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Rev. CEFAC ; 23(1): e3920, 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155321


ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze whether trombonists present orofacial myofunctional changes and compare the electrical activity of the orbicularis oris muscle before and after playing their instrument. Methods: an observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional study. The sample consisted of 20 university trombonists. Data collection involved three steps: application of a questionnaire investigating some peculiarities of trombonists (Orofacial Myofunctional Evaluation with Expanded Scores - OMES-E), and electromyographic analysis of the orbicularis oris muscle before and after performing a piece with the trombone. The mean, standard deviation, frequency, and percentage were calculated, and the paired Student's t test was used to compare the means of the electromyographic records before and after playing the trombone, at a 5% significance. Results: seventy per cent of trombonists reported some symptom of orofacial myofunctional alteration, namely, muscle compensations, tension, and pain. The myofunctional evaluation showed a mild change in cheek volume (90%) and labial commissure asymmetry (60%). The electrical activity of the lower orbicularis oris muscle decreased significantly after the trombone practice (p = 0.04), while that of the superior orbicularis oris muscle remained unchanged. Conclusion:trombonists show clinical and self-reported oromyofunctional changes as well as decreased electrical activity of the lower orbicularis oris muscle, after playing the trombone.

RESUMO Objetivos: analisar se existem alterações miofuncionais orofaciais clínicas e autorreferidas em trombonistas, assim como comparar a atividade elétrica do músculo orbicular da boca antes e após o uso do trombone. Métodos: estudo transversal e observacional, cuja amostra foi composta por 20 universitários trombonistas. Foi utilizado um questionário que investiga algumas particularidades sobre o instrumentista, da Avaliação Miofuncional Orofacial Com Escores Ampliados - AMIOFE-A e análise eletromiográfica do músculo orbicular da boca antes e após execução de uma tarefa com o trombone. Foram calculadas: média, desvio padrão, frequência e porcentagem e utilizou-se o teste t-Student pareado na comparação das médias dos registros eletromiográficos pré e pós-execução do trombone, significância=5%. Resultados: setenta por centro dos trombonistas relataram algum sintoma de alteração miofuncional orofacial, sendo compensações musculares, tensão e dor. Na avaliação miofuncional encontrou-se alteração leve no volume de bochechas (90%) e comissuras labiais com assimetria (60%). Houve redução significante da atividade elétrica do músculo orbicular inferior após a execução de tarefa com trombone (p=0,04), enquanto a do superior permaneceu inalterada. Conclusão: trombonistas apresentam alterações oromiofuncionais clínicas e autorreferidas e diminuição da atividade elétrica do músculo orbicular inferior da boca após uso do trombone.

Humans , Adult , Young Adult , Stomatognathic System/physiopathology , Facial Muscles/physiopathology , Music , Students , Universities , Cross-Sectional Studies , Electromyography , Self Report , Nervous System Physiological Phenomena
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 65(5): 706-713, May 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012947


SUMMARY The term meditation can be used in many different ways, according to the technique to which it refers. Transcendental Meditation (MT) is one of these techniques. TM could serve as a model for research on spiritual meditation, unlike the meditation techniques based on secular knowledge. The purpose of the present study is to conduct a bibliographic review to organize scientific evidence on the effects of TM on neurophysiology, neurochemistry, and cognitive and behavioral aspects of its practitioners. To conduct this critical narrative review of the literature, we searched for scientific papers on the PubMed database of the National Center for Biotechnology Information. The keywords used in the search were Transcendental Meditation, Neuroscience of meditation e Meditation and behavior. We selected 21 papers that analyzed different aspects that could be altered through meditation practice. We concluded that TM has positive and significant documentable neurochemical, neurophysiological, and cognitive-behavioral effects. Among the main effects are the reduction of anxiety and stress (due to the reduction of cortisol and norepinephrine levels), increase of the feeling of pleasure and well-being (due to the increase of the synthesis and release of dopamine and serotonin), and influence on memory recall and possible consolidation. Further studies are needed using creative and innovative methodological designs that analyze different neural circuitry and verify the clinical impact on practitioners.

RESUMO O termo meditação pode ser utilizado de diversas formas, de acordo com a técnica a que se refere. A meditação transcendental (MT) é uma dessas técnicas meditativas. A MT pode ser um modelo para pesquisas de meditação espiritual, diferentemente de técnicas de meditação baseadas em uma compreensão secular. O presente estudo objetiva realizar uma revisão bibliográfica para organizar as evidências científicas sobre os efeitos da MT sobre a neurofisiologia, neuroquímica e aspectos cognitivos e comportamentais dos seus praticantes. Para a realização desta revisão narrativa crítica da literatura, foi realizado um levantamento dos artigos científicos presentes na base de dados PubMed do National Center for Biotechnology Information. As palavras-chave utilizadas na busca foram Transcendental Meditation, Neuroscience of meditation e Meditation and behavior. Foram selecionados 21 artigos que analisavam diferentes aspectos que poderiam ser alterados pela prática meditativa. Conclui-se que a MT produz efeitos neuroquímicos, neurofisiológicos e cognitivo-comportamentais documentáveis em seus praticantes, de caráter positivo e significativo. Entre os principais efeitos estão a diminuição da ansiedade e do estresse (via diminuição nos níveis de cortisol e noradrenalina), aumento na sensação de prazer e bem-estar (em decorrência ao aumento na síntese e liberação de dopamina e serotonina) e influência na evocação e possível consolidação da memória. São necessários mais estudos utilizando desenhos metodológicos inovadores e criativos, analisando diferentes circuitos neurais e verificando o impacto clínico sobre os praticantes.

Humans , Cognition/physiology , Meditation/psychology , Nervous System/chemistry , Nervous System Physiological Phenomena , Neurotransmitter Agents/analysis , Neurotransmitter Agents/metabolism
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 65(2): 211-215, Feb. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-990315


SUMMARY In this study, we investigated the effect of typological features of nervous system properties on the ability to unite the movements of young football players. A total of 36 young football players aged 11-12 years participated in this experiment. Of them, 18 were engaged in an experimental differentiated method, which is based on using the same exercise and methods for developing the ability to unite movements but with different load components; for players with a strong nervous system (9 children), the load was intensive, but for players with a weak nervous system (9 children) - the load was volumetric. The other 18 athletes made up the control group. After 8 months of the experiment, we observed positive changes in terms of the ability to unite movements in young football players. In the control group, these changes were not significant (P>0.05). In the experimental group studied according to a special method, the indicators changed considerably. The performance of football players with a strong nervous system improved from 6.4±0.2 s to 5.7±0.1 s (P<0.05), and for football players with a weak nervous system from 6.2±0.2 s to 5.6±0.2 s (P<0.05). The study proved the effectiveness of the use of the typological properties of the nervous system as a differentiated method for developing the ability to unite movements in young football players. This approach allows for the improvement of the quality of technical training of young athletes.

RESUMO Neste estudo, investigamos o efeito das características tipológicas das propriedades do sistema nervoso sobre a capacidade de união dos movimentos de jovens jogadores de futebol. Trinta e seis jovens jogadores de futebol de 11 e 12 anos participaram na experiência pedagógica. Dezoito jogadores de futebol estavam envolvidos na metodologia experimental diferenciada, que é baseada no uso de um mesmo exercício e métodos de desenvolvimento da capacidade de unir os movimentos, mas diferentes componentes da carga; para os jogadores com um sistema nervoso forte (nove garotos), a carga foi intensa, mas, para jogadores com um sistema nervoso fraco (nove garotos), a carga foi volumétrica. Os outros 18 atletas compõem o grupo de controle. Em oito meses de experiência pedagógica houve mudanças positivas em termos da capacidade de unir o movimento de jovens jogadores de futebol. No grupo controle, essas alterações não foram significativas (P > 0,05). No grupo experimental estudado de acordo com uma metodologia especial, os indicadores mudaram consideravelmente. Os jogadores de futebol com um sistema nervoso forte melhoraram a performance de 6,4±0,2 s para 5,7±0,1 s (P < 0,05), e os jogadores de futebol com um sistema nervoso fraco, de 6,2±0,2 s para 5,6±0,2 s (P < 0,05). O novo estudo comprovou a eficácia da utilização das propriedades tipológicas do sistema nervoso como um método diferenciado de desenvolver a capacidade de unir os movimentos de jovens jogadores de futebol. Esta abordagem permite a melhoria da qualidade da formação técnica dos jovens atletas.

Humans , Male , Child , Soccer/physiology , Athletic Performance/physiology , Football/psychology , Nervous System Physiological Phenomena , Case-Control Studies
Acta neurol. colomb ; 33sept. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533467


La distonía es una entidad pobremente comprendida ya que a pesar que la era genómica ha proporcionado muchas pistas para la elucidación de los circuitos cerebrales responsables de este fenómeno, aún resta mucho por entender debido a que los modelos actuales son insuficientes para comprender a cabalidad esta entidad clínica.

SUMMARY Despite recent and relevant advances in the understanding of cerebral circuits involve in dystonia, there are many gaps to allow us to fully elucidate the phenomenon. The available data is insufficient to explain the different presentation and causes involved in the genesis of dystonia.

Models, Animal , Dystonia , Gray Matter , White Matter , Nervous System Physiological Phenomena
Acta neurol. colomb ; 33(supl.1): 9-13, jul.-set. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-989178


RESUMEN La distonía es una entidad pobremente comprendida ya que a pesar que la era genómica ha proporcionado muchas pistas para la elucidación de los circuitos cerebrales responsables de este fenómeno, aún resta mucho por entender debido a que los modelos actuales son insuficientes para comprender a cabalidad esta entidad clínica.

SUMMARY Despite recent and relevant advances in the understanding of cerebral circuits involve in dystonia, there are many gaps to allow us to fully elucidate the phenomenon. The available data is insufficient to explain the different presentation and causes involved in the genesis of dystonia.

Dystonia , Genetics , Nervous System Physiological Phenomena
Motriz rev. educ. fís. (Impr.) ; 21(1): 15-22, Jan-Mar/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-744488


This study aimed to evaluate the quadriceps femoris neural adaptations during isometric contractions using force and electromyogram (EMG) signals as visual biofeedback. Forty-two participants were randomly assigned to three groups: EMG group, tested with EMG biofeedback; Force group, tested with force biofeedback; and Control group, tested without biofeedback. Evaluations were performed pre (baseline) and post-tests to determine the maximum force and EMG amplitude during maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC). The tests consisted of series of MVICs in which the participants were encouraged to surpass the force or EMG thresholds determined at baseline. The vastus lateralis EMG amplitude and knee extensor force increased significantly in all groups when compared the baseline and post-test evaluations values ​​(p < .05). EMG percentage gain was significantly different between Force and Control groups (p < .01), while force percentage gain was not different between groups. Force biofeedback was more effective in producing neural adaptations.

Este estudo avaliou as adaptações neurais do quadríceps durante contrações isométricas usando os sinais de força e eletromiografia (EMG) como biofeedback. Quarenta e dois sujeitos foram distribuídos em três grupos: EMG, testado com biofeedback da EMG; Força, testado com biofeedback de força; e Controle, testado sem biofeedback. As avaliações foram realizadas pré/pós-testes para determinar a máxima força e amplitude EMG durante contrações isométricas voluntárias máximas (CIVM). Os testes consistiram em séries de CIVM onde os sujeitos foram encorajados a ultrapassar os limiares de força e EMG inicialmente determinados. A amplitude EMG do vasto lateral e a força extensora do joelho aumentaram significativamente em todos os grupos quando comparadas as avaliações pré e pós-testes (p < 0,05). A porcentagem de ganho EMG foi significativamente diferente entre os grupos Força e Controle (p < 0,01), enquanto que a porcentagem de ganho da força não foi diferente entre os grupos. O biofeedback de força foi mais efetivo em produzir adaptações neurais.

Este estudio evaluó las adaptaciones neurales de cuádriceps durante contracciones isométricas usando los signos de fuerza y ​​electromiografía (EMG) como biofeedback. Cuarenta y dos sujetos fueron divididos en tres grupos: EMG, probado con biofeedback EMG; Fuerza, probado con biofeedback de fuerza; y control, probado sin biofeedback. Las avaluaciones se realizaron pre/post pruebas para determinar la máxima fuerza y amplitud EMG durante contracciones isométricas voluntarias máximas (CIVM). Las pruebas consistieron en series de CIVM en que los sujetos fueron encorajados a cruzar el umbral de fuerza y EMG ​​ inicialmente determinados. La amplitud EMG del vasto lateral y fuerza de los extensores de la rodilla aumentó significativamente en todos los grupos al comparar las avaluaciones pre y post pruebas (p < 0,05). El porcentaje de ganancia EMG fue significativamente diferente entre los grupos Fuerza y ​​control (p < 0,01), mientras que el porcentaje de aumento de la fuerza no fue diferente entre los grupos. Biofeedback de fuerza fue más eficaz en producir adaptaciones neurales.

Humans , Female , Adult , Adaptation, Physiological , Biofeedback, Psychology , Isometric Contraction/physiology , Quadriceps Muscle/physiology , Nervous System Physiological Phenomena , Electromyography
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-307705


The studying on interrelation and interaction among blood-vessel network, nerve network and immune network is considered to be the key to reveal the mechanism of acupuncture treatment and the essence of meridians. A strip-like compound structure of mast cells, blood vessel and nerve network is observed in acupoint area. From its systematics nature and correlation with acupuncture effect and meridian phenomena, it is believed that the structure of mast cells, blood vessel and nerve network is an interactive system with interrelation and interaction among each other, and is an essential site and pivot to produce and transport matter, energy and information, and is the core structure of acupoint.

Animals , Humans , Acupuncture Points , Blood Vessels , Physiology , Immune System , Allergy and Immunology , Meridians , Nervous System Physiological Phenomena
Acta Physiologica Sinica ; (6): 134-142, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-255964


By using echolocation system echolocating bats have the ability to complete the tasks of detection, localization and classification of the targets. Among the three fundamental tasks, the study of how bats use echolocation to classify targets was investigated later, and most of previous studies were focused on the analysis of simple targets. However, the echoes that bats received are mostly returning from complex objects or structures, which are so complex that they must be described by stochastic statistical approach. In recent years, the study on classification of complex echoes returning from different plants in frequency modulation (FM) bats has made significant progress. In this review article, we will briefly introduce and comment on some progress of studies based on the behavioral evidence, acoustic cues, relevant classification models, and neural bases underlying different classification cues to distinguish plants through classification of echoes in FM bats.

Animals , Chiroptera , Physiology , Echolocation , Nervous System Physiological Phenomena
Int. j. morphol ; 32(3): 987-990, Sept. 2014. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-728299


Ordenar a lo largo del tiempo desde épocas remotas hasta el tiempo de Galeno -siglo II- las ideas imperantes sobre los nervios. Se revisaron variadas fuentes bibliográficas sobre los nervios y se ordenaron en el tiempo hasta el siglo II en relación a los conceptos sobre la constitución y funcionalidad de los nervios, comparando dichas ideas y conceptos. Históricamente se muestra que con el avance de la cultura escrita y con el lento desarrollo de nuevas ideas, tuvo que transcurrir varios miles de años para que se llegara a una mejor comprensión menos filosófica mediante la experimentación anatomo-funcional de estos elementos del sistema nervioso.

The objective of this study was to organize over time, from ancient times until the Galen-century, the prevailing ideas about the nerves. We reviewed various bibliographic sources about nerves, and we organized those references during the time of the second century in relation to the concepts related to the constitution and function of nerves, comparing those ideas and concepts. Historically, it is shown that with the advancement of literacy and slow development of new ideas, it took several thou sand years to reach a less philosophical understanding through experimentation based on anatomical and functional elements of the Nervous System.

History, Ancient , Anatomy/history , Nervous System/anatomy & histology , Nervous System Physiological Phenomena
Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 6(1)ene.-jun. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-739242


El Neuropack Four Mini (NFM) es un equipo biomédico para la obtención y análisis de distintas pruebas, las cuales permiten la evaluación funcional del sistema nervioso. Este equipo tiene algunas limitaciones como, por ejemplo, no permite almacenar los resultados de las pruebas para un ulterior análisis. Además, el análisis que efectúa a las señales que describen las pruebas es muy limitado desde el punto de vista matemático. En este artículo se presenta el sistema informático GRAP-NFM, el cual emula y extiende las funcionalidades del NFM permitiendo que desde una computadora se visualicen los resultados de las pruebas recibidas vía fichero desde el NFM, se realice su análisis básico y se exporten los resultados de dichas pruebas en un formato accesible por otros sistemas(AU)

The Neuropack Four Mini (NFM) is a biomedical device for obtaining and analyzing several types of tests that permit the functional evaluation of the nervous system. This device has some limitations. For instance, it does not allow to save the results of the tests. Furthermore, its analysis of the signals describing the tests is quite restricted from a mathematical point of view. In this paper we present the software GRAP-NFM, which emulates and extends the functionalities of the NFM by allowing to visualize and to analyze, with a computer, the results of the tests received via file from the NFM. This software also allows to export the results of the tests in a format legible for other systems(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Medical Informatics Applications , Software , Evoked Potentials , Nervous System Physiological Phenomena
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-262694


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To investigate whether the neural representations underlying alternating two acupoint combinations (ACs) are the same or not.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>In this functional magnetic resonance imaging study, two sets of analgesia ACs were utilized, including Waiguan (TE5) and Qiuxu (GB40) for Group A, and Neiguan (PC6) and Taichong (LR3) for Group B, which are the most commonly adopted in clinical treatment. Each group had 20 healthy subjects. An experimental design was proposed, which consisted of a pre-needling resting phase, a needling phase and a post-needling resting phase. This paradigm optimally mimics the clinical protocol as well as focuses on both the stimulation and the resting periods. The results were subjected to general linear model analysis, conjunction analysis and the functional connectivity analysis.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>The rostral anterior cingulated cortex was engaged in the initiative period of the acupuncture effect in both groups, and it was chosen as the seed region for the functional connectivity analysis for the following resting period. The results showed that several shared brain regions were involved in both groups, in particular the insula, amygdala and hypothalamus. Moreover, significant differences were located at the posterior cingulated cortex as revealed by a two sample -test (P<0.05, corrected). Other regions showed no significant differences. This finding was further supported by the spatial correlation analysis that the two groups were significantly correlated (r =0.51, P<0.01).</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>This preliminary research helps us understand the neurophysiological mechanisms of acupuncture when following clinical guidelines on ACs, as well as provides an important opportunity to develop better treatment strategies for reducing, or even preventing pain.</p>

Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Acupuncture Points , Acupuncture Therapy , Gyrus Cinguli , Physiology , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Nerve Net , Physiology , Nervous System Physiological Phenomena , Psychophysics , Rest , Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted , Statistics as Topic
Acta Physiologica Sinica ; (6): 412-422, 2011.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-335972


As a rhythmic neural activity, neural oscillation exists all over the nervous system, in structures as diverse as the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, subcortical nuclei and sense organs. This review firstly presents some evidence that synchronous neural oscillations in theta and gamma bands reveal much about the origin and nature of cognitive processes such as learning and memory. And then it introduces the novel analyzing algorithms of neural oscillations, which is a directionality index of neural information flow (NIF) as a measure of synaptic plasticity. An example of application used such an analyzing algorithms of neural oscillations has been provided.

Animals , Humans , Biological Clocks , Brain , Physiology , Cognition , Physiology , Learning , Physiology , Memory , Physiology , Nervous System Physiological Phenomena , Physiology , Neural Pathways , Physiology , Neuronal Plasticity , Physiology , Synapses , Physiology , Theta Rhythm , Physiology
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-134643


A person struck by a taser gun experiences stimulation of his sensory and motor nerves, resulting in strong involuntary muscle contractions. This may lead to physiological changes similar to a moderate intensity exercise. The mechanism of action of Taser gun is Electro-Muscular Disruption (EMD) technology. Though Tasers are considerably safe, some incidents of injury and deaths have been reported. The primary cause of such deaths is found to be influenced by some underlying pathology or some external factor, rather than Taser itself. Recent introduction Taser gun as weapon in Indian police has raised various medico legal, social and ethical issues regarding the safety of using taser guns. In this article we have reviewed all the medical, Legal, Ethical and Social aspects of introduction of taser gun in India as weapon. It has been concluded that Taser is a proportionate, low risk weapon can be used to resolving incidents where the public or officers face severe violence or the threat of such violence which cannot safely be dealt with by other means.

Electric Stimulation/instrumentation , Electroshock/complications , Electroshock/etiology , Electroshock/legislation & jurisprudence , Electroshock/methods , Humans , India , Nervous System Physiological Phenomena , Neuromuscular Junction/injuries , Police/legislation & jurisprudence , Sympathetic Nervous System/physiology , Weapons
Rev. bras. eng. biomed ; 25(3): 167-173, dez. 2009. ilus, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-576301


A maneira como os seres humanos controlam o equilíbrio na postura ereta não é ainda totalmente compreendida e como o sistema nervoso central controla e mantém a postura ereta quieta ainda é alvo de discussão. Nos modelos de controle postural existentes observa-se uma variação contínua do sinal do elemento final de controle, o que certamente pode comprometer a integridade do mesmo e provocar grande demanda de processamento. Visando sua preservação, uma solução seria aumentar o período de comutação, fazendo com que o elemento final de controle atue somente quando o balanço postural afastar-se consideravelmente do sinal de referência. Uma forma de implementar essa solução é empregar controladores que possuam uma zona morta ou intervalo diferencial em torno do valor de referência, definida por um limite superior e um limite inferior. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar se modelos de controladores com intervalo diferencial são adequados para representar o controle da postura ereta. Para tanto, foi implementado um modelo de pêndulo simples para representar a dinâmica do sistema músculo-esquelético humano no plano sagital, com o sistema de controle neural enviando comandos para gerar um torque corretivo que resiste ao desvio da posição do corpo. Implementou-se um modelo de controle por feedback, onde o desvio da posição de referência é percebido e corrigido por um controlador PID que se assemelha a parâmetros neuromusculares, acrescido das características passivas visco-elásticas do músculo. O modelo foi simulado para limites superiores e inferiores de até 0,5º do sinal de referência, onde neste intervalo o sistema age como malha aberta. Observou-se que a opção do controlador com intervalo diferencial piora a qualidade do controle, mas solicita menos o elemento final de controle.

The necessary demand to stabilize the human posture is associated with the way Central Nervous System controls and keeps the quiet erect posture. In existing posture control models, a continuous variation of final element control signal is observed, which will certainly wear the controller. A solution to preserve it would be the increase in commutation period, causing the final control element to act only when postural balance is distantly related to reference signal. A way to implement this solution is to use controllers with a differential gap around the reference signal, defined by a superior and inferior limit. A simple pendulum model is used to represent the dynamics of the human musculo skeletal system on sagittal plane, with neural control system sending instructions in order to produce a corrective torque that stand up to body position deviation. A feedback control model was carried out, where there reference position deviation is perceived and corrected by a PID controller, that resembles neuromuscular parameters, added to passive viscous-elastic properties of the muscle. A model for superior and inferior limits up to 0.5° of reference signal was simulated. In this gap the system acted as an open loop, therefore without the correction of reference signal. It was observed that the option of controller with differential gap worsens the quality of control, but demands less the final element of control.

Motor Activity/physiology , Psychomotor Performance/physiology , Postural Balance/physiology , Nervous System Physiological Phenomena , Posture/physiology , Biomechanical Phenomena/physiology , Evoked Potentials, Somatosensory , Feedback, Sensory , Mechanoreceptors , Models, Anatomic , Muscle Spindles , Proprioception/physiology , Range of Motion, Articular , Computer Simulation , Torque
Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 79(supl.2): 109-116, dic. 2009. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-565555


In the XIX century Claude Bernard discovered the action of the nervous system on the peripheral circulation. In the first half of the XX century Ewald Hering discovered the baro-receptor and the reflex control of the heart rate and blood pressure. Cowley and Guyton demonstrated that sino-aortic denervation induces persistent changes in the blood pressure in the dog. The autonomic nervous system is mainly responsible for the regulation of the circulation and blood pressure in the short term on a beat to beat basis. It controls the vasomotor tone, the heart rate and the cardiac output. With the advent of non invasive methods that measure the blood pressure on a beat to beat basis (Finapres) and with the methods of measurement of the variability of the blood pressure in the frequency domain (spectral analysis) we can currently measure many variables including heart rate, blood pressure, stroke volume, peripheral resistances and the baroreceptor sensitivity and make some inferences about their control mechanisms. These variables can be measured at rest in the supine position, standing up, during rhythmic breathing and during the Valsalva maneuver. In this article we present a review of the neural control of the blood pressure and heart rate.

Humans , Blood Pressure/physiology , Nervous System Physiological Phenomena , Pressoreceptors/physiology
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 31(6): 279-284, jun. 2009. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-522243


OBJETIVO: avaliar o efeito do tipo de parto e dos procedimentos obstétricos usuais sobre o estado neurológico das primeiras 48 horas de vida, em uma amostra de recém-nascidos consecutivos a termo e saudáveis, usando um sistema de escores (NACS - Neurologic Adaptative Capacity Score). MÉTODOS: coorte prospectiva com 313 recém-nascidos de uma Unidade de Neonatologia e Alojamento Conjunto. As variáveis analisadas foram as obstétricas; o desfecho clínico - fase de baixo vigor neurológico, avaliada pelo NACS com 4, 24 e 48 horas de vida. Foram realizadas duas avaliações dos dados: uma com toda a amostra e outra comparando o Grupo Vigoroso, cujos recém-nascidos mantiveram-se com 35 ou mais pontos no NACS, versus Grupo de Baixo Vigor com menos de 35 pontos durante as três avaliações consecutivas. Foram realizadas análises bivariadas e multivariadas. Foram buscadas possíveis associações entre a fase de baixo vigor neurológico e o tipo de parto, bem como entre a fase de baixo vigor neurológico e as variáveis obstétricas. RESULTADOS: na análise bivariada, o tipo de parto e as variáveis obstétricas não estiveram associados com a fase de baixo vigor neurológico. Entretanto, a associação entre o aspecto do líquido amniótico e a fase de baixo vigor neurológico atingiu valores bem próximos da significância e, então, foi incluído na análise multivariada. Na análise multivariada, a única variável associada com baixo vigor neurológico foi a presença de líquido amniótico tinto de mecônio, que mostrou 8,1 vezes maior risco de baixa pontuação neurológica quando comparados o Grupo Vigoroso e o Grupo de Baixo Vigor. Na análise da amostra global, o mesmo risco foi de 1,7. CONCLUSÕES: nem o tipo de parto nem as manobras obstétricas usuais estiveram associados com fase de baixo vigor neurológico. Esta é uma informação útil, tanto do ponto de vista clínico quanto do médico-legal, especialmente para os obstetras. Pelos dados desta amostra, se o recém-nascido a termo...

PURPOSE: to evaluate the effect of delivery type and usual obstetric procedures on the neurologic condition of a sample of consecutive term and healthy neonates, in the first 48 hours of life, using the Neurologic Adaptative Capacity Score (NACS) system. METHODS: cohort prospective study with 313 neonates, from a neonatology unit: Unidade de Neonatologia e Alojamento Conjunto. The variables analyzed were obstetric variables; clinical outcome: low neurologic vigor phase, evaluated by NACS, at 4, 24 and 48 hours of life. The data have been assessed twice: once with the whole sample and the other comparing the Vigorous Group, whose neonates kept a score of 35 or more during the three evaluations, and the Low Vigor Group, with less than 35 scores during the three consecutive evaluations. Bivariate and multivariate analyses have been done. Possible associations between low neurologic vigor phase and the type of delivery, as well between the low neurologic vigor phase and obstetric variables have been searched. RESULTS: in the bivariate analysis, the delivery type and the obstetric variables were not associated with the low neurologic vigor phase. Nevertheless, the association between the amniotic fluid and the low neurologic vigor phase reached values very close to significance and, then, it was included in the multivariate analysis. In the multivariate analysis, the only variable associated with low neurologic vigor was the presence of meconium stained amniotic fluid, which has shown to be 8.1 times more risky for the neurologic scoring, when Vigorous Group and Low Vigor Group were compared. In the analysis of the whole sample, the same risk was 1.7. CONCLUSIONS: neither the delivery type, nor the usual obstetric procedures were associated with low neurologic vigor phase. This is useful information, clinically or legally speaking, mainly for obstetricians. According to this sample data, when the term neonate is healthy, the delivery type...

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Delivery, Obstetric/methods , Nervous System Physiological Phenomena , Prospective Studies
Rev. argent. anestesiol ; 66(4): 303-318, jul.-dic. 2008. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-538242


Introducción. Con una aguja aislada, en aparente contacto nervioso testeado por ultrasonido (US) o por la referencia de una parestesia, no se consigue respuesta motora (RM) a la estimulación nerviosa en un porcentaje variable de casos. El objetivo de nuestros estudios fue observar el comportamiento de la RM a valores < 1mA / 0.1 mseg en diferentes circunstancias experimentales. Aportar evidencia científica que contribuya determinar si con técnica usual de estimulación nerviosa (NS) un nervio puede contactarse o penetrarse sin obtenerse antes una RM. Material y Métodos. Bajo visión directa, doce nervios ciáticos de diferentes animales fueron expuestos y estimulados en dos mitades imaginarias. Observadores ciegos a la intensidad utilizada, consignaron la RM obtenida con 1 mA / 0.1 mseg sin y con contacto nervioso; y con 0.5 mA en contacto; el valor mínimo de intensidad en contacto con que aparece una RM y se obtiene una RM Grado 2, el comportamiento de la RM con la inyección anestésica local (AL) extraneural y la necesidad de aumentar o no la intensidad para obtener una RM de igual intensidad. Luego de colocar la aguja intraneural, se aumentó la intensidad hasta obtener una primer RM y una RM Grado 2. Finalmente se inyectó el AL intraneural y se consignó el comportamiento de la RM. Resultados. Sin contacto nervioso con 1 mA, se obtuvo RM en el 91.6 por ciento de los intentos en ambas mitades del nervio ciático y en el 100 por ciento con contacto neural. Con 0.5 mA en contacto, no se consiguió RM en una mitad en 33.3 por ciento de los intentos (8/24), al recolocarse la aguja, se obtuvo una RM en el 91.6 por ciento en ambas mitades (22/24), en un nervio no se obtuvo RM en ninguna mitad (2/24)... (TRUNCADO)

Introduction. With a needle apparently in contact with a nerve, tested by US or with the reference of a paresthesia, a MR is not observed during nerve stimulation in a variable percentage of the cases. The object of this study was to experimentally observe the behavior of MR within values + 1mA / 0.1 mseg in different circumstances. Provide scientific evidence to contribute to determine if, with the usual nerve stimulation technique (NS) a nerve can be contacted or penetrated without obtaining before a MR. Material and Methods. Under direct visualization, twelve sciatic nerves from different animals were exposed and stimulated in two imaginary halves. Blinded Observers to the intensity, classified the MR at 1 mA/0.1 mseg, with and without nerve contact and with 0.5 mA in contact. Also, minimum intensity value in contact in which a MR appears and when a MR G2 is obtained was determined, the behavior of the MR with the injection of the LA (local anesthetic), extra-neural and the need to increase or not the intensity to obtain a MR at same intensity. After introducing the needle intraneurally, the intensity was increased until a first MR and a Grade 2 was obtained. Finally, LA was injected intraneurally and the behavior of the RM was observed. Results. RM was obtained with 1 mA in 91.6 per cent of the cases in both halves of the Sciatic nerve without contact, and 100 per cent in contact. With 0.5 mA in 33.3 per cent (8/24) of the cases, MR wasn't observed in one half of the nerve. In one case, MR wasn't obtained in any half. After relocalizing the needle a MR was obtained in 91.6 per cent of the cases in both halves (22/24). The mean minimum intensity in contact for a first MR was of 0.16 + 0.08 mA, and 0.36 + 0.08 mA for a MR Grade 2. An intraneural MR was found in 92 per cent with a mean minimum value of 0.19 + 0.08 mA... (TRUNCADO)

Com uma agulha isolada em aparente contato com o nervo, conforme teste de ultra-som (US) ou presença de parestesia, nao é conseguida resposta motora (RM) a estimulação nervosa em uma porcentagem variável de casos. O objetivo de nossos estudos foi observar o comportamento da RM a valores < 1 mA /0.1 mseg em diferentes circunstancias experimentais. Proporcionar evidencia científica que ajude a determinar se com a técnica usual de estimulação nervosa (NS) é possível contatar ou penetrar um nervo sem antes se obter RM. Material e métodos. Sob visão direta, doze nervos ciáticos de diferentes animais foram expostos e estimulados em duas metades imaginárias. Observadores cegos a intensidade utilizada consignaram a RM obtida com 1 mA/0.1 mseg com e sem contato nervoso, e com 0.5 mA em contato; o valor mínimo de intensidade em contato ao qual aparece uma RM e é obtida uma RM grau 2; o comportamento da RM com injeção anestésica local (AL) extraneural e a necessidade de aumentar ou nao a intensidade para se obter uma RM de igual intensidade. Colocada a agulha intraneural, aumentou-se a intensidade até se obter uma primeira RM e uma RM grau 2. Finalmente, foi injetado o AL intraneural e registrado o comportamento da RM. Resultados. Sem contato nervoso e com 1 mA, obteve-se RM em ambas metades do nervo ciático em 91.6 por cento dos intentos, e com contato neural em 100 por cento. Com 0.5 mA em contato, nao se obteve RM em uma metade em 33.3 por cento dos intentos (8/24); recolocada a agulha, obteve-se RM em 91.6 por cento em ambas metades (22/24), e em um nervo nao foi obtida RM em nenhuma metade (2/24). A intensidade mínima em contato para uma primeira RM foi de 0.14 + 0.07 mA, e de 0.31 + 0.11 mA para uma RM grau 2. Houve RM intraneural em 92 por cento com valor mínimo de 0.19 + 0.08 mA. A RM desapareceu com a injeção de anestésico local; nao foi observado deslocamento do nervo da ponta da agulha. (TRUNCADO)

Animals , Dogs , Rabbits , Neural Conduction/physiology , Electric Stimulation/instrumentation , Electric Stimulation/methods , Peripheral Nerves/anatomy & histology , Peripheral Nerves/physiology , Paresthesia , Anesthesia, Conduction , Anesthetics, Local/administration & dosage , Biological Assay , Nerve Block/methods , Electrophysiology/methods , Sciatic Nerve/anatomy & histology , Sciatic Nerve/physiology , Nervous System Physiological Phenomena , Sheep , Swine
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2008. 119 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-566789


Este trabalho procura discutir o modo como os fenômenos sobrenaturais foram apropriados, pela ciência, no século XIX. A teoria do magnetismo animal, criada por Mesmer, com suas variadas interpretações por várias gerações de discípulos; a construção da teoria da hipnose, com a codificação da histeria abrindo definitivamente as portas das censuras acadêmicas; e a teoria da dissociação, criada no final daquele século, demonstram diferentes explicações fisicalistas que, muitas vezes, serviram para estabelecer distâncias entre um saber popular e o conhecimento de elites profissionais. A construção do cérebro “possuído”, no século XIX, apoiada na nosologia da histeria, codificada pela Escola de Salpêtrière, refletiu uma importante transformação social da época, em um processo de laicização da assistência pública, fundamental para a afirmação da psiquiatria como disciplina nascente. Atualmente, a codificação de fenômenos complexos, como transe e possessão espiritual que povoam a imaginação ou a superstição popular, ganha o estatuto de entidade nosológica, a partir das classificações diagnósticas oficiais da psiquiatria hegemônica. O cérebro será quase sempre a referência utilizada na esperança de naturalização do sobrenatural.

Humans , Male , Female , Hypnosis/history , Psychoanalysis , Psychiatry/trends , Dissociative Disorders/diagnosis , Dissociative Disorders/pathology , Dissociative Disorders/therapy , Brain Diseases/pathology , Hysteria/diagnosis , Nervous System Physiological Phenomena , Neurophysiology/methods
Aletheia ; (26): 41-49, jul.-dez. 2007. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-489885


O artigo aborda a arquitetura do aparelho nervoso, apresentada por Freud no Entwurf einer Psychologie, notadamente sua proposição de três sistemas neuronais distintos – j, y e w. Demonstra como Freud ficou insatisfeito com suas próprias explicações ontológicas para a estrutura apresentada e propõe que existe uma compatibilidade entre as abordagens da emergência e do conexionismo e a postulação freudiana.

The paper work with Freud’s proposal for an architecture of the nervous system, in his book Entwurf einer Psychologie, giving emphasis to his distinction among three systems of neurons – j, y e w. It seeks to show how Freud was not completely sure about his own ontological explanations for the proposed structure and try to show that there is compatibility between Freud’s work and the emergence and connectionism perspectives.

Humans , Cerebrum , Nervous System Physiological Phenomena , Nerve Net/physiology , Freudian Theory , Neurons/physiology