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Int. j. morphol ; 41(4): 1004-1008, ago. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514328


SUMMARY: For the purposes of teaching anatomy, the use of cadaver preparations is considered the most efficient way of ensuring that students retain knowledge. Nevertheless, in Ecuador the use of animal specimens in universities must comply with the internationally accepted principles of replacement, reduction and refinement (3Rs). Plastination is an alternative technique which allows organs to be conserved in the long term and complies with the 3Rs. The object of the present work was to use cold-temperature silicone plastination with Biodur® products to obtain long-lasting, easy-to-handle canine organs for use as tools for the teaching of animal anatomy. Six canine cadavers were obtained from local animal protection charities. The hearts, brains and kidneys of the cadavers were dissected and fixed with formaldehyde 10 %. They were then dehydrated with acetone at -20 °C. The specimens were impregnated with Biodur® S10:S3 (-20 °C) and finally cured with Biodur® S6. We plastinated six hearts, twelve kidneys, four brains and one encephalic slice of canine. The application of cold-temperature plastination to canine organs followed the parameters established for the conventional protocol, enabling us to obtain organs of brilliant appearance, free of odours, in which the anatomical form was preserved. Thus the technique helped us to comply with the 3Rs, as we obtained easy-to-handle teaching models to replace fresh or formaldehyde-fixed samples for the teaching-learning of the canine anatomy.

En la enseñanza de la Anatomía, el uso de preparaciones cadavéricas se considera el método que permite a los estudiantes retener el conocimiento de una forma más eficiente. No obstante, en Ecuador, el uso de especímenes animales en las universidades se debe realizar bajo el principio internacional de reemplazo, reducción y refinamiento (3Rs). La técnica de plastinación es una técnica alternativa que permite preservar órganos a largo plazo y que se adapta al principio de las 3Rs. El objetivo del trabajo fue utilizar la técnica de plastinación en silicona al frío con productos Biodur® para obtener órganos caninos duraderos y manejables útiles como herramienta para la enseñanza de la anatomía animal. Se obtuvieron seis cadáveres de caninos de fundaciones locales para la protección animal. Se realizaron disecciones de corazones, cerebros y riñones de los cadáveres caninos. Los órganos se fijaron con formalina al 10 %. A continuación, se llevó a cabo la deshidratación con acetona a -20 °C. Los especímenes fueron impregnados con S10:S3 Biodur® (-20 °C) y al final fueron curados con Biodur® S6. Se lograron plastinar seis corazones, doce riñones, cinco encéfalos y un tallo encefálico de canino. La técnica de plastinación al frío utilizada para obtener órganos de canino conservó los parámetros empleados en el protocolo convencional y permitió obtener órganos que presentaron aspecto brillante, ausencia de olores y mantuvieron la forma anatómica. Por lo que, la técnica facilitó cumplir con el principio de las 3Rs al obtenerse modelos didácticos fáciles de manipular que pueden reemplazar muestras frescas o formolizadas en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la anatomía del canino.

Animals , Dogs , Organ Preservation/methods , Cryopreservation , Plastination , Anatomy, Veterinary/education , Silicones , Tissue Preservation/methods , Cold Temperature , Cerebrum/anatomy & histology , Heart/anatomy & histology , Kidney/anatomy & histology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971093


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the efficacy of a novel artificial perfusate based on oxygen-carrying perfluoronaphthalene-albumin nanoparticles in normothermic machine perfusion (NMP) for preservation of porcine liver donation after cardiac death.@*METHODS@#Artificial perfusate with perfluoronaphthalene-albumin nanoparticles was prepared at 5% albumin (w/v) and its oxygen carrying capacity was calculated. The livers of 16 Landrace pigs were isolated after 1 h of warm ischemia, and then they were divided into 4 groups and preserved continuously for 24 h with different preservation methods: cold preservation with UW solution (SCS group), NMP preservation by whole blood (blood NMP group), NMP preservation by artificial perfusate without nanoparticles (non-nanoparticles NMP group) and NMP preservation by artificial perfusate containing nanoparticles (nanoparticles NMP group). Hemodynamics, tissue metabolism, biochemical indices of perfusate and bile were monitored every 4 h after the beginning of NMP. Liver tissue samples were collected for histological examination (HE and TUNEL staining) before preservation, 12 h and 24 h after preservation.@*RESULTS@#The oxygen carrying capacity of nanoparticles in 100 mL artificial perfusate was 6.94 μL/mmHg (1 mmHg=0.133 kPa). The hepatic artery and portal vein resistance of nanoparticles NMP group and blood NMP group remained stable during perfusion, and the vascular resistance of nanoparticles NMP group was lower than that of blood NMP group. The concentration of lactic acid in the perfusate decreased to the normal range within 8 h in both nanoparticles NMP group and blood NMP group. There were no significant differences in accumulated bile production, alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase in perfusate between nanoparticles NMP group and blood NMP group (all P>0.05). After 24 h perfusion, the histological Suzuki score in blood NMP group and nanoparticles NMP group was lower than that in SCS group and non-nanoparticles NMP group (all P<0.05), and the quantities of TUNEL staining positive cells in blood NMP group and non-nanoparticles NMP group was higher than those in nanoparticles NMP group and SCS group 12 h and 24 h after preservation (all P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Artificial perfusate based on oxygen-carrying nanoparticles can meet the oxygen supply requirements of porcine livers donation after cardiac death during NMP preservation, and it may has superiorities in improving tissue microcirculation and alleviating ischemia-reperfusion injury.

Animals , Swine , Liver Transplantation , Organ Preservation , Liver , Perfusion , Death , Oxygen/metabolism
Rev. Cient. Esc. Estadual Saúde Pública de Goiás Cândido Santiago ; 9 (Ed. Especial, 1ª Oficina de Elaboração de Pareceres Técnicos Científicos (PTC): 9e9- EE3, 2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-GO | ID: biblio-1524143


Tecnologia: máquina de perfusão hipotérmica. Indicação: Transplante renal de doador falecido. Pergunta: Qual a efetividade da máquina de perfusão hipotérmica (HMP) para a preservação do rim de doador falecido, quando comparada ao armazenamento estático a frio (SCS)? Objetivo. Avaliar a efetividade da máquina de perfusão hipotérmica na preservação do rim de doador falecido, em comparação com o armazenamento estático a frio. Métodos: Revisão de revisões sistemáticas (overview) do tipo revisão rápida. Foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico nas bases de dados: PubMed, Embase, BVS, Epistemonikos, Cochrane Library e em bases de registro de protocolos de revisões sistemáticas e ensaios clínicos, utilizando descritores e estratégias de busca predefinidas. A avaliação da qualidade metodológica dos estudos incluídos foi feita através da ferramenta AMSTAR-2 (Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews Version 2). Resultados: Duas revisões sistemáticas atenderam aos critérios de elegibilidade e foram incluídas na análise. Uma delas apresentou alto nível de qualidade metodológica. Conclusão: O uso da HMP para a preservação de rins de doadores falecidos foi associado a melhores desfechos clínicos relacionados à função retardada e à sobrevida do enxerto e foi considerado custo-efetivo, quando comparado ao SCS. Faz-se necessária a geração de evidências mais robustas acerca dos custos e benefícios do uso desta tecnologia no âmbito do SUS

Technology: hypothermic machine perfusion. Indication: Deceased donor kidney transplantation. Question: How effective is hypothermic machine perfusion (HMP) for preserving deceased donor kidneys compared to static cold storage (SCS)? Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of the hypothermic machine perfusion in preserving the deceased donor kidney, compared to static cold storage. Methods: Rapid review of systematic reviews (overview). A bibliographic survey was carried out in the databases: PubMed, Embase, VHL, Epistemonikos, Cochrane Library and in databases of systematic review protocols and clinical trials, using predefined descriptors and search strategies. The assessment of the methodological quality of the included studies was performed using the AMSTAR-2 tool (Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews Version 2). Results: Two systematic reviews met the eligibility criteria and were included in the analysis. One of them performed a high level of methodological quality. Conclusion: The use of HMP for the preservation of deceased donor kidneys was associated with better clinical outcomes related to delayed graft function and graft survival and was considered cost-effective. It is necessary to generate more evidence about the costs and benefits of using this technology within the Brazilian Unified System of Healthcare (SUS)

Humans , Male , Female , Organ Preservation/methods , Kidney Transplantation , Cold Ischemia
Int. j. morphol ; 40(3): 566-572, jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385673


RESUMEN: La solución de formol es utilizada en las Escuelas de medicina como medio de fijación y conservación de cadáveres para el estudio de la Anatomía, a la que están expuestos estudiantes, técnicos y personal docente; es alergénica e irritante a las mucosas, y reconocida carcinogénica en humanos por International Agency for Research on Cancer (2006). El objetivo del presente estudio fue comparar resultados cuantitativos y cualitativos entre corazones de Gallus gallus domesticus, luego de aplicarles soluciones con y sin formol. Se formaron dos grupos al azar, a uno se le aplicó solución de formol al 10 %, y al otro solución libre de formol. Se realizaron medidas antropométricas, organolépticas, y de fotografía (Pretest, durante y Postest). Se elaboró base datos en Microsoft Excel (2019), y su procesamiento en SPSS Statistics 2017 Versión 25. Para variables cuantitativas se aplicó la prueba de Shapiro-Wilk, y t-Student pareada. Para variables cualitativas el test Alfa de Cronbach, Chi cuadrado (X2) y los correspondientes coeficientes de asociación (D de Somers y Tau b de Kendal). Los resultados obtenidos de las variables peso, largo, y altura presentaron diferencia estadística significativa (p-valor <0,05), siendo diferente para el ancho y grosor de la pared del ventrículo izquierdo. Las variables color y consistencia presentaron diferencias significativa (p-valor <0,05). El olor irritante a las mucosas estuvo presente durante todo el estudio con la solución con formol. A la inspección, ninguno de los dos grupos presento colonización - descomposición. Se concluye que, los órganos en experimentación que se les aplicó solución libre de formol, presentaron mejores resultados con respecto a los que se les aplico formol al 10 %.

SUMMARY: The formaldehyde solution is used in medical schools as a means of fixing and preserving corpses for the study of Anatomy, to which students, technicians and teaching personnel are exposed; it is allergenic and irritant to the mucosa, and recognized as a human carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (2006). The objective of the present study was to compare quantitative and qualitative results between Gallus gallus domesticus hearts, after applying solutions with and without formaldehyde. Two groups were formed at random, to one a 10 % formaldehyde solution was applied, and to the other formaldehyde- free solution. Anthropometric, organoleptic, and photographic measurements were carried out (Pretest, during and Posttest). A database was prepared in Microsoft Excel (2019), and its processing in SPSS Statistics 2017 Version 25. For quantitative variables, the Shapiro-Wilk test and t-Student paired were applied. For qualitative variables the Cronbach's Alpha test, Chi square (X2) and the corresponding association coefficients (Somers D and Kendal's Tau b). The results obtained from the variables weight, length, and height presented a statistically significant difference (p-value <0.05), being different for the width and thickness of the left ventricular wall. The variables color and consistency showed significant differences (p-value <0.05). The irritating smell to the mucous membranes was present throughout the study with the formaldehyde solution. Upon inspection, neither group showed colonization - decomposition. It is concluded that the organs in experimentation that were applied formaldehyde-free solution presented better results compared to those that were applied 10 % formaldehyde.

Animals , Solutions/administration & dosage , Tissue Preservation/methods , Fixatives/pharmacology , Formaldehyde/administration & dosage , Heart/drug effects , Organ Preservation , Chickens , Anthropometry
urol. colomb. (Bogotá. En línea) ; 31(1): 32-40, 15/03/2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1368855


El cáncer de pene tiene una incidencia de 1.11 por 100.000 habitantes en Colombia, representado en el 95% por carcinoma de células escamosas el cual representa una alta morbilidad y mortalidad, La Sociedad Colombiana de Urología realizo la adaptación de la guía de cáncer de pene para el año 2021 con revisión de la literatura, esta guía permite realizar una evaluación y tratamiento del cáncer de pene, enmuchas ocasiones con el objetivo de preservación de órgano utilizando la ecografía como determinante para evaluar el compromiso de la lesión a las estructuras del pene, los estudios de extensión dependerán de hallazgos al examen físico como ganglios o compromiso local de la enfermedad, de acuerdo al tipo de lesión y su estadificación puede recibir terapia con agentes tópicos, radioterapia, cirugía láser, cirugía preservadora de órgano o penectomía total; La linfadenectomía inguinal permitirá mejorar la supervivencia en tumores de riesgo intermedio y alto (>pT1G2), posteriormente la quimioterapia adyuvante esta en el grupo de pacientes en el cual la intención sea curativa, aunque en terapia paliativa de segunda línea se encuentran los platinos y texanos como alternativa pero con pobre respuesta (<30%); los esquemas de seguimiento se realiza de acuerdo al estadio y el compromiso ganglionar. Al final se presentan los resultados de actividad sexual después de cirugía preservadora de órgano; Esta guía abarca la literatura actualizada del cáncer de pene, el cual es útil para el manejo por parte de los profesionales de salud del país.

Penile cancer has an incidence of 1.11 per 100,000 inhabitants in Colombia, 95% represented by squamous cell carcinoma which represents a high morbidity and mortality, The Colombian Society of Urology adapted the penile cancer guide to The year 2021 with a review of the literature, this guide allows an evaluation and treatment of penile cancer, in many cases with the objective of organ preservation, using ultrasound as a determinant to evaluate the commitment of the injury to the structures of the penis, Extension studies will depend on findings on physical examination such as lymph nodes or local involvement of the disease, according to the type of lesion and its staging, it can receive therapy with topical agents, radiotherapy, laser surgery, organ-sparing surgery or total penectomy; Inguinal lymphadenectomy will improve survival in intermediate and high risk tumors (> pT1G2), subsequently adjuvant chemotherapy is in the group of patients in which the intention is curative, although platinum and Texans are found in second-line palliative therapy as an alternative but with a poor response (<30%); the follow-up schemes are carried out according to the stage and lymph node involvement. At the end, the results of sexual activity after organ-sparing surgery are presented; This guide covers the updated literature on penile cancer, which is useful for the management of health professionals in the country.

Humans , Male , Organ Preservation , Penile Neoplasms , Penis , Palliative Care , Sexual Behavior , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell , Chemotherapy, Adjuvant , Aftercare , Laser Therapy , Lymph Node Excision , Lymph Nodes , Neoplasms
Chinese Journal of Surgery ; (12): 409-423, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927617


Organ transplantation is the most effective treatment for end stage organ failure,and voluntary donation after citizen's death is the only source of transplanted organ in China.Clinically,transplantation organ protection technology plays a critical role in improving the quality of transplantation organs and the prognosis of recipients.On the basis of domestic and worldwide basic research and clinical practice and according to the Oxford evidence classification and GRADE system,the experts organized by Organ Transplantation Doctor Branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association,Organ Transplantation Group in Surgery Branch of Chinese Medical Association and China Liver Transplant Registry Scientific Committee had compiled and published the Chinese Expert Consensus on Organ Protection of Transplantation(2016 edition) for liver,kidney,pancreas,small intestine,heart,lung transplantation organs.With the support of China Liver Transplant Registry,National Center for Healthcare Quality Management in Liver Transplant,National Quality Control Center for Donated Organ Procurement,National Clinical Research Center for Orthopedics & Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation and National Trauma Medical Organ Protection Committee and combined with recent domestic and worldwide clinical practice and research progress for organ transplantation and organ protection,the Chinese Expert Consensus on Organ Protection of Transplantation(2022 edition)(hereinafter referred to as the consensus) has been formulated in 2022.This edition of the consensus focuses on updating the technical progress and evidence-based medicine of organ procurement,organ preservation,organ transport,and quality evaluation in clinical practice.Additionally,protection of composite tissue for transplantation,mainly including limb graft,has also been included.The organ protection strategy recommended in this consensus aims to promote scientific and standardize clinical organ transplantation work.

Humans , Asian People , Consensus , Organ Preservation , Organ Transplantation , Registries , Tissue and Organ Procurement
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 84(2): 163-169, Mar,-Apr. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153124


ABSTRACT Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the physical and chemical characteristics of coconut water and to analyze the use of coconut water solution for the conservation of human corneas. Methods: This was an experimental and controlled study performed at the Eye Bank of the General Hospital of Fortaleza. The coconut water-based solution was prepared at the Goat Seed Technology Laboratory of the Department of Veterinary Medicine of the State University of Ceará. Discarded corneas from the Eye Bank were divided into two groups for sequential experiments: G1, coconut water-based solution (experimental group), and G2, conservative treatment with OPTISOL GS® (control group). The osmolality of corneas in G1 was analyzed sequentially at 275, 300, 325, 345, 365, and 400 mOsm/L. The viability of the corneas was determined by specular microscopy and biomicroscopy on the first, third, and seventh days. Results: Corneas preserved in a solution of 365 and 345 mOsm/L had a transparency of 8 mm until the third day and had diffuse edema in the periphery, central folds, and partial epithelium loss until the seventh day. The 365-mOsm/L solution was associated with the worst results during follow-up. Corneas placed in Optisol-GS retained their original aspects. Conclusions: Coconut water-based preservative partially maintained corneal transparency and epithelial integrity, especially during the first three days of follow-up. The coconut water-based solutions used were not effective for use as preservatives in a human eye bank.(AU)

RESUMO Objetivos: As características físico-químicas e o baixo custo da água de coco foram fundamentais para o este estudo. Analisar o uso de solução a base de água de coco como meio de conservação de córneas humanas em banco de olhos. Métodos: Estudo experimental e controlado realizado no Banco de Olhos do Hospital Geral de Fortaleza. Utilizou-se solução à base de água de coco preparada no laboratório de Tecnologia de Sêmen de Caprinos do Departamento de Medicina Veterinária da Universidade Estadual do Ceará. Foram usadas córneas de descartes divididas em dois grupos: G1 (Conservante com água de coco) - grupo experimental e G2 (grupo Conservante com OPTISOL GS®) grupo controle, em experimentos sequenciais. A osmolaridade do G1 foi analisada sequencialmente com 275, 300, 325, 345, 365 e 400 mOsm/L. A viabilidade das córneas foram realizadas por microscopia especular e biomicroscopia nos 1º, 3º e 7º dias. Resultados: As córneas em solução de 365 e 345 mOsm/L apresentavam transparência nos 8mm centrais até o 3º dia, com edema em toda periferia, dobras centrais e edema 2+, com perda parcial do epitélio até 7º dia, sendo o de maior osmolaridade com melhor transparência durante o seguimento. Grupo com 275, 300 e 400 mOsm/L, córnea opaca, edema difuso, perda total do epitélio no 3º dia. As córneas em Optisol mantiveram seus aspectos. Conclusões: O conservante à base de água de coco manteve em parte a transparência corneana e a integridade epitelial, especialmente nos primeiros 3 dias de seguimento. A solução conservante com água de coco nas formulações utilizadas não se mostrou eficaz para o uso em banco de olhos humanos.(AU)

Humans , Organ Preservation/methods , Biotechnology/methods , Organ Preservation Solutions/chemistry , Foods Containing Coconut , Eye Banks/organization & administration
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-880419


This paper introduced a liver normothermic machine perfusion repair and assessment system. This system consists of a liver normothermic machine perfusion device, a fluorescence imaging system and a tissue oxygen detector. The normothermic machine perfusion device can continuously perfuse the donor liver and monitor and control the perfusion parameters in real time. The fluorescence imaging system can detect the indocyanine green metabolized by the liver to evaluate the microcirculation and the metabolism function of hepatocytes. The tissue oxygen detector can monitor the change of oxygen partial pressure of liver tissue in real time to evaluate the state of cell oxygen consumption.

Humans , Liver , Liver Transplantation , Living Donors , Organ Preservation , Perfusion
Chinese Medical Journal ; (24): 181-186, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-921253


BACKGROUND@#Delayed graft function (DGF) is the main cause of renal function failure after kidney transplantation. This study aims at investigating the value of hypothermic machine perfusion (HMP) parameters combined with perfusate biomarkers on predicting DGF and the time of renal function recovery after deceased donor (DD) kidney transplantation.@*METHODS@#HMP parameters, perfusate biomarkers and baseline characteristics of 113 DD kidney transplantations from January 1, 2019 to August 31, 2019 in the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University were retrospectively analyzed using univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis.@*RESULTS@#In this study, the DGF incidence was 17.7% (20/113); The multivariate logistic regression results showed that terminal resistance (OR: 1.879, 95% CI 1.145-3.56) and glutathione S-transferase (GST)(OR = 1.62, 95% CI 1.23-2.46) were risk factors for DGF; The Cox model analysis indicated that terminal resistance was an independent hazard factor for renal function recovery time (HR = 0.823, 95% CI 0.735-0.981). The model combining terminal resistance and GST (AUC = 0.888, 95% CI: 0.842-0.933) significantly improved the DGF predictability compared with the use of terminal resistance (AUC = 0.756, 95% CI 0.693-0.818) or GST alone (AUC = 0.729, 95% CI 0.591-0.806).@*CONCLUSION@#According to the factors analyzed in this study, the combination of HMP parameters and perfusate biomarkers displays a potent DGF predictive value.

Humans , Biomarkers , Delayed Graft Function , Graft Survival , Kidney/physiology , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Organ Preservation , Perfusion , Retrospective Studies , Tissue Donors
Prensa méd. argent ; 106(7): 413-418, 20200000. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1366937


Antecedentes: Hasta la década del 80 los pacientes con esta patología eran intervenidos quirúrgicamente. A partir de 1997 la Cleveland Clinic publica un estudio basado en la quimioradioterapia en el cáncer avanzado de orofaringe con resultados similares a los de la época anterior, pero con preservación del órgano. En nuestro medio no existe bibliografía que analice estadísticamente los resultados y los factores que lo condicionaron. Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados con quimioradioterapia secuencial en el cáncer avanzado de la región orofaríngea. Lugar de aplicación: Hospital de atención terciaria Diseño: Prospectivo no randomizado Material y metodo: Desde Enero del 2002 al 30 de diciembre del 2004 se estudiaron 60 pacientes, 55 pertenecían al sexo masculino, con edad media de 60 años, el 76.7% eran T III y los restantes T IV con tumores malignos de la región orofaríngea mediante quimioradioterapia secuencial. Resultados: La supervivencia a 152 meses fue del 30.1%. El análisis univariado, demostró que el estadío, con p<0,001, la reducción con p=0,010 y la cirugía de rescate con p=0,028 fueron las únicas variables estadísticamente significativas, mientras la edad, el sexo y la localización no tuvieron los mismos resultados. En el análisis multivariado, el estadío con una p< 0.001, el sexo con una p=0.016 y la reducción con una p=0.024 resultaron ser estadisticamente significativos. Conclusiones: El tratamiento de los tumores de la región orofaríngea, en estadíos III y IV, mediante quimioradioterapia secuencial alcanzaron resultados similares a los tratados con cirugía seguida de radioterapia, pero con preservación del órgano

Background: Until the 80th decade, patients with advanced oropharyngeal cancer were surgically treated. In 1997 the Cleveland Clinic published similar results with chemoradiotherapy but preserving the organ. In our country there are not papers analyzing those results and conditional factors. Objective: Evaluation of sequential chemoradiation results in advanced oropharyngeal cancer Setting: Public tertiary care Hospital of tumours Design: Prospective not randomized. Population and methods: From January 2002 to December 2008, 60 patients were analysed, 55 of them were male with a mean age of 60, 76.7% TIII/IV oropharyngeal carcinomas treated with sequential chemoradiation. Results: The overall 152 months of survival was 30.1%. Univariate analize showed stage p<001, reduce of lesion p:0.010 and rescue surgery p:0.028 were statiscally significative. Age, gender and subsite had not similar results. In multivariate analize only stage p:0.001, gender p: 0.016 and reduce of lesion p:0.024 resulted statiscally significative. Conclusions: Sequential chemoradiation of III and IV stage tumours of oropharyngeal area have similar long terms results than those treated with surgery plus radiation but with organ preservation

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Organ Preservation , Radiotherapy , Toxicology , Oropharyngeal Neoplasms/therapy , Risk Factors , Drug Therapy , Neoplasm Staging , Multivariate Analysis
Acta cir. bras ; 35(6): e202000603, 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1130651


Abstract Purpose To compare Fructose-1,6-Bisphosphate (FBP) to Histidine-Tryptophan-Ketoglutarate (HTK) in liver preservation at cold ischemia. Methods Male rats (Sprague-Dawley: 280-340g) divided into three groups (n=7): Control; Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP); Histidine-Tryptophan-Ketoglutarate (HTK). Animals underwent laparotomy-thoracotomy for perfusion of livers with saline. Livers were removed and deposited into solutions. Mitochondria were isolated to determine State 3 (S3), State 4 (S4), Respiratory Control Ratio (RCR) and Swelling (S). Liver enzymes (AST, ALT, LDH) were determined in solution. At tissue, Malondialdehyde (MDA) and Nitrate (NOx) were determined. All parameters were analyzed at 0.6 and 24 hours of hypothermic preservation. Statistics analysis were made by Mann-Whitney test (p<0.05). Results Regarding ALT, there was a difference between FBP-6h/HTK-6h, lower in HTK. Regarding AST, there was a significant difference between FBP-24h/HTK-24h, lower in FBP. Regarding NOx, there was a difference between 0h and 6h, as well as 0h and 24h for both solutions. Regarding S3, there was a significant difference in 24h compared to Control-0h for both solutions, and a significant difference between FBP-6h/FBP-24h. Regarding S4, there was a difference between Control-0h/HTK-24h and FBP-24h/HTK-24h, higher in HTK. There was a difference between Control-0h/FBP-24h for Swelling, higher in FBP. Conclusion Fructose-1,6-Bisphosphate showed better performance at nitrate and aspartate aminotransferase compared to histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate.

Animals , Rats , Cold Ischemia , Organ Preservation , Tryptophan , Allopurinol , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Organ Preservation Solutions , Fructose , Glucose , Glutathione , Histidine , Liver , Mannitol
Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 47: e20202610, 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1136566


ABSTRACT Brazil, like most countries in the world, experiences the expansion of extended criteria donors, mainly due to the aging of the population and the obesity epidemic. Concerns regarding the quality of these organs along with the vast territorial areas of the country compromise the utilization rate of livers from donors and aggravate the discrepancy between the number of liver transplants performed and the needed. Ex situ liver machine perfusion offers superior preservation for livers from extended criteria donors, limiting cold ischaemia time and offering the possibility of evaluation of their function before transplantation as well as the reconditioning of marginal organs. Objections such as the financial cost, difficulty in transporting the device between hospitals, and demand of trained professionals in the handling of the device must be pondered with the possibility of increasing the number of transplants and the utilisation rate of donor organs. The optimal use of this resource, through the careful selection of donors and the appropriate technical and scientific knowledge, can ensure an effective and successful implementation of this technology.

RESUMO O Brasil, como a grande parte dos países no mundo, convive com a expansão de doadores de órgãos de critério estendido, principalmente devido ao envelhecimento da população e à epidemia de obesidade. Dúvidas em relação à qualidade desses órgãos juntamente com as longas extensões territoriais do país comprometem a taxa de utilização de fígados de doadores e agravam a discrepância entre o número de transplantes hepáticos realizados e o necessário. A máquina de perfusão hepática oxigenada ex situ oferece preservação superior para fígados de doadores de critério estendido, limitando o tempo de isquemia fria e oferecendo a possibilidade de avaliação da função antes do transplante bem como o recondicionamento de órgãos de qualidade limítrofe. Objeções como o custo financeiro, dificuldade de transporte do dispositivo entre hospitais e a demanda de profissionais treinados para o manuseio devem ser apreciadas diante da possibilidade do aumento do número de transplantes e a maior taxa de utilização de órgãos de doadores. A otimização na utilização desse recurso, por meio da seleção cuidadosa de doadores, e o conhecimento técnico-científico adequado podem garantir a implementação eficaz e bem sucedida dessa tecnologia.

Humans , Organ Preservation , Perfusion , Tissue Donors , Liver Transplantation , Liver, Artificial , Brazil , Liver
Rev. colomb. nefrol. (En línea) ; 6(2): 152-158, jul.-dic. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1093039


Resumen La enfermedad renal crónica es un problema de salud pública con una alta morbilidad y mortalidad. El trasplante renal es una de las actuales alternativas terapéuticas. Se incluyen en este artículo 12 trabajos publicados referentes a la contaminación del líquido de preservación en trasplante renal, 4 reportes de caso, y 8 estudios de prevalencia. En este estudio la prevalencia de contaminación de líquido de preservación para cualquier microorganismo varió entre 17,43 % a 59,72 %, mientras que para los limitados al reporte de Candida sp, la frecuencia varió de 1,69 % a 8,57 %. En los reportes de caso, todos fueron asociados a la infección por Candida sp, con arteritis de la arteria renal y pérdida del injerto como las complicaciones más frecuentes. En nuestra institución, Hospital de Especialidades de las Fuerzas Armadas N°1, de un total de 59 pacientes trasplantados se aisló al menos un microorganismo en 20 casos (28,17 %). Con estos resultados sugerimos que la contaminación del líquido de preservación es un fenómeno frecuente en trasplante renal, sin embargo al no poseer publicaciones en las que se describan las complicaciones asociadas a la infección por otros microorganismos, creemos que la contaminación por Candida sp, a pesar de no tener una gran frecuencia, es clínicamente la más relevante.

Abstract Chronic kidney disease is a public health problem with high morbidity and mortality, kidney transplantation being one of the current therapeutic alternatives. In12 published works concerning the contamination of the preservation fluid in kidney transplant, four case reports, and eight prevalence studies. The prevalence of preservation liquid contamination for any microorganism ranged from 17.43% to 59.72%, while for those limited to the Candida sp report, the frequency varied from 1.69% to 8.57%. In the case reports, all were associated with Candida infection, with renal artery arteritis and graft loss as the most frequent complications. In our institution, of a total of 59 transplant patients, at least one microorganism was isolated in 20 cases (28.17%). Preservation fluid contamination is a frequent phenomenon in kidney transplantation. However, since no publications are describing the complications associated with infection by other microorganisms, we could say that contamination by Candida sp, despite not having a high prevalence, it is clinically the most relevant.

Humans , Male , Female , Organ Preservation , Kidney Transplantation , Colombia , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic
Cambios rev. méd ; 18(2): 96-105, 2019/12/27. graf., tab.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1099763


La mayor parte de los potenciales do-nantes de órganos proceden de las Uni-dades de Emergencias y Cuidados Inten-sivos, lugar en donde se ubican la ma-yoría de los pacientes con trastorno neu-rológico agudo y grave1.Durante el diagnóstico de muerte ence-fálica (ME) comienza el auténtico man-tenimiento del donante, ya que hay mo-mentos críticos, como la realización del test de apnea. Durante la fase previa al es-tablecimiento de ME el paciente ha sido tratado de manera agresiva con todos los métodos a nuestro alcance, muchos de ellos encaminados a preservar la perfu-sión cerebral manitol, tiopental sódico, etc., nos encontramos a menudo con po-tenciales donantes con gran inestabilidad hemodinámica e importantes alteraciones del medio interno1.El mantenimiento del donante multior-gánico constituye un desafío para el equipo de la Unidad de Cuidados In-tensivos. Este proceso implica poner en práctica el conocimiento total del manejo de disfunción multiorgánica en un paciente muerto. El tiempo de dete-rioro de los órganos juega también un rol en el tratamiento de todas las compli-caciones que se presentan en este tipo de pacientes. La adherencia a un protocolo de manejo es fundamental para lograr que un mayor número de donantes se trasladen a quirófano para la extracción de órganos viables2.

INTRODUCTION:Most of the potential organ donors come from the Emergency and Intensive Care Units, where most of the patients with acute and severe neurological disorder are located1.During the diagnosis of brain death, the authentic maintenance of the donor begins, as there are critical moments, such as the apnea test. Since during the pre-establishment phase of brain death the patient has been treated aggressi-vely with all the methods at our dis-posal, many of them aimed at preser-ving cerebral perfusion manitol, thio-pental sodium, etc., we often find our-selves with potential donors with high hemodynamic instability and significant changes in the internal environment1.The maintenance of the multiorgan donor is a challenge for the Intensive Care Unit team. This process involves putting into practice the total knowledge of the management of multi-organ dys-function in a dead patient. The time of deterioration of the organs also plays a role in the treatment of all the complica-tions that occur in this type of patients. Adherence to a management protocol is essential to ensure that a greater number of donors are transferred to the opera-ting room for the extraction of viable organs2.

Humans , Male , Female , Organ Preservation , Tissue Donors , Transplantation , Tissue and Organ Procurement , Brain Death , Organ Transplantation , Respiration, Artificial , Therapeutics , Vasodilator Agents , Cadaver , Enteral Nutrition , Medication Therapy Management , Organism Hydration Status , Heart Arrest , Hemodynamics , Hypothermia
Int. j. morphol ; 37(3): 1107-1110, Sept. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012404


A small amount of acetic acid (AA), a common preservative, has been shown to increase contamination in cadaveric tissue, while larger concentrations can lead to the tissue becoming hard, especially in fresh brains. This study attempted to optimize the concentration of AA to be used in the cranial cavity in order to produce the most realistic consistency and color. Six adult cadaveric heads were preserved with descending glacial AA at concentrations of 98.5 %, 80 %, 60 %, 40 %, 20 %, and 10 %. The samples were kept at 5 °C for 14 days. The brain cortex was then dissected with a suction tube and forceps to reveal the underlying brain tissue for inspection. Color change, cortical firmness, pia mater stickiness, and participant satisfaction were evaluated. The color of the brains in all concentrations was slightly yellow. However, the temporal area of the brain preserved using 20 % AA was significantly more pink. The pia mater of the brain cortex of all samples was firm and difficult to pry apart, with the firmest consistency being in the brain tissue preserved using 98.5 % AA. The brain tissue in all samples had a liquid-like consistency. The brains preserved in AA at a concentration greater than 60 % yielded higher satisfaction scores. We conclude that acetic acid has a role in brain preservation for skull base surgery training and recommend AA concentrations higher than 60 % for maximal participants satisfaction.

Se ha demostrado que una pequeña cantidad de ácido acético (AA), un preservante común, aumenta la contaminación en el tejido del cadáver, mientras que mayores concentraciones pueden endurecer el tejido, particularmente en cerebros frescos. Este estudio intentó optimizar la concentración de AA en la cavidad craneal para producir una consistencia y coloración cerebral más cercanos a la realidad. Seis cabezas cadavéricas adultas se conservaron con AA glacial descendente en concentraciones de 98,5 %, 80 %, 60 %, 40 %, 20 % y 10 %. Las muestras se mantuvieron a 5 °C durante 14 días. Luego se diseccó la corteza cerebral con un tubo de succión y pinzas para observar e inspeccionar el tejido cerebral subyacente. Se evaluaron el color, la firmeza cortical, la viscosidad y adherencia de la piamadre y la reacción de los participantes ante esta conservación. El color de los cerebros en todas las concentraciones fue ligeramente amarillo. Sin embargo, el área temporal del cerebro, conservada con un 20 % de AA, fue significativamente más rosada. La piamadre de la corteza de todas las muestras fue de consistencia firme y difícil de separar; una mayor resistencia se observó en el tejido cerebral preservado con 98,5 % de AA. La consistencia del tejido cerebral en todas las muestras era líquida. Los cerebros conservados en AA a una concentración superior al 60 % recibieron puntuaciones de satisfacción más elevadas. Concluimos que el ácido acético desempeña un papel en la preservación del cerebro, permitiendo el entrenamiento en cirugía de base de cráneo, por lo que recomendamos concentraciones de AA superiores al 60 % para una satisfacción máxima por parte de los participantes.

Humans , Adult , Organ Preservation , Surgical Procedures, Operative/education , Brain/anatomy & histology , Acetic Acid/chemistry , Cadaver
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 78(4): 227-232, July-Aug. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013679


Abstract Objective: The aim of this study is to identify the causes for discarding corneas at the Eye Bank of the Federal District in Brasilia, Brazil, and describe the social and demographic variables and Causa Mortis of cornea donors from 2014 to 2017. Methods: We conducted an exploratory and social-epidemiologic descriptive study regarding cornea donation. The data base information was obtained from the corneal donor's medical records analysis. All of the potential donors' records (cause of death, cause of cornea discard, month of donation, age, gender, and time of death, corneal enucleation and preservation), from 2014 to 2017 were included in the study. Results: We looked at 1,574 corneal donor notifications. Demographic characteristics displayed significant differences in gender distribution (male, 74.8% and female, 25.2%), and the average donor age was 40 ± 15.9 years. 25% of the causes of death were from cardiovascular disease followed by 19.6% from sharp or blunt instrument injury, 14.2% resulted from multiple traumas. We described 3,074 donated corneas from the DF Eye Bank, where 2.6% has not been uptaken. Of those 3,074 corneal tissues, nearly 60% (n=1,836) have been transplanted and 40% (n=1,238) were discarded. Regarding the causes of discard, 68% (n=841) were due to positive or indeterminate serological blood tests and 39% (n=486) because of matureness (expired medium guaranteed period of corneal preservation). Conclusions: Specific issues such as violent causes of death, gender disproportion and total time of corneal processing can be better managed to reduce procurement times, and availability, of corneal tissue for transplantation.

Resumo Objetivo: Identificar as causas do descarte de córneas no Banco de Olhos do Distrito Federal, em Brasília, Brasil, descrever as variáveis sociodemográficas e causa de morte dos doadores de córnea de 2014 a 2017. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo exploratório e socioepidemiológico sobre as doações de córnea. As informações da base de dados foram obtidas a partir da análise dos prontuários dos doadores. Todos os registros dos potenciais doadores (causa da morte, causa do descarte, mês de doação, idade, sexo e tempo de morte, enucleação e preservação da córnea), de 2014 a 2017, foram incluídos no estudo. Resultados: Analisamos 1.574 notificações de doadores. Características demográficas apresentaram diferenças significativas na distribuição por sexo (masculino, 74,8% e feminino, 25,2%). A idade média dos doadores foi de 40 ± 15,9 anos. 25% das causas de morte foram de doenças cardiovasculares, seguidas de 19,6% de perfurações por arma de fogo e 14,2% de múltiplos traumas. Descrevemos as 3.074 córneas doadas ao Banco de Olhos do DF e onde apenas 2,6% não foram captadas. Dos 3.074 tecidos da córnea, quase 60% (n = 1.836) foram transplantados e 40% (n = 1.238) foram descartados. Quanto às causas de descarte, 68% (n = 841) foram devidas a exames sorológicos positivos ou indeterminados e 39% (n = 486) por tempo de vencimento (período máximo de preservação da córnea). Conclusões: Questões específicas como causas violentas de morte, desproporção de gênero e tempo total de processamento da córnea podem ser melhor gerenciadas para reduzir o tempo de captação e a disponibilidade de tecido para transplante.

Humans , Tissue Donors/statistics & numerical data , Tissue and Organ Procurement/statistics & numerical data , Cause of Death , Corneal Transplantation/statistics & numerical data , Patient Selection , Eye Banks/statistics & numerical data , Organ Preservation , Tissue and Organ Procurement/standards , Medical Records , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cornea
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 82(1): 56-61, Jan.-Feb. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-973867


ABSTRACT Purpose: The porcine eye is frequently used as a research model. This paper analyzes the effect of different storage methods on the transparency of pig crystalline lens. Methods: A spectral transmission curve (from 220 to 780 nm) for the crystalline lens was determined experimentally after storage in different conditions: saline solution, formalin, castor oil, and freezing at -80°C. The total transmission in the visible spectrum, which was used as an index of transparency, was calculated from these curves. For comparative purposes, fresh lenses were evaluated and used as controls. Results: Storing the porcine crystalline lens in saline solution or castor oil resulted in a transparency loss of approximately 10% after 24 h and storage in formalin resulted in a loss of nearly 30%. Storage by freezing at -80°C for 4 weeks maintained the transparency of the crystalline lens; the spectral transmission measured immediately after defrosting at room temperature coincided exactly with that of the freshly extracted lens. Conclusions: The transparency of porcine crystalline lens is affected by the storage method. The visible spectrum is the most affected, evidenced by the effect on the transparency and consequently the amount of light transmitted. The results show that freezing at -80°C maintains the transpa rency of the crystalline lens for at least 4 weeks.

RESUMO Objetivos: Olho de porco é frequentemente usa do como modelos de pesquisa. Este estudo analisa o efeito de di ferentes métodos de armazenamento na preservação da transparência do cristalino de porco. Métodos: Uma curva de transmissão espectral (de 220 até 780 nm) para o cristalino foi experimentalmente determinada após armazenamento em diferentes condições: solução salina, formol, óleo de mamona e congelamento a -80°C. Transmissão total do espectro visível, que foi usada como um índice de transparência foi calculada a partir dessas curvas. Para fins comparativos, lentes frescas foram avaliadas e usadas como controles. Resultados: O armazenamento do cristalino suíno em solução salina ou óleo de mamona resultou uma perda de transparência de aproximadamente 10% após 24 h e o armazenamento em formol resultou uma perda de quase 30%. O armazenamento por congelamento a -80°C durante 4 semanas manteve a transparência do cristalino; a transmissão espectral medida imediatamente após o descongelamen to à temperatura ambiente coincidiu exatamente com a da lente extraída recentemente. Conclusão: A transparência do cristalino suíno é afetada pelo método de armazenamento. O espectro visível é o mais afetado, evidenciado pelo efeito sobre a transparência e consequentemente a quantidade de luz transmitida. Os resultados mostram que o congelamento a -80°C mantém a transparência do cristalino suíno por pelo menos 4 semanas.

Animals , Organ Preservation/methods , Lens, Crystalline/anatomy & histology , Reference Values , Spectrophotometry/instrumentation , Spectrophotometry/methods , Swine , Time Factors , Ultraviolet Rays , Castor Oil/chemistry , Reproducibility of Results , Models, Animal , Formaldehyde/chemistry , Freezing , Lens, Crystalline/physiology , Lens, Crystalline/diagnostic imaging , Light
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-765790


Pancreatic solid pseudopapillary neoplasm (SPN) is a rare tumor that is mostly benign, but a surgical resection is recommended. Pancreatic SPN has a relatively well-demarcated margin and lymph node metastases are rare. The prognosis of pancreatic SPN is relatively good. Therefore, minimally invasive surgery (MIS) is often available. When a distal pancreatectomy is performed for SPN located at the pancreatic body or tail, it is believed to preserve the spleen. MIS with preservation of spleen not only helps the patient recover after surgery, but also does not worsen the oncology results compared to open surgery with or without a splenectomy. Recently, robotic surgery has expanded gradually. Therefore, it is expected that MIS with spleen preservation will become more common for pancreatic SPN.

Humans , Laparoscopy , Lymph Nodes , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures , Neoplasm Metastasis , Organ Preservation , Pancreatectomy , Pancreatic Neoplasms , Prognosis , Spleen , Splenectomy , Tail
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-762302


PURPOSE: We evaluated the oncologic outcomes of organ-preserving strategies in patients with rectal cancer treated with preoperative chemoradiotherapy (PCRT). METHODS: Between January 2008 and January 2013, 74 patients who underwent wait-and-watch (WW) (n = 42) and local excision (LE) (n = 32) were enrolled. Organ-preserving strategies were determined based on a combination of magnetic resonance imaging, sigmoidoscopy, and physical examination 4–6 weeks after completion of PCRT. The rectum sparing rate, 5-year recurrence-free survival (RFS), and overall survival (OS) were evaluated. RESULTS: The rectum was more frequently spared in the LE (100% vs. 87.5%, P = 0.018) at last follow-up. Recurrence occurred in 9 (28.1%) WW and 7 (16.7%) LE (P = 0.169). In the WW, 7 patients had only luminal regrowth and 2 had combined lung metastasis. In the LE, 2 (4.8%) had local recurrence only, 4 patients had distant metastasis, and 1 patient had local and distant metastasis. Among 13 patients who indicated salvage surgery (WW, n = 7; LE, n = 11), all in the WW received but all of LE refused salvage surgery (P = 0.048). The 5-year OS and 5-year RFS in overall patients was 92.7% and 76.9%, respectively, and were not different between WW and LE (P = 0.725, P = 0.129). CONCLUSION: WW and LE were comparable in terms of 5-year OS and RFS. In the LE group, salvage treatment was performed much less among indicated patients. Therefore, methods to improve the oncologic outcomes of patients indicated for salvage treatment should be considered before local excision.

Humans , Chemoradiotherapy , Follow-Up Studies , Lung , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Neoplasm Metastasis , Organ Preservation , Phenobarbital , Physical Examination , Rectal Neoplasms , Rectum , Recurrence , Salvage Therapy , Sigmoidoscopy , Treatment Outcome
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-762303


Standard use of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy, total mesorectal excision, and postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer has tremendously improved oncologic outcomes over the past several decades. However, these improvements come with costs of significant morbidity and poor quality of life. Along with developments in imaging techniques, clinical experience and evidence have identified a certain subgroup of patients that have exceptionally good clinical outcomes while preserving quality of life. Driven by patient demand and interest in preserving quality of life, numerous organ preservation treatment strategies for managing rectal cancer are rapidly evolving. Herein, the flow of research in organ preservation strategies and counter arguments are discussed.

Humans , Chemoradiotherapy , Chemotherapy, Adjuvant , Consolidation Chemotherapy , Induction Chemotherapy , Organ Preservation , Quality of Life , Rectal Neoplasms