Abstract Introduction: High Andean flamingos also known as parihuanas, are species of recurrent presence in the high Andean areas which find this area as an important resting, feeding and in some cases breeding area The species recorded here correspond to Phoenicoparrus jamesi, Phoenicoparrus andinus and Phoenicopterus chilensis, the latter being the most abundant and common. During the censuses performed during 2018 and 2019, in the high Andean lake of Salinas, Ramsar site, located within the Reserva Nacional Salinas y Aguada Blanca in Southern Peru, atypical behaviors of these birds were recorded in a sector of the lake, observing reproductive courtship and the settlement of colonies of P. chilensis. Objective: The study aimed to confirm and evaluate reproductive events of P. chilenesis (Chilean flamingo) through the use of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and image processing tools using geographic information systems. Methodology: Monitoring was conducted during 2018 and 2019 to breeding colonies of P. chilensis, we used a UAV Phantom 4 testing different flight altitudes to avoid disturbing the birds and performed records of aerial photographs and GIS post-processing with the creation of panchromatic images for the identification and counting of individuals and eggs automated, and manual verification. Results: During 2018 were identified nests and presence of six eggs, this occurred between March and June where the event was interrupted not observing chicks or juveniles during this period, for 2019 the breeding was more successful, where a higher number of eggs were counted (40-66) and with the formation of three reproductive colonies with 4 185 adult individuals, also verified the presence of chicks and juveniles that reached a maximum of 1 491 individuals. Conclusions: We confirmed two continuous reproductive events of P. chilensis in the Salinas lake, where during 2019 was the most successful incorporating several new individuals to the initial population, likewise the methodology applied in the image processing allowed differentiating between adult individuals and eggs but did not allow differentiating juveniles, however, the images directly acquired by the UAV allow distinguishing the types of individuals to perform a manual count.
Resumen Introducción: Los flamencos altoandinos también conocidos como parihuanas, son especies con presencia recurrente en las zonas altoandinas, principalmente en humedales salinos donde suelen arribar para descanso, alimentación y en algunos casos reproducción. Las especies que se registran aquí corresponden a Phoenicoparrus jamesi, Phoenicoparrus andinus y Phoenicopterus chilenesis, siendo esta última la más abundante y común. Durante los censos desarrollados en 2018 y 2019, en la laguna de Salinas, ubicada en la Reserva Nacional de Salinas y Aguada Blanca en el sur del Perú, se registraron comportamientos atípicos de estas aves en un sector del humedal, se observaron cortejos reproductivos y el asentamiento de colonias de flamencos chilenos. Objetivo: Confirmar y evaluar eventos reproductivos de Phoenicopterus chilenesis mediante la incorporación de un vehículo aéreo no tripulado (UAV) y herramientas de procesamiento de imágenes mediante sistemas de información geográfica. Metodología: Se realizaron censos aéreos durante 2018 y 2019 a colonias reproductivas del P. chilensis, utilizando un UAV Phantom 4 a diferentes alturas de vuelo para evitar la perturbación de las colonias de flamencos. Se realizaron registros de fotografías aéreas y post procesamiento SIG con la creación de imágenes pancromáticas para la identificación y conteo de individuos y huevos automatizada, así como la verificación manual. Resultados: En 2018 se identificaron nidos y la presencia de seis huevos, entre marzo y junio donde el evento fue interrumpido, no se observaron pollos o juveniles durante este periodo. En 2019 la nidificación tuvo éxito, se contabilizó un mayor número de huevos (40-66) con la formación de tres colonias reproductivas de 4 185 individuos adultos, se verificó la presencia de pollos y juveniles que alcanzaron un máximo de 1 491 individuos. Conclusiones: Se confirman dos eventos reproductivos continuos de P. chilensis en la laguna Salinas, durante el 2019 incorporando varios nuevos individuos a la población inicial. La metodología aplicada en el tratamiento de imágenes permitió diferenciar entre individuos adultos y huevos, pero no permitió diferenciar juveniles, aunque las imágenes directamente adquiridas por el UAV permiten diferenciar los tipos de individuos para realizar un conteo manual.
Animals , Birds , Unmanned Aerial Devices , Peru , Nesting BehaviorABSTRACT
The objective of this study was to describe emus' breeding performance in Brazil at different ages, grouped in couples or colonies. The duration of the breeding season and the production of eggs per female housed were recorded, and the productivity and breeding variables were associated with the variation of the photoperiod. The total production of the flock was 180 eggs, and the breeding season lasted 167 days (April-September), a period with an average of 11 h and 11min of daylight. The breeding season lasted 113, 133 and 82 days, the numbers of eggs produced per female were 7.29, 25.67 and 17.3, and productivity values were 31.6, 38.6, and 45.4% in the groups of birds with ages of two, four and seven years, respectively. The breeding season in 2016 occurred between April and August in Brazil. Older birds tended to start breeding later. The production rate observations indicated that earlier peak production was associated with lower egg production potential. Finally, there was a tendency for better breeding performance of birds housed in couples than in groups with more birds.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever o desempenho reprodutivo de emus de diferentes idades, agrupados em casais ou em colônias, no Brasil. A duração da estação reprodutiva e a produção de ovos por fêmea alojada foram registradas, a produtividade e as variáveis reprodutivas foram associadas às variações no fotoperíodo. A produção total do lote de aves foi de 180 ovos, e a estação reprodutiva durou 167 dias (abril-setembro), período que apresentou fotoperíodo médio de 11 horas e 11 minutos. Nos grupos de aves de dois, quatro e sete anos de idade, a estação reprodutiva durou 113,, 133 e 82 dias, o número de ovos por fêmea foi de 7,29, 25,67 e 17,3 e a produtividade foi de 31,6, 38,6 e 45,4%, respectivamente. A estação reprodutiva em 2016 ocorreu entre abril e agosto no Brasil. Aves mais velhas tenderam a iniciar o período reprodutivo mais tarde. As observações na taxa de produção podem indicar que quanto mais precoce o pico produtivo, menor o potencial de produção de ovos em emus. Houve a tendência ao melhor desempenho reprodutivo das aves alojadas em casais em comparação com as alojadas em colônias.(AU)
Animals , Reproduction , Sexual Behavior, Animal , Dromaiidae/physiology , Nesting Behavior , Brazil , PalaeognathaeABSTRACT
Advancements in proteomics, including the technological improvement in instrumentation, have turned mass spectrometry into an indispensable tool in the study of venoms and toxins. In addition, the advance of nanoscale liquid chromatography coupled to nanoelectrospray mass spectrometry allows, due to its high sensitivity, the study of venoms from species previously left aside, such as ants. Ant venoms are a complex mixture of compounds used for defense, predation or communication purposes. The venom from Neoponera ants, a genus restricted to Neotropical regions, is known to have cytolytic, hemolytic, antimicrobial and insecticidal activities. Moreover, venoms from several Neoponera species have been compared and differences in their toxicity related to nesting habitat variation were reported. Therefore, the present study aimed to perform a deep peptidomic analysis of Neoponera villosa venom and a comparison of seasonal and nesting habitat variations using high-resolution mass spectrometry. Methods: Specimens of N. villosa ants were captured in Panga Natural Reserve (Uberlândia, MG, Brazil) from arboreal and ground-dwelling nests during summer and winter time. The venom glands were dissected, pooled and disrupted by ultra-sonic waves. The venom collected from different habitats (arboreal and ground-dwelling) and different seasons (summer and winter) was injected into a nanoACQUITY ULPC hyphened to a Q-Exactive Orbitrap mass spectrometer. The raw data were analyzed using PEAKS 7. Results: The results showed a molecular diversity of more than 500 peptides among these venoms, mostly in the mass range of 800-4000 Da. Mutations and post-translational modifications were described and differences among the venoms were observed. Part of the peptides matched with ponericins, a well-known antimicrobial peptide family. In addition, smaller fragments related to ponericins were also identified, suggesting that this class of antimicrobial peptide might undergo enzymatic cleavages. Conclusion: There are substantial differences among the venom of N. villosa ants collected in different seasons and from different nest habitats. The venom composition is affected by climate changes that influence prey availability and predator presence. Clearly, nano-LC-MS boosted the knowledge about ant venom, a rich source of unexplored and promising bioactive compounds.(AU)
Animals , Peptides/analysis , Seasons , Mass Spectrometry/methods , Ant Venoms/analysis , Nesting BehaviorABSTRACT
Abstract We evaluated the nesting by Crocodylus moreletii in Lago de Catemaco, Veracruz, southeastern, Mexico. During the nesting and hatching seasons, we searched for nests along the northern margins of the lake and small associated streams. We investigated egg mortality by weekly monitoring each of the nests found, recording sign of predation (tracks and holes dug into the nest) and the effect of water level fluctuations. We not found differences to nest between inland or flooded zones. However, we found that egg size varied among nests. In nests built inland, predation was the major cause of egg mortality whereas flooding resulted in more deaths of eggs in the flooding zone. Flooding killed 25% of eggs monitored in this study. We suggest that to increase nest success in the Morelet's crocodile it is necessary to promote conservation of nesting areas around the lake, recently occupied by urban or tourist developments.
Resumo Nós avaliamos a nidificação numa população de Crocodylus moreletii no Lago de Catemaco, Veracruz, sudeste, México. Durante as temporadas de nidificação e eclosão buscamos ninhos ao longo das margens situadas ao norte do lago e pequenos riachos associados. Estabelecemos a mortalidade de ovos por semana monitorando cada ninho achado, registrando qualquer sinal de predação (rastros e buracos cavados no ninho) e o efeito das flutuações no nível da agua. Não achamos nenhuma preferência para aninhar na terra ou em áreas inundadas. Por outro lado, achamos que o tamanho de ovo foi significativamente diferente entre os tipos de ninho. Em ninhos construídos na terra, a predação foi a principal causa da mortalidade de ovos enquanto que nas áreas inundadas, inundação foi um fator importante na morte dos ovos. Em comparação com depredação, a ruptura acidental e colonização fúngica, as inundações mataram 25% de ovos monitorados. Nós sugerimos que para aumentar o sucesso de aninhamento do crocodilo do Morelet é preciso promover a conservação das áreas de nidificação ao redor do lago, recentemente ocupadas pelo desenvolvimento urbano ou turístico.
Animals , Female , Alligators and Crocodiles/physiology , Nesting Behavior , Lakes , Rivers , MexicoABSTRACT
Abstract Melipona colimana Ayala is an endemic species inhabiting temperate forests of pine and oak of south of Jalisco in Mexico. During a year, it was recorded every 15 days foraging activity, environmental parameters and the development of colonies of M. colimana in its wild habitat. For five minutes every hour from 7:00 to 21:00, the bees that entered and left the hive and bringing pollen and resin were registered. Every hour the relative humidity, temperature, wind speed and light intensity was recorded and related to foraging activity. Additionally, the weight of the colonies recently transferred to wooden boxes, the number of brood combs, honey pots and pollen were registered. The time of beginning and ending of the foraging activity differs from the reports of stingless bees of tropical weather and the same happens with the pollen collection. The environmental parameters that affect other tropical stingless bees in the foraging activity also affect M. colimana in temperate climate. It was determined that the major activity season and the presence of more pollen pots in the colony is from November through February, for what it could be the best time of the year for the division and obtainance of new colonies, while the critical period of minor activity and pollen flow was during rainy season. These data may be useful for the future sustainable use of this species in temperate climate.
Resumo Melipona colimana Ayala é uma espécie endémica de clima temperado que habita nas florestas de pinho e de azinheira do sul de Jalisco, no México. Registrou-se durante um ano, todos os quinze dias, a atividade de forragem, os parâmetros ambientais e o desenvolvimento de colônias de M. colimana no seu habitat silvestre. Registrou-se durante cinco minutos, cada hora das 7:00 às 21:00, as abelhas que entraram e saíram da colmeia e as que traziam pólen e resinas. Registrou-se toda hora, a humidade relativa, temperatura, velocidade do vento e intensidade da luz e relacionaram-se à atividade de forragem. Além do mais, registrou-se o peso de colônias recém transferidas a gavetas de madeira e contabilizou-se o número de panais, potes de mel e pólen. A hora de início e de fim da atividade de forragem difere com os reportes das abelhas sem ferrão de clima tropical e o mesmo acontece com a recolecção de pólen. Os parâmetros ambientais que afetam outros meliponinos de clima tropical na forragem também afetam a M. colimana em clima temperado. Determinou-se que a temporada de maior atividade e a presença de mais potes de pólen na colônia é de Novembro a Fevereiro, razão pela qual pode ser a melhor temporada do ano para a divisão e obtenção de novas colônias, enquanto que o período crítico de menor atividade e fluxo de pólen foi durante a temporada de chuvas. Esses dados podem ser úteis para o futuro aproveitamento sustentável de esta espécie em clima temperado.
Animals , Bees/physiology , Environment , Nesting Behavior , Seasons , Feeding Behavior , MexicoABSTRACT
Abstract The Thamnophilidae are one of the most speciose Neotropical bird families, yet aspects of their natural history remain poorly documented. Here we provide information on breeding phenology, the length of incubation and nestling periods, parental care, and nesting success of the Star-throated Antwren, Rhopias gularis, an Atlantic Forest endemic. The data are discussed in light of life history theories. We found 27 active nests during two breeding seasons (2013/2014 and 2014/2015) at Carlos Botelho State Park in southeastern Brazil. Nesting activities were observed from September to January. Incubation and nestling periods lasted 16.8 ± 0.6 and 11.0 ± 0.86 days, respectively, as with most other antbirds. Males and females shared equally in incubation and nestling provisioning. The small clutch size of two eggs is that most commonly found in tropical birds and is hypothesized to have evolved due to increased nest predation rates. However, our data was not consistent with this hypothesis as the nest survival probability was high (57%). This is one of only a handful of studies that provide comprehensive information on the breeding biology of a Thamnophilid species in undisturbed habitat.
Resumo A Família Thamnophilidae compreende as diversas espécies de chocas e papa-formigas e compõem um dos maiores grupos de aves neotropicais. Apesar do elevado número de espécies, aspectos da história natural permanecem pouco documentados. No presente estudo são fornecidas informações sobre fenologia reprodutiva, duração dos períodos de incubação e permanência dos filhotes no ninho, cuidado parental e sucesso reprodutivo da choquinha-de-garganta-pintada, Rhopias gularis, endêmica da Mata Atlântica, enfocando teorias de história de vida. Foram encontrados 27 ninhos ativos durante duas temporadas reprodutivas (2013/2014 e 2014/2015) no Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho, no sudeste do Brasil. Atividades de nidificação foram observadas de setembro a janeiro. Períodos de incubação e permanência dos filhotes nos ninhos duraram 16.8 ± 0.6 e 11.0 ± 0.86 dias, respectivamente, sendo similares aos de outras chocas e papa-formigas. Machos e fêmeas dividiram as funções de incubação e alimentação dos ninhegos em taxas similares. As ninhadas de dois ovos seguem o padrão mais comum para Passseriformes tropicais, mas os dados apresentados não se mostraram consistentes com a hipótese de que a evolução de ninhadas menores está relacionada às altas taxa de predação de ninhos nesta região, uma vez que foi observada alta probabilidade de sobrevivência (57%). O presente estudo é um dos poucos a proporcionar informações abrangentes sobre a biologia reprodutiva de um Thamnophilidae em uma área preservada.
Humans , Male , Female , Reproduction , Songbirds/physiology , Nesting Behavior , BrazilABSTRACT
ResumenEn Colombia, C. acutus se encuentra catalogada en peligro crítico. Durante julio 2007, agosto 2008, junio y agosto 2009 y entre marzo y agosto 2010 y 2011, la población en Bahía Portete fue estudiada para evaluar la anidación y obtener la información necesaria para el ajuste de un programa de manejo acorde con la biología de la especie. Este estudio asumió la vinculación de la comunidad indígena Wayuü para emplear el modelo de acuerdo de conservación. Se realizaron transectos en toda la costa de la bahía para la búsqueda de nidadas. En la determinación de las áreas de importancia para la anidación, se registraron las características biométricas de los nidos, la biometría de huevos y crías, la fertilidad de huevos y eventos reproductivos. Como resultado se recorrieron 55.12 km, se determinaron cuatro zonas de importancia para la anidación, la de mayor importancia fue la isla Juyui. En todas las áreas de anidación, variables como la anidación colonial o gregaria y las variables ambientales fueron factores que afectaron el éxito de eclosión. El 37 % de los nidos estuvieron orientados hacia el norte y el 48 % fueron construidos en cercanía de Stenocereus griseus. La isla Juyui presentó los mayores porcentaje de arena (71.9 %, 71.44 %). El promedio de huevos por nido fue 28.42 ± 6.63. Los huevos presentaron un diámetro mayor promedio de 71.84 ± 3.54 mm y peso 81.54 ± 9.99 g. Las crías presentaron un promedio de longitud total de 25.47 ± 1.16 cm. El período reproductivo para este sector de Colombia, se inicia en marzo y culmina en agosto. Las pocas áreas de anidación y la fertilidad del 95 % sugieren la ejecución de un programa conservación para C. acutus en Bahía Portete.
Abstract:C. acutus is cataloged in critical danger in Colombia. We studied its population at Bahia Portete, in order to survey the nesting activities and to obtain valuable information for a conservation management program. This study was undertaken with the participation of the Wayuü community using the Agreement Conservation Model, and took place during July 2007, August 2008, June and August 2009, and March to August 2010 and 2011. Sampling surveys were made by the use of transects along the coast, in order to find nests. For each nesting area found, we recorded the nests biometrics, eggs and hatchlings, fertility of the eggs and reproductive events. We explored a total of 55.12 km, and determined four nesting areas. Colonial nesting and the environmental variables were factors that affected the hatchling success. From the total of nests found, 37 % were oriented towards North, and 48 % were built next to Stenocereus griseus. Juyui island substrate was mostly constituted by sand (71.9 %, 71.44 %). The average number of eggs by nest was 28.42 ± 6.63, the largest egg diameter was 71.84 ± 3.54 mm, the average nest weight was 81.54 ± 9.99 g, and the hatchlings presented an average length of 25.47 ± 1.16 cm. For this specific site in Colombia, the reproductive period begins in March and ends in August. The few areas of nesting and the 95 % fertility suggest the performance of a conservation management program for this species at Bahía Portete. Rev. Biol. Trop. 65 (1): 211-228. Epub 2017 March 01.
Animals , Reproduction/physiology , Alligators and Crocodiles/physiology , Nesting Behavior/physiology , Reference Values , Seasons , Sexual Behavior, Animal/physiology , Time Factors , Analysis of Variance , Population Density , Colombia , Ecosystem , Bays , Eggs/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
Abstract Basic information on natural history is crucial for assessing the viability of populations, but is often lacking for many species of conservation concern. One such species is the White-tailed Tropicbird, Phaethon lepturus (Mathews, 1915). Here, we address this shortfall by providing detailed information on reproductive biology, distribution and threats on the Fernando de Noronha archipelago, Brazil – the largest colony of P. lepturus in the South Atlantic. We assessed reproduction from August 2011 to January 2012 by monitoring tropicbird nests and their contents. A population estimate was obtained through a combination of active searches for nests and by census at sea between 2010 and 2012. Breeding success was calculated by traditional methods. The growth curve of chicks and life table were also calculated. Additional information on nest and mate fidelity and on age of breeding birds was obtained from the banded birds. Our results indicate that the unusual nest form (limestone pinnacles) and predation by crabs may be responsible for the observed patterns of hatching and fledging success. Although the Fernando de Noronha population appears to be stable (at between 100-300 birds), a long term monitoring program would be desirable to assess fluctuations in this globally important population. Conservation strategies should focus on controlling predation by land crabs and tegu lizards.
Resumo Informações básicas sobre história natural são cruciais para acessar a viabilidade de populações, mas são ausentes para muitas espécies que necessitam de conservação. Uma destas espécies é o rabo-de-palha-de-bico-laranja, Phaethon lepturus Daudin, 1802. Aqui, vamos abordar o déficit de dados para esta espécie, fornecendo informações detalhadas sobre a biologia reprodutiva, tamanho da população, distribuição e ameaças em Fernando de Noronha, Brasil – a maior colônia de P. lepturus no Atlântico Sul. Acompanhamos a reprodução do rabo-de-palha-de-bico-laranja de Agosto de 2010 a Janeiro de 2011 monitorando ninhos e seus conteúdos. A estimativa da população foi obtida através de uma combinação de busca ativa de ninhos e censo no mar entre 2010 e 2012. O sucesso reprodutivo foi avaliado por métodos tradicionais. A curva de crescimento da coorte e a tabela de vida também foram obtidas. Além disso, informações sobre fidelidade ao ninho e parceiro e, a idade de reprodutores foi obtida a partir das aves anilhadas anteriormente. Nossos resultados indicam que a forma incomum de ninho (pináculos de calcário) e a predação por caranguejos podem ser responsáveis pelo sucesso observado de eclosão e recrutamento. A população de Fernando de Noronha parece estar estável entre 100-300 aves. No entanto, um programa de monitoramento a longo prazo seria desejável para avaliar as flutuações desta população globalmente importante. As estratégias de conservação devem se concentrar em controlar a predação por caranguejos e lagartos teiú.
Animals , Reproduction/physiology , Birds/physiology , Breeding/statistics & numerical data , Nesting Behavior/physiology , Predatory Behavior , Brazil , Conservation of Natural ResourcesABSTRACT
Abstract:The strong link between bats and their roosts is widely recognized as being particularly significant. Despite this, roosting ecology of bats is poorly understood and much of the basic information is still unknown. In this study, we investigated the availability and occupation patterns of four roost types (trees, caves, termite nests and tents) used by bats at Tirimbina Biological Reserve (TBR), Costa Rica. To accomplish our aim, we systematically surveyed both sides of established trails and transects, looking for understory roosts. Potential roosts were examined for bat presence in order to establish occupation. Roost availability and density were estimated using traveled distances (km) and inspected area (10 m for trees/caves and 15 m for tents/termite nests) of each trail or transect sampled. For the tent roosts, data on taxonomic information of plant modified, type of architecture, condition and construction achievement were also recorded. The area surveyed represented 45.4 % of the total area of the TBR (345 ha). Tents were the most common roost (56.6 % of all roosts, N = 223), followed by trees (24.4 %, N = 96), termite nests (18.8 %, N = 74) and caves (0.2 %, N = 1). We detected only 27 roosts occupied by bats (6.8 % of all roosts, 0.17 occupied roosts/ha). Caves showed the highest occupation rate (100 %, N = 1), followed by trees (17.7 %, N = 17), tents (3.6 %, N = 8) and termite nests (1.3 %, N = 1). We found the roosts for 10 species, representing 33.9 % of the bat fauna documented at the reserve (62 species). Density of roosts per bat species varied between 0.017-0.138 roosts/ha. Phyllostomidae was the best-represented family with Micronycteris microtis representing the most common species encountered. Four distinct tent architectures were documented. Bifid architecture was the most common (133 tents), followed by Conical (47 tents), Apical (27 tents) and Inverted Boat (16 tents). Most of the tents found were healthy (76.7 %, N = 171) and totally constructed (88.8 %, N = 198). Our study demonstrated that occupied bat roosts are difficult to find in the forest. When compared to the roost availability, the low occupation rates suggested that, at least in our study area, roosts might not be a limiting resource. Nevertheless, to confirm this hypothesis, information about fidelity and selection process of the species is fundamental for understanding to what extent these roosts meet the requirements to be inhabited or modified. Worldwide conservation efforts on bats should focus on understanding roosting ecology, especially due to anthropogenic pressures that are continuously reducing the availability of roosts, which undoubtedly contributes to the risk of extinction for specialized and sensitive species. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (3): 1333-1343. Epub 2016 September 01.
ResumenLa estrecha relación entre los murciélagos y sus refugios es ampliamente reconocida por ser de particular importancia. A pesar de esto, la ecología de los refugios en murciélagos es pobremente comprendida y gran parte de la información básica aún es desconocida. En este estudio, investigamos la disponibilidad y los patrones de ocupación de cuatro tipos de refugios (árboles, cuevas, termiteros y tiendas) utilizados por los murciélagos en la Reserva Biológica Tirimbina (RBT), Costa Rica. Para lograr nuestro objetivo, nosotros inspeccionamos sistemáticamente ambos lados de senderos establecidos y transectos, en busca de refugios a nivel del sotobosque. Los refugios potenciales fueron examinados en busca de murciélagos con el fin de establecer la ocupación de los mismos. La disponibilidad y densidad de los refugios fue estimada utilizando la distancia recorrida (km) y el área inspeccionada (10 m para árboles/cuevas y 15 m para tiendas/termiteros) de cada sendero o transecto muestreado. Para los refugios en tiendas, también se registraron datos sobre información taxonómica de la planta modificada, el tipo de arquitectura, la condición y la consecución de la construcción. El área inspeccionada representa el 45.4 % del área total de la RBT (345 ha). Las tiendas fueron el refugio más común (56.6 % de todos los refugios, N = 223), seguido por los árboles (24.4 %, N = 96), los termiteros (18.8 %, N = 74) y las cuevas (0.2 %, N = 1). Detectamos únicamente 27 refugios ocupados por murciélagos (6.8 % de todos los refugios, 0.17 refugios ocupados/ha). Las cuevas mostraron la tasa más alta de ocupación (100 %, N = 1), seguido por los árboles (17.7 %, N = 17), las tiendas (3.6 %, N = 8) y los termiteros (1.3 %, N = 1). Encontramos los refugios de 10 especies, lo que representa un 33.9 % de la fauna de murciélagos documentada en la reserva (62 especies). La densidad de refugios por especie de murciélago varió entre 0.017-0.138 refugios/ha. Phyllostomidae fue la familia mejor representada, con Micronycteris microtis como la especie más común encontrada en los refugios. Cuatro tipos de arquitectura fueron documentadas en las tiendas. La arquitectura Bífida fue la más común (133 tiendas), seguida por la Cónica (47 tiendas), la Apical (27 tiendas) y la Bote Invertido (16 tiendas). La mayoría de las tiendas encontradas se encontraban en buen estado (76.7 %, N = 171) y totalmente construidas (88.8 %, N = 198). Nuestro estudio demostró que encontrar refugios ocupados por murciélagos en el bosque es difícil. Cuando es comparada con la disponibilidad de refugios, la baja tasa de ocupación sugiere que, al menos en nuestra área de estudio, los refugios podrían no ser un recurso limitante. No obstante, para confirmar esta hipótesis, información acerca de la fidelidad y el proceso de selección de las especies es fundamental para comprender en que medida estos refugios cumplen con los requerimientos para ser habitados o modificados. A nivel mundial, los esfuerzos de conservación de los murciélagos deberían priorizar en comprender la ecología de los refugios, especialmente debido a que las presiones antropogénicas están continuamente reduciendo la disponibilidad de este recurso, lo cual sin duda alguna contribuye al riesgo de extinción para las especies más sensibles y especializadas.
Animals , Trees , Chiroptera/physiology , Caves , Rainforest , Nesting Behavior/physiology , Species Specificity , Population Dynamics , Population Density , Ecosystem , Costa RicaABSTRACT
ResumenThygater aethiops es una abeja nativa que puede encontrarse en parques y jardines en diversas áreas urbanas como aquellas de la ciudad de Bogotá (Colombia). Sin embargo, es poco lo que se conoce sobre su biología y sus adaptaciones ecológicas a áreas urbanas. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivos describir ciclos estacionales y la actividad de forrajeo diaria de T. aethiops, así como identificar el recurso polínico usado por estas abejas a lo largo de un año en una población que nidifica en un agregado en el "Parque Nacional Enrique Olaya Herrera" de Bogotá. Cambios en la actividad de nidificación fueron registrados semanalmente contando el número de nidos activos en el agregado entre diciembre/2012 y febrero/2014. Para determinar el horario de forrajeo diario, se contó el número de abejas que entraban a sus nidos en un periodo de 10 minutos cada hora entre las 8:00 y las 14:00 h. Semanalmente se capturaron hembras que estuvieran regresando a sus nidos con cargas de polen, entre septiembre/2012 y agosto/2013; dichas cargas fueron analizadas. Se observó tres picos de nidificación tras los picos de precipitación, pero el número de nidos activos no estuvo correlacionado con la precipitación. El número de nidos activos se redujo (20-50 % de los nidos) después de que se registrara un disturbio antrópico en el área de nidificación. Las abejas forrajean por polen y néctar entre las 8:00 y 14:00 h con un pico de actividad a las 10:00 h. La actividad de forrajeo diaria cambió durante el periodo de estudio debido a disturbios antrópicos. No hubo una relación significativa entre la temperatura del aire y el número de entradas a los nidos. El horario de actividad no cambió entre los periodos secos y lluviosos. Se encontró un total de 26 tipos polínicos en 169 cargas de polen. Ulex europaeus (Fabaceae) y Solanum laxum (Solanaceae) fueron las plantas más abundantes representadas en las cargas de polen durante todo el periodo de estudio. De acuerdo a estos resultados, T. aethios sería considerada una especie mesoléctica. La habilidad de T. aethiops para utilizar diferentes recursos polínicos tanto nativos como introducidos, así como su presumible capacidad para recuperar su población después de disturbios son características que le pueden haber permitido adaptarse a ambientes urbanos. El conocimiento de los recursos florales, así como otras características biológicas de esta abeja son importantes para promover su conservación en áreas urbanas.
Abstract:Thygater aethiops is a native bee that can be found in parks and gardens in diverse urban areas such as those in the city of Bogotá (Colombia). However, little is known about its biology as well as ecological adaptations to urban areas. This study aimed to describe the seasonal cycle and daily foraging activities of T. aethiops, as well as identify the pollen resources used by this bee over a year in a population nesting in an aggregation in the "Parque Nacional Enrique Olaya Herrera" in Bogotá. Changes in the nest activity were monitored weekly by counting the number of active nests in the aggregation between December/2012 and February/2014. To determine the daily foraging activity, the numbers of bees entering their nests over a period of 10 minutes every hour between 8:00 and 14:00 h were recorded. Females with pollen loads entering to their nest were captured weekly, between September/2012 and August/2013, and their pollen loads analyzed. Three nesting peaks occurred after the precipitation peaks, but the number of active nests was not correlated with precipitation. The nesting activities stopped in a large number of the active nests (20-50 % of nests) after an anthropic disturbance was registered in the nesting area. Bees forage for nectar and pollen between 8:00 and 14:00 h, with a peak at 10:00 h. Daily foraging activity changed during the study period due to anthropic disturbance. There was not a significant relationship between air temperature and the number of females entering their nests. Foraging activities did not change between the dry and rainy seasons. A total of 26 pollen types were found in 169 pollen loads. Ulex europaeus (Fabaceae) and Solanum laxum (Solanaceae) were the most abundant plants represented on the pollen load across the study period. According to these results, T. aethiops would be considered a mesolectic species. The ability of T. aethiops to use different pollen resources both native and exotic, as well as to presumably recover its population after disturbances, are characteristics that may have allowed this bee to adapt to urban environments. Knowledge on the floral resources as well as other biological features of this bee species is important to promote its conservation in urban areas. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (3): 1247-1257. Epub 2016 September 01.
Animals , Pollen/physiology , Seasons , Bees/physiology , Adaptation, Biological/physiology , Parks, Recreational , Species Specificity , Temperature , Time Factors , Analysis of Variance , Colombia , Statistics, Nonparametric , Nesting BehaviorABSTRACT
Abstract:The Neotropical bee Centris (Hemisiella) dichrootricha is a solitary bee that nests in pre-existing cavities that occur in the rain forest. This study describes the nesting biology of C. dichrootricha and its preference for nesting in Cerrado and gallery forest habitats. The study was conducted from January 2012 and December 2013, in Mirador State Park in the municipality of Formosa da Serra Negra, Maranhão State, Brazil. For this, wooden trap-nests of 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 mm in diameter were used; a total of 300 trap-nests were placed in the gallery forest and Cerrado areas, respectively. Traps were monitored monthly and all completed nests were collected and replaced with empty ones. The nests were then taken to the laboratory to analyze bee development and emergence, nests characteristics and parasites presence. The species used 29 of the trap-nests, which had diameters of 8, 10, 12 and 14 mm. A total of 87 C. dichrootricha specimens emerged. The nests were parasitized by two bee species, Mesocheira bicolor (Apinae) and Coelioxys sp. (Megachilinae), and one fly species, Antrax sp. (Diptera). The highest nesting incidence of 72.4 % was observed in the gallery forest, whereas only 27.6 % in the Cerrado; this difference in habitat use was significant (χ² = 5.56; p < 0.05; DF = 1). For the nests that were built in the gallery forest, 80.9% of the soil originated from the Cerrado. The females were significantly larger than the males (F1, 76 = 595.19; p < 0.001). There were 11 pollen types that belonged to six families. Pollen of the family Malpighiaceae was most frequently used, with four species represented (Byrsonima crassifolia, B. rotunda, B. spicata and Heteropterys sp.). C. dichrootricha showed a preference for nesting in cavities of various diameters in gallery forest sites. The present study provides a novel description of the nesting habits and biology of C. dichrootricha in habitats of Central/Southern Maranhão. C. dichrootricha primarily used resources from the Cerrado, including soil to build their nests, pollen and floral oils; we concluded that gallery forest and Cerrado areas are intrinsically related to the maintenance of local populations of this species. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (3): 1041-1056. Epub 2016 September 01.
ResumenCentris (Hemisiella) dichrootricha es una especie de abeja solitaria neotropical, que anida en cavidades preexistentes y vive en la selva tropical. El presente estudio describe la biología de anidación de C. dichrootricha y su preferencia de nidificación por áreas en Cerrado y Bosque de Galería. El área de estudio se localiza en el Parque Estadual de Mirador, municipio de Formosa da Serra Negra, Maranhão. El método empleado fue el de nidos trampa de madera de diferentes diámetros, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 y 16 mm, colocándose 300 nidos trampa por área. Las trampas fueron monitoreadas mensualmente y todos los nidos terminados fueron recogidos y sustituidos por otros vacíos. Los nidos completos fueron llevados al laboratorio para analizar el desarrollo de la abeja, la emergencia, las características de los nidos y la presencia de parásitos. La especie ocupó 29 nidos de los diámetros de 8, 10, 12 y 14 mm. Emergieron 87 individuos de C. dichrootricha. Los nidos fueron parasitados por tres especies: Mesocheira bicolor (Apinae), Coelioxys sp. (Megachilinae) y Antrax sp. (Diptera). En el Bosque de Galería se presentó la mayor nidificación (72.4 %) y en el Cerrado solamente 27.6 %, de esta forma, hubo diferencias significativas entre los hábitats (χ² = 5.56; p < 0.05; G. L.= 1). Los nidos fundados en el bosque de galería presentaron 80.9 % de sedimento originario del Cerrado. Las hembras fueron significativamente más grandes que los machos (F1, 76 = 595.19; p < 0.001). Hubo 11 tipos de polen pertenecientes a seis familias. Los tipos de polinización de la familia Malpighiaceae fueron los más representativos, con cuatro especies: Byrsonima crassifolia, B. rotunda, B. spicata y Heteropterys sp. C. dichrootricha mostró preferencia por nidificar en cavidades con diámetros variados y en el bosque de galería. El presente estudio contribuye con la descripción de los hábitos de nidificación y la biología de la especie para las áreas de Cerrado en la región centrosur de Maranhão. C. dichrootricha utilizó en su mayoría recursos provenientes del Cerrado, tanto sedimento para construir el nido, como material polínico y aceite floral. Estós datos indican que el bosque de galería y el Cerrado están intrínsecamente relacionados con el mantenimiento y conservación de C. dichrootricha.
Animals , Male , Female , Bees/physiology , Forests , Nesting Behavior/physiology , Pollen/classification , Seasons , Species Specificity , Time Factors , Brazil , Sex Factors , Sex Distribution , Animal DistributionABSTRACT
ABSTRACTINTRODUCTION: The transmission cycle of Trypanosoma cruzi in the Brazilian Pantanal region has been studied during the last decade. Although considerable knowledge is available regarding the mammalian hosts infected by T. cruzi in this wetland, no studies have investigated its vectors in this region. This study aimed to investigate the presence of sylvatic triatomine species in different habitats of the Brazilian Pantanal region and to correlate their presence with the occurrences of vertebrate hosts and T. cruzi infection.METHODS: The fieldwork involved passive search by using light traps and Noireau traps and active search by visual inspection. The light traps were placed at five selected points along forested areas for seven nights during each of the nine excursions. At each point where a light trap was set, eight Noireau traps were placed in palm trees and bromeliads.RESULTS: In all, 88 triatomine bugs were collected: two and one individuals from light traps and Noireau traps, respectively; three from peridomestic areas; 23 in coati nests; and 59 in thornbird nests. In this study, active search in microhabitats showed higher efficiency than passive search, since 95% of the triatomine bugs were caught in nests. Further, triatomine bugs were only found to be infected by T. cruzi in coati nests.CONCLUSIONS: Coati nests might act as a point of convergence and dispersion for triatomine bugs and mammal hosts infected by T. cruzi, thereby playing an important role in the sylvatic cycle of T. cruziin the Pantanal region.
Animals , Birds/parasitology , Ecosystem , Insect Vectors/parasitology , Procyonidae/parasitology , Triatominae/parasitology , Trypanosoma cruzi/isolation & purification , Brazil , Chagas Disease/transmission , Disease Vectors/classification , Insect Vectors/classification , Nesting Behavior , Triatominae/classificationABSTRACT
Little is known about the effects of jaguars on the population of marine turtles nesting in Tortuguero National Park, Costa Rica. This study assessed jaguar predation impact on three species of marine turtles (Chelonia mydas, Dermochelys coriáceaand Eretmochelys imbricata)that nest in Tortuguero beach. Jaguar predation data was obtained by using two methodologies, literature review (historical records prior the year 2005) and weekly surveys along the 29 km stretch of beach during the period 2005-2013. Our results indicated that jaguar predation has increased from one marine turtle in 1981 to 198 in 2013. Jaguars consumed annually an average of 120 (SD= 45) and 2 (SD= 3) green turtles and leatherbacks in Tortuguero beach, respectively. Based on our results we concluded that jaguars do not represent a threat to the population of green turtles that nest in Tortuguero beach, and it is not the main cause for population decline for leatherbacks and hawksbills. Future research should focus on continuing to monitor this predator-prey relationship as well as the factors that influence it so the proper management decisions can be taken.
Existe poco conocimiento sobre el impacto que tienen los jaguares sobre las tortugas marinas que anidan en el Parque Nacional Tortuguero, Costa Rica. Este estudio evaluó el impacto de la depredación de jaguar sobre tres especies de tortugas marinas (Chelonia mydas, Dermo-chelys coriáceay Eretmochelys imbricata)que anidan en Tortuguero. Los reportes de depredación fueron obtenidos empleando dos metodologías, revisión literaria (eventos registrados antes del 2005) y monitoreos semanales a lo largo de la playa (durante el periodo 2005-2013). La depredación del jaguar se ha incrementado de una tortuga en 1981 a 198 tortugas en 2013. Asimismo, los jaguares consumieron anualmente un promedio de 120 (SD= 45) y 2 (SD= 3) tortugas verdes y tortugas baula en Tortugue-ro, respectivamente. Nuestros resultados indican que los jaguares no representan una amenaza para la población de tortugas verdes que anida en Tortuguero, y no son la causa principal de la disminución poblacional de la tortuga baula y carey. No obstante, se recomienda continuar con el monitoreo con el fin de entender cómo esta interacción depredador-presa evolucionará en el futuro.
Animals , Panthera/physiology , Predatory Behavior/physiology , Turtles/physiology , Costa Rica , Environmental Monitoring , Nesting Behavior , Population Density , Turtles/classificationSubject(s)
Animals , Male , Female , Falconiformes/physiology , Nesting Behavior , Trees , Brazil , Animal DistributionABSTRACT
Leprosy is an ancient infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. According to comparative genomics studies, this disease originated in Eastern Africa or the Near East and spread with successive human migrations. The Europeans and North Africans introduced leprosy into West Africa and the Americas within the past 500 years. In Brazil, this disease arrived with the colonizers who disembarked at the first colonies, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and Recife, at the end of the sixteenth century, after which it was spread to the other states. In 1854, the first leprosy cases were identified in State of Amazonas in the north of Brazil. The increasing number of leprosy cases and the need for treatment and disease control led to the creation of places to isolate patients, known as leprosaria. One of them, Colonia Antônio Aleixo was built in Amazonas in 1956 according to the most advanced recommendations for isolation at that time and was deactivated in 1979. The history of the Alfredo da Matta Center (AMC), which was the first leprosy dispensary created in 1955, parallels the history of leprosy in the state. Over the years, the AMC has become one of the best training centers for leprosy, general dermatology and sexually transmitted diseases in Brazil. In addition to being responsible for leprosy control programs in the state, the AMC has carried out training programs on leprosy diagnosis and treatment for health professionals in Manaus and other municipalities of the state, aiming to increase the coverage of leprosy control activities. This paper provides a historical overview of leprosy in State of Amazonas, which is an endemic state in Brazil.
Animals , Male , Nesting Behavior , Residence Characteristics , Sexual Behavior, Animal , Territoriality , Body Size , Cichlids , Microsatellite Repeats/genetics , Paternity , Spermatozoa/physiologyABSTRACT
Intraclutch egg size variation in birds depends on many ecological factors and on the evolutive history of each species. In wading birds, a trend to smaller eggs with laying order has been described, but comparative reports are scarce. In this study, egg size variation patterns were described for nine Egrets and Heron species nesting in Birama’ Swamp, Cuba. The patterns were described using external dimensions of 3 142 eggs from 1 875 nests of Butorides virescens, Bubulcus ibis, Ardea alba, Nycticorax nycticorax, Nyctanassa violacea and four Egretta species, taken in the field between 1998 and 2006. Results showed that eggs were 4.9-10% of adult weight and had volume variation coefficients between 6-9%. There were no general and consistent interspecies relationship between clutch size and egg sizes. Average volumes tend to get smaller with laying order, but it is not statistically detectable in Butorides and Bubulcus. Last egg was between 0.2% and 15% smaller than the first, showing an inverse relationship with it. Intraclutch asymmetry is light in E. thula and fluctuating around null in Bubulcus. Size only predicted laying or hatching order for the last egg, in nests with more than two eggs, with 72.4% of confidence.
Las variaciones intranidada de la talla de los huevos de las aves responden a numerosos factores ecológicos y de la historia evolutiva de las especies. En las zancudas aunque se ha descrito una disminución de la talla con el orden de puesta, los trabajos comparativos entre especies son escasos. En este trabajo se describen los patrones de variación del tamaño de los huevos de nueve especies de garzas (Aves: Ardeidae) nidificantes en la ciénaga de Birama, Cuba. Los patrones se describen a partir de las dimensiones de 3 142 huevos, pertenecientes a 1 875 nidos de Butorides virescens, Bubulcus ibis, Ardea alba, Nycticorax nycticorax, Nyctanassa violacea y cuatro especies de Egretta, tomados en la ciénaga de Birama, Cuba, entre 1998 y 2006. Los huevos representaron entre el 4.9-10% del peso adulto y tuvieron un coeficiente de variación del volumen entre el 6-9%. No existió una relación general consistente entre especies entre el tamaño de puesta y las dimensiones de los huevos. El volumen promedio del huevo tiende a disminuir con el orden de puesta, pero no es estadísticamente detectable en Butorides y Bubulcus. El último huevo fue entre un 0.2 y un 15% menor que el primero, disminuyendo su volumen relativo con la talla del primer huevo. La asimetría intranidada es menos marcada en E. thula y prácticamente fluctuante alrededor de cero en Bubulcus. En general, la talla del huevo solo puede predecir el orden de puesta para el último huevo en nidadas mayores de dos con un 72.4% de confianza.
Animals , Female , Male , Beak/anatomy & histology , Birds/classification , Eggs , Tarsus, Animal/anatomy & histology , Cuba , Nesting BehaviorABSTRACT
Suitability of degraded areas as breeding habitats can be tested through assessment of nest predation rates. In this study we estimated nest success in relation to several potential predictors of nest survival in the Stripe-tailed Yellow-finch (Sicalis citrina) breeding in abandoned mining pits at Brasília National Park. We monitored 73 nests during the 2007-breeding season. Predation was the main cause of nest failure (n = 48, 66%); while six nests were abandoned (8%) and 19 nests produced young (26%). Mayfield’s daily survival rates and nest success were 0.94 and 23%, respectively. Our results from nest survival models on program MARK indicated that daily survival rates increase linearly towards the end of the breeding season and decrease as nests aged. None of the nest individual covariates we tested - nest height, nest size, nest substrate, and edge effect - were important predictors of nest survival; however, nests placed on the most common plant tended to have higher survival probabilities. Also, there was no observer effect on daily survival rates. Our study suggests that abandoned mining pits may be suitable alternative breeding habitats for Striped-tailed Yellow-finches since nest survival rates were similar to other studies in the central cerrado region.
A adequação de habitats degradados para reprodução de aves pode ser testada por meio de avaliação das taxas de predação de ninhos. Neste estudo nós estimamos o sucesso de nidificação do canário-rasteiro (Sicalis citrina) e o relacionamos, por meio de modelagem no programa MARK, com diversos fatores que potencialmente afetam a sobrevivência dos ninhos da espécie em antigas áreas de extração de solo (cascalheiras), no Parque Nacional de Brasília, Distrito Federal. Nós monitoramos 73 ninhos da espécie durante a estação reprodutiva de 2007. Predação foi a principal causa da perda de ninhos (n = 48, 66%), enquanto seis foram abandonados (8%) e 19 produziram ao menos um filhote (26%). A taxa diária de sobrevivência e o sucesso total de Mayfield foram 0,94 and 23%, respectivamente. Nossos resultados, obtidos da modelagem de sobrevivência, indicaram que as taxas de sobrevivência diária dos ninhos aumenta linearmente à medida que avança a estação reprodutiva, ao passo que diminui conforme a idade do ninho aumenta. Nenhum dos fatores que testamos – altura do ninhos, tamanho dos ninhos, planta suporte e distância até a borda dos ambientes de cascalheira – mostraram-se importantes como fatores determinantes do sucesso dos ninhos. Entretanto, ninhos construídos nas plantas mais comuns na área de estudo (samambaias) apresentaram maior tendência de sucesso que os demais. Adicionalmente, não houve interferência do observador nas estimativas de sobrevivência dos ninhos. Nossos resultados sugerem que as antigas áreas de cascalheira podem ser adequadas para a reprodução do canário-rasteiro, uma vez que as taxas de sobrevivência que encontramos neste estudo são similares às encontradas em estudos com outras espécies na região central do Cerrado.
Animals , Female , Male , Ecosystem , Finches/physiology , Nesting Behavior/physiology , Reproduction/physiology , Brazil , Finches/classification , SeasonsABSTRACT
We tested the heterogeneity/productivity hypothesis with respect to the abundance and richness of birds and the vegetation density hypothesis with respect to birds' nest predation rates, and determined the relative importance of forested vegetation formations for the conservation of birds in the Pantanal. We estimated the apparent nesting success, and the abundance and richness of nesting birds' in four forest types, by monitoring nests during two reproductive seasons in four forested physiognomies (two high productivity/heterogeneity evergreen forests = Cambará and Landi; two low productivity/heterogeneity dry forests = Cordilheira and Carvoeiro) in the Pantanal wetland in Poconé, State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. We found 381 nests of 46 species (35 Passeriformes and 11 non-Passeriformes) in the four forest types. Of these, we monitored 220 active nests belonging to 44 species, 101 during the reproductive season of 2001 and 119 in 2002. We supported the productivity/heterogeneity hypothesis since the two evergreen forests had higher nest abundance and one of them (Cambará) had higher nesting species richness than the dry forests. The number of nests found in each habitat differed with most nests monitored in the Cambará forest (82%), followed by Landi (9%), Cordilheira (6%) and Carvoeiro (3%) forests. The total number of nests monitored was significantly higher in evergreen forests than in dry forests. Also, more species nested in evergreen (37 species) than in dry (16 species) forests. A Correspondence Analysis revealed that only Carvoeiros had a different nesting bird community. The overall apparent nesting success of 220 nests was 26.8%. We did not support the vegetation density hypothesis since nest predation rates were similar between evergreen (73.5%) and dry (70%) forests, and were higher in the Landi (85%) than in the other three forests (69.2 to 72.2%). Our data indicate that Cambará forests seem to be a key nesting habitat for many bird species of the Pantanal. If this local pattern also occurs in other regions of the Pantanal, the use and management of Cambará forests might prove to be important for the conservation of forest birds of this biome. However, conflicting results with other taxonomic groups show that conservation measures for these forests and land use policies should be based on a more complete biodiversity evaluation of the region.
Testamos a hipótese de heterogeneidade / produtividade com relação à abundância e riqueza de aves e hipótese da densidade de vegetação com relação às taxas de predação de ninhos de pássaros, e determinamos a importância relativa de formações vegetais florestais para a conservação das aves no Pantanal. Estimamos o sucesso de nidificação aparente, a abundância e riqueza de nidificação de aves em quatro tipos de floresta, por monitoramento de ninhos durante duas estações reprodutivas em quatro fisionomias florestais (duas florestas sempre verdes com alta produtividade / heterogeneidade = Cambará e Landi; duas florestas secas com baixa produtividade / heterogeneidade = Cordilheira e Carvoeiro), no Pantanal de Poconé, Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil. Encontramos 381 ninhos de 46 espécies (35 Passeriformes e 11 não-Passeriformes) nos quatro tipos de floresta. Destes, foram monitorados 220 ninhos ativos pertencentes a 44 espécies, 101 durante na estação reprodutiva de 2001 e 119, em 2002. Apoiamos a hipótese de produtividade/heterogeneidade já que as duas florestas sempre verdes apresentaram maior abundância de ninhos e uma delas (Cambará) apresentou maior riqueza de espécies nidificante do que as florestas secas. O número de ninhos encontrados em cada habitat diferiu da maioria dos ninhos monitorados na floresta Cambará (82%), seguido pelo Landi (9%), Cordilheira (6%) e Carvoeiro (3%). O número total de ninhos monitorados foi significativamente maior nas florestas sempre verdes do que nas florestas secas. Além disso, mais espécies nidificaram nas florestas sempre verdes (37 espécies) do que nas florestas secas (16 espécies). Uma análise de correspondência revelou que somente Carvoeiros teveram uma comunidade diferente de aves. O sucesso total de nidificação aparente de 220 ninhos foi de 26,8%. Nós não suportamos a hipótese de densidade de vegetação, pois as taxas de predação foram semelhantes entre florestas sempre verdes (73,5%) e secas (70%), e foram maiores no Landi (85%) do que nas outras três florestas (69,2-72,2%). Nossos dados indicam que as florestas de Cambará parecem ser um habitat de nidificação importante para muitas espécies de aves do Pantanal. Se esse padrão local também ocorre em outras regiões do Pantanal, o uso e manejo de florestas de Cambará pode revelar-se importante para a conservação de aves florestais deste bioma. No entanto, resultados conflitantes com outros grupos taxonômicos mostra que medidas de conservação para estas florestas e as políticas de uso da terra devem ser baseadas em uma avaliação mais completa da biodiversidade da região.
Animals , Biodiversity , Birds/physiology , Forests , Nesting Behavior/physiology , Reproduction/physiology , Brazil , Birds/classification , Population Density , Population Dynamics , SeasonsABSTRACT
The nesting requirements of the Yellow-headed Parrot (Amazona oratrix) are poorly understood, despite their broad historical distribution, high demand for pet trade and current endangered status. Information concerning their nesting requirements is required in order to design specific restoration and conservation actions. To assess this, we studied their nesting ecology in the Central Pacific, Michoacan, Mexico during a ten year period. The analyzed variables ranged from local scale nest site characteristics such as nesting tree species, dimensions, geographic positions, diet and nesting forest patches structure, to large scale features such as vegetation use and climatic variables associated to the nesting tree distributions by an ecological niche model using Maxent. We also evaluated the parrot tolerance to land management regimes, and compared the Pacific nest trees with 18 nest trees recorded in an intensively managed private ranch in Tamaulipas, Gulf of Mexico. Parrots nested in tall trees with canopy level cavities in 92 nest-trees recorded from 11 tree species. The 72.8% of nesting occurred in trees of Astronium graveolens, and Enterolobium cyclocarpum which qualified as keystone trees. The forests where the parrots nested, presented a maximum of 54 tree species, 50% of which were identified as food source; besides, these areas also had a high abundance of trees used as food supply. The lowest number of tree species and trees to forage occurred in an active cattle ranch, whereas the highest species richness was observed in areas with natural recovery. The nesting cavity entrance height from above ground of the Pacific nesting trees resulted higher than those found in the Gulf of Mexico. We hypothesize that the differences may be attributed to Parrot behavioral differences adapting to differential poaching pressure and cavity availability. Nesting trees were found in six vegetation types; however the parrots preferred conserved and riparian semi-deciduous forest for nesting, with fewer nests in deciduous forest, while nesting in transformed agricultural fields was avoided. The main climatic variables associated with the potential distribution of nests were: mean temperature of wettest quarter, mean diurnal temperature range, and precipitation of wettest month. Suitable climatic conditions for the potential presence of nesting trees were present in 61% of the region; however, most of the area consisted of tropical deciduous forests (55.8%), while semi-deciduous tropical forests covered only 17% of the region. These results indicated the importance to conserve semi-deciduous forests as breeding habitats for the Yellow-headed Parrot, and revealed the urgent need to implement conservation and restoration actions. These should include a total ban of land use change in tropical semi-deciduous forest areas, and for selective logging of all keystone tree species; besides, we recommend the establishment of wildlife sanctuaries in important nesting areas, and a series of tropical forest restoration programs in the Central Pacific coast. Rev. Biol. Trop. 62 (3): 1053-1072. Epub 2014 September 01.
Los requerimientos de anidación del loro cabeza-amarilla (Amazona oratrix) son poco conocidos a pesar de su amplia distribución histórica, la alta demanda como mascota y estar en peligro de extinción. Esta información es necesaria para diseñar acciones específicas de restauración y conservación. Durante diez años estudiamos la ecología de anidación del loro en Michoacán, México. Las variables estudiadas incluyeron en escala local las especies de árboles-nido, sus dimensiones y posición geográfica, dieta y estructura de parches de bosque; y a mayor escala el uso de la vegetación y las variables climáticas asociadas a la distribución de árboles-nido, obtenidas con un modelo de nicho ecológico utilizando Maxent. También evaluamos la tolerancia del loro al manejo de la tierra, y comparamos los árboles-nido encontrados, con 18 árboles-nido de Tamaulipas (Golfo de México), estudiados en los ochentas en un rancho privado intensamente manejado. Los loros anidaron en árboles altos en cavidades del dosel, registramos 92 árboles-nido en 11 especies de árboles, pero el 72.8% se presentó en Astronium graveolens y Enterolobium cyclocarpum que califican como árboles clave. Los bosques de anidación presentan 54 especies de árboles como máximo, y 50% sirven como alimento, también las zonas presentan alta abundancia de árboles dieta. La menor riqueza de árboles y de árboles dieta se presentó en un rancho ganadero, mientras que las áreas en regeneración natural presentaron mayor riqueza. La altura de la entrada de la cavidad en los árboles-nido del Pacífico fue mayor que en los del Golfo de México. Hipotetizamos que las diferencias se deben al comportamiento del loro, adaptado a la presión diferencial de saqueo de nidos y disponibilidad de cavidades. Los árboles-nido se encontraron en seis tipos de vegetación, pero el loro prefirió el bosque tropical subcaducifolio conservado, y ribereño, anidó menos en bosque tropical caducifolio y nunca en campos agrícolas transformados, difiriendo de lo esperado por la disponibilidad de hábitat. Las principales variables climáticas asociadas con la distribución potencial de nidos son: temperatura promedio del trimestre más lluvioso, oscilación diurna de la temperatura, y precipitación del mes más lluvioso. Las áreas de presencia potencial de árboles-nido representan el 61% de la región, sin embargo la mayor parte es bosque tropical caducifolio (55.8%), y el bosque tropical subcaducifolio sólo ocupa 17%. Los resultados indican la importancia del bosque tropical subcaducifolio conservado como hábitat de reproducción del loro cabeza-amarilla, y muestran la urgente necesidad de implementar acciones de conservación y restauración. Las acciones deben incluir la prohibición del cambio de uso del suelo del bosque tropical subcaducifolio, y de la tala selectiva de especies clave, la creación de santuarios de vida silvestre en las áreas de anidación y programas de restauración de los bosques tropicales de la costa del Pacífico central.
Animals , Ecosystem , Nesting Behavior/physiology , Parrots/physiology , Mexico , Parrots/classificationABSTRACT
Podium angustifrons Kohl 1902 is a species of solitary wasp which nests in pre-existing cavities, with neotropical distribution in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Guyana and French Guyana. The aim of this study was to investigate the nesting biology of P. angustifrons, discussing aspects of their life history. To capture its nests, wooden trap-nests were installed in the Parque Municipal das Araucárias, Guarapuava (PR), Brazil, from January 2003 to April 2009. A total of 29 nests were collected, all during the warmer months. These showed no vestibular and intercalary cells, and their closures were made up of chewed plants and mud mixed with organic materials and resin-coated surfaces, sometimes showing a layer of lichens. The cells were provisioned with various wild species of cockroaches (Chorisoneura sp, Riata sp and Helgaia sp) in the nymph stage and/or adults. The sex ratio was 4.6 females per male, significantly higher that the expected 1:1. Most pre-pupae entered diapause in winter with development time ranging from 187 to 283 days for females and 180 to 283 days for males. Deaths occurred in 41.66% of cells provisioned, 33.33% were attributed to faulty development and 8.33% to Chrysididae.
Podium angustifrons Kohl 1902 é uma espécie de vespa solitária que nidifica em cavidades pré-existentes, com distribuição na Argentina, Bolívia, Brasil, Colômbia, Guiania e Guiana Francesa. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a biologia de nidificação desta espécie, discutindo aspectos de sua história de vida. Para captura seus ninhos, foram instaladas ninhos-armadilha de madeira no Parque Municipal das Araucárias, Guarapuava (PR), Brasil, de Janeiro 2003 até Abril de 2009. Foram coletados 29 ninhos, durante todos os meses quentes. Os ninhos não apresentaram células vestibulares e intercalares, seus fechamentos são constituídos por material vegetal mascado, seguido de barro misturado a materiais orgânicos, revestidos por resina, podendo ter uma camada de liquens. As células foram aprovisionadas com diferentes espécies de baratas silvestres (Chorisoneura sp, Riata sp e Helgaia sp) em estágio de ninfa e/ou adulto. A maioria das pré-pupas entrou em diapausa no inverno com tempo de desenvolvimento de 187 a 283 dias para as fêmeas e 180 a 283 dias para machos. Ocorreu mortalidade em 41,66% das células aprovisionadas, sendo 33,33% causado por falha de desenvolvimento e 8,33% por cleptoparasitas da família Chrysididae.