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Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 446-451, abr. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558137


SUMMARY: Experimental studies devoted to the study of the mechanisms of the pathogenesis of acute peritonitis and the development of new methods of medical and surgical treatment are becoming increasingly relevant. Today, experimental medicine knows many different ways to modeling septic peritonitis and eliminate it, but the role of the local immune system is underestimated, whereas it takes a direct part in inflammation. The objective of our work to study morphological features of results of experimental modeling of septic peritonitis in white rats. The study included 15 sexually mature white male rats weighing 276.75±6.56 grams. A simulation of septic peritonitis was performed by perforating the upper part of the cecum with four punctures with a G16 injection needle. As a result of the experiment, after examination of the peritoneal cavity, all 15 animals were diagnosed with omentum tamponade of perforated damage to the caecum. In 11 cases, the perforated wall of the caecum was covered by the greater omentum (73.34 %), and in the other 4 animals, tamponade was performed by one of the epididymal omentum (26.66 %). The initial stage of tamponade with the greater or epididymal omentums of a perforated caecum begins on the first day of the experiment and consists of tight interstitial consolidation between them, as well as in the invasion of blood vessels from the omentum side to the focus of infection, which ensure the delivery of the appropriate immunocompetent cells. As a result of this process, intensive lymphoid infiltrates are formed in this area, as well as the growth of adipose tissue, which isolates the inflammatory focus from the peritoneal cavity with a thick layer.

Las investigaciones experimentales dedicadas al estudio de los mecanismos de patogénesis de la peritonitis aguda y el desarrollo de nuevos métodos de tratamiento médico y quirúrgico son cada vez más relevantes. Hoy en día, la medicina experimental conoce muchas formas diferentes de modelar la peritonitis séptica y eliminarla, pero se subestima el papel del sistema inmunológico local, mientras que él participa directamente en la inflamación. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo fue estudiar las características morfológicas de los resultados del modelado experimental de peritonitis séptica en ratas blancas. El estudio incluyó 15 ratas macho blancas, sexualmente maduras que pesaban 276,75 ± 6,56 gramos. Se realizó una simulación de peritonitis séptica perforando la parte superior del ciego con cuatro punciones con una aguja de inyección G16. Como resultado del experimento, después del examen de la cavidad peritoneal, a los 15 animales se les diagnosticó taponamiento del omento o lesión perforada del ciego. En 11 casos, la pared perforada del ciego fue recubierta por el omento mayor (73,34 %), y en los otros 4 animales el taponamiento se realizó por uno de los epidídimos (26,66 %). La etapa inicial del taponamiento con omento mayor o epidídimo de un ciego perforado comienza el primer día del experimento y consiste en una estrecha consolidación intersticial entre ellos, así como en la invasión de los vasos sanguíneos desde el lado del omento hasta el foco de infección, que aseguran la entrega de las células inmunocompetentes apropiadas. Como resultado de este proceso, se forman intensos infiltrados linfoides en esta zona, así como el crecimiento de tejido adiposo, que aísla el foco inflamatorio de la cavidad peritoneal con una gruesa capa.

Animals , Male , Rats , Peritonitis/pathology , Omentum/pathology , Lymphocytes , Cecum/pathology , Adipocytes , Disease Models, Animal , Duodenum/pathology
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(1): 85-93, 20240102. tab, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526823


Introduction. Perforated peptic ulcer remains one of the critical abdominal conditions that requires early surgical intervention. Leakage after omental patch repair represents one of the devastating complications that increase morbidity and mortality. Our study aimed to assess risk factors and early predictors for incidence of leakage. Methods. Retrospective analysis of data of the patients who underwent omental patch repair for perforated peptic ulcer in the period between January 2019 and January 2022 in Mansoura University Hospital, Egypt. Pre, intra and postoperative variables were collected and statistically analyzed. Incriminated risk factors for leakage incidence were analyzed using univariate and multivariate analysis. Results. This study included 123 patients who met inclusion criteria. Leakage was detected in seven (5.7%) patients. Although associated comorbidities (p=0.01), postoperative intensive care unit admission (p=0.03), and postoperative hypotension (p=0.02) were significant risk factors in univariate analysis, septic shock (p=0.001), delayed intervention (p=0.04), preoperative hypoalbuminemia (p=0.017), and perforation size >5mm (p= 0.04) were found as independent risk factors for leakage upon multivariate analysis. Conclusion. Delayed presentation in septic shock, preoperative hypoalbuminemia, prolonged perforation, operation interval, and large perforation size > 5mm were detected as independent risk factors for leakage. Postoperative tachypnea and tachycardia with increased levels of C-reactive protein and total leucocytic count are alarming signs for incidence of leakage

Introducción. La úlcera péptica perforada es una de las afecciones abdominales críticas que requiere una intervención quirúrgica temprana. La fuga después de la reparación con parche de epiplón representa una de las complicaciones más devastadoras, que aumentan la morbilidad y la mortalidad. Nuestro estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar los factores de riesgo y los predictores tempranos de fugas. Métodos. Análisis retrospectivo de los datos de los pacientes sometidos a reparación con parche de epiplón por úlcera péptica perforada, en el período comprendido entre enero de 2019 y enero de 2022, en el Hospital Universitario de Mansoura, Egipto. Se recogieron y analizaron estadísticamente variables pre, intra y postoperatorias. Los factores de riesgo asociados a la incidencia de fugas se analizaron mediante análisis univariado y multivariado. Resultados. Este estudio incluyó 123 pacientes que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Se detectó fuga en siete (5,7 %) pacientes. Aunque las comorbilidades asociadas (p=0,01), el ingreso postoperatorio a la unidad de cuidados intensivos (p=0,03) y la hipotensión postoperatoria (p=0,02) fueron factores de riesgo en el análisis univariado, el shock séptico (p=0,001), el retraso en la intervención (p=0,04), la hipoalbuminemia preoperatoria (p=0,017) y el tamaño de la perforación mayor de 5 mm (p=0,04) se encontraron como factores de riesgo de fuga independientes en el análisis multivariado. Conclusión. Se detectaron como factores de riesgo independientes de fuga la presentación tardía en shock séptico, la hipoalbuminemia preoperatoria, la perforación prolongada, el intervalo operatorio y el tamaño de la perforación mayor de 5 mm. La taquipnea posoperatoria y la taquicardia con niveles elevados de proteína C reactiva y recuento leucocitario total son signos de alarma sobre la presencia de fuga.

Humans , Peptic Ulcer Perforation , Postoperative Complications , Omentum , Risk Factors
Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 27(1)mar. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440517


El abdomen agudo comprende un amplio grupo de enfermedades con alta incidencia en la práctica quirúrgica habitual. Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino, de 23 años, con cuadro abdominal agudo, cuyo diagnóstico preoperatorio fue compatible con una apendicitis aguda; al efectuar la laparotomía exploratoria se constató torsión primaria y segmentaria del omento mayor. Esta es una afección de difícil diagnóstico preoperatorio, generalmente diagnosticada durante el acto quirúrgico porque fácilmente se confunde con otras enfermedades del abdomen agudo quirúrgico. Lo indicado en estos pacientes es la remoción del segmento involucrado por lo que se realizó omentectomía parcial y apendicectomía complementaria; el paciente presentó una evolución clínica favorable.

Acute abdomen comprises a wide group of diseases with a high incidence in routine surgical practice. We present a 23-year-old male patient with acute abdominal symptoms, whose preoperative diagnosis was compatible with acute appendicitis; primary and segmental torsion of the greater omentum was found when performing the exploratory laparotomy. This condition is difficult to diagnose preoperatively; it is generally evident during surgery because it is confused with other diseases of the acute surgical abdomen. The removal of the involved segment is indicated in these patients that is why partial omentectomy and complementary appendectomy were performed; the patient had a favourable clinical evolution.

Omentum , Abdominal Pain , Abdomen, Acute
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986829


The successful report of total mesorectal excision (TME)/complete mesocolic excision (CME) has encouraged people to apply this concept beyond colorectal surgery. However, the negative results of the JCOG1001 trial denied the effect of complete resection of the "mesogastrium" including the greater omentum on the oncological survival of gastric cancer patients. People even believe that the mesentery is unique in the intestine, because they have a vague understanding of the structure of the mesentery. The discovery of proximal segment of the dorsal mesogastrium (PSDM) proved that the greater omentum is not the mesogastrium, and further revised the structure (definition) of the mesentery and revealed its container characteristics, i.e. the mesentery is an envelope-like structure, which is formed by the primary fascia (and serosa) that enclose the tissue/organ/system and its feeding structures, leading to and suspended on the posterior wall of the body. Breakdown of this structure leads to the simultaneous reduction of surgical and oncological effects of surgery. People quickly realized the universality of this structure and causality which cannot be matched by the existing theories of organ anatomy and vascular anatomy, so a new theory and surgical map- membrane anatomy began to form, which led to radical surgery upgraded from histological en bloc resection to anatomic en bloc resection.

Humans , Fascia/anatomy & histology , Laparoscopy , Lymph Node Excision/methods , Mesentery/surgery , Mesocolon/surgery , Omentum , Serous Membrane , Clinical Trials as Topic
Rev. colomb. cir ; 37(4): 689-694, 20220906. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1396504


Introducción. Los quistes mesentéricos son tumores poco frecuentes y usualmente benignos, que se diagnostican principalmente en la edad pediátrica, de manera incidental.Caso clínico. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de cuatro años de edad, con dificultad para acceso a servicio de salud por localización de su vivienda, quien cursa con un cuadro clínico de dos años de evolución de distensión abdominal progresiva, interpretada y manejada como ascitis. Se realizó una tomografía de abdomen en la que se documentó una lesión quística gigante, por lo que fue llevada a resección por laparotomía, con confirmación histopatológica de un quiste mesentérico. Discusión. Los quistes mesentéricos pueden tener cualquier localización en el mesenterio del tracto gastrointestinal. Su principal etiología es la proliferación anormal y benigna de tejido linfático mesentérico. Las manifestaciones clínicas van desde la ausencia de síntomas hasta el abdomen agudo. Dentro de los síntomas abdominales no agudos se encuentran masa abdominal indolora, dolor abdominal, distensión abdominal y signos clínicos que simulan ascitis. La resección completa del quiste mesentérico es considerada el tratamiento de elección; el abordaje laparoscópico o abierto dependerá de las características clínicas de cada paciente y la experiencia del cirujano tratante. Conclusión. Es importante que los cirujanos conozcan las principales características y el manejo de esta entidad, que una vez presente, puede simular un síndrome ascítico.

Introduction. Mesenteric cysts are rare and usually benign tumors, which are diagnosed incidentally, mainly in children.Clinical case. We present the case of a 4-year-old patient, with difficulty accessing health services due to the location of her home, who has a 2-year history of progressive abdominal distension, interpreted and managed as ascites. An abdominal tomography was performed in which a giant cystic lesion was documented. She underwent resection by laparotomy, with histopathological confirmation of a mesenteric cyst. Discussion. Mesenteric cysts can have any location in the mesentery of the gastrointestinal tract. Its main etiology is the abnormal and benign proliferation of mesenteric lymphatic tissue. Clinical manifestations range from the absence of symptoms to an acute abdomen. Non-acute abdominal symptoms include a painless abdominal mass, abdominal pain, abdominal distension, and clinical signs that mimic ascites. Complete resection of the mesenteric cyst is considered the treatment of choice; laparoscopic or open approach will depend on the clinical characteristics of each patient and the experience of the treating surgeon. Conclusion. It is important for surgeons to know the main characteristics and management of this entity, which once present, can mimic an ascites syndrome

Humans , Ascites , Mesenteric Cyst , Omentum , Diagnosis, Differential , Abdominal Neoplasms , Mesentery
Rev. colomb. cir ; 37(3): 505-510, junio 14, 2022. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378847


Introducción. La úlcera duodenal perforada es una entidad de etiología no clara que rara vez ocurre en la población pediátrica. Generalmente se diagnostica de manera intraoperatoria y el tratamiento ideal incluye el uso del parche de epiplón o de ser necesario, la resección quirúrgica. Caso clínico. Se presenta un paciente de 12 años con abdomen agudo y diagnóstico tomográfico prequirúrgico de úlcera duodenal perforada, tratado por vía laparoscópica con drenaje de peritonitis y parche de Graham. La evolución y el seguimiento posterior fueron adecuados. Discusión. La úlcera duodenal perforada es una entidad multifactorial, en la que se ha implicado el Helicobacter pylori. El diagnóstico preoperatorio es un reto y el tratamiento debe ser quirúrgico. Conclusiones. Cuando se logra establecer el diagnóstico preoperatorio, se puede realizar un abordaje laparoscópico y el uso del parche de Graham cuando las úlceras son menores de dos centímetros.

Introduction. Perforated duodenal ulcer is an entity of unclear etiology that rarely occurs in the pediatric population. It is usually diagnosed intraoperatively and the ideal treatment includes the use of the omentum patch or, if necessary, surgical resection. Clinical case. A 12-year-old patient with acute abdomen and preoperative tomographic diagnosis of perforated duodenal ulcer, treated laparoscopically with peritonitis drainage and Graham patch is presented. The evolution and subsequent follow-up were adequate. Discussion. Perforated duodenal ulcer is a multifactorial entity, in which Helicobacter pylori has been implicated. Preoperative diagnosis is challenging and treatment must be surgical. Conclusions. When the preoperative diagnosis is established, a laparoscopic approach and the use of the Graham patch can be performed when the ulcers are less than two centimeters.

Humans , Duodenal Ulcer , Intestinal Perforation , Omentum , Helicobacter pylori , Laparoscopy
Med. UIS ; 35(1): 43-48, ene,-abr. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394431


Resumen El infarto omental es una causa infrecuente de abdomen agudo y de etiología no muy conocida, su presentación clínica inespecífica puede simular otras patologías más comunes, lo que hace su diagnóstico un reto clínico. Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 33 años que asiste a urgencias con clínica de dolor abdominal agudo, atípico, con hallazgos ecográficos sugestivos de apendicitis aguda, sin embargo, por la clínica inusual se realizó tomografía axial computarizada (TAC) de abdomen, con reporte sugestivo de diverticulitis. Ante la no concordancia clínica ni imagenológica, la paciente fue llevada a laparoscopia diagnóstica, como hallazgo intraoperatorio se evidenció isquemia del epiplón como único hallazgo, por lo cual se realizó omentectomía parcial. Siendo este un caso de importancia clínica debido a que el infarto omental debe considerarse entre los diagnósticos diferenciales de dolor abdominal agudo, en especial cuando la presentación es atípica y se han excluido las patologías más frecuentes. MÉD.UIS.2022;35(1): 43-8.

Abstract Omental infarction is an uncommon cause of acute abdomen and its etiology is not well known. Its nonspecific clinical presentation can simulate bibr more common pathologies which makes its diagnosis a clinical challenge. We present the case of a 33-year-old woman who attends the emergency room with symptoms of acute, atypical abdominal pain, ultrasound findings were suggestive of acute appendicitis, however, due to unusual symptoms, a computerized axial tomography (CT) of the abdomen was performed, with a suggestive report of diverticulitis. Given the clinical and imagenologycal findings mismatch, the patient underwent to diagnostic laparoscopy where omentum ischemia was evidenced as the only finding, partial omentectomy was performed. This is a case of clinical importance because the omental infarction should be considered among the differential diagnoses of acute abdominal pain, especially when the presentation is atypical and the most frequent pathologies have been excluded. MÉD.UIS.2022;35(1): 43-8.

Humans , Adult , Omentum , Infarction , Abdominal Pain , Laparoscopy , Abdomen, Acute
J. vasc. bras ; 21: e20210191, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375805


Abstract The spleen is supplied by blood flow through the splenic artery and vein. The purpose of this communication is to report an ectopic spleen supplied only by reverse flow through the left gastro-omental vessels. A 14-year-old boy presented with pelvic splenomegaly supplied only by the left gastro-omental artery and veins connected to the inferior polar vessels, which were the only vessels communicating with the spleen. After detorsion of the spleen and splenopexy, the spleen returned to normal dimensions. The patient had uneventful follow-up. In conclusion, the left gastroepiploic vessels are able to maintain the entire spleen blood supply.

Resumo O baço é suprido pelo fluxo sanguíneo da artéria e veia esplênicas. O objetivo desta comunicação é apresentar um baço ectópico suprido apenas pelo fluxo sanguíneo reverso proveniente dos vasos gastromentais esquerdos. Um paciente de 14 anos apresentou esplenomegalia pélvica suprida apenas por artéria e veia gastromentais esquerdas, conectadas aos vasos polares inferiores, que eram os únicos presentes nesse baço. Após a distorção do baço e a esplenopexia, o baço voltou às dimensões normais. Não houve intercorrências no acompanhamento do paciente. Em conclusão, os vasos gastromentais esquerdos são capazes de suprir o fluxo sanguíneo de todo o baço.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Omentum/blood supply , Splenic Artery/anatomy & histology , Wandering Spleen/pathology , Splenomegaly , Veins , Blood Circulation , Wandering Spleen/surgery
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 20: eRC5584, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360405


ABSTRACT A 2-year-old female patient, admitted in the emergency room, presented diarrhea for 5 days and bloody stools in the last 24 hours. Physical examination revealed no significant findings. Ultrasound was initially performed, showing an elongated, well delimited and solid mass occupying since right hypocondrium until left iliac fossa, displacing adjacent structures. In sequence, magnetic resonance imaging was performed for confirmation of findings suggestive of omentum lipoma. After 1 week, the surgical resection was performed by videolaparoscopic acess. During 2-year follow-up, there was no sign of recurrence.

Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Omentum/surgery , Omentum/diagnostic imaging , Lipoma/surgery , Lipoma/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Ultrasonography
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(2): 423-430, Mar.-Apr. 2021. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1248942


Non-strangulated acquired hernias in stallions are rare, especially when the herniated content is not intestinal loops. Thus, the aim of the current study is to describe a case of acquired non-strangulated inguinoscrotal hernia in a stallion, whose herniated content was the omentum. The patient was a Criollo stallion with history of rhabdomyolysis, laminitis and bilateral scrotal volume increase observed in the left scrotal region. The animal presented pain in both thoracic limbs, abnormal blood test, especially hypoproteinemia, and mild pain during palpation in the left inguinal ring region. Hydrocele secondary to hypoproteinemia was suspected. After admission, the animal showed signs of acute abdomen, which were clinically reversed. With this, the animal was subjected to ultrasound examination of the scrotal region, whose findings suggested non-strangulated inguinal hernia, although the content could not be identified. Surgical treatment was chosen in order to identify the herniated content and remove the left testicle. Access to the affected scrotum was performed, in which the presence of fluid and a portion of the omentum was observed surrounding the testis and adhering to it. The animal was discharged after he recovered from the surgery and from laminitis. During the breeding season, the stallion remained with a herd of mares for natural mating. After 15 months of surgery, the animal was reassessed and showed no active signs of inflammatory and degenerative processes in the remaining testis. On this occasion, a pregnancy diagnosis was also performed, and all the mares were pregnant. It is concluded that the presence of omentum as a herniated content does not represent a surgical emergency but can make the reproductive prognosis reserved. In addition, removal of the affected testicle can benefit the spermatogenesis of the remaining testicle.(AU)

As hérnias adquiridas não estranguladas em garanhões são raras, principalmente quando o conteúdo herniado não é de alças intestinais. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever um caso de hérnia inguino escrotal adquirida e não estrangulada em garanhão, cujo conteúdo herniado era composto pelo omento. Foi atendido um garanhão da raça Crioula com histórico de rabdomiólise, laminite e aumento de volume escrotal bilateral, evidenciado na região escrotal esquerda. O animal apresentava dor nos membros torácicos, alterações na avaliação sanguínea, destacando-se a hipoproteinemia, e demonstrava dor leve à palpação na região do anel inguinal esquerdo. Suspeitou-se de hidrocele secundária a hipoproteinemia. Após a internação, o animal apresentou sinais de abdômen agudo, revertidos clinicamente. Com isso, realizou-se ultrassonografia da região escrotal, cujos achados sugeriram hérnia inguinal não estrangulada, sem que o conteúdo pudesse ser identificado. Optou-se pelo tratamento cirúrgico, com o intuito de identificação do conteúdo herniado e remoção do testículo esquerdo. Foi realizado acesso à bolsa escrotal afetada, na qual se observou presença de líquido e de uma porção do omento envolvendo o testículo e aderido a ele. O animal recebeu alta após restabelecimento da cirurgia e da laminite. Na propriedade, durante temporada reprodutiva, o garanhão permaneceu com uma manada de éguas para realização de monta natural. Passados 15 meses da cirurgia, o animal foi reavaliado e não demonstrou sinais ativos de processo inflamatório e degenerativos no testículo remanescente. Nessa ocasião, também foi realizado diagnóstico de gestação e todas as éguas encontravam-se prenhes. Conclui-se que a presença de omento como conteúdo herniado não representa uma emergência cirúrgica, mas pode tornar o prognóstico reprodutivo reservado. Ainda, a remoção do testículo afetado pode trazer benefícios à espermatogênese do remanescente.(AU)

Animals , Male , Scrotum/surgery , Testis/surgery , Hernia, Inguinal/veterinary , Horses , Omentum
Rev. méd. Hosp. José Carrasco Arteaga ; 13(1): 51-55, 15/03/2021. Ilustraciones
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1337523


INTRODUCCIÓN: El linfangioma mesentérico es un tumor quístico congénito, benigno y raro de los vasos linfáticos, que se presenta en menos del 5% de los casos a nivel abdominal. Se presentan con mayor frecuencia durante la infancia. Esta patología se debe considerar como diagnóstico diferencial de abdomen agudo y masas abdominales pediátricas. CASO CLÍNICO: Niño de 6 años de edad, presentó cuadro de dolor abdominal y peritonismo. Presentó febrícula, signo de rebote positivo, además leucocitosis y neutrofilia. Ecografía evidenció abundante líquido libre en abdomen y pelvis. EVOLUCIÓN: Se realizó laparotomía exploratoria, con hallazgo de masa quística dependiente de epiplón mayor, la misma que se resecó. La histopatología fue negativa para malignidad y compatible con linfangioma quístico, la inmunohistoquímica con marcador D2-40 positi-vo. El paciente evolucionó favorablemente sin complicaciones quirúrgicas y sin evidencia de recurrencia hasta el año de seguimiento. CONCLUSION: El linfangioma quístico mesentérico puede debutar con sintomatología de abdomen agudo, puede también tener una evolución crónica. La resección completa es el tratamiento de elección, actualmente se realizan procedimientos mínimamente invasivos, con resultados favorables. La ecografía es útil para realizar un seguimiento a largo plazo.(AU)

BACKGROUND: Mesenteric lymphangioma is a rare, benign congenital cystic tumor of the lym-phatic vessels, which occurs in less than 5% pf the cases at the abdomen. They appear most often during childhood. This tumor should be considered as a differential diagnosis of acute abdomen and other abdominal masses. CASE REPORT: A 6-year-old boy presented with abdominal pain and peritonism. He presented a low-grade fever, a positive rebound sign, as well as leukocytosis and neutrophilia. Ultrasono-graphy showed abundant free fluid in abdomen and pelvis. EVOLUTION: Exploratory laparotomy was performed, finding a cystic mass dependent on the greater omentum, this mass was resected. Histopathology was negative for malignancy and compatible with cystic lymphangioma, immunohistochemistry was positive for D2-40 marker. The patient evolved favorably without surgical complications and without evidence of recurrence up to one year of follow-up. CONCLUSION: Mesenteric cystic lymphangioma can present with symptoms of acute abdomen, it can also have a chronic evolution. Complete resection is the treatment of choice, currently minimally invasive procedures are performed with favorable results. Ultrasound is useful for long-term follow-up.(AU)

Humans , Male , Child , Omentum/diagnostic imaging , Immunohistochemistry , Lymphangioma, Cystic/congenital , Laparotomy/methods
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(1): 20-22, jan./mar. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491695


Hérnia é uma protrusão de vísceras através de um orifício adquirido, tendo como constituintes o anel, conteúdo e saco herniário. As hérnias escrotais ocorrem quando, por algum defeito no anel inguinal, alguma víscera se desloca por ele, chegando até a bolsa escrotal. Sua etiologia não é completamenteelucidada, sendo a elevação da pressão intra-abdominal um dos prováveis desencadeadores. Em caninos, essa é uma condição rara e os poucos relatos citam em animais jovens. Objetivou-se descrever a ocorrência de uma hérnia escrotal unilateral esquerda com protrusão de omento maior em um cão da raça Dachshund com 14 anos de idade e com 12,1 kg de peso corporal. Para a redução do conteúdo à cavidade abdominal, foi necessária a realização de incisão na região inguinal cranial, abertura do saco herniário e a orquiectomia. Destaca-se a importância do tratamento cirúrgico da hérnia escrotal, bem como a inclusão dessa afecção no diagnóstico diferencial para afecções testiculares de cães adultos ou idosos.

Hernia is a protrusion of viscera through an acquired orifice, having as constituents the ring, contents and hernial sac. Scrotal hernias occur when, due to a defect in the inguinal ring, some viscera travel through it, reaching the scrotum. Its etiology is not completely elucidated, and the increase in intra-abdominal pressure is one of the probable triggers. In canines, this is a rare condition and the few reports mention it in young animals. The objective was to describe the occurrence of a left unilateral scrotal hernia with protrusion of the greater omentum in a 14-year-old Dachshund dog weighing 12.1 kg of body weight. To reduce the content of the abdominal cavity, it was necessary to make an incision in the cranial inguinal region, open the hernial sac and orchiectomy. The importance of surgical treatment of scrotal hernia is highlighted, as well as the inclusion of this condition in the differential diagnosis for testicular disorders of adult or elderly dogs.

Animals , Dogs , Dogs/surgery , Herniorrhaphy/veterinary , Hernia/diagnosis , Omentum/surgery
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(1): 20-22, jan./mar. 2021. il.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1368347


Hérnia é uma protrusão de vísceras através de um orifício adquirido, tendo como constituintes o anel, conteúdo e saco herniário. As hérnias escrotais ocorrem quando, por algum defeito no anel inguinal, alguma víscera se desloca por ele, chegando até a bolsa escrotal. Sua etiologia não é completamenteelucidada, sendo a elevação da pressão intra-abdominal um dos prováveis desencadeadores. Em caninos, essa é uma condição rara e os poucos relatos citam em animais jovens. Objetivou-se descrever a ocorrência de uma hérnia escrotal unilateral esquerda com protrusão de omento maior em um cão da raça Dachshund com 14 anos de idade e com 12,1 kg de peso corporal. Para a redução do conteúdo à cavidade abdominal, foi necessária a realização de incisão na região inguinal cranial, abertura do saco herniário e a orquiectomia. Destaca-se a importância do tratamento cirúrgico da hérnia escrotal, bem como a inclusão dessa afecção no diagnóstico diferencial para afecções testiculares de cães adultos ou idosos.

Hernia is a protrusion of viscera through an acquired orifice, having as constituents the ring, contents and hernial sac. Scrotal hernias occur when, due to a defect in the inguinal ring, some viscera travel through it, reaching the scrotum. Its etiology is not completely elucidated, and the increase in intra-abdominal pressure is one of the probable triggers. In canines, this is a rare condition and the few reports mention it in young animals. The objective was to describe the occurrence of a left unilateral scrotal hernia with protrusion of the greater omentum in a 14-year-old Dachshund dog weighing 12.1 kg of body weight. To reduce the content of the abdominal cavity, it was necessary to make an incision in the cranial inguinal region, open the hernial sac and orchiectomy. The importance of surgical treatment of scrotal hernia is highlighted, as well as the inclusion of this condition in the differential diagnosis for testicular disorders of adult or elderly dogs.

Animals , Dogs , Testis/surgery , Dogs/surgery , Hernia/veterinary , Omentum/surgery , Herniorrhaphy/veterinary , Inguinal Canal/surgery
Acta Physiologica Sinica ; (6): 175-180, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878246


The great omentum is an intraperitoneal organ and plays an important role in protecting the environment of the peritoneal cavity. Several specialized innate immune cells including B1 cells and resident macrophages are found in the omentum, which may be attributed to the unique niche and its special stromal cells. However, it is not clear how these omental innate immune cells contribute to the peritoneal immunity. This review attempts to summarize the latest research on the omental innate immunity and discuss its involvement in the immune response of the peritoneal cavity.

Immunity, Innate , Macrophages , Omentum , Peritoneal Cavity , Stromal Cells
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(6): 2259-2265, Nov.-Dec. 2020. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1142302


A osteomielite é um desafio terapêutico em ortopedia, capaz de retardar ou mesmo impedir a consolidação óssea. O omento, há anos, tem sido empregado como alternativa em diferentes procedimentos cirúrgicos, por sua capacidade, entre outras, de angiogênese, sendo aplicado na ortopedia veterinária quando há o risco de não união óssea. Neste caso, um cão Fila Brasileiro foi submetido à realização de enxerto com retalho pediculado de omento maior, após osteomielite resistente presente em osteossíntese de fratura múltipla de tíbia aberta grau II. Durante 16 dias, manteve-se a comunicação do retalho, mas, diante do risco de peritonite, o pedículo foi seccionado. Numa sequência de intervenções cirúrgicas, após 89 dias, houve cicatrização óssea e remissão da osteomielite, mesmo na presença de bactérias multirresistentes. Neste relato, o omento foi efetivo como terapia adjuvante no tratamento da osteomielite e garantiu o retorno da função do membro.(AU)

Osteomyelitis is a therapeutic challenge in orthopedics, capable of delaying or even preventing bone healing. The omentum has been used in different surgical procedures as an alternative for its capacity, among others, of angiogenesis, being applied in veterinary orthopedics, when there is a risk of non-union of bone. In this case, a Brazilian row dog was submitted to grafting with pedicle flap of greater omentum, after resistant osteomyelitis present in open fracture osteosynthesis of open tibia grade II. For 16 days the communication of the flap was maintained, but at the risk of peritonitis, the pedicle was sectioned. In a sequence of surgical interventions, after 89 days, there was bone healing and remission of osteomyelitis, even in the presence of multi-resistant bacteria. In this report, the omentum was effective as adjuvant therapy in the treatment of osteomyelitis and guaranteed the return of limb function.(AU)

Animals , Dogs , Omentum/transplantation , Osteomyelitis/therapy , Osteomyelitis/veterinary , Tibia/pathology , Pedicle Screws/veterinary
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(1): 87-92, Jan.-Feb. 2020. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1088928


Chronic septic bone nonunion requires a well-designed therapeutic planning, demanding a multimodal treatment to achieve bone consolidation and elimination of infection. A successful case of an association of the major omentum flap with surgical stabilization with an interlocking nail for treatment of a femoral septic nonunion in dog is reported. The patient had partial functional return of the limb 30 days after surgery, negative bacterial culture with radiographic signs of bone healing and total functional return of the limb at 90th days after the surgical procedure.(AU)

Não uniões ósseas associadas à osteomielite crônica necessitam de um planejamento terapêutico muito bem realizado, demandando tratamento multimodal para conseguir atingir a consolidação óssea e eliminar a infecção. Relatou-se um caso de sucesso do uso da associação de retalho do omento maior com estabilização cirúrgica com haste intramedular bloqueada para tratamento de uma não união séptica de fêmur em cão. O paciente apresentou retorno funcional parcial do membro com 30 dias após a cirurgia, cultura bacteriana estéril com sinais radiográficos de consolidação óssea e retorno funcional total do membro aos 90 dias de pós-operatório.(AU)

Animals , Dogs , Omentum/transplantation , Osteomyelitis/veterinary , Transplantation, Autologous/veterinary , Fracture Fixation, Intramedullary
Rev. méd. Urug ; 36(3): 322-324, 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BNUY | ID: biblio-1127111


Resumen: Introducción: el infarto segmentario idiopático de epiplón mayor es una excepcional causa de cuadro agudo de abdomen en el adulto. Caso clínico: se presenta el caso de un adulto joven que se operó de urgencia con diagnóstico de apendicitis aguda y el abordo por vía laparoscópica, comprobándose en la exploración un infarto segmentario de epiplón mayor que se resolvió mediante la omentectomía parcial con buena evolución y alta precoz. Discusión: si bien el diagnóstico imagenológico de infarto de epiplón mayor es posible dada su baja incidencia y las características de presentación clínica, su diagnóstico habitualmente es intraoperatorio. Su tratamiento es la omentectomía laparoscópica del sector afectado. Con diagnóstico preoperatorio, puede admitirse una conducta expectante, aunque la persistencia de la sintomatología es causa de reingreso y prolongación del tratamiento definitivo.

Summary: Introduction: idiopathic segmental infarction of the greater omentum constitutes an exceptional cause of an acute condition in adults. Clinical case: study presents the clinical case of a young adult who underwent an emergency laparoscopic appendectomy for the treamtent of acute apenditicis. The exploration revealed a segmental infarction of the greater omentum that was resolved by partial omentectomy. Evolution was good and the patient was allowed an early discharge. Discussion: despite the fact an image diagnosis of infarction of the greater omentum is possible, its low incidence and the characteristics of its clinical presentation result in it usually being diagnosed during surgery. Treatment consists in laparoscopic omentenctomy of the affected area. Preoperative diagnosis may allow for watchful waiting, although persistence of symptoms requires readmission to hospital and extension of the definitive treatment.

Resumo: Introdução: o infarto segmentar idiopático do grande omento é uma causa excepcional de quadro agudo de abdômen no adulto. Caso clínico: apresenta-se um caso clínico de um adulto jovem operado de urgência por via laparoscópica com diagnóstico de apendicite aguda comprovando-se na exploração um infarto segmentar de grande omento solucionado por uma omentectomia parcial com boa evolução e alta precoce. Discussão: embora o diagnóstico por técnicas de imagem de infarto do grande omento seja possível, seu diagnóstico habitualmente es intraoperatório devido à sua baja incidência e as características da apresentação clínica. O tratamento é a omentectomia laparoscópica do segmento afetado. Com diagnóstico pré-operatório, pode-se admitir uma conduta expectante, embora a persistência de sintomatologia é causa de re-internação e prolongamento do tratamento definitivo.

Male , Adult , Omentum/surgery , Infarction , Laparoscopy , Abdomen, Acute