Introducción: La fractura de radio distal resulta común en la extremidad superior y representa un reto terapéutico. Objetivo: Determinar la concordancia entre radiografía simple y tomografía computarizada con respecto a las clasificaciones AO Foundation y de Fernández, y la elección del tratamiento. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de concordancia diagnóstica entre radiografía simple y tomografía computarizada. Ortopedistas y cirujanos de mano analizaron 19 imágenes de fracturas de radio distal de acuerdo con las clasificaciones AO Foundation y de Fernández, y las distintas opciones de tratamiento. Para el grado de concordancia se usó el coeficiente Kappa de Fleiss. La prueba de t-Student y Chi cuadrado diferenciaron los grupos para variables cuantitativas y cualitativas, respectivamente. Hubo una significancia estadística de p= 0,05. Resultados: La clasificación de Fernández coincidió mejor que la clasificación AO Foundation entre radiografía y tomografía computarizada. En la elección del tratamiento y la técnica de osteosíntesis la concordancia fue mayor al 90 por ciento, mientras que el abordaje quirúrgico solo alcanzó el 50 por ciento. La clasificación AO Foundation radiográfica se correspondió con fracturas complejas, mientras la de Fernández con las menos complicadas. Las fracturas se subestimaron cuando se clasificaron con radiografía. Conclusiones: La relación de las clasificaciones entre radiografía y tomografía computarizada para fracturas de radio distal no resulta satisfactoria. La tomografía computarizada ofrece información que modifica las decisiones en el tratamiento(AU)
Introduction: Distal radius fracture is common in the upper extremity and represents a therapeutic challenge. Objective: To determine the agreement between simple radiography and computed tomography with respect to AO Foundation and Fernández classifications, and the choice of treatment. Methods: A diagnostic agreement study was carried out between simple radiography and computed tomography. Orthopedists and hand surgeons analyzed 19 images of distal radius fractures according to AO Foundation and Fernández classifications, and the different treatment options. Fleiss Kappa coefficient was used for the degree of agreement. The Student's t-test and chi-square differentiated the groups for quantitative and qualitative variables, respectively. There was a statistical significance of p = 0.05. Results: Fernández classification coincided better than AO Foundation between radiography and computed tomography. In the choice of treatment and osteosynthesis technique, agreement was greater than 90 percent, while the surgical approach only reached 50 percent. The radiographic AO Foundation classification corresponded to complex fractures while Fernández classification corresponded to less complicated ones. Fractures were underestimated when classified with radiography. Conclusions: The relationship of classifications between radiography and computed tomography for distal radius fractures is not satisfactory. Computed tomography provides information that modifies treatment decisions(AU)
Humans , Radiography/classification , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/classification , Reproducibility of Results , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methods , Wrist Fractures/therapy , Surgeons , Orthopedic SurgeonsABSTRACT
Abstract Objective To assess the economic and professional impact (including teaching and training) during the covid-19 pandemic, as well as the prevalence of major depressive episode and generalized anxiety disorder, on shoulder and elbow surgeons in Brazil. Methods Cross-sectional study carried out with surgeons who are members of the Brazilian Society of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (SBCOC). Sampling was non-probabilistic for convenience. The information was obtained through a self-administered online questionnaire, through the SBCOC members' registered e-mails, using structured questions and the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) instruments to screening for major depressive episode and generalized anxiety disorder, respectively. Results 119 participants were evaluated. The commitment in teaching was affirmed by 87.7% of the surgeons, there was a reduction above 50% of the surgical volume for about 4 out of 10 surgeons and reduction of the income above 50% for about 17.3%, due to the fact that 55.5% of professionals did not have professional stability. The major depressive episode had a prevalence of 26.7% in the sample, and generalized anxiety disorder was presented by 20% of the surgeons. Conclusion The combination of the negative impact on professional and financial factorsmay have affected shoulder and elbow surgeons in Brazil, generating high rates of anxiety and depression.
Resumo Objetivo Avaliar o impacto econômico e profissional (incluindo ensino e treinamento) durante a pandemia de covid-19, bem como a prevalência de episódio depressivo maior e de transtorno de ansiedade generalizada, nos cirurgiões de ombro e cotovelo do Brasil. Métodos Estudo transversal realizado com os cirurgiões membros titulares da Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia de Ombro e Cotovelo (SBCOC). A amostragem foi não probabilística por conveniência. As informações foram obtidas por meio de questionário online autoaplicado, através de divulgação pelo e-mail cadastrado dos membros da SBCOC, utilizando questões estruturadas e os instrumentos Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) e Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) para rastreio de episódio depressivo maior e transtorno de ansiedade generalizada, respectivamente. Resultados Foram avaliados 119 participantes. O comprometimento no ensino foi afirmado por 87,7% dos cirurgiões, houve redução acima de 50% do volume cirúrgico para cerca de 4 em cada 10 cirurgiões e redução da renda acima de 50% para cerca de 17,3%, sendo que 55,5% dos profissionais não apresentavam estabilidade profissional. O episódio depressivo maior apresentou uma prevalência de 26,7% na amostra, e o transtorno de ansiedade generalizada foi apresentado por 20% dos cirurgiões. Conclusão A combinação do impacto negativo sobre fatores profissionais e financeiros pode ter afetado os cirurgiões de ombro e cotovelo do Brasil, gerando elevados índices de ansiedade e depressão.
Humans , Orthopedic Surgeons/economics , COVID-19/economics , Working Conditions , IncomeABSTRACT
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) just released the up-to-date <Management of Hip Fractures in Older Adults:Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline>, which has become the principles to care hip fractures in the elderly. In comparison to the Guideline 2014, considerable changes are made in terms of guideline composition and focused items. The interval of 7 years yielded dramatic progress in the care of geriatric hip fractures, including the recommendation of cemented femoral stems in hip arthroplasty due to displaced femoral neck fractures, cephalomedullary device for unstable intertrochanteric fractures and tranexamic acid to reduce blood loss and blood transfusion. Additionally, the individualized properties of the elderly with hip fractures should be noted to balance an early operation within 24 and 48 hours and patient safety. The interpretation of <Management of Hip Fractures in Older Adults:Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline> is helpful to comprehensively understand the progress of the care of geriatric hip fractures, thus to make orthopaedic surgeons master the key points of clinical practice, and to improve the quality of operations and decrease perioperative complications.
Aged , Humans , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip , Femoral Neck Fractures/surgery , Fracture Fixation, Internal , Hip Fractures/surgery , Orthopedic Surgeons , Treatment Outcome , United States , Practice Guidelines as TopicABSTRACT
Históricamente, las médicas han sido asociadas a especialidades determinadas. En los últimos años, estos estereotipos han sido lentamente revertidos con mayor participación de la mujer en especialidades quirúrgicas. En el proceso de aprendizaje se sabe la importancia que tienen los modelos y mentores. Buscamos evaluar el grado de satisfacción y el éxito profesional de las mujeres en Traumatología, y qué factores cumplieron un rol positivo en la decisión de optar por ella.Se encuestó a 108 mujeres dedicadas a la Traumatología, y se evaluaron las influencias positivas y los mentores como modelo en la toma de decisión por la especialidad y los grados de satisfacción personal y profesional.Pese a una mayor percepción de dificultades en lograr el objetivo, destacan los altos grados de satisfacción profesional y personal de las mujeres en Traumatología: 95% refirió haber elegido la especialidad correcta, 100% afirmó que las dificultades se compensan con los resultados obtenidos, y 96% volvería a elegir la misma especialidad. En relación con la percepción de éxito, 73% se considera exitosa en su vida profesional, y en la vida personal, 85%.Muy relevante en la toma de decisión por la especialidad es el rol que cumplen docentes, mentores, y el gusto por la cirugía y los deportes. Un 84% recibió alguna influencia positiva, 61% tuvo como modelo en su formación una traumatóloga, y un 98% recomendaría a otras mujeres en período de formación que se dedicaran a la Traumatología.Las estrategias de incremento de la participación femenina en la especialidad pudiesen orientarse a fomentar modelos femeninos durante el aprendizaje.
Historically, female doctors have been associated with certain specialties. In recent years, these stereotypes have been slowly reversed with an increased participation of women in surgical specialties. The importance of models and mentors in the learning process is known. We seek to evaluate the level of professional satisfaction and success of women in Traumatology, as well as the factors that may have played a positive role in the decision to pursue this specialty. We surveyed 108 women working in Traumatology and evaluated the positive influences and mentors as models in the decision-making regarding the specialty and the degrees of personal and professional satisfaction. Despite a greater perception of difficulties in achieving the purpose, the high degrees of professional and personal satisfaction of women in Traumatology stands out: 95% reported having chosen the correct specialty, 100% stated that the difficulties are offset by the results obtained, and 96% would choose the same specialty again. Regarding the perception of success, 73% consider themselves successful in their occupation, and 85% consider themselves successful in their personal lives. The role played by teachers, mentors, as well as an interest in surgery and sports are very relevant in choosing the specialty. In total, 84% of the sample received some positive influence 61% had a female traumatologist as a model during their training, and 98% would recommend other women in training to dedicate themselves to Traumatology. The strategies to increase female participation in the specialty could be aimed at promoting female role models during learning.
Humans , Female , Personal Satisfaction , Physicians, Women/psychology , Orthopedic Surgeons/psychology , Orthopedics , Perception , Traumatology , Mentors , Career Choice , Chile , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Surveys and Questionnaires , Job SatisfactionABSTRACT
Introducción: La lesión de la arteria vertebral es un evento grave. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el grado de conocimiento de los cirujanos de columna en la Argentina sobre las medidas diagnósticas y terapéuticas de la lesión de la arteria vertebral. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo observacional mediante una encuesta difundida a través de la AANC y la SAPCV. Resultados: Se recibieron 157 respuestas. El 47,4% considera relevante evaluar la anatomía de la arteria vertebral en todo tipo de patología mediante métodos angiográficos. La mitad de los encuestados diagnosticó una variante anatómica de la arteria. El 29,2% manifestó haber tenido en su práctica una lesión de la arteria. Solo el 35% tiene un protocolo de acción para el manejo de este evento adverso. El 77% adopta como primera medida el taponamiento. En el seguimiento posquirúrgico, la mayoría estudia el estado final mediante métodos angiográficos. Alrededor del 10% procuraría instaurar alguna medida de profilaxis antitrombótica. El 76,6% dispone de Servicio de Hemodinamia con cirujano endovascular. Conclusión: Esta complicación está subestimada. Menos de la mitad de los cirujanos utiliza, como rutina, herramientas de diagnóstico de posibles alteraciones anatómicas. No se han observado protocolos de manejo ni seguimiento de estas lesiones. Nivel de Evidencia: IV
Introduction: Vertebral artery injury is a serious event. The objective of this work is to evaluate the degree of knowledge of spinal surgeons in Argentina regarding the diagnostic and therapeutic measures of vertebral artery injury. Materials and methods: An observational descriptive study was carried out through a survey transmitted through AANC and SAPCV. Results: Of 157 responses, 47.4% consider it relevant to evaluate the anatomy of the vertebral artery in all types of pathology by angiographic methods. Half of those surveyed diagnosed an anatomical variant of the artery, 29.2% reported having encountered an artery injury during their practice and only 35% had an action protocol for the management of this adverse event. 77% adopted tamponade as their first measure. In the postoperative follow-up, the majority of surgeons studied the final state of the situation using angiographic methods. Around 10% would try to establish some measure of antithrombotic prophylaxis. 76.6% have an hemodynamics service with an endovascular surgeon. Conclusion: We found an underestimation of this complication. Less than half of surgeons routinely use diagnostic tools for possible anatomical changes. Management or monitoring protocols for these injuries have not been observed. Level of Evidence: IV
Argentina , Spinal Diseases , Vertebral Artery/injuries , Surveys and Questionnaires , Knowledge , Orthopedic SurgeonsABSTRACT
A trombose venosa profunda (TVP) e o tromboembolismo pulmonar (TEP) são as principais manifestações clínicas do tromboembolismo venoso (TEV). O TEV é uma complicação comum e potencialmente grave das cirurgias ortopédicas, uma vez que pode levar à limitação funcional e morte pós-operatória. O uso da tromboprofilaxia reduz acentuadamente a incidência de TEV relacionado às intervenções ortopédicas, e seu uso é recomendado por diversas diretrizes. Entretanto, a indicação e o tipo de tromboprofilaxia para algumas intervenções ortopédicas, assim como o uso de ferramentas de predição de risco, ainda não estão bem estabelecidos e constituem pontos de debate. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram identificar os fatores de risco para TEV e suas interações nas cirurgias ortopédicas e avaliar a aplicabilidade do escore de risco de Caprini na predição de TEV em pacientes ortopédicos. Além disso, devido à escassez de conhecimento e recomendações sobre tromboprofilaxia nas intervenções ortopédicas de tornozelo e pé, realizaram-se uma revisão narrativa e uma enquete internacional sobre o assunto. Para analisar a interação de fatores de risco de TEV e a aplicabilidade preditiva do escore de Caprini nas cirurgias ortopédicas, foram utilizados os dados do Multiple Environmental and Genetic Assessment of risk factors for venous thrombosis (MEGA), um estudo caso-controle holandês de base populacional cujo desfecho de interesse é o TEV. Neste, 263 indivíduos que tiveram TEV e 94 controles foram submetidos à cirurgia ortopédica. O risco de TEV foi maior nos primeiros 30 dias após a cirurgia [odds ratio ajustada (ORadj) 17,5; intervalo de confiança (IC) 95%, 9,2-33,4] e manteve-se aumentado até 90 dias (ORadj 11,5; IC 95%, 7,3-17,7). Houve interação entre cirurgia ortopédica e mutação fator V Leiden (ORadj 17,5; IC 95%, 4,1-73,6), tipo de sangue não-O (ORadj 11,2; 95% IC, 3,4-34,0) e níveis séricos de fator VIII maiores que 150 mg/dl (ORadj 18,6; IC, 7,4-46,9). Quanto ao escore de Caprini, foram avaliados 357 indivíduos com TEV submetidos à cirurgia ortopédica. Um total de 20,9% dos casos e 41,5% dos controles foram classificados no grupo de menor risco (Caprini < 5 pontos). Pacientes com um escore de Caprini maior que 11 pontos tiveram um risco de TEV seis vezes maior (OR 6,3; IC 95%, 1,7-22,9), e pacientes com um escore de 9 a 10 tiveram um risco três vezes maior (OR 3,5; IC 95% 1,2-10,3). A área sob a curva (AUC) do escore de Caprini foi de 0,64, evidenciando uma discriminação de predição de TEV moderada. Na enquete internacional sobre tromboprofilaxia de pé e tornozelo, 693 cirurgiões ortopédicos de pé e tornozelo de 49 países participaram. Aproximadamente 50% informaram prescrever tromboprofilaxia durante a imobilização do paciente. Quando utilizada, as escolhas preferidas em ordem decrescente foram ácido acetilsalicílico (AAS), heparina de baixo peso molecular (HBPM) e anticoagulantes orais diretos. AAS e HBPM foram predominantemente prescritos na América do Norte e Europa, respectivamente. TVP prévia, imobilidade, obesidade e trombofilia hereditária foram considerados os principais fatores de risco indicativos do uso de tromboprofilaxia. Concluiu-se que: houve risco aumentado de TEV e interação entre os fatores de risco fator V Leiden, níveis elevados de fator VIII e grupo sanguíneo não- O com cirurgia ortopédica; o escore de Caprini é uma ferramenta que pode auxiliar os cirurgiões ortopédicos a classificarem o risco de TEV no pós-operatório, embora seu desempenho preditivo discriminativo tenha sido moderado; apesar de a maioria dos cirurgiões ortopédicos de tornozelo e pé considerarem que a tromboprofilaxia está indicada para cirurgias de tornozelo e pé (principalmente na presença de fatores de risco como TVP prévia, imobilidade, obesidade e trombofilia hereditária), a prescrição, o tipo e a duração apresentam grande discrepância intercontinental. Assim, este trabalho contribui para a identificação de pacientes sob alto risco de TEV, ponto estratégico para o uso individualizado e seguro da tromboprofilaxia como ferramenta para redução do risco de TEV relacionado às cirurgias ortopédicas.
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism are the main clinical manifestations of venous thromboembolism (VTE). VTE is a common and potentially serious complication of orthopedic surgeries, as it can lead to functional limitation and postoperative death. The use of thromboprophylaxis markedly reduces the incidence of VTE related to orthopedic interventions, and its use is recommended by several guidelines. However, the indication and type of thromboprophylaxis for some orthopedic interventions, as well as the use of risk prediction tools are still not well established and is debatable. The objectives of this study were to identify risk factors for VTE and their interactions in orthopedic surgeries and to evaluate the applicability of the Caprini risk score in predicting VTE in orthopedic patients. In addition, due to the lack of knowledge and recommendations on thromboprophylaxis in foot and ankle surgeries, a narrative review and an international survey on the subject were carried out. Data from the MEGA Study (Multiple Environmental and Genetic Assessment of risk factors for venous thrombosis) which is a Dutch population-based case-control study whose outcome of interest is VTE were used. A total of 263 subjects who had VTE and 94 controls underwent orthopedic surgery. The risk of VTE was the highest in the first 30 days after surgery (adjusted odds ratio [ORadj] 17.5; 95% CI [confidence interval], 9.2-33.4) and remained increased up to 90 days (ORadj, 11.5; 95% CI, 7.3- 17.7). There was interaction between orthopedic surgery and factor V Leiden mutation (ORadj 17.5, 95%CI 4.1-73.6), non-O blood type (ORadj 11.2; 95%CI 3.4-34.0) and factor VIII plasma levels greater than 150 mg/dl (ORadj 18.6; CI 7.4-46.9). To assess the applicability of the Caprini Score, 357 individuals with VTE undergoing orthopedic surgery in the MEGA were evaluated. A total of 20.9% of cases and 41.5% of controls were classified in the lowest risk group (Caprini <5 points). Patients with a Caprini score greater than 11 points had a six-fold increased risk of VTE (OR 6.3, 95% CI 1.7- 22.9) and patients with a score of 9-10 had about three-fold increased risk (OR 3.5, 95% CI 1.2-10.3). The area under curve for the Caprini score was 0.64, evidencing a moderate VTE prediction discrimination. In the international survey on foot and ankle thromboprophylaxis, 693 orthopedic foot and ankle surgeons from 49 countries participated. Approximately 50% reported prescribing thromboprophylaxis during patient immobilization that, when used, the preferred choice, in descending order, was acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) and direct oral anticoagulants. ASA and LMWH were predominantly prescribed in North America and Europe, respectively. Previous DVT, immobility, obesity and hereditary thrombophilia were considered the main risk factors indicative of the use of thromboprophylaxis. It is concluded that there was increased risk of VTE and interaction between factor V Leiden, high plasma levels of factor VIII or non-O blood group and orthopedic surgery; that the Caprini score is a tool that can help orthopedic surgeons to classify the risk of postoperative VTE, although its discriminative predictive performance was moderate and that although most ankle and foot orthopedic surgeons consider that thromboprophylaxis is indicated for ankle and foot surgeries (especially in the presence of risk factors such as previous DVT, immobility, obesity and hereditary thrombophilia), the prescription, type and duration present a large intercontinental discrepancy. Thus, this work contributed to the identification of patients at high risk of VTE, a strategic point for the individualized and safe use of thromboprophylaxis as a tool to reduce the risk of VTE related to orthopedic surgeries.
Pulmonary Embolism/prevention & control , Venous Thrombosis , Venous Thromboembolism , Academic Dissertation , Venous Thrombosis/prevention & control , Orthopedic SurgeonsABSTRACT
Abstract Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is among the most feared complications by orthopedists both for due to its potentially lethal outcome and the uncertainties related to its prevention. Despite the vast literature on VTE prevention in major orthopedic surgeries, little is known about it in ankle and foot procedures. In orthopedics, adequate thromboprophylaxis requires a careful assessment of the thrombotic and hemorrhagic risks based on the procedure to be performed, as well as and knowledge on anticoagulant agents. The presentis review has the goal of assessing the risk of developingdiscusses VTE risk assessment, the modalities of thromboprophylaxis modalities, and the drugs used, with an emphasis on foot and ankle surgeries.
Resumo O tromboembolismo venoso (TEV) é uma das complicações mais temidas pelos ortopedistas, tanto pelo seu desfecho potencialmente letal quanto pelas incertezas relacionadas à sua prevenção. Apesar da vasta literatura existente sobre a prevenção de TEV nas grandes cirurgias ortopédicas, pouco se sabe sobre sua prevenção nas cirurgias do tornozelo e do pé. Uma adequada prescrição da tromboprofilaxia em ortopedia exige criteriosa avaliação dos riscos trombóticos e hemorrágicos com base no tipo de cirurgia a ser realizada, além do conhecimento sobre os anticoagulantes. Esta revisão tem como objetivos abordar a avaliação do risco de desenvolver TEV, as modalidades de tromboprofilaxia, e os fármacos utilizados, tendo como ênfase as cirurgias do pé e do tornozelo.
Risk Assessment , Orthopedic Procedures , Disease Prevention , Venous Thromboembolism , Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis , Foot , Orthopedic Surgeons , AnticoagulantsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective To estimate the amount of radiation received and accumulated in the bodies of two surgeons, one being the responsible surgeon and the other the assistant, performing spine surgery procedures over a period of 25 years. Methods Seventy-two spinal surgeries were performed during a seven-month period and the radiation loads were measured in both surgeons. The measurement of radiation was captured in fluoroscopy in anteroposterior and lateral incidences. The surgeon and the assistant used two dosimeters, one in the cervical region protecting the thyroid and the other on the lead apron in the genital region. The radioactive loads were measured in millisieverts and the accumulated charges were recorded monthly in both regions of the body in the two surgeons for seven months and the means for the work periods (1, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 years) were estimated. Results It was observed that in the surgeon the average accumulated radiation loads were 131.9% and 176.92% higher than those of the assistant in the cervical and genital regions, respectively. Conclusion While the use of X-rays is indispensable in routine orthopedic surgery, we have to consider the development of techniques of protection, rigor and discipline in the use of safety materials for surgeons. Preventive exposure reduction measures such as using thyroid protection equipment and turning the head away from the patient during fluoroscopy, among others, should be mandatory to promote less radiation exposure. Level of evidence II; Comparative prospective study.
RESUMO Objetivo Estimar a quantidade de radiação recebida e acumulada no corpo de dois cirurgiões, durante período de 25 anos de trabalho, sendo um o cirurgião responsável e outro, assistente, nos procedimentos de cirurgia da coluna vertebral. Métodos Foram realizadas 72 cirurgias de coluna vertebral em um período de sete meses, e as cargas de radiação foram medidas nos dois cirurgiões. A medição da radiação foi captada em fluoroscópio nas incidências anteroposterior e de perfil. O cirurgião e o auxiliar utilizaram dois dosímetros, sendo um na região cervical protegendo a tireoide e outro sobre o avental de chumbo, na região genital. As cargas radioativas foram medidas em milisievert e as cargas acumuladas foram registradas mensalmente em ambas as regiões do corpo nos dois cirurgiões, durante sete meses, foram estimadas as médias no período (1, 5, 10, 15, 20 e 25 anos) de trabalho. Resultados Observou-se que no cirurgião as médias das cargas de radiação acumulada foram 131,9% e 176,92% superiores às do assistente nas regiões cervical e genital, respectivamente. Conclusão Enquanto o uso dos raios X for indispensável na rotina da cirurgia ortopédica, há de se considerar o desenvolvimento de técnicas de proteção, rigor e disciplina no uso materiais de segurança para os cirurgiões. Medidas preventivas de redução da exposição, como uso de equipamento para proteção da tireoide e girar a cabeça para se afastar do paciente durante a fluoroscopia, entre outras, devem ser obrigatórias para promover menor exposição à radiação. Nível de evidência II; Estudo prospectivo comparativo.
RESUMEN Objetivo Estimar la cantidad de radiación recibida y acumulada en el cuerpo de dos cirujanos, durante 25 años de trabajo, siendo uno el cirujano responsable y el otro, asistente, en los procedimientos de cirugía de columna vertebral. Métodos Se realizaron 72 cirugías de columna vertebral en un período de siete meses, y las cargas de radiación fueron medidas en los dos cirujanos. La medición de la radiación fue captada en fluoroscopio en las incidencias anteroposterior y de perfil. El cirujano y el auxiliar usaron dos dosímetros, siendo uno en la región cervical protegiendo la tiroides y otro sobre el delantal de plomo, en la región genital. Las cargas radiactivas se midieron en milisievert, y las cargas acumuladas se registraron mensualmente en ambas regiones del cuerpo, en los dos cirujanos, durante siete meses, y se estimaron los promedios durante el período (1, 5, 10, 15, 20 y 25 años) de trabajo. Resultados Se observó que en el cirujano los promedios de las cargas de radiación acumulada fueron de 131,9% y 176,92% superiores a las del asistente en las regiones cervical y genital, respectivamente. Conclusión Mientras el uso de rayos X sea indispensable en la rutina de la cirugía ortopédica, hay que considerar el desarrollo de técnicas de protección, rigor y disciplina en el uso de materiales de seguridad para los cirujanos. Las medidas preventivas de reducción de la exposición, como uso de equipamiento para protección de la tiroides y girar la cabeza para alejarse del paciente durante la fluoroscopia, entre otras, deben ser obligatorias para promover menor exposición a la radiación. Nivel de evidencia II; Estudio prospectivo comparativo.
Humans , Spine/surgery , Radiation Exposure/statistics & numerical data , Personal Protective Equipment , Orthopedic Surgeons/statistics & numerical data , Time FactorsABSTRACT
Abstract Objectives The present study aimed to evaluate the diagnostic failure rate in detecting perilunate fractures and dislocations using plain wrist radiographs by orthopedists and orthopedic residents. A secondary objective was to identify possible groups with a greater or lesser chance of establishing a correct diagnosis. Methods An online questionnaire was sent to several orthopedists through e-mail, social networks, and smartphone-based communication applications to assess the rate of diagnostic failure in detecting perilunate fractures and dislocations using plain radiographs. Results A total of 511 responses was obtained, with a diagnostic error rate of 8.81% for simple dislocations and 1.76% for trans-scaphoid perilunate fractures. Group stratification showed that residents presented the highest error rates in simple perilunate dislocations (23.91%), whereas hand surgeons presented the lowest error rates (1.74%). Conclusion Compared with the literature, the failure rates found were lower, suggesting that plain radiography is effective and that the error rate may not be as high as reported.
Resumo Objetivos O presente estude teve como objetivo avaliar o índice de falha diagnóstica na detecção de fraturas e luxações perilunares do carpo utilizando radiografias simples do punho por ortopedistas e residentes de ortopedia. Secundariamente, identificar possíveis grupos que apresentem maior ou menor chance de acerto diagnóstico. Métodos Foi aplicado um questionário online a diversos ortopedistas através de e-mail, redes sociais e aplicativos de comunicação via smartphone, para avaliar o índice de falha diagnóstica na detecção de fraturas e luxações perilunares utilizando radiografias simples. Resultados Foram obtidas 511 respostas e observado um índice de erro diagnóstico de 8,81% para as luxações simples e 1,76% para fratura transescafoperilunar. Ao estratificar por grupos, os médicos residentes obtiveram os maiores índices de erro nas luxações perilunares simples (23,91%), já os cirurgiões de mão obtiveram os índices mais baixos (1,74%). Conclusão Ao comparar com a literatura, os índices de falha encontrados foram menores, sugerindo que a radiografia simples é eficaz e que o índice de erro pode não ser tão elevado quanto o relatado na literatura.
Humans , Wrist Injuries , Carpal Bones/injuries , Joint Dislocations , Fractures, Bone , Orthopedic SurgeonsABSTRACT
Abstract Objective The present study aims to analyze the intra- and interobserver reproducibility of the Lauge-Hansen, Danis-Weber, and Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen (AO) classifications for ankle fractures, and the influence of evaluators training stage in these assessments. Methods Anteroposterior (AP), lateral and true AP radiographs from 30 patients with ankle fractures were selected. All images were evaluated by 11 evaluators at different stages of professional training (5 residents and 6 orthopedic surgeons), at 2 different times. Intra- and interobserver agreement was analyzed using the weighted Kappa coefficient. Student t-tests for paired samples were applied to detect significant differences in the degree of interobserver agreement between instruments. Results Intraobserver analysis alone had a significant agreement in all classifications. Moderate to excellent interobserver agreement was highly significant (p ≤ 0.0001) for the Danis-Weber classification. The Danis-Weber classification showed, on average, a significantly higher degree of agreement than the remaining classification systems (p ≤ 0.0001). Conclusion The Danis-Weber classification presented the highest reproducibility among instruments and the evaluator's little experience had no negative influence on the reproducibility of ankle fracture classifications. Level of Evidence II, Diagnostic Studies - Investigating a Diagnostic Test.
Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a reprodutibilidade intra- e interobservador das classificações de Lauge-Hansen, Danis-Weber e Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteosynthesefragen (AO) para as fraturas de tornozelo, e a influência do estágio de formação dos participantes na avaliação. Métodos Foram selecionadas radiografias de 30 pacientes com fratura de tornozelo nas incidências anteroposterior (AP), perfil e AP verdadeiro. Todas as imagens foram avaliadas por 11 participantes em diferentes estágios de formação profissional (cinco residentes e seis cirurgiões ortopédicos), em dois momentos distintos. Analisou-se a concordância inter- e intraobservador por meio do coeficiente Kappa ponderado. O teste t de Student para amostras pareadas foi aplicado para verificar se havia diferença significativa no grau de concordância interobservador entre os instrumentos. Resultado Observou-se que existe concordância significativa em todas as classificações quando da análise intraobservador isolada. Existe concordância interobservador altamente significativa de grau moderado a ótimo na classificação de Danis-Weber (p ≤ 0,0001). A classificação de Danis-Weber apresentou, em média, grau de concordância significativamente maior que as outras classificações (p ≤ 0,0001). Conclusão A classificação de Danis-Weber se mostrou a mais reprodutiva entre os instrumentos avaliados, e a pouca experiência do avaliador não influencia negativamente a reprodutibilidade das classificações das fraturas do tornozelo. Nível de Evidência II, Estudos Diagnósticos - Investigação de um Exame para Diagnóstico.
Humans , Reproducibility of Results , Diagnostic Tests, Routine , Fractures, Bone , Ankle Fractures/classification , Orthopedic SurgeonsABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction The possibility of perforation of gloves during orthopedic surgeries can reach 56.8%, and it mainly related to the manipulation of blunt instruments. Surgeries for the treatment of fractures and trauma present additional risk due to contact with bone spires. Objective Analysis of the prevalence of loss of integrity of surgical gloves in orthopedic trauma procedures, especially fractures, and evaluation of the surgeon's exposure and contact with secretions from the patient. Methods Macroscopic inspection of the gloves of two surgeons specialized in trauma, over a period of 4 months. Both used two gloves for all procedures and, at the end of the surgery, analyzed the presence or absence of blood stains on the internal gloves and/or fingers. The procedures were categorized according to the time and type of surgery. The intercurrence investigated was the perforation of one or two gloves; if the tear was perceived immediately or only at the end of the surgery, and the location of and reason for the tear, if identified. Results A total of 210 surgeries were included, 87 of which presented perforations, with 17 cases occurring in both gloves and 70 only in the outer glove. Finally, there was a more significant relationship with open focus surgeries and duration > 60 minutes. Conclusion Our results suggest that greater care and inspection of gloves to look for damage are needed in prolonged surgeries with an open focus.
Resumo Introdução Cirurgias ortopédicas apresentam a possibilidade de perfuração das luvas, que pode chegar a 56,8%, relacionada principalmente à manipulação de instrumentos cortantes. O tratamento de fraturas e cirurgias de trauma apresenta risco adicional pelo contato com espiculas ósseas. Objetivo Análise da prevalência de perda de integridade das luvas cirÚrgicas em procedimentos ortopédicos de trauma, principalmente fraturas, avaliando a exposição do cirurgião e o contato com secreções provenientes do paciente. Métodos Inspeção macroscópica das luvas de dois cirurgiões especializados em trauma, durante um período de 4 meses. Ambos usaram duas luvas para todos os procedimentos e, ao término da cirurgia, analisaram a presença ou ausência de manchas de sangue nas luvas internas e/ou nos dedos. Os procedimentos foram categorizados quanto ao tempo e tipo de cirurgia. A intercorrência investigada foi a perfuração de uma ou duas luvas; se a perfuração foi percebida imediatamente ou apenas ao final da cirurgia, e qual o local e o motivo do rasgo, se identificado. Resultados Foram incluídas 210 cirurgias, das quais 87 apresentaram perfurações, sendo 17 casos em ambas as luvas e 70 apenas na luva externa. Um total de 27,5% dos danos foram descobertos apenas no final da cirurgia; os rasgos se concentraram no indicador esquerdo em 62,5% dos casos. Por Último, houve uma relação mais significativa com cirurgias de foco aberto e com duração superior a 60 minutos. Conclusão O nosso resultado sugere que em cirurgias prolongadas e com foco aberto, é necessário maior cuidado e inspeção à procura de danos nas luvas.
Traumatology , Orthopedic Surgeons , Gloves, SurgicalABSTRACT
Abstract The arthroscopic reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament is a common surgery performed by the orthopedic surgeons willing to restore the knee stability of physically active patients. Despite the fact that it is usually an uneventful procedure, surgeons must always look for better post-operative results; in this scenario, the arthroscopic reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament without a tourniquet is a promising alternative. The aim of the present paper is to share with other orthopedic surgeons around the world our experience with this procedure and some technical tips that may be helpful.
Resumo A reconstrução artroscópica do ligamento cruzado anterior é uma cirurgia comum realizada pelos cirurgiões ortopédicos dispostos a restaurar a estabilidade do joelho de pacientes fisicamente ativos. Apesar de ser geralmente um procedimento sem intercorrências, os cirurgiões devem sempre procurar melhores resultados pós-operatórios; neste cenário, a reconstrução artroscópica do ligamento anterior sem torniquete é uma alternativa promissora. O objetivo deste artigo é compartilhar com outros cirurgiões ortopédicos ao redor do mundo nossa experiência com este procedimento e algumas dicas técnicas que podem ser úteis.
Tourniquets , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries , Orthopedic Surgeons , Knee/surgeryABSTRACT
Abstract Objective The present paper aims to evaluate the therapeutic planning for trigger finger by Brazilian orthopedists. Methods This is a cross-sectional study with a population composed of participants from the 2018 Brazilian Congress on Orthopedics and Traumatology (CBOT-2018, in the Portuguese acronym), who answered a questionnaire about the conduct adopted for trigger finger diagnosis and treatment. Results A total of 243 participants were analyzed, with an average age of 37.46 years old; most participants were male (88%), with at least 1 year of experience (55.6%) and from Southeast Brazil (68.3%). Questionnaire analysis revealed a consensus on the following issues: diagnosis based on physical examination alone (73.3%), use of the Quinnell classification modified by Green (58.4%), initial nonsurgical treatment (91.4%), infiltration of steroids combined with an anesthetic agent (61.7%), nonsurgical treatment time ranging from 1 to 3 months (52.3%), surgical treatment using the open approach (84.4%), mainly the transverse open approach (51%), triggering recurrence as the main nonsurgical complication (58%), and open surgery success in > 90% of the cases (63%), with healing intercurrences (54%) as the main complication. There was no consensus on the remaining variables. Orthopedists with different practicing times disagree on treatment duration (p = 0.013) and on the complication rate of open surgery (p = 0.010). Conclusions Brazilian orthopedists prefer to diagnose trigger finger with physical examination alone, to classify it according to the Quinnell method modified by Green, to institute an initial nonsurgical treatment, to perform infiltrations with steroids and local anesthetic agents, to sustain the nonsurgical treatment for 1 to 3 months, and to perform the surgical treatment using a transverse open approach; in addition, they state that the main nonsurgical complication was triggering recurrence, and report open surgery success in > 90% of the cases, with healing intercurrences as the main complication.
Resumo Objetivo Avaliar o planejamento terapêutico para o dedo em gatilho por ortopedistas brasileiros. Métodos Estudo transversal, cuja população foi composta por participantes do Congresso Brasileiro de Ortopedia e Traumatologia 2018 (CBOT-2018). Foi aplicado um questionário sobre a conduta adotada no diagnóstico e tratamento do dedo em gatilho. Resultados Foram analisados 243 participantes com média de idade de 37.46 anos, na maioria homens (88%), tempo de experiência de pelo menos 1 ano (55,6%), e da região Sudeste (68.3%). A análise dos questionários evidenciou que há consenso nos seguintes quesitos: diagnóstico somente com exame físico (73,3%), classificação de Quinnell modificada por Green (58,4%), tratamento inicial não cirúrgico (91,4%), infiltração de corticoide com anestésico (61,7%) tempo de tratamento não cirúrgico de 1 a 3 meses (52,3%), tratamento cirúrgico pela via aberta (84,4%), principalmente via aberta transversa (51%), recidiva do engatilhamento como principal complicação não cirúrgica (58%), e o sucesso da cirurgia aberta em > 90% (63%), sendo a sua principal complicação as complicações cicatriciais (54%). Sem consenso nas demais variáveis. De acordo com a experiência, foram observadas diferenças referentes ao tempo de tratamento (p = 0.013) e a taxa de complicação da cirurgia aberta (p = 0.010). Conclusões O ortopedista brasileiro tem preferência pelo diagnóstico do dedo em gatilho apenas com exame físico, classifica segundo Quinnell modificado por Green, tratamento inicial não cirúrgico, infiltrações com corticoide e anestésico local, tempo de tratamento não cirúrgico de 1 a 3 meses, tratamento cirúrgico por via aberta transversa, principal complicação não cirúrgica a recidiva do engatilhamento, e considera o sucesso da cirurgia aberta em > 90% dos casos, tendo como principal complicação as complicações cicatriciais.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Physical Examination , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Tendon Entrapment , Trigger Finger Disorder/surgery , Trigger Finger Disorder/diagnosis , Trigger Finger Disorder/therapy , Orthopedic SurgeonsABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: las fracturas de pilón tibial son un desafío para el cirujano y actualmente existe controversia en cuanto a su tratamiento. Objetivo: evaluar los resultados del tratamiento aplicado. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, longitudinal, con el universo de estudio de todos los pacientes que fueron atendidos y tratados con fractura de pilón tibial desde el 1 de enero de 2015 al 31 de diciembre de 2016. Se seleccionó una muestra de 27 pacientes. Resultados: hubo un predominio del sexo masculino (78 %), y del grupo de edades de 40 a 49 años para ambos sexos (37 %). Prevalecieron las fracturas producidas por accidentes de tránsito, con 59 %. Las fracturas cerradas fueron las más representadas, con 78 %. El 67 % de los pacientes no presentaron lesiones asociadas y predominaron las fracturas tipo II en el 55 % del total. Se aplicó tratamiento quirúrgico a un 74 % y se logró la consolidación en un 78 % de los casos antes de las 16 semanas. Antes de las 20 semanas se le indicó el apoyo al 78 % de los casos. Se complicaron 13 pacientes, para un 48 % del total. A pesar de ello, como resultado final, fueron evaluados de excelente y bien el 63 % de los pacientes. Conclusiones: la fractura de pilón tibial constituye una lesión de muy difícil manejo para el cirujano traumatólogo de hoy (AU).
ABSTRACT Introduction: tibial pylon fractures are a challenge for the surgeon surgery and currently there is a controversy regarding their treatment. Objective: to assess the outcomes of the applied treatment. Materials and methods: an observational, descriptive, longitudinal study was carried out with the study universe of all the patients who were attended and treated with tibial pylon fracture from January 1st, 2015 to December 31st, 2016. A sample composed by 27 patients was chosen. Results: male sex (78 %) and both-sexes 40-49 age group (37 %) predominated. There was a predominance of fractures caused by traffic accidents with 59 %, being closed fractures the most represented ones, with 78 %. 67 % of the patients did not present associated injuries, being type II fractures predominant in 55 % of the total. 74 % of the cases underwent surgery, achieving consolidation in 78 % of the cases before 16 weeks. Before 20 weeks, 78 % of the cases were indicated to set on their foot, and 13 patients had complications, representing 48 % of the total. In spite of this, 63 % of the patients were evaluated as excellent and well as final outcome. Conclusions: the tibial pylon fracture is an injury of very difficult handling for the today's orthopedic surgeon (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Patients , Tibial Fractures/therapy , Therapeutics/methods , Tibial Fractures/surgery , Orthopedic Surgeons/standards , Fracture Fixation, Internal/methodsABSTRACT
Introducción: Si bien la acromioplastia es uno de los procedimientos más realizados por los cirujanos de hombro, numerosas publicaciones recientes han cuestionado su eficacia. El objetivo del siguiente estudio fue investigar las tendencias actuales en la utilización de la acromioplastia entre cirujanos de hombro de Latinoamérica.Materiales y métodos: se diseñó un cuestionario mediante Google Forms, con quince preguntas para recolectar información sobre la utilización de la acromioplastia en la práctica cotidiana. En total se convocaron sesenta y cinco cirujanos de dieciséis países de Latinoamérica. La modalidad de las respuestas fue de opción múltiple y anónimas.Resultados: la tasa de respuestas fue del 100% (65/65). La edad promedio de los encuestados fue de cuarenta y siete años (rango 32-68). El 84% de los cirujanos respondió que utiliza la acromioplastia asociada a las reparaciones del manguito rotador (MR) y de estos el 91% la realiza en forma artroscópica. Las ventajas de la acromioplastia referidas con mayor frecuencia fueron que mejora el campo operatorio (55%) y que descomprime el MR (48%) y la desventaja más citada fue la inestabilidad anterosuperior de hombro (46%). La forma más frecuente para determinar la cantidad de acromion a resecar fue la experiencia personal del cirujano (42%). El 67% de los cirujanos libera el ligamento coracoacromial cuando realiza la acromioplastia y el 57% expresó realizar la resección de la clavícula distal asociada a la descompresión. El 56.5% de los cirujanos no efectúa nunca coracoplastia al reparar el subescapular. En cuanto a la etiopatogenia de las rupturas del manguito rotador, el 55% dijo que las causas de las rupturas son intrínsecas (degenerativas).Conclusión: existe una alta variabilidad en la indicación y en la técnica quirúrgica utilizada para realizar la acromioplastia entre los cirujanos de hombro de Latinoamérica. No hay acuerdo entre las ventajas y desventajas ni en las contraindicaciones del procedimiento. A cincuenta años de la teoría de Neer, solo el 1.5% de los encuestados considera como principal productor de patología del MR la compresión extrínseca de los tendones. Finalmente, algunos de los argumentos referidos por los participantes para justificar la utilización de la acromioplastia no se ajustan a los preceptos propuestos por Neer sino a causas tales como liberar factores de crecimiento o mejorar la visión en el campo operatorio.Identificar los aspectos de mayor controversia y desacuerdo sirven de base para investigaciones futuras que permitan consensos que guíen la práctica diaria según el mejor nivel de evidencia disponible.
Introduction: Although acromioplasty is one of the procedures most performed by shoulder surgeons, numerous recent publications have questioned its efficacy. The objective of the following study was to investigate current trends in the use of acromioplasty among shoulder surgeons in Latin America. Materials and methods: a questionnaire was designed with the Google Forms methodology, with fifteen questions to collect information on the use of acromioplasty in daily practice. In total, sixty-five surgeons from sixteen Latin American countries were summoned. The modality of the answers was multiple choice and anonymous. Results: the response rate was 100% (65/65). The average age of the respondents was forty-seven years (range 32-68 years). Eighty four percent of surgeons responded that they use acromioplasty associated with rotator cuff (RC) repairs and of these 91% perform it arthroscopically. The most frequently reported advantages of acromioplasty were that it improves the operative field (55%) and that it decompresses the RC (48%), and the disadvantage most often referred was anterosuperior shoulder instability (46%). The most frequent way to determine the amount of acromion to resect was the personal experience of the surgeon (42%). Sixty seven percent of surgeons release the coracoacromial ligament when performing acromioplasty and 57% referred to perform decompression associated with the distal clavicle resection. Fifty six percent of surgeons never perform coracoplasty when repairing the subscapularis. Regarding the etiopathogenesis of rotator cuff tears, 55% reported that the causes of the tears are intrinsic (degenerative).Conclusion: there is a high variability in the indication and in the surgical technique used to perform acromioplasty among shoulder surgeons in Latin America. There is no agreement between the advantages and disadvantages or the contraindications of the procedure. Fifty years after Neer's theory, only 1.5% of those surveyed consider extrinsic tendon compression as the main etiology of RC pathology. Finally, some of the arguments referred to by the participants to justify the use of acromioplasty do not conform to the precepts proposed by Neer, but rather to causes such as releasing growth factors or improving visibility in the operative field.Identifying the aspects of greatest controversy and disagreement serve as the basis for future research that allows consensus to guide daily practice according to the best level of available evidence.
Shoulder , Acromion , Surveys and Questionnaires , Rotator Cuff , Orthopedic Surgeons/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
Abstract The increasing incidence of calcaneal tendon ruptures has substantially impacted orthopedic care and costs related to its treatment and prevention. Primarily motivated by the increasing of life expectancy, the growing use of tenotoxic drugs and erratic access to physical activity, this injury accounts for considerable morbidity regardless of its outcome. In recent years, the evolution of surgical and rehabilitation techniques gave orthopedists better conditions to decide the most appropriate conduct in acute tendon rupture. Although still frequent due to their high neglect rate, Achilles chronic ruptures currently find simpler and more biological surgical options, being supported by a new specialty-focused paradigm.
Resumo A crescente incidência de rupturas do tendão calcâneo tem impactado substancialmente o cuidado ortopédico e os custos relacionados ao seu tratamento e prevenção. Motivada principalmente pelo aumento da expectativa de vida, o crescimento do uso de drogas tenotóxicas e o acesso errático à atividade física, essa lesão gera morbidade considerável aos pacientes qualquer seja o desfecho a ser considerado. A evolução das técnicas cirúrgicas e de reabilitação permitiu que ortopedistas, nos últimos anos, tivessem melhores condições para decidir a conduta mais apropriada nas roturas agudas do tendão calcâneo. Por mais que ainda frequentes pela sua alta taxa de negligência, as rupturas crônicas do Aquiles hoje encontram opções operatórias biológicas mais simples e são amparadas por um novo paradigma que se debruça sobre a especialidade.
Humans , Achilles Tendon , Calcaneus , Exercise , Acute Disease , Incidence , Disease Prevention , Orthopedic Surgeons , Motor ActivityABSTRACT
Abstract Objective To verify the applicability and agreement of the Ottawa ankle rules applied by medical students and orthopedic residents in a tertiary trauma service thus validating the Ottawa protocol for use on Brazilian soil. Prospective This was a prospective study, conducted in a tertiary hospital, including all patients with acute torsial trauma of the tibiotarsal joint. The patients underwent ankle and/or foot radiographs, and the questionnaire with the Ottawa ankle rules was applied by academics and, subsequently, by residents. The radiographs were evaluated by on-call orthopedists and specialist in foot and ankle, and the expert opinion was considered the gold standard for analysis. Results Two hundred and sixty-three patients were evaluated, and, after application of the established inclusion criteria, 226 cases remained for evaluation. The sensitivity to detect lesions and negative predictive value (NPV) was 100%. The most sensitive test with higher NPV for both academics and residents was palpation of the lateral malleolus. The study presented potential for a reduction of 30% in the total number of tests requested. Conclusion The data showed applicability and agreement between academics and residents, which allows for the validation of the Ottawa protocol in emergency care in Brazil.
Resumo Objetivo Verificar a aplicabilidade e a concordância das regras do tornozelo de Ottawa aplicadas por estudantes de medicina e residentes de ortopedia em um serviço de trauma terciário, validando assim as regras de Ottawa para utilização em solo brasileiro. Método Estudo prospectivo, realizado em um hospital terciário, incluindo todos os pacientes com trauma torcional agudo da articulação tibiotársica. Os pacientes realizaram radiografias de tornozelo e/ou pé, tendo sido aplicado o questionário com as regras do tornozelo de Ottawa por acadêmicos e, na sequência, por residentes. As radiografias foram avaliadas por ortopedistas plantonistas e especialista em pé e tornozelo, sendo a opinião do especialista considerada padrão-ouro da análise. Resultados Foram avaliados 263 pacientes e, após aplicados os critérios de inclusão estabelecidos, restaram para a avaliação 226 casos. A sensibilidade para detectar lesões e o valor preditivo negativo (VPN) foi de 100%. O teste mais sensível e com maior VPN para ambos, acadêmicos e residentes, foi a palpação do maléolo lateral. O estudo apresentou potencial de redução de 30% no total de exames solicitados. Conclusão Os dados demostraram aplicabilidade e concordância entre acadêmicos e residentes, o que permite a validação do protocolo de Ottawa nos atendimentos de urgência e emergência no Brasil.
Humans , Male , Female , Wounds and Injuries , Prospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Ankle Injuries , Emergency Medical Services , Tertiary Care Centers , Fractures, Avulsion , Foot , Orthopedic Surgeons , AnkleABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: El Doctor y profesor Rodrigo Álvarez Cambras, constituye una de las figuras que despuntó desde los mismos inicios del triunfo de la Revolución Cubana en las ciencias ortopédicas con repercusión en las ciencias pedagógicas y en las ciencias de la cultura física y el deporte. Objetivo: Con estas premisas decidimos hacer un Plegable o Volante de fácil manejo para el personal de las ciencias médicas, paramédicas y muy especialmente para el personal que se relaciona con la especialidad de Ortopedia y Traumatología plasmándose los aportes a las ciencias. Materiales y método: Se realiza este trabajo de corte histórico mediante sus datos biográficos y teniendo en cuenta sus principales aportes como médico, pedagogo, científico, como directivo entre otros, creando un instrumento como material complementario avalados por sus más de cinco décadas dedicadas por entero a las ciencias médicas y pedagógicas. Resultados: Se creó un instrumento que estimula al estudio de esta figura con el propósito de valorar su trabajo en beneficio de la sociedad cubana y su contribución y aportes al desarrollo de la pedagogía, el deporte y la medicina, muy específicamente de la Ortopedia y Traumatología universal (AU).
Abstract Introduction: The Doctor and professor Rodrigo Álvarez Cambras, constitutes one of the figures that stood out from the same beginnings of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in the orthopedic sciences with repercussions in the pedagogic sciences and in the sciences of the physical culture and the sport. Objective: With these premises we decided to make a Foldable or Flyer of easy handling for the personnel of the medical and paramedical sciences and very especially for the personnel that is related to the specialty of Orthopedics and Traumatology being shaped the contributions to the sciences. Materials and method: This historical work is carried out by means of its biographical data and taking into account its main contributions as a doctor, pedagogue, scientist, as a manager among others, creating an instrument as a complementary material guaranteed by its more than five decades dedicated entirely to the medical and pedagogical sciences. Results: An instrument was created that stimulates the study of this figure with the purpose of valuing his work for the benefit of Cuban society and his contribution and contributions to the development of pedagogy, sports and medicine, very specifically of Orthopedics and Universal Traumatology (AU).
Humans , Male , Biographies as Topic , Faculty, Medical/education , Physicians/history , Health Sciences , Orthopedic Surgeons/education , Orthopedic Surgeons/historyABSTRACT
RESUMEN La osteocondromatosis sinovial es una condición poco común que se caracteriza por la formación de nódulos cartilaginosos u óseos comúnmente visto en las articulaciones sobretodo en la rodilla, sin embargo en el hombro esta condición es rara. Presentamos un caso clínico de una mujer de 35 años de edad con dolor en hombro izquierdo de larga evolución, tratado de manera conservadora antes de ser referido a un ortopedista. Luego de un diagnostico clínico y radiológico se sometió a tratamiento quirúrgico en la que se realizó un desbridamiento y escisión de los cuerpos condrales con éxito. Palabras claves: Condromatosis sinovial, tratamiento, adulto joven, mujer
ABSTRACTSynovial osteochondromatosis is a rare condition characterized by the formation of cartilage or bone nodules commonly seen in the joints, especially in the knee, however, this condition is rare in the shoulder. We present a clinical case of a 35-year-old woman with a long history of left shoulder pain, treated conservatively before being referred to an orthopedist. After a clinical and radiological diagnosis, she underwent surgical treatment in which a successful debridement and excision of the chondral bodies was performed
Humans , Female , Adult , Chondromatosis, Synovial , Osteochondromatosis , Shoulder Pain , Therapeutics , Women , Orthopedic SurgeonsABSTRACT
Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto psicosocial de la pandemia por COVID-19 en los cirujanos de columna de Argentina. Material y métodos: Se envió un cuestionario diseñado específicamente a los cirujanos de columna de Argentina entre el 4-6 de abril del 2020. Las preguntas incluyeron variables demográficas, económicas, laborales y la escala de depresión PHQ-9. Las variables fueron comparadas y analizadas y las diferencias estadísticamente significativas remarcadas. Resultados: Respondieron en forma completa la encuesta 122 cirujanos de columna de Argentina, la mayoría hombres (97%), la edad promedio fue de 44 años; la mitad (n: 61) eran traumatólogos y la otra mitad neurocirujanos. La mayoría respondieron estar solo haciendo cirugías de emergencia (84%, n: 102). La preocupación promedio respecto a la situación financiera fue de 7.8 en una escala de 1 al 10. El 20% (n: 24) tenía un score superior a 10 en la escala de PHQ-9. Los cirujanos más jóvenes y los neurocirujanos tenían estadísticamente scores de PHQ-9 más altos. Conclusión: Se evaluó el impacto durante la pandemia por COVID-19 en la situación laboral y financiera de los cirujanos de columna encuestados. El impacto psicológico en el largo plazo debe ser considerado, para evitar secuelas en este grupo de profesionales de la salud.
Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the psycho-social impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in spine surgeons in Argentina. Methods: A questionnaire was sent to Argentina spine surgeons from April 4-6th, 2020. Questions regarding demographics, economic, working status and the PHQ-9 score were included. All variables were compared, analyzed and statistically significant differences were recorded. Results: 122 surgeons from Argentina answered the complete survey, most of them were male (97 %), the average age was 44 years; half (n: 61) of them were orthopedic surgeons and half neurosurgeons. Most of the surgeons reported performing emergency procedures only during the pandemic (84 %, n: 102). The average concern about the financial situation due to the pandemic was 7.8 in a scale of 1 to 10. Twenty percent (n: 24) of the surgeons had a score over 10 in the PHQ-9. Young age and neurosurgery as a specialty were statistically related with higher PHQ-9 scores. Conclusions: COVID-19 impact Ìs in working practice and financial situation of Argentina Ìs spine surgeons that answered this survey was evaluated. The long-term psychological impact should be taken into consideration to avoid a heavier burden for health care providers.