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Dolor ; 32(75): 16-22, nov. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1443146


Objetivo: El dolor óseo por cáncer óseo o metástasis es un dolor de difícil manejo asociado a dolor incidental. Hay distintas estrategias quirúrgicas para su tratamiento, sin embargo, no todos los pacientes con metástasis óseas pueden beneficiarse de un tratamiento quirúrgico. La presente revisión bibliográfica tiene como objetivo identificar terapias intervencionales mínimamente invasivas para el control del dolor por metástasis óseas. Métodos: Revisión bibliográfica acerca de terapias intervencionales para el control del dolor por metástasis óseas utilizando la base de datos PubMed ( y el motor de búsqueda Google ( Tipos de participantes: Pacientes con metástasis óseas dolorosas de cualquier tumor primario. Tipos de intervenciones: Bloqueos anestésicos, bloqueos neurolíticos, terapias ablativas, cementoplastías. Resultados: Se obtuvieron 384 resultados que incluyeron revisiones sistemáticas, revisiones bibliográficas, ensayos clínicos controlados, series de casos y reporte de casos. Todos los artículos relevantes en inglés y español se incluyeron para su análisis. Conclusión: Las metástasis óseas son un evento común en los pacientes con cáncer, y el dolor óseo es un dolor de difícil manejo asociado a dolor incidental. Se han desarrollado terapias intervencionales no invasivas o mínimamente invasivas para tratar el dolor, mejorar la calidad de vida y la funcionalidad, disminuir el consumo de fármacos, y reducir el tamaño del tumor. La gran mayoría ha demostrado ser terapias seguras y eficaces, con pocos eventos adversos y de rápida resolución, y que si son combinadas mejoran los resultados.

Objective: Bone pain from bone cancer or metastasis is a pain that is difficult to manage associated with incidental pain. There are different surgical strategies for its treatment, however, not all patients with bone metastases can benefit from a surgical treatment. This literature review aims to identify minimally invasive interventional therapies for the control of pain due to bone metastasis. Methods: Literature review of interventional therapies for the control of pain due to bone metastases was done using the PubMed database ( and the Google search engine ( Types of participants: Patients with painful bone metastases from any primary tumor. Types of interventions: Anesthetic blocks, neurolytic blocks, ablative therapies, cementoplasties. Results: We obtained 384 results that included systematic reviews, literature reviews, controlled clinical trials, case series and case reports. All relevant articles in English and Spanish were included for analysis. Conclusion: Bone metastases are a common event in cancer patients, and bone pain is a difficult-to-manage pain associated with incidental pain. Non-invasive or minimally invasive interventional therapies have been developed to treat pain, improve quality of life and functionality, decrease drug use, and reduce tumor size. The vast majority therapies have been shown to be safe and effective ones, with few adverse events and rapid resolution, and that if combined they improve the outcomes.

Humans , Bone Neoplasms/therapy , Cancer Pain/therapy , Neoplasm Metastasis/therapy , Denervation , Ablation Techniques , Cementoplasty
Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 57(2): 200-206, Mar.-Apr. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388002


Abstract Bone metastases may evolve with events (pain, fractures and compression) that the orthopedic surgeon will encounter regardless of his subspecialty. Accumulated surgical knowledge is predictive for the prevention of impending fractures, as well as of pathological fractures. We will present a guide to properly evaluate and conduct a patient with bone implant for surgeons who are not specialists in this area.

Resumo As metástases ósseas podem evoluir com eventos (dor, fraturas e compressão) com os quais o cirurgião ortopédico irá se depararar independentemente da sua subespecialidade. Os conhecimentos cirúrgicos acumulados são predicativos para a prevenção de fraturas iminentes, assim como de fraturas patológicas. Apresentaremos um guia para avaliar e conduzir de forma adequada um paciente com implante ósseo para cirurgiões que não sejam especialistas na área.

Humans , Bone Neoplasms/therapy , Carcinoma/therapy , Fractures, Bone/prevention & control , Fractures, Bone/therapy , Neoplasm Metastasis/therapy
Rev. cuba. cir ; 60(2): e989,
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1280220


Introducción: El cáncer de colon constituye un grave problema sanitario debido a su alta incidencia y mortalidad. Objetivo: Describir algunos aspectos epidemiológicos, etiopatogénicos, diagnósticos, terapéuticos y evolutivos del cáncer de colon con metástasis hepáticas. Métodos: Revisión documental en bases de datos bibliográficos biomédicas sobre el tema durante el período 2015-2020. Se seleccionaron 31 artículos relacionados con el objetivo propuesto. Desarrollo: Los pacientes con cáncer de colon con metástasis hepáticas sincrónicas son tratados mediante tres estrategias: la tradicional o clásica consiste en la resección quirúrgica del tumor primario y posteriormente, quimioterapia, radioterapia o ambas, para proceder a la resección de las lesiones hepáticas tres a seis meses después; la simultánea, consistente en la resección de la lesión tumoral primaria y de las metástasis hepáticas en un mismo acto quirúrgico, seguida de quimioterapia, radioterapia o ambas y la inversa, que administra de tres a seis ciclos de quimioterapia sistémica, seguidos por la resección de las metástasis hepáticas y en un segundo tiempo resecar el tumor primario, todo esto con quimioterapia durante el intervalo entre ambas cirugías. Conclusiones: El único tratamiento con potencial curativo en los pacientes con metástasis hepáticas debe ser la resección de todo el volumen tumoral hepático con márgenes adecuados y la suficiente preservación del parénquima sano (25 - 30 por ciento), según criterios oncológicos y anatómicos establecidos, lo que incide en la calidad de vida y la supervivencia de estos enfermos(AU)

Introduction: Colon cancer is a serious health concern due to its high incidence and mortality. Objective: To describe some epidemiological, etiopathogenic, diagnostic, therapeutic and evolutionary aspects of colon cancer with hepatic metastases. Methods: Documentary review about the subject carried out in biomedical bibliographic databases, during the period 2015-2020. Thirty-one articles related to the proposed objective were selected. Development: Colon cancer patients with synchronous hepatic metastases are treated using three strategies: the traditional, or classic, strategy consists in surgical resection of primary tumor and, subsequently, chemotherapy, radiotherapy or both, before proceeding then to resection of liver lesions three to three six months later; the simultaneous strategy consists in resection of primary tumor lesion and hepatic metastases in the same surgical procedure, followed by chemotherapy, radiotherapy or both; and the reverse strategy, in which three to six cycles of systemic chemotherapy are administered, followed by resection of hepatic metastases and, in a second stage, resection of primary tumor, all this with chemotherapy during the interval between both surgeries. Conclusions: The only treatment with curative potential in patients with hepatic metastases should be the resection of the entire hepatic tumor volume with adequate margins and sufficient preservation of the healthy parenchyma (25-30 percent), according to established oncological and anatomical criteria, which has an incidence on the quality of life and survival of these patients(AU)

Humans , Quality of Life , Databases, Bibliographic , Colonic Neoplasms/surgery , Colonic Neoplasms/epidemiology , Neoplasm Metastasis/therapy , Survivorship , Liver/injuries
Arq. bras. neurocir ; 40(2): 167-173, 15/06/2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362229


Introduction Cerebral metastases are the most common cancer of the central nervous system (CNS). Meningeal infiltration by neoplasms that did not originate in the CNS is a rare fact that is present in 0.02% of the autopsies. Epidemiologically, the radiological presentation mimicking a subdural hematoma is even more uncommon. We report a case of meningeal carcinomatosis by an adenocarcinoma of the prostate mimicking a chronic subdural hematoma. Case Report A 60-year-old male patient was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2011. He underwent radical resection of the prostate, as well as adjuvant hormonal therapy and chemotherapy. Five years later, the patient presented peripheral facial paralysis that evolved with vomiting and mental confusion. Tomography and magnetic resonance imaging scans confirmed the subdural collection. At surgery, the dura was infiltrated by friable material of difficult hemostasis. The anatomicopathological examination showed atypical epithelial cells. The immunohistochemistry was positive for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and other keymarkers, and it was conclusive for meningeal carcinomatosis by a prostate adenocarcinoma.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Prostatic Neoplasms/complications , Adenocarcinoma/therapy , Hematoma, Subdural, Chronic/therapy , Neoplasm Metastasis/therapy , Prostate/surgery , Prostate/pathology , Adenocarcinoma/complications , Adenocarcinoma/diagnostic imaging , Prostate-Specific Antigen , Hematoma, Subdural, Chronic/complications
Prensa méd. argent ; Prensa méd. argent;107(2): 112-117, 20210000. fig, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1361445


Las metástasis óseas se desarrollan en aproximadamente 30 a 70% de todos los pacientes con cáncer. El dolor es una experiencia de la condición humana universal, y es común que las personas busquen atención médica a raíz de ello. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo describir la eficacia y el papel de diferentes estrategias en el control del dolor óseo en pacientes cancerosos metastásicos. Se trata de un estudio observacional realizado entre el 1 de diciembre de 2018 y el 30 de diciembre de 2019. Se inscribieron exactamente 100 pacientes cancerosos. Los pacientes fueron evaluados antes de recibir las modalidades de control del dolor, al principio y al final del tratamiento. La puntuación del dolor óseo se utilizó de 0 (sin dolor) a 10 (el peor dolor). Nuestros hallazgos con respecto al sexo, hubo 51 (51%) hombres y 49 (49%) mujeres. La edad media fue de 57,3 ± 11,2 años y el grupo de edad más frecuente fue de 41-50 años, 37 (37%). Entre los tipos de cáncer, el cáncer de mama ocupa el primer lugar entre los casos estudiados en nuestra investigación 37 (37%), seguido del cáncer de próstata 24 (24%). Las vértebras de la columna fueron el sitio más representado en un 52%, seguido de los huesos pélvicos en un 36%. La mayoría de los pacientes no requirieron cirugía. Mientras que el 15% de los pacientes se sometieron a descompresión del cordón, el 13% requirió fijación interna y solo cuatro pa- LA PRENSA MÉDICA ARGENTINA Bony pain management in cancerous patients 117 V.107/Nº 2 cientes se sometieron a vertebroplastia. El dolor agudo se describió comúnmente en un 40%, seguido de naturaleza punzante en un 15%. El dolor frecuente fue más prevalente en el 60% de los pacientes, mientras que el dolor constante se presentó en el 40%. La noche fue el momento más común de sentir dolor en el 55%. Después de recibir el tratamiento, varias modalidades provocan un desplazamiento de la puntuación del dolor hacia abajo. Combinación de más de estrategias más eficientes que utilizar una opción para el manejo del dolor óseo con un mejor resultado y pronóstico.

Bone metastases develop in approximately 30­70% of all cancer patients. Pain is a universal human experience condition, and it is a common question for people to seek health care. The study aimed to describe the efficacy and roles of different strategies in the control of bony pain in metastatic cancerous patients. This is an observational study carried out, from the 1st of December 2018 to the 30th of December 2019. Exactly 100 cancerous patients were enrolled. Patients were assessed before received of pain control modalities, in the beginning, and at the end of treatment. Bone pain scoring was used from 0 (no pain) to 10 (the worst pain). Our findings regarding sex, there were 51(51%) male and 49(49%) female. The mean age was 57.3±11.2 years, and the most frequent age group was 41-50 years as 37(37%). Among cancer types, breast cancer comes in 1st rank cases studied in our research 37(37%), followed by prostate cancer 24(24%). Spine vertebrae were the most site figured 52%, followed by pelvic bones in 36%. Most patients did not require surgery. Whereas 15% of patients underwent cord decompression, 13% required internal fixation and only four patients performed for vertebroplasty. The sharp pain was commonly described by 40%, followed by stabbing nature in 15%. Frequent pain was more prevalent in 60% of patients, whereas constant pain presented in 40%. The night was the commonest timing of feeling pain in 55%. After receiving treatment, several modalities cause shifting of the pain scoring downward. Combination of more than strategies more efficient than of use one option for manage of bone pain with a better outcome, and prognosis.

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Pain/prevention & control , Bone Neoplasms/therapy , Cancer Pain/therapy , Neoplasm Metastasis/therapy
Rev. cir. (Impr.) ; 73(1): 103-106, feb. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388776


Resumen Objetivo: Comunicar el caso de una paciente de 77 años tratada de un angiosarcoma de cuero cabelludo, que evoluciona con neumotórax bilateral, cuyo estudio histopatológico informa enfermedad metastásica. Materiales y Método: Revisión de ficha clínica electrónica, registro informático de imagenología e informes de biopsias. Seguimiento ambulatorio en policlínico de cirugía. Resultados: Se realiza manejo por videotoracoscopía bilateral, con bulectomía más pleurodesis. Discusión: El neumotórax secundario por enfermedad metastásica es poco frecuente, aproximadamente 1% a 2% de los casos. De los tumores que más frecuentemente metastizan al pulmón se encuentran los sarcomas. Conclusión: El neumotórax metastásico es poco frecuente y requiere un alto índice de sospecha. Su manejo va a depender del pronóstico y de las condiciones generales del paciente.

Aim: To report the case of a 77-year-old patient treated for angiosarcoma of the scalp, who evolves with bilateral pneumothorax, whose histopathological study reports metastatic disease. Materials and Method: Review of electronic clinical record, computerized imaging record and biopsy reports. Outpatient follow-up at the polyclinic of surgery. Results: Management was performed by bilateral videothoracoscopy, with bulectomy plus pleurodesis. Discussion: Secondary pneumothorax due to metastatic disease is rare, approximately 1 to 2% of cases. Sarcomas are among the tumors that most frequently metastasize to the lung. Conclusion: Metastatic pneumothorax is infrequent and requires a high index of suspicion. Its management will depend on the prognosis and the general conditions of the patient.

Humans , Female , Aged , Pneumothorax/diagnostic imaging , Scalp/pathology , Neoplasm Metastasis/therapy , Pneumothorax/therapy , Hemangiosarcoma/complications , Lung Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging
Prensa méd. argent ; Prensa méd. argent;106(9): 520-523, 20200000. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1362772


Introducción: Las úlceras de Marjolin son neoplasias cutáneas que asientan sobre pieles afectadas por úlceras crónicas, quemaduras, cicatrices, estasis venosa o heridas cutáneas. Generalmente se diagnostica por medio de biopsias, siendo los carcinomas escamosos la variedad más frecuente. Existe escasa información sobre su desarrollo en heridas quirúrgicas abdominales previas, y aún menos casos reportados de su aparición sobre un defecto de la pared abdominal. Objetivo: Reporte de un caso de un paciente con antecedente de múltiples cirugías abdominales que desarrolló un carcinoma escamoso sobre cicatriz de laparotomía previa. Pacientes y Métodos: Presentación de un de un paciente masculino de 61 años, con antecedente de laparotomía exploradora, que consultó por una tumoración, de 6 meses de evolución, vegetante sobre eventración de mediana suprainfraumbilical. Se realiza exéresis de lesión en bloque de pared con enterectomia, anastomosis primaria y eventroplastia con malla de reemplazo. Cursa internación prolongada y con mala evolución, falleciendo al 77 día postoperatorio. Conclusión: Los carcinomas de células escamosas que se desarrollan sobre lesiones cutáneas previas presentan una agresividad mayor a aquellos desarrollados espontáneamente, tienen alto porcentaje de recidiva y metástasis asociadas. Se propone abordajes quirúrgicos radicales para su tratamiento, aun asi presentando una morbimortalidad elevada

Background: Marjolin ulcers are skin malignancies that appear on skin affected by chronic ulcers, burns, scars, venous stasis or skin wounds. They are generally diagnosed through a biopsy and the most frequent type is the squamous cell carcinoma. There is little information on its development in existing abdominal surgical wounds, and there are even fewer cases reported in relation to its appearance upon an abdominal wall defect. Objective: To report a case of a patient with a history of multiple abdominal surgeries who developed a squamous cell carcinoma in an existing laparotomy scar in association with an incisional hernia. Patient and Methods: A 61-year-old male patient, with history of an exploratory laparotomy in 1986, presents with a 6-month-old vegetating tumor upon a supra-infraumbilical median eventration. An excision of the lesion that included the abdominal wall and an associated enterectomy, primary anastomosis, and eventroplasty with replacement mesh was performed. During his prolonged hospital stay, he underwent with many medical intercurrences and even an additional surgery was needed. Eventually, the patient dies 77 days after the surgery. Conclusion: Squamous cell carcinomas that develop in existing skin lesions tend to be more aggressive than those that develop spontaneously. They have a high percentage of recurrence and associated metastases. Radical surgical approaches are suggested for its treatment, although it has a high morbidity and mortality rate.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Recurrence , Skin Neoplasms/therapy , Skin Ulcer/surgery , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/surgery , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/mortality , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell/therapy , Abdominal Wall/pathology , Neoplasm Metastasis/therapy
Rev. argent. coloproctología ; 31(2): 51-53, jun. 2020.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1117007


Los contenidos de este capítulo se basan en la 3a edición de las Clínicas Quirúrgicas de Cáncer Colorrectal. C. Vaccaro y N. Peralta. del hospital ediciones 2020 (en prensa)

Colorectal Neoplasms/genetics , Biomarkers, Tumor/genetics , Precision Medicine/trends , Pharmacogenetics/trends , Colorectal Neoplasms/etiology , Colorectal Neoplasms/therapy , Molecular Epidemiology/trends , Mutation , Neoplasm Metastasis/genetics , Neoplasm Metastasis/therapy
Rev. méd. Hosp. José Carrasco Arteaga ; 11(3): 222-228, 30/11/2019. Ilustraciones
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1103706


El presente trabajo es una revisión bibliográfica y actualización de los diferentes esquemas terapéuticos aprobados y en estudio, de la enfermedad con metástasis en hueso producto del cáncer de próstata avanzado con la condición de resistente a la castración. Aborda generalidades del cáncer de próstata, los mecanismos por los cuales se vuelve resistente a la castración, la aparición de metástasis óseas, la terapéutica enfocada en terapia antiresortiva, (bifosfonatos e inhibidor del Ligando RANK), radiofármacos, radioterapia y nuevas drogas (Cabozantinib)(au)

This is a literature review and update of the different therapeutic options approved and under study, of bone metastases due to castration resistant prostate cancer. It addresses general information of prostate cancer, the mechanisms by which it becomes resistant to castration, the appearance of bone metastases, treatment focused on antiresorptive therapy (bisphosphonates and RANK Ligand inhibitor), radiopharmaceuticals, radiotherapy and new drugs (Cabozantinib).(au)

Humans , Male , Prostate/pathology , Radiotherapy , Castration , Radiopharmaceuticals , Diphosphonates/pharmacology , Prostatic Neoplasms, Castration-Resistant/therapy , Neoplasm Metastasis/therapy , Therapeutics , Prostate-Specific Antigen , Reference Drugs , RANK Ligand
Prensa méd. argent ; Prensa méd. argent;105(8): 436-442, sept 2019. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1023165


Introducción: El carcinoma de células renales representa el 2-3% de todos los cánceres. Alrededor del 30% de los pacientes presentan metástasis en el momento del diagnóstico y otro 30% de los pacientes con enfermedad localizada desarrollan recurrencia o metástasis. El sitio más común de metástasis es el pulmón, el hueso y el hígado. Objetivo: presentar una paciente con metástasis ocular como una presentación atípica de carcinoma de células renales. Caso clínico: Femenino de 41 años, tres meses previos inició con dolor ocular urente, fotopsias, hemianopsias y disminución de la agudeza visual del ojo derecho. La exploración física dirigida mostró tumor subretiniano. Se le realizó enucleación del ojo afectado y colocación de implante, con hallazgo de tumor intracelar y reporte histopatológico de carcinoma de células claras. Los estudios de extensión mostraron tumor renal izquierdo. Se le realizó nefrectomía radical izquierda con adrenalectomía derecha en un mismo tiempo quirúrgico. Discusión: El carcinoma de células renales metastásico tiene un pronóstico malo, la sobrevida al año es de 48% y a los 5 años de 9%. La metástasis única al momento del diagnóstico tiene pronóstico mejor que las múltijples. Conclusiones; El CCR puede metastatizar a sitios raros como el globo ocular entre otros (AU)

Introduction: Renal cell carcinoma accounts for 2-3% of all cancers. About 30% of patients have metastases at the time of diagnosis, other 30% with the patients with localized disease develop recurrence or metastasis. The most common site of metastasis are lungs, bones and liver. Objetive: to present a patient with ocular metastasis as an atypical presentation of renal cell carcinoma. Clinical case: Forty one years old female, three months before, began with burning eye pain, photopsies, hemianopsies and decreased visual acuity of the right eye. The directed physical examination showed subretinal tumor. Enucleation of the afected eye and implant placement was performed, with intracelar tumor finding and histopathological report of clear cell carcinoma. The extension studies showed left renal tumor. Left radical nephrectomy was performed with right adrenalectomy in the same surgical time. Discussion: Metastatic renal cell carcinoma has a poor prognosis, the survival rate is 48% at 5 years and 9% at 5 years. The single metastasis at the time of diagnosis has a better prognosis than multiple ones. Conclusions: RCC can metastasize to rare sites such as the eyeball among others (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Carcinoma, Renal Cell/surgery , Survival Rate , Mortality , Eye Manifestations , Eye Neoplasms/therapy , Neoplasm Metastasis/therapy
Arq. bras. neurocir ; 38(1): 42-46, 15/03/2019.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362647


Objective To report a case of intradural extramedullary metastasis originated from a kidney neoplasm. Metastases in this topography occur in a low frequency, especially considering that the primary tumor was located along the urinary system. Case Report Amale adult begins to present with pain in the lower limbs and develops flaccid paraparesis of the pelvic limbs, also attacking the control of the sphincter. The patient had a previous history of right nephrectomy due to a kidney neoplasm. After investigation with imaging exams, ametastatic lesion was found to be the source of the symptoms. The patient was surgically treated by the neurosurgery team of the hospital. Conclusion Cases like this are not common, and considering the low incidence of these cases and the nonspecific symptoms, such as pain, we do not always come up with the hypothesis of a metastasis in this topography. The surgical treatment, although it is a palliative feature, has an important part inmaintaining the performance and the quality of life of the patient.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Spinal Cord Neoplasms/therapy , Spinal Cord Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Kidney Neoplasms/complications , Neoplasm Metastasis/therapy , Spinal Cord Compression , Survival Analysis
Rev. inf. cient ; 98(4): 524-539, 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1023980


Introducción: los tumores que se diseminan en el cerebro, provenientes de una neoplasia primaria localizada en otros órganos del cuerpo son conocidos como tumores cerebrales metastásicos. Se estima que el 25 por ciento de los tumores malignos en otros lugares del organismo provocan metástasis en la cabeza. Objetivo: sistematizar los aspectos clínicos, epidemiológicos y quirúrgicos de los tumores cerebrales metastásicos, así como las herramientas diagnósticas y terapéuticas necesarias para ofrecerles al enfermo y familiares las mejores alternativas ante la enfermedad. Método: se realizó una revisión narrativa a partir del estudio documental de revisiones sistemáticas, metaanálisis, guías de práctica clínica, artículos originales y tesis doctorales que se encontraron en las bases de datos electrónicas. Resultados: la incidencia de la metástasis cerebral varía en dependencia de la localización del tumor primario. En los adultos, la incidencia más alta se observó entre la quinta y séptima década de vida, sin diferencias en el sexo. Los tumores cerebrales tienen diferentes formas de presentación clínica, entre ellas se encontraron el síndrome de hipertensión intracraneal, signos focales, crisis epilépticas y síndrome endocrino. Los tres componentes primordiales del manejo de pacientes con metástasis cerebral fueron las drogas no quimioterapéuticas y quimioterapéuticas, la intervención quirúrgica para la exéresis tumoral y la radioterapia. Conclusiones: los tumores metastásicos cerebrales constituyen un problema de salud con incidencia creciente, con un cuadro sindrómico complejo y polimorfo, poseen amplio arsenal terapéutico que abarca las drogas no quimioterapéuticas, la quimioterapia, la quirúrgica y la radioterapia las cuales deben ser ajustadas a las características de cada paciente para lograr una sobrevida lo más larga posible, con mayor calidad de vida(AU)

Introduction: tumors that spread in the brain, from a primary neoplasm located in other organs of the body are known as metastatic brain tumors. It is estimated that 25per cent of malignant tumors in other parts of the body cause head metastases. Objective: to systematize the clinical, epidemiological and surgical aspects of metastatic brain tumors, as well as the diagnostic and therapeutic tools necessary to offer the patient and family the best alternatives to the disease. Method: a narrative review was carried out based on the documentary study of systematic reviews, meta-analysis, clinical practice guides, original articles and doctoral theses that were found in the electronic databases. Results: the incidence of brain metastasis varies depending on the location of the primary tumor. In adults, the highest incidence was observed between the fifth and seventh decade of life, without differences in sex. Brain tumors have different forms of clinical presentation, including intracranial hypertension syndrome, focal signs, epileptic seizures and endocrine syndrome. The three primary ISSN 1028-9933 526 components of the management of patients with cerebral metastases were non-chemotherapeutic and chemotherapeutic drugs, surgical intervention for tumor excision and radiotherapy. Conclusions: metastatic brain tumors constitute a health problem with increasing incidence, with a complex syndromic and polymorphic picture, they have a wide therapeutic arsenal that includes non-chemotherapeutic drugs, chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy which must be adjusted to the characteristics of each patient to achieve a survival as long as possible, with a better quality of life(AU)

Introdução: tumores que se espalham no cérebro, a partir de uma neoplasia primária localizada em outros órgãos do corpo, são conhecidos como tumores cerebrais metastáticos. Estima-se que 25per cent dos tumores malignos em outras partes do corpo causem metástases na cabeça. Objetivo: sistematizar os aspectos clínicos, epidemiológicos e cirúrgicos dos tumores cerebrais metastáticos, bem como as ferramentas diagnósticas e terapêuticas necessárias para oferecer ao paciente e à família as melhores alternativas para a doença. Método: foi realizada uma revisão narrativa baseada no estudo documental de revisões sistemáticas, metanálises, guias de prática clínica, artigos originais e teses de doutorado encontradas nas bases de dados eletrônicas. Resultados: a incidência de metástases cerebrais varia de acordo com a localização do tumor primário. Nos adultos, a maior incidência foi observada entre a quinta e a sétima década de vida, sem diferenças entre os sexos. Os tumores cerebrais têm diferentes formas de apresentação clínica, incluindo síndrome de hipertensão intracraniana, sinais focais, convulsões epilépticas e síndrome endócrina. Os três componentes principais do tratamento de pacientes com metástases cerebrais foram medicamentos não quimioterápicos e quimioterápicos, intervenção cirúrgica para excisão de tumores e radioterapia. Conclusões: os tumores cerebrais metastáticos constituem um problema de saúde com incidência crescente, com quadro sindrômico e polimórfico complexo, possuem amplo arsenal terapêutico que abrange medicamentos não quimioterápicos, quimioterapia, cirurgia e radioterapia, que devem ser ajustados às características de cada paciente para alcançar a sobrevivência o maior tempo possível, com uma melhor qualidade de vida(AU)

Humans , Brain Neoplasms/surgery , Brain Neoplasms/classification , Neoplasm Metastasis/diagnosis , Neoplasm Metastasis/therapy
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 33(4): 469-477, out.-dez. 2018. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-979965


Introdução: Câncer de mama localmente avançado é caracterizado pelos estádios clínicos IIIb ou IV e representam de 20 a 25% de todos os casos. A reconstrução dos defeitos é feita com retalhos musculocutâneos e fasciocutâneos, sendo os mais utilizados o latíssimo do dorso e o reto abdominal. O objetivo é avaliar resultados das reconstruções de parede torácica em câncer de mama localmente avançados com retalhos musculocutâneos e fasciocutâneos. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo, observacional descritivo, em único centro. Variáveis estudadas: dimensões do defeito e do retalho, tipo de retalho utilizado para a reconstrução, metástases cutâneas e viscerais, evolução pós-operatória e complicações. Resultados: 11 pacientes, com média de idade de 49 anos, com o lado esquerdo mais acometido. O tipo tumoral mais encontrado foi o carcinoma ductal invasivo. Os retalhos realizados foram: 2 latíssimos do dorso com desenho VY (LDVY), 2 latíssimos do dorso associados a retalho toracoabdominal (LDVYTA), 4 verticais do músculo reto do abdome (VRAM) e 3 toracoabdominais (TA). A área média dos defeitos foi 421,72cm2 e a área média dos retalhos utilizados foi de 451cm2. A complicação mais frequente foi deiscência parcial da ferida operatória, presente em 7 pacientes. Da amostra, 6 pacientes atingiram êxito letal. VRAM foi o retalho que apresentou mais complicações. A sobrevida média para VRAM foi de 25,5 meses, para LDVY de 17 meses, TA de 17 meses e LDVYTA de 20,5 meses. Conclusão: Os retalhos musculocutâneos e fasciocutâneos são eficazes para a reconstrução da parede torácica após a ressecção de neoplasias mamárias localmente avançadas.

Introduction: Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide. Locally advanced breast cancer is characterized by clinical stage IIIb or IV and accounts for 20­25% of all cases. Defects are reconstructed using myocutaneous and fasciocutaneous flaps, primarily from the latissimus dorsi and rectus abdominis muscles. The objective is to evaluate the results of thoracic wall reconstructions in cases of locally advanced breast cancer using fasciocutaneous and myocutaneous flaps. Methods: This was a retrospective, observational, and descriptive single-center study. Variables studied included defect size and flap dimensions, myocutaneous flap type, presence of cutaneous and visceral metastasis, postoperative evolution, and complications. Results: We selected 11 patients with a mean age of 49 years; the left side was the most commonly affected. The most common tumor type was invasive ductal carcinoma. The flaps were made of latissimus dorsi VY (LDVY) in two patients, latissimus dorsi associated with thoracoabdominal flaps (LDVYTA) in two, vertical rectus abdominus myocutaneous flap (VRAM) in four, and thoracoabdominal flaps (TA) in three. The mean defect area was 421.72 cm2, while the mean flap area was 451 cm2. The most frequent complication was partial dehiscence (seven patients). Six patients achieved lethal exit. VRAM flaps presented more complications. The mean survival for VRAM was 25.5 months, LDVY was 17 months, TA was 17 months, LDVYTA was 20.5 months. Conclusion: Myocutaneous and fasciocutaneous flaps are effective for chest wall reconstruction after locally advanced breast cancer resection.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Postoperative Complications/therapy , Thoracic Injuries/therapy , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Breast Neoplasms/therapy , Carcinoma, Ductal, Breast/surgery , Carcinoma, Ductal, Breast/complications , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Thoracic Wall/surgery , Free Tissue Flaps/surgery , Myocutaneous Flap/surgery , Neoplasm Metastasis/therapy
Rev. argent. endocrinol. metab ; Rev. argent. endocrinol. metab;55(3): 11-20, set. 2018. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041740


RESUMEN Introducción Las metástasis son la principal causa de mortalidad específica en carcinoma diferenciado de tiroides (CDT). Las localizaciones más frecuentes son el pulmón y el hueso. El compromiso de otros sitios es inusual. Se desconoce el impacto que tienen en la evolución y sobrevida de los pacientes. Objetivos Evaluar la prevalencia de metástasis infrecuentes (MI) en pacientes con CDT, sus características clínico-patológicas y el impacto en la mortalidad. Material y métodos: Estudio multicéntrico retrospectivo. Se incluyeron pacientes con CDT y MI (diferentes de pulmón y hueso). Se analizaron las características basales, las localizaciones de las MI, el subtipo histológico, el tiempo de aparición desde el diagnóstico inicial (sincrónicas o metacrónicas), sintomatología asociada. Resultados La localización más frecuente fue el sistema nervioso central (31%). El 76,6% fueron metacrónicas, y presentaron criterios de refractariedad al yodo en 76,6% de los casos. La mitad de los pacientes presentó síntomas específicos. En 73,28% de los casos implicaron cambios en la conducta terapéutica. 19 pacientes (63,3%) fallecieron a causa de la enfermedad, con una mediana de sobrevida desde el diagnóstico de la MI de 11 meses. La sobrevida fue menor en pacientes con MI yodorefractarias y sintomáticas. Conclusiones: Las MI tuvieron una prevalencia baja, y se presentaron en forma metacrónica. Determinaron cambios en la estrategia terapéutica y se relacionaron con la mortalidad específica en más de la mitad de los casos, lo que resalta la importancia de una estadificación precisa en pacientes con enfermedad avanzada.

ABSTRACT Introduction Complications related to metastatic disease are the main cause of specific mortality in differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC.) The most common sites of metastses are lung and bone. Other localizations are infrequent and they have been reported as isolated cases or small series. The impact of unusual metastases (UM) in patient management and prognosis remains largely unknown. Objectives To retrospectively evaluate the prevalence of UM in DTC patients, define their clinical-pathological characteristics and analyze its relevance in management and mortality. Patients and methods: We retrospectively reviewed file records from 7 databases. DTC patients who had metastatic disease in sites different from lung or bone were included. UM were diagnosed by: i) biopsy and/or ii) radioiodine (RAI) bone uptake + elevated thyroglobulin (Tg) levels and/or c) bone uptake of 18-FDG in the PET-CT scan + elevated Tg levels. We analyzed histopathologic characteristics, clinical presentation, localization, time of diagnosis (synchronic vs. metachronic presentation), diagnostic and therapeutic modalities and final outcome of patients. Results UM were diagnosed in 30 out of 2986 DTC patients (1%). The most common site of UM was the central nervous system (CNS 31%). Twenty percent of the patients had more than one UM. In 93% of the cases, UM coexisted with either lung and/or bone metastases and/or locoregional disease. Papillary histology was found in 75% of cases; 76.6% were metachronic with DTC diagnosis, and 76.6% fulfilled radioiodine refractoriness criteria. Half of the patients reported symptoms related to the UM. In 73.2% of the cases, therapeutic decisions were influenced by the diagnosis of the UM. Nineteen patients (63.3%) died of DTC related causes, with a mean survival of 11 months. The most frequent cause of death was CNS progression. Survival was shorter in patients with radioiodine refractory and symptomatic lesions. Conclusions Prevalence of UM was low; they were predominantly metachronic and iodine refractory. UM were found in patients with widespread disease, however, treatment strategies were modified by their diagnosis. UM were associated with poor survival and disease specific mortality.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Thyroid Neoplasms/secondary , Neoplasm Metastasis/therapy , Prevalence , Retrospective Studies , Mortality , Neoplasm Metastasis/prevention & control
Rev. argent. endocrinol. metab ; Rev. argent. endocrinol. metab;54(2): 92-100, abr.-jun. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-957973


La presencia de metástasis a distancia en el cáncer diferenciado de tiroides es un hecho infrecuente que ocurre en menos del 10% de los pacientes. Cuando sucede, la supervivencia a 10 años disminuye significativamente. La curación es el objetivo primario, pero dado que 2 tercios de los tumores metastásicos se volverán radiorrefractarios en su evolución, la finalidad terapéutica es estabilizar la enfermedad y tratar sus síntomas. En la última década, el manejo de estos pacientes cambió radicalmente con el advenimiento de las terapias con blancos moleculares. El objetivo de esta revisión es describir las características de los pacientes con cáncer diferenciado de tiroides que presenten metástasis a distancia, la supervivencia global, los métodos diagnósticos utilizados, y los tratamientos locales y sistémicos disponibles.

Distant metastases occur in less than 10% of patients with differentiated thyroid carcinoma. In these patients, overall survival at 10 years is considerably reduced. Whereas cure is the initial goal of treatment, stabilisation of the disease and management of symptoms have become the primary objective in many patients with persistent radio-iodine refractory progressive disease. In the last decade, several targeted therapies have shown encouraging results in patients with advanced disease. The objective of this review is to describe the characteristics, diagnosis, overall survival, and the local and systemic available treatments for patients with distant metastases from differentiated thyroid cancer.

Humans , Male , Female , Neoplasm Metastasis/diagnosis , Neoplasm Metastasis/therapy , Radiotherapy , Thyroid Neoplasms/complications , Thyroid Neoplasms/mortality , Drug Therapy , Iodine/therapeutic use
GJO-Gulf Journal of Oncology [The]. 2017; (24): 20-23
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-187528


Introduction: Peritoneal dissemination of hepatocellular carcinoma [HCC] is a rare presentation with an incidence of 2-6%. The most common cause of peritoneal deposits is a ruptured HCC that results in tumor spillage into the peritoneal cavity. The overall incidence of spontaneous ruptures of HCC ranges from 5 to 15% and carries a high mortality rate of up to 50%. Other factors influencing peritoneal dissemination are the lymph node metastasis and the direct diaphragmatic invasion and there is no significant association with past history of FNAB, or percutaneous RFA or ethanol injection and lung or adrenal metastasis

Clinical Study: We present our experience with 4 patients with localized peritoneal metastases from HCC controlled and managed with cytoreductive surgery [CRS] and hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy [HIPEC]. The mean peritoneal cancer index [PCI] was 10.2. In two cases there is a history of rupture at the onset of diagnosis and in one case dissemination of peritoneal cavity after FNB procedure. All patients after CRS and HIPEC received Sorafenib

Results: In our study the mean time of onset of peritoneal metastasis was 13.5 months from initial operation and the mean survival was 30 months. Our results are comparable with other studies

Conclusion: Peritoneal metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma is rare and the benefit of systemic chemotherapy is poor and from Sorafenib is not well described. Surgical resection of extrahepatic HCC metastasis remains challenging. However several case reports and a few case series have provided that surgical resection of HCC peritoneal implants may benefit. Vfe believe from our experience in well-selected patients with peritoneal metastasis from HCC, cytoreductive surgery with HIPEC and Sorafenib may prolong survival compared to systemic chemotherapy alone

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Neoplasm Metastasis/therapy , Carcinoma, Hepatocellular , Cytoreduction Surgical Procedures , Hyperthermia, Induced , Chemotherapy, Adjuvant/methods
Oncol. clín ; 22(2): 52-56, 2017. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-882465


A pesar de ser considerado benigno, el tumor de células gigantes (TCG) de hueso con baja frecuencia puede presentar metástasis (MTS) a distancia, mayormente pulmonares. El curso clínico de las MTS, aunque habitualmente indolente, es muy variable. Se comunicaron tanto muertes por progresión de MTS, como su regresión sin mediar tratamiento alguno. Los marcadores pronósticos moleculares están aún en desarrollo. El manejo terapéutico de las MTS pulmonares es controversial. Las principales modalidades de tratamiento fueron tradicionalmente la cirugía, la quimioterapia y observación. En la última década los bifosfonatos (BF) y el denosumab, fueron empleados con éxito en el tratamiento adyuvante y neoadyuvante, pero la efectividad de estos fármacos, especialmente los BF, en pacientes con MTS está estudiada en menor medida. Presentamos un caso de MTS pulmonares múltiples histológicamente verificadas de TCG con respuesta completa al tratamiento con pamidronato que continúa a los 7 años de seguimiento (AU)

Although it is considered benign, on rare occasions giant cell tumor (GCT) of bone may present systemic dissemination, predominantly to the lung. The clinical course of metastasis (MTS), while usually indolent, is unpredictable. Both, deaths from progressive lung MTS and regressions without any treatment were reported. Molecular prognostic biomarkers are under development yet. The management of GCT is controversial. Surgical removal, chemotherapy and observation were traditionally the treatment modalities of choice. In the last decade biphosphonates and denosumab were successfully used in the adjuvant and neoadjuvant/unresectable setting. Nonetheless, the effectiveness of these drugs in metastatic disease is less studied. We submit a case report of complete response of multiple histopathologically confirmed unresectable lung MTS of TCG to the treatment with pamidronate with total follow-up length of 7 years (AU)

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Giant Cell Tumor of Bone/drug therapy , Neoplasm Metastasis/therapy , Diphosphonates/therapeutic use
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 36(3): 84-90, sept. 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1146685


El melanoma ha experimentado un aumento constante en su tasa de incidencia en las últimas cinco décadas a nivel mundial. El pronóstico del paciente con melanoma se relaciona con el estadio de la enfermedad al momento del diagnóstico, con una sobrevida global media de 6,2 meses en pacientes con melanoma metastásico. El avance en las investigaciones sobre la biología y el comportamiento tumoral permitió el desarrollo de nuevas terapias con distintos mecanismos de acción y mayor eficacia. En esta revisión se abordan las terapias biológicas en melanoma metastásico, su mecanismo de acción y principales resultados en ensayos clínicos. (AU)

Melanoma has experienced a consistent increase in incidence over the past five decades worldwide. The prognosis of patients with melanoma is related to the stage of disease at diagnosis, with a median overall survival of 6.2 months in metastatic melanoma. Progress in research on tumor biology allowed the development of new therapies with different mechanisms of action and greater efficiency. In this review, biologic therapies in metastatic melanoma, its mechanism of action and main results in clinical trials are discussed. (AU)

Humans , Biological Therapy , Melanoma/therapy , Neoplasm Metastasis/therapy , Incidence , Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 1/antagonists & inhibitors , Dacarbazine/adverse effects , Dacarbazine/therapeutic use , Protein Kinase Inhibitors/adverse effects , Protein Kinase Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Ipilimumab/adverse effects , Ipilimumab/therapeutic use , Antineoplastic Agents, Immunological/adverse effects , Antineoplastic Agents, Immunological/therapeutic use , Vemurafenib/adverse effects , Vemurafenib/therapeutic use , Nivolumab/adverse effects , Nivolumab/therapeutic use , Immunotherapy
J. coloproctol. (Rio J., Impr.) ; 36(1): 8-15, Jan.-Mar. 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-780059


INTRODUCTION: Colorectal cancer (CRC) shows high incidence and mortality worldwide, particularly in Western and developed countries. The objective of this study is to evaluate the oncologic results during a minimum follow-up of 2 years of curable CRC patients submitted to laparoscopic resection in our environment, regarding to the development of hepatic metastases. METHODS: Medical records of 189 colon and rectal patients with potentially curable adenocarcinoma who have been submitted to laparoscopic resection have been reviewed through a retrospective cohort between January 2005 and March 2012 at a single institution regarded as reference to this type of treatment. Pearson's X² and Long-rank tests have been used for statistical analysis and data was analyzed by statistic package STATA version 11.0. RESULTS: The eligible population for the study was 146 patients, 91 women (62%), with a mean age of 61 ± 13 years. Minimum follow-up was 24 months, having an mean follow-up of 60 ± 27 months and an mean follow-up of global disease recurrence of 27 ± 11 months. Hepatic metastases occurred in 7.5% of the population, most from stage III, and the mean recurrence period was 25 ± 16 months. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic resection for potentially curable CRC in this cohort did not change the long-term incidence of hepatic metastases, considering that our results are comparable to large randomized clinical trial results. Laparoscopic resection was effective and safe for analyzed patients, regarding long-term oncologic results.

INTRODUÇÃO: O câncer colorretal (CCR) apresenta elevada incidência e mortalidade mundial, especialmente nos países ocidentais e desenvolvidos. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar, durante um seguimento mínimo de 2 anos, pacientes com CCR potencialmente curável submetidos a ressecções laparoscópicas, em relação ao surgimento de metástases hepáticas. MÉTODOS: Através de coorte retrospectiva foram revisados os prontuários de 189 portadores de adenocarcinoma de cólon e reto potencialmente curáveis, submetidos a ressecção laparoscópica entre janeiro de 2005 e março de 2012, numa única instituição considerada de referência neste tipo de tratamento. Para análise estatística foram usados o teste X² de Pearson e o teste Log-rank, e os dados foram analisados pelo pacote estatístico STATA versão 11.0. RESULTADOS: A população elegível do estudo foi de 146 pacientes, sendo 91 mulheres (62%), com idade média de 61 ± 13 anos. O seguimento mínimo foi de 24 meses, sendo o tempo médio de seguimento de 60 ± 27 meses, e o tempo médio de recorrência global da doença de 27 ± 11 meses. Metástases hepáticas ocorreram em 7,5% da população, a maioria proveniente do estadio III, e o tempo médio de recorrência no fígado foi de 25 ± 16 meses. CONCLUSÕES: Para esta coorte a ressecção do CCR potencialmente curável por via laparoscópica não modificou a incidência de metástases hepáticas a longo prazo, ao comparar nossos resultados aos dos grandes ensaios clínicos randomizados. Para os pacientes analisados, a ressecção laparoscópica foi eficaz e segura em relação aos resultados oncológicos a longo prazo.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Colorectal Neoplasms/surgery , Laparoscopy , Video-Assisted Surgery , Neoplasm Metastasis/therapy , Rectal Neoplasms/therapy , Recurrence , Colorectal Neoplasms/drug therapy , Chemotherapy, Adjuvant , Aftercare , Kaplan-Meier Estimate , Proctectomy , Liver Neoplasms