Abstract Background: Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) can overcome respiratory changes that occur during pneumoperitoneum application in laparoscopic procedures, but it can also increase intracranial pressure. We investigated PEEP vs. no PEEP application on ultrasound measurement of optic nerve sheath diameter (indirect measure of increased intracranial pressure) in laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Methods: Eighty ASA I-II patients aged between 18 and 60 years scheduled for elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy were included. The study was registered in the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials (ACTRN12618000771257). Patients were randomly divided into either Group C (control, PEEP not applied), or Group P (PEEP applied at 10 cmH20). Optic nerve sheath diameter, hemodynamic, and respiratory parameters were recorded at six different time points. Ocular ultrasonography was used to measure optic nerve sheath diameter. Results: Peak pressure (PPeak) values were significantly higher in Group P after application of PEEP (p = 0.012). Mean respiratory rate was higher in Group C at all time points after application of pneumoperitoneum (p < 0.05). The mean values of optic nerve sheath diameters measured at all time points were similar between the groups (p > 0.05). The pulmonary dynamic compliance value was significantly higher in group P as long as PEEP was applied (p = 0.001). Conclusions: During laparoscopic cholecystectomy, application of 10 cmH2O PEEP did not induce a significant change in optic nerve sheath diameter (indirect indicator of intracranial pressure) compared to no PEEP application. It would appear that PEEP can be used safely to correct
Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Pneumoperitoneum , Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic , Optic Nerve/diagnostic imaging , Australia , Intracranial Pressure , Positive-Pressure Respiration/methodsABSTRACT
The bionic optic nerve can mimic human visual physiology and is a future treatment for visual disorders. Photosynaptic devices could respond to light stimuli and mimic normal optic nerve function. By modifying (Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythio-phene):poly (styrenesulfonate)) active layers with all-inorganic perovskite quantum dots, with an aqueous solution as the dielectric layer in this paper, we developed a photosynaptic device based on an organic electrochemical transistor (OECT). The optical switching response time of OECT was 3.7 s. To improve the optical response of the device, a 365 nm, 300 mW·cm -2 UV light source was used. Basic synaptic behaviors such as postsynaptic currents (0.225 mA) at a light pulse duration of 4 s and double pulse facilitation at a light pulse duration of 1 s and pulse interval of 1 s were simulated. By changing the way light stimulates, for example, by adjusting the intensity of the light pulses from 180 to 540 mW·cm -2, the duration from 1 to 20 s, and the number of light pulses from 1 to 20, the postsynaptic currents were increased by 0.350 mA, 0.420 mA, and 0.466 mA, respectively. As such, we realized the effective shift from short-term synaptic plasticity (100 s recovery of initial value) to long-term synaptic plasticity (84.3% of 250 s decay maximum). This optical synapse has a high potential for simulating the human optic nerve.
Humans , Quantum Dots , Bionics , Oxides , Optic NerveABSTRACT
Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre el grosor del complejo nervio óptico-vaina, mensurado por ecografía y la hipertensión intracraneal. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo y longitudinal en 144 órbitas de 72 pacientes con diagnóstico clínico de hipertensión intracraneal. Una vez alcanzada la mejoría clínica, se les practicó ultrasonido orbitario al inicio del diagnóstico, el cual permitió mensurar la vaina meníngea, el nervio óptico, el complejo nervio óptico-vaina y la altura de la papila. Resultados: En la totalidad de los casos el grosor inicial de la vaina fue ≥ 3 mm, el del complejo nervio óptico-vaina > 5 mm, y la altura de la papila > 0,8 mm, mientras que el del nervio óptico no superó los 3 mm. Tras alcanzar la mejoría clínica se demostró disminución de todas estas variables, con excepción del nervio óptico, cuyo diámetro casi no se modificó. Algunas diferencias evidenciadas entre la primera y la segunda medición ecográfica fueron estadísticamente significativas. Conclusión: Por tanto, este proceder se ratifica como parte del monitoreo neurológico integral en pacientes con hipertensión intracraneal sospechada o confirmada(AU)
Objective: To determine the relationship between the thickness of the optic nerve- sheath complex as measured by ultrasound and intracranial hypertension. Methods: A descriptive and longitudinal observational study was performed in 144 orbits of 72 patients with a clinical diagnosis of intracranial hypertension. Once clinical improvement was achieved, orbital ultrasound was performed at the beginning of the diagnosis, which allowed measuring the meningeal sheath, the optic nerve, the optic nerve-sheath complex and the height of the papilla. Results: In all cases the initial thickness of the sheath was ≥ 3 mm, that of the optic nerve-sheath complex > 5 mm, and the height of the papilla > 0.8 mm, while that of the optic nerve did not exceed 3 mm. After reaching clinical improvement, a decrease in all these variables was demonstrated, with the exception of the optic nerve, whose diameter was almost unchanged. Some differences between the first and second ultrasound measurements were statistically significant. Conclusion: Therefore, this procedure is ratified as part of the full neurological monitoring in patients with suspected or confirmed intracranial hypertension(AU)
Humans , Optic Nerve/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography/methods , Intracranial Hypertension , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Longitudinal Studies , Observational Studies as TopicABSTRACT
Objective@#To describe a rare case of acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) with optic nerve head tumor cell infiltration treated with external beam irradiation.
Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma , Optic Nerve , RadiotherapyABSTRACT
Acute methanol poisoning harms the optic nerve and central nervous system, can cause irreversible damage, even coma or death in severe cases. This article reported four cases of methanol poisoning. 3 patients mistakenly ingested industrial alcohol containing methanol, the most serious patient suffered from coma, vision loss and other symptoms, the blood methanol concentration was 869.3 μg/ml. Another patient was poisoning caused by inhalation of methanol, with symptoms such as total blindness in the right eye and decreased visual acuity in the left eye. After active supportive treatment, 2 patients had partial recovery of visual acuity, and 2 patients had no sequelae. This article discussed the clinical features, treatment and prognosis of optic nerve damage caused by methanol poisoning, in order to raise awareness of this disease.
Humans , Coma , Follow-Up Studies , Methanol , Optic Nerve , Optic Nerve Injuries , Poisoning/therapyABSTRACT
Objective@#To measure the average distances from anterior lacrimal crest (ALC) to anterior ethmoidal foramen (AEF), anterior ethmoidal foramen to posterior ethmoidal foramen (PEF) and posterior ethmoidal foramen to optic canal (OC) using plain paranasal sinus (PNS) computed tomography (CT) scans of adults in a tertiary private hospital in the Philippines. @*Methods@#Design: Retrospective review of plain PNS CT scans. Setting: Tertiary Private Teaching Hospital. Participants: One hundred four (104) plain PNS CT scans from January 2018 to December 2020 were considered for inclusion. @*Results@#Of the 104 PNS CT scans, 35 were excluded - seven for age less than eighteen, six for undistinguishable PEF and twenty-two for chronic rhinosinusitis. The remaining 69 PNS CT scans demonstrated identifiable structures, with overall average distances from ALC to AEF of 23.71 ± 2.43 mm, AEF to PEF of 10.87 ± 2.39 mm and PEF to OC of 7.39 ± 2.28 mm. @*Conclusion@#Our study suggests average distances for localization of vital structures such as the anterior ethmoidal artery, posterior ethmoidal artery and optic nerve among Filipinos. Because of considerable variation between and within sexes, individual measurements should still be obtained for each patient in performing endonasal, skull base and orbital surgery.
Skull Base , Optic NerveABSTRACT
RESUMO A hidrocefalia é definida como a dilatação ventricular pelo aumento da pressão intraventricular e intracraniana quando não tratada ou por insucesso do tratamento. Muitas vezes, leva ao dano das vias ópticas, podendo causar atrofia óptica, devido à proximidade dessas vias com o ventrículo lateral quando ocorre a dilatação. Assim como a hidrocefalia pode levar à atrofia óptica, outras patologias também podem. Tumores hipofisários compartilham desse mesmo sinal, além de causar hemianospsia bitemporal quando o tumor comprime quiasma óptico. Ademais, a hemianopsia bitemporal é o distúrbio visual mais comum encontrado em pacientes com tumor de hipófise. Os tumores de hipófise, por exemplo, geram manifestações clínicas que podem estar relacionadas à disfunção da glândula ou aos efeitos mecânicos da expansão tumoral. Sinais e sintomas visuais estão mais ligados ao efeito mecânico do tumor. Assim, muitas vezes, o paciente procura o oftalmologista antes do endocrinologista. Neste caso, analisaremos uma paciente portadora de hidrocefalia que apresentava, concomitantemente, um tumor hipofisário, e a investigação oftalmológica fez toda a diferença no tratamento da paciente.
ABSTRACT Hydrocephalus is defined as ventricular dilation caused by increased intraventricular and intracranial pressure when untreated or due to treatment failure. Optical pathways can often cause optic atrophy due to the proximity to the lateral hazard when dilation occurs. Hydrocephalus can lead to optic atrophy, as well as other pathologies. Pituitary tumors share this same sign, in addition to causing bitemporal hemianopia when it compresses the optic chiasm. In addition, bitemporal hemianopia is the visual disturbance most commonly found in patients with pituitary tumors. Pituitary tumors, for example, have clinical manifestations that may be related to gland dysfunction, or to mechanisms of tumor expansion. Visual signs and symptoms are more linked to the mechanical effect of the tumor. Therefore, the patient usually seeks the ophthalmologist before the endocrinologist. In this case, we analyzed a patient with hydrocephalus who presented, at the same time, a pituitary tumor, and the ophthalmological investigation made all the difference in the treatment of the patient.
Humans , Female , Adult , Pituitary Neoplasms/complications , Optic Atrophy/etiology , Hemianopsia/etiology , Hydrocephalus/complications , Optic Chiasm , Optic Nerve/pathology , Pituitary Neoplasms/surgery , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Visual Acuity , Visual Fields , Optic Atrophy/diagnosis , Nerve Compression SyndromesABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose: To describe an innovative animal model of eye transplantation used in rabbits. Methods: six Dutch-belted male rabbits were submitted to lateral orbitotomy in the right eye, wide retrobulbar anatomy exposure, dissection of the structures, identification and distal section of the optic nerve followed by anastomosis either by vicryl (group 1) or fibrin glue (group 2). Electroretinography recording was performed before the section of the optic nerve and every 30 seconds after, to monitor the function of retina. Left eye was used as control group. Results: After optic nerve resection and anastomosis, stable ERG amplitude of the right eye was lost after 302 seconds in group 1 and after 296 seconds on group 2. Left eye kept longer stable ERG amplitude curves. Conclusions: The animal model of whole eye transplantation was effective in describing a novel technique to be used in rabbits, with success of the anatomic procedure. Further studies will clarify the best anastomosis methods and maintenance of function of the receptor organ. Translational relevance: this animal model of whole eye transplantation provides a novel perspective for blind patients and the research models, since we describe a novel mammal animal model. This model can be used as basis of a human model of whole eye transplantation in future studies.
RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever uma técnica cirúrgica inovadora para transplante de olho em um modelo animal em coelhos. Métodos: Seis coelhos machos com Dutch Belted foram submetidos à orbitotomia lateral do olho direito, com ampla exposição da anatomia retrobulbar, dissecção do cone muscular, exposição e secção distal do nervo óptico seguida de anastomose por vicryl (Grupo 1) ou cola de fibrina (Grupo 2). O registro da eletrorretinografia foi realizado antes da secção do nervo óptico e a cada 30 segundos após, para monitorar a função da retina. O olho esquerdo foi usado como grupo controle. Resultados: Após a ressecção do nervo óptico, a estabilidade da amplitude da eletrorretinografia foi perdida no olho direito após 302 segundos no Grupo 1 e após 296 segundos no Grupo 2. O olho esquerdo manteve eletrorretinografia estável por períodos mais longos. Conclusão: O modelo animal de transplante total de olho foi eficaz em descrever uma nova técnica cirúrgica para ser utilizada em laboratório com coelhos, com sucesso do procedimento anatômico. Novos estudos esclarecerão os melhores métodos de anastomose e manutenção da função do órgão receptor.
Animals , Male , Optic Nerve/surgery , Retina/physiology , Electroretinography , Eye/transplantation , Orbit/surgery , Rabbits , Retinal Ganglion Cells/physiology , Anastomosis, Surgical , Eye Enucleation , Models, Animal , Slit Lamp MicroscopyABSTRACT
Introdução: Glaucoma é uma neuropatia óptica caracterizada pela perda irreversível das células ganglionares retinianas, sendo a pressão intraocular (Po) o principal fator de risco para a doença. Grandes variações da pressão intraocular durante um determinado período de tempo têm atraído a atenção como um potencial fator de risco para o desenvolvimento e progressão do glaucoma. Objetivo: Avaliar a relação entre a flutuação de 24 horas da pressão intraocular (∆Po) e a espessura da camada de fibras nervosas da retina (CFNR) medida por tomografia de coerência óptica de domínio espectral (TCO-DE). Método: O estudo incluiu 125 olhos de 65 pacientes. Sessenta e três olhos (50,4%) tiveram o diagnóstico de glaucoma primário de ângulo aberto (GPAA) e 62 (49,6%) foram considerados suspeitos de glaucoma (SG). Todos os olhos foram submetidos a imagens usando TCO-DE, juntamente com medição da Po de 24 horas e perimetria computadorizada acromática. Apenas pacientes com ∆Po anormal (>6 mmHg) foram incluídos. Correlação e modelos mistos lineares generalizados foram usados para investigar a relação entre ∆Po e a espessura da CFNR ajustando para potenciais fatores de confusão, como idade, diagnóstico de glaucoma, espessura da córnea, Po média durante 24 horas e gravidade da doença. Resultados: A idade média foi semelhante entre os grupos SG e GPAA (62,2 ± 15,6 vs. 64,6 ± 12,0, P = 0,50), enquanto o desvio médio do campo visual apresentou diferença entre SG e GPAA (0,41 ± 1,33 vs. -3,09 ± 3,23, P <0,001). A Po média também foi semelhante entre os grupos SG e GPAA (15,6 ± 3,47 vs. 15,6 ± 2,83 mmHg, P = 0,90), assim como o pico da Po às 6h (21,7 ± 3,85 vs. 21,3 ± 3,80 mmHg, P = 0,68). Correlações negativas estatisticamente significativas foram encontradas no grupo GPAA entre a Po às 6h e a espessura da CFNR global (rs = 0,543; P < 0,001), quadrantes inferior (rs = -0,540; P < 0,001), superior (rs = -0,405; P = 0,009) e nasal (rs = −0,561; P < 0,001). Correlações negativas também foram encontradas entre ∆Po e a espessura da CFNR global (rs = −0,591; P < 0,001), e todos os demais setores (P < 0,05). No SG a Po às 6h correlacionou-se apenas com a espessura da CFNR no quadrante inferior (rs = −0,307; P = 0,047). Cada 1 mmHg maior na ∆Po foi associado à afilamento de -1,44 µm na espessura global da CFNR (IC 95%: -2,77 a -0,11, P = 0,03). Além disso, cada incremento de 10 anos na idade foi associado à afilamento de -3,56 µm na espessura global da CFNR (IC 95%: -6,06 a -1,05, P = 0,006). O GPAA teve uma afilamento média de -10,91 µm na CFNR global em relação aos SG (IC 95%: -20,21 a -1,62, P = 0,02). A Po média não foi associada à espessura global da CFNR (IC 95%: -1,37 a 0,91, P = 0,69). Conclusão: Maior ∆Po foi associado à menor espessura global da CFNR medida pelo TCO-DE, em pacientes com ∆Po >6 mmHg. Esse achado corrobora um papel potencial da flutuação da Po como fator de risco para perda estrutural no glaucoma.
Introduction: Glaucoma is an optic neuropathy characterized by irreversible loss of retinal ganglion cells, with intraocular pressure (IOP) being the main risk factor for the disease. Large variations in IOP over a period of time have attracted attention as a potential risk factor for the development and progression of glaucoma. Purpose: To evaluate the relationship between 24-hour fluctuation of intraocular pressure (∆IOP) and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness measured by spectraldomain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). Material and Methods: The study included 125 eyes of 65 patients. Sixty-three eyes (50.4%) had a diagnosis of primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) and 62 (49.6%) were considered glaucoma suspects (GS). All eyes underwent imaging using SDOCT, along with 24-hour IOP measurement and standard automated perimetry. Only patients with abnormal ∆IOP (>6 mmHg) were included. Correlation and generalized linear mixed models were used to investigate the relationship between ∆IOP and RNFL thickness adjusting for potential confounding factors such as age, glaucoma diagnosis, corneal thickness, mean IOP during 24 hours, and disease severity. Results: Mean age was similar between the SG and POAG groups (62.2 ± 15.6 vs. 64.6 ± 12.0, P = 0.50), while the mean deviation of visual field showed a difference between SG and POAG (0.41 ± 1.33 vs. -3.09 ± 3.23, P < 0.001). The mean Po was also similar between GS and POAG groups (15.6 ± 3.47 vs 15.6 ± 2.83 mmHg, P = 0.90) as was IOP peak at 6 AM (21.7 ± 3.85 vs. 21.3 ± 3.80 mmHg, P = 0.68). Statistically significant negative correlations were found in POAG group between IOP at 6 AM and RNFL thickness in global (rs = −0.543; P < 0.001), inferior (rs = −0.540; P < 0.001), superior (rs = −0.405; P = 0.009), and nasal quadrants (rs = −0.561; P < 0.001). Negative correlations were also found between ∆IOP and RNFL thickness in global (rs = −0.591; P < 0.001), and all other sectors (P < 0.05). In GS IOP at 6 AM correlated only with RNFL thickness in the inferior quadrant (rs = −0.307; P = 0.047). Each 1 mmHg higher in ∆IOP was associated with thinning of -1.44 µm in global RNFL thickness (95% CI: -2.77 to -0.11, P = 0.03). Also, each 10-years increment in age was associated with thinning of -3.56 µm in global RNFL thickness (95% CI: 6.06 to -1.05, P = 0.006). POAG had on average -10.91 µm thinning in global RNFL than glaucoma suspects (95% CI: -20.21 to -1.62, P = 0.02). Mean IOP was not associated with global RNFL thickness (95% CI: -1.37 to 0.91, P = 0.69). Conclusion: Higher ∆IOP was associated with lower global RNFL thickness measured by SD-OCT, in patients with ∆IOP > 6 mmHg. This finding corroborates a potential role for IOP fluctuation as a risk factor for structural loss in glaucoma.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Optic Nerve , Diagnostic Imaging , Glaucoma, Open-Angle , Ocular Hypertension , Intraocular PressureABSTRACT
Introducción: El neuromonitoreo no invasivo en pacientes críticos representa una opción de primera línea para el manejo de complicaciones fatales derivadas del aumento de la presión intracraneal. En esta modalidad se incluye la ultrasonografía del diámetro de la vaina del nervio óptico, la cual representa una técnica rápida, fácil de realizar y disponible a la cabecera del paciente. Objetivos: Describir aspectos fundamentales y actualizados sobre el uso de la ultrasonografía en el monitoreo de la presión intracraneal a través de la medición del diámetro de la vaina del nervio óptico en los diferentes escenarios neuroclínicos. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión de la literatura publicada en bases de datos como: PubMed/Medline, SciELO y Google académico entre los meses mayo y julio de 2020. Se revisaron publicaciones en inglés y español. Se seleccionaron 46 bibliografías que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Se describen aspectos fundamentales como la anatomía ecográfica del nervio óptico, descripción de la técnica y su uso en entidades neurocríticas como el traumatismo craneoencefálico, ictus, muerte encefálica, entre otros. Conclusiones: La ecografía de la vaina del nervio óptico representa una alternativa no invasiva ampliamente aceptada para la medición del incremento de la presión intracranial. Con un diámetro de 5,0 hasta 5,9 mm o más se puede asumir el diagnóstico de hipertensión intracraneal con alta sensibilidad y especificidad, aunque debe individualizarse su uso en cada patología neurocrítica. La curva de aprendizaje para la realización del proceder es de breve tiempo y satisface las habilidades necesarias(AU)
Introduction: Noninvasive neuromonitoring in critically ill patients is a first-line option for the management of fatal complications derived from increased intracranial pressure. This modality includes ultrasound of optic nerve sheath diameter, which is a quick technique, easy to perform and available at the bedside. Objectives: To describe significant and state-of-the-art aspects regarding the use of ultrasound for monitoring intracranial pressure through measurement of the optic nerve sheath diameter in different neuroclinical settings. Methods: A review was carried out, between May and July 2020, of the literature published in databases such as PubMed/Medline, SciELO and Google Scholar. Publications in English and Spanish were reviewed. Forty-six bibliographic sources were chosen, as long as they met the inclusion criteria. Fundamental aspects are described, such as the ultrasound anatomy of the optic nerve, the technique procedures and its use in neurocritical entities such as head trauma, stroke and brain death, among others. Conclusions: Ultrasound of the optic nerve sheath is a widely accepted noninvasive choice for measurement of increased intracranial pressure. With a diameter of 5.0 to 5.9 mm or more, the diagnosis of intracranial hypertension can be assumed with high sensitivity and specificity, although its use should be individualized in each neurocritical pathology. The learning curve for carrying out the procedure is short and satisfies the necessary skills(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Optic Nerve/diagnostic imaging , Intracranial Pressure/physiology , Critical Illness , Stroke , Brain Injuries, Traumatic , Craniocerebral TraumaABSTRACT
Abstract Background: Although intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring is the gold standard method for measuring intracranial pressure after traumatic brain injury, optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD) measurement with ultrasound (US) is also used in the evaluation of ICP. Objective: To investigate the association between a series of OSND measurements by US and changes in clinical presentation of the patient. Methods: Prospective study including 162 patients with traumatic brain injury. Age, sex, cerebral CT findings, ONSD levels by US at minutes 0, 60, and 120, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) within same period, change of consciousness, treatment, and mortality data were reviewed. The association of ONSD levels with GCS, change of consciousness, treatment, and mortality was evaluated. Results: There was no difference in ONSD changes in the patients' sample within the period (p=0.326). ONSD significantly increased in patients who died (p<0.001), but not in those who survived (p=0.938). There was no significant change in ONSD of the patients who received anti-edema therapy (p=801), but significantly increased ONSD values were found in those who received anti-edema therapy (p=0.03). Patients without change of consciousness did not have any significant change in ONSD (p=0.672), but ONSD values increased in patients who consciousness became worse, and decreased in those who presented a recovery (respectively, p<0.001, p=0.002). A negative correlation was detected between ONSD values and GSC values measured at primary, secondary, and tertiary time periods (for all p<0.001). Conclusions: ONSD follow-up may be useful to monitor ICP increase in patients with acute traumatic brain injury.
RESUMO Antecedentes: Embora o monitoramento da pressão intracraniana (PIC) seja o método padrão-ouro para medir a pressão intracraniana após lesão encefálica traumática, a medição do diâmetro da bainha do nervo óptico (DBNO) com ultrassom (US) também é usada na avaliação da PIC. Objetivo: Investigar a associação entre uma série de medidas de DBNO por US e mudanças na apresentação clínica do paciente. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo incluindo 162 pacientes com traumatismo cranioencefálico. Idade, sexo, achados de TC cerebral, níveis de DBNO por US nos minutos 0, 60 e 120, Escala de Coma de Glasgow (GCS) no mesmo período, mudança de consciência, tratamento e dados de mortalidade foram revisados. A associação dos níveis de DBNO com GCS, mudança de consciência, tratamento e mortalidade foi avaliada. Resultados: Não houve diferença nas mudanças de DBNO na amostra de pacientes no período (p=0,326). O DBNO aumentou significativamente em pacientes que morreram (p<0,001), mas não naqueles que sobreviveram (p=0,938). Não houve mudança significativa no DBNO dos pacientes que receberam terapia antiedema (p=801), mas valores significativamente aumentados de DBNO foram encontrados naqueles que receberam terapia antiedema (p=0,03). Pacientes sem alteração da consciência não tiveram alteração significativa no DBNO (p=0,672), mas os valores do DBNO aumentaram nos pacientes que pioraram a consciência e diminuíram naqueles que apresentaram recuperação (respectivamente, p<0,001, p=0,002). Detectou-se correlação negativa entre os valores de DBNO e os valores de GSC medidos nos períodos primário, secundário e terciário (para todos, p<0,001). Conclusões: O acompanhamento do DBNO pode ser útil para monitorar o aumento da PIC em pacientes com lesão cerebral traumática aguda.
Humans , Intracranial Pressure , Craniocerebral Trauma/complications , Craniocerebral Trauma/diagnostic imaging , Optic Nerve/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Prospective StudiesABSTRACT
Introducción: Los aneurismas de la arteria comunicante anterior (AComA) se presentan frecuentemente como causa de hemorragia subaracnoidea espontánea (HSAE), en casos raros se asocian a síntomas visuales por compresión mecánica o ruptura y su tratamiento quirúrgico a menudo representa un desafío. Descripción del caso: Se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente adulta con disminución de la agudeza visual del ojo derecho a predominio temporal, y hallazgos en RMN cerebral y angiografía compatibles con un aneurisma grande de AcomA, asociado a trombosis parcial; se realizó clipaje y trombectomía del aneurisma, la panangiografia de control evidenció exclusión completa de la lesión con posterior resolución del déficit visual. Discusión: El déficit visual por un aneurisma de la AcoA se puede generar por varios mecanismos, uno de ellos es la ruptura del aneurisma hacia el nervio óptico, con la subsecuente formación de un hematoma, adherencias y fibrosis; el otro mecanismo es la compresión mecánica de un aneurisma gigante no roto. El manejo quirúrgico a menudo implica técnicas complejas microquirúrgicas para intentar resolver el efecto de masa y excluir el aneurisma. La terapia endovascular es otra alternativa de tratamiento, pero tiene desventajas respecto a la cirugía. Conclusión: Los aneurismas de la AComA en raros casos se pueden asociar a síntomas visuales, debido a que por lo general se romepen cuando son pequeños, y no alcanzan a tener el tamaño suficiente para generar compresión de la vía óptica. Las técnicas microquirúrgicas ofrecen un método efectivo para disminuir el efecto de masa y mejorar los síntomas visuales
Introduction: Aneurysms of the anterior communicating artery (AComA) frequently present as a cause of spontaneous subarachnoid hemorrhage (HSAE), in rare cases they are associated with visual symptoms due to mechanical compression or rupture and their surgical treatment often represents a challenge. Description of the case: We present the clinical case of an adult patient with a decrease in visual acuity due to the right eye with a temporal predominance and findings on brain MRI and angiography compatible with a large AcomA aneurysm associated with partial thrombosis; clipping and thrombectomy of the aneurysm were performed, the control panangiography showed complete exclusion of the lesion. With subsequent resolution of the visual deficit. Discussion: The visual deficit due to an AcoA aneurysm can be generated by several mechanisms, one of them is the rupture of the aneurysm towards the optic nerve, with the subsequent formation of a hematoma, adhesions and fibrosis; The other mechanism is mechanical compression of a giant, unruptured aneurysm. Surgical management often involves complex microsurgical techniques to try to resolve the mass effect and exclude the aneurysm. Endovascular therapy is another treatment alternative, but it has disadvantages compared to surgery. Conclusion: AComA aneurysms in rare cases can be associated with visual symptoms, because they generally rupture when they are small, and are not large enough to generate compression of the optic pathway. Microsurgical techniques offer an effective method to alleviate the mass effect and improve visual symptoms
Female , Aneurysm , Optic Nerve , Visual Acuity , Thrombectomy , EyeABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose: To identify the lymphatic vessels in orbital specimens from human cadavers using light microscopy and immunohistochemical analysis. Methods: A postmortem study included 10 orbital specimens from 10 human cadavers. The orbital specimens were obtained no later than 12 hours after death. The orbital specimens were dissected into lacrimal gland, optic nerve, fat tissue, and oculomotor muscles. The histologic criteria to qualify as a lymphatic vessel were thin-walled channels of endothelium without a well-developed basal membrane and with an erythrocyte-free, irregular lumen. The immunohistochemical criteria were irregularly shaped, thin-walled vessels with an erythrocyte-free, irregular lumen and immunopositivity for podoplanin D2-40. Results: The lacrimal gland, optic nerve, fat tissue, and extraocular muscle sections were positively stained with podoplanin D2-40. Conclusions: This study demonstrated lymphatic vessels in the human orbit, more precisely, in the lacrimal gland, dura mater of the optic nerve, adipose tissue, and extrinsic oculomotor muscles via light microscopy and immunohistochemistry.(AU)
RESUMO Objetivos: Identificar vasos linfáticos em espécimes orbitários de cadáveres humanos através de microscopia óptica e análise imunohistoquímica. Métodos: Um estudo postmortem incluiu dez espécimes orbitários provenientes de dez cadáveres humanos. Todos os espécimes orbitários foram obtidos até 12 horas após a morte com uma técnica cirúrgica de exenteração orbitária e dissecados em glândula lacrimal, nervo óptico, gordura órbitária e músculos extraoculares. Para classificar como um vaso linfático, os critérios histológicos incluíram vasos endoteliais de parede única sem membrana basal bem desenvolvida, irregulares e lúmen sem hemácias, e os critérios imunohistoquímicos incluíram vasos endoteliais de parede única, com formato irregular e lúmen sem hemácias e reagentes a podoplanina D2-40. Resultados: As lâminas histológicas de glândula lacrimal, nervo óptico, tecido adiposo e músculos extraoculares reagiram positivamente a podoplanina D2-40. Conclusão: Este estudo demonstrou vasos linfáticos na órbita humana, mais exatamente, na glândula lacrimal, no nervo óptico, na gordura orbitária e nos músculos extrínsecos extraoculares via microscopia óptica e imunohistoquímica.(AU)
Optic Nerve/anatomy & histology , Orbit/anatomy & histology , Lymphatic Vessels/diagnostic imaging , Immunohistochemistry , Lacrimal Apparatus/anatomy & histology , Microscopy/instrumentation , Oculomotor Muscles/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose: to compare the Subfoveal choroidal thickness (SFCT) and Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness (RNFL) of amblyopic and normal fellow eyes. Design: Prospective, cross-sectional, observational case series. Methods: Forty patients age 12 to 41 years (mean 23.73 ± 6.42) with unilateral amblyopia were studied. Among them, 11(28.2%) patients had amblyopia secondary to strabismus and 29(71.8 %) had anisometropic amblyopia. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) of the peripapillary RNFL thickness of amblyopic and fellow eyes was performed. RNFL thickness measurements were taken from the superior, inferior, nasal and temporal quadrants in the peripapillary region. Also, subfoveal choroidal thickness (SFCT) was measured using spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). Results: Mean global RNFL thickness of the amblyopic and fellow eyes was 104.48 microns and 102.83 microns, respectively. The difference between the two groups was not statistically significant (p>0.05%). The thicknesses of the superior, inferior, nasal and temporal quadrants of the retinal nerve fiber layer between the amblyopic and normal fellow eyes showed no statistically significant difference (p>0.05%). However, the SFCT of amblyopic eye was 11 or more microns thicker than the fellow eye and this was statistically significant different (p<0.05%). Conclusions: This study demonstrated SFCT in amblyopic eyes was significantly thicker than the normal fellow eyes. The amblyopic process may involve the choroid, but not the prepapillary NFL.
RESUMO Objetivo: comparar a espessura da coroide subfoveal (CSF) e da camada de fibra nervosa retinal (CFNR) de olhos amblíopes e normais. Design: série de casos prospectivos, transversais e observacionais. Métodos: Quarenta pacientes com idade entre 12 e 41 anos (média 23,73 ± 6,42) com ambliopia unilateral foram estudados. Entre eles, 11 (28,2%) pacientes apresentavam ambliopia secundária a estrabismo e 29 (71,8%) apresentavam ambliopia anisometrópica. Foi realizada tomografia de coerência óptica (TCO) da espessura da CFNR peripapilar do olho amblíope e do outro olho. As medidas de espessura da CFNR foram realizadas nos quadrantes superior, inferior, nasal e temporal na região peripapilar. Além disso, a espessura da coroide subfoveal (CSF) foi medida através de tomografia de coerência óptica de domínio espectral (TCO-DE). Resultados: A espessura média global da CFNR do olho amblíope e do outro olho foi de 104,48 mícrons e 102,83 mícrons, respectivamente. A diferença entre os dois grupos não foi estatisticamente significativa (p > 0,05%). As espessuras dos quadrantes superior, inferior, nasal e temporal da camada de fibras nervosas da retina entre o olho amblíope e o normal não apresentaram diferença estatisticamente significativa (p > 0,05%). No entanto, a CSF do olho amblíope foi 11 mícrons mais espessa (ou mais) do que a do outro olho - essa diferença foi estatisticamente significativa (p < 0,05%). Conclusões: Este estudo demonstrou que a CSF dos olhos amblíopes foi significativamente mais espessa do que a dos olhos normais. O processo amblíope pode envolver a coroide, mas ele não envolve a CFNR peripapilar.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Amblyopia/complications , Amblyopia/diagnostic imaging , Choroid/diagnostic imaging , Nerve Fibers/pathology , Optic Disk/pathology , Optic Nerve/pathology , Organ Size , Retinal Ganglion Cells/pathology , Visual Acuity , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective Studies , Choroid/pathology , Tomography, Optical Coherence/methods , Fovea Centralis/pathologyABSTRACT
Introducción: Los angiomas cavernosos son entidades frecuentes, dentro de los tumores orbitarios, la presencia de 2 o más es infrecuente dentro de una órbita, la topografía extraconal es la más común, cuando son múltiples pueden ser parte de angiomatosis cerebral en algún momento de su evolución, por ello la necesidad de controles evolutivos. Descripción del caso: Paciente mujer, 30 años que debuta con proptosis derecha, dolor retrocular, diplopía, agudeza visual normal.Tac se visualizan dos lesiones intraorbitarias derechas, intraconales, solidas, bien definidas, retrooculares, que contacta (la más interna) el nervio óptico y provoca una rotación externa del globo ocular. RMN: las lesiones se manifiestan más difusas y heterogéneas, con signos de hemosiderina. Resultados: Video explicativo del caso, y pasos estructurados de la técnica. Se utilizó orbitomía lateral derecha, incisión ciliar con extensión hacia la porción lateral de la órbita, osteotomía del reborde lateral orbitario, luego con drill se avanza la resección de la pared lateral hasta el borde externo de la hendidura esfenoidal. Punto de tracción sobre la glándula lagrimal, permitiendo rotación del globo ocular y tensar periorbita. Se abre periorbita, identificando músculo recto externo y por su borde superior se avanza en la disección profunda reconociendo vaina del nervio óptico, localizando los angiomas cavernosos, disecándolos circunferencialmente y extrayéndolos. Reconstrucción de la pared orbitaria y reborde orbitario, cierre por planos con criterio cosmético, no hubo déficit óculo-motor. Conclusión: La exéresis quirúrgica es el gol estándar de tratamiento. La orbitotomía lateral es un abordaje mínimamente invasivo, seguro a esta patología.
Introduction: Cavernous angiomas are common entities, within orbital tumors, the presence of 2 or more than two is uncommon within an orbit, extraconal topography is the mostcommun, when they are multiple, they can be part of brain angiomatosis at some point in their evolution, therefore the need for evolutionary controls. Case Description: Pte. woman, 30 years who debuts with right proptosis, retrocular pain, diplopia, normal visual acuity. Tac two right, intracontal, solid, well-defined, retroocular intraorbital lesions are displayed that contacts (the innermost) the optic nerve and causes an external rotation of the eyeball. MRI: lesions appear more diffuse and heterogeneous, with signs of hemosiderin. Results: Explanatory video of the case, and structured steps of the technique.Right lateral orbitomia, ciliary incision extending to the lateral portion of the orbit, osteotomy of the right orbital lateral rim was used, then with drill the resection of the lateral wall is advanced. Traction points on the tear gland, allowing rotation of the eyeball and tensioning periorbita. It opens periorbita, identifying external straight muscle and by its upper edge advances in the deep dissection, recognizing sheath of the optic nerve, locating the cavernous angiomas, dissecting them circumferentially and removing them. Reconstruction of the orbital wall and orbital rim, closure by planes with cosmetic criteria, there was no oculo-motor deficit. Conclusion: Surgical resection is the standard treatment goal. The lateral orbitotomia was a minimally invasive approach, safe to this pathology.
Angiomatosis , Optic Nerve , Orbit , OsteotomyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To study the quantitative and qualitative differences of visual evoked potential (VEP) in monocular visual impairment after different parts of visual pathway injury.@*METHODS@#A total of 91 subjects with monocular visual impairment caused by trauma were selected and divided into intraocular refractive media-injury group (eyeball injury group for short), optic nerve injury group, central nervous system injury and intracranial combined injury group according to the injury cause and anatomical segment. Pattern Reversal visual evoked potential (PR-VEP) P100 peak time and amplitude, Flash visual evoked potential (F-VEP) P2 peak time and amplitude were recorded respectively. SPSS 26.0 software was used to analyze the differences of quantitative (peak time and amplitude) and qualitative indexes (spatial frequency sweep-VEP acuity threshold, and abnormal waveform category and frequency) of the four groups.@*RESULTS@#Compared with healthy eyes, the PR-VEP P100 waveforms of the intraocular eyeball injury group and the F-VEP P2 waveforms of the optic nerve group showed significant differences in prolonged peak time and decreased amplitude in injured eyes (P<0.05). The PR-VEP amplitudes of healthy eyes were lower than those of injured eyes at multiple spatial frequencies in central nervous system injury group and intracranial combined injury group (P<0.05).The amplitude of PR-VEP in patients with visual impairment involving central injury was lower than that in patients with eye injury at multiple spatial frequencies. The frequency of VEP P waveforms reaching the threshold of the intraocular injury group and the optic nerve injury group were siginificantly different from the intracranial combined injury group, respectively(P<0.008 3), and the frequency of abnormal reduction of VEP amplitude of threshold were significantly different from the central nervous system injury group, respectively(P<0.008 3).@*CONCLUSIONS@#VEP can distinguish central injury from peripheral injury, eyeball injury from nerve injury in peripheral injury, but cannot distinguish simple intracranial injury from complex injury, which provides basic data and basis for further research on the location of visual impairment injury.
Humans , Evoked Potentials, Visual , Eye , Optic Nerve , Optic Nerve Injuries , Vision Disorders/etiologyABSTRACT
Background@#Optical coherence tomography (OCT) can accurately assess the optic nerve and retinal fiber layer (RNFL) to closely look at the anatomical ocular pathology of amblyopia. @*Objectives@#This study aimed to determine and compare optic nerve parameters and RNFL in amblyopic and normal Filipino children using OCT. @*Methodology@#Forty-two eyes of 21 normal participants and 40 eyes of 20 amblyopic participants underwent complete eye examinations and OCT scanning of optic nerve and RNFL. The following data were collected: age, refraction, intraocular pressure, optic nerve parameters (including rim area-vertical cross-section, average nerve width, disc diameter, cup diameter, rim length, vertical integrated rim area, horizontal integrated rim width, disc area, rim area, cup area, cup to disk area ratio, cup-to-disk horizontal ratio, cup to disc vertical ratio), and peripapillary RNFL. @*Results@#There was a statistically significant difference between normal and amblyopic groups with regard to the following parameters: cup area, rim area, cup-disc area ratio, cup-disc horizontal ratio, cup-disc vertical ratio, superior RNFL, and inferior RNFL. The rim area was significantly smaller in amblyopic eyes compared to normal whereas the cup-disc area ratio, cup area, cup-disc vertical and horizontal ratios were significantly larger in amblyopic eyes. The RNFL inferiorly and superiorly were also thinner in amblyopic eyes. @*Conclusion@#As measured by OCT, some optic nerve parameters and RNFL thickness in Filipino children were significantly different in amblyopic eyes compared to normal.
Optic Nerve , AmblyopiaABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Ocular toxoplasmosis frequently presents as necrotizing retinochoroiditis and, less often, as peripapillary chorioretinitis and/or papillitis. The progression from papillitis to peripapillary retinochoroiditis has been rarely described. We report the case of a 52-year-old patient living in southern Brazil, who developed papillitis in the right eye and was treated with systemic corticosteroids (prednisone 0.6 mg/kg/day and pulse therapy with methylprednisolone 15 mg/kg/day, for 3 days). After 14 days, the patient developed peripapillary retinochoroiditis with vitritis and decreased visual acuity (20/60), and was immediately initiated on the classic oral treatment for toxoplasmosis, consisting of pyrimethamine (50 mg/day), sulfadiazine (4 g/day), folinic acid (15 mg every 3 days) and prednisone (0.6 mg/kg/day). The visual acuity of the right eye normalized after treatment (20/20), which lasted approximately 70 days, but scotomas were detected on visual field examination, especially in the lower nasal quadrant. Although two studies mentioned this presentation, our report emphasizes the possible manifestation of ocular toxoplasmosis as papillitis in the initial phase, with progression to peripapillary retinochoroiditis and permanent visual field defects, which justifies early treatment for toxoplasmosis in suspected cases, especially in endemic regions.
RESUMO A toxoplasmose ocular manifesta-se com maior frequência por um quadro de retinocoroidite necrotizante e, com menor frequência, por coriorretinite justapapilar e/ou papilite. A evolução de papilite para retinocoroidite justapapilar raramente foi descrita. Apresenta-se o relato de caso de uma paciente de 52 anos, habitante da Região Sul do Brasil, que iniciou com quadro de papilite em olho direito, sendo tratada com corticoides sistêmicos (prednisona 0,6/mg/kg ao dia e pulsoterapia com metilprednisolona 15mg/kg ao dia, por 3 dias), mas, após 14 dias, evoluiu para retinocoroidite justapapilar, com vitreíte e diminuição de acuidade visual (20/60), sendo imediatamente instituído o tratamento via oral clássico para toxoplasmose, com pirimetamina (50 mg ao dia), sulfadiazina (4 g ao dia) e ácido folínico (15 mg a cada 3 dias), e mantida a prednisona (0.6 mg/kg/dia). A acuidade visual do olho direito normalizou após o tratamento (20/20), que durou em torno de 70 dias, porém desenvolveu escotomas ao exame de campo visual, sobretudo de quadrante nasal inferior. Embora tenham sido encontrados dois trabalhos que mencionam essa forma de apresentação, o presente relato destaca-se por enfatizar a possibilidade de manifestação da toxoplasmose ocular por meio de papilite na fase inicial, que evolui com retinocoroidite justapapilar, causando defeito permanente de campo visual, justificando que se avalie a instituição de tratamento precoce para toxoplasmose dos casos suspeitos, sobretudo em região endêmica.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Optic Neuritis/etiology , Papilledema/etiology , Toxoplasmosis, Ocular/complications , Chorioretinitis/etiology , Optic Nerve , Retina/diagnostic imaging , Angiography , Radiography , Visual Acuity , Papilledema/diagnostic imaging , Toxoplasmosis, Ocular/diagnosis , Chorioretinitis/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, Optical Coherence , NecrosisABSTRACT
La neuromielitis óptica (NMO) y los trastornos del espectro de neuromielitis óptica (NMOSD) son trastornos poco frecuentes, mediados por anticuerpos del sistema nervioso central (SNC) con predilección por la médula espinal y los nervios ópticos. Existe una fuerte predilección femenina. En el caso de la forma recurrente más común de la enfermedad, que representa del 80% al 90% de los casos, las mujeres están sobrerrepresentadas con una proporción de 5 a 10: 1.6. La edad media de inicio es de 39,7 años. Objetivo: Determinar la causa de neuromielitis óptica en paciente femenina de 24 años de edad. Materiales y métodos: Es una investigación enmarcada en el paradigma positivista, con enfoque cuantitativo. Con un estudio de campo-descriptivo, no experimental, en la modalidad de caso clínico único. El método utilizado fue la historia clínica y consentimiento informado. Resultado: Se presenta el caso de una paciente de sexo femenino de 24 años de edad, sin antecedentes patológicos personales. Presentó pérdida progresiva de la visión de 2 meses de evolución, que se acompañaba de dolor en región cervical de moderada intensidad y en 24 horas presentó parestesia en brazo derecho, afasia, cuadro neurológico que evolucionó hasta presentar cuadriparesia, insuficiencia respiratoria aguda. Conclusión: En IRM de columna cervical se evidencia cambio anormal de la señal medular cervical evidente en secuencias T2 flair lesión hiperintensa longitudinalmente extensa que abarca más de 3 cuerpos vertebrales. Fue tratada con corticoides y plasmaféresis(AU)
Neuromielitis optic (NMO) and neuromielitis optic spectrum disorders (NMOSD) are rare disorders mediated by antibodies of the central nervous system (CNS) with a predilection for the spinal cord and optic nerves. There is a strong female predilection. In the case of the most common recurrent form of the disease, which accounts for 80% to 90% most of the cases are women with a ratio of five to 10: 1.6. The mean age of onset is 39.7 years. Objective: To determine the cause of neuromielitis optica in a 24-year-old female patient. Materials and methods: It is an investigation framed in the positivist paradigm, with a quantitative approach. With a descriptive field study, not experimental, in the single clinical case modality. The method used was the medical history and informed consent. Result: The case of a 24-year-old female patient with no presented personal pathological history. She presented progressive loss of vision of 2 months of evolution, accompanied by pain in the cervical region of moderate intensity and within 24 hours, she presented paresthesia in the right arm, aphasia, a neurological picture that evolved until presenting cuadriparesia, acute respiratory failure. Conclusion: An MRI of the cervical spine shows an abnormal change in the cervical spinal signal evident in T2 sequences flair a longitudinally extensive hiperintensa lesion that encompasses more than 3 vertebral bodies. Her treatment was corticosteroids and plasmapheresis(AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Optic Nerve , Aphasia , Central Nervous System , Neuromyelitis Optica/physiopathology , Paresthesia , Quadriplegia , Respiratory Insufficiency , Spinal Cord , Informed ConsentABSTRACT
Un paciente de 3 meses con sospecha de estrabismo presenta al examen una gran anisometropía con -9.50 esfera en su ojo izquierdo y al fondo de ojo destaca una papila alterada similar a la papila de Morning-Glory. Las anomalías congénitas de nervio óptico (ACNO) son un grupo de condiciones que se presentan clínicamente como baja agudeza visual, estrabismo y/o nistagmus. El diagnóstico dife-rencial es clínico y complejo por la sobre posición morfológica entre estas. Los principales diagnósticos diferenciales son la papila deMorning-Glory, el coloboma y la hipoplasia de nervio óptico. Se recomienda manejo multidisciplinario por sus asociaciones sistémicas.
A 3-month-old patient with a suspicion of strabismus on examination has a great anisometropia with -9.50 sphere in his left eye and at the fundus examination an altered papilla similar to the Morning-Glory papilla. Congenital optic nerve abnormalities (ANOC) are a group of conditions that present clinically as low visual acuity, strabismus, and nystagmus. The differential diagnosis is clinical and complex due to the morphological position between them. The main differential diagnoses are the Morning-Glory papilla, the coloboma, and optic nerve hypoplasia. Multidisciplinary management is recommended for its systemic associations.