RESUMEN Introducción: en marzo de 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud determinó que la covid-19 podía caracterizarse como una pandemia. Desde entonces, Cuba implementó medidas de control sanitario y evita el colapso de los servicios de salud. Por su parte, la atención estomatológica básica quedó sustituida por la de urgencias y es brindada por personal calificado con equipos de protección. Objetivos: describir el comportamiento de la atención a urgencias estomatológicas. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal (de marzo a agosto de 2020), a un universo constituido por 3 722 pacientes atendidos en dicho período, 32 estomatólogos y 29 licenciados. Se estudiaron las variables edad, sexo y patología de urgencias. Resultados: entre los estomatólogos que atendieron urgencias, predominaron los de 22 a 35 años (68,75 %), el sexo femenino (77,27 %) y licenciadas del grupo de 36 a 50 años (68,96 %). Los pacientes atendidos en Urgencias fueron mayormente de 19 a 59 años (76,03 %) y de sexo masculino (52,76 %). Los motivos más representativos de asistencia allí, fueron la odontalgia (53,68 %), el absceso alveolar agudo (17,35 %), la hiperestesia dentinaria (6,15 %) y la estomatitis aftosa (5,02 %). Conclusiones: la atención estomatológica de urgencia fue brindada fundamentalmente por personal joven, no comprendido dentro del grupo vulnerable, de sexo femenino. Las principales urgencias estomatológicas fueron la odontalgia por estados inflamatorios pulpares, el absceso alveolar agudo, la hiperestesia dentinaria y la estomatitis aftosa, prevaleciendo pacientes adultos del sexo masculino (AU).
ABSTRACT Introduction: in March 2020, the World Health Organization decided that COVID-19 could be characterized as a pandemic. Since then on, Cuba has implemented health control measures and prevents the collapse of the health services. For its part, basic dentist care was replaced by emergency care and is provided by qualified personnel with protective equipment. Objective: to describe the behavior of care to dentistry emergencies. Materials and methods: a cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study was carried out to a universe formed by 3 722 patients, 32 dentists and 29 bachelors. The variables age, gender and emergency pathology were studied. Results: among the dentists who attended the emergency, those aged 22-35 years (68.75 %), who were female (77.27 %), and bachelors from the 36-50 age group (68.96 %) predominated. The patients treated in the Emergencies were mostly 19 to 59 years old (76.03 %) and male (52.76 %). The most representative reasons for care there were toothache (53.68 %), acute alveolar abscess (17.35 %), dental hyperesthesia (6.15 %) and aphthous stomatitis (5.02 %). Conclusions: emergency dentistry care was provided mainly by young female persons, not included within the vulnerable group. The main dentistry emergencies were toothaches by pulpal inflammatory states, acute alveolar abscess, dental hyperesthesia and aphthous stomatitis, prevailing adult male patients (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Oral Medicine/methods , COVID-19/transmission , Oral Medicine/standards , Emergencies/epidemiology , COVID-19/therapyABSTRACT
Introducción: La COVID-19 ha impactado en diversos ámbitos de la educación superior, por lo que es necesario generar investigaciones que aporten evidencias sobre el tema. Objetivo: Validar una escala para evaluar las percepciones de los estudiantes cubanos de Estomatología sobre el posible impacto académico a causa de la COVID-19. Métodos: Estudio de tipo instrumental y transversal. A partir de un instrumento en español validado en estudiantes de medicina y otros universitarios peruanos, se realizó el primer paso de la validación mediante el criterio de expertos. Luego se desarrolló un análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) por mínimos cuadrados no ponderados y se calculó la consistencia interna con el Alpha de Cronbach. Resultados: Se incluyó a 159 participantes de los cuales el 60,38 por ciento fueron hombres y la media de la edad fue 21,86 años. Todos los ítems recibieron una evaluación favorable por parte de los expertos (V > 0,70). De la escala inicial, el análisis preliminar sugirió eliminar el ítem 6. La pertinencia del análisis factorial exploratorio se justificó con el índice KMO (0,801) y la prueba de Bartlett (344,8; gl = 15; p = 0,000) cuyos valores fueron aceptables y significativos. Se obtuvo un coeficiente de Cronbach de 0,915 (IC 95 por ciento = 0,90-0,91), lo cual indica que la consistencia del instrumento es buena. Conclusiones: Se validó una escala de factor único que mide la percepción que tienen los estudiantes cubanos de Estomatología acerca de las posibles repercusiones académicas de la COVID-19(AU)
Introduction: COVID-19 pandemic has impacted in different scopes of higher education, that is why is necessary to generate researches that contribute with evidences on this topic. Aim: To validate a scale for evaluating the Cuban dental students' perceptions on the possible academic impact of the COVID-19. Methods: Instrumental and cross-sectional study. Starting from a Spanish language instrument validated in Peruvian medical and other university students, the first step of the validation through the expert's criteria was performed. After, a factorial exploratory analysis (FEA), by not pondered minima squares, was performed and the internal consistency was measured through Alpha of Cronbach. Results : 159 students were suitable for analysis; 60.38 percent were men and the mean age was 21.86 years. All items were evaluated in a favorable way by the expert's criteria. From the initial scale, the preliminary analysis suggested to eliminate the item 6. The relevance of the FEA was justified with the KMO index (0.801) and Bartlett's test (344.8; gl=15; p=0.000) being acceptable and significant. An Alpha of Cronbach's coefficient of 0.915 with a 95 percent confidence interval of 0.90-0.91 was obtained; indicating that the consistency of the instrument is good. Conclusions : A single factor scale measuring Cuban dental students' perception of the possible academic impact of the COVID-19 was validated(AU)
Humans , Students, Dental , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Oral Medicine/methods , COVID-19/epidemiology , Confidence Intervals , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
RESUMEN La covid-19 es una enfermedad infecciosa causada por el virus SARS-CoV-2, y es capaz de provocar un cuadro clínico variable. Los individuos que están en contacto estrecho con pacientes positivos de esta enfermedad, tienen un mayor riesgo de infección. Así les sucede a los trabajadores de la salud que atienden directamente a pacientes. Al igual que otros servicios de salud, la atención estomatológica requiere del contacto estrecho entre el profesional y el paciente. El objetivo de este trabajo fue describir las principales recomendaciones para la prevención y control de infecciones por SARS-CoV-2 en los servicios de Prótesis. En la práctica dental, la prevención, el control y la reducción de la transmisión de infecciones se realiza a través del uso del equipo de protección personal y de un conjunto de procedimientos de descontaminación, desinfección y esterilización en cualquier superficie o instrumento. La constante actualización científica y la adopción de medidas de protección antes, durante y después de la atención estomatológica, podrán garantizar el éxito de la atención médica con el mínimo riesgo de contagio (AU).
ABSTRACT COVID-19 is an infectious diseases caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus, and it is able to provoke variable clinical characteristics. The individuals that are in close contact with this disease positive patients are at higher infection risk. That is the case of the heath care workers directly caring for patients. As in any health service, dentistry care requires the narrow contact between the professional and the patient. The aim of this paper was describing the main recommendations for preventing and control SARS-CoV-2 in Prosthetic services. In the dental practice, the prevention, control and reduction of infection transmission is achieved using the personal protection equipment and a whole of decontamination, disinfection and sterilization procedures in any surface or device. The constant scientific updating and adopting protection measures before, during and after the dentistry care can ensure the success of health care with the minimal risk of contagion (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Dental Prosthesis/methods , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Infectious Disease Transmission, Patient-to-Professional/prevention & control , Coronavirus Infections/diagnosis , Coronavirus Infections/pathology , Oral Medicine/education , Oral Medicine/methods , Ambulatory Care/methodsABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: La atención estomatológica expone a los sujetos actuantes al riesgo de infectarse y presentar la enfermedad por el coronavirus-2, denominada COVID-19. Objetivo: Ofrecer un referente teórico sobre la COVID-19 que sustente la preparación de los estomatólogos para la percepción del riesgo y la autoprotección en las condiciones actuales de esta pandemia. Método: En el Hospital General Docente "Dr. Agostinho Neto", entre marzo y junio de 2020 se hizo una revisión narrativa sobre este tema a través de una búsqueda en diferentes bases de datos bibliográficas: Pubmed/Medline, Science Direct y SciELO. Resultados: Se encontraron artículos de varios autores que aportan al conocimiento de la prevención del nuevo coronavirus en los servicios de salud. Conclusiones: Tener en cuenta la vía de transmisión del SARS-CoV-2 revela que los estomatólogos son uno de los profesionales de las ciencias de la salud con mayor riesgo de enfermar por la COVID-19, lo que hace necesario se apropien de las bases teóricas esenciales para su prevención y diagnóstico, las que quedan sistematizada en el artículo que se presenta.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Dental care exposes acting personnel to the risk of infection and of acquiring the coronavirus-2 disease, called COVID-19. Objective: To provide a theoretical reference on COVID-19 to support the preparation of stomatologists for risk perception and self-protection in the current conditions of this pandemic. Method: At the General Teaching Hospital "Dr. Agostinho Neto", between March and June 2020 a narrative review was made on this topic through a search in different bibliographic databases: Pubmed/Medline, ScienceDirect and SciELO. Results: It was found articles by several authors that contribute to the knowledge of the prevention of the new coronavirus in the health services. Conclusions: Taking into account the way of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 reveals that oral medicine specialists are one of the health science professionals with the greatest risk of illness from COVID-19, therefore, it is necessary to set up the essential theoretical bases for its prevention and diagnosis, which are reflected in this article.
Coronavirus Infections/diagnosis , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Coronavirus Infections/drug therapy , Coronavirus Infections/transmission , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Containment of Biohazards , Oral Medicine/methods , Infectious Disease Incubation PeriodABSTRACT
RESUMEN Fundamentación: Para la evaluación de la calidad de los servicios de salud se necesitan instrumentos que permitan una visión individual e integral de su estructura, procesos y resultados. Objetivo: Proponer una guía metodológica para evaluar la calidad de un servicio de Estomatología General Integral. Metodología: Se utilizó como método del nivel empírico: el análisis documental (documentos, programas, investigaciones relacionadas). La guía metodológica propuesta consta de dos etapas, la primera: constitución y capacitación del equipo de trabajo y la segunda: aplicación de la Guía metodológica para la evaluación de indicadores de tres dimensiones de calidad del servicio (estructura, proceso y resultado) a los que se les da la categoría de bien, regular o mal, según la sumatoria de los puntos. Conclusiones: La Guía metodológica propuesta puede ser un instrumento para la evaluación de la calidad de un servicio de Estomatología General Integral, al permitir la identificación de los problemas, según los componentes estructura, proceso y resultado.
ABSTRACT Background: For the evaluation of the quality of health services, instruments are needed which allow an individual and integral vision of their structure, processes and results. Objective: To propose a methodological guide to evaluate the quality of a General Comprehensive Stomatology service. Methodology: The method of the empirical level was used: documentary analysis (documents, programs, related research). The proposed methodological guide consists of two stages, the first: constitution and training of the work team and the second: application of the Methodological Guide for the evaluation of the three dimensions quality service indicators: structure, process and result, to which they are given the category of good, regular or bad, according to the sum of points. Conclusions: The proposed Methodological Guide can be an instrument for the evaluation of the quality of a General Comprehensive Stomatology service, by allowing the identification of problems, according to the components structure, process and result.
Quality of Health Care , Oral Medicine/methods , Quality Indicators, Health CareABSTRACT
Introducción: La Medicina Natural y Tradicional constituye un área formativa necesaria según el Modelo del Profesional del futuro egresado de la carrera de Estomatología y está definida como estrategia curricular en el actual plan de estudios D, en el cual la disciplina principal integradora Estomatología Integral, es el eje conductor en la formación del estudiante. Objetivo: Describir la estrategia curricular de Medicina Natural y Tradicional en la disciplina Estomatología Integral de la carrera de Estomatología. Material y Métodos: Se realizó una investigación descriptiva, de revisión analítica documental. Los documentos revisados fueron: planes de estudios de la carrera de Estomatología, las estrategias curriculares con énfasis en la de Medicina Natural y Tradicional, las disciplinas de la carrera con mayor profundidad en Estomatología Integral y sus asignaturas. Resultados: Los contenidos sobre MNT fueron incluidos en el programa de estudio de la carrera de Estomatología desde el plan de estudios C. El actual plan D los mantiene y enriquece, al establecer la MNT como una de las estrategias curriculares, la cual establece temas a abordar en 16 de las 20 asignaturas de la disciplina principal Estomatología Integral. Se observó falta de coincidencia entre los documentos vinculados para la ejecución de la estrategia. Conclusiones: La estrategia curricular de MNT de la carrera de Estomatología, establece contenidos a desarrollar en un número elevado de asignaturas de la disciplina principal Estomatología Integral, con carácter integrador con las prácticas estomatológicas convencionales, aunque se percibió falta de coincidencia entre los documentos vinculados para la ejecución de este trabajo(AU)
Introduction: Natural and Traditional Medicine constitutes a necessary formative area according to the Professional Framework of the future graduate students in Dentistry. It is defined as a curricular strategy in the current curriculum according to "D" plan, in which the main integrative discipline, Comprehensive Dentistry, is the focal point in the student´s formation. Objective: To describe the curricular strategy of Natural and Traditional Medicine in the Comprehensive Dentistry Discipline. Material and Methods: A descriptive research, with document analysis was carried out. The documents reviewed were: the curriculum in Dentistry; curricular strategies with an emphasis on Natural and Traditional Medicine; the disciplines of Dentistry, in greater detail of Comprehensive Dentistry, and their subjects. Results: The contents on NTM were included in the dental curriculum according to C plan. The current D plan maintains and improves them, when establishing the NTM as one of the curricular strategies, which presents topics that are expected to be covered in 16 of the 20 subjects of Comprehensive Dentistry as the main discipline. A lack of coincidence among the documents related to the implementation of the strategy was observed. Conclusions: The curricular strategy of NTM in the Comprehensive Dentistry Discipline establishes contents to develop in a high number of subjects of Comprehensive Dentistry as the main discipline, with an integration of conventional dental practices, although a lack of coincidence was perceived among the documents related to the implementation of this work.
Materia Medica Study Methods , Oral Medicine/methods , Health Systems Plans , Medicine, Traditional/methods , Universities , Scientific DomainsABSTRACT
La Estomatología en el municipio de Colón ha pasado por diversos momentos, hoy toma dimensiones cualitativamente superiores, que contribuyen a elevar la salud bucal y la calidad de vida de la población. Se considera pionera en la atención estomatológica. El objetivo es revelar la historia de los servicios de Odontología, en el municipio (AU).
Dentistry, in the municipality of Colon has gone through different moments. Nowadays it is taking qualitatively higher dimensions contributing to improve the population´s oral health and life quality. It is considered a pioneer in dental care. The aim is telling the history of Odontology services in the municipality (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Oral Health/history , Oral Medicine/history , Oral Health/standards , Oral Health/ethics , Dental Care/history , Dental Care/standards , Dental Care/trends , Oral Medicine/education , Oral Medicine/methods , Oral Medicine/ethicsABSTRACT
Introducción: en Cuba con la introducción de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional en Estomatología, se amplía el enfoque terapéutico para las afecciones bucomaxilofaciales. No obstante, en la actualidad se observan dificultades para su aplicación. Objetivos: describir algunos aspectos de la aplicación de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional por estomatólogos del municipio Playa e identificar las dificultades que perciben para su utilización. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, de enero a mayo del año 2012, con la aplicación de un cuestionario elaborado al efecto a una muestra de 88 estomatólogos del municipio Playa, La Habana, Cuba. Las variables estudiadas fueron: años de graduado, especialidad, maestría, aplicación de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional en el tratamiento estomatológico, terapias aplicadas con mayor frecuencia, dificultades para su aplicación y recomendaciones para favorecer su utilización. Resultados: en la muestra, el 58,0 por ciento correspondió a profesionales con 1 a 20 años de graduados y el 60,2 por ciento a especialistas en Estomatología General Integral. El 97,7 por ciento refirió hacer uso de la Medicina Natural y Tradicional en el tratamiento estomatológico; la terapia más aplicada resultó ser la Fitoterapia (80,7 por ciento). El 62,5 por ciento refirió como dificultad, falta de conocimiento sobre estas terapias y el 35,2 por ciento recomendó realizar cursos sobre las mismas. Conclusiones: casi la totalidad de los encuestados refirieron aplicar la Medicina Natural y Tradicional en el tratamiento estomatológico. Las principales dificultades referidas para su aplicación fueron la falta de conocimiento sobre estas terapias y no disponer regularmente de los recursos necesarios en la consulta(AU)
Introduction: the incorporation of Natural and Traditional Medicine into dental practice has broadened the scope of therapies for oral and maxillofacial disorders. However, difficulties are still found for its application. Objectives: describe some aspects of the application of Natural and Traditional Medicine by dentists from the municipality of Playa and identify the difficulties perceived for its application. Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from January to May 2012 based on a dedicated questionnaire applied to 88 dentists from the municipality of Playa, Havana, Cuba. The variables studied were years after graduation, specialty, master's degree, application of Natural and Traditional Medicine in dental treatment, therapies most commonly used, difficulties for their application and recommendations to improve their use. Results: from the overall study sample, 58.0 percent were professionals with 1 to 20 years' experience after graduation, whereas 60.2 percent were General Comprehensive Dentistry specialists. 97.7 percent stated they made use of Natural and Traditional Medicine in dental treatment. The therapy most commonly employed was phytotherapy (80.7 percent). 62.5 percent said that insufficient knowledge about these therapies was a difficulty, and 35.2 percent recommended to implement courses about them. Conclusions: almost all surveyed dentists said they included Natural and Traditional Medicine in their dental practice. The main difficulties cited in its application were lack of knowledge about these therapies and non-availability of the resources required in dental consultation offices(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Plants, Medicinal/adverse effects , Oral Medicine/methods , Phytotherapy/adverse effects , Medicine, Traditional/statistics & numerical data , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Therapeutic UsesABSTRACT
Objetivos: Avaliar o acerto diagnóstico entre a avaliação presencial de lesões bucais e a hipótese diagnóstica proposta à distância para uma amostra de imagens digitais obtidas por meio de um smartphone. Materiais e Métodos: O estudo teve desenho observacional transversal com amostra de conveniência. Os dados foram coletados no ambulatório de Estomatologia da Universidade Federal do Paraná, e obtidos a partir de exame físico oral, história da doença e registro fotográfico de lesões bucais realizado com um smartphone. Todos os pacientes que apresentaram lesões bucais visíveis à inspeção foram convidados a participar do estudo. A história clínica e as imagens dos participantes foram enviadas por e-mail para dois avaliadores, que foram solicitados a formular um mínimo de uma e máximo de duas hipóteses diagnósticas para cada caso. As hipóteses diagnósticas formuladas à distância foram comparadas com o padrão-ouro em cada caso clínico proposto, e medidas pelo coeficiente kappa. Resultados:O estudo avaliou uma amostra de 42 fotografias de lesões bucais obtidas de 23 pacientes. Em 91% e 87% dos casos, para os avaliadores 1 e 2, respectivamente, houve concordância do diagnóstico à distância comparado ao padrão-ouro. Os valores de concordância obtidos foram considerados ótimos de acordo com os valores de kappa (K = 0,864 - 0,909). Conclusão: O diagnóstico de lesões bucais por meio de imagens obtidas com um smartphone mostrou boa concordância e acerto diagnóstico comparável com aquele obtido presencialmente e pode ser sugerido como uma ferramenta auxiliar na referência de casos entre a atenção primária e a média complexidade em Estomatologia.
To evaluate the diagnostic accuracy between presential assessments of oral lesions and the diagnostic hypothesis proposed at distance with the use of a sample of photographs obtained with a smartphone.The study had a cross-sectional observational design with a convenience sample. The data were collected at the oral medicine ou patient clinic of Federal University of Paraná. They were obtained from clinical oral examination, a brief clinical history and photographic record of oral lesions taken with as martphone camera. The participants were all the patients with oral lesions visible to inspection. The clinical information and the photographs of were sent by email for two remote consultants, who weresolicited to formulate a maximum of two diagnostic hypotheses for each case. The diagnostic hypotheses formulated by the remote consultant were compared to the gold standard in each clinical caseand measured by the kappa coefficient. The sample was composed by 42 photographs of oral lesions obtained from 23 patients. In 91% and 87% of the cases, there was agreement from distant diagnosis when compared to the gold standard for consultants 1 and 2, respectively. The concordance obtained between the diagnostic hypotheses and the gold standard was considered excellent according to thevalues of kappa index (K = 0,864 - 0,909). The diagnosis of oral lesions through images obtained with as martphone showed good diagnostic accuracy and was comparable to that obtained in person. It canbe suggested as an auxiliary tool in refererring cases from primary to secondary care in oral medicine.
Humans , Male , Female , Oral Medicine/methods , Oral Medicine/organization & administration , Cell Phone , Telemedicine/methods , Telemedicine/organization & administration , TelemedicineABSTRACT
El ozono, de gran poder oxidante ha demostrado propiedades terapéuticas, pero es potencialmente tóxico. El propósito de este trabajo fue identificar las consideraciones a tener en cuenta para garantizar la seguridad durante la ozonoterapia estomatológica. Se realizó la investigación en dos etapas: primero revisión bibliográfica consultándose 38 publicaciones científicas de las bases de datos Hinari, Cochrane, Pubmed, Scopus, Scielo, Dynamed, EBSCOH disponibles a través de la Red de Infomed, (2005-2012), seleccionándose 27. Segunda etapa: se aplicaron métodos teóricos de análisis y síntesis e inducción y deducción, teniendo en cuenta los fundamentos teóricos de la literatura revisada así como la experiencia acumulada por los autores después de más de 15 años de emplear la ozonoterapia, para determinar los criterios necesarios en cuanto a la seguridad de los sujetos. Se evidenció que el ozono es seguro, siempre y cuando se use según la dosis terapéutica adecuada. Se determinaron consideraciones a tener en cuenta en cuanto al ambiente, operador, paciente, instrumentos y materiales, indicaciones, exámenes complementarios, legalidad e investigaciones. Se requieren más ensayos clínicos para fundamentar a través de la estomatología basada en la evidencia, el papel de la ozonoterapia estomatológica(AU)
Ozone is an element of great oxidative power that has shon its therapeutic properties, but it is potentially toxic. To identify the parameters to guarantee safety during the treatment with ozone in the dental clinic. A research study was performed in two phases: firstly, literature review of 38 scientific publications in Hinari, Cochrane, Pubmed, Scopus, Scielo, Dynamed, EBSCOH databases through Infomed net(2005-2012) in which 27 papers were selected. Secondly, theoretical methods of analysis and synthesis as well as induction and deduction were applied, taking into account the accumulated experience by authors after more than 15 years of using ozone therapy in dental clinic, in order to find out the necessary criteria on safety of subjects. For the purpose of guaranteeing safety in ozone therapy for dental use, it is necessary to have informed consent of patient, to observe weather conditions to schedule consultation at the most suitable time, to avail of an ozone concentration equipment, to keep saliva ejector or other disposal method, to comply with the ozone equipment standards set by the manufacturer, to stop giving treatment if there is any adverse reaction to ozone and to register any event in the medical history, and to develop controlled clinical and randomized assay protocols on this topic and to publish the final results. Ozone is safe provided that it is used according to the established norms and appropriate therapeutic dose. Some parameters were identified to keep in mind for the ozone therapy in dental clinic. More clinical assays are required to justify the role of the dental ozone therapy, through evidence-based odontology(AU)
Humans , Oral Medicine/methods , Ozone/standards , Ozone/therapeutic use , Review Literature as Topic , Databases, Bibliographic , Ozone/toxicityABSTRACT
Se realizó una investigación en sistemas y servicios de salud de tipo descriptiva, con el objetivo principal de identificar factores subjetivos que limitan el acceso al tratamiento estomatológico de las embarazadas. El universo estuvo constituido por mujeres que parieron en el territorio de la provincia de Camagüey durante el primer semestre de 2009, y la muestra estuvo conformada por 239 de estas féminas, que tuvieron nacidos vivos en el Hospital Materno Ana Betancourt, de la capital provincial, en febrero de ese año. Se diseñó una encuesta para explorar conocimientos, aptitudes y prácticas, como instrumento cuantitativo, recogiéndose un grupo de variables, que sirvieron para dar salida a los objetivos trazados. Los datos obtenidos fueron procesados utilizando estadísticas descriptivas, exponiéndose en tablas para una mejor comprensión y de cuya información se conocieron, los principales factores subjetivos que influyen en el acceso de las embarazadas al tratamiento estomatológico, arribándose a conclusiones precisas.
We carried out a descriptive research in health systems and services, with the main objective of identifying subjective factors limiting the pregnant women's access to the stomatologic service. The universe was formed by women who delivered children in the territory of the province of Camaguey during the first semester of 2009. The sample was formed by 239 of these women, who gave birth to children born alive in the Maternity Hospital Ana Betancourt of the provincial capital, in February of that year. We designed a survey to explore knowledge, aptitudes and practices as a quantitative instrument, collecting a group of variables that allowed fulfilling the planned objectives. The obtained data were processed using descriptive statistics, and exposed in charts for a better comprehension. From this information we knew the main subjective factors influencing in the pregnant women's access to the stomatologic treatment, arriving to specific conclusions.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Health Services Accessibility , Causality , Oral Medicine/methods , Pregnant Women , Oral Health , Epidemiology, DescriptiveABSTRACT
A queilite actinica é uma lesão que acomete o vermelhão do lábio, principalmente o inferior, devido à exposição crônica e prolongada à radiação ultravioleta solar. Sabe-se'";que uma parcela dos casos de queilite actinica evoluirá para carcinoma epidermoide de lábio, mas quantos casos e quais, exatamente, ainda não é possível dizer. O prognósticoda queilite actinica, assim como a decisão terapêutica, são, atualmente, baseados em seu aspecto histopatológico mais importante: a displasia epitelial. O objetivo deste trabalhofoi avaliar as alterações citológicas e arquiteturais do epitélio de uma ampla amostra de casos de queilite actinica. Após essa etapa, os casos foram classificados segundo doissistemas de graduação: o proposto pela OMS e o binário. Depois dessa fase, foram selecionados casos de todas as graduações para serem submetidos, pela técnica deimuno-histoquímica, aos anticorpos anti-Ki 67 e anti-p53 mutada. Um total de 458 casos foram examinado. As alterações epiteliais mais frequentemente encontradas foi a perdade polaridade do estrato basal, o pleomorfismo nuclear e celular e o hipercromatismo. As graduações mais frequentes foram lesão de baixo risco e displasia epitelial moderada.Os resultados para as proteínas Ki 67 e p53 não mostraram relação estatisticamente significante com os graus histológicos. Que seja de nosso conhecimento, esta é a maior sériede queilites actínicas já analisada histologicamente e conclui-se que fatores como a determinação de quais as alterações teciduais devem ser consideradas, a representatividade do corteexaminado e a correspondência entre as alterações morfológicas e a instabilidade genética dos tecidos comprometem o uso prognóstico dos diferentes graus de displasia epitelial.
Actinic cheilitis is a lesion that affects the lip vermilion, due to chronic and prolonged exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation. It is known that a proportion of the actiniccheilitis cases wiIl evolve into squamous ceIl carcinoma of the lip, but how many cases and which ones wiIl suffer this process is not yet possible to say. The actinic cheilitisprognosis, as weIl as, the therapeutic decision are currendy based on epithelial dysplasia degree presented, which is considered the main histological characteristic. The aim ofthis study was to evaluate the epithelium architectural and cytological changes presented in a large sample of cases of actinic cheilitis. AfteIWards, the cases were classifiedfolIowing two grading systems: After this stage, cases were classified by two grading systems: the one proposed by WHO and the binary system. After, cases of allhistological grades were selected and submitted by means of immunohistochemistry, to the antibodies against Ki-67 and mutated p53. A total of 458 cases were exarnined andthe epithelial changes most frequendy found were the loss of polarity of basal ceIl; nuclear and celIular pleomorphism; and hyperchromatism. The grades most frequendyfound were low risk and moderate epithelial dysplasia. Results for p53 protein and Ki 67 showed no statistically significant relationship with the histological grades. To the best ofour knowledge, this is the largest series of actinic cheilitis histologically analyzed. It was concluded that factors such as determining which histological changes should beconsidered, the section representativeness, hence the correspondence between the morphological changes and genetic instability, compromise the prognostic use of epithelial dysplasia grading.
Humans , Male , Female , Oral Medicine/methods , Odontodysplasia/diagnosis , Cheilitis/diagnosisABSTRACT
Introdução: Os estudos epidemiológicos perfazem uma grande área da pesquisa desempenhando um importante papel, pois revelam a prevalência de inúmeras doenças, e particularizam a sua distribuição dentro de características próprias do ambiente onde estão sendo executados. Métodos: Este estudo tem como o principal objetivo avaliar os prontuários dos pacientes da disciplina de Semiologia da Universidade Cidade de São Paulo entre os anos de 2003 a 2008, avaliando as informações referentes à ocorrência das lesões; isoladamente e por grupos de classificação; características como: idade, gênero, etnia; tipo de biópsia e diagnóstico histopatológico. Conclusões: Entre as lesões diagnosticadas através de anátomo-patológico, a hiperplasia fibrosa inflamatória ocorreu com mais frequência e o gênero mais acometido foi feminino entre a 5ª e 6ª década.
Introduction: Epidemiological studies make up a large area of research and play an important role, highlighting the prevalence of various diseases, and specify the distribution of characteristics in the environment they are running. Methods: This study evaluates the main patients? charts of Semiology University of São Paulo City between the years 2003 to 2008, evaluating the information related to the occurrence of injuries, isolation and classification groups; characteristics such as age, gender, race, type of biopsy and histopathological diagnosis. Conclusions: Among the lesions studied inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia was the most frequent diagnosis, the most affected gender was female between the 5th and 6th decade.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Aged, 80 and over , Diagnosis, Oral/methods , Epidemiology/statistics & numerical data , Hyperplasia/diagnosis , Oral Medicine/methodsABSTRACT
La proporción áurea ha sido utilizada en el diagnóstico ortodóncico como una variable importante para decidir el tratamiento de elección. Objetivo: evaluar la relación entre la presencia de la proporción divina y el tipo facial morfológico. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo en 70 estudiantes de la Facultad de Estomatología de La Habana. Se comparó el tipo facial encontrado, con la presencia o no de la divina proporción (1,618) entre la altura de la cabeza y la anchura bicigomática. Resultados: los tipos faciales euriprosopo y mesoprosopo fueron los más representados (38,57 por ciento cada uno). El 65,71 por ciento del total presentó la proporción áurea. En ambos sexos predominaron los que tuvieron la proporción (femenino con 66,67 por ciento, masculino con 64 por ciento), al igual que el 74,07 por ciento de los mesoprosopos y el 62,96 por ciento de los euriprosopos. En el sexo femenino los tres tipos faciales cumplieron significativamente (p< 0,05) con la proporción y en el masculino solo los mesoprosopos con un 80,00 por ciento. Conclusiones: los tipos faciales euriprosopo y mesoprosopo constituyeron la mayoría de la muestra estudiada, predominaron los estudiantes con la divina proporción en las mediciones estudiadas, en el sexo masculino sobresale en los mesoprosopos ganando en estos, mayor significación diagnóstica(AU)
Aurous proportion has been used in the orthodontic diagnosis as an important variable to decide the choice treatment. Objective: To assess the relation between the presence of a divine proportion and the morphologic facial type. Methods: A descriptive study was conducted in 70 students from the Odontology Faculty (Facultad de Estomatología) of La Habana. The facial type founded was compared with the presence or not of the divine proportion (1,618) between the head height and the zygomatic width. Results: The euryprosopic and the mesoprosopic facial types were the more represented (38.57 percent each). The (65.71 ) percent of total had an aureal proportion (female sex with 66,67 percent and male sex with 64 percent) similar to the 74,07 percent of mesoprosopic ones and the 62,96 percent of euryprosopic ones. In the case of the female sex the three facial types significantly fulfilled (p< 0,05) with the proportion parameters and in the male sex only the mesoprosopic ones for a 80,00 percent. Conclusions: The euryprosopic and mesoprosopic facial types were the most of the study sample with predominance of students with the divine proportion in study measurements, in male sex it to stand out in the mesoprosopic ones with a higher diagnostic significance(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Young Adult , Extraoral Traction Appliances/adverse effects , Extraoral Traction Appliances/trends , Students , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Oral Medicine/methodsABSTRACT
Las universidades constituyen la columna vertebral del subsistema científico-tecnológico de cada país, y por eso les corresponde estimular el espíritu creativo así como la formación científica de los profesionales que forma. Es necesario queen el perfil de las carreras de Estomatología aparezcan, de forma explícita, objetivos dirigidos ala formación investigativa de los estudiantes, no solo para que los futuros profesionales contribuyan en la solución de los problemas de la salud bucal, y por ende, a mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas, sino además porque se necesita una investigación universitaria que aporte soluciones concretas a los problemas de salud, de impacto social. A partir de las premisas anteriores, se realizó un estudio documental con el objetivo de verificar la presencia de la formación para la investigación en la carrera de Estomatología de 18 universidades latinoamericanas, incluyendo el perfil de la carrera de Estomatología de Cuba, para lo cual se efectuó una investigación bibliográfica en Internet que permitió la revisión y análisis de dichos perfiles. Como resultado se observó que de los 18 perfiles estudiados, solo en 6 (33,3 por ciento) aparece bien definido un objetivo dirigido a la formación investigativa de los futuros estomatólogos, y en 12 (66,6 por ciento) no aparece, por lo que se concluyó que en la mayoría de los perfiles profesionales de la carrera de Estomatología consultados, no se incluye en el perfil del egresado, su preparación para la investigación. Es necesario el perfeccionamiento de dichos currículos, con la inclusión del componente investigativo y su presencia explícita en el perfil profesional(AU)
Universities are the vertebral column of the scientific-technological subsystem of each country. That's why, they should stimulate the creative spirit as well as the scientific training of the professionals they educate. It is necessary that the objectives directed to the research training of the students appear in an explicit way in the profile of the stomatology careers not only for the future professionals to contribute to the solution of the oral health problems and to improve the quality of the persons' life, but also because a university research giving concrete solutions to the health problems of social impact is necessary. Starting from the previous premises, a documentary study was carried out aimed at verifying the presence of research training in the Stomatology career of 18 Latin American universities, including the profile of the Stomatology career of Cuba, for which a bibliographic research was made in Internet that allowed the review and analysis of such profiles. As a result, it was observed that of the 18 studied profiles, only in 6 (33.3 percent) an objective directed to the research training of the future stomatologists is well-defined, and in 12 (66.6 percent) it does not exist. It was concluded that in most of the consulted professional profiles of the Stomatology career, their research training is not included in the graduate profile. The improvement of such curricula with the inclusion of the investigative component and its explicit presence in the professional profile is necessary(AU)
Humans , Quality of Life , Research , Oral Health , Oral Medicine/methods , Job DescriptionABSTRACT
La terapia con láser de baja potencia ha demostrado tener propiedades analgésicas antiinflamatorias, bioestimulantes y promotoras de la respuesta tisular al daño. El propósito de este estudio fue determinar el efecto que el láser de baja potencia tiene sobre el hueso alveolar dañado. Se utilizaros 13 ratas Sprage Dawley, en las cuales se realizó una lesión estandarizada del hueso alveolar, posterior a lo cual una muestra aleatoria de 7 ratas fue sometida a un protocolo de irradiación de 6 J/cm2, tres veces por semana durante cuatro semanas. Las muestras obtenidas del sitio lesionado en ratas expuestas y no expuestas a la terapia fueron procesadas para hematoxilina eosina, contabilizándose el número de osteonas al microscopio óptico con aumento de 40x. Los resultados muestran un aumento en el número de osteonas en el grupo irradiado, diferencia que resultó estadísticamente significativa (p<0,01), con una alta fuerza de asociación estadística (O.R=5,6 ). Estos resultados sugieren que la terapia láser de baja potencia favorece la respuesta del hueso alveolar dañado.
The Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) has demostrated to have analgesic, antiinflamatory, bioestimulant and promoters from the tissues responses properties to the damage. The purpose of this study was determinate the Low Level Laser Therapy effect in the damaged alveolar bone. Thirteen Sprage Dawley rats were used. Total number of animals alveolar bones a standarized lesion was made, later an aleatory sample of seven rats was subjected to the irradiation protocol 6 J/cm², three times per week during four weeks. The obtained samples of the injured area, of exposed and not exposed rats to the laser therapy were processed for hematoxilin & eosin, being the osteon number count by optic microscope with increase of 40x. The result show an increase in the osteon number in the irradiated group, this differentiated was statistically significant (p<0.01), whit a high strength of statistical association (OR=5.6). These result suggest that the therapy laser of low power favors the answer of the damaged alveolar bone.
Adult , Animals , Female , Rats , Alveolar Process/anatomy & histology , Alveolar Process , Alveolar Process/physiology , Low-Level Light Therapy/methods , Low-Level Light Therapy/veterinary , Bone and Bones/anatomy & histology , Bone and Bones/blood supply , Bone and Bones/injuries , Bone and Bones/ultrastructure , Oral Medicine/methods , Rats, Sprague-Dawley/anatomy & histology , Rats, Sprague-Dawley/embryologyABSTRACT
Identificar el nivel de satisfacción con los servicios informativos en la biblioteca de la Facultad de Estomatología de la Habana. Se realizó un estudio a través de un cuestionario a una muestra representativa de los usuarios de estos servicios. Se determinaron las principales limitaciones en las variables promoción, accesibilidad, tangibilidad y exhaustividad lo cual provoca insatisfacción con los servicios brindados, básicamente en los alumnos de pre y postgrado. Los resultados evidenciaron insatisfacción en general con los servicios informativos, básicamente en los alumnos de pre y postgrado, no obstante, las ocho variables estudiadas tuvieron diferentes valoraciones(AU)
To determine the level of satisfaction with the information services of the library of the Faculty of Stomatology of Havana. A study was carried out by using a questionnaire in a representative sample of the users of these services. There were determined the main limitations in the variables promotion, accessibility, tangibility and exhaustivity, which cause unsatisfaction with the services offered, basically among pre- and postgraduate students. The results evidenced the unsatisfaction in general with the information services, mainly among pre- and postgraduate students; however, the eight studied variables had different assessments(AU)
Humans , Oral Medicine/methods , Libraries, Medical , Information Services , Consumer BehaviorABSTRACT
El envejecimiento es un proceso dinámico de modificaciones morfológicas, funcionales, psicológicas y bioquímicas que se inician en el momento del nacimiento y se desarrollan a lo largo de nuestras vidas. Envejecer no es lo mismo que enfermarse; en el camino hacia el envejecimiento se van produciendo cambios en los órganos y sistemas. En el envejecimiento aumenta el riesgo de adquirir enfermedades e incapacidades, y con ello, la necesidad de trazar metas para mejorar la salud del adulto mayor. Basándonos en esas inquietudes, nos proponemos describir los cambios bucales en los adultos mayores, así como determinar la relación entre sexo y alteraciones sistémicas con la aparición de cambios bucales en el adulto mayor. Se encontró un mayor porcentaje de cambios bucales en los adultos mayores desdentados totales. El reborde alveolar reabsorbido fue el cambio bucal más frecuente. En el sexo femenino se reportó el mayor número de cambios bucales y se evidenció una relación directa entre las alteraciones sistémicas y los cambios bucales, dentro de los cuales el grupo de pacientes diabéticos fue el más afectado(AU)
Aging is a dynamic process of morphological, functional, psychological and biochemical modifications that start at birth and develop throughout our lives. Getting old is not the same as getting sick. Along the aging road, a series of changes in the organs and systems take place. In the aging process, the risk of acquiring diseases and disabilities increases, as well as the need to lay down goals to improve the older adult's health. Based on these concerns, we proposed to describe the oral changes occurring in older adults, and to determine the relationship between sex and systemic alterations with the appearance of oral changes in the older adult. A higher percentage of oral changes was found in the totally edentulous older adults. The reabsorbed alveolar crest was the most frequent oral change. The greatest number of oral changes was reported in the females, and a direct relation was evidenced between the systemic alterations and the oral changes, among which the group of diabetic patients was the most affected(AU)