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An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 90(1): 333-341, Mar. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-886880


ABSTRACT Fertilization in areas of forest plantations is needed to supplement plants´ nutritional needs until harvest. An experiment was performed to check the influence of fertilization on levels of ash, carbon and C/N relation in Schizolobium amazonicum. Soil liming was performed and fertilization occurred after 15 days of incubation. S. amazonicum seedlings were produced and submitted to fertilization with N, P and K: N = 0, 40, 80 and 120 kg ha-1; P2O5 = 0, 50, 100 and 200 kg ha-1; K2O = 0, 50, 100 and 200 kg ha-1. The plants were measured after 180 days. The seedlings of 20 treatments with the highest increase in height and diameter were transplanted to the field. Soil was fertilized and limestone was spread; seedlings were distributed into randomized blocks, with six replications. After 12 months, the plants were removed to determine ash, organic carbon, C/N relation contents. The ashes were submitted to digestion to determine nutrient concentrations. Fertilization influenced the levels of ash and organic carbon and C/N relation in S. amazonicum. Results indicate that the species has a potential for energy production.

Soil/chemistry , Carbon/analysis , Fertilizers , Coal Ash/analysis , Fabaceae/drug effects , Fabaceae/chemistry , Nitrogen/analysis , Phosphorus/chemistry , Potassium/chemistry , Reference Values , Time Factors , Carbon/chemistry , Forests , Reproducibility of Results , Coal Ash/chemistry , Fabaceae/physiology , Nitrogen/chemistry
Braz. j. biol ; 78(1): 41-46, Feb. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-888848


Abstract In this study was evaluated the influence of glutamine supplementation on the endogenous content of amino acids, proteins, total phenolics, flavonoids and proanthocyanidins in Bacupari callus. The explants were inoculated in MS medium, MS with half concentration of the nitrogen salts (MS½) and nitrogen-free MS, supplemented with glutamine (5, 10, 30 and 60mM) named as Gln5, Gln10, Gln30 and Gln60. Amino acids and proteins were analyzed after 20, 80 and 140 days and the secondary metabolites on the 140th day. There was no difference in the amino acids on the 20th day. On the 80th day the treatments MS and MS½ presented the lowest levels. On the 140th day MS and MS½ presented the lowest amino acid concentration and Gln10 the highest. Concerning proteins, there was difference only on the 140th day, being the highest concentrations observed in Gln5, and the lowest in MS½ treatment. Total phenolics content was higher in the treatment Gln60 and lowest in MS. Treatments Gln5, Gln10, Gln30 and MS½ were statistically equal. For flavonoids, the highest values occurred in the treatments Gln30, Gln60 and MS½ and the lowest in Gln5, Gln10 and MS. Similarly, for the proanthocyanidins the highest concentrations were observed in treatment Gln60 and the lowest in Gln5 and MS. In conclusion, the treatment with 60mM of glutamine favors the protein accumulation and production of secondary metabolites in Bacupari callus.

Resumo Nesse estudo foi avaliado o efeito da suplementação com glutamina no conteúdo endógeno de aminoácidos, proteínas, fenólicos totais, flavonoides e proantocianidinas em calos de Bacupari. Os explantes foram inoculados em meio MS, meio MS com metade da concentração de dos sais de nitrogênio (MS½) e meio MS sem nitrogênio suplementado com glutamina (5, 10, 30 e 60mM) denominados como Gln5, Gln10, Gln30 e Gln60. Os aminoácidos e as proteínas foram analisados após 20, 80 e 140 dias e os metabólitos secundários no 140° dia. Não houve diferença nos aminoácidos no 20° dia. No 80° dia os tratamentos MS e MS½ apresentaram os menores níveis. No 140° dia, MS e MS½ apresentaram as menores concentrações de aminoácidos e o Gln10 as maiores. A respeito das proteínas, houve diferença apenas no 140° dia, sendo as maiores concentrações observadas nos tratamentos Gln, e as menores no MS½. O conteúdo de fenólicos totais foi maior no tratamento Gln60 e menor no MS. Os tratamentos Gln5, Gln10, Gln30 e MS½ foram estatisticamente iguais. Para os flavonóides, os maiores valores ocorreram nos tratamentos Gln30, Gln60 e MS½ e os menores no Gln5, Gln10 e MS. Da mesma forma, para as proantocianidinas, as maiores concentrações foram observadas no tratamento Gln60 os menores no Gln5 e MS. Em conclusão, o tratamento com 60 mM de glutamina favorece o acúmulo de proteínas e a produção de metabólitos secundários em calos de Bacupari.

Phenols/analysis , Clusiaceae/metabolism , Clusiaceae/chemistry , Glutamine/metabolism , Glutamine/chemistry , Nitrogen/metabolism , Nitrogen/chemistry , Phenols/chemistry , Plant Proteins/analysis , Plant Proteins/chemistry , Flavonoids/metabolism , Flavonoids/chemistry , Proanthocyanidins/chemistry , Tissue Culture Techniques
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010396


Under different red (R):blue (B) photon flux ratios, the growth performance of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) is significantly different. Rapeseed under high R ratios shows shade response, while under high B ratios it shows sun-type morphology. Rapeseed under monochromatic red or blue light is seriously stressed. Transcriptomic and proteomic methods were used to analyze the metabolic pathway change of rapeseed (cv. "Zhongshuang 11") leaves under different R:B photon flux ratios (including 100R:0B%, 75R:25B%, 25R:75B%, and 0R:100B%), based on digital gene expression (DGE) and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE). For DGE analysis, 2054 differentially expressed transcripts (|log2(fold change)|≥1, q<0.005) were detected among the treatments. High R ratios (100R:0B% and 75R:25B%) enhanced the expression of cellular structural components, mainly the cell wall and cell membrane. These components participated in plant epidermis development and anatomical structure morphogenesis. This might be related to the shade response induced by red light. High B ratios (25R:75B% and 0R:100B%) promoted the expression of chloroplast-related components, which might be involved in the formation of sun-type chloroplast induced by blue light. For 2-DE analysis, 37 protein spots showed more than a 2-fold difference in expression among the treatments. Monochromatic light (ML; 100R:0B% and 0R:100B%) stimulated accumulation of proteins associated with antioxidation, photosystem II (PSII), DNA and ribosome repairs, while compound light (CL; 75R:25B% and 25R:75B%) accelerated accumulation of proteins associated with carbohydrate, nucleic acid, amino acid, vitamin, and xanthophyll metabolisms. These findings can be useful in understanding the response mechanisms of rapeseed leaves to different R:B photon flux ratios.

Brassica napus/radiation effects , Brassica rapa/radiation effects , Carbon/chemistry , Chloroplasts/radiation effects , Computational Biology , Electrophoresis, Gel, Two-Dimensional , Gene Expression Regulation, Plant/radiation effects , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted , Light , Mass Spectrometry , Metabolic Networks and Pathways , Nitrogen/chemistry , Photons , Photosystem II Protein Complex/genetics , Plant Leaves/radiation effects , Plant Proteins/genetics , Proteome , Ribosomes , Transcription, Genetic , Transcriptome
An. acad. bras. ciênc ; 89(2): 919-926, Apr.-June 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-886707


ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the allelopathic potential of Amaranthus retroflexus (Ar) with different climatic zones on seed germination and growth of A. tricolor (At) treated with a gradient N addition. Ar leaf extracts only displayed significantly allelopathic potential on the underground growth of Ar but not the aboveground growth of At. The allelopathic potential of Ar leaf extracts on root length of At were enhanced under N addition and there may be a N-concentration-dependent relationship. The effects of the extracts of Ar leaves that collected from Zhenjiang on seed germination and growth of At may be higher than that collected from Jinan especially on root length of At under medium N addition. This reason may be the contained higher concentration of secondary metabolites for the leaves of plants that growths in high latitudes compare with that growth in low latitudes. This phenomenon may also partly be attributed to the fact that Ar originated in America and/or south-eastern Asia which have higher similarity climate conditions as Zhenjiang rather than Jinan. The allelopathic potential of Ar on seed germination and growth of acceptor species may play an important role in its successful invasion especially in the distribution region with low latitudes.

Amaranthus/physiology , Amaranthus/chemistry , Allelopathy/physiology , Nitrogen/chemistry , Seeds/physiology , Seeds/chemistry , Plant Extracts/chemistry , China , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, Nonparametric , Plant Leaves/chemistry
Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 29(1): 55-62, jan.-mar. 2017. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-844284


RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a atividade antibacteriana contra Staphylococcus aureus e Pseudomonas aeruginosa de dois revestimentos endotraqueais com nanopartículas e fotocatálise sob luz visível. Métodos: Testaram-se dois tipos de nanopartículas de titânio: anatase padrão (TiO2) e TiO2 nano-dopada (N-TiO2). As nanopartículas foram colocadas em superfície interna de segmentos de tubos endotraqueais comerciais, aplicadas sobre um filtro de acetato de celulose; os tubos endotraqueais controle foram deixados sem revestimento de nanopartículas. Em cada tubo endotraqueal foi inoculado um total de 150 unidades formadoras de colônia e, a seguir, estes foram expostos a uma fonte de luz fluorescente (3700 lux, comprimento de onda de 300 - 700nm) por 5, 10, 20, 40, 60 e 80 minutos. Contaram-se as Unidades Formadoras de Colônia após 24 horas de incubação a 37ºC. A inativação bacteriana foi calculada como a redução porcentual do crescimento bacteriano em comparação a tubos não expostos à luz. Resultados: Na ausência de luz, não se observou qualquer atividade antibacteriana relevante contra qualquer das cepas estudadas. Para P. aeruginosa, ambos os revestimentos tiveram inativação bacteriana mais elevada do que o controle em qualquer dos momentos de avaliação (p < 0,001), sendo que não se observaram diferenças entre o revestimento padrão e nano-dopado. Para S. aureus, a inativação foi maior que os controles, começando a partir de 5 minutos para nano-dopado (p = 0,018) e 10 minutos para o revestimento padrão (p = 0,014); a inativação com a forma nano-dopada foi maior do que com a forma padrão aos 20 minutos (p < 0,001), 40 minutos (p < 0,001) e 60 minutos (p < 0,001). Conclusões: O revestimento com nanopartículas de titânio comercial padrão e nano-dopado inibiu o crescimento bacteriano sob a luz fluorescente visível. o revestimento nano-dopado teve maior atividade antibacteriana contra S. aureus em comparação à atividade observada com o revestimento com anatase padrão.

ABSTRACT Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa of two nanoparticle endotracheal tube coatings with visible light-induced photocatalysis. Methods: Two types of titanium dioxide nanoparticles were tested: standard anatase (TiO2) and N-doped TiO2 (N-TiO2). Nanoparticles were placed on the internal surface of a segment of commercial endotracheal tubes, which were loaded on a cellulose acetate filter; control endotracheal tubes were left without a nanoparticle coating. A bacterial inoculum of 150 colony forming units was placed in the endotracheal tubes and then exposed to a fluorescent light source (3700 lux, 300-700 nm wavelength) for 5, 10, 20, 40, 60 and 80 minutes. Colony forming units were counted after 24 hours of incubation at 37°C. Bacterial inactivation was calculated as the percentage reduction of bacterial growth compared to endotracheal tubes not exposed to light. Results: In the absence of light, no relevant antibacterial activity was shown against neither strain. For P. aeruginosa, both coatings had a higher bacterial inactivation than controls at any time point (p < 0.001), and no difference was observed between TiO2 and N-TiO2. For S. aureus, inactivation was higher than for controls starting at 5 minutes for N-TiO2 (p = 0.018) and 10 minutes for TiO2 (p = 0.014); inactivation with N-TiO2 was higher than that with TiO2 at 20 minutes (p < 0.001), 40 minutes (p < 0.001) and 60 minutes (p < 0.001). Conclusions: Nanosized commercial and N-doped TiO2 inhibit bacterial growth under visible fluorescent light. N-TiO2 has higher antibacterial activity against S. aureus compared to TiO2.

Humans , Pseudomonas aeruginosa/drug effects , Staphylococcus aureus/drug effects , Titanium/pharmacology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Time Factors , Titanium/chemistry , In Vitro Techniques , Colony Count, Microbial , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Metal Nanoparticles , Intubation, Intratracheal/instrumentation , Light , Nitrogen/chemistry
Braz. j. microbiol ; 47(3): 551-562, July-Sept. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-788953


ABSTRACT The goal of this investigation was to isolate competent polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons degraders that can utilize polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons of former industrial sites at McDoel Switchyard in Bloomington, Indiana. Using conventional enrichment method based on soil slurry, we isolated, screened and purified two bacterial species strains PB1 and PB2. Applying the ribotyping technique using the 16S rRNA gene analysis, the strains were assigned to the genus Pseudomonas (Pseudomonas plecoglossicida strain PB1 and Pseudomonas sp. PB2). Both isolates showed promising metabolic capacity on pyrene sprayed MS agar plates during the preliminary investigations. Using time course studies in the liquid cultures at calculated concentrations 123, 64, 97 and 94 ppm for naphthalene, chrysene, fluroanthene and pyrene, P. plecoglossicida strain PB1 and Pseudomonas sp. PB2 showed partial utilization of the polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons. Naphthalene was degraded between 26% and 40%, chrysene 14% and 16%, fluroanthene 5% and 7%; pyrene 8% and 13% by P. plecoglossicida strain PB1 and Pseudomonas sp. PB2 respectively. Based on their growth profile, we developed a model R2 = 1 to predict the degradation rate of slow polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon-degraders where all the necessary parameters are constant. From this investigation, we confirm that the former industrial site soil microbial communities may be explored for the biorestoration of the industrial site.

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons/metabolism , Pseudomonas/metabolism , Phylogeny , Pseudomonas/classification , Pseudomonas/genetics , Pyrenes/metabolism , Soil/chemistry , Soil Microbiology , Biodegradation, Environmental , Carbon/chemistry , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S/genetics , Chrysenes/metabolism , Naphthalenes/metabolism , Nitrogen/chemistry
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 65(3): 841-846, June 2013. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-679121


Avaliaram-se suplementos nitrogenados contendo ou não monensina sódica, adicionados à silagem, sobre o consumo de matéria seca (CMS), a digestibilidade da MS (DMS) e a produção de vacas F1 Holandês x Zebu. Vacas (n=15) com 21 dias em lactação, produzindo 19,2kg/dia, foram distribuídas em um delineamento quadrado latino 5X5, com três vacas por tratamento (T). Os T foram: 1- concentrado durante as ordenhas e silagem de milho após as ordenhas (C.SM); 2- C.SM + nitromineral (C.SMNM); 3- C.SM + nitroproteico (C.SMNP), 4- C.SMNM + monensina (C.SMNM+MO) e 5- C.SMNP + monensina (C.SMNP+MO). Os suplementos NP e NM adicionados à SM, (C.SMNP e C.SMNM) aumentaram o CMS (P<0,05). A adição de monensina não alterou o CMS nem a DMS (P>0,05). A suplementação proteica não aumentou o acetato (P>0,05), mas aumentou o propionato e o butirato (P<0,05). A adição de MO ao T C.SMNP reduziu o propionato e o butirato (P<0,05) em relação ao T C.SMNP. A concentração de nitrogênio amoniacal aumentou (P<0,05) no T C.SMNM em relação ao T C.SM e não diferiu dos demais. As produções de leite nos T C.SMNP e C.SMNPMO foram maiores do que no T C.SM (P<0,05). Vacas do T C.SM foram mais eficientes produzindo leite do que as do T C.SMNM (P<0,05).

The objectives of this study were to evaluate consumption, ruminal parameters and milk production of F1 Holstein x Zebu milking cows fed nitrogenated supplements with or without monensin added to the silage. Cows with 21 days on milk and producing initially 19.2kg of milk/day were distributed in a 5X5 Latin square design with three replicates per treatment. The treatments (T) were: 1- concentrate fed during the milking time and corn silage fed after milking (C.SM); 2- C.SM + nitromineral(NM) (C.SMNM); 3- C.SM + nitroproteico (NP) (C.SMNP); 4- C.SMNM + monensin (C.SMNM+MO) e 5- C.SMNP + monensin (C.SMNP+MO). The addition of NP e NM to the T C.SM increased the DMI when compared to C.SM (P<0.05). The addition of monensin did not change the DMI (P>0,05). The protein supplementation did not alter acetate (P>0,05), but increased propionate and butyrate concentrations. (P<0.05) The N-NH3 concentration increased (P<0.05) only in T C.SMNM (P<0.05). The addition of monensin to T C.SMNP decreased propionate and butyrate concentrations (P<0.05) related to T C.SMNP. The milk production was greater in the C.SMNP treatments than T C.SM (P<0.05). Cows in T C.SM produced milk more efficiently than cows fed C.SMNM (P<0.05), but did not differ from the others.

Animals , Cattle , Breast-Milk Substitutes , Nitrogen/chemistry , Animal Feed/analysis , Infant Nutritional Physiological Phenomena , Cattle/classification
International Journal of Environmental Research. 2013; 7 (4): 1021-1028
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-138338


This study investigated the impact of internal nitrogen and phosphorus loading on water quality of Lake Chaohu, China. Results showed that the overall mean concentration of TN and TP in lake water was 1.09 +/- 0.84 and 0.15 +/- 0.84 [SD] mg/L, respectively, indicating Lake Chaohu was highly eutrophic during the study period. Mean benthic flux of NH[4+], NO[3-], and PO[43-] were 3.56 +/- 1.52 mg N/m[2]/d, -0.14 +/- 0.40 mg N/m[2]/ d, and -1.54 +/- 21.94 micro g P/m[2]/d in summer and were 3.16 +/- 1.83 mg N/m[2]/d, -0.03 +/- 0.30 mg N/m[2]/d, and - 0.11 +/- 2.58 micro g P/m[2]/d in fall, respectively. In this study, lake sediments acted as both a source of NH[4+] and a sink of PO[4][3-]. A scenario was used to understand the role of sediments on lake water quality. Results showed that Lake Chaohu would be eutrophic within a month under the impact of internal NH[4+] loading when water was diverted to the lake. This indicates that an integrated project combining both a diversion project and dredging of sediments would be necessary for future lake restoration

Phosphorus/chemistry , Water Pollutants, Chemical , Geologic Sediments , Nitrogen/chemistry
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 63(2): 423-432, abr. 2011. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-591135


Avaliou-se a substituição parcial de farelo de soja na dieta-controle por ureia encapsulada ou por ureia, ambos acrescidos de polpa cítrica. Dezoito vacas foram alocadas a uma sequência de três tratamentos, em seis quadrados latinos 3x3, com períodos de 21 dias. O teor de proteína bruta nas dietas foi 15,5 por cento, cerca de 1,5 por cento oriundo de nitrogênio não proteico (NNP). O uso de NNP reduziu o consumo diário de matéria seca em 0,8kg (P=0,04), sem influenciar a produção de leite (31,5kg, P=0,98). A conversão do alimento em leite foi menor na dieta-controle (P<0,09). As fontes de NNP aumentaram o teor de N-ureico no plasma (NUP) duas horas após a alimentação da manhã (P=0,06). A frequência de NUP acima de 22,0mg/dL foi maior com ureia (P<0,01), similarmente ao observado para o teor e a secreção diária de N-ureico no leite (P<0,01). A substituição de farelo de soja por NNP e polpa cítrica melhorou a eficiência alimentar, sem afetar o balanço de nitrogênio.

The partial replacement of the soybean meal in the control diet for encapsulated urea or urea, both with added citrus pulp was evaluated. Eighteen Holstein cows were allocated to a sequence of the three treatments, in six 3x3 latin squares, with 21-day periods. The dietary level of crude protein was 15.5 percent, around 1.5 percent from non-protein nitrogen (NPN). The use of NPN reduced 0.8kg of daily dry matter intake (P=0.04), without affecting milk yield (31.5kg, P=0.98). The conversion of feed into milk decreased for the control diet (P<0.09). The NPN sources increased plasma urea-N (PUN) two hours after the morning feeding (P=0.06). The frequency of PUN above 22.0mg/dL was increased by urea (P<0.01), similarly to the observed for milk urea-N content and daily secretion (P<0.01). The replacement of soybean meal for NPN and citrus pulp improved feed efficiency, without affecting the nitrogen balance.

Animals , Multimixtures , Cattle/classification , Glycine max/classification , Nitrogen/chemistry , Urea/chemistry
Egyptian Journal of Microbiology. 2011; 46: 193-211
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-170493


THIS STUDY was undertaken to investigate the possibility of using Azospirillum bras/lease and Azotobacter chroococcum applied with inorganic nitrogen to enhance tomato [Lycopersicon escnlentum, Mill] production in soilless systems. The effect of inoculation with A. brasilense and / or Azoto. chroococcum with the application of 75% [of the recommended dose] of N[2] on certain tomato growth parameters [shoot height, number of leaves, and fresh and dry weights of plants] after 30, 60 and 90 days of transplanting were determined. In addition, total yield, mean fruit weight and number of fruits per plant were evaluated in plants inoculated with the two bacteria [separately or in combination] with 75% N[2], and plants inoculated with 75% N[2] [control 1] and 100% N[2] [control 2], Plants inoculated with a mixed inoculum of A. bras/lease and Azoto. chroococcum with 75% N[2] gave the highest values of the growth parameters tested while plants inoculated with 75% N[2] [control 1] gave the lowest. The same treatment also resulted in the highest tomato yield, mean weight and number of fruits per plant followed by plants treated with A. brasilense and 75% N[2]. The responses to the tested biofertilizers on nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium [NPK] uptake, population of diazotrophic bacteria and nitrogenase and dehydrogenase activity of the tested bacteria on the rhizosphere of tomato showed that the mixed inoculum of A. brasilense and Azoto. chroococcum with 75% N[2] gave the highest NPK uptake levels after 30, 60 and 90 days of transplanting. The same treatment gave the highest population of diazotrophic bacteria and dehydrogenase and nitrogenase activity of the tested bacteria compared with the plants inoculated with a single organism or controls. In contrast, control 1 gave the least values among all treatments. This study shows that inoculation of tomato plants with Azospirillum brasilense and Azolobacter chroococcum have a significantly beneficial effect on tomato yield under soilless cultivation

Azospirillum/statistics & numerical data , Azotobacter/chemistry , Nitrogen/chemistry
Electron. j. biotechnol ; 13(1): 13-14, Jan. 2010. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-559596


Geotrichum candidum growth on ammonium and leucine as nitrogen sources and glucose as a carbon source was examined. A clear preference of G. candidum for ammonium over leucine as a nitrogen source was shown. Indeed, ammonium was completely exhausted at the end of exponential growth after less than 35 hrs of culture; in contrast only 5 percent of leucine was concomitantly assimilated. Growth continued at slower rates on glucose and leucine as carbon and nitrogen sources respectively, and at the end of culture (185 hrs), leucine was completely exhausted.

Animals , Quaternary Ammonium Compounds/metabolism , Quaternary Ammonium Compounds/therapeutic use , Geotrichum/growth & development , Geotrichum , Leucine/pharmacokinetics , Leucine/metabolism , Leucine/therapeutic use , Amino Acids , Fermentation , Glucose/chemistry , Glucose/therapeutic use , Nitrogen/chemistry , Nitrogen/therapeutic use
Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 11(1): 84-93, jul. 2009.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-590634


Se determinó la capacidad de fijar nitrógeno mediante la actividad reductora de acetileno para 8 cepas de G. diazotrophicus aisladas de diferentes ecosistemas empleando el medio LGI-P. Además, se determinó la producción de auxinas a través del método de Salkowski y se analizó la influencia del aminoácido triptófano y del AIA en la actividad de la nitrogenasa. El triptófano, al igual que otros aminoácidos y las diferentes concentraciones de AIA, inhiben en distinta medida la actividad de la enzima solo parcialmente. Se demostró que las condiciones de nitrofijación no afectan la producción de AIA en esta bacteria. Esta relación entre ambas capacidades fisiológicas beneficiosas para los cultivos agrícolas pudiera tener gran importancia ya que pueden desarrollarse paralelamente, y potenciar la acción beneficiosa hacia la planta, basada en la dinitrofijación y la producción de auxinas estimuladoras del crecimiento vegetal.

The capacity to fix nitrogen of 8 strains of G. diazotrophicus from different ecosystems was determined by acetylene reduction assay using LGIP medium. Moreover, auxins production was determined by Salkowski’s method and the influence of triptophan and indoleacetic acid (IAA) in the nitrogenase activity were analyzed. The triptophan as other aminoacids and different concentrations of IAA, inhibit at different levels the nitrogen fixation only partially. There were demonstrated that the nitrogen fixation conditions do not affect the auxins production of this bacteria. This relationship between both crop beneficial physiological capacities should be a great importance since they may be parallely developed, and enhance the beneficial action to the plant, based on dinitrogen fixation and stimulating plant growth auxins production.

Nitrogen/pharmacology , Nitrogen/chemistry , Nitrogen
Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 11(1): 114-124, jul. 2009. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-590637


Los procesos avanzados para la remoción de nitrógeno están íntimamente relacionados con los metabolismos de las comunidades microbianas que intervienen en las transformaciones del mismo. Para el diseño, la optimización o el mejoramiento de los sistemas de tratamiento de aguas residuales domésticas, el ingeniero y el microbiólogo en forma conjunta, han logrado configurar reactores terciarios adecuados para el desenvolvimiento de estas comunidades, obteniendo altas eficiencias de remoción de los nutrientes. Este artículo presenta una revisión sobre la actividad bacteriana y su aplicación en los sistemas de tratamiento, inicia conceptualizando la influencia de los microorganismos y de la actividad humana en el ciclo global del nitrógeno, para después hacer un análisis de los procesos particulares en los cuales los microorganismos intervienen. Se clasifican e incluyen nuevas evidencias de metabolismos relacionados, y se describen como ejemplos algunos de los procesos de tratamiento terciario para aguas residuales desarrollados con éxito en las últimas décadas.

Advanced processes for nitrogen removal are intimately related to the microbial community metabolisms that take part in the transformations. For the design, optimization or improvement of domestic waste water treatment systems, engineers and microbiologists working together, have managed to implemented suitable tertiary reactors for the development of these communities, improving the efficiency of nutrient removal. This article presents a revision of the bacterial activity and its application in treatment systems. The article begins by giving an explanation about the influence of microorganism and human activity on the global nitrogen cycle. Then, it analyzes the particular processes in which the microorganisms take part. New evidence of related metabolisms are classified and included. Some of the processes of wastewater tertiary treatment, successfully developed over the last decades, are described as examples.

Nitrogen Dioxide/analysis , Nitrogen Dioxide/metabolism , Nitrogen Dioxide/chemistry , Nitrogen Dioxide/chemical synthesis , Nitrogen/isolation & purification , Nitrogen/pharmacology , Nitrogen/metabolism , Nitrogen/chemistry
Electron. j. biotechnol ; 11(4): 6-7, Oct. 2008. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-531928


Biofilm systems are efficient in the removal of organic matter and ammonium from wastewaters. In this study, loofa sponge, a natural product, was used as a supporting medium in an aerated submerged fixed-film reactor to evaluate its performance in removing organic matter and nitrogen from wastewater. Four pilot runs were performed with chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentrations of 100, 200, 300 and 400 mg l-1 to provide an organic loading rate of 0.6, 1.2, 1.8, and 2.4 kg m-3d-1 respectively. In these pilot runs, the influent ammonium nitrogen concentrations were justified to 5, 10, 15 and 20 mg l-1 as N to provide an influent nitrogen loading of 30, 60, 90 and 120 g m-3.d-1 respectively. Although soluble COD removal efficiency greater than 80 percent was achieved up to a loading rate of 2.4 kg m-3d-1, loofa deformation and clogging after 72 days of application might be considered a serious shortcoming during use in full-scale applications. Nitrogen removal efficiency decreased from 85.6 percent at an organic loading rate of 0.6 kg m-3d-1 to 56.1 percent at an organic loading rate of 2.4 kg m-3d-1.

Luffa , Organic Matter/analysis , Organic Matter/methods , Water Purification/analysis , Water Purification/methods , Quaternary Ammonium Compounds/antagonists & inhibitors , Quaternary Ammonium Compounds/chemistry , Flowmeters , Nitrogen/antagonists & inhibitors , Nitrogen/chemistry
Electron. j. biotechnol ; 11(3): 95-101, July 2008. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-531889


The effect of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) operating conditions on sludge macromolecular composition and the effect of sludge macromolecular composition on the anaerobic degradation of the sludge produced in SBR was investigated in this work. A SBR, fed with synthetic wastewater, was operated at different air flow rates. The resulting sludge was analyzed in terms of protein, carbohydrate, phospholipid and polyhydroxybutyrate concentrations. Methane production during anaerobic digestion of the sludge was also measured. Ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, dissolved oxygen and chemical oxygen demand (COD) track studies in the SBR were carried out in order to relate SBR performance and sludge macromolecular composition. The lowest air flow rate at which the SBR was operated was 2 l min-1, in which case the dissolved oxygen concentration was lower than 0.5 mg l-1 in the SBR and partial denitrification occurred during the feeding phase. An increased air flow rate caused a decrease in protein concentration, as well as an increase in carbohydrate concentration. Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) concentration in the sludge was independent of air flow rate. At different air flows, the methane production rates were similar, but the total volume of methane was greater during anaerobic digestion of the sludge produced at low air flow rates. These results indicate a strategy by which changes in sludge composition can optimize the operation of anaerobic sludge digesters.

Wastewater/analysis , Wastewater/chemistry , Anaerobic Digestion/analysis , Chemical Waste Degradation , Carbon/chemistry , Hydroxybutyrates/analysis , Nitrogen/chemistry , Sequential Biological Reactors/methods
J Environ Biol ; 2008 Jan; 29(1): 79-84
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-113697


Decolourization activity of Phanerochaete chrysosporium for three synthetic dyes viz., congo red, malachite green and crystal violet and impact of additional carbon and nitrogen supply on decolourization capacity of fungus were investigated. Maximum decolourizing capacity was observed up to 15 ppm. Addition of urea as nitrogen source and glucose as carbon source significantly enhanced decolourizing capacity (up to 87%) of fungus. In all the cases, both colour and COD were reduced more in non-sterilized treatments as compared to sterilized ones. Significant reductions in COD content of dye solutions (79-84%) were recorded by fungus supplied with additional carbon and nitrogen. A highly significant correlation (r = 0.78, p < 0.001) between colour and COD of dye solutions was recorded. Thus, a readily available carbon and nitrogen source is imperative to enhance the bioremediation activity of this fungus which has been the most suitable for synthetic dyes and textile industry wastewater treatment.

Biodegradation, Environmental , Carbon/chemistry , Color , Coloring Agents/chemistry , Congo Red/chemistry , Gentian Violet/chemistry , Nitrogen/chemistry , Oxygen/chemistry , Phanerochaete/drug effects , Rosaniline Dyes/chemistry , Textile Industry , Water Pollutants, Chemical
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-114013


The reaction rates and activation energy in aerobic composting processes for yard waste were determined using specifically designed reactors. Different mixture ratios were fixed before the commencement of the process. The C/N ratio was found to be optimum for a mixture ratio of 1:6 containing one part of coir pith to six parts of other waste which included yard waste, yeast sludge, poultry yard waste and decomposing culture (Pleurotosis). The path of stabilization of the wastes was continuously monitored by observing various parameters such as temperature, pH, Electrical Conductivity, C.O.D, VS at regular time intervals. Kinetic analysis was done to determine the reaction rates and activation energy for the optimum mixture ratio under forced aeration condition. The results of the analysis clearly indicated that the temperature dependence of the reaction rates followed the Arrhenius equation. The temperature coefficients were also determined. The degradation of the organic fraction of the yard waste could be predicted using first order reaction model.

Animals , Biodegradation, Environmental , Electric Conductivity , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Equipment Design , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Industry , Manure , Nitrogen/chemistry , Phosphorus/chemistry , Potassium/chemistry , Poultry , Sewage , Soil , Temperature
J Biosci ; 2006 Jun; 31(2): 247-53
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-111021


In this work, the proteomic changes induced by N+ ion implantation were investigated using a sunflower seed model by a two-dimensional electrophoretic analysis. To further understand the changes of total protein irradiated with N+ ion, a proteomic analysis of N+ ion implantation seeds was developed. Among approximately 369 total protein spots displayed in 2-D gels, eight specific proteins were found in non-implanted seeds while four proteins were found in implanted seeds. Six proteins were used for MALDI-TOF MS analysis, of which only two had been reported before. The proteins designated as No.29 showed 23.4% homology to MADS-box transcriptional factor HAM59, while No. 279 protein had 23.20% identity to homeobox-leucine zipper protein HAHB-4. The analysis of proteome changes induced by N+ implantation could provide a new clue to studying mutation mechanism of ion implantation. To our knowledge, this is the first report about the analysis of proteome changes induced by N+ implantation in sunflower seeds.

Amino Acid Sequence , Electrophoresis, Gel, Two-Dimensional , Helianthus/anatomy & histology , Molecular Sequence Data , Nitrogen/chemistry , Plant Proteins/chemistry , Proteome/analysis , Seeds/chemistry , Spectrometry, Mass, Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption-Ionization
Indian J Exp Biol ; 2006 Jun; 44(6): 436-47
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-61027


Nitric oxide (NO*) reacts with superoxide (O2-*) forming peroxynitrite (PXN) (ONOO-), a strong oxidant which reacts with several biomolecules leading to enormous implications in biological process, holds enormous implications for the understanding of free radicals. The ONOO- formation in vivo has significant implications in free radical biology. It exerts a defensive role in large number of pathophysiological reactions and also acts as signaling molecule in activation of several protooncogenes. It decomposes rapidly to an intermediate and reacts with several biomolecules. Evidence for PXN formation in vivo has been obtained immunohistochemically through detection of a characteristic reaction product with protein tyrosine residues and 3-nitrotyrosine. This "biomarker" of PXN formation has now been identified in various pathologies such as Lou Gehrig's disease, Parkinson's disease, cancer, atherosclerosis as well as in biological aging. 3-nitrotyrosine formation has been documented in various tissues, e.g. even in non-diseased embryonic heart during normal development. Therefore, there is a great opportunity in the postgenomic period to understand the interplay of these molecular interactions with biological events such as apoptosis, gene regulation etc. This review deals with biological significance of peroxynitrite, its precursors, reactions with large range of biomolecules, including aminoacids, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, antioxidants as well as cytotoxic aspects.

Animals , Biomarkers , Free Radicals/chemistry , Glutathione Peroxidase/metabolism , Humans , Models, Biological , Models, Chemical , Nitric Oxide/chemistry , Nitrogen/chemistry , Oxidants/chemistry , Oxygen/metabolism , Peroxynitrous Acid/chemistry , Superoxide Dismutase/metabolism
Indian J Exp Biol ; 2005 Jun; 43(6): 542-7
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-61755


Alcaligenes faecalis kw-A selected for possessing good denitrification efficiency was used for biofilm development. The biofilm could be developed on a glass surface within 12 hr when 5%, Ix 10(8) cells/ml was used as inoculum. The microcolonies were seen in 6 hr and glycocalyx in 9 hr stage. At 24 hr the biofilm was developed fully and hence was visualised as dense mass. The biofilm protein content showed 48.5% increase in shake flask than in static condition. The exopoplymer is produced in larger amounts in biofilm as compared to the suspended cells. Also, its amount was more by 43% in the biofilm produced in shake flask condition than in static condition. The biofilm could remove 95% nitrate from nitrate-rich effluent in a bench-scale process in 36 hr. The attached growth technique demonstrated here can be utilised to study the effect of favourable as well as adverse conditions on the denitrification efficiency of a culture. The ultimate application of a denitrifying biofilm would be in attached growth or biofilm reactor.

Alcaligenes faecalis/metabolism , Animals , Hypoxia , Biochemistry/methods , Biofilms , Cattle , Glass , Glycocalyx/chemistry , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Microscopy , Microscopy, Phase-Contrast , Nitrates/chemistry , Nitrogen/chemistry , Peptones/chemistry , Polysaccharides/chemistry , Temperature , Time Factors