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Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;63(3): 647-658, jul.-sep. 2015. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-778074


Orchid bees are important keystone pollinators from the Neotropics. With the aim to study the relationships between orchid bees and their nectar and aromatic host species, we made systematic samplings of males across two conservation areas in the biogeographic Chocó Region of Colombia. We used chemical baits to collect 352 male bees during five months. The pollen attached to their bodies was extracted for palynological identification and to estimate interaction networks. The euglossine community consisted of at least 22 species including Eg. maculilabris, Eg. orellana, Eg. championiand Eg. ignita.The male bees were associated with 84 plants but depended on a small group of them (Peperomiaspp. and Anthuriumspp, as well as species of Solanaceae, Ericaceae and Malpighiaceae) which were widely distributed across the altitudinal gradient, and were available through the year. The resulting interaction networks revealed a typical nested pattern usually found in plant-pollinator interactions, with several rare bee and plant species interaction with a small group of generalist bees and plant species. Albeit, we found variation within networks related to species composition. Such variation may be a consequence of specific differences in plant flowering phenology.

Las abejas de las orquídeas son uno de los principales grupos de polinizadores con distribución exclusivamente Neotropical. Con el fin de documentar las relaciones de estas abejas con sus plantas fuente de néctar y sustancias aromáticas, realizamos muestreos sistemáticos de 352 machos durante cinco meses usando cebos químicos para atraerlos en dos áreas de conservación en el Chocó biogeográfico. Se extrajo el polen adherido al cuerpo de los especímenes recolectados para identificación palinológica de las especies vegetales visitadas por la comunidad y posterior análisis de redes de interacciones. Encontramos que la comunidad de euglossinos está conformada por al menos 22 especies de abejas. Dentro de la comunidad fueron más comunes: Eg. maculilabris, Eg. orellana, Eg. championiy Eg. ignita.Las especies de abejas se relacionan con no menos de 84 especies de plantas pero dependen más frecuentemente de un pequeño grupo de especies vegetales ampliamente distribuidas en el gradiente altitudinal mues-treado y que se encuentran disponibles durante gran parte del año. Dentro de este pequeño grupo destacan especies pertenecientes a los géneros Anthuriumy Peperomiay a las familias Solanaceae, Ericaceae y Malpighiaceae. Las redes de interacciones resultantes muestran un patrón anidado en el que muchas especies de abejas o plantas raras interac-túan con un pequeño grupo de especies de abejas o plantas generalistas. También encontramos variaciones espaciales y temporales en las redes en cuanto a la composición de especies y la manera como se distribuyen las interacciones. Estas variaciones estarían determinadas por las diferencias en la fenología de las plantas y en las condiciones climáticas entre los sitios muestreados que se encuentran muy cercanos entre sí.

Animals , Male , Bees/physiology , Ecosystem , Orchidaceae/classification , Pollination , Bees/classification , Colombia , Population Density , Rainforest
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;75(3s1): 222-237, Aug. 2015. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-769583


Abstract Among the studies on Orchidaceae in the Amazon, none comprised the region of the Great Curve of the Xingu River, located in the lower Xingu river. The aim of this study was to inventory and taxonomically study the species of Oncidiinae (Orchidaceae) in the Great Curve of the Xingu River, Pará state. The floristic survey was performed in the area of the Belo Monte hydroelectric plant, in the Vitória do Xingu municipality, centrally inserted in the called Great Curve of the Xingu River. Botanical collections were accomplished between June 2011 and December 2013. A total of 27 species of Oncidiinae, distributed in 15 genera, was inventoried in the study area. Notylia Lindl. and Trichocentrum Poepp. & Endl. were the richest genera, with five and four species, respectively, followed by Erycina Lindl., Ionopsis Kunth, Lockhartia Hook., Macradenia R.Br., and Ornithocephalus Hook., with two species each. The remaining eight genera are represented by a single species each in the study area. Morphological descriptions, a key for taxonomic identification, illustrations, and comments on distribution, ecology, phenology and morphology are provided for all inventoried species.

Resumo Entre os estudos com Orchidaceae na Amazônia, nenhum compreende a região da Volta Grande do rio Xingu, localizada no baixo Xingu. O objetivo deste estudo foi inventariar e estudar taxonomicamente as espécies de Oncidiinae (Orchidaceae) na Volta Grande do rio Xingu, estado do Pará, Brasil. O levantamento florístico foi realizado na área da Usina Hidrelétrica de Belo Monte, no município de Vitória do Xingu, inserido centralmente na chamada Volta Grande do Xingu. Foram realizadas coletas botânicas entre junho de 2011 e dezembro de 2013. Na área de estudo, foram inventariadas 27 espécies de Oncidiinae, distribuídas em 15 gêneros. Notylia Lindl. e Trichocentrum Poepp. & Endl. foram os mais ricos, com cinco e quatro espécies respectivamente, seguidos por Erycina Lindl., Ionopsis Kunth, Lockhartia Hook., Macradenia R.Br., e Ornithocephalus Hook., com duas espécies cada. Os oito gêneros restantes estão representados na área de estudo por uma única espécie. São fornecidas descrições morfológicas, chave taxonômica para identificação, ilustrações e comentários sobre distribuição, ecologia, fenologia e morfologia para todas as espécies inventariadas.

Biodiversity , Orchidaceae/classification , Brazil , Ecosystem , Orchidaceae/anatomy & histology , Orchidaceae/physiology , Plant Dispersal
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;75(3,supl.1): 222-237, Aug. 2015. graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468301


Among the studies on Orchidaceae in the Amazon, none comprised the region of the Great Curve of the Xingu River, located in the lower Xingu river. The aim of this study was to inventory and taxonomically study the species of Oncidiinae (Orchidaceae) in the Great Curve of the Xingu River, Pará state. The floristic survey was performed in the area of the Belo Monte hydroelectric plant, in the Vitória do Xingu municipality, centrally inserted in the called Great Curve of the Xingu River. Botanical collections were accomplished between June 2011 and December 2013. A total of 27 species of Oncidiinae, distributed in 15 genera, was inventoried in the study area. Notylia Lindl. and Trichocentrum Poepp. & Endl. were the richest genera, with five and four species, respectively, followed by Erycina Lindl., Ionopsis Kunth, Lockhartia Hook., Macradenia R.Br., and Ornithocephalus Hook., with two species each. The remaining eight genera are represented by a single species each in the study area. Morphological descriptions, a key for taxonomic identification, illustrations, and comments on distribution, ecology, phenology and morphology are provided for all inventoried species.

Entre os estudos com Orchidaceae na Amazônia, nenhum compreende a região da Volta Grande do rio Xingu, localizada no baixo Xingu. O objetivo deste estudo foi inventariar e estudar taxonomicamente as espécies de Oncidiinae (Orchidaceae) na Volta Grande do rio Xingu, estado do Pará, Brasil. O levantamento florístico foi realizado na área da Usina Hidrelétrica de Belo Monte, no município de Vitória do Xingu, inserido centralmente na chamada Volta Grande do Xingu. Foram realizadas coletas botânicas entre junho de 2011 e dezembro de 2013. Na área de estudo, foram inventariadas 27 espécies de Oncidiinae, distribuídas em 15 gêneros. Notylia Lindl. e Trichocentrum Poepp. & Endl. foram os mais ricos, com cinco e quatro espécies respectivamente, seguidos por Erycina Lindl., Ionopsis Kunth, Lockhartia Hook., Macradenia R.Br., e Ornithocephalus Hook., com duas espécies cada. Os oito gêneros restantes estão representados na área de estudo por uma única espécie. São fornecidas descrições morfológicas, chave taxonômica para identificação, ilustrações e comentários sobre distribuição, ecologia, fenologia e morfologia para todas as espécies inventariadas.

Biodiversity , Orchidaceae/classification , Brazil , Plant Dispersal , Ecosystem , Orchidaceae/anatomy & histology , Orchidaceae/physiology
Acta amaz ; Acta amaz;45(1): 21-28, jan.-mar. 2015. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1455238


Orchidaceae is one of the largest botanical families, with approximately 780 genera. Among the genera of this family, Catasetum currently comprises 166 species. The aim of this study was to characterize the root anatomy of eight Catasetum species, verifying adaptations related to epiphytic habit and looking for features that could contribute to the vegetative identification of such species. The species studied were collected at the Portal da Amazônia region, Mato Grosso state, Brazil. The roots were fixed in FAA 50, cut freehand, and stained with astra blue/fuchsin. Illustrations were obtained with a digital camera mounted on a photomicroscope. The roots of examined species shared most of the anatomical characteristics observed in other species of the Catasetum genus, and many of them have adaptations to the epiphytic habit, such as presence of secondary thickening in the velamen cell walls, exodermis, cortex, and medulla. Some specific features were recognized as having taxonomic application, such as composition of the thickening of velamen cell walls, ornamentation of absorbent root-hair walls, presence of tilosomes, composition and thickening of the cortical cell walls, presence of mycorrhizae, endodermal cell wall thickening, the number of protoxylem poles, and composition and thickening of the central area of the vascular cylinder. These traits are important anatomical markers to separate the species within the genus and to generate a dichotomous identification key for Catasetum. Thus, providing a useful tool for taxonomists of this group.

Orchidaceae é uma das maiores famílias botânicas, com cerca de 780 gêneros. Dentre seus gêneros, Catasetum inclui atualmente 166 espécies. Caracterizou-se a raiz de oito espécies de Catasetum com o objetivo de verificar caracteres relacionados ao hábito epifítico e contribuir para a taxonomia do grupo. As espécies foram coletadas na região do Portal da Amazônia, no norte do estado de Mato Grosso. Raízes foram fixadas em FAA 50 (1:1:8 formaldeído, ácido acético glacial e álcool etílico 50%), cortadas à mão livre e corados com azul de astra e fucsina. As ilustrações foram obtidas por meio do capturador de imagens acoplado ao fotomicroscópio. As raízes das espécies estudadas compartilharam a maioria dos caracteres anatômicos observados em outras espécies de Catasetum, e vários destes demonstraram adaptações ao hábito epifítico, tais como presença de espessamento secundário na parede das células do velame, da exoderme, do córtex e da medula. Alguns caracteres foram reconhecidos como tendo aplicação taxonômica, como composição do espessamento da parede das células do velame, ornamentação da parede dos pelos absorventes, presença de tilossomos, composição e espessamento da parede das células do córtex, presença de micorriza, tipo de espessamento da parede das células da endoderme, número de pólos de protoxilema e composição e tipo de espessamento da região central do cilindro vascular. Esses caracteres são importantes marcadores anatômicos, pois possibilitam separar as espécies dentro do gênero e gerar uma chave dicotômica de identificação para as Catasetum da região investigada, fornecendo, assim, uma ferramenta útil para os taxonomistas do grupo.

Orchidaceae/classification , Plant Roots/anatomy & histology
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;63(1): 275-283, Jan.-Mar. 2015. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-753792


Orchidaceae is a highly dependent group on the Rhizoctonia complex that includes Ceratorhiza, Moniliopsis, Epulorhiza and Rhizoctonia, for seed germination and the development of new orchid plants. Thus, the isolation and identification of orchid mycorrhizal fungi are important to understand the orchid-fungus relationship, which can lead to the development of efficient conservation strategies by in vivo germination of seeds from endangered orchid plants. The aim of our work was to isolate and characterize the different mycorrhizal fungi found in roots of terrestrial orchids from Córdoba (Argentina), and, to learn about the natural habit and fungal associations in the Chaco Serrano woodland pristine region. In this study, bloomed orchid root and rhizosphere soil samples were obtained in two times from Valle de Punilla during spring of 2007; samples were kept in plastic bags until processed within 48 hours, and mycorrhizal condition confirmed assessing peloton presence. A total of 23 isolates of the orchideous mycorrhizal Rhizoctonia complex were obtained. The isolates were studied based on morphological characters and ITS-rDNA sequences. Morphological characteristics as color of colonies, texture, growth rate, hyphal diameter and length and presence of sclerotia were observed on culture media. To define the number of nuclei per cell, the isolates were grown in Petri dishes containing water-agar (WA) for three days at 25°C and stained with Safranine-O solution. The mycorrhizal fungi were grouped into binucleate (MSGib, 10 isolates) and multinucleate (MSGim, 13 isolates) based on morphological characteristics of the colonies. We obtained the ITS1-5.8s-ITS4 region that was amplified using primers ITS1 and ITS4. Based on DNA sequencing, isolates Q23 and Q29 were found to be related to species of Ceratobasidium. Isolates Q24 and Q4 were related to the binucleated anastomosis group AG-C of Rhizoctonia sp. The rest of the isolates grouped in the Ceratobasidium clade without grouping. From our knowledge this is the first report of the association of the AG-C testers with terrestrial orchids. A high specificity was observed in the symbiotic relationship. As the mycorrhizal fungal isolates were obtained from native orchids, they could be incorporated in conservation programes of endangered orchids in Argentina.

La Familia Orchidaceae se encuentra estrechamente relacionada con hongos micorrízicos que pertenecen al complejo Rhizoctonia, e incluyen los géneros Ceratorhiza, Moniliopsis, Epulorhiza y Rhizoctonia. Esta asociación es esencial para el desarrollo de nuevas plantas ya que favorecen el proceso de germinación de las semillas. Por lo tanto, el conocimiento de la naturaleza de esta interacción es importante para que los resultados de los programas de conservación de orquídeas sean efectivos. La fragmentación del bosque Chaqueño Serrano en el centro de Argentina, ha alcanzado un punto crítico en los últimos años, afectando el funcionamiento del ecosistema. El objetivo de este trabajo fue: a) aislar y caracterizar hongos micorrízicos presentes en orquídeas terrestres de la provincia de Córdoba (Argentina) y b) conocer el hábitat natural y las asociaciones fúngicas que se establecen en esta región prístina. A partir de las raíces de orquídeas terrestres, se obtuvieron 23 aislamientos de hongos micorrízicos que pertenecen al complejo Rhizoctonia. Estos aislamientos fueron caracterizados con base en caracteres morfológicos y moleculares. Las características morfológicas (color y textura de las colonias, cinética de crecimiento, diámetro y largo de la hifa y presencia de esclerocios) fueron observados en PDA y MEA a 25ºC. El número de núcleos por célula se observó en cultivos crecidos en AA (agar-agua) y teñidos con una solución de Safranine-O. La región ITS se amplificó usando los primers ITS1 e ITS4. Con base en las características morfológicas de la colonia, los aislamientos fueron agrupados en binucleados (MSGib) y multinucleados (MSGim). De acuerdo al cladograma obtenido con las secuencias de ADN, los aislamientos Q23 y Q29 están relacionados a especies de Ceratobasidium, aisladas de raíces de orquídeas. Los aislamientos Q24 y Q4 se asocian con el grupo de anastomosis de Rhizoctonia AG-C. Finalmente, se observó una alta variabilidad en el grado de especificidad existente en la simbiosis que se establece entre las raíces de estas orquídeas terrestres y los aislamientos obtenidos a partir de ellas. Este es el primer reporte de la asociación entre el grupo de anastomosis AG-C y orquídeas terrestres. Dado que estos aislamientos se obtuvieron de orquídeas terrestres nativas, podrían ser incorporados como nuevos patrones para micorrizas de orquídeas terrestres en Argentina. Este trabajo contribuye al conocimiento de la relación simbiótica que se establece entre orquídeas y hongos micorrízicos, así como también al desarrollo de estrategias de conservación de orquídeas terrestres nativas del bosque Chaco Serrano.

Mycorrhizae/classification , Orchidaceae/microbiology , Argentina , DNA, Fungal , DNA, Ribosomal , Mycorrhizae/genetics , Mycorrhizae/growth & development , Orchidaceae/classification , Orchidaceae/growth & development , Phylogeny , Plant Roots/microbiology , Symbiosis
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;62(2): 829-841, Jun.-Aug. 2014. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-715475


The Brazilian Atlantic Forest presents high levels of richness and endemism of several taxonomic groups. Within this forest, the Orchidaceae may be highlighted as the richest family of Angiosperms found there, and is highly threatened due to collection and habitat destruction. The inselbergs of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest are mostly unknown regarding their floristic composition, but the available information points to occurrence of endemic species, with adaptations to survive to this dry environment. The objectives of this study were to con-duct a floristic survey of the Orchidaceae species on the Maciço do Itaoca, an inselberg located in the Northern region of the State of Rio de Janeiro, make a comparative analysis with other sites in Eastern Brazil, and discuss the geographic distribution, floristic relationships and conservation status of the orchid species present on the inselbergs. The floristic composition of the study area was compared with 24 other locations in Eastern Brazil (of which 13 are inselbergs) and the influence of the types of surrounding vegetation on the composition of the Orchidaceae flora on the inselbergs. On Maciço do Itaoca we recorded 18 species from 17 genera: Brasiliorchis picta, Brassavola tuberculata, Campylocentrum robustum; C. sellowii, Catasetum luridum, Cattleya guttata, Cyclopogon congestus, Cyrtopodium glutiniferum, Leptotes bicolor, Lophiaris pumila, Miltonia moreliana, Oeceoclades maculata, Phymatochilum brasiliense, Prescottia plantaginifolia , Pseudolaelia vellozicola, Sarcoglottis fasciculata, Sophronitis cernua. and Vanilla chamissonis. The highest floristic similarity was with the Pedra da Botelha (0.43), an inselberg located in the North of Espírito Santo. This result is probably due to the similarity in altitude and distance from the coast in both areas despite the geographical distance between them. Apparently, little influence is exerted by the types of surrounding vegetation on the composition of the flora of inselbergs, due to their unique environmental characteristics which exert a strong selection pressure on plants that are adapted to survive on these inselbergs. The threats observed to the species on this inselberg are the same as for other inselbergs and include the collection of ornamental species, fire and quarrying. Specifically for the Maciço do Itaoca, a possibility for conservation may be the annexation of this area to the Desengano State Park, an important conservation area in the Northern of the State of Rio de Janeiro.

La Mata Atlántica brasileña presenta altos niveles de riqueza y endemismo de varios grupos taxonómicos. Los inselbergs de la Mata Atlántica de Brasil son, en su mayoría, desconocidos en cuanto a su composición florística. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron hacer un análisis comparativo de las especies de Orchidaceae en el Macizo de Itaoca, un inselberg ubicado en la región norte del Estado de Río de Janeiro, con otros sitios en el este de Brasil, y discutir la distribución geográfica, las relaciones florísticas y el estado de conservación de las especies de orquídeas presentes en los inselbergs. La composición florística de la zona de estudio se comparó con otras 24 localidades en el este de Brasil (13 de las cuales son inselbergs) y la influencia de los tipos de vegetación aledaña en la composición de la flora de Orchidaceae en los inselbergs. En Macizo de Itaoca registramos 18 especies de 17 géneros. La mayor similitud florística fue con la Pedra da Botelha (0,43), en Espírito Santo. Al parecer, los tipos de vegetación aledaña ejercen poca influencia sobre la flora de los inselbergs.

Conservation of Natural Resources , Orchidaceae/classification , Trees , Biodiversity , Brazil , Geography
Rev. bras. plantas med ; Rev. bras. plantas med;16(4): 938-944, oct.-dic. 2014. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-729903


O presente trabalho teve por objetivo determinar a capacidade antioxidante de Oeceoclades maculata. A atividade foi determinada de acordo com a capacidade do extrato hidroalcoólico das folhas reduzir o radical DPPH. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que os conteúdos de polifenóis e flavonas/flavonóis são maiores no extrato preparado a frio (EBHF) do que no extrato preparado a quente (EBHQ), sugerindo que o aquecimento usado na preparação do extrato altera esses componentes ativos. Portanto, para esta espécie deve ser realizado o método de extração a frio para conservar as substâncias que possuem atividade antioxidante.

This work aimed to determine the antioxidant capacity of Oeceoclades maculata. The antioxidant activity was determined in accordance with the ability of the hydroalcoholic extract of the leaves to reduce the DPPH radical. The results showed that the polyphenol and flavonoid contents are greater in the cold extract (EBHF) than in the hot extract (EBHQ), which suggests that the heating effect in the preparation of the extract modifies these active compounds. Therefore, for this species, the cold extraction method must be carried in order to conserve the substances with antioxidant activity.

Phytochemicals/analysis , Plants, Medicinal/metabolism , Flavonoids/classification , Oxidants/metabolism , Orchidaceae/classification , Polyphenols/classification
Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 15(2): 97-105, jul.-dic. 2013. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-703342


Los híbridos de Phalaenopsis tienen una gran importancia económica a nivel mundial, como flor cortada y planta ornamental, debido a sus flores vistosas y a la capacidad de adaptación a diferentes condiciones ambientales. Las técnicas de cultivo in vitro resultan indispensables para mejorar la eficacia germinativa, el crecimiento y desarrollo de orquídeas con fines comerciales e investigativos. En esta investigación se determinó el medio de cultivo más apropiado para la germinación in vitro de un híbrido de Phalaenopsis. Inicialmente se evaluó la viabilidad de las semillas utilizando la prueba de tetrazolio (TZ). Las semillas se desinfectaron y se cultivaron aplicando el método de la jeringuilla. El porcentaje de viabilidad en promedio fue de 92,2 % (P≤ 0,05: Tukey HSD), con un porcentaje de germinación entre todos los medios de 95,1 % (P≤ 0,05: Tukey HSD). El medio de cultivo más eficiente para la germinación de híbridos de Phalaenopsis a las 18 semanas de cultivo fue el Murashige & Skoog (MS) suplementado con agua de coco, y jugo de piña con diferencias estadísticamente significativas (P≤ 0,05: Tukey HSD), con respecto a los demás medios de cultivo, contribuyendo de esta manera al uso de componentes orgánicos con el fin de mejorar la germinación y desarrollo de Phalaenopsis.

The Phalaenopsis hybrids have a significant economic importance throughout the world, as ornamental flower or plant. It is because of its attractive flowers and its adaptation capacity into different environments. The different culture media in vitro are vital to improve the efficacy of germination, growing and development of the Orchids for commercial and research purposes. In this research, the most appropriated medium for in vitro propagation of Phalaenopsis hybrid was determined. At first, the seeds viability was evaluated by using tetrazolium test (TZ). The seeds were disinfected and cultivated by means of the syringe method. The viability percentage average was 92.2 % (P≤ 0.05: Tukey HSD), with a percentage of germination of 95.1 % (P≤ 0.05: Tukey HSD) in all the environments. The most efficient culture Medium for Phalaenopsis hybrid phenological development, at 16 weeks, was Murashige & Skoog (MS). Coconut water and pineapple juice were used as supplement showing statistically significant differences (P≤ 0,05: Tukey HSD), in comparison with the other culture media, contributing this way to the usage of organic components, which will be employed to improve the germination and development of the Phalaenopsis.

Germination , Orchidaceae , Orchidaceae/anatomy & histology , Orchidaceae/classification , Orchidaceae/growth & development , Orchidaceae/adverse effects , Orchidaceae/radiation effects , Orchidaceae/embryology , Orchidaceae/physiology , Orchidaceae/genetics , Orchidaceae/metabolism , Orchidaceae/chemistry , Orchidaceae/virology
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;61(4): 1841-1858, oct.-dic. 2013. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-703932


The genera Cohniella, Lophiarella, Lophiaris, and Trichocentrum are included in the Trichocentrum-clade. These genera are distributed from Florida and Northern Mexico to Southern Brazil and Northern Argentina, growing in tropical deciduous forests or tropical rain forests and thorn scrub forests to pine-oak forest, from sea level to 1 700m. The leaf anatomical structure of 23 members of the Trichocentrum-clade was explored as a source of taxonomic and phylogenetic characters. A total of 11 species of Cohniella, three species of Lophiarella, seven species of Lophiaris, two species of Trichocentrum, and other four species were included as outgroup. Anatomical characters were studied by cross sections and paradermic observations of the middle portion of fresh leaves. Although anatomical characters were fairly homogeneous throughout the clade, twelve vegetative anatomical, phylogenetically informative characters were selected and coded for an analysis that was performed using an exhaustive search implicit enumeration implemented through TNT. The strict consensus of 2 692 most parsimonious trees resulted in a poorly resolved polytomy, which however recovers the Trichocentrum-clade with a monophyletic, strongly supported Cohniella nested within it with unifacial leaves and the presence of cellular inclusions in the epidermis as synapomorphies. We concluded that the anatomy characters alone are insufficient to assess the relationships amongst the genera of the Trichocentrum-clade. However, the two synapomorphies recovered for Cohniella strongly support its monophyly when these are analyzed in conjunction with other data sources e.g., molecular and morphological characters.

El clado-Trichocentrum incluye los géneros Cohniella, Lophiarella, Lophiaris y Trichocentrum s.s. Estos géneros se distribuyen desde Florida y el Norte de México hasta el Sur de Brasil y Norte de Argentina, creciendo desde bosques caducifolios, bosques húmedos tropicales hasta matorrales espinosos y bosques de pino-encino, desde el nivel del mar hasta los 1 700m. En este estudio se exploró el valor taxonómico y filogenético de la estructura anatómica de las hojas de 23 especies del clado-Trichocentrum, repartidos en 11 especies de Cohniella, tres de Lophiarella, siete de Lophiaris y dos de Trichocentrum s.s., y de otras cuatro especies incluidas como grupo externo. Se realizaron secciones transversales y observaciones paradérmicas de la porción media de hojas frescas para el estudio de los caracteres anatómicos. Doce caracteres anatómico foliares fueron seleccionados y codificados para el análisis filogenético que se realizó mediante el uso de una búsqueda exhaustiva enumeración implícita con el programa TNT. El consenso estricto de 2 692 árboles más parsimoniosos dio lugar a una politomía que recupera dentro del clado-Trichocentrum a Cohniella como un clado monofilético fuertemente apoyado con sinapomorfías de las hojas unifaciales y la presencia de inclusiones celulares en la epidermis.

Orchidaceae/anatomy & histology , Orchidaceae/classification , Plant Leaves/anatomy & histology , Brazil , Mexico , Orchidaceae/genetics , Panama , Peru , Phylogeny , Plant Leaves/genetics , Venezuela
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;61(3): 1053-1065, sep. 2013. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-688459


The survival of plants in epiphytic environments depends on vegetative adaptations capable to defraud different stresses. Based on the structural diversity of the Orchidaceae, the current study has the objective of relating the anatomical structure of Dichaea cogniauxiana and Epidendrum secundum with the distinct environments where they live. It was expected that, despite structural similarities as strategies for resource acquisition, some peculiar variations related to the distinct light microenvironments (inside or in the edge of the nebular forest, near to “campo rupestre” area) might be found. Leaves and roots of both species were collected in a nebular forest located at a “campo rupestre” area at Serra da Piedade, Brazil), in January and February 2005. D. cogniauxiana is adhered to trunks, in sites with high atmospheric humidity and shaded, while E. secundum is located at the edge of the nebular forest, in more luminous sites. The leaves of E. secundum had thicker cuticle and higher number of stomata per area than those of D. cogniauxiana, characteristics coherent with their distinct pattern of exhibition to sun light. The suprastomatic chambers formed by the thicker cuticle may function as a barrier of resistance to water evaporation. The succulence of the leaves of E. secundum propitiates organic acids storage at night, and the storage of starch may be involved in PEP-carboxylase metabolism, both propitiating CAM mechanism. Roots with larger number of cell layers of the velamen, and specialized thick walled cortical cells (both in E. secundum) help water absorption and indicate better adaptation to an environment with intense solar radiation and a probable higher water deficit. The remarkable cell wall thickening of E. secundum exodermis can confer more efficient protection against the excess of transpiration at the border of the nebular forest. On the other hand, besides D. cogniauxiana be epiphyte, it is in a low position - in a shaded environment and with high relative humidity. Its thin thickened velamen permits the entrance of the low available light, and photosynthesis, producing oxygen and helping to avoid hypoxia condition. As features registered for D. cogniauxiana and E. secundum roots, we can depict the velamen, distinct exodermis and endodermis, and specialized thick walled cortical cells as characteristic of epiphytic plants.

La sobrevivencia de las plantas epífitas a su ambiente depende de las adaptaciones vegetativas que les permiten afrontar diferentes tipos de estrés. Basado en la diversidad estructural de las Orchidaceae, el presente estudio tiene por objetivo relatar la estructura anatómica de Dichaea cogniauxiana y Epidendrum secundum con relación a los distintos ambientes donde viven. Hojas y raíces fueron recolectados en un bosque nuboso de un campo rupestre en la Serra da Piedade, Brasil. Dichaea cogniauxiana está adherida a los troncos, en sitios con alta humedad atmosférica y sombra, mientras que E. secundum está localizada en el margen del bosque nebular, en sitios más iluminados. Las hojas de E. secundum tienen una cutícula más gruesa y un mayor número de estomas por área que las de D. cogniauxiana, características coherentes con los diferentes patrones de exhibición a la luz del sol. Las cámaras supraestomáticas formadas por la cutícula pueden funcionar como una barrera de resistencia a la evaporación del agua. La suculencia de las hojas de E. secundum propicia el almacenamiento de ácidos orgánicos por la noche, y el almacenamiento de almidón puede estar implícito en el metabolismo de la PEP-carboxilasa. Las raíces con mayor velamen y especializadas paredes gruesas de las células corticales (ambas en E. secundum) ayudan a la absorción e indican una mejor adaptación al ambiente con intensa radiación solar y probable alto déficit de agua. El engrosamiento de la pared celular en la exodermis de E. secundum puede conferir una protección más eficaz contra el exceso de transpiración en el margen del bosque nebular. Por otra parte, D. cogniauxiana además de ser epífita, está en una posición baja, en un ambiente sombreado y con una alta humedad relativa. Su velamen delgado permite la entrada de la baja luz disponible y la fotosíntesis, produciendo oxígeno que ayuda a evitar la condición hipóxica.

Adaptation, Physiological/physiology , Ecosystem , Orchidaceae/physiology , Trees , Brazil , Orchidaceae/classification , Photosynthesis/physiology , Plant Epidermis/physiology , Plant Leaves/physiology , Sympatry
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;59(4): 1805-1812, Dec. 2011. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-646553


The orchid community in the Biosphere Reserve Sierra del Rosario, Cuba. The Biosphere Reserve Sierra del Rosario is located in Western Cuba and two different areas can be characterized: one for tourism and forestry activities, El Taburete (ET), and the other for conservation and research, El Salón (ES). With the aim to know the effect of visitation activities on the orchid community in the Reserve, a comparative study between the disturbed area and the preserved one was undertaken. The field work, held between 2004-2005, consisted on four transects in each locality (10x100m, 0.1ha). For each transect, the existing orchid species (terrestrial and epiphytic), kind of phorophytes, and level of occupation were identified. Different analysis were considered: dominance-diversity, Sorensen similarity, the dominance index and the relative abundance of the most abundant species. Our results showed 27 phorophytes species, 20 species in ET (98 phorophytes), and 16 species in ES (76 phorophytes). A total of 22 genus, 26 species and 8 326 individuals of orchids were identified. In ET, 17 genus, 18 species and 5 075 individuals were found, while for ES were 15 genus, 18 species and 3 251 individuals. Both locations have a similarity of species of 57.14%. Oeceoclades maculata, an invasive species, was the most abundant. The most dominant species were Microchilus plantagineus in ES and O. maculata in ET. The dominance in ET was of 81.79%, while in ES of 69.27%. It is important to sketch management plans focused on controlling O. maculata in both areas, and the restoration of the disturbed area. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (4): 1805-1812. Epub 2011 December 01.

Teniendo en cuenta la escasez de estudios previos que permitan apreciar el efecto de la antropización sobre las comunidades de orquídeas en la Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra del Rosario, al occidente de Cuba; se procedió a realizar un estudio comparativo entre un hábitat conservado (El Salón; ES) y uno antropizado (El Taburete; ET) y se encontraron en total 27 especies de forófitos, 20 especies presentes en ET (98 forófitos) y 16 especies en ES (76 forófitos). Por lo tanto se identificaron 22 géneros de orquídeas, 26 especies y 8 326 plantas. En ES fueron 15 géneros, 18 especies y 3 251 plantas, en ET, 17 géneros, 18 especies y 5 075 plantas. Oeceoclades maculata, una especie invasora, fue la más abundante. Ambas localidades tienen una similaridad de especies de 57.14%. Las especies más dominantes fueron: Microchilus plantagineus en ES y O. maculata en ET. La dominancia en ES es de 69.27% y en ET de 81.79%. Es importante elaborar planes de manejo enfocados a controlar O. maculata en ambas áreas, y en restablecer el estrato arbóreo original de la zona antropizada.

Biodiversity , Conservation of Natural Resources , Orchidaceae/classification , Trees , Cuba
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;58(2): 733-755, jun. 2010. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-638037


Diversity of mineral inclusions in the subtribe Oncidiinae (Orchidaceae). Mineral inclusions in plants, of different chemical constitution and forms, have been studied in some plant groups and are currently used as diagnostic tools in taxonomic identifications. With the aim to identify their possible application in taxonomy, mineral inclusions in the leaves of 140 species of Oncidiinae (Orchidaceae) were analyzed and compared. Leave transversal sections were studied with the aid of clear field, phase contrast, and polarized light microscopy. Crystals commonly occured in mesophyll cells, and only in two species those were observed in epidermal cells. Several forms of calcium oxalate crystals and silicdioxide deposits in the form of stegmata were found. The most common crystalline forms were raphides, prisms and druses. Nevertheless, crystals like sands, and concentric and radial plates were also observed in few species. These crystalline forms of concentric and radial plates are reported for the first time in Oncidiinae and Orchidaceae. The stegmata are conical with rough surface, forming tiers along with fibers. Stegmata commonly occur in the vascular bundle sheath and in the abaxial or adaxial fiber bundles. However, few species do not have stegmata in fiber bundles and other species lack both. The taxonomic importance of these mineral inclusions is discussed for the different clades, genera or species within the subtribe Oncidiinae. Rev. Biol. Trop. 58 (2): 733-755. Epub 2010 June 02.

Las inclusiones minerales en las plantas, han sido utilizadas como herramientas de diagnóstico en la identificación taxonómica. Se analizaron y compararon las inclusiones minerales en las hojas de 140 especies de Oncidiinae (Epidendroideae: Orchidaceae). Las secciones transversales de hojas se observaron para describir las inclusiones minerales con el apoyo de la microscopía de luz en campo claro, contraste de fases y polarización. Los cristales generalmente están presentes en las células del mesófilo, y sólo dos especies los presentan en las células epidérmicas. Se encontraron cristales de oxalato de calcio de diferentes formas y depósitos de dióxido de sílice en forma de estégmatos. Las formas cristalinas más comunes son rafidios, prismas y drusas. Sin embargo, algunas especies tienen cristales en arena, concéntricos o en placas radiales. En esta investigación se reportan las dos últimas por primera vez para Oncidiinae y también para Orchidaceae. Los estégmatos son cónicos con superficie rugosa, generalmente formando hileras a lo largo de las fibras. Comúnmente se presentan en los haces vasculares y en los haces de fibras abaxiales. Sin embargo, existen especies cuyos haces de fibras no tienen estégmatos, así como especies sin haces de fibras ni estégmatos. Se discute la importancia taxonómica de estas inclusiones minerales para los diferentes clados, géneros y/o especies de Oncidiinae.

Minerals/analysis , Orchidaceae/chemistry , Plant Leaves/chemistry , Minerals/classification , Orchidaceae/classification
Rev. Salusvita (Online) ; 26(2): 7-21, 2007. ilus, mapas, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-559717


Epífitas são plantas que se desenvolvem sobre outras plantas sem parasitá-las. Pouco se conhece sobre este grupo de plantas na região, tornando-se importantes estudos deste caráter. Desta forma o objetivo desse trabalho foi caracterizar a composição florística do componente epifítico vascular das formações florestais ocorrentes no local. A área alvo do estudo situa-se na Fazenda Noiva da Colina, Município de Borebi, Estado de São Paulo. O local estudado com aproximadamente 120.000m², possui Floresta Estacional Semidecidual, Mata de Galeria e Floresta Latifoliada Higrófila. Foram identificadas 27 espécies, pertencentes a 18 gêneros e 8 famílias, sendo que as famílias com maior riqueza de espécies foram Bromeliaceae e Orchidaceae, juntas representando pouco mais da metade dos taxa encontrados. Tillandsia com cinco espécies foi o gênero mais abundante e relativo à categoria ecológica, as holoepífitas características foram as mais representadas na sinúsia estudada.

Epiphytes are plants that grow on other plants without sponging them. Little her on this group of plants knows in the Area, becoming important studies of this character. This way the objective of that work was to characterize the composition florístic of the component vascular epiphyte of the formations forest ocorrents in the place. The area white of the study locates in Finance it Becomes engaged of the Hill, Municipal district of Borebi, State of São Paulo. The place studied with approximately 120.000m², it possesses Seasonal Forest Semidecidual, Forest of Gallery and Floresta Latifoliada Higrófila. They were identified 27 species, belonging to 18 goods and 8 families, and the families with larger wealth of species were Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae, committees representing little more of the half of the rate found. Tillandsia with 5 species was the most abundant and relative gender the ecological category, the characteristic holoephytes were the more represented in the studied sinúsia.

Plants/classification , Trees , Bromeliaceae/classification , Orchidaceae/classification , Tillandsia
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;54(3): 935-942, sept. 2006. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-492297


A 3,000 m2 area of seasonally inundated forest on the island of Ilha do Mel (25 degrees 30[quot ] S 48 degrees 23[quot ] W) in Paraná, Brazil, was sampled by collecting plants from all strata, using climbing equipment when necessary. The area harbors 103 species of epiphytes, in 49 genera and 20 families, of which 28 species are pteridophytes and 75 magnoliophytes (64 Liliopsida, 11 Magnoliopsida). The most common families are Orchidaceae, Bromeliaceae, Polypodiaceae and Araceae, and frequent genera are Vriesea, Epidendrum, Maxillaria, Pleurothallis and Prosthechea. Eight families were represented by one species each. Most species were classified as obligatory holoepiphytes (62 %), followed by the relatively more rare preferential holoepiphytes (13 %), facultative epiphytes (11 %), hemiepiphytes (9 %) and accidental epiphytes (6 %).

Se muestreó plantas de todos los estratos en una área de 3 000 m2 de selva estacionalmente inundada en Ilha do Mel (25º30 “S 48º23’ W), Paraná, Brazil. El área tiene 103 especies de epífitas en 49 géneros y 20 familias, de las cuales 28 especies son pteridófitas y 75 magnoliófitas (64 Liliopsida, 11 Magnoliopsida). Las familias más comunes son Orchidaceae, Bromeliaceae, Polypodiaceae y Araceae, y los géneros más frecuentes Vriesea, Epidendrum, Maxillaria, Encyclia y Pleurothallis. Ocho familias solamente están representadas por una especie cada una. La mayoría de las especies son loepífitas obligadas (62 %), seguidas de las relativamente escasas holoepífitas preferenciales (13 %), epífitas facultativas (11 %), hemiepífitas (9 %) y epífitas accidentales (6 %).

Magnoliopsida/classification , Symbiosis , Araceae/classification , Brazil , Bromeliaceae/classification , Orchidaceae/classification , Polypodiaceae/classification , Seasons