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São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2024. 46 p. ilus., grafs., fig..
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, Inca | ID: biblio-1555167


Introdução: A morfologia e biologia do nevo melanocítico (NM) com glóbulos periféricos (GP) é descrita como parte do processo natural de evolução do nevo melanocítico sendo caracterizada como fase de crescimento. Por outro lado, os melanomas cutâneos (MC) com glóbulos periféricos ainda permanecem indefinidos. Objetivos: avaliar e descrever as características dos melanomas com glóbulos periféricos à dermatoscopia e, com isso, criar um algoritmo de conduta para facilitar o manejo das lesões melanocíticas em crescimento. Como objetivo secundário, foi realizado análise prospectiva de lesões melanocíticas com glóbulos periféricos à dermatoscopia através da utilização do algoritmo proposto previamente buscando comprovar sua aplicabilidade clínica. Materiais e métodos: Fase 1, estudo retrospectivo, foram avaliadas lesões melanocíticas com GP de 2006 a 2020. As imagens dermatoscópicas destas lesões foram avaliadas por dermatoscopista experiente, através da análise estatística foi possível desenvolver um algoritmo de conduta. Fase 2, na amostra inicial foram incluídas lesões melanocíticas com GP entre 2020 e 2023. Com esta nova amostra, foi realizada a validação do algoritmo de conduta através da aplicação estatística de um modelo preditivo. Em um segundo momento, 04 observadores avaliaram as imagens dermatoscópicas através do algoritmo proposto sendo possível estimar seu desempenho. Resultados: Fase 1, das 401 lesões, 179 foram excisadas sendo 41 melanomas. Os melanomas foram mais comuns quando localizados nos membros inferiores (p<0,1) e se apresentavam com padrão dermatoscópico desorganizado. Enquanto os nevos melanocíticos foram mais comuns no tronco e com padrão organizado. Além disso, a presença de uma das seguintes estruturas: pontos e glóbulos atípicos, estruturas vasculares atípicas ou área de borrão apresentaram associação com melanoma. Fase 2, as 55 lesões coletadas foram excisadas e adicionadas ao banco de dados final (n= 456), a partir dos valores preditos deste banco de dados, foi possível estabelecer uma curva ROC cuja área sob a curva foi de 0,834 e acurácia de 71,21%. A análise dermatoscópica de quatro observadores demonstrou área sob a curva ROC de 0,627 a 0,765. Conclusão: Lesões melanocíticas com glóbulos periféricos apresentam maior risco para melanoma quando em indivíduos acima de 30 anos de idade, se localizadas nos membros inferior e com a presença de uma ou mais das seguintes estruturas: pontos e glóbulos atípicos e/ou estruturas vasculares atípicas e/ou área de borrão. Estas características encontradas foram validadas por modelo preditivo demonstrando um bom desempenho através da análise da curva ROC e índice de acurácia dentro do esperado

Introduction: The morphology and biology of melanocytic nevus (MN) with peripheral globules (PG) is described as part of the natural process of evolution of melanocytic nevus and is characterized as a growth phase. On the other hand, cutaneous melanomas (CM) with peripheral globules remain unclear. Objectives: To evaluate and describe in detail the characteristics of melanocytic lesions with peripheral globules at dermoscopy, therefore, create an algorithm of management of growing melanocytic lesions. As a secondary objective, a prospective analysis of melanocytic lesions with peripheral globules was carried out using the previously proposed algorithm, seeking to prove its clinical applicability. Materials and methods: Phase 1, retrospective study, melanocytic lesions with PG were evaluated from 2006 to 2020. The dermoscopic images of these lesions were evaluated by an experienced dermatoscopist, through statistical analysis it was possible to develop a management algorithm. Phase 2, melanocytic lesions with peripheral globules were included between 2020 and 2023. In this phase, a predictive model was fitted to the dataset to evaluate the algorithm accuracy and ROC curve. In a second moment, 04 observers evaluated the dermoscopic images using the proposed algorithm, making it possible to estimate its performance. Results: Phase 1, of the 401 lesions, 179 were excised, 41 of which were melanomas. Melanomas were more common when located on the lower limbs (p<0.1) and presented a disorganized dermoscopic pattern. While melanocytic nevi were more common on the trunk and with an organized pattern. In addition, the presence of one of the following structures: atypical dots and globules, atypical vessels or blotch was associated with melanoma. Phase 2, the 55 lesions collected were excised and added to the final database (n= 456), based on the predicted values from this database, it was possible to establish a ROC curve whose area under the curve was 0.834 and accuracy was 71 .21%. Dermoscopic analysis by four observers demonstrated an area under the ROC curve of 0.627 to 0.765. Conclusion: Melanocytic lesions with peripheral globules are the greatest risk of melanoma in individuals older than 30 years if located on the lower limbs and if lesions reveal one or more of the following structures: atypical dots and globules, atypical vessels, or blotch. These characteristics found were validated by a predictive model demonstrating an excellent performance index through ROC curve analysis and an accuracy index within expectations

Adult , Middle Aged , Nevus, Pigmented/blood
Acta cir. bras ; 38: e384823, 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1527583


Purpose: Palpebral congenital melanocytic nevi (PCMN) is a rare congenital skin lesion affecting the eyelids that can lead to cosmetic and psychological concerns and potential health risks such as malignancy. Several authors have analyzed therapeutical strategies to treat PCMN. However, there was no consensus in the literature. This systematic review aimed to evaluate the effectiveness, safety, and success of treatments of PCMN. Methods: We conducted a systematic review following PRISMA guidelines from October 2022 to April 2023. We included all types of study designs that described or compared PCMN treatments and interventions, as well as histology, recurrence, adverse events, patient satisfaction, and malignant transformation. The search strategy was based on specific search words through the following databases: PubMed, Embase, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (Lilacs), Web of Science, and Scopus. Ongoing studies and gray literature studies were included. Results: We analyzed 25 case reports with 148 participants. The effectiveness, success, and satisfaction with various treatments for PCMN depend on the specific treatment method and the individual patient's case. Conclusions: Most of the studies showed that surgical procedures (exeresis) are able to treat PCMN in the eyelid. The variability in outcomes emphasizes the importance of further research to better understand the most effective and safe approaches for treating congenital melanocytic nevi.

Skin Abnormalities , Eyelid Neoplasms/therapy , Nevus, Pigmented/therapy
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 80(2): 153-160, Feb. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364374


ABSTRACT Background: Melanocytic lesions of the central nervous system (CNS) are an infrequent, broad and diverse group of entities, both benign and malignant, found in all age groups, with imaging findings ranging from well-circumscribed focal lesions to diffuse leptomeningeal involvement. On MRI, they are usually distinguished by a high signal on T1WI sequences, given the paramagnetic effect of melanin, thus making it difficult to differentiate among them. Objective: To describe the imaging and epidemiological characteristics of a retrospective series of CNS melanocytic lesions. Methods: MR images of 23 patients with CNS melanocytic lesions diagnosed between January 2012 and June 2018 were analyzed. Results: Most patients were female (14/23; 61%), with a median age of 47 years (range: 3 weeks to 72 years). The primary melanocytic lesions accounted for 8/19 cases (42.1%), which included neurocutaneous melanosis, meningeal melanocytomas and primary malignant melanomas. Secondary melanocytic lesions (metastatic) accounted for 10/19 cases (52.6%). There was one case of a tumor with secondary melanization, from a melanocytic neuroectodermal tumor of infancy. There were also four cases of primary ocular melanomas. The most frequent findings were the cerebral location, high T1WI signal and marked contrast-enhancement. Conclusions: The present review describes the wide variety of melanocytic lesions that could affect the CNS, emphasizing the MRI characteristics. Knowledge of the imaging, clinical and epidemiological characteristics of CNS melanocytic lesions is essential for their correct interpretation, given the significant overlap between lesion features and the variable prognosis.

RESUMEN Antecedentes: Las lesiones melanocíticas del sistema nervioso central (SNC) corresponden a un grupo infrecuente, amplio y diverso de entidades, tanto benignas como malignas, encontradas en todos los grupos etarios, con hallazgos imagenológicos que van desde lesiones focales bien circunscritas hasta un compromiso leptomeníngeo difuso. A la RM se distinguen por la alta señal en la secuencia T1WI, dado el efecto paramagnético de la melanina, haciendo difícil la diferenciación entre ellas. Objetivo: Describir las características epidemiológicas y de de una serie retrospectiva de lesiones melanocíticas del SNC. Métodos: Revisión de imágenes de RM de 23 pacientes con lesiones melanocíticas del SNC diagnosticadas entre enero de 2012 y junio de 2018. Resultados: La mayoría de los pacientes fueron mujeres (14/23; 61%), con edades comprendidas entre las 3 semanas de vida hasta los 72 años. Las lesiones melanocíticas primarias representaron 8/19 (42,1%), incluyendo: melanosis neurocutáneas, melanocitomas meníngeos y melanomas malignos primarios. Las lesiones melanocíticas secundarias (metastásicas) representaron 10/19 casos (52,6%). Hubo un caso de tumor con melanización secundaria (tumor neuroectodermico melanocítico de la infancia). Se incluyeron cuatro casos de melanomas oculares primarios. Los hallazgos más frecuentes fueron la localización cerebral, el aumento de señal T1 y el acentuado realce con el gadolinio. Conclusiones: Se describe la amplia variedad de lesiones melanocíticas encontradas en el SNC, enfatizando sus características a la RM. El conocimiento de sus características imagenológicas, clínicas y epidemiológicas es fundamental para su correcta interpretación, dado la notable superposición entre las presentaciones de las lesiones y lo variable de sus pronósticos.

Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Adult , Melanosis/complications , Melanosis/pathology , Nevus, Pigmented/complications , Nevus, Pigmented/pathology , Skin Neoplasms , Central Nervous System/pathology , Retrospective Studies
Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 10(2): 287, ago. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1418919


Los nevus melanocíticos agminados (NMA) son poco reportados en la bibliografía mundial. El nevus agminado (NA), puede presentar varios orígenes, dependiendo de ello pueden desarrollar características displásicas, con riesgo potencial de desarrollar melanoma y entrar a formar parte del Síndrome de Nevus Displásico (SND) de acuerdo a su diagnóstico clínico, dermatoscópico, histológico e historia familiar. El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar y discutir el caso clínico de un paciente masculino de 26 años de edad sin antecedentes patológicos, evaluado en la Clínica Dermatológica Skinlaser en Quito Ecuador en mayo 2020, que presentó múltiples nevus en la superficie corporal, especialmente en la espalda a nivel posterior e interescapular. El estudio enfatiza la importancia de los controles dermatoscópicos y el seguimiento para hacer el reconocimiento de signos de atipia y cambios que hacen sospechar de malignización(AU)

Agminate melanocytic nevus (AMN) are little reported in the world literature. The agminated nevus (NA) can have various origins, depending on it, they can develop dysplastic characteristics, with a potential risk of developing melanoma and become part of Dysplastic Nevus Syndrome (SND) according to its clinical, dermoscopic, histological and history diagnosis. family. The objective of this work is to present and discuss the clinical case of a 26-year-old male patient with no pathological history, evaluated at the Clinica Dermatologica Skinlaser in Quito Ecuador in May 2020, who presented multiple nevi on the body surface, especially in the back at posterior and interscapular level. The study emphasizes the importance of dermoscopic controls and follow-up are essential to recognize signs of atypia and changes that lead to suspicion of malignancy(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Dysplastic Nevus Syndrome , Nevus , Nevus, Pigmented , Clinical Diagnosis , Dermatology , Melanocytes , Melanoma
An. bras. dermatol ; 96(4): 472-476, July-Aug. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285093


Abstract Total body mapping comprises photographic documentation of the entire body surface followed by digital dermatoscopy of selected melanocytic lesions, aiming to compare their evolution over time and identify new lesions. As this is an exam based on comparative analysis of serial dermoscopic body images, standardization of the technique for performing total body mapping is essential. Prepared by specialists from the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, using the modified Delphi method, this article provides recommendations for carrying out total body mapping in Brazil, regarding its indications, technical aspects, and the issuing of the report.

Humans , Skin Neoplasms/diagnosis , Dermatology , Melanoma/diagnosis , Nevus, Pigmented/diagnosis , Brazil , Follow-Up Studies , Dermoscopy , Diagnosis, Differential
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 40(2): e885, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1347457


Introducción: La precisión diagnóstica de los nevus pigmentados ha sido una constante preocupación por los dermatólogos. Objetivo: Identificar la utilidad del dermatoscopio en la correlación de las características clínicas y los patrones dermatoscópicos de nevus pigmentados y su asociación con el diagnóstico histológico. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación observacional, analítica, de tipo correlacional, con pacientes de la zona sur de Ciego de Ávila que acudieron a la consulta de dermatología del Hospital Provincial General Docente Dr. Antonio Luaces Iraola en el periodo de abril 2017 a diciembre 2019. Resultados: Predominó el sexo femenino, el grupo de edad de 21 a 30 años, el fototipo II de piel y la zona expuesta (cara y V del escote) (18 ;35,3 por ciento) sin relación entre estas variables. El diagnóstico histológico de nevus de la unión se encontró asociado a la simetría (p < 0,004), la pigmentación homogénea (p < 0,000), así como al patrón dermatoscópico reticular (p < 0,000), globular (p < 0,002) y homogéneo (p < 0,008). El nevus intradérmico se observó asociado a la característica clínica de pigmentación homogénea (p < 0,007), y al patrón dermatoscópico reticular (p < 0,000) y homogéneo (p < 0,005). El nevus compuesto no presentó relación con las características clínicas ni dermatoscópicas. El nevus azul solo se correlacionó con el patrón dermatoscópico homogéneo (p < 0,025). Conclusión: Los patrones dermatoscópicos fueron útiles para el diagnóstico clínico e histológico de los nevus pigmentados(AU)

Introduction: The diagnostic precision of pigmented nevi has been a constant concern of dermatologists. Objective: To determine the usefulness of the Dermatoscope in the correlation of the clinical characteristics and the dermoscopic patterns of pigmented nevi and their association with the histological diagnosis. Methods: An analytical observational investigation of a correlational type was carried out in patients from the southern area of Ciego de Ávila who attended the Dermatology consultation at the Antonio Luaces Iraola Provincial Hospital in the period from April 2017 to December 2019. Results: The female sex, the age group of 21 to 30 years, skin phototype II and the exposed area (face and V of the neckline) (18; 35.3 percent) predominated with no relationship between these variables. The histological diagnosis of junctional nevus was found associated with symmetry (p <0.004), homogeneous pigmentation (p <0.000), as well as the reticular dermoscopic pattern (p <0.000), globular (p <0.002) and homogeneous (p <0.008). The intradermal nevus was observed associated with the clinical characteristic of homogeneous pigmentation (p <0.007), and with the reticular (p <0.000) and homogeneous (p <0.005) dermoscopic pattern. The composite nevus was not related to clinical or dermoscopic characteristics. The blue nevus only correlated with the homogeneous dermoscopic pattern (p <0.025). Conclusions: The dermoscopic patterns were useful for the clinical and histological diagnosis of pigmented nevi(AU)

Humans , Pigmentation , Clinical Diagnosis , Dermatology , Nevus, Pigmented , Dermoscopy/methods
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 93(2): e1126, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1280368


Introducción: El nevo melanocítico congénito es una lesión pigmentada melanocítica, que está generalmente presente en el momento del nacimiento. La dermatoscopia es una técnica útil en el diagnóstico de los nevos. Objetivo: Examinar las características clínicas y dermatoscópicas de pacientes pediátricos con nevos melanocíticos congénitos. Métodos: Investigación de tipo descriptivo transversal. La población incluyó 340 pacientes pediátricos que asistieron a la consulta de dermatoscopia del Hospital Pediátrico Universitario "José Luis Miranda", Santa Clara, entre abril 2016- abril de 2017. La muestra quedó constituida por 128 pacientes con diagnóstico de nevos melanocíticos congénitos. Los datos obtenidos se analizaron a través del paquete estadístico SPSS 21.0. Se emplearon los métodos de la estadística descriptiva. Resultados: El cambio clínico más frecuente fue el crecimiento en 76 (47,8 por ciento) nevos. La localización más comprometida fue en los miembros superiores con 28 (17,6 por ciento) nevos. Existió una relación estadísticamente significativa (p< 0,05) entre el tamaño de los nevos y la localización en zonas fotoexpuestas con la presencia de cambios clínicos. El patrón en empedrado (27,7 por ciento) fue el más frecuente; sin embargo, el patrón globular (24,5 por ciento) se observó en todas las localizaciones. Ninguno de los nevos detectados empeoró hacia el melanoma maligno. Conclusiones: La mayoría de los nevos melanocíticos congénitos en este trabajo aparecieron desde el nacimiento. La presencia de cambios clínicos fue más evidente en las regiones fotoexpuestas. No se observó ningún nevo con estructuras o patrones dermatoscópicos relacionados con malignidad(AU)

Introduction: Congenital melanocytic nevi is a melanocytic pigmented lesion, which is usually present at birth. Dermatoscopy is a useful technique in the diagnosis of nevi. Objective: To examine the clinical and dermatoscopic characteristics of pediatric patients with congenital melanocytic nevi. Methods: Cross-sectional descriptive type research. The data obtained were analyzed through the SPSS 21.0 statistical package. The methods of descriptive statistics were used. Results: The most common clinical change was growth, in 76 (47.8 percent) nevi. The most compromised location was in the upper members with 28 (17.6 percent) nevi. There was a statistically significant relation (p< 0.05) among the size of the nevi and the location in photoexposed areas with the presence of clinical changes. The cobbled pattern (27.7 percent) was the most common; however, the globular pattern (24.5 percent) was observed in all locations. None of the detected nevi worsen towards malignant melanoma. Conclusions: Most congenital melanocytic nevi are shown from birth. The presence of clinical changes was most evident in photoexposed regions. No nevi was observed with dermatoscopic structures or patterns related to malignancy(AU)

Humans , Referral and Consultation , Growth , Melanoma , Nevus, Pigmented
Rev. chil. dermatol ; 37(1): 20-24, 2021. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1400791


Los nevos melanocíticos congénitos (NMC) son aquellos presentes al nacer o que se desarrollan durante los primeros dos años de vida. Hay muy pocos casos documentados de melanoma lentiginoso acral en asociación con nevos preexistentes en comparación a otros subtipos de melanoma. De éstos, la mayoría serían asociados a nevos melanocíticos adquiridos acrales (NMAA) y muy excepcionalmente asociados a nevos melanocíticos congénitos acrales (NMCA). Sin embargo, la extirpación de lesiones pigmentadas acrales congénitas es practicada con frecuencia y se desconocen los patrones dermatoscópicos más característicos, así como tampoco se disponen de algoritmos de seguimiento. A continuación, presentamos dos casos de NMCA con patrones dermatoscópicos característicos y realizamos una revisión de los patrones dermatoscópicos más comunes de NMCA descritos en la literatura.

Congenital melanocytic nevi (CMN) are those present at birth or that develop during the first two years of life. There are very few documented cases of acral lentiginous melanoma in association with pre-existing nevi compared to other subtypes of melanoma. Of these, the majority would be associated with acral acquired melanocytic nevi (NMAA) and very exceptionally associated with acral congenital melanocytic nevi (NMCA). However, the excision of congenital acral pigmented lesions is frequently practiced and the most characteristic dermoscopic patterns are unknown, nor are there any follow-up algorithms. In the following, we present two cases of NMCA with characteristic dermoscopic patterns and a review of the most common dermoscopic patterns of NMCA described in the literature

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adult , Skin Neoplasms/congenital , Skin Neoplasms/diagnosis , Dermoscopy , Nevus, Pigmented/congenital , Nevus, Pigmented/diagnosis
An. bras. dermatol ; 95(3): 351-354, May-June 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1130885


Abstract Secondary osteoma cutis is a phenomenon that may occur in several conditions. When it occurs in a melanocytic nevus it is named osteonevus of Nanta, an event considered uncommon and characterized by the presence of bone formation adjacent or interposed with melanocytic cells. There are reports of its occurrence in various melanocytic lesions, being more frequently associated with intradermal nevus. We report a case of osteonevus of Nanta in combined nevus, possibly the first description of this association.

Humans , Female , Adult , Scalp Dermatoses/pathology , Skin Diseases, Genetic/pathology , Skin Neoplasms/pathology , Bone Diseases, Metabolic/pathology , Ossification, Heterotopic/pathology , Nevus, Intradermal/pathology , Nevus, Pigmented/pathology , Scalp Dermatoses/surgery , Skin Diseases, Genetic/surgery , Skin Neoplasms/surgery , Bone Diseases, Metabolic/surgery , Immunohistochemistry , Ossification, Heterotopic/surgery , Nevus, Intradermal/surgery , Melanocytes/pathology , Nevus, Pigmented/surgery
Rev. ecuat. pediatr ; 21(1): 1-9, 30 de abril del 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1140927


Introducción:Los Nevos Melanocíticos Congénitos (NMC) son lesiones cutáneas que frecuentemente están presentes desde el nacimiento, sin embargo,la presencia de un NMC gigante mayor a 20 cm es infrecuente, motivo de presentación del caso. Caso: Niño de 2 años y 5 meses, quien presentó Nevos congénitas de diferente diámetro dispersos en toda el área de la piel, siendo el más grande uno de color oscuro en el área de tórax posterior en línea media dorsal, abollonada que se eleva de la piel e inicia desde el occipucio y se prolonga por la línea media hasta llegar a la región sacra y glúteos, cubre hombros de forma triangular inversa con diámetros de 27 por 25 centímetros. Se acompañade numerosos nevos satelitales de 3 milímetros hasta 15 centímetros. La presencia de dos neurofibromasenlos dedos. Evolución: Una interconsulta a Neurología Pediátrica concluyó en un examen neurológico sin alteración, el estudio de Resonancia Magnética Nuclear Cerebral y del canal espinal,fueron normales, así como los exámenes complementarios de biometría hemática, química sanguínea, perfil hepático, perfil tiroideoy eco abdominal. La biopsia de piel reportó un patrón histológico de Nevo Melanocítico. Debido a la extensión de la lesión se decidió la observación. El prurito fue tratado sintomáticamente. Conclusión:El Síndrome del Nevo Melanocítico Congénito se asocia con múltiples hallazgos fenotípicos clásicos, dentro de los cuales se encuentran patrones de pigmentación que ocupan las líneas de Blaschko, neurofibromas y múltiples melanomas satélites. Su diagnóstico es clínico y para su tratamiento se requieren procedimientos quirúrgicos a consideración de la extensión de la lesión. El manejo integral de manera interdisciplinaria es fundamental en su tratamiento

Introduction: Congenital Melanocytic Nevi (CMN) are skin lesions that are frequently present from birth, however, the presence of a giant CMN greater than 20 cm is infrequent, reason for the presentation of the case. Case: A boy of 2 years and 5 months, who presented congenital nevi of different diameter scattered throughout the skin area, the largest being a dark-colored one in the posterior thorax area in the mid-dorsal line, embossed that rises from the skin and starts from the occiput and extends through the midline until it reaches the sacral region and buttocks, it covers shoulders in an inverse triangular shape with diameters of 27 by 25 centimeters. It is accompanied by numerous satellite nevi from 3 millimeters to 15 centimeters. The presence of two neurofibromas on the fingers. Evolution: A consultation with Pediatric Neurology concluded in a neurological examination without alteration, the study of Brain Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and of the spinal canal, were normal, as well as the complementary tests of hematic biometry, blood chemistry, liver profile, thyroid profile and abdominal echo . The skin biopsy reported a histological patternof Melanocytic Nevus. Due to the extent of the injury, observation was decided. The pruritus was treated symptomatically. Conclusion: Congenital Melanocytic Nevus Syndrome is associated with multiple classic phenotypic findings, among which are pigmentation patterns that occupy Blaschko's lines, neurofibromas and multiple satellite melanomas. Its diagnosis is clinical and its treatment requires surgical procedures, taking into account the extent of the lesion. Comprehensive management in an interdisciplinary manner is essential in its treatment

Humans , Skin Neoplasms , Nevi and Melanomas , Nevus, Pigmented , Pediatrics
Rev. argent. cir. plást ; 26(1): 31-35, ene-mar 2020. tab, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1120491


El nevus melanocítico gigante es una entidad poco frecuente. En los primeros meses o años de vida, pueden aparecer nódulos dérmicos pequeños o grandes, muy pigmentados, que pueden crecer rápidamente o incluso ulcerarse. Esto obliga a realizar diagnóstico diferencial con el melanoma. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 3 años de edad, con gran lesión pigmentada en pierna izquierda, con nódulos de rápido crecimiento, compatibles con nódulo proliferativo.

Giant melanocytic nevi are rare. In the fi rst few months or even years of life, they may develop small or large dermic nodules, very pigmented, with rapid growth o even ulcer formation. This forces the diff erential diagnosis with melanoma. We present a case of a 3 year old female patient, with a large pigmented lesion on the left leg, with nodules compatible with proliferative nodules.

Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Transplants/surgery , Lower Extremity/injuries , Therapy, Soft Tissue , Nevus/therapy , Nevus, Pigmented/surgery
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 32(4): e753, oct.-dic. 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1099106


RESUMEN El objetivo de este reporte de caso fue identificar las características de un nevo abultado conjuntival en una paciente femenina de 72 años de edad. Se muestran las pruebas complementarias realizadas para llegar al diagnóstico de melanoma conjuntival, que consiste en un tumor poco frecuente, el cual constituye el 2 por ciento de todos los tumores del ojo. Las células involucradas son los melanocitos del epitelio conjuntival. Un factor de riesgo para esta entidad puede ser la exposición a la luz ultravioleta; sin embargo, esto no está bien determinado. La mayoría de los casos se originan de una melanosis adquirida primaria (50-70 por ciento). La presentación más común es una lesión pigmentada, unilateral, elevada, gruesa, con vasos sanguíneos y áreas de melanosis a su alrededor. Su diagnóstico se realiza con la sospecha clínica que se confirma con el estudio histopatológico. El tratamiento en la actualidad es la excisión local, seguida de crioterapia, radioterapia o quimioterapia. La enfermedad matastásica ocurre en el 11 - 42 por ciento y en el 20 - 52 por ciento de los pacientes en un seguimiento de 5 y 10 años, respectivamente(AU)

ABSTRACT The objective of this case report is to describe the characteristics of a conjunctival bulging nevus in a 72-year-old female patient and the complementary tests that were performed to reach the diagnosis of conjunctival melanoma. Conjunctival melanoma is a rare tumor, which account for 2 percent of all eye tumors. The cells involved are the melanocytes of the conjunctival epithelium. A risk factor for this entity may be exposure to ultraviolet light. However, it has not been precisely described. Most cases originate from a primary acquired melanosis (50-70 percent). The most common presentation is a pigmented, unilateral, elevated, thick, lesion with blood vessels and areas of melanosis around it. Its diagnosis is made with the clinical suspicion confirmed with the histopathological study. Current treatment is local excision, followed by cryotherapy, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy. Metastatic disease occurs in 11-42 percent and 20-52 percent of patients in a 5-year and 10-year follow-up, respectively(AU)

Humans , Female , Aged , Ophthalmoscopy/methods , Eye Neoplasms/epidemiology , Melanoma/surgery , Nevus, Pigmented/diagnostic imaging
An. bras. dermatol ; 94(4): 455-457, July-Aug. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1038310


Abstract: Agminated nevus refers to the presence of multiple nevi grouped in a circumscribed skin area; it is rarely reported in the literature. This report presents the case of a 10-year-old female patient with a history of Langerhans cell histiocytosis, who presents multiple nevi in the lumbar and inguinal region. In the histopathological study, an atypical melanocytic nevus was reported. Wood's lamp examination discarded the presence of nevus spilus, and the diagnosis of agminated nevus was reached. The association of this type of nevus with Langerhans cell histiocytosis is rare, and only four cases were found reported in the indexed literature. The reason for this association is unknown, thus a new theory about its origin is presented here.

Humans , Female , Child , Skin Neoplasms/pathology , Histiocytosis, Non-Langerhans-Cell/pathology , Nevus, Pigmented/pathology , Dermoscopy , Lumbosacral Region
An. bras. dermatol ; 94(3): 361-362, May-June 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011102


Abstract: Perinevic dermatosis neglecta is an underestimated skin condition usually affecting children and adolescents, characterized by the appearance of dirt-like brownish pigmentation around a preexisting nevus and often a matter of concern for parents. We describe the clinical and dermoscopic findings in a case of perinaevic dermatosis neglecta and discuss the possible etiology of this phenomenon.

Humans , Male , Child , Melanoma/diagnosis , Skin Diseases/diagnosis , Skin Diseases/etiology , Skin Diseases/drug therapy , Hyperpigmentation/complications , Dermoscopy , Diagnosis, Differential , Ethanol/therapeutic use , Anti-Infective Agents, Local/therapeutic use , Nevus, Pigmented/complications
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786281


BACKGROUND: Serial (staged) excision of congenital melanocytic nevi (CMN) is an important treatment option for medium-sized CMN. However, few studies have investigated the outcomes of serial excision in detail.OBJECTIVE: We report our experience regarding serial excision of CMN, including methods to effectively reduce the procedural stages and scar length.METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed medical records of patients with CMN treated between 2008 and 2015; 33 patients (7 men and 26 women) underwent serial excision.RESULTS: The CMN were located on the face (n=11), arms (n=6), legs (n=11), and other areas of the body (n=11), including the back (n=2), chest (n=1), deltoid region (n=1), and buttocks (n=1). The mean CMN area was 19.7 cm². The mean number of surgical stages was 2.2. The mean interval between surgeries was 10.6 months. A marginal S-shaped incision along both edges of the nevus was preferred over elliptical excision, to reduce scarring. Pulsed dye, erbium:yttrium–aluminum–garnet (YAG), neodymium-doped:YAG, and carbon dioxide fractional lasers were used to improve the final outcomes and minimize scarring.CONCLUSION: Serial excision is an effective treatment option associated with greater patient satisfaction, particularly for medium-sized and hairy CMN. Conventional elliptical serial excision is associated with the formation of elongated scars and sacrifices normal skin adjacent to the lesion. The marginal S-shaped incision reduces scarring by dispersing mechanical tension on the scar without skin wastage. Compared with the elliptical excision method, the marginal S-shaped incision reduces the number of surgical stages and results in a cosmetically superior scar. Performing a marginal S-shaped incision is technically challenging in certain anatomical locations, such as the eyes, nose, and mouth. Therefore, it is necessary to combine this procedure with erbium:YAG and neodymium-doped:YAG ablation.

Humans , Male , Arm , Buttocks , Carbon Dioxide , Cicatrix , Dermatologic Surgical Procedures , Leg , Medical Records , Methods , Mouth , Nevus , Nevus, Pigmented , Nose , Patient Satisfaction , Retrospective Studies , Skin , Thorax
Annals of Dermatology ; : 518-524, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-762378


BACKGROUND: The incidence of pediatric melanoma is very rare. Dermoscopic features help to distinguish pediatric melanoma and common nevi. OBJECTIVE: To study the evolution of dermoscopic findings in benign nevi in childhood through serial observation and photography. METHODS: We examined 504 melanocytic lesions in 100 patients. From each participant, dermoscopic images of the nevi from 4-year dermoscopic follow-up were obtained, including randomly selected nevi. RESULTS: The most common dermoscopic patterns were homogeneous (193 nevi; 38.3%), globular (92 nevi; 18.3%), and reticular (86 nevi; 17.1%). Dermoscopic pattern changes were detected in 27% of patients aged 2~10 years and in 20% of patients aged 11~16 years. The main pattern changes consisted of the transition from homogeneous to globular-homogeneous (16%), from homogeneous to reticular-homogeneous (12%) and from globular to globular-homogeneous (10%). Although 257 of the 504 nevi (51.0%) have stable duration without size changes, 169 of the 504 nevi (33.5%) were enlarged, and 78 of the 504 nevi (15.5%) had become smaller. CONCLUSION: These results contrast with the prevailing view that dermoscopic patterns in pediatric nevi are usually characterized by globular patterns and that melanocytic nevi generally undergo a characteristic transition from a globular pattern to a reticular pattern. Fifty one percent of patients did not exhibit a size change. While 33% of patients had symmetrical enlargement, 15% of patients had involution. Therefore, enlargement is a common dermoscopic change in pediatric nevi, and is not a specific sign of pediatric melanoma.

Child , Humans , Dermoscopy , Follow-Up Studies , Incidence , Melanoma , Nevus , Nevus, Pigmented , Photography
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-762746


Here we report a case of a focal atypical proliferative nodule (PN) arising from a congenital melanocytic nevus (CMN). Diagnosis was challenging because it had both benign and malignant clinical features. Unusual histopathology, immunohistochemistry, and intraoperative findings of this atypical PN are discussed. A 5-year-old girl was admitted for a congenital 5× 5 cm sized scalp mass. This hemangioma-like soft mass showed biphasic characteristics such as a slow, gradual, and benign increase in size but worrisome dural invasion with cranial bone defect. We removed the scalp mass with clear resection margins. Interoperatively, we found that the cranial bone defect had already filled. Histopathologic examination showed CMN with focal atypical PN. The nodule showed sharp demarcation and cellular pleomorphism. However, in immunohistochemical study, Ki-67 proliferation index and expression levels of protein S-100 and Melan-A were very low. These were unusual findings of atypical PNs. Despite her worrisome preoperative radiologic features, she showed an indolent clinical course compatible with previously reported biologic behavior. The patient underwent follow-up inspection with magnetic resonance imaging every 6 months for up to 3 years. The nodule appeared to be stationary at the last visit.

Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Diagnosis , Dura Mater , Follow-Up Studies , Immunohistochemistry , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , MART-1 Antigen , Neoplasm Invasiveness , Nevus, Pigmented , Scalp , Tissue Expansion Devices
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-760644


Angiomatoid Spitz nevus is a variant of melanocytic nevus with prominent vasculature. Due to its pathologic features, angiomatoid Spitz nevus in the vaginal wall is extremely rare. A 42-year-old woman presented to the hospital with abnormal vaginal bleeding. Vaginal examination revealed a 2×2-cm well-demarcated tumor on the posterior wall of the vagina. The mass was successfully removed by complete excision and was diagnosed as angiomatoid Spitz nevus on pathologic examination. We present the first reported case of vaginal angiomatoid Spitz nevus, which caused vaginal bleeding. Although angiomatoid Spitz nevus has many histopathological similarities with malignant melanoma, precise histopathological diagnosis is important for preventing overtreatment.

Adult , Female , Humans , Diagnosis , Gynecological Examination , Medical Overuse , Melanoma , Nevus, Epithelioid and Spindle Cell , Nevus, Pigmented , Uterine Hemorrhage , Vagina
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-813049


To construct an intelligent assistant diagnosis model based on the clinical images of basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and pigmented nevi in Chinese by using the advanced convolutional neural network (CNN).
 Methods: Based on the Xiangya Medical Big Data Platform, we constructed a large-scale clinical image dataset of skin diseases according to Chinese ethnicity and the Xiangya Skin Disease Dataset. We evaluated the performance of 5 mainstream CNN models (ResNet50, InceptionV3, InceptionResNetV2, DenseNet121, and Xception) on a subset of BCC and pigmented nevi of this dataset. We also analyzed the basis of the diagnosis results in the form of heatmaps. We compared the optimal CNN classification model with 30 professional dermatologists.
 Results: The Xiangya Skin Disease Dataset contains 150 223 clinical images with lesion annotations, covering 543 skin diseases, and each image in the dataset contains support for pathological gold standards and the patient's overall medical history. On the test set of 349 BCC and 497 pigmented nevi, the optimal CNN model was Xception, and its classification accuracy can reach 93.5%, of which the area under curve (AUC) values were 0.974 and 0.969, respectively. The results of the heatmap showed that the CNN model can indeed learn the characteristics associated with disease identification. The ability of the Xception model to identify clinical images of BCC and Nevi was basically comparable to that of professional dermatologists.
 Conclusion: This study is the first assistant diagnosis study for skin tumor based on Chinese ethnic clinical dataset. It proves that CNN model has the ability to distinguish between Chinese ethnicity's BCC and Nevi, and lays a solid foundation for the following application of artificial intelligence in the diagnosis and treatment for skin tumors.

Humans , Area Under Curve , Carcinoma, Basal Cell , Diagnostic Imaging , Neural Networks, Computer , Nevus, Pigmented , Diagnostic Imaging , Skin Neoplasms , Diagnostic Imaging