Introducción: La miositis orbitaria aguda es una afección inflamatoria de la musculatura extrínseca ocular muchas veces de causa desconocida. Forma parte de un grupo de afecciones inflamatorias orbitarias inespecíficas englobadas bajo el término de pseudo tumor orbitario. Afecta principalmente a las mujeres jóvenes. Objetivo: Describir el caso de una adolescente con miositis orbitaria aguda, afección inflamatoria poco frecuente en la edad pediátrica. Presentación del caso: Se trata de una adolescente de 14 años, mestiza, femenina, quien sufrió dengue por tres ocasiones poco tiempo antes de presentarse con dolor ocular del ojo izquierdo, fiebre elevada intermitente, protrusión ocular intermitente, vómitos, cefalea, decaimiento, pérdida de peso y de apetito. El ojo izquierdo presentaba edema del parpado superior y limitación a la abducción, musculatura ocular extrínseca: diplopía horizontal a mirada derecha a izquierda. El ultrasonido ocular informa presencia de imagen quística que no impresiona ser de contenido hemático. El resultado de la tomografía axial computarizada de órbita y cráneo simple fue compatible con diagnóstico de miositis orbitaria. Se indicó tratamiento inmediato con esteroides orales y se remitió al Instituto de Oftalmología Ramon Pando Ferrer para seguimiento. Conclusiones: La miositis orbitaria exige un alto índice de sospecha para un diagnóstico y tratamiento correcto. El dengue pudiera estar implicado en la etiología de la enfermedad(AU)
Introduction: Acute orbitary myositis is an inflammatory condition of the extrinsic ocular musculature, often of unknown cause. It is part of a group of non-specific orbital inflammatory conditions encompassed by the term of orbital pseudotumors. It mainly affects young women. Objective: To describe the case of a teenager with acute orbital myositis which an inflammatory condition not frequent in the pediatric ages. Case presentation: This is a 14-year-old, mixed-race, female patient, who suffered dengue three times before presenting ocular pain in the left eye, intermittent high fever, intermittent ocular protrusion, vomiting, headache, weakness, loss of weight and appetite. The left eye presents edema of the upper eyelid and limitation in abduction. The extrinsic ocular musculature presented: horizontal diplopia in right to left gaze. The ocular ultrasound informs: cystic image that does not impress to be of hematic content. A computerized axial tomography of the orbit and simple skull was performed, and the result was compatible with the diagnosis of orbital myositis. Immediate treatment with oral steroids was indicated and the patient was sent to the Ramon Pando Ferrer Ophthalmology Institute for follow-up. Conclusion: Orbital myositis requires a high index of suspicion for a correct diagnosis and treatment. Dengue seems to be involved in the etiology of the disease(AU)
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Orbital Pseudotumor/drug therapy , Dengue Virus/pathogenicity , Diagnosis, Differential , Orbital Myositis/complications , Orbital Myositis/diagnosisABSTRACT
Resumo O pseudotumor orbitário é uma doença inflamatória idiopática benigna. Os autores apresentam um caso manifestado em adolescente de 12 anos, diagnosticado por meio do exame clínico, laboratorial e radiológico. Houve boa resposta ao tratamento proposto com corticosteroides. O relato é seguido de breve retomada literária acerca do tema.
Abstract The orbital pseudotumor is a benign idiopathic inflammatory disease. The authors present a case manifested in 12 years old boy, diagnosed by clinical, laboratory and radiological examination. There was a good response to treatment with corticosteroids proposed. The report is followed by brief literary resume on the subject.
Humans , Male , Child , Orbital Pseudotumor/diagnosis , Orbital Pseudotumor/drug therapy , Orbit/diagnostic imaging , Recurrence , Prednisone/therapeutic use , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Tomography, X-Ray ComputedABSTRACT
RESUMO O pseudotumor esclerosante de órbita é um subtipo raro de pseudotumor inflamatório idiopático de órbita. É mais comum em adultos e apresenta diagnóstico de exclusão. A primeira linha de tratamento são os esteroides. O subtipo esclerosante apresenta resposta moderada aos esteroides devido à predominância de fibrose e colágeno na histologia. Relatamos o caso de um paciente com diagnóstico histológico de pseudotumor esclerosante de órbita que teve boa resposta ao tratamento com corticoide associado à azatioprina.
ABSTRACT Sclerosing orbital pseudotumor is a rare subtype of idiopathic orbital inflammatory pseudotumor. It's more common in adults and presents diagnosis of exclusion. Steroids represent the first option of treatment. The sclerosing orbital pseudotumor subtype shows moderate response to steroids due to the predominance of fibrosis and collagen in its histology. We report on a case of a patient with histologic diagnosis of sclerosing orbital pseudotumor successfully treated with corticosteroid associated with azathioprine.
Humans , Male , Adult , Orbital Pseudotumor/diagnosis , Azathioprine/therapeutic use , Biopsy , Prednisone/therapeutic use , Orbital Pseudotumor/pathology , Orbital Pseudotumor/drug therapy , Conjunctiva/pathology , Tenon Capsule/pathology , Slit Lamp Microscopy , InflammationSubject(s)
Humans , Male , Adult , Orbital Pseudotumor/drug therapy , Orbital Pseudotumor/surgery , Tomography, X-Ray ComputedABSTRACT
To describe the clinical characteristics of orbital pseudotumor, a retrospective analysis was performed on patients with orbital pseudotumor at Siriraj Hospital for ten years. Forty-nine patients (24 males and 25 females; 62 eyes) with a mean age of 43.75 years were included (a mean follow-up of 25 months). Thirty-six patients (73.5%) had unilateral disease. The clinical features were proptosis (79.6%), ocular motor deficit (61.2%), pain (51%), lid swelling or lid mass (44.9%), ptosis (24.5%), and chemosis (18.4%). The most common presenting sign was proptosis (49%). All were treated with corticosteroids with clinical improvement in 40 (81.6%) patients. Ten (83.3%) of 12 patients with visual loss improved with mean recovery time of 10.3 days. Ocular motility recovered in 24 (80%) patients, occurring an average of 17.8 days after initiation of therapy. It is concluded that the clinical features of orbital pseudotumor are varied. Most patients were improved with corticosteroids treatment.
Adrenal Cortex Hormones/therapeutic use , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Orbital Pseudotumor/drug therapy , Recovery of Function/drug effects , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
Orbital myositis implies orbital inflammation confined to one or more of the extraocular muscles. The acute form responds well to high doses of oral corticosteroids tapered gradually, but it may recur or become chronic. We describe a 38 years old female who has been suffering from rheumatoid arthritis for six years. She developed diplopia as a result of a paralysis of the right and left rectus medialis muscle. MRI showed inflammatory process and thickness of the referred muscles. The patient had a total recovery with oral use of 80 mg methylpredinisolone daily. Two months after the first episode she developed a bilateral ophthalmoplegy. The patient improved with oral use of steroids the second time, but a paresis of the left rectus lateralis muscle remained. From the 156 cases we reviewed only three have been related to rheumatic diseases and none has been previously related to rheumatoid arthritis.
Humans , Female , Adult , Arthritis, Rheumatoid/complications , Orbital Pseudotumor/complications , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/therapeutic use , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Methylprednisolone/therapeutic use , Orbital Pseudotumor/diagnosis , Orbital Pseudotumor/drug therapy , RecurrenceABSTRACT
The case of 22-year old, white woman with bilateral orbital myositis following an acute upper respiratory tract infection is reported. The most important clinical findings were ocular pain, proptosis, restricted eye motility and swelling of the eyelids. The enlarged eye muscles were seen on orbital computerized tomography scan. The clinical findings of inflammatory orbital myositis and clinical response to corticotherapy are emphasized.