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Santiago de Chile; Chile. Ministerio de Salud; 28 mayo 2024. 78 p.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, MINSALCHILE | ID: biblio-1555226


Construyendo Salud Mental amplía y refuerza las estrategias contenidas en el Plan Nacional de Salud Mental 2017-2025, el Modelo de Gestión de la Red Temática de Salud Mental en la Red General de Salud, y la Estrategia Nacional de Salud. Siguiendo la "Política para mejorar la salud mental", aprobada en la 30° Conferencia Sanitaria Panamericana realizada en Washington DC en septiembre de 2022 para la Región de las Américas, en el documento correspondiente y el informe en construcción de la Comisión de Alto Nivel en Salud Mental y COVID-19 de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS).

Mental Health , Mental Health Assistance , Suicide Prevention , National Health Programs , Chile , Health Promotion
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15: 1-6, maio. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1579547


Objetivo: avaliar a contribuição do Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica em suas diferentes fases de atuação. Métodos: revisão integrativa da literatura na base de dados LILACS; biblioteca eletrônica SciELO e no Google acadêmico. Resultados: amostra de 14 artigos abordando os componentes de suas fases de atuação que são a adesão e contratualização, desenvolvimento, avaliação externa e recontratualização. Conclusão: os estudos científicos abordaram em sua maioria a avaliação externa, que é a terceira fase do Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica. Faz-se necessário exploração deste assunto com o intuito de fazer com que o profissional de saúde aprimore seus conhecimentos para desempenhar um trabalho de qualidade à população usuária. (AU)

Objective: to evaluate the contribution of the National Program for Improving Access and Quality of Primary Care in its different phases of action. Methods: integrative literature review in the LILACS database; SciELO electronic library and Google Scholar. Results: sample of 14 articles addressing the components of its performance phases, which are adhesion and contracting, development, external evaluation and recontracting. Conclusion: the majority of scientific studies addressed external evaluation, which is the third phase of the National Program for Improving Access and Quality in Primary Care. It is necessary to explore this subject in order to make the health professional improve their knowledge to perform a quality work to the user population. (AU)

Objetivo: evaluar la contribución del Programa Nacional para la Mejora del Acceso y la Calidad de la Atención Primaria en sus diferentes fases de actuación. Métodos: revisión integrativa de la literatura en la base de datos LILACS; Biblioteca electrónica SciELO y Google Scholar. Resultados: muestra de 14 artículos que abordan los componentes de sus fases de actuación, que son adhesión y contratación, desarrollo, evaluación externa y recontratación. Conclusión: la mayoría de los estudios científicos abordaron la evaluación externa, que es la tercera fase del Programa Nacional para Mejorar el Acceso y la Calidad en la Atención Primaria. Es necesario profundizar en este tema con el fin de que el profesional de la salud mejore sus conocimientos para realizar un trabajo de calidad a la población usuaria. (AU)

Primary Health Care , National Health Strategies , National Health Programs
Curationis ; Curationis;47(1): 1-8, 2024.
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1554037


Background: The Department of Health in South Africa has reported an alarming total of 90 037 teenage girls between the ages of 10 years and 19 years who gave birth from March 2021 to April 2022, across all provinces and districts. The rise in teenage pregnancy is of serious concern as adolescents girls are more likely to experience difficult pregnancies and deliveries which could lead to detrimental effects on their health. Objectives: The study aimed to explore and describe factors contributing to the increase in teenage pregnancy in the Sekhukhune district of Limpopo. Method: The study was conducted in the healthcare facilities of Sekhukhune area. A qualitative, exploratory design was followed. Participants were purposively selected, and data were gathered through face-to-face individual interviews. Data analysis employed Tesch's inductive, descriptive coding method. Results: Negligence, peer pressure, ambiguity, choice, lack of contraceptive use, and lack of family attachment were identified as exacerbating factors in the district's surge in teenage pregnancy. Conclusion: To reduce teen pregnancy, it is crucial to promote contraception, enhance cooperation between schools and the government, involve families in sexual and reproductive health discussions, prioritise a supportive home environment, advocate for child support grants, revitalise school health services, and empower teenagers to make informed choices and resist peer pressure. Contribution: The study will provide guidance to policy makers and other stakeholders in developing appropriate programmes to address the problem and improve the health and socioeconomic status of adolescents in rural areas. This will reduce healthcare costs associated with complications and premature birth. Keywords: factors; teenager; pregnancy; tee

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy in Adolescence , Adolescent , National Health Programs
Bénin Médical ; 69: 44-51, 2024. figures, tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1554655


Introduction : la Chimioprévention du Paludisme Saisonnier (CPS) est une intervention pouvant réduire la survenue des cas de paludisme chez les enfants de 3 à 59 mois. L'objectif de cette étude était de mesurer la couverture de la CPS chez les enfants de 3 à 59 mois pendant la campagne (juillet à octobre 2023) vivant dans la zone d'intervention au Bénin. Matériels et méthodes : une étude enquête transversale descriptive et analytique a été conduite du 30 novembre au 14 décembre 2023. Un échantillonnage en grappe à trois degrés a permis de tiré au sort 3573 en milieux urbain et rural dans 172 Zones de Dénombrements (ZD) réparties dans les 15 communes d'intervention. Résultats : l'enquête a révélé que 87,3% des enfants ciblés ont été touchés par la campagne de CPS 2023. Sur les quatre passages, la couverture complète était respectivement de 84,4%, 81,7%, 77,7% et 62,2%. La couverture complète pour les douze doses était de 59,8%. Conclusion : la couverture en CPS a diminué au fur et à mesure des doses. Les refus persistent et proviennent des personnes clés des ménages qui décident de l'accès aux soins. Le plan de communication et les stratégies de déploiement de la CPS doit être investigué et renforcé en vue d'améliorer la couverture.

Introduction: Seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) is an intervention that can reduce the occurrence of malaria in children aged 3-59 months. The study aimed to measure the coverage of SMC among children aged 3 to 59 months from July to October 2023 living in the intervention zone in Benin. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted from 30 November to 14 December 2023. Three-stage sampling was used to randomly select 3573 people in urban and rural areas in 172 enumeration zones (ED) in the 15 intervention municipalities. Results: Of the targeted children, 87.3% of had been reached by the 2023 CPS campaign Over the four rounds, full coverage was 84.4%, 81.7%, 77.7% and 62.2% respectively. Full coverage for the twelve doses was 59.8%. Conclusion: The SMC coverage decreased with each dose and varied across areas. The SMC communication plan and implementation needs to be strengthened to improve coverage

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Malaria , National Health Strategies , Health Services Coverage , Prevalence , Disease Prevention , National Health Programs
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529388


Abstract Introduction: cystic fibrosis newborn screening must enable its earlier diagnosis, which may enhance outcomes. This study was a series case of delayed-diagnosis children submitted to cystic fibrosis newborn screening. Description: fourteen children were included; eight (57.1%) were due to false-negative screening, while six (42.9%) were due to processing errors. Two samples collected after 30 days of life were incorrectly classified as negative, and four infants with a positive test could not be located due to screening processing errors. Cystic fibrosis diagnosis was confirmed at a median (IQR) age of 5.3 (4.2-7.4) months. Poor nutritional status was the most prevalent clinical sign at diagnosis, being present in 78.6% of infants. The mean (SD) weight-for-length and length-for-age Z-scores were -3.46 (0.84) and -3.99 (1.16), respectively. Half of the children had Pseudo-Bartter syndrome, and 42.9% had breathing difficulties. Twelve children (85.7%) required hospitalization, with a median (IQR) length of stay of 17.0 (11.5-26.5) days. Discussion: newborn screening had some faults, from incorrect collections to inefficient active search. Early identification of these children in which screening was unsatisfactory is essential, emphasizing the importance and efforts to not miss them. In the case of a failed test, healthcare professionals must be prepared to recognize the main symptoms and signs of the disease.

Resumo Introdução: a triagem neonatal para fibrose cística deve contribuir para diagnóstico precoce e melhor prognóstico da doença. O estudo é uma série de casos com lactentes submetidos à triagem, porém com diagnóstico tardio da doença. Descrição: quatorze crianças foram incluídas; oito (57,1%) com triagem falso-negativo e seis (42,9%) com erros processuais na triagem neonatal. Duas amostras foram coletadas tardiamente, sendo incorretamente classificadas como negativas e quatro lactentes com triagem positiva não foram localizados, por erros na busca ativa. Confirmou-se o diagnóstico da fibrose cística com idade mediana (IIQ) de 5,3 (4,2-7,4) meses. O Comprometimento nutricional precoce foi o sinal clínico mais prevalente ao diagnóstico, presente em 78,6% das crianças. Os Z escores médios (SD) do peso para altura e altura para idade foram -3,46 (0,84) e -3,99 (1,16), respectivamente. Metade das crianças teve síndrome de Pseudo-Bartter e 42,9% dificuldade respiratória. Doze crianças (85,7%) precisaram hospitalização com tempo mediano de permanência de 17 dias. Discussão: a triagem neonatal para fibrose cística apresentou falhas, desde testes falso-negativos, coletas incorretas, até problemas com a busca ativa. Entretanto, o diagnóstico ágil é essencial e os profissionais de saúde devem reconhecer os sintomas e sinais precoces da doença, mesmo quando a triagem neonatal não for satisfatória.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Neonatal Screening , Cystic Fibrosis/diagnosis , Diagnostic Errors , Delayed Diagnosis/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , National Health Programs
Rev. APS (Online) ; 26(Único): e262340311, 22/11/2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1566194


A carência de vitamina A é considerada um problema de saúde pública em vários países de baixa e média renda, inclusive no Brasil. Nesse contexto, foi instituído o Programa Nacional de Suplementação de Vitamina A (PNSVA), com o intuito de suplementar as crianças de 6 a 59 meses com megadoses dessa vitamina. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o conhecimento dos profissionais a respeito desse programa, além da operacionalização, do funcionamento e da cobertura do PNSVA. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado em Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, para o qual foram realizadas entrevistas com os profissionais de 58 Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS). Os dados da cobertura do PNSVA (2012 a 2020) foram coletados através do Sistema de Informação de Micronutrientes. Dos entrevistados, 39,6% citaram a distribuição de cápsulas de vitamina A como forma de atingir os objetivos do PNSVA, e apenas 36,2% receberam capacitação sobre o programa. Em relação à sua operacionalização, 56,9% relataram nunca terem faltado cápsulas de vitamina A na UBS, e 41,3% realizavam o registro das doses administradas no Mapa Diário de Administração de Vitamina A. Já sobre o funcionamento do programa, 61,1% o avaliaram como bom. A cobertura do PNSVA foi inferior à meta pactuada, tendo sido observadas lacunas no conhecimento, na operacionalização e no funcionamento do programa.

Vitamin A deficiency is considered a public health problem in several low-and middle-income countries, including Brazil. In this context, the National Vitamin A Supplementation Program (PNSVA) was instituted with the aim of supplementing children aged 6 to 59 months with megadoses of vitamin A. This cross-sectional study carried out in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, aimed to evaluate professionals' knowledge, operationalization, functioning, and coverage of the PNSVA. We interviewed professionals from 58 Basic Health Units and collected PNSVA coverage data (2012-2020) from the Micronutrient Information System. Of those interviewed, 39.6% cited the distribution of vitamin A capsules to achieve the PNSVA objectives, and only 36.2% received training on the program. Operationalization-wise, 56.9% reported never running out of vitamin A capsules at the Unit, and 41.3% recorded the doses administered on the Daily Map. About the operation, 61.1% rated the PNSVA as good. PNSVA coverage was below the recommended target. PNSVA functioning, operationalization, and coverage did not reach the agreed goals, highlighting the current knowledge gaps in the program.

National Health Programs
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 9(2): 31928, 31 ago. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1452578


This article presents, the vulnerabilities related with regarding access to health services facedby refugee women, of a research project conducted in Portugal between 2020 and 2022 as part of the Masters in Intercultural Relations program at Universidade Aberta. Objective: The overall goal was to gain a better understanding of the psychosocial reality of women who arrived in Portugal as a result of forced migration, focusing on the main difficulties of the migratory and adaptation journey -highlighting vulnerabilities related to health and access to health services at the present article -and the protective factors that facilitated their processes of resilience, adaptation, and social integration. Methodology:The meaningsof the protagonists' experiences were disclosed through nine semi-structured and in-depth interviews with a woman from Iraq, seven from Syria, and one from Libya, which were conducted separately, recorded and transcribed. Following the transcription and translation of the interviews, the content analysis began with the coding and categorization of the obtained data. Results:The investigationuncovered a number of vulnerabilities triggered by the migratory experience and gender belonging, such as prejudice, social isolation, and cultural shock (mostly linked to religion and clothing), which validated the intersectional analysis. The findings highlight a number of obstacles in the host nation, including access to health care, the quality of institutional interactions, and knowledge of the Portuguese language.Conclusions:The current investigation led to theconclusion that there are flawsin Portugal in terms of ensuring full access to health care for forced migrant women, highlighting as major obstacles: a lack of information in languagesother than Portuguese, a lack of offers tolearn and masterthe Portugueselanguage, a lack of knowledge about how health institutions work, and a lack of sensitivity and intercultural skills inhealthcareservices (AU).

Este artigo apresenta as vulnerabilidades relacionadas no acesso aos serviços de saúde sentidas por mulheres refugiadas, de um projeto de investigação realizado em Portugal entre 2020 e 2022 no âmbito do Mestrado em Relações Interculturais da Universidade Aberta. Objetivo:O objetivo geral foi conhecer melhor a realidade psicossocial das mulheres que chegaram a Portugal como resultado da migração forçada, focando as principais dificuldades do percurso migratório e de adaptação,destacando as vulnerabilidades relacionadas com a saúde e acesso aos serviços de saúde, além dos fatores de proteção que facilitaram seus processos de resiliência, adaptação e integração social. Metodologia:Os significados das vivências das protagonistasforam relevados por meio de nove entrevistas semiestruturadas e em profundidade, realizadas individualmente, gravadas e transcritas, com umamulher do Iraque, seteda Síria e umada Líbia. Após transcrição e tradução das entrevistas, a análise de conteúdopartiu da codificação e categorização da informação recolhida.Resultados:A investigação desvelou uma série de vulnerabilidadescausadas pela experiência migratória epertença de gênero,como a discriminação sentida sob a forma de preconceitos, o isolamento social e o choque cultural (sobretudo relacionado com a religião e o vestuário utilizado), o que justificou a análise intersecional. Os resultados revelam umconjuntode desafiosno país de acolhimento, como o acesso à saúde, a qualidade das relações institucionais e o domínio da língua portuguesa.Conclusões: A presente investigação permitiu concluir que existem algumas carências em Portugal no que diz respeito à garantia do pleno acesso aos cuidados de saúde sentidas pelasmulheres migrantes forçadas, destacando-se como principais obstáculos: a falta de informação numa língua que não o português, a falta de domínio da língua portuguesa, o desconhecimento sobre o funcionamento das instituições de saúde e falta de sensibilidade e de competências interculturais nos cuidados de saúde (AU).

Este artículo presenta, las vulnerabilidades relacionadasconen el acceso a los servicios de salud que sienten las mujeres refugiadas, de un proyectorealizado en Portugal entre 2020 y 2022 en el ámbito del Máster en Relaciones Interculturales de la Universidade Aberta.Objetivo: El objetivo fue comprender la realidad psicosocial de las mujeres que llegaron a Portugal como resultado de la migración forzada, centrándose en las principales dificultades del viaje de migración y adaptación, destacandovulnerabilidades relacionadas con la salud y el acceso a los servicios de salud, además de los factores de protección que facilitaron sus procesos de resiliencia, adaptación e integración social. Metodología: Los significados de las experiencias fueron revelados através de nueve entrevistas semiestructuradas y en profundidad, realizadas individualmente, grabadas y transcritas, con una mujer de Irak, siete de Siria y una de Libia. Luego de la transcripción y traducción, se inició el análisis de contenido con la codificación y categorización de la información.Resultados: La investigación reveló vulnerabilidades provocadas por la experiencia migratoria y la pertenencia de género,como la discriminación sentida en forma de prejuicio, el aislamiento social y el choque cultural (principalmente relacionado con la religión y la vestimenta), que justificaron el análisis interseccional.Los resultados revelan desafíos en Portugal,como el acceso a la salud, la calidad de las relaciones institucionales y el dominio de la lengua portuguesa.Conclusiones: La presente investigación llevó a la conclusión de que existen fallas en Portugal en cuanto a garantizar el pleno acceso a la atención de la salud de las refugiadas,destacándose: falta de información en un idioma diferenteal portugués, falta de dominio de la lengua portuguesa, falta de conocimiento sobre el funcionamiento de las instituciones de salud y falta de sensibilidad y habilidades interculturales en la atención de la salud (AU).

Humans , Female , Adult , Refugees , Women's Health , Human Migration , Social Vulnerability , Health Services Accessibility , Portugal/epidemiology , Interviews as Topic , Qualitative Research , Human Rights , National Health Programs
Archiv. med. fam. gen. (En línea) ; 20(2): 29-38, jul. 2023. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524237


Se realizó una evaluación quinquenal de los ejes sanitarios (que dan lugar a objetivos estratégicos con sus correspondientes metas e indicadores, áreas de intervención y líneas de acción) dentro del marco de la gestión sanitaria de uno de los 10 principales agentes de la seguridad social argentinos quien implementaba desde hacía 20 años un Programa Nacional de Atención Primaria de la Salud (PNAPS). El mismo promedió alrededor de 800 mil beneficiarios anuales dentro de una red asistencial nacional propia en el primer nivel de atención compuesta por 45 Centros de Atención Primaria (CAPs). Se implementó una investigación evaluativa que incluyó un trazado de línea de base con la valoración de cinco Ejes Sanitarios (ES). Se trata de un diseño de corte transversal de un periodo de 5 años. Se definieron metas, indicadores y recomendaciones para cada uno de los ES, recopilando información de fuentes diferentes y complementarias para su análisis. Los resultados mostraron una evolución favorable en el período evaluado, aunque el cumplimiento de las metas estuvo bastante alejado de lo propuesto de manera teórica. Conclusiones: este trabajo aporta información valiosa y original para subsidiar la toma de decisiones e incentivar la investigación en el ámbito de la APS, buscando reformular los actuales modelos de gestión y de atención de la salud (AU)

A five-year evaluation of the health axes (which give rise to strategic objectives with their corresponding goals and indicators, areas of intervention and lines of action) was carried out within the framework of health management of one of the 10 main argentine social security agents who had been implementing a National Primary Health Care Program (PNAPS) for 20 years. It averaged around 800,000 annual beneficiaries within its own national care network at the first level of care made up of 45 Primary Care Centers (CAPs). An evaluative investigation was implemented that included a baseline drawing with the assessment of five Sanitary Axis (ES). It is a cross-sectional design of a period of 5 years. Goals, indicators and recommendations were defined for each of the ES, collecting information from different and complementary sources for analysis. Results: they showed a favorable evolution in the period evaluated, although the fulfillment of the goals was quite far from what was theoretically proposed. The results of this work provides valuable and original information to support decision-making and encourage research in the field of PHC, seeking to reformulate current management and health care models (AU)

Humans , Primary Health Care/organization & administration , Primary Health Care/trends , Local Health Strategies , Quality Indicators, Health Care , Family Practice/statistics & numerical data , Health Services Research/statistics & numerical data , Local Health Systems , National Health Programs/organization & administration , National Health Programs/statistics & numerical data
REME rev. min. enferm ; 27: 1493, jan.-2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1518175


Objetivo: avaliar o Desempenho da Gestão Organizacional dos Serviços Hospitalares no Brasil. Método: estudo transversal que utilizou dados do Programa Nacional de Avaliação dos Serviços de Saúde-PNASS 2015-2016 para avaliar o Desempenho da Gestão Organizacional de 1.665 hospitais do Brasil. Foram utilizados 30 itens de verificação distribuídos em 5 critérios (Gestão de Contratos; Gestão de Pessoas; Gestão da Informação; Planejamento e Organização; e Modelo Organizacional), que compuseram um escore de avaliação. O desempenho foi avaliado segundo os indicadores: porte hospitalar; nível de complexidade; esfera administrativa; tipo de gestão; e região do país. Verificou-se associação entre Desempenho da Gestão Organizacional dos hospitais com os indicadores Taxa de Ocupação, Média de Permanência e Valor Médio da AIH. Utilizou-se Análise de Componentes Principais para verificar a relação de dependência entre as variáveis e explicar a variabilidade dos dados. Foi utilizado o modelo de regressão logística ajustado para verificar variáveis que melhor explicam o Desempenho da Gestão Organizacional. Resultados: a média de Desempenho da Gestão Organizacional dos hospitais foi 63,83. Os melhores desempenhos estão nos hospitais da região Sul, de nível de Complexidade 8, acima de 150 leitos, de Esfera Administrativa Público Federal e de Gestão Estadual. Na análise de regressão logística, o desempenho se mostrou associado com: Taxa de Ocupação (p<9.87E-09), Porte hospitalar (p<4.49E-10), gestão municipal (p<0.004), Nível Hierárquico Nível 7 (p<0.042), Nível 8 (p<0.022) região Sul (p<0.004), Sudeste (p<0.002). Conclusão: o PNASS se mostrou adequado para avaliar o desempenho da gestão dos hospitais, sendo constatada relação entre melhor desempenho e maior porte e complexidade do hospital.(AU)

Objective: to assess the organizational management performance of hospital services in Brazil. Method: a cross-sectional study that resorted to data from the 2015-2016 National Program for the Evaluation of Health Services (Programa Nacional de Avaliação dos Serviços de Saúde, PNASS) to assess the Organizational Management Performance in 1,665 Brazilian hospitals. A total of 30 verification items distributed into 5 criteria (Contract Management; People Management; Information Management; Planning and Organization; and Organizational Model) were used, which comprised an evaluation score. Performance was assessed according to the following indicators: hospital size; complexity level; administrative sphere; type of management; and region of the country. An association was verified between the hospitals' Organizational Management Performance and the Occupancy Rate, Mean Hospitalization Time and Mean HA Value indicators. Principal Components Analysis was used to verify the dependence relationship between the variables and to explain data variability. An adjusted logistic regression model was used to verify variable that best explain Organizational Management Performance. Results: the hospitals' mean Organizational Management Performance was 63.83. The best performance levels correspond to the hospitals from the South region, Complexity level 8, more than 150 beds, belonging to the Federal Public Administrative Sphere and with State Management. In the logistic regression analysis, performance proved to be associated with: Occupancy Rate (p<9.87E-09), Hospital size (p<4.49E-10), Municipal Management (p<0.004), Hierarchical Level 7 (p<0.042), Level 8 (p<0.022), South region (p<0.004), and Southeast region (p<0.002). Conclusion: the PNASS proved to be adequate to assess the hospitals' management performance, verifying a relationship between better performance and larger hospital size and higher complexity.(AU)

Objetivo: evaluar el Desempeño de la Gestión Organizativa de los Servicios Hospitalarios en Brasil. Método: estudio transversal que utilizó datos del Programa Nacional de Evaluación de Servicios de Salud-PNASS 2015-2016 para evaluar el Desempeño de la Gestión Organizativa de 1665 hospitales en Brasil. Se utilizaron 30 elementos de verificación distribuidos en 5 criterios: Gestión de Contratos, Gestión de Personas, Gestión de la Información, Planificación y Organización, Modelo Organizativo, que compusieron una puntuación de evaluación...(AU)

Humans , Health Services Administration , Health Management , Health Services Research , National Health Programs , Health Evaluation/statistics & numerical data , Brazil
Brasília; Fiocruz Brasília; 03 jan. 2023. 134 p.
Non-conventional in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS, PIE | ID: biblio-1412008


Contexto: A Promoção de Saúde engloba "um conjunto de estratégias e formas de produzir saúde, no âmbito individual e coletivo, que se caracteriza pela articulação e cooperação intrassetorial e intersetorial e pela formação da Rede de Atenção à Saúde, buscando se articular com as demais redes de proteção social, com ampla participação e amplo controle social". Políticas de saúde são essenciais para responder às necessidades de saúde da população, porém sua implementação em nível local pode ser dificultada por diversos tipos de entraves. Informações sobre como países com sistemas de saúde públicos e/ou universais caracterizam e operacionalizam políticas nacionais de promoção da saúde podem ser de grande valia para tomadores de decisão no contexto brasileiro. Pergunta: Quais são os países com sistemas públicos e universais de saúde, exceto Brasil, que possuem políticas e programas de promoção da saúde e quais são suas características? Métodos: Realizou-se uma revisão rápida com base em protocolo de pesquisa previamente definido. A busca de estudos foi realizada em outubro de 2022 na base de dados PubMed e sites governamentais. Resultados: Dentre 1.235 registros recuperados da base de dados, 53 foram selecionados. Os dados extraídos apresentam informações sobre programas e políticas de promoção da saúde da África do Sul, Arábia Saudita, Austrália, Botsuana, Canadá, Cuba, Dinamarca, Espanha, Finlândia, Irlanda, Islândia, Malta, Noruega, Nova Zelândia, Portugal, Reino Unido, San Marino, Sri Lanka, Suécia. Esses estudos abordam os seguintes temas: Doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (n=9), Estilo de vida (n=7), Atividade física (n=6), Promoção da saúde e prevenção de doenças (n=5), Saúde mental (n=5), Saúde da criança e da mulher (n=4), Saúde escolar (n=4), Tabagismo (n=3), Saúde bucal (n=3), Saúde do idoso (n=2), Saúde sexual e HIV (n=2), Alimentação saudável (n=1), Saúde ocular (n=1), Saúde do homem (n=1). Dados adicionais foram obtidos em sites governamentais de Bahrein, Brunei, Butão, Geórgia, Grécia, Itália, Kuwait, Malásia, Maldivas, Omã, Taiwan, Trindade e Tobago e Ucrânia. Considerações finais: Os estudos revelam a importância de se realizar monitoramento e avaliação de políticas e programas para conhecer o processo de implementação em diferentes contextos, o alcance em termos da população-alvo, o impacto sobre indicadores de saúde, além da percepção de profissionais de saúde e usuários. Tal conhecimento é fundamental para se decidir sobre a expansão ou necessidade de ajustes dos programas de saúde.

Context: Health Promotion encompasses "a set of strategies and ways of producing health, at the individual and collective level, which is characterized by intrasectoral and intersectoral articulation and cooperation and by the formation of the Health Care Network, seeking to articulate with the other social protection networks, with broad participation and broad social control". Health policies are essential to respond to the health needs of the population, but their implementation at the local level can be hampered by various types of barriers. Information on how countries with public and/or universal health systems characterize and operationalize national health promotion policies can be of great value to decision makers in the Brazilian context. Question: What are the countries with public and universal health systems, except Brazil, that have health promotion policies and programs and what are their characteristics? Methods: A rapid review was carried out based on a previously defined research protocol. The search for studies was carried out in October 2022 in the PubMed database and government websites. Results: Among 1,235 records retrieved from the database, 53 were selected. The extracted data provide information on health promotion programs and policies in South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Botswana, Canada, Cuba, Denmark, Spain, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Malta, Norway, New Zealand, Portugal, United Kingdom , San Marino, Sri Lanka, Sweden. These studies address the following topics: Non-communicable chronic diseases (n=9), Lifestyle (n=7), Physical activity (n=6), Health promotion and disease prevention (n=5), Mental health ( n=5), Child and women's health (n=4), School health (n=4), Smoking (n=3), Oral health (n=3), Elderly health (n=2), Health Sexuality and HIV (n=2), Healthy eating (n=1), Eye health (n=1), Men's health (n=1). Additional data was obtained from government websites in Bahrain, Brunei, Bhutan, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Kuwait, Malaysia, Maldives, Oman, Taiwan, Trinidad and Tobago and Ukraine. Final considerations: The studies reveal the importance of monitoring and evaluating policies and programs to learn about the implementation process in different contexts, the reach in terms of the target population, the impact on health indicators, in addition to the perception of health professionals. health and users. Such knowledge is fundamental for deciding on the expansion or need for adjustments in health programs.

Health Policy , Health Promotion , National Health Programs , Review , Universal Access to Health Care Services
S. Afr. med. j. (Online) ; 113(1): 24-30, 2023. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1412845


Background. Many patients have their healthcare needs met at primary healthcare (PHC) clinics in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN), without having to travel to a hospital. Doctors form part of the teams at many PHC clinics throughout KZN, offering a decentralised medical service in a PHC clinic. Objectives. To assess the benefit of having a medical doctor managing patients with more complex clinical conditions at PHC clinic level in uMgungundlovu District, KZN. Two key questions were researched: (i) were the patients whom the clinic doctors managed of sufficient clinical complexity that they warranted a doctor managing them, rather than a PHC nurse clinician? and (ii) what was the spectrum of medical conditions that the clinic doctors managed? Methods. Doctors collected data at all medical consultations in PHC clinics in uMgungundlovu during February 2020. A single-page standardised data tool was used to collect data at every consultation. Results. Thirty-five doctors were working in 45 PHC clinics in February 2020. Twenty-six of the clinic doctors were National Health Insurance (NHI)-employed. The 35 doctors conducted 7 424 patient consultations in February. Staff in the PHC clinics conducted 143 421 consultations that month, mostly by PHC nurse clinicians. The doctors concluded that 6 947 (93.6%) of the 7 424 doctor consultations were of sufficient complexity as to warrant management by a doctor. The spectrum of medical conditions was as follows: (i) consultations for maternal and child health; n=761 (10.2%); (ii) consultations involving non-communicable diseases (NCDs), n=4 372 (58.9%) ­ the six most common NCDs were, in order: hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, epilepsy, mental illness and renal disease; (iii) consultations involving communicable diseases constituted 1 745 (23.5%) of cases; and (iv) consultations involving laboratory result interpretation 1 180 (15.9%).Conclusion. This research showed that at a PHC clinic the more complex patient consultations did indeed require the skills and knowledge of a medical doctor managing these patients. These data support the benefit of a doctor working at every PHC clinic: the doctor is a 'must-have' member of the PHC clinic team, offering a regular, reliable and predictable medical service.

Primary Health Care , Delivery of Health Care , Ambulatory Care Facilities , National Health Programs , Personnel, Hospital
Bull. W.H.O. (Online) ; Bull. W.H.O. (Online);101(6): 431-436, 2023. figures
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1436837


Problem In 2021, Central African Republic was facing multiple challenges in vaccinating its population against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), including inadequate infrastructure and funding, a shortage of health workers and vaccine hesitancy among the population. Approach To increase COVID-19 vaccination coverage, the health ministry used three main approaches: (i) task shifting to train and equip existing community health workers (CHWs) to deliver COVID-19 vaccination; (ii) evidence gathering to understand people's reluctance to be vaccinated; and (iii) bundling of COVID-19 vaccination with the polio vaccination programme. Local setting Central African Republic is a fragile country with almost two thirds of its population in need of humanitarian assistance. Despite conducting two major COVID-19 vaccination campaigns, by January 2022 only 9% (503 000 people) of the 5 570 659 general population were fully vaccinated. Relevant changes In the 6 months from February to July 2022, Central African Republic tripled its coverage of COVID-19 vaccination to 29% (1 615 492 out of 5 570 659 people) by August 2022. The integrated polio­COVID-19 campaign enabled an additional 136 040 and 218 978 people to be vaccinated in the first and second rounds respectively, at no extra cost. Evidence obtained through surveys and focus group discussions enabled the health ministry to develop communication strategies to dispel vaccine hesitancy and misconceptions. Lessons learnt Task shifting COVID-19 vaccination to CHWs can be an efficient solution for rapid scaling-up of vaccination campaigns. Building trust with the community is also important for addressing complex health issues such as vaccine hesitancy. Collaborative efforts are necessary to provide access to COVID-19 vaccines for high-risk and vulnerable populations.

Humans , Male , Female , Community Health Workers , Vaccination Coverage , COVID-19 Vaccines , COVID-19 , Vaccination Hesitancy , Poliomyelitis , Immunization Programs , National Health Programs
Med. j. Zambia ; 50(4): 296-306, 2023. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1555277


Introduction:Anaemia is one of the major public health concerns in many developing countries including Zambia. Unless it is acute, the consequences of anaemia are not immediate but have long-term debilitating effects such as growth and intellectual retardation and as such it does not receive the necessary attention it deserves. This study set out to assess the prevalence and associated factors of anaemia in under-five children in Zambia. Methods:This study was a secondary analysis of the 2021 Malaria Indicator Survey. We extracted data from the data sets at the National Malaria Elimination Centre after obtaining permission from the Ministry of Health. The extracted data was analysed in STATA14, summarised in frequencies, cross-tabulations between independent variables and the outcome and multivariable logistic regression was used to assess the associations between variables and anaemia. Findings:The prevalence of anaemia was found to be 53.8%. Anaemia was found to be associated more with children below one year compared to older children, children whose household heads had no or only have primary education compared to those with secondary or tertiary education and in the northern parts of the country such as Luapula and Northern provinces compared to the southern province. Further anaemia was more common in those with malaria than those without malaria and those with febrile illnesses than those without febrile illnesses. In addition, anaemia was less common in those who slept under insecticide-treated nets. Conclusion: Anaemia in Zambia has been found to be higher than the average in Southern Africa, it is associated with younger age groups, poverty conditions and where diseases like malaria and other febrile illnesses are more common than where they are not. The use of interventions like insecticide-treated nets is associated with reduced prevalence of anaemia.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Health Surveys , Malaria , Parasitic Diseases , Disease Eradication , Anemia , National Health Programs
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2023. 152 f p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1516524


A tuberculose (TB) é uma doença infecciosa, causada pelo bacilo Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), que atinge os pulmões durante o contágio inicial e que pode ser transmitida através da tosse, fala ou espirro. A Organização Mundial da Saúde (WHO, 2019) classificou a TB como a principal causa de morte no mundo por único agente etiológico, à frente do Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV), sendo ainda considerada como grave problema de Saúde Pública, e declarou, em 1993, a TB como estado de emergência mundial, diante dos altos índices de incidência e mortalidade existentes à época. Em 1999, o Brasil normatizou seu Programa Nacional de Controle da Tuberculose (PNCT) e isso aconteceu diante da permanência do "problema da TB", com índices elevados de abandono do tratamento, redução na taxa de cura e de identificação dos casos. O PNCT introduziu: a extensão da cobertura (com a distribuição de medicamentos gratuitamente), o tratamento diretamente observado (no qual o paciente deve tomar a medicação diante de um agente de saúde) e a busca ativa por pessoas portadoras de infecção latente da TB (ILTB). Há, de fato, questões sociais, políticas e econômicas que ainda influenciam na permanência da TB, considerada como Determinante Social de Saúde (DSS). Contudo, há questões éticas envolvidas na maneira como a TB é abordada pela Saúde Pública, tanto pelo PNCT quanto pela OMS, e que também influenciam nas altas taxas de casos de TB na sociedade e na diferenciação desta sociedade. Mesmo com medicamentos eficazes (incluindo o tratamento da ILTB), a TB permanece como um desafio ético para o governo pois, na prática, foi o governo que permitiu que o indivíduo ficasse doente. O principialismo, por ser uma das referências bioéticas da prática médica no Brasil, será a base dessa reflexão, com o intuito de ajudar na compreensão de como as políticas públicas de saúde são feitas no Brasil e quais devem ser suas prioridades, conciliando os interesses da sociedade e do indivíduo. A comparação com outras realidades que enfrentam o mesmo problema, como a Inglaterra, o debate sobre as justificativas da OMS para sua estratégia pelo Fim da TB e os direitos dos pacientes com TB igualmente contribuirão pela busca de quais são essas questões éticas e como podem colaborar na abordagem e erradicação da TB no mundo, mudando a narrativa e a perspectiva de como "enxergar" a doença e o doente. (AU)

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by the bacillus Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), which affects the lungs during the initial contagion and can be transmitted through coughing, talking, or sneezing. The World Health Organization (WHO, 2019) classified TB as the leading cause of death in the world by a single etiological agent, ahead of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), still being considered a serious Public Health problem and, in 1993, declared TB a global state of emergency, given the high incidence and mortality rates existing at the time. In 1999, Brazil standardized its National Tuberculosis Control Program (PNCT) and this happened in the face of the permanence of the "TB problem", with high rates of treatment abandonment, reduction in the cure rate, and identification of cases. The PNCT introduced: the extension of coverage (with free distribution of medication), directly observed treatment (in which the patient must take the medication in front of a health agent), and the active search for people with latent TB infection (LTBI). There are, in fact, social, political, and economic issues that still influence the permanence of TB, considered a Social Determinant of Health (SDH). However, there are ethical issues involved in the way TB is approached by Public Health, both by the PNCT and the WHO, which also influence the high rates of TB cases in society and the differentiation of this society. Even with effective drugs (including LTBI treatment), TB remains an ethical challenge for the government because, in practice, it was the government that allowed the individual to get sick. Principlism, as one of the bioethical references of medical practice in Brazil, will be the basis of this reflection, to help understand how public health policies are carried out in Brazil and what their priorities should be, reconciling the interests of society and the individual. In comparison with other realities that face the same problem, such as England, the debate on the justifications of the WHO for its End TB Strategy and the rights of patients with TB will also contribute to the search for what these ethical issues are and how they can collaborate in the approach and eradication of TB in the world, changing the narrative and perspective of how to "see" the disease and the sick person. (AU)

Tuberculosis/prevention & control , Unified Health System , Personal Autonomy , Principle-Based Ethics , Human Rights , National Health Programs , Brazil
São Paulo; s.n; 2023. 157 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1523805


Nesta viagem cartográfica, com bagagens de décadas, encontramos com múltiplas existências pelo caminho, sentimos e produzimos afetos, nos entregamos. Foi um ano e meio na Rede Básica com o propósito de recolher os efeitos dos encontros com moradores dos territórios e trabalhadores de duas unidades de saúde da família, que compõem a Rede Básica (RB) em município do interior de São Paulo, com menos de 100 mil habitantes, bem como com alguns gestores. Uma infinidade de encontros com as vidas, com os modos de cuidar. Uma mistura de espaços nos territórios ampliados para além da saúde, em tempos atravessados pela pandemia e por forças-valores das tensões constitutivas dos encontros entre pessoas sob cuidado e cuidadores. Sentimos cheiros, sabores, dores, derramamos e vimos lágrimas escorrerem pelos rostos, os mesmos que depois escancararam sorrisos, abrimo-nos para escutas e silêncios, dançamos. Os caminhos foram construídos em ato, nos acontecimentos. Aberturas de espaços para contar e pensar as vidas e as práticas de produção de saúde no cotidiano dos serviços. Deixamo-nos afetar nos encontros, buscamos o vivido e o experimentado, com recolhimento dos seus efeitos ao longo da jornada, novas bagagens entraram e outras foram deixadas de lado. As dobras e as saídas, o efeito desorganizador do neoliberalismo sobre a política pública de saúde, as vidas de usuários e dos trabalhadores da RB. O esgotamento dos modos de viver, e também os modos de resistências cotidianas. Desejos vivos e busca de saídas. Ao longo da viagem, nos encontros, ficou em mim, a sensação de possibilidade real de acúmulo de força coletiva de trabalhadores, na convivência se mostraram mais dispostos para a produção de processos de cuidado, tentam resistir aos processos de subjetivação subordinada. Terreno fértil em disputa, que pode pender para o lado do cuidado, desde que haja apoio e processos de educação permanente, e os usuários sustentam os mesmos desejos. Como participante de cenas em ato, implicada com o cotidiano, conectei-me e produzi conhecimento junto, e por fim disponibilizo os resultados produzidos em defesa das vidas, de todas as vidas!

On this cartographic journey, with decades' experience, we encountered multiple existences along the way, we felt and produced affections, we shared ourselves. It's been a year and a half in the Primary Health Care Network with the aim of collecting the effects of encounters with residents of the territories and workers from two family health units, which make up the Primary Health Care Network (Rede Básica - RB) in a municipality in the interior of São Paulo, with less than 100,000 inhabitants, as well as with some managers. An infinity of encounters with lives, with ways of caring. A mixture of spaces in territories extended beyond health, in times crossed by the pandemic and by the force-values that are constitutive of the encounters between people under care and caregivers. We felt smells, tastes, pain, we shed tears and watched them run down our faces, the same ones that then broke into smiles, we opened ourselves up to listening and silence, we danced. The paths were built in the act, in the events. Spaces were opened up to tell and think about lives and health production practices in the day-to-day running of services. We let ourselves be affected by the gatherings, we searched for what had been lived and what had been experienced, collecting its effects along the way, new baggage came in and others were left out. The folds and exits, the disorganizing effect of neoliberalism on public health policy, the lives of users and workers at the RB. The exhaustion of ways of living, and also the ways of daily resistance. Living desires and the search for ways out. Throughout the trip, in the meetings, I was left with the feeling that there was a real possibility of the accumulation of collective strength among workers, who, in their coexistence, showed themselves to be more willing to produce care, trying to resist the subordinate processes of subjectivation. This is fertile ground for dispute, which can lean towards the side of care, as long as there is support and permanent education processes, and users support the same desires. As a participant in active scenes, involved in everyday life, I connected and produced knowledge together, and finally I am making the results available in defense of lives, all lives!

Humans , Male , Female , Primary Health Care , Health Management , Geographic Mapping , COVID-19 , National Health Programs
Edumecentro ; 152023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448174


Fundamento: el sector cubano de salud, además de garantizar una atención médico-social al adulto mayor, tiene la misión de formar los recursos humanos especializados en esta área del conocimiento, desde el pregrado en las carreras de las ciencias médicas, y de forma continua y sostenida hasta el posgrado; por lo que se precisa observar el tratamiento de los contenidos relacionados con la Gerontogeriatría en los planes de estudio. Objetivo: caracterizar la representación de la Gerontogeriatría en el curso propio "Envejecimiento" del Plan de estudios "D" de la carrera de Medicina en Cuba. Métodos: se realizó una investigación educativa observacional, descriptiva. Se desarrolló una amplia revisión documental de los planes de estudio y el diseño del curso propio "Envejecimiento" del Plan de estudios "D", precisando el análisis de sus contenidos y su aporte a la Gerontogeriatría. Resultados: se constató que el curso permite la enseñanza de la Gerontología y Geriatría, diseñado con tres objetivos y cinco temas, y contenidos que favorecen la formación gerontogeriátrica en el desempeño de la función de atención médica integral al particular proceso salud enfermedad que se expresa en el adulto mayor. Conclusiones: la Gerontogeriatría está presente en el curso propio "Envejecimiento", representada fundamentalmente con este diseño académico en todo el vigente Plan de estudios "D".

Background: the Cuban health branch, in addition to guaranteeing medical-social care for the elderly, has the mission of training specialized human resources in this area of knowledge, from undergraduate in medical sciences careers, and continuously and sustained until postgraduate; Therefore, it is necessary to observe the treatment of the contents related to Gerontogeriatrics in the study plans. Objective: to characterize the representation of Gerontogeriatrics in the own course "Aging" of the Study Plan "D" of the Medicine career in Cuba. Methods: an observational, descriptive educational research was carried out. An extensive documentary review of the study plans and the design of the own course "Aging" of the Study Plan "D" was carried out, specifying the analysis of its contents and its contribution to Gerontogeriatrics. Results: it was verified that the course allows the teaching of Gerontology and Geriatrics, designed with three objectives and five topics, and contents that favor gerontology and geriatric training in the performance of the function of comprehensive medical attention to the particular health-disease process that is expressed in the elderly. Conclusions: Gerontogeriatrics is present in the own course "Aging", fundamentally represented with this academic design throughout the current Curriculum "D".

Health Programs and Plans , Population Dynamics , Education, Medical , Geriatrics , Government Programs , National Health Programs
São Paulo; s.n; 2023. 166 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551501


As políticas de alimentação e educação são agendas estratégicas para analisar processos de articulação democrática e intersetorialidade já que necessitam de visões integradas e regionalizadas. O Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE) caracteriza-se como a política pública de maior longevidade do país na área de segurança alimentar e nutricional e a prática da intersetorialidade tornou-se um elemento essencial para concretizar suas diretrizes. A perspectiva da Sociologia da Ação Pública pode ser um importante eixo analítico para apoiar na compreensão dos elementos que promovem a intersetorialidade e participação social, já que reconhece que a ação pública é concebida como um espaço sociopolítico construído principalmente pela atuação dos agentes da política, as dinâmicas internas a esses grupos e as relações de força que exercem entre si. O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender a prática da intersetorialidade e os elementos de intersecção entre as PNAE e segurança alimentar e nutricional (SAN), por meio de uma pesquisa documental do processo de construção do Plano Estadual de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional do estado de São Paulo (PLANSAN/SP). Foram investigados os elementos de contexto, historicidade e a cronologia das etapas de construção do plano para permitir uma análise relativista dos dados coletados nos documentos. Para coleta de dados, foram identificadas todas as ações relacionadas à educação básica que eram mencionadas nesses documentos e essas menções foram sistematizadas por temas. Os dados encontrados foram analisados e interpretados por meio de uma discussão entre os temas, objeto de pesquisa e referenciais teóricos. Ao analisar as menções por tema ao longo do processo, foi possível observar como as contribuições da sociedade se tornaram propostas finais das conferências e como essas propostas foram ou não consideradas na formulação da política. Nessa sistematização, observou-se que ações da educação básica na política de SAN do estado de São Paulo puderam ser agrupadas em três conceitos-chave: Educação Alimentar e Nutricional, Ambiente Alimentar e garantia do Direito Humano à Alimentação Adequada e Saudável. Esses conceitos-chaves tiveram subcategorias temáticas que apontaram para os pontos práticos de intersecção entre essas políticas e eles foram analisados separadamente. Nessa análise, de forma panorâmica, fica visível o movimento de retroalimentação onde o ambiente educa e a educação gera conscientização e demanda para transformar o ambiente. É possível afirmar que o processo de construção do PLANSAN/SP se mostrou um excelente campo para investigar o processo político complexo de articulação entre SAN e alimentação escolar e permitiu compreender o quanto as ações da alimentação escolar integram a política de segurança alimentar e nutricional reforçando a necessidade dessas políticas serem tratadas de maneira integrada e intersetorial. O estudo ainda indica que com uma boa estruturação do processo democrático, é possível envolver a população na construção das soluções, que tendem a ser mais eficientes e eficazes quando se une diferentes saberes com criatividade. Para consolidação desse processo, é muito importante que se criem mais mecanismos de exigibilidade no estado de São Paulo e principalmente que se implementem formas efetivas e transparentes de monitoramento da execução do PLANSAN/SP.

Food and education policies are strategic agendas to analyze democratic articulation and intersectoriality processes since they are presented from integrated and regionalized visions. The National School Feeding Program (PNAE for its initials in portuguese) is characterized as the longest public policy in the area of food and nutrition security (FNS), and the practice of intersectoriality has become an essential element to implement its guidelines. The perspective of the Sociology of Public Action is an important analytical axis to support the understanding of the elements that promote intersectoriality and social participation, since it recognizes that public action is conceived as a sociopolitical space built mainly by the actions of policy agents and the power relations they exert among themselves. The objective of this study was to understand the practice of intersectionality and the elements of intersection between school feeding policies and FNS, through a documentary research of the construction process of the State Plan for Food and Nutritional Security in the state of São Paulo (PLANSAN/SP- for its initials in portuguese). Elements of context, historicity and the chronology of the construction stages of the plan and their respective documents were investigated to allow a relativistic analysis of the data collected in the documents. All actions related to basic education that were recorded in these documents were identified by reading and these mentions were systematized by themes. The data found were analyzed and interpreted through a discussion between the themes, the research object and the theoretical references. By analyzing mentions by topic throughout the process, it was possible to observe how society's contributions have become final proposals of the conferences and, these proposals, which were considered in the formulation of the policy. In this systematization, it was observed that basic education actions in the FNS policy of the state of São Paulo were grouped into three key concepts: Food and Nutrition Education, Food Environment and guarantee of the Human Right to Adequate and Healthy Food. These key concepts had thematic subcategories that pointed to the practical points of intersection between these policies and they were analyzed separately. In this analysis, in a panoramic way, is visible the feedback movement where the environment educates and education generates awareness and demand to transform the environment. It can be affirmed that that the construction process of PLANSAN/SP proved to be an excellent field to investigate the complex political process of articulation between FNS and school feeding and allow understanding to what extent the food security policy complements the actions of school feeding, and vice versa, reinforcing the need for these policies to be addressed in an integrated and intersectoral manner. The study also indicates that it is possible to involve the population in the construction of solutions with a good structuring of the democratic process, which tend to be more efficient and effective when different types of knowledge are united with creativity. It´s very important to create more enforcement mechanisms in the state of São Paulo and implement effective and transparent ways of monitoring the execution of PLANSAN/SP to consolidate this process.

School Feeding , Food and Nutrition Education , Intersectoral Collaboration , Food Supply , Human Right to Adequate Food , National Health Programs , School Health Services , Brazil , Social Participation
Clin. biomed. res ; 43(4): 439-448, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1579720


Introdução: O estudo objetiva obter o perfil clínico-epidemiológico dos pacientes com tuberculose (TB) em um hospital terciário e verificar a adesão a três pontos estratégicos de um protocolo assistencial - adequado isolamento respiratório na internação de pacientes com TB pulmonar ativa, contrarreferenciamento e orientação farmacêutica com dispensação de tratamento.Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado em um hospital público e de ensino de Porto Alegre. Foram incluídos os pacientes adultos que tiveram o teste bacilo álcool-ácido resistente (BAAR) e/ou cultura para Mycobacterium tuberculosis positivos, entre janeiro de 2018 a dezembro de 2019, com um acompanhamento até abril de 2021. Os fatores relacionados à exposição hospitalar prolongada foram analisados por meio do modelo de regressão multivariada de Poisson.Resultados: Foram incluídos 122 pacientes. A maioria era do sexo masculino (55,7%), apresentavam a forma pulmonar da doença (88,5%) e foram tratados com o esquema básico exclusivamente durante a internação (82,1%). O contrarreferenciamento foi realizado em 60,8% e a orientação farmacêutica em 54,6% dos pacientes que tiveram alta (n= 97). Na análise dos fatores relacionados com o tempo prolongado fora do isolamento dos pacientes com TB pulmonar ativa (totalizando um n = 144 de internações, considerando as reinternações dos pacientes), foram encontrados como fatores protetores independentes o BAAR positivo, a coinfecção com HIV e o sintoma perda de peso, ao passo que o tempo de internação foi identificado como fator de risco.Conclusões: Os achados encontrados sugerem que a adesão ao protocolo pode ser intensificada, almejando um cuidado ainda mais integral aos pacientes, minimizando a exposição hospitalar ao bacilo e incrementando o contrarreferenciamento e orientação farmacêutica com dispensação do tratamento na alta.

Introduction: The study aims to obtain the clinical-epidemiological profile of patients with tuberculosis in a tertiary hospital and to verify adherence to three strategic points of a care protocol - respiratory isolation, counter-referral and pharmacist orientation with treatment dispensing. Methods: Historical cohort study carried out in a public teaching hospital in Porto Alegre. Adult patients who had a positive acid-fast bacillus (AFB) stain and/or culture for the Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex between January 2018 and December 2019, with a follow-up until April 2021 were included. Factors related to prolonged hospital exposure (48h or more outside respiratory isolation) were analyzed using Poisson's multivariate regression model.Results: 122 patients were included. Most were males (55.7%), had the pulmonary form of the disease (88.5%) and were treated with the basic regimen exclusively during hospitalization (82.1%). Counter-referral was performed in 60.8% and pharmacist orientation with treatment dispensing in 54.6% of patients who were discharged (n= 97). In the analysis of factors related to prolonged hospital exposure (n= 144 hospitalizations), positive AFB stain, HIV coinfection and weight loss were found to be independent protective factors, while length of stay was identified as a risk factor.Conclusions: The findings suggest that adherence to the protocol can be intensified, aiming at an even more comprehensive care for patients, minimizing hospital exposure to the bacillus and increasing counter-referral and pharmacist orientation with treatment dispensing at discharge.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Tuberculosis, Pulmonary/prevention & control , Tuberculosis, Pulmonary/therapy , Hospitals/standards , Mycobacterium tuberculosis , National Health Programs/standards
Physis (Rio J.) ; 33: e33017, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431076


Resumo Objetivou-se analisar a capacidade de resposta do Núcleo de Apoio à Saúde da Família (NASF) em saúde mental em três estados nordestinos a partir do II e III Ciclos do Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica (PMAQ-AB). Os resultados foram analisados em nível estadual, nos municípios pertencentes ao G1 e nos 48 municípios que concentram simultaneamente assentamentos rurais e comunidades quilombolas. Identificaram-se aspectos mais e menos favoráveis em termos da oferta de ações em saúde mental que atravessam os dois ciclos avaliativos. Os dados demonstram a possibilidade de um efetivo compartilhamento de responsabilidades e de coordenação do cuidado entre o NASF e as equipes de AB. Entretanto, em relação às demandas de cuidado referentes ao uso de substâncias psicoativas, em ambas as avaliações e nos três níveis de estratificação, as equipes NASF obtiveram desempenho menos favorável, indicando que a capacidade de resposta ao sofrimento associado ao uso de álcool e outras drogas é menos efetiva, precisando ser reforçada e aprimorada na APS.

Abstract The article aimed to analyze the responsiveness of the Family Health Support Center (NASF) in mental health in three northeastern states from the II and III Cycles of National Program for Improving Access and Quality of Primary Care (PMAQ-AB). The results were analyzed at the state level, in the municipalities belonging to G1 and in the 48 municipalities that concentrate both rural settlements and quilombola communities. We identified more and less favorable aspects in terms of the offer of mental health actions across the two evaluation cycles. The data show the possibility of an effective sharing of responsibilities and care coordination between NASF and the Primary Health Care (PHC) teams. However, regarding the demands of care related to the use of psychoactive substances, in both evaluations and in the three levels of stratification, the NASF teams performed less favorably, indicating that the response capacity to the suffering associated with the use of alcohol and other drugs is less effective, needing to be strengthened and improved in PHC.

Humans , Rural Population , Health Evaluation , National Health Strategies , Mental Health , Mental Health Assistance , Quilombola Communities , Primary Health Care , Psychotropic Drugs , Unified Health System , Brazil , Alcohol Drinking , Substance Abuse, Oral , National Health Programs
Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 23: e20220131, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431252


Abstract Objectives: this review aimed to evaluate the adequacy of school menus regarding the nutritional requirements of the Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE) in Brazilian public schools regarding the presence of macronutrients and micronutrients and allocation of resources to purchase products from family farming. Methods: a systematic literature review was carried out using the SciELO, Bireme and Lilacs databases to select the articles. The inclusion criteria were articles that presented data on the adequacy of energy, macronutrients, micronutrients, and purchases of products from family farming during the PNAE regiment, as well as quantitative, cross-sectional, and descriptive studies carried out in the Brazilian territory. Review, editorials, letters, case studies, duplicates and those that did not assess the requirements of the PNAE were excluded. Results: at the end, 12 studies were included that showed overestimation and underestimation of nutritional adequacy in the school environment. In relation to purchases of inputs from family farming, it was observed that most of the Brazilian municipalities evaluated fulfilled the requirements for the allocation of resources. Conclusion: school menus need more supervision so that they meet the adjustments proposed by the PNAE. In addition, it is essential to promote a healthy diet that contains all the nutrients necessary to provide nutritional support for child growth and development.

Resumo Objetivo: avaliar a adequação dos cardápios escolares quanto às exigências nutricionais do Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE) em escolas públicas brasileiras considerando quanto a adequação de macronutrientes e micronutrientes e destinação de recursos para compras de produtos advindos da agricultura familiar. Métodos: foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura utilizando as bases de dados SciELO, Bireme e Lilacs para seleção dos artigos. Os critérios de inclusão foram: Artigos que apresentaram dados sobre a adequação de energia, macronutrientes, micronutrientes e compras de produtos oriundos da agricultura familiar durante o regimento do PNAE, assim como estudos quantitativos, transversais e descritivos realizados no território brasileiro. Foram excluídos artigos de revisão, editoriais, cartas ao editor, estudos de caso, artigos em duplicatas e que não avaliaram as exigências do PNAE. Resultados: ao final, foram incluídos12 estudos que apontaram superestimação e subestimação nas adequações nutricionais no ambiente escolar. Em relação às compras de insumo provenientes da agricultura familiar, observou-se que a maioria dos municípios brasileiros avaliados cumpriam as exigências de destinação dos recursos. Conclusões: os cardápios escolares necessitam de maior fiscalização para que atendam as adequações propostas pelo PNAE. Além disso, é primordial promover uma alimentação saudável que contenha todos os nutrientes necessários para fornecer um aporte nutricional para o crescimento e desenvolvimento infantil.

Humans , Child , School Health Services , School Feeding , Nutrition Programs , Child Nutrition , Recommended Dietary Allowances , National Health Programs , Brazil , Agriculture , Diet, Healthy