The emergence of drug-resistant strains reason for the search for natural alternatives. The study aimed to evaluate the anthelmintic activity of Nerium oleander leaf extract against Allolobophora caliginosa in vitro. The concentrations (25 mg/mL, 50 mg/mL, and 100 mg/mL), were tested, and the results were expressed in paralysis time and the death of worms. Albendazole (40 mg/mL), and distilled water were used as standard drug and control. The FT-IR and GC-MS analysis of the extract showed the presence of 12 and 13 compounds responsible for anthelmintic activity. There was a dose-dependent increase in effectiveness over time during 2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10 minutes. The death reached 97% and 100%, respectively when (100 mg/mL) after 10 minutes. Histological examination and scanning electron microscopy showed noticeable abnormalities and a cuticular layer of the body surface had shrunk in all treated worms. The current experiment results show that oleander has powerful anti-Acaliginosa action.
La aparición de cepas resistentes a los medicamentos motiva la búsqueda de alternativas naturales. El estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la actividad antihelmíntica del extracto de hoja de Nerium oleander contra Allolobophora caliginosa in vitro. Se probaron las concentraciones (25 mg/mL, 50 mg/mL y 100 mg/mL), y los resultados se expresaron en tiempo de parálisis y muerte de las lombrices. Se utilizaron albendazol (40 mg/ml) y agua destilada como fármaco estándar y de control. El análisis FT-IR y GC-MS del extracto mostró la presencia de 12 y 13 compuestos responsables de la actividad antihelmíntica. Hubo un aumento de la eficacia dependiente de la dosis a lo largo del tiempo durante 2,5, 5, 7,5 y 10 minutos. La muerte alcanzó el 97% y el 100%, respectivamente, a una concentración de 100 mg/mL después de 10 minutos. El examen histológico y la microscopía electrónica de barrido mostraron anomalías notables y una capa cuticular de la superficie del cuerpo se había reducido en todos los gusanos tratados. Los resultados del experimento muestran que oleander tiene una poderosa acción anti-Acaliginosa.
Oligochaeta/drug effects , Nerium/chemistry , Anthelmintics/chemistry , Oligochaeta/metabolism , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Anthelmintics/pharmacologyABSTRACT
The aim of this paper was recording the occurrence of the species Lumbriculus variegatus (Müller, 1774) (Oligochaeta, Lumbriculidae) in lotic systems of the State of São Paulo. Specimens were collected in Sapucaí River, located in Campos do Jordão State Park. The mapping of geographical distribution of this species is of interest to public health since L. variegatus may be an intermediate host of Dioctophyme renale (Goeze, 1782) (Nematoda, Dioctophymatidae), a parasite of recognized zoonotic potential. Distribution data serves as a basis for environmental monitoring and evaluation, being essential to map possible cases of the disease (Dioctophimosis) and provide information to health professionals.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi registrar a ocorrência de Lumbriculus variegatus (Müller, 1774) (Oligochaeta, Lumbriculidae) em um sistema lótico do Estado de São Paulo. Os espécimes foram coletados no rio Sapucaí, localizado no Parque Estadual de Campos do Jordão. O mapeamento da distribuição geográfica desta espécie é de interesse para saúde pública uma vez que L. variegatus pode ser um hospedeiro intermediário de Dioctophyme renale (Goeze, 1782) (Nematoda, Dioctophymatidae), parasito de reconhecido potencial zoonótico. Dados de distribuição servem de base para monitoramento e avaliação ambiental, sendo essenciais para mapear possíveis casos da doença (Dioctofimose) e fornecer informações para profissionais de saúde.
Animals , Nematoda/parasitology , Oligochaeta/growth & development , Disease Reservoirs/parasitology , Zoonoses/prevention & controlABSTRACT
Pheretima posthuma (Vaillant, 1868), a native earthworm of Pakistan and Southeast Asia, has wide utilization in vermicomposting and bioremediation process. In this study, P. posthuma coelomic fluid (PCF) and body paste (PBP) was evaluated as antibacterial agent against ampicillin (AMP) resistant five Gram positive and four Gram negative clinical isolates. The antibacterial effect of different doses (i.e. 25-100 µg/ml) of PCF and PBP along with AMP and azithromycin (AZM) (negative and positive controls, respectively) were observed through disc diffusion and micro-dilution methods. All nine clinical isolates were noticed as AMP resistant and AZM sensitive. Antibacterial effects of PCF and PBP were dose dependent and zone of inhibitions (ZI) against all clinical isolates were between 23.4 ± 0.92 to 0 ± 00 mm. The sensitivity profile of PCF and PBP against clinical isolates was noticed as 44.44 and 55.56%, respectively. Both PCF and PBP showed bacteriostatic (BTS) action against S. aureus, S. pyogenes, K. pneumonia, N. gonorrhoeae. Moreover, the cumulative BTS potential of PCF and PBP against all isolates was 66.67 and 55.56%, respectively. The MICs of PCF and PBP were ranged from 50-200 µg/ml against selected isolates. The bacterial growth curves indicated that PCF and PBP inhibited the growth of all isolates at their specific MIC concentrations. However, PBP has better antibacterial potential compared to PCF against selected isolates. Therefore, it is concluded that both PCF and PBP of P. posthuma possess antibacterial and BTS potential against ampicillin resistant clinical isolates. This organism might be considered as a second choice of antibacterial agents and can further be utilized in pharmaceutical industries for novel drug manufacturing by prospecting bioactive potential agents.
Pheretima posthuma (Vaillant, 1868), uma minhoca nativa do Paquistão e sudeste da Ásia, tem ampla utilização em processos de vermicompostagem e biorremediação. Neste estudo, o fluido celômico de P. posthuma (PCF) e a pasta corporal (PBP) foram avaliados como agente antibacteriano contra cinco isolados clínicos Gram-positivos e quatro Gram-negativos resistentes à ampicilina (AMP). O efeito antibacteriano de diferentes doses (ou seja, 25-100 µg / ml) de PCF e PBP juntamente com AMP e azitromicina (AZM) (controles negativo e positivo, respectivamente) foi observado por meio de métodos de difusão em disco e microdiluição. Todos os nove isolados clínicos foram notados como resistentes a AMP e sensíveis a AZM. Os efeitos antibacterianos de PCF e PBP foram dependentes da dose e a zona de inibição (ZI) contra todos os isolados clínicos foi entre 23,4 ± 0,92 a 0 ± 00 mm. O perfil de sensibilidade do PCF e PBP contra isolados clínicos foi observado como 44,44% e 55,56%, respectivamente. Tanto o PCF quanto o PBP mostraram ação bacteriostática (BTS) contra S. aureus, S. pyogenes, K. pneumonia, N. gonorrhoeae. Além disso, o potencial BTS cumulativo de PCF e PBP contra todos os isolados foi de 66,67% e 55,56%, respectivamente. Os MICs de PCF e PBP variaram de 50-200 µg / ml contra isolados selecionados. As curvas de crescimento bacteriano indicaram que o PCF e o PBP inibiram o crescimento de todos os isolados em suas concentrações específicas de MIC. No entanto, PBP tem melhor potencial antibacteriano em comparação com PCF contra isolados selecionados. Portanto, conclui-se que tanto o PCF quanto o PBP de P. posthuma possuem potencial antibacteriano e BTS contra isolados clínicos resistentes à ampicilina. Esse organismo pode ser considerado como uma segunda escolha de agentes antibacterianos e pode ainda ser utilizado nas indústrias farmacêuticas para a fabricação de novos medicamentos por meio da prospecção de agentes com potencial bioativo.
Ampicillin , Anti-Bacterial Agents/analysis , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Azithromycin , OligochaetaABSTRACT
To investigate the role of cow dung in soil reclamation and bio assimilation along with bio accumulation of heavy metals in earthworm (P. posthuma) (N=900) earthworms were used and treatment groups of CD-soil mixture of different proportion of cow dung were designed. Nonlethal doses of lead acetate and cadmium chloride were added in treatment groups. Mature P. posthuma were released in each experimental pot maintaining the favorable conditions. The pH, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, exchangeable cations, and heavy metal level of each mixture was evaluated. The results indicated that bio-assimilation of Pb and Cd by P. posthuma were significantly (P ˂ 0.01) higher in different soil-CD treatments compared to control. Highest bio-assimilation of both metals was observed in T¹ of both groups (Pb = 563.8 mg/kg and Cd = 42.95 mg/kg). The contents of both metals were significantly (P ˂ 0.05) lowered in casting. The nutrient concentration in the final castings of all soil-CD treatments were also equally transformed from less or insoluble to more soluble and available for plants, except for carbon level which increased with CD proportion. It is concluded that cow dung as organic matter has a positive effect on soil reclamation and bio-assimilation of metals by P. posthuma.
Para investigar o papel do esterco de vaca na recuperação do solo e bioassimilação, juntamente com a bioacumulação de metais pesados em minhocas (P. posthuma) (N = 900), minhocas foram usadas e grupos de tratamento de mistura CD-solo de diferentes proporções de esterco de vaca foram projetados. Doses não letais de acetato de chumbo e cloreto de cádmio foram adicionadas aos grupos de tratamento. P. posthuma maduros foram liberados em cada vaso experimental, mantendo as condições favoráveis. Foram avaliados o pH, carbono, nitrogênio, fósforo, cátions trocáveis e nível de metais pesados de cada mistura. Os resultados indicaram que a bioassimilação de Pb e Cd por P. posthuma foi significativamente (P ˂ 0,01) maior em diferentes tratamentos de solo-CD em relação ao controle. A maior bioassimilação de ambos os metais foi observada em T1 de ambos os grupos (Pb = 563,8 mg / kg e Cd = 42,95 mg / kg). O conteúdo de ambos os metais foi significativamente (P ˂ 0,05) reduzido na fundição. A concentração de nutrientes nas fundições finais de todos os tratamentos de solo-CD também foi igualmente transformada de menos ou insolúvel para mais solúvel e disponível para as plantas, exceto o nível de carbono que aumenta com a proporção de CD. Conclui-se que o esterco de vaca como matéria orgânica tem um efeito positivo na recuperação do solo e na bioassimilação de metais por P. posthuma.
Lead/administration & dosage , Cadmium/administration & dosage , Manure/analysis , Oligochaeta , Soil Treatment/methodsABSTRACT
Abstract To investigate the role of cow dung in soil reclamation and bio assimilation along with bio accumulation of heavy metals in earthworm (P. posthuma) (N=900) earthworms were used and treatment groups of CD-soil mixture of different proportion of cow dung were designed. Nonlethal doses of lead acetate and cadmium chloride were added in treatment groups. Mature P. posthuma were released in each experimental pot maintaining the favorable conditions. The pH, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, exchangeable cations, and heavy metal level of each mixture was evaluated. The results indicated that bio-assimilation of Pb and Cd by P. posthuma were significantly (P ˂ 0.01) higher in different soil-CD treatments compared to control. Highest bio-assimilation of both metals was observed in T1 of both groups (Pb = 563.8 mg/kg and Cd = 42.95 mg/kg). The contents of both metals were significantly (P ˂ 0.05) lowered in casting. The nutrient concentration in the final castings of all soil-CD treatments were also equally transformed from less or insoluble to more soluble and available for plants, except for carbon level which increased with CD proportion. It is concluded that cow dung as organic matter has a positive effect on soil reclamation and bio-assimilation of metals by P. posthuma.
RESUMO Para investigar o papel do esterco de vaca na recuperação do solo e bioassimilação, juntamente com a bioacumulação de metais pesados em minhocas (P. posthuma) (N = 900), minhocas foram usadas e grupos de tratamento de mistura CD-solo de diferentes proporções de esterco de vaca foram projetados. Doses não letais de acetato de chumbo e cloreto de cádmio foram adicionadas aos grupos de tratamento. P. posthuma maduros foram liberados em cada vaso experimental, mantendo as condições favoráveis. Foram avaliados o pH, carbono, nitrogênio, fósforo, cátions trocáveis e nível de metais pesados de cada mistura. Os resultados indicaram que a bioassimilação de Pb e Cd por P. posthuma foi significativamente (P ˂ 0,01) maior em diferentes tratamentos de solo-CD em relação ao controle. A maior bioassimilação de ambos os metais foi observada em T1 de ambos os grupos (Pb = 563,8 mg / kg e Cd = 42,95 mg / kg). O conteúdo de ambos os metais foi significativamente (P ˂ 0,05) reduzido na fundição. A concentração de nutrientes nas fundições finais de todos os tratamentos de solo-CD também foi igualmente transformada de menos ou insolúvel para mais solúvel e disponível para as plantas, exceto o nível de carbono que aumenta com a proporção de CD. Conclui-se que o esterco de vaca como matéria orgânica tem um efeito positivo na recuperação do solo e na bioassimilação de metais por P. posthuma.
Animals , Female , Oligochaeta , Soil Pollutants , Metals, Heavy/analysis , Soil , Cadmium , Cattle , BioaccumulationABSTRACT
Abstract Pheretima posthuma (Vaillant, 1868), a native earthworm of Pakistan and Southeast Asia, has wide utilization in vermicomposting and bioremediation process. In this study, P. posthuma coelomic fluid (PCF) and body paste (PBP) was evaluated as antibacterial agent against ampicillin (AMP) resistant five Gram positive and four Gram negative clinical isolates. The antibacterial effect of different doses (i.e. 25-100 µg/ml) of PCF and PBP along with AMP and azithromycin (AZM) (negative and positive controls, respectively) were observed through disc diffusion and micro-dilution methods. All nine clinical isolates were noticed as AMP resistant and AZM sensitive. Antibacterial effects of PCF and PBP were dose dependent and zone of inhibitions (ZI) against all clinical isolates were between 23.4 ± 0.92 to 0 ± 00 mm. The sensitivity profile of PCF and PBP against clinical isolates was noticed as 44.44 and 55.56%, respectively. Both PCF and PBP showed bacteriostatic (BTS) action against S. aureus, S. pyogenes, K. pneumonia, N. gonorrhoeae. Moreover, the cumulative BTS potential of PCF and PBP against all isolates was 66.67 and 55.56%, respectively. The MICs of PCF and PBP were ranged from 50-200 µg/ml against selected isolates. The bacterial growth curves indicated that PCF and PBP inhibited the growth of all isolates at their specific MIC concentrations. However, PBP has better antibacterial potential compared to PCF against selected isolates. Therefore, it is concluded that both PCF and PBP of P. posthuma possess antibacterial and BTS potential against ampicillin resistant clinical isolates. This organism might be considered as a second choice of antibacterial agents and can further be utilized in pharmaceutical industries for novel drug manufacturing by prospecting bioactive potential agents.
Resumo Pheretima posthuma (Vaillant, 1868), uma minhoca nativa do Paquistão e sudeste da Ásia, tem ampla utilização em processos de vermicompostagem e biorremediação. Neste estudo, o fluido celômico de P. posthuma (PCF) e a pasta corporal (PBP) foram avaliados como agente antibacteriano contra cinco isolados clínicos Gram-positivos e quatro Gram-negativos resistentes à ampicilina (AMP). O efeito antibacteriano de diferentes doses (ou seja, 25-100 µg / ml) de PCF e PBP juntamente com AMP e azitromicina (AZM) (controles negativo e positivo, respectivamente) foi observado por meio de métodos de difusão em disco e microdiluição. Todos os nove isolados clínicos foram notados como resistentes a AMP e sensíveis a AZM. Os efeitos antibacterianos de PCF e PBP foram dependentes da dose e a zona de inibição (ZI) contra todos os isolados clínicos foi entre 23,4 ± 0,92 a 0 ± 00 mm. O perfil de sensibilidade do PCF e PBP contra isolados clínicos foi observado como 44,44% e 55,56%, respectivamente. Tanto o PCF quanto o PBP mostraram ação bacteriostática (BTS) contra S. aureus, S. pyogenes, K. pneumonia, N. gonorrhoeae. Além disso, o potencial BTS cumulativo de PCF e PBP contra todos os isolados foi de 66,67% e 55,56%, respectivamente. Os MICs de PCF e PBP variaram de 50-200 µg / ml contra isolados selecionados. As curvas de crescimento bacteriano indicaram que o PCF e o PBP inibiram o crescimento de todos os isolados em suas concentrações específicas de MIC. No entanto, PBP tem melhor potencial antibacteriano em comparação com PCF contra isolados selecionados. Portanto, conclui-se que tanto o PCF quanto o PBP de P. posthuma possuem potencial antibacteriano e BTS contra isolados clínicos resistentes à ampicilina. Esse organismo pode ser considerado como uma segunda escolha de agentes antibacterianos e pode ainda ser utilizado nas indústrias farmacêuticas para a fabricação de novos medicamentos por meio da prospecção de agentes com potencial bioativo.
Animals , Oligochaeta , Staphylococcus aureus , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Ampicillin/pharmacology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacologyABSTRACT
Abstract The aim of this paper was recording the occurrence of the species Lumbriculus variegatus (Müller, 1774) (Oligochaeta, Lumbriculidae) in lotic systems of the State of São Paulo. Specimens were collected in Sapucaí River, located in Campos do Jordão State Park. The mapping of geographical distribution of this species is of interest to public health since L. variegatus may be an intermediate host of Dioctophyme renale (Goeze, 1782) (Nematoda, Dioctophymatidae), a parasite of recognized zoonotic potential. Distribution data serves as a basis for environmental monitoring and evaluation, being essential to map possible cases of the disease (Dioctophimosis) and provide information to health professionals.
Resumo O objetivo deste trabalho foi registrar a ocorrência de Lumbriculus variegatus (Müller, 1774) (Oligochaeta, Lumbriculidae) em um sistema lótico do Estado de São Paulo. Os espécimes foram coletados no rio Sapucaí, localizado no Parque Estadual de Campos do Jordão. O mapeamento da distribuição geográfica desta espécie é de interesse para saúde pública uma vez que L. variegatus pode ser um hospedeiro intermediário de Dioctophyme renale (Goeze, 1782) (Nematoda, Dioctophymatidae), parasito de reconhecido potencial zoonótico. Dados de distribuição servem de base para monitoramento e avaliação ambiental, sendo essenciais para mapear possíveis casos da doença (Dioctofimose) e fornecer informações para profissionais de saúde.
Animals , Oligochaeta , Nematoda , Brazil , Environmental Monitoring , RiversABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Osteoporosis is a bone condition marked by a loss of bone mass and a disruption of bone microarchitecture. Men lose bone density as they age, resulting in brittle bones. The loss of free testosterone is one of the key factors. The objective of present study was to evaluate Allolobophora caliginosa extract (AcE) for its anti-osteoporotic and antiapoptotic activity in orchiotomized rat model at two different dose levels. Twenty eight male rats were divided into two groups. The first group represented sham operated rats while the second group underwent bilateral orchidectomy (OCX). After one week of recovery from orchidectomy surgery, the second group was randomly subdivided into 3 subgroups. The first OCX subgroup was administered orally distilled water daily for 10 weeks. The other two OCX subgroups were administered AcE (100 or200 mg/kg body weight/day) orally for 10 weeks. Orchiectomy induces remarkable loss of the cortical as well as trabecular bone loss; which, could be counterbalanced by Allolobophora caliginosa extract (AcE) that prevented cortical as well as trabecular bone loss. Allolobophora caliginosa extract (AcE) at Dose 200 mg/kg/day was found to be effective at a highly significant level in osteoporotic bone, as determined by histological images and immunohistochemical study, where Dose (100 mg/kg/day) was found to be moderately significant.In the present study, it is suggested that AcE may inhibit steroid-induced osteoblasts apoptosis, potentially via upregulation of Bcl-2 and downregulation of caspase-3. Allolobophora caliginosa extract demonstrates anti-apoptotic and anti-oxidant properties. Therefore, AcE may be used for the prevention of steroid-induced bone damage.
RESUMEN: La osteoporosis es una afección ósea caracterizada por una pérdida de masa ósea y una alteración de la microarquitectura ósea. Los hombres pierden densidad ósea a medida que envejecen, lo que resulta en huesos quebradizos. La pérdida de testosterona libre es factor clave en este proceso. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el extracto de Allolobophora caliginosa (AcE) debido a su actividad antiosteoporótica y antiapoptótica en un modelo de rata orquiectomizadas con dos niveles de dosis diferentes. Se dividieron veintiocho ratas macho en dos grupos. El primer grupo incluyó ratas con operación simulada, mientras que el segundo grupo se sometió a orquidectomía bilateral (OCX). Después de una semana de recuperación de la orquidectomía, el segundo grupo fue subdividido en 3 subgrupos. Al primer subgrupo de OCX se administró diariamente agua destilada por vía oral durante 10 semanas. Los otros dos subgrupos de OCX se administraron por vía oral AcE (100 o 200 mg / kg de peso corporal / día) durante 10 semanas. La orquidectomía induce una pérdida notable del hueso cortical y trabecular; el cual podría ser contrarrestado por el extracto de Allolobophora caliginosa (AcE) que previno la pérdida de hueso tanto cortical como trabecular visualizado en imágenes histológicas y estudio inmuno- histoquímico, donde se encontró que la dosis (100 mg / kg / día) era moderadamente significativa. En el presente estudio, se sugiere que la AcE puede inhibir la apoptosis de los osteoblastos inducida por esteroides, potencialmente a través de la regulación al alza de Bcl 2 y la regulación a la baja de caspasa 3. El extracto de Allolobophora caliginosa demuestra propiedades anti apoptóticas y antioxidantes. Por lo tanto, AcE puede usarse para la prevención del daño óseo inducido por esteroides.
Animals , Male , Rats , Oligochaeta , Osteoporosis/drug therapy , Tissue Extracts/administration & dosage , Orchiectomy/adverse effects , Osteoporosis/etiology , Osteoporosis/prevention & control , Tissue Extracts/pharmacology , Bone and Bones/drug effects , Immunohistochemistry , Rats, Wistar , Apoptosis/drug effectsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To develop a convenient method for rapid purification of fresh Pheretima proteins and assess the inhibitory effect of these proteins against pulmonary fibrosis.@*METHODS@#The crude extract of fresh Pheretima was obtained by freeze-drying method and then purified by size exclusion chromatography. The composition of the purified proteins was analyzed by mass spectrometry. MRC-5 cells were treated with 5 ng/mL TGF-β1 alone (model group) or in combination with SB431542 (2 μmol/L) or the purified proteins (13.125 μg/mL), and the cytotoxicity of purified proteins and their inhibitory effects on cell proliferation were detected with CCK8 assay. Flow cytometry was used to detect the changes in cell apoptosis, and the cellular expressions of α-SMA, Vimentin, E-cadherin, collagen I, Smad2/3 and P-Smad2/3 were detected using RT-PCR and Western blotting. In the animal experiment, adult male C57BL/6 mice were subjected to intratracheal instillation of bleomycin followed by treatment with the purified proteins (5 mg/mL) for 21 days, after which HE and Masson staining was used to observe the pathological changes in the lung tissue of the mice.@*RESULTS@#We successfully obtained purified proteins from fresh Pheretima protein by size exclusion chromatography. Treatment with the purified proteins significantly inhibited TGF-β1-induced proliferation of MRC-5 cells (P < 0.01), reduced the cellular expressions of α-SMA, Vimentin and collagen I (P < 0.001 or P < 0.01), increased the expression of E-cadherin (P < 0.01), and inhibited the expressions of Smad2/3 and P-Smad2/3 (P < 0.001 or P < 0.01). In male C57BL/6 mice models of bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis, treatment with the purified proteins obviously reduced the number of inflammatory cells and fibrotic area in the lungs.@*CONCLUSION@#The purified proteins from fresh Pheretima obtained by size exclusion chromatography can inhibit pulmonary fibrosis in mice by regulating the TGF-β/ Smad pathway.
Animals , Male , Mice , Biological Products/pharmacology , Bleomycin/adverse effects , Cadherins/metabolism , Collagen Type I , Lung/pathology , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Oligochaeta/chemistry , Pulmonary Fibrosis/drug therapy , Transforming Growth Factor beta1/metabolism , Vimentin/metabolismABSTRACT
Introducción: La macrofauna del suelo cumple un rol clave en los procesos del suelo, por lo tanto, regula la oferta se servicios ecosistémicos; sin embargo, su nivel de actividad depende en gran parte de las condiciones edafoclimáticas. Objetivo: El presente trabajo evaluó el efecto del gradiente de altitud sobre comunidades de macrofauna del suelo y propiedades edafoclimáticas en zonas cafeteras del Norte del Huila. Métodos: El estudio incluyó 12 lotes de café separados en dos gradientes de altitud: bajo (1 300-1 600 m.s.n.m) y alto (1 600-1 900 m.s.n.m), se recolectó la macrofauna del suelo mediante monolitos (25 x 25 cm a 30 cm de profundidad) y se estudiaron las condiciones edafoclimáticas. Resultados: En total se registró 9 520 individuos m-2 y una riqueza específica de 14 táxones. Las condiciones edafoclimáticas con mayor diferencia estadística entre los gradientes de altitud, fue la temperatura ambiente y humedad relativa con diferencias de 4.9 °C y 10.4 %, respectivamente. Conclusiones: La mayor abundancia de Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Isoptera y Lepidoptera se presentó en sitios más cálidos, es decir a un gradiente de altitud entre 1 300-1 600 m.s.n.m, mientras que Chilopoda y Diplopoda se adaptaron mejor a sitios más fríos en el gradiente altitudinal entre 1 600-1 900 m.s.n.m.
Introduction: Soil macrofauna plays a key role in soil processes and therefore regulates the supply of ecosystem services; however, its level of activity depends largely of the edaphoclimatic conditions. Objective: This work evaluated the effect of altitude gradient on soil macrofauna communities and edafoclimatic properties in coffee zones of North Huila. Methods: The study included 12 coffee lots separated in two altitude gradients: low (1 300-1 600 masl) and high (1 600-1 900 masl). Soil macrofauna was collected by means of monoliths (25 x 25 cm with 30 cm depth) and edaphoclimatic conditions were studied. Results: A total of 9 520 individuals m-2 and a specific richness of 14 taxa were registered. The edaphoclimatic conditions with the greatest statistical difference between altitude gradients were the environmental temperature and relative humidity with differences of 4.9 °C and 10.4 %, respectively. Conclusions: The highest abundance of Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Isoptera, Lepidoptera was presented in warmer sites, that is, altitude gradient 1 300-1 600 masl, while Chilopoda and Diplopoda adapted better to colder sites in altitude gradient 1 600-1 900 m.a.s.l.
Animals , Climate Change , Crop Production , Coffee/growth & development , Oligochaeta/anatomy & histology , Colombia , AltitudeABSTRACT
Through literature analysis of Pheretima and its origin-related earthworm,this study summarized the progress on Pheretima in textual criticism of origin,origin identification,effective components,detection of harmful components,and pharmacological effects,which can lay a basis for further research on Pheretima. Through literature research,the authors found that Pheretima was first recorded in Secret Formulary for Traumatology and Fracture Taught by Immortal written by LIN Daoren in Tang Dynasty rather than the Taiping Holy Prescriptions for Universal Relief in Song Dynasty. The latest techniques for origin identification include microscopic trait identification,DNA barcoding,and HPLC. The main effective components of Pheretima are proteins,polypeptides,enzymes,nucleotides,amino acids,and trace elements. According to recent studies,Pheretima has anti-pulmonary and anti-renal interstitial fibrosis,respiratory syncytial virus-inhibiting,human hypertrophic scar fibroblast proliferation-suppressing,and mouse embryonic fibroblast proliferation-promoting effects. Moreover,Pheretima can prevent colitis-induced colon cancer by inhibiting the activation of COX-2/PGE2/β-catenin signaling pathway. METHODS:: for detecting the harmful components and their residues( organic pollutant polychlorinated biphenyl,heavy metals) and bacteria in Pheretima,have been established. Pheretima,mainly derived from wild earthworms,has remarkable clinical efficacy. However,the wild resource is in short supply and artificial culture is expected to be a promising solution.
Animals , Mice , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Cyclooxygenase 2 , DNA , Fibroblasts , OligochaetaABSTRACT
Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability to degrade organic matter by edaphic macrofauna (worms), carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio and hydrogenation potential (pH) during the vermicomposting process in different organic residues. The treatments were constituted by organic residues of animal origin (bovine, ovine and equine manure) and vegetable (herb-checkmate and coffee drag), which were conditioned in plastic pots with a capacity of 10 liters, comprising five treatments in a completely randomized experimental design, with five replications. Were inoculated 150 earthworms of the species Eisenia foetida, into each plot. After 87 days, the evaluation of the multiplication of the earthworms was carried out, through its manual count and its cocoons. At the beginning and at the end of the experiment, the samples were submitted to analysis of humidity at 60 °C, pH, volumetric density, chemical analysis of macronutrients and C/N ratio. There was a dominance of worms and cocoons in the process of vermicomposting in the residues of ovine manure and herb-checkmate. The macronutrients (P, K and Mg) and C/N ratio were higher in the vegetal residues, while for N higher values were found in ovine manure and coffee drag treatments, and for Ca higher value among treatments was observed in the coffee drag treatment at the end and the lowest value at initiation. The results obtained in this study demonstrate the importance of the edaphic macrofauna to the vermicomposting process, since it allows more information about its influence on the continuity of soil organic matter decomposition processes.
Resumo Este estudo objetivou avaliar a capacidade de degradar a matéria orgânica pela macrofauna edáfica (minhocas), a relação carbono/nitrogênio (C/N) e o potencial hidrogeniônico (pH), durante o processo da vermicompostagem em diferentes resíduos orgânicos. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por resíduos orgânicos de origem animal (esterco bovino, ovino e equino) e vegetal (resíduo de erva-mate e borra-de-café), os quais foram acondicionados em vasos plásticos com capacidade de 10 litros, compondo cinco tratamentos em delineamento experimental inteiramente casualisado, com cinco repetições. Foram inoculadas 150 minhocas da espécie Eisenia foetida, em cada recipiente. Após 87 dias, foi realizada a avaliação da multiplicação das minhocas, através da sua contagem manual e seus casulos. Os resíduos foram submetidos, ao inicio e ao final do experimento, a análises de umidade a 60 °C, pH, densidade volumétrica, análise química de macronutrientes e relação C/N. Houve uma dominância de minhocas e casulos no processo da vermicompostagem nos resíduos de esterco ovino e erva-mate. Observou-se para os macronutrientes (P, K e Mg) e para a relação C/N uma maior quantidade nos resíduos vegetais, enquanto que para N valores maiores foram encontrados nos tratamentos esterco ovino e borra-de-café, e para Ca o maior valor entre os tratamentos foi observado no tratamento com borra de café ao final e o menor valor no inicio. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo demonstram a importância da macrofauna edáfica para o processo da vermicompostagem por possibilitar maiores informações sobre sua influência na continuidade dos processos de decomposição da matéria orgânica.
Animals , Oligochaeta/physiology , Soil/chemistry , Composting , Garbage , Manure/analysis , Biodegradation, Environmental , Brazil , Cattle , Carbon/analysis , Sheep, Domestic , Horses , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Nitrogen/analysisABSTRACT
In the present study,fresh Guangdilong( GD),originating from Pheretima aspergillum,was taken as the object. The total proteins from GD were firstly separated by SDS-PAGE according to their molecular weights and in-gel digestion was then performed.After that,the peptides were analyzed by nano LC/orbitrap fusion lumos high resolution mass spectrometry( nano LC/orbitrap fusion lumos HR-MS). Protein identification was implemented by comparison with Annelida. fasta database using Proteome Discoverer software.As a result,386 proteins were tentatively identified,including chain F,globin B chain,glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase,fibrinolytic protein,and so on. Most of the proteins took part in cell structure and energy metabolism,and fibrinolytic protein and lombricine kinase might be related to fibrinolytic activity. Protein classification based on gene ontology was carried out using PANTHER and KEGG for metabolic pathway enrichment. The results indicated that these proteins were related to diverse signal transduction pathways,including metabolic pathways,central carbon metabolism,biosynthesis of amino acids,ribosome,glycolysis,citrate cycle( TCA cycle),and so on. This study would lay the foundation for the further research on the proteins in GD and also their functions.
Animals , Chromatography, Liquid , Electrophoresis, Polyacrylamide Gel , Gene Ontology , Mass Spectrometry , Oligochaeta , Chemistry , Proteome , ProteomicsABSTRACT
The nineteenth century neuroscience studied the instinct of animal to understand the human mind. In particular, it has been found that the inheritance of unconscious behavior like instinct is mediated through ganglion chains, such as the spinal cord or sympathetic nervous system, which control unconscious reflexes. At the same time, the theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics (hereafter ‘IAC’) widely known as Lamarck's evolutionary theory provided the theoretical frame on the origin of instinct and the heredity of action that the parental generation's habits were converted into the nature of the offspring generation. Contrary to conventional knowledge, this theory was not originally invented by Lamarck, and Darwin also did not discard this theory even after discovering the theory of natural selection in 1838 and maintained it throughout his intellectual life. Above all, in the field of epigenetics, the theory of ‘IAC’ has gained attention as a reliable scientific theory today. Darwin discovered crucial errors in the late 1830s that the Lamarck version's theory of ‘IAC’ did not adequately account for the principle of the inheritance of unconscious behavior like instinct. Lamarck's theory regarded habits as conscious and willful acts and saw that those habits are transmitted through the brain to control conscious actions. Lamarck's theory could not account for the complex and elaborate instincts of invertebrate animals, such as brainless ants. Contrary to Lamarck's view, Darwin established the new theory of ‘IAC’ that could be combined with contemporary neurological theory, which explains the heredity of unconscious behavior. Based on the knowledge of neurology, Darwin was able to translate the ‘principle of habit’ into a neurological term called ‘principle of reflex’. This article focuses on how Darwin join the theory of ‘IAC’ with nineteenth century neuroscience and how the neurological knowledge from the nineteenth century contributed to Darwin's overcoming of Lamarck's ‘IAC’. The significance of this study is to elucidate Darwin's notion of ‘IAC’ theory rather than natural selection theory as a principle of heredity of behavior. The theory of ‘IAC’ was able to account for the rapid variation of instincts in a relatively short period of time, unlike natural selection, which operates slowly in geological time spans of tens of millions of years. The nineteenth century neurological theory also provided neurological principles for ‘plasticity of instinct,’ empirically supporting the fact that all nervous systems responsible for reflexes respond sensitively to very fine stimuli. However, researchers of neo-Darwinian tendencies, such as Richard Dawkins and evolutionary psychologists advocating the ‘selfish gene’ hypothesis, which today claim to be Darwin's descendants, are characterized by human nature embedded in biological information, such as the brain and genes, so that it cannot change at all. This study aims to contribute to reconstructing the evolutionary discourse by illuminating Darwin's insights into the “plasticity of nature” that instincts can change relatively easily even at the level of invertebrates such as earthworms.
Animals , Humans , Ants , Brain , Epigenomics , Ganglion Cysts , Heredity , Human Characteristics , Instinct , Invertebrates , Nervous System , Neurology , Neurosciences , Oligochaeta , Parents , Psychology , Reflex , Selection, Genetic , Spinal Cord , Sympathetic Nervous System , Transcutaneous Electric Nerve Stimulation , WillsABSTRACT
The aim of this paper was to investigate the effect of Dilong( geosaurus) on the expressions of fibrotic factors TGF-β1 and α-SMA in bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis mice. The binding ability of Dilong to fibrotic factor TGF-β1 was initially detected by Biacore technology and verified by in vivo pharmacodynamics. A total of 60 SPF C57 mice were randomly divided into 6 groups. Except the blank group( injecting 0. 08 m L·kg-1 sodium chloride in the trachea),the other five groups were given bleomycin( 4 mg·kg-1) to replicate the pulmonary fibrosis model. After 14 days of drug treatment,the expressions of TGF-β1 and α-SMA were detected by Masson staining,immunohistochemistry and RT-PCR. The results of Biacore experiment showed that the extract of Dilong was well bound to TGF-β1 protein in vitro,and the binding value reached 619. 3. Compared with the model group,Masson's results showed that cellulose deposition in high-dose,medium-dose and low-dose Dilong groups decreased to varying degrees. RT-PCR results showed that different doses of Dilong could reduce protein and mRNA expressions of TGF-β1 and α-SMA to a certain extent in a dose-dependent manner. In conclusion,Dilong could delay the process of pulmonary fibrosis by binding to target protein TGF-β1 and inhibiting the expression of α-SMA.