be increasing based on a multifactorial etiology(AU)