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Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 136(3): 14-22, sept. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553353


El presente artículo es una reseña biográfica de la vida del Dr. Christofredo Jakob, desde su formación en Alemania, las personalidades que acompañaron su desarrollo y las publicaciones científicas en suelo germano. Luego llegarían los inicios de su trabajo en la Argentina y los principales alcances de sus investigaciones. A través de esta reseña recorremos los comienzos del estudio sistemático del sistema nervioso en el país y recordamos el Día del Neurocientífico argentino. (AU)

This article is a biographical review of the life of Dr. Christofredo Jakob, from his training in Germany, the personalities who accompanied his development and the scientific publications on German soil. Then came the beginnings of his work in Argentina and the main achievements of his research. Through this review, we retrace the beginnings of the systematic study of the nervous system in the country and we remember the Day of the Argentine Neuroscientist. (AU)

History, 19th Century , History, 20th Century , Physicians/history , Neurobiology , Neurosciences , Argentina , Biomedical Research , Germany
Educ. med. super ; 37(3)sept. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1528544


Introducción: La revolución digital ha llegado al campo educativo y exige que los entornos educativos digitales generen experiencias educativas contundentes. Para realizar este proceso, es fundamental diseñar y construir un material educativo digital (MED) ajustado a los lineamientos tecnológicos, técnicos y pedagógicos enmarcados en la neurobiología del aprendizaje (NA) del estudiante. Objetivo: Evaluar los elementos necesarios para la producción de un material educativo digital (MED) inédito, mediante su implementación en estudiantes. Métodos: Se realizó un análisis cuantitativo a través del Test de Wilcoxon SR con el software SPSS de IBM, y un análisis cualitativo con el software QDA Miner. Posteriormente, se triangularon los datos. Resultados: En el análisis cuantitativo se obtuvo una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre el pretest y el postest (p < 0,001) y la mediana entre dicha diferencia de 22,6 por ciento. En el análisis cualitativo se definieron tres categorías: los comentarios positivos de la experiencia, las sugerencias de los estudiantes al proceso y las dificultades técnicas surgidas durante la implementación. Conclusiones: Son evidentes el interés, la motivación, el enganche y el disfrute de los estudiantes de una forma activa en el proceso de aprendizaje, que proporcionan un punto de partida para transformar las prácticas educativas con resultados significativos(AU)

Introduction: The digital revolution has reached the educational field and demands that digital educational environments generate powerful educational experiences. To carry out this process, it is essential to design and build a digital educational material adjusted to the technological, technical and pedagogical guidelines framed in the student's neurobiology of learning. Objective: To evaluate the necessary elements for the production of an unpublished digital educational material, through its implementation in students. Methods: A quantitative analysis was performed through the Wilcoxon SR test using the IBM SPSS software, together with a qualitative analysis using the QDA Miner software. Subsequently, the data were triangulated. Results: The quantitative analysis yielded a statistically significant difference between pretest and posttest (p < 0.001), as well as a median difference of 22.6 percent. The qualitative analysis permitted to define three categories: positive comments on the experience, the students' suggestions to the process, and technical difficulties encountered during the implementation. Conclusions: The students' active interest in, motivation for, engagement towards and enjoyment of the learning process are evident, facts that provide a starting point for transforming educational practices with significant outcomes(AU)

Humans , Teaching Materials , Digital Technology/education , Neurobiology/education
Poblac. salud mesoam ; 19(2)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386946


Resumen Introducción: se estima que entre un 80 % y un 90 % de la población mundial ha consumido sustancias psicoactivas (SPA), pero solo un 15 % llega a desarrollar una dependencia. El objetivo de este ensayo es describir los antecedentes epidemiológicos, los aspectos clínicos y los mecanismos neurobiológicos asociados a la dependencia de SPA. Luego, se reflexiona sobre algunas estrategias ambientales para su prevención y/o tratamiento. Proposición: la dependencia no es un simple vicio producto de la holgazanería o la falta de carácter, sino, un trastorno neuropsquiátrico que debe ser reconocido como tal. Para ello, es indispensable conocer sus factores etiológicos, así como los mecanismos neurobiológicos involucrados. Argumentos para la discusión: todas las SPA activan directa o indirectamente el sistema dopaminérgico mesolímbico, el cual, tras el abuso, produce la sensibilización del sistema motivacional y la desensibilización del sistema hedónico. Este fenómeno provoca el uso más frecuente y en mayor cantidad, a pesar de que los efectos placenteros sean cada vez menores. El malestar físico y emocional causado por el síndrome de abstinencia contribuye a dicha compulsión, la cual se sale de control producto de las alteraciones del funcionamiento ejecutivo y la corteza prefrontal. Conclusiones: la dependencia es una enfermedad del cerebro inducida por el consumo crónico de las SPA en conjunto con factores neurobiológicos y psicosociales de vulnerabilidad. El acceso a contacto social, ejercicio físico y estimulación sensorio-cognitiva podría representar una estrategia altamente eficaz para el manejo de la dependencia y el mejoramiento de la salud mental.

Abstract Introduction: It has been estimated that 80% to 90% of the population worldwide has ever consumed psychoactive substances (PAS), but only 15% will develop addiction. The goal of the current essay is to describe concisely the epidemiological background, the clinical foundations, and neurobiological mechanisms of addiction. Finally, it will briefly examine some environmental strategies aimed to prevent and/or treat addiction. Addiction is not a simple vice consequence of laziness or lack of character, but a neuropsychiatric disorder that must be recognized as such. Proposal: To attain this ultimate goal, the etiological factors and the neurobiological mechanisms of addiction must be revealed and disseminated. Arguments for discussion: All PAS directly or indirectly activate the mesolimbic dopaminergic system, which -after repeated intake- sensitizes and desensitizes the motivational and the hedonic system, respectively. This phenomenon causes PAS to be consumed more frequently and at higher doses despite their effects being progressively less rewarding. Consequently, the physical and emotional distress derived from the withdrawal syndrome exacerbates the compulsive PAS intake, while the completely loss of control results from impairments in the executive functions and the prefrontal cortex. Conclusions: Addiction is a brain disease induced by the chronic consumption of PAS combined with neurobiological and psychosocial risk factors. Exposure social contact, physical exercise, and sensory-cognitive stimulation may constitute a highly effective strategy for preventing and treating addiction and improving mental health as well.

Humans , Neurobiology , Substance-Related Disorders/epidemiology , Costa Rica
Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; 60(2): 195-205, jun. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388434


RESUMEN: Antecedentes: Los trastornos alimentarios (TCA) presentan entre sus síntomas disfunciones psicosociales como ansiedad social, alexitimia y falta de asertividad. Objetivo: Se propone un modelo explicativo/comprensivo que integra aspectos de psiconeurobiología y comportamiento útil para la clínica. Método: Se evaluó una revisión de la literatura en Medline / PubMed, SciELO y bases de datos de textos especializados con criterios de calidad. Fueron seleccionados conceptos centrales para construir una coherencia que permitiera la lectura psiconeurobiológica del fenómeno y su aplicación clínica. Resultados: Cuatro factores fueron dispuestos a significar: 1- sistema de alarma; 2- sistema de recompensa 3- cerebro social; 4-mecanismos de control (inhibición/excitación). Se dispusieron mostrando la complejidad de su interacción psicofisiológica. Se sugiere que la ingesta de alimentos podría funcionar como una forma primaria de equilibrio cuando hay fallas en alguno de los sistemas expuestos. Conclusión: Se presenta un modelo de integración psiconeurobiológico útil para explicar la dificultad interpersonal en TCA. Esta forma de comprensión facilita: la conexión entre las investigaciones emergentes en TCA y DI; la toma de decisiones clínicas y orientan el pronóstico y las alternativas de tratamiento.

ABSTRACT Background: Eating disorders (ED) are characterized by psychosocial disfunctions, like social anxiety, alexithymia and lack of assertiveness. Objective: To propose a comprehensive integrative model including neurobiology and behavior aspects. Method: A literature review on Medline/PubMed, SciELO and specialized texts databases were assessed against quality criteria. Core concepts were extracted and coherence articulated. Results: Four factors were disposed to meaning: alarm and reward system with social brain and control (inhibition/excitation) mechanisms. They were articulate in a complex psychophysiological interplay. They were associated with social behaviours achieved/not achieved during development. Food intake could operate like a pathological balance to psychopathological effects Conclusion: An explanatory/comprehensive psychoneurobiological model to understand social function in ED is proposed. This form of understanding facilitates: the connection between emerging research in eating disorders and ID; clinical decision-making and guide the prognosis and treatment alternatives.

Humans , Social Adjustment , Feeding and Eating Disorders/psychology , Interpersonal Relations , Neurobiology , Models, Psychological
Acta neurol. colomb ; 38(2): 91-97, abr.-jun. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383402


RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN: El presente artículo incluye una mirada histórica de algunas teorías y clasificaciones del trastorno del espectro del autismo (TEA), incluyendo a los autores más reconocidos y las perspectivas semiológicas vigentes. Se pretende contribuir así a la unificación de criterios entre los profesionales, y propender por la reflexión acerca de las consecuencias de una conceptualización desacertada del trastorno. MATERIALES Y MÉTODO: Se trata de una revisión documental de artículos indexados en bases de datos, y otros documentos seleccionados intencionalmente. RESULTADOS: Tres categorías a saber fueron consideradas para la organización de la información: a) de la ficción a la ciencia: el paso de la sintomatología mítica a la clasificación nosológica; b) los pioneros austríacos: la dualidad inicial que se transformó en espectro; y c) trastorno del espectro del autismo: una trayectoria en la estructuración de sus criterios diagnósticos. DISCUSIÓN Y CONCLUSIONES: La variabilidad en las hipótesis etiológicas, así como en la manifestación de los síntomas nucleares del TEA, han impactado en su clasificación y abordaje terapéutico. Se requiere una actualización permanente de los profesionales por el avance de la genética y las neurociencias, siendo posible la futura generación de cambios en el rol de los profesionales que intervienen en su detección, evaluación e intervención.

ABSTRACT Introduction: This article involves a historical review of some theories and classifications of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), including the most recognized authors and current semiological perspectives. In this way, it is intended to contribute to the unification of criteria among professionals, and to encourage reflection on the consequences of an unwise conceptualization of the disorder. Materials and methods: It is a documentary review of articles indexed in databases, and other intentionally selected documents. Results: Three categories, namely, were considered for the organization of the information: a) from fiction to science: the transition from mythical symptomatology to nosological classification; b) the Austrian pioneers: the initial duality that became a spectrum; and c) autism spectrum disorder: a trajectory in the structuring of its diagnostic criteria. Discussion and conclusions: The variability in the etiological hypotheses, as well as in the manifestation of the core symptoms of ASD, have impacted its classification and therapeutic approach. A permanent update of professionals is required due to the advancement of genetics and neurosciences, making possible the future generation of changes in the role of professionals involved in its detection, evaluation and intervention.

Child Development , Diagnosis , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Brain , Neurobiology , Mental Disorders
Vínculo ; 19(2): 264-269, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1442861


A autora aborda, sucintamente, a sucessiva emergência de paradigmas em psicanálise e o estabelecimento na atualidade de um diálogo com as neurociências com ênfase nos seus aportes sobre a neurobiologia da memória. Termina fazendo uma breve reflexão das implicações dos factos apontados sobre o devir da grupanálise.

The autor addresses the successive emergence of paradigms in psychoanalysis and the establishment, today, of a dialogue with neurosciences with emphasis on the contributions to the neurobiology of memory. It ends with a brief reflection on the possible implications of the facts pointed out in the future of the group analysis.

El autor aborda, brevemente, la sucessiva emergência de paradigmas en psicoanálisis y entabla un diálogo com las neurociências com énfasis en contribuciones sobre a neurobiologia de la memoria. Termina com una breve reflexión sobre las posibles implicaciones de los hechos señalados en el transcurso del grupoanálisis.

Psychoanalysis , Neurobiology , Neurosciences , Memory
Rev. crim ; 64(3): 137-152, 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1417202


El cuestionamiento del por qué alguien querría asesinar a otra persona aún no tiene una respuesta única: ¿supervivencia, odio, placer, venganza? Frente a este fenómeno, las neurociencias ofrecen un espacio de comprensión relevante y actual para dar respuesta a este interrogante. Diversos estudios clínicos y en neuroimagen han mostrado diversas alteraciones anatómicas, bioquímicas, genéticas y su relación con una variedad de redes neuronales asociadas a conductas agresivas. Subregiones en la corteza prefrontal, la amígdala, el hipocampo y el lóbulo temporal juegan un papel importante en el desarrollo y el funcionamiento de la biología de la agresión. Variaciones genéticas en la regulación de proteinas y neurotransmisores tales como la serotonina y la dopamina han sido establecidas como mediadores en las conductas agresivas y homicidas. Las interacciones epigenéticas y los mediadores sociales representan importantes factores de riesgo adicionales para la agresividad. El presente artículo sistematiza algunos de los factores que influyen en la conducta homicida. Delimita sus factores de riesgo y correlato neurobiológico, así como aporta información basada en evidencia que ayude en la prevención de dichos comportamientos, la comprensión multidimensional del delito y el desarrollo de intervenciones efectivas fundamentadas en las neurociencias cognitivas forenses.

The question of why someone would want to murder another person still has no single answer: survival, hatred, pleasure, revenge? In the face of this phenomenon, neuroscience offers a relevant and current area of understanding to answer this question. Several clinical and neuroimaging studies have shown diverse anatomical, biochemical and genetic alterations and their relationship with a variety of neural networks associated with aggressive behaviors. Subregions in the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, hippocampus and temporal lobe play an important role in the development and functioning of the biology of aggression. Genetic variations in the regulation of proteins and neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine have been established as mediators of aggressive and homicidal behaviors. Epigenetic interactions and social mediators represent additional important risk factors for aggression. The present article systematizes some of the factors that influence homicidal behavior. It delineates their risk factors and neurobiological correlates, as well as provides evidence-based information to aid in the prevention of such behaviors, the multidimensional understanding of crime, and the development of effective interventions based on forensic cognitive neuroscience.

A questão de pôr que alguém quereria matar outra pessoa ainda não tem uma única resposta: sobrevivência, ódio, prazer, vingança? Diante deste fenômeno, as neurociências oferecem uma área relevante e atual de compreensão para responder a esta pergunta. Vários estudos clínicos e de neuroimagem têm mostrado diversas alterações anatômicas, bioquímicas e genéticas e sua relação com uma variedade de redes neurais associadas a comportamentos agressivos. Sub-regiões no córtex pré-frontal, amígdala, hipocampo e lobo temporal desempenham um papel importante no desenvolvimento e funcionamento da biologia da agressão. Variações genéticas na regulação de proteínas e neurotransmissores como a serotonina e a dopamina foram estabelecidas como mediadores de comportamentos agressivos e homicidas. As interações epigenéticas e os mediadores sociais representam fatores de risco adicionais importantes para a agressão. Este artigo sistematiza alguns dos fatores que influenciam o comportamento homicida. Ela delineia seus fatores de risco e correlatos neurobiológicos e fornece informações baseadas em evidências para ajudar na prevenção de tais comportamentos, na compreensão multidimensional do crime e no desenvolvimento de intervenções eficazes baseadas na neurociência cognitiva forense.

Humans , Neurobiology , Genetics , Psychopathology , Biochemistry , Neurosciences , Crime , Homicide , Neurology
Psicol. USP ; 33: e210007, 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1360629


Resumo Jogos de azar podem ser uma atividade de lazer, mas sua prática em excesso pode levar a consequências adversas, como o Transtorno de Jogo. Apesar dos sérios prejuízos provocados por esse quadro, tanto o Transtorno de Jogo em si quanto estratégias de tratamento são pouco conhecidos no Brasil. Este trabalho aborda o Transtorno de Jogo e seu tratamento, tendo como objetivo explicitar a contribuição da abordagem psicodinâmica. São apresentadas as principais hipóteses psicodinâmicas existentes na literatura e tecidas considerações sobre a psicoterapia psicodinâmica realizada em um serviço que atende jogadores em São Paulo, o Programa Ambulatorial do Jogo Patológico (PRO-AMJO) do Instituto de Psiquiatria do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (IPq HC-FMUSP). Por fim, alguns exemplos de perfis de jogadores patológicos são apresentados.

Abstract Gambling may be a leisure activity, but overdoing it can lead to adverse consequences such as Gambling Disorder. Despite the serious damage caused by the disorder, both Gambling Disorder and its treatment strategies are little known in Brazil. This study investigates Gambling Disorder and its treatment, emphasizing the contributions of the psychodynamic approach. The paper presents the main psychodynamic hypotheses in the literature and comments on the psychodynamic psychotherapy carried out in facilities treating pathological gamblers in São Paulo, such as the Pathological Gambling Outpatient Program (PRO-AMJO) of the Psychiatric Institute of Hospital das Clínicas (IPq HC-FMUSP). Finally, some examples of pathological gambler profiles are discussed.

Résumé Le jeu de hasard peut être un loisir, mais l'excès peut avoir des conséquences néfastes, comme le Jeu Pathologique. Malgré les graves consequences causés par ce trouble, le Jeu Pathologique et ses stratégies de traitement sont peu connus au Brésil. Cettte étude porte sur la Dépendence au jeu et son traitement, en mettant l'accent sur les contributions de l'approche psychodynamique. L'article présente les principales hypothèses psychodynamiques dans la littérature et reflète sur la psychothérapie psychodynamique réalisée dans les services qui s'occupent de joueurs à São Paulo, telles que le Programma ambulatoire sur la dépendance au jeu (PRO-AMJO) del'Institut de psychiatrie de l'Hospital das clínicas (IPq HC-FMUSP). Enfin, quelques exemples de profils de joueurs pathologiques sont discutés.

Resumen Los juegos de azar pueden ser una actividad de diversión, pero su práctica excesiva puede traer consecuencias adversas como el Trastorno de Juego. A pesar de los graves daños causados por este comportamiento, tanto el Trastorno de Juego en sí como las estrategias de tratamiento son poco conocidos en Brasil. Este trabajo aborda el Trastorno de Juego y su tratamiento, con el objetivo de hacer explícito la contribución del enfoque psicodinámico. Se presentan las principales hipótesis psicodinámicas en la literatura y se hacen consideraciones sobre la psicoterapia psicodinámica realizada en un servicio que atiende a jugadores en São Paulo, como el Programa del Hospital das Clínicas de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de São Paulo (IPq HC-FMUSP). Finalmente, se presentan algunos ejemplos de perfiles de jugadores patológicos.

Humans , Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic , Gambling/etiology , Gambling/psychology , Neurobiology
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; 64: e21200245, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1278434


Abstract Current trends in science education recommend the complementary use of virtual and hands-on methods of teaching. In neurobiology, for instance, there is a plethora of virtual laboratories and simulators that can be readily combined with traditional physical labs. Unfortunately, physical laboratories are almost unaffordable for many institutions due to the high cost of equipment. In this paper, we present a simple and low-cost in vivo method for demonstrating some of the basic biophysical properties of neural action potentials. The method involves the following steps: a) dissection of the ventral nerve cord of earthworm; b) electrical stimulation; c) amplification and visualization of the medial and lateral giant fibers' action potentials; and d) recording. The system showed stability, expected amplification, high signal-to-noise ratio, and an estimated total cost of US$ 5.662. We provide guidelines for assembling the system and discus its utility as a teaching alternative for low budget institutions.

Neurobiology/methods , Action Potentials , Low Cost Technology/economics , Schools
Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 42(5): 536-551, Sept.-Oct. 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132127


Bipolar disorder (BD) is a chronic mental illness characterized by changes in mood that alternate between mania and hypomania or between depression and mixed states, often associated with functional impairment. Although effective pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments are available, several patients with BD remain symptomatic. The advance in the understanding of the neurobiology underlying BD could help in the identification of new therapeutic targets as well as biomarkers for early detection, prognosis, and response to treatment in BD. In this review, we discuss genetic, epigenetic, molecular, physiological and neuroimaging findings associated with the neurobiology of BD. Despite the advances in the pathophysiological knowledge of BD, the diagnosis and management of the disease are still essentially clinical. Given the complexity of the brain and the close relationship between environmental exposure and brain function, initiatives that incorporate genetic, epigenetic, molecular, physiological, clinical, environmental data, and brain imaging are necessary to produce information that can be translated into prevention and better outcomes for patients with BD.

Humans , Bipolar Disorder/genetics , Bipolar Disorder/diagnostic imaging , Brain/diagnostic imaging , Neurobiology , Affect , Neuroimaging
Vínculo ; 17(1): 1-24, jan.-jun. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | INDEXPSI, LILACS | ID: biblio-1127519


A Neuro-Psicanálise é uma área de investigação e estudo conceptual e epistemológico focado na reavaliação das hipóteses propostas pelo modelo psicanalítico da mente perante o recente manancial de novos dados científicos provindo de diferentes áreas de Cérebro e da sua atividade cerebral, o que tem permitindo o desenvolvimento e esclarecimento dos modelos neuro-dinâmicos relacionados com a atividade mental tanto consciente, assim como inconsciente. Os autores fizeram uma resenha sobre as circunstâncias de ordem histórica, filosófica e científica por detrás do nascimento deste movimento de diálogo entre a Psicanálise e as Neurociências Modernas, a Sociedade Internacional para a Neuro-Psicanálise, cujos fundamentos históricos estão consubstanciados na própria obra e vida de Sigmund Freud, o qual iniciou a vida profissional, como investigador em laboratórios de histologia médica, aí se interessou pelo estudo do sistema nervoso central e mais tarde iniciou atividade clínica em Neurologia. Somente a partir dos anos 50 do Seculo XX ocorreram as primeiras iniciativas precursoras para uma investigação neurocientífica moderna e foi na década de 80 que começou a surgir o manancial de dados científicos provindos de diferentes áreas de investigação neurológica, os quais permitem aventar as possibilidades de existirem eventuais correlações e correspondências entre os termos psicológicos e psicanalíticos com certas áreas e circuitos neurofisiológicos do Cérebro, assim possibilitando reabertura de um diálogo tão desejado por Freud e expresso na sua monografia intitulada: "Projecto para uma Psicologia Científica" de 1895, entre o modelo psicanalítico da Mente e os modelos neurobiológicos e neurocientíficos do Cérebro.

Neuro-Psychoanalysis is an area of conceptual and epistemological research focused on the reevaluation of hypotheses proposed by the psychoanalytic model of Mind (Psyché) facing recent and new scientific data emerging from the investigations over different Brain's areas and activities, which allows a development and clarification of new neuro-dynamic models related to both conscious and unconscious mental activity. The authors reviewed the historical, philosophical and scientific circumstances behind the birth of this movement of dialogue between Psychoanalysis and Modern Neurosciences, the International Society for Neuro-Psychoanalysis, whose historical foundations are embodied in the work and life of Sigmund Freud, who started his professional life as a researcher in medical histology laboratories and became interested in the study of the central nervous system and later on began his clinical practice in Neurology. Only at the decade of the 50s, the first precursor initiatives over modern neuroscientific research have taken place and only at the 80s emerge several sources of scientific data from different areas of neurological research which allowed the first possibilities for possible correlations and correspondences between psychological and psychoanalytic terms with certain areas and neurophysiological circuits of the Brain, thus enabling the reopening of a dialogue desired by Freud, in his monograph entitled: "Project for a Scientific Psychology" from 1895, between the psychoanalytic model of Mind and new neurobiological and neuroscientific models of the Brain.

El neuro-psicoanálisis es un área de investigación y de estudio conceptual y epistemológico centrado en la reevaluación de las hipótesis propuestas por el modelo psicoanalítico de la Mente frente a la riqueza reciente de nuevos datos científicos provenientes de diferentes áreas del Cerebro y su actividad cerebral, lo que ha permitido desarrollo y clarificación de modelos neurodinámicos relacionados tanto con la actividad mental consciente como inconsciente. Los autores revisaron las circunstancias históricas, filosóficas y científicas detrás del nacimiento de este movimiento de diálogo entre la Psicoanálisis y las Neurociencias, la Sociedad Internacional para el Neuro-Psicoanálisis, cuyos fundamentos históricos están encarnados en el trabajo y la vida de Sigmund Freud quien comenzó su vida profesional como investigador en laboratorios de histología médica e se interesó en el estudio del sistema nervioso central y más tarde comenzó la actividad clínica en Neurología. Solo a partir de los años 50 del siglo XX tuvieron lugar las primeras iniciativas precursoras para la investigación neurocientífica moderna, y fue en los años 80 que comenzó a surgir la fuente de datos científicos de diferentes áreas de la investigación neurológica, lo que permite avanzar las posibilidades de la existencia de posibles correlaciones y correspondencias entre términos psicológicos y psicoanalíticos con ciertas áreas y circuitos neurofisiológicos del cerebro, permitiendo así la reapertura de un diálogo tan deseado por Freud en su monografía titulada: "Proyecto para una psicología científica" de 1895 entre el modelo psicoanalítico de la mente y los nuevos modelos neurobiológicos y neurocientíficos del cerebro.

Psychoanalysis , Neurobiology , Neurosciences , Central Nervous System , Growth and Development , Freudian Theory , Neurology
Acta bioquím. clín. latinoam ; 54(2): 173-182, jun. 2020. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1130592


Se realizó un estudio sobre treinta pacientes con trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) que asisten para su atención a centros especializados que funcionan en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires y en el conurbano bonaerense. A todos ellos se les efectuó un estudio psico-neuro-cognitivo exhaustivo, según la escala IDEA (Inventario del Espectro Autista) que tiene el objetivo de evaluar doce dimensiones características significativas en estos pacientes, con cuatro niveles de puntuación en cada una de las dimensiones estudiadas. Los padres o tutores completaron una encuesta con datos epidemiológicos y se investigaron posibles factores de alergias y/o intolerancias presentes. Esta encuesta también se hizo extensiva a otras familias con niños autistas, para que los datos epidemiológicos fueran representativos de una población mayor. Sobre los treinta pacientes estudiados se dosaron anticuerpos antiendomisio y antitransglutaminasa, ambos asociados con la enfermedad celíaca; IgE total, asociada a procesos de alergia y a parasitosis; homocisteína sérica o urinaria, cortisol sérico o urinario y factor neurotrófico derivado del cerebro (BNDF). Se trataron de establecer posibles asociaciones causales entre los parámetros estudiados y las manifestaciones de los trastornos autistas.

Thirty patients with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who attend specialized centers in Buenos Aires and its suburbs were carefully studied. All of them underwent a psycho-neuro-cognitive study. The psychologists used the IDEA (Autism Spectrum Inventory) scale which is focused on twelve characteristically significant dimensions with four typical levels in each of those dimensions studied. Their parents or guardians completed a survey with epidemiological data and possible factors of allergies and/or intolerance presence were investigated. This survey was also distributed among other families with children with ASD condition so that the epidemiological results were taken from a larger number of cases. Anti-endomysial and anti-transglutaminase antibodies usually related to celiac disease, total IgE related to allergic processes, homocysteine measures in serum or urine, cortisol measured in serum or urine and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BNDF) were dosed in all the cases. The aim was to establish possible causal associations between the studied parameters and the manifestations of the autism spectrum disorder.

Foi conduzido um estudo em trinta pacientes com transtorno do espectro autista (TEA) que para serem atendidos frequentam centros especializados que operam na Cidade Autônoma de Buenos Aires e seus arrededores. Todos eles foram submetidos a um exaustivo estudo psico-neurocognitivo, de acordo com a escala IDEA (Inventário do Espectro Autista) que visa avaliar doze características significativas desses pacientes, com quatro níveis de pontuação em cada uma das dimensões estudadas. Os pais ou responsáveis responderam uma pesquisa com dados epidemiológicos e foram pesquisados possíveis fatores de alergias e / ou intolerâncias presentes. Essa pesquisa também foi estendida a outras famílias com crianças autistas, de modo que os dados epidemiológicos fossem representativos de uma população maior. Anticorpos antiendomísio e antitransglutaminase foram dosados nos trinta pacientes estudados, ambos associados à doença celíaca; IgE total associada a processos de alergia e a parasitose; homocisteína sérica ou urinária, cortisol sérico ou urinário e fator neurotrófico derivado do cérebro (BNDF). Tentou-se estabelecer possíveis associações causais entre os parâmetros estudados e as manifestações dos transtornos autistas.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Neurobiology , Biomarkers , Allergy and Immunology , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Autism Spectrum Disorder/complications , Association , Attention , Celiac Disease , Cerebrum
Rev. ecuat. pediatr ; 21(1): 1-7, 30 de abril del 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1140932


Propósito del ensayo:La hipótesis del presente estudio es quelos cambios Neurobiológicos producidos por el Maltrato Infantil perpetúan el Ciclo de violencia.Buscamos reportes en donde se presentan cambios Neurobiológicos y neuroendócrinos en la relación a niños con maltrato infantil. Recientes Hallazgos: El estrés crónico en los niños produce lesiones en el sistema límbico que afecta las emociones y la memoria.Hay variantes genéticas, como por ejemplo en el gen de transporte de serotonina,estas variantes son la causa para el desarrollo de resilencia neurobiológica Extracto: El Maltrato Infantila temprana edad produce consecuencias devastadoras en el cerebro del niño, resultando en múltiples psicopatologías y, lo que es más importante, perpetuando o repitiendo los ciclos de violencia. Esto ocurre no únicamente por conductas aprendidas sino, sobre todo, por cambios neurobiológicos que experimentan los niños maltratados

Purpose of the Essay: The hypothesis of the present study is that the Neurobiological changes produced by Child Abuse perpetuate the Cycle of violence. We are looking for reports showing Neurobiological and neuroendocrine changes in relation to children with child abuse. Recent Findings: Chronic stress in children causes lesions in the limbic system that affect emotions and memory. There are genetic variants, such as in the serotonin transport gene, these variants are the cause for the development of neurobiological resilience Excerpt: Child Abuse at an early age produces devastating consequences on the child's brain, resulting in multiple psychopathologies and, most importantly, perpetuating or repeating cycles of violence. This occurs not only due to learned behaviors but, above all, due to neurobiological changes experienced by abused children

Humans , Violence , Child Abuse , Domestic Violence , Neurobiology
Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 42(1): 87-104, Jan.-Feb. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1055353


Objective: Trichotillomania (TTM) is characterized by the pulling out of one's hair. TTM was classified as an impulse control disorder in DSM-IV, but is now classified in the obsessive-compulsive related disorders section of DSM-5. Classification for TTM remains an open question, especially considering its impact on treatment of the disorder. In this review, we questioned the relation of TTM to tic disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Method: We reviewed relevant MEDLINE-indexed articles on clinical, neuropsychological, neurobiological, and therapeutic aspects of trichotillomania, OCD, and tic disorders. Results: Our review found a closer relationship between TTM and tic disorder from neurobiological (especially imaging) and therapeutic standpoints. Conclusion: We sought to challenge the DSM-5 classification of TTM and to compare TTM with both OCD and tic disorder. Some discrepancies between TTM and tic disorders notwithstanding, several arguments are in favor of a closer relationship between these two disorders than between TTM and OCD, especially when considering implications for therapy. This consideration is essential for patients.

Humans , Male , Female , Trichotillomania/classification , Tourette Syndrome/classification , Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder/classification , Trichotillomania/etiology , Trichotillomania/therapy , Neurobiology , Comorbidity , Treatment Outcome , Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , Neuropsychology
Rev. med. (Säo Paulo) ; 98(4): 273-278, jul.-ago. 2019.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1023537


Obsessive-Compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common psychiatric condition that leads to significant impairment in everyday life. Advancements in neurobiological investigations contributed to a better understanding of pathophysiological mechanisms behind OCD, leading to the understanding that current models employed to conceptualize OCD are not adequate and might be a significant factor in precluding further advancements in how OCD is treated. In this paper, we will use OCD as a model to discuss the limitations of the current diagnostic systems in Psychiatry and to present the novel perspectives based on neurobiological findings that might lead to considerable advancements in treatments for OCD.

Neurobiology/trends , Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder/diagnosis , Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder/physiopathology , Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder/therapy
Rev. méd. Chile ; 147(6): 755-761, jun. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020724


The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health not only as the absence of disease but as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. Gratitude is one of the concepts most commonly associated with well-being from the empirical point of view. Despite of this, we seldom use the concept, possibly due to the lack of dissemination of its scientific bases and possible clinical applications. At an anatomical level, it is related consistently with the medial prefrontal cortex and at molecular level, with the neuropeptide oxytocin. It has been associated with better physical and mental health parameters, both in healthy and sick populations. It is usually measured using scales, being the most used worldwide the Gratitude Questionnaire-6 item (GQ-6). There are exercises that can enhance gratitude and its benefits, such as the gratitude letter and the gratitude journal. Given the current state of knowledge about gratitude, and considering its potential benefits, low risks, ability to complement other treatments, the simple and cost-effectiveness of gratitude interventions, a continuing research on this topic and its practical implementation is warranted.

Humans , Neurobiology , Attitude , Affect/physiology , Psychiatric Status Rating Scales , Psychotherapy , Surveys and Questionnaires , Interpersonal Relations
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-766566


Suicide is a complex phenomenon resulting from interactions between individual vulnerabilities and socio-environmental factors. The current review primarily focuses on research into the serotonin system, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, neurotrophic factors, lipid metabolism, and functional neuroimaging studies. It has been found that dysfunctions in the serotonin system, hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis abnormalities, and low brain-derived neurotrophic factor and cholesterol levels may be linked to suicide. Additionally, recent neuroimaging studies have suggested that structural and functional abnormalities in brain areas related to cognitive and emotional regulation may be associated with suicide. More research incorporating advanced methodological approaches may shed further light on the neurobiological basis of suicide.

Brain , Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor , Cholesterol , Functional Neuroimaging , Lipid Metabolism , Nerve Growth Factors , Neurobiology , Neuroimaging , Pituitary-Adrenal System , Serotonin , Suicide
Experimental Neurobiology ; : 447-450, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-763783


No abstract available.

Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-715512


BACKGROUND: Blood levels of many hormones show rhythmic fluctuations with variable duration of cycles. Clusterin/apolipoprotein J is a glycoprotein which is highly expressed in the plasma and has modulatory roles in immune and inflammatory reactions, neurobiology, lipid metabolism, and leptin signaling. In this study, we examined the diurnal fluctuations of plasma clusterin concentrations in lean and obese young men. METHODS: For the study, 14 subjects (five lean and five obese men; two lean and two obese women) were admitted to the research ward and blood samples were drawn every 30 minutes during light-on period (6:00 AM to 10:00 PM) and every hour during light-off period. RESULTS: Notably, plasma clusterin concentrations displayed a unique ultradian rhythm with five cycles a day in both men and women. During the light-on period, circulating clusterin levels showed fluctuating curves with 4 hours regular intervals with sharp peaks and troughs. In contrast, single oscillation curve during light-off exhibited a smoothened/lower peak and longer (8-hour) duration. In obese men, these cycles were phase-advanced by approximately 1 hour, and had reduced amplitude of fluctuating curves and blunted diurnal pattern. Cyclic fluctuations of plasma clusterin were preserved under fasting and unexpected meal condition, suggesting that rhythmic oscillations in plasma clusterin levels are not generated by meal-related cues. CONCLUSION: These findings firstly demonstrate a novel pattern of plasma clusterin fluctuations with extremely regular cycles.

Female , Humans , Male , Circadian Rhythm , Clusterin , Cues , Fasting , Glycoproteins , Leptin , Lipid Metabolism , Meals , Neurobiology , Obesity , Plasma