A descorna cirúrgica a campo ainda e uma prática comum em animais de produção, apesar deste procedimento na maioria ainda se realizado por leigos, ou realizada em animais com menos de um ano de idade com ferro candente (avermelhado), esta conduta geralmente é efetuada na propriedade, sendo executada pelo próprio proprietário ou funcionário. O presente experimento usando anestesia geral e bloqueio local do nervo córneo e circularmente na base do corno com abraçadeira de naylon para sutura de pele, associada a ligadura da artéria e veia cornual mostrou ser eficiente reduzindo o tempo cirúrgico a campo e promovendo uma prevenção antecipada de hemorragia que é frequente para este procedimento.(AU)
The surgical dehorning the field and still a common practice in farm animals, although this procedure in most still held by lay people, or performed on animals less than one year old with red-hot iron (red), this conduct is usually done on the property, being executed by the owner himself or employee. This experiment using general anesthesia and local lock of corneal nerve and round the horn base with clamp naylon for skin suture, associated with ligature of the artery and vein cornual is efficient by reducing surgical time field and promoting an early prevention of bleeding is frequent for this procedure.(AU)
El quirúrgica descorne el campo quieto y una práctica común en los animales de granja, aunque este procedimiento en la mayoría todavía en manos de los laicos, o lleva a cabo en animales de menos de un año de edad con hierro al rojo vivo (rojo), este comportamiento se realiza generalmente en la propiedad, los trabajos realizados por el propietario o el propio empleado. Este experimento usando anestesia bloques general y local de los nervios de la córnea y alrededor de la base del cuerno con naylon pinza de sutura de la piel, asociados con la ligadura de la vena y la arteria cornual fue eficiente que reduce el tiempo quirúrgico el campo y la promoción de una prevención temprana sangrado que es común para este procedimiento.(AU)
Animals , Ophthalmic Artery/surgery , Eye Hemorrhage/veterinary , Cattle/surgery , Horns/surgery , Anesthesia, General/veterinary , Ligation/veterinary , Nylons/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Background: Many previous studies on orbito-ocular lesions are skewed in favour of the neoplastic lesions in general and the malignant lesions in particular. This, therefore, creates a vacuum on the spectrum of these lesions, thus may result in problematic diagnostic bias by the ophthalmologist and pathologist. Objective: To give the spectrum and relative frequencies of orbito-ocular biopsies and by extension orbito-ocular lesions/diseases at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH). Materials and Methods: A retrospective descriptive study of all cases of orbito-ocular biopsies with histopathologic diagnosis. Results: There were 236 orbito-ocular biopsies. The male to female ratio was slightly in favour of the females. Orbito-ocular biopsies had a wide age range that spanned from the 1st to 10th decade, mean age in the 3rd decade (20-29years) and a peak age in the 1st decade (0-9 years). The neoplastic lesions were the prevalent indication for orbito-ocular biopsies (63.72%) while the conjunctiva (58.10%) was the most common site for orbito-ocular biopsies. Conclusion: This study noted a wide array of orbito-ocular lesions for which biopsies were done for histopathological diagnosis. This we hope will in no small measure increase the diagnostic precision of the ophthalmologist and the pathologists in our own environment
Ophthalmic Artery , Optic Nerve Diseases , Optic Nerve Glioma , Ophthalmologists , Pathologists , Neoplastic Processes , Biopsy , Neoplasm, Residual , Neurodegenerative DiseasesABSTRACT
@#Endoscopic sinus surgery (ESS) is a generally benign, minimally invasive procedure used for management of paranasal sinus diseases, although complications may occur due to proximity of vital structures such as the brain, orbit and great vessels.1 The overall ESS major complication rate is 0.5-1%, of which orbital injury accounts for 0.09% due to direct trauma.2 We report a case of unilateral delayed sudden visual loss without orbital trauma observed intraoperatively or on post[1]operative imaging studies, following a seemingly routine endoscopic sinus surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis.
Ophthalmic Artery , BlindnessABSTRACT
Veterinary Ophthalmology provides complementary information for the diagnosis of ocular pathologies. Studies in wild species are essential. Among the diagnostic techniques in ophthalmology, two-dimensional ultrasonography stands out. The agouti is a rodent belonging to the Dasyproctidae family that has been widely used as an experimental model. For these animals, sight is one of the crucial senses for their survival. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the two-dimensional ocular ultrasound technique to obtain anatomical measurements and the external ophthalmic artery resistivity index, presumably normal in the species Dasyprocta prymnolopha. Forty eye bulbs of 20 adult rodents of the species were evaluated by ultrasonography. In these animals, B-mode echobiometry was performed using the transpalpebral approach and the hemodynamic study of the external ophthalmic artery using the color Doppler technique. All examinations were initiated by the left eye bulb and all measurements were performed by only one examiner. The collected data related to echobiometry were analyzed using Bioest 5.0 for Windows. Initially, normality was tested using the Shapiro-Wilk test for each parameter, then the paired t-test was performed, comparing right and left eyes, and a significance level of 5% (P < 0.05) was adopted. Based on the methodology used, the following values were obtained for the right and left eyeballs, respectively: anterior chamber thickness - mean of 1.28 ± 0.3 mm and 1.22 ± 0.1 mm; lens thickness - 8.27 ± 0.9 mm and 8.11 ± 0.9 mm; vitreous chamber thickness - 5.35 ± 0.48 mm and 5.30 ± 0.47 mm and axial length - 12.7 ± 0.9 mm and 13 ± 0.68 mm. The mean external ophthalmic artery resistivity values were 0.4305 ± 0.0390 and 0.4258 ± 0.0387 (right and left eye, respectively), characterizing a low resistance. There was no statistical difference between the right and left eyeballs in any of the studied parameters. The use of the convex transducer was feasible, promoting adequate contact with the ocular surface and images of satisfactory quality for obtaining measurements, similar to what was observed in studies evaluating the ocular biometry of primates and dogs. The anterior chamber thickness values in this experiment did not differ statistically between the antimers, as well as observed for dogs. The data obtained for lens thickness did not differ statistically for antimers, like those obtained for other rodent species evaluated with the same methodology. The mean values of vitreous chamber thickness were like those observed in chinchillas but correspond to about half of that obtained for capybaras. In this study, the external ophthalmic artery was characterized in all animals, but obtaining the spectral tracing was difficult due to its fine caliber. In wild animals, and especially in wild rodents, there are few data reporting the resistivity of the ophthalmic artery, and there is a lack of studies, which can be explained by the behavioral characteristics of defense and by the high susceptibility to stress in capture, since the performing the technique requires, as in other procedures, the use of chemical containment. (AU)
Animals , Ophthalmic Artery/anatomy & histology , Ophthalmic Artery/diagnostic imaging , Dasyproctidae , Ultrasonography/veterinary , Animals, WildABSTRACT
SUMMARY: The pear-shaped bony orbit connects with intracranial cavity via foramina's and fissures. The Meningo-orbital Foramen (MOF) is usually present in greater wing of sphenoid close to lateral edge of Superior orbital fissure. It provides a route for an anastomosis between the orbital branch of the middle meningeal artery (MMA) and recurrent meningeal branch of Ophthalmic Artery (OA) and hence, risk of damage during surgeries can occur. To verify occurrence and location, with morphology of MOF in dry orbits and the impending clinical hazards in surgeries pertaining to the orbit, document and analysis it to determine a standardized guideline. The presence for MOF was studied in 446 dry orbits with its location from the supra orbital margin (SOM), front zygomatic suture (FZS), the lateral tubercle of Whitnall (WT)and the lateral end of superior orbital fissure (SOF) along with its patency, laterality and number of foramina's present. Nylon probes, long divider/pins, compass and Vernier callipers was used to check the patency and various parameters. The study noted the percentage prevalence of MOF as 69 % with communication with middle cranial fossa (MCF) being 76 % of 69 % and the average distance from SOM, FZS, WT and lateral end of SOF being 35.58 mm, 24.9 mm, 26.6 mm and 0.92 mm. On comparison with various population studies, certain similarities and differences with regards to different parameters were noted. Prevalence of MOF was mostly unilateral and showed multiple foramina, that can act as channels for arteries, a variant of MMA or OA, that supply orbital structures or tumour growths. Thus, awareness of this variation is of prime importance to ophthalmologists and neurosurgeons as well as interventional radiologists, in preventing haemorrhagic condition which could further raise the difficulties in operative procedures and surgical outcomes.
RESUMEN: La órbita ósea en forma de pera se conecta con la cavidad intracraneal a través de forámenes y fisuras. El foramen meningoorbitario (MOF) suele estar presente en el ala mayor del esfenoides cerca del margen lateral de la fisura orbitaria superior. Proporciona una ruta para una anastomosis entre la rama orbitaria de la arteria meníngea media (MMA) y la rama meníngea recurrente de la arteria oftálmica (OA) y, por lo tanto, puede ocurrir riesgo de daño durante las cirugías. Para verificar la ocurrencia y ubicación, con la morfología de MOF en órbitas secas y los peligros clínicos inminentes en cirugías de la órbita, documentarlo y analizarlo para determinar una pauta estandarizada. Se estudió la presencia de MOF en 446 órbitas secas desde el margen supraorbitario (MOS), sutura cigomática frontal (FZS), el tubér- culo lateral de Whitnall (WT) y el extremo lateral de la fisura orbitaria superior (SOF) junto con su permeabilidad, lateralidad y número de forámenes presentes. Se utilizaron sondas de nailon, divisores / pasadores largos, brújula y calibradores Vernier para comprobar la permeabilidad. En el estudio se pudo observar que la prevalencia porcentual de MOF era del 69 %, siendo la comunica- ción con la fosa craneal media (MCF) del 76 % del 69 % y la distancia promedio desde SOM, FZS, WT y el extremo lateral de SOF era de 35,58 mm, 24,9 mm, 26,6 mm y 0,92 mm. En comparación con varios estudios de población, se observaron ciertas similitudes y diferencias con respecto a diferentes parámetros. La prevalencia de MOF fue mayoritariamente unilateral y mostró múltiples forámenes, que pueden actuar como canales para las arterias, una variante de MMA u OA, que irrigan estructuras orbitarias o crecimientos tumorales. Por lo tanto, la conciencia de esta variación es de primordial importancia para los oftalmólogos y neurocirujanos, así como para los radiólogos intervencionistas, en la prevención de una enfermedad hemorrágica que podría aumentar aún más las dificultades en los procedimientos y los resultados quirúrgicos.
Humans , Orbit/anatomy & histology , Orbit/diagnostic imaging , Surgical Flaps , Meningeal Arteries/anatomy & histology , Meningeal Arteries/diagnostic imaging , Ophthalmic Artery/anatomy & histology , Ophthalmic Artery/diagnostic imaging , IndiaABSTRACT
Foram avaliados ultrassonograficamente, pela via transpalpebral, 28 bulbos oculares de 14 catetos adultos, através de técnica padronizada pelo operador. Adicionalmente foi realizado o estudo hemodinâmico da artéria oftálmica externa pela técnica de Doppler colorido. Os dados coletados foram analisados estatisticamente pelo programa Bioestat 5.0 for Windows, adotando-se 5% de significância. Com a metodologia empregada, obtiveram-se os seguintes valores para os globos oculares direito e esquerdo, respectivamente D1: 1,72 ± 0,29mm e 1,76 ± 0,40mm; D2: 9,95 ± 1,08mm e 10,6 ± 0,99mm; D3: 7,42 ± 0,93mm e 7,45 ± 0,72mm e D4: 17,6 ± 0,78mm e 17,8 ± 0,59mm. Os valores médios do índice de resistividade da artéria oftálmica externa foram 0,435 ± 0,02 e 0,448 ± 0,02 (globos oculares direito e esquerdo, respectivamente). Não houve diferença estatística quanto aos antímeros oculares em nenhum dos parâmetros estudados. Conclui-se que a ecobiometria ocular e a Dopplerfluxometria da artéria oftálmica na espécie Tayassu tajacu é executável e reprodutível, desde que haja domínio do examinador em relação à anatomia e à técnica adequada. Os valores inferidos neste estudo servem de referência para médicos veterinários no diagnóstico de doenças oculares.(AU)
Twenty-eight ocular bulbs of fourteen adult catheters were evaluated through ultrasound with the transpalpebral approach, using a standardized technique by the operator. Additionally, the hemodynamic study of the external ophthalmic artery was performed using the color Doppler technique. The collected data were statistically analyzed by the Bioestat 5.0 for Windows program, adopting 5% of significance. With the methodology employed, the following values were obtained for the right and left eyeballs, respectively D1: 1.72 ± 0.29mm and 1.76 ± 0.40mm; D2: 9.95 ± 1.08mm and 10.6 ± 0.99mm; D3: 7.42 ± 0.93mm and 7.45 ± 0.72mm and D4: 17.6 ± 0.78mm and 17.8 ± 0.59mm. The mean resistivity index values of the external ophthalmic artery were 0.435 ± 0.02 and 0.448 ± 0.02 (right and left eyeball respectively). There was no statistical difference regarding ocular antimers in any of the studied parameters. We concluded that ocular echobiometry and ophthalmic artery Doppler flowmetry in Tayassu tajacu species is executable and reproducible, provided there is an examiner's domain regarding the anatomy and proper technique. The values inferred in this study serve as a reference for veterinarians in the diagnosis of eye diseases.(AU)
Animals , Ophthalmic Artery/anatomy & histology , Ophthalmic Artery/diagnostic imaging , Artiodactyla/anatomy & histology , Vascular Resistance , Ultrasonography/veterinaryABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purposes: To evaluate changes in ocular blood flow and subfoveal choroidal thickness in patients with symptomatic carotid artery stenosis after carotid artery stenting. Methods: We included 15 men (mean age, 63.6 ± 9.1 years) with symptomatic carotid artery stenosis and 18 healthy volunteers (all men; mean age, 63.7 ± 5.3 years). All participants underwent detailed ophthalmologic examinations including choroidal thickness measurement using enhanced depth-imaging optic coherence tomography. The patients also underwent posterior ciliary artery blood flow measurements using color Doppler ultrasonography before and after carotid artery stenting. Results: Patients lacked ocular ischemic symptoms. Their peak systolic and end-diastolic velocities increased to 10.1 ± 13.1 (p=0.005) and 3.9 ± 6.3 (p=0.064) cm/s, respectively, after the procedure. Subfoveal choroidal thicknesses were significantly thinner in patients with carotid artery stenosis than those in the healthy controls (p=0.01). But during the first week post-procedure, the subfoveal choroidal thicknesses increased significantly (p=0.04). The peak systolic velocities of the posterior ciliary arteries increased significantly after carotid artery stenting (p=0.005). We found a significant negative correlation between the mean increase in peak systolic velocity values after treatment and the mean preprocedural subfoveal choroidal thickness in the study group (p=0.025, r=-0.617). Conclusions: In patients with carotid artery stenosis, the subfoveal choroid is thinner than that in healthy controls. The subfoveal choroidal thickness increases after carotid artery stenting. Carotid artery stenting treatment increases the blood flow to the posterior ciliary artery, and the preprocedural subfoveal choroidal thickness may be a good predictor of the postprocedural peak systolic velocity of the posterior ciliary artery.
RESUMO Objetivos: Avaliar alterações no fluxo sanguíneo ocular e na espessura da coroide subfoveal em pacientes com estenose sintomática da artéria carótida, após implante de stent nessa artéria. Métodos: Foram incluídos 15 homens (idade média de 63,6 ± 9,1 anos) com estenose sintomática da artéria carótida e 18 voluntários saudáveis (todos homens; idade média de 63,7 ± 5,3 anos). Todos os participantes foram submetidos a exames oftalmológicos detalhados, incluindo d medição da espessura da coroide, usando tomografia de coerência óptica com imagem de profundidade aprimorada. Os pacientes também foram submetidos a medidas do fluxo sanguíneo das artérias ciliares posteriores, usando ultrassonografia com Doppler colorido, antes e após o implante do stent na artéria carótida. Resultados: Os pacientes não apresentaram sintomas isquêmicos oculares. O pico de velocidade sistólica e diastólica final aumentou para 10,1 ± 13,1 (p=0,005) e 3,9 ± 6,3 (p=0,064) cm/s, respectivamente, após o procedimento. As espessuras da coroide subfoveais foram significativamente mais finas nos pacientes com estenose da artéria carótida do que nos controles saudáveis (p=0,01). Porém, durante a primeira semana pós-procedimento, as espessuras das coroides subfoveais aumentaram significativamente (p=0,04). O pico de velocidade sistólica das artérias ciliares posteriores aumentou significativamente após o stent na artéria carótida (p=0,005). Encontramos uma correlação negativa significativa entre o aumento médio dos valores máximos de velocidade sistólica após o tratamento e a espessura da coroide subfoveal pré-procedimento média no grupo de estudo (p=0,025, r=-0,617). Conclusões: Em pacientes com estenose da artéria carótida, a coroide subfoveal é mais fina que a dos controles saudáveis. A espessura da coroide subfoveal aumenta após o stent na artéria carótida. O tratamento com stent na artéria carótida aumenta o fluxo sanguíneo para a artéria ciliar posterior, e a espessura coroidal subfoveal pré-procedimento pode ser um bom preditor da velocidade sistólica de pico pós-procedimento da artéria ciliar posterior.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Aged , Ophthalmic Artery , Blood Flow Velocity , Carotid Arteries , Choroid , Regional Blood Flow , Stents , Choroid/anatomy & histology , Choroid/diagnostic imaging , Carotid Stenosis/surgery , Carotid Stenosis/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, Optical CoherenceABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: Ramas de la arteria oftálmica contribuyen a la irrigación de diversos territorios de la fosa nasal y de los senos paranasales. Objetivo: El objetivo de nuestro estudio es describir las arterias etmoidales desde su origen intraorbitario, y su relación con las estructuras musculares y nerviosas. Material y Método: Se realizó un estudio anatómico endoscópico en 20 fosas nasales y órbitas de diez cadáveres. Resultados: La disección del plano muscular permitió definir dos espacios de entrada a la órbita. Un primer espacio entre el músculo recto inferior y músculo recto medial (área 1) y otro entre el músculo recto medial y músculo oblicuo superior (área 2). En el área 1, la arteria oftálmica discurrió superior al nervio óptico en el 90%. La arteria etmoidal anterior se observó en todos los casos inferior al músculo oblicuo superior. En el área 2, la arteria etmoidal posterior, se localizó en todos los casos superior al músculo oblicuo superior. No se identificó la arteria etmoidal media en ningún caso. El origen de la arteria supraorbitaria se identificó entre las dos arterias etmoidales. Conclusión: La comprensión anatómica del origen intraorbitario de la arteria oftálmica permite el abordaje de determinada patología intraorbitaria compleja a través de la pared medial de la órbita.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Branches of the ophthalmic artery contribute to the irrigation of various territories of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Aim: The aim of our study is to describe the intraorbital course of the ethmoidal arteries and their relationship with the muscular and nervous structures. Material and method: We performed twenty nasal cavities and orbital dissections in ten adults cadaveric heads. Results: The dissection of the muscular orbital wall allowed defining two surgical orbital corridors, between the inferior rectus and the medial rectus muscles (area 1) and between the medial rectus and the superior oblique muscles (area 2). In area 1, the ophthalmic artery crosses over the optic nerve in 90% of the cases. The anterior ethmoidal artery was observed inferior to the superior oblique muscle. In area 2, the posterior ethmoidal artery was located superior to the superior oblique muscle in all cavities. No middle ethmoidal artery was identified. The origin of the supraorbital artery was found between the two ethmoidal arteries. Conclusions: The anatomical understanding of the intraorbital origin of the arteries of the ophthalmic artery allows perform two surgical approaches through the media orbital wall.
Humans , Ophthalmic Artery/anatomy & histology , Endoscopy , Ethmoid Bone/blood supply , Nasal Cavity/blood supply , Orbit , CadaverABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: Identifying collaterals from external carotid artery (ECA) is necessary before treatment of ophthalmic artery (OphA) aneurysm. We present a manual carotid compression test to verify collaterals in ophthalmic artery aneurysms, and evaluate its usefulness.MATERIALS AND METHODS: From March 2013 to December 2017, endovascular coiling was performed 19 consecutive patients with 20 OphA aneurysms. We performed manual carotid compression test for patients who had aneurysms incorporating entry of OphA. Clinical and angiographic outcomes were investigated.RESULTS: Of 13 cases underwent manual carotid compression test, 12 cases were confirmed collateral flow from ECA to OphA. During the coil embolization, we tried to maintain the original OphA flow even if it has a collateral anastomosis. Among them, OphA occlusion occurred in one patient during coiling. Recurrence of aneurysm was occurred in a ruptured case and additional embolization was required.CONCLUSIONS: The manual carotid compression test is useful method to identify the collaterals from ECA in patients with OphA aneurysm. This test can be used as a screening test for confirming collateral flow in OphA aneurysms or as an alternative for patients who are difficult to perform BTO.
Humans , Aneurysm , Carotid Artery, External , Embolization, Therapeutic , Mass Screening , Methods , Ophthalmic Artery , RecurrenceABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: Retinal artery occlusion (RAO) is rarely seen as a complication in patients undergoing carotid artery stenting (CAS); hence, its characteristics have not been documented in detail. This study aimed to investigate the incidence of this complication and the related risk factors, focusing on differences in ophthalmic artery (OA) supply (whether by the external or internal carotid artery [ECA or ICA]) prior to CAS procedures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively examined 342 patients who underwent CAS for severe and/or symptomatic carotid artery stenosis between January 2009 and December 2017. Cumulative medical records and radiologic data were assessed. RAO was confirmed by photography and fluorescent angiography of the fundus, which were performed by an ophthalmologist. In all patients, distal filter systems of various types were applied as cerebral protection devices (CPDs) during procedures. Univariate and multivariate analyses were conducted to identify the risk factors for RAO after CAS. RESULTS: Symptomatic RAO was observed in six patients (1.8%), of which five (6.8%) were ECA-dominant group members (n = 74). In a binary logistic regression analysis, OA supply by the ECA (odds ratio [OR], 9.705; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.519–62.017; p = 0.016) and older age (OR, 1.159; 95% CI, 1.005–1.336; p = 0.041) were identified as significant risk factors in patients with RAO after CAS. ECA-supplied OA was also associated with the severity of ipsilateral ICA stenosis (p = 0.001) and ulcerative plaque (p = 0.021). CONCLUSION: In procedures performed using ICA distal filtering CPD systems, RAO as a complication of CAS (performed for severe stenosis) showed a relationship to ECA-supplied OA. For older patients, simultaneous use of ICA-ECA CPDs might help prevent such complications.
Humans , Angiography , Angioplasty , Carotid Arteries , Carotid Artery, Internal , Carotid Stenosis , Constriction, Pathologic , Incidence , Logistic Models , Medical Records , Multivariate Analysis , Ophthalmic Artery , Photography , Retinal Artery Occlusion , Retinal Artery , Retinaldehyde , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Stents , UlcerABSTRACT
Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) is considered an ophthalmologic emergency. The prognosis of this disease is very poor. Currently, there is no generally effective therapy available to treat CRAO. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) can increase the volume of oxygen delivered to the ischemic retinal tissue until spontaneous or assisted reperfusion occurs. We report the case of a patient who experienced sudden visual loss due to CRAO that was treated with HBOT. The patient was an 81-year-old woman who presented with CRAO in her right eye (OD). She exhibited “hand motion” visual acuity before treatment. She underwent three sessions of HBOT at a pressure of 2.8 atmospheres absolute, performed over 3 days. After 4 days in hospital, her visual acuity improved to 0.4 (OD) for far vision and 0.5 (OD) for near vision. Her vision was stable without the supply of oxygen; therefore, she was discharged.
Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Atmosphere , Emergencies , Hyperbaric Oxygenation , Ophthalmic Artery , Oxygen , Prognosis , Reperfusion , Retinal Artery Occlusion , Retinal Artery , Retinaldehyde , Visual AcuityABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Retinal artery occlusion can lead to sudden visual loss without pain. The acute management of retinal artery occlusion remains unresolved. CASE REPORT: A 65-year-old male was hospitalized to an emergency room for visual loss on the left side within 6 hours of onset. Combined occlusion at retinal artery and ciliary artery was confirmed by an ophthalmologist and we assessed ophthalmic artery occlusion. However, MRA revealed no significant steno-occlusion of internal carotid artery. Transfemoral cerebral angiography was carried out immediately and showed a movable thrombus at the orifice of the ophthalmic artery. We decided on endovascular thrombectomy to prevent permanent visual loss. Finally, his visual acuity was improved after successful thrombectomy. CONCLUSIONS: Although MRA is intact, small thrombus right at the orifice of the ophthalmic artery can cause a sudden monocular visual loss due to occlusion of the retinal artery. In this setting, urgent endovascular thrombectomy can offer visual improvement.
Aged , Humans , Male , Blindness , Carotid Artery, Internal , Cerebral Angiography , Ciliary Arteries , Emergency Service, Hospital , Ophthalmic Artery , Retinal Artery , Retinal Artery Occlusion , Thrombectomy , Thrombosis , Visual AcuityABSTRACT
Se presenta la experiencia personal en el tratamiento de 5 pacientes con 7 aneurismas paraclinoideos tratados quirúrgicamente en el Hospital Regional Temuco durante junio de 2015 y julio de 2016 (13 meses). Todos los pacientes fueron previamente discutidos con neurorradiologo Intervencional local y considerados no favorables para terapia endovascular. En todos ellos se realizó una craneotomía mini pterional con clinoidectomía extradural y exposición de la arteria carótida interna cervical. Cuatro pacientes consultaron con hemorragia subaracnoidea y requirieron cirugía cerebral de urgencia. En 6 aneurismas se realizó clipaje y en 1 trapping. Cuatro pacientes no tuvieron deterioro neurológico y evolucionaron favorablemente mientras que 1 paciente falleció por hipoperfusión secundario al trapping de la carótida supraclinoidea. Se enfatiza el manejo interdisciplinario, el plan preoperatorio y el conocimiento de la neuroanatomía en el tratamiento de esta patología.
A personal experience is presented in treating 5 patients with 7 paraclinoid aneurysm who underwent surgery at Hospital Regional Temuco between june 2015 and july 2016 (13 months). All patients were previously discussed with local interventional neuroradiologist considering them not favorable to endovascular therapy. Mini pterional craniotomy with extradural clinoidectomy and internal cervical carotid artery exposure was performed in all of them. 4 patients presented with subarachnoid hemorrhage and required urgent brain surgery. Direct clipping was optimal in 6 aneurysm and 1 was treated with trapping. 4 patients had no neurological deteriotation with excellent outcome and 1 patient died because of hypoperfusion secondary to the supraclinoid carotid trapping. Interdisciplinary management, preoperative planning and neuroanatomy knowledge are emphasized in order to treat this pathology.
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Ophthalmic Artery , Carotid Artery, Internal/surgery , Intracranial Aneurysm/surgery , Intracranial Aneurysm/epidemiology , Chile , Aneurysm, Ruptured/surgery , Computed Tomography Angiography/methodsABSTRACT
El foramen meningo orbitario (FMO), ubicado en el ala mayor del esfenoides y cercano al extremo lateral de la fisura orbitaria superior (FOS), comunica órbita con fosa craneal media, permitiendo el paso de una anastomosis entre las arterias oftálmica y meníngea media. Su prevalencia varía del 6 al 82,9 % y puede presentarse en forma unilateral o bilateral, único o múltiple y de forma circular, ovoidal o de ranura. Nuestro objetivo fue evidenciar la presencia del FMO, describiendo sus características morfológicas, en cráneos secos de individuos adultos chilenos de ambos sexos. Se utilizaron 54 cráneos con ambas órbitas. Se consideró; presencia, unilateralidad o bilateralidad, cantidad de forámenes por órbita, forma, ubicación en relación al plano horizontal determinado por el extremo lateral de la FOS, distancia al extremo lateral de la FOS, diámetro y diferencias sexuales. Las mediciones se realizaron con sonda de nylon, compás de puntas secas y cáliper digital. Un 46,29 % de la muestra presentó FMO, con mayor presencia en individuos femeninos. En un 28 % se presentó unilateral y en un 72 % bilateral. Predominó la forma circular (79,07 %) sobre la ovoidal (18 %) y sobre la forma de ranura (2,33 %). El FMO se observó en un 90,69 % sobre el plano horizontal que determina el extremo lateral de la FOS y en un 9,31 % en el mismo plano. La distancia del FMO al extremo lateral de la FOS fue de 6,58 mm y el diámetro del FMO correspondió a 1,22 mm. Nuestros resultados coinciden con la literatura, respecto a su presencia, a la comunicación que permite, a su ubicación, a su forma y tamaño. Se pudo constatar semejanzas y algunas diferencias menores con cráneos indios, asiáticos y pakistaníes. También pudimos evidenciar diferencias por sexo. El conocimiento acabado del FMO tiene importancia en anatomía, antropología, oftalmología, traumatología, imagenología, cirugía e identificación humana.
The meningo orbital foramen (MOF) is located in the major wing of the sphenoid and near the lateral end of the superior orbital fissure (SOF), communicating orbit with the middle cranial fossa and allowing the passage of an anastomosis between the ophthalmic and middle meningeal arteries. Its prevalence varies from 6 to 82.9 % and may occur unilaterally or bilaterally, single or multiple, and may have a circular, ovoid or groove form. The aim of this study is to evidence the existence of MOF, describing its morphological characteristics in dry skulls of Chilean adults of both sexes. The present study analyzed 54 skulls containing both orbits, considering the following criteria: Existence, unilaterality or bilaterality, number of foramens by orbit, shape, location in relation to the horizontalbaselinedetermined by the lateral end of the SOF, distance to the lateral end of the SOF and diameter and variations by sex. Measurements were made with nylonprobe,compass dry point and digital caliper. Of the sample, 46.29 % presented MOF with a greater prevalence in female samples. In 28 % of the cases it was unilateral and in the other 72 % bilateral. The circular shape was predominant in 79.07 %, followed by the ovoidal 18 % and thegrooveform 2.33 %. The MOF was observed in 90.69 % on the horizontalbaselinethat determines the lateral end of the SOF and in 9.31 % in the samebaseline. The average distance from the MOF to the lateral end of the SOF was 6.58 mm and the diameter of the MOF corresponded to 1.22 mm. Our results are consistentwith similar studies. There were some minor differences observed in Indian, Asian andPakistani skulls as well as some anatomical differences by sex. A better understanding of MOF plays an important role in anatomy, anthropology, ophthalmology, traumatology, medical imaging, surgery and human identification.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Meningeal Arteries/anatomy & histology , Ophthalmic Artery/anatomy & histology , Orbit/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate intraocular pressure (IOP) and extraocular orbital vessels with color Doppler ultrasound (CDU) and investigate the effects of obesity on retrobulbar blood flow. Methods: Fifty-nine patients were included in this prospective study. Patients were divided into two groups according to body mass index: Group 1 (31 obese patients) and Group 2 (28 non-obese patients). IOP was measured with a Goldmann applanation tonometer, and CDU was used to evaluate the retrobulbar vessels. Results: The mean IOP was 18 ± 6.68 mmHg in the obese group and 13.71 ± 1.60 mmHg in the control group (p<0.001). When the CDU values for the central retinal artery were compared between the groups, the pulsatility index was found to be significantly lower in the obese group than in the control group (p<0.001). When the CDU values for the ophthalmic artery (OA) were compared between the groups, the peak systolic velocity (p<0.001) and end-diastolic velocity (p=0.002) values were found to be significantly lower in the obese group than in the control group. Conclusions: Obese patients have a higher mean IOP and lower flow velocity than non-obese patients. Increased IOP together with decreased retrobulbar blood flow, particularly in obese individuals, may increase the risk of glaucoma development.
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a pressão intraocular (PIO) e vasos orbitários extraoculares com ultrassom Doppler colorido (UDC) e investigar os efeitos da obesidade sobre o fluxo sanguíneo retrobulbar. Métodos: Cinquenta e nove pacientes foram incluídos neste estudo prospectivo. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos de acordo com o índice de massa corpo ral (IMC): Grupo 1 (31 pacientes obesos) e Grupo 2 (28 não obesos). As pressões intraoculares (PIOs) foram medidas com tonômetro de aplanação de Goldmann e o UDC foi utilizada para a avaliação de vasos retrobulbar. Resultados: As PIOs foram 18 ± 6,68 mmHg nos pacientes obesos e 13,71 ± 1,60 mmHg nos grupos controle (p<00,001). Quando os valores da artéria central da retina (ACR) foram comparados entre os grupos controle e obeso. O índice pulsátil (PI) foi marcadamente menor no grupo obeso (p<00,001). Quando os valores da artéria oftálmica (AO) dos grupos obesos e de controle foram comparados. Os valores de Velocidade do pico sistólico (PSV) (p<00,001) e velocidade diastólica final (EDV) (p=00,002) foram significativamente mais baixos no grupo obeso. Conclusão: Pacientes obesos têm maior PIO do que os pacientes não obesos. Os pacientes obesos têm diminuição nas velocidades de fluxo da AO. O aumento da PIO. Juntamente com a diminuição do fluxo sanguíneo retrobulbar, especialmente em indivíduos obesos, pode aumentar o risco de desenvolvimento de glaucoma.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Ophthalmic Artery/physiopathology , Regional Blood Flow/physiology , Retinal Artery/physiopathology , Intraocular Pressure/physiology , Obesity/physiopathology , Ophthalmic Artery/diagnostic imaging , Reference Values , Retinal Artery/diagnostic imaging , Tonometry, Ocular , Body Mass Index , Case-Control Studies , Sex Factors , Glaucoma/etiology , Prospective Studies , Risk Factors , Age Factors , Ultrasonography, Doppler, Color , Statistics, Nonparametric , Eye/blood supply , Hemodynamics/physiologyABSTRACT
PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of cilostazol on ocular hemodynamics and to determine whether the administration of cilostazol increases the ocular blood flow in patients with diabetic retinopathy. METHODS: This prospective observational study investigated the effect of orally administered cilostazol on diabetic retinopathy. Before and after administration for 1 week, pulsatile ocular blood flow (POBF) and retrobulbar hemodynamics were measured using a POBF analyzer and transcranial Doppler imaging, respectively. Visual acuity, intraocular pressure, and blood pressure were also evaluated before and after treatment. RESULTS: Twenty-five eyes of 25 patients were included in this study. POBF increased significantly (16.8 ± 4.6 µL/sec vs. 19.6 ± 6.2 µL/sec, p < 0.001) after administration of cilostazol, while no significant change was identified in visual acuity, intraocular pressure, and blood pressure. Mean flow velocity in the ophthalmic artery as measured with transcranial Doppler imaging also increased significantly after medication (23.5 ± 5.6 cm/sec vs. 26.0 ± 6.9 cm/sec, p = 0.001). The change in POBF directly correlated with the change in mean flow velocity (r = 0.419, p = 0.007). CONCLUSIONS: Cilostazol was effective in increasing ocular blood flow in patients with diabetic retinopathy, possibly by modulating retrobulbar circulation.
Humans , Administration, Oral , Blood Flow Velocity , Blood Pressure , Diabetic Retinopathy , Hemodynamics , Intraocular Pressure , Observational Study , Ophthalmic Artery , Prospective Studies , Pulsatile Flow , Visual AcuityABSTRACT
PURPOSE: We report the case of a patient diagnosed with central retinal artery occlusion caused by cardiac myxoma who underwent surgery to remove the myxoma. CASE SUMMARY: A 47-year-old woman came to our clinic presenting with a sudden decrease of visual acuity in the left eye. At the first visit, left eye visual acuity was hand motion, and intraocular pressure was 15.4 mmHg. A relative afferent pupillary defect was observed in the left eye. On fundus examination, a pale retina and cherry-red spot were observed at the posterior pole. On optical coherence tomography, macular edema was found. On fluorescein angiography and indocyanine green angiography, delayed blood circulation of the retina and choroid was found at early and late stages. Cerebral angiography was performed in the neurosurgery department and showed no occlusion of the ophthalmic artery. Cardiac ultrasonography and brain magnetic resonance imaging were performed. On cardiac ultrasonography, 4.46 × 2.09 cm cardiac myxoma was found. Resection of the cardiac myxoma was conducted in the thoracic and cardiovascular surgery department. Multiple cerebral infarcts were detected by brain imaging, and antithrombotic treatment was administered. After one month, blood circulation in the retina and choroid was observed in fluorescence angiography, but there was no improvement of visual acuity. At the 3-month follow-up visit, macular edema was decreased, but retinal atrophy and epiretinal membrane were observed on optical coherence tomography. CONCLUSIONS: Central retinal artery occlusion is a disease related to one's general condition. We experienced this case of central retinal artery occlusion caused by cardiac myxoma.
Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Angiography , Atrophy , Blood Circulation , Brain , Cerebral Angiography , Choroid , Epiretinal Membrane , Fluorescein Angiography , Follow-Up Studies , Hand , Indocyanine Green , Intraocular Pressure , Macular Edema , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Myxoma , Neuroimaging , Neurosurgery , Ophthalmic Artery , Pupil Disorders , Retina , Retinal Artery Occlusion , Retinal Artery , Retinaldehyde , Tomography, Optical Coherence , Ultrasonography , Visual AcuityABSTRACT
No abstract available.
Epinephrine , Injections, Subcutaneous , Lidocaine , Ophthalmic ArteryABSTRACT
Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas y el resultado visual de un grupo de pacientes con complicaciones de procedimientos estéticos faciales que acudieron a consulta a la clínica de oftalmología de Cali. Diseño y Métodos: Estudio observacional descriptivo serie de casos. Resultados: Nueve casos, seis mujeres y tres hombres con edad media de 45 años (R: 25-65 años). Seis pacientes con complicaciones vasculares de rellenos faciales. Una obstrucción de la arteria oftálmica, dos de arteria central de la retina y tres de rama arterial. Tres casos de trauma penetrante con aguja durante anestesia para tatuaje palpebral con agudeza visual de PL, CD y NPL y diagnóstico de endoftalmitis, hemorragia vítrea y atrofia óptica, respectivamente, los dos primeros fueron tratados con cirugía. Todos los procedimientos fueron realizados por cosmetólogas. A excepción de un caso, todos tuvieron agudeza visual peor de 20/400 al final del seguimiento. Tres casos fueron NPL. Conclusiones: La pérdida de la visión severa e irreversible es una complicación rara pero devastadora de procedimientos estéticos faciales. Visiones finales peores de 20/400 ocurrieron en 88 % del total de los casos y 33.3% quedan NPL. Debido a que no existe tratamiento efectivo para el embolismo por sustancias diferentes al ácido hialurónico, la principal medida es la prevención.
Objective: To describe the clinical characteristics and visual outcome of a group of patients with complications of facial aesthetic procedures who came to the Cali ophthalmology clinic. Design and Methods: Observational study descriptive series of cases. Results: Nine cases, six women and three men with mean age of 45 years (range: 25-65 years). Six patients with vascular complications of facial fi llings. One of them presented occlusion of the ophthalmic artery, two have occlusion of central artery of the retina and three have occlusion of arterial branch. Three cases of penetrating trauma with a needle during anesthesia for palpebral tattoo with visual acuity of LP, CF and NLP and diagnosis of endophthalmitis, vitreous hemorrhage and optic atrophy respectively, the first two were treated with surgery. Cosmetologists performed all procedures. With the exception of one case, all of the patients had visual acuity worse than 20/400 at the end of follow-up. Three cases were NLP. Conclusions: Severe and irreversible loss of vision is a rare but devastating complication of facial aesthetic procedures. Final worst visions of 20/400 occur in 88% of the total cases and 33.3% are NLPs. Because there is no effective treatment for embolism by substances other than hyaluronic acid, the main measure is prevention.
Humans , Eye Injuries , Connective Tissue , Ophthalmic Artery , Surgery, PlasticABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Paraclinoid aneurysms are lesions located adjacent to the clinoid and ophthalmic segments of the internal carotid artery. In recent years, flow diverter stents have been introduced as a better endovascular technique for treatment of these aneurysms. Method From 2009 to 2014, a total of 43 paraclinoid aneurysms in 43 patients were surgically clipped. We retrospectively reviewed the records of these patients to analyze clinical outcomes. Results Twenty-six aneurysms (60.5%) were ophthalmic artery aneurysms, while 17 were superior hypophyseal artery aneurysms (39.5%). The extradural approach to the clinoid process was used to clip these aneurysms. One hundred percent of aneurysms were clipped (complete exclusion in 100% on follow-up angiography). The length of follow-up ranged from 1 to 60 months (mean, 29.82 months). Conclusion Surgical clipping continues to be a good option for the treatment of paraclinoid aneurysms.
RESUMO Aneurismas paraclinóideos são lesões localizadas adjacentes aos segmentos clinóideos e oftálmicos da artéria carótia interna. Os stents desviadores de fluxo tem sido crescentemente aplicados com sucesso. Métodos De 2009 a 2014, um total de 43 aneurismas paraclinóideos foram clipados em 43 pacientes. Analisamos retrospectivamente os dados dos pacientes e desfechos clínicos. Resultados Vinte seis aneurismas (60,5%) foram de artéria oftálmica e 17 de artéria hipofisária superior (39,5%). O acesso extradural à clinóide foi utilizado para todos aneurismas. Cem por cento dos aneurismas foram clipados com oclusão de 100% na angiografia controle. O tempo de follow-up oscilou de 1 a 60 meses, com media de 29 meses. Conclusão A clipagem cirúrgica é uma opção boa e segura para o tratamento de aneurismas paraclinóideos.