Central granular cell odontogenic tumors (CGCOTs) are rare, benign, slowly growing odontogenic neoplasms. Due to their uncertain histogenesis, CGCOTs are still not included as a distinct entity in the WHO classification (2017) of odontogenic tumors. We report a case of CGCOT involving the right side of maxillary anterior region of a 39-year-old white female. Immunohistochemical staining showed that granular cells positively expressed CD68 and vimentin, and negatively expressed S-100 protein. Meanwhile, we searched PubMed, Google Scholar, and Scopus databases to summary the clinico-pathological features of 51 reported cases of CGCOT. The results showed that the granular cells of 28.6% cases were immunopositive for vimentin and CD68, and odontogenic epithelial cells were positive immunoreactivity for cytokeratin. These findings reinforced the mesenchymal origin of granular cells and the odontogenic nature of epithelium islands.
Humans , Female , Adult , Vimentin , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Epithelial Cells/pathology , KeratinsABSTRACT
Introdução: O ameloblastoma é uma neoplasia odontogênica benigna, que apresenta altas taxas de recorrência pós-operatória. Diversos estudos mostram a relação entre as características clínico-patológicas e as modalidades de tratamento na recorrência do ameloblastoma. Os mecanismos moleculares envolvidos com a etiopatogenia deste tumor são pouco conhecidos, e apesar de alterações no Sistema Mismatch favorecerem o desenvolvimento de diferentes neoplasias humanas, a importância destes no desenvolvimento do ameloblastoma ainda permanece pouco compreendido. Objetivo: Identificar os fatores clínico-patológicos associados à recorrência do ameloblastoma, bem como investigar o papel da imunoexpressão das proteínas hMLH1, hMSH2 e Ki-67 na recidiva desses tumores odontogênicos. Metodologia: Tratou-se de um estudo descritivo, transversal e restrospectivo, com uma amostra constituída por 22 casos de ameloblastomas recidivantes e 22 casos não-recidivantes. A análise imunoistoquímica foi realizada de forma quantitativa, considerando a localização celular (nuclear) das proteínas estudadas. O teste de McNemar foi utilizado para comparar as variáveis entre lesões da 1ª biópsia e recorrentes de AMB. A sobrevida livre de recorrência foi analisada pelo método de Kaplan-Meier e as funções de sobrevida foram comparadas de acordo com as variáveis pelo teste log-rank. Resultados: O gênero mais acometido foi o feminino (n=24; 54,5%), com média de idade de acometimento de 39,1 ± 19,8 anos, sendo 45,5% (n=20) leucodermas. A região posterior de mandíbula foi a mais frequente no grupo recidivante (n=18, 81,8%) e também para os casos que não apresentaram recidivas (n=16, 72,8%). O tempo livre de recorrência foi de 50,0 (34,5 63,6) meses. Foram fatores significativamente associadas à recorrência dos ameloblastomas: presença de expansão da cortical (p=0,0089), ausência de reconstrução óssea (p=0,018), tratamento conservador (p=0,021), perda de imunoexpressão de hMSH2 (p=0,006) e hMLH1 (p=0,038) e forte imunoexpressão de Ki-67 (p=0,029). Conclusão: Baseado nos achados desta pesquisa, aspecto radiográfico, modalidade do tratamento e imunoexpressão de proteínas do Sistema Mismatch e Ki-67 podem ser utilizados como indicadores para a recorrência em ameloblastomas (AU).
Introduction: Ameloblastoma is a benign odontogenic neoplasm, which has high rates of postoperative recurrence. Several studies show the relationship between clinicopathological characteristics and treatment modalities in ameloblastoma recurrence. The molecular mechanisms involved in the etiopathogenesis of this tumor are little known, and although changes in the Mismatch System favor the development of different human neoplasms, their importance in the development of ameloblastoma still remains poorly understood. Objective: To identify clinical and pathological factors associated with ameloblastoma recurrence, as well as to investigate the role of immunoexpression of hMLH1, hMSH2 and Ki-67 proteins in the recurrence of these odontogenic tumors. Methodology: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective study, with a sample consisting of 22 cases of recurrent ameloblastoma and 22 non-recurrent cases. Immunohistochemical analysis was performed quantitatively, considering the cellular (nuclear) location of the studied proteins. McNemar's test was used to compare variables between 1st biopsy and recurrent AMB lesions. Recurrence-free survival was analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier method and survival functions were compared according to variables using the log-rank test. Results: The most affected gender was female (n=24; 54.5%), with a mean age of involvement of 39.1 ± 19.8 years, 45.5% (n=20) being white. The posterior region of the mandible was the most frequent in the relapsed group (n=18, 81.8%) and also for the cases that did not present recurrences (n=16, 72.8%). Recurrence-free time was 50.0 (34.5 63.6) months. Factors significantly associated with recurrence of AMBs were: presence of cortical expansion (p=0.0089), absence of bone reconstruction (p=0.018), conservative treatment (p=0.021), loss of hMSH2 immunoexpression (p=0.006) and hMLH1 (p=0.038) and strong Ki-67 immunoexpression (p=0.029). Conclusion: Based on the findings of this research, radiographic appearance, treatment modality and immunoexpression of proteins from the Mismatch System and Ki-67 can be used as indicators for recurrence in ameloblastomas (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Prognosis , Ameloblastoma/pathology , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Ki-67 Antigen , Immunohistochemistry/methods , Chi-Square Distribution , Survival Analysis , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Statistics, NonparametricABSTRACT
Os cistos e tumores odontogênicos, lesões que acometem o complexo maxilomandibular, podem exibir comportamento clínico-biológico mais agressivo. E a transição epitelialmesenquimal (TEM), processo pelo qual as células epiteliais perdem propriedades fenotípicas e adquirem características de células mesenquimais, incluindo maior motilidade e capacidade de invasão, através da regulação de fatores centrais de transcrição e suas vias associadas, podem fazer parte de características associadas às lesões odontogênicas. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho buscou analisar e comparar a expressão imuno-histoquímica de proteínas (Zeb1, Ecaderina, N-caderina e vimentina) envolvidas no processo de TEM, em lesões odontogênicas epiteliais benignas. A amostra consistiu em 88 casos de lesões odontogênicas, das quais compreendem 28 casos de ameloblastoma (AB), 30 de ceratocisto odontogênico (CO) e 30 de cisto dentígero (CD). Todos os espécimes submetidos à técnica imuno-histoquímica foram avaliados por microscopia de luz, e submetidos à escolha aleatória de 5 (cinco) campos, os quais foram fotografados em um aumento de 400x. A avaliação da expressão de cada marcador, a partir da análise em seu compartimento celular específico, foi feita de forma semiquantitativa, através da multiplicação dos escores associados à porcentagem de células imunomarcadas pelos escores relacionados à intensidade da coloração, sendo feita uma média dos cinco campos e o resultado definido como baixa expressão ou alta expressão, conforme metodologia utilizada. As associações foram feitas através do teste de Qui-quadrado e as correlações através do teste de correlação de Spearman. O nível de significância foi estabelecido em 5% (p < 0,05). Os resultados mostraram um pico de prevalência entre a 2ª e 3ª décadas de vida, em todas as lesões estudadas, com um acometimento maior em região posterior de mandíbula, e os ABs foram as lesões de maiores tamanhos, com 65% medindo acima de 2,5cm. A imuno-histoquímica evidenciou baixa expressão de Zeb1 em epitélio odontogênico das lesões estudadas, alta expressão de E-caderina e N-caderina, e uma expressão intermediária de vimentina. Quando realizada a correlação entre os marcadores, observou-se nos casos de AB uma correlação positiva e moderada entre Zeb1 nuclear e E-caderina membranar, Zeb1 citoplasmática e E-caderina membranar e entre E-caderina e vimentina citoplasmáticas. Como também uma correlação positiva moderada, nos casos de CD, entre Zeb1 nuclear e vimentina citoplasmática, e entre Zeb1 e vimentina citoplasmáticas. Logo, podemos concluir que Zeb1 pode estar atuando indiretamente nas vias responsáveis pelo crescimento e características morfológicas dessas lesões estudadas. Além disso, a expressão diferencial de E-caderina, Ncaderina e vimentina demonstraram fazer parte de um processo de TEM parcial nas lesões odontogênicas epiteliais benignas estudadas (AU).
Odontogenic cysts and tumors, lesions that affect the maxillomandibular complex, may exhibit a more aggressive clinical-biological behavior. And the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), a process by which epithelial cells lose phenotypic properties and acquire characteristics of mesenchymal cells, including increased motility and invasiveness, through the regulation of central transcription factors and their associated pathways, may be part of characteristics associated with odontogenic lesions. Thus, the present work sought to analyze and compare the immunohistochemical expression of proteins (Zeb1, E-cadherin, N-cadherin and vimentin) involved in the MET process in benign epithelial odontogenic lesions. The sample consisted of 88 cases of odontogenic lesions, comprising 28 cases of ameloblastoma (AB), 30 of odontogenic keratocyst (CO) and 30 of dentigerous cyst (CD). All specimens submitted to the immunohistochemical technique were evaluated by light microscopy and submitted to the random choice of 5 (five) fields, which were photographed at a magnification of 400x. The evaluation of the expression of each marker, based on the analysis in its specific cellular compartment, was carried out in a semi-quantitative manner, through the multiplication of the scores associated with the percentage of immunostained cells by the scores related to the intensity of staining, with an average of the five fields and the result defined as low expression or high expression, according to the methodology used. The associations were made using the chi-square test and the correlations using the Spearman correlation test. The significance level was set at 5% (p < 0.05). The results showed a prevalence peak between the 2nd and 3rd decades of life, in all the lesions studied, with a greater involvement in the posterior region of the mandible, and the ABs were the largest lesions, with 65% measuring above 2, 5cm. Immunohistochemistry showed low expression of Zeb1 in the odontogenic epithelium of the lesions studied, high expression of E-cadherin, high expression of N-cadherin and an intermediate expression of vimentin. When the correlation between the markers was performed, a positive and moderate correlation was observed in the cases of AB between nuclear Zeb1 and membrane E-cadherin, cytoplasmic Zeb1 and membrane E-cadherin and between cytoplasmic E-cadherin and vimentin. As well as a moderate positive correlation, in CD cases, between nuclear Zeb1 and cytoplasmic vimentin, and between cytoplasmic Zeb1 and vimentin. Therefore, we can conclude that Zeb1 may be acting indirectly on the pathways responsible for the growth and morphological characteristics of these lesions studied. Furthermore, the differential expression of E-cadherin, N-cadherin and vimentin was shown to be part of a partial TEM process in the benign epithelial odontogenic lesions studied (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Vimentin/metabolism , Odontogenic Cysts/pathology , Cadherins/metabolism , Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Chi-Square Distribution , Medical Records , Prospective Studies , Retrospective Studies , Statistics, Nonparametric , Observational StudyABSTRACT
O desenvolvimento do dente depende de uma série de interações sinalizadoras recíprocas entre o epitélio oral (EO) e o ectomesênquima derivado da crista neural, a via WNT com o TGF-ß e BMP4 tem sido implicada na tumorigênese. A via de sinalização tipo Wingless (Wnt) / ß-catenina é essencial para a ativação precoce da odontogênese e no desenvolvimento de tumores odontogênicos. O TGF-ß e as BMPs tem sido associadas aos processos de dentinogênese reacionária e reparadora. A sinalização de Shh pode regular a proliferação celular no ectomesênquima dentário, controlando assim a morfogênese dentária. O objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar a atuação de algumas proteínas das vias na odontogênese e na formação de odontomas e tumores odontogênicos mistos benignos, para isto, foi desenvolvido um estudo seccional restrospectivo e imuno-histoquímico contendo 23 odontomas compostos, 21 odontomas complexos, 17 germes dentários, 05 fibro-odontomas ameloblásticos e 01 fibroma ameloblástico. Os resultados encontrados demonstraram maiores imunoexpressões da via WNT/ß-catenina no epitélio dos germes dentários (p<0,001) e no fibroma ameloblástico, enquanto que, esteve no ectomesênquima dos odontomas (p<0,001) e fibro-odontomas ameloblásticos. A via WNT/ßcatenina correlacionou-se moderadamente e significativamente com a CK14 no epitélio (p = 0,007) dos odontomas. A BMP4 foi imunoexpressa, especialmente, no ectomesênquima dos odontomas complexos (mediana = 33,7; p<0,001). A via Shh foi mais imunoexpressa no epitélio dos germes dentários (p<0,001) e no ectomesênquima dos odontomas complexos (p=0,029). De forma similar, o TGFß apresentou maior imunoexpressão no epitélio dos germes dentários (p<0,001) e no ectomesênquima dos odontomas complexos (p = 0,002). O dente em desenvolvimento exibiu maiores concentrações para estas proteínas no epitélio odontogênico nas fases de botão e capuz e a expressão diferencial ocorreu, principalmente, no ectomesênquima dos tumores, o que indica que esse componente é de fato mais proliferativo (AU).
Tooth development depends on a series of reciprocal signaling interactions between oral epithelium (EO) and neural crest-derived ectomesenchyme, the WNT pathway with TGF-ß and BMP4 has been implicated in tumorigenesis. The Wingless (Wnt)/ß-catenin signaling pathway is essential for the early activation of odontogenesis and the development of odontogenic tumors. TGF-ß and BMPs have been associated with reactionary and reparative dentinogenesis processes. Shh signaling can regulate cell proliferation in dental ectomesenchyme, thus controlling dental morphogenesis. The objective of the research was to investigate the role of some proteins in the pathways in odontogenesis and in the formation of odontomas and benign mixed odontogenic tumors. tooth germs, 05 ameloblastic fibro-odontomas and 01 ameloblastic fibroma. The results found showed higher immunoexpressions of the WNT/ß-catenin pathway in the epithelium of tooth germs (p<0.001) and in ameloblastic fibroma, while it was in the ectomesenchyme of odontomas (p<0.001) and ameloblastic fibroodontomas. The WNT/ß-catenin pathway correlated moderately and significantly with CK14 in the epithelium (p = 0.007) of odontomas. BMP4 was immunoexpressed, especially in the ectomesenchyme of complex odontomas (median = 33.7; p<0.001). The Shh pathway was more immunoexpressed in the epithelium of tooth germs (p<0.001) and in the ectomesenchyme of complex odontomas (p=0.029). Similarly, TGF-ß showed higher immunoexpression in the epithelium of tooth germs (p<0.001) and in the ectomesenchyme of complex odontomas (p = 0.002). The developing tooth exhibited higher concentrations of these proteins in the odontogenic epithelium in the bud and cap phases and the differential expression occurred mainly in the ectomesenchyme of the tumors, which indicates that this component is in fact more proliferative (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Odontoma/pathology , Transforming Growth Factor beta , Hedgehog Proteins , Wnt Signaling Pathway , Odontogenesis , Immunohistochemistry , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Statistics, Nonparametric , DentinogenesisABSTRACT
Odontogenic tumors are rare lesions with unknown etiopathogenesis. Most of them are benign, but local aggressiveness, infiltrative potential, and high recurrence rate characterize some entities. The MAP-kinase pathway activation can represent a primary critical event in odontogenic tumorigenesis. Especially, the BRAF V600E mutation has been involved in 80-90% of ameloblastic lesions, offering a biological rationale for developing new targeted therapies. The study aims to evaluate the BRAF V600E mutation in odontogenic lesions, comparing three different detection methods and focusing on the Sequenom MassARRAY System. 81 surgical samples of odontogenic lesions were subjected to immunohistochemical analysis, Sanger Sequencing, and Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization-Time of Flight mass spectrometry (Sequenom). The BRAF V600E mutation was revealed only in ameloblastoma samples. Moreover, the presence of BRAF V600E was significantly associated with the mandibular site (ρ = 0.627; P value <0.001) and the unicystic histotype (ρ = 0.299, P value <0.001). However, any significant difference of 10-years disease-free survival time was not revealed. Finally, Sequenom showed to be a 100% sensitive and 98.1% specific, suggesting its high-performance diagnostic accuracy. These results suggest the MAP-kinase pathway could contribute to ameloblastic tumorigenesis. Moreover, they could indicate the anatomical specificity of the driving mutations of mandibular ameloblastomas, providing a biological rational for developing new targeted therapies. Finally, the high diagnostic accuracy of Sequenom was confirmed.
Humans , Ameloblastoma/pathology , Carcinogenesis , Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases/genetics , Mutation , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Proto-Oncogene Proteins B-raf/metabolism , Spectrometry, Mass, Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption-IonizationABSTRACT
As proteínas INGs (inhibitor of growth gene) desempenham papel de supressoras tumorais e podem agir por vias dependentes, ou independentes, da p53 na sinalização do ciclo celular e da apoptose. Este trabalho investigou, por meio de imuno-histoquímica, a correlação entre a expressão das proteínas INGs e a expressão da proteína p53 em ceratocistos odontogênicos (20), TOAs (20) e ameloblastomas sólidos (20). Os espécimes foram submetidos à marcação utilizando os anticorpos anti-Ing3, anti-Ing4, anti-Ing5 e anti-p53. Foi realizada análise quantitativa levando-se em consideração a localização citoplasmática e/ou nuclear para as proteínas INGs e a localização nuclear para a proteína p53. A análise da imunoexpressão das proteínas ING1 e ING2 foi realizada em um estudo prévio e os resultados foram considerados apenas para a análise de correlação com as proteínas estudadas neste estudo. Os dados foram analisados pelo Statistical Package for Social Sciences para Windows (SPSS versão 22.0; IBM, USA). Para a comparação da imunoexpressão entre os grupos de lesões foi utilizado o teste de Kruskal Wallis, e para a investigação das correlações foi utilizado o teste de Spearman. Foram considerados significativos os valores de p ≤ 0.05. O presente estudo evidenciou redução da expressão nuclear e citoplasmática das proteínas ING3, ING4 e ING5 em ceratocistos odontogênicos (COs) e ameloblastomas (AMBs). Além disso, em alguns casos, a perda da expressão nuclear das INGs esteve negativamente correlacionada à expressão da proteína p53. As análises de correlação entre as proteínas INGs indicam a existência de mecanismos compensatórios entre as proteínas INGs em folículos dentários (FDs) e tumores odontogênicos adenomatoides (TOAs), estes mecanismos parecem ser menos evidentes em COs e AMBs. Observou-se redução na expressão da proteína ING3 em AMBs (p=0,003); redução na expressão da proteína ING4, tanto em AMBs (p=0,02) quanto em COs (p=0,001); e uma redução da expressão nuclear da proteína ING5 nos COs (p=0,09) e nos AMBs (p=0,012). Foram evidenciadas correlações positivas entre a expressão nuclear da p53 com a expressão citoplasma/núcleo da proteína ING1 (r=0,603; p=0,05) em COs, e com a expressão citoplasma/ núcleo das proteínas ING3 (r=0,475; p=0,034) e ING4 (r=0,448; p=0,047) em AMBs. Por fim, os resultados deste estudo sugerem que a redução na expressão nuclear das proteínas INGs pode ser um evento envolvido na etiopatogênese de lesões odontogênicas mais agressivas, e que a redução da expressão nuclear/citoplasmática das proteínas INGs não está relacionada ao aumento expressão da p53 em COs e AMBs, o que sugere que a expressão destas proteínas deve resultar em alterações funcionais de maneira independente da p53 em lesões odontogênicas (AU).
INGs (inhibitor of growth gene) proteins play a role of tumor suppressors and can act via p53-dependent or independent pathways in signaling cell cycle and apoptosis. The aim of this study is to evaluate correlation between expression of proteins of ING proteins and expression of protein p53 in dental follicles (DF), odontogenic keratocysts (OK), adenomatoid odontogenic tumors (AOT) and solid ameloblastomas (AMBs). The sample was intentional and non-probabilistic, consisting of 20 cases of solid AMBs, 20 cases of AOT, 20 cases of OKs and 10 samples of DFs. The specimens were subjected to immunohistochemical method, using antibodies anti-Ing3, anti-Ing4, anti-Ing5 and antip53. Quantitative analysis was performed taking into account cytoplasmic and / or nuclear location for ING proteins and nuclear location for the p53 protein. The analysis of ING1 and ING2 immunoexpressions was performed in a previous study and the results were considered only for the correlation analysis. Data were analyzed by Statistical Package for Social Sciences for Windows (SPSS version 22.0; IBM, USA). Kruskal Wallis test was used to compare the immunoexpression between the groups of lesions, and Spearman test was used to investigate correlations. Values of p ≤ 0.05 were considered significant. This study showed a reduction in nuclear and cytoplasmic expression of ING3, ING4 and ING5 in odontogenic keratocysts (OKs) and ameloblastomas (AMBs). In addition, in some cases, loss of INGs nuclear expression was negatively correlated with p53 expression. Correlation analyzes may indicate existence of compensatory mechanisms between all the ING proteins in dental follicles (FDs) and adenomatoid odontogenic tumors (TOAs). These mechanisms seem to be less evident in COs and AMBs. The results of this study showed a reduction in ING3 expression in AMBs (p = 0.003); a reduction in ING4 expression, in OKs (p = 0.02) and in AMBs (p = 0.001); and a reduction in ING5 nuclear expression, also in OK (p = 0.09) and in AMBs (p = 0.012). Positive correlations were found between p53 nuclear expression with ING1 cytoplasm / nucleus expression (r = 0.603; p = 0.05) in OKs, and with ING3 cytoplasm / nucleus expression (r = 0.475; p = 0.034) and also ING4 cytoplasm / nucleus expression (r = 0.448; p = 0.047) in AMBs. Finally, this study suggests that reduction in the expression of INGs proteins seems to be an event that occurred in etiopathogenesis of more aggressive odontogenic lesions. Futhermore, nuclear / cytoplasmic expression of INGs proteins is not related to increase in p53 expression in OKs and AMBs, which indicates that loss of expression of these proteins may results in functional changes independently of p53 (AU).
Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Genes, Tumor Suppressor , Adenomatoid Tumor/pathology , Inhibitor of Apoptosis Proteins , Immunohistochemistry/methods , Photomicrography/instrumentation , Odontogenic Cysts/pathology , Statistics, Nonparametric , Observational Studies as Topic/methodsABSTRACT
As lesões odontogênicas epiteliais benignas apresentam comportamento biológico heterogêneo e patogênese ainda não totalmente esclarecida. As vias de reparo do ácido desoxirribonucleico (DNA) atuam em tipos específicos de danos ao material genético, realizando o reparo e regulando diversos processos celulares. Dentre as principais vias de reparo do DNA, destacamse o reparo por excisão de bases (BER) e o reparo por excisão de nucleotídeos (NER). Investigações têm demonstrado que as proteínas envolvidas nessas vias se encontram desreguladas e, por vezes, altamente expressas em algumas neoplasias malignas, contribuindo para a progressão tumoral. Levando em consideração a heterogeneidade do comportamento biológico das lesões odontogênicas epiteliais benignas e a escassez de estudos que tenham avaliado a expressão de proteínas de reparo do DNA nestas lesões, este trabalho avaliou a imunoexpressão de proteínas da via BER (APE-1 e XRCC-1) e NER (XPF) em ameloblastomas (AMEs) sólidos (n = 30), ceratocistos odontogênicos não sindrômicos (CONS) (n = 30), ceratocistos odontogênicos sindrômicos (COS) (associados à Síndrome de Gorlin) (n = 29), cistos dentígeros (CDs) (n = 30) e folículos dentários (FDs) (n = 20). A análise da expressão imunoistoquímica de APE-1, XRCC-1 e XPF foi realizada de forma quantitativa por um avaliador previamente calibrado e sem acesso aos dados clínicos dos casos. Em cinco campos de maior imunorreatividade, foram quantificadas as células positivas e negativas para as proteínas no componente epitelial de todos os casos, sendo estabelecido o percentual de células positivas em relação ao número total de células contadas para cada anticorpo. As marcações nucleares e citoplasmáticas foram analisadas separadamente para APE-1 e XPF, enquanto apenas a imunoexpressão nuclear foi considerada para XRCC-1. As comparações das medianas dos percentuais de imunorreatividade em relação aos grupos estudados foram realizadas por meio dos testes não paramétricos de Kruskal-Wallis e Mann-Whitney. Possíveis correlações entre a expressão de APE-1, XRCC-1 e XPF foram avaliadas por meio do teste de correlação de Spearman. O nível de significância foi estabelecido em 5% (p < 0,05). Foi verificada uma maior imunoexpressão nuclear de APE-1 nos CONSs, COSs e AMEs sólidos, em comparação com os CDs (p < 0,001). Dentre todos os grupos avaliados, a expressão citoplasmática de APE1 só foi encontrada em 4 CONSs e 6 COSs. A expressão nuclear de XRCC-1 foi estatisticamente maior nos CONSs e COSs em relação aos CDs (p < 0,05). Em nível nuclear, a expressão de XPF foi significativamente maior nos CONSs e COSs em relação aos CDs e AMEs (p < 0,05) e, embora sem significância estatística, foi observada uma maior expressão nuclear dessa proteína nos AMEs quando comparado aos CDs. Em relação à expressão citoplasmática de XPF, foi observada uma maior expressão nos COSs em relação aos CDs (p = 0,04). Nenhuma diferença estatisticamente significativa foi encontrada entre as expressões nucleares de APE-1, XRCC-1 e XPF entre CONSs e COSs (p > 0,05). Além disso, todas as lesões odontogênicas estudadas revelaram uma maior expressão estatisticamente significativa de APE-1 (nuclear), XRCC-1 (nuclear) e XPF (nuclear e citoplasmática) quando comparados aos FDs (p < 0,05). Para todas as lesões, o teste de correlação de Spearman mostrou uma correlação positiva entre a expressão nuclear de APE-1 e XRCC-1 ou XPF, em nível nuclear (p < 0,05). Os resultados deste estudo sugerem um potencial envolvimento das proteínas APE-1, XRCC-1 e XPF na patogênese das lesões odontogênicas epiteliais benignas, com destaque para aquelas com comportamento biológico mais agressivo (AU).
The benign epithelial odontogenic lesions present a heterogeneous biological behavior and their pathogenesis are not fully understood. The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) repair pathways act on specific types of damage to the genetic material, performing the repair and regulating several cellular processes. Among the main DNA repair pathways, the most notable are the base excision repair (BER) and the nucleotide excision repair (NER). Investigations have shown that the proteins involved in these pathways are deregulated and sometimes highly expressed in some malignancies, contributing to tumor progression. Taking into account the heterogeneity of the biological behavior of benign epithelial odontogenic lesions and the scarcity of studies that have evaluated the expression of DNA repair proteins in these lesions, this study evaluated the immunoexpression of BER (APE-1 and XRCC-1) proteins and NER (XPF) in solid ameloblastomas (AMEs) (n = 30), non-syndromic odontogenic keratocysts (NSOKCs) (n = 30), syndromic odontogenic keratocysts (SKOCs) (associated with Gorlin's Syndrome) (n = 29), dentigerous cysts (DCs) (n = 30) and dental follicles (DFs) (n = 20). The immunohistochemical analysis of APE-1, XRCC-1 and XPF was performed quantitatively by a previously calibrated evaluator and without access to the clinical data of the cases. In five fields of higher immunoreactivity, positive and negative cells were quantified for the proteins in the epithelial component of all cases, and the percentage of positive cells was established in relation to the total number of cells counted for each antibody. Nuclear and cytoplasmic markers were analyzed separately for APE-1 and XPF, while only nuclear immunoexpression was considered for XRCC-1. The comparisons of the median percentages of immunoreactivity in relation to the studied groups were performed using the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis and MannWhitney tests. Possible correlations between the expression of APE-1, XRCC-1 and XPF were assessed by Spearman's correlation test. The level of significance was set at 5% (p < 0.05). A higher nuclear immunoexpression of APE-1 in the NSOKCs, SOKCs and solid AMEs was verified in comparison with the DCs (p < 0.001). Among all the evaluated groups, the cytoplasmic expression of APE-1 was only found in 4 NSOKCs and 6 SOKCs. Nuclear expression of XRCC-1 was statistically higher in NSOKCs and SOKCs than in DCs (p < 0.05). At the nuclear level, XPF expression was significantly higher in NSOKCs and SOKCs than in DCs and AMEs (p < 0.05) and, although without statistical significance, a higher nuclear expression of this protein was observed in AMEs when compared to CDs. Regarding the cytoplasmic expression of XPF, a greater expression was observed in the SOKCs in relation to the DCs (p = 0.04). No statistically significant difference was found between the nuclear expressions of APE-1, XRCC-1 and XPF between NSOKCs and SOKCs (p > 0.05). In addition, all the odontogenic lesions studied revealed a statistically significant expression of APE-1 (nuclear), XRCC-1 (nuclear) and XPF (nuclear and cytoplasmic) when compared to DFs (p < 0.05). For all lesions, Spearman's correlation test showed a positive correlation between nuclear expression of APE-1 and XRCC-1 or XPF at the nuclear level (p < 0.05). The results of this study suggest a potential involvement of APE-1, XRCC-1 and XPF proteins in the pathogenesis of benign epithelial odontogenic lesions. The role played by these proteins may be more important in odontogenic lesions with more aggressive biological behavior (AU).
Immunohistochemistry/methods , Odontogenic Cysts/pathology , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , DNA Repair , X-ray Repair Cross Complementing Protein 1 , Ameloblastoma , Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome , Dentigerous Cyst , Statistics, NonparametricABSTRACT
Introducción: El ameloblastoma es una neoplasia benigna, que tiende a ser localmente agresiva, con gran tendencia a la recidiva. Es un tumor odontogénico de origen epitelial; el 80 por ciento de los casos se presenta a nivel mandibular, tanto en rama como en ángulo. Suele manifestarse durante la tercera a quinta décadas de la vida. Las características clínicas no son determinantes del comportamiento biológico y tampoco del pronóstico de un ameloblastoma, ni siquiera en muchos de los casos en los que se complementan con radiografías y/o muestras histopatológicas. Objetivo: Informar el manejo quirúrgico del ameloblastoma multiquístico de manera radical a través de una resección amplia y colocación de placa de reconstrucción que funcionó como mantenedor de espacio, debido a su inusual crecimiento rápido. Presentación de l caso: Se describe un caso clínico de un paciente de sexo masculino, quien presenta una lesión tumoral en rama mandibular derecha, con aspecto clínico de un ameloblastoma de tipo folicular, multiquístico, de crecimiento rápido, tratado en el Hospital Universitario del Caribe de Cartagena, Colombia. Se proporcionan datos sobre su aparición clínica como su rápida evolución, los hallazgos histopatológicos y el manejo terapéutico realizado. Conclusiones: Debido a su crecimiento rápido, para este caso en particular, la opción más factible fue llevar a cabo la resección total de la lesión con el objetivo de evitar o disminuir la posibilidad de recidiva, seguido de reconstrucción con placa de osteosíntesis para devolverle la funcionalidad a la articulación temporomandibular y al hueso mandibular, sin dejar a un lado la estética del paciente(AU)
Introduction: Ameloblastoma is a benign neoplasm that tends to be locally aggressive, with a high tendency to relapse. It is an odontogenic tumor of epithelial origin; 80 percent of cases occur at the mandibular level, both in branch and at an angle. It usually manifests during the third to fifth decade of life. The clinical characteristics are not determinants for the biological behavior or the prognosis of an ameloblastoma, even in many of the cases in which they are complemented with radiographs and/or histopathological samples. Objective: To report the surgical management of multicystic ameloblastoma in a radical way through a wide resection and placement of a reconstruction plate that functioned as a space maintainer, due to its unusual rapid growth. Case presentation: A clinical case of a male patient is described, who presents a tumor lesion in the right mandibular branch, with a clinical appearance of a multicystic, fast growing, follicular ameloblastoma, treated at Hospital Universitario del Caribe in Cartagena, Colombia. Data were provided on its clinical appearance, its rapid evolution, the histopathological findings and the therapeutic management performed. Conclusions: Due to its rapid growth, for this particular case, the most feasible option was to carry out the total resection of the lesion in order to avoid or reduce the possibility of relapse, followed by reconstruction with an osteosynthesis plate to restore the functionality of the temporomandibular joint and of the mandibular bone, without leaving aside the aesthetics of the patient(AU)
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Ameloblastoma/surgery , Jaw Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Mandibular Reconstruction/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Introducción: el tumor odontogénico adenomatoide es un tumor odontogénico benigno compuesto por epitelio odontogénico con estroma fibroso maduro sin participación del ectomesénquima. Representa entre el 2 por ciento y el 7 por ciento de estos tumores. Más del 90 por ciento aparecen antes de los 30 años con tres variantes clínicas: folicular, extrafolicular y periférica. Su aspecto clínico-radiográfico varía y puede ser confundido con otras lesiones quísticas o neoplásicas de la cavidad bucal, por lo que es necesario el diagnóstico anatomopatológico. Objetivo: presentar un caso de un tumor odontogénico adenomatoide extrafolicular mandibular. Presentación del caso: paciente femenina de 12 años de edad, con aumento de volumen asintomático en la encía mandibular del lado izquierdo, sin antecedentes patológicos de interés, de tiempo de evolución no precisado. Al examen físico se observó aumento de volumen de forma redondeada de 1,5 cm que desplazaba la encía mandibular izquierda entre incisivo lateral y canino. La radiografía reveló una lesión radiolúcida unilocular entre 42 y 43 que expandía la cortical ósea. Se detectó ausencia de vitalidad pulpar de estos dientes. Con el diagnóstico clínico de quiste periapical se realizó excisión quirúrgica, se envió la muestra al laboratorio de Anatomía Patológica, y se concluyó el diagnóstico de tumor odontogénico adenomatoide extrafolicular. Conclusiones: el tumor odontogénico adenomatoide, más común en la maxila, puede presentarse en la mandíbula. Los hallazgos clínico-radiográficos semejan otras lesiones odontogénicas como quistes dentígeros, otras neoplasias y lesiones periapicales inflamatorias, siendo el diagnóstico anatomopatológico el concluyente(AU)
Introduction: adenomatoid odontogenic tumor is a benign odontogenic tumor composed of odontogenic epithelium with mature fibrous stroma without ectomesenchymal involvement. It represents between 2 percent and 7 percent of these tumors. More than 90 percent appear before age 30, with three clinical variants: follicular, extrafollicular and peripheral. Its clinical-radiographic aspect may vary, and it may be confused with other cystic or neoplastic lesions of the oral cavity, hence the need for an anatomo-pathological diagnosis. Objective: present a case of mandibular extrafollicular adenomatoid odontogenic tumor. Case presentation: afemale 12-year-old patient presents with asymptomatic left mandibular gum swelling, with no pathological antecedents of interest and an imprecise time of evolution. Physical examination found a round 1.5 cm swelling displacing the left mandibular gum between the lateral incisor and the canine. Radiography revealed a unilocular radiolucent lesion between teeth 42 and 43 expanding the cortical bone. The teeth involved showed no pulpal vitality. Upon reaching a clinical diagnosis of periapical cyst, surgical excision was performed and a sample was submitted to the Anatomical Pathology laboratory. The anatomo-pathological diagnosis was extrafollicular adenomatoid odontogenic tumor. Conclusions: though more common in the maxilla, adenomatoid odontogenic tumors may also occur in the mandible. Clinical and radiological features may be similar to those of other odontogenic lesions, such as dentigerous cysts, other neoplasms and periapical inflammatory lesions; therefore, the final diagnosis should be provided by anatomo-pathological evaluation(AU)
Humans , Female , Child , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Radicular Cyst/diagnostic imaging , Mandibular Injuries/surgeryABSTRACT
RESUMEN: El fibroma de células gigantes es considerado un tumor benigno no neoplásico de la mucosa oral. Este aparece en las primeras tres décadas de la vida, siendo relativamente raro en pacientes pediátricos. Puede encontrarse principalmente en la encía mandibular, mostrando predilección por el sexo femenino. Clínicamente se presenta como un crecimiento indoloro, de base sésil o pediculado, que generalmente se confunde con otras lesiones de tipo fibrosas como los fibromas de irritación. Histológicamente, se distingue por presentar fibroblastos estrellados con la presencia de células gigantes multinucleadas cerca de la lámina del epitelio. Presentamos el caso de una paciente femenino de un año de edad la cual presenta crecimiento nodular indoloro en relación con una superficie del paladar de 51 y 61. Teniendo en cuenta el tamaño y la ubicación de la lesión, se realizó escisión, biopsia y se envió para análisis histopatológico que confirmó la lesión como fibroma de células gigantes.
ABSTRACT: The giant cell fibroma is a benign nonneoplastic fibrous tumor of the oral mucosa. It occurs in the first three decades of life and is relatively rare in pediatric patients. It can be found predominantly in the mandibular gingiva, showing predilection for females. Clinically it presents as a painless, sessile, or pedunculated growth which is usually mistaken for other fibrous lesions like irritation fibroids. Histologically it is distinguished by the presence of stellated fibroblasts along with multinucleated giant cells near the epithelial sheet. We present a case where a one-year-old female patient presented with a painless nodular growth in relation to a palatesurface of 51 and 61. Considering the size and location of the lesion, excision and biopsy were performed and sent for histopathological analysis which confirmed the lesion as giant cell fibroma.
Humans , Female , Infant , Granuloma, Giant Cell/pathology , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Fibroma/pathology , Radiography , Granuloma, Giant Cell/complications , Odontogenic Tumors/complications , Giant Cells/pathology , Fibroma/complicationsABSTRACT
Hybrid lesions of the oral cavity are infrequent and share characteristics with a number of other pathologies. both odontomas and dentigerous cysts are of odontogenic origin, but their simultaneous occurrence is rare and scarce. clinical and radiographic examinations are not conclusive, making their identification difficult, while histopathological studies can reveal their defining characteristics. the aim of this report was to describe the radiographic and histomorphological findings of a hybrid lesion formed by a complex odontoma and a dentigerous cyst, affecting the mandible of a 22-year-old man, from Cartagena, Colombia, who had no relevant medical history, and no symptoms or discomfort in the affected area.
Humans , Male , Adult , Dentigerous Cyst/surgery , Dentigerous Cyst/diagnostic imaging , Mandibular Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Odontogenic Tumors/diagnostic imaging , Odontoma/diagnostic imaging , Dentigerous Cyst/pathology , Mandibular Neoplasms/pathology , Odontogenic Tumors/surgery , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Odontoma/surgery , Odontoma/pathologyABSTRACT
Os dentes desenvolvem-se a partir de interações sequenciais entre o epitélio e o mesênquima derivado da crista neural em diferentes estágios de histodiferenciação e morfodiferenciação. Ao final da odontogênese, espera-se que as estruturas que participaram da formação destes tecidos desapareçam ou permaneçam quiescentes. Não é incomum que os remanescentes epiteliais da odontogênese originem lesões, como cistos e tumores odontogênicos. No desenvolvimento dentário precoce, a manutenção das células-tronco é regulada por uma série de fatores de transcrição específicos, que inclui OCT-4, SOX-2, Nanog, Stat-3 e c-Myc e diversos outros genes Homeobox e vias de transcrição (SHH, Wnt/ß-catenina, FGF, BMP) contribuem para o destino e diferenciação celular. No entanto, há a participação destes genes e vias na patogênese de vários tipos de tumores. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a imunoexpressão de SOX2, FGF-10 e Wnt-1 em uma série de casos de lesões odontogênicas e alguns espécimes de germes dentários. A amostra consistiu de 20 Ceratocistos Odontogênicos (CO), 20 Ameloblastomas sólidos (AM), 20 Tumores odontogênicos adenomatoides (TOA), 10 Tumores odontogênico epitelial calcificante (TOEC) e 05 casos de germes dentários usados comparativamente. A imunoexpressão foi avaliada de acordo com o percentual de células epiteliais imunomarcadas e intensidade de células positivas resultando na pontuação de imunomarcação total (PIT) que variou de 0 a 7. A análise da imunoexpressão da SOX2 revelou positividade na maioria dos casos das lesões estudadas. A pontuação de imunomarcação para SOX2 revelou haver diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos de lesões estudadas, com maior frequência em CO e TOEC (p <0,001). Após o pareamento, observou-se diferença significativa entre AM e CO, AM e TOEC, CO e TOA, CO e TOEC e, TOA e TOEC (p <0,05). A análise da imunoexpressão da FGF-10 e Wnt-1 revelou positividade em todos os casos das lesões estudadas, mas sem diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos de lesões estudadas (p = 0,628). Houve diferença significativa em relação aos escores de positividade para Wnt-1 (p <0,001) com maior frequência em CO e TOA. Após o pareamento, observou-se existir diferença estatisticamente significativa entre AM e CO, AM e TOEC, CO e TOEC e, TOA e TOEC (p <0,05). O padrão de expressão de SOX2, FGF-10 e Wnt-1, em germes dentários e nas lesões odontogênicas aqui avaliadas, confirma a participação destas vias na odontogênese e também no desenvolvimento das lesões odontogênicas (AU).
Dental development occurs from sequential interactions between the epithelium and the mesenchyme derived from the neural crest at different stages of histodifferentiation and morphodifferentiation. At the end of tooth development, the structures that participated in the formation of these tissues are expected to disappear or remain quiescent. It is not uncommon that the epithelial remnants of the tooth development originate lesions such as odontogenic cysts and tumors. In early tooth development, stem cell maintenance is regulated by specific transcription factors, which includes OCT-4, SOX-2, Nanog, Stat-3 and c-Myc and several other Homeobox genes and transcription pathways (SHH, Wnt/ß-catenin, FGF, BMP) contribute to cell fate and differentiation. However, there is involvement of these genes and pathways in the pathogenesis of several types of tumors. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the immunoexpression of SOX2, FGF-10 and Wnt-1 in a case series of odontogenic lesions and some specimens of dental germs. The sample consisted of 20 Odontogenic Keratocysts (OK), 20 solid ameloblastomas (AM), 20 adenomatoid odontogenic tumors (AOT), 10 calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumors (CEOT) and 5 dental gerns for comparison. Immunoexpression was evaluated according to the percentage of immunostained epithelial cells and intensity of the positive cells resulting in total immunostaining score (PIT) ranging from 0 to 7. The analysis of SOX2 immunoexpression revealed positivity in most cases of the lesions studied. The immunostaining score for SOX2 revealed a statistically significant difference between the groups of lesions studied, with a higher frequency in OK and CEOT (p < 0.001). After pairing, we observed a significant difference between AM and OK, AM and CEOT, OK and AOT, OK and CEOT, and AOT and CEOT (p <0.05). Analysis of the FGF-10 and Wnt-1 immunoexpression revealed positivity in all cases of the lesions studied, with no statistically significant difference between the groups of lesions studied (p = 0.628). There was a significant difference in relation to the positivity scores for Wnt-1 (p <0.001) with higher frequency in OK and AOT. After pairing, there was a statistically significant difference between AM and OK, AM and CEOT, OK and CEOT and, AOT and CEOT (p <0.05). The expression pattern of SOX2, FGF-10 and Wnt-1 in dental germs and odontogenic lesions evaluated here confirms the participation of these pathways in the tooth development as well as in the development of odontogenic lesions (AU).
Stem Cells , Immunohistochemistry/methods , Ameloblastoma/pathology , Odontogenic Cysts/pathology , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Statistics, Nonparametric , Epithelial CellsABSTRACT
Abstract Clear cell odontogenic carcinoma (CCOC) is a rare odontogenic tumor of the jaws, histologically characterized by the presence of agglomerates of cells with eosinophilic cytoplasm. The patient, a 62-year-old Caucasian woman, presented an intraosseous lesion in the mandibular symphysis. A clinical examination revealed a discrete volumetric increase with a hard consistency, palpable to extraoral and intraoral examinations. Imaging studies revealed an extensive radiolucent area, without defined limits, extending from the region of the right second premolar to the left canine. Incisional biopsy analysis indicated a diagnosis of CCOC. The treatment proposed was segmental resection of the mandible with a safety margin. After six months without recurrence, definitive mandibular reconstruction was performed using an iliac crest graft, followed by rehabilitation with implant-supported denture after five months. After three years of post-resection follow-up, the patient has shown no evidence of recurrence or metastasis. She continues to be under follow-up. To conclude, CCOC must be considered a malignant tumor with aggressive behavior. Previous studies have shown that resection with free margins is a treatment with a lower rate of recurrence. Nevertheless, long-term follow-up is necessary for such patients.
Humans , Female , Mandibular Neoplasms/surgery , Odontogenic Tumors/surgery , Adenocarcinoma, Clear Cell/surgery , Biopsy , Radiography, Panoramic , Mandibular Neoplasms/pathology , Mandibular Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Odontogenic Tumors/diagnostic imaging , Bone Transplantation/methods , Treatment Outcome , Adenocarcinoma, Clear Cell/pathology , Adenocarcinoma, Clear Cell/diagnostic imaging , Mandibular Osteotomy/methods , Ilium/transplantation , Middle AgedABSTRACT
El Fibroma Odontogénico Periférico fue definido por la OMS en el año 2005 como una neoplasia benigna rara constituida por tejido fibroso maduro y una cantidad variable de epitelio odontogénico inactivo. Dada su presentación clínica, localización y baja prevalencia suele ser mal diagnosticado como una lesión reaccional. Se presenta un caso clínico de fibroma odontogénico periférico tratado mediante remoción quirúrgica y se realiza una revisión de la bibliografía respecto a la patología con el propósito de esclarecer algunos aspectos de esta lesión, además de incluirla dentro de los posibles diagnósticos diferenciales de lesiones reaccionales gingivales. El objetivo del siguiente artículo es presentar un caso clínico de FOP tratado mediante remoción quirúrgica y aportar en el diagnóstico diferencial de las lesiones reaccionales gingivales.
Peripheral odontogenic fibroma was described by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2005, as a rare benign tumor containing mature fibrous connective tissue with a varying amount of inactive odontogenic epithelium. Though its clinical presentation, localization and low prevalence, it tends to be misdiagnosed as a reactive lesion. We present a case report of a Peripheral Odontogenic Fibroma treated by surgical resection and a narrative review of the literature with the purpose of clarifying different aspects of this lesion besides considering it as a possible differential diagnosis of reactive gingival lesions. The purpose of this article is to present a case report of peripheral odontogenic fibroma treated by surgical resection. Also to contribute to the differential diagnosis of gingival reactive lesions.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Gingival Neoplasms/surgery , Gingival Neoplasms/diagnosis , Odontogenic Tumors/surgery , Odontogenic Tumors/diagnosis , Tooth Resorption/etiology , Gingival Neoplasms/pathology , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Diagnosis, Differential , FibromaABSTRACT
Here is described a case of ameloblastic fibrosarcoma (AFS) affecting the posterior mandible of a woman who was treated surgically and recovered without signs of recurrence or metastasis after 12 years of follow-up. Tumor sections were immunostained for cell cycle, epithelial and mesenchymal markers. Immunohistochemical analysis evidenced high Ki-67 positivity in stromal cells (mean of 20.9 cells/High power field). Epithelial cells displayed strong positivity for p53, p63 and cytokeratin 19. In addition to the case report, a systematic review of current knowledge is presented on the AFS’s clinical-demographic features and prognostic factors. Based on the review, 88/99 cases were diagnosed as AFS, 9/99 as ameloblastic fibro-odontosarcoma and 2/99 as ameloblastic fibrodentinosarcoma. All these lesions displayed very similar clinical-demographic and prognostic features. Moreover, the review provided evidence that first treatment, regional metastasis, distant metastasis and local recurrence were significant prognostic values for malignant odontogenic mesenchymal lesions. Based on the findings, segregation among ameloblastic fibrosarcoma, ameloblastic fibrodentinosarcoma and ameloblastic fibro-odontosarcoma seems illogical, considering all these lesions have similar predilections and outcomes.
Resumo Aqui é descrito um caso de fibrossarcoma ameloblástico afetando região posterior da mandíbula de uma mulher. Após o tratamento, a paciente ficou livre da doença durante os 12 anos de acompanhamento. Foi realizado imunohistoquimica para marcadores epiteliais, mesenquimais e do ciclo celular. Além disso, uma revisão sistemática de literatura também foi realizada, na tentativa de descobrir as características clínico-demográficas e fatores prognósticos da lesão. 88/99 casos foram diagnosticados como fibrossarcoma ameloblastico, 9/99 como fibro-odontosarcoma ameloblastico e 2/99 como fibrodentinosarcoma ameloblastico. Todas estas lesões exibem características clínico-demográficas e prognósticos muito semelhantes. Além disso, esta revisão forneceu evidências de que primeiro tratamento, metástases regionais, metástases à distância e recorrência local são valores prognósticos significativos para lesões odontogênicas mesenquimais malignas. A análise imunohistoquímica demonstrou elevada marcação positiva em células do estroma para Ki-67 (média de 20,9 células /HPF). As células epiteliais exibiram forte marcação para p53, p63 e citoqueratina 19. A segregação entre fibrosarcoma ameloblastico, fibrodentinosarcoma ameloblastico e fibro-odontosarcoma ameloblastico é ilógica, uma vez que todas essas lesões têm predileções e resultados semelhantes.
Humans , Female , Adult , Fibrosarcoma/surgery , Mandibular Neoplasms/surgery , Fibrosarcoma/pathology , Immunohistochemistry , Mandibular Neoplasms/pathology , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Odontogenic Tumors/surgeryABSTRACT
Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the immunoexpression of glucose transporters 1 (GLUT-1) and 3 (GLUT-3) in keratocystic odontogenic tumors associated with Gorlin syndrome (SKOTs) and non-syndromic keratocystic odontogenic tumors (NSKOTs), and to establish correlations with the angiogenic index. Seventeen primary NSKOTs, seven recurrent NSKOTs, and 17 SKOTs were selected for the study. The percentage of immunopositive cells for GLUT-1 and GLUT-3 in the epithelial component of the tumors was assessed. The angiogenic index was determined by microvessel count. The results were analyzed statistically using the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test and Spearman’s correlation test. High epithelial immunoexpression of GLUT-1 was observed in most tumors (p = 0.360). There was a higher frequency of negative cases for GLUT-3 in all groups. The few GLUT-3-positive tumors exhibited low expression of this protein in epithelial cells. No significant difference in the angiogenic index was observed between groups (p = 0.778). GLUT-1 expression did not correlate significantly with the angiogenic index (p > 0.05). The results suggest that the more aggressive biological behavior of SKOTs when compared to NSKOTs may not be related to GLUT-1 or GLUT-3 expression. GLUT-1 may play an important role in glucose uptake by epithelial cells of KOTs and this process is unlikely related to the angiogenic index. GLUT-1 could be a potential target for future development of therapeutic strategies for KOTs.
Humans , Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome/pathology , Glucose Transporter Type 1/analysis , Glucose Transporter Type 3/analysis , Neovascularization, Pathologic/pathology , Odontogenic Cysts/pathology , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome/metabolism , Epithelial Cells/pathology , Immunohistochemistry , Odontogenic Cysts/chemistry , Odontogenic Tumors/chemistry , Paraffin Embedding , Reference Values , Statistics, NonparametricABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the frequency of keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KOT) in the Oral Surgery Service (OSS) of the University Hospital Clementino Fraga Filho of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (HUCFF / UFRJ), with respect to recurrence rate, gender, age of recurrence and location of the injury Methods: clinical records were reviewed and histopathological reports of KOT patients of the HUCFF/UFRJ between 2002 and 2012. Patients diagnosed with KOT were divided into two groups for the occurrence of relapse: positive (n=6) and negative (n=19) Results: regarding the location, there was a predilection for the mandible. In the average age of patients in the positive group was 40.5 and the negative group, 35.53. In the distribution by gender, positive group showed equal distribution, different from that observed in the negative group, which showed a predilection for males Conclusion: KOT was the second most frequent injury in our patients, recurrence was lower among males and had the jaw as most affected location
RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar a frequência do tumor odontogênico ceratocístico (TOC) no Serviço de Cirurgia Oral (SCO) do Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (HUCFF/UFRJ), no que diz respeito à taxa de recidiva, ao sexo, à idade de recorrência e à localização da lesão. Métodos: foram examinados os prontuários clínicos e laudos histopatológicos de pacientes do SCO do HUCFF/UFRJ no período de 2002 a 2012. Os pacientes diagnosticados com TOC foram divididos em dois grupos quanto à ocorrência de recidiva: positivo (n=6) e negativo (n=19) . Resultados: com relação à localização, houve predileção pela mandíbula. Em relação à média de idade dos pacientes, no grupo positivo foi 40,5, e no grupo negativo, de 35,53. Na distribuição por sexo, o grupo positivo apresentou distribuição igualitária, diferentemente do observado no grupo negativo, em que predominou o sexo masculino. Conclusões: o TOC representou a segunda lesão mais frequente em nossos pacientes, tem menor recidiva no sexo masculino e tem a mandíbula como localização mais acometida.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Odontogenic Tumors/therapy , Middle Aged , Neoplasm Recurrence, LocalABSTRACT
The objective of this study was to determine the distribution of epithelial odontogenic tumors diagnosed histologically in a period of 41 years in a Brazilian population according to age, gender, site affected and compare these data with previously reported studies from other countries. Data of epithelial odontogenic tumors diagnosed were collected from the files of the Oral Pathology Laboratory of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN, Brazil, and entered in a standardized form for later comparisons. Clini-cal features obtained from the patient records and microscope slides were reviewed according to the 1992 World Health Organization classification. A total 156 epithelial odontogenic tumor were reported. Of these, all of them were benign. Ameloblastoma was the most frequent type (85.9 %), followed by adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (10.9 %) and calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor (3.2 %). The mean age of the patients was 38 years, with a wide range (1180 years). The posterior region of mandible was the anatomic site most frequently affected by this disease, and no significant differences were found between sexes in the diagnosis of odontogenic tumors. A marked geographic variation in the relative incidences of various epithelial odontogenic tumors was found. It was particularly notable in ameloblastomas and adenomatoid odontogenic tumors, with the incidences observed in the present study being similar, sometimes different to earlier studies in others parts of the world.
El objetivo fue determinar la distribución de los tumores odontogénicos epiteliales diagnosticados histológicamente en un período de 41 años en una población brasileña según edad, sexo y la zona afectada y comparar estos datos con estudios anteriores de otros países. Los datos de los tumores odontogénicos epiteliales diagnosticados fueron obtenidos de los archivos del Laboratorio de Patología Oral de la Universidad Federal de Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN, Brasil, e introducidos en un formulario estandarizado para comparaciones futuras. Las características clínicas obtenidas a partir de los registros de los pacientes y los portaobjetos de microscopio fueron revisados de acuerdo a la clasificación de la Organización Mundial de la Salud 1992. Se informó de un total de 156 tumores epiteliales odontogénicas. De estos, todos eran benignos. Ameloblastoma fue el tipo más frecuente (85,9 %), seguido por el tumor odontogénico adenomatoide (10,9 %) y el tumor odontogénico epitelial calcificante (3,2 %). La edad media de los pacientes fue de 38 años, con un rango amplio (1180 años). La región posterior de la mandíbula era el sitio anatómico más afectado por esta enfermedad, y no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre sexos en el diagnóstico de los tumores odontogénicos. Se encontró una marcada variación geográfica en las incidencias relativas de diversos tumores odontogénicos epiteliales. Fue particularmente notable en ameloblastomas y tumores odontogénicos adenomatoide, con las incidencias observadas en este estudio siendo a veces similares, y a veces diferentes de los estudios anteriores en otras partes del mundo.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Odontogenic Tumors/epidemiology , Skin Neoplasms/pathology , Skin Neoplasms/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Ameloblastoma/pathology , Ameloblastoma/epidemiology , Mandibular Neoplasms/pathology , Mandibular Neoplasms/epidemiology , Epithelial Cells/pathology , Age and Sex DistributionABSTRACT
Introdução: A síndrome de Gorlin ou síndrome do nevo carcinoma basocelular é uma doença multissistêmica infrequente, com um potencial de desenvolvimento de anormalidades de amplo espectro, como também de desenvolvimento de outras neoplasias. A mesma é autossômica dominante, com alta penetrância e grande variabilidade de expressão, manifesta-se em todos os grupos étnicos, sendo mais prevalente em caucasianos, e com relação entre os sexos de 1:1. Objetivo: Discorrer sobre esta afecção pouco comentada em nosso meio e que pode estar sendo subdiagnosticada e subtratada tanto pelo cirurgião plástico como pelos demais profissionais supostamente envolvidos. Método: Realizada revisão da literatura selecionando artigos sobre síndrome de Gorlin, no banco de dados da Medline/Pubmed de 2009-2013, e descrição da casuística do serviço do Hospital das Clínicas de Ribeirão Preto - USP. Conclusão: A síndrome de Gorlin é uma síndrome multissistêmica, com um amplo espectro de manifestações e grande potencial de mutilação relacionada principalmente ao tratamento de suas três principais alterações/ características. O cirurgião plástico desempenha papel importante na sua detecção e pode colaborar no tratamento abrangente com seguimento adequado aos seus portadores.
Introduction: Gorlin syndrome or nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome is a rare multisystemic disease with a potential to cause a broad spectrum of abnormalities and other cancers. It is an autosomal dominant disease with a high penetrance and large variability of expression, manifesting in all ethnic groups but more prevalent in Caucasians, and presenting at a sex ratio of 1:1. Objective: The aim of this study was to discuss Gorlin syndrome, which is little commented on in the literature , and is possibly being underdiagnosed and undertreated by plastic surgeons and other professionals. Method: A literature review was done by selecting articles about Gorlin syndrome from the Medline/PubMed database from 2009 to 2013, and a case-by-case description from the records of the
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , History, 21st Century , Surgery, Plastic , Review Literature as Topic , Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome , Odontogenic Cysts , Odontogenic Tumors , Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome/surgery , Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome/pathology , Odontogenic Cysts/surgery , Odontogenic Cysts/pathology , Odontogenic Tumors/surgery , Odontogenic Tumors/pathology , Odontogenic Tumors/therapyABSTRACT
The radiographic features of an intraosseous lesion are usually associated with the biological behavior of the tumor. In view of the fact that the growth and behavior of keratocystic odontogenic tumors (KCOT) is mainly associated with the proliferation of the cystic epithelium, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the relationship between cell proliferation markers and radiographic features of this tumor. Thirty-seven radiographs of KCOT obtained from 30 patients were scanned and evaluated on a monitor. Sections were submitted to immunohistochemistry for Ki-67, p63, and p53 proteins on an EnVision system. Thirty-one KCOTs were observed in the posterior of the mandible, and the unilocular aspect was predominant (n= 26). Nineteen KCOTs distorted the mandibular canal and 11 displaced teeth. Satellite cysts were associated with a multilocular aspect (P= 0.016). p53 was in KCOTS with diffuse margins (p=0.049), p63 with NBCCS (p=0.049) KOT and higher KI-67 positive cells was observed in KCOTs presenting distortion of the mandibular canal (p=0.042). The distribution of Ki-67, p63, and p53 positive cells was similar between KCOTs with uni- and multilocular aspects. The results of the present study suggest that cell proliferation in KCOT contributes to the radiographic features of this tumor.
Las características radiográficas de una lesión intraósea se asocian generalmente con el comportamiento biológico del tumor. Debido a esto, el crecimiento y comportamiento de los tumores odontogénicos queratoquísticos se asocian principalmente con la proliferación del epitelio quístico. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la relación entre los marcadores de proliferación celular y las características radiológicas de este tumor. Se escanearon y evaluaron 37 radiografías de tumores odontogénicos queratoquísticos obtenidos de 30 pacientes y las secciones de sus biopsias fueron sometidas a evaluación inmunohistoquímica para las proteíneas Ki-67, p63 y p53 en un sistema Envision. Se observaron 31 tumores odontogénicos queratoquísticos en el área posterior de la mandíbula, con predominio del aspecto unilocular (n= 26). Diecinueve tumores odontogénicos queratoquísticos distorsionaron el canal mandibular y se observaron 11 dientes desplazados. Los quistes satélites se asociaron con el aspecto multilocular (P= 0,016). La distribución de células positivas para Ki-67, p63 y p53 fue similar entre tumores odontogénicos queratoquísticos con aspectos uniformes y multiloculares, y no estaban relacionadod con la distorsión del canal mandibular (P>0,05) o con el desplazamiento del diente (P>0,05). Los resultados del presente estudio sugieren que la proliferación celular en tumores odontogénicos queratoquísticos contribuye a las características radiográficas de este tumor.