Objetivo: determinar si existe asociación entre la inclinación del incisivo central superior y el ángulo naso-labial de Legan. Materiales y métodos: se utilizaron las telerradiografías laterales de cráneo de 20 pacientes entre 18 y 39 años, obtenidas al inicio y final de su tratamiento ortodóncico, para un análisis cefalométrico. El total de medidas obtenidas se ordenó en dos tiempos. Tiempo 1 (T1) incluyó la medición del ángulo plano biespinal-eje mayor del incisivo superior (AiT1) y del ángulo naso-labial (AnlT1) en las radiografías tomadas previo al tratamiento y tiempo 2 (T2) incluyó la medición de los mismos ángulos en las radiografías tomadas al finalizar el tratamiento (AiT2 y AnlT2 respectivamente). Los datos obtenidos fueron tabulados y analizados estadísticamente. Resultados: la muestra presentó distribución normal, por lo que se aplicó el test de correlación de Pearson, para determinar si existía asociación entre ambas variables (Ai y Anl) en T1 y T2, obteniendo como resultado un valor de R=0,5. Conclusión: no existe asociación estadística entre la variación en la inclinación del incisivo central superior y el Ángulo naso-labial de Legan.
Aim: to determine if there is an association between the inclination of the upper central incisor and the nasolabial Legan angle. Materials and methods: lateral head radiographs of 20 patients between 18 and 39 years old, obtained at the beginning and end of their orthodontic treatment, were used for a cephalometric analysis. The total of measurements obtained was ordered in two times. Time 1 (T1) included the measurement of the bispinal plane angle-major axis of the upper incisor (AiT1) and the nasolabial angle (AnlT1) in the radiographs taken before treatment and time 2 (T2) included the measurement of the same angles, in the radiographs taken at the end of the treatment (AiT2 and AnlT2 respectively). The data obtained were tabulated and statistically analyzed. Results: the sample presented a normal distribution. So, the Pearson correlation test was applied to determine if there was an association between both variables (Ai and Anl) in T1 and T2, obtaining a value of R=0.5 as a result. Conclusion: there is no statistical association between the variation in the inclination of the upper central incisor and the nasolabial Angle of Legan.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Orthodontics, Corrective , Nasolabial Fold , IncisorABSTRACT
Se conocen varios colgajos locales basados en la arteria facial al momento de reconstruir unidades estéticas faciales. Levantar estos colgajos basados en las ramas perforantes de la arteria facial, los hace más finos, móviles, fiables, y adaptables, y la posibilidad de realizarlos en un solo tiempo quirúrgico. El propósito de este estudio es demostrar nuestra experiencia con el colgajo perforante de la arteria facial en reconstrucciones faciales de defectos hasta tamaño de 5x4cm, utilizando su pedículo superior o su pedículo inferior. Método. Realizamos un estudio longitudinal retrospectivo con 15 pacientes de ambos sexos, con edades comprendidas entre 40 a 60 años, a quienes se realizó el colgajo perforante facial en un solo tiempo quirúrgico. Los defectos faciales tratados fueron de tamaño pequeño a mediano, localizados en subunidades de la mejilla, nariz, pliegue nasolabial, labios superior e inferior. Resultados. De los 15 pacientes de nuestro estudio, 13 evolucionaron sin complicaciones (84.6%); 1 paciente concurrió con leve dehiscencia de herida (7.7%) y 1 paciente al que se le realizó un colgajo de 5x4cm concurrió con una mínima necrosis en la parte distal del colgajo (7.7%). Estas complicaciones fueron leves y con resolución ambulatoria, sin requerir otro tiempo quirúrgico. Conclusiones: Gracias a su libertad de movimiento, este colgajo nos permite reconstruir varias unidades estéticas, y por su delgado espesor, mínimas complicaciones y una cicatriz de la zona dadora que se camufla en el surco nasogeniano, los resultados tanto funcionales como estéticos son superiores comparados con los tradicionales colgajos locales miocutáneos nasolabiales.
Several local flaps based on the facial artery are well known when reconstructing facial aesthetic units. Making these flaps based on the perforating branches of the facial artery makes them thinner, more mobile, reliable, and adaptable, and the possibility of performing them in a single surgical time. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate our experience with the perforating vessel of the facial artery flap, in facial reconstructions of defects up to a size of 5x4 cm, using its upper or lower pedicle. Method. We carried out a retrospective longitudinal study with 15 patients of both sexes, aged between 40 and 60 years, who underwent the facial artery perforator flap in a single surgical time. The facial defects treated were small to medium in size, located in subunits of the cheek, nose, nasolabial fold, upper and lower lips. Results. The complications that we obtained when doing this flap were hematoma, partial dehiscence of the suture and slight venous congestion. All of these were mild and with outpatient resolution, without requiring another surgical time. Conclusions. Due to its freedom of movement, this flap allows us to reconstruct several aesthetic units, and due to its thin thickness and with minimal complications, both functional and aesthetic results are superior compared to traditional nasolabial myocutaneous flaps.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Facial Injuries/surgery , Nasolabial Fold , Perforator Flap/transplantationABSTRACT
Objective@#To describe our clinical experience with, and functional outcomes of the nasolabial flap for reconstruction of orofacial defects. @*Methods@#Design: Retrospective Case Series. Setting: Tertiary National University Hospital. Participants: Records of 11 patients on whom a nasolabial flap was performed for reconstruction of head and neck defects between January 2013 and December 2018 were analyzed.@*Results@#All patients underwent wide excision with or without frozen section, with or without neck dissection, and nasolabial flap closure was performed by a single surgeon. There were no major complications. In two cases, the nasolabial flap was used as an adjunct for Abbé and deltopectoral flap reconstruction. One had poor oral competence due to the bulk of the deltopectoral flap. Acceptable aesthetics and functional outcomes were achieved. @*Conclusion@#The nasolabial flap is a viable alternative for reconstruction of orofacial defects following head and neck surgeries. Additional cases can help validate our initial experience
Nasolabial Fold , Mouth , Skin , Surgical FlapsABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN. La parálisis facial refractaria produce ectropión paralítico secundario, que predispone a la queratopatía por exposición y otras complicaciones oculares, que deben ser manejadas con cirugía. OBJETIVO. Describir el manejo quirúrgico oftalmoló-gico en parálisis facial refractaria mediante tira tarsal y suspensión del pliegue nasolabial. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS. Estudio observacional, retrospectivo. Población y muestra conocida de 8 Historias Clínicas, en el Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín, período enero 2016 a diciembre 2018. Criterios de inclusión: registros de parálisis facial y ectropión paralítico. Los datos fueron tomados del sistema AS400, y se analizaron en el programa estadístico International Business Machines Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, Versión 25.0. RESULTADOS. La etiología tumoral fue 62,5% (5; 8), A los 6 me-ses postquirúrgicos se observó resolución de: lagoftalmos, lagrimeo, ardor ocular y quera-titis en el 87,5% (7; 8); el ectropión se resolvió en todos los casos y se obtuvo una mejoría en la ptosis. La agudeza visual mejoró en el 75,0% (6; 8). DISCUSIÓN: La literatura evi-denció que las técnicas quirúrgicas si bien no abordan el aspecto oftalmológico y estético a la vez, aún es incierto su manejo de manera conjunta dado que ha sido poco descrita pero ha adquirido importancia por los resultados en la Unidad de Oftalmología del hospital.CONCLUSIÓN. La descripción del manejo quirúrgico oftalmológico en parálisis facial re-fractaria mediante la técnica de tira tarsal y suspensión del pliegue nasolabial fue asertiva como experiencia local.
INTRODUCTION. Refractory facial paralysis produces secondary paralytic ectropion, which predisposes to exposure keratopathy and other ocular complications, which must be managed with surgery. OBJECTIVE. Describe the ophthalmic surgical management of refractory facial paralysis using tarsal strip and suspension of the nasolabial fold. MATE-RIALS AND METHODS. Observational, retrospective study. Population and known sam-ple of 8 Clinical Histories, at the Carlos Andrade Marín Specialty Hospital, period from january 2016 to december 2018. Inclusion criteria: records of facial paralysis and paralytic ectropion. The data were taken from the AS400 system, and analyzed in the statistical pro-gram International Business Machines Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, Version 25.0. RESULTS. The tumor aetiology was 62,5% (5; 8). At 6 months after surgery, resolu-tion of: lagophthalmos, lacrimation, ocular burning and keratitis was observed in 87,5% (7; 8); ectropion resolved in all cases and ptosis improved. Visual acuity improved in 75,0% (6; 8). DISCUSSION: The literature showed that the surgical techniques, although they do not address the ophthalmological and aesthetic aspects at the same time, their joint mana-gement is still uncertain since it has been little described but has acquired importance due to the results in the Ophthalmology Unit of the hospital. CONCLUSION. The description of ophthalmic surgical management in refractory facial paralysis using the tarsal strip techni-que and suspension of the nasolabial fold was assertive as a local experience.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Blepharoptosis , Ectropion , Facial Nerve , Facial Paralysis , Nasolabial Fold , Keratitis , Ophthalmology , Ophthalmologic Surgical Procedures , Visual AcuityABSTRACT
Los quistes nasolabiales son lesiones quísticas poco frecuentes, que se presentan como ocupación de la fosa canina, el ala nasal o el vestíbulo nasal. Usualmente son asintomáticas, pero pueden infectarse. El diagnóstico se realiza con el examen físico y exámenes imagenológicos, como la tomografía computarizada y/o resonancia magnética. El tratamiento consiste en la extirpación quirúrgica completa por abordaje sublabial, o por marsupialización endoscópica transnasal. Se describen dos casos, uno de ellos es una paciente de sexo femenino que presenta deformidad nasal producto del crecimiento progresivo de un quiste nasolabial unilateral, y otro de un paciente de sexo masculino que presenta una celulitis facial severa, con una tomografía computarizada que muestra quistes nasolabiales bilaterales. Los quistes nasolabiales deben ser considerados como parte del diagnóstico diferencial en otorrinolaringología en cuadros de deformidad nasal y aumento de volumen facial.
Nasolabial cysts are a rare developmental cyst, presenting as a fullness of canine fossa, nasal ala or vestibule of the nose. They are usually asymptomatic but may become infected. The diagnostic approach includes physical examination and imaging studies such as computed tomography and/or magnetic resonance imaging. Treatment is complete surgical excision by sublabial approach, or transnasal endoscopic marsupialization. Here we describe two cases, one female presenting as nasal deformity due to progressive growth of unilateral nasolabial cyst, and a healthy young male presenting severe facial cellulitis, with a computed tomography showing bilateral nasolabial cysts. Nasolabial cyst should be incorporated in the differential diagnosis of nose deformities and facial swelling in otorhinolaryngology.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Nose Diseases/surgery , Nose Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Cysts/surgery , Cysts/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Endoscopy/methods , Nasolabial FoldABSTRACT
Introdução: Os retalhos interpolados são opções cirúrgicas eficazes para reconstruções de defeitos cutâneos em várias áreas do corpo, inclusive na face. O retalho proposto dispensa cuidados pós-operatórios com o pedículo exposto e pode ser realizado em tempo único. O objetivo é avaliar a utilidade do retalho interpolado de sulco nasogeniano (RISN) em ilha, na reconstrução de segmentos nasais e do canto interno da órbita, bem como discutir refinamentos em seu design e execução. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo de prontuários de pacientes com defeitos nasais ou de canto interno da órbita, e que foram reparados com retalho interpolado do sulco nasogeniano. Todos os retalhos foram confeccionados de maneira randômica, realizando-se túnel subcutâneo para evitar pedículo exposto e cicatriz que comunicasse a área doadora e o defeito. Resultados: cinco pacientes foram incluídos no estudo, com idade entre 30 e 92 anos. Em todos os casos foi realizada biópsia de congelação intraoperatória que revelou margens livres de doença, orientando a extensão da ressecção. O CBC foi encontrado em 4 pacientes e o CEC em um paciente. Não houve complicações como sangramento pós-operatório ou necrose. Bons resultados funcionais e estéticos foram alcançados em todos os pacientes. Discussão: Vale ressaltar a versatilidade do retalho nasogeniano interpolado, sendo capaz de auxiliar na reconstrução de defeitos extensos não apenas de asa, ponta e columela nasais, mas também de dorso e canto medial do olho. Destaca-se também o aspecto estético mais favorável do pedículo do retalho interpolado em ilha comparado ao de transposição. Conclusão: O RISN interpolado em único estágio é uma opção confiável na reconstrução de segmentos faciais. Apresenta boa vascularização, possibilidade se ser realizado em único tempo e pode ser utilizado para cobertura nos locais onde há poucas opções reconstrutivas disponíveis.
Introduction: Interpolation flaps are effective surgical options for reconstructing skin defects in various areas of the body, including the face. The proposed flap does not require postoperative care with the pedicle exposed and can be performed in a single surgery. The objective is to evaluate the usefulness of the nasolabial interpolation island flap (NIF) for reconstructing nasal segments and the inner corner of the eye, as well as discuss improvements in its design and performance. Methods: In this retrospective study, medical records of patients with nasal defects that were repaired with a nasolabial interpolation flap were reviewed. All flaps were created with a subcutaneous tunnel to avoid pedicle exposure and prevent scar connection with the donor area and the defect. Results: Five patients aged 3092 years were included. In all cases, intraoperative frozen biopsy revealed disease-free margins, indicating the extent of the resection. Basal cell carcinoma was found in four patients and squamous cell carcinoma in one. There were no complications such as postoperative bleeding or necrosis. Good functional and aesthetic results were achieved. Discussion: The NIF can help in the reconstruction of extensive defects of the nasal ala, tip, columella, and medial dorsum as well as the corner of the eye. We also highlight the more favorable aesthetic aspect of the pedicle in the interpolation island versus transposition flap. Conclusion: The single-stage NIF flap is a reliable option for reconstructing facial segments as it has good vascularization, can be performed in a single surgery, and can be used to cover places where few other reconstructive options are available.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged, 80 and over , History, 21st Century , Orbit , Nose , Medical Records , Retrospective Studies , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Face , Nasolabial Fold , Perforator Flap , Neoplasms , Orbit/abnormalities , Orbit/surgery , Nose/abnormalities , Nose/surgery , Medical Records/standards , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Face/abnormalities , Face/surgery , Nasolabial Fold/abnormalities , Nasolabial Fold/surgery , Perforator Flap/surgery , Perforator Flap/adverse effects , Neoplasms/surgeryABSTRACT
El Complejo Esclerosis Tuberosa (CET) es una enfermedad de origen genético, multisistémica de transmisión autosómica dominante, se debe a la mutación de los genes TSC1 (Tuberose Sclerosis Complex 1) y TSC2 de los cromosomas 9 y 16 respectivamente. Las manifestaciones clínicas se deben a la presencia de lesiones tumorales benignas (harmatomas) en diferentes órganos lo que genera un amplio espectro de signos y síntomas. El caso que se presenta es de una adolescente de origen aymara con epilepsia, retraso mental y lesiones dérmicas típicas. Es una enfermedad poco frecuente en nuestro medio y rara en personas de origen indígena, no encontrándose ninguna descripción en la literatura nacional. Por la multiplicidad de las manifestaciones clínicas, se hace necesario divulgar la información para que que las diferentes especialidades médicas reconozcan y diagnostiquen esta patología tempranamente para un tratamiento adecuado, oportuno y interdisciplinar.
The Tuberose Sclerosis Complex (TSC) is a genetic, multisystemic disease of autosomal dominant transmission, due to the mutation of the TSC1 and TSC2 genes of chromosomes 9 and 16 respectively. The clinical manifestations are due to the presence of benign tumor lesions (harmatomas) in different organs, which generates a wide spectrum of signs and symptoms. The case presented is that of a teenager of Aymara origin with epilepsy, mental retardation and typical skin lesions. It is a rare disease in our environment and rare in people of indigenous origin, no description found in the national literature. Due to the multiplicity of the clinical manifestations, it is necessary to disseminate the information so that the different medical specialties recognize and diagnose this pathology early for an adequate, timely and interdisciplinary treatment.
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Tuberous Sclerosis , Valproic Acid/administration & dosage , Nasolabial Fold/diagnostic imaging , Anticonvulsants/administration & dosageABSTRACT
Recently, there is a growing interest of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in many fields of medicine. We had a 43-year-old female patient presented with severe necrosis of the nose, philtrum, and upper lip due to retrograde arterial occlusion after nasolabial fold hyaluronic acid filler injection. Our patient went through 43 sessions of systemic hyperbaric oxygen therapy from December 2, 2017 to January 18, 2018. We administered 2.8 atmosphere absolute (ATA) for 135 minutes in the first session and the remaining sessions consisted of 2.0 ATA for 110 minutes. In reporting this case, we wish to provide a warning regarding the latent risk of filler injections and share our experience about minimizing soft tissue damage in the early stages with systemic hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
Adult , Female , Humans , Atmosphere , Hyaluronic Acid , Hyperbaric Oxygenation , Lip , Nasolabial Fold , Necrosis , NoseABSTRACT
Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common benign tumor of the salivary gland. Pleomorphic adenoma occurs most commonly in the parotid gland but it may involve other salivary gland such as submandible or lingual. We report an ectopic pleomorphic adenoma in the subcutaneous layer of the face. A woman presented with a mass of the nasolabial fold. After excision of the mass, it was revealed as an pleomorphic adenoma pathologically. An ectopic pleomorphic adenoma which was located in the subcutaneous layer of the face is very rare in medical literature.
Female , Humans , Adenoma , Adenoma, Pleomorphic , Cheek , Nasolabial Fold , Parotid Gland , Parotid Neoplasms , Salivary Gland Neoplasms , Salivary Glands , Skin , Subcutaneous TissueABSTRACT
A nasolabial cyst is a rare, non-odontogenic cyst that develops within the area adjacent to the ala of the nose around the uppermost portion of the nasolabial crease. The origin of such a cyst is unclear but may be due to developmental problems. Clinical characteristic of asymptomatic nasolabial swelling and radiological findings are important for diagnosis. Treatment is usually surgical resection via a sublabial approach but can also involve incision and drainage or marsupialization. Unlike the typical clinical features reported in other cases, we experienced a case of a giant nasolabial cyst of 4.4 cm in a 56-year-old male with elevation of the nasal cavity base, gingival swelling, and perilesional bony destruction. In this case, we discussed the growth potential of a nasolabial cyst and proper timing of treatment.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Diagnosis , Drainage , Nasal Cavity , Nasolabial Fold , NoseABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#This study investigated the feasibility and clinical result of radical resection of posterior buccal carcinoma by using the facial nasolabial fold "smile" incision approach.@*METHODS@#From August 2016 to March 2017, 23 patients with posterior buccal carcinoma were included in this study and underwent radical surgery. Upon finishing the cervical lymph node dissection, an arc-shaped incision was made at 1 cm lateral to the ipsilateral angulus oris, extending along the nasolabial fold upward to the inferolateral margin of the nasal alar while downward in direct continuity with the neck dissection incision.@*RESULTS@#Satisfactory exposure and easy resection of the primary tumor with negative surgical margin were achieved in all 23 patients. After 12-22 months of follow-up (16.5 months on average), all patients recovered favorably, and no local recurrence or distant metastasis was observed. Mouth opening was restored to normal in all cases. The scars were hidden in the nasolabial fold, thus named "smile" incision.@*CONCLUSIONS@#For posterior buccal cancer patients, the facial "smile" incision approach can satisfy the need of surgical exposure, facilitate operative performance, and preserve the annular integrity of the lips without affecting the radical tumor ablation, thereby maintaining a favorable mouth opening. With these advantages, the "smile" incision approach is considered worthy of being popularized in clinical application.
Humans , Lip , Nasolabial Fold , Neck Dissection , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local , NoseABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: The nasolabial flap is ideal for reconstruction of the nasal alar subunit due to its proximity, color and contour match, and well-placed donor scar. When raised as a random-pattern flap, there is a risk of vascular compromise to the tip with increased flap length and aggressive flap thinning. Surgical delay can greatly improve the chances of tip survival, allowing the harvest of longer flaps with greater reach. METHODS: We describe our technique of lengthening the nasolabial flap through multiple delay procedures. A bipedicled flap was first raised and then transferred as a unipedicled flap with a 6:1 length-to-width ratio. During the delay process, the flap tip was thinned to the subdermal layer. RESULTS: In our case series of seven patients, defects as far as the medial canthal area and contralateral ala were reconstructed successfully with no incidence of tip necrosis or flap loss. The resultant flaps were thin enough to be folded over for the reconstruction of alar rim defects. CONCLUSIONS: We highlight the success of our surgical technique in creating thin and robust nasolabial flaps for the reconstruction of full-thickness defects around the nose.
Humans , Cicatrix , Graft Survival , Incidence , Nasolabial Fold , Necrosis , Nose , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Surgical Flaps , Tissue DonorsABSTRACT
Introdução: A radiofrequência é um recurso que têm sido frequentemente utilizados na prática clínica para o tratamento da flacidez facial e aparecimento de rugas. Objetivo: Investigar os efeitos da radiofrequência no rejuvenescimento facial. Métodos: Trata-se de um ensaio clínico controlado. A amostra foi composta por 40 voluntárias do sexo feminino, com a faixa etária entre 35 a 55 anos, dispostos em 02 grupos, sendo grupo controle e grupo tratado com radiofrequência. Resultados: Nos valores individuais das medidas do ângulo do sulco nasogeniano é possível verificar um aumento e consequente melhora da qualitativa da flacidez facial. Conclusão: A radiofrequência promoveu uma melhora clínica ao nível do ângulo do sulco nasogeniano. (AU)
Introduction: Radiofrequency is a feature that has been frequently used in clinical practice for the treatment of facial flaccidity and appearance of wrinkles. Objective: To investigate the effects of radiofrequency on facial rejuvenation. Methods: This is a controlled clinical trial. The sample consisted of 40 female volunteers, with the age group between 35 and 55 years, arranged in 02 groups, being the control group and the group treated with radiofrequency. The control conducted 2 months of guidance on skin care and exercises for facial flaccidity. Results: Increase quality improvement of facial flaccidity In the treated group, but statistically there was no result in the comparison between groups. Conclusion: In the qualitative analysis, it was verified that the radiofrequency promoted a clinical improvement at the angle of the nasogenian sulcus. (AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Nasolabial Fold , Radiofrequency Therapy , Aesthetic EquipmentABSTRACT
Abstract The subunit principle in nasal reconstruction proposed the concept of reconstructing the specific topographic subunits that were identified as dorsum, tip, columella, the paired alae, sidewalls, and soft triangles. In patients with more than 50% of subunit loss, removing the remaining portion of the subunit and reconstructing the entire subunit may yield better results. The placement of incisions along the borders of the subunits minimizes scar lines. Furthermore, as trapdoor contraction occurs, the entire restored subunit bulges in a way that mimics the normal contour of a nasal tip, dorsum or ala. Two cases of nasal reconstruction that followed this important principle are described.
Humans , Male , Adult , Aged , Surgical Flaps/surgery , Carcinoma, Basal Cell/surgery , Nose Deformities, Acquired/surgery , Nose Neoplasms/surgery , Mohs Surgery/methods , Reproducibility of Results , Treatment Outcome , Nasolabial Fold/surgeryABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Mannitol containing monophasic filler with higher crosslinking has not been well studied for moderate and severe nasolabial fold (NLF) correction. OBJECTIVE: To compare the efficacy and safety of a novel mannitol containing hyaluronic acid (HA) filler (HA-G) with biphasic HA filler (HA-P) for moderate and severe NLF correction. METHODS: Thirteen subjects with symmetric moderate to severe NLF received HA-G (in one NLF) and HA-P (in other NLF) and were evaluated for 24 weeks. RESULTS: At both 12 and 24 weeks, the mean improvement in Genzyme 6-point grading scale from baseline was significantly greater in the side of face that was treated with HA-G than HA-P (1.96±0.91 vs. 1.54±0.73 at week 12; p=0.044, 1.88±0.78 vs. 1.3±0.79 at week 24; p=0.027, respectively). At 12 weeks, the mean Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale score was 2.92±0.93 for HA-G and 2.31±0.95 for HA-P (p=0.008). Both fillers were well tolerated. CONCLUSION: The HA filler HA-G provides better efficacy and similar local tolerability compared with HA-P in 6 months following treatment for moderate and severe NLF.
Dermal Fillers , Hyaluronic Acid , Mannitol , Nasolabial FoldABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Previous studies have investigated facial artery perforators, but have reported inconsistent results regarding lateral nasal artery (LNA) perforators. Although several authors have described the use of LNA perforators for ala nasi and nasal sidewall reconstruction, the literature contains little information regarding the cadaveric dissection of LNA perforators, and most previously published studies have focused on facial artery perforators. METHODS: Sixteen hemifaces from eight fresh cadavers were dissected to study the LNA perforators. After the dissection was performed, the total length and diameter of the LNA and its perforators were measured. The quantity and the distribution of the LNA perforators supplying the overlying skin were then assessed. LNA perforator flaps were used for reconstruction in 10 nasal and perinasal defects. RESULTS: The mean total lengths of the LNA and its perforators were 49.37 mm and 16.06 mm, respectively. The mean diameters of the LNA and its perforators were 2.08 mm and 0.91 mm, respectively. Based on our findings, we mapped the face to indicate zones with a higher probability of finding perforators. No infection, hematoma, or complete flap necrosis were observed after the procedures. CONCLUSIONS: Nasal reconstruction is a challenging procedure, and LNA propeller/V-Y perforator flaps are an excellent reconstructive option in certain cases. Based on our cadaveric study, we were able to identify an area in the upper third of the nasolabial groove with a high density of perforators.
Arteries , Cadaver , Hematoma , Nasolabial Fold , Necrosis , Perforator Flap , Skin , Skin NeoplasmsABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: As harvesting techniques have improved the viability of transposed adipose tissue, autologous fat transfer is increasingly utilized for facial augmentation. Conventional techniques involve placing harvested fat deep in subcutaneous tissue through skin punctures. Trans-oral fat injections at the buccal and labial sulci and through the mucosa of the oral commissures obviate external scars. We report experience with this technique for augmentation of the cheeks, zygomatic arch, nasolabial folds, upper and lower lips, and chin in 130 patients over a 14-year period. METHODS: We report an observational case series of 147 procedures performed in 130 patients (118 women and 12 men, 19-69 years of age) in which 10 to 60 mL autologous fat supernatant harvested from the hips, buttocks, or abdomen were injected through the oral mucosa for augmentation. Single preoperative doses of antibiotic and methylprednisolone were administered in all cases. Fat frozen and banked during initial treatments was used for additional augmentation 3 to 6 months after initial treatments in 46% of cases. Outcomes were assessed clinically with physical exams and photographs. RESULTS: Mucosal puncture wounds healed uneventfully. Most patients tolerated the procedures well and recovered rapidly compared to historical experience with conventional percutaneous techniques. One patient developed a sterile seroma 3 weeks after facial augmentation that responded to needle aspiration. CONCLUSIONS: Transmucosal, intra-oral autologous fat grafting was associated with minimal visible scarring, swelling, or infection at the recipient site. This technique may be considered an alternative to percutaneous transfer for proximate peri-oral facial augmentation.
Female , Humans , Male , Abdomen , Adipose Tissue , Buttocks , Cheek , Chin , Cicatrix , Cosmetic Techniques , Hip , Lip , Methylprednisolone , Mouth Mucosa , Mucous Membrane , Nasolabial Fold , Needles , Punctures , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Rejuvenation , Seroma , Skin , Subcutaneous Fat , Subcutaneous Tissue , Tissue Transplantation , Transplants , Wounds and Injuries , ZygomaABSTRACT
Despite the fact that benign skin lesions can undergo malignant transformation, the necessity and timing of the surgical resection have yet to be established. In this study, we analyse three cases of benign-appearing skin lesions, which were found to be carcinomatous on histologic examination and review the literature regarding the importance of prophylactic removal of benign-appearing skin lesion. The first and second cases were female patients wishing for cosmetic surgery. The first patient had a benign-appearing lesion on dorsum nasi, and the second patient had an inconspicuous lesion right along the right nasolabial fold. The third patient was a middle-aged male with a pigmented lesion on the left cheek, who presented to the clinic only after having met the operating surgeon through an acquaintance outside the hospital setting. All of the lesions were suspected to be of benign nature and were excised for cosmesis only. However, histologic examination of these lesions showed that the first two tumors were basal cell carcinoma with the last tumor being squamouse cell carcinoma. Thus, it is considered that removal of benign like skin lesion will result in good prognosis of patients scheduled to undergo other surgery.
Female , Humans , Male , Carcinoma, Basal Cell , Cheek , Nasolabial Fold , Nevus , Prognosis , Skin Neoplasms , Skin , Surgery, PlasticABSTRACT
INTRODUÇÃO: A técnica de Bernard modificada por Webster é considerada por diversos autores a primeira escolha para reconstrução total de lábio inferior. Ela preserva as linhas e pontos de referência estética da face, e proporciona boa sensibilidade no lábio reconstruído, permitindo alcançar resultados estéticos e funcionais satisfatórios. Apesar de concordar com os princípios da técnica de Webster, uma modificação é proposta visando aperfeiçoar a reconstrução do vermelhão, usando retalhos nasogenianos bilaterais associados aos retalhos de avançamento originais. MÉTODOS: São apresentados cinco casos operados pelo autor no período de 2003 a 2008, e os resultados são discutidos. RESULTADOS: Demonstrou-se que a dissecção necessária para avançar os retalhos da bochecha na técnica de Bernard-Webster não inviabiliza os retalhos nasogenianos, e estes podem ser rotados adequadamente para acrescentar pele e volume ao vermelhão reconstruído. CONCLUSÃO: A modificação proposta não impõe risco aumentado ou prejuízo sobre a técnica original, e mantém ou aumenta a sua capacidade reconstrutiva.
INTRODUCTION: Many authors consider the Bernard technique modified by Webster the first choice for total lower lip reconstruction. This technique preserves skin folds and anatomical landmarks on the face, and interferes minimally with the tactile sensibility of the reconstructed lip, resulting in satisfying cosmetic and functional outcomes. Despite agreeing with the principles of the Webster technique, a modification is proposed to improve reconstruction of vermilion, by using bilateral nasolabial flaps associated with the original advancement flaps. METHODS: We report five surgical cases carried out between 2003 and 2008, and discussion of results. RESULTS: Dissection need to advance flaps in Bernard-Webster technique does not make nasolabial flaps unviable, and they can be rotated properly to add volume and skin to the reconstructed vermilion. CONCLUSION: Proposed modification of Bernard-Webster technique does not increase risk or damage compared with classic technique, and it maintains the same reconstructive capabilities or even enhances it.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , History, 21st Century , Surgical Flaps , Cheek , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Dissection , Esthetics , Face , Nasolabial Fold , Lip , Surgical Flaps/surgery , Cheek/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Dissection/methods , Face/surgery , Nasolabial Fold/surgery , Lip/surgeryABSTRACT
O uso de implantes sintéticos para o preenchimento na face pode acarretar reações adversas. Estas podem ocorrer da má técnica ou decorrentes do produto. Entre os materiais utilizados, está o polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA) na forma de microesferas. Trata-se do relato de um caso de reação nodular na face de paciente do sexo feminino, após 15 anos do uso de implante de Artecoll®, produto composto por microesferas de colágeno bovino e PMMA. Foi tratada com laser de gás carbônico. Evidenciou-se o efeito tardio provocado da aplicação de implantes sintéticos na face como o Artecoll®, os fatores limitantes para ressecção convencional com bisturi e tesoura, e a opção da utilização do laser de CO2. Destacando-se a função ablativa e precisa na remoção do tecido comprometido, a preservação dos tecidos sadios e nobres, o grande potencial hemostático e a baixa morbidade, com menor cicatriz, edema, equimose e a rápida recuperação pós-operatória.
The use of synthetic implants as dermal facial fillers may cause adverse reactions, which may occur owing to inappropriate techniques or the intrinsic nature of the product. Polymethylmetacrylate (PMMA) microspheres is one of the materials used. This is a report of a case of nodular reaction in the face of a female patient, after 15 years of Artecoll® implant use, a product composed of microspheres of bovine collagen and PMMA. She was treated with a carbon dioxide laser. The delayed effect caused by the application of synthetic implants in the face, such as Artecoll®; the limiting factors of conventional resection with a scalpel and scissors; and the option for the use of carbon dioxide laser are outlined. Highlighted are the ablative and precise functions in the removal of compromised tissue, the preservation of healthy and noble tissues, the high hemostatic potential, and low morbidity, with smaller scars, edema, ecchymosis, and rapid postoperative recovery.