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J. nurs. health ; 14(2): 1425597, jun. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1560815


Objetivo:validar vídeos educativospara os profissionais de Enfermagem sobre avaliação e manejo da dor em adultos, assim como risco de adição por opioides. Método:estudo metodológico, realizado nos anos de 2020 e 2021, agregando as técnicas de designinstrucional e validação de conteúdo por especialistas e usuários, com avaliação por meio do Índice de Validade de Conteúdo Total, considerando válido valor igual ou superior a 0,78. Resultados:o vídeo 1 foi 'Avaliação da dor' e o vídeo 2 'Tratamento da dor e prevenção da adição a opioides', com índices dos especialistas de 0,89 e 0,97, e dos usuários de 0,95 e 0,98, respectivamente. Conclusão:os vídeos educativos produzidos e validados neste estudo são uma estratégia para a qualificação dos profissionais da enfermagem, propiciando conhecimento e aprimorando as habilidades técnicas, buscando melhoria na qualidade assistencial

Objective:to validate educational videos for Nursing professionals on the assessment and management of pain in adults, as well as the risk of opioid addiction. Method:methodological study, carried out in 2020 and 2021, combining instructional design and content validation techniques by experts and users, with evaluation using the Total Content Validity Index, considering a valid value equal to or greater than 0.78. Results:video 1 was 'Pain assessment' and video 2 'Pain treatment and prevention of opioid addiction', with experts' index of 0.89 and 0.97, and users' index of 0.95 and 0.98, respectively. Conclusion:the educational videos produced and validated in this study are a strategy for qualifying nursing professionals, providing knowledge and improving technical skills, seeking to improve the quality of care.

Objetivo:validar videos educativos para profesionales de Enfermería sobre la evaluación y manejo del dolor en adultos, así como el riesgo de adicción a opioides.Método: estudio metodológico, realizado en 2020 y 2021, combinando técnicas de diseño instruccional y validación de contenidos por expertos y usuarios, con evaluación mediante el Índice de Validez Total de Contenido, considerando un valor válido igual o mayor a 0,78.Resultados: el video 1 fue 'Evaluación del dolor' y el video 2 'Tratamiento del dolor y prevención de la adicción a opioides', con índices de expertos de 0,89 y 0,97, y de usuarios de 0,95 y 0,98, respectivamente.Conclusión: los videos educativos producidos y validados en este estudio son una estrategia para capacitar a los profesionales de enfermería, brindando conocimientos y mejorando habilidades técnicas, buscando mejorar la calidad de la atención

Educational Technology , Education, Nursing , Pain Management , Opioid-Related Disorders , Nurse Practitioners
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 86(1): 20-26, Jan.-Feb. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403478


ABSTRACT Purpose: This study aimed to examine optical coherence tomography findings in patients with opiate use disorder by comparing them with healthy controls. Methods: The study included 30 opiate use disorder patients and 30 controls. The participants' detailed biomicroscopic examinations, visual acuity, intraocular pressure, and both eye examinations were evaluated. A total of 120 eyes were evaluated using optical coherence tomography, measuring the central macular thickness, mean macular thickness, mean macular volume and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness. Moreover, all participants filled in the demographic data form and Barratt Impulsiveness Scale. Results: Upon examination of the optical coherence tomography findings, central macular thickness, mean macular thickness, and mean macular volume were thinner in both eyes in patients with opiate use disorder (p<0.01 in all measurements in both eyes). Similarly, the total values of the superior quadrant and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness were statistically significant in both eyes compared to that in the control group (p=0.007, p=0.002; p=0.049, p=0.007, in the right and left eyes, respectively). Only the left eye was positively correlated with retinal nerve fiber layer superior quadrant measurement and hospitalization (r=0.380, p=0.039). Conclusion: Our results revealed that the patients' central macular thickness, mean macular thickness, and mean macular volume values were thinner. Increase in the retinal nerve fiber layer thickness superior quadrant thickness and total value was also observed. Further studies with larger sampling groups that evaluate neuroimaging findings should be conducted.

RESUMO Objetivo: O objetivo foi investigar foi, os achados da tomografia de coerência óptica em pacientes com transtorno do uso de opiáceos, comparando-os com controles saudáveis. Métodos: O estudo incluiu 30 pacientes com transtorno do uso de opiáceos e 30 controles. Os exames biomicroscópicos detalhados de todos os participantes, acuidade visual, pressão intraocular e ambos os exames oculares foram avaliados com tomografia de coerência óptica. Um total de 120 olhos foram avaliados usando tomografia de coerência óptica, e a espessura macular central, espessura macular média, volume macular médio e a espessura da camada de fibra nervosa da retina dos participantes foram medidos. Além disso, todos os participantes preencheram o Formulário de Dados Demográficos e a Escala de Impulsividade Barratt (BIS-11). Resultados: Quando os achados de tomografia de coerência óptica foram examinados, espessura macular central, espessura macular média e volume macular médio eram mais finos de acordo com controles saudáveis em ambos os olhos em pacientes com transtorno do uso de opiáceos (p<0,01 em todas as medições em ambos os olhos). Da mesma forma, os valores totais do quadrante superior e espessura da camada de fibra nervosa da retina estavam mais em níveis estatisticamente significativos em ambos os olhos em comparação com o grupo controle (p=0,007, p=0,002; p=0,049, p=0,007, no olho direito e esquerdo, respectivamente). Estar internado em hospital e apenas a medida do quadrante superior da espessura da camada de fibra nervosa da retina do olho esquerdo associou-se positivamente (r=0,380, p=0,039). Conclusão: Em nossos resultados, descobrimos que os valores de espessura macular central, espessura macular média e volume macular médio dos pacientes eram mais finos. Verificamos também espessamento no quadrante superior e valor total da espessura da camada de fibra nervosa da retina. Nosso estudo deve ser apoiado por novos estudos com grupos de amostragem maiores, nos quais os achados de neuroimagem são avaliados.

Humans , Tomography, Optical Coherence , Opiate Alkaloids , Eye , Opioid-Related Disorders , Visual Acuity , Case-Control Studies , Eye/diagnostic imaging , Intraocular Pressure , Opioid-Related Disorders/pathology , Opioid-Related Disorders/diagnostic imaging
Salud(i)ciencia (Impresa) ; 25(4): 243-248, 2023. il./fot.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437067


Los países o territorios que legalizaron la marihuana o consideran hacerlo tienen que prevenir el aumento de las sobredosis por drogas; los resultados que ofrecen las experiencias de Estados Unidos -promocionadas con dudoso respaldo científico- se confirmaron equivocados. Las tendencias de mortalidad por opioides en los Estados Unidos, líder mundial tanto en mortalidad por opioides como en trastorno por consumo de cannabis, no acompaña la hipótesis que propone la disponibilidad de marihuana para reducir la mortalidad por opioides. Durante la última década, las tendencias de mortalidad por opioides del país en las jurisdicciones que legalizan y no legalizan la marihuana, sugieren lo contrario. Las personas de raza negra no hispanas y los hispanos en particular, necesitan ayuda para revertir las tendencias que pudieron facilitarse por la legalización de la marihuana.

Medical Marijuana , Palliative Care , Cannabis , Marijuana Use , Analgesics, Opioid , Opioid-Related Disorders
Mental ( Barbacena, Online) ; 14(26): 1-13, Jul/Dez 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451477


O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar a análise documental sobre a formação e a educação continuada e permanente de profissionais de saúde que atuam em Centros de Atenção Psicossocial - Álcool e Drogas. Trata-se de uma pesquisa com estratégias metodológicas mistas: a) análise de documentos governamentais sobre o ensino superior e a aprendizagem em serviço; b) entrevistas semiestruturadas com os profissionais; análise de conteúdos e triangulação dos dados. Entre os resultados identificaram-se alguns avanços no ensino superior em saúde e na educação permanente como as políticas setoriais. Concluiu-se que ainda é baixo o incentivo à educação continuada e permanente nos serviços e na efetividade do cuidado, causados pelas fragilidades da formação e ao reduzido investimento econômico nos serviços, dificultando a inclusão de tecnologias inovadoras necessárias ao implemento da política de saúde mental.

The objective of this study is to reflect on the higher education in health of the psychosocial model and the competences of professionals in the Psychosocial Care Centers for Alcohol and Drugs. The method was qualitative, through the theoretical study of government documents on higher education and in-service learning and empirical with interviews with professionals. Analyzed the contents and triangulated the results. Results show advances in higher education in health and permanent education through sectoral policies. However, the incentive in the reality of services and consequences in the effectiveness of care is still low. Weaknesses in training and service scenario make it difficult to include innovative technologies corresponding to mental health policy.

Opioid-Related Disorders
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1396550


Background: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has highlighted the scope of heroin dependence and need for evidence-based treatment amongst marginalised people in South Africa. Acute opioid withdrawal management without maintenance therapy carries risks of increased morbidity and mortality. Due to the high costs of methadone, Tshwane's Community Oriented Substance Use Programme (COSUP) used tramadol for opioid withdrawal management during the initial COVID-19 response. Aim: To describe demographics, route of heroin administration and medication-related experiences amongst people accessing tramadol for treatment of opioid withdrawal.Setting: Three community-based COSUP sites in Mamelodi (Tshwane, South Africa). Methods: A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted. Data were collected using an interviewer-administered paper-based tool between April and August 2020. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse data. Results: Of the 220 service users initiated onto tramadol, almost half (n = 104, 47%) were not contactable. Fifty-eight (26%) people participated, amongst whom most were male (n = 55, 95%). Participants' median age was 32 years. Most participants injected heroin (n = 36, 62.1%). Most participants experienced at least one side effect (n = 47, 81%) with 37 (64%) experiencing two or more side effects from tramadol. Insomnia occurred most frequently (n = 26, 45%). One person without a history of seizures experienced a seizure. Opioid withdrawal symptoms were experienced by 54 participants (93%) whilst taking tramadol. Over half (n = 38, 66%) reported using less heroin whilst on tramadol. Conclusion: Tramadol reduced heroin use but was associated with withdrawal symptoms and unfavourable side effects. Findings point to the limitations of tramadol as opioid withdrawal management to retain people in care and the importance of access to first-line opioid agonists.

Humans , Male , Female , Tramadol , Therapeutic Uses , COVID-19 , Opioid-Related Disorders , Signs and Symptoms , Analgesics, Opioid
Ibom Medical Journal15 ; 15(3): 197-208, 2022. tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1398621


Background: Opioid dependence is a conundrum that significantly contributes to global mortality, crimes, and transmission of diseases such as hepatitis (B and C), human immunodeficiency virus and perhaps, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). There are contradictory findings on the efficacy of psychosocially-assisted pharmacological treatment of opioid dependence in adults. Objective: The overall objective of this research is to investigate if psychosocially-assisted pharmacological therapy has significantly better effect than pharmacological therapy with regards treatment outcomes of opioid dependent adults. Methods: All methods employed in this study are in conformity with the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis (PRISMA) framework for systematic review which involve identification, screening, eligibility and inclusion. This systematic review involved PubMed literature search on randomized controlled trials published between 1st January 2015 to 1st October 2021. Results: PubMed search yielded 5,216 articles which were screened using inclusion and exclusion criteria resulting in 19 articled being retained for data extraction. Of the 19 articles used in this study, 13 (68.4%) articles having a combined sample size of 1,928 (60.6%) showed that addition of psychosocial intervention to pharmacotherapy significantly improved abstinence from opioid abuse. Conclusion: The outcome of evaluation of the overall evidences presented in the 19 articles used in this study is that psychosocially-assisted pharmacological therapy is significantly better than pharmacological treatment with respect to enhancement of abstinence from opioid abuse among opioid-dependent adults. Additionally, this study has provided specific combinations of psychosocial and pharmacological treatment that can produce significant beneficial effect on opioid abstinence. The huge downturn in randomized controlled trials on treatment of opioid dependence among adults has been highlighted in this study.

Humans , Pharmacological Phenomena , Opioid-Related Disorders , Therapeutics , Adult , Psychosocial Intervention
SMAD, Rev. eletrônica saúde mental alcool drog ; 17(3): 88-100, jul.-set. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1347832


OBJETIVO: descrever as principais estratégias para abordar lacunas na identificação, tratamento e treinamento sobre saúde mental, transtorno do uso de substâncias (TUS) e transtorno do uso de opioides (TUO). MÉTODO: trata-se de uma revisão narrativa, a partir de artigos recentes e de publicações de instituições que abordam a temática da saúde mental e da dependência química reconhecidas internacionalmente. RESULTADOS: a prevalência de uso concomitante de substâncias e transtornos psiquiátricos/de saúde mental tem sido elevada e continua crescente, compondo problemas complexos que implicam em desafios de tratamento multifacetados, incluindo condições médicas, deficiências, falta de moradia, abandono de medicamentos e altas taxas de recaída. O tratamento de TUS's e TUO's são questões individualmente complexas. A combinação dos dois transtornos requer uma abordagem de diagnóstico e tratamento dedicada e multifacetada. CONCLUSÃO: como a prevalência de TUO's, TUS's e COD's continua a aumentar, enfermeiros e profissionais de saúde devem estar preparados para diagnosticar, tratar e/ou encaminhar os usuários para garantir o cuidado adequado e a recuperação a longo prazo dos indivíduos acometidos.

OBJECTIVE: to describe the main strategies to deal with gaps in the identification, treatment and training regarding substance use disorder (SUD), and opioid uses disorder (OUD). METHOD: this is a narrative review, based on recent articles and publications on mental health and substance use recognized internationally. RESULTS: a prevalence of co-occurring substance use and mental health/psychiatric disorders continue to rise and are considered complex problems, with multifaceted treatment challenges including medical conditions, disabilities, homelessness, medication noncompliance, and high relapse rates. The treatment for SUD and OUD are complex. The co-occurrence of these two disorders require a multifaceted approach for the diagnosis and treatment. CONCLUSION: the prevalence of SUD, OUD and their co-occurrence continue to rise and nurses and other health professionals should be prepared to diagnose, treat and/or refer users to assure their adequate care and long term recovery.

OBJETIVO: describir las principales estrategias para abordar las brechas en la identificación, tratamiento y capacitación en salud mental, trastorno por uso de sustancias (TUS) y trastorno por uso de opioides (TUO). MÉTODO: se trata de una revisión narrativa, basada en artículos y publicaciones recientes de instituciones reconocidas internacionalmente que abordan el tema de la salud mental y la dependencia química. RESULTADOS: la prevalencia del uso concomitante de sustancias y trastornos psiquiátricos/de salud mental ha sido alta y continúa creciente, lo que agrava problemas complejos que implican desafíos de tratamiento multifacéticos, que incluyen afecciones médicas, discapacidades, falta de vivienda, abandono del uso de medicaciones y elevadas tasas de recaída. El tratamiento de los TUS y TUO son problemas individualmente complejo. Una combinación de los dos requiere un enfoque de diagnóstico y tratamiento dedicado y multifacético. CONCLUSIÓN: como la prevalencia de TUO, TUS y COD sigue aumentando, las enfermeras y los profesionales de la salud deben estar preparados para diagnosticar, tratar y / o encaminar para garantizar la atención adecuada y la recuperación a largo plazo de las personas afectadas.

Mental Health , Health Personnel , Substance-Related Disorders , Opioid-Related Disorders
Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 43(2): 138-146, Mar.-Apr. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285540


Opioid use has reached an epidemic proportion in Canada and the United States that is mostly attributed to excess availability of prescribed opioids for pain. This excess in opioid use led to an increase in the prevalence of opioid use disorder (OUD) requiring treatment. The most common treatment recommendations include medication-assisted treatment (MAT) combined with psychosocial interventions. Clinical trials investigating the effectiveness of MAT, however, have a limited focus on effectiveness measures that overlook patient-important outcomes. Despite MAT, patients with OUD continue to suffer negative consequences of opioid use. Patient goals and personalized medicine are overlooked in clinical trials and guidelines, thus missing an opportunity to improve prognosis of OUD by considering precision medicine in addiction trials. In this mixed-methods study, patients with OUD receiving MAT (n=2,031, mean age 39.1 years [SD 10.7], 44% female) were interviewed to identify patient goals for MAT. The most frequently reported patient-important outcomes were to stop treatment (39%) and to avoid all drugs (25%). These results are inconsistent with treatment recommendations and trial outcome measures. We discuss theses inconsistencies and make recommendations to incorporate these outcomes to achieve patient-centered and personalized treatment strategies.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Behavior, Addictive , Opioid-Related Disorders/drug therapy , United States , Precision Medicine , Opiate Substitution Treatment , Analgesics, Opioid/adverse effects
Acta Physiologica Sinica ; (6): 255-261, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-827061


Preclinical studies suggest that the GABA receptor is a potential target for treatment of substance use disorders. Baclofen (BLF), a prototypical GABA receptor agonist, is the only specific GABA receptor agonist available for application in clinical addiction treatment. The nucleus accumbens shell (AcbSh) is a key node in the circuit that controls reward-directed behavior. However, the relationship between GABA receptors in the AcbSh and memory reconsolidation was unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of intra-AcbSh injection of BLF on the reconsolidation of morphine reward memory. Male C57BL/6J mice were used to establish morphine conditioned place preference (CPP) model and carry out morphine reward memory retrieval and activation experiment. The effects of intra-AcbSh injection of BLF on morphine-induced CPP, reinstatement of CPP and locomotor activity were observed after environmental cues activating morphine reward memory. The results showed that intra-AcbSh injection of BLF (0.06 nmol/0.2 μL/side or 0.12 nmol/0.2 μL/side), rather than vehicle or BLF (0.01 nmol/0.2 μL/side), following morphine reward memory retrieval abolished morphine-induced CPP by disrupting its reconsolidation in mice. Moreover, this effect persisted for more than 14 days, which was not reversed by a morphine priming injection. Furthermore, intra-AcbSh injection of BLF without morphine reward memory retrieval had no effect on morphine-associated reward memory. Interestingly, administration of BLF into the AcbSh had no effect on the locomotor activity of mice during testing phase. Based on these results, we concluded that intra-AcbSh injection of BLF following morphine reward memory could erase morphine-induced CPP by disrupting its reconsolidation. Activating GABA receptor in AcbSh during drug memory reconsolidation may be a potential approach to prevent drug relapse.

Animals , Male , Mice , Baclofen , Conditioning, Classical , GABA-B Receptor Agonists , Locomotion , Memory , Mice, Inbred C57BL , Morphine , Nucleus Accumbens , Opioid-Related Disorders , Reward
Clinics ; 75: e1554, 2020.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089608


Opioids are the main group of pharmacological agents used during the perioperative period and provide a sedative and analgesic component. The observations of opioid consumption in West Europe indicate that this group of drugs is widely used in chronic noncancer pain therapy. Nearly 20 years ago, the first publications indicating that opioids, as an element of perioperative pharmacotherapy in oncologic patients, increase the risk of tumor recurrence and affect further prognosis were presented. The actual publications suggest that there are multifactorial, complex mechanisms underlying the immunological impact and carcinogenesis promotion of opioids and that the intensity varies depending on the type of opioid. There are also questions about the immunosuppressive effects among patients receiving opioids in the treatment of chronic noncancer pain. The aim of the review article is to present information about the action of opioids on the immune system in carcinogenic settings and to define the clinical usefulness of this pharmacological phenomenon.

Humans , Male , Female , Chronic Pain/drug therapy , Carcinogenesis , Analgesics, Opioid/adverse effects , Pituitary-Adrenal System/drug effects , Retrospective Studies , Drug Tolerance , Analgesics, Opioid/therapeutic use , Hypothalamo-Hypophyseal System/drug effects , Opioid-Related Disorders
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; 34(4): 444-450, July-Aug. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1020503


Abstract Objectives: Postoperative arrhythmia is an important complication of coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgeries among patients. It seems that opioid usage is implicated in the pathogenesis of this condition due to its impacts on different organ systems, such as the autonomic nervous system. The present study was performed to investigate the effect of opium use on postoperative arrhythmia in patients undergoing CABG surgery. Methods: Study participants were selected via convenience sampling from patients undergoing CABG surgery in a referral hospital. Study variables, including use of inotropic drugs, vital signs monitoring parameters and postoperative arrhythmia were observed and recorded at baseline and at follow-up time after surgery. Results: Sixty-five (14.8%) patients had postoperative arrhythmia, and 104 participants were addicted. Prevalence of postoperative arrhythmia was the same among addict and non-addict patients. According to the regression analysis model, only serum level of epinephrine in operating room, heart rate and central venous pressure at baseline and 48 hours after operation are known as independent predictors of postoperative arrhythmia among study population. Conclusion: This study showed that although opium addiction increased postoperative arrhythmia among patients undergoing CABG surgery, this difference was not significant, and this association is probably mediated by other study variables.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Arrhythmias, Cardiac/etiology , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Coronary Artery Disease/surgery , Cardiopulmonary Bypass/adverse effects , Coronary Artery Bypass/adverse effects , Opioid-Related Disorders/complications , Arrhythmias, Cardiac/epidemiology , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Blood Pressure , Epinephrine/adverse effects , Central Venous Pressure , Heart Rate , Intensive Care Units
Neuroscience Bulletin ; (6): 486-496, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-775423


MicroRNA-132 (miR-132), a small RNA that regulates gene expression, is known to promote neurogenesis in the embryonic nervous system and adult brain. Although exposure to psychoactive substances can increase miR-132 expression in cultured neural stem cells (NSCs) and the adult brain of rodents, little is known about its role in opioid addiction. So, we set out to determine the effect of miR-132 on differentiation of the NSCs and whether this effect is involved in opioid addiction using the rat morphine self-administration (MSA) model. We found that miR-132 overexpression enhanced the differentiation of NSCs in vivo and in vitro. Similarly, specific overexpression of miR-132 in NSCs of the adult hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG) during the acquisition stage of MSA potentiated morphine-seeking behavior. These findings indicate that miR-132 is involved in opioid addiction, probably by promoting the differentiation of NSCs in the adult DG.

Animals , Male , Cell Differentiation , Cell Line, Tumor , Dentate Gyrus , Metabolism , Gene Expression Regulation , MicroRNAs , Metabolism , Neural Stem Cells , Metabolism , Opioid-Related Disorders , Metabolism , Rats, Sprague-Dawley
Psychiatry Investigation ; : 602-606, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-760970


OBJECTIVE: Reaction time is defined as the time from the start of a stimulus to the start of the voluntary movement. Time plays an important role in undertaking daily living activities. Reaction time is an important factor in respect of both quality of life and of capabilities demonstrated in the work environment. Alcohol and some addictive substances have effect on RT. The aim of this study was to compare the visual and auditory reaction times of patients with opioid use disorder with healthy control subjects. METHODS: The study was applied to two groups as the opioid use disorder group and the control group. A Sociodemographic and Clinical Data Form was prepared for each patient including age, gender, marital status and education level. Using a computer program the response to visual screen color change (red/blue) and to an auditory ‘beep’ sound of the computer system were recorded. The Student’s t-test was applied as a statistical method. RESULTS: The results showed longer reaction times in the patients with opioid use disorder. CONCLUSION: To add improving reaction time approaches in opioid use disorder treatment may contribute to treatment by increasing quality of life and work performance.

Humans , Activities of Daily Living , Computer Systems , Drug Users , Education , Heroin Dependence , Marital Status , Methods , Mortuary Practice , Opioid-Related Disorders , Quality of Life , Reaction Time , Work Performance
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-687910


The opioid epidemic has become a signifificant public health crisis in the United States of America. This crisis has elicited a response at high levels of governmental and health care organizations including the American College of Physicians, the Food and Drug Administration, the Joint Commission, the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, the National Association of Attorneys General, and the White House. In various ways, these organizations have recognized that acupuncture can play an important role in dealing with the opioid epidemic. This paper presents and analyzes the scientifific evidence supporting the effificacy of acupuncture in regard to opioid addiction.

Humans , Acupuncture Therapy , Analgesics, Opioid , Clinical Trials as Topic , Epidemics , Opioid-Related Disorders , Epidemiology , Therapeutics
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 194-198, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-737932


Objective: To investigate the association between three single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genes DRD2 (rs1800497, rs6275, and rs1799978) and the dosage used on methadone maintenance treatment (MMT). Methods: From the methadone maintenance treatment centers, 257 MMT patients were recruited to participate in a case-control study and divided into two groups-control groups under low dosage (n=89) and case (n=168) group with high dosage. Quanto software was used to estimate the sample size as 180. Information related to social-demographic status, history on drug use and medication were collected. And DRD2 SNPs were genotyped to explore the relationship between polymorphism of DRD2 gene and the dosage of methadone maintenance treatment. Results: Distributions of DRD2 rs6275 between different groups were significantly different. Patients carrying TC genotype needed lower dose of methadone when compared to the patients that carrying CC genotype counterparts (OR=0.338, 95% CI: 0.115-0.986). Patients that carrying C allele at rs6275 needed lower methadone dose than those that carrying genotype TT (OR=0.352, 95% CI: 0.127-0.975). Distributions of genotypes, alles in the other two SNPs (rs1800497, rs1799978) were not significantly different between groups under different dosages. Conclusion: DRD2 rs6275 was associated with dosage of methadone used for the MMT patients. However, no significant associations were found between rs1800497, rs1799978 and the dosage of methadone.

Humans , Alleles , Case-Control Studies , Drug Dosage Calculations , Genotype , Methadone/therapeutic use , Opiate Substitution Treatment , Opioid-Related Disorders/rehabilitation , Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide/genetics , Receptors, Dopamine D2/genetics
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 1655-1659, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-738203


When facing the worldwide abuse of opioid substance, one of the effective responses is opioid substitution therapy (OST). However, different OST service patterns may affect the therapeutic outcome. Using the System Engineering Initiative for Patient Safety (SEIPS) model, we can analyze the factors that affecting the outcomes of patients from the perspective work system. In this paper, SEIPS model is used to describe the existing OST service model. According to the operation mechanism of the methadone maintenance treatment in China and the existing OST service model, some suggestions are put forward to carry out effective OST service in the country.

Humans , Analgesics, Opioid/adverse effects , China , Delivery of Health Care , Methadone/therapeutic use , Opiate Substitution Treatment , Opioid-Related Disorders/therapy , Treatment Outcome
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-719044


Opioid aberrant behavior is an emerging problem as strong opioid is increasingly used to alleviate cancer pain in patients with cancer. Although the treatment of opioid addiction and physical dependence for non-cancer pain is well known, few studies have been conducted with cancer patients, particularly in the Korean population. Presented here are ten cases of cancer patients who were physically dependent on strong opioid and successfully treated with a partial mu-opioid receptor agonist, buprenorphine. This is the first report showing the efficacy of transdermal buprenorphine as a treatment for physical dependence on opioid medication in cancer patients.

Humans , Analgesics, Opioid , Buprenorphine , Opioid-Related Disorders
SMAD, Rev. eletrônica saúde mental alcool drog ; 14(3): 185-193, jul.-set. 2018. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1020903


OBJETIVO: levantar e analisar as contribuições da literatura relacionadas à temática. MÉTODO: foi realizada uma revisão integrativa, nas bases de dados Lilacs e Pubmed, considerando estudos publicados entre 2006 e 2017, nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol, a partir do cruzamento dos descritores: Redução de Danos; Cocaína; Crack; Gestação. RESULTADOS: as bases de dados exibiram baixa quantidade de estudos, sendo encontradas somente 30 publicações. CONCLUSÃO: a literatura levantada prioriza a análise epidemiológica do fenômeno e as consequências do uso de drogas no concepto, porém pouco explora estratégias de cuidado clínico e psicossocial.

OBJECTIVE: to raise and analyze the literature contributions related to this theme. METHOD: an integrative review was performed in the Lilacs and Pubmed databases, considering studies published between 2006 and 2017, in Portuguese, English and Spanish languages, from the intersection of the descriptors: harm reduction, Cocaine, Crack and Gestation. CONCLUSION: the scientific literature prioritizes the epidemiological analysis of the phenomenon and the consequences of drug use in the concept, but little explores strategies of clinical and psychosocial care.

OBJETIVO: levantar y analizar las contribuciones de la literatura relacionadas con la temática. MÉTODO: se realizó una revisión integrativa, en las bases de datos Lilacs y Pubmed, considerando estudios publicados entre 2006 y 2017, en los idiomas portugués, inglés y español, a partir del cruce de los descriptores: reducción de daños, Cocaína, Crack y Gestación. CONCLUSIÓN: la literatura científica prioriza el análisis epidemiológico del fenómeno y las consecuencias del uso de drogas en el concepto, pero poco explora las estrategias de atención clínica y psicosocial.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Delivery of Health Care , Drug Users , Opioid-Related Disorders