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Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 84(1): 12-22, mar. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1568298


Objetivo: Comparar la evolución de la cicatrización en pacientes en quienes se aplicó amnios con cobertura antibiótica, con otro grupo en que no se aplicó, posterior a la realización de conización cervical en la consulta de patología cervical del Hospital Central de San Cristóbal, entre febrero y mayo de 2023. Métodos: Estudio experimental, comparativo, aleatorizado, longitudinal. Incluyó 66 pacientes, aleatorizadas en dos grupos: grupo 1 (control): no se aplicó el amnios (n = 30/45,5 %) y grupo 2 (experimental): se aplicó el amnios tratado con antibióticos (n = 36/54,5 %). La investigadora preparó, en quirófano, el amnios de placentas obtenidas por cesárea o parto vaginal. Se obtuvo consentimiento informado de donantes y receptoras. Resultados: Al día 14, ninguna paciente del grupo 1 presentaba epitelización. En el grupo 2, una paciente (2,7 %) tenía 50 % de epitelización y 35 (94,6 %) habían alcanzado el 100 % (p < 0,001). La epitelización fue total en 13,3 % del primer grupo y 94,6 % del segundo (Odds Ratio de 227 (IC 95 %: 24,0 a 2157,0; p < 0,001). No hubo ningún caso de infección cervical. Cinco pacientes (16,7 %) del grupo 1 y una del grupo 2 (2,8 %) presentaron ectopias (p = 0,051). No hubo asociación entre epitelización completa o parcial y características clínicas (p ˂ 0,05). Conclusión: El amnios con cobertura antibiótica se asocia a mejor evolución de la cicatrización en pacientes con conización cervical. Se comprobó su eficacia como terapéutica médica al ser aplicada sobre la herida operatoria(AU)

Objective: To compare the evolution of healing in patients in whom amnion with antibiotic coverage was applied, with another group in which it was not applied, after cervical conization performed in cervical pathology consultations of the San Cristobal Central Hospital, between February and May 2023. Methods: Experimental, randomized, longitudinal comparison. It included 66 patients, randomly divided into two groups. Group 1: in which amnion was applied (n = 36/54.5 %); Group 2: no treatment (n = 30/45.5%). The researcher prepared the amnions of placentas obtained by cesarean section or vaginal delivery, in the operating room. Informed consent was obtained from both donors and recipients. Results: On day 14, none of the patients in the group 1 had epithelialization. In the group 2, one patient (2.7%) had 50% epithelialization and 35 (94.6%) had reached 100% (p < 0.001). Epithelialization was total in 13.3% of the first group and 94.6% of the second group (Odds Ratio of 227 (95% CI: 24.0 to 2157.0; p < 0.001). There were no cases of cervical infection. Five patients (16.7%) in the group 1 and one in the group 2 (2.8%) had ectopias (p = 0.051). There was no association between complete or partial epithelialization and clinical characteristics (p ˂ 0.05). Conclusion: Amnion with antibiotic coverage is associated with better healing outcomes in conized patients. Its effectiveness as a medical therapy was proven when placed on the surgical wound(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Middle Aged , Conization , Amnion , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Uterine Neoplasms , Papillomaviridae
Rev. chil. infectol ; 41(1): 20-26, feb. 2024. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559662


Introducción: La infección persistente por genotipos de virus papiloma humano de alto riesgo (VPH-AR) es la principal causa del cáncer cérvico-uterino en todo el mundo. Los genotipos 16 y 18 están asociados a la progresión hacia el cáncer de cuello uterino; sin embargo, otros genotipos también presentan alto riesgo oncogénico. Existe escasa evidencia respecto a la distribución de genotipos VPH-AR en la población nacional, siendo un tema que debiese ser abordado en el contexto de un creciente aumento de la inmigración e implementación del programa de inmunización en Chile desde 2015. Objetivo: Dar a conocer la distribución de genotipos de VPH-AR detectados en pacientes de ambos sexos, atendidos en la red de atención privada de Clínica Dávila de Santiago, entre los años 2014 y 2021. Metodología: Se estudiaron muestras genitales y anales provenientes de 3.642 pacientes, incluyendo ambos sexos. La genotipificación fue realizada mediante reacción de la polimerasa en cadena (RPC) en tiempo real (HPV AnyplexTM II HPV28 detection, Seegene, Korea. Resultados: La distribución global de genotipos en mujeres (porcentaje) fue: 16 (14,34%) - 31 (6,20%) - 39 (5,94%) - 58 (5,94%) - 51 (5,68%) - 53 (5,64%) - 52 (5,30%) - 56 (5,27%) - 68 (5,19%) - 66 (4,97% - 18 (3,36%) - 59 (3,29%) - 73 (2,80%) - 35 (2,54%) - 45 (2,13%) - 33 (1,53%) - 82 (1,38%) - 26 (0,49%) y 69 (0,41%). En hombres fue: 16 (8,52%) - 58 (4,39%) - 51 (8,44%) - 26 (0,42%) - 18 (3,21%) - 52 (4,47%) - 39 (5,40%) - 53 (4,56%) - 33 (1,69%) - 35 (2,03%), 73 (2,19%) - 69 (0,59%) - 45 (2,11%) - 59 (4,22%) - 68 (3,04%) - 66 (5,06%) - 31 (4,64%) - 56 (4,81%) y 82 (1,10%). Conclusiones: La distribución de los genotipos de VPH fue concordante con estudios previos nacionales. Se observó una tendencia a la reducción del genotipo 16 en el tiempo, lo cual podría relacionarse a la vacunación, implementada en los últimos años en Chile. Destaca que otros genotipos de VPH-AR tuvieron una alta frecuencia en la población estudiada por lo que sería recomendable evaluar la pesquisa ampliada de genotipos de VPH-AR para valorar el riesgo oncogénico, con fines diagnósticos y terapéuticos.

Background: Persistent infection by high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV) genotypes is the main cause of cervical cancer worldwide. Genotypes 16 and 18 are associated with progression to cervical cancer, however other genotypes also present high oncogenic risk. There is little evidence regarding the distribution of HR-HPV genotypes in the national population, being an issue that should be addressed in the context of a growing increase in immigration and implementation of the immunization program in Chile since 2015. Aim: To show the distribution of HR-HPV genotypes detected in women and men, attended at the private care network of Clinica Davila, Santiago City, between 2014 and 2021. Methods: Genital and anal samples from 3,642 patients were studied, including both sexes. Genotyping was performed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (HPV AnyplexTM II HPV28 detection, Seegene, Korea). Results: The global distribution of genotypes in women (percentage) was: 16 (14.34%) - 31 (6.20%) - 39 (5.94%) - 58 (5.94%) - 51 (5.68%) - 53 (5.64%) - 52 (5.30%) - 56 (5.27%) - 68 (5.19%) - 66 (4.97%) - 18 (3.36%) - 59 (3.29%) - 73 (2.80%) - 35 (2.54%) - 45 (2.13%) - 33 (1.53%) - 82 (1.38%) - 26 (0.49%) and 69 (0.41%). In men was: 16 (8.52%) - 58 (4.39%) - 51 (8.44%) - 26 (0.42%) - 18 (3.21%) - 52 (4.47%) - 39 (5.40%) - 53 (4.56%), 33 (1.69%) - 35 (2.03%) - 73 (2.19%) - 69 (0.59%) - 45 (2.11%) - 59 (4.22%) - 68 (3.04%) - 66 (5.06%) - 31 (4.64%) - 56 (4.81%) and 82 (1.10%). Conclusions: The distribution of HPV genotypes was consistent with previous national studies. A tendency to reduce genotype 16 over the years was observed, which could be related to the vaccination, implemented in recent years in Chile. It is remarkable that other HR-HPV genotypes had a high frequency in the population studied, so it would be advisable to evaluate an expanded screening for HR-HPV genotypes to assess the oncogenic risk, for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

Humans , Male , Female , Papillomavirus Infections/epidemiology , Papillomaviridae/genetics , DNA, Viral/genetics , Chile/epidemiology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Assessment , Papillomavirus Infections/virology , Human papillomavirus 16/genetics , Human papillomavirus 18/genetics , Genotyping Techniques , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Genotype , Papillomaviridae/isolation & purification , Health Facilities, Proprietary
Rev. chil. infectol ; 41(1): 27-35, feb. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559663


INTRODUCCIÓN: El virus del papiloma humano de alto riesgo (VPH-AR) es responsable del cáncer de cuello uterino y sus lesiones preneoplásicas. Los genotipos VPH16 y VPH18 son los más frecuentes en este cáncer. La integración del VPH-AR en el genoma de la célula hospedera es crucial en la carcinogénesis cervical, pero la etapa en que ocurre en la población chilena es incierta. OBJETIVO: Evaluar la integración de VPH16 y VPH18 en lesiones pre-neoplásicas de cuello uterino. MÉTODOS: Se analizaron 108 muestras de raspados cervicales. El VPH se genotipificó mediante reacción de polimerasa en cadena (RPC) e hibridación no radiactiva. La integración de VPH16 y VPH18 se determinó por presencia del gen E2 mediante RPC. RESULTADOS: VPH16 y VPH18 se detectaron en 36,1% y 12,0% de las muestras, respectivamente. El VPH16 se integró en 23,1% de los casos de VPH16, mientras que VPH18 se integró en 100% de las muestras positivas para este genotipo. CONCLUSIONES: La integración VPH-AR es un evento temprano en la carcinogénesis cervical que ocurre en casi la mitad de las lesiones pre-neoplásicas y es más frecuente en VPH18 que en VPH16. La evaluación de la integración VPH-AR puede ser una herramienta útil para detectar el virus en la población chilena.

BACKGROUND: High-risk Human Papillomaviruses (HR-HPVs) are the etiological agents of cervical cancer and its preneoplastic lesions. HPV16 and 18 are the most frequent HR-HPV genotypes detected in cervical cancer. HR-HPV genome integration into the host cell is an important event in the carcinogenic process. However, it remains uncertain which stage of cervical carcinogenesis HPV16 and 18 integration occurs in the Chilean population. AIM: The goal of this study was to evaluate HPV16 and HPV18 integration in preneoplastic lesions of the cervix. METHODS: DNA was extracted from 108 cervical scrape samples with preneoplastic lesions. HPV was genotyped using PCR and non-radioactive hybridization. The integration status of HPV16 and HPV 18 was determined by evaluating the E2 gene presence through PCR. RESULTS: HPV16 and HPV18 tested positive in 36.1% and 12.0% of samples, respectively. HPV16 was found integrated in 23.1% of HPV 16 cases, while HPV 18 in 100% of samples positive for this viral genotype. CONCLUSIONS: HR-HPV integration is an early event in cervical carcinogenesis, occurring in nearly half of preneoplastic lesions and being more frequent in HPV18 than in HPV16. The evaluation of HR-HPV integration can be utilized as a complementary tool for detecting HPV in the Chilean population.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Precancerous Conditions/virology , Cervix Uteri/virology , Virus Integration/genetics , Papillomaviridae/isolation & purification , Papillomaviridae/genetics , Precancerous Conditions/genetics , DNA, Viral/genetics , Cervix Uteri/pathology , Chile , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Cross-Sectional Studies , Human papillomavirus 16/isolation & purification , Human papillomavirus 16/genetics , Human papillomavirus 18/isolation & purification , Human papillomavirus 18/genetics , Genotyping Techniques , Genotype
Rev. ADM ; 81(1): 61-66, ene.-feb. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560711


En 1871, el cirujano Johann von Mikulicz Radecki, de la Universidad de Viena en Austria, introdujo por primera vez la descripción del papiloma escamoso; finalmente en 2002, se reclasificó como una familia independiente con un total de 29 genes, de los cuales cinco se asocian al papiloma humano. En 2021, el Centro Internacional de Referencia del Virus del Papiloma Humano del Instituto Karolinska reportó un total de 228 diferentes tipos de VPH (AU)

In 1871, the surgeon Johann von Mikulicz Radecki, from the University of Vienna in Austria, first introduced the description of squamous papilloma; finally, in 2002, it was reclassified as an independent family with a total of 29 genes, of which five are associated. to human papilloma. In 2021, the International Reference Center for Human Papillomavirus at the Karolinska Institute reported a total of 228 different types of HPV (AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Papilloma/diagnosis , Papillomaviridae/classification , Papilloma/surgery , Papilloma/pathology , Papilloma/epidemiology , Cryotherapy/methods , Diagnosis, Differential
Afr. J. Clin. Exp. Microbiol ; 25(1): 17-27, 2024. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1532892


Background: About 99.7% of cervical dysplasia and cancer cases are caused by persistent genital high-risk human papillomavirus (hrHPV) infection. Most HPV infections are subclinical and self-limiting but may persists in about 5 to 10% of infected women, resulting in pre-cancerous lesions that can progress to invasive cancer years later. This study is aimed at detecting hrHPV among apparently healthy women of reproductive age in Kaduna State, thus providing more information for effective control of HPV and cervical cancer in Nigeria. Methodology: Cervical smears were taken from 515 randomly selected apparently healthy women across selected secondary and tertiary facilities from 3 Local Government Areas (LGAs) in each Senatorial Zone of Kaduna State, Nigeria. Liquid-based cytology (LBC) technique was used to collect cervical smears and prepare smears for cytology study, while the remaining samples were stored at -80oC for molecular studies. HPV DNA were extracted from the samples and amplified by convectional PCR using specific hrHPV (HPV 16,18,31 and 45) primer sets and a broad spectrum MY09/11 and GP5+/6+ primers for a wider range of HPV genotypes. Data were analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0 and relationship between prevalence of hrHPV and socio-demographic factors such as age and marital status were determined using Chisquare or Fisher Exact test with p<0.05 considered statistically significant. Results: The prevalence of total HPV and hrHPV infections in the study population was 11.8% (61/515) and 9.3% (48/515) respectively. A total of 100 HPV genotypes were detected by PCR in the 61 positive smears, with 66 hrHPV types from 48 women, and 34 other HPV types from 13 women. The frequency of hrHPV genotypes detected was HPV 31 (5.8%, n=30), HPV 45 (4.1%, n=21), HPV 16 (1.7%, n=9), and HPV 18 (1.2%, n=6), with other HPV genotypes (6.6%, n=34). The frequency of cervical dysplasia was 6.4% (33/515), which was significantly associated with all HPV genotypes except HPV 16. Single HPV infection was seen in 31 (51.8%) women while multiple infections were seen in 30 (49.2%), with double infection in 21 (34.4%) and triple infections in 9 (14.7%). Conclusion: The prevalence of hrHPV infection was high among women in Kaduna State, Nigeria. DNA-based screening for hrHPV genotypes and production of new vaccine that will protect against the predominant hrHPV genotypes are thus recommended for the prevention of cervical cancer in Nigeria, Africa and beyond.

Bogotá; Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud - FUCS; Primera edición; 2024. 112 p. ilus, mapas.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL, MTYCI | ID: biblio-1556503


Este libro tiene como origen las diversas reflexiones originadas por la ejecución de un trabajo de investigación en el área de la salud con comunidades indígenas de la Amazonia colombiana denominado: "Estrategia de Atención Primaria en Salud con enfoque intercultural e investigación Acción Participativa para la prevención del cáncer de cuello uterino en el resguardo indígena de El Paujil" (Colombia) y desarrollado por lideresas pertenecientes a la región e investigadores de las universidades Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud, FUCS; Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales, UDCA; y Universidad El Bosque, con la cofinanciación del Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación de Colombia. Los avances del proyecto permitieron explorar las visiones sobre diversos temas de algunas comunidades indígenas de la Amazonia, en especial, los relacionados con la salud de las mujeres y sus roles en las familias y en las comunidades. El trabajo conjunto, mediante una metodología de investigación participativa alrededor de la prevención del cáncer de cuello uterino, incluyó en primer lugar el análisis de la interculturalidad como un enfoque que coincide con los postulados de respeto por los valores culturales y las diferencias.

This book has as origin the diverse reflections originated by the execution of a research work in the area of health with indigenous communities of the Colombian Amazon called: "Primary Health Care Strategy with intercultural approach and Participatory Action Research for the prevention of cervical cancer in the indigenous reservation of El Paujil" (Colombia) and developed by leaders belonging to the region and researchers from the universities Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud, FUCS; Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales, UDCA; and Universidad El Bosque, with co-financing from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Colombia. The progress of the project made it possible to explore the views on various topics of some indigenous communities in the Amazon, especially those related to women's health and their roles in the families and communities. The joint work, through a participatory research methodology on cervical cancer prevention, included first of all the analysis of interculturality as an approach that coincides with the postulates of respect for cultural values and differences.

Humans , Female , Health Education , Colombia , Cell Biology , Papillomaviridae
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1567424


A fines de 2023 la autoridad sanitaria de Argentina realizó modificaciones en el Calendario Nacional obligatorio, que serán implementadas en forma progresiva durante 2024. Este artículo está enfocado en la reducción del esquema contra el virus del papiloma humano. (AU)

At the end of 2023, the Argentine health authority modified the mandatory National Calendar, which will be implemented progressively during 2024. This article focuses on the reduction in the human papillomavirus scheme. (AU)

Humans , Female , Papillomavirus Infections/prevention & control , Papillomavirus Vaccines/administration & dosage , Vaccine Efficacy , Argentina/epidemiology , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/prevention & control , Public Health/methods , Immunization Schedule , Treatment Outcome , Papillomavirus Infections/virology , Papillomaviridae/immunology
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535456


El cáncer de cuello uterino es causado por la infección persistente del epitelio cervical con los genotipos de alto riesgo del Virus del Papiloma Humano. Para su detección se realizan pruebas moleculares que detectan el gen L1 del VPH. Este gen puede perderse hasta en el 11 % de los casos durante la integración del ADN viral en el genoma del hospedero originando falsos negativos. Por otra parte, el oncogén E7 se expresa durante todas las etapas de progresión de la enfermedad. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estandarizar una PCR en tiempo real del oncogén E7 (E7-qPCR) para genotipificación y cuantificación de 6 VPH-AR. Los resultados muestran que la E7- qPCR amplificó VPH-16, -18, -31, -33, -35 y -45 con una alta sensibilidad con límites de detección desde 102 copias, eficiencias entre 90 y 110 %, valores R2 > 0,97 y análisis de curva de fusión que revelan productos específicos.

Cervical cancer is caused by persistent infection of the cervical epithelium with the high-risk genotypes of the Human Papilloma Virus (HR-HPV). For its detection, molecular tests are carried out that detect the L1 gene of HPV. This gene can be lost in up to 11 % of cases during the integration of viral DNA into the host genome, causing false negatives. On the other hand, the E7 oncogene is expressed during all stages of disease progression. The aim of this work was to standardize a real-time PCR of the E7 oncogene (E7-qPCR) for genotyping and quantification of 6 HR-HPV. The results show that the E7-qPCR amplified HPV-16, -18, -31, -33, -35 and -45 with high sensitivity with detection limits from 102 copies, efficiencies between 90 and 110 %, R2 values >0,97 and melting curve analysis revealing specific products.

Humans , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms , Papillomavirus Infections , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Papillomaviridae , Oncogenes , Genotyping Techniques
Medwave ; 23(8): e2709, 29-09-2023. mapas, tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1511418


INTRODUCCIÓN: El tamizaje preventivo del cáncer cervical es la mejor estrategia disponible para mermar la incidencia y mortalidad por esta neoplasia. No obstante, la baja proporción de mujeres que se someten al tamizaje de rutina, constituye un problema endiente para los sistemas de salud del mundo. OBJETIVO: Estimar la prevalencia y los factores asociados a realizarse el tamizaje preventivo del cáncer cervical en una región de Perú. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal y multicéntrico. En él participaron 1146 mujeres usuarias de centros de salud de una región sanitaria de Perú. La variable dependiente fue la realización de un tamizaje preventivo de cáncer cervical con Papanicolaou o inspección visual con ácido acético, en los últimos dos años. Las variables independientes fueron factores sociodemográficos, sociosanitarios, conocimientos sobre cáncer de cuello uterino y virus del papiloma humano, actitudes e información ante las pruebas de tamizaje. Para evaluar la asociación entre las variables se calcularon razones de prevalencia crudas y ajustadas, con modelos lineales generalizados de la familia Poisson. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia general del tamizaje preventivo fue de 50,5%. Esta se asoció a realizarse la prueba, el grado de instrucción superior y área de residencia urbana, usar métodos anticonceptivos, tener seguro de salud, recibir recomendación del personal de salud para realizarse el tamizaje y sentirse preocupada por adquirir cáncer de cuello uterino. También se vinculó a quienes respondieron que el cáncer es prevenible, que habían oído hablar de cáncer cervicouterino o virus del papiloma humano y si cree que este virus puede causar cáncer de cuello uterino, Además, se asoció el admitir que existe posibilidad de curar el cáncer con su detección temprana. En cambio, el considerar riesgoso el tamizaje preventivo se relacionó con no realizarse la prueba. CONCLUSIONES: La proporción de mujeres con tamizaje preventivo de cáncer cervical es baja. Asimismo, se identificaron ciertos factores asociados modificables, los que podrían mejorar las conductas y tasas del tamizaje preventivo.

INTRODUCTION: Preventive screening for cervical cancer is the best available strategy to reduce the incidence and mortality from this neoplasm. However, the low proportion of women who undergo routine screening is a pending concern for healthcare systems worldwide. OBJECTIVE: To estimate the prevalence and factors associated with preventive cervical cancer screening in a Peruvian region. METHODS: Cross-sectional, multicenter study. It enrolled 1146 women users of healthcare centers in a Peruvian sanitary region. The dependent variable was the performance of cervical cancer preventive screening with Papanicolaou or visual inspection with acetic acid in the last two years. The independent variables were sociodemographic and socio-sanitary factors, knowledge about cervical cancer and human papillomavirus, attitudes and information towards screening tests. To evaluate the association between the variables, crude and adjusted prevalence ratios were calculated with generalized linear models of Poisson. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of preventive screening was 50.5%. This was associated with being tested, having a higher education level and urban area of residence, using contraceptive methods, having health insurance, being recommended by healthcare personnel to be screened, and being concerned about developing cervical cancer. It was also associated with responding that this cancer is preventable, being aware of cervical cancer or human papillomavirus, and believing it can cause cervical cancer. In contrast, considering preventive screening risky was associated with not having the test. CONCLUSIONS: The proportion of women with preventive cervical cancer screening is low. In addition, certain associated modifiable factors were identified, which could improve preventive screening behaviors and rates.

Humans , Female , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/diagnosis , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/prevention & control , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/epidemiology , Early Detection of Cancer , Peru/epidemiology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Papillomaviridae
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; 88(4): 296-204, ago. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515219


Objetivo: La biopsia guiada por colposcopia (BGC) marca el manejo de la neoplasia intraepitelial cervical. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la concordancia de los resultados entre la BGC y la escisión amplia de la zona de transformación (LLETZ, large loop excision of the transformation zone), y la utilidad del genotipado del virus del papiloma humano (VPH) para seleccionar a las pacientes con riesgo de lesión intraepitelial escamosa de alto grado/neoplasia intraepitelial cervical 3 (HSIL/CIN3). Método: Se compararon los resultados de la BGC y de la LLETZ, siendo esta última el método de referencia. Se evaluó la relación del genotipo del VPH con el diagnóstico final de HSIL/CIN3. Resultados: La precisión de la biopsia comparada con LLETZ fue del 61,4%. La tasa de concordancia fue del 64,4% para CIN1, del 31,4% para CIN2 y del 77,4% para CIN3. La tasa global de sobrediagnóstico fue del 18,68% y la de subdiagnóstico del 19,89%. En mujeres menores de 30 años, la concordancia fue del 62,79% (CIN1 65%, CIN2 39,58% y CIN3 73,08%), la tasa de sobrediagnóstico del 22,67% y la tasa de subdiagnóstico del 15,11%. La infección por VPH16 tuvo una odds ratio de 3,86 para el diagnóstico final de HSIL/CIN3+. Conclusiones: El diagnóstico de CIN2 por BGC parece insuficiente para seleccionar a las pacientes para tratamiento escisional, principalmente en mujeres jóvenes. El hallazgo de VPH16 es un factor de riesgo de HSIL/CIN3+ independientemente del resultado de la biopsia.

Objective: Colposcopy-guided biopsy (CGB) is a basic tool for the management of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. The aim of this study is to evaluate the concordance of results between CGB and large loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ), and the usefulness of human papillomavirus (HPV) genotyping to select patients at risk of H-SIL/CIN3. Method: The results of colposcopy-guided biopsy and LLETZ were compared, with LLETZ being the gold standard. The relationship of HPV genotype to the final diagnosis of CIN3 was assessed. Results: The accuracy of CGB compared to LLETZ was 61.4%. The concordance rate was 64.4% for CIN1, 31.4% for CIN2 and 77.4% for CIN3. The overall overdiagnosis rate was 18.68% and underdiagnosis rate was 19.89%. In women under 30 years of age the concordance rate was 62.79% (CIN1 65%, CIN2 39.58% and CIN3 73.08%), and the rate of overdiagnosis and underdiagnosis was 22.67% and 15.11%, respectively. HPV16 infection had an odds ratio of 3.86 for the final diagnosis of CIN3+ and the result was significant regardless of the biopsy result. Conclusions: The CGB result as CIN2 is inaccurate and seems insufficient to select patients for excisional treatment, mainly in young women. HPV16 infection is a risk factor for CIN3+ regardless of the colposcopy-guided biopsy result.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Biopsy/methods , Uterine Cervical Dysplasia/genetics , Uterine Cervical Dysplasia/pathology , Colposcopy/methods , Precancerous Conditions , Retrospective Studies , Genotyping Techniques , Image-Guided Biopsy , Genotype , Papillomaviridae/genetics
Nursing (Ed. bras., Impr.) ; 26(300): 9653-9660, ju.2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1444534


Objetivo: objetivo identificar o conhecimento dos acadêmicos de enfermagem relacionados à temática do Papiloma Vírus Humano. Método: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo com abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvida em uma faculdade de cunho privado. Participaram da pesquisa ocorrida no período de setembro de 2022 um total de156 acadêmicos de enfermagem. Resultados: O estudo demonstrou que 70,5% (110) dos alunos são mulheres, fato este que demonstra ser uma realidade na profissão. Diante dos questionamentos sobre Papiloma Vírus Humano, 94,9% (148) afirmaram que o Papiloma Vírus Humano é uma infecção sexualmente transmissível, ainda assim afirmaram em sua maioria que as mulheres são público alvo do vírus, como também, confirmam que é através do contato com lesões 42,3% (107) que o vírus é transmitido. Conclusão: Dessa forma, após avaliações dos dados obtidos foi possível notar que os acadêmicos ao se matricularem na faculdade já possuem conhecimentos empíricos e ao passarem pelas disciplinas na universidade esse conhecimento tornam-secientíficos. (AU)

Objective: To identify the knowledge of nursing students related to the Human Papilloma Virus theme. Method: This is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach, developed in a private college. A total of156 nursing students participated in the research that occurred in the period of September 2022. Results: The study showed that 70.5% (110) of the students are women, a fact that demonstrates that this is a reality in the profession. When asked about Human Papilloma Virus, 94.9% (148) said that the Human Papilloma Virus is a sexually transmitted infection, yet they mostly said that women are the target of the virus, as well as confirm that it is through contact with lesions that 42.3% (107) that the virus is transmitted. Conclusion: Thus, after evaluating the data obtained, it was possible to notice that when the students enrolled in college they already have empirical knowledge, and by going through the disciplines at the university this knowledge becomes scientific.(AU)

Objetivo: Identificar los conocimientos de los estudiantes de enfermería relacionados con el tema Virus del Papiloma Humano. Método: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo con abordaje cuantitativo, desarrollado en una facultad privada. Participaram da pesquisa ocorrida no período de setembro de 2022 um total de156 acadêmicos de enfermagem. Resultados: El estudio mostró que el 70,5% (110) de los estudiantes son mujeres, un hecho que demuestra ser una realidad en la profesión. Frente a las preguntas sobre el Virus del Papiloma Humano, 94,9% (148) dijeron que el Virus del Papiloma Humano es una infección de transmisión sexual, sin embargo, en su mayoría dijeron que las mujeres son el público objetivo del virus, así como confirmar que es a través del contacto con las lesiones 42,3% (107) que el virus se transmite. Conclusión: Así, después de evaluar los datos obtenidos, fue posible notar que los alumnos matriculados en la facultad ya poseen conocimientos empíricos y al pasar por las disciplinas en la universidad estos conocimientos se tornan científicos.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Students, Nursing , Nursing , Papillomaviridae
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 45(5): 235-241, May 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449738


Abstract Objective To evaluate the accuracy and patient acceptability toward self-sampling using a new device - SelfCervix® - for detecting HPV-DNA. Methods A total of 73 women aged 25-65 who underwent regular cervical cancer screening from March to October 2016 were included. Women performed self-sampling followed by a physician-sampling, and the samples were analyzed for HPV-DNA. After that, patients were surveyed about their acceptability of self-sampling. Results HPV-DNA detection rate of self-sampling presented high accuracy and was similar to physician-collection. Sixty-four (87.7%) patients answered the acceptability survey. Most patients (89%) considered the self-sampling comfortable, and 82.5% preferred self-sampling to physician-sampling. The reasons cited were time-saving and convenience. Fifty-one (79.7%) reported that they would recommend self-sampling. Conclusion Self-sampling using the new Brazilian device SelfCervix® is not inferior in HPV-DNA detection rate compared with physician-collection, and patients are supportive of the method. Therefore, it might be an option to reach under-screened populations in Brazil.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a acurácia e aceitabilidade da auto-coleta utilizando um novo coletor - SelfCervix® - para a detecção de DNA de HPV. Métodos Foram incluídas no estudo 73 mulheres com idade entre 25-65 anos que realizaram seu rastreamento regular do câncer de colo do útero entre Março e Outubro de 2016. Estas mulheres realizaram a auto-coleta, seguida de coleta profissional e as amostras foram analisadas paraa presença de DNA de HPV. Após, elas responderam um questionário sobre a experiência da auto-coleta. Resultados As taxas de detecção de DNA de HPV por auto-coleta foram altas e similares as da coleta profissional. Sessenta e quatro (87,7%) pacientes responderam o questionário de experiência. A maioria (89%) considerou a auto-coleta confortável, e 82,5% preferiram o método comparado a coleta profissional. As razões citadas foram economia de tempo e conveniência. Cinquenta e uma (79,7%) mulheres confirmaram que recomendariam a auto-coleta. Conclusão Auto-coleta utilizando o novo coletor desenvolvido no Brasil não é inferior na detecção de DNA de HPV quando comparada a coleta profissional, e apresenta uma boa aceitabilidade pelas mulheres. Desta maneira, pode ser uma opção para alcançar populações que não realizam o rastreamento padrão.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Uterine Cervical Dysplasia , Mass Screening , Early Detection of Cancer , Papillomaviridae
Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 12(1): 352, abr. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1509732


El cáncer de cabeza y cuello comprende a todos aquellos tumores que se desarrollan en el tracto aerodigestivo superior, una de las características de éstos es su diversidad, que no es solo desde el punto de vista histológico y etiológico, sino que incluyen diversas formas de presentación, progresión y enfoques terapéuticos. Son de causa multifactorial, siendo el alcohol y el tabaco los principales factores de riesgo asociados; en los últimos años se ha relacionado a ciertos virus con potencial oncogénico con la génesis tumoral, entre ellos al Virus del Papiloma Humano, lo que ha permitido modificar el sistema de estadificación tumor primario-nodos linfáticos cancerosos-metástasis (TNM); presentándolo ahora en dos grandes grupos acorde a la Proteína supresora de tumores P16: P16+ y P16-,los cuales tienen características y manejo diferente. En vista de la heterogeneidad de la enfermedad, son diversos los tratamientos que se ha empleados para el manejo de la misma, entre ellos cirugía, radioterapia, quimioterapia e/o inmunoterapia; ésta última terapéutica, está dirigida hacia la estimulación del sistema inmune del paciente con la finalidad de generar la destrucción de las células tumorales, se realizan previo a una intervención quirúrgica para reducir el tamaño del tumor. Una forma destacable, es la del bloqueo de puntos de control inmunitarios, especialmente hacia proteínas de control inmune moduladoras de respuesta de células T, como los anti-PD-1 y los anti-CTLA-4. La inmunoterapia cada vez va tomando más protagonismo en oncología, en especial las formas de evasión de las reacciones inmunitarias por parte de las células cancerígenas(AU)

Head and neck cancer includes all those tumors that develop in the upper aerodigestive tract, one of the characteristics of these is their heterogeneity, which is not only from the histological and etiological, but also include various forms of presentation, progression and therapeutic approaches.They have a multifactorial cause, with alcohol and tobacco being the main associated risk factors, however, in recent year scertain viruses with oncogenic potential have been linked to tumor genesis, including HPV, which has made it possible tomodify the TNM staging system; now presenting it in two large groups, P16+ and P16-, which have different characteristics and management. In view of the heterogeneity of the disease, there are various treatments that have been used to manageit, including surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and/ orimmunotherapy which will be determined taking into account the location and tumor extension. The latter treatment, is aimedat stimulating the patient's immune system in order to generate the destruction of tumor cells, are performed prior to a surgical intervention to reduce the size of the tumor. A remarkable therapy is that of blocking immune checkpoints, especially anti-PD-1 and anti-CTLA. Immunotherapy is becoming more and more prominent, however, there is still much to discover, so we believe that we should continue investigating the ways of evasion of immune reactions by cancer cells(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Tobacco Use Disorder , Alcohol Drinking , Risk Factors , Head and Neck Neoplasms/etiology , Immunotherapy , T-Lymphocytes , Papillomaviridae/pathogenicity
Rev. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Quito) ; 48(1): 32-37, Ene 01, 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526678


Introducción: Los condilomas o verrugas anogenitales son secundarios a una infección causada por el virus del papiloma humano en sitios específicos, como la piel de la región anogenital, en las mucosas vaginal y anal. Es una infección de transmisión sexual rara en la edad pediátrica, muy frecuente entre los adultos y adolescentes sexualmente activos; la causa en los infantes, sin descartar el abuso sexual podría ser: 1. En el momento del parto, en la etapa neonatal y durante los primeros años; 2. Autoinoculación o hetero-inoculación de los genitales de otros niños, de adultos, familiares como la madre o cuidadores. Podría manifestarse como pequeños papilomas o crecimientos verrugosos en la piel anogenital, en la mucosa de la vagina o el ano. Este caso tiene importancia clínica ya que los tratamientos convencionales presentan recidivas a corto plazo y muchos de ellos no son bien tolerados por los pequeños pacientes. Hay tratamientos agresivos como la criocirugía; el uso de medicamentos costosos como el Imiquimod; sin embargo, las reci-divas son muy frecuentes con estos tratamientos convencionales.Objetivo: Describir el uso de un esquema de terapia de tratamiento con podofilina en combina-ción con ácido glicirricínico y ácido tricloroacético, en una paciente pediátrica con diagnóstico de condiloma ano-perineal, para ayudar a disminuir las recidivas, los costos y sobre todo los efectos psicológicos que provocan los métodos dolorosos en los pequeños pacientes. Presentación del caso: Paciente que presentó lesiones verrucosas, puntiagudos en la región ano-perineal; y, luego de haber sido intervenida en un centro de salud por varios días mediante la topicación sobre las lesiones una solución de ácido tricloro acético a 5% combinada con podofi-lina al 50%; sin embargo, el cuadro se exacerbó extendiéndose las lesiones hasta cerca del área genital. Luego de lo cual acudió a nuestra consulta, donde además de la combinación anterior, más la adición de ácido glicirricinico tópico y logrando a los 30 días la remisión de las lesiones.Conclusiones y recomendaciones: La combinación de una sustancia corrosiva, el ácido tricloro acético, con una sustancia que detiene la multiplicación celular como la podofilina; y el ácido glicirricinico el cual disminuye la replicación de los virus en un estadio temprano, impide la salida del virión de su cápside y con esto su penetración a las células. La aplicación de esta triple terapia mejoró los resultados para condilomatosis en pacientes pediátricos.

Introduction: Anogenital condylomas or warts are secondary to an infection caused by the human papillomavirus in specific sites, such as the skin of the anogenital region, in the vaginal and anal mucosa. It is a rare sexually transmitted infection in pediatric age, very common among sexually active adults and adolescents; The cause in infants, without ruling out sexual abuse, could be: 1. At the time of birth, in the neonatal stage and during the first years; 2. Autoinoculation or he-tero-inoculation of the genitals of other children, adults, family members such as the mother or caregivers. It could manifest as small papillomas or warty growths on the anogenital skin, on the mucosa of the vagina or anus. This case has clinical importance since conventional treatments present short-term recurrences and many of them are not well tolerated by young patients. There are aggressive treatments such as cryosurgery; the use of expensive medications such as Imiqui-mod; However, recurrences are very common with these conventional treatments.Objective: To describe the use of a treatment regimen with podophyllin in combination with glycyrr-hizinic acid and trichloroacetic acid, in a pediatric patient diagnosed with anoperineal condyloma, to help reduce recurrences, costs and, above all, psychological effects. that painful methods cause in young patients.Case presentation: The patient presents sharp, verrucous lesions in the ano-perineal region; and, after having been operated on in a health center for several days by topicalizing a 5% trichloroace-tic acid solution combined with 50% podophyllin on the lesions; However, the condition worsened, with the lesions extending close to the genital area. After which he came to our consultation, where in addition to the previous combination, plus the addition of topical glycyrrhizinic acid and achie-ving remission of the lesions after 30 days.Conclusions and recomendations: The combination of a corrosive substance, trichloroacetic acid, with a substance that stops cell multiplication such as podophyllin; and glycyrrhizinic acid, which decreases virus replication at an early stage, prevents the release of the virion from its cap-sid and thus its penetration into the cells. The application of this triple therapy improved the results for condylomatosis in pediatric patients.

Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Anal Canal/abnormalities , Podophyllin , Condylomata Acuminata , Papillomaviridae
Article in Spanish | LILACS, INS-PERU | ID: biblio-1442113


La papilomatosis respiratoria recurrente es una enfermedad neoplásica causada por el virus del papiloma humano y caracterizada por el crecimiento de lesiones proliferativas exofíticas que afectan la mucosa de las vías respiratorias. En su epidemiología se presenta una distribución bimodal, con una forma juvenil en menores de 20 años, más agresiva, con múltiples lesiones papilomatosas y alta frecuencia de recurrencia, en comparación con la forma adulta. El compromiso pulmonar es poco frecuente y su manejo es un desafío. Se presenta el caso de un varón de 13 años con antecedente de papilomatosis laríngea desde los dos años. El paciente mostró dificultad respiratoria y múltiples nódulos estenosantes en laringe y tráquea, y varios quistes pulmonares visualizados en la tomografía de tórax. Se le realizó exéresis de las lesiones papilomatosas y traqueostomía. Recibió dosis única de bevacizumab 400 mg intravenoso y terapias respiratorias con evolución favorable, sin recurrencias en el seguimiento.

Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis is a neoplastic disease caused by the human papillomavirus and characterized by the growth of exophytic proliferative lesions affecting the mucosa of the respiratory tract. This condition has a bimodal age distribution; the juvenile form affects those under 20 years of age, is more aggressive and presents multiple papillomatous lesions and high frequency of recurrence, compared to the adult form. Pulmonary involvement is rare and challenging to treat. We present the case of a 13-year-old male with a history of laryngeal papillomatosis since the age of two years. The patient showed respiratory distress and multiple stenosing nodules in the larynx and trachea, as well as several pulmonary cysts identified on chest CT. The patient underwent excision of the papillomatous lesions and tracheostomy. Then, the patient received a single dose of intravenous bevacizumab 400 mg and respiratory therapies with favorable evolution, without recurrences during follow-up.

Humans , Male , Respiratory Tract Neoplasms , Papillomaviridae , Respiratory System
DST j. bras. doenças sex. transm ; 35jan. 31, 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1526864


Introduction: Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infections are of significant concern in men, given its potential impact on their health and the risk of transmission to partners. Understanding and addressing this infection in men is crucial to evaluate the effectiveness of vaccination in reducing HPV-related diseases. Objective: To assess the impact of HPV vaccination, potential genotype shifts, and adverse effects, through a prospective study conducted with male university students. Methods:The study involved 286 volunteers who were examined at Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinics at the Universidade Federal Fluminense in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The HPV prevalence was evaluated using generic PCR, genotyped by DNA microarray and monitored adverse effects. Results: The findings of this study revealed the absence of moderate or severe adverse effects. Genetic shifts were observed, including the disappearance of oncogenic HPV types 16 and 18. Surprisingly, even after completing the full vaccine regimen, students still harbored HPV11 in the oral tract. Furthermore, persistent HPV 6 and 11 infections were identified in three students, who had pre-existing infections prior to vaccination, at the follow-up visit. Multivariate analysis uncovered independent associations, notably an increased risk of HPV infection in the oral tract among men who have sex with men. HPV prevalence rates remained low both before and after the vaccination scheme (T0: 14.7%, T1: 8.7%). Even after the full vaccination scheme, the prevalence remained similar at T2 (14.6%), with no statistically significant differences recorded. HPV11 emerged as the most prevalent type throughout the study, followed by HPV6. Vaccine genotypes were detected in a significant proportion of samples at T0 (85.4%), T1 (89.5%), and T2 (100%). Conclusion: Overall, this study suggests that vaccination may represent a promising approach to reducing HPV-related health risks. These findings shed light on the potential benefits and challenges of HPV vaccination, emphasizing the need for continued monitoring and vaccination efforts

Introdução: As infecções por papilomavírus humano (HPV) são de grande preocupação em homens, dada sua possível influência na saúde deles e no risco de transmissão para parceiros. Compreender e abordar essa infecção em homens é fundamental para avaliar a eficácia da vacinação na redução de doenças relacionadas ao HPV. Objetivo: Avaliar o impacto da vacinação contra o HPV, possíveis alterações genotípicas e efeitos adversos, por meio de um estudo prospectivo realizado em estudantes universitários do sexo masculino. Métodos: O estudo envolveu 286 voluntários examinados em Clínicas de Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis na Universidade Federal Fluminense, em Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. A prevalência do HPV foi avaliada por polymerase chain reaction (PCR) genérico e genotipada por microarranjo de DNA, e foram monitorados os efeitos adversos. Resultados: Os resultados deste estudo revelaram a ausência de efeitos adversos moderados ou graves. Observaram-se mudanças genéticas, incluindo o desaparecimento dos tipos oncogênicos do HPV 16 e 18. Surpreendentemente, mesmo após a conclusão do esquema completo de vacinação, os estudantes ainda abrigavam o HPV 11 na cavidade oral. Além disso, foram identificadas infecções persistentes pelo HPV 6 e 11 em três estudantes que já tinham infecções preexistentes antes da vacinação e na visita de acompanhamento. A análise multivariada revelou associações independentes, especialmente um aumento no risco de infecção pelo HPV na cavidade oral em homens que têm relações sexuais com homens. As taxas de prevalência do HPV permaneceram baixas tanto antes quanto depois do esquema de vacinação (T0: 14,7%, T1: 8,7%). Mesmo após a conclusão do esquema de vacinação, a prevalência permaneceu semelhante em T2 (14,6%), sem diferenças estatisticamente significativas registradas. O HPV 11 emergiu como o tipo mais prevalente ao longo do estudo, seguido pelo HPV 6. Genótipos da vacina foram detectados em uma proporção significativa de amostras em T0 (85,4%), T1 (89,5%) e T2 (100%). Conclusão: No geral, este estudo sugere que a vacinação pode representar uma abordagem promissora para a redução dos riscos à saúde relacionados ao HPV. Esses achados lançam luz sobre os benefícios e desafios potenciais da vacinação contra o HPV, enfatizando a necessidade de monitoramento contínuo e esforços de vacinação

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Young Adult , Papillomavirus Infections/prevention & control , Papillomavirus Vaccines/administration & dosage , Papillomaviridae/genetics , Brazil/epidemiology , Prospective Studies , Papillomavirus Infections/epidemiology , Genotype
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1045919


Cervical cancer mainly caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection has become a public health issue, which seriously threatens women 's health. To prevent HPV infection, the currently used prophylactic vaccines mainly induce a humoral immune response in the host, thereby generating neutralizing antibodies. In contrast, the design goal of therapeutic HPV vaccines is to induce a cell-mediated immune response in the host, primarily driven by Th1 cells, aiming to clear existing viral infections and slow down or inhibit tumor progression. Currently, several therapeutic HPV vaccines based on different mechanisms and techniques have entered clinical trials. This review will summarize the progress of these clinical trials, providing reference for the research and development of therapeutic HPV vaccines.

Female , Humans , Papillomavirus Vaccines/therapeutic use , Papillomavirus Infections/prevention & control , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms , Immunity, Cellular , Papillomaviridae
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1045951


Objective: To systematically collect and evaluate the health economics research of Human papilloma virus(HPV) vaccination population expansion to men, and to provide evidence for optimizing HPV vaccine immunization strategies. Methods: Health economics research studies on male HPV vaccination published in databases including PubMed, Web of Science, CNKI, and Wanfang Database from January 2010 to September 2022 were collected according to the systematic evaluation research design. The quality of the studies was assessed using the health economics evaluation reporting standards (2022 edition) (CHEERS 2022), with full score of 28. The results of the studies were reviewed and analyzed systematically. Results: A total of 21 studies complies with the criteria were included, all of which was foreign research. The average CHEERS score of the literatures was 25.71 points, range from 23 to 28 points. 85.71% (12/14) studies of the gender-neutral population showed that including male in HPV vaccination were more consistent with the cost effectiveness than female vaccination alone under certain conditions (target at adolescents of 10 to 15 years old or adults under 26 years old). 80.00% (4/5) of the studies target at ordinary men only were proved that male vaccination with HPV vaccine was in line with the cost-effectiveness. 2 studies targeting men who have sex with men (MSM) were both concluded that it met the cost-effectiveness. In addition, the results of 2 gender-neutral population studies and 1 study on men alone showed that extending HPV vaccination to men did not conform to cost effectiveness. The main reasons for the non-cost-effectiveness included the high price of vaccines and the age of vaccination. Conclusion: The quality of the health economics evaluation studies on expanding HPV vaccination to the male population is high. Vaccination targeting adolescents and young men as well as special groups (such as MSM) are likely to be cost-effective, and vaccinations for other groups are still need further evaluated. It is recommended that relevant research should be conducted to provide evidence for expanding the scope of HPV vaccination to men in China.

Adult , Adolescent , Humans , Male , Female , Child , Papillomaviridae , Homosexuality, Male , Papillomavirus Infections/prevention & control , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Vaccination , Immunization , Papillomavirus Vaccines
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1046242


Cervical cancer mainly caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection has become a public health issue, which seriously threatens women 's health. To prevent HPV infection, the currently used prophylactic vaccines mainly induce a humoral immune response in the host, thereby generating neutralizing antibodies. In contrast, the design goal of therapeutic HPV vaccines is to induce a cell-mediated immune response in the host, primarily driven by Th1 cells, aiming to clear existing viral infections and slow down or inhibit tumor progression. Currently, several therapeutic HPV vaccines based on different mechanisms and techniques have entered clinical trials. This review will summarize the progress of these clinical trials, providing reference for the research and development of therapeutic HPV vaccines.

Female , Humans , Papillomavirus Vaccines/therapeutic use , Papillomavirus Infections/prevention & control , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms , Immunity, Cellular , Papillomaviridae
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1046274


Objective: To systematically collect and evaluate the health economics research of Human papilloma virus(HPV) vaccination population expansion to men, and to provide evidence for optimizing HPV vaccine immunization strategies. Methods: Health economics research studies on male HPV vaccination published in databases including PubMed, Web of Science, CNKI, and Wanfang Database from January 2010 to September 2022 were collected according to the systematic evaluation research design. The quality of the studies was assessed using the health economics evaluation reporting standards (2022 edition) (CHEERS 2022), with full score of 28. The results of the studies were reviewed and analyzed systematically. Results: A total of 21 studies complies with the criteria were included, all of which was foreign research. The average CHEERS score of the literatures was 25.71 points, range from 23 to 28 points. 85.71% (12/14) studies of the gender-neutral population showed that including male in HPV vaccination were more consistent with the cost effectiveness than female vaccination alone under certain conditions (target at adolescents of 10 to 15 years old or adults under 26 years old). 80.00% (4/5) of the studies target at ordinary men only were proved that male vaccination with HPV vaccine was in line with the cost-effectiveness. 2 studies targeting men who have sex with men (MSM) were both concluded that it met the cost-effectiveness. In addition, the results of 2 gender-neutral population studies and 1 study on men alone showed that extending HPV vaccination to men did not conform to cost effectiveness. The main reasons for the non-cost-effectiveness included the high price of vaccines and the age of vaccination. Conclusion: The quality of the health economics evaluation studies on expanding HPV vaccination to the male population is high. Vaccination targeting adolescents and young men as well as special groups (such as MSM) are likely to be cost-effective, and vaccinations for other groups are still need further evaluated. It is recommended that relevant research should be conducted to provide evidence for expanding the scope of HPV vaccination to men in China.

Adult , Adolescent , Humans , Male , Female , Child , Papillomaviridae , Homosexuality, Male , Papillomavirus Infections/prevention & control , Sexual and Gender Minorities , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Vaccination , Immunization , Papillomavirus Vaccines