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Int. j. morphol ; 40(4): 1094-1099, 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405263


RESUMEN: El objetivo del presente artículo fue revisar la etimología de los términos Corpus rubrum, Corpus luteum y Corpus albicans, identificar si la forma de nombrarlos en las diferentes nóminas y terminologías internacionales están acorde a las sugerencias de la FIPAT y, analizar y reflexionar respecto de la pertinencia de estos términos en la Terminologia Anatomica. Se buscó en primer lugar el significado de las raíces latinas de los términos: Corpus rubrum, Corpus luteum y Corpus albicans, en el Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua, última actualización; en el Diccionario Términos Médicos de la Real Academia Nacional de Medicina en España y en el Diccionario Vox, Español Latín. Indagamos en la historia para conocer desde cuando se utilizan estos términos, así como la revisión de las diferentes nomenclaturas, nóminas y terminologías anatómicas, histológicas y embriológicas, desde 1955 hasta la fecha. La búsqueda reportó que estos adjetivos latinos deberían traducirse al español de la siguiente manera: rubrum como rojo; luteum como amarillo y albicans como albicante que significa blanquear, por lo que la traducción correcta debiera ser: Cuerpo rojo, Cuerpo amarillo y Cuerpo albicante o blanco del ovario, estructuras transitorias y funcionales. Los términos Corpus rubrum, Corpus luteum y Corpus albicans que identifican estructuras del ovario en Terminologia Anatomica y Terminologia Histologica deberían ser revisados, puesto que son estructuras transitorias y su nombre sólo indica el color que adquieren en el momento funcional y es referente a los cambios que presenta la misma estructura.

SUMMARY: The aim of this article was to review the etymology of the terms Corpus rubrum, Corpus luteum and Corpus albicans, to identify if the way of naming them in the different lists and international terminologies are in accordance with the FIPAT suggestions and to analyze and reflect on the relevance of these terms in the Terminologia Anatomica. Firstly, the meaning of the Latin roots of the terms: Corpus rubrum, Corpus luteum and Corpus albicans were searched in the dictionaries: of the Royal Academy of Language, latest update; of the Medical Terms of the Royal National Academy of Medicine in Spain; in the Vox dictionary, Spanish Latin. Then we investigate the history to know since when these terms are used, as well as the review of the different anatomical, histological and embryological lists and terminologies from 1955 to date. The search reported that these Latin adjectives should be translated as follows: rubrum as red; luteum as yellow and albicans as albicante which means to whiten, therefore, the correct translation should be: Red body, Yellow body and Albicans or white body of the ovary, they are also transitory and functional structures. The terms Corpus rubrum, Corpus luteum and Corpus albicans that identify ovarian structures in the Terminologia Anatomica and Terminologia Histologica should be reviewed since they are transitory structures and their name only indicates the color they acquire at the functional moment and refers to the changes that the same structure presents.

Humans , Female , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Terminology as Topic , Corpus Luteum/anatomy & histology
Int. j. morphol ; 39(4): 1074-1080, ago. 2021. ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385465


SUMMARY: Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) and Inhibin B (INHB) in the glycoprotein structure are members of the transforming growth factor β family and expressed by granulosa cells from puberty. AMH is a factor that increases the life span of small developing follicles. For this reason, it is widely used to determine the ovarian reserve and age. Inhibin-B secreted from granulosa cells plays a role in regulation of the Follicle Stimulating Factor (FSH) and determination of the follicle diameter. There are few studies on the effect of these two age-related hormones on ovarian histology in rats. In this study, AMH and INHB expression in ovarian tissues of female rats of different age groups, their relationship with ovarian structure and folliculogenesis were examined histologically and biochemically. Wistar Albino rats were used in the study and a total of 3 groups were formed. The ovaries of rats in the pre-oestrous period were collected, and follicle count was performed on tissue sections in batches. Expression of AMH in the follicles was identified immunohistochemically. In serum, AMH and INHB levels were assessed by ELISA method and their significance was evaluated statistically. Results from light microscopic examination determined that AMH was expressed from the granulosa cells of developing follicles. INHB expression during the prepubertal period and AMH had a protective effect on the ovarian reserve and the number of developing follicles, respectively.

RESUMEN: La hormona antimülleriana (AMH) y la inhibina B (INHB) en la estructura de la glicoproteína son miembros de la familia del factor de crecimiento transformante β y se expresan en las células de la granulosa desde la pubertad. La AMH es un factor que aumenta la vida útil de los pequeños folículos en desarrollo. Por este motivo, se utiliza frecuentemente para determinar la reserva ovárica y la edad. La inhibina B secretada por las células de la granulosa tiene un rol en la regulación del factor estimulante de (FSH) y en la determinación del diámetro del folículo. Hay pocos estudios sobre el efecto de estas dos hormonas relacionadas con la edad en la histología ovárica en ratas. Se examinaron histológica y bioquímicamente la expresión de AMH e INHB en tejidos ováricos de ratas hembras de diferentes grupos de edad, su relación con la estructura ovárica y la foliculogénesis. Se utilizaron ratas Wistar Albino en el estudio y se formaron 3 grupos. En los ovarios de ratas en el período preestro se realizó el recuento de folículos en secciones de tejido. La expresión de AMH en los folículos se identificó inmunohistoquímicamente. En suero, los niveles de AMH e INHB se evaluaron mediante el método ELISA y su importancia se evaluó estadísticamente. Los resultados del examen con microscopio óptico determinaron que la AMH se expresaba a partir de las células de la granulosa de los folículos en desarrollo. La expresión de INHB durante el período prepuberal y AMH tuvo un efecto protector sobre la reserva ovárica y el número de folículos en desarrollo, respectivamente.

Animals , Female , Rats , Ovary/metabolism , Ovary/chemistry , Anti-Mullerian Hormone/metabolism , Inhibins/metabolism , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Immunohistochemistry , Age Factors , Rats, Wistar
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(6): 2101-2110, Nov.-Dec. 2020. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1142286


O conhecimento da anatomia de qualquer animal silvestre é de fundamental importância para sua preservação e proteção. Neste contexto, o presente estudo objetivou descrever a morfologia do sistema reprodutor feminino de Alouatta belzebul. Foram utilizados seis espécimes de A. belzebul, fêmeas, adultas, e livres de lesões. Observou-se macroscopicamente que os ovários têm características morfológicas em formato ovoides, com superfície lisa, e, na análise histológica na região de córtex, evidenciou-se folículos ovarianos em diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento. As tubas uterinas anatomicamente são finas e curvilíneas, apresentando uma camada mucosa, uma muscular e outra serosa. O útero possui formato simples, com fundo globoso, com um miométrio altamente vascularizado, sendo organizado em feixes de fibras musculares lisas. A estrutura anatômica da vagina apresentou-se como um tubo muscular longo de paredes finas, onde, na região vestibular, o óstio externo da uretra é marcado por uma papila uretral bilobada e, na região de vulva, em sua porção caudal, contatou-se um clitóris bem desenvolvido. No que concerne à análise histológica da vagina, verificou-se, em região de mucosa vaginal, um extrato basal composto por epitélio estratificado pavimentoso não queratinizado atrófico. As descrições morfológicas fornecem, de forma inédita, informações importantes relativas à anatomia macroscópica e microscópica do sistema reprodutor feminino dessa espécie.(AU)

Knowledge of the anatomy of any wild animal is of fundamental importance for its preservation and protection. In this context the present study aimed to describe the morphology of the female reproductive system of A. belzebul. We used 6 specimens of A. belzebul, female, adult and free of lesions. It was macroscopically observed that the ovaries are ovoid with smooth surface and the histological analysis in cortical region showed ovarian follicles in different stages of development. The fallopian tubes are anatomically thin and curvilinear, with one mucous layer, one muscular and one serous layer. The uterus was presented in a simple format with a globular fundus, with a highly vascularized myometrium, being organized in bundles of smooth muscle fibers. The anatomical structure of the vagina presented itself as a long thin-walled muscular tube where in the vestibular region the external orifice of the urethra is marked by a bilobed urethral papilla and in the caudal portion in its caudal portion a well-developed clitoris. Regarding the histological analysis of the vagina, a basal extract composed of atrophic non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium was found in the vaginal mucosa region. The morphological descriptions provide important information regarding the macroscopic and microscopic anatomy of the female reproductive system of this species in an unprecedented way.(AU)

Animals , Female , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Uterus/anatomy & histology , Vagina/anatomy & histology , Alouatta/anatomy & histology , Fallopian Tubes/anatomy & histology , Genitalia, Female/anatomy & histology
Int. j. morphol ; 38(5): 1405-1411, oct. 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134456


SUMMARY: Establishing guidelines for responsible management in fish production systems requires knowledge of the basic biology of the fish to be raised. The objective of this work was to determine the reproductive capacity of hybrids produced from the crossing of females of Pseudoplatystoma metaense with males of Leiarius marmoratus. Males presented a digitiform, unrestricted spermatogonial testicle containing caudal digits producing glycoproteins that do not form a seminal vesicle. It was possible to find free sperm in the lumen of the tubules and in the ducts. The ovary of the females was found to be saccular and synchronous with at least three groups of oocytes. In the first year of life, only oogonia up to previtellogenic oocytes (cortical alveolus 284.9 ± 35.7 mm in diameter) were found. After the second year vitellogenic oocytes 730 ± 3.78 mm in diameter were observed. The events of gonadal development of the hybrids indicate that they are gonochoric, synchronic animals. The maturation peaks in the high-water season, overlapping with the parental species. Therefore, the escape of hybrids from fish cultures to the rivers may increase the risk of crosses, gene introgression, or diminution of the reproductive capacity of the pure species.

RESUMEN: El establecimiento de pautas para la gestión responsable en los sistemas de producción de peces requiere el conocimiento de la biología básica de los peces a criar. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la capacidad reproductiva de los híbridos producidos por el cruce de hembras de Pseudoplatystoma metaense con machos de Leiarius marmoratus. Los machos presentaron un testículo espermatogonial digital no restringido que contiene dígitos caudales que producen glucoproteínas que no forman una vesícula seminal. Fue posible encontrar esperma libre en la luz de los túbulos y en los conductos. Se encontró que el ovario de las hembras era sacular y sincrónico con al menos tres grupos de ovocitos. En el primer año de vida, solo se encontraron oogonia hasta ovocitos previtelogénicos (alvéolo cortical de 284,9 ± 35,7 mm de diámetro). Después del segundo año, se observaron ovocitos vitelogénicos de 730 ± 3,78 mm de diámetro. Los eventos de desarrollo gonadal de los híbridos indican que son animales sincrónicos gonocóricos. La maduración alcanza su punto máximo en la temporada de aguas altas, superponiéndose con las especies parentales. Por lo tanto, el escape de híbridos de cultivos de peces a los ríos puede aumentar el riesgo de cruces, introgresión genética o disminución de la capacidad reproductiva de las especies puras.

Animals , Male , Female , Sexual Maturation , Catfishes , Gonads/growth & development , Oocytes , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Ovary/growth & development , Testis/anatomy & histology , Testis/growth & development , Gonads/anatomy & histology
Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. vet. bras;40(2): 141-154, Feb. 2020. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1098447


Although Trachemys scripta elegans is an exotic species popular as a pet in Brazil, studies on reproductive biology and capacity are non-existent in the Brazilian Cerrado. This study analyzed ovarian and oviduct characteristics and the egg production capacity of T. scripta elegans grown in this biome. The findings will associate with the size of the specimens and the sexual maturity, aiming at comparisons with native and exotic populations, as well as interspecific and contributing to the understanding of its impact on the invaded ecosystems and the establishment of eradication programs. Thus, 39 females had evaluated the body biometry and the morphology and morphometry of the ovaries and oviducts. G2 (N=20): with Class I (>5-10mm) follicles, with Class I and Class II (>10-fold) follicles, 25mm) and G3 (N=9) with Class I, Class II and Class III (>25mm) follicles. Analysis of variance, Scott-Knott's test, and Pearson's correlation analysis showed that there was no significant difference between the groups in body biometry; in the mean gonadosomatic index and gonadal morphometry, only the width of the oviducts in the right antimer and the mass and width in the left antimer were higher in G3, the only one that presented eggs. There was positive and harmonic development between body mass, carapace, and plastron, and gonadal growth occurred concomitantly with body growth, indicating a higher reproductive potential and a positive relationship between the size of the litter and the female litter. The gonadosomatic index proved to be an excellent reproductive indicator, and the ovarian evaluation was a better indicator of sexual maturity than the maximum carapace length. Ovaries were irregular structures, without delimitation between the cortical and medullary regions and filled with vitelogenic follicles of different diameters, atresic follicles, and corpora lutea, which reflected the ovarian complexity of the species and the presence of follicular hierarchy. In the scarce stroma, two germinative beds were observed per ovary and the presence of gaps very close to the follicles and associated with the blood vessels. Analysis of gonadal tissue revealed three types of oocytes according to cytoplasmic characteristics: homogeneous, vesicular or vesicular in the cortex with apparent granules. Oviducts were functional and separated, joining only in the final portion to form the cloaca and subdivided into infundibulum, tuba, isthmus, uterus, and vagina. The structure of the uterine tube was composed of serosa, muscular and mucous, which was full of glands. The presence of eggs in the oviducts indicated that the specimens can reproduce in the Brazilian Cerrado. This study provides necessary and relevant information on the reproductive biology and capacity of T. scripta elegans in the Brazilian Cerrado and can contribute to the understanding of its impact on the invaded ecosystems and the establishment of eradication programs. The extraction of females with capacity can reduce the annual reproductive yield of the species and decrease its effect on local biodiversity.(AU)

Embora Trachemys scripta elegans seja uma espécie exótica popular como animal de estimação no Brasil, estudos sobre biologia e capacidade reprodutivas são inexistentes no Cerrado brasileiro. Este estudo analisou características ovarianas e do oviduto e a capacidade de produção de ovos em T. scripta elegans criadas neste bioma, correlacionando estes achados ao tamanho dos espécimes e a maturidade sexual, visando comparações com populações nativas e exóticas, bem como interespecíficas e contribuir para a compreensão de seu impacto nos ecossistemas invadidos e com o estabelecimento de programas de erradicação. Assim, 39 fêmeas tiveram avaliadas a biometria corporal e a morfologia e morfometria dos ovários e ovidutos. De acordo com o tamanho dos folículos ovarianos as fêmeas foram separadas em G1 (N= 10): com folículos Classe I (>5-10 mm), G2 (N= 20): com folículos Classe I e Classe II (>10-25 mm) e G3 (N= 9) com folículos Classe I, Classe II e Classe III (>25 mm). À análise de variância, teste de Scott-Knott e à análise de correlação de Pearson verificou-se que não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos na biometria corporal; no índice gonadossomático médio e na morfometria gonadal, apenas a largura dos ovidutos no antímero direito e a massa e a largura no antímero esquerdo foram maiores no G3, o único que apresentou ovos. Houve desenvolvimento positivo e harmônico entre massa corporal, carapaça e plastrão e o crescimento gonadal ocorreu concomitante ao crescimento corporal, indicando maior potencial reprodutivo e relação positiva entre o tamanho da ninhada de ovos e o da fêmea. O índice gonadossomático mostrou-se um bom indicador reprodutivo e a avaliação ovariana um melhor indicador da maturidade sexual que o comprimento máximo da carapaça. Ovários foram estruturas irregulares, sem delimitação entre a região cortical e medular e repletos de folículos vitelogênicos de diferentes diâmetros, folículos atrésicos e corpos lúteos, que refletiram a complexidade ovariana da espécie e a presença de hierarquia folicular. No estroma escasso foram observados dois leitos germinativos por ovário e a presença de lacunas muito próximas aos folículos e associadas aos vasos sanguíneos. A análise do tecido gonadal revelou três tipos de oócitos de acordo com as características do citoplasma: homogêneo, vesicular ou vesicular no córtex com grânulos aparentes. Ovidutos eram funcionais e separados, unindo-se apenas na porção final para formar a cloaca e subdividiam-se em infundíbulo, tuba uterina, istmo, útero e vagina. A estrutura da tuba uterina era constituída de serosa, muscular e mucosa, a qual era repleta de glândulas. A presença de ovos nos ovidutos indicou que os espécimes podem se reproduzir no cerrado brasileiro. Este estudo fornece informações básicas e relevantes da biologia e capacidade reprodutivas de T. scripta elegans no Cerrado brasileiro e pode contribuir com a compreensão de seu impacto nos ecossistemas invadidos e com o estabelecimento de programas de erradicação, uma vez que a extração de fêmeas com capacidade reprodutiva pode contribuir com a diminuição do rendimento reprodutivo anual da espécie e diminuir seu efeito sobre a biodiversidade local.(AU)

Animals , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Oviducts/anatomy & histology , Turtles/anatomy & histology , Fallopian Tubes/anatomy & histology , Sexual Maturation , Corpus Luteum/anatomy & histology , Grassland , Ovarian Follicle/anatomy & histology
Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. vet. bras;39(12): 997-1004, Dec. 2019. ilus
Article in English | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1056922


The nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum (Bonnaterre, 1778) is one of the most studied species of elasmobranchs. However, the knowledge of their reproductive biology is still relatively rare, particularly in the western South Atlantic. This study aimed to describe the morphology of the uterus and the ovary of G. cirratum, based on specimens caught off at the Fortaleza/CE coast, northeast Brazil. Samples were collected from September 2012 to June 2013, from regular landings of artisanal fishing, which commercialize this species freely. A total of ten females were collected. The methodologies followed for analyzing the ovaries and uterus of those females included both macroscopic and histological analysis. G. cirratum has internal type ovary morphology, with invaginations of connective tissue, which defines compartments and separate oocyte groups in ovigerous lots. The epithelium lining the ovary changes from simple columnar ciliated in the area without ovigerous lots, which turns into a simple cubic epithelium in the coating portion of the epigonal organ where ovarian tissue is absent. The uterine mucosa has secretory cells denoted by Alcian Blue staining, indicating the production of mucopolysaccharides, even in immature individuals. This lecithotrophic shark has a uterine vascularized mucosa that is one characteristic of viviparous elasmobranch species.(AU)

O tubarão-lixa, Ginglymostoma cirratum (Bonnaterre, 1778) é uma das espécies mais estudadas de elasmobrânquios. O conhecimento de sua biologia reprodutiva, no entanto, ainda é relativamente raro, particularmente no Oeste do Atlântico Sul. Este estudo objetivou a descrição morfológica do útero e ovário de G. cirratum, baseado em espécimes capturados na costa de Fortaleza/CE, no Nordeste do Brasil. Um total de dez fêmeas foi coletado de setembro de 2012 a junho de 2013, nos desembarques regulares da pesca artesanal, que comercializam essa espécie livremente. A metodologia foi de acordo com as analises macroscópica e histológica dos ovários e útero. G. cirratum tem o tipo de morfologia de ovário interno, com invaginações de tecido conjuntivo, que define compartimentos e separa grupos de oócitos em lotes ovígeros. O epitélio que reveste o ovário varia de epitélio simples colunar ciliado na área que não apresenta lotes ovígeros para epitélio simples cúbico na porção de revestimento do órgão epigonal, onde o tecido ovariano é ausente. A mucosa uterina possui células secretoras, evidenciadas pela coloração em Alcian Blue, indicando a produção de mucopolissacarídeos, mesmo em indivíduos imaturos. Este tubarão lecitotrófico apresenta a mucosa uterina vascularizada, sendo esta uma característica de espécies de elasmobrânquios vivíparos.(AU)

Animals , Female , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Sharks/anatomy & histology , Uterus/anatomy & histology
Int. j. morphol ; 36(4): 1252-1261, Dec. 2018. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-975692


El auge de la producción intensiva del avestruz, comenzó en la década de los noventa impulsada por la calidad de su carne y potencialidad de sus subproductos. La raza empleada para producción por la calidad nutricional y sabor de su carne es el híbrido llamado African black (Struthio camelus var. domesticus). En cuanto a la reproducción, el avestruz hembra alcanza su madurez sexual a partir de los 2,5 años. Es importante considerar el aparato genital en aves de producción, ya que una alteración en él, puede generar deficiencias en la fertilidad que se traducen en un menor número de crías. El estudio histológico del aparato reproductor de la hembra será una herramienta más que permitirá resolver problemas reproductivos. Para este análisis se obtuvo muestras de los diferentes segmentos del aparato reproductor de 6 avestruces hembras en edad reproductiva y se procesaron de acuerdo a las técnicas histológicas de rutina. Los cortes fueron observados, fotografiados y analizados bajo microscopio de luz. Obtenidas las fotografías, se analizó comparativamente su morfología con la descrita en la gallina (Gallus gallus). El aparato reproductor de la hembra tiene la particularidad de tener desarrollado solo el ovario y oviducto izquierdo. El ovario es de gran tamaño y en forma de racimo, el cual varía según la estacionalidad. Presenta folículos primordiales, previtelogénicos, vitelogénicos y atrésicos. Los folículos vitelogénicos presentan células de la granulosa y de la teca interna y externa. El oviducto presenta de cefálico a caudal los siguientes segmentos: infundíbulo, magnum, istmo, útero y vagina, que desemboca en la cloaca a nivel del urodeo. En ellos hay pliegues de variada longitud, grosor y número que comprometen la mucosa y submucosa, con glándulas de secreción mucosa y serosa a excepción de la vagina. El análisis histológico comparativo, permitió establecer que la morfología del aparato reproductor de la hembra es semejante a la observada en la gallina con ciertas diferencias microscópicas (Gallus gallus).

In the 1990's, ostrich production reached a peak in our country, boosted by the special characteristics of its meat and the potential of the derivatives. The breed raised is a hybrid called African Black (Struthio camelus var. domesticus) which has a high quality meat in terms of nutritional factors and flavor. With regard to reproduction, the female ostrich reaches maturity at the age of 2.5 years. Genital organs are very important in fowl's production, because they can generate fertility deficiencies that, in turn can diminish brood number. Histological analysis allows a better understanding of the basic structure of the female's genital organs and is a helpful tool to resolve breeding problems. For this analysis samples were obtained from the different segments of the reproductive system of 6 female ostrich in reproductive age. These samples were processed using standard histological technique. Sections were observed, photographed and analyzed under the light-microscope. Photographs were compared with hen's samples. The ostrich female's reproductive system has the particularity of having just the left ovary and oviduct developed. The ovary has a big size and a cluster shape which varies from season to season. It presents paramount, previtellogenic, vitellogenic and atresic follicles. The vitellogenic follicles have granulosa cells and inner and external theca. The oviduct presents cephalocaudally: infundibulum, magnum, isthmus, uterus and vagina, flowing into the urodeum. It shows long pleats of different length and number, with drusen of mucose and serose secretion, except in the vagina. The comparative histological analysis allowed us to establish that the basic structure of the female reproductive system is similar to that of the hen (Gallus gallus).

Animals , Female , Struthioniformes/anatomy & histology , Genitalia, Female/anatomy & histology , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Oviducts/anatomy & histology , Uterus/anatomy & histology , Vagina/anatomy & histology
Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. vet. bras;38(11): 2166-2174, Nov. 2018. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-976402


The West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) is one of the most threatened aquatic mammals in Brazil, and is currently classified as "endangered" (MMA). The objective of this study was to characterize histologically the reproductive tract and fetal annexes of stranded manatees in northeastern Brazil. Tissue samples were collected from the reproductive tract of 23 manatees, which were fixed in 10% buffered formalin, processed using standard histological protocols and stained with hematoxylin eosin. We qualitatively described the histological and histomorphometric characteristics of each structure. Six ovaries were analyzed. In four ovaries, we found a large number of primordial and primary follicles. Two ovaries were different from the others: one had inflammatory infiltration and the other had a thickening in the cortex and absence of follicles. We also analyzed seven uteri (of which four were in the proliferative phase, two in the secretory phase, and one in the recovery phase), four placentas, one vagina, six testes (four were in the immature phase, one in the pubertal phase, and one in the mature phase), two epididymides, two penises, and one umbilical cord. The histological and morphometric findings in our work will support future analyses of the reproductive tract of T. manatus from Brazil.(AU)

O peixe-boi marinho (Trichechus manatus) é um dos mamíferos aquáticos mais ameaçados do Brasil e, atualmente é classificado como "em perigo" (MMA). O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar histologicamente o trato reprodutor e os anexos fetais de peixes-bois marinhos encalhados no Nordeste do Brasil. Foram coletadas amostras de tecidos do trato reprodutor de 23 peixes-bois marinhos (T. manatus), que foram fixadas em formol tamponado a 10%, processados usando protocolos histológicos padrão e corados com hematoxilina eosina. Foi realizada a descrição qualitativa das características histológicas e histomorfométricas de cada estrutura. Foram analisados seis ovários. Em quatro ovários, foi encontrado um grande número de folículos primordiais e primários. Dois ovários eram diferentes dos outros: um tinha infiltração inflamatória e o outro tinha um espessamento no córtex e ausência de folículos. Também foram analisadas sete amostras uterinas (das quais quatro estavam na fase proliferativa, duas na fase secretória e uma na fase de recuperação), quatro placentas, uma vagina, seis testículos (quatro na fase imatura, um na fase puberal e um na fase madura), dois epidídimos, dois pênis e um cordão umbilical. Os achados histológicos e morfométricos em nosso trabalho apoiarão futuras análises do trato reprodutivo de T. manatus do Brasil.(AU)

Animals , Male , Female , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Penis/anatomy & histology , Placenta/anatomy & histology , Testis/anatomy & histology , Umbilical Cord/anatomy & histology , Uterus/anatomy & histology , Vagina/anatomy & histology , Trichechus manatus/anatomy & histology , Epididymis/anatomy & histology , Brazil
Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. vet. bras;38(1): 167-174, Jan. 2018. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-895549


This study aimed to analyze the reproductive stage, histology and morphometry of the ovary of Dermanura cinerea in an Atlantic Forest fragments in the Biological Reserve of Saltinho, Pernambuco, Brazil. Adult females were captured monthly by mist net, during two consecutive nights from June/2014 to November/2015. The meteorological data were provided by the National Institute of Meteorology and grouped together with the reproductive data, in six periods: period I (June to August/2014), period II (September to November/2014), period III (December/2014 to February/2015), period IV (March to May/2015), period V (June to August/2015) and period VI (September to November/2015). The females were classified according to their reproductive stages in: Inactive, pregnant, lactating and postlactating. Among the 25 females caught, 10 inactive females were selected for the histomorphometric analysis of the ovaries and then they were euthanized. After that, the specimens had their ovaries removed, fixed, processed and included in Paraplast. The organs were cut and stained by Hematoxylin - Eosin and the histological slides produced were submitted to the appropriate optical microscope analysis. Each type of ovarian follicle was estimated according to the histological characteristics evidenced for other mammals. In the morphometric analysis, it was considered: The area of the ovary (measured in square millimeter), Quantification of different types of ovarian follicles (unilaminar and multilaminar primary follicles, antral and matures) and corpus luteum, as well as the area of each by those different follicles (measured in square micrometer) The results indicated that 16 females were inactive, 5 were lactating, 4 were pregnant and no post-lactating. The histological analysis revealed that the ovaries of D. cinerea exhibit characteristics, structures and cellular types similar to other mammals. The morphometric data of the study area were statistically evaluated using the Student's t-test. Therefore, ovarian histomorphometric analysis are very important to infer with greater certainty about the reproduction of a species. Thus, it was observed that females of D. cinerea exhibit two reproductive peaks, that is, they can give birth either at the end of dry periods or from the beginning to the middle of the rainy season. The main feature observed in the ovary of this species, found in the Atlantic Forest area of the state of Pernambuco, is the preparation of the ovarian cortex to ovulate in months of high rainfall throughout the year. Therefore, this species tries to adjust its reproductive period with the variations of the environmental conditions, so that the reproduction might occur during the period more favorable for the maintenance of their offspring.(AU)

Esse estudo objetivou analisar o estágio reprodutivo, histologia e morfometria do ovário de Dermanura cinerea em um fragmento de Mata Atlântica da Reserva Biológica de Saltinho (Pernambuco, Brasil). Foram utilizadas fêmeas adultas capturadas por redes de neblina, de modo que as coletas ocorreram mensalmente, durante duas noites consecutivas de Junho/2014 a Novembro/2015. Os dados meteorológicos foram fornecidos pelo Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e agrupados, juntamente com os dados reprodutivos, em seis períodos, sendo estes: período I (Junho a agosto/2014), período II (Setembro a novembro/2014), período III (Dezembro/2014 a fevereiro/2015) período IV (Março a maio/2015), período V (Junho a agosto/2015) e período VI (Setembro a novembro/2015). As fêmeas foram classificadas, de acordo com o estágio reprodutivo em: inativas, grávidas, lactantes e pós-lactantes. Das 25 fêmeas capturadas, foram selecionadas, para as análises histomorfométricas dos ovários, 10 fêmeas inativas, as quais foram eutanasiadas. Depois disso, os espécimes tiveram os seus ovários removidos, fixados, processados e inclusos em paraplast. Os cortes foram corados por Hematoxilina - Eosina e as lâminas histológicas produzidas foram submetidas às devidas análises em microscópio óptico. Cada tipo de folículo ovariano foi estimado de acordo com as características histológicas evidenciadas para outros mamíferos. Nas análises morfométricas, considerou-se: a área do ovário (mensurada em milímetro quadrado), quantificação dos diferentes tipos de folículos ovarianos (primários unilaminar e multilaminar, antrais e maduros) e corpo lúteo, bem como foi medida a área de cada um desses diferentes tipos de folículos (mensurada em micrômetro quadrado). Os resultados indicaram a presença de 16 fêmeas inativas, 5 lactantes, 4 grávidas e nenhuma pós-lactante. As análises histológicas destacaram que os ovários de D. cinerea possui características, estruturas e tipos celulares padrões semelhantes ao dos demais mamíferos. Os dados morfométricos da área do ovário foram avaliados estatisticamente por meio do teste t de Student. Assim, as análises histomorfométricas ovariana são de suma importância para inferir com maior segurança sobre a reprodução de uma dada espécie. Portanto, ficou constatado que as fêmeas de D. cinerea apresentam dois picos reprodutivos, isto é, podem parir no final de períodos secos ou do início para metade do período chuvoso. A principal característica observada no ovário dessa espécie, encontrada em área de Mata Atlântica do estado de Pernambuco, foi a preparação do córtex ovariano para ovular em meses de elevados índices pluviométricos ao longo do ano. Logo, essa espécie procura ajustar seu período reprodutivo com as variações das condições ambientais, de forma que a reprodução ocorra em períodos mais favoráveis para manutenção da prole.(AU)

Animals , Female , Chiroptera/anatomy & histology , Chiroptera/growth & development , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Ovary/growth & development , Brazil
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 69(3): 651-658, jun. 2017. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-846910


Often, in pet birds, any stimulus to lay eggs is unwanted in order to reduce reproductive diseases and disorders. The objectives of this study were: to determine the time necessary to promote ovary involution after an eight hour photoperiod using laying Japanese quails (Coturnix coturnix japonica); to connect the ovarian radiographic measurements with egg production; and to compare these measurements with direct ovary data obtained at necropsy. Birds were separated into three groups: 12h/24d (control group - 12h photoperiod for 24 days), 8h/24d and 8h/36d (8h photoperiod for 24 and 36 days). After euthanasia, all cadavers were x-rayed to measure ovary length and height. Birds were necropsied to measure ovarian length and weight. Results: radiographic ovary length demonstrated strong and positive correlation (r=0.96) with direct ovary length of all three groups; laying quails showed higher ovary height (p=0.025) and length (p=0.009) than non-laying quails; eight hours of artificial light per day promotes ovary length (p=0.025) and weight (p=0.009) reduction. Conclusions: radiography can estimate the ovary measure and indicate posture; an eight hour photoperiod of 24 days is not enough to promote ovarian regression, while the use of reduced photoperiod for 36 days promotes significant ovary involution.(AU)

Em aves de estimação, geralmente se opta pela redução de estímulos para a postura de ovos visando reduzir a ocorrência de doenças e alterações reprodutivas. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: determinar o tempo necessário para a involução ovariana após um fotoperíodo de oito horas de iluminação usando codornas-japonesas (Coturnix coturnix japonica) na fase de postura; relacionar as medidas radiográficas com a postura de ovos; e comparar estas com as medidas diretas obtidas à necropsia. As aves foram divididas em três grupos: 12h/24d (controle - fotoperíodo de 12 horas por 24 dias), 08h/24d e 08h/36d (fotoperíodo de oito horas por 24 e 36 dias). Após a eutanásia, os cadáveres foram radiografados para mensuração do comprimento e da altura do ovário. Foi efetuada a necropsia para aferição das medidas e pesagem dos ovários. Os resultados mostraram que: o comprimento ovariano obtido por meio de imagem radiográfica apresentou forte correlação positiva (r=0,96) com o comprimento direto do ovário das aves dos três grupos; as aves em período de postura apresentaram maiores medidas de altura do ovário (P=0,025) e comprimentos ovarianos (P=0,009) do que as aves fora de postura; a restrição de luminosidade com oito horas diárias de luz artificial promoveu redução do comprimento ovariano (P=0,025) e da massa ovariana (P=0,009). Conclusões: a radiografia pode estimar a medida do ovário e indicar postura; um fotoperíodo de oito horas de luz por 24 dias não é satisfatório para obter uma regressão ovariana, enquanto 36 dias com o fotoperíodo reduzido promovem uma significativa redução ovariana.(AU)

Animals , Female , Body Weights and Measures/veterinary , Coturnix/anatomy & histology , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Gonads/physiology , Photoperiod , Radiography/veterinary
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;65(1): 293-303, Jan.-Mar. 2017. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-897542


Abstract:In fish reproduction, previous information of ovary oocyte distribution is necessary, when oocytes quantitative estimates are required to estimate batch or annual fecundity. Heterogeneous oocyte distribution requires a standardized sampling protocol to prevent bias in estimates, whereas homogeneous distribution, allows sampling of any portion of gonads with no risk of bias. We studied gonad oocyte distribution patterns in the hogfish Lachnolaimus maximus population from Southern Gulf of Mexico. For this, 23 mature females were selected from a total of 47 individuals exhibiting visible oocytes in the ovaries. These females were classified by reproductive phase and sub-phase (early developing-ED, developing-D, spawning capable-SC and actively spawning-AS). Six histological sections were taken from the anterior, middle and posterior regions of the left and right ovary lobes of each individual. Digital image processing (AxioVision and Image ProPlus programs) was used to estimate oocyte density per unit area, and for different development stages. Contingency tables were used to analyze oocyte distribution frequencies between the regions of each lobe, and between the lobes of each ovary. This was supported with a Pearson's χ2 test for goodness-of-fit and a replicated G test to confirm distribution heterogeneity. Oocyte stage distribution was homogeneous in almost all 23 females regardless of the ovary lobe. In the left ovary lobe, oocyte distribution was uniform in all three regions sampled regardless the female phase or sub-phase. In the right ovary lobe, oocyte frequencies were similarly uniform for the ED, D and AS phase and sub-phases; nevertheless, during SC phase, some heterogeneity was observed in tertiary vitellogenesis-Vtg3 oocytes, especially in samples from middle and posterior regions of this lobe. Females in AS sub-phase are normally used to estimate batch fecundity in fish such as L. maximus, which has shown to have asynchronous oocyte development and batch spawning. Given the homogeneous oocyte distribution pattern within and between the ovary lobes in females in AS sub-phase, no systematization is required of the gonad histological sampling protocol to estimate species batch fecundity. Nevertheless, due to the heterogeneous Vtg3 oocytes distribution in the right ovary lobe of females in the SC phase, it is best to systematically take sections of any region in the left ovary lobe when conducting a study encompassing all of a species' reproductive aspects. Rev. Biol. Trop. 65 (1): 293-303. Epub 2017 March 01.

ResumenPara el estudio de la reproducción de los peces es necesario, un conocimiento previo sobre la distribución de los ovocitos en el ovario, así como estimaciones cuantitativas del número de ovocitos para estimar la fecundidad por lote o anual. Una distribución heterogénea exige tener un protocolo de muestreo estandarizado para prevenir sesgos en las estimaciones, mientras que una distribución homogénea permite utilizar muestras de cualquier parte de las gónadas sin riesgo de sesgo. Nosotros estudiamos el patrón de distribución de los ovocitos de la población de la doncella de pluma Lachnolaimus maximus del sur del Golfo de México. Para este propósito, 23 hembras maduras fueron seleccionadas de un total de 47 individuos que presentaron ovocitos observables a simple vista en los ovarios. Estas hembras fueron clasificadas según su fase o sub-fase reproductiva (desarrollo temprano-DT, desarrollo-D, aptitud para desovar-AD y desove activo-DA). Seis secciones histológicas fueron realizadas de las regiones anterior, media y posterior de los lóbulos derecho e izquierdo del ovario de cada individuo. Un procesamiento digital de imágenes (AxioVision e Image ProPlus) fue utilizado para estimar la densidad de los ovocitos, en diferentes estadios de desarrollo, por unidad de área. Las frecuencias de distribución de los ovocitos fueron analizadas entre regiones de un mismo lóbulo y entre lóbulos de cada ovario por medio de tablas de contingencia. Este análisis involucró la aplicación de la prueba de bondad de ajuste del χ2 de Pearson y de la prueba de G replicada en el caso de observar una distribución heterogénea. La mayoría de las 23 hembras analizadas presentó una distribución homogénea de los diferentes estadios de ovocito, en cualquier lóbulo considerado. En el lóbulo ovárico izquierdo, la distribución de los ovocitos fue similar en las tres regiones muestreadas, en cualquier fase o sub-fase de las hembras. En el lóbulo ovárico derecho, las frecuencias de los ovocitos fueron semejantes para las hembras en fase y sub-fases de DT, D y DA; sin embargo, durante la sub-fase de AD, una heterogeneidad en el desarrollo de los ovocitos en vitelogénesis terciaria-Vtg3 fue observada, especialmente en las muestras de las regiones media y posterior de este lóbulo. Las hembras en sub-fase de DA son usualmente utilizadas para estimar la fecundidad por lote en las especies de peces como L. maximus, la cual presenta un desarrollo asincrónico de los ovocitos y realiza desoves sucesivos por lote. Debido al patrón de distribución homogéneo de los ovocitos en y entre los lóbulos ováricos de las hembras en sub-fase de DA, no se requiere estandarizar un protocolo de muestreo histológico de las gónadas para estimar la fecundidad por lote de la especie. Sin embargo, debido a la distribución heterogénea de los ovocitos en Vtg3 en el lóbulo ovárico derecho de las hembras en fase de DA, es preferible tomar sistemáticamente secciones de cualquier región del lóbulo ovárico izquierdo cuando se realiza un estudio que incluye todo los aspectos reproductivos de la especie.

Animals , Female , Oocytes/physiology , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Ovary/physiology , Reproduction/physiology , Perciformes/physiology , Reference Values , Seasons , Fertility/physiology , Gulf of Mexico
Int. j. morphol ; 35(1): 56-61, Mar. 2017. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-840933


The gonadal development assessment is a fundamental work in researching the reproduction of Peprilus medius, on the way to understand its population dynamics and to achieve a sustainable management of its fisheries. The diagnosis based on morphochromatic features is the quicker, more practical and cheaper method, and properly validated, it may be an accurate procedure. This is particularly useful in researches when it is required to provide prompt and accurate information to support decision-making for fisheries management, and during long-term fisheries monitoring to detect changes in reproductive patterns due to environmental anomalies. These are issues of concern in P. medius and other fishery resources. In this context, a scale that describes the gonadal development through morphochromatic and histological features is presented, and plus anatomical observations of the reproductive organs. Ovarian development was characterized through six phases: immature, development (sub-phases: early and late), mature, spawning (sub-phases: partial and partial post-spawning), post-spawning and resting. Testicular development was described through five phases: immature, development, ejaculation, ejaculated and resting. The position and shape of the reproductive organs are apparently defined by the shape of the fish and the visceral cavity. P. medius's gonads show a gonadal lobe at lower position and an upper lobe in the visceral cavity, and both lobes presented a horizontal placement from gonopore toward the back of the fish. In addition, gonadal deformities occurrence due to deformities in the visceral cavity was evidenced. We recommend to use presented descriptions as a guide in gonadal assessment.

La evaluación del desarrollo gonádico es una labor fundamental para investigar la reproducción de Peprilus medius, en vías a comprender la dinámica de sus poblaciones y lograr un manejo sustentable de sus pesquerías. El diagnóstico a partir de características morfocromáticas es el método más rápido, práctico y barato, y adecuadamente validado puede ser un procedimiento preciso. Este es particularmente útil en investigaciones cuando se requiere aportar información rápida y precisa que apoye la toma de decisiones de manejo pesquero, y durante los monitoreos pesqueros de largo plazo, que permiten detectar cambios en los patrones reproductivos debido a anomalías ambientales. Estos son temas preocupantes en P. medius y otros recursos pesqueros. En ese contexto se presenta una escala que describe el desarrollo gonádico a través de características morfocromáticas e histológicas, y además se presentan observaciones anatómicas de los órganos reproductores. El desarrollo ovárico fue caracterizado a través de seis fases: inmadura, desarrollo (subfases: inicial y avanzado), maduro, desove (subfases: parcial y postdesove parcial), postdesove y reposo. El desarrollo testicular fue descrito a través de cinco fases: inmadura, desarrollo, eyaculación y reposo. La posición y forma de los órganos reproductores están aparentemente definidos por la forma del pez y su cavidad visceral. Las gónadas de P. medius muestran un lóbulo gonádico en posición inferior y uno superior en la cavidad visceral, y ambos lóbulos presentan una colocación horizontal desde el gonoporo hacia la parte posterior del pez. Además se evidencia la ocurrencia de deformidades en las gónadas debido a deformidades en la cavidad visceral. Recomendamos utilizar las descripciones presentadas como una guía en la evaluación de las gónadas.

Animals , Gametogenesis , Ovary/growth & development , Perciformes/anatomy & histology , Testis/growth & development , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Testis/anatomy & histology
Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. vet. bras;36(9): 893-900, set. 2016. graf, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-829325


Estudou-se o tecido germinativo ovariano do peixe Melanotaenia boesemani. Por meio de análises morfológicas das gônadas, realizadas após a confecção de lâminas histológicas elaboradas em parafina e coradas com hematoxilina-eosina, foram descritos os tipos celulares encontrados e realizada a classificação do estádio de maturidade dos peixes. Macroscopicamente, foi identificado que a referida espécie possui ovário único, arredondado e, na fase observada, amarelado, localizado na parte látero-anterior da cavidade celomática. As fêmeas analisadas foram classificadas na escala de desenvolvimento gonadal como maduro/em reprodução. A presença de folículos vazios e marcas de desova nas lamelas ovulígeras mostrou-se evidente. Nos ovócitos vitelogênicos deste peixe, foi constatada a presença de filamentos de adesão ovocitária ancorados à zona pelúcida. Os ovários apresentaram aspecto morfológico geral semelhante ao de outros peixes teleósteos. Seu tipo de desova foi classificado como intermitente e o padrão de desenvolvimento de ovócitos, como assincrônico.(AU)

The germinal ovarian tissue of the fish Melanotaenia boesemani was studied. By means of morphological analyses of the gonads, performed after the manufacture of histological slides made of paraffin and stained with hematoxylin-eosin, the cell types found were described and the rank of the maturity stage of the fishes was executed. Macroscopically was found that the species has only one ovary, rounded and in the observed phase yellowish, located in the lateral front part of the coelomic cavity. The observed females were classified in the gonadal development scale as mature/in reproduction. The presence of empty follicles and spawning marks on ovigerous lamellae proved to be evident. In vitellogenic oocytes of this fish, the presence of filaments of oocyte adhesion anchored to the pellucida zona was found. The ovaries showed general morphological appearance similar to that of other teleost fishes. Its spawning type was classified as intermittent and the pattern of development of oocytes as asynchronous.(AU)

Animals , Female , Fishes/anatomy & histology , Gonads/growth & development , Oogenesis/physiology , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Reproduction , Histological Techniques/veterinary , Oocytes/growth & development
Int. j. morphol ; 34(1): 13-16, Mar. 2016. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-780468


Ovary plays the vital role in the reproductive biology and biotechnology of female animals. With the aim to study the ovarian morphometry of Black Bengal goat, both right and left ovaries were collected from the slaughter houses of different Thanas under Mymensingh district. For each of the specimens, gross parameters such as weight, length and width were recorded. Then they were processed and stained with H & E for histomorphometry. Our study revealed that the right ovary (0.53±0.02 g) was heavier than the left (0.52±0.02 g). The length of the right ovary (1.26±0.04 cm) was lower than the left (1.28±0.02 cm) but the width of the right (0.94±0.02 cm) was greater than the left (0.90±0.03 cm). The diameter of ovarian follicles in the cortex was measured as primordial 39.6±6.61 µm, primary single layer 54.0±4.06 µm, primary multi layer 147.6±11.04 µm, secondary with C-shaped antrum 449.5±75.71 µm and tertiary follicle of ovary 1.3±0.20 mm. In the graffian follicle, the thickness of granulosa cell layer was 79.2±11.04 µm, theca interna 75.76±6.82 µm, theca externa 130.07±12.53 µm and the oocyte diameter was 109.8±5.75 µm. These results will be helpful to manipulate ovarian functions in small ruminants.

El ovario desempeña un papel fundamental en la biología de la reproducción y la biotecnología de las hembras. Con el objetivo de estudiar la morfometría de ovario de la cabra Black Bengal se obtuvieron ovarios de ambos lados de diferentes mataderos del distrito de Mymensingh. Para cada uno de los especímenes, se registraron los parámetros de peso, longitud y ancho. Luego fueron procesados y teñidos con H & E para histomorfometría. El ovario derecho (0,53±0,02 g) fue más pesado que el izquierdo (0,52±0,02 g). La longitud del ovario derecho (1,26±0,04 cm) fue inferior al izquierdo (1,28±0,02 cm), pero el ancho del derecho (0,94±0,02 cm) fue mayor que el izquierdo (0,90±0,03 cm). El diámetro de los folículos ováricos en la corteza se midió como primordial 39,6±6,61 µm, de una capa primaria 54,0±4,06 µm, de múltiples capas primarias 147,6±11,04 µm, secundarias con antro en forma de C 449,5±75,71 µm y folículo terciario del ovario 1,3±0,20 mm. En el folículo terciario del ovario, el espesor de la capa de células de la granulosa fue 79,2±11,04 µm, teca interna 75,76±6,82 µm, teca externa 130,07±12,53 µm y el diámetro de los ovocitos fue 109,8±5,75 µm. Estos resultados serán útiles para manipular las funciones de ovario en los pequeños rumiantes.

Animals , Female , Goats/anatomy & histology , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Ovarian Follicle/anatomy & histology
Int. j. morphol ; 34(1): 262-267, Mar. 2016. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-780503


The present study was designed to determine the morphological and histological variations in the female palm squirrel's reproductive organs which inhabit croplands of central Punjab. 16 specimens were collected from 3 different locations of Faisalabad district during different months in order to collect their ovaries samples in order to determine the breeding phenology of this species. Body weight and external body measurements were recorded. Two adult females were autopsied each month and their ovaries were extracted. Tissue were prepared by the tissue paraffin technique and stained by H&E. Seasonal variations in the follicular size and shape were observed. Statistical analysis revealed that values of all parameters of ovaries were significantly (P<0.01) higher during peak folliculogenic phase (January to May) as compared to low folliculogenic phase (November­December). Three reproductive phases were observed according to follicular development i.e., quiescent period (November- December), recrudescence period (January) and peak reproductive phase (February­March). In conclusion of this study, different phases of sexual activities are determined which are controlled by seasonal variations. These variations are in accordance to different physical factors which influences gross anatomical and histological changes of ovaries and folliculogensis of female five-striped northern palm squirrel (Funambulus pennanti) for adjustments in breeding phenology.

El presente estudio fue diseñado para determinar las variaciones morfológicas e histológicas en los órganos reproductores de la ardilla de las palmeras que habita en las tierras de cultivo del centro de Punjab. Dieciséis muestras fueron recolectadas en 3 lugares diferentes del distrito de Faisalabad durante diferentes meses con el fin de obtener los ovarios y determinar la fenología reproductiva de esta especie. Se registraron el peso corporal y las medidas corporales externas. Se realizaron autopsias de dos hembras adultas cada mes y sus ovarios fueron extraídos. Se prepararon los tejidos por técnica de parafina y tinción H & E y se observaron las variaciones estacionales en el tamaño y forma folicular. El análisis estadístico reveló que los valores de todos los parámetros de los ovarios fueron significativamente más altos durante la fase foliculogénica (enero a mayo), en comparación con la fase baja (noviembre-diciembre) (P <0,01). De acuerdo al desarrollo folicular se observaron tres fases reproductivas, el período de reposo (noviembre-diciembre), el período de recrudecimiento (enero) y la fase peak reproductiva (febrero-marzo). En conclusión las diferentes fases de las actividades sexuales definitivamente están controladas por variaciones estacionales. Estas variaciones se ajustan a diferentes factores físicos que influyen en los cambios anatómicos e histológicos de los ovarios y la folículogénesis de la ardilla hembra de las palmeras (Funambulus pennanti) para realizar ajustes en la fenología de su reproducción.

Animals , Female , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Ovary/physiology , Sciuridae/anatomy & histology , Seasons , Ovarian Follicle/anatomy & histology , Ovarian Follicle/physiology
Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. vet. bras;36(3): 204-208, mar. 2016. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-782067


As biotécnicas da reprodução são importantes ferramentas para conservação de espécies domésticas e silvestres, pois permitem a recuperação e uso futuro de material reprodutivo. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar parâmetros morfológicos de CCOs de cutias, obtidos pela técnica de fatiamento do ovário para utilização em protocolos de maturação e fecundação na produção in vitro de embriões. Foram utilizadas dezessete cutias fêmeas do NEPAS, CCA- UFPI, com idade e peso médios de 3,9 anos e 2,16Kg, respectivamente, que foram submetidas à ovariossalpingohisterectomia. Os ovários após dissecados e pesados em balança de precisão, foram fatiados individualmente. Procedeu-se a busca e seleção dos CCOs em estereomicroscópio, os quais foram identificados e quantificados por cada ovário, além de classificados quanto a sua morfologia segundo a quantidade de camadas de células do cumulus e ao citoplasma em quatro graus. Verificou-se que a técnica de fatiamento do ovário possibilitou a obtenção de CCOs de cutias, com recuperação de grande quantidade e de variados graus de qualidade. Não houve correlações entre a idade dos animais e o peso dos ovários; a idade e o número de CCOs obtidos; entre o peso das cutias e o peso dos ovários e o número de CCOs obtidos.

The reproductive biotechnologies are important tools for conservation of domestic and wild animal species, because they allow the recovery and future use of reproductive material. The aim of this study was to evaluate morphological parameters of COCs of agoutis obtained by slicing the ovary for using them in maturation and fertilization protocols in vitro production of embryos. Seventeen female agoutis NEPAS, CCA-UFPI, age and weight average of 3.9 years and 2.16 kg, respectively, were underwent ovariossalpingohisterectomy. The ovaries after dissected and weighed on a precision balance were sliced individually. We proceeded the search and selection of COCs in stereomicroscope, which were identified and quantified by each ovary, and classified as to their morphology, by the quantity of layers of cumulus cells and the cytoplasm into four degrees. It has been found that the technique of slicing ovarian possible to obtain agouti COCs with recovery of loads and varying degrees of quality. There was no correlation between age and weight of animal ovaries, age and the number of COCs obtained; between the weight of agoutis and weight of ovaries and the number of COCs obtained.

Animals , Female , Dasyproctidae , Oocytes , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Animals, Wild , Biotechnology , Rodentia , In Vitro Techniques/methods , In Vitro Techniques/veterinary , Reproductive Techniques/veterinary , In Vitro Oocyte Maturation Techniques/veterinary
Qom University of Medical Sciences Journal. 2015; 8 (6): 1-9
in Persian | IMEMR | ID: emr-159939


Smoking is a considerable problem in modern populations. Nicotine, as an important noxious material in cigarette, has dangerous effects on different body tissues such as genital system. In this study the noxious effect of nicotine was investigated in rat ovarian follicles by histomorphometry technique. Three groups of mature female rats including control, low-dose nicotine [0.2mg/kg.BW], and high-dose nicotine [0.4mg/kg.BW] were planned. Nicotine was injected through intraperitoneal route for 21 consecutive days. Then, the rats were euthanized by carbon dioxide and immediately their ovaries were removed and fixed in formal saline solution. The specimens were processed through routine paraffin embedding method, serially sectioned by microtome, stained with hematoxylin-Eosin technique and investigated by light microscope. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey's multiple comparison tests. p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. The results of this study demonstrated that distribution of ovarian follicles in animals receiving either low or high doses of nicotine decreased significantly, whereas distribution of atretic follicles notably increased as compared with the control group. Based on the results of this study, on a dose-related pattern, nicotine could decrease the population of the healthy ovarian follicles, whereas increased the population of the atretic ovarian follicles. This indicates reduction of fertility in affected animals

Ovarian Follicle , Smoking , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Injections, Intraperitoneal , Rats
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;74(3,supl.1): S154-S163, 8/2014. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-732273


This work provides information about the sexual commitment and the folliculogenesis of the gatuzo, Mustelus schmitti. A total of 112 females of all maturity stages were fished in the Bahía Blanca estuary, between 2009 and 2010. The oogonia were present throughout the life cycle of the animals. The folliculogenesis follows a pattern similar to other elasmobranchs. The granulosa layer keeps monolayered throughout the folliculogenesis, but with two cell types in the vitellogenic follicle. The zona pellucida forms in the primordial follicles. The thecal system shows a connective inner layer and a glandular outer sheath. The microscopic beginning of the sexual commitment, indicated by the vitello hoarding, takes place in follicles from 500 micrometres, while the macroscopic evidence appears in follicles of 2500-3000 micrometres. The results presented in this study suggest that the fishery pressure may affect a susceptible range of sizes of the species, not previously considered and provides a biological framework for the development of fisheries policy.

Este trabalho provê informações sobre o compromisso sexual e da foliculogênese do gatuzo, Mustelus schmitti. Um total de 112 fêmeas de todas as fases de maturidade foram pescados no estuário Bahía Blanca, entre 2009 e 2010. O oogônias foi presentes durante todo do ciclo de vida dos animais. A foliculogênese segue um padrão semelhante a outros elasmobrânquios. A capa granulosa mantém-se simples durante toda a foliculogénese, mas com dois tipos de células no folículo vitelogênico. A zona pelúcida forma-se nos folículos primordiais. O sistema mostra uma capa tecal interior de tecido conjuntivo e uma bainha exterior glandular. O início microscópico do compromisso sexual, indicado pela acumulação do vitello, realiza-se em folículos de 500 micrómetros, enquanto que a evidência macroscópica aparece em folículos de 2500-3000 micrómetros. Os resultados apresentados neste estudo sugerem que a pressão da pesca pode afetar um amplo intervalo de tamanho das espécies não considerado anteriormente, e fornece uma base biológica para o desenvolvimento de política comum da pesca.

Animals , Female , Fishes/physiology , Oocytes/cytology , Ovarian Follicle/cytology , Ovary/cytology , Reproduction/physiology , Sexual Maturation/physiology , Fishes/anatomy & histology , Fishes/classification , Life Cycle Stages , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Seasons
Acta cir. bras ; Acta cir. bras;29(5): 299-305, 05/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-709231


PURPOSE: To compare two rat ovary cryopreservation techniques (vitrification vs. slow freezing) and two postmenopausal stages (early vs. late) with regard to graft take. METHODS: Thirty-three Wistar rats were submitted to bilateral oophorectomy. One ovary was submitted to histological analysis while the other was cryopreserved by slow freezing or vitrification. The cryopreserved ovary was thawed and reimplanted in the greater omentum one week (early menopause) or one month (late menopause) after oophorectomy. One month after ovary reimplantation, the graft take was evaluated macroscopically and histologically. RESULTS: Six of the animals were used ascontrols and seven died. The histological findings of 20 animals included atretic follicles (n=4), primordial follicles (n=2), and corpus luteum with primordial follicles (n=3). No ovarian tissue was found in 11 animals. Vitrification resulted in a higher graft take rate than slow freezing (50% vs. 38.5%), but the difference was not statistically significant. However, the graft take rate was 9.3 times higher in the early than in the late postmenopausal stage (61.5% vs. 14.3%) (p=0.043). CONCLUSION: Vitrification was superior to slow freezing as ovarian cryopreservation technique, and grafting was significantly more successful when the ovary was reimplanted in the late postmenopausal stage. .

Animals , Female , Cryopreservation/methods , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Ovary/transplantation , Postmenopause/physiology , Corpus Luteum/anatomy & histology , Cryoprotective Agents/pharmacology , Freezing , Ovarian Follicle/anatomy & histology , Ovariectomy/methods , Rats, Wistar , Replantation , Reproducibility of Results , Time Factors , Vitrification
Acta cir. bras ; Acta cir. bras;29(4): 218-223, abr. 2014. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-706960


To evaluate the female sterilization by occlusion of the ovarian blood flow, using the rat as experimental model. Fifty-five females rats were divided into four groups: I (n=10), bilateral ovariectomy, euthanized at 60 or 90 days; II (n=5), opening the abdominal cavity, euthanized at 90 days; III (n=20), bilateral occlusion of the ovarian blood supply using titanium clips, euthanized at 60 or 90 days; and IV (n=20), bilateral occlusion of the ovarian blood supply using nylon thread, euthanized at 60 or 90 days. The estrous cycle was monitored by vaginal cytology. After euthanasia, the reproductive tissues were evaluated histologically. RESULTS: Ovarian atresia was identified macroscopically at 60 days after surgery in the rats in groups III and IV; however, most of the rats in group III maintained cyclicity. Histology of the tissues from group IV revealed that the ovarian tissue was replaced by dense fibrous connective tissue that was slightly vascularized and that intact follicles were absent by 90 days. OOvarian blood vessels occluded caused ischemia, leading to progressive tissue necrosis, and bilateral occlusion using a nylon ligature is a viable method for surgical sterilization.

Animals , Rats , Castration/veterinary , Sterilization/trends , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Blood Vessels/anatomy & histology , Ovariectomy/veterinary , Rats/classification