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Int. j. morphol ; 35(4): 1473-1481, Dec. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-893159


SUMMARY: Special features of nanoparticles have resulted in their widespread use. Small molybdenum trioxide (MoO 3) nanoparticles can translocate from the entry portals into the circulatory and lymphatic systems and ultimately to body tissues and organs depending on their composition and size. In this research, sixty Wistar rats weighting 180-250 g were divided into 6 groups (n=10) randomly: Group 1 (Control) did not receive any medicine. Group 2 (Sham) received intraperitoneal normal saline for 35 days on a daily basis. Groups 3, 4, 5 and 6 received 50, 100, 200, and 300 mg/kg MoO3, respectively, the same way in the sham group and at the same interval. At the end of the experiment, the rats were weighted again and anesthetised. Then blood samples were taken from their hearts to determine the serum levels of estrogen, progesterone, and gonadotropins. Their ovaries were removed and ovarian volume, follicular diameter, number of each follicle type, and oocyte volume were determined. Results indicated that MoO3 nanoparticles strongly reduced body and ovarian weights in the rats. Moreover, a significant decrease was observed in ovarian volume, the number of follicle types, oocyte volume and follicular diameter. The nanoparticles increased the number of atretic follicles via ovarian tissue structure. MoO3 nanoparticles decreased serum estrogen level and increased serum level of FSH that was associated with disruption in the regulation of progesterone and LH secretion. The findings showed that MoO3 nanoparticles could bear negative effects on ovarian structure and function.

RESUMEN: Las características específicas de las nanopartículas han dado lugar a su uso generalizado. Las pequeñas nanopartículas de trióxido de molibdeno (MoO3) pueden penetrar los sistemas circulatorios y linfáticos y, en última instancia, dependiendo de su composición y tamaño, también los tejidos y órganos del cuerpo. En esta investigación se dividieron 60 ratas Wistar con un peso de 180-250 g en 6 grupos (n = 10) aleatoriamente: el Grupo 1 (Control) no recibió ningún medicamento. El Grupo 2 (Sham) recibió solución salina normal intraperitoneal durante 35 días diariamente. Los grupos 3, 4, 5 y 6 recibieron 50, 100, 200 y 300 mg / kg de MoO3 respectivamente, de la misma manera en el grupo simulado, y en el mismo intervalo. Concluyendo el experimento, las ratas se pesaron nuevamente y fueron anestesiadas. Luego se tomaron muestras de sangre de los corazones para determinar los niveles séricos de estrógeno, progesterona y gonadotropinas. Se retiraron los ovarios y se determinó el volumen ovárico, el diámetro folicular, el número de cada tipo de folículo y el volumen de ovocitos. Los resultados indicaron que las nanopartículas de MoO3 redujeron significativamente los pesos corporal y ovárico en las ratas. Además, se observó una disminución importante en el volumen ovárico, el número de tipos de folículos, el volumen de ovocitos y el diámetro folicular. Las nanopartículas aumentaron el número de folículos auriculares a través de la estructura del tejido ovárico. Las nanopartículas de MoO 3 disminuyeron el nivel sérico de estrógeno y aumentaron el nivel sérico de FSH que se asoció con la interrupción en la regulación de la progesterona y la secreción de LH. Los hallazgos mostraron que las nanopartículas de MoO 3 podrían tener efectos negativos sobre la estructura y la función ovárica.

Animals , Female , Rats , Molybdenum/administration & dosage , Nanoparticles , Ovarian Follicle/drug effects , Oxygen/administration & dosage , Estrogens/blood , Gonadotropins/blood , Microscopy, Electron , Organ Size/drug effects , Ovary/drug effects , Ovary/ultrastructure , Progesterone/blood , Rats, Wistar
Int. j. morphol ; 33(1): 309-317, Mar. 2015. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-743803


Chondrichthyans are extremely susceptible to overfishing due, among other things, to their reproductive adaptations. Basic knowledge of reproductive parameters is essential, both of ecological and for economic points of view. Zearaja chilensis is a valuable economic resource in South America. This work analyzes the microanatomy of female reproductive system, as well as the size of the onset of vitellogenesis. The material was fixed in Bouin and processed using routine histological techniques. Both ovaries are equally functional. Folliculogenesis depicts the same pattern of other Chondrichthyans. Follicles with different degrees of maturation coexist in mature animals, with the exception of oogonia, which were only found in immature individuals. Likewise, atretic follicles were recorded in all stages of maturation. The size of yolk input, microscopically recorded, is lower than the detected at naked eye. Oviductal glands and uterus show similarity with those reported in other lecitotrophic cartilaginous fish. This work reports, for the first time, the morfofunctional microanatomy of the species, and puts to the test the accuracy of the commonly employed criteria for the determination of sexual maturity, a critical data when determining management policies.

Los condrictios son extremadamente susceptibles a la explotación pesquera debido, entre otras cosas, a sus adaptaciones reproductivas. Los conocimientos básicos de sus parámetros reproductivos son esenciales, ya sea desde el punto de vista ecológico como económico. Zearaja chilensis constituye un importante recurso económico en América del Sur. En este trabajo se analiza la anatomía microscópica del sistema reproductor femenino y la talla de inicio de la vitelogénesis. El material se fijó en Bouin y se procesó mediante técnicas histológicas de rutina. Ambos ovarios son igualmente funcionales. La foliculogénesis presenta el mismo patrón de otros condrictios. Los folículos con diferentes grados de maduración coexisten en animales maduros, con la excepción de las oogonias, que sólo se observaron en los individuos inmaduros. Los folículos atrésicos se registraron en todas las etapas de la maduración. La talla de inicio de la vitelogénesis, microscópicamente registrada, es inferior a la detectada en el ojo desnudo. La glándula oviductal y el útero muestran similitud con lo reportado en otros peces cartilaginosos lecitotróficos. Este trabajo describe por primera vez, la microanatomía morfofuncional de la especie y pone a prueba la precisión de los criterios comúnmente empleados para la determinación de la madurez sexual, una información crítica para la determinación de las políticas de gestión.

Animals , Female , Skates, Fish/anatomy & histology , Genitalia, Female/ultrastructure , Ovary/ultrastructure , Oviducts/ultrastructure , Reproduction , Sexual Maturation , Uterus/ultrastructure , Elasmobranchii/anatomy & histology
Int. j. morphol ; 32(2): 558-567, jun. 2014. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-714309


Fine structures of the ovary during the oestrous cycle in African giant rats (Cricetomys gambianus Waterhouse) were described in the present study. Ultrastructural features of the germinal epithelium and the medullar of the ovary were similar at different stages of the oestrous cycle. During mid proestrus, there was disorganization of the inner layer of the granulosa cells of secondary follicles to form the antrum. At late proestrus/early estrus, antrum formation had advanced and there was evidence of reorganization of granulosa cells. Fine structures of the ovary during mid estrus include follicles with variably shaped mitochondria, profiles of Golgi complexes and dense concentration of ribosomes. The theca interna shared similar ultrastructure with the granulosa cells containing, in addition, lipid droplets and smooth endoplasmic reticulum. Cellular ultrastructure observed during mid metestrus showed commencement of differentiation of corpus luteum. At mid diestrus, the general ultrastructural architecture of the ovarian follicles showed disorganized cellular contents and corpus luteum was recognized with conspicuous depolarization of the basement membrane originally separating granulosa cells from the theca. At late diestrus/early proestrus, granulosa cells displayed numerous mitochondria of variable sizes and shapes. Ribosomes were evenly distributed throughout the cytoplasm while electron lucid vesicles were sparsely distributed. The results of this study showed that fine structural changes in the ovary of the giant rat during the oestrous cycle are similar to those of laboratory rodents.

El presente estudio describe las estructuras específicas del ovario durante el ciclo estral en ratas gigantes africanas (Cricetomys gambianus Waterhouse). Las características ultraestructurales del epitelio germinal y medular del ovario fueron similares durante las diferentes etapas del ciclo estral. A mediados del período proestro, se observó una desorganización de la capa interna de las células de la granulosa, de folículos secundarios para formar el antro folicular. A fines del proestro/ciclo estral temprano, se observó un avance de la formación del antro y fue posible evidenciar la reorganización de las células de la granulosa. Las estructuras finas del ovario durante mediados del ciclo estral incluyen folículos con mitocondrias en forma variable, perfiles de complejos de Golgi y densa concentración de ribosomas. La teca interna compartida, evidenció ultraestructura similar a las células de la granulosa, que además contienen las gotas de lípidos y retículo endoplásmico liso. La ultraestructura celular que observamos durante mediados del ciclo estral mostró el comienzo de la diferenciación del cuerpo lúteo. A mediados del ciclo diestro, la formación ultraestructural de los folículos mostró un contenido celular desorganizado y se observó el cuerpo lúteo con despolarización de la membrana basal que separa las células de la granulosa de teca. Al término del período diestro al comienzo del proestro, se observaron numerosas mitocondrias de diversos tamaños y formas en las células de la granulosa. En el citoplasma, los ribosomas se distribuyeron de manera uniforme, mientras que los electrones lúcidos de vesículas estaba escasamente distribuidas. Los resultados de este estudio indican que los cambios finos estructurales en el ovario de la rata gigante durante el ciclo estral son similares a los de los roedores de laboratorio.

Animals , Rats , Ovary/ultrastructure , Rodentia/anatomy & histology , Estrous Cycle
Egyptian Journal of Histology [The]. 2014; 37 (3): 549-561
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-160231


Aromatase inhibitors act by inhibiting estrogen synthesis and depletion of its concentrations in the circulation. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of exemestane and letrozole on the endometrium and ovary with their possible role in ovulation in adult albino rats. Thirty adult female albino rats were used and divided into control and experimental groups. Rats in the experimental group were further divided into subgroup IIA and subgroup IIB. In subgroup IIA each rat was given exemestane at 1 mg/kg/day and in subgroup IIB each rat was given letrozole at 5 mg/kg/day by means of a gastric tube for five consecutive ovarian cycles. Specimens from their ovaries and endometrium were taken and prepared for H and E staining and for immunohistochemical staining for vascular endothelial growth factor study. Morphometric study of endometrial thickness and surface area percentage of immunoreaction in the endometrium was evaluated. Hormonal assay of luteinizing hormone and follicular stimulating hormone was carried out. Significant decrease in endometrial thickness was observed in the exemestane-treated group. The letrozole-treated group revealed significantly thickened endometrium. The exemestane-treated group showed markedly disturbed ovarian architecture in the form of thickened germinal epithelial cell layer and multiple corpora lutea with atretic follicles. The letrozole-treated group revealed an ovarian cortex with multiple stages of follicular development. The vascular endothelial growth factor immunoreaction of the letrozole-treated group showed significant highly positive cytoplasmic reaction. Significant decrease in luteinizing hormone level in the exemestane group and significant increase in the letrozole group were detected. It is concluded that letrozole improved the endometrial thickness and may have a role in ovulation induction. In contrast, exemestane led to disruption of the endometrium and ovary. Therefore, not all aromatase inhibitors help in ovulation

Female , Animals, Laboratory , Androstadienes/adverse effects , Nitriles/adverse effects , Ovary/ultrastructure , Endometrium/ultrastructure , Biopsy/statistics & numerical data , Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor-2 , Immunohistochemistry/statistics & numerical data , Rats
Int. j. morphol ; 29(4): 1408-1413, dic. 2011. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-627024


In developing countries, herbal medicines have continued to remain significant and readily patronized. Numerous plants have been used historically to reduce fertility and modern scientific research has confirmed antifertility effect in some of the herbs tested. To investigate the effects of Abrus precatorius (AP) on the histology of the ovary, oviduct and uterus of female Sprague-Dawley (S-D) rat. A total of 40, 6­8 week old 4-day cycling female S-D rats were used. They were divided into the treatment, control and reversibility groups. The treatment and reversibility groups were fed oral AP seed extract (50 mg/kg b.w) for 32 days. A fraction of the rats in reversibility group was treated with distilled water for another 32 days. The control group were used to compare events in the other groups. At the end of the experimental durations animals were sacrificed under light chloroform anesthesia. Their ovaries, uteri and oviducts harvested for microscopic studies. Comparing the control histological sections to the treated groups: the ovaries showed decreased size, large follicular distension and extensive stromal necrosis with compromised cellularity. The uterine tubes revealed appreciable mucosal reduction. The uteri exhibited reduction in the layer of endometrial thickness. On the other hand sections in reversal experimental rats were comparable to control. The rats treated with AP seed extract at dose 50 mg/kg b.w induced reversible alterations in ovaries, uterine and uteri in S-D.

En los países en desarrollo, las hierbas medicinales siguen siendo de gran importancia y de fácil utilización. Numerosas plantas se han utilizado históricamente para reducir la fertilidad y la investigación científica moderna ha confirmado el efecto anti-fertilidad en algunas de las hierbas estudiadas. Para investigar los efectos de Abrus precatorius (AP) sobre la histología del ovario, oviducto y útero de ratas Sprague-Dawley (SD), fueron utilizadas un total de 40 ratas SD hembras de 6-8 semanas de edad en el día 4 del ciclo. Se dividieron en grupos de tratamiento, control y reversibilidad. Los grupos de tratamiento y reversibilidad se alimentaron por vía oral con el extracto de semilla de AP (50 mg/kg de peso corporal) durante 32 días. Una fracción de las ratas del grupo de reversibilidad se trató con agua destilada durante otros 32 días. El grupo de control se utilizó para comparar los eventos en los otros grupos. Al finalizar el periodo experimental los animales fueron sacrificados bajo anestesia con cloroformo. Los ovarios, útero y los oviductos fueron procesados para los estudios microscópicos. Al comparar las secciones de control histológico con los grupos tratados, los ovarios mostraron disminución del tamaño, gran distensión folicular y necrosis estromal extensa con celularidad comprometida. Las tubas uterinas revelaron una reducción apreciable de la mucosa. El útero mostró una reducción de grosor en la capa endometrial. Por otra parte, las secciones del grupo de ratas experimentales con reversibilidad fueron comparables a los de control. Las ratas tratadas con extracto de semilla de AP en dosis de 50 mg/kg de peso corporal indujeron alteraciones reversibles en los ovarios, oviductos y úteros en ratas SD.

Animals , Female , Rats , Abrus/pharmacology , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Ovary , Fallopian Tubes , Uterus , Abrus/chemistry , Ovary/ultrastructure , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Fallopian Tubes/ultrastructure , Uterus/ultrastructure
Biocell ; Biocell;35(2): 37-42, Aug. 2011. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-639623


Lagostomus maximus is a notable mammalian model for reproductive studies. Females have an extremely high ovulation rate, which is due to down-regulation of the follicular apoptosis pathway, which ensures a large pool of developing follicles. This large pool is supported by the convoluted anatomy of the mature ovary, whose germinal tissue is found in irregularly curved ridges throughout the cortex. Medullary tissue is restricted to a minimum. Lyso Tracker Red reconstruction under confocal laser scanning microscopy was used to recognize and measure all follicular stages from primordial to antral. Unlike most mammals in which early primordial follicles are just found in fetal life, the adult ovary shows regions packed with early primordial follicles. Follicle size ranged from 24 to 316 µm. We discuss the relationships of L. maximus follicles size with regard to other species of mammals and propose that the physiology of the adult viscacha ovary obeys to a neoteny process in the evolution of this species.

Animals , Female , Microscopy, Confocal , Ovarian Follicle/ultrastructure , Ovary/ultrastructure , Rodentia/growth & development , Ovarian Follicle/cytology , Ovary/cytology
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;59(2): 743-750, jun. 2011. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-638116


Structure and ultrastructure of the ovary of Cichlasoma urophthalmus (Osteichthyes: Cichlidae). The study of the normal development, differentiation, structure and function of various components of developing follicles in the ovaries of numerous fish species have been a consistent focus of comparative reproduction. The structural and ultrastructural features of gonads from Cichlasoma urophthalmus have received scarce attention. In this work, we realized a descriptive study of female gonads of Cichlasoma urophthalmus. A total of 40 samples were collected in the Veracruz Alvarado Lagoon, Mexico in 2007-2008 period including the windy, dry and rainy seasons. Female gonads were extracted and a portion was fixed in 4% formaldehyde for treatment for routine histology hematoxylin and eosin (HE) and another part was processed for transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The gonads were fixed in 3% glutaraldehyde and 2% osmium tetroxide, followed by dehydrated in ethanol 50%, 70%, 80%, 95% and 100% for inclusion in Epon, thin sections were then prepared and were contrasted with lead citrate and uranyl acetate. The process of oocyte development can be divided into five distinct stages (formation of oocytes from oogonia, primary growth, lipid stage, vitellogenesis and maturation). In this work, we found that the primary growth stage is characterized by intense RNA synthesis and the differentiation of the vitelline envelope. Secondary growth starts with the accumulation of lipid droplets in the oocyte cytoplasm (lipid stage), which is then followed by massive uptake and processing of proteins into yolk platelets (vitellogenic stage). During the maturation stage, the lipid inclusions coalesce into a single oil droplet, and hydrolysis of the yolk platelets leads to the formation of a homogeneous mass of fluid yolk in mature eggs. In conclusion, further studies should elucidate structure and ultrastructural changes in the ovarian follicular components, in C. urophthalmus during different stages of oocyte growth. Rev. Biol. Trop. 59 (2): 743-750. Epub 2011 June 01.

Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de las gónadas femeninas de Cichlasoma urophthalmus. Las muestras fueron recolectadas en la Laguna de Alvarado Veracruz, México en el período 2007-2008 que incluyó las temporadas de Nortes, Secas y Lluvias. Se extrajeron las gónadas femeninas y una parte se fijó en formol al 4% para su tratamiento por técnica histológica de rutina hematoxilina y Eosina (H-E) y otra parte se procesó para microscopia electrónica de transmisión. Las gónadas se fijaron en glutaraldehído al 3% y OsO4 al 2%, se deshidrataron en etanol de 50 al 100% para ser incluidas en Epón. Se realizaron cortes finos y semifinos contrastados con citrato de plomo y acetato de uranilo. Los ovarios de C. urophthalmus son pareados presentan un desarrollo asincrónico con ovocitos previtelogénicos en estadio perinuclear tardío, asociados a las lamelas ovígeras y ovocitos vitelogénicos del VII estadio, éstos últimos presentan una zona radiada bien definida, con gránulos de vítelo lipídico y vesículas de vítelo proteico que se distribuyen en capas concéntricas, que rodean al núcleo. El presente estudio, permitió conocer más a fondo los cambios de la estructura y ultraestructura de los componentes de los folículos ováricos, en C. urophthalmus durante las diferentes etapas de crecimiento de los oocitos.

Animals , Female , Cichlids/anatomy & histology , Oogenesis , Oocytes/cytology , Oocytes/ultrastructure , Ovary/cytology , Ovary/ultrastructure , Mexico , Microscopy, Electron, Transmission , Oocytes/growth & development , Seasons
Neotrop. entomol ; 39(3): 414-419, May-June 2010. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-556527


As many other insects with a restricted diet, the citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, which vector the causing agent of the Huanglongbing, the bacteria Candidatus Liberibacter spp., is intimately associated with symbiotic microorganisms. These mutualist symbionts play a key role on their host nutritional ecology, and are vertically transmitted to the progeny. However, despite the role symbionts play on host development and reproduction, and the growing opportunities of exploitation of the association insect-symbiont to control insect vectored-pathogens, there are very few studies on the host reproductive biology and on the symbiont transovarial transmission. Therefore, we aimed at analyzing the ovary development during D. citri adulthood, and at verifying for the mating requirement as a trigger to initiate ovary development. Newly-emerged D. citri females were grouped as virgin or mated and ovary development was observed during adulthood. Newly-emerged females have immature ovaries, and ovaries remain without any mature eggs until females mate. Once female mates, the vitellogenesis synthesis and uptake are estimulated, and oocytes are quickly developed. Oocytes maturation in ovarioles is metachronic, with only one oocyte developing at a time in each oogenic cycle. Morphological observations of the reproductive system including the ovaries and spermatheca, after the first cluster of eggs is laid, indicated D. citri is polyandrous, and may require multiple mating to develop additional oogenic maturation cycles.

Animals , Female , Copulation , Hemiptera/growth & development , Hemiptera/physiology , Ovary/growth & development , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Ovary/ultrastructure
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;56(4): 1825-1835, Dec. 2008. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-637780


the structural and ultrastructural features of gonads from endemic Mexican fish have received scarce attention. This study describes the histological and ultrastructural characteristics of the oocyte in Chirostoma humboldtianum. The ovary is asynchronic, and as such, most phases of oocyte development are found in the same ovary. The complete process of oogenesis was divided in five stages: oogonium and folliculogenesis, primary growth, cortical alveoli and lipid inclusions, vitellogenesis and maturation. The presence of big filaments, which appear at the end of primary growth, induces some common follicular adaptation. During primary growth, abundant ribosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria are grouped in the cytoplasm. At the end of this stage, the Z1 layer of the chorion is developed, while microvilli start to be evident as well. In the cortical alveoli and lipid droplets phase, intense PAS positive vesicles, some of them containing nucleoid material, are observed in the peripheral cytoplasm and the lipid droplets take a more central position. In vitellogenesis, the proteic yolk accumulates in a centripetal way while the chorion is completely formed. In maturation, the germinal vesicle migrates to the animal pole, meiosis is restored, and there is nuclear breakdown. The oocyte increases its size and holds some oil droplets and a big fluid mass of yolk. On the outside, filaments surround the oocyte completely. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (4): 1825-1835. Epub 2008 December 12.

Los aspectos estructurales y ultraestructrurales de las gónadas de peces mexicanos endémicos han sido poco estudiados. En el presente trabajo reportamos las características histológicas y ultraestructurales del ovocito de Chirostoma hulmboldtianum. El ovario es de tipo asincrónico, por ende, la mayoría de las fases del desarrollo del ovocito pueden ser encontradas en el mismo ovario. El desarrollo del ovocito fue dividido en cinco etapas: ovo-gonia y foliculogénesis, crecimiento primario del ovocito, inclusiones lipídicas y gránulos corticales, vitelogénesis y maduración. La presencia de grandes filamentos que aparecen al final de la etapa de crecimiento primario, inducen adaptaciones foliculares. Durante el crecimiento primario, en el citoplasma se encuentran abundantes ribosomas, retículo endoplásmico rugoso y agrupamientos de mitocondrias. Al final de esta etapa, inicia el desarrollo de la capa Z1 del corion, comenzando a ser evidentes las microvellosidades del ovocito. Durante la etapa de inclusiones lipídicas y gránulos corticales, vesículas PAS positivas, algunas de ellas con material nucleoide, se ubican en la periferia del ovocito, mientras que las que contienen material graso toman una posición más central en la célula. Durante la vitelogénesis se presenta una acumulación de vitelo protéico en un sentido centrípeto; durante esta etapa, el corion está completamente formado. En la maduración, la vesicular germinal migra hacia el polo animal, se reinicia la meiosis y se rompe la envoltura nuclear. El ovocito incrementa su tamaño y en el citoplasma se pueden observar algunas gotas de grasa y el vitelo se presenta como una gran masa acuosa. En el exterior, los filamentos rodean completamente al ovocito.

Animals , Female , Fishes/anatomy & histology , Oocytes/ultrastructure , Oogenesis/physiology , Ovary/ultrastructure , Mexico , Oocytes/growth & development , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Ovary/physiology
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;56(3): 1371-1380, sep. 2008. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-637869


The structural and ultrastructural features of gonads from endemic Mexican fish have received scarce attention. This study describes the histological and ultrastructural characteristics of oocyte from Chirostoma humboldtianum. The ovary is asynchronic, and as such, most phases of oocyte development are found in the same ovary. The complete process of oogenesis was divided in five stages: oogonium and folliculogenesis, primary growth, cortical alveoli and lipid inclusions, vitellogenesis, and maturation. The presence of big filaments, which appear at the end of primary growth, induces some common follicular adaptation. During primary growth, abundant ribosomes, the rough endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria are grouped in the cytoplasm. At the end of this stage, the Z1 layer of the chorion is developed, while microvilli start to be evident. In the cortical alveoli and lipid droplets phase, intense PAS positive vesicles, some of them containing nucleoid material, are observed in the peripheral cytoplasm and the lipid droplets take a more central position. In vitellogenesis, the proteic yolk accumulates in a centripetal way while the chorion is completely formed. During maturation, the germinal vesicle migrates to the animal pole, meiosis is restored, and there is nuclear breakdown. The oocyte increases its size and holds some oil droplets and a big fluid mass of yolk. On the outside, filaments completely surround the oocyte. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (3): 1371-1380. Epub 2008 September 30.

Animals , Female , Fishes/anatomy & histology , Oocytes/ultrastructure , Oogenesis/physiology , Ovary/ultrastructure , Fishes/physiology , Mexico , Oocytes/physiology , Ovary/physiology
Neotrop. entomol ; 36(3): 396-401, May-June 2007. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-458889


A pesquisa teve o objetivo de avaliar a ultra-estrutura dos ovaríolos de Tropidacris collaris (Stoll), submetido aos fotoperíodos de 10L:14E, 12L:12E e 14L:10E. Foram utilizadas 60 ninfas (30 machos e 30 fêmeas) no último estágio de desenvolvimento, sendo colocados 10 casais em cada tratamento. Trinta dias após atingirem o estágio adulto, as fêmeas foram sedadas com éter etílico e dissecadas sob estereomicroscópio. Os ovaríolos foram fixados em Karnovsky (glutaraldeido 2,5 por cento, paraformaldeído 4 por cento e tampão cacodilato de sódio 0,1 M) e analisados em microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e varredura. Os resultados mostraram não haver influência dos fotoperíodos sobre a ultra-estrutura dos ovaríolos, onde estes apresentaram-se revestidos por uma bainha espessa constituída por um material homogêneo e filamentoso. Na região do filamento terminal observaram-se células com núcleos volumosos, algumas com citoplasma escasso, além de estruturas filamentosas assumindo característica de tecido conjuntivo. No germário, as células germinativas são maiores, com núcleos volumosos, escassos citoplasma e membrana celular com interdigitações. As células foliculares são menores com núcleo pequeno, apresentando ainda projeções citoplasmáticas. No vitelário as células foliculares sofrem modificações na sua morfologia, variando de cúbica a achatada.

The research evaluated the ultrastructure of the ovarioles of Tropidacris collaris (Stoll), submitted to photoperiods 10L:14D, 12L:12D and 14L:10D. Sixty nymphs (30 males and 30 females) in the last stage of development were paired in ten couples in each treatment. Thirty days after adult emergence, the females were immobilized with ethylic ether and dissected under stereomicroscope. The ovarioles were transferred to Karnovsky fixative (2.5 percent glutaraldehyde, 4 percent paraformaldehyde and 0.1 M sodium cacodylate buffer) and analyzed in transmission and scanning electron microscopes. The different photoperiods had no effect on the ovarioles' ultrastructure. Each ovariole is covered by a thick sheath constituted by a homogeneous and filamentous material. In the terminal filament, there are cells with large nuclei, some with scarce cytoplasm and projections cytoplasmatic, besides filamentous structures assuming characteristic of conjunctive tissue. In the germarium, the germ cells are big with large nuclei, scarce cytoplasm and plasma membrane containing interdigitations. The follicular cells are small with a small nucleus, yet presenting cytoplasmatic projections. In the vitellarium the follicular cells suffer modifications in their morphology varying from cubic to flat.

Animals , Female , Grasshoppers/ultrastructure , Ovary/ultrastructure , Grasshoppers/physiology , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Microscopy, Electron, Transmission , Ovary/physiology , Photoperiod
Braz. j. morphol. sci ; 24(1): 25-28, jan.-mar. 2007. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-497612


This paper reports the effect of mating delay on the queen Apis mellifera ovaries based on a light microscopy analysis. Soon after a queen emerges from the brood cell, oocytes start to differentiate in the ovaries, but if mating does not occur at the correct age (about 6 days after emergence) cell degeneration begins. Ovaries of 15-day-old virgin queens show extensive disorganization with cell death affecting all types of ovariole cells. Types of cell death and the possible causes are discussed.

Animals , Bees/anatomy & histology , Histology , Oocytes , Ovary/anatomy & histology , Ovary/ultrastructure , Bees , Cell Death
Biocell ; Biocell;27(3): 301-309, Dec. 2003.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-384240


The effects of Photodynamic Therapy using 2nd generation photosensitizers have been widely investigated aiming clinical application treatment of solid neoplasms. In this work, ultrastructure changes caused by the action of two 2nd generation photosensitizers and laser irradiation on CHO-K1 and HeLa (neoplastic) cells were analyzed by transmission electron microscopy. Aluminum phthalocyanine chloride, aluminum phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate chloride and radiation from a semiconductor laser at a fluency of 0.5 J/cm2 (Power=26 mW; lambda=.670 nm) were used. The results showed induction of apoptosis. Such alterations where observed in HeLa but not in CHO-K1 cells after Aluminum phthalocyanine tetrasulfonate chloride (AlPcS4, photodynamic treatment. The Aluminum phthalocyanine chloride (AlPc) photodynamic treatment induced necrosis on the neoplastic cell line, and cytoplasm and nuclear alterations on the normal cell line.

Humans , Female , Cricetinae , Photochemotherapy/methods , Lasers , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/drug therapy , Ovary/drug effects , Radiation-Sensitizing Agents/pharmacology , Apoptosis/drug effects , Apoptosis/physiology , Apoptosis/radiation effects , CHO Cells , Cytoplasm/drug effects , Cytoplasm/radiation effects , Cytoplasm/ultrastructure , Organometallic Compounds/pharmacology , Photic Stimulation/instrumentation , Photic Stimulation/methods , HeLa Cells , Indoles/pharmacology , Light , Microscopy, Electron , Mitochondria/drug effects , Mitochondria/radiation effects , Mitochondria/ultrastructure , Necrosis , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/ultrastructure , Cell Nucleus/drug effects , Cell Nucleus/radiation effects , Cell Nucleus/ultrastructure , Ovary/ultrastructure
Genet. mol. res. (Online) ; Genet. mol. res. (Online);1(2): 131-138, Jun. 2002.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-417643


We report nuclear acid phosphatase activity in the somatic (intra-ovariolar and stromatic) and germ cells of differentiating honey bee worker ovaries, as well as in the midgut cells of metamorphosing bees. There was heterogeneity in the intensity and distribution of electron dense deposits of lead phosphate, indicative of acid phosphatase activity in the nuclei of these tissues, during different phases of post-embryonic bee development. This heterogeneity was interpreted as a variation of the nuclear functional state, related to the cell functions in these tissues

Animals , Female , Bees/enzymology , Digestive System , Acid Phosphatase/metabolism , Cell Nucleus/enzymology , Ovary/enzymology , Bees/ultrastructure , Digestive System , Larva/enzymology , Larva/ultrastructure , Microscopy, Electron , Ovary/ultrastructure , Pupa/enzymology , Pupa/ultrastructure
Scientific Journal of Al-Azhar Medical Faculty [Girls] [The]. 1998; 19 (2): 131-148
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-49662


Twenty four female newly-born albino rats were used for this study. The animals were divided into two groups. The control group contained twelve rats and was injected subcutaneously by distilled water. The treated group contained also twelve rats and was injected subcutaneously by 0.036 mg of pure heroin on the 22 th, 23 th, 24 th days of postnatal life. The ovaries were extracted at 4 and 8 weeks of postnatal life and prepared for light and electron microscopic study. At the 4 th week, ovaries showed different stages of follicular development but most of them were degenerated. The ultrastructure examination revealed that different types of ovarian cells had slight and or severe ultrastructure changes. The slight changes were in the form of small cytoplasmic vacuoles, degeneration of some cytoplasmic organelles, or more heterochromatic nuclei than normal. In other cells the ultrastructure changes were severe in the form of huge cytoplasmic vacuoles, irregular heterochromatic nuclei, or complete loss of the nuclei and cell membranes. At eight weeks treated rats, the light microscopic examination revealed delayed development of the ovaries as evident by complete absence of corpora lutea. Moreover, the ovaries showed more marked degenerative changes in the growing follicles. Also, the ovaries were small in size and showed thick deeply stained germinal epithelium with haemorrhage and congested blood vessels in the hilum and interstitial tissues

Animals, Laboratory , Ovary/growth & development , Ovary/ultrastructure , Microscopy, Electron , Rats
Botucatu; s.n; 1997. 90 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-226127


As alteraçöes morfológicas da camada epitelial do endométrio de ratas submetidas ao alcoolismo crônico experimental foram analisadas por meio de técnicas histológicas, ultra-estruturais e morfométricas. Sessenta ratas adultas (Rattus norvegicus albinus), de mesma idade (3 meses) e peso corpóreo médio de 228 g, foram divididas em dois grupos experimentais. Um grupo controle recebeu dieta sólida (raçäo Purina) e água de torneira "ad libitum". O outro grupo, denominado de alcoólico, recebeu a mesma dieta sólida e aguardente de cana diluída a 30º Gay Lussac (v/v). Ao final de 90, 180 e 270 dias de tratamento, os animais em estro foram anestesiados com éter-etílico, pesados e fixados. O peso corpóreo final foi similar ao dos grupos controle e alcoólico. Os resultados histológicos mostraram atrofia severa do epitélio de revestimento do endométrio do corno uterino nos animais do grupo alcoólico. A atrofia se caracterizou, principalmente, pela diminuiçäo do citoplasma dessas células. Ocorreram importantes alteraçöes ultra-estruturas no epitélio desses animais alcoolizados, tais como: intenso acúmulo de gotas lipídicas citoplasmáticas, dilataçöes das cisternas do retículo endoplasmático granular, presença de neutrófilos intra-epiteliais e mitocôndrias edemaciadas. A atividade secretora foi aparentemente reduzida. As análises morfométricas confirmaram a atrofia epitelial, mostrando que os animais alcoolizados possuem área do citoplasma e do núcleo menores e, também, perímetro do citoplasma e do núcleo menores quando comparados ao dos animais do grupo controle. Dessa forma, conclui-se que o álcool age como uma toxina na camada epitelial do endométrio uterino de ratas.

Animals , Female , Rats , Adult , Alcoholic Intoxication , Endometrium/drug effects , Ethanol/pharmacology , Ethanol/toxicity , Ovary/drug effects , Body Weight/drug effects , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Endometrium/anatomy & histology , Endometrium/ultrastructure , Epithelium/drug effects , Epithelium/ultrastructure , Microscopy, Electron , Organ Size/drug effects , Ovary/ultrastructure
São Paulo med. j ; São Paulo Med. J. (Online);114(3): 1173-6, maio-jun. 1996. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-186682


To study the cytophysiology of the corpus albicans in the recent postmenopausal period, the authors analyzed the ovarian ultrastructure of ten patients submitted to oophorectomy due to non-malignant gynecological diseases. Evidence of a remodeling process with connective tissue substitution of the corpora albicantia was observed. The remodeling process appears to depend on the activity of three essential cell types: the fibroblasts, which provide collagen synthesis; the macrophages, which phagocytize the flaky material; and the myofibroblasts, mainly located in the peripheral region of the corpora albicantia, which may have a retracting action on the remodeling site of the corpus albicans.

Humans , Female , Ovary/ultrastructure , Postmenopause , Connective Tissue/cytology , Ovariectomy , Electromyography , Fibroblasts/physiology , Macrophages/physiology
Rev. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Córdoba) ; Rev. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Córdoba);53(1): 5-10, 1995. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-159735


Se determinaron las variaciones de las uniones intercelulares de las células germinales y epiteliales en el epitelio ovárico producidas por hormonas gonadotróficas y esteroideas sobrelos ovarios del embrión de pollo a los 7 días de desarollo. Se cultivaron explantos de ovarios derecho e izquierdo Sin (controles) y con adición de hormonas (experimental durante 4 días. Los cultivos fueron procesados para su estudio ultraestructural (MET). En ambos ovarios controles los complejos de unión eran similares a los identificados in ovo. En el ovario izquierdo se observó aumento y mayor desarollo de las uniones adherens y desmosomas; en el ovario derecho los mismos disminuyeron por acción de 17 Beta-estradiol. La respuesta del ovario izquierdo a la progesterona y testoterona fue similar a la obtida con estrógeno. En la gónada derecha no se observaron cambios. En ambos ovarios se produjo una dismunucíon de las uniones intercelulares por accíon de FSH. Los cambios producidos por LH y hCG fueron semejantes a los encontrados en el ovario izquierdo por efecto del estrógeno, consistentes en un incremento de los complejos de uníon, principalmente los de tipo adherens. Estos análisis indican que las hormonas esteroideas y gonadotróficas actúan modificando las uniones intercelulares y participarían en los procesos de crecimiento y atrofia que ocurren en los ovarios del embríon de pollo.

Female , Animals , Chick Embryo , Chorionic Gonadotropin/pharmacology , In Vitro Techniques , Intercellular Junctions , Ovary/ultrastructure , Steroids/pharmacology , Cell Membrane/ultrastructure , Germ Cells/ultrastructure , Epithelium/ultrastructure , Estradiol/pharmacology , Follicle Stimulating Hormone/pharmacology , Intercellular Junctions/physiology , Luteinizing Hormone/pharmacology , Ovary/physiology
São Paulo med. j ; São Paulo Med. J. (Online);112(2): 534-8, Apr.-Jun. 1994. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-147314


Os autores analisaram, através de microscopia de luz e de microscopia eletrônica, os ovários de mulheres com insuficiência ovariana prematura. Observaram que säo constituídos por tecido conjuntivo denso e raros corpos albicantes. Oito dos 10 casos näo apresentavam folículos primordiais; en un caso verificou-se a presença de folículos ovarianos atípicos e, em outro identificou-se corpo lúteo (após estimulaçäo com gonadotrofina exógena). A ultra-estrutura, verificou-se que os fibroblastos achavam-se unidos uns aos outros através de prolongamentos celulares, formando un sincício celular

Humans , Female , Adult , Ovary/ultrastructure , Primary Ovarian Insufficiency/pathology , Ovary/pathology , Biopsy , Microscopy, Electron