Addictive behaviors related to Internet are becoming more common and this tool has been essential once it enables home office, entertainment, homeschooling, and easy access to information. Despite the easiness brought by technology, the exaggerated use has affected users in different ways, including in the development of psychiatric disorders. This study aimed to assess internet addiction, depression, anxiety, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), attention, impulsivity, and stress in 48 adolescents (26 young women and 22 young men), aged from 15 to 18 years, with a mean age of 16.74 (0.61), mostly students of public schools, during COVID-19, to investigate correlations between these variables according to sex and sociodemographic aspects. To assess the factors, the Internet Addiction Test (IAT); the Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham Rating Scale (SNAP-IV) Questionnaire ; the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress scale for brazilian adolescents (EDAE-A); the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11); and a sociodemographic questionnaire were applied. The data collection was performed in schools located in southern Brazil. The results indicated that 12 out of 48 adolescents were considered addicted to the Internet. Moreover, Internet addiction was a predictor of depression in regression analysis (p<0.001). In addition, participants classified as more addicted to the Internet scored lower averages in general attention (p<0.035) and higher averages in behavioral symptoms of inattention and ADHD (p<0.050), stress (p<0.003), anxiety (p<0.016), and depression (p<0.015), with effect sizes ranging from moderate to high. Therefore, the intense internet use by adolescents might cause psychological consequences such as depression in adolescents. Family support and professional intervention might help in the reduction of symptoms and consequences of internet addiction as well as in its prevention.(AU)
A dependência de internet é cada vez mais comum, pois essa ferramenta tem se tornado imprescindível, uma vez que possibilita home office, entretenimento, educação domiciliar e fácil acesso às informações. No entanto, o uso exagerado da tecnologia afeta os usuários de diversas formas, inclusive no desenvolvimento de transtornos psiquiátricos. Este estudo visou avaliar a dependência de internet, depressão, ansiedade, hiperatividade, atenção, impulsividade e estresse em 48 adolescentes (26 meninas e 22 meninos) de 15 a 18 anos, com idade média de 16,74 (0,61), estudantes de escolas públicas do Sul do Brasil durante a covid-19, para investigar correlações entre as variáveis anteriores de acordo com gênero e aspectos sociodemográficos. Para avaliar, aplicou-se o Internet Addiction Test (IAT), um teste de atenção, escala SNAP IV, escala de depressão, ansiedade e estresse para adolescentes (EDAE-A), escala de impulsividade de Barratt e um questionário sociodemográfico. Os resultados indicaram que 12 adolescentes foram considerados viciados em internet, e que a dependência desta foi preditora da depressão na análise de regressão (p < 0,001). Ainda, os participantes classificados como adictos tiveram médias mais baixas em atenção geral (p < 0,035) e mais altas em sintomas comportamentais de desatenção e hiperatividade (p < 0,050), estresse (p < 0,003), ansiedade (p < 0,016) e depressão (p < 0,015), com efeitos que variaram de moderado a alto. Portanto, o uso intenso da internet por adolescentes pode ter consequências psicológicas, como a depressão. Bom apoio familiar e intervenção profissional podem ajudar na redução dos sintomas e consequências, bem como na prevenção da dependência.(AU)
La adicción a Internet es cada vez más habitual, puesto que esta herramienta es esencial para el trabajo remoto, el entretenimiento, la educación domiciliar y el fácil acceso a la información. Sin embargo, su uso exagerado afecta a la vida de las personas de diferentes maneras, incluso en el desarrollo de trastornos psiquiátricos. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la adicción a Internet, depresión, ansiedad, hiperactividad, atención, impulsividad y estrés en 48 adolescentes (26 muchachas y 22 muchachos), de entre 15 y 18 años, con una edad promedio de 16,74 (0,61), en su mayoría estudiantes de escuelas públicas del Sur de Brasil, durante la pandemia de la COVID-19, para investigar las correlaciones entre las variables mencionadas según género y aspectos sociodemográficos. Para evaluar los factores, se aplicaron el Test de Adicción a Internet (TAI), un test de atención, la escala SNAP IV, la Escala de Depresión, Ansiedad y Estrés para adolescentes (EDAE-A), la escala de impulsividad de Barratt y un cuestionario sociodemográfico. Los resultados indicaron que 12 adolescentes fueron considerados adictos a Internet, además, la adicción a Internet fue un predictor de la depresión en el análisis de regresión (p<0,001). Igualmente, los participantes clasificados como más adictos a Internet tuvieron promedios más bajos en atención general (p<0,035), y más altos en síntomas conductuales de falta de atención e hiperactividad (p<0,050), estrés (p<0,003), ansiedad (p<0,016) y depresión (p<0,015), con efectos que varían de moderado a alto. Por lo tanto, el uso intenso podría producir consecuencias psicológicas como la depresión en los adolescentes. Tener un buen apoyo familiar e intervención profesional puede ayudar a reducir los síntomas y las consecuencias de la adicción a Internet, así como prevenirla.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adolescent , Internet Addiction Disorder , Technology Addiction , Mental Disorders , Perception , Personality Development , Psychological Phenomena , Psychological Tests , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Psychomotor Performance , Psychopathology , Psychotherapy , Rejection, Psychology , Self Concept , Sleep Wake Disorders , Social Adjustment , Social Alienation , Social Environment , Social Isolation , Social Sciences , Socialization , Socioeconomic Factors , Sociology , Stress, Psychological , Task Performance and Analysis , Therapeutics , Time , Work Simplification , Physicians' Offices , Bipolar Disorder , Boredom , Computer Communication Networks , Shyness , Activities of Daily Living , Computers , Exercise , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Comorbidity , Cerebral Cortex , Child Advocacy , Child Welfare , Mental Health , Public Health , Reproducibility of Results , Adolescent Behavior , Behavior, Addictive , Time Management , Cognition , Communications Media , Consumer Behavior , Neurobehavioral Manifestations , Neurocognitive Disorders , Wit and Humor , Counseling , Education, Distance , Affect , Culture , Adolescent Health , Depressive Disorder , Displacement, Psychological , Economics , Emotions , Equipment and Supplies , Disease Prevention , Exercise Test , Cerebrum , Family Conflict , Fear , Sedentary Behavior , Executive Function , Pandemics , Cognitive Dysfunction , Social Media , Financing, Personal , Mindfulness , Social Skills , Smartphone , Patient Health Questionnaire , Procrastination , Neuroticism , Academic Performance , Academic Success , Virtual Reality , Cyberbullying , Online Social Networking , Screen Time , Frustration , Data Analysis , Internet-Based Intervention , Psychological Distress , Social Comparison , Social Interaction , COVID-19 , Sluggish Cognitive Tempo , Exergaming , Social Deprivation , Sociodemographic Factors , Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder , Oppositional Defiant Disorder , Amygdala , Hostility , House Calls , Ergonomics , Impulsive Behavior , Interpersonal Relations , Introversion, Psychological , Anger , Learning , Limbic System , Loneliness , Mental Processes , Motivation , Motor Activity , Movement , NeurologyABSTRACT
Objectif de l'étude.Préciser, chez les diabétiques, la fréquence et les facteurs associés des troubles neurocognitifs. Patients et Méthode. Une étude cas-témoin menée de janvier à décembre 2020 au Centre Neuro-Psychopathologique de l'Université de Kinshasa. Le diabète sucré (DS) a été diagnostiqué selon les critères biologiques de l'OMS et les fonctions neurocognitives évaluées à l'aide du test de Grober et Buschke après un dépistage avec le community screening interview for dementia (CSI-D). Résultats. Cinquante cas et 50 témoins ont été inclus. La fréquence globale des troubles neurocognitifs était de 58%. L'âge moyen des patients diabétiques atteints de troubles neurocognitifs était de 60,48 ± 6,90 ans avec un sex ratio (H/F) de 0,81. Les troubles neurocognitifs étaient en proportion élevés chez les diabétiques qui avaient un DS évoluant entre 6 et 10 ans. Les troubles mnésiques étaient associées au DS ; OR: 3,58, IC 95% [1,29-5,87], p = 0,003 ; avec prédominance d'amnésie d'évocation (65%). Les troubles neurocognitifs chez les diabétiques étaient influencés par l'âge ≥ 60 ans, l'HTA, le manque de ressource sure de revenue financière, les AVC et la durée du diabète supérieure à 5 ans. Le DS demeurait, après ajustement sur différents facteurs, un facteur de risque des troubles neurocognitifs avec un OR ajusté = 3,63, IC 95% [1,86-6,70] et un p = 0, 0001.Conclusion. Les diabétiques sont plus enclins aux troubles neurocognitifs que les non diabétiques. Des facteurs de risque pouvant influencer la survenue de ces troubles ont été identifiés.
Objective. To specify, in diabetics, the frequency and associated factors of neurocognitive disorders.Patients and Method. A case-control study conducted from January to December 2020 at the Neuro-Psychopathological Center of the University of Kinshasa. Diabetes mellitus (DM) was diagnosed according to WHO biological criteria and neurocognitive functions assessed using the Grober and Buschke test after screening by the community screening interview for dementia (CSI-D).Results. Fifty cases and 50 controls were included. The overall frequency of neurocognitive disorders was 58%. The mean age of diabetic patients with neurocognitive disorders was 60.48 ± 6.90 years with a sex ratio (M/F) of 0.81. Neurocognitive disorders were in high proportion in diabetics who had DM evolving between 6 and 10 years. Memory disorders were associated with DM; OR: 3.58, 95% CI [1.29-5.87], p = 0.003; with predominance of evocation amnesia (65%). Neurocognitive disorders in diabetics were influenced by age ≥ 60 years, hypertension, lack of secure financial income, stroke and duration of diabetes more than 5 years. DM remained, after adjustment for various factors, a risk factor for neurocognitive disorders with an adjusted OR = 3.63, 95% CI [1.86-6.70] and a p = 0.0001.Conclusion. Diabetics are more prone to neurocognitive disorders than non-diabetics. Risk factors that may influence the occurrenceof these disorders have been identified
Neurocognitive DisordersABSTRACT
Introducción: La COVID-19, infección causada por el SARS-CoV-2, ocasiona daños a diferentes órganos y sistemas, como el sistema nervioso central. Entre las alteraciones neurológicas se describe la niebla mental como manifestación neurocognitiva frecuente en el síndrome post-COVID-19, con un impacto negativo en la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Se revisaron 104 artículos publicados desde junio 2020 a octubre del 2022, en las bases de datos Pubmed, Medline, Lilacs y Cumed. Objetivo: Actualizar conocimientos sobre las manifestaciones neurocognitivas de niebla mental en el síndrome post-COVID-19. Desarrollo: Se describen alteraciones neurocognitivas de niebla mental, trastornos de atención, concentración y memoria, asociados a otros síntomas neurológicos, como cefalea, insomnio, anosmia, ageusia, ansiedad, depresión, y otros síntomas persistentes, que caracterizan al síndrome post-COVID-19. Se hace referencia a elementos de la etiopatogenia, resaltando la respuesta inmune sistémica exagerada, generada por la liberación de citoquinas, aspectos a tener presentes para la conducta diagnóstica y terapéutica de los pacientes post-COVID-19. Conclusiones: Los síntomas neurocognitivos de niebla mental, constituyen las alteraciones neurológicas frecuentes del síndrome post-COVID-19, son variados, con combinación de diferentes síntomas en cada enfermo, más frecuentes en mujeres y en pacientes que presentaron enfermedad grave(AU)
Introduction: COVID-19, infection caused by SARS-CoV-2, causes damage to different organs and systems, such as the central nervous system. Among the neurological alterations, brain fog is described as a frequent neurocognitive manifestation in post-COVID-19 syndrome, with a negative impact on patients' quality of life; 104 articles published were reviewed from June 2020 to October 2022, in Pubmed, Medline, Lilacs and Cumed databases. Objective: To update knowledge on the neurocognitive manifestations of brain fog in post-COVID-19 syndrome. Development: Neurocognitive alterations of mental fog, attention, concentration and memory disorders, associated with other neurological symptoms, such as headache, insomnia, anosmia, ageusia, anxiety, depression, and other persistent symptoms, which characterize post-COVID-19 syndrome, are described. Reference is made to elements of the etiopathogenesis, highlighting the exaggerated systemic immune response, generated by the release of cytokines, aspects to keep in mind for the diagnostic and therapeutic conduct of post-COVID-19 patients. Conclusions: The neurocognitive symptoms of brain fog are frequent neurological alterations of post-COVID-19 syndrome, they are varied, with a combination of different symptoms in each patient, more frequent in women and in patients who presented severe disease(AU)
Humans , Knowledge , Mental Fatigue/diagnosis , Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome , Neurocognitive Disorders , COVID-19/etiologyABSTRACT
Introducción: Entre las enfermedades neurodegenerativas se encuentra un grupo de patologías que se caracterizan por un compromiso prominente del lenguaje, denominadas usualmente afasias primarias progresivas, las cuales se subdividen en 3 tipos: variante logopénica, variante semántica y variante no fluente o agramática. Presentación del caso: Paciente con cuadro clínico que inicia a los 65 años, con disminución en la interacción social. Un par de meses después, la esposa nota que el lenguaje del paciente se torna poco fluido, habla con palabras o frases cortas, no logra decir oraciones completas, además de presentar cambios en la entonación de las palabras y alteraciones del lenguaje escrito. El paciente manifiesta que su principal limitación en el momento es el no poder expresar lo que quiere decir, y por este motivo consulta. Discusión: En el caso de este paciente, se describe inicialmente un cambio en su personalidad que no compromete su funcionalidad, sin embargo, al poco tiempo se presenta compromiso del lenguaje como síntoma prominente y que genera mayor compromiso en su calidad de vida, con pruebas neuropsicológicas y hallazgos de neuroimagen que apoyan el diagnóstico de afasia primaria progresiva (APP) variante no fluente o agramatical, con síntomas comportamentales y motores asociados. Conclusión: Las APP son un grupo de trastornos neurocognitivos cuya característica primordial es el compromiso en el lenguaje, cada variante de APP tiene unas características clínicas y criterios diagnósticos específicos que se deben conocer para lograr sospechar el diagnóstico y hacer un abordaje apropiado en el paciente.
Introduction: In the group of neurodegenerative diseases, there is a group of pathologies that are characterized by a prominent compromise of language, normally called primary progressive aphasias, these are subdivided into 3 types: logopenic variant, semantic variant and non-fluent or agrammatic variant. Case presentation: Patient with a clinical picture that begins at age 65, with decreased social interaction, a couple of months later his wife notices that his language becomes not fluent, speaks in short words or phrases, cannot say complete sentences, in addition to changes in the intonation of words and alterations in written language, the patient states that his main limitation at the moment is not being able to express what he wants to say and for this reason they consult. Discussion: In the case of this patient, a change in his personality is initially described that does not compromise his functionality, however soon after a language involvement is presented as the main symptom and the one that generates a compromise in his quality of life, with neuropsychological tests and findings on neuroimaging that supports the diagnosis of primary progressive aphasia (PPA) non-fluent or agrammatical variant, with associated behavioral and motor symptoms. Conclusion: APPs are a group of neurocognitive disorders whose primary characteristic is language impairment. Each APP variant has specific clinical characteristics and diagnostic criteria that must be known in order to suspect the diagnosis and make an appropriate approach to the patient.
Neurocognitive Disorders , Dementia , Primary Progressive Nonfluent Aphasia , LanguageABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate whether gut microbiota disturbance after cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) contributes to the development of perioperative neurocognitive disorders (PND).@*METHODS@#Fecal samples were collected from healthy individuals and patients with PND after CPB to prepare suspensions of fecal bacteria, which were transplanted into the colorectum of two groups of pseudo-germ-free adult male SD rats (group NP and group P, respectively), with the rats without transplantation as the control group (n=10). The feces of the rats were collected for macrogenomic sequencing analysis, and serum levels of IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α were measured with ELISA. The expression levels of GFAP and p-Tau protein in the hippocampus of the rats were detected using Western blotting, and the cognitive function changes of the rats were assessed with Morris water maze test.@*RESULTS@#In all the 3 groups, macrogenomic sequencing analysis showed clustering and clear partitions of the gut microbiota after the transplantation. The relative abundances of Klebsiella in the control group (P < 0.005), Akkermansia in group P (P < 0.005) and Bacteroides in group NP (P < 0.005) were significantly increased after the transplantation. Compared with those in the control group, the rats in group NP and group P showed significantly decreased serum levels of IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α and lowered expression levels of GFAP and p-Tau proteins (all P < 0.05). Escape platform crossings and swimming duration in the interest quadrant increased significantly in group NP (P < 0.05), but the increase was not statistically significant in group N. Compared with those in group P, the rats in group NP had significantly lower serum levels of IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α and protein expressions of GFAP and p-Tau (all P < 0.05) with better performance in water maze test (P < 0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#In patients receiving CPB, disturbances in gut mirobiota contributes to the development of PND possibly in relation with inflammatory response.
Male , Animals , Rats , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Cardiopulmonary Bypass , Gastrointestinal Microbiome , Interleukin-6 , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha , Neurocognitive DisordersABSTRACT
ABSTRACT The diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is associated with an increased risk of developing dementia. When evaluating the further prognosis of MCI, the occurrence of neuropsychiatric symptoms, particularly aggressive and impulsive behavior, may play an important role. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between aggressive behavior and cognitive dysfunction in patients diagnosed with MCI. Methods: The results are based on a 7-year prospective study. At the time of inclusion in the study, participants, recruited from an outpatient clinic, were assessed with Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and the Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory (CMAI). A reassessment was performed after 1 year using the MMSE scale in all patients. The time of next MMSE administration was depended on the clinical condition of patients took place at the end of follow-up, that is, at the time of diagnosis of the dementia or after 7 years from inclusion when the criteria for dementia were not met. Results: Of the 193 patients enrolled in the study, 75 were included in the final analysis. Patients who converted to dementia during the observation period exhibited a greater severity of symptoms in each of the assessed CMAI categories. Moreover, there was a significant correlation between the global result of CMAI and the results of the physical nonaggressive and verbal aggressive subscales with cognitive decline during the first year of observation. Conclusions: Despite several limitations to the study, aggressive and impulsive behaviors seem to be an unfavorable prognostic factor in the course of MCI.
RESUMO O diagnóstico de comprometimento cognitivo leve (CCL) está associado a um risco aumentado de desenvolver demência. Ao avaliar o prognóstico adicional do CCL, a ocorrência de sintomas neuropsiquiátricos, particularmente o comportamento agressivo e impulsivo, pode desempenhar um papel importante. Objetivo: Avaliar a relação entre comportamento agressivo e disfunção cognitiva em indivíduos com diagnóstico de CCL. Métodos: Nossos resultados são baseados em um estudo prospectivo de sete anos. No momento da inclusão no estudo, os participantes, recrutados em um ambulatório, foram avaliados com o Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM) e o Inventário de Agitação de Cohen-Mansfield (CMAI). A reavaliação foi realizada após um ano com a escala MEEM em todos os pacientes. O momento da próxima administração do MEEM dependeu da condição clínica dos indivíduos e ocorreu no final do acompanhamento, ou seja, no momento do diagnóstico da demência ou após sete anos da inclusão, quando os critérios para demência não foram atendidos. Resultados: Dos 193 pacientes incluídos no estudo, 75 foram incluídos na análise final. Os indivíduos que converteram para demência durante o período de observação exibiram uma maior gravidade dos sintomas em cada uma das categorias avaliadas pelo CMAI. Além disso, houve uma correlação significativa entre o resultado global do CMAI e os resultados das subescalas de agressão física e verbal com declínio cognitivo durante o primeiro ano de observação. Conclusões: Apesar das várias limitações do estudo, os comportamentos agressivos e impulsivos parecem ser um fator prognóstico desfavorável no curso do CCL.
Humans , Impulsive Behavior , Violence , Behavioral Symptoms , Neurocognitive DisordersABSTRACT
Resumo Objetivo Analisar a evolução clínica de um paciente acometido pela Doença de Alzheimer (DA) e discutir as repercussões de um diagnóstico precoce. Método Estudo de caso instrumental do tipo qualitativo e de caráter descritivo que se desenvolveu em três etapas: 1) seleção e delimitação do caso; 2) coleta dos dados em campo; e 3) organização e redação do relatório. Este estudo baseia-se na análise da evolução clínica descrita em prontuário de um paciente com diagnóstico de DA, atendido e acompanhado pelo Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS), por um período de 10 anos, na região do Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe. Resultados Estudo realizado com a paciente M.R., sexo feminino, 71 anos, casada e do lar, com ensino fundamental incompleto, portadora de DA e hipotireoidismo, a qual iniciou seu acompanhamento no CAPS II em 10 de setembro de 2012. Paciente submetida ao Miniexame do Estado Mental (MEEM), tendo como resultado no primeiro teste 14 pontos, abaixo do ponto de corte para o nível de escolaridade da paciente. Posteriormente, em 2018, registraram-se 10 pontos no MEEM, e em 2020 possuiu pontuação igual a 11, já em tratamento medicamentoso para DA: Memantina 10mg 2x/dia e Donepezila 5mg 1x/dia. Conclusão O diagnóstico precoce da DA é de extrema importância para tratamento adequado a fim de retardar a progressão da doença. No entanto, afecções mentais, tal como a depressão, constituem-se como barreiras na análise clínica inicial dos pacientes e ainda em certos casos apresenta-se como pródromo para a DA.
Abstract Objective To analyze the clinical evolution of a patient affected by Alzheimer's disease and discuss the repercussions of an early diagnosis. Method Instrumental case study of qualitative and descriptive type that was developed in three stages: 1) selection and delimitation of the case; 2) collection of data in the field; and 3) organization and writing of the report. This study is based on the analysis of the clinical evolution described in the medical records of a patient diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, treated and followed-up by the Center for Psychosocial Care (CAPS), for a period of 10 years, in the Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe region. Results This study was conducted with the patient M.R., female, 71 years old, married, housewife, with incomplete elementary education, carrier of AD and hypothyroidism, who started her follow-up at CAPS II on September 10, 2012. Patient submitted to the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE), with a result of 14 points in the first test, below the cut-off point for the patient's level of education. Later, in 2018, she scored 10 points on the MMSE, and in 2020 she scored 11, already under medication treatment for AD: memantine 10mg 2x/day and donepezilla 5mg 1x/day. Conclusion Early diagnosis of AD is extremely important for appropriate treatment to slow the progression of the disease. However, mental disorders such as depression are barriers in the initial clinical analysis of patients and in some cases presents itself as a prodrome for AD.
Humans , Female , Aged , Aged , Cognitive Dysfunction , Mental Health Services , Quality of Life , Neurocognitive Disorders/drug therapyABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción Antecedentes: La anorexia nerviosa (AN) y la bulimia nerviosa (BN) son enfermedades mentales graves y crónicas que afectan a un alto porcentaje de la población. Un número creciente de estudios han informado de alteraciones neuropsicológicas en esta población, que aparentemente contribuyen a la aparición y progresión del trastorno, y que repercuten en la eficacia del tratamiento y la recuperación. Metodología: El objetivo de esta Revisión Narrativa es resumir los hallazgos relativos al perfil neuropsicológico de las mujeres con AN y BN en diferentes fases de tratamiento. Resultados: La evidencia disponible sugiere que las mujeres con AN y BN presentan un perfil de déficits de cognición ejecutiva y social. Estos resultados son consistentes con la evidencia de los hallazgos de neuroimagen de alteraciones cerebrales estructurales en las áreas frontales y en los circuitos frontales-subcorticales. Conclusiones: El conocimiento de los perfiles neuropsicológicos de las mujeres con AN y BN ofrece información clave para entender la presentación clínica de esta población y los retos en la adherencia y beneficio del tratamiento. Los estudios futuros deberían explorar la eficacia de las intervenciones dirigidas a las deficiencias neuropsicológicas y cómo contribuyen al tratamiento habitual.
Background: Anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) are severe and chronic mental health illnesses that affect a high percentage of the population. A growing number of studies have reported neuropsychological impairments in this population, apparently contributing to the onset and progression of the disorder, and impacting on treatment efficacy and recovery. Methodology: This Narrative Review aimed to summarize findings regarding the neuropsychological profile of women with AN and BN at different treatment phases. Results: Available evidence suggests that women with AN and BN present a profile of executive and social cognition deficits. These results are consistent with evidence from neuroimaging findings of structural brain alterations in frontal areas and frontal-subcortical circuits. Conclusions: Knowledge about the neuropsychological profiles of AN and BN women offers key information to understand the clinical presentation of this population and challenges in adhering and benefiting from treatment. Future studies should explore the efficacy of interventions targeting neuropsychological impairments and how they contribute to treatment as usual.
Humans , Female , Feeding and Eating Disorders , Neurocognitive Disorders/diagnosis , Anorexia Nervosa , Neurocognitive Disorders/physiopathology , Bulimia Nervosa , Executive Function , Neuroimaging , Social Cognition , NeuropsychologyABSTRACT
La neuropsicología está desarrollándose y migrando a otras áreas tales como la judicial, en donde el neuropsicólogo forense ayuda al juez a tomar decisiones ecuánimes e imparciales, sin embargo, nace como problemática el fenómeno de la simulación de déficits neurocognitivos con el propósito de obtener ganancias secundarias. Este artículo tiene como objetivo abordar dicho fenómeno mediante una sistematización bibliográfica, estableciendo un marco teórico-comprensivo del fenómeno, así como también identificando las principales herramientas para su detección. Se esquematizan apartados que forman un hilo conductor que arrojan como resultado que la detección de la simulación de déficits neurocognitivos es una tarea compleja, multidimensional y que debería tener un enfoque holístico, por lo tanto, es necesario seguir investigando al respecto para perfeccionar sus métodos de identificación.
Neuropsychology is developing and migrating to other areas such as the judicial, where the forensic neuropsychologist helps the judge to make fair and impartial decisions, however, the phenomenon of the simulation of neurocognitive deficits with the purpose of obtaining secondary gains is born as a problem. This article aims to address this phenomenon through a bibliographic systematization, establishing a theoretical-comprehensive framework of the phenomenon, as well as identifying the main tools for its detection. Thus, sections are outlined that form a common thread that show as a result that the detection of the simulation of neurocognitive deficits is a complex, multidimensional task and that it should have a holistic approach, therefore, it is necessary to continue researching in this regard. to perfect its results identification methods.
Humans , Neurocognitive Disorders/diagnosis , Malingering , Neuropsychological TestsABSTRACT
Resumen El trastorno neurocognitivo frontotemporal es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa que incluye manifestaciones clínicas de subtipo comportamental y lingüística. La afasia progresiva primaria (APP) es un síndrome en el que aparecen alteraciones del lenguaje que comprende tres tipos de variantes: no fluente, semántica y logopénica. Este estudio describe la evolución clínica y las características neuropsicológicas de una mujer de 63 años que presenta un deterioro progresivo del lenguaje. Se evalúan las funciones de atención, memoria, lenguaje y funciones ejecutivas. La paciente obtuvo un bajo rendimiento en memoria, velocidad de procesamiento y funciones ejecutivas. Su lenguaje se caracteriza por presentar baja fluidez, agramatismo, parafasias verbales y dificultades en denominación. Se concluye que la paciente presenta características de la APP no fluente, que varía a través del tiempo y afecta su funcionamiento; características de un curso clínico de un trastorno neurocognitivo mayor posible debido a una degeneración del lóbulo frontotemporal.
Abstract Mild cognitive impairment, frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a neurodegenerative disease characterized by clinical manifestations of behavior and linguistic subtypes. Primary Progressive Aphasia (APP) is a syndrome in which language alterations appear that include three types of variations: Non - fluent, Semantic and Logopenic. This study describes the clinical evolution and the neurophysiological characteristics of a 63 years old woman that started with a progressive language impairment. The functions which are evaluated are attention, memory, language and executive functions. The patient obtained a low performance in memory, processing speed and executive functions. The language is characterized by low fluency, agramatism, paraphasias and denomination difficulties. It is concluded, that the patient has characteristics of APP non-fluent which varies throughout the time and it affects her performance; characteristics of a clinical course of a greater neurocognitive disorder might be due to a lobe frontotemporal degeneration.
Neurocognitive Disorders , Cognitive Dysfunction , Language , Memory , Attention , Aphasia, Primary Progressive , Neurodegenerative Diseases , Frontotemporal Dementia , Executive Function , LinguisticsABSTRACT
RESUMO: O sistema mnêmico do eu (Icherinnerungssystem) consiste em uma das contribuições teóricas mais originais de Sándor Ferenczi. Propomos, no presente artigo, colocar essa concepção em evidência, rastreando seus antecedentes, expondo detalhadamente sua formulação e, finalmente, seguindo seus desdobramentos. Consideramos que o antecedente da concepção de sistema mnêmico do eu localiza-se na experiência de Ferenczi com a neurose de guerra. Quanto aos seus desdobramentos, indicamos que ele participa, de maneira decisiva, na construção de um dos múltiplos modelos de clivagem desenvolvidos por Ferenczi na sua clínica do trauma.
Abstract: The mnemic system of the ego (Icherinnerungssystem) consists of one of the most original theoretical contributions by Sándor Ferenczi. We propose, in this article, to put this conception in evidence, tracing its antecedents, exposing its formulation in detail and, finally, following its unfolding. We consider that the antecedent of the conception of the mnemic system of the ego lies in Ferenczi's experience with war neurosis. As for his developments, we indicate that it participates, decisively, in the construction of one of the multiple splitting models developed by Ferenczi in his clinic of trauma.
Human Body , Neurocognitive Disorders , Neurotic DisordersABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Introduction: Major neurocognitive disorder (MNCD) affects millions of people worldwide. However, the pharmacological options for its management are limited, ineffective and frequently associated with severe adverse reactions. Case report: An 85-year-old man with history of multiple chronic brain injuries (alcohol-use disorder, haemorrhagic stroke, brain trauma, chronic use of benzodiazepines) developed an MNCD, reaching 7 points on the Reisberg Global Deterioration Scale. He had minimal response to antidepressants, antipsychotics and anticholinergic medications. After the use of mother tincture of Indian hemp (cannabis), a significant improvement was found in his cognitive function, ability to carry out activities of daily living and independence. Discussion: The endocannabinoid system seems to be implicated in age-related cognitive decline. In addition, the evidence derived from in-vitro and animal models suggest that this system could play an important role in the management of MNCD of different causes. Conclusions: Cannabinoid treatment for MNCD emerges as a promising therapeutic approach that may benefit a growing number of patients who do not have other treatment options. It is therefore necessary to encourage more research efforts that will help to remove political and scientific barriers to its clinical use.
RESUMEN Introducción: El trastorno neurocognitivo mayor (TNM) afecta a millones de personas a nivel mundial. Sin embargo, las opciones farmacológicas para su manejo son limitadas, poco efectivas y se asocian a importantes reacciones adversas. Caso clínico: Se presenta el caso clínico de un hombre de 85 años, con antecedente de múltiples lesiones cerebrales crónicas (abuso de alcohol, enfermedad cerebrovascular, traumatismo cerebral, uso crónico de benzodiacepinas), quien desarrolló un TNM clasificado con 7 puntos en la Reisberg Global Deterioration Scale. Tuvo poca respuesta al manejo con antidepresivos, antipsicóticos y anticolinérgicos. Tras el uso de tintura madre de cáüamo índico (cannabis), se evidenció una mejoría en la función cognitiva, la capacidad de cuidado para las actividades de la vida diaria y la independencia. Discusión: El sistema endocanabinoide parece estar relacionado con los procesos de deterioro cognitivo asociados con la edad. Además, la evidencia derivada de modelos in vitro y animales sugiere que podría tener un papel importante en el manejo del TNM de diferentes etiologías. Conclusiones: El uso de cannabinoides en el TNM se presenta como una pista terapéutica prometedora. Por lo tanto, es necesario promover procesos de investigación que contribuyan a eliminar las barreras políticas y científicas para su uso clínico, beneficiando a un número creciente de pacientes que no poseen opciones terapéuticas eficaces.
Humans , Male , Aged, 80 and over , Cannabinoids , Cognition , Neurocognitive Disorders , Antipsychotic Agents , Benzodiazepines , Cannabis , Brain Injury, Chronic , Stroke , Endocannabinoids , Alcoholism , Brain Injuries, Traumatic , Antidepressive AgentsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT. Language is commonly impacted in corticobasal syndrome (CBS). However, the profile and type of language assessment in CBS are poorly studied. Objective: To identify language impairments in CBS. Methods: A search was performed in the Medline/PubMed database, according to the PRISMA criteria, using the keywords "corticobasal syndrome" OR "corticobasal degeneration" AND "language". Articles on CBS covering language assessment that were written in English were included, with no constraints on the publication date. Results: A total of 259 articles were found and 35 were analyzed, consisting of 531 participants. Twenty-eight studies showed heterogeneous language deficits and seven mentioned nonfluent primary progressive aphasia. The most used tests were the Western Aphasia Battery (8 studies) and the Boston Naming Test (8 studies). Conclusion: It was not possible to identify a unique linguistic profile in CBS.
RESUMO. A linguagem encontra-se comumente alterada na síndrome corticobasal (SCB). No entanto, o perfil e a forma de avaliação da linguagem na SCB são pouco estudados. Objetivo: identificar as alterações de linguagem na SCB. Método: Realizou-se uma busca na base de dados Medline/PubMed, com as palavras-chave "síndrome corticobasal" OU "degeneração corticobasal" E "linguagem". Artigos sobre SCB envolvendo avaliação de linguagem, escritos em inglês, foram incluídos, sem restrição de data de publicação. Resultados: Foram encontrados 259 artigos, e 35 estudos foram analisados, abrangendo 531 sujeitos. Um total de 28 estudos mostraram déficits heterogêneos de linguagem, e sete mencionaram afasia progressiva primária não-fluente. Os testes mais utilizados foram Western Aphasia Battery (8 estudos) e o Teste de Nomeação de Boston (8 estudos). Conclusão: Não foi possível identificar um perfil linguístico único em pacientes com SCB.
Humans , Neurocognitive Disorders , Language Tests , LanguageABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION: HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) are the subject of many studies, some of them reporting a prevalence of up to 50 percent. OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence and factors associated with HIV neurocognitive disorders (HAND) in a cohort of HIV-1-infected patients in São Paulo city, Brazil. METHODOLOGY: Descriptive cross-sectional study including 106 HIV-1-infected patients, employing direct interview and neuropsychological tests, applied by trained neuro-psychologists with expertise in the tests. Other, similar assessment tools we used were Brief Neurocognitive Questionnaire, International HIV Dementia Scale, Lawton Instrumental Activities of Daily Living, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Social Support Scale for People with HIV/Aids, Assessment of Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy Questionnaire, and a complex neuropsychological assessment. RESULTS: We included 106 patients from May 2015 to April 2018. We found a high prevalence of HAND in our patients (45%), with 27.5% presenting asymptomatic neurological impairment (ANI) and 17.5% mild neurological dysfunction (MND); only one patient presented HIV-associated dementia (HAD) (0.9%). Women were more likely to have MND (52.9%) and the only case of HAD was also female. The high prevalence of neurocognitive disorders was independent of the immunological status, use of efavirenz, or virological control. CONCLUSIONS: This study may mirror the national and international scenarios, showing a high prevalence of HAND (45%) and the prevalence of some risk factors, in special among women
INTRODUÇÃO: As doenças neurocognitivas associadas ao HIV (HAND), são o assunto de muitos estudos, alguns deles relatando uma prevalência de até 50 por cento. OBJETIVOS: Determinar a prevalência e os fatores associados aos distúrbios neurocognitivos do HIV (HAND) em uma coorte de pacientes infectados pelo HIV-1 na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. METODOLOGIA: Estudo transversal descritivo incluindo 106 pacientes infectados pelo HIV-1, utilizando entrevista direta e testes neuropsicológicos, aplicados por neuropsicólogos treinados com experiência nos testes. Foram utilizados também: Questionário Neurocognitivo Breve, Escala Internacional de Demência do HIV, Atividades Instrumentais de Vida Diária de Lawton, Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressão, Escala de Apoio Social para Pessoas com HIV / Aids, Avaliação da Adesão à Terapia Antiretroviral Questionário e uma bateria de avaliação neuropsicológica complexa. RESULTADOS: Foram avalaidos 106 pacientes de maio de 2015 a abril de 2018. Foi observado uma alta prevalência de HAND em nossos pacientes (45%), com 27,5% apresentando comprometimento neurológico assintomático (ANI) e 17,5% comprometimento cognitive leve (MND); apenas um paciente apresentou demência associada ao HIV (DAH) (0,9%). As mulheres eram mais propensas a ter MND (52,9%) e o único caso de HAD também era do sexo feminino. A alta prevalência de distúrbios neurocognitivos foi independente do estado imunológico, uso de efavirenz ou controle virológico. CONCLUSÕES: Este estudo pode espelhar o cenário nacional e internacional, mostrando uma alta prevalência de HAND (45%) e a prevalência de alguns fatores de risco, em especial entre as mulheres
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , HIV Infections/complications , HIV Infections/epidemiology , Neurocognitive Disorders/etiology , Neurocognitive Disorders/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Neuropsychological TestsABSTRACT
Abstract: Behavioral symptoms of people with dementia can negatively affect the mental health of informal caregivers. The aims of this study were to describe the behavioral symptoms of adults diagnosed with dementia based on the report of their caregivers and to characterize the caregivers regarding the level of hope, burden and stress related to care. Twenty informal caregivers participated in the study, with an average age of 54 years, predominantly daughters and wives of the patients, who granted an interview and responded to instruments regarding burden and stress, hope, patient's characteristics and behavioral problems. Despite a high level of hope, the participants had a burden level compatible with that of caregivers of chronic patients. The most mentioned challenging behaviors were difficulties in carrying out activities of daily living and aggressiveness, predominantly characterized as behavioral excesses. We emphasize the importance of interventions with caregivers of people with neurocognitive disorder, oriented to the management of challenging behaviors.
Resumo Sintomas comportamentais de pessoas com demência podem impactar negativamente a saúde mental de cuidadores informais. Os objetivos do presente estudo foram descrever os sintomas comportamentais de adultos com diagnóstico de demência pelo relato de seus cuidadores e caracterizar os cuidadores informais entrevistados em relação ao nível de esperança, sobrecarga e estresse relacionados ao cuidado. Participaram 20 cuidadoras informais, com idade média de 54 anos, predominantemente filhas e esposas dos pacientes, que responderam a uma entrevista e a instrumentos sobre sobrecarga e estresse, esperança, características dos pacientes e problemas de comportamento. Apesar de um alto nível de esperança, as participantes tinham nível de sobrecarga compatível com o de cuidadores de pacientes crônicos. Os comportamentos mais citados foram dificuldades de realização de atividades de vida diária e agressividade, caracterizados predominantemente como excessos comportamentais. Ressalta-se a importância de intervenções com cuidadores de pessoas com transtorno neurocognitivo, orientadas para o manejo de comportamentos desafiadores.
Resumen Los síntomas comportamentales de personas con demencia pueden impactar negativamente a la salud mental de sus cuidadores informales. En este estudio se pretende describir los síntomas comportamentales de adultos con diagnóstico de demencia mediante el relato de sus cuidadores y caracterizar a los cuidadores informales entrevistados en términos de nivel de esperanza, sobrecarga y estrés relacionados con el cuidado. Participaron 20 cuidadoras informales, edad promedio: 54 años, predominantemente hijas y esposas de los pacientes, que respondieron a una entrevista y a instrumentos sobre sobrecarga y estrés, esperanza, características de los pacientes y problemas de comportamiento. A pesar del alto nivel de esperanza, las participantes presentaron un nivel de sobrecarga compatible con el de cuidadores de pacientes crónicos. Los comporta4mientos más citados fueron dificultades en la ejecución de actividades cotidianas y agresividad, caracterizados predominantemente como excesos comportamentales. Se resalta la importancia de intervenciones con los cuidadores de personas con trastorno neurocognitivo orientadas al manejo de comportamientos desafiadores.
Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Behavioral Symptoms , Activities of Daily Living , Nuclear Family , Mental Health , Caregivers , Neurocognitive Disorders , Dementia , Aggression , Problem BehaviorABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: el cuidado de un paciente dependiente tiene mayores implicaciones si el diagnóstico es la enfermedad de Alzheimer, su calidad de vida se ve afectada de manera considerable en los aspectos relacionados con la salud. OBJETIVO: evaluar el efecto de una intervención multicomponente y transdisciplinar en la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en cuidadores informales de pacientes con Trastorno Neurocognitivo Mayor (TNC) tipo Alzheimer. MÉTODOS: participaron 50 cuidadores informales de pacientes con Alzheimer, empleando el cuestionario SF-36, mediante un ensayo aleatorizado con tres grupos de comparación y con evaluación de la calidad al inicio, y a los 5 y 10 meses. Para encontrar el tamaño del efecto de las intervenciones en la calidad de vida, según los grupos estudiados, se usó un modelo de efectos mixtos con covarianza no estructurada. RESULTADOS: se encontró que quienes recibieron la intervención multicomponente más respiro obtuvieron un mejoramiento de la calidad de vida en todas las dimensiones y componentes excepto en la función física, con efectos sostenidos en seguimiento. CONCLUSIÓN: las intervenciones no farmacológicas multicomponente acompañadas de un relevo del cuidado tienen un efecto positivo en la percepción de calidad de vida en cuidadores.
INTRODUCTION: The care of a dependent patient has greater implication if the diagnostic is the disease of Alzheimer's, their quality of life is affected considerably in the aspects related to health. OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the effect of a multicomponent and transdisciplinary intervention on health-related quality of life in informal caregivers of patients with Alzheimer-type Major Neurocognitive Disorder (TNC). METHODS: 50 informal caregivers of Alzheimer's patients participated, using the SF-36 questionnaire, through a randomized trial with three comparison groups and quality assessment at baseline, and at 5 and 10 months. To find the effect size of the quality of life interventions, according to the groups studied, a mixed effects model with unstructured covariance was used. RESULTS: it was found that those who received the multicomponent intervention plus respite obtained an improvement in the quality of life in all dimensions and components except physical function, with sustained effects in follow-up. CONCLUSION: multicomponent non-pharmacological interventions accompanied by a change of care have a positive effect on the perception of quality of life in caregivers.
Quality of Life , Caregivers , Caregivers/psychology , Alzheimer Disease , Neurocognitive Disorders , Quality ImprovementABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Major neurocognitive disorder due to multiple etiologies, or dementia due to multiple etiologies (DME), is a term coined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders to refer to complex cases when multiple pathologies, such as Alzheimer's disease, Lewy Bodies, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), vascular-related brain damage or frontotemporal lobar degeneration, are identified as contributing to neurocognitive impairment and/or behavioral alterations, based on patient's neuroimaging tests, laboratorial exams, associated symptomatology and medical history. In this study, we report the case of a 63-year-old male patient who presented with parkinsonism symptoms, aphasia and cognitive impairment on multiple domains after cerebral toxoplasmosis related to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, vascular damage and a history of alcohol abuse. We discuss the neurocognitive and neurobehavioral variables that characterized this diagnosis, as well as the importance of the differential diagnosis of DME on the field of neuropsychology of aging and, especially, for individuals living with HIV infection.
RESUMO Transtorno neurocognitivo maior devido a múltiplas etiologias, ou demência por múltiplas etiologias (DME), é um termo estabelecido pelo Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais para se referir a casos complexos em que múltiplas patologias, como a Doença de Alzheimer, Corpos de Lewy, o vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV), danos de origem vascular ou a degeneração lobar frontotemporal, são identificados como contribuintes para o comprometimento neurocognitivo e/ou para alterações comportamentais, com base em testes de neuroimagem do paciente, exames laboratoriais, sintomatologia associada e histórico médico. Neste artigo, relatamos o caso de um paciente do sexo masculino de 63 anos que apresentou sintomas de parkinsonismo, afasia e comprometimento cognitivo em múltiplos domínios após neurotoxoplasmose relacionada à síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida, dano vascular e histórico de abuso de álcool. Foram discutidas as variáveis neurocognitivas e neurocomportamentais que caracterizaram esse diagnóstico, assim como a importância do diagnóstico diferencial de DME para a neuropsicologia do envelhecimento e, especialmente, para indivíduos portadores do HIV.
Humans , Behavior , AIDS Dementia Complex , Toxoplasmosis, Cerebral , Cognition , Neurocognitive Disorders , NeuropsychologyABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: El objetivo de este estudio es determinar la frecuencia de alteraciones conductuales (AC) en un grupo de pacientes con diagnóstico de trastorno neurocognoscitivo (TN) valorado por clínica de memoria en un centro de evaluación en Bogotá, Colombia, durante el ano 2015. Material y métodos: Estudio observacional descriptivo y de corte retrospectivo de 507 pacientes con diagnóstico de trastorno neurocognoscitivo (según criterios del DSM-5), valorados en un centro de referencia en Bogotá en 2015. Resultados: La media de edad de los sujetos con trastorno neurocognoscitivo leve en el momento del diagnóstico era 71,04 arios y la de aquellos con trastorno neurocognoscitivo mayor, 75,32 años (p < 0,001). El 62,72% de la muestra son mujeres. La etiología más frecuente del trastorno neurocognoscitivo fue la enfermedad de Alzheimer probable, seguida por la degeneración lobar frontotemporal, variante conductual, y el trastorno neurocognoscitivo debido a múltiples etiologías. Las AC se presentan con mayor frecuencia en TN debido a degeneración frontotemporal variante conductual (100%), enfermedad de Alzheimer (77,29%) y vascular (76,19%). Las AC más prevalentes en el grupo evaluado fueron la apatía (50,75%), la irritabilidad (48,45%), la agresividad (16,6%) y la labilidad emocional (14,76%). Conclusiones: Las AC son prevalentes en pacientes con diagnóstico de trastorno neurocognoscitivo mayor. Según la etiología del trastorno neurocognoscitivo mayor, las AC son más prevalentes en la degeneración frontotemporal variante conductual. Apatía, irritabilidad, labilidad emocional y agresividad son las AC más comunes en toda la muestra.
ABSTRACT Introduction: The main aim of this study is to determine the prevalence of behavioural disturbances (BD) in a group of patients with diagnosis of neurocognitive disorders assessed by a memory clinic in a referral assessment centre in Bogotá, Colombia, in 2015. Material and methods: This is an observational, retrospective descriptive study of 507 patients with a diagnosis of neurocognitive disorder (according to DSM-5 criteria) evaluated in a referral centre in Bogotá, Colombia, in 2015. Results: Among the group of patients assessed, analyses reveal mean age for minor neurocognitive disorders of 71.04 years, and 75.32 years for major neurocognitive disorder (P < 0.001). A total of 62.72% of the sample were female. The most prevalent aetiology of the neurocognitive disorders was Alzheimer's disease, followed by behavioural variant fronto-temporal dementia and neurocognitive disorders due to multiple aetiologies. BD occur more frequently in neurocognitive disorder due to behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia (100%), Alzheimer's disease (77.29%) and vascular disease (76.19%). The most prevalent BD in the group assessed were apathy (50.75%), irritability (48.45%), aggression (16.6%), and emotional lability (14.76%). Conclusions: BD are highly prevalent in patients with diagnosis of major neurocognitive disorder. BD are more prevalent in behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia than any other group. Apathy, irritability, emotional lability and aggression are the BD that occur with greater prevalence in our sample. We discuss the importance of BD in the clinical progression of neurocognitive disorders.
Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Behavior , Neurocognitive Disorders , Vascular Diseases , Prevalence , Colombia , Aggression , Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration , Alzheimer DiseaseABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: El síndrome de Cotard es de rara aparición en la clínica psiquiátrica. Debido a esto, la información actual se basa principalmente en reportes y series de casos. Objetivo: Analizar las características psicopatológicas y la agrupación de los síntomas de los casos de síndrome de Cotard reportados en la literatura médica. Métodos: Se realizó en la base de datos MEDLINE/PubMed una búsqueda sistemática de la literatura de todos los casos de síndrome de Cotard reportados desde 2005 hasta enero de 2018. Se recolectaron variables demográficas y las características clínicas de cada caso. Se realizó un análisis factorial exploratorio de los síntomas. Resultados: La búsqueda identificó 86 artículos, de los cuales 69 eran potencialmente relevantes. Luego de la revisión de los textos completos, se seleccionaron 55 artículos para la revisión sistemática, entre los cuales se hallaron 69 casos. En el grupo de más edad con síndrome de Cotard fueron más frecuentes los diagnósticos de depresión mayor (p < 0,001) y trastorno mental orgánico (p = 0,004). El análisis factorial exploratorio arrojó 3 factores: depresión psicótica, en la que se incluye a los pacientes con delirios de culpa (0,721), ideas suicidas (0,685), delirios de condena (0,662), delirio nihilista del cuerpo (0,642), depresión (0,522) y delirios hipocondriacos (0,535); delirante-alucinatorio, con pacientes que sufrían delirio de inmortalidad (0,566), alucinaciones visuales (0,545) y delirio nihilista de la existencia (0,451), y mixto, con pacientes que sufrían delirio nihilista de los conceptos (0,702), ansiedad (0,573) y alucinaciones auditivas (0,560). Conclusiones: La psicopatología del síndrome de Cotard es más compleja que la simple asociación con el delirio de estar muerto, ya que abarca una estructura factorial organizada en 3 factores.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Cotard's syndrome is a rare psychiatric condition. As a result, current information is mainly based on reports and case series. Objective: To analyse the psychopathological characteristics and the grouping of the symptoms of the Cotard's syndrome cases reported in the medical literature. Methods: A systematic review of the literature of all reported cases of Cotard's syndrome from 2005 to January 2018 was performed in the MEDLINE/PubMed database. Demographic variables and clinical characteristics of each case were collected. An exploratory factor analysis of the symptoms was performed. Results: The search identified 86 articles, of which 69 were potentially relevant. After reviewing the full texts, 55 articles were selected for the systematic review, in which we found 69 cases. We found that the diagnosis of major depression (P < 0.001) and organic mental disorder (P =0.004) were more frequent in the older group with Cotard's syndrome. An exploratory factor analysis extracted 3 factors: psychotic depression, in which it includes patients with delusions of guilt (0.721), suicidal ideas (0.685), delusions of damnation (0.662), nihilistic delusions of the body (0.642), depression (0.522), and hypochondriacal delusions (0.535); delusive-hallucinatory, with patients who presented delusions of immortality (0.566), visual hallucinations (0.545) and nihilistic delusions of existence (0.451), and mixed, with patients who presented nihilistic delusions of concepts (0.702), anxiety (0.573), and auditory hallucinations (0.560). Conclusions: The psychopathology of Cotard's syndrome is more complex than the simple association with the delusion of being dead, since it encompasses a factorial structure organised into 3 factors.