INTRODUÇÃO: O manejo dos pacientes vítimas de PAF possui vertentes divergentes a respeito do tratamento cirúrgico, que pode ser realizado de forma imedata ou tardia. Em lesões auto-infligidas, a distância entre a arma e a região acometida é menor, causando consequências estéticas e funcionais mais devastadoras. Aliado ao fato desse tipo de trauma criar uma ferida suja devido à comunicação com a cavidade oral e seios paranasais, o manejo das lesões representam um desafio mesmo à cirurgiões experientes. OBJETIVO: Estre trabalho relata o manejo cirúrgico de uma ferida auto-infligida por arma de fogo que resultou em avulsão dos tecidos moles na região maxilofacial. DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 35 anos, vítima de projétil de arma de fogo auto-infligido em região maxilofacial, cursando com extenso ferimento em região de língua e mento. Clinicamente, o paciente não apresentava sinais de fratura em ossos da face. Ambos os ferimentos apresentavam secreção purulenta e o paciente manifestava disfonia devido a grande destruição tecidual. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: O tratamento de ferimentos por arma de fogo não só é um grande desafio para o cirurgião, como para toda a equipe multidisciplinar requerida para tais casos, visto que não há protocolos bem definidos para o tratamento dessas lesões(AU)
INTRODUCTION: The management of patients who are victims of FAP has divergent aspects regarding surgical treatment, which can be performed immediately or late. In self-inflicted injuries, the distance between the weapon and the affected region is smaller, causing more devastating aesthetic and functional consequences. Allied to the fact that this type of trauma creates a dirty wound due to the communication with the oral cavity and paranasal sinuses, the management of injuries represents a challenge even for experienced surgeons. OBJECTIVE: This paper reports the surgical management of a self-inflicted gunshot wound that resulted in soft tissue avulsion in the maxillofacial region. CASE DESCRIPTION: Male patient, 35 years old, victim of a self-inflicted firearm projectile in the maxillofacial region, coursing with extensive injury in the region of the tongue and chin. Clinically, the patient did not show signs of facial bone fractures. Both wounds had purulent secretion and the patient had dysphonia due to extensive tissue destruction. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: The treatment of gunshot wounds is not only a great challenge for the surgeon, but also for the entire multidisciplinary team required for such cases, since there are no well-defined protocols for the treatment of these injuries(AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Tongue/injuries , Wound Infection , Wounds, Gunshot , Palate, Hard/injuries , Wounds and Injuries , Wounds, Penetrating , Palate, Hard , Ecchymosis , Edema , Maxillofacial InjuriesABSTRACT
Aim: To evaluate the anatomical location of the GPF in macerated skulls by means of linear measurements and anatomical structures, in turn providing information that can aid dentists when performing anesthetic and surgical techniques. Methods: An experimental ex vivo study was performed. The sample consisted of 55 dry skulls. Measurements were taken on the topography of the GPF: a) distance from the GPF to the median palatine suture (MPS); b) distance from the GPF to the posterior nasal spine (PNS); c) distance from the GPF to the center of the incisive foramen (IF); d) distance from the GPF to the alveolar ridge (AR); and e) distance between the right and left GPFs. The Mann-Whitney and Pearson's Chi-Square tests were performed (α = 5%). Results: It was noted that the distance between the left and right GPFs, from the GPF to the PNS and to the IF were greater in female skulls (p < 0.05). In addition, it was possible to verify that the distances from the left and right GPFs to the AR and to the PNS were greater in male skulls. In relation to molars, no association was found between gender and the location of the GPF. Conclusion: Using varied anatomical structures, differences were found in the location of the GPF in both female and male skulls.
Skull , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Palate, Hard , Maxillary NerveABSTRACT
Objective: To report a case of pleomorphic adenoma that was surgically removed and to describe the surgical technique available to remove this lesion. Case Report: A male patient, caucasian, 46 years old, with a 4-year history of pleomorphic adenoma. He mentioned that he went to other services for treatment, but without success. He came at our service for treatment with tumoral excision. Local anesthesia was performed with mepivacaine with a vasoconstrictor and tumoral excision was performed with the overlying mucosa and the periosteal region to avoid recurrence. The patient has been under postoperative follow-up for two years without recurrence. Conclusion: Pleomorphic adenoma is a benign tumor and presents as a submucosal mass of slow growth. The ideal treatment for the Pleomorphic Adenoma tumor is the total excision of the lesion with the removal of the mucosa covering the region to avoid recurrence. (AU)
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Adenoma, Pleomorphic , Palate, Hard , Diagnostic Techniques, Surgical , Salivary Glands , NeoplasmsABSTRACT
SUMMARY: To investigate the correlation between the anatomical morphology of palatal rugae and sex. The study sample consisted of 120 students studying from Shanxi Medical University, of which 60 were females and 60 were males. The digital model of the palatal rugae was obtained by the 3 Shape TRIOS intraoral scanner. And the shapes of palatal rugae were recorded. Association between palatal rugae shape and sex were tested using Chi-square analysis. And logistic regression analysis (LRA) was carried out to calculate the accuracy of gender prediction using rugae shapes. There was a statistically significant difference between males and females in terms of the distribution of wavy and circular palate rugae. The use of logistic regression analysis obtained a sex predictive value of 65 % when all the rugae shapes were analyzed. Digital images of the palatal rugae morphology contribute to more accurate and convenient for data collection and transformation. It was found that rugae patterns can moderately identify the sex of the specific population when multivariate statistics such as LRA is applied. The palatal rugae morphology can be utilized as an assistant measure for sex identification.
RESUMEN: Investigar la correlación entre la morfología anatómica de las rugas palatinas y el sexo. En la muestra de este estudio se incluyeron 120 estudiantes de la Universidad Médica de Shanxi, (60 mujeres y 60 hombres). El modelo digital de las rugas palatinas se obtuvo mediante escáner intraoral 3 Shape TRIOS, y se registraron las formas de las rugas palatinas. La asociación entre la forma de las rugas palatinas y el sexo se evaluó mediante un análisis de Chi-cuadrado; para calcular la precisión de la predicción de sexo se llevó a cabo un análisis de regresión logística (ARL) Se observó una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre hombres y mujeres en términos de la distribución de las rugas palatinas onduladas y circulares. El uso de análisis de regresión logística obtuvo un valor predictivo de sexo del 65 % cuando se analizaron todas las formas de las rugas. Las imágenes digitales de la morfología de las rugas palatinas contribuyen a una recopilación de datos más precisa. En este análisis se determinó que los patrones de rugas pueden identificar relativamente el sexo de una población específica, cuando se aplican estadísticas multivariadas como ARL. La morfología de las rugas palatinas se puede utilizar como medida de ayuda para la identificación de sexo.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Sex Characteristics , Forensic Anthropology , Palate, Hard/anatomy & histology , Chi-Square Distribution , Predictive Value of Tests , Regression Analysis , Sex Determination by SkeletonABSTRACT
Introdução: O adenoma pleomórfico (AP) é a neoplasia de glândula salivar mais comum e se apresenta como um aumento de superfície firme, indolor e com crescimento lento. O palato, a cavidade nasal e a nasofaringe são áreas em que se localizam muitas glândulas salivares menores, sendo o adenoma pleomórfico, o tumor benigno mais comum nessas glândulas. O AP pode acometer indivíduos em qualquer faixa etária, principalmente na terceira e quarta década de vida, com predominância pelo gênero feminino. O artigo objetiva relatar um caso clínico de adenoma pleomórfico em palato duro, comparando com dados presentes na literatura especializada em relação, especialmente, aos sítios acometidos e as formas de tratamentos existentes. Relato de caso: Paciente do sexo feminino, 34 anos, compareceu ao ambulatório do HU-Univasf com queixa de aumento de volume indolor em boca há 02 anos. Foi realizada uma biópsia incisional onde no exame histopatológico foi diagnosticado como Adenoma Pleomórfico. O tratamento eleito foi a excisão cirúrgica e uso de placa de polimetilmetacrilato no pós-operatório. Atualmente o paciente apresenta follow up de 02 anos e 05 meses, sem sinais de recidiva da lesão e sem queixas locais... (AU)
Introduction: Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) is a more common salivary gland neoplasia and presents as an increase in firm, painless and slow-growing surface. The palate, a nasal cavity and a nasopharynx, are areas that locate many minor salivary glands, being pleomorphic adenoma, the most com mon benign tumor in these glands. The PA can affect individuals in any age group, mainly in the third and fourth decade of life, with a predominance in a females. The article aims relates a clinical case of pleomorphic adeno ma on the hard palate, comparing it with the data present in the specialized literature in relation, especially, to the affected locations and the ways to ex isting treatments. Case Report: A 34 years old, female patient, showed up to the HU-Univasf outpatient clinic with a complaint of an increase in vol ume painless in the mouth for 2 years. An incisional biopsy was performed in which the histopathological examination was diagnosed as Pleomorphic Adenoma. The treatment chosen was surgical excision and use of polymeth ylmethacrylate plate. Currently, the patient has a follow-up of 02 years and 05 months, with no signs of recurrence of the lesion and no local complaints... (AU)
Introducción: El adenoma pleomórfico (AP) es la neoplasia de glándulas salivales más común y se presenta como un agrandamiento firme, indoloro y de crecimiento lento. El paladar, la cavidad nasal y la nasofaringe son áreas en las que se localizan muchas glándulas salivales menores, siendo el adenoma pleomórfico el tumor benigno más común en estas glándulas. La AF puede afectar a individuos de cualquier grupo de edad, especialmente en la tercera y cuarta década de la vida, con predominio del sexo femenino. El artículo tiene como objetivo reportar un caso clínico de adenoma pleomórfico en paladar duro, comparándolo con datos de la literatura especializada en relación, especialmente, con los sitios afectados y las formas de tratamiento existentes. Caso clínico: Paciente de sexo femenino de 34 años que acudió a la consulta externa de HU-Univasf quejándose de hinchazón bucal indolora durante 02 años. Se realizó biopsia incisional y el examen histopatológico se diagnosticó como adenoma pleomórfico. El tratamiento elegido fue la exéresis quirúrgica y el uso postoperatorio de placa de polimetilmetacrilato. Actualmente, el paciente tiene un período de seguimiento de 02 años y 05 meses, sin signos de recurrencia de la lesión y sin quejas locales... (AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Salivary Glands, Minor/surgery , Nasopharynx , Adenoma, Pleomorphic , Palate, Hard , Nasal Cavity , Salivary Gland Diseases , Salivary Glands , AftercareABSTRACT
SUMMARY: To study the morphometric location of the incisive, greater, and lesser palatine foramina for maxillary nerve block. Two hundred Thai dry skulls were randomly organized from the Forensic Osteology Research Center. The distances of the parameters were measured via Vernier caliper.: Thedistances from the incisive foramen to the incisive margin of the premaxilla were 10.93?2.42 mm in males and 10.98?2.06 mm in females. From the left side, the incisive foramen to the greater palatine foramen (GPF) was39.07?2.23mm in males and 38.57?2.41 mm in females, and from the right side were 39.81?2.37 mm in males and 38.62?2.53mm in females. From the left side, the incisive foramen to the lesser palatine foramen (LPF) was 43.16?2.23 mm in males and 41.84?2.42mm in females and from the right side were 42.93?2.14 mm in males and 41.76?2.61 mm in females. The GPF found at medial to the maxillary third molar were 94-95 % in males and 84 % in females. These findings suggest that the medial position to the third molar teeth be used as a landmark for a palatine nerve block in Thais. These findings will help dentists to perform local anesthetic procedures, especially the nasopalatine and greater palatine nerve blocks, more effectively.
RESUMEN: El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la localización morfométrica de los forámenes palatinos incisivos, mayores y menores para el bloqueo del nervio maxilar. Se organizaron al azar doscientos cráneos secos tailandeses del Centro de Investigación de Osteología Forense. Las distancias de los parámetros se midieron mediante un calibre Vernier. Las distancias desde el foramen incisivo hasta el margen incisivo de la premaxila fueron 10,93 ? 2,42 mm en hombres y 10,98 ? 2,06 mm en mujeres. Desde el lado izquierdo, el foramen incisivo al foramen palatino mayor (FPM) fue de 39,07 ? 2,23 mm en los hombres y 38,57 ? 2,41 mm en las mujeres, y del lado derecho fue de 39,81 ? 2,37 mm en los hombres y 38,62 ? 2,53 mm en las mujeres. Del lado izquierdo, el foramen incisivo al foramen palatino menor (LPF) fue de 43,16 ? 2,23 mm en hombres y 41,84 ? 2,42 mm en mujeres y del lado derecho 42,93 ? 2,14 mm en hombres y 41,76 ? 2,61 mm en mujeres. El FPM encontrado medial al tercer molar maxilar fue 94-95 % en hombres y 84 % en mujeres. Estos hallazgos sugieren que la posición medial de los terceros molares se utilice como punto de referencia para un bloqueo del nervio palatino en individuos tailandeses. Estos hallazgos ayudarán, de manera más eficaz, a los dentistas a realizar procedimientos anestésicos locales, especialmente los bloqueos nasopalatinos y del nervio palatino mayor.
Humans , Male , Female , Palate, Hard/anatomy & histology , Thailand , Maxillary Nerve , Nerve BlockABSTRACT
RESUMEN: Objetivo: Evaluar la maduración de la sutura palatina media en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes chilenos, mediante valoración morfológica de imágenes de tomografía computarizada de haz cónico del maxilar. Material y método: Se analizó la sutura palatina media de 150 sujetos entre 15 y 30 años, seleccionados desde la base de datos radiológicos de un centro universitario de salud. La maduración sutural fue evaluada en el corte axial, utilizando el método de Angelieri y cols., clasificándola en cinco etapas (A, B, C, D y E). Se utilizaron las pruebas de correlación de Pearson para medir la concordancia intra e interexaminador, y T-Student para las diferencias entre sexos. Resultados: El estado de maduración más frecuente fue C (43,3%), seguido por E (33,3%) y D (22%). En hombres, la etapa C fue más frecuente (49%), mientras que en mujeres fue la etapa E (39%). Sin embargo, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ambos sexos. Conclusiones: Aunque la mayoría de la muestra presentó una etapa tardía de maduración sutural, el 45% presentó estados de maduración sutural donde sería posible la expansión de naturaleza no quirúrgica. Debido a la variabilidad observada en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes, se recomienda la evaluación individual con imagenología 3D.
ABSTRACT: Objective: To evaluate midpalatal suture maturation in Chilean adolescents and young adults through morphological assessment of cone-beam computed tomography images of the maxilla. Materials and methods: Analysis of the midpalatal suture of 150 subjects aged between 15 and 30 was performed, selected from a university clinical center radiological database. Sutural maturation was evaluated in the axial cross-section, using the method described by Angelieri et al., classifying it in five stages (A, B, C, D and E). Pearson's correlation tests were used to assess intra- and inter-examiner agreement, and T-Student for assessing differences between genders. Results: The most frequent maturation stage was C (43.3%), followed by E (33.3%) and D (22%). In men, stage C was more frequent (49%), while in women it was stage E (39%). However, no statistically significant differences were found between genders. Conclusions: Although the majority of the sample presented a late stage of sutural maturation, 45% presented states of sutural maturation where the expansion of a non-surgical nature would be possible. Due to the variability observed in adolescents and young adults, individual evaluation with 3D imaging is recommended.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Cranial Sutures/growth & development , Cranial Sutures/diagnostic imaging , Palate, Hard/growth & development , Palate, Hard/diagnostic imaging , Chile , Cross-Sectional Studies , Palatal Expansion Technique , Maxilla/growth & development , Maxilla/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
RESUMEN: Un hueso craneal muy poco estudiado en anatomía veterinaria comparada es el palatino. En nuestro estudio, realizamos la comparación de este hueso entre la oveja (Ovis aries L., 1758) y la cabra (Capra hircus L., 1758), a partir de una muestra de 36 y 17 cráneos respectivamente, y utilizando métodos de morfometría geométrica. Se eligieron un total de 32 puntos (4 hitos y 28 semi-hitos) para analizar la lámina horizontal del hueso palatino. Se reflejaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas tanto para el tamaño como para la forma. En Capra se denota una clara expansión lateral del hueso y rostral y una contracción central, con un acercamiento relativo de los forámenes palatinos, mientras que en Ovis los forámenes están más lateralmente alejados. A nuestro parecer, esta mayor anchura y longitud de la lámina horizontal en Capra se explicaría por una mayor capacidad de frotación del alimento en relación a Ovis.
SUMMARY: Palatine is a cranial bone very less studied in comparative veterinary anatomy. In our study, we performed the comparison of this bone between sheep (Ovis aries L., 1758) and goat (Capra hircus L., 1758), from a sample of 36 and 17 skulls respectively, using methods of geometric morphology. A total of 32 points (4 landmarks and 28 semi-landmarks) were chosen to analyse the horizontal lamina of the palatine bone. Statistically significant differences were reflected for both size and shape. Capra denotes a clear lateral expansion of the bone and rostral and a central contraction, with a relative approach of palatine foramina, while in Ovis foramina are more laterally distant. In our view, this greater width of the horizontal lamina in Capra would be explained by a greater capacity to rub the food compared to Ovis.
Animals , Goats/anatomy & histology , Palate, Hard/anatomy & histology , Sheep, Domestic/anatomy & histology , Anatomy, ComparativeABSTRACT
Introdução: O cisto do ducto nasopalatino é uma lesão não odontogênica com etiologia controversa. No entanto, fatores irritantes, como trauma local e infecções bacterianas, podem estimular o remanescente epitelial do ducto nasopalatino, levando a uma formação cística. Sua predileção ocorre em homens adultos entre a quarta e a sexta décadas. Geralmente é assintomático, sendo detectado por exame de rotina. O objetivo do presente estudo é apresentar e discutir um caso de cisto do Ducto Nasopalatino, analisando-se os aspectos clínicos e imaginológicos da patologia em face, comparando-o com dados provenientes da literatura corrente. Relato de caso: Como resultado este artigo apresenta a abordagem de um caso cirúrgico de cisto do Ducto Nasopalatino em face, assintomático, descoberto em exame imaginológico de rotina, biopsiado e enucleado cirurgicamente, com acompanhamento de 5 anos sem recidiva. Considerações finais: É evidente, portanto, que a literatura ainda não é unânime quanto ao aspecto epidemiológico, contudo, se reafirma a forma de abordagem cirúrgica excisional como tratamento eficaz definitivo. Faz-se necessária, portanto, a análise clínica, imaginológica e histopatológica para a confirmação diagnóstica da lesão. A observação de tais aspectos é de fundamental importância para um tratamento eficaz e definitivo, reduzindo as chances de recidiva... (AU)
Introduction: The nasopalatine duct cyst is a non-odontogenic lesion with controversial etiology. However, irritating factors, such as local trauma and bacterial infections, can stimulate the epithelial remnant of the nasopalatine duct, leading to a cystic formation. Its predilection occurs in adult men between the fourth and sixth decades. It is usually asymptomatic, being detected by routine examination. Objectives: To present and discuss a case of cyst of the Nasopalatine duct, analyzing the clinical and imaging aspects of the pathology in the face, comparing it with data from the current literature. Case Report: As a result, this article presents the approach of a surgical case of Nasopalatine Ducto cyst in the face, asymptomatic, discovered in a routine imaging exam, biopsied and surgically enucleated, with a 5-year follow-up without recurrence. Final considerations: It is evident, therefore, that the literature is not yet unanimous in terms of the epidemiological aspect, however, the form of excisional surgical approach as a definitive effective treatment is reaffirmed. Therefore, clinical, imaging and histopathological analysis is necessary to confirm the diagnosis of the lesion. The observation of such aspects is of fundamental importance for an effective and definitive treatment, reducing the chances of recurrence... (AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Recurrence , Odontogenic Cysts/surgery , Odontogenic Cysts/pathology , Bacterial Infections , Palate, Hard/injuriesABSTRACT
Introducción: El movimiento corporal, obedece y produce actividad del músculo esquelético para lo cual debe existir un equilibrio muscular estático, a partir del cual se genere el desplazamiento de los elementos anatómicos, involucrados en él, ya sea como respuesta a la volición o a la percepción inconsciente al estímulo que lo demande. Objetivo: Asociar el comportamiento morfológico del hioides con ciertas variables morfológicas del viscerocráneo de esqueletos (excepto la mandíbula). Material y Métodos: Se realizó estudio osteológico en una muestra ósea de 82 esqueletos mediante mediciones morfométricas del hueso hioides y huesos del viscerocráneo. Se utilizaron matrices de coeficiente de correlación lineal de Pearson en SPSS 22 para evaluar la relación de la morfología del hioides con respecto a la morfología de los huesos de la cara. Variables morfológicas del viscerocráneo como ancho bicigomático (abc), ancho transversal externo del paladar óseo (pote), ancho sagital externo del paladar óseo (pose) y la altura del tercio medio de la cara (tmed). Resultados: Se obtuvo una gran correlación positiva y significativa de distintas variables morfológicas del hioides, -tanto de su cuerpo como de sus astas o cuernos mayores- con las variables morfológicas del viscerocráneo. Conclusiones: Se corrobora la asociación de la morfología del hueso hioides con el crecimiento de los huesos del viscerocráneo(AU)
Introduction: Body movement obeys and produces activity in the skeletal muscle for which there must be a static muscle equilibrium that produces the movement of the anatomic elements involved in it, either as a result of volition or as the unconscious perception of a stimulus. Objective: To associate the morphological behavior of the hyoid bone with some morphological variables of the viscerocranium of skeletons (except the jaw). Material and Methods: An osteological study was carried out in a bone sample of 82 skulls by performing morphometric measurements of the hyoid bone and the bones of the viscerocranium. Pearson's correlation coefficient and SPSS Version 22 were used to evaluate the relationship between the morphology of the hyoid bone and the facial bones. Morphological variables of the viscerocranium include: bizygomatic width (BW), external transverse width of the hard palate (ETWHP), external sagittal width of the hard palate (ESWHP), and the height of the middle third of the face (MTF). Results: A very strong positive correlation between different morphological variables of the hyoid bone, -both at the level of its antlers or greater horns- and the morphological variables of the viscerocranium was obtained. Conclusions: These findings corroborate the association between the hyoid bone and the growth of facial bones(AU)
Humans , Muscle, Skeletal , Palate, Hard , Elements , Hyoid BoneABSTRACT
Background: The corollary is not investigated in the completely edentulous patients with palatal tori. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the oral stereognostic ability in completely edentulous patients with palatal tori. Material and Methods: Thirty-four completely edentulous patients aged 50 to 89 years were allocated to Group 1 (without palatal tori, n=18) and Group 2 (with palatal tori, n=16). The oral stereognostic test was conducted using 6 intraoral test pieces (circle/square/rectangle/triangle/plus/toroid) that were fabricated to standard dimensions using the light cure acrylic resin. Each test piece was placed in the patient's mouth and was asked to manipulate the test piece between the tongue and the palate. The patients identified the shapes by matching them on a shape chart. Each correct identification was assigned a score of 1. The response time taken to identify each shape was recorded. Statistical computation was done using a chi - square test and Mann-Whitney U test. Results: Significant difference was observed in the overall scoring percentages between the 2 groups (p<0.05). Group 2 had lower oral stereognostic scores compared to group 1 (p<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the mean response time for identifying the shapes among the groups, however group 2 patients had longer response time. Conclusion: Oral stereognostic ability of the completely edentulous patients with torus palatinus was lower when compared to completely edentulous patients without tori.
Antecedentes: el corolario no se investiga en los pacientes completamente desdentados con toros palatinos. Objetivo:El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la capacidad estereognóstica oral en pacientes completamente edéntulos con toros palatinos. Material y Métodos: Treinta y cuatro pacientes completamente edéntulos de 50 a 89 años fueron asignados al Grupo 1 (sin toros palatinos, n = 18) y al Grupo 2 (con toros palatinos, n = 16). La prueba estereognóstica oral se realizó utilizando 6 piezas de prueba intraorales (círculo / cuadrado / rectángulo / triángulo / cruz / aro) que se fabricaron a dimensiones estándar utilizando la resina acrílica fotopolimerizable. Cada pieza de prueba se colocó en la boca del paciente y se le pidió que manipulara la pieza de prueba entre la lengua y el paladar. Los pacientes identificaron las formas haciéndolas coincidir en un gráfico de formas. A cada identificación correcta se le asignó una puntuación de 1. Se registró el tiempo de respuesta necesario para identificar cada forma. El cálculo estadístico se realizó mediante la prueba de chi-cuadrado y la prueba U de Mann-Whitney. Resultados: Se observó una diferencia significativa en los porcentajes de puntuación generales entre los 2 grupos (p<0,05). El grupo 2 tuvo puntuaciones estereognósticas orales más bajas en comparación con el grupo 1 (p<0,05). No hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativa en el tiempo medio de respuesta para identificar las formas entre los grupos, sin embargo, los pacientes del grupo 2 tuvieron un tiempo de respuesta más largo.Conclusión: La capacidad estereognóstica oral de los pacientes completamente edéntulos con torus palatino fue menor en comparación con los pacientes completamente edéntulos sin torus.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Palate/pathology , Stereognosis , Exostoses , Mouth, Edentulous , Palate, Hard , Denture, CompleteABSTRACT
The osteosarcoma (OSA) is the most diagnosed primary bone cancer in canine patients. This work reports a case of a canine, six years old, mongrel, female, intact, with an OSA in the hard palate. Physical examination detected a firm mass in the palate. Thoracic radiographs, hematological and biochemical exams, histopathological exams and computed tomography were requested. A chondroblastic OSA was diagnosed and the tumor was characterized by immunohistochemistry. There was never evidence of metastasis in this case. The treatment consisted of the combination of conventional chemotherapy, metronomic chemotherapy, and palliative care, aiming at greater survival and well-being of the patient since surgical excision was not possible due to the location and extension of the tumor. Osteogenic sarcomas of the hard palate are rarely seen and described in the literature. In this article we present a characterization of the osteosarcoma with uncommon localization in the hard palate.(AU)
O osteossarcoma (OSA) é a neoplasia óssea primária mais diagnosticada em pacientes caninos. Este trabalho relata o caso de um canino, com seis anos de idade, sem raça definida, fêmea, não castrado, apresentando OSA em região de palato duro. Ao exame clínico, constatou-se uma massa de consistência firme em região palatina. Além do exame clínico, foram solicitadas radiografias torácicas, exames hematológicos e bioquímicos, exames histopatológicos e tomografia computadorizada. Fora então dado o diagnóstico de OSA condroblástico, e o tumor foi caracterizado pela imuno-histoquímica. Não foram observadas evidências de metástases nesse caso. O tratamento instituído consistiu na combinação de quimioterapia convencional, quimioterapia metronômica e cuidados paliativos, almejando maior sobrevida e bem-estar do paciente, uma vez que a excisão cirúrgica não foi possível devido à localização e à extensão do tumor. Neste artigo, apresentou-se uma caracterização do osteossarcoma com localização incomum no palato duro.(AU)
Animals , Dogs , Osteosarcoma/veterinary , Osteosarcoma/diagnostic imaging , Palate, Hard/pathology , Immunohistochemistry/veterinary , Palatal Neoplasms/veterinaryABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#The present study aimed to explore the innervation of the anterior hard palatine and its relationship with individual development stage. Specifically, the effects of anesthesia on patients of different ages were observed, and neurodevelopment in the maxillofacial region was invesitgated. References that are helpful in selecting local anesthesia were provided.@*METHODS@#A total of 182 patients with mixed dentition were randomly divided into the nasopalatine nerve block and greater palatine nerve block groups. Then, 219 patients with permanent dentition were divided into an adolescent group (13-18 years old) and adult group (over 19 years old), all of whom underwent bilateral greater palatine nerve block. Palatal mucosal pain sensation was tested pre- and post-anesthesia with Von Frey hairs.@*RESULTS@#Among the children with mixed dentition, bilateral greater palatine nerve block tended to result in better anesthetic effects than nasopalatine nerve block (@*CONCLUSIONS@#The sensation of the anterior hard palatine seems mainly dominated by the greater palatine nerve until mixed dentition and gradually shifted to the nasopalatine nerve in conjunction with maxillary development and tooth replacement. Hence, the innervation of the anterior hard palatine induce a secondary development during the development of the maxilla.
Adolescent , Adult , Child , Humans , Young Adult , Dentition, Mixed , Maxilla , Maxillary Nerve , Nerve Block , Palate , Palate, HardABSTRACT
ABSTRACT This report aims to discuss the occurrence and differential diagnosis in hard palate foreign bodies in infants. We present the case of a 16-month-old girl who was found to have plastic part of a toy embedded in her hard palate as a foreign body. The foreign body was extracted with care to avoid aspiration. The possibilities of misdiagnosis and airway aspiration are discussed. Great care was focused on the prevention of airway aspiration.
Humans , Female , Infant , Palate, Hard , Foreign Bodies/diagnosis , Diagnosis, DifferentialABSTRACT
Necrotizing sialometaplasia (NS) is a benign, self-limiting inflammatory entity that mainly affects the minor salivary glands located in the hard palate. Classically, NS is characterized as a nodule that evolves to a central ulcer. The most widely recognized triggering factor is an ischemic event. The diagnosis becomes a challenge in non-ulcerated NS cases which is essential to rule out the possibility of salivary gland tumors, especially the malignant ones. Here, we presented a case of a 32-year-old male patient with a 1-month complaint of a painful, slightly elevated erythematous area on the hard palate. Incisional biopsy was performed, and NS was diagnosed based on histopathological and immunohistochemical analyses. Clinicians should be aware of and consider NS as a differential diagnosis of minor salivary gland tumors, particularly when it presents as a non-ulcerated clinical aspect.
Humans , Male , Adult , Sialometaplasia, Necrotizing , Salivary Gland Neoplasms/pathology , Palate, Hard/pathology , Diagnosis, DifferentialABSTRACT
Resumo As alterações vasculares ocorrem frequentemente em região de cabeça e pescoço, sendo o hemangioma a mais comum. Paciente do sexo feminino, 61 anos, queixou-se de dor intensa em palato duro. Notou-se lesão arroxeada, de 1,5 cm, sensível à palpação e com histórico de hemorragia. A paciente era edêntula total, e a prótese total superior comprimia o local da lesão. Foi realizada a vitropressão, confirmando a origem vascular. A hipótese diagnóstica foi de hemangioma. Na primeira sessão, aplicou-se o laser vermelho (660 nm) em quatro pontos ao redor da lesão, sendo 0,5 J em cada ponto afim de se obter analgesia e iniciar o processo de reparo, além do reembasamento da prótese total superior. Na segunda sessão, foi feita aplicação de 2 mL de oleato de monoetanolamina 5%. Após 14 dias, observou-se regressão total da lesão. Os cirurgiões-dentistas devem estar aptos a reconhecer, diagnosticar e tratar as lesões vasculares em cavidade oral.
Abstract Vascular changes frequently involve the head and neck region and hemagioma is the most common. A 61-year-old female patient complained of severe pain in the hard palate. A purple lesion was found, measuring 1.5 cm, sensitive to palpation, and with a history of hemorrhage. The patient was fully edentulous and her upper denture compressed the lesion site. Diascopy confirmed the lesion's vascular origin. A diagnostic hypothesis of hemangioma was raised. In the first session, red laser light (660nm) was applied at 4 points around the lesion, with 0.5 J at each point, in order to obtain analgesia and trigger the repair process. The upper denture was also relined. In the second session, 2 mL of 5% monoethanolamine oleate was applied. After 14 days, total regression of the lesion was observed. Dental surgeons must be able to recognize, diagnose and treat vascular lesions in the oral cavity.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Sclerotherapy/methods , Palate, Hard/injuries , Low-Level Light Therapy , Vascular System Injuries/therapy , Hemangioma/therapy , Mouth, Edentulous , Oral Medicine , Palate, Hard/blood supply , Denture, Complete, Upper , Hemangioma/diagnosisABSTRACT
INTRODUCCION. La fistula palatina es la persistencia de comunicación anormal entre la cavidad nasal y oral post palatoplastia, es la complicación frecuente con: alta morbilidad, problemas para la alimentación, articulación de las palabras inapropiada, halitosis hasta problemas psicosociales como baja autoestima y rechazo social. OBJETIVO. Determinar los factores asociados al desarrollo de fístula palatina. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS. Estudio observacional, analítico de casos y controles. De una población de 334 Historias Clínicas se tomó muestra de 89 en la Unidad de Plástica y Reconstructiva del Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín de enero 2010 a julio 2019. Criterios de inclusión: datos de pacientes con paladar fisurado reparado por palatoplastia. Criterios de Exclusión: pacientes sin buen seguimiento postquirúrgico y con paladar hendido sin reparación quirúrgica. Los datos fueron obtenidos del sistema AS400, el análisis se realizó mediante el programa estadístico International Business Machines Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. RESULTADOS. El uso de ortopedia prequirúrgica (OR: 0,014; p<0,000) y la alimentación con leche materna (OR: 0,033; p<0,003) fueron factores protectores. DISCUSIÓN. La ortopedia prequirúrgica fue la mejor opción de moldeamiento en pacientes con hendiduras amplias para la aproximación de los segmentos óseos hendidos, como factor protector significativo se encontró a la lactancia materna exclusiva dato que coincide con el estudio de López YD., donde mencionó que produjo mayor estimulación para la fusión de las crestas palatinas a pesar de que no fue estadísticamente significativa. CONCLUSION. Los factores asociados al desarrollo de fístula palatina estadísticamente significativos fueron el uso de ortopedia prequirúrgica y la alimentación con leche materna, catalogados como protectores.
INTRODUCTION. Palatal fistula is the persistence of abnormal communication between the nasal and oral cavity post palatoplasty, it Ìs the frequent complication with: high morbidity, feeding problems, inappropriate articulation of words, halitosis and psychosocial problems such as low self-esteem and social rejection. OBJECTIVE. Determine the factors associated with the development of palatal fistula. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Observational, analytical case-control study. From a population of 334 Clinical Histories, a sample of 89 was taken in the Plastic and Reconstructive Unit of the Carlos Andrade Marín Specialty Hospital from january 2010 to july 2019. Inclusion criteria: data from patients with cleft palate repaired by palatoplasty. Exclusion Criteria: patients without good postsurgical follow-up and with a cleft palate without surgical repair. The data were obtained from the AS400 system, the analysis was performed using the International Business Machines Statistical Package for the Social Sciences statistical program. RESULTS. The use of presurgical orthopedics (OR: 0,014; p<0,000) and feeding with breast milk (OR: 0,033; p<0,003) were protective factors. DISCUSSION. Presurgical orthopedics was the best molding option in patients with wide clefts for the approximation of the cleft bone segments, as a significant protective factor, exclusive breastfeeding was found, data that coincides with the study by López YD., where he mentioned that it produced greater stimulation for palatine ridge fusion although it was not statistically significant. CONCLUSION. Statistically significant factors associated with the development of palatal fistula were the use of pre-surgical orthopedics and feeding with breast milk, classified as protective.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Palate , Palate, Soft , Oral Fistula , Cleft Lip , Cleft Palate , Palate, Hard , Orthopedics , Palatal Obturators , Case-Control Studies , Pediatric Dentistry , Mouth , Nasal CavityABSTRACT
Resumen: Objetivo: Determinar la precisión del dimorfismo sexual a través del análisis morfométrico de bóvedas palatinas en cráneos procedentes del Laboratorio de Investigación Forense del Equipo Forense Especializado (EFE) de Ayacucho del Ministerio Público - Perú. Materiales y métodos: Diseño transversal, constituido con una muestra de 43 cráneos con sexo biológico preestablecido, (24=masculino y 19=femenino). La estimación del dimorfismo sexual se estableció a través del método propuesto por Meera Jacob y cols., basado en las mediciones de la longitud y ancho palatino, posteriormente se calculó el índice palatino, estableciéndose la precisión y exactitud del método. El análisis inferencial se realizó con un nivel de significancia del 5% a través de la prueba T student, Shapiro Wilk y el coeficiente de Pearson. Resultados: Se estableció que el ancho palatino presenta una media de 3,43 (+0,31) cm. para el sexo masculino y 3,62 (+0,25) cm. para el femenino, en la longitud palatina la media fue de 5,07 (+0,44) cm. para masculino y 4,79 (+0,41) cm. en el femenino; en el índice palatino, el 100% de los cráneos de sexo masculino corresponden al paladar duro estrecho y en el femenino un 73,7% al estrecho, un 21% al intermedio y un 5,3% al ancho. Además, se determinó que existió diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los parámetros del ancho y longitud de la bóveda palatina entre ambos sexos y se planteó una fórmula de análisis discriminante. Conclusión: El análisis morfométrico de bóvedas palatinas establece una precisión de 83.72% en la estimación del dimorfismo sexual.
Abstracts: Objective: Determine sexual dimorphism precision via palatal vault morphometric analysis in craniums sourced from the Laboratorio de Investigación Forense del Equipo Forense Especializado (EFE) de Ayacucho del Ministerio Público- Perú. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional design consisting of a sample of 43 skulls with pre-established biological gender, (24 males and 19 females). Sexual dimorphism was established by means of the method proposed by Meera Jacob and co., based on palatal width and length measurements, after which the palatal index was calculated, establishing the method's precision and accuracy. The inferential analysis was made with a level of significance of 5% through the T student test, Shapiro Wilk and Pearson's coefficient. Results: Palatal width had a mean of 3.43 (+0.31cm) for males and 3.62 (+0.25) for females and in palatal length a mean of 5.07 (+0.44) cm. for males and 4.79 (+0.41) cm. for females is established; on palatal index, 100% of the male skulls correspond to hard narrow palate and on females 73.7% to narrow, 21% to intermediate and 5.3% to wide. Furthermore, it was determined that there were statistically significant differences between width and length of palatal vault for both genders, and a discriminating analysis formula was proposed. Conclusion: Morphometric analyses of palatal vaults establish an 83.72% precision on the estimation of sexual dimorphism.
Humans , Sex Characteristics , Palate, Hard/anatomy & histology , Peru , Growth and DevelopmentABSTRACT
El abuso del consumo de cocaína puede ocasionar problemas físicos y mentales graves. Dicha droga puede ser utilizada de varias formas y sus efectos sobre la cavidad oral varían según la vía de administración, causando desde erosiones en las piezas dentarias, abrasiones cervicales, caries, enfermedad periodontal, disfunción temporomandibular, xerostomía, ulceraciones hasta la perforación del paladar duro y/o blando. Se describirá el caso clínico de un paciente cocainómano que concurrió al servicio de odontología del Hospital San Martin de La Plata, presentando dos perforaciones en el paladar duro debido al consumo crónico, y el tratamiento de urgencia correspondiente mediante una placa obturatríz que favorece la deglución y el habla del paciente (AU)
Abuse of cocaine use can cause serious physical and mental problems. is drug can be used in several ways and its effects on the oral cavity vary according to the route of administration, causing from erosions in the teeth, cervical abrasions, caries, periodontal disease, temporomandibular dysfunction, xerostomia, ulcerations to the perforation of the hard palate and / or soft.The clinical case of a cocaine patient who attended the dentistry service of the San Martin de La Plata Hospital will be described, presenting two perforations in the hard palate due to chronic consumption, and the corresponding emergency treatment by means of an obturator plate that favors swallowing and He speaks of the patient (AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Cocaine/adverse effects , Cocaine-Related Disorders/complications , Palate, Hard/injuries , Patient Care Team , Argentina , Wounds, Penetrating , Dental Service, Hospital , Emergency TreatmentABSTRACT
Introdução: O tórus palatino se caracteriza por um desenvolvimento ósseo não patológico que ocorre ao longo da linha média do palato duro. Possui etiologia relacionada a fatores genéticos e ambientais, sendo a exostose mais comum em cavidade oral. O tratamento cirúrgico só é necessário em casos específicos quando o tórus interfere nas funções do sistema estomatognático ou na instalação de prótese total no palato. O presente estudo teve como objetivo relatar um caso clínico de tratamento cirúrgico de extenso tórus palatino onde foi empregado um acesso cirúrgico modificado. Relato de caso: Esse trabalho descreve o caso de uma paciente com um tórus palatino de dimensões atípicas com queixas fonéticas e protéticas. Devido ao tamanho da exostose e para permitir uma abordagem mais simplificada, optou-se por um acesso cirúrgico modificado, que em conjunto com a confecção de placa em resina acrílica para instalação no pós-operatório, auxiliou na recuperação e conforto da paciente. Considerações Finais: A técnica cirúrgica utilizada preveniu possíveis desvantagens relacionadas à técnica tradicional, portanto, garantiu um pós-operatório confortável, podendo ser aplicada em tratamentos de tórus palatino quando bem indicada... (AU)
Introduction: Palatine torus is characterized by a non-pathological bone development that occurs along the midline of the hard palate. It`s etiology is related to genetic and environmental factors, being the most common exostoses in the oral cavity. Surgical treatment is only necessary in specific cases when the torus interferes in the functions of the stomatognathic system or in the installation of total prosthesis in the palate. The present study aimed to report a clinical case of surgical treatment of extensive palatine torus where a modified surgical approach was employed. Case report: This article describes the case of a patient with a palatine torus of atypical dimensions with phonetic and prosthetic complaints.Due to the size of the exostoses and to allow a more simplified approach, a modified surgical access was chosen, which together with the confection of acrylic resin plaque for postoperative installationaided in patient recovery and comfort. Final considerations: The surgical technique used prevented possible disadvantages related to the traditional technique, therefore, it guaranteed a comfortable postoperative period... (AU)