El linfoma cardiaco primario, un tipo extremadamente raro de linfoma no Hodgkin de células B, presenta una incidencia aproximada de 0.02-2% entre los tumores cardíacos malignos. Se asocia frecuentemente con manifestaciones como alteraciones del ritmo cardíaco, derrame pericárdico refractario y masas cardiacas. El diagnóstico definitivo se logra mediante biopsia, siendo esencial descartar diseminación hematógena con PET-CT. La literatura indica una predominancia de afectación de las cavidades derechas y una supervivencia que varía significativamente según la afectación del ventrículo izquierdo y la presencia de arritmias. Las opciones terapéuticas no están bien definidas, pero la quimioterapia como R-CHOP ha mostrado eficacia, aunque el pronóstico generalmente es pobre debido a complicaciones como progresión de la enfermedad, arritmias y sepsis. Este caso subraya la importancia de considerar el linfoma cardiaco en pacientes con síntomas cardiacos inexplicables, destacando la necesidad de un enfoque diagnóstico y terapéutico multidisciplinario y específico.
Primary cardiac lymphoma, an extremely rare type of B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma, has an incidence of approximately 0.02-2% among malignant cardiac tumors. It is frequently associated with manifestations such as cardiac rhythm disturbances, refractory pericardial effusion and cardiac masses. Definitive diagnosis is achieved by biopsy, being essential to rule out hematogenous dissemination with PET-CT. The literature indicates a predominance of right chamber involvement and survival that varies significantly according to left ventricular involvement and the presence of arrhythmias. Therapeutic options are not well defined, but chemotherapy such as R-CHOP has shown efficacy, although the prognosis is generally poor due to complications such as disease progression, arrhythmias and sepsis. This case underscores the importance of considering cardiac lymphoma in patients with unexplained cardiac symptoms, highlighting the need for a multidisciplinary and specific diagnostic and therapeutic approach.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Heart Block/diagnosis , Heart Block/therapy , Heart Neoplasms/diagnosis , Lymphoma/diagnosis , Lymphoma/therapy , Pacemaker, Artificial , Radiotherapy , Vincristine/administration & dosage , Biopsy , Prednisolone/administration & dosage , Immunohistochemistry , Echocardiography , Radiography , Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols/therapeutic use , Doxorubicin/administration & dosage , Clinical Laboratory Techniques , Cyclophosphamide/administration & dosage , Diagnosis, Differential , Heart Neoplasms/therapyABSTRACT
Fundamento: A cardiomiopatia chagásica (CCh) é responsável pelo implante de marcapasso (MP) em muitos pacientes, tendo sido associada a prognóstico adverso. Objetivos: Comparar o prognóstico da população chagásica e não chagásica submetida ao implante de MP e ressincronizador cardíaco. Métodos: Estudo observacional, retrospectivo, que analisou coorte de pacientes submetidos a implante desses dispositivos, em centro terciário, de Outubro 2007 a Dezembro de 2017, comparando o grupo de pacientes chagásicos com os não-chagásicos. O desfecho primário foi a mortalidade por qualquer causa, enquanto os desfechos secundários foram a ocorrência de internação e o desfecho combinado internação e morte. Resultados: Um total de 911 pacientes foram incluídos, sendo que 23,4% apresentavam CCh. Em análise de Cox ajustada por sexo e idade, a doença de Chagas (dCh) não esteve associada ao risco aumentado de morte (HR: 1,14, IC:95%, 0,86-1,51, p=0,365), internação (HR: 0,79, IC:95%, 0,61-1,04, p=0,09) ou desfecho combinado morte e internação (HR: 0,90, IC:95%, 0,72-1,12, p=0,49). Conclusões: A dCh não se associou ao aumento do risco de morte, internação, ou desfecho combinado morte e internação, mesmo após ajuste para sexo e idade. Trabalhos semelhantes ainda não foram publicados na literatura vigente considerando-se especificamente a população chagásica portadora de dispositivos cardíacos, e novos estudos são necessários para se confirmar esses achados
Background: Chagas cardiomyopathy (ChCC) is responsible for the implantation of pacemaker (PM) in many patients and has been associated with an adverse prognosis. Objectives: To compare the prognosis of the chagasic and non-chagasic population undergoing PM and cardiac resynchronizer implantation. Methods: Observational, retrospective study, which analyzed a cohort of patients who underwent implantation of these devices, in a tertiary center, from October 2007 to December 2017, comparing the group of chagasic with non-chagasic patients. The primary outcome was mortality from any cause, while the secondary outcomes were the occurrence of hospitalization and the combined outcome of hospitalization and death. Results: A total of 911 patients were included, of which 23.4% had ChCC. In a Cox analysis adjusted for sex and age, Chagas disease (ChD) was not associated with an increased risk of death (HR: 1.14, CI:95%, 0.86-1.51, p=0.365), hospitalization (HR: 0.79, CI:95%, 0.61-1.04, p=0.09) or combined outcome of death and hospitalization (HR: 0.90, CI:95%, 0.72-1 .12, p=0.49). Conclusions: ChD was not associated with an increased risk of death, hospitalization, or combined outcome of death and hospitalization, even after adjustment for sex and age. Similar studies have not yet been published in the current literature specifically considering the chagasic population with cardiac devices, and new studies are needed to confirm these findings.
Pacemaker, Artificial , Cardiac Pacing, Artificial , Chagas Cardiomyopathy , Prognosis , Retrospective Studies , Academic Dissertation , Tertiary Care CentersSubject(s)
Humans , Male , Female , Pacemaker, Artificial/classification , Pacemaker, Artificial/adverse effectsABSTRACT
La introducción del marcapasos (MP) tiene más de 60 años y constituyó un avance importante en la medicina moderna, tanto que se habla de la marcapasosterapia para reconocer su valor. Los mitos y las falsas creencias que rodean el MP provocan que, en muchas ocasiones, el paciente tenga temor a conducirse normalmente en la sociedad por miedo a que ocurra algo con el dispositivo lo cual es contradictorio porque precisamente su implante le garantiza una vida normal.1 Basado en la experiencia se ha notado un suceso que por su frecuencia tiene una connotación en la práctica clínica, lo que hemos decidido nombrar síndrome del falso culpable. Este síndrome está relacionado con los pacientes portadores de marcapasos permanentes (MPP) y los médicos cardiólogos que en algún momento por cualquier razón tienen que consultar a estos enfermos. Se describe cuando este tipo de pacientes se aquejan de cualquier molestia, dígase cefalea, visión borrosa, mareo, decaimiento, fatiga, dolor cervical, torácico, abdominal, en la articulación de los hombros y otros; lo cual lo relacionan con el MPP.2,3 Cuando estos pacientes acuden al médico (cuerpo de guardia, consulta de medicina general o algún otro especialista) y este conoce que el paciente porta un MPP, indica un electrocardiograma (ECG), que en la mayoría de los casos no esclarece el diagnóstico, por lo que se remite el paciente a cardiología y olvidan el motivo de consulta en la mayoría de las ocasiones, por no ser absolutos los síntomas que el paciente aqueja, los cuales no se relacionan con el mal funcionamiento del dispositivo. En casi todos estos enfermos, al ser evaluados por el cardiólogo, el MPP funciona de
Humans , Male , Female , Pacemaker, ArtificialABSTRACT
La taquicardia ventricular polimórfica se origina en los ventrículos, cuyos complejos QRS son de morfología, amplitud y dirección variable, con frecuencias que oscilan entre 200 y 250 lpm, pudiendo ser autolimitadas o degenerar en una fibrilación ventricular. La TdP es un tipo de taquicardia ventricular polimórfica caracterizada por complejos con un eje eléctrico que gira alrededor de la línea isoeléctrica y que está asociada a QT largo. Se presenta el caso de una paciente portadora de marcapaso que presenta episodios de taquicardia ventricular polimórfica, con una morfología típica de TdP, sin documentación de QT prolongado previo ni actual, generada por la estimulación ventricular sobre onda T, de forma accidental por desplazamiento del electrodo auricular a Ventrículo Derecho (VD).
Polymorphic ventricular tachycardia is a tachycardia originating in the ventricles, where the QRS complexes have variable morphology, amplitude, and direction, with frequencies ranging between 200 and 250 bpm; it may be self-limited or degenerate into ventricular fibrillation. Torsades de Pointes (TdP) is a type of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia characterized by complexes with an electrical axis that rotates around the isoelectric line and that is associated with long QT interval. We present the case of a patient with a pacemaker who presents episodes of polymorphic ventricular tachycardia, with a typical morphology of TdP, without documentation of previous or current prolonged QT, generated by ventricular stimulation on the T wave, accidentally due to displacement of the atrial electrode to the Right Ventricle (RV).
Humans , Female , Aged , Pacemaker, Artificial/adverse effects , Cardiac Pacing, Artificial/adverse effects , Torsades de Pointes/etiology , Radiography, Thoracic , Torsades de Pointes/diagnosis , Torsades de Pointes/physiopathology , Tachycardia, Ventricular/diagnosis , Tachycardia, Ventricular/etiology , Fatal Outcome , ElectrocardiographyABSTRACT
Introduction: Infective endocarditis (IE) is an infectious process of the cardiac endothelium, often related to the use of pacemakers and valve prostheses, which may facilitate microorganism" proliferation. Case Report: In this article, we describe the case of an 81-year-old man with infective endocarditis due to Bacillus Cereus related to the use of a pacemaker and perform a brief literature review. Discussion: Bacillus Cereus is a Gram-positive, aerobic, spore-forming, large, and generally motile bacterium that constitutes a rare cause of endocarditis, but few cases like this are described in the literature. Conclusion: Determining the etiology of IE through culture-guided methods plays a pivotal role in selecting appropriate antibiotic treatment. Maintain a high clinical suspicion for IE is paramount, especially when fever arises in patients with cardiac devices after surgical or dental procedures.
Introdução: A endocardite infecciosa é um processo infeccioso do endotélio cardíaco, muitas vezes relacionado ao uso de marca-passos e próteses valvares, que pode facilitar a proliferação de microrganismos. Relato de Caso: Neste artigo descrevemos o caso de um homem de 81 anos com endocardite infecciosa por Bacillus Cereus relacionada ao uso de marca-passo e realizamos uma breve revisão da literatura. Discussão: Bacillus Cereus é uma bactéria Gram-positiva, aeróbia, formadora de esporos, grande e geralmente móvel, que constitui uma causa rara de endocardite, com poucos casos descritos na literatura. Conclusão: A determinação da etiologia da EI através de métodos guiados por cultura desempenha um papel fundamental na seleção do tratamento antibiótico apropriado. Manter alta suspeita clínica de EI é fundamental, principalmente quando surge febre em pacientes portadores de dispositivos cardíacos após procedimentos cirúrgicos ou odontológicos.
Humans , Male , Aged, 80 and over , Pacemaker, ArtificialABSTRACT
Temporary cardiac pacing is an essential technique in the diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias. Due to its urgency, complexity, and uncertainty, it is necessary to develop an evidence-based emergency operation norms. Currently, there is no specific consensus guidelines at home or abroad. The Emergency Branch of Chinese Medical Association organized relevant experts to draft the Chinese emergency expert consensus on bedside temporary cardiac pacing (2023) to guide the operation and application of bedside cardiac pacing. The formulation of the consensus adopts the consensus meeting method and the evidentiary basis and recommendation grading of the Oxford Center for Evidence-based Medicine in the United States. A total of 13 recommendations were extracted from the discussion on the methods of bedside temporary cardiac pacing, the puncture site of transvenous temporary cardiac pacing, the selection of leads, the placement and placement of leads, pacemaker parameter settings, indications, complications and postoperative management. The recommended consensus includes the choice between transcutaneous and transvenous pacing, preferred venous access for temporary transvenous pacing, the target and best guidance method for implantation of bedside pacing electrodes, recommended default pacemaker settings, recommended indications for sinoatrial node dysfunction, atrioventricular block, acute myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest, ventricular and supraventricular arrhythmias. They also recommended ultrasound guidance and a shortened temporary pacing support time to reduce complications of temporary transvenous cardiac pacing, recommended bedrest, and anticoagulation after temporary transvenous pacing. Bedside temporary cardiac pacing is generally safe and effective. Accurate assessment, correct selection of the pacing mode, and timely performance of bedside temporary cardiac pacing can further improve the survival rate and prognosis of related emergency patients.
Humans , Cardiac Pacing, Artificial/methods , Pacemaker, Artificial , Arrhythmias, Cardiac/therapy , Myocardial Infarction/therapy , ElectrodesABSTRACT
Objective: To determine the feasibility of using temporary permanent pacemaker (TPPM) in patients with high-degree atrioventricular block (AVB) after transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) as bridging strategy to reduce avoidable permanent pacemaker implantation. Methods: This is a prospective observational study. Consecutive patients undergoing TAVR at Beijing Anzhen Hospital and the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University from August 2021 to February 2022 were screened. Patients with high-degree AVB and TPPM were included. Patients were followed up for 4 weeks with pacemaker interrogation at every week. The endpoint was the success rate of TPPM removal and free from permanent pacemaker at 1 month after TPPM. The criteria of removing TPPM was no indication of permanent pacing and no pacing signal in 12 lead electrocardiogram (EGG) and 24 hours dynamic EGG, meanwhile the last pacemaker interrogation indicated that ventricular pacing rate was 0. Routinely follow-up ECG was extended to 6 months after removal of TPPM. Results: Ten patients met the inclusion criteria for TPPM, aged (77.0±11.1) years, wirh 7 females. There were 7 patients with third-degree AVB, 1 patient with second-degree AVB, 2 patients with first degree AVB with PR interval>240 ms and LBBB with QRS duration>150 ms. TPPM were applied on the 10 patients for (35±7) days. Among 8 patients with high-degree AVB, 3 recovered to sinus rhythm, and 3 recovered to sinus rhythm with bundle branch block. The other 2 patients with persistent third-degree AVB received permanent pacemaker implantation. For the 2 patients with first-degree AVB and LBBB, PR interval shortened to within 200 ms. TPPM was successfully removed in 8 patients (8/10) at 1 month without permanent pacemaker implantation, of which 2 patients recovered within 24 hours after TAVR and 6 patients recovered 24 hours later after TAVR. No aggravation of conduction block or permanent pacemaker indication were observed in 8 patients during follow-up at 6 months. No procedure-related adverse events occurred in all patients. Conclusion: TPPM is reliable and safe to provide certain buffer time to distinguish whether a permanent pacemaker is necessary in patients with high-degree conduction block after TAVR.
Female , Humans , Atrioventricular Block/therapy , Feasibility Studies , Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement , Pacemaker, Artificial , Bundle-Branch BlockABSTRACT
El uso de la resonancia magnética (RM) en las distintas áreas de la medicina se ha expandido de manera significativa y de forma diaria se solicitan numerosos estudios. El hecho de que los resonadores pueden interaccionar con algunos objetos ha llevado a que históricamente se les niegue la realización de este estudio a pacientes portadores de dispositivos cardíacos porque se entiende que existen contraindicaciones absolutas. El avance de la tecnología de los dispositivos y la creciente evidencia publicada han cambiado este concepto. Nos proponemos revisar los mecanismos por los cuales un dispositivo implantable puede interactuar con el resonador y las implicancias clínicas que esto podría tener si las hubiera. La mayoría de los pacientes portadores de dispositivos cardíacos de estimulación podrán realizarse una RM, pero para que este procedimiento sea seguro es importante conocer las características y el tipo específico de dispositivo implantado. Proponemos finalmente puntos clave y algoritmos para tener en cuenta para el manejo adecuado de estos pacientes.
The use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in different areas of medicine has expanded significantly and numerous procedures are indicated daily. The fact that resonators could interact with some objects has historically led to patients with cardiac devices being denied an MRI on the understanding that they suppose an absolute contraindication. Advances in device technology and the increasing evidence have changed this concept. We intend to review the mechanisms by which an implantable device could interact with the resonator and the clinical implications that this could have if any. Most patients will be able to undergo these studies, but to determine the safety of performing an MRI it is important to know the characteristics and specific type of implanted device. Finally, we provide key points and algorithms to take into account for these patients.
O uso da ressonância magnética em diferentes áreas da medicina tem se expandido significativamente e inúmeros exames são indicados diariamente. A possibilidade de que os ressonadores interajam com alguns objetos historicamente levou os pacientes com dispositivos cardíacos a terem a ressonância magnética negada por entender que existem contraindicações absolutas. Os avanços na tecnologia de dispositivos e o aumento das evidências publicadas mudaram esse conceito. Pretendemos revisar os mecanismos pelos quais um dispositivo implantável pode interagir com o ressonador e as implicações clínicas que isso pode ter, se houver. A grande maioria dos pacientes poderá se submeter a esses estudos, mas para determinar a segurança de realizar uma ressonância magnética é importante conhecer as características e o tipo específico de dispositivo implantado. Por fim, propomos pontos e algoritmos para a gestão dos pacientes.
Humans , Pacemaker, Artificial , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/adverse effects , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy/adverse effects , Defibrillators, Implantable , Patient Care ManagementABSTRACT
Objetivo:Identificar o perfil dos pacientes submetidos à inserção de dispositivos cardíacos eletrônicos implantáveis em um hospital de referência do Rio Grande do Norte.Método:Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, exploratório, retrospectivo dos últimos 03 anoscom abordagem quantitativa. Amostragem foiselecionada por conveniência. A coleta de dados ocorreu entre outubrode 2017 a março de 2018.Resultados: A amostra foi composta por 215prontuários,destes 182 foram analisados.Implantarammarca-passos63,7% e 28% cardiodesfibriladores, corresponderam ao sexo masculino69,3%,com média de idade 65 e 49.Entre as comorbidades,a Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmicaabrangeu 87,4%.Evidenciaram-se os bloqueios atrioventriculares como principal causa para implantes (35%), seguidos das miocardiopatias (12%).Conclusão:Percebeu-se que, os indivíduos que implantaram marcapassos eram acometidos por bradiarritmias,enquanto cardiodesfibriladores por taquiarritmias. As complicações pós-operatórias e intercorrências durante o procedimento foram de baixo risco. Salienta-se, que no manejo desses usuários é fundamental a elaboração de um protocolo, visando aperfeiçoar o cuidado.(AU)
Objective: Toidentifytheprofileofpatientsundergoinginsertionof implantable electroniccardiacdevices in a reference hospital in Rio Grande do Norte. Method: Thisis a descriptive, exploratory,retrospective studyofthelastthreeyearswith a quantitativeapproach. Samplingwasselectedby convenience. Data collectionoccurredbetweenOctober 2017 to March 2018. Results: Samplecomposedof 215 medical records, ofthese 182 wereanalyzed. Implantedpacemakers 63.7% and 28% cardiodesfibrillators, corresponded tothe male gender 69.3%, withaverageage 65 and 49. Amongthecomorbidities, Systemic Arterial Hypertensioncovered 87.4%. Theatrioventricular blocks wereevidenced as themain cause forimplantation (35%), followedbymyocardiopathies (12%). Conclusion: Itwasnoticedthatindividualswhoimplantedpacemakerswereaffectedbybradyarrhythmias, whilecardioverter-defibrillatorswereaffe ctedbytachyarrhythmias. Thepostoperativecomplications and complicationsduringtheprocedurewerelowrisk. Itisemphasizedthat in themanagementoftheseusersitisessentialtodevelop a protocol, aimingtoimprove care.(AU)
Objetivo: identificar el perfil de los pacientes sometidos a la inserción de dispositivos cardíacos electrónicos implantables en el hospital de referencia de Rio Grande do Norte. Método: se trata de un estudio descriptivo, exploratorio, retrospectivo de los últimos 3 años con enfoque cuantitativo. El muestreo fue seleccionado por conveniencia. La recolección de datos se llevó a cabo entre octubre de 2017 y marzo de 2018. Resultados: muestra compuesta por 215 historias clínicas, de las cuales se analizaron 182. Marcapasos implantados 63,7% y desfibriladores cardioversores 28%, correspondieron al sexo masculino 69,3%, con una edad media de 65 y 49 años. Entre las comorbilidades, la Hipertensión Arterial Sistémica cubrió el 87,4%. Los bloqueos auriculoventriculares se evidenciaron como la principal causa de implantes (35%), seguida de las miocardiopatías (12%). Conclusión: se notó que, los portadores de marcapasos se vieron afectados por bradiarritmias, mientras que los desfibriladores cardioversores por taquiarritmias. Las complicaciones postoperatorias y las complicaciones durante el procedimiento fueron de bajo riesgo. Cabe señalar que en el manejo de estos usuarios es fundamental la elaboración de un protocolo, con el fin de mejorar la atención.(AU)
Pacemaker, Artificial , Arrhythmias, Cardiac , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Cardiology , Defibrillators, ImplantableABSTRACT
Resumo: Esta pesquisa compreende a produção de um vídeo educativo sobre ações e cuidados do enfermeiro no manejo do marca-passo transcutâneo em idosos em atendimento pré-hospitalar. Destaca-se a necessidade de elucidar o conhecimento e qualificar a assistência ao idoso a partir de recursos didáticos como o vídeo educativo. A pesquisa teve por objetivo elaborar uma tecnologia educacional para enfermeiros sobre o manejo do marca-passo transcutâneo em idosos em Atendimento Pré-Hospitalar Móvel. Trata-se de pesquisa metodológica de produção tecnológica, do tipo quantitativa descritiva, a qual baseia-se na construção e validação de um vídeo educativo, desenvolvido nas Unidades de Suporte Avançado do Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência, da 2ª Regional de Saúde Metropolitana do Estado do Paraná. O método de produção do vídeo foi composto por três fases: a) pré-produção, que consistiu na elaboração do roteiro do vídeo; b) produção, na qual ocorreu a validação do roteiro do vídeo por um grupo de juízes especialistas seguido da elaboração dos "storyboards", seleção das imagens, gravação das narrações e edição do vídeo; c) pós-produção, que se traduziu na validação do vídeo pelo grupo de juízes especialistas. Para a validação do roteiro foi utilizado um instrumento do tipo escala de "Likert" e para validação do vídeo um questionário elaborado e adaptado a partir do modelo de Razera et al. (2016). Após a validação pelos juízes, o vídeo foi divulgado em um canal do Youtube. Quanto ao conteúdo do roteiro foram elencados quatro blocos: conhecimentos gerais sobre o MPTC em idosos, cuidados de enfermagem na utilização do MPTC, etapas para o manejo do MPTC e as possíveis complicações e limitações na utilização do MPTC, e foi validado por 51 juízes especialistas. O vídeo foi validado por 47 juízes especialistas que participaram da etapa anterior. Em relação ao gênero dos juízes especialistas, as mulheres representaram na fase 1 da pesquisa (F1) 56,9% e na fase 2 (F2) 57,4%. Quanto à idade dos participantes a maioria apresentou entre 35 e 45 anos (F1 62,7% e F2 61,7%). Produziu-se um vídeo de duração de oito minutos e 30 segundos em animação 2D, fundamentado a partir de uma revisão integrativa e consultas em guias e "guidelines" de sociedades de cardiologia nacional e internacional que abordam as ações e cuidados no manejo do marca-passo transcutâneo em idosos. Conclui-se que a tecnologia desenvolvida, nos quesitos: linguagem, imagens, narração, adequação quanto ao tempo de duração, orientações propostas e memorizações das mensagens, alcançou índices que demostram a viabilidade na identificação das ações e cuidados pelo enfermeiro no manejo do marca-passo transcutâneo em idosos no atendimento pré-hospitalar. Assim, foi elaborada e validada uma estratégia para a educação em saúde que contribui para subsidiar a equipe na tomada de decisões, colaborando para a segurança do paciente e da equipe, assim como para o sucesso no tratamento. A tecnologia educacional desenvolvida pode ampliar e reciclar continuamente o conhecimento dos enfermeiros da Unidade de Suporte Avançado de Vida sobre as ações e cuidados essenciais no manuseio do MPTC em idoso com bradiarritmias no Atendimento Pré-Hospitalar Móvel.
Abstract: This research grasps the production of an educational video about the handling of the transcutaneous pacemaker (TCPM) in elderly in Mobile Pre-Hospital Care. The need to clarify knowledge and qualify the elderly's care through didactic resources, such as the educational video, is highlighted. The aim of the research was to elaborate an educational technology for nurses about the handling of the transcutaneous pacemaker (TCPM) in elderly in Mobile Pre-Hospital Care. This is a methodological research of technology production, of the quantitative descriptive type, which is based in the construction and validation of an educational video, developed in Advanced Care Units (ACUs) of Mobile Emergency Medical Service, of the 2nd Metropolitan Health Regional of the State of Paraná. The production method of the video was composed by three phases: a) pre-production, which consisted in the screenplay elaboration; b) production, in which there was the validation of the video screenplay by a group of specialist judges followed by the elaboration of storyboards, selection of images, recordings of narrations and video editing; c) post-production, which consisted in the validation of the video by the group of specialist judges. For the validation of the screenplay a scale-like "likert" instrument was used, and for the validation of the video, a questionnaire made and adapted from Razera's et al model. (2016). After validation by the judges, the video was shared on a Youtube channel. As for the content of the screenplay, they were divided in four blocks: general knowledge about TCPM in elderly, nursing care when using TCPM, phases for the handling of TCPM and the possible complications and limitations utilizing TCPM, it was approved by 51 specialist judges. The video itself was approved by 47 specialist judges who took part in the former phase. With respect to gender of the specialist judges, women represented in phase 1 of the research (P1) 56.9% and in phase 2 (P2) 57.4%. As for the age of participants, most of them were between 35 and 45 years old (P1 62.7% and P2 61.7%). There was the production of a video lasting eight minutes and 30 seconds in 2D animation, reasoned by an integrative review and bibliographic research in guidelines of national and international cardiology societies that approach nurses' actions and care in the handling of the transcutaneous pacemaker in elderly in prehospital care. It concludes that the developed technology in terms of language, images, narration, adjustment to duration time, proposed guidance and message memorization, reached indexes that show viability in identification of nurses' actions and care in the handling of the transcutaneous pacemaker in elderly in pre-hospital care. Therefore, it was elaborated and validated a strategy for health education, that contributes to subsidize the team in decision making, contributing to the safety of the patient and the team, as well as for treatment success. The developed educational technology can broaden and continually recycle the knowledge of nurses from the Units of Intensive Life Support (SAV) about necessary actions and care in the handling of the transcutaneous pacemaker in elderly with bradyarrhythmia in Mobile Pre-Hospital Care.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Pacemaker, Artificial , Technology , Bradycardia , Aged , Health Education , Nursing CareABSTRACT
We report 67-year-old woman with a sinus node dysfunction and diffuse conduction system disease, with a history of recurrent paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. She was admitted to the Hospital due to palpitations, dizziness, and vertigo, attributing the symptoms to the rhythm disorder described, for which the implantation of a pacemaker was indicated. With a history of tracheal cancer treated with radio and chemotherapy, and chronic steroid therapy for rheumatoid arthritis, she had an important limitation in vascular access for a conventional pacemaker, so, added to a high risk of infection, a decision was made to implant a leadless pacemaker. We discuss the electrocardiographic and clinical manifestations of sinus node disease, its relationship with oncological treatment and the indication for a permanent pacemaker, highlighting the characteristics of this new modality of artificial cardiac stimulation, for a special type of patients.
Male , Female , Aged , Pacemaker, Artificial , Atrial Fibrillation , Treatment Outcome , ElectrocardiographyABSTRACT
Abstract Background: Current pacemakers allow for the continuous recording of the occurrence of arrhythmic events. One of the most frequent arrhythmias after implantation of a device is atrial fibrillation (AF), an important risk factor for embolic events. The frequency of this arrhythmia in pacemaker patients has not been widely studied. Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence, incidence, and predictors of the occurrence of AF in patients with double-chamber pacemakers and without a history of atrial fibrillation prior to implantation. Methods: A dynamic, retrospective, and prospective cohort study was carried out with 186 patients undergoing biannual follow-up of the double-chamber pacemaker, without previous AF, in a single service, between 2016 and 2018. Clinical data were collected from the medical records and the telemetry of the device and the prevalence, incidence rate, relative risk by univariate analysis (by chi-square), and risk ratio were calculated by multivariate analysis (by Cox regression); values of p<0.05 were considered significant. Results: There was a prevalence of 25.3% FA, with an incidence of 5.64 cases / 100 persons-year. The median time for the development of arrhythmia was 27.5 months. Multivariate analysis identified 5 statistically significant predictors: male gender, OR: 2.54 [1.04-6.15]; coronary artery disease, OR: 2.98 [1.20-7.41]; hypothyroidism, OR: 3.63 [1.46-9.07]; prior heart surgery, OR: 2.67 [1.01-7]; and left atrial enlargement, OR: 2.72 [1.25-5.92]. Conclusions: The prevalence and incidence of AF in this population are high. Risk factors for AF were: male gender, coronary artery disease, hypothyroidism, prior heart surgery, and left atrial enlargement.
Humans , Male , Female , Pacemaker, Artificial , Atrial Fibrillation/epidemiology , Atrioventricular Node , Cohort Studies , Heart Disease Risk Factors , HypertensionABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN. La estimulación cardíaca temporal de larga duración con cable activo y marcapaso permanente externo es una técnica recientemente incluida en las guías de manejo de bradicardias sintomáticas. CASOS CLÍNICOS. Se describen 4 casos de pacientes sometidos a estimulación cardíaca temporal de larga duración con cable activo y marcapaso permanente externo de la unidad de Hemodinámica del Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín, con indicaciones diversas. DISCUSIÓN. El tiempo medio de permanencia con el cable activo y el marcapaso externalizado fue 23 días. No hubo complicaciones del procedimiento. Un paciente falleció por causas no relacionadas con la estimulación y 2 se recuperaron en sus domicilios. CONCLUSIÓN. La técnica de estimulación temporal utilizando marcapasos permanentes recuperados se muestra extremadamente útil para mantener un marcapaso cardíaco seguro, incluso ambulatorio y por largo tiempo, hasta el implante de dispositivos definitivos. Su limitación es la factibilidad de hacerlo solo en centros de tercer nivel.
INTRODUCTION. Long-duration temporary cardiac pacing with active lead and permanent external pacemaker is a technique recently included in the guidelines for the management of symptomatic bradycardias. CLINICAL CASES. We describe 4 cases of patients who underwent long-duration temporary cardiac pacing with active lead and external permanent pacemaker at the Hemodynamics Unit of the Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín, with different indications. DISCUSSION. The mean length of stay with the active lead and externalized pacemaker was 23 days. There were no procedural complications. One patient died of causes unrelated to pacing and 2 recovered at home. CONCLUSIONS. The technique of temporary pacing using retrieved permanent pacemakers is extremely useful for maintaining safe cardiac pacing, even on an outpatient basis and for a long period of time, until implantation of definitive devices. Its limitation is the feasibility of doing it only in third level centers.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Pacemaker, Artificial , Bradycardia , Cardiology , Heart , Heart Rate , Hemodynamics , Prostheses and Implants , Tertiary Healthcare , Cardiac Pacing, Artificial , Advanced Cardiac Life Support , Ecuador , Endocarditis , Hospital Care , Heart Arrest , Heart Ventricles , Anti-Bacterial AgentsABSTRACT
Objetivo: investigar a produção científica nacional e internacional sobre as ações e cuidados do enfermeiro no manejo do marca-passo transcutâneo em idosos. Método: revisão integrativa, realizada nas bases de dados "Scopus", "Web of Science", "EMBASE", "PUBMED", "MEDLINE", no período de 2012 a 2022. Resultados: foram selecionados oito artigos, todos internacionais, somente um conduzido por enfermeiros. Categorizados por: (1) Possibilidades e limitações no uso do marca-passo trânscutâneo na prática clínica; (2) Cuidados de enfermagem na utilização do marca-passo transcutâneo em idosos e (3) Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem e a abordagem ao paciente em uso de marca-passo transcutâneo. Conclusão: os principais cuidados de enfermagem ao idoso que utiliza o marca-passo transcutâneo são: prevenção de queimaduras cutâneas; administração de medicamentos; manejo da dor; monitoramento dos dados vitais; avaliação da captura mecânica; investigação do histórico familiar; medicações em uso; realização do exame físico e acesso venoso periférico.(AU)
Objective: : to investigate the national and international scientific production regarding the actions and handling of the transcutaneous pacemaker in elderly. Method: integrative review, made in the databases Scopus", "Web of Science", "EMBASE", "PUBMED", and "MEDLINE", for the period 2012 to 2022. Findings: there were selected eight articles, all international, and only one conducted by nurses. Categorized into: (1) Possibilities and limitations of the use from the transcutaneous pacemaker in clinical practice; (2) Nursing care when utilizing transcutaneous pacemaker in elderly and (3) Systematization of Nursing Care and approach to patients using transcutaneous pacemaker. Conclusion: the main Nursing Care approaches to elderly who use transcutaneous pacemaker are prevent skin burn; drug administration; pain management; monitoring vital signs; evaluation of heart activity; investigating family history and drugs in use; performing physical examination and peripheral venous access.(AU)
Objetivo: investigar cual és lá produccion científica nacional e internacional sobre Las acciones y cuidados del enfermero en el manejo del marca-pado intracutaneo en ancianos. Método: Revision Integrativa realizada en Las bases de datos "Scopus" web of Science", EMBASE", "PUBMED", "MEDLINE", durante el período 2012 a 2022. Resultados: fueron Seleccionados ocho articulos todos internacionales, solanemente uno fue llevado a cabo por enfermeros. Categorizado por (1) posibilidades y limitaciones en El uso del marca-paso intracutaneo en lá práctica clínica; (2) cuidados de enfermeria en lá utilização del marca-paso intracutaneo y (3) sistematizacion de la assistencia de enfermeria y el abordaje del paciente que usa marca-paso intracutaneo. Conclusion: Los principales cuidados de enfermeria Al anciano que utiliza marca-paso intracutaneo son: prevencion de quemaduras cutaneas; administracion de medicamentos, manejo del dolor, monitorizacion de datos vitales, evaluacion de lá captura mecanica, investigação del histórico famíliar, medicaciones en uso, realizacion de examen fisico y acceso venoso periférico.(AU)
Humans , Aged , Pacemaker, Artificial , Bradycardia/nursing , Nursing Care , Emergency Medical ServicesABSTRACT
Objective: To explore the predictive value of the impedance measured during leadless pacemaker Micra implantation on the trend of changes of pacing threshold post implantation. Methods: This is a retrospective cross-sectional study. Patients who received implantation of leadless pacemaker Micra at the Second Xiangya Hospital of Central South University from December 2019 to August 2020 were enrolled. The clinical data and the intraoperative electrical parameters during leadless pacemaker implantation were collected. The impedance and pacing threshold data were analyzed at three time points: immediate release, 5-10 min after release, and after traction test. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and the area under the curve (AUC) were used to analyze the value of the impedance at immediate release on predicting the trend of changes of pacing threshold post implantation. Results: A total of 21 patients (mean age: (72.2±12.5) years, 12 males) were included. The impedance of 21 patients was (798.1±35.3) Ω immediately after implantation, (800.9±35.6) Ω after 5-10 minutes of release, and (883.6±31.7) Ω after traction test. Impedance was similar between the three time points (P>0.05). The threshold was (0.97±0.11) V/0.24 ms immediately after implantation, (0.95±0.12) V/0.24 ms at 5-10 min after the release, and (0.59±0.06) V/0.24 ms after the traction test. The threshold was significantly lower after the traction test than that immediately after release (P=0.003) and than that at 5-10 minutes after release (P=0.008), suggesting a decreased tendency of the threshold over time. According to the analysis of the ROC curve, the immediate impedance after the release ≥680 Ω could predict the ideal pacing threshold after the traction test (AUC=0.989, 95%CI 0.702-0.964, P<0.001), the prediction sensitivity was 87%, and the specificity was 100%. The pacing threshold would be not ideal with the immediate impedance ≤ 520 Ω (95%CI 0.893-1.000, P<0.001), the sensitivity was 100%, and the specificity was 80%. Conclusions: The impedance immediately after the release has predictive value for the changing trend of threshold post leadless pacemaker Micra implantation. Impedance ≥680 Ω immediately after release is often related with ideal pacing threshold after the traction test. In contrast, the impedance ≤ 520 Ω pacing is often related with unsatisfactory threshold after the traction test, therefore, it is recommended to find a new pacing site to achieve the impedance ≥680 Ω immediately after release during leadless pacemaker Micra implantation.
Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Cardiac Pacing, Artificial , Cross-Sectional Studies , Electric Impedance , Pacemaker, Artificial , Retrospective Studies , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Objective: To analyze the feasibility and safety of bridge therapy with active fixed electrodes connected to external permanent pacemakers (AFLEP) for patients with infective endocarditis after lead removal and before permanent pacemaker implantation. Methods: A total of 44 pacemaker-dependent patients, who underwent lead removal due to infective endocarditis in our center from January 2015 to January 2020, were included. According to AFLEP or temporary pacemaker option during the transition period, patients were divided into AFLEP group or temporary pacemaker group. Information including age, sex, comorbidities, indications and types of cardial implantable electionic device (CIED) implantation, lead age, duration of temporary pacemaker or AFLEP use, and perioperative complications were collected through Haitai Medical Record System. The incidence of pacemaker perception, abnormal pacing function, lead perforation, lead dislocation, lead vegetation, cardiac tamponade, pulmonary embolism, death and newly infection of implanted pacemaker were compared between the two groups. Pneumothorax, hematoma and the incidence of deep vein thrombosis were also analyzed. Results: Among the 44 patients, 24 were in the AFLEP group and 20 in the temporary pacemaker group. Age was younger in the AFLEP group than in the temporary pacemaker group (57.5(45.5, 66.0) years vs. 67.0(57.3, 71.8) years, P=0.023). Male, prevalence of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chronic renal dysfunction and old myocardial infarction were similar between the two groups (all P>0.05). Lead duration was 11.0(8.0,13.0) years in the AFLEP group and 8.5(7.0,13.0) years in the temporary pacemaker group(P=0.292). Lead vegetation diameter was (8.2±2.4)mm in the AFLEP group and (9.1±3.0)mm in the temporary pacemaker group. Lead removal was successful in all patients. The follow-up time in the AFLEP group was 23.0(20.5, 25.5) months, and the temporary pacemaker group was 17.0(14.5, 18.5) months. In the temporary pacemaker group, there were 2 cases (10.0%) of lead dislocation, 2 cases (10.0%) of sensory dysfunction, 2 cases (10.0%) of pacing dysfunction, and 2 cases (10.0%) of death. In the AFLEP group, there were 2 cases of abnormal pacing function, which improved after adjusting the output voltage of the pacemaker, there was no lead dislocation, abnormal perception and death. Femoral vein access was used in 8 patients (40.0%) in the temporary pacemaker group, and 4 patients developed lower extremity deep venous thrombosis. There was no deep venous thrombosis in the AFLEP group. The transition treatment time was significantly longer in the AFLEP group than in the temporary pacemaker group (19.5(16.0, 25.8) days vs. 14.0(12.0, 16.8) days, P=0.001). During the follow-up period, there were no reinfections with newly implanted pacemakers in the AFLEP group, and reinfection occurred in 2 patients (10.0%) in the temporary pacemaker group. Conclusions: Bridge therapy with AFLEP for patients with infective endocarditis after lead removal and before permanent pacemaker implantation is feasible and safe. Compared with temporary pacemaker, AFLEP is safer in the implantation process and more stable with lower lead dislocation rate, less sensory and pacing dysfunction.
Humans , Male , Bridge Therapy , Feasibility Studies , Pacemaker, Artificial , Endocarditis, Bacterial/etiology , Electrodes , Device RemovalABSTRACT
In order to solve the problem of communication interference and communication distance caused by the rapid pacing system when establishing the rapid atrial fibrillation model, a low-power implantable pacing system based on 433 MHz communication frequency to form a star network is designed. The system includes an implantable pacemaker, a programmer head, and programmer software. The pacemaker is composed of a wireless communication module, a pacing module, an ECG monitoring module, and a power management module. The programmer head acts as an intermediate node in the star network and is controlled by PC programmer software to program each pacemaker. This article introduces the hardware design and software flow of each part of the system, and describes the results of in vivo simulation and in vivo animal models of the system. The results show that the designed system and application method are effective and feasible for the rapid atrial pacing atrial fibrillation model. 433 MHz wireless communication, implantable, pacemaker system, low-power, ECG monitoring.
Animals , Atrial Fibrillation/therapy , Electrocardiography , Equipment Design , Pacemaker, Artificial , Prostheses and Implants , Wireless TechnologyABSTRACT
The unipolar/bipolar pacing mode of pacemaker is related to its circuit impedance, which affects the battery life. In this study, the in vitro experiment scheme of pacemaker circuit impedance test was constructed. The human blood environment was simulated by NaCl solution, and the experimental environment temperature was controlled by water bath. The results of in vitro experiments showed that under the experimental conditions similar to clinical human parameters, the difference between the circuit impedance of bipolar mode and unipolar mode is 120~200 Ω. The results of the in vitro experiment confirmed that the circuit impedance of bipolar circuit was larger than that of unipolar mode, which was found in clinical practice. The results of this study have reference value to the optimization of pacing mode and the reduction of pacemaker power consumption.
Humans , Cardiac Pacing, Artificial/methods , Electric Impedance , Pacemaker, Artificial , Prostheses and ImplantsABSTRACT
Implantation of cardiac electronic devices is an increasingly common technique and the possibility of device dysfunction caused by electrode displacement should be taken into account. We describe the case of an 88-year-old patient with syncopes several months after pacemaker implantation in which a pacemaker dysfunction was found. Chest X-ray confirmed lead displacement reeled around the generator. Reel syndrome is an entity that should be ruled out as a possible cause of pacemaker malfunction mainly in patients with risk factors for developing this syndrome.
La implantación de dispositivos cardíacos electrónicos es una técnica cada vez más habitual y debe tenerse en cuenta la posibilidad de disfunción del dispositivo debido al desplazamiento de los electrodos. Describimos el caso de una paciente de 88 años que comenzó con clínica de cuadros sincopales varios meses después de la implantación de un marcapasos, y en la que se demostró una disfunción del dispositivo. Mediante radiografía de tórax se confirmó el desplazamiento de los electrodos debido a un enrollamiento alrededor del generador. El síndrome de reel es una entidad que debe ser descartada como una de las posibles causas de mal funcionamiento de un marcapasos, principalmente en pacientes con factores de riesgo para presentar dicho síndrome.