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Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1046016


Chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have become diseases that seriously threaten the health and quality of life of the Chinese population, and also become a major public health problem affecting the national economic and social development. With the intensification of China's population aging, the economic burden caused by NCDs will further increase. More and more evidence has shown that NCDs could be prevented, and the prevention and control of NCDs have been considered as a core task of building a healthy China. Therefore, precise personalized nutrition and the prevention of NCDs from the age of zero, which is called the "Double Zero Strategy", would provide a well-consolidated basis for body tissue structure, and prevention of NCDs should also begin at age zero, and then extend to the first 1 000 days of life. The "Double Zero Strategy" preventive intervention can improve the nutritional status, balance diet and nutrition, and increase physical activity among children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly, all of which can reduce the risk of chronic disease, disability, and death. Therefore, launching the "Double Zero Strategy" for full life cycle prevention will help to achieve China's health goals in the new era, and provide more comprehensive measures and plans for implementing the goal of a healthy China.

Adult , Child , Adolescent , Humans , Aged , Infant, Newborn , Prevalence , Noncommunicable Diseases/prevention & control , Quality of Life , Public Health , Diet
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1046339


Chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have become diseases that seriously threaten the health and quality of life of the Chinese population, and also become a major public health problem affecting the national economic and social development. With the intensification of China's population aging, the economic burden caused by NCDs will further increase. More and more evidence has shown that NCDs could be prevented, and the prevention and control of NCDs have been considered as a core task of building a healthy China. Therefore, precise personalized nutrition and the prevention of NCDs from the age of zero, which is called the "Double Zero Strategy", would provide a well-consolidated basis for body tissue structure, and prevention of NCDs should also begin at age zero, and then extend to the first 1 000 days of life. The "Double Zero Strategy" preventive intervention can improve the nutritional status, balance diet and nutrition, and increase physical activity among children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly, all of which can reduce the risk of chronic disease, disability, and death. Therefore, launching the "Double Zero Strategy" for full life cycle prevention will help to achieve China's health goals in the new era, and provide more comprehensive measures and plans for implementing the goal of a healthy China.

Adult , Child , Adolescent , Humans , Aged , Infant, Newborn , Prevalence , Noncommunicable Diseases/prevention & control , Quality of Life , Public Health , Diet
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(5): e202310070, oct. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1510096


Investigaciones de las últimas décadas revelaron que un ambiente adverso en la etapa de desarrollo puede producir una mayor susceptibilidad hacia fenotipos relacionados con enfermedad cardiovascular, diabetes, hipertensión, trastornos neuroconductuales y otras enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles. Estas enfermedades, cuyo aumento ocurre especialmente en países con alta vulnerabilidad social, provocan muertes prematuras y constituyen la primera causa de muerte en la vida adulta, además de un elevado costo para la salud pública. Consciente de la necesidad de prevenir estas enfermedades desde los primeros mil días de vida, la Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría creó la Subcomisión DOHaD y formuló una declaración para la prevención de enfermedades no transmisibles a la que adhirieron otros países de Latinoamérica. La aplicación de las estrategias declaradas con acciones interdisciplinarias e intersectoriales sostenidas en el tiempo contribuirá a construir salud, a disminuir la carga de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles y al mayor bienestar y productividad para los pueblos.

Research in recent decades has revealed that an adverse environment in the developmental stage can produce a greater susceptibility to phenotypes related to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, or neurobehavioral disorders, among other chronic noncommunicable diseases. These diseases, whose tendency is increasing especially in countries with high social vulnerability, cause premature deaths and constitute the first cause of death in adult life as well as a great cost to public health. Aware of the need to prevent these diseases from the first thousand days of life, the Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría created the DOHaD Committee and formulated a statement for the prevention of NCDs, to which Latin American countries also adhered. We believe that the application of the declared strategies with interdisciplinary and intersectoral actions sustained over time will contribute to building health, reducing the burden of NCDs, and to greater wellbeing and productivity for the people

Humans , Cardiovascular Diseases/prevention & control , Noncommunicable Diseases/prevention & control , Hypertension , Knowledge
Rev. cuba. salud pública ; Rev. cuba. salud pública;49(3)sept. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1569915


Introducción: La alimentación saludable y que evita enfermedades sigue siendo un tema de investigación para avanzar hacia el desarrollo efectivo de prácticas saludables, que permita a las poblaciones vivir mejor. La alimentación sostenible es un aspecto nuevo, que reconoce lo colectivo del consumo de alimentos por la salud del planeta. Objetivo: Identificar las percepciones y actitudes sobre alimentación saludable y sostenible entre jóvenes estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud en Santa Marta-Colombia, 2022. Métodos: Se implementó un estudio transversal con una población de 318 estudiantes, quienes respondieron voluntariamente al cuestionario diseñado por los investigadores (α = 0,908) a través de una plataforma digital. Resultados: La mayoría de los participantes fueron mujeres (65,7 por ciento), con una edad promedio de 20,3 años. El 55 por ciento identificó los alimentos saludables y el 53 por ciento percibió parcialmente el riesgo de los alimentos frente a las enfermedades no trasmisibles. Un 22,7 por cientoeconoció los alimentos sostenibles. La actitud positiva frente a la reducción el riesgo de enfermedades no trasmisibles por alimentos fue del 77 por ciento. Las actitudes hacia la alimentación saludable y la reducción del riesgo de enfermedades no trasmisibles tuvieron diferencias significativas por sexo (p = 0,009; p < 0,001) y programa (p = 0,008; p < 0,001, respectivamente). Las percepciones y actitudes se correlacionaron positivamente. Conclusiones: Las percepciones sobre la alimentación saludable y que evita enfermedades fueron adecuadas, así como las actitudes positivas. En torno a la alimentación sostenible hay vacíos, frente a los cuales se debe sensibilizar para avanzar en una alimentación consiente con la salud humana y planetaria(AU)

Introduction: Healthy feeding, which prevents diseases continues to be a topic of research to move towards the effective development of healthy practices, to allow populations to live better. Sustainable food is a new aspect, which recognizes the collective nature of food consumption for the health of the planet. Objective: To identify perceptions and attitudes about healthy and sustainable feeding among young students of the School of Health Sciences in Santa Marta, Colombia, 2022. Methods: A cross-sectional study was implemented with a population of 318 students, who voluntarily responded to the questionnaire designed by the researchers (α = 0.908) through a digital platform. Results: The majority of participants were women (65.7percent), with an average age of 20.3 years. 55percent identified healthy foods and 53percent partially perceived the risk of foods against non-communicable diseases. 22.7percent recognized sustainable foods. The positive attitude towards reducing the risk of non-food-transmissible diseases was 77percent. Attitudes toward healthy eating and reducing the risk of non-communicable diseases had significant differences by sex (p = 0.009; p < 0.001) and program (p = 0.008; p < 0.001, respectively). Perceptions and attitudes were positively correlated. Conclusions: Perceptions about healthy feeding that prevents diseases were adequate, as were positive attitudes. There are gaps around sustainable nutrition, which must be raised to advance in a diet that is conscious of human and planetary health(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Perception , Students, Premedical , Attitude , Cross-Sectional Studies , Diet, Healthy , Noncommunicable Diseases/prevention & control
s.l; International Cancer Control Partnership; abr. 2023. 24 p. tab.
Non-conventional in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1426573


NCDs are the main cause of mortality and morbidity in Suriname, as is the case in most of the countries in the world. At the UN High Level Meeting in September 2011, Suriname endorsed the UN resolution on NCDs, immediately after which the government assigned a special budget to the MOH to support prevention and control activities in the area of NCDs. This illustrates that the government takes up its own responsibility in the fight against the epidemic of NCDs. One of the first priorities has been the development of this National Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of NCDs which provides a framework for a coordinated and integrated approach during the coming years in the fight against NCDs in our country. The elements of the NCD plan focus on public awareness of the NCD burden, healthy lifestyle promotion, health systems strengthening, strengthening of the legal framework, strengthening of surveillance and operational research and the strengthening of monitoring and evaluation systems. For the coming years the priority NCDs namely cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease which account for 60% of mortality nationwide will be targeted. Another priority health area which also will be included is mental health and substance abuse. The fight against NCDs cannot be successful without a strong intersectoral collaboration which is crucial for healthy lifestyle promotion and risk factor reduction. This plan calls for a collective effort through the establishment of structured intersectoral cooperation with other ministries, private sector and civil society. Periodic evaluations are an essential part of the fight of all diseases and specifically of NCDs which require more complex interventions than the communicable diseases. This NCD plan is a dynamic document which will be periodically revised in order to enable us to keep on track towards the goals set. As health sector and as a nation we have to join hands, be accountable and share responsibility to be able to really tackle the burden of NCDs. We owe it to the next generation.

Humans , National Health Strategies , Risk Factors , Noncommunicable Diseases/prevention & control , Health Promotion , Suriname/epidemiology
REME rev. min. enferm ; 27: 1517, jan.-2023. Tab., Fig.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1523734


Objetivo: sintetizar as evidências científicas sobre a ocorrência de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT) e seus fatores de risco (FR) na população beneficiária do Programa Bolsa Família (PBF). Métodos: trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, cuja busca por publicações de 2004 a 2020 foi feita nas seguintes bases de dados: Literatura Latino-americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) e Indice Bibliográico Español en Ciencias de la Salud (IBECS), via Biblioteca Virtual da Saúde (BVS); Medline, via Pubmed, SCOPUS (via Portal CAPES); e Scientific Electronic Library Online - SciELO. Resultados: foram selecionados 23 artigos, os quais foram agrupados em três categorias: 1) Prevalência dos fatores de risco para DCNT em mulheres beneficiárias do PBF: as mulheres beneficiárias apresentaram piores desfechos no consumo de tabaco, menor prática de atividade física, maior prevalência de diabetes, hipertensão e obesidade; 2) Estado nutricional e insegurança alimentar em crianças, adolescentes e famílias beneficiárias do PBF: os estudos apontaram para uma elevada prevalência de obesidade e coexistência de déficit estatural em crianças beneficiárias; e 3) Consumo alimentar de beneficiários do PBF: foi identificado um padrão não saudável de alimentação. Conclusão: usuários do PBF apresentam elevadas prevalências de fatores de risco para doenças crônicas não transmissíveis e pior padrão alimentar. Esses dados reforçam a importância de o PBF estar sendo direcionado às populações mais vulneráveis, visando mitigar as imensas desigualdades sociais. No entanto, é necessário avançar em outras políticas públicas de proteção social que impactem os determinantes sociais e melhorem a qualidade de vida de extensa camada da população brasileira.(AU)

occurrence and their risk factors (RF) in the Bolsa Família Program (BFP) beneficiary population. Methods: this is an integrative literature review whose search for publications from 2004 to 2020 was carried out in the following databases: Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health Sciences (LILACS) and Indice Bibliográico Español en Ciencias de la Salud (IBECS), via the Virtual Health Library (VHL); Medline, via Pubmed, Scopus (via Portal CAPES); and Scientific Electronic Library Online - SciELO. Results: 23 articles were selected and grouped into three categories: 1) Prevalence of risk factors for NCDs in BFP beneficiary women: beneficiary women had worse outcomes in tobacco consumption, lower physical activity, higher prevalence of diabetes, hypertension, and obesity; 2) Nutritional status and food insecurity in BFP beneficiary children, adolescents and families: the studies pointed to a high prevalence of obesity and coexistence of height deficit in beneficiary children; and 3) Food consumption of BFP beneficiaries: an unhealthy eating pattern was identified. Conclusion: BFP users have a high prevalence of risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases and worse dietary patterns. These data reinforce the importance of the BFP being directed to the most vulnerable populations, aiming to mitigate the immense social inequalities. However, it is necessary to advance other public policies of social protection that impact the social determinants and improve the life quality of a large part of the Brazilian population.(AU)

Objetivo: sintetizar evidencias científicas sobre la ocurrencia de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles (ECNT) y sus factores de riesgo (FR) en la población beneficiaria del Programa Bolsa Familia (PBF). Método: se trata de una revisión bibliográfica integradora, cuya búsqueda de publicaciones entre 2004 y 2020 fue realizada en las bases de datos Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud (LILACS) e Índice Bibliográfico Español en Ciencias de la Salud (IBECS) a través de la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS), Medline a través del Pubmed, Scopus (vía Portal CAPES) y Scientific Electronic Library Online - SciELO...(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Socioeconomic Factors , Nutrition for Vulnerable Groups , Risk Factors , Feeding Behavior , Social Determinants of Health , Noncommunicable Diseases/prevention & control , Access to Healthy Foods , Quality of Life , Nutritional Status
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969837


Objective: To analyze the allocation of human resources for chronic disease prevention and control of district/county-level centers for disease control and prevention(CDC) in China in 2020. Methods: Survey subjects were from National Chronic Noncommunicable Disease and Risk Factor Surveillance Sites and National Demonstration Areas for Chronic Noncommunicable Disease Prevention and Control (demonstration areas). A survey examining the allocation of human resources for chronic disease prevention and control at district/county-level CDC was conducted in December 2021 through the National Demonstration Areas Management Information System. The number and rate of allocation of human resources for chronic disease prevention and control in district/county-level CDC were analyzed and the Wilcoxon rank sum test was used to compare the difference between demonstration and non-demonstration areas and between urban and rural areas. The Kruskal-Wallis H test was used to compare the difference in east, central and west regions. The Gini coefficient and Theil index were used to evaluate the balance of human resource for chronic disease prevention and control. Results: A total of 678 districts/counties were investigated, and 664 districts/counties responded effectively, with an effective response rate of 97.9%. The establishment rate of district/county-level CDC was 98.34% (653/664), and the establishment rate of chronic disease prevention and control departments of district/county-level CDC was 96.02% (627/653). In 627 district/county-level CDC with departments for chronic disease prevention and control, the median number of full-time technical personnel for chronic disease prevention and control was 4, the median number of full-time technical personnel in demonstration areas (4 persons) was higher than in non-demonstration areas (3 persons), highest in the east region (5 persons) than in the middle region (4 persons) and the west region (4 persons), higher in urban areas (4 persons) than in rural areas (4 persons) (all P values<0.05). The allocation rate was 0.71 people/100 000, which was higher in demonstration areas (0.73 people/100 000) than in non-demonstration areas (0.67 people/100 000), highest in the west region (0.82 people/100 000) than in the middle region (0.71 people/100 000) and east region (0.67 people/100 000), higher in rural areas (0.77 people/100 000) than in urban areas (0.68 people/100 000) (all P values<0.05). The Gini coefficient for the allocation by population size was 0.352 9. The total Theil index for demonstration and non-demonstration areas, different regions, and urban-rural areas were 0.067 8, 0.076 3, and 0.000 2, with the intra-group contribution of 97.35%, 99.52%, and 98.80%, respectively. Conclusion: In 2020, the allocation of human resources for chronic disease prevention and control in district/county-level CDC is relatively balanced. The variation in the allocation of human resources for chronic disease prevention and control exist between demonstration and non-demonstration areas, urban and rural areas, and across regions.

Humans , Noncommunicable Diseases/prevention & control , Workforce , China , Risk Factors , Chronic Disease
Rio de Janeiro; s.n; 2023. 150 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551486


As doenças crônicas não transmissíveis mais prevalentes no mundo são as doenças cardiovasculares, diabetes mellitus, alguns tipos de câncer e doenças respiratórias crônicas. Juntas essas condições foram responsáveis por mais da metade das mortes ocorridas no mundo e no Brasil e constituem o principal problema de saúde. As práticas de autocuidado com a saúde têm sido apontadas como a parte que cabe ao paciente nas estratégias de promoção da saúde. Alguns estudos vêm abordando a resiliência como um importante indicador para a realização de práticas saudáveis de autocuidado, estando associada à autonomia e às habilidades para a autogestão da saúde. O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a associação entre a resiliência psicológica e o autocuidado com a saúde em mulheres adultas. O estudo foi realizado com 159 pacientes dos ambulatórios de ginecologia do Instituto Nacional de Saúde da Mulher, da Criança e do Adolescente Fernandes Figueira, da Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Foi utilizada a versão brasileira da Escala de Resiliência de Wagnild & Young e um questionário adaptado do Inquérito Vigilância de Fatores de Risco e Proteção para Doenças Crônicas por Inquérito Telefônico. O principal resultado foi importância do contexto familiar para os níveis de resiliência, principalmente para mulheres que têm filhos. Não foram encontradas associações significativas entre resiliência e as variáveis de autocuidado. Novas pesquisas deverão ser desenvolvidas para esclarecer as possíveis relação entre resiliência e autocuidado e a importância da informação em saúde para promover mudanças de estilo de vida.

The most prevalent chronic non-communicable diseases in the world are cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, some types of cancer and chronic respiratory diseases. Together, these conditions were responsible for more than half of the deaths in the world and in Brazil, they constitute the main health problem. Health self-care practices have been identified as the patient's part in health promotion strategies. Some studies have approached resilience as an important indicator for healthy self-care practices, being associated with autonomy and skills for self-management of health. The aim of this study is to analyze the association between psychological resilience and self-care with health in adult women. The study was carried out with 159 patients from the gynecology outpatient clinics of the Fernandes Figueira National Institute of Women's, Children and Adolescents' Health of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation. The Brazilian version of the Wagnild & Young Resilience Scale and a questionnaire adapted from the Surveillance of Risk and Protection Factors for Chronic Diseases by Telephone Survey were used. The main result was the importance of the family context for resilience levels, especially for women who have children. No significant associations were found between resilience and self-care variables. New research should be developed to clarify the possible relationship between resilience and self-care and the importance of health information to promote lifestyle changes.

Humans , Female , Self Care , Chronic Disease/prevention & control , Women's Health , Resilience, Psychological , Ambulatory Care , Noncommunicable Diseases/prevention & control , Health Promotion , Brazil
s.l; Ministerio de Salud de la Nación; mar.16, 2022. 27 p.
Non-conventional in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1442584


El objetivo de este manual es brindar una herramienta para que las instituciones y empresas se conviertan en espacios saludables, promoviendo la salud de las personas que trabajan o acuden a ellas. A largo plazo, está demostrado que este tipo de intervenciones mejora la calidad de vida y aumenta la esperanza de vida de la población involucrada.

Humans , Global Health Strategies , Occupational Health , Workplace/standards , Noncommunicable Diseases/prevention & control , Health Promotion , Risk Factors
Bridgetown; Ministry of Health; Mar 16, 2022. 39 p. tab.
Non-conventional in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1426253


Barbados has the lowest age-adjusted death rate from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). Despite this, however, mortality from the main CVDs affecting the island's population and prevalence of risk factors for most NCDs is high, particularly in those aged < 60 years. The Barbados Ministry of Health (MH) is aware that NCD control cannot be the responsibility of the MH alone, and is therefore refocusing healthcare service delivery towards a model of chronic care for the population, with a strong emphasis on a coordinated response through partnerships with other sectors of the government, civil society and the private sector. The NCD response covers four main areas: (1) strengthening strategic management; (2) surveillance and research; (3) integrated disease management and patient education; and (4) risk factor reduction. The target is to reduce premature mortality from NCDs by 25% by 2025 as well as to diminish the avoidable, costly morbidity from NCDs. This Action Plan, like the Strategic Plan, stems from the priority of the Barbados MH to develop a patient-centred, equitable, efficient, accessible, high-quality health care system. The MH's NCD response is led by the NNCDC through a combined and collaborative approach to the guiding principles, encompassing "all-of-government, all-of-society". This NCD Action Plan outlines the activities required annually for the MH and its partners to take to effectively tackle NCDs in Barbados during 2015­2019. The activities have been translated from the Barbados Strategic Plan for the Prevention and Control of NonCommunicable Diseases 2015­2019, prepared by the National NCD Commission (NNCDC) and the MH. Activities are outlined in tabular format, for each strategic line of action by year. The Appendix provides a brief outline of each year's activities required by all four strategic plans. In this way the Action Plan provides the "road-map" to operationalising the Strategic Plan, including a checklist of performance indicators for measuring whether the activity has been achieved.

Humans , Self Care , National Health Strategies , Patient Education as Topic , Risk Factors , Noncommunicable Diseases/prevention & control , Health Promotion , Barbados
Goiânia; SES-GO; 05 jan. 2022. 1-9 p. tab, fig.
Non-conventional in Portuguese | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-GO | ID: biblio-1451196


As Doenças Crônicas Não Transmissíveis (DCNTs) tendem a ser de longa duração e são o resultado de uma combinação de fatores genéticos, fisiológicos, ambientais e comportamentais. Tais agravos matam 41 milhões de pessoas a cada ano, o equivalente a 74% de todas as mortes no mundo, principalmente mortes prematuras, além de acarretar a perda de qualidade de vida, limitações e incapacidades, constituindo a maior carga de morbimortalidade. Sendo assim, esta síntese de evidências traz alguns pontos do Plano de Ações Estratégicas para o Enfrentamento das Doenças Não Transmissíveis no Brasil (2011-2022), que tem o intuito de reduzir a carga de DCNTs e evitar mortes prematuras, além de promover o desenvolvimento e a implementação de políticas públicas efetivas, integradas, sustentáveis e baseadas em evidências para a prevenção e o controle das DCNTs e seus fatores de risco e fortalecer os serviços de saúde voltados às doenças crônicas

Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases (NCDs) tend to be of long duration and are the result of a combination of genetic, physiological, environmental and behavioral factors. Such diseases kill 41 million people each year, equivalent to 74% of all deaths in the world, mainly premature deaths, in addition to causing a loss of quality of life, limitations and disabilities, constituting the highest burden of morbidity and mortality. Therefore, this synthesis of evidence presents some points of the Strategic Action Plan for Combating Noncommunicable Diseases in Brazil (2011-2022), which aims to reduce the burden of NCDs and prevent premature deaths, in addition to promoting the development and the implementation of effective, integrated, sustainable and evidence-based public policies for the prevention and control of CNCDs and their risk factors and to strengthen health services aimed at chronic diseases

Humans , Noncommunicable Diseases/epidemiology , Chronic Disease/mortality , Mortality, Premature/trends , Noncommunicable Diseases/prevention & control , Chronic Disease Indicators
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935264


During a person's entire life, nutrition is essential for growth, development, maintenance, reproduction, disease control and health. Based on a brief review of existing research on lifelong nutrition, this article focuses on the relationship between early life nutrition and noninfectious chronic diseases (NCDs) in adulthood. It points out that early life is the most important stage, with the rapid growth and development of the body and strong requirements for energy and nutrients. Due to the "metabolic memory", insufficient or imbalanced nutrition at this stage affects not only the growth and development of the body, but also leads to increased risks of NCDs in adulthood. In addition to early life, the reasonable intake of nutrients in throughout life plays an important role in meeting the basic requirements of the body and the control of NCDs.

Adult , Humans , Chronic Disease , Noncommunicable Diseases/prevention & control , Nutritional Status
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935273


Non-communicable chronic diseases(NCD)have become the main burden of disease in China, which cause great challenges to public health and social development. Unhealthy diet is one of the main risk factors of the occurrence and development of NCD. Based on the latest international understanding of various forms of malnutrition and National Nutrition Survey and Monitoring in China, this paper describes the change trend of low weight, overweight and obesity in different age groups and highlights two classic cases: the diabetes research of Daqing in China and NCD prevention and control project of the North Carolina Project in Finland. The article concludes that dietary nutrition intervention is a cost-effective and sustainable key measure to prevent and control NCD.

Humans , Diet , Noncommunicable Diseases/prevention & control , Nutritional Status , Obesity/prevention & control , Overweight , Risk Factors
Physis (Rio J.) ; 32(4): e320405, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422317


Resumo O Telessaúde é uma ferramenta de apoio à educação permanente de trabalhadores da saúde vinculados ao SUS. As práticas corporais / atividades físicas (PC/AF), enquanto ações promotoras da saúde, são temáticas pertinentes a serem abordadas neste dispositivo. O objetivo do presente estudo é analisar o conteúdo PC/AF por meio dos prontuários de teleconsultas e videoaulas do Núcleo de Telessaúde de Goiás. Trata-se de pesquisa exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa. Como resultado, foram identificados 180 prontuários e 23 videoaulas que tematizam conteúdos das PC/AF. A análise evidenciou teleconsultas mais frequentemente relacionadas ao treinamento físico, que buscavam a prevenção e controle de DCNT, e o esforço por parte de teleconsultores em apresentar elementos diversos da cultura corporal e da clínica ampliada, em conformidade com a Política Nacional de Promoção da Saúde.

Abstract Telemedicine is a supporting tool for the continuing education of Brazil's Unified Health System (SUS) network health workers. Bodily practices/physical activity are relevant topics to be addressed in such an environment as health-promotion actions. This study aimed to analyze the content of bodily practices and physical activity through the medical records of teleconsultations and video classes of the Telehealth Center of Goias, Brazil. This qualitative, exploratory research analyzed medical records and video classes from a Collective Health theoretical perspective. As a result, 180 medical records and 23 video classes targeting bodily practices/physical activity content were identified. The analysis evidenced teleconsultations more frequently related to physical training, which aimed to prevent and control NCDs, and the effort by teleconsultants to present different elements of body culture and the expanded clinic, in accordance with the National Health Promotion Policy.

Humans , Primary Health Care , Unified Health System , Exercise , Telemedicine , Health Policy , Health Promotion , Brazil , Health Personnel/education , Education, Continuing , Noncommunicable Diseases/prevention & control
San José; Ministerio de Salud; 2022. 74 p. tab.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425318


Este Plan de Acción es el resultado de un trabajo articulado por el Ministerio de Salud con actores sociales de diferentes sectores, realizado con el fin de aportar al avance en el cumplimiento de la meta nacional planteada en dicha Estrategia: detener el aumento de la tasa de mortalidad por ENT en el país al año 2030. El Plan establece acciones para favorecer la promoción de la salud, la prevención, atención y rehabilitación de las personas con ENT, considerando la complejidad del fenómeno y la necesidad de un abordaje multisectorial.

Humans , National Health Strategies , Risk Factors , Noncommunicable Diseases/prevention & control , Obesity Management , Costa Rica
Rev. cuba. enferm ; 37(4)dic. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408306


Introducción: El sobrepeso y la obesidad son actualmente problemas de salud pública de alto impacto a nivel mundial, que predisponen al ser humano a adquirir enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles como el síndrome metabólico, afecta a los adolescentes, un grupo etario vulnerable. Objetivo: Analizar la evidencia científica acerca de las intervenciones para prevenir el síndrome metabólico en adolescentes. Métodos: Revisión sistemática de artículos publicados entre 2010 y 2019, se realizó la búsqueda en bases de datos SciELO, BVS, PUBMED. Luego de aplicar los criterios de inclusión y exclusión se seleccionaron 11 artículos. Se utilizó el diagrama de flujo Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). Conclusiones: En los 11 artículos analizados, se han encontrado diversos enfoques de intervención, que fueron desarrollados, principalmente, en aspectos educativos, nutricionales y actividades físicas. Los estudios en los que se abordaron más estrategias de prevención del síndrome metabólico en los adolescentes, aunado a un enfoque familiar e incorporando a docentes y un equipo multidisciplinario, presentaron cambios más significativos en las características antropométricas y parámetros bioquímicos relacionados a los factores de riesgo cardiometabólicos(AU)

Introduction: Overweight and obesity are currently high-impact public health problems worldwide, predisposing humans to acquire chronic non-communicable diseases such as metabolic syndrome, affecting adolescents, a vulnerable age group. Objective: To analyze the scientific evidence about interventions to prevent metabolic syndrome in adolescents. Methods: A systematic review was conducted of articles published between 2010 and 2019; a search was carried out in SciELO, BVS, PUBMED databases. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 11 articles were selected. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA) flow chart was used. Conclusions: In the 11 articles analyzed, various intervention approaches have been found, which were developed mainly in educational, nutritional and physical activities aspects. The studies in which more strategies for the prevention of metabolic syndrome in adolescents were addressed, together with a family approach and incorporating teachers and a multidisciplinary team, showed more significant changes in anthropometric characteristics and biochemical parameters related to cardiometabolic risk factors(AU)

Humans , Adolescent , Exercise , Metabolic Syndrome/prevention & control , Noncommunicable Diseases/prevention & control , Cardiometabolic Risk Factors , Reference Standards , Databases, Bibliographic , Libraries, Digital , Obesity
Rev. cub. inf. cienc. salud ; 32(2): e1677, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1341369


La falta de cultura preventiva y un diagnóstico precoz oportuno representan dos de los factores más importantes a considerar en la prevención y tratamiento de las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles a nivel mundial, por lo que la tecnología móvil constituye una alternativa que bien puede ser utilizada en la medicina preventiva. En este sentido, el presente artículo tuvo como objetivo validar una aplicación tecnológica que permita realizar el diagnóstico de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles, utilizando el dispositivo móvil. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, que utilizó la encuesta como técnica y el cuestionario como instrumento para la recolección de la información en una muestra de 60 personas mayores de 18 años, todos usuarios de la red social Facebook, quienes seguían la página Los resultados obtenidos permitieron demostrar que el 57,1 por ciento de los encuestados presentaba edades comprendidas entre los 21 y 40 años de edad, de los cuales el 88,3 por ciento reportó que utilizaba internet diariamente; el 53,3 por ciento respondió que utilizaba sus dispositivos frecuentemente para comunicarse a través de las redes sociales; el 53,4 por ciento de los encuestados había descargado un aplicativo relacionado con la salud y, finalmente, el 82,8 por ciento de las personas respondió tener conocimiento del término de medicina preventiva y, que de tener información en sus dispositivos móviles, la utilizaría con frecuencia. En conclusión, el diseño e implementación de un servicio de salud a través de los dispositivos móviles, como el CHECKEATE, es viable en un mercado joven, potencialmente interesado en temas de salud preventiva(AU)

Lack of a preventive culture and of timely early diagnosis are two of the most important factors to be considered in the prevention and treatment of chronic non-communicable diseases worldwide. Mobile technology is therefore an alternative which could very well be used in preventive medicine. The purpose of the study was to validate a technological application for the diagnosis of chronic non-communicable diseases using a mobile device. A descriptive study was conducted based on the survey as technique and the questionnaire as data collection tool. The sample was 60 people aged over 18 years, all of them users of the social network Facebook, who follow the webpage Results show that 57.1 percent of the respondents were aged 21-40 years; 88.3 percent reported using the Internet daily; 53.3 percent that they used their devices frequently for communication through social networks; 53.4 percent had downloaded a health-related application, and 82.8 percent were familiar with the term "preventive medicine" and would used it more frequently if they had more information on their mobile devices. In conclusion, design and implementation of a health service through mobile devices, as is the case with CHECKEATE, would be viable in a young market potentially interested in preventive health topics(AU)

Humans , Adult , Preventive Health Services/methods , Preventive Medicine/methods , Data Collection , Surveys and Questionnaires , Cell Phone/trends , Early Diagnosis , Social Networking , Noncommunicable Diseases/prevention & control , Epidemiology, Descriptive