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Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 35(3)sept. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441736


Objetivo: Determinar el cambio de la sensibilidad al contraste en pacientes operados de miopía con técnicas de superficie y su relación con la aberrometría ocular. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio experimental con 324 ojos de 162 pacientes miopes atendidos en la consulta de Cirugía Refractiva del Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer" en el período de enero 2019 y marzo de 2020 y que fueron operados de cirugía refractiva con láser de excímero, técnicas de superficie y perfil de ablación asférico. La sensibilidad al contraste fue la variable principal de comparación entre ambas técnicas quirúrgicas. Se formaron dos grupos de pacientes, cuya asignación fue secuencial, al primer grupo, se le realizó la técnica quirúrgica PRK-MMC (81) y al segundo LASEK-MMC (81) con un seguimiento de 3 meses. Resultados: Predominaron las mujeres con miopía leve y edades entre 21 y 28 años. A los tres meses la sensibilidad al contraste, agudeza visual sin corrección, equivalente esférico y el valor cuadrático medio total mejoraron de manera significativa, mostrando una relación positiva con la sensibilidad al contraste en ambos grupos, sin diferencias entre ellos. Conclusiones: La sensibilidad al contraste mejora con técnicas de superficie y posee una relación positiva y significativa con los resultados visuales, refractivos y aberrométricos. El estudio de las aberraciones oculares proporciona un arma fundamental para valorar la calidad óptica del ojo humano, información que permite conocer la calidad visual que se puede esperar en los pacientes evaluados(AU)

Objective: To determine the change in contrast sensitivity in patients operated on for myopia with surface techniques and its relationship with ocular aberrometry. Methods: An experimental study was carried out with 324 eyes of 162 myopic patients treated at the Refractive Surgery Clinic of the Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology "Ramón Pando Ferrer" between January 2019 and March 2020 who underwent refractive surgery with excimer laser and surface techniques and aspheric ablation profile. Contrast sensitivity was the main variable of comparison between both surgical techniques. Two groups of patients were sequentially assigned, the first group underwent PRK-MMC (81) and the second LASEK-MMC (81) with a 3-month follow-up. Results: Women with mild myopia and ages between 21 and 28 years predominated. After 3 months contrast sensitivity, uncorrected visual acuity, spherical equivalent and total average square value improved significantly, showing a positive relationship with contrast sensitivity in both groups, with no differences between them. Conclusions: Contrast sensitivity improves with surface techniques and has a positive and significant relationship with visual, refractive and aberrometric outcomes. The study of ocular aberrations provides a fundamental tool to assess the optical quality of the human eye, information that allows us to know the vision quality that can be expected in the patients evaluated(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Contrast Sensitivity , Myopia/surgery
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 34(4)dic. 2021.
Article in Spanish | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1409011


Objetivo: Comparar los resultados visuales y refractivos pre- y posoperatorios en pacientes miopes operados con técnicas de superficie y perfil de ablación asférico. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio experimental controlado aleatorizado abierto, tipo de equivalencia y no inferioridad, en 160 pacientes (320 ojos). En el estudio se formaron dos grupos: el primero quedó constituido por 80 pacientes (160 ojos), a quienes se les realizó queratectomía fotorrefractiva más mitomicina C, y el segundo fue conformado por 80 pacientes (160 ojos), a quienes se les realizó LASEK más mitomicina C. Resultados: Predominaron en ambos grupos las mujeres con miopía leve y edades entre 21 y 29 años. A los tres meses el grupo queratectomía fotorrefractiva más mitomicina C tenía agudeza visual sin corrección de 0,97 ± 0,09; esfera 0,003 ± 0,21; cilindro -0,09 ± 0,30 y equivalente esférico -0,04 ± 0,23. En el grupo LASEK más mitomicina C, la agudeza visual sin corrección fue de 0,96 ± 0,11; la esfera -0,007 ± 0,24; el cilindro -0,08 ± 0,25 y el equivalente esférico -0,06 ± 0,26. Conclusión: Ambas técnicas quirúrgicas mejoraron significativamente los resultados refractivos y visuales, pero no hubo diferencia entre ellas(AU)

Objective: Compare the pre- and postoperative visual and refractive results in myopic patients operated with surface techniques and aspheric ablation profile. Methods: An open randomized controlled experimental study, equivalence and non-inferiority type was carried out in 160 patients (320 eyes). In the study, two groups were formed: the first group was made up of 80 patients (160 eyes), who underwent Photorefractive keratectomy - mitomycin C, and the second group made up of 80 patients (160 eyes), underwent LASEK - mitomycin C. Results: Women with mild myopia and ages between 21 and 29 years old predominated in both groups. At three months, the Photorefractive keratectomy - mitomycin C group had AVSC 0.97 ± 0.09; sphere 0.003 ± 0.21; cylinder -0.09 ± 0.30 and spherical equivalent -0.04 ± 0, 2. 3. In the Photorefractive keratectomy - mitomycin C group, AVSC 0.96 ± 0.11; sphere -0.007 ± 0.24; cylinder -0.08 ± 0.25 and spherical equivalent -0.06 ± 0.26. Conclusion: Both surgical techniques improved significantly refractive and visual results, but there was no difference between them(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Mitomycin/therapeutic use , Photorefractive Keratectomy/methods , Myopia/surgery
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 40(4)dic. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408581


Objetivo: Determinar la seguridad de los lentes fáquicos ACR-128 en la corrección de la alta miopía tras un año de implantados. Método: Se realizó un estudio transversal en 67 ojos de 36 pacientes con miopía corregida con lente fáquica ACR-128 (31 con ambos ojos y 5 con un solo ojo). Se determinó preoperatorio y posoperatorio: tensión ocular, pérdida celular endotelial según conteo, coeficiente de variación celular y hexagonalidad. Además de complicaciones posoperatorias y posición del lente respecto a endotelio y cristalino. El análisis estadístico se realizó con la prueba T para datos pareados, con una significación del 95 por ciento. Resultados: Edad media 28,06 ± 6,14 (25 mujeres y 11 hombres). Las complicaciones inmediatas fueron hipotonía OD: 1 (3,03 por ciento), OI: 1 (2,94 por ciento). La irregularidad de la pupila se presentó OD: 1 (3,03 por ciento), OI: 1 (2,94 por ciento) mediata y OD: 1 (3,03 por ciento), OI: 2 (5.88 por ciento) tardía. Tensión ocular promedio total preoperatorio 14,09 ± 2,51 y posoperatorio 14,22 ± 2,64 (p = 0,90). El conteo celular preoperatorio 2667,27 ± 228,72 y posoperatorio 2591,96 ± 301,21, con 2,94 por ciento pérdida endotelial total 75,31 ± 237,41 (p = 0,06). No hubo diferencias en el coeficiente de variación (p = 0,60) ni la hexagonalidad (p = 0,57). Posición del lente respecto al endotelio 2,09 mm y al cristalino 1,08 mm. Conclusiones: El implante de lente fáquica ACR-128 en la corrección de la alta miopía es un tratamiento seguro al no existir complicaciones posquirúrgico ni modificaciones en la tensión ocular y en el endotelio corneal tras un año del implante(AU)

Objective: Determine the safety of ACR-128 phakic lenses for high myopia correction one year after implantation. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted of 67 eyes of 36 patients with myopia corrected with ACR-128 phakic lens implants (31 in both eyes and 5 in one eye). Pre- and postoperative determination was made of ocular tension, endothelial cell loss by count, cell variation coefficient and hexagonality, as well as of postoperative complications and lens position with respect to the endothelium and the crystalline lens. Statistical analysis was based on the paired T-test with a significance level of 95 percent Results: Mean age was 28.06 ± 6.14 (25 women and 11 men). An immediate complication was hypotonia: RE: 1 (3.03 percent), LE: 1 (2.94 percent). Pupil irregularity was mediate: RE: 1 (3.03 percent), LE: 1 (2.94 percent) and late: RE: 1 (3.03 percent), LE: 2 (5.88 percent). Total average ocular tension was 14.09 ± 2.51 preoperative and 14.22 ± 2.64 postoperative (p = 0.90). Cell count was 2667.27 ± 228.72 preoperative and 2591.96 ± 301.21 postoperative, with 2.94 percent total endothelial loss 75.31 ± 237.41 (p = 0.06). Differences were not found in the variation coefficient (p = 0.60) or in hexagonality (p = 0.57). Lens position was 2.09 mm with respect to the endothelium and 1.08 mm with respect to the crystalline lens. Conclusions: ACR-128 phakic lens implantation for high myopia correction is a safe procedure with no postoperative complications or modifications in ocular tension or the corneal endothelium after one year's follow-up(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Safety , Phakic Intraocular Lenses , Myopia/surgery , Myopia/complications , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 40(3)sept. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408567


Introducción: El implante de una lente intraocular fáquico para corregir defectos de la refracción presenta una serie de ventajas respecto a otras técnicas como la cirugía refractiva corneal o la extracción de cristalino transparente. Objetivo: Describir los cambios en la calidad de vida relacionados con la función visual en la corrección de alta miopía con implante de lente fáquico ACR-128. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y prospectivo con análisis estadístico separado por ojos. La muestra total se correspondió con 91 ojos (46 derechos y 45 izquierdos) de 49 pacientes a los que se les implantó lente fáquico ACR-128 para la corrección de miopía. Mediante el test de Pelli-Robson se determinó la sensibilidad al contraste binocular a varias frecuencias espaciales y se les aplicó el cuestionario NEI-VFQ-25 antes de la cirugía (pretest) y a los tres meses de realizada la misma (postest). El análisis estadístico se realizó con la prueba T para datos pareados, con una significación del 95 por ciento. Resultados: Edad media 28,73 ± 5,85 años. Predominio del sexo femenino (71,43 por ciento). Hubo diferencias significativas en todas las frecuencias espaciales de la sensibilidad al contraste binocular entre el pre- y posoperatorio (p < 0,01). Al comparar el pretest y el postest (valoración retrospectiva de la calidad de vida prequirúrgica) no se encontraron diferencias significativas, lo que indicó que no hubo recalibración y que las diferencias con el postest que fueron significativas corroboren el verdadero cambio en la calidad de vida de estos pacientes tras la cirugía. Conclusiones: El implante de lentes fáquicos ACR-128 para la corrección de la alta miopía mejora la calidad de vida relacionada con la función visual sin cambios en su percepción antes y después de la cirugía(AU)

Introduction: Phakic intraocular lens implantation to correct refraction defects has a number of advantages with respect to techniques such as corneal refractive surgery or clear lens extraction. Objective: Describe the changes in vision-related quality of life resulting from high myopia correction by ACR-128 phakic lens implantation. Methods: A prospective longitudinal descriptive study was conducted with independent statistical analysis for each eye. The total sample was 91 eyes (46 right and 45 left) of 49 patients undergoing ACR-128 phakic lens implantation for myopia correction. The Pelli-Robson test was used to determine binocular contrast sensitivity at various spatial frequencies, and the NEI VFQ-25 questionnaire was applied before surgery (pre-test) and three months after surgery (post-test). Statistical analysis was based on the paired T-test with a significance level of 95 percent. Results: Mean age was 28.73 ± 5.85 years. Female sex prevailed (71.43 percent). Significant differences were found in all the spatial frequencies of binocular contrast sensitivity between the pre- and postoperative periods (p < 0.01). Comparison of pre- and post-test results (retrospective assessment of presurgical quality of life) did not find any significant differences, indicating that there was no recalibration. Significant differences with respect to the post-test confirm the actual change in these patients' quality of life after surgery. Conclusions: ACR-128 phakic lens implantation for high myopia correction improves vision-related quality of life without changes in its perception before and after surgery(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Quality of Life , Vision, Ocular , Phakic Intraocular Lenses , Myopia/surgery , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prospective Studies , Longitudinal Studies
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 80(2): 143-145, Mar.-Apr. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1280101


ABSTRACT A 27-year-old healthy man with a history of bilateral photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) enhancement after femtosecond laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) presented with decreased uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA) of 20/125 in the right eye (OD) and 20/300 in the left eye (OS) six months after PRK. Examination revealed bilateral dense subepithelial opacities. Both eyes (OU) were treated with superficial keratectomy combined with phototherapeutic keratectomy (PTK) and adjunctive application of mitomycin C 0.02%. At three months follow up UDVA was 20/30 OD and 20/25 OS. Superficial keratectomy combined with PTK seems to be a safe and efficient technique for treatment of dense subepithelial scar formation following PRK enhancement after LASIK.

RESUMO Um homem saudável de 27 anos de idade com história de aprimoramento com ceratectomia fotorrefrativa (PRK) bilateral, após Ceratomileuse Assistida por Excimer Laser In Situ (LASIK) com laser de femtossegundos, apresentou diminuição da acuidade visual à distância não corrigida (AVNC) de 20/125 no olho direito (OD) e 20/300 no olho esquerdo (OE) seis meses após PRK. O exame revelou opacidades subepiteliais densas bilaterais. Ambos os olhos (AO) foram tratados com queratectomia superficial combinada com ceratectomia fototerapêutica (PTK) e aplicação adjuvante de mitomicina C a 0,02%. Aos três meses de acompanhamento, o AVNC foi de 20/30 OD e 20/25 OE. A ceratectomia superficial combinada com PTK parece ser uma técnica segura e eficiente para o tratamento da formação densa de cicatrizes subepiteliais após o aprimoramento com PRK pós-LASIK.

Humans , Male , Adult , Fibrosis/therapy , Photorefractive Keratectomy/adverse effects , Wound Healing , Fibrosis/etiology , Visual Acuity , Mitomycin/administration & dosage , Photorefractive Keratectomy/methods , Corneal Opacity/diagnosis , Corneal Opacity/etiology , Corneal Topography , Keratomileusis, Laser In Situ , Debridement , Corneal Surgery, Laser , Slit Lamp Microscopy , Myopia/surgery
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-880638


OBJECTIVES@#To investigate angle Kappa and diopter distribution in myopic patients and the changes of angle Kappa and corneal morphology after Sub-Bowman-Keratomileusis (SBK), and to analyze the effects of the surgery on corneal morphologic changes and the patients' near fixation characteristics.@*METHODS@#The clinical data of 134 myopic patients (268 eyes) undergoing SBK from August 2015 to August 2016 were retrospectively analyzed. Angle Kappa, corneal curvature in the central corneal region of 3 mm, and post-corneal Diff value were measured by Orbscan IIz Corneal Topography System before operation, 1 month and 6 months after operation. According to the values of angle Kappa before SBK, the patients were divided into 2 groups: the large K group (angle Kappa≥5°, 71 eyes) and the small K group (angle Kappa<5°, 197 eyes). Correlation analysis of the factors influencing angle Kappa at 6 months after operation was performed.@*RESULTS@#In the large K group, angle Kappa was (5.67±0.65)°, spherical equivalent was (-4.84±2.32) D, and angle Kappa was decreased after operation (both @*CONCLUSIONS@#The angle Kappa is decreased in low-moderate myopia patients with large angle Kappa, while is increased in high myopia patients with small angle Kappa after SBK. Myopia patients after SBK will look for the new balance of the binocular accommodation and vergence function for improving the comfort in the near-work situations.

Humans , Cornea/surgery , Keratomileusis, Laser In Situ , Myopia/surgery , Refraction, Ocular , Retrospective Studies
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 80(3): e0012, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1280123


RESUMO O implante de lentes intraoculares fácicas com finalidade refrativa é uma alternativa cirúrgica eletiva segura e eficiente. Essa opção deve ser considerada de forma eletiva para tratar ametropias, nos casos em que as cirurgias de correção visual refrativa a laser na córnea apresentam maior risco de complicações, seja por características da córnea ou pela magnitude da ametropia. Este artigo traz uma revisão prospectiva das lentes fácicas disponíveis no mercado brasileiro em 2020 e suas características.

ABSTRACT Implantation of phakic intraocular lenses for refractive purpose is a safe and efficient elective surgical alternative. This option should be considered to electively treat ametropia when laser corneal refractive surgery has higher risk of complications, either due to corneal characteristics or the magnitude of ametropia. This article provides a prospective review of the phakic lenses available in the Brazilian market in 2020 and their characteristics.

Astigmatism/surgery , Refractive Surgical Procedures , Phakic Intraocular Lenses , Myopia/surgery
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 32(2): e717, abr.-jun. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1093685


RESUMEN Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados relacionados con la efectividad y la seguridad en el tratamiento con queratectomía subepitelial asistida por láser con mitomicina C versus queratectomía fotorreactiva con mitomicina C en ojos con miopía o astigmatismo miópico compuesto. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio experimental, longitudinal y prospectivo en el Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología Ramón Pando Ferrer entre abril del año 2016 y abril de 2017. Se empleó un muestreo aleatorio simple por el cual se obtuvo la técnica quirúrgica a realizar. El primer ojo operado fue el derecho y a la semana se realizó la cirugía en el ojo izquierdo, en el cual se aplicó la otra técnica quirúrgica. Esto permitió realizar en cada paciente ambas técnicas quirúrgicas. La muestra quedó constituida por 146 ojos (73 pacientes) que cumplían con los criterios de selección. Resultados: El comportamiento preoperatorio entre los dos grupos fue muy similar. En ninguno de los casos existieron diferencias en las variables que se evaluaron (agudeza visual sin corrección, agudeza visual mejor corregida, esfera, cilindro y equivalente esférico). La diferencia entre los valores preoperatorios y los encontrados a los 6 meses del tratamiento quirúrgico en cada grupo fueron estadísticamente significativos (p= 0,000) para todas las variables analizadas, excepto para la agudeza visual mejor corregida en el grupo de ojos tratados con láser con mitomicina C (p= 0,083). El haze y el defecto de epitelización fueron los dos tipos de complicaciones observadas. Conclusiones: Se demostró que ambas técnicas quirúrgicas son efectivas y seguras(AU)

ABSTRACT Objective: Evaluate the effectiveness and safety of laser-assisted subepithelial keratectomy with mitomycin C vs. photoreactive keratectomy with mitomycin C in eyes with myopia or compound myopic astigmatism. Methods: An experimental prospective longitudinal study was conducted at Ramón Pando Ferrer Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology from April 2016 to April 2017. Simple random sampling was used to decide on the surgical technique to be applied. Surgery was first performed on the right eye using one of the techniques, and then one week later on the left eye with the other technique. That way each patient could undergo both surgical techniques. The sample was composed of 146 eyes (73 patients) meeting the inclusion criteria. Results: Preoperative behavior was very similar in the two groups. In neither case were differences found in the variables analyzed (uncorrected visual acuity, best corrected visual acuity, sphere, cylinder and spherical equivalent). The differences between preoperative values and those found six months after surgery in each group were statistically significant for all the variables analyzed (p= 0.000), except for best corrected visual acuity in the group of eyes treated with laser with mitomycin C (p= 0.083). Haze and epithelization defect were the two types of complications observed. Conclusions: It was demonstrated that both surgical techniques are effective and safe(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Mitomycin/therapeutic use , Photorefractive Keratectomy/methods , Keratectomy, Subepithelial, Laser-Assisted/methods , Lasers, Excimer/therapeutic use , Myopia/surgery , Prospective Studies , Longitudinal Studies
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 81(4): 310-315, July-Aug. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-950468


ABSTRACT Purpose: We aimed to describe the outcomes of corneoscleral contact lens fitting with multi-aspherical geometry designs in patients with irregular corneas after laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). Methods: This was a retrospective series of 18 patients (age, 26-38 years) selected from an eye clinic database. Participants were required to have unsatisfactory visual acuity with their current contact lenses or spectacles after LASIK for myopia correction. All patients were fitted with corneoscleral contact lenses designed to correct corneal surface irregularities. A diagnostic trial set was used for fitting, and assessments were performed according to a standardized methodology. Subjective comfort, visual acuity, central corneal thickness, endothelial cell count, and corneal-compensated intraocular pressure were evaluated. The follow-up period was one year. Results: Contact lens use was discontinued in 3 patients, thus leaving 24 eyes from 8 females and 7 males for analysis. The fitting characteristics were optimal in terms of lens position and movement. Statistically significant improvements were found in the best spectacle-corrected vision from before fitting to the visual acuity after fitting (p<0.001). Moreover, the patients reported high subjective comfort ratings and usage times (12.98 ± 2.3 hours/day). After one year of wear, visual acuity, subjective comfort, and usage time were maintained. No statistically significant adverse changes developed in the corneas over this period. Conclusion: Corneoscleral contact lenses with a multi-aspherical geometry design provide optimal visual acuity, improved comfort, and prolonged usage times in patients with irregular corneas after LASIK.

RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever os resultados do ajuste de lentes de contato corneoesclerais com geometria multiasférica em pacientes com córneas irregulares após cirurgia de ceratomileuse in situ assistida por laser (LASIK). Métodos: Esta foi uma série retrospectiva de 18 pacientes (idade, 26-38 anos) selecionados a partir de um banco de dados de uma clínica oftalmológica. Os participantes foram escolhidos ao manifestaram acuidade visual insatisfatória com suas lentes de contato ou óculos atuais depois de terem sido submetidos à LASIK para correção de miopia. Todos os pacientes receberam lentes de contato corneoesclerais projetadas para corrigir irregularidades na superficie da córnea. Um conjunto diagnóstico de prova foi usado para a adaptação e as avaliações foram feitas de acordo com uma metodologia padronizada. O conforto subjetivo, a acuidade visual, a espessura central da córnea, a contagem de células endoteliais e a pressão intraocular compensada da córnea foram avaliados. O período de acompanhamento foi de um ano. Resultados: O uso de lentes de contato foi descontinuado em 3 pacientes, deixando 24 olhos de 8 mulheres e 7 homens para análise. As características de adaptação foram ótimas em termos de posição e movimento da lente. Melhorias estatisticamente significativas foram encontradas na melhoria da visão corrigida por óculos antes de se ajustar a acuidade visual após a adaptação (p<0,001). Além disso, os pacientes relataram altos índices subjetivos de conforto e tempo de uso (12,98 ± 2,3 horas/dia). Após um ano de uso, a acuidade visual, o conforto subjetivo e o tempo de uso foram mantidos. Não houve alterações adversas estatisti­camente significativas nas córneas ao longo deste período. Conclusão: As lentes de contato corneoesclerais com projeto geométrico multiasférico proporcionam acuidade visual ideal, maior conforto e tempo de uso prolongado em pacientes com córneas irregulares após o LASIK.

Humans , Adult , Contact Lenses, Hydrophilic , Keratomileusis, Laser In Situ/adverse effects , Corneal Wavefront Aberration/etiology , Myopia/surgery , Visual Acuity , Retrospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Corneal Topography , Corneal Wavefront Aberration/rehabilitation , Corneal Pachymetry
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 30(2): 1-11, abr.-jun. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-901360


Objetivo: comparar el poder del lente intraocular calculado con las lecturas queratométricas efectivas medidas a tres y cuatro milímetros del Pentacam en miopes con cirugía fotoablativa, con los valores obtenidos por el método de historia clínica y el de Maloney. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, de serie de casos, en 50 ojos de 25 pacientes miopes operados con excimer laser, donde se determinó la queratometría mediante el método de historia clínica y el de Maloney. Se compararon con las lecturas queratométricas efectivas a los tres y cuatro milímetros del Pentacam. Se calculó el lente intraocular con las queratometrías obtenidas por los tres métodos anteriores expuestos, por fórmula de Haigis. El análisis estadístico se realizó con la prueba T para datos pareados, con una significación del 95 por ciento. Resultados: el error refractivo preoperatorio promedio fue de -4,71 ± 1,27 dioptrías. El valor queratométrico por el método de historia clínica efectiva fue de 39,64 ± 2,13 dioptrías; por el de Maloney de 39,39 ± 2,40 dioptrías y por el de lecturas queratométricas efectivas a 3 y 4 mm fueron 39,45 ± 2,28 y 39,40 ± 2,08 dioptrías respectivamente. El lente intraocular calculado con la queratometría obtenida por el método de historia clínica, el de Maloney y el de lecturas queratométricas efectivas a 3,0 mm y a 4,0 mm fue 21,91 ± 2,86 dioptrías; 22,24 ± 3,14 dioptrías; 22,16 ± 3,16 dioptrías y 22,23 ± 3,08 dioptrías respectivamente, sin diferencias estadísticas significativas (p> 0,05). Conclusiones: el Pentacam con el Holladay Report aporta poderes corneales que pueden utilizarse para el cálculo del lente intraocular en miopes con cirugía fotoablativa previa(AU)

Objective: to compare the intraocular lens power calculated through effective keratometric readings taken at three and four milimeters away from Pentacam with the values obtained by means of the medical history method and the Maloney´s method in myopic patients with prior photoablative surgery. Methods: case series and descriptive study conducted in 50 eyes from 25 myopic patients operated on with excimer laser, in which keratometry was determined through the medical history method and Maloney´s method and then compared with the effective keratometric readings taken three and four milimeters away from Pentacam. The keratometries obtained through the three above-mentioned methods allowed calculating the intraocular lens power, based on Hagis formula. The statistical analysis was based on paired-T test with 95 percent significance level. Results: average preoperative refractive error was -4.71 ± 1.27 diopters. The effective keratometric value calculated by the medical history method was 39.64 ± 2.13 diopters; by Maloney´s method was 39.39 ± 2.40 and by the effective keratometric readings at three and four mm were 39.45 ± 2.28 y 39.40 ± 2.08 diopters, respectively. The intraocular lens calculated with the medical history method keratometry, the Maloney´s method keratomery and with the effective keratometric readings was 21.91 ± 2.86 diopters; 22.24 ± 3.14 diopters; 22.16 ± 3.16 diopters and 22.23 ± 3.08 diopters, respectively, with no significant statistical difference (p> 0.05). Conclusions: Pentacam along with Holladay Report provide corneal powers that may be used in calculating intraocular lens power in myopic patients after photoablative surgery(AU)

Humans , Laser Therapy/methods , Lens Implantation, Intraocular/adverse effects , Myopia/surgery , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Data Interpretation, Statistical
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 76(2): 101-105, Mar.-Apr. 2017. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-899044


Resumo O objetivo deste artigo foi reunir estudos que reportam resultados disponíveis na literatura científica, considerando a previsibilidade, segurança, eficácia, e estabilidade das lentes intraoculares fácicas de câmara posterior. E relatar as complicações documentadas para estas lentes. A revisão criteriosa dos estudos publicados na literatura ate o momento revelam resultado satisfatórios quanto à eficácia, elevada previsibilidade, estabilidade e segurança do implante de lente intraocular de câmara posterior, para correção das miopia, hipermetropia e astigmatismo.

Abstract The objective of this article was to gather studies that report results available in the scientific literature, considering the predictability, safety, efficacy, and stability of posterior chamber phakic intraocular lenses. And report the documented complications for these lenses.

Humans , Refractive Errors , Lens Implantation, Intraocular/methods , Refractive Surgical Procedures/methods , Phakic Intraocular Lenses , Postoperative Complications , Refraction, Ocular/physiology , Astigmatism/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Posterior Eye Segment/surgery , Hyperopia/surgery , Myopia/surgery
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 79(2): 88-91, Mar.-Apr. 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-782812


ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate ocular straylight before and after photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) for low myopia with and without topical mitomycin (MMC) treatment. Methods: Patients who underwent PRK for low myopia were enrolled into the study. PRK without MMC was performed in 21 eyes (12 patients), whereas PRK with topical 0.02% MMC was performed in 25 eyes (14 patients). Both groups were treated using the NIDEK EC5000 excimer laser. Measurements were performed using the C-Quant straylight meter preoperatively and at two and four months postoperatively. Results: The mean patient age was 30 ± 4 years, and the mean spherical equivalent refractive error was -2.2 ± 0.75 D. The mean preoperative intraocular straylight values were 1.07 ± 0.10 in the PRK without MMC group and 1.07 ± 0.11 log(s) in the PRK with topical MMC group. At two months after surgery, there was a decrease in mean intraocular straylight values in both groups. However, a significant difference was only reached in the PRK with MMC group [0.98 ± 0.09 log(s), p=0.002] compared with preoperative values, which was likely due to a greater scatter of measurements in the PRK without MMC group [1.03 ± 0.13 log(s), p=0.082]. At four months postoperatively, ocular straylight values were not significantly different compared with those at baseline in either the PRK without MMC group [1.02 ± 0.14 log(s), p=0.26] or in the PRK with topical MMC group [1.02 ± 0.11 log(s), p=0.13]. Conclusion: PRK for low myopia decreases ocular straylight, and MMC application further reduces straylight in the early postoperative period. However, ocular straylight values do not significantly differ at four months after surgery compared with those at baseline.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a dispersão de luz intraocular antes e depois da ceratectomia fotorrefrativa (PRK) para baixa miopia com e sem a aplicação tópica de mitomicina C. Métodos: Pacientes submetidos à PRK para baixa miopia foram selecionados para o estudo. PRK sem MMC foi realizado em 21 olhos (12 pacientes) e PRK com MMC tópica a 0,02% foi realizado em 25 olhos (25 pacientes). Ambos os grupos foram tratados com o excimer laser da Nidek EC5000. Avaliações foram realizadas usando o medidor de dispersão de luz C-Quant no pré-operatório e com 2 e 4 meses de pós-operatório. Resultados: A média de idade dos pacientes foi 30 ± 4 anos e a média do equivalente esférico foi -2,2 ± 0,75 D. As médias da dispersão de luz intraocular no pré-operatório foram 1,07 ± 0,10 no grupo PRK sem MMC e 1,07 ± 0,11 log(s) no grupo PRK com MMC tópica. Após 2 meses da cirurgia houve uma diminuição na média da dispersão de luz intraocular em ambos os grupos. Entretanto uma diferença estatisticamente significante, comparado com os valores pré-operatórios, foi observada apenas no grupo PRK com MMC (0,98 ± 0,09 log(s), p=0,002), provavelmente devido as medidas com maior espalhamento de luz no grupo sem MMC (1,03 ± 0,13 log(s), p=0,082). Após 4 meses de pós-operatório, os valores de dispersão de luz não apresentavam diferença estatisticamente significantes quando comparados com os valores iniciais, tanto no grupo sem MMC (1,02 ± 0,14 log(s), p=0,26) quanto no grupo com MMC tópica (1,02 ± 0,11 log(s), p=0,13). Conclusão: PRK para baixa miopia diminui a dispersão de luz ocular e a aplicação de MMC contribui para uma ainda menor dispersão de luz no período pós-operatório inicial. Entretanto, quatro meses após a cirurgia a dispersão de luz intraocular não é significantemente diferente das medidas pré-operatórias.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Mitomycin/administration & dosage , Cross-Linking Reagents/administration & dosage , Lasers, Excimer/therapeutic use , Corneal Wavefront Aberration/physiopathology , Light , Myopia/surgery , Postoperative Period , Scattering, Radiation , Photorefractive Keratectomy/adverse effects , Corneal Diseases/prevention & control , Administration, Ophthalmic
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 78(5): 286-289, Sep.-Oct. 2015. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-761526


ABSTRACTPurpose:To evaluate the outcomes and complications following phacoemulsification surgery in eyes with cataract and high myopia.Methods:We retrospectively evaluated the data of 43 eyes of 28 consecutive patients (12 males, 16 females) with cataract and high myopia who had undergone phacoemulsification and intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. The mean [± standard deviation (range)] age of the patients was 59.20 ± 11.08 (39-77) years.Results:The frequency of nuclear cataract was significantly higher than that of other cataract types (P=0.003). The mean axial length was 28.97 ± 1.99 (26-33) mm and the mean IOL power was 5.09 ± 4.78 (-3.0 to +14.0) diopters (D). The mean preoperative spherical equivalent (SE) was -16.48 ± 5.23 (-8.00 to -25.00) D and the mean postoperative SE was -1.46 ± 0.93 (0.00 to -3.00) D (P=0.00). The mean preoperative best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 0.91 ± 0.37 (0.30 to -1.50) logMAR and the mean postoperative BCVA was 0.29 ± 0.25 (0.00-1.00) logMAR (P=0.00). Twenty-two eyes (51.2%) achieved the target postoperative refraction (±1.0 D). The eyes were divided into 3 groups according to the axial length. The mean biometric error was significantly higher in the group with the greatest axial length than in the other groups (P=0.007). Preoperative argon laser photocoagulation was performed in 7 eyes (16%) on account of retinal tears, retinal holes, or lattice degeneration. Postoperatively, retinal tears developed in 2 eyes (4%) and were treated with photocoagulation. One eye (2%) developed retinal detachment postoperatively, with the patient consequently referred for retinal surgery. Postoperatively, posterior capsule opacities developed in 11 eyes (25%), with all cases treated by laser capsulotomy.Conclusions:Good postoperative outcomes following phacoemulsification surgery were observed in patients with cataract and high myopia. However, clinicians should be aware of the risk of postoperative retinal tears and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Preoperative prophylactic argon laser photocoagulation treatment should be considered where necessary.

RESUMOObjetivo:Avaliação dos resultados e complicações associadas à cirurgia de facoemulsificação em olhos com catarata e miopia alta.Método:Quarenta e três olhos de 28 pacientes (12 homens, 16 mulheres) consecutivos com catarata e alta miopia, que haviam sido submetidos a facoemulsificação e implante de lentes intraoculares (LIO), foram avaliados retrospectivamente. A idade foi de 59,20 ± 11,08, (39-77) anos [média ± desvio padrão, (variação)].Resultados:A frequência de catarata nuclear foi significativamente maior do que os outros tipos (p=0,003). O comprimento axial foi 28,97 ± 1,99, (26-33) mm e o poder da LIO foi 5,09 ± 4,78, (-3,0 a 14,0) dioptrias (D). O equivalente esférico pré-operatório (SE) foi de -16,48 ± 5,23, (-25,00 a -8,00) D e o SE pós-operatório foi -1,46 ± 0,93, (0,00 a -3,00) D, (P=0,00). A melhor acuidade visual corrigida pré-operatória (BCVA) foi de 0,91 ± 0,37, (0,30 -1,50) logMAR e a BCVA pós-operatória foi de 0,29 ± 0,25, (0,00-1,00) logMAR, (P=0,00). Vinte e dois olhos (51,2%) estavam dentro de refração alvo pós-operatória (± 1,0 D). Os olhos foram divididos em três grupos, de acordo com o comprimento axial. O erro biométrico foi significativamente maior no terceiro grupo, em comparação com os outros grupos (p=0,007). Fotocoagulação pré-operatória por laser de argônio foi realizada em 7 olhos (16%) devido a roturas retinianas, buracos de retina ou degeneração látice. No pós-operatório, as roturas da retina ocorreram em dois olhos (4%); tratados com fotocoagulação. Um olho (2%) desenvolveu descolamento de retina no pós-operatório e foi encaminhado para cirurgia de retina. No pós-operatório, opacidades da cápsula posterior ocorreram em 11 olhos (25%) e estes foram tratados com capsulotomia a laser.Conclusões:A cirurgia de facoemulsificação permite bons resultados em pacientes com catarata e miopia alta. No entanto, devemos estar atentos para a possibilidade de roturas da retina pós-operatórias e para o descolamento de retina regmatogênico. Se necessário, devemos usar o tratamento profilático de fotocoagulação a laser antes da cirurgia.

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Lens Implantation, Intraocular/adverse effects , Myopia/surgery , Phacoemulsification/adverse effects , Axial Length, Eye/physiopathology , Laser Coagulation/methods , Lasers, Gas/therapeutic use , Lens Implantation, Intraocular/methods , Postoperative Period , Preoperative Period , Phacoemulsification/methods , Postoperative Complications/prevention & control , Prophylactic Surgical Procedures/methods , Retrospective Studies , Retinal Detachment/etiology , Retinal Detachment/prevention & control , Retinal Perforations/etiology , Retinal Perforations/prevention & control , Statistics, Nonparametric , Treatment Outcome , Visual Acuity
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 78(1): 44-46, Jan-Feb/2015. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-741166


We report a case of a 66-year-old man with a history of high myopia and who was referred for acute decreased visual acuity of the right eye. Fundus examination and optical coherence tomography (OCT) showed a mild epiretinal membrane (ERM) and splitting of retinal layers. Pars plana vitrectomy was performed with intravitreous triamcinolone injection, posterior hyaloid and ERM peeling, and 12% perfluoropropane (C3F8) gas tamponade. After remaining asymptomatic for 17 months, the patient reported a new episode of sudden decreased visual acuity in his right eye, and OCT showed recurrent myopic foveoschisis (MF). He underwent vitrectomy and internal limiting membrane (ILM) peeling. Six months later, the patient’s best corrected visual acuity had improved to 20/25. Optical coherence tomography showed a remarkably improved macular anatomy, with residual traction along the inferotemporal arcade, which was attributed to the vessel stiffness itself. We conclude that removing the internal limiting membrane is a challenging maneuver in myopic foveoschisis, even with staining approaches. Although myopic foveoschisis may be resolved without peeling the internal limiting membrane, its removal should be considered if the condition recurs.

Relatamos caso de um homem de 66 anos, com antecedente de alta miopia, que referiu baixa de acuidade visual aguda no olho direito. O mapeamento de retina e o exame de tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT) mostraram discreta membrana epirretiniana (ERM) e isquise retiniana. Foi realizada vitrectomia via pars plana com injeção intravítrea de triancinolona, retirada da hialóide posterior, peeling da membrana epirretiniana e tamponamento com gás perfluorpropano (C3F8) a 12%. O paciente permaneceu assintomático por 17 meses, quando queixou-se de novo episódio de baixa de acuidade visual súbita no olho direito e o tomografia de coerência óptica mostrou recorrência da isquise miópica. Ele foi submetido a nova vitrectomia com peeling da membrana limitante interna (ILM). Após 6 meses, a acuidade visual corrigida era de 20/25. A tomografia de coerência óptica mostrou melhora importante da anatomia macular, com área de tração residual observada na arcada inferotemporal, que foi atribuída à rigidez do próprio vaso. A retirada da membrana limitante interna é uma manobra desafiadora em olhos alto míopes, mesmo estando corada. A resolução da isquise miópica pode ser atingida sem o peeling da membrana limitante interna, mas sua remoção deve ser considerada em casos de recorrência.

Aged , Humans , Male , Epiretinal Membrane/surgery , Myopia, Degenerative/surgery , Myopia/surgery , Intravitreal Injections , Myopia, Degenerative/diagnosis , Myopia, Degenerative/drug therapy , Myopia/diagnosis , Myopia/drug therapy , Recurrence , Tomography, Optical Coherence , Treatment Outcome , Triamcinolone/therapeutic use , Visual Acuity , Vitrectomy/methods
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 73(3): 171-173, May-Jun/2014. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-727178


Os autores relatam o caso de uma paciente que desenvolveu edema cistóide de mácula pós-cirurgia para correção de miopia pelo método LASIK. Foi submetida a tratamento com injeções intravítrea de ranibizumabe e apresentou resultado visual satisfatório.

The authors report the case of a patient who developed cystoid macular edema after surgery for myopia by LASIK method. She was treated with intravitreal injections of ranibizumab and presented satisfactory visual result.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Macular Edema/etiology , Macular Edema/drug therapy , Keratomileusis, Laser In Situ/adverse effects , Ranibizumab/administration & dosage , Ranibizumab/therapeutic use , Fluorescein Angiography , Visual Acuity , Macular Edema/diagnosis , Tomography, Optical Coherence , Electroretinography , Intravitreal Injections , Myopia/surgery
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 77(2): 103-109, Mar-Apr/2014. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-716254


Purpose: To compare optical and visual quality of implantable collamer lens (ICL) implantation and femtosecond laser in situ keratomileusis (F-LASIK) for myopia. Methods: The CRX1 adaptive optics visual simulator (Imagine Eyes, Orsay, France) was used to simulate the wavefront aberration pattern after the two surgical procedures for -3-diopter (D) and -6-D myopia. Visual acuity at different contrasts and contrast sensitivities at 10, 20, and 25 cycles/degree (cpd) were measured for 3-mm and 5-mm pupils. The modulation transfer function (MTF) and point spread function (PSF) were calculated for 5-mm pupils. Results: F-LASIK MTF was worse than ICL MTF, which was close to diffraction-limited MTF. ICL cases showed less spread out of PSF than F-LASIK cases. ICL cases showed better visual acuity values than F-LASIK cases for all pupils, contrasts, and myopic treatments (p<0.05). No statistically significant differences were found in contrast sensitivities between ICL and F-LASIK cases with -3-D myopia for both pupils for all evaluated spatial frequencies (p>0.05). For -6-D myopia, however, statistically significant differences in contrast sensitivities were found for both pupils for all evaluated spatial frequencies (p<0.05). Contrast sensitivities were better after ICL implantation than after F-LASIK. Conclusions: ICL implantation and F-LASIK provide good optical and visual quality, although the former provides better outcomes of MTF, PSF, visual acuity, and contrast sensitivity, especially for cases with large refractive errors and pupil sizes. These outcomes are related to the F-LASIK producing larger high-order aberrations. .

Objetivo: Comparar a qualidade óptica e visual da lente implantável de collamer (ICL) e da ceratomileuse in situ com laser de femtosegundo (F-LASIK) na correção de miopia. Métodos: O simulador visual de óptica adaptativa CRX1 (Imagine Eyes, Orsay, França) foi usado para simular o padrão de aberração de frentes de onda, depois de dois procedimentos cirúrgicos: implante de ICL e tratamento F-LASIK para -3 e -6 D. A acuidade visual em diferentes contrastes e sensibilidade ao contraste em 10, 20 e 25 ciclos/grau (cpd) foram medidos para pupilas de 3 e 5 mm. A função de transferência de modulação (MTF) e a função de espalhamento de ponto (PSF) foram calculados para a pupila de 5 mm. Resultados: A MTF do F-LASIK foi pior do que a do ICL, que estava perto da MTF do limite de difração. A ICL apresentou menor espalhamento do PSF do que o F-LASIK. ICL apresentou melhores valores da acuidade visual do que F-LASIK para todas as pupilas, contrastes e tratamentos miópicos (p<0,05). Não foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente significantes na sensibilidade ao contraste entre ICL e F-LASIK de -3 D, para ambas as pupilas e quaisquer frequências espaciais avaliadas (p>0,05). Por outro lado, para -6 D, diferenças estatisticamente significativas na sensibilidade ao contraste foram encontrados para ambas as pupilas e todas as frequências espaciais avaliadas (p<0,05). Sensibilidade ao contraste foi melhor após o implante da ICL que após o F-LASIK. Conclusões: ICL e F-LASIK proporcionam uma boa qualidade óptica e visual, embora a ICL oferece melhores resultados de MTF, PSF, acuidade visual e sensibilidade ao contraste, especialmente para grandes erros de refração e tamanhos de pupila. Estes resultados estão relacionados ao procedimento F-LASIK que induz maiores aberrações ...

Adult , Humans , Young Adult , Keratomileusis, Laser In Situ , Lens Implantation, Intraocular , Myopia/surgery , Phakic Intraocular Lenses , Aberrometry , Accommodation, Ocular/physiology , Computer Simulation , Contrast Sensitivity/physiology , Myopia/physiopathology , Treatment Outcome , Visual Acuity/physiology
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 43(1): 33-41, ene.-mar. 2014. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-721299


OBJETIVO: identificar resultados refractivos y las complicaciones tras la corrección de la miopía mediante Lasik. MÉTODOS: se dividieron los 241 ojos que se operaron por Lasik en cuatro grupos según grado de miopía y astigmatismo. Tras un estudio oftalmológico preoperatorio completo y después de ser intervenidos quirúrgicamente, se evaluó la agudeza visual en los miopes y astigmatas, así como las complicaciones, intraoperatorias y posoperatorias durante el primer mes con seguimiento de tres meses. RESULTADOS: se mantuvo la agudeza visual previa corregida y no se detectaron complicaciones graves o irreversibles. CONCLUSIONES: Lasik es una técnica segura y útil para la corrección de la miopía, permite mejorar la agudeza visual espontánea y disminuir la corrección óptica.

OBJECTIVE: identify refractive results and complications following myopia correction by LASIK. METHODS: 241 eyes which had been operated on by LASIK were divided into 4 groups based on the degree of myopia and astigmatism. Patients underwent a complete preoperative ophthalmological study before they were operated on. After surgery, myopic and astigmatic patients were evaluated for visual acuity, as well as intraoperative and postoperative complications during the first month and in a three-month follow-up period. RESULTS: previous corrected visual acuity was preserved and no serious or irreversible complications were detected. CONCLUSIONS: LASIK is a safe myopia correction technique useful to improve spontaneous visual acuity and reduce optical correction.

Humans , Postoperative Complications , Visual Acuity , Refractive Surgical Procedures/adverse effects , Intraoperative Complications/therapy , Myopia/surgery