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Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 86(3): 332-338, May-June 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132603


Abstract Introduction: Age-related hearing impairment is the most common sensory dysfunction in older adults. In osteoporosis, the mass of the ossicles will be decreased, affecting the bone density of the cochlea, and interfering with the sound transmission to the cochlea. Age related hearing loss might be closely related to osteoporosis. Objective: To determine the relationship between age-related hearing impairment and osteoporosis by investigating the relationship between hearing loss and cortical bone density evaluated from femur neck bone mineral density. Methods: We used data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey to examine the associations between osteoporosis and age-related hearing impairment from 2009 to 2011. Total number of participants was 4861 including 2273 men and 2588 women aged 50 years or older. Osteoporosis was defined as a bone mineral density 2.5 standard deviations below according to the World Health Organization diagnostic classification. Age-related hearing impairment was defined as the pure-tone averages of test frequencies 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 kHz at a threshold of 40 dB or higher on the more impaired hearing side. Results: Total femur T-score (p < 0.001), lumbar-spine T-score (p < 0.001) and, femur neck T-score (p < 0.001) were significantly lower in the osteoporosis group compared to the normal group. Thresholds of pure-tone averages were significantly different in normal compared to osteopenia, and osteoporosis groups. In addition, there were significantly higher pure-tone averages thresholds in the osteoporosis group compared to other groups (p < 0.001). After adjusting for all covariates, the odds ratio for hearing loss was significantly increased by 1.7 fold with reduced femur neck bone mineral density (p < 0.01). However, lumbar spine bone mineral density was not statistically associated with hearing loss (p = 0.22). Conclusion: Our results suggest that osteoporosis is significantly associated with a risk of hearing loss. In addition, femur neck bone mineral density was significantly correlated with hearing loss, but lumbar spine bone mineral density was not.

Resumo Introdução: A perda auditiva associada ao envelhecimento é a disfunção sensorial mais comum em idosos. Na osteoporose, a massa dos ossículos diminui e afeta a densidade óssea da cóclea, o que irá interferir na transmissão do som para a mesma. A perda auditiva associada à idade pode estar intimamente relacionada à osteoporose. Objetivo: Determinar a relação entre deficiência auditiva relacionada à idade e osteoporose, investigar a relação entre perda auditiva e densidade óssea cortical avaliada a partir da densidade mineral óssea do colo do fêmur. Método: Utilizamos dados da Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey para examinar as associações entre osteoporose e perda auditiva associada ao envelhecimento de 2009 a 2011. O número total de participantes foi de 4.861, incluiu 2.273 homens e 2.588 mulheres com 50 anos ou mais. A osteoporose foi definida como densidade mineral óssea com 2,5 desvios-padrão abaixo da média, de acordo com a classificação diagnóstica da Organização Mundial da Saúde. A perda auditiva associada ao envelhecimento foi definida como as médias de tom puro das frequências de teste de 0,5, 1, 2 e 4 kHz a um limiar de 40 dB ou superior no lado da audição mais afetado. Resultados: O T-score total do fêmur (p < 0,001), o T-score da coluna lombar (p < 0,001) e o T-score do colo do fêmur (p < 0,001) foram significantemente menores no grupo com osteoporose em comparação ao grupo normal. Os limiares de médias de tom puro foram significantemente diferentes nos grupos normais em comparação com aqueles com osteopenia e osteoporose. Além disso, houve limiares significantemente maiores de médias de tom puro no grupo com osteoporose em comparação com os outros grupos (p < 0,001). Após o ajuste para todas as covariáveis, a odds ratio da perda auditiva mostrou estar significantemente aumentada em 1,7 vez com densidade mineral óssea reduzida no colo do fêmur (p < 0,01). No entanto, a densidade mineral óssea da coluna L não se associou estatisticamente à perda auditiva (p = 0,22). Conclusão: Nossos resultados sugerem que a osteoporose está significantemente associada ao risco de perda auditiva. Além disso, a densidade mineral óssea da coluna lombar não se correlacionou com a perda auditiva, apenas a densidade mineral óssea do colo do fêmur foi significantemente correlacionada.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Osteoporosis/complications , Presbycusis/complications , Aging/physiology , Bone Density/physiology , Osteoporosis/physiopathology , Presbycusis/physiopathology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Health Surveys , Republic of Korea
Rev. chil. pediatr ; 91(2): 209-215, abr. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1098893


Resumen: Introducción: La inmovilización prolongada asociada a diversas enfermedades neurológicas, causa osteoporosis secundaria con fracturas patológicas y dolor óseo persistente. Objetivos: Establecer la asociación entre densidad mineral ósea (DMO), marcadores de neoformación y reabsorción ósea y grado de capacidad funcional en pacientes menores de 18 años con movilidad reducida. Pacientes y Método: Estudio transversal, realizado entre 1/1/2016 y 31/12/2017 en pacientes de 6 a 18 años diagnosticados de distintas enfermedades neurológicas en Ciudad Real (España). Se analizaron las variables biodemográficas, capacidad funcional según la Functional Mobility Scale (FMS), que valora la movilidad en 5, 50 y 500 metros, DMO, 25-hidroxi-vitamina D, fosfatasa alcalina, osteocalcina en sangre y telopéptido amino terminal de cadena cruzada de colágeno tipo I en orina (NTX-I). Se expresan DMO, fosfatasa alcalina, osteocalcina y NTX-I en Z score según valores de referencia para edad y sexo. Se utilizaron estadísticas descriptivas y correlaciones de Pearson y Spearman. Resulta dos: 36 pacientes (52,7% niñas), edad media de 8,6 ± 4,7 años. Valor medio de FMS: 5,3 sobre 18. DMO media: -1,99 ± 1,7 desviaciones estándar (DE), fosfatasa alcalina media: -2,64 ± 1,08, osteocalcina media: -2,15 ± 1,39, y NTX-I medio: +3 ± 1,72. Hubo asociación significativa entre DMO y FMS para 5 metros (r = 0,395; p = 0,017) y para la puntuación total (r = 0,365; p = 0,029). No se encon traron diferencias significativas según estadios de desarrollo puberal. Conclusiones: En la población estudiada se observa disminución en la DMO y en marcadores de neoformación ósea y elevación de marcadores de reabsorción ósea sin asociación con el desarrollo puberal. Los pacientes con menor grado de movilidad presentan una DMO inferior.

Abstract: Introduction: Prolonged immobilization associated with several neurological disorders causes se condary osteoporosis with pathological fractures and persistent bone pain. Objectives: To establish the association between bone mineral density (BMD), neoformation and bone resorption markers and the degree of functional capacity in children under 18 years of age with reduced mobility. Pa tients and Method: Cross-sectional study conducted in Ciudad Real, Spain between January 1, 2016, and December 31, 2017 with patients aged between 6 and 18 years diagnosed with different neurological disorders. The following variables were analyzed: age, sex, pubertal stage, functional capacity according to the Functional Mobility Scale (FMS), which assesses the ability to walk from 5, 50 to 500 meters, BMD, 25-hydroxy-vitamin D, alkaline phosphatase and osteocalcin in blood, and N-terminal telopeptide crosslinks in collagen type I (NTX-I) in urine. BMD, alkaline phosphatase, osteocalcin, and NTX-I values are expressed in Z score according to reference values for age and sex. The Pear son and Spearman correlations were used for data analysis. Results: 36 patients (52.7% girls) with an average age of 8.6±4.7 years. Mean FMS value: 5.3 out of 18. Mean BMD: -1.99 ± 1.7 standard deviations (SD), mean alkaline phosphatase: -2.64 ± 1.08, mean osteocalcin: -2.15 ± 1.39, and mean NTX-I: +3 ± 1.72. There was a significant association between BMD and FMS for 5 meters (r = 0.395; p = 0.017) and for total score (r = 0.365; p = 0.029). There were no significant differences according to the stages of pubertal development. Conclusions: In this population, there was a decrease in BMD and bone neoformation markers, and an increase of bone resorption markers with no association with pubertal development. Patients with a lower degree of mobility present a lower BMD.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Osteoporosis/etiology , Biomarkers/metabolism , Bone Density , Bone Remodeling/physiology , Mobility Limitation , Nervous System Diseases/complications , Osteoporosis/diagnosis , Osteoporosis/physiopathology , Osteoporosis/blood , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Disability Evaluation , Nervous System Diseases/physiopathology
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 86(1): 83-90, Jan.-Feb. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089374


Abstract Introduction Subjective benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is a form of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in which during the diagnostic positional maneuvers patients only present vertigo symptoms with no nystagmus. Objective To study the characteristics of subjects with subjective benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Methods Prospective multicenter case-control study. All patients presenting with vertigo in the Dix-Hallpike test that presented to the participating hospitals were included. The patients were separated into two groups depending on whether nystagmus was present or not. An Epley Maneuver of the affected side was performed. In the follow-up visit, patients were checked to see if nystagmus and vertigo were present. Both groups of patients were compared to assess the success rate of the Epley maneuver and also to compare the presence of 19 variables. Results 259 patients were recruited, of which 64 belonged to the subjective group. Nystagmus was eliminated in 67.2% of the patients with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. 89.1% of the patients with subjective benign paroxysmal positional vertigo remained unaffected by nystagmus, thus showing a significant difference (p = 0.001). Osteoporosis and migraine were the variables which reached the closest to the significance level. In those patients who were taking vestibular suppressors, the percentage of subjective benign paroxysmal positional vertigo was not significantly higher. Conclusions Subjective benign paroxysmal positional vertigo should be treated using the Epley maneuver. More studies are needed to establish a relationship between osteoporosis, migraine and subjective benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. The use of vestibular suppressants does not affect the detection of nystagmus.

Resumo Introdução A vertigem posicional paroxística benigna subjetiva é um tipo de vertigem posicional paroxística benigna na qual, durante as manobras posicionais diagnósticas, os pacientes apresentam apenas sintomas vertiginosos sem nistagmo. Objetivo Estudar as características de indivíduos com vertigem posicional paroxística benigna subjetiva. Método Estudo prospectivo multicêntrico de caso-controle. Foram incluídos todos os pacientes com vertigem no teste de Dix-Hallpike, que se apresentaram nos hospitais participantes. Os pacientes foram separados em dois grupos, dependeu da presença ou não do nistagmo. Uma manobra de Epley foi realizada no lado afetado. Na consulta de seguimento, os pacientes foram avaliados para verificar a presença ou não do nistagmo e da vertigem. Ambos os grupos de pacientes foram comparados para avaliar a taxa de sucesso da manobra de Epley e também para comparar a presença de 19 variáveis. Resultados Foram recrutados 259 pacientes, dos quais 64 pertenciam ao grupo subjetivo. O nistagmo foi eliminado em 67,2% dos pacientes com vertigem posicional paroxística benigna. Em 89,1% dos casos, os pacientes com vertigem posicional paroxística benigna subjetiva mantiveram-se não afetados pelo nistagmo, mostraram uma diferença significativa (p = 0,001). Osteoporose e enxaqueca foram as variáveis que atingiram o nível mais próximo ao de significância. Nos pacientes que tomavam supressores vestibulares, a porcentagem de vertigem posicional paroxística benigna subjetiva não foi significativamente maior. Conclusões A vertigem posicional paroxística benigna subjetiva deve ser tratada com a manobra de Epley. Mais estudos são necessários para estabelecer uma relação entre osteoporose, enxaqueca e vertigem posicional paroxística benigna subjetiva. O uso de supressores vestibulares não afeta a detecção do nistagmo.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Osteoporosis/physiopathology , Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo/physiopathology , Migraine Disorders/physiopathology , Osteoporosis/complications , Posture/physiology , Sulpiride/therapeutic use , Betahistine/therapeutic use , Nystagmus, Physiologic/physiology , Case-Control Studies , Prospective Studies , Physical Therapy Modalities , Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo/complications , Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo/drug therapy , Migraine Disorders/complications
Rev. chil. pediatr ; 90(4): 443-447, ago. 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1020653


INTRODUCCIÓN: Osteopetrosis Infantil Maligna (OIM) es un grave e inusual desorden genético debi do a una actividad osteoclástica anormal. OBJETIVO: Reportar lactante en quien se documentó una Osteopetrosis Infantil Maligna, revisando aspectos diagnósticos y terapéuticos más relevantes. CASO CLÍNICO: Reportamos un lactante de 10 meses de sexo masculino en quien se confirmó OIM tras presentar plaquetopenia y visceromegalias. En su historial destacó ser primer hijo de padres no consanguíneos, y entre sus hallazgos presentó hepatoesplenomegalia, plaquetopenia y anemia graves, compromiso sensorial visual y auditivo e infecciones a repetición. El diagnóstico fue confirmado mediante estudio genético, el cual identificó 2 mutaciones heterocigotas en el gen TCIRG1. Se rea lizó trasplante de precursores hematopoyéticos, sin haber presentado recuperación hematológica, falleciendo por enfermedad veno oclusiva. DISCUSIÓN: La OIM es una enfermedad inusual, grave y de inicio temprano, siendo necesario un elevado índice de sospecha ante hepatoesplenomegalia y falla medular. El diagnóstico temprano y el trasplante de precursores hematopoyéticos son las únicas intervenciones potencialmente curativas de esta entidad letal.

INTRODUCCIÓN: Malignant Infantile Osteopetrosis (MIOP) is a rare and severe genetic disorder due to abnormal osteoclast activity. OBJECTIVE: To report an infant who presented Malignant Infantile Osteopetrosis, reviewing the most relevant diagnostic and therapeutic aspects. CLINICAL CASE: A ten- month-old male infant with diagnosis of MIOP confirmed after presenting thrombocytopenia and visceromegaly. He was the first child of non-consanguineous parents, and among the findings, he presented severe hepatosplenomegaly, thrombocytopenia, and anemia; visual and hearing impairment, and repeated infections. The diagnosis was confirmed by genetic study, which identified two heterozygous mutations in the TCIRG1 gene. Hematopoietic stem cells were transplanted without hematological recovery. The patient died due to occlusive venous disease. DISCUSSION: MIOP is a rare, severe, and early-onset disease, with a high rate of suspicion necessary in the presence of hepatosplenomegaly and bone marrow failure. Early diagnosis and hematopoietic stem cells transplanta tion are the only potentially therapeutic interventions of this lethal entity.

Humans , Male , Infant , Osteopetrosis/diagnosis , Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation/methods , Vacuolar Proton-Translocating ATPases/genetics , Osteoporosis/physiopathology , Osteoporosis/genetics , Fatal Outcome , Mutation
Braz. oral res. (Online) ; 33: e079, 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1019604


Abstract Cell therapy associated with guided bone regeneration (GBR) can be used to treat bone defects under challenging conditions such as osteoporosis. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in combination with a poly(vinylidene-trifluoroethylene)/barium titanate (PVDF-TrFE/BT) membrane on bone repair in osteoporotic rats. Osteoporosis was induced in female rats by bilateral removal of the ovaries (OVX) or sham surgery (SHAM), and the osteoporotic condition was characterized after 5 months by microtomographic and morphometric analyses. Calvarial defects were created in osteoporotic rats that immediately received the PVDF-TrFE/BT membrane. After 2 weeks, bone marrow-derived MSCs from healthy rats, characterized by the expression of surface markers using flow cytometry, or phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (Control) were injected into the defects and bone formation was evaluated 4 weeks post-injection by microtomographic, morphometric, and histological analyses. A reduction in the amount of bone tissue in the femurs of OVX compared with SHAM rats confirmed the osteoporotic condition of the experimental model. More bone formation was observed when the defects were injected with MSCs compared to that with PBS. The modification that we are proposing in this study for the classical GBR approach where cells are locally injected after a membrane implantation may be a promising therapeutic strategy to increase bone formation under osteoporotic condition.

Animals , Female , Polyvinyls/pharmacology , Titanium/pharmacology , Barium Compounds/pharmacology , Guided Tissue Regeneration/methods , Mesenchymal Stem Cells/physiology , Osteogenesis/drug effects , Osteoporosis/physiopathology , Osteoporosis/therapy , Polyvinyls/chemistry , Time Factors , Titanium/chemistry , Bone Regeneration/drug effects , Bone Regeneration/physiology , Ovariectomy , Random Allocation , Bone Density , Reproducibility of Results , Treatment Outcome , Rats, Wistar , Barium Compounds/chemistry , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Mesenchymal Stem Cells/chemistry , Flow Cytometry
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 84(6): 744-753, Nov.-Dec. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-974386


Abstract Introduction: Calcium is vital for the functioning of the inner ear hair cells as well as for the neurotransmitter release that triggers the generation of a nerve impulse. A reduction in calcium level could therefore impair the peripheric vestibular functioning. However, the outcome of balance assessment has rarely been explored in cases with osteopenia and osteoporosis, the medical conditions associated with reduction in calcium levels. Objective: The present study aimed to investigate the impact of osteopenia and osteoporosis on the outcomes of behavioural and objective vestibular assessment tests. Methods: The study included 12 individuals each in the healthy control group and osteopenia group, and 11 individuals were included in the osteoporosis group. The groups were divided based on the findings of bone mineral density. All the participants underwent behavioural tests (Fukuda stepping, tandem gait and subjective visual vertical) and objective assessment using cervical and ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potentials. Results: A significantly higher proportion of the individuals in the two clinical groups' demonstrated abnormal results on the behavioural balance assessment tests (p < 0.05) than the control group. However, there was no significant difference in latencies or amplitude of cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potential and oVEMP between the groups. The proportion of individuals with absence of ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potential was significantly higher in the osteoporosis group than the other two groups (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The findings of the present study confirm the presence of balance-related deficits in individuals with osteopenia and osteoporosis. Hence the clinical evaluations should include balance assessment as a mandatory aspect of the overall audiological assessment of individuals with osteopenia and osteoporosis.

Resumo: Introdução: O cálcio é vital para o funcionamento das células ciliadas, assim como para a liberação dos neurotransmissores que desencadeiam um impulso nervoso. Uma redução nos níveis de cálcio poderia, portanto, prejudicar o funcionamento vestibular periférico. No entanto, a avaliação do equilíbrio tem sido raramente explorada em casos de osteopenia e osteoporose, condições médicas associadas à redução dos níveis de cálcio. Objetivo: O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar o impacto da osteopenia e da osteoporose nos resultados dos testes de avaliação comportamental e vestibular objetiva. Método: O estudo incluiu 12 indivíduos nos grupos controle e grupo de osteopenia e 11 indivíduos no grupo da osteoporose. Os grupos foram divididos com base nos achados da densidade mineral óssea. Todos os participantes foram submetidos a testes comportamentais (Prova dos Passos de Fukuda, Marcha em tandem e Vertical Visual Subjetiva) e à avaliação objetiva com o uso de potenciais evocados miogênicos vestibulares cervical e ocular (cVEMP e oVEMP). Resultados: Uma proporção significativamente maior de indivíduos nos dois grupos com condições clínicas mostrou resultados anormais nos testes de avaliação comportamental e do equilíbrio (p < 0,05) do que o grupo controle. Embora não tenha havido diferença significativa nas latências ou na amplitude de cVEMP e oVEMP entre os grupos, a proporção de indivíduos com ausência de oVEMP foi significativamente maior no grupo da osteoporose do que nos outros dois grupos (p < 0,05). Conclusão: Os resultados do presente estudo demonstram a presença de déficits de equilíbrio em indivíduos com osteopenia e osteoporose. Assim, as avaliações clínicas gerais e audiológicas de indivíduos com osteopenia e osteoporose deveriam incluir a avaliação do equilíbrio como um aspecto obrigatório.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Osteoporosis/physiopathology , Bone Diseases, Metabolic/physiopathology , Vestibule, Labyrinth/physiology , Osteoporosis/metabolism , Bone Diseases, Metabolic/metabolism , Postural Balance/physiology , Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials/physiology , Preliminary Data , Gait/physiology , Hearing Tests , Hypocalcemia/metabolism
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 82(6): 639-648, Dec. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-899956


La osteoporosis es un desorden esquelético que afecta aproximadamente al 21% de las mujeres entre 50 y 84 años. Su importancia radica en que se asocia a un aumento en el riesgo de fractura, y por lo tanto, a un incremento en la morbimortalidad. El diagnóstico puede ser realizado mediante historia clínica o densitometría mineral ósea. Teniendo en cuenta que el sobrediagnóstico y sobretratamiento de osteoporosis en la práctica ginecológica es frecuente, es esencial conocer tanto las indicaciones para realizar densitometría como los criterios diagnósticos de la patología. El primer pilar para la prevención y tratamiento de osteoporosis es el ejercicio y el aporte adecuado de calcio y vitamina D. Los bifosfonatos son la terapia médica de primera línea, sin embargo, existen otras alternativas que han ha demostrado disminuir el riesgo de fractura osteoporótica como la terapia hormonal de la menopausia y el denosumab.

Osteoporosis is a skeletal disorder that affects approximately 21% of women between 50 and 84 years. It's an important public health issue because low bone mass leads to an increased risk of fracture, having negative consequences in morbidity and mortality in this population. Diagnosis is based in clinical history and bone densitometry. Over diagnosis and over treatment of osteoporosis is common in gynecologic practice. The knowledge of diagnostic criteria and indications to perform bone densitometry is relevant. Treatment of osteoporosis consists in lifestyle measures like exercise and adequate consumption of calcium and vitamin D. Bisphosphonates are first-line medical therapy, but alternative treatments including hormone replacement therapy and denosumab have also shown to decrease risk of fracture.

Humans , Female , Osteoporosis/diagnosis , Osteoporosis/therapy , Osteoporosis/physiopathology , Vitamin D/therapeutic use , Exercise , Calcium/therapeutic use , Bone Remodeling , Hormone Replacement Therapy , Densitometry , Diphosphonates/therapeutic use , Fractures, Bone/prevention & control
J. appl. oral sci ; 25(5): 498-505, Sept.-Oct. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-893658


Abstract Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the effects of continual intermittent administration of parathyroid hormone (PTH) on implant stability in the presence of osteoporosis, using rabbit models. Material and Methods: Fifteen female New Zealand white rabbits underwent ovariectomy and were administered glucocorticoids to induce osteoporosis, following which they were divided into three groups. The first group received intermittent subcutaneous PTH for 4 weeks until implant placement (PTH1), while the second and third groups received PTH (PTH2) and saline (control), respectively, for 4 weeks before and after implant placement. After intermittent administration of PTH or saline, titanium implants were inserted into the left femoral epiphyses of all animals, and the implant stability quotient (ISQ) was measured immediately after placement to assess the primary stability and at 2 and 4 weeks after implant placement to assess osseointegration. At 4 weeks after implant placement, histological and histomorphometric evaluations were conducted and the bone area around the implant socket was measured as a ratio of the total bone area to the total tissue area. Results: Regarding primary stability, the ISQ values for the PTH1 and PTH2 groups were significantly higher than those for the control group (p<0.05). Concerning osseointegration, the ISQ values at 2 and 4 weeks were significantly higher for the PTH2 group than for the PTH1 and control (p<0.05) groups. Histological assessments showed a thicker and more trabecular bone around the implant sockets in the PTH2 specimens than in the PTH1 and control specimens. The bone area around the implant socket was significantly greater in the PTH2 group than in the PTH1 and control groups (p<0.05). Conclusions: Our results suggest that continual intermittent PTH administration before and after dental implant placement is effective for the achievement of favorable stability and osseointegration in the presence of osteoporosis.

Animals , Female , Rabbits , Osteoporosis/physiopathology , Parathyroid Hormone/administration & dosage , Dental Implants , Osseointegration/drug effects , Bone Density Conservation Agents/administration & dosage , Osteoporosis/pathology , Reference Values , Time Factors , Ovariectomy , Reproducibility of Results , Osseointegration/physiology , Treatment Outcome , Bone Remodeling/drug effects , Dental Implantation, Endosseous/methods , Disease Models, Animal , Femur/drug effects , Femur/pathology , Bone-Implant Interface/physiopathology , Resonance Frequency Analysis , Glucocorticoids , Injections, Subcutaneous
Actual. osteol ; 13(2): 96-103, Mayo - Ago. 2017. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1117890


El score de hueso trabecular (TBS, Trabecular Bone Score) es una medición de la textura de los grises derivada de la evaluación del raquis por DXA y proporciona un índice de la microarquitectura ósea. Se ha demostrado que los valores bajos presentan capacidad para predecir fracturas. Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar si existían diferencias entre los valores de TBS de pacientes con fracturas frente a no fracturadas. Materiales y métodos: se revisaron 159 historias clínicas de mujeres menopáusicas que consultaron para evaluación de su salud ósea. Se consideraron los antecedentes autorreferidos de fracturas (Fx), la DMO de raquis, cuello femoral y fémur total y TBS. Resultados: treinta pacientes (18,9%) presentaron fracturas y en ellas se observó menor TBS (con Fx: 1,295±83 vs. sin Fx: 1,366±84, p<0,0001), menor índice de masa corporal (IMC) (con Fx: 23,7±1,9 vs. sin Fx: 25,7±4,2, p=0,02), sin diferencias en la edad (p=0,39), ni en valores de DMO (L1-L4 p=0,11, cuello femoral p=0,20 y fémur total p= 0,12). Muchas de las fracturas ocurrieron en pacientes sin osteoporosis por DXA. Conclusiones: el TBS aumentaría la capacidad de DXA para identificar a mujeres argentinas en riesgo de padecer fracturas sin tener osteoporosis densitométrica. Este es el primer trabajo realizado en la Argentina con medición de TBS. (AU)

Trabecular Bone Score (TBS) is a measure of the grey scale derived from DXA lumbar image and provides information about microarchitecture. It has been shown that low TBS values can predict fractures. Our objective was to evaluate if there are any differences between the TBS values in patients with fractures vs. non-fractures. Materials and methods: We reviewed 159 medical records of menopausal women who consulted for evaluation of their bone health. Self-reported fractures (Fx), spine BMD, femoral neck and total femur and TBS were evaluated. Results: thirty patients (18.9%) presented fractures and they showed lower TBS (with Fx: 1,295±0,083 vs. without Fx: 1,366±0,084, p<0.0001), lower body mass index (BMI) (with Fx: 23.7±1.9 vs. without Fx 25.7±4.2, p=0.02), without differences in ages (p=0.39) or in BMD values (L1-L4 p=0.11, femoral neck p=0.20 and total femur p=0.12). Some fractures occurred in patients without osteoporosis, as determined by DXA. Conclusions: TBS would increase the ability of DXA to identify Argentine women at risk for fractures without densitometric osteoporosis. This is the first work done in Argentina with TBS measurement. (AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Bone and Bones/diagnostic imaging , Fractures, Stress/prevention & control , Densitometry/methods , Osteoporotic Fractures/prevention & control , Osteoporosis/physiopathology , Argentina , Bone and Bones/physiopathology , Menopause , Body Mass Index , Bone Density , Fractures, Stress/diagnostic imaging , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Cohort Studies , Femur/physiopathology , Femur/diagnostic imaging , Osteoporotic Fractures/diagnostic imaging
Actual. osteol ; 13(2): 125-133, Mayo - Ago. 2017. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1118076


La osteoporosis es un trastorno común en las mujeres posmenopáusicas; sin embargo, también puede afectar a hombres y mujeres jóvenes premenopáusicas. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la prevalencia de causas secundarias de baja masa ósea en un grupo de mujeres premenopáusicas que consultaron en una Institución especializada en Osteología. Material y métodos: se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, de corte transversal, descriptivo y observacional. Se analizaron las historias clínicas de 88 pacientes que consultaron por baja masa ósea durante un período de 19 meses, con la finalidad de encontrar posibles causas secundarias. A su vez, se definió como pacientes con diagnóstico de baja masa ósea idiopática aquellas en las cuales no se encontró ninguna causa secundaria de pérdida ósea. Resultados: de las 88 mujeres evaluadas, el 48,9% presentaba al menos una causa secundaria para baja masa ósea (amenorrea secundaria, hipercalciuria, tratamiento con glucorticoides, hipovitaminosis D y enfermedad celíaca) y el 51,1% fueron consideradas idiopáticas. Conclusiones: es esencial evaluar exhaustivamente a las mujeres premenopáusicas con baja masa ósea a fin de descartar posibles causas secundarias y tomar las medidas preventivas necesarias para mejorar esa condición. (AU)

Objective: osteoporosis is a common disorder in postmenopausal women, however it can also affect men and premenopausal young women. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of secondary causes of low bone mass in premenopausal women that consulted physicians in an institution specialized in osteology for a period of 19 months. Material and methods: this is a retrospective, transversal, descriptive and observational study. The clinical history of 88 patients who consulted a physician due to low bone mass for a period of 19 months in an institution specialized in osteology. Were analyzed the patient's clinical history in order to find secondary causes. We define as suffering Low Bone Mass those patients who did not have secondary causes. Results: of the 88 women tested, 48,9% had one or more secondary causes or risks factors for low bone mass (secondary amenorrea, hypercalciuria, treatment with glucocorticoids, hypovitamiosis D and celiac disease) and 51,1% patients were considered idiopathic. Conclusions: we conclude that it is essential to exhaustively search for secondary causes of low bone mass in premenopausal women, due to the high prevalence of secondary osteoporosis in this population. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Osteoporosis/chemically induced , Bone Diseases, Metabolic/complications , Premenopause/metabolism , Osteoporosis/physiopathology , Osteoporosis/prevention & control , Avitaminosis/complications , Bone and Bones/metabolism , Bone Diseases, Metabolic/etiology , Bone Diseases, Metabolic/blood , Fractures, Stress/prevention & control , Celiac Disease/complications , Prevalence , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Cohort Studies , Densitometry , Hypercalciuria/complications , Osteoporotic Fractures/prevention & control , Amenorrhea/complications , Glucocorticoids/adverse effects
Clinics ; 72(5): 289-293, May 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-840079


OBJECTIVE: We aimed to analyze the applicability of a fracture risk assessment tool for the prediction of osteoporotic fractures in middle-aged and elderly healthy Chinese adults. METHODS: A standard questionnaire was administered, and bone mineral density was measured in residents visiting the Dongliu Street Community Health Service Center. Paired t-tests were used to compare the FRAX-based probabilities of fractures estimated with and without consideration of bone mineral density. Risk stratification and partial correlation analyses were applied to analyze the associations between FRAX-based probabilities and body mass index or bone mineral density at different sites. RESULTS: A total of 444 subjects were included in this study. Of these subjects, 175 (39.59%) were diagnosed as osteoporotic, and 208 (47.06%) were diagnosed as osteopenic. The Kappa value for the detection of osteoporosis at the L1-L4 lumbar spine and femoral neck was 0.314. The FRAX-based 10-year major osteoporotic fracture probability and hip osteoporotic fracture probability estimated without considering bone mineral density were 4.93% and 1.64%, respectively; when estimated while considering bone mineral density, these probabilities were 4.97% and 1.54%, respectively. A significant positive association was observed between the FRAX-based fracture probabilities estimated with and without consideration of bone mineral density, while significant negative associations between body mass index and the estimated FRAX-based fracture probabilities after adjustment for age and the estimated FRAX-based fracture probabilities and femoral neck bone mineral density were identified. These results remained the same after controlling for lumbar spine bone mineral density. CONCLUSIONS: The Chinese FRAX model could predict osteoporotic fracture risk regardless of whether bone mineral density was considered and was especially appropriate for predicting osteoporotic fractures of the femoral neck.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Osteoporosis/complications , Osteoporosis/physiopathology , Osteoporotic Fractures/etiology , Osteoporotic Fractures/physiopathology , Risk Assessment/methods , Absorptiometry, Photon/methods , Age Factors , Analysis of Variance , Body Mass Index , Bone Density/physiology , China , Femoral Neck Fractures/etiology , Femoral Neck Fractures/physiopathology , Predictive Value of Tests , Reference Values , Reproducibility of Results , Risk Factors , Sex Factors , Urban Population
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 93(2): 142-147, Mar.-Apr. 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-841342


Abstract Objectives: To assess bone mineral density (BMD) in children with idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (NS) and normal glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Methods: Cross-sectional case-control study carried out on 50 children: 25 cases of NS (16 steroid-sensitive [SSNS] and nine steroid-resistant [SRNS] under follow up in the pediatric nephrology unit of Menoufia University Hospital, which is tertiary care center, were compared to 25 healthy controls with matched age and sex. All of the participants were subjected to complete history taking, thorough clinical examination, laboratory investigations (serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen [BUN], phosphorus [P], total and ionized calcium [Ca], parathyroid hormone [PTH], and alkaline phosphatase [ALP]). Bone mineral density was measured at the lumbar spinal region (L2-L4) in patients group using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA). Results: Total and ionized Ca were significantly lower while, serum P, ALP, and PTH were higher in SSNS and SRNS cases than the controls. Osteopenia was documented by DXA scan in 11 patients (44%) and osteoporosis in two patients (8%). Fracture risk was mild in six (24%), moderate in two (8%), and marked in three (12%) of patients. Conclusion: Bone mineralization was negatively affected by steroid treatment in children with NS.

Resumo Objetivos: Avaliar a densidade mineral óssea (DMO) em crianças com síndrome nefrótica idiopática (SNI) e com taxa de filtração glomerular (TFG) normal. Métodos: O estudo transversal de caso-controle foi feito com 50 crianças: 25 casos de SNI [16 sensíveis a esteroides (SNSE) e nove resistentes a esteroides (SNRE) com acompanhamento na unidade de nefrologia pediátrica do hospital da Menoufia University, centro de cuidados terciário] foram comparados com 25 controles saudáveis do grupo de controle com idade e sexo equivalentes. Todos os participantes foram submetidos a anamnese completa, exame clínico completo, exames laboratoriais [creatinina sérica, nitrogênio ureico no sangue (BUN), fósforo (P), cálcio (Ca) total e ionizado, paratormônio (PTH) e fosfatase alcalina (ALP)]. A densidade mineral óssea foi mensurada na região da coluna lombar (L2-L4) no grupo de pacientes com a absorciometria por raios X de dupla energia (DXA). Resultados: Os níveis de cálcio total e ionizado eram significativamente menores, ao passo que o fósforo sérico, a FA e o PTH eram maiores em casos de SNSE e SNRE do que nos controles. A osteopenia foi documentada pelo exame DXA em 11 pacientes (44%) e a osteoporose em dois (8%). O risco de fratura era leve em seis (24%), moderado em dois (8%) e acentuado em três (12%). Conclusão: A mineralização dos ossos foi afetada negativamente pelo tratamento com esteroides em crianças com SNI.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Osteoporosis/etiology , Bone Density/physiology , Nephrotic Syndrome/complications , Osteoporosis/diagnosis , Osteoporosis/physiopathology , Osteoporosis/blood , Case-Control Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Glomerular Basement Membrane , Nephrotic Syndrome/physiopathology , Nephrotic Syndrome/blood
J. appl. oral sci ; 25(1): 42-52, Jan.-Feb. 2017. graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-841161


Abstract Sodium alendronate is a bisphosphonate drug that exerts antiresorptive action and is used to treat osteoporosis. Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the bone repair process at the bone/implant interface of osteoporotic rats treated with sodium alendronate through the analysis of microtomography, real time polymerase chain reactions and immunohistochemistry (RUNX2 protein, bone sialoprotein (BSP), alkaline phosphatase, osteopontin and osteocalcin). Material and Methods A total of 42 rats were used and divided in to the following experimental groups: CTL: control group (rats submitted to fictitious surgery and fed with a balanced diet), OST: osteoporosis group (rats submitted to a bilateral ovariectomy and fed with a low calcium diet) and ALE: alendronate group (rats submitted to a bilateral ovariectomy, fed with a low calcium diet and treated with sodium alendronate). A surface treated implant was installed in both tibial metaphyses of each rat. Euthanasia of the animals was conducted at 14 (immunhostochemistry) and 42 days (immunohistochemistry, micro CT and PCR). Data were subjected to statistical analysis with a 5% significance level. Results Bone volume (BV) and total pore volume were higher for ALE group (P<0.05). Molecular data for RUNX2 and BSP proteins were significantly expressed in the ALE group (P<0.05), in comparison with the other groups. ALP expression was higher in the CTL group (P<0.05). The immunostaining for RUNX2 and osteopontin was positive in the osteoblastic lineage cells of neoformed bone for the CTL and ALE groups in both periods (14 and 42 days). Alkaline phosphatase presented a lower staining area in the OST group compared to the CTL in both periods and the ALE at 42 days. Conclusion There was a decrease of osteocalcin precipitation at 42 days for the ALE and OST groups. Therefore, treatment with short-term sodium alendronate improved bone repair around the implants installed in the tibia of osteoporotic rats.

Animals , Female , Osteoporosis/drug therapy , Dental Implants , Osseointegration/drug effects , Alendronate/pharmacology , Bone Density Conservation Agents/pharmacology , Osteoblasts/drug effects , Osteoporosis/physiopathology , Tibia/surgery , Time Factors , Immunohistochemistry , Ovariectomy , Bone Density/drug effects , Osteocalcin/analysis , Osteocalcin/drug effects , Cell Differentiation/drug effects , Reproducibility of Results , Rats, Wistar , Implants, Experimental , Dental Implantation, Endosseous , Alkaline Phosphatase/analysis , Alkaline Phosphatase/drug effects , Core Binding Factor Alpha 1 Subunit/analysis , Core Binding Factor Alpha 1 Subunit/drug effects , Osteopontin/analysis , Osteopontin/drug effects , X-Ray Microtomography , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 63(2): 173-179, Feb. 2017. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-842532


Summary Autophagy is a survival pathway wherein non-functional proteins and organelles are degraded in lysosomes for recycling and energy production. Therefore, autophagy is fundamental for the maintenance of cell viability, acting as a quality control process that prevents the accumulation of unnecessary structures and oxidative stress. Increasing evidence has shown that autophagy dysfunction is related to several pathologies including neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. Moreover, recent studies have shown that autophagy plays an important role for the maintenance of bone homeostasis. For instance, in vitro and animal and human studies indicate that autophagy dysfunction in bone cells is associated with the onset of bone diseases such as osteoporosis. This review had the purpose of discussing the issue to confirm whether a relationship between autophagy dysfunction and osteoporosis exits.

Resumo A autofagia é uma via de sobrevivência celular pela qual proteínas e organelas não funcionais são degradadas nos lisossomos, para reciclagem e geração de energia. Assim, a autofagia é fundamental para a manutenção da homeostase e viabilidade da célula, agindo como um controle de qualidade que evita o acúmulo de estruturas desnecessárias e o estresse oxidativo. Um número crescente de estudos tem demonstrado que disfunções na via autofágica estão relacionadas ao surgimento de diversas doenças, como as neurodegenerativas e o câncer. Estudos também têm indicado que a autofagia exerce um importante papel para a manutenção da homeostase óssea; por exemplo, estudos in vitro e em animais e humanos mostram que disfunções da autofagia nas células ósseas estão associadas ao surgimento de doenças ósseas, como a osteoporose. Nesta revisão, foram abordados esses estudos, a fim de melhor esclarecer se há uma relação entre disfunção autofágica e osteoporose.

Humans , Animals , Male , Female , Rats , Osteoporosis/etiology , Osteoporosis/physiopathology , Autophagy/physiology , Oxidative Stress/physiology , Osteoblasts/pathology , Osteoclasts/pathology , Osteocytes/pathology , In Vitro Techniques , Homeostasis
Gastroenterol. latinoam ; 28(1): 16-24, 2017. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-907663


This review corresponds to a general analysis of osteoporosis, with emphasis in calcium metabolism, the role of Vitamin D, as well as osteoporosis physiopathology, diagnosis and treatment. The second part (Osteoporosis. Part II) will describe the importance of osteoporosis in several digestive diseases (liver and gastrointestinal tract).

En esta revisión abordamos el tema osteoporosis en forma general, desarrollando principalmente el metabolismo del calcio, el rol de la vitamina D; así como la fisiopatología, el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la osteoporosis. En la segunda parte (Osteoporosis. Parte II ) se describirá la importancia de la osteoporosis en diversas enfermedades digestivas (hepáticas y del tubo digestivo).

Humans , Osteoporosis/diagnosis , Osteoporosis/therapy , Calcium , Osteoporosis/metabolism , Osteoporosis/physiopathology , Vitamin D
Braz. dent. j ; 27(6): 712-716, Nov.-Dec. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-828072


Abstract The aim of the present study was to perform a software-assisted radiographic assessment of the effect of platform-switching on marginal bone loss (MBL) around dental implants. Forty patients requiring a dental implant in non-grafted partially edentulous mandibles were enrolled and categorized into implants receiving a platform-matched abutment (control group) or implants with a platform-switched abutment (test group). Standardized digital periapical radiographs were taken at the time of implant placement (T0), at implant loading (T1) and 1-year after functional loading (T2). Software-assisted radiographic assessment of the MBL horizontal, vertical and area changes was performed and compared between time intervals (T1-T0, T2-T1 and T2-T0). Mean radiographic horizontal MBL (hMBL) and vertical MBL (vMBL) from implant placement to 1-year after implant loading (T2-T0) were significantly increased around platform-matched when compared to platform-switched abutments (1.04 mm vs 0.84 mm, p<0.05) and (0.99 mm vs 0.82 mm, p<0.05), respectively. Additionally, bone loss area (BLa) was greater (0.77 mm2 vs 0.63 mm2; p<0.05) for platform-matched compared to platform-switched abutments. Platform-switching has a positive impact upon the amount of bone modeling after loading implants with internal hexagon connection.

Resumo O objetivo do presente estudo foi realizar uma avaliação radiográfica assistida por computador do efeito da plataforma reduzida sobre a perda óssea marginal (MBL) ao redor de implantes. Quarenta pacientes que necessitavam um implante em mandíbulas parcialmente edêntulas não enxertadas foram selecionados e divididos em implantes que receberam pilares de plataforma igualada (grupo controle) ou implantes com pilares de plataforma reduzida (grupo teste). Radiografias periapicais digitais padronizadas foram realizadas no momento da instalação do implante (T0), carregamento do implante (T1) e 1 ano após carregamento funcional (T2). Avaliação radiográfica assistida por computador da MBL horizontal, vertical e mudanças de área foi realizada e comparada entre os intervalos de tempo (T1-T0, T2-T1 e T2-T0). A média radiográfica da MBL horizontal (hMBL) e da MBL vertical (vMBL) do momento da instalação do implante até 1 ano após carregamento (T2-T0) foram significativamente aumentadas ao redor dos pilares de plataforma igualada quando comparado com os pilares de plataforma reduzida (1,04 mm vs 0,84 mm, p<0,05) e (0,99 mm vs 0,82,mm, p<0,05), respectivamente. Além disso, a área de perda óssea (BLa) foi maior (0,77 mm2 vs 0,63 mm2; p<0,05) para plataforma igualada comparada com pilares de plataforma reduzida. Plataforma reduzida tem um impacto positivo na remodelação óssea após carregamento de implantes com conexão interna hexagonal.

Humans , Dental Implants , Osteoporosis/physiopathology , Dental Abutments , Prospective Studies
Clinics ; 71(11): 657-663, Nov. 2016. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-828545


OBJECTIVE: To compare ultrasound propagation velocity with densitometry in the diaphyseal compact cortical bone of whole sheep metatarsals. METHODS: The transverse ultrasound velocity and bone mineral density of 5-cm-long diaphyseal bone segments were first measured. The bone segments were then divided into four groups of 15 segments each and demineralized in an aqueous 0.5 N hydrochloric acid solution for 6, 12, 24 or 36 hours. All measurements were repeated after demineralization for each time duration and the values measured before and after demineralization were compared. RESULTS: Ultrasound velocity and bone mineral density decreased with demineralization time, and most differences in the pre- and post-demineralization values within each group and between groups were significant: A moderate correlation coefficient (r=0.75956) together with a moderate agreement was determined between both post-demineralization parameters, detected by the Bland-Altman method. CONCLUSION: We conclude that both ultrasound velocity and bone mineral density decrease as a result of demineralization, thus indicating that bone mineral content is of great importance for maintaining the acoustic parameters of cortical bone, as observed for cancellous bone. Ultrasound velocity can be used to evaluate both compact cortical bone quality and bone mineral density.

Animals , Osteoporosis/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography/methods , Bone Demineralization Technique , Densitometry , Cortical Bone/diagnostic imaging , Osteoporosis/physiopathology , Time Factors , Sheep , Metatarsal Bones/physiopathology , Metatarsal Bones/diagnostic imaging , Bone Density , Cortical Bone/physiopathology
An. bras. dermatol ; 91(1): 8-14, Jan.-Feb. 2016. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-776435


Abstract Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disease associated with several comorbidities. A few decades ago, it was considered an exclusive skin disease but today it is considered a multisystem disease. It is believed that 73% of psoriasis patients have at least one comorbidity. Studies have demonstrated the association of psoriasis with inflammatory bowel disease, uveitis, psychiatric disorders, metabolic syndrome and its components and cardiovascular diseases. The systemic inflammatory state seems to be the common denominator for all these comorbidities. This work aims at presenting a review of the current literature on some new comorbidities that are associated with psoriasis as osteoporosis, obstructive sleep apnea and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. While there is still controversy, many studies already point to a possible bone involvement in patients with psoriasis, especially in the male group, generally less affected by osteoporosis. Psoriasis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease present some risk factors in common as obesity, smoking and physical inactivity. Besides, both diseases are associated with the metabolic syndrome. These factors could be potential confounders in the association of the two diseases. Further prospective studies with control of those potential confounders should be developed in an attempt to establish causality. Existing data in the literature suggest that there is an association between obstructive sleep apnea and psoriasis, but studies performed until now have involved few patients and had a short follow-up period. It is, therefore, premature to assert that there is indeed a correlation between these two diseases.

Humans , Osteoporosis/physiopathology , Psoriasis/physiopathology , Bone Diseases, Metabolic/physiopathology , Sleep Apnea, Obstructive/physiopathology , Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive/physiopathology , Comorbidity , Risk Factors