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Arq. bras. neurocir ; 40(3): 277-279, 15/09/2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362157


Sarcoidosis is a systemic disease characterized by granulomatous inflammation. Pulmonary and lymphatic granulomatous involvement are common.We present a rare case report of involvement of the central nervous system affecting the ocular region and mimicking optic nerve sheath meningioma. We report the case of a 79-year-old female patient with progressive visual impairment with an evolution of 4 years. Amagnetic resonance imaging scan of the cranium with gadolinium and intense homogeneous contrast enhancement revealed an expansive lesion in the right optic nerve, at the height of the optic canal. The patient was submitted to the neurosurgical approach with lesion biopsy, which showed sarcoidosis of the central nervous system. Due to the rarity of central nervous system involvement, the diagnosis of this pathologymay unfortunately be postponed. The present article aims to elucidate this pathology as a differential diagnosis of retro-orbital tumors.

Humans , Female , Aged , Sarcoidosis/diagnosis , Optic Nerve Neoplasms/surgery , Meningeal Neoplasms/surgery , Meningioma/surgery , Cranial Fossa, Anterior/surgery , Diagnosis, Differential , Meningeal Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Meningioma/pathology , Meningioma/diagnostic imaging
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 33(2): e855, graf
Article in Spanish | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1139079


RESUMEN Los drusen de nervio óptico fueron descritos por primera vez por Liebreich en el año 1868. Otros términos para designar esta entidad incluyen cuerpos hialinos y cuerpos coloides del disco óptico. Tienen una prevalencia de 1 por 500 y el 60 por ciento de los casos se encuentran profundos en la cabeza del nervio óptico. La patogenia primaria de los drusen puede ser una displasia hereditaria del canal óptico del disco óptico y su vasculatura, lo que predispone a la formación de estos. La evolución natural de los drusen es un proceso dinámico que transcurre durante toda la vida. Entre las complicaciones asociadas se presentan defectos de campo visual, pérdida de visión central (rara pero bien documentada), neuropatía óptica isquémica, oclusiones vasculares retinales, pérdidas transitorias de la visión, neovascularización subretinal peripapilar, corioretinopatia serosa central peripapilar y hemorragias pre y peripapilares. Se presenta una paciente de 64 años de edad con antecedente de haber sido operada de desprendimiento de retina del ojo izquierdo, y en el ojo derecho presentaba una hemorragia peripapilar subretinal profunda asociada a drusen(AU)

ABSTRACT Optic nerve drusens were first described by Liebreich in the year 1868. Other terms to designate this condition are optic disc hyaline bodies and colloid bodies. They have a prevalence of 1 per 500 and 60 percent of the cases occur deep in the optic nerve head. The primary pathogenesis of drusens may be an inherited dysplasia of the optic canal of the disc and its vasculature, which leads to their formation. The natural evolution of drusens is a lifelong dynamic process. Associated complications include visual field defects, central vision loss (rare but well documented), ischemic optic neuropathy, retinal vascular occlusion, transient sight loss, peripapillary subretinal neovascularization, central serous peripapillary chorioretinopathy, and pre- and peripapillary bleeding. A case is reported of a 64-year-old female patient with a history of surgery for retinal detachment of the left eye. In the right eye the patient presented deep peripapillary subretinal bleeding associated to drusen(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Retinal Detachment/etiology , Homeopathic Pathogenesy/epidemiology , Optic Neuropathy, Ischemic/diagnostic imaging , Optic Nerve Neoplasms/epidemiology
Mem. Inst. Invest. Cienc. Salud (Impr.) ; 17(2): 107-111, ago. 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDNPAR | ID: biblio-1008961


Los meningiomas de nervio óptico y de seno cavernoso son patologías poco frecuentes, y hasta el momento no ha habido ningún reporte de que se presenten ambos en un mismo paciente. Cabe resaltar que cuando llega un paciente a consulta diagnosticado con alguna patología, asumimos que este diagnóstico es adecuado y pertinente. Pero en nuestro caso, el paciente presentó signos y síntomas de etiología desconocida que hicieron que se re-evaluarán los diagnósticos oftalmológicos que traía la paciente, encontrando que había sido tratada por un diagnóstico que no le correspondía y a su vez este hallazgo nos ayudó a encontrar la verdadera causa(AU)

Optic nerve and cavernous sinus meningiomas are uncommon pathologies, and so far there have not been previously reported to occur in the same patient. It should be emphasized that when a patient arrives at a doctor's office diagnosed with pathology, we assume that this diagnosis is appropriate and pertinent. But in our case, the patient presented signs and symptoms of unknown etiology that led to a re-evaluation of the previous ophthalmological diagnoses that the patient brought, finding that she had been treated for a diagnosis that did not match with all her clinical sign and symptoms and this helped us to find the real cause(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Cavernous Sinus/pathology , Optic Nerve Neoplasms/diagnosis , Meningioma/diagnosis , Optic Nerve/diagnostic imaging , Cavernous Sinus/diagnostic imaging , Eye Movement Measurements , Fundus Oculi
Rev. chil. neurocir ; 42(2): 133-136, nov. 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-869764


Introducción: Los meningiomas de la vaina del nervio óptico (MVNO) son tumores inusuales de la vía visual anterior. Sin tratamiento, el crecimiento del tumor lleva a pérdida visual progresiva hasta la ceguera debido a la compresión que ejerce sobre el nervio óptico. Presentación del caso: Paciente, sexo femenino, 42 años, sin antecedentes mórbidos, que en 1992, inicia cuadro de disminución de la agudeza visual del ojo izquierdo. La resonancia magnética (RM) cerebral informa una lesión expansiva fusiforme en relación a la vaina del nervio óptico izquierdo que lo engloba, altamente sugerente de MVNO. En esa ocasión se realiza exploración de órbita la cual resulta frustra, por lo que se decide observación con controles clínicos e imagenológicos anuales, permaneciendo estable. Aproximadamente diez años más tarde, en el lapso de un año, inicia agravación progresiva de la agudeza y campo visual, ptosis palpebral y alteraciones de la oculo-motilidad del ojo izquierdo, objetivadas por examen neuro-oftalmológico, por lo que se sospecha progresión de MVNO. Se solicita nueva RM que confirma crecimiento significativo del tumor. Se descarta nuevo abordaje quirúrgico por riesgo de mayor deterioro visual y se efectúa radioterapia conformacional con una dosis de 54 Gy. Actualmente, a la edad de 65 años, se cumplen 24 años de evolución, 13 post radioterapia, confirmándose estabilidad clínica y radiológica de MVNO. Discusión: La radioterapia, cuando se observa progresión de la enfermedad, ha demostrado ser una terapia eficaz para los MVNO, con menos complicaciones y con mejores resultados en la preservación de la función visual a largo plazo.

Introduction: Optic nerve sheath meningiomas (ONSM) are rare tumors of the anterior visual pathway. Without treatment, tumor growth leads to progressive loss of visual acuity and blindness due to optic nerve compression. Case report: Patient, female, 42 years without other morbility , begins in 1992 with decreased visual acuity of the left eye, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed enlargement of the left optic nerve sheath, suggestive of ONSM. On that occasion, orbit exploration failed, so it was decided to follow up with annual clinical and imaging controls. About ten years later, begins with progressive deterioration of visual acuity and visual field , with ptosis and ocular motor palsy of the left eye, confirmed with neuro-ophtalmological examinations. MRI shows tumor progression. A new surgical approach was discarded by the risk of visual worsening. A conformal radiotherapy was performed with a fractionated 54 Gy dose. Today, at age 65, after 24 years of follow up,13 post radiation therapy. clinical and radiological stability of ONSM is confirmed. Discussion: Conformal radiotherapy has been shown as an effective therapy, with fewer complications and better outcomes in the preservation of visual function in the long term follow up.

Humans , Adult , Female , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy/methods , Meningioma/diagnosis , Meningioma/radiotherapy , Optic Nerve Neoplasms , Radiotherapy, Conformal , Radiosurgery/instrumentation , Radiosurgery/methods , Diagnostic Imaging/methods , Visual Acuity
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 74(6): 400-402, nov.-dez. 2015. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-767081


RESUMO O melanocitoma do disco óptico é um tumor benigno, com pouca predisposição a transformação maligna para melanoma. Geralmente é assintomático, contudo deve ser avaliado periodicamente com exames, sendo um deles a campimetria computadorizada que se encontra alterada em 90% dos casos. Relatamos o caso de um homem de 61 anos sem diagnóstico prévio de melanocitoma do disco óptico. Discute-se a importância de um diagnóstico diferencial com melanoma e acompanhamento seriado do paciente.

ABSTRACT The optic disc melanocytoma is a benign tumor, with little predisposition to become a melanoma. It is usually asymptomatic, nonetheless should be evaluated periodically, most often by computerized perimetry, which in 9 out of 10 cases will show some alteration. In the following paper we report the case of 61 years old man without previous diagnosis of optic disc melanocytoma and discuss the importance of melanoma differential diagnosis and monitoring.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Optic Disk/diagnostic imaging , Optic Nerve Neoplasms/diagnosis , Nevus, Pigmented/diagnosis , Optic Disk/pathology , Fluorescein Angiography , Ultrasonography , Tomography, Optical Coherence , Fundus Oculi
Clinics ; 70(12): 797-803, Dec. 2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-769709


OBJECTIVE: To analyze the flow of retrobulbar vessels in retinoblastoma by color Doppler imaging. METHODS: A prospective study of monocular retinoblastoma treated by enucleation between 2010 and 2014. The examination comprised fundoscopy, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasonography and color Doppler imaging. The peak blood velocities in the central retinal artery and central retinal vein of tumor-containing eyes (tuCRAv and tuCRVv, respectively) were assessed. The velocities were compared with those for normal eyes (nlCRAv and nlCRVv) and correlated with clinical and pathological findings. Tumor dimensions in the pathological sections were compared with those in magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasonography and were correlated with tuCRAv and tuCRVv. In tumor-containing eyes, the resistivity index in the central retinal artery and the pulse index in the central retinal vein were studied in relation to all variables. RESULTS: Eighteen patients were included. Comparisons between tuCRAv and nlCRAv and between tuCRVv and nlCRVv revealed higher velocities in tumor-containing eyes (p <0.001 for both), with a greater effect in the central retinal artery than in the central retinal vein (p =0.024). Magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasonography measurements were as reliable as pathology assessments (p =0.675 and p =0.375, respectively). A positive relationship was found between tuCRAv and the tumor volume (p =0.027). The pulse index in the central retinal vein was lower in male patients (p =0.017) and in eyes with optic nerve invasion (p =0.0088). CONCLUSIONS: TuCRAv and tuCRVv are higher in tumor-containing eyes than in normal eyes. Magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasonography measurements are reliable. The tumor volume is correlated with a higher tuCRAv and a reduced pulse in the central retinal vein is correlated with male sex and optic nerve invasion.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Retinal Artery/physiopathology , Retinal Neoplasms/physiopathology , Retinal Vein/physiopathology , Retinoblastoma/physiopathology , Blood Flow Velocity , Eye Enucleation , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Neoplasm Invasiveness/pathology , Neoplasm Invasiveness/physiopathology , Optic Nerve Neoplasms/blood supply , Optic Nerve Neoplasms/pathology , Optic Nerve Neoplasms/physiopathology , Prospective Studies , Risk Factors , Retinal Artery/pathology , Retinal Artery , Retinal Neoplasms/blood supply , Retinal Neoplasms/pathology , Retinal Vein/pathology , Retinal Vein , Retinoblastoma/blood supply , Retinoblastoma/pathology , Statistics, Nonparametric , Tumor Burden , Ultrasonography, Doppler, Color/methods
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 74(4): 248-250, Jul-Aug/2015. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-752076


Meningocele da bainha do nervo óptico é uma condição extremamente rara, com poucos casos relatados na literatura. Exames de imagem revelam alargamento tubular-cístico do nervo óptico, com espessamento do mesmo. Os sintomas são muitas vezes relacionados com o comprometimento do nervo, ocasionando diminuição de lenta a acelerada da acuidade visual. O tratamento cirúrgico precoce por meio da descompressão da bainha do nervo óptico pode proporcionar melhora da função visual. Apresenta-se um caso de paciente com as características clínicas e radiológicas desta condição patológica rara. Paciente masculino, atendido no serviço com queixa de proptose do olho direito (OD) desde nascimento, com progressão nos últimos meses associada à dor. Melhor acuidade visual corrigida de conta dedos a 50 cm do OD. Olho esquerdo sem anormalidades. Ressonância Magnética de OD demonstrou formação expansiva cística de limites definidos em situação intraconal em órbita direita, em íntima relação com nervo óptico, determinando compressão, deformidade e deslocamento anterior do bulbo ocular, além de apresentar sinal semelhante ao líquor em todas as sequências obtidas. Suscitou-se hipótese diagnóstica de meningocele da bainha do nervo óptico direito e o paciente foi encaminhado para cirurgia descompressiva.

Meningocele of the optic nerve sheath is an extremely rare condition with a few cases reported in literature. Image studies reveal tubularcystic enlargement of the optic nerve although with the same thickness. Symptoms are often related to the involvement of the optic nerve, leading from slow to accelerated decreasing of the visual acuity. The early surgical treatment is the decompression of the optic nerve sheath, which it could provide improvement of visual function. We are presenting a case report of a patient who showed clinical and radiological signs of this rare pathological condition. Male patient attended at service complaining of proptosis of right eye (OD) since birth, in progress during the last months associated to stabbing pain. Best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of OD was movements at 50 cm far; OS showed no abnormalities. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of the OD showed expansive formation with cystic aspect, defined boundaries, located in an intraconal situation on the right orbit cavity and in a closing anatomical relationship to the optic nerve, inducing compression, deformity and anterior displacement of this eye besides presenting signal similar to spine liquor in all sequences obtained. The first hypothesis was meningocele of right optic nerve sheath. Then, patient was referred for surgical decompression.

Humans , Male , Adult , Exophthalmos/congenital , Meningocele/diagnosis , Optic Nerve Neoplasms/diagnosis
Chinese Journal of Pediatrics ; (12): 109-113, 2015.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-293860


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To observe the treatment and prognosis of optic nerve invasion in retinoblastoma (RB).</p><p><b>METHOD</b>The children who had been diagnosed with unilateral RB and had received enucleation from January 2006 to December 2013 in our hospital were recruited. Tumor extension into the optic nerve were disclosed. Optic nerve involvement was classified into four grades according to the degree of invasion. Grade I is superficial invasion of the optic nerve head only, grade II is involvement up to and including the lamina cribrosa, grade III is involvement beyond the lamina cribrosa, and grade IV is involvement up to and including the surgical margin. Grade I and II are called invasion of the optic nerve before the sieve plate. Grade III and IV are called invasion of the optic nerve after the sieve plate. Other high-risk factors included extensive invasions of the choroid, sclera, anterior chamber, iris, and ciliary body. They were divided into two groups according to whether the merger of other high histopathologic risk factors. Treatment was delivered accordingly, and the prognosis of different degrees of optic nerve invasion was observed. The subjects were followed up for 6 months to 7 years (average: 43 months).</p><p><b>RESULT</b>There were 465 subjects in this study, including 279 boys and 186 girls. The right eye was affected in 260 patients and the left eye in 205 patients. The average time from onset of symptoms to visit was 2.7 months (range 1 day-24 months). Twenty-five patients died, resulting in an overall survival rate of 94.6%. The mortality rate of patients with optic nerve involvement with grade I was 0.4%, grade II was 1.0%, grade III was 8.7% was and grade IV was 60.9%. Of the 338 with invasion of the optic nerve before the sieve plate, two died of recurrence, with a survival rates of 99.4% (336/338). Of the 127 patients who had invasion of the optic nerve after the sieve plate, twenty-three died of recurrence, with a survival rate of 81.9% (104/127) , the difference was statistically significant (χ² = 52.299, P = 0.000). A total of 379 patients did not have any other merged pathology high-risk factors, 8 died, the mortality rate was 2.1%. Of the 86 patients who had complicated with other high-risk factors, 17 died, the mortality rate was 19.8%, the difference was statistically significant (χ² = 42.955, P = 0.000). Of the 338 patients, 304 had invasion of the optic nerve before the sieve plate had not merged other pathology high-risk factors, none died, of the 34 patients who had complicated with other pathology high-risk factors, 2 had died, the mortality rate was 5.9%, the difference was statistically significant (P = 0.010). Of the 127 patients with invasion of the optic nerve after the sieve plate, 76 had not complicated with other pathological high-risk factors, 9 of whom had died, the mortality rate was 11.8%, 51 had complicated with other pathological high-risk factors, 14 of whom had died, the mortality rate was 27.5%, outcomes did significantly differ between the two subgroups (χ² = 5.014, P = 0.025). Cox multivariate analysis showed that invasion of the retrolaminar optic nerve, surgical margin of the optic nerve and sclera were influential factors of colorectal cancer.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>Patients with optic nerve invasion have an excellent outcome with current therapy. But for those whose resection margin was invaded, which has a high incidence of recurrence, chemotherapy is recommended for patients with postlaminar optic nerve involvement.</p>

Child , Female , Humans , Male , Multivariate Analysis , Neoplasm Invasiveness , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local , Optic Nerve Neoplasms , Pathology , General Surgery , Prognosis , Retinoblastoma , Pathology , General Surgery , Retrospective Studies , Survival Rate
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 77(6): 400-402, Nov-Dec/2014. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-735802


The authors report fundus autofluorescence (FAF) and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (OCT) findings of two consecutive patients who presented with optic disk melanocytoma (ODM). A retrospective study was performed by reviewing medical records and ophthalmic imaging examinations. Optical coherence tomography findings were sloped and brightly reflective anterior tumor surface, adjacent retinal desorganization and abrupt posterior optical shadowing. Vitreous seeds were found in one patient. Fundus autofluorescence revealed outstanding hypoautofluorescence at the tumor area and isoautofluorescence at the remaining retina. Optical coherence tomography findings of the reported cases are consistent with those reported in the reviewed literature. Fundus autofluorescence has been used in the assessment of choroidal melanocytic tumors, but not yet in melanocytomas. We assume that this is the first report of these findings and believe that when its pattern has become clearly defined, fundus autofluorescence will be a useful tool to avoid misdiagnosis in suspicious cases and for follow-up.

Os autores descrevem os achados do exame de autofluorescência do fundo de olho (AF) e da tomografia de coerência óptica (TCO) de domínio-espectral em dois pacientes consecutivos apresentando melanocitoma disco óptico (MDO) em um estudo retrospectivo, por revisão dos prontuários e exames oftalmológicos de imagem. Os achados no exame de tomografia de coerência óptica foram hiperrefletividade e elevação da superfície anterior da lesão, desorganização da retina adjacente, e, sombreamento óptico posterior. Sementes vítreas foram encontrados em um paciente. O exame de autofluorêscencia do fundo de olho revelou hipoautofluorescência marcante na área do tumor e isoautofluorescência nas demais áreas da retina. As características encontradas na tomografia de coerência óptica dos pacientes apresentados são consistentes com os achados relatados na literatura atual. A autofluorêscencia do fundo de olho tem sido utilizada na avaliação de tumores melanocíticos da coroide, mas ainda não em melanocitomas. Acreditamos que este seja a primeira descrição dos achados de autofluorêscencia do fundo de olho em pacientes com melanocitoma de disco óptico e que, quando seu padrão de tornar-se claramente definido, a autofluorêscencia do fundo de olho será uma ferramenta útil para evitar erros de diagnóstico em casos suspeitos.

Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Fluorescein Angiography/methods , Melanoma/diagnosis , Optic Disk , Optic Nerve Neoplasms/diagnosis , Tomography, Optical Coherence/methods , Choroid , Reproducibility of Results , Retina , Retrospective Studies
Rev. argent. radiol ; 76(2): 113-121, jun. 2012. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-740570


Objetivos. Comunicar la correlación clínico-etiológica de diferentes entidades orbitocraneanas que se presentaron inicialmente con síntomas oftalmológicos y establecer su aporte para la elección del estudio ideal de cada caso particular.Materiales y Métodos. Se analizaron retrospectivamente 36 pacientes con patología orbitaria y/o intracraneal. Las consultas fueron realizadas entre julio de 2007 y enero de 2011, y todos los casos fueron evaluados con examen oftalmológico, Campimetría Visual Computarizada, Tomografía Computada Multislice (TCMS), Resonancia Magnética (RM) y, en algunos casos, con un estudio histopatológico. Resultados. El síntoma inicial más frecuente fue la disminución o alteración de la agudeza visual, presente en 22 pacientes (61%). Otros síntomas fueron: diplopía en 9 pacientes (25%), exoftalmos en 2 (5,5%), hematoma orbitario en 2 (5,5%) y leucocoria en 1 (3%). En el grupo de pacientes que consultó por alteración visual, los diagnósticos etiológicos fueron variados e incluyeron:meningiomas esfenoidales (n=4), enfermedad de Devic (n=2), glioma mesencefálico (n=1), gliomas ópticos en NF-1 (n=2), metástasis de carcinoma de mama (n=4), linfoma cerebral (n=2), ACV (n=4), hipofisitis linfocitaria (n=1) y pseudotumor cerebri (n=2).Entre los que originalmente manifestaron diplopía, se destacaron: un tumor de lámina cuadrigémina, un quiste pineal con hidrocefalia aguda, dos aneurismas de arteria comunicante posterior, dos aneurismas de arteria carótida interna intracavernosa (uno de ellos gigante y disecante), un aneurisma ventral de la arteria carótida interna supraclinoidea y dos mucoceles fronto-etmoidales. Llama la atención que dos meningiomas el nervio óptico se presentaran inicialmente con exoftalmos y disminución de la agudeza visual en forma secundaria y que la manifestación inicial en un paciente con síndrome de West fuera leucocoria. Conclusión. El abordaje interdisciplinario y la adecuada recomendación de estudios por imágenes en...

Humans , Orbit/pathology , Orbit , Brain/pathology , Brain , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Optic Nerve Neoplasms/complications , Optic Nerve Neoplasms/diagnosis , Optic Nerve Neoplasms , Neoplasms/pathology , Neoplasms , Eye/pathology , Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-53667


A 13-year-old girl with a right intraorbital optic nerve glioma (ONG) was referred to our glaucoma clinic because of uncontrolled intraocular pressure (IOP) in her right eye. The IOP reached as high as 80 mmHg. Several months earlier, she had undergone stereotactic image-guided robotic radiosurgery using the CyberKnife for her ONG; the mass had become smaller after treatment. Her visual acuity was no light perception. Slit lamp examination revealed rubeosis iridis, a swollen pale optic disc, and vitreous hemorrhage. After medical treatment, the IOP decreased to 34 mmHg, and no pain was reported. Although the mass effect of an ONG can cause neovascular glaucoma (NVG), this case shows that stereotactic radiosurgery may also cause NVG, even after reducing the mass of the tumor. Patients who undergo radiosurgery targeting the periocular area should be followed carefully for complications.

Adolescent , Female , Humans , Diagnosis, Differential , Fluorescein Angiography , Follow-Up Studies , Fundus Oculi , Glaucoma, Neovascular/diagnosis , Glioma/diagnosis , Gonioscopy , Intraocular Pressure , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Optic Nerve Neoplasms/diagnosis , Radiosurgery/adverse effects
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 72(5): 701-705, set.-out. 2009. ilus, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-534196


A tomografia de coerência óptica (OCT) tem se mostrado muito útil na avaliação de pacientes com glaucoma. São relatadas duas pacientes referidas com a suspeita de glaucoma sem hipertensão para avaliação por tomografia de coerência óptica que, na verdade, eram portadoras de tumores intracranianos - um cordoma de clivo no primeiro caso e um craniofaringeoma no segundo. Os achados à tomografia de coerência óptica - diminuição difusa da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas circumdiscais desproporcionalmente acentuada nos setores nasal e temporal - levantaram a suspeita de acometimento na região do quiasma e permitiram o diagnóstico destes importantes tumores intracranianos.

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has proved to be a very valuable tool in the assessment of patients with glaucoma. In this report, intracranial tumors were discovered in two glaucoma suspects referred for diagnostic confirmation by OCT - a clivus chordoma and a craniopharyngeoma. Optical coherence tomography findings - marked asymmetrical diffuse attenuation of the peripapillary nerve fiber layer in nasal and temporal sectors - raised concerns about lesions in chiasmatic region and permitted the timely diagnosis of these intraocular tumors.

Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Optic Chiasm , Ocular Hypertension/diagnosis , Optic Nerve Neoplasms/diagnosis , Pituitary Neoplasms/diagnosis , Chordoma/diagnosis , Craniopharyngioma/diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential , Tomography, Optical Coherence
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 68(4): 237-240, jul.-ago. 2009. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-530972


Relatamos caso de melanocitoma de disco óptico associado à membrana neovascular sub-retiniana. O paciente apresentava diminuição da visão, presença de descolamento seroso de retina, com hemorragia e exsudação e foi encaminhado com o diagnóstico de melanoma de coróide e sugestão de enucleação. São discutidas as principais características dos dois tumores e os detalhes do diagnóstico diferencial.

We report a case of optic disc melonocytoma associated to subretinal neovascular membrane. The patient presented with low visual acuity, serous retinal detachment with haemorrhage and exudates and was referred with the diagnosis of melanoma and an orientation to enucleate the eye. We discuss the major aspects of both tumors and the details of differential diagnostic.

Humans , Male , Adult , Choroidal Neovascularization , Melanoma , Optic Nerve Neoplasms/complications , Optic Nerve Neoplasms , Tomography, Optical Coherence , Vision, Low , Visual Field Tests
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 71(5): 725-728, set.-out. 2008. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-497230


O objetivo é relatar um caso de meningioma da bainha do nervo óptico localizado na região do canal óptico simulando progressão de dano axonal glaucomatoso. Paciente de 60 anos em tratamento para glaucoma primário de ângulo aberto apresentou perda progressiva do campo visual e aumento da escavação do disco óptico à esquerda. Devido à rapidez e à assimetria da progressão do dano axonal, por causa da redução da acuidade visual e do aparente bom controle pressórico uma lesão compressiva do nervo óptico foi suspeitada. A tomografia computadorizada de órbitas foi normal, entretanto a imagem por ressonância magnética evidenciou um meningioma da bainha do nervo óptico na região do canal óptico. Afecções compressivas da via óptica anterior são causas incomuns de escavação do disco óptico, entretanto podem simular uma neuropatia glaucomatosa e devem ser lembradas nos pacientes com suspeita de glaucoma de baixa pressão intra-ocular ou em tratamento para glaucoma que apresentem evolução atípica da perda visual.

To report a case of an optic nerve sheath meningioma located at the optic canal area mimicking the progression of a glaucomatous axonal damage. A 60-year-old female patient developed progressive visual field loss and enlargement of the optic disc cup in the left eye while in treatment for primary open-angle glaucoma. Because of the rapid progression of axonal loss, the asymmetry of the visual field defect and the fact that intraocular pressure had been under control, a compressive optic neuropathy was suspected. A computerized tomography scan of the orbit was normal but a high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated an optic nerve sheath meningioma located at the optic canal area. Compressive lesions of the anterior visual pathways are uncommon causes of optic disc cupping but should be considered in patients suspected of or undergoing treatment for glaucoma that present with atypical progression of visual loss.

Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Glaucoma/diagnosis , Meningeal Neoplasms/diagnosis , Meningioma/diagnosis , Optic Nerve Neoplasms/diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Gac. méd. Caracas ; 116(1): 46-56, mar. 2008. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-630523


San Peregrino Lanziosi es considerado el patrón de los pacientes con cáncer y por extensión, de aquellos con HIV/SIDA. Un episodio revelador tuvo lugar hacia 1325, cuando contaba cerca de sesenta años. Una gangrena dolorosa en su pierna derecha se tornó tan seria que su médico le propuso la amputación. En la noche previa a la cirugía, con gran dificultad Peregrino se arrastró hasta un Cristo crucificado localizado en una pared del cuarto y allí, suplicó a Jesús que le curara. Mientras se encontraba medio dormido vio al Señor tocar su pierna mortificada la cual fue curada instantáneamente y en forma espontánea. Desde la ocurrencia del milagro, aquellos tumores que regresan biológicamente hasta desaparecer, son llamados tumores de San Peregrino. Los gliomas de las vías visuales son tumores multifacéticos. Considerados como gliomas pilocíticos benignos juveniles, en algunos casos pueden mostrar progresión invadiendo estructuras de cercanía y causando pérdida visual. En otros permanecen estables por muchos años, y en una cantidad no determinada, aún exhiben regresión biológica espontánea con mejoría de los síntomas. El fenómeno de la regresión espontánea de tumores benignos y malignos está bien documentada en la literatura y comúnmente se atribuye a la inducción de apoptosis o la activación del sistema inmune. Es de crucial importancia el que este fenómeno sea tomado en consideración siempre que se evalúen los resultados de algún tratamiento (resección quirúrgica, radiación o quimioterapia). Apoyado en una secuencia de neuroimágenes, el autor comunica tres de tales casos, ninguno de ellos era portador de una neurofibromatosis tipo 1 (NF-1)

Saint Pellegrino Lanziosi is considered the patron of patients with cancer, and by extension of those with HIV infection/AIDS. A revealing episode took place around 1325, when he was almost sixty years old. A painful gangrene in his right leg became so serious that the friary physician had to amputate the sore limb. The night before the operation Pellegrino crawled with great difficulty to the large Crucifix located inside his room and there he besought Jesus to heal him. While he was half-asleep, he saw Jesus touching his sore leg and he was instantly and spontaneously healed. Since the occurrence of this miracle, tumors that biologically recede until they disappear are known as Saint Pellegrino tumors. Visual pathway gliomas are multifaceted tumors. Although they are considered as benign juvenile pilocytic gliomas, in some cases they may progress, invading neighboring structures and causing loss of vision. In other cases, they remain stable for years, and may even shrink, showing spontaneous biological regression with improvement of related symptoms. The phenomenon of spontaneous regression of benign and malignant tumors is well documented in the literature and is commonly attributed to the induction of apoptosis or the activation of the immune system. It is crucially important that this phenomenon be taken into consideration whenever the results of therapy (surgical resection, radiation, and chemotherapy) are being evaluated. Supported by a sequence of neuroimages, the author communicates three of these cases. None of them were carriers of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF-1)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Child, Preschool , Child , Visual Acuity/physiology , Cystadenocarcinoma, Serous/surgery , Gangrene/pathology , HIV , Optic Nerve Neoplasms/diagnosis , Neoplasms/pathology , Remission, Spontaneous , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/pathology , Vision, Low/etiology , Exophthalmos/etiology , Retinoblastoma/pathology , Saints/history
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 71(1): 97-100, jan.-fev. 2008. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-480026


A 68-year-old man presented with a history of a right optic glioma. Eighteen months ago he underwent a lateral orbitotomy at another institution for removal of an optic nerve mass. At that time histology revealed that the tumor was an optic nerve glioma with a pilocytic pattern. No further treatment was instituted and one year after surgery he noticed that his right eye was proptotic again. Magnetic resonance imaging of the orbit showed that his right orbit was almost completely filled with a mass which extended through the optic canal to the chiasma. The tumor was excised by a combined neurosurgical and orbital approach. Histology proved that the neoplasm was a low grade pilocytic astrocytoma of the optic nerve.

Paciente masculino de 68 anos com história de orbitotomia lateral para exérese de tumor no nervo óptico 18 meses antes em outro serviço. O exame histológico demonstrou glioma do nervo óptico com padrão pilocítico. Um ano após, observou-se novo episódio de proptose no olho direito. Ressonância nuclear magnética das órbitas mostrou massa preenchendo quase toda a cavidade orbitária direita com extensão pelo canal óptico até o quiasma. Foi realizada exenteração da órbita direita com excisão da porção posterior do tumor via transcraniana pela neurocirurgia e reconstrução orbitária. A histologia confirmou astrocitoma pilocítico de baixo grau do nervo óptico.

Aged , Humans , Male , Astrocytoma/diagnosis , Optic Nerve Neoplasms/diagnosis , Astrocytoma/surgery , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Neoplasm Staging , Optic Nerve Neoplasms/surgery , Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2007 Jan-Feb; 55(1): 71-2
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-69922


A 39-year-old Asian woman, with a known history of breast cancer, presented with a gradual onset of painless reduction in vision in both eyes. Examination revealed visual acuity of counting fingers in the right eye and light perception in the left. There were subretinal lesions in the posterior poles of both eyes and retinal detachment in the left eye. Later she developed left proptosis and restriction in left ocular movement, most likely to be caused by metastatic extraocular spread. She subsequently died from disseminated metastatic disease. Histopathological examination confirmed tumor cells infiltrating the choroids, retina and optic nerve in both eyes. The tumor cells were arranged in lobular fashion and stained positively with Periodic Acid Schiff, suggesting the primary to be lobular adenocarcinoma type. Choroidal metastatic disease is common but bilateral retinal and optic nerve involvement with extraocular spread from breast cancer is rare.

Adult , Breast Neoplasms/pathology , Carcinoma, Lobular/complications , Choroid Neoplasms/complications , Fatal Outcome , Female , Humans , Optic Nerve Neoplasms/complications , Retinal Neoplasms/complications , Vision Disorders/etiology