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Acta Medica Philippina ; : 152-162, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016819


Background@#The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the well-being of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their families. The core deficits of the condition and increased parental stress during this time made them more vulnerable.@*Objectives@#This study aims to explore how the pandemic has affected these families by identifying their needs and capabilities in order to provide support.@*Methods@#A total of 227 parents of children with ASD completed an online survey consisting of items on sociodemographic, family needs, and coping strategies. Descriptive statistics were used and t-test and ANOVA/Kruskal Wallis were used to determine the relationship between parent and child factors with needs and coping.@*Results@#Needs for Information, Community Services, and Finances are the top categories while the greatest identified need during this pandemic was for financial assistance. Religiosity, Problem-Solving, and Cognitive Reappraisal were the widely used coping strategies by the parents. Fathers, younger children, daughters with ASD, and having more than one child with ASD showed significant association with needs. Parents with primary and tertiary education were associated with use of the cognitive reappraisal strategy and those with jobs were associated with substance use.@*Conclusion@#Families of children with ASD have multiple needs during this pandemic, from autism-specific information and services, to more generic concerns such as financial assistance. Despite these challenges, these families have positive strategies in place to facilitate coping mechanisms.

Autistic Disorder , COVID-19 , Needs Assessment , Coping Skills
Rev. enferm. vanguard. (En línea) ; 11(1): 13-22, ene.-jun. 2023. tab.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1437392


El estudio tuvo por Objetivo: Evaluar el aprendizaje y satisfacción de los estudiantes en la implementación online de la catedra cuidado de enfermería en salud del adulto y adulto mayor I II en la Facultad de Enfermería de la Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga, 2022. Material y métodos: Estudio de tipo descriptivo, y correlacional, con muestra de 96 alumnos del quinto ciclo de enfermería, empleándose la técnica de encuesta, y como instrumento un cuestionario. Resultados: El nivel de aprendizaje estudiantil en la cátedra del cuidado del adulto y adulto mayor I, fue de nivel bueno 58.3%, regular 40.6%, y deficiente 1.0%, por dimensiones predominó el nivel regular competencia conceptual 69.8%, competencia procedimental 54.2%, y nivel bueno en competencia actitudinal 78.1%. La satisfacción estudiantil con la cátedra fue de nivel alto 77.1% y regular 22.9%, por dimensiones predominó el nivel alto en la enseñanza 82.3%, uso del internet 74%, y flexibilidad con la metodología online 72.9%. La prueba de Rho de Spearman halló relación significativa entre ambas variables (r = 0.359, p=0.000). Conclusiones: Existe relación directa entre el aprendizaje y satisfacción del estudiante en la implementación desarrollo online de la catedra del cuidado de enfermería en salud del adulto y adulto mayor I en la Facultad de Enfermería de la Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga año 2022. (AU)

The Objective of the study was to: Evaluate the learning and satisfaction of students in the online implementation of the nursing care chair in adult health and the elderly I II in the Faculty of Nursing of the San Luis Gonzaga National University, 2022. Material and Methods: Descriptive and correlational study, with a sample of 96 students of the fifth nursing cycle, using the survey technique, and a questionnaire as instrument. Results: The level of student learning in the chair of care for adults and older adults I, was good level 58.3%, regular 40.6%, and deficient 1.0%, by dimensions the regular level conceptual competence predominated 69.8%, procedural competence 54.2%, and good level in attitudinal competence 78.1%. Student satisfaction with the chair was high level 77.1% and regular 22.9%, by dimensions the high level in teaching predominated 82.3%, Internet use 74%, and flexibility with the online methodology 72.9%. Spearman's Rho test found a significant relationship between both variables (r = 0.359, p=0.000). Conclusions:There is a direct relationship between learning and student satisfaction in the implementation of the online development of the chair of nursing care in adult health and the elderly I at the Faculty of Nursing of the San Luis Gonzaga National University in 2022. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Students, Nursing , Needs Assessment , Learning , Nursing Care , Epidemiology, Descriptive
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1003716


Objective@#The Philippines has more than a hundred ten million population with a very limited number of general pathologists and subspecialist pathologists. Consultation of pathologists with other pathologists is important to ensure accurate results for difficult cases. However, pathologists are not always accessible to review slides. Telepathology can provide access to other pathologists by sending microscopic images through the internet. This study explores the needs of pathologists for consultation in their practice that may be aided by telepathology. The status of current pathology practice and subspecialty consultations across the different regions in the Philippines were determined and the readiness of pathologists for telepathology was identified.@*Methodology@# This is a cross-sectional descriptive study using an 18-item online survey questionnaire based on the World Health Organization guidelines on needs assessment for medical devices. The survey was distributed among anatomic pathologists practicing in the Philippines.@*Results@#One hundred forty (140) pathologists responded and were included in this study. 5-10% of cases of respondents required subspecialty referral. Diagnostically challenging cases and confirmation of malignancy are the most common reasons for consultation. Respondents practicing outside the National Capital Region (NCR) have fewer subspecialist pathologists available for referrals within their region. Turnaround times for signing out challenging cases are longer outside NCR (>7 days) compared to NCR (4-7 days). Most respondents have access to the basic equipment to perform telepathology, which includes, an internet link, a smartphone with high-resolution camera and a computer. Almost all respondents will use telepathology if it is available.@*Conclusion@#A hub-and-spoke telepathology network can provide access to subspecialty consultation to reduce the diagnostic turnaround time and to increase the accuracy of results for challenging cases. The availability of the minimum telepathology infrastructure and the positive attitude of the pathologists towards telepathology may be indicators of readiness for a local telepathology system in the Philippines.

Telepathology , Philippines , Pathology , Needs Assessment , Telemedicine
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 47: e40, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424243


ABSTRACT The objectives of this qualitative needs assessment were to assess perceived needs of health and social services professionals in the Caribbean Region to enhance services supporting healthy aging and care of older adults and to assess perceived facilitators and barriers to increasing capacity to serve their aging populations. The assessment, informed by the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Science, was conducted in 14 islands in the eastern and southern Caribbean. The results demonstrated need for education of professionals and the general population about the prevention and treatment of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), assessment and services for individuals with dementia, Alzheimer's disease, depression, and harmful alcohol use, all of which pose significant challenges for older adults. Education of health and social services professionals, families, and the public on the risk factors for NCDs and common mental and physical health problems is critical. Barriers to implementation of educational programs include lack of community awareness and resources within the islands. The needs assessment findings are foundational to planning educational interventions. These will be developed by local health providers with the collaboration and support of external resources including those of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization Collaborating Centre in Gerontological Nursing Education.

Resumen Los objetivos de esta evaluación cualitativa de las necesidades fueron evaluar las necesidades que perciben los profesionales de la salud y de los servicios sociales en el Caribe a fin de mejorar los servicios de apoyo al envejecimiento saludable y el cuidado de las personas mayores, así como evaluar los factores percibidos como facilitadores y como obstáculos para mejorar su capacidad de atender a la población que está envejeciendo. La evaluación, basada en el marco consolidado para la ciencia de la implementación, se realizó en 14 islas del Caribe oriental y meridional. Los resultados mostraron la necesidad de capacitar a los profesionales y educar a la población en general acerca de la prevención y el tratamiento de las enfermedades no transmisibles (ENT), la evaluación y los servicios para las personas con demencia, alzhéimer, depresión y problemas de consumo nocivo de alcohol, todos los cuales plantean importantes desafíos para las personas mayores. Es imprescindible capacitar a los profesionales de la salud y de los servicios sociales, así como educar a las familias y al público en general sobre los factores de riesgo de las ENT y los problemas de salud mental y física más habituales. Entre los obstáculos a la aplicación de los programas educativos se encuentran la falta de concientización de la comunidad y la falta de recursos en las islas. Los resultados de la evaluación de las necesidades son fundamentales para planificar las intervenciones educativas, que serán formuladas por los prestadores de atención de salud locales con la colaboración y el apoyo de recursos externos, incluidos los del Centro Colaborador de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud/Organización Mundial de la Salud en Educación en Enfermería Gerontológica.

RESUMO Os objetivos desta avaliação qualitativa das necessidades foram avaliar as necessidades percebidas do pessoal da saúde e dos serviços de assistência social na região do Caribe, visando a melhorar os serviços de apoio ao envelhecimento saudável e de atenção às pessoas idosas e determinar os facilitadores e as barreiras percebidos, com vistas a melhorar a capacidade de prestar assistência às populações idosas. Esta avaliação foi realizada com base na Consolidated Framework for Implementation Science em 14 ilhas do Caribe oriental e meridional. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que é necessário prover conhecimento aos profissionais e à população geral sobre a prevenção e o tratamento de doenças não transmissíveis, e a avaliação de pessoas com demência, doença de Alzheimer, depressão e uso prejudicial de álcool e os respectivos serviços, visto que são enormes desafios enfrentados pelas pessoas idosas. É fundamental que o pessoal da saúde e dos serviços sociais, os familiares e o público em geral conheçam os fatores de risco para doenças não transmissíveis e os problemas comuns de saúde mental e física que afligem a população idosa. A falta de sensibilização da comunidade e a escassez de recursos são barreiras à implementação de programas educacionais. As conclusões desta avaliação servem de base para o planejamento de intervenções educacionais a serem desenvolvidas localmente pelo pessoal da saúde, com a colaboração e o apoio de entidades internacionais, como o Centro Colaborador da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde/Organização Mundial da Saúde para Educação em Enfermagem Gerontológica.

Humans , Aged , Health Personnel , Needs Assessment , Healthy Aging , Social Work , West Indies , Chronic Disease , Cross-Sectional Studies
Audiol., Commun. res ; 28: e2767, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520261


RESUMO Objetivo avaliar a influência da escolaridade de responsáveis por crianças com deficiência auditiva com níveis de educação formal do ensino fundamental ao ensino médio, em relação às suas necessidades de informação no contexto de um serviço de reabilitação auditiva do Sistema Único de Saúde. Métodos estudo transversal, observacional, com amostra de conveniência de 58 responsáveis por crianças com deficiência auditiva. Aplicou-se o Inventário de Necessidades Familiares traduzido e adaptado para o português brasileiro e foram coletados os dados de escolaridade dos responsáveis e as variáveis idade da criança e idade no diagnóstico. Foi realizada análise descritiva e inferencial. Resultados todas as famílias apresentaram necessidades de informação, sendo que, para as famílias com menor escolaridade, a necessidade de informações sobre a audição e os dispositivos auditivos foi mais frequente. Na análise de regressão, não se observou influência da escolaridade na quantidade de necessidades de informação, mesmo considerando no modelo a idade cronológica da criança e a idade no seu diagnóstico. Conclusão famílias de todas as escolaridades analisadas apresentaram necessidades de informação, sendo que a escolaridade não influenciou a quantidade de informações requeridas. Foi possível observar diferença qualitativa nos tópicos de necessidades de informação, o que alerta para a importância de investigações sobre as necessidades das famílias em programas de reabilitação auditiva infantil, de modo a se efetivar abordagens mais centradas nas famílias.

ABSTRACT Purpose To evaluate the influence of education of guardians of hard of hearing children with formal education levels from elementary to high school, in relation to their information needs in the context of an auditory rehabilitation service. Methods Cross-sectional, observational study, with a convenience sample of 58 guardians of children with hearing loss. The Family Needs Inventory (INF) was applied, translated, and adapted into Brazilian Portuguese, and parents' education was collected, in addition to the variables age of the child and age at diagnosis. Results In the quantitative analysis of the "yes" responses from the INF, all the families presented need for information , and for families with less education, the need for information about hearing and hearing devices was greater. In the regression analysis, there was no influence of schooling on the amount of information needed, even considering the chronological age and diagnosis of the child in the model. As limitations of this study, we highlight the absence of sufficient number of families with higher education for the analysis of the final model, as well as the impossibility of including other variables in the analysis. Conclusion The analyzed families with different levels of schooling showed need for information , and schooling did not influence the amount of information required by them. It was possible to observe a qualitative difference in the topics of needed information, which alerts to the importance of investigation about the needs of families in child auditory rehabilitation programs, to implement more family-centered approaches.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Parents/education , Needs Assessment , Educational Status , Hearing Loss/rehabilitation , Unified Health System , Cross-Sectional Studies , Sociodemographic Factors
Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 27: e20220374, 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1520889


Resumo Objetivo descrever as invenções tecnológicas desenvolvidas por cuidadores familiares na perspectiva de profissionais da atenção domiciliar, discutindo-as a luz das necessidades de cuidado no domicílio. Método pesquisa qualitativa, multicêntrica, apoiada no modelo teórico das Necessidades Humanas Básicas, de Wanda Horta. Os dados foram obtidos a partir de entrevistas com 52 profissionais de equipes de Atenção Domiciliar de quatro municípios de Minas Gerais, submetidas à Análise de Conteúdo. Resultados foram identificadas 27 invenções criadas por cuidadores com materiais/recursos existentes no domicílio. A maior parte das invenções foi motivada pelas necessidades psicobiológicas de movimentação, posicionamento, proteção e conforto, alimentação, eliminações fisiológicas, higiene e terapêutica medicamentosa. Outras invenções foram motivadas pelas necessidades psicossociais e psicoespirituais para melhorar a comunicação entre o cuidador e o familiar, proporcionar lazer, distração e conforto espiritual. Conclusões/Implicações para a prática os processos de invenção de cuidadores explicitam consciência reflexiva ao articularem, assistemática e intuitivamente, recursos e objetos existentes no domicílio, gerando estratégias ou produtos semelhantes a tecnologias existentes. Estas invenções podem ser avaliadas, estimuladas, orientadas ou refutadas pelos profissionais de saúde cotidianamente envolvidos no cuidado domiciliar.

Resumen Objetivo describir las invenciones tecnológicas desarrolladas por los cuidadores familiares desde la perspectiva de los profesionales de la atención domiciliaria, discutiéndolas a la luz de las necesidades de atención en el hogar. Método investigación cualitativa, sustentada en el modelo teórico de las Necesidades Humanas Básicas. Los datos fueron obtenidos a partir de entrevistas con 52 profesionales de equipos de Atención Domiciliaria de cuatro municipios de Minas Gerais, sometidos al Análisis de Contenido. Resultados se identificaron 27 inventos creados por cuidadores con materiales disponibles en casa. La mayoría de los inventos fueron motivados por las necesidades psicobiológicas de movimiento, posicionamiento, protección y comodidad, alimentación, eliminaciones, higiene y farmacoterapia. Otros inventos fueron motivados por las necesidades psicosociales y psicoespirituales de mejorar la comunicación entre el cuidador y el familiar, proporcionando entretenimiento, distracción y consuelo espiritual. Conclusiones/Implicaciones para la práctica las invenciones de los cuidadores muestran una conciencia reflexiva al articular, de manera asistemática e intuitiva, los recursos y objetos existentes en el hogar, generando estrategias o productos similares a las tecnologías existentes. Estas invenciones pueden ser evaluadas, estimuladas, guiadas o refutadas por profesionales de la salud.

Abstract Objective To describe the technological inventions developed by family caregivers from the perspective of home care professionals, discussing them in the light of the care needs at home. Method qualitative, multicenter research, supported by the theoretical model of the Basic Human Needs of Wanda Horta. The data were obtained from interviews with 52 professionals from Home Care teams in four municipalities of Minas Gerais, which were submitted to Content Analysis. Results were identified 27 inventions created by caregivers with materials/resources existing at home. Most of the inventions were motivated by the psychobiological needs of movement, positioning, protection and comfort, feeding, physiological eliminations, hygiene and drug therapy. Other inventions were motivated by psychosocial and psychospiritual needs to improve communication between caregiver and family member, provide leisure, distraction, and spiritual comfort. Conclusions/Implications for practice the processes of invention of caregivers show reflective awareness by articulating, unsystematically and intuitively, existing resources and objects at home, generating strategies or products similar to existing technologies. These inventions can be evaluated, stimulated, guided or refuted by health professionals involved in home care on a daily basis.

Humans , Male , Female , Needs Assessment , Home Nursing
rev.cuid. (Bucaramanga. 2010) ; 14(1): 1-18, 20221221.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1428598


Introducción: La presencia de signos y síntomas físicos, psicosociales y espirituales, deben ser identificados y controlados por medio de la atención en cuidados paliativos que proveen los equipos y profesionales de la salud. Objetivo: Identificar las necesidades de cuidado paliativo de las personas con falla cardíaca, sus cuidadores y el equipo multidisciplinario de una unidad de falla cardiaca. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio mixto, con diseño transformativo secuencial (DITRAS), que inicio con una fase cuantitativa en la que se aplicaron los instrumentos: Edmonton, Facit-Sp-12 y el índice de Barthel. La segunda fase cualitativa se realizó con 3 grupos focales en los que participaron 7 pacientes, 8 cuidadores y 12 profesionales del equipo multidisciplinario. El estudio tomo como guía orientadora la teoría del manejo de síntomas desagradables de Elizabeth Lenz. Resultados: Se identificaron necesidades de cuidado paliativo desde lo fisiológico: edema, fatiga y disnea; psicológico: actitud frente a la vida y disfrutar de pasatiempos y factores situacionales: como dependencia del cuidador y redes de apoyo, los cuales permitieron su comprensión a partir de la teoría de Lenz. Conclusiones: Las necesidades de cuidado paliativo en pacientes con falla cardiaca, se presentan desde un marco de síntomas que son percibidas por pacientes, cuidadores y el equipo de salud. Se requieren abordajes integrales que mejoren la experiencia del síntoma.

Introduction: The presence of physical, psychosocial, and spiritual signs and symptoms should be identified and managed through the palliative care that health care teams and professionals provide. Objective: To identify the palliative care needs of people with heart failure, their caregivers, and the multidisciplinary team of a heart failure unit. Materials and Methods: A mixed-method study with a sequential transformative design (DITRAS, for its acronym in Spanish) was conducted. It began with a quantitative phase in which the Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale (ESAS), the Therapy­Spiritual Well-Being Scale (FACIT­Sp­12), and the Barthel Index were used. The qualitative phase was conducted with three focus groups involving seven patients, eight caregivers, and twelve health professionals from the multidisciplinary team. Elizabeth Lenz's Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms was used as a guideline for this study. Results: Physiological (edema, fatigue, and dyspnea) and psychological (attitude towards life and enjoyment of hobbies) palliative care needs and situational factors (caregiver dependence and support networks) were identified and could be understood through Lenz's theory. Conclusions: Palliative care needs in patients with heart failure are presented under a framework of symptoms that patients, caregivers, and the health care team perceive. Comprehensive approaches are required to improve symptom experience.

Introdução: A presença de sinais e sintomas físicos, psicossociais e espirituais deve ser identificada e controlada por meio de cuidados paliativos prestados por equipes e profissionais de saúde. Objetivo: Identificar as necessidades de cuidados paliativos de pessoas com insuficiência cardíaca, seus cuidadores e a equipe multiprofissional de uma unidade de insuficiência cardíaca. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo misto, com desenho sequencial transformativo (DITRAS), que iniciou com uma fase quantitativa na qual foram aplicados os instrumentos: Edmonton, Facit-Sp-12 e o índice de Barthel. A segunda fase qualitativa foi realizada com 3 grupos focais nos quais participaram 7 pacientes, 8 cuidadores e 12 profissionais da equipe multidisciplinar. O estudo tomou como diretriz a teoria de controle de sintomas desagradáveis de Elizabeth Lenz. Resultados: As necessidades de cuidados paliativos foram identificadas do ponto de vista fisiológico: edema, fadiga e dispneia; psicológicos: atitude em relação à vida e gosto de hobbies e fatores situacionais: como dependência do cuidador e redes de apoio, que permitiram sua compreensão com base na teoria de Lenz. Conclusões: As necessidades de cuidados paliativos em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca são apresentadas a partir de um quadro de sintomas que são percebidos pelos pacientes, cuidadores e equipe de saúde. Abordagens abrangentes são necessárias para melhorar a experiência do sintoma.

Palliative Care , Patient Care Team , Caregivers , Needs Assessment , Heart Failure
Nursing (Ed. bras., Impr.) ; 25(295): 9179-9190, dez. 2022.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1412692


Objetivo: refletir as necessidades básicas de saúde ao paciente com traqueostomia por câncer de cabeça e pescoço no contexto da pandemia pelo coronavírus, utilizando a Teoria das Necessidades Básicas. Método: estudo teórico-reflexivo. Foram utilizados documentos do Ministério da Saúde e da Organização Pan-Americana de Saúde, assim como uma revisão da literatura na base de dados da PUBMED para que a literatura científica associasse com os documentos consultados. Resultados: as necessidades básicas de saúde afetadas foram: Psicobiológicas de oxigenação e ambiente; Psicossociais de segurança e comunicação e Psicoespirituais de religião, seguidas dos enunciados das Intervenções de Enfermagem (NIC) como oxigenoterapia, aumento da segurança do paciente, estímulo a rituais religiosos. Conclusão: a construção do saber científico na Enfermagem torna-se imperioso, para que as necessidades de saúde afetadas ao paciente com traqueostomia na pandemia da COVID-19 sejam atendidas, para promoção da saúde e da vida.(AU)

Objective: to reflect the basic health needs of patients with tracheostomy for head and neck cancer in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, using the Theory of Basic Needs. Method: This is a reflective study, carried out through a critical reading of official documents from national and international health agencies and other conceptual sources on the subject.Results: the basic health needs affected were: Psychobiological oxygenation and environment; Psychosocial security; communication and health education and Psychospirituals of religion, followed by nursing interventions of NIC activities, oxygen therapy, environmental control, increased safety, improved communication in speech deficits; encouraging religious rituals and facilitating an efficient decision-making process. Conclusion: the construction of scientific knowledge in Nursing becomes imperative, so that the health needs affected by the patient with tracheostomy in the COVID-19 Pandemic are met, to promote health and life.(AU)

Objetivo: reflejar las necesidades básicas de salud de los pacientes traqueostomizados por cáncer de cabeza y cuello en el contexto de la pandemia del coronavirus, utilizando la Teoría de las Necesidades Básicas. Método: Se trata de un estudio reflexivo, realizado a través de una lectura crítica de documentos oficiales de organismos de salud nacionales e internacionales y otras fuentes conceptuales sobre el tema. Resultados: las necesidades básicas de salud afectadas fueron: Oxigenación psicobiológica y medio ambiente; seguridad psicosocial; comunicación y educación para la salud y Psicoespirituales de la religión, seguidas de las intervenciones de enfermería de las actividades NIC, oxigenoterapia, control ambiental, aumento de la seguridad, mejora de la comunicación en los déficits del habla; fomentar los rituales religiosos y facilitar un proceso eficiente de toma de decisiones. Conclusión: la construcción del conocimiento científico en Enfermería se torna imperativa, para que sean atendidas las necesidades de salud afectadas por el paciente con traqueotomía en la Pandemia del COVID-19, para promover la salud y la vida.(AU)

Patients , Tracheostomy , Needs Assessment , Pandemics , Standardized Nursing Terminology
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 44(10): 962-971, Oct. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423262


Abstract Objective To explore the main sexuality complaints of gynecologic cancer survivors after treatment and to identify the care strategies provided. Data Source Searches were conducted in six electronic databases: Scopus, Web of Science, LILACS, MEDLINE, PsychINFO, and EMBASE. Study Selection Articles published between 2010 and 2020 were selected and the following descriptors were used in the English language: female genital neoplasms and gynaecological cancer. The methodological quality of the studies used the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT). Data Collection The primary data extracted were: names of the authors, year of publication, country of origin, objective and type of study, data collection instrument, sample size and age range, types of cancer, and symptoms affected with the strategies adopted. Data Summary A total of 34 out of 2,536 screened articles were included. The main strategies found for patient care were patient-clinician communication, practices for sexuality care, individualized care plan, multiprofessional team support, and development of rehabilitation programs. For sexuality care, the most common practices are pelvic physiotherapy sessions and the use of vaginal gels and moisturizers. Conclusion The main complaints identified in the scientific literature were low libido and lack of interest in sexual activity, vaginal dryness, pain during sexual intercourse, and stenosis. Different care strategies may be adopted, such as follow-up with a multidisciplinary health team and sexual health rehabilitation programs, which could minimize these symptoms and ensure the quality of life of patients.

Resumo Objetivo Explorar as principais queixas da sexualidade com sobreviventes de câncer ginecológico após o tratamento e identificar as estratégias de cuidados prestados. Fonte dos Dados As buscas foram realizadas em seis bases eletrônicas: Scopus, Web of Science, LILACS, MEDLINE, PsychINFO e EMBASE. Seleção dos Estudos Foram selecionados artigos publicados entre 2010 e 2020 e os descritores utilizados (em inglês) foram female genital neoplasms e gynaecological cancer. A qualidade metodológica dos estudos utilizou a ferramenta Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT). Coleta de Dados Os principais dados extraídos foram: nomes dos autores, ano de publicação, país de origem, objetivo e tipo de estudo, instrumento para coleta de dados, tamanho da amostra e faixa etária, tipos de câncer, os sintomas acometidos e as estratégias adotadas. Síntese dos Dados Dos 2,536 artigos identificados, 34 foram incluídos. As principais estratégias encontradas para os cuidados aos pacientes foram a comunicação paciente-médico, práticas para os cuidados sexuais, plano de cuidados individualizado, apoio a equipes multiprofissionais e desenvolvimento de programas de reabilitação. Para os cuidados de sexualidade, as práticas mais comuns são sessões de fisioterapia pélvica e o uso de géis vaginais e hidratantes. Conclusão As principais queixas identificadas na literatura científica foram baixa libido e falta de interesse na atividade sexual, secura vaginal, dor durante a relação sexual e estenose. Diferentes estratégias de cuidados podem ser adotadas, como o acompanhamento com uma equipe de saúde multidisciplinar e programas de reabilitação da saúde sexual, as quais poderiam minimizar estes sintomas e garantir a qualidade de vida dos pacientes.

Humans , Female , Sexuality , Needs Assessment , Cancer Survivors , Genital Neoplasms, Female
Int. j. morphol ; 40(3): 553-556, jun. 2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385664


SUMMARY: For the past decades, it has been apparent that assisted reproductive technologies along with clinical embryology have both propounded themselves triumphantly in the field of medicine. Although high-tech equipment and staff skills are crucial to the success of these breakthrough implementations, the pivot of these practices is updated, knowledgeable and competent technicians who excel in the field of human embryology. Crucially, the advancement of clinical embryology and its related fields depends on the meticulous training of clinical embryologists in practical skills as well as theoretical knowledge. Unfortunately, most aspects of reproductive medicine have no obligatory assembled curriculum. A lot more emphasis has been put on the clinical aspect of these sciences and training than its theoretical counterpart. Consequently, clinical embryologists continue to face difficulty in unifying the needed theoretical knowledge in these fields. Not only that, but they also struggle to shed a light on the advanced knowledge required to stand out as professionals. This study aimed to explore which theoretical information in the science of human embryology that embryologists need to know thoroughly about. The survey was conducted online (July 2021).

RESUMEN: Durante las últimas décadas, ha sido evidente que las tecnologías de reproducción asistida junto con la embriología clínica han demostrado un éxito importante en el area de la medicina. Si bien los equipos de alta tecnología y las habilidades del personal son cruciales para el éxito de estas implementaciones, el eje de estas prácticas son los técnicos actualizados, competentes y expertos en el campo de la embriología humana. Fundamentalmente, el avance de la embriología clínica y sus campos relacionados dependen de la formación meticulosa de los embriólogos clínicos en las habilidades prácticas y los conocimientos teóricos. Desafortunadamente, la mayoría de los aspectos de la medicina reproductiva no cuenta con un plan de estudios obligatorio. El énfasis se ha concentrado en el aspecto clínico y en el entrenamiento de estas ciencias más que en la contraparte teórica. En consecuencia, los embriólogos clínicos continúan enfrentando dificultades para unificar el conocimiento teórico necesario en estos campos. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo explorar qué información teórica importante en la ciencia de la embriología humana requieren los embriólogos. La encuesta de este trabajo se realizó en línea (julio de 2021).

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Physicians/psychology , Embryology , Professional Competence , Surveys and Questionnaires , Needs Assessment
REME rev. min. enferm ; 26: e1446, abr.2022. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1394540


ABSTRACT Objective: to translate and localize the Demands of Illness Inventory into Brazilian Portuguese, analyzing evidences for its validity and reliability. Method: methodological study carried out in six stages: translation, synthesis, back translation, specialist committee, pre-test, and evaluation of the author of the original instrument. The specialist committee was formed by eight professionals with different specialties. The agreement of these specialists was evaluated using the Content Validity Index and Kappa coefficient. The pre-test was carried out with 31 patients. The reliability was assessed using Cronbach's alpha. Results: all cultural adaptation stages showed adequate results. The Content Validity Index and the Kappa coefficient were above 0.83 and 0.81 respectively. The reliability was 0.95 for the instrument as a whole. Conclusion: this instrument is culturally adapted for cancer patients in the Brazilian context with satisfactory evidence of the psychometric properties evaluated, good acceptability and is acceptably easy to understand.

RESUMEN Objetivo: traducir, adaptar culturalmente y analizar las pruebas de validez y fiabilidad del Demands of Illness Inventory al portugués brasileño. Método: estudio metodológico realizado en seis etapas: traducción, síntesis, retro-traducción, comité de especialistas, pre-ensayo y evaluación del autor del instrumento original. El comité de expertos estaba compuesto por ocho profesionales multidisciplinares. El acuerdo de los expertos se evaluó mediante el índice de validez del contenido y el coeficiente Kappa. La prueba previa se realizó en 31 pacientes. La fiabilidad se comprobó mediante el alfa de Cronbach. Resultados: todas las etapas de la adaptación cultural se realizaron satisfactoriamente. El índice de validez del Contenido y el coeficiente Kappa mostraron valores superiores a 0,83 y 0,81, respectivamente. La fiabilidad fue de 0,95 para el instrumento total. Conclusión: este instrumento se ha adaptado culturalmente a los pacientes oncológicos en el contexto brasileño, con evidencia satisfactoria de las propiedades psicométricas evaluadas, buena aceptabilidad y comprensión.

RESUMO Objetivo: realizar a tradução, adaptação cultural, análise de evidências de validade e confiabilidade do Demands of Illness Inventory para o português brasileiro. Método: estudo metodológico realizado em seis etapas: tradução, síntese, retrotradução, comitê de especialistas, pré-teste e avaliação do autor do instrumento original. O comitê de especialistas foi formado por oito profissionais multidisciplinares. A concordância dos especialistas foi avaliada pelo Índice de Validade de Conteúdo e o coeficiente Kappa. O pré-teste foi realizado em 31 pacientes. A confiabilidade foi verificada mediante o alfa de cronbach. Resultados: todas as etapas de adaptação cultural foram realizadas satisfatoriamente. O Índice de Validade de Conteúdo e o coeficiente Kappa apresentaram valores acima de 0,83 e 0,81, respectivamente. A confiabilidade foi de 0,95 para o instrumento total. Conclusão: este instrumento se mostrou culturalmente adaptado para pacientes oncológicos no contexto brasileiro, com evidência satisfatória das propriedades psicométricas avaliadas, boa aceitabilidade e compreensão.

Humans , Female , Needs Assessment , Validation Studies as Topic , Translating , Reproducibility of Results , Neoplasms
Invest. educ. enferm ; 40(1): 67-80, 01/03/2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1369304


Objective. To perform content validation of the NECPAL CCOMS-ICO© instrument to identify palliative needs in Colombian children and adolescents from 8 to 17 years of age with cancer. Methods. Psychometric study, which used the Lawshe model, modified by Tristan, to perform content validity of the NECPAL CCOMS-ICO© instrument through expert consensus. Results. The Surprise Question (SQ) Would it surprise you if this patient died within the next year? and the parameters Demand: Has there been any implicit or explicit expression of limitation of therapeutic effort or demand for palliative care from the patient, family, or team members?, Need: identified by professional members of the team, Checklist symptoms (ESAS) ≥ 2 persistent or refractory symptoms, Emotional Distress Detection (EDD) > 9, Social and family assessment", Oncological disease (advanced metastatic or locoregional cancer), Oncological disease (in progression (in solid tumors) and Oncological disease (Persistent symptoms poorly controlled or refractory despite optimizing specific treatment), were considered valid by the experts to identify palliative needs in Colombian children and adolescents aged 8 to 17 years with cancer according to the Lawshe criteria, as modified by Tristán. Parameters specifically related to the oncological disease belonging to the dimension Indicators of severity/progression of the disease showed the highest CVR' per parameter, with indices of agreement between 0.714 and 0.857. Conclusion. The content of the NECPAL CCOMS-ICO © 3.1 instrument is valid to identify palliative needs in Colombian children and adolescents from 8 to 17 years of age with cancer with a CVI of 0.68.

Objetivo. Realizar validación de contenido del instrumento NECPAL CCOMS-ICO© para identificar necesidades paliativas en niños y adolescentes colombianos, entre 8 y 17 años, con cáncer. Métodos. Estudio psicométrico que utilizó el modelo de Lawshe modificado por Tristán para evaluar la validez de contenido del instrumento NECPAL CCOMS-ICO© a partir del consenso de expertos. Resultados. La Pregunta Sorpresa ¿Le sorprendería que este paciente muriese a lo largo del próximo año? y los parámetros de Demanda: ¿Ha habido alguna expresión implícita o explícita de limitación de esfuerzo terapéutico o demanda de atención paliativa de paciente, familia, o miembros del equipo?, Necesidad: identificada por profesionales miembros del equipo, Checklist síntomas ≥ 2 síntomas persistentes o refractarios, Detección de Malestar Emocional > 9, Valoración social y familiar, Enfermedad oncológica (Cáncer metastásico o locoregional avanzado), Enfermedad oncológica (en progresión (en tumores sólidos) y Enfermedad oncológica (Síntomas persistentes mal controlados o refractarios a pesar de optimizar el tratamiento específico), se consideraron válidos por los expertos para la identificación de necesidades paliativas en niños y adolescentes colombianos, entre 8 y 17 años, con cáncer, de acuerdo con los criterios de Lawshe modificados por Tristán. Los parámetros relacionados específicamente con la enfermedad oncológica pertenecientes a la dimensión Indicadores específicos de severidad y progresión de la enfermedad presentaron los mayores valores de la Razón de Validez de Contenido por parámetro que oscilaron entre 0.714 y 0.857. Conclusión. La validez de contenido del instrumento en español NECPAL CCOMS-ICO© mostró ser apropiada para identificar las necesidades paliativas en niños y adolescentes colombianos, entre 8 y 17 años, con cáncer.

Objetivo. Realizar validação de conteúdo do instrumento NECPAL CCOMS-ICO© para identificar necessidades paliativas em crianças e adolescentes colombianos de 8 a 17 anos com câncer. Métodos. Estudo psicométrico que utilizou o modelo de Lawshe modificado por Tristán para avaliar a validez de conteúdo do instrumento NECPAL CCOMS-ICO© através do consenso de especialistas. Resultados. A Pergunta Surpresa. Lhe surpreenderia que este paciente morresse ao longo do próximo ano? e os parâmetros de Demanda: Tem tido alguma expressão implícita ou explícita de limitação de esforço terapêutico ou demanda de atenção paliativa de paciente, família, ou membros da equipe?, Necessidade: identificada por profissionais membros da equipe, Checklist sintomas ≥ 2 sintomas persistentes ou refratários, Detecção de Mal-estar Emocional > 9, Valoração social e familiar, Doença oncológica (Câncer metastático ou locorregional avançado), Doença oncológica (em progresso (em tumores sólidos) e Doença oncológica (Sintomas persistentes mal controlados ou refratários apesar de otimizar o tratamento específico), foram considerados válidos pelos especialistas para a identificação de necessidades paliativas em crianças e adolescentes colombianos de 8 a 17 anos com câncer, de acordo com os critérios de Lawshe modificados por Tristán. Os parâmetros relacionados especificamente com a doença oncológica pertencentes à dimensão Indicadores específicos de severidade e progressão da doença apresentaram os maiores valores da Razão de Validez de Conteúdo por parâmetro que oscilaram entre 0.714 e 0.857. Conclusão. A validez de conteúdo do instrumento em espanhol NECPAL CCOMS-ICO© mostrou ser apropriada para identificar as necessidades paliativas nas crianças e adolescentes colombianos de 8 a 17 anos com câncer.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Palliative Care , Child , Surveys and Questionnaires , Needs Assessment , Validation Study , Neoplasms
Afro-Egypt. j. infect. enem. dis ; 10(2): 141-150, 2022. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1426330


Abdominal ultrasonography is effective in the visualization of gastric wall layers and measuring its thickness. The study aimed to assess gastric antral wall thickness in patients with H. pylori gastritis by abdominal ultrasonography and to study its predictive value in detecting H. pylori gastritis.

Humans , Helicobacter pylori , Gastritis , Case-Control Studies , Ultrasonography , Needs Assessment
S. Afr. j. clin. nutr. (Online) ; 35(3): 115-121, 2022. tables, figures
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1398072


Objectives: This study was undertaken to identify stakeholder needs and wants in relation to an Infant and Young Child Feeding, Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) strategy for the 16 Southern African Development Community (SADC) member states during Covid-19 lockdowns and travel restrictions.Design: A rapid-assessment mixed-methods approach using qualitative and quantitative studies was adopted. Secondary data sources supported in-field findings. Setting/Subjects: Qualitative approaches included 17 key informant interviews from 7 SADC member states. Quantitative methods of an online survey elicited feedback from 61 participants from 11 SADC member states.Outcome measures: More strategic, best practice, infant and young child feeding SBCC programmes are recommended in SADC.Results: Programme challenges included increased demands on health systems from Covid-19, poor attitudes and beliefs toward IYCF behaviours, the dual burden of undernutrition and overnutrition, and financial and human resource capacity challenges to implement and evaluate SBCC campaigns at scale. Opportunities were also identified for improved detection,better meeting IYCF nutritional needs from locally sourced foods, training and capacity building for greater engagement of front-line field staff, effective policy development to support parent-friendly hospitals and workplaces, and improved regional integration. Conclusions: The needs assessment demonstrated that priority programme planning can continue while the health sector deals with a pandemic threat. The adaptation to virtual support provided a variety of learnings for research designs, data collection and analysis, albeit over an extended timeframe of six months. A number of innovative approaches were identified in the resultant SBCC strategy for SADC along with opportunities for regional efficiencies in adapting existing, best practice SBCC creative and programming approaches.

Humans , Needs Assessment , Nutritional Sciences , Child , Diet , Infant
Bogotá; s.n; 2022. 148 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1395790


Objetivo: Diseñar y validar un instrumento de medición de la relación Interpersonal entre enfermera(o) y familia en la UCI desde las necesidades relacionales de la enfermera(o). Metodología: Estudio mixto (Cualitativo-Cuantitativo) exploratorio secuencial derivativo de 3 etapas. Primera etapa: Revisión integrativa de literatura (Fase 1) y diseño narrativo a través de análisis de contenido de entrevistas semiestructuradas a 21 profesionales de enfermería en UCI (Fase 2); Segunda etapa: Operacionalización de datos cualitativos a través de la estructuración de una red nomológica y redacción de ítems; Tercera etapa: Validez de contenido (con panel de evaluadores académicos) y estimación del índice de validez de contenido, validez facial con pilotajes cuantitativo/cualitativo, validez de constructo por medio de un análisis factorial exploratorio y confiabilidad a través del Alpha de Cronbach y test-retest. Para el panel de evaluadores se contó con la participación de 8 investigadores; en los pilotajes de validez facial participaron 20 enfermeros de UCI para cada pilotaje; para el análisis factorial exploratorio y estimación de Alpha de Cronbach participaron 218 enfermeros de UCI; y para el test-retest se tuvo la participación de 20 enfermeros en dos momentos de aplicación del instrumento con un intervalo de 7 días. Resultados y conclusiones: A partir de la revisión integrativa de literatura y del análisis de contenido de las entrevistas semiestructuradas se construyó una red nomológica que permitió el diseño de un instrumento de medición con 45 ítems. La validez de contenido permitió la reducción de 45 ítems a 23 ítems, con un IVC global de 0,9. En el pilotaje cualitativo de la validez facial se obtuvo un índice de V de Aiken superior a 0,9 para cada uno de los criterios evaluados y en el pilotaje cuantitativo se obtuvo un índice de correlación entre ítems originales y espejo superior a 0,6 además de un Alpha de Cronbach. parcial de 0,899. El análisis factorial permitió la extracción de 3 factores con explicación de más del 60% de la varianza total y los análisis de confiabilidad permitieron la obtención de un Alpha de Cronbach de 0,898 y un índice de correlación intraclase para el test-retest de 0,986. Lo anterior indica que el instrumento cuenta con validez de contenido, facial, constructo y confiabilidad suficientes para ser utilizado.

Objective: Design and validate an instrument for measuring the interpersonal relationship between nurses and families in the ICU from the nurse's relational needs. Methodology: Mixed (Qualitative-Quantitative) exploratory sequential derivative study of 3 stages. First stage: Integrative literature review (Phase 1) and narrative design through content analysis of semi-structured interviews with 21 nursing professionals in the ICU (Phase 2); Second stage: Operationalization of qualitative data through the structuring of a nomological network and item writing; Third stage: Content validity (with a panel of academic evaluators) and estimation of the content validity index, face validity with quantitative/qualitative tests, construct validity through an exploratory factor analysis and reliability through Cronbach's Alpha and test -retest For the panel of evaluators, 8 researchers participated; 20 ICU nurses participated in the facial validity tests for each test; For the exploratory factorial analysis and estimation of Cronbach's Alpha, 218 ICU patients participated; and for the test-retest, 20 nurses participated in two moments of application of the instrument with an interval of 7 days. Results and conclusions: Based on the integrative review of the literature and the content analysis of the semi-structured interviews, a nomological network was built that allowed the design of a measurement instrument with 45 items. The content validity allowed the reduction of 45 articles to 23 articles, with a global CVI of 0.9. In the qualitative test of facial validity, an Aiken's V index greater than 0.9 was obtained for each of the criteria evaluated, and in the quantitative test, a connection index between original elements and the mirror was obtained greater than 0.8. from a partial Cronbach's Alpha of 0.899. The factorial analysis allowed the extraction of 3 factors with an explanation of more than 60% of the total variance and the reliability analyzes allowed obtaining a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.898 and an intraclass achievement index for the test-retest of 0.986. This indicates that the instrument has content, facial, construct validity and sufficient reliability to be used.

Humans , Male , Female , Interpersonal Relations , Nurses , Psychometrics , Family , Needs Assessment , Intensive Care Units
Rev. APS ; 24(4): 746-762, 20211230.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1377556


Objetivo: analisar estratégias de como o sistema de saúde e outras redes de apoio podem prover suporte de saúde de famílias/cuidadores de crianças com transtorno de neurodesenvolvimento (TND). Métodos: trata-se de um overviewde revisões estruturada de acordo com o checklist PRISMA e registrada na plataforma PROSPERO CRD42018102193. Buscas foram realizadas em dez bases da literatura com descritores padronizados MESH. A análise narrativa foi realizada para sistematizar elementos das estratégias, aspectos de implementação e equidade. Resultados: foram triados 3215 títulos e resumos, após retirada de duplicidades e leitura de título e resumo, 127 foram para leitura completa e 11 atenderam aos critérios. Quatro estratégias abordaram as principais necessidades dos cuidadores: 1. Estimular que as estratégias de atenção integral à saúde sejam centradas na família das crianças com TND, 2. Promover melhores condições de vida para as famílias, por meio de apoio emocional, social e financeiro, 3. Incentivar e fortalecer vínculos afetivos entre os cuidadores e os profissionais da saúde, 4. Promover linhas de cuidado para os cuidadores, centradas na autonomia e no autocuidado. Conclusões: as quatro estratégias abordadas procuram atender às necessidades dos cuidadores de crianças com TND para promover um maior suporte às famílias.

Objective: analyze strategies that can provide health support for families/caregivers of children diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) by the health system and other support networks.Methods: it is an overview of reviews structured according to the PRISMA checklist and registered on the PROSPERO CRD42018102193 platform. Searches were performed on ten literature databases with standardized MESH descriptors. Narrative analysis was carried out to systematize elements of the strategies, aspects of implementation and equity. Results: 3215 titles and abstracts were screened, after duplicates were removed and the title and abstract were read, 127 were selected for complete reading, and 11 met the eligibility criteria. The caregivers' needs were approached in four strategies: 1. Encourage that health care strategies are centered on the family of children with NDD, 2. Promote better living conditions for families, through emotional, social and financial support, 3. Encourage strengthening affective bonds between caregivers and health professionals, 4. Promote lines of care for caregivers, centered on autonomy and self-care. Conclusions: The four strategies addressed seek tomeet the needs of caregivers of children with NDD to promote greater support for families. They are independent but complementary, and the four pillars must be present for quality support.

Caregivers , Neurodevelopmental Disorders , Social Support , Child , Comprehensive Health Care , Needs Assessment , Health Services Needs and Demand
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 10(5): 1-7, oct. 31, 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1397680


Introduction: The Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI) is considered an essential tool in the association of the aesthetic and clinical elements of occlusion. It plays a key role in the timely and essential orthodontic treatment. Objective: to determine the orthodontic treatment required in students of a Peruvian public institution using the DAI. Material and Methods: A descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study was carried out during the months of June to July 2016 in a Peruvian educational institution. The sample consisted of 120 students. The use of the DAI allowed to assess the orthodontic treatment required, through the 10 occlusal conditions and regression indicators that constitute a linear formula, with the following components: no treatment required, elective treatment, desirable treatment, and priority treatment, according to the severity of the malocclusion as normal, defined, severe, and very severe, respectively. Results: 53.3% (64) of the students required priority orthodontic treatment due to presenting DAI=43.03. Between the ages of 12-14 years, 56.7% (34), 8.3% (5), and 28.3% (17) required priority, desirable, and elective orthodontic treatment, respectively. The need for priority orthodontic treatment was more prevalent in females accounting for 57.6% (38). 95% (57) of the students from rural areas required orthodontic treatment. Conclusion: The need for orthodontic treatment in a Peruvian sample using the Dental Aesthetic Index was priority orthodontic treatment, mostly in females with ages ranging between 12-14 years.

Introducción: El Índice Estético Dental (DAI) es considerada una herramienta indispensable en la aso-ciación de los elementos estéticos y clínicos de la oclusión, influyendo directamente en el tratamiento de ortodoncia oportuno y requerido. Objetivo: determinar el tratamiento de ortodoncia requerido en estudiantes de una institución pública peruana haciendo uso del DAI. Material y Métodos: Estudio de diseño descriptivo, observacional, con corte transversal, ejecutado durante los meses junio a julio de 2016, en una institución educativa peruana. La muestra fueron 120 estudiantes. La observación mediante el uso del instrumento DAI permitió valorar el tratamiento de ortodoncia requerido, mediante las 10 condiciones oclusales e indicadores de regresión que constituyen una fórmula lineal, con categorías de: No requiere tratamiento, tratamiento electivo, trata-miento deseable, tratamiento prioritario, de acuerdo a la severidad de la maloclusión presente como oclusión normal, definida, severa y muy severa, respectivamente. Resultados: Estudio de diseño descriptivo, observacional, con corte transversal, ejecutado durante los meses junio a julio de 2016, en una institución educativa peruana. La muestra fueron 120 estudiantes. La observación mediante el uso del instrumento DAI permitió valorar el tratamiento de ortodoncia requerido, mediante las 10 condiciones oclusales e indicadores de regresión que constituyen una fórmula lineal, con categorías de: No requiere tratamiento, tratamiento electivo, tratamiento deseable, tratamiento prioritario, de acuerdo a la severidad de la maloclusión presente como oclusión normal, definida, severa y muy severa, respectivamente. Conclusion: La necesidad de tratamiento ortodóntico en una muestra peruana mediante el Índice Estético Dental fue tratamiento de ortodoncia prioritario, predominando el género femenino entre los 12 -14 años.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Orthodontics, Corrective/statistics & numerical data , Needs Assessment , Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need , Malocclusion/therapy , Peru/epidemiology , Oral Health , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Esthetics, Dental , Health Services Needs and Demand
Salud bienestar colect ; 5(2): 123-136, sept.-dic. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1367211


Este trabajo intenta una aproximación crítica al desarrollo histórico del Derecho a la Educación inclusiva y no discriminatoria para personas con necesidades especiales en Hispanoamérica. Para ello se realiza una revisión de los antecedentes e hitos más relevantes en España, Cuba, Argentina y Venezuela, contrastándolos con su correlato empírico. Esto permite visibilizar, en el marco del establecimiento del neoliberalismo como modelo de desarrollo hegemónico, inconsistencias entre el desarrollo legislativo y su concreción en la vida de las personas con necesidades educativas especiales en términos del ejercicio de la Educación como un Derecho; poniendo en discusión los lineamientos de política de organismos internacionales en la materia.

This work attempts a critical approach to the historical development of the Right to Inclusive and non-discriminatory Education for people with special needs in Latin America. For this, a review of the most relevant antecedents and milestones in Spain, Cuba, Argentina and Venezuela is carried out, contrasting them with their empirical correlate. This makes it possible to make visible, within the framework of the establishment of neoliberalism as a model of hegemonic development, inconsistencies between legislative development and its realization in the lives of people with special educational needs in terms of the exercise of Education as a Right; putting into discussion the policy guidelines of international organizations on the matter.

Humans , Disabled Persons/education , Social Inclusion , Hispanic or Latino , Needs Assessment , Capitalism , Education , Social Segregation , Human Rights
Acta méd. costarric ; 63(2)jun. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1383362


Resumen Justificación y objetivo. Existe un desconocimiento en relación con las necesidades de cuidados paliativos en Costa Rica lo que genera dificultades para poder distribuir los recursos adecuadamente. Este estudio busca identificar las necesidades de cuidado paliativo por provincia para que sirva de insumo para una adecuada planeación y utilización de los recursos. Métodos. Se utilizó la metodología diseñada por la Lancet Commission on Palliative Care and Pain Relief basada en el sufrimiento grave relacionado con la salud para 20 enfermedades con mayor necesidad probable de atención paliativa utilizando la base de datos del Instituto costarricense de estadística y Censo y bases de datos del Ministerio de Salud y de la Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social. Resultados. En Costa Rica, 19502 personas requirieron atención paliativa en el 2018, siendo las enfermedades neoplásicas las que ocupan el primer lugar, seguidas por enfermedades cerebrovasculares, causas externas y HIV-SIDA. La mayoría de los casos se ubican en las provincias del centro del país (San José, Alajuela y Heredia) y la minoría en Guanacaste. Conclusiones. Se logró estimar las necesidades de cuidado paliativo en Costa Rica por diagnósticos y provincia de domicilio documentando que la mayoría de las necesidades son por enfermedades terminales no oncológicas y en las provincias de San José, Alajuela y Heredia.

Abstract Background and aim. There is a lack of knowledge regarding palliative care needs in Costa Rica, which creates difficulties in being able to distribute resources properly. This study seeks to identify palliative care needs by province to serve as input for adequate planning and utilization of resources. Methods. The methodology designed by the Lancet Commission on Palliative Care and Pain Relief based on severe health-related suffering was used for 20 diseases with the greatest probable need for palliative care using the database of the Costa Rican Institute of Statistics and Census and databases of the Ministry of Health and the Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social. Results. In Costa Rica, 19502 people required palliative care in 2018, with neoplastic diseases occupying the first place, followed by cerebrovascular diseases, external causes, and HIV-AIDS. Most of the cases are in the central provinces of the country (San José, Alajuela, and Heredia) and the minority in Guanacaste. Conclusions. It was possible to estimate the palliative care needs in Costa Rica by diagnoses and province of residence, documenting that the majority of needs are for non- oncological terminal diseases and in the provinces of San José, Alajuela and Heredia.

Humans , Male , Female , Palliative Care/statistics & numerical data , Hospice Care , Hospice and Palliative Care Nursing , Costa Rica , Needs Assessment