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Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551116


Introdução: a própolis é uma composição resinosa produzida por abelhas e utilizada em suas colmeias contra microrganismos. Existem diversos tipos desse composto, sendo o de coloração vermelha o último espécime relatado na literatura. Assim, dentre suas aplicabilidades, a atividade antifúngica da própolis vermelha tem sido explorada com vistas a ampliar sua ação terapêutica. Objetivo: explorar estudos acerca da ação antifúngica da própolis vermelha, identificando suas potencialidades e desafios. Metodologia: foi realizada uma revisão integrativa nas bases de dados bibliográficos MEDLINE (via PubMed), SciELO e Google Acadêmico, complementada por uma diligência nas bases de ensaios clínicos ReBEC e Clinical Trials. Em seguida todos os estudos selecionados foram explorados para obtenção do cenário atual sobre o tema. Resultados: foram incluídos 08 estudos, sendo 01 deles um ensaio clínico. Os estudos comprovam a ação antifúngica da própolis vermelha, principalmente contra Candida spp. e Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, e evidenciam a maior potência fungicida deste composto em detrimento de outros tipos de própolis. Conclusão: a ação antifúngica da própolis vermelha mostra-se uma potencialidade em diversos estudos. Entretanto, o volume de pesquisas científicas relativas a esse tema é insuficiente e a complexidade desse composto configura-se como um desafio à sua aplicabilidade.

Introduction: propolis is a resinous composition produced by compounds and used in their hives against microorganisms. There are several types of this compound, the red one is the last specimen reported in the literature. Thus, among its applicability, the antifungal activity of red propolis has been explored as a path to expand its therapeutic action. Objective: to explore studies about the antifungal action of red propolis, identifying its potentialities and challenges. Methodology: Na integrative review was carried out in the bibliographic databases MEDLINE (via PubMed), SciELO and Google Scholar, complemented by a diligence in ReBEC and Clinical Trials databases. Then, all selected studies were explorers to obtain the current scenario on the subject. Results: 08 studies were included, which 01 of them was a clinical trial. Studies prove the antifungal action of red propolis, mainly against Candida spp. and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, and show the greater fungicidal power of this compound compared to other types of propolis. Conclusion: the antifungal action of red propolis shows potential in several studies. However, the volume of scientific research on this theme is insufficient and the complexity of this compound represents a challenge to its applicability.

Introducción: el propóleo es una composición resinosa producida por las abejas y utilizada en sus colmenas contra los microorganismos. Existen varios tipos de este compuesto, siendo el rojo el último ejemplar reportado en la literatura. Así, entre sus posibilidades de aplicación, se ha explorado la actividad antifúngica del propóleo rojo con vistas a ampliar su acción terapéutica. Objetivo: explorar estudios sobre la acción antifúngica del propóleo rojo, identificando sus potencialidades y desafíos. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión en las bases de datos bibliográficas MEDLINE (vía PubMed), SciELO y Google Scholar, complementada con una diligencia en las bases de datos de ensayos clínicos ReBEC y Clinical Trials. Luego se exploraron todos los estudios seleccionados para obtener el escenario actual sobre el tema. Resultados: Se incluyeron 08 estudios, 01 de los cuales fue un ensayo clínico. Los estudios demuestran la acción antifúngica del propóleo rojo, principalmente contra Candida spp. y Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, y muestran el mayor poder fungicida de este compuesto en detrimento de otros tipos de propóleos. Conclusión: la acción antifúngica del propóleo rojo muestra potencial en varios estudios. Sin embargo, el volumen de investigación científica sobre este tema es insuficiente y la complejidad de este compuesto representa un desafío para su aplicabilidad.

Propolis/therapeutic use , Antifungal Agents/therapeutic use , Paracoccidioides/drug effects , Candida/drug effects , Anti-Infective Agents/therapeutic use
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 43(Supl. 1): 132-143, 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533891


Introducción. La paracoccidioidomicosis es una micosis sistémica y endémica en Latinoamérica. El cambio climático y el movimiento migratorio del huésped enfatizan la necesidad de optimizar el diagnóstico de esta infección. Objetivo. Evaluar la implementación de la detección de ADN de Paracoccidioides spp. al diagnóstico micológico de pacientes con sospecha de paracoccidioidomicosis. Materiales y métodos. Estudio retrospectivo con datos de laboratorio de pacientes con sospecha de paracoccidioidomicosis en un hospital de área no endémica. Resultados. Se analizaron los resultados de las muestras de 19 pacientes con sospecha clínica de paracoccidioidomicosis. El 90 % de los pacientes había nacido o visitado un área endémica de esta micosis en Latinoamérica. En 14 pacientes varones adultos se confirmó paracoccidioidomicosis por diagnóstico convencional. El examen directo fue positivo en 12 pacientes con enfermedad comprobada y en 4 de ellos se obtuvo crecimiento del hongo. Se detectaron anticuerpos contra Paracoccidioides spp. en ocho pacientes con la enfermedad. Se realizó PCR anidada con muestras de 14 pacientes para detectar ADN de Paracoccidioides spp. En 9 de los 10 pacientes con diagnóstico convencional de paracoccidioidomicosis se obtuvo una prueba de PCR positiva. Conclusiones. La implementación de técnicas moleculares para detectar ADN de Paracoccidioides spp. complementa el diagnóstico convencional de paracoccidioidomicosis y permite instaurar el tratamiento antifúngico, sobre todo en los casos clínicos donde no se observa la presencia del hongo en las muestras clínicas. La migración actual de poblaciones humanas dificulta el diagnóstico de paracoccidioidiomicosis y otras infecciones endémicas, por lo que se requiere optimizar el diagnostico micológico en los laboratorios clínicos para tratar pacientes con este tipo micosis desatendida.

Introduction. Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic mycosis endemic in Latin America. Climate change and host migration emphasize the need to optimize this infection diagnosis. Objective. To evaluate the implementation of Paracoccidioides spp. DNA detection in the mycological diagnosis of patients with suspected paracoccidioidomycosis. Materials and methods. It is a retrospective study with laboratory data from patients with clinical suspicion of paracoccidioidomycosis, who consulted a university hospital from a non-endemic area. Results. We analyzed the laboratory results of samples from 19 patients with suspected paracoccidioidomycosis. Seventeen out of 19 patients were born in or had visited an endemic area in Latin America. Fourteen adult male patients were confirmed to have paracoccidioidomycosis by conventional diagnosis: the direct examination was positive in 12 samples while fungal growth was found only in 4. Anti-Paracoccidioides spp. antibodies were detected in 10 patients, 8 of them with proven paracoccidioidomycosis. Nested PCR for Paracoccidioides spp. detection was performed on clinical samples from 14 patients, and positive results were obtained for 9 out of 10 patients with the conventional diagnosis of paracoccidioidomycosis. Conclusions. The incorporation of molecular techniques to detect Paracoccidioides spp. DNA complements the conventional diagnosis of paracoccidioidomycosis. This tool allows the prescription of antifungal treatment in those cases where the fungus is not observed in the clinical samples. Current human migrations difficult the mycological diagnosis of paracoccidioidomycosis and other fungal infections. For this reason, it is necessary to improve mycological diagnosis in clinical laboratories to adequately treat patients with this neglected mycosis.

Paracoccidioidomycosis , Paracoccidioides , DNA , Molecular Diagnostic Techniques , Mycoses
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 43(Supl. 1): 69-76, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533899


La paracoccidioidomicosis es una micosis sistémica endémica en Latinoamérica. La presentación más frecuente compromete crónicamente los pulmones, la piel y las mucosas. Al inicio, este paciente presentó, por varios años, una lesión única en la mucosa oral que, en ausencia de otros síntomas, se relacionó con una neoplasia maligna, específicamente con un carcinoma escamocelular. La diferenciación entre los dos diagnósticos se hace mediante un examen directo, un estudio histopatológico y cultivos iniciales y subsecuentes. Sin embargo, tales estudios no fueron concluyentes. Después de varias consultas y pruebas, con los resultados del examen directo, la inmunodifusión y la PCR en tiempo real se confirmó el diagnóstico de paracoccidioidomicosis crónica multifocal. Este caso alerta sobre la ausencia de sospecha clínica de micosis endémicas, dada la presencia de lesiones mucocutaneas que pueden ser producidas por hongos como Paracoccidioides spp, y la importancia de considerarlas entre los diagnósticos diferenciales.

Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic mycosis endemic in Latin America. The most frequent form involves a chronic compromise of the lungs, skin, and mucosa. The patient started with a single oral lesion that lasted for several years. The absence of other symptoms pointed out a possible malignant neoplasm, specifically a squamous cell carcinoma. Differentiation between both diagnoses-fungal infection and carcinoma-depends on the results of the direct examination, the histopathological study, and the initial and subsequent cultures. However, in this case, those findings were not conclusive. The coexistence of both diagnoses is frequent and increases the diagnostic challenge. After several consultations and tests, direct examination, immunodiffusion and real-time PCR findings the multifocal chronic paracoccidioidomycosis diagnosis was confirmed. This case warns about a systematical absence of clinical suspicion of endemic mycoses before the appereance of mucocutaneous lesions, which can be produced by fungi like Paracoccidioides spp, and the importance of considering those mycoses among the differential diagnoses.

Paracoccidioidomycosis , Paracoccidioides , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell , Diagnosis, Differential , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Mycoses
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; 43(Supl. 1): 170-180, 2023.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533900


Introduction. The existing methods for Paracoccidioides spp. antigen production are problematic in terms of standardization, specificity, stability, repeatability, and reproducibility. Objective. To optimize the methodology for Paracoccidioides spp. antigen production and evaluate its applicability in paracoccidioidomycosis immunodiagnosis. Materials and methods. The antigens were obtained from Paracoccidioides lutzii isolates (01, 66, and 8334), Paracoccidioides brasiliensis sensu stricto (113), and Paracoccidioides restripiensis (B-339). These fungi were grown at 36 °C ± 1 °C, on modified Fava-Netto agar, according to Freitas et al. (2018). Paracoccidioides lutzii antigens were obtained after 5, 10, and 20 days of culture, whereas P. brasiliensis and P. restripiensis antigens were obtained after 10 days. Antigens were evaluated in natura, 10 and 20 times concentrated. Antigenic capacity was evaluated using a double immunodiffusion assay against serum samples from patients with paracoccidioidomycosis, histoplasmosis, and aspergillosis, and random blood donors. Results. Cross-reactivity between Paracoccidioides spp. antigens was observed when P. brasiliensis, P. restrepiensis antigens, and P. lutzii antigens were evaluated with the polyclonal antibodies against P. lutzii and P. brasiliensis, respectively. No cross-reactivity was obtained for polyclonal antibodies against Histoplasma capsulatum, Aspergillus fumigatus, and random blood donors. The proposed protocol allowed stable, repeatable, and reproducible genus-specific antigen production at a low cost and in a short cultivation time. Conclusion. The proposed protocol allowed us to obtain genus-specific antigens that can be developed and reproduced in all laboratories in Brazil and South America, where paracoccidioidomycosis is a neglected disease, contributing to an early diagnosis, especially in endemic regions, regardless of the species.

Introducción. Los métodos existentes para la producción de los antígenos de Paracoccidioides spp. son problemáticos en su estandarización, especificidad, estabilidad, repetibilidad y reproducibilidad. Objetivo. Optimizar la metodología para la producción de antígenos de Paracoccidioides spp. y evaluar su aplicabilidad en el inmunodiagnóstico de la paracoccidioidomicosis. Materiales y métodos. Los antígenos se obtuvieron de aislamientos de P. lutzii (01, 66 y 8334), P. brasiliensis sensu stricto (113) y P. restripiensis (B-339). Estos hongos se cultivaron a 36 °C ± 1 °C en agar Fava-Netto modificado, según Freitas et al. (2018). Los antígenos de P. lutzii se obtuvieron a los 5, 10 y 20 días de cultivo y los antígenos de P. brasiliensis y P. restripiensis se obtuvieron a los 10 días. Los antígenos se evaluaron in natura, concentrados 10 y 20 veces. La capacidad antigénica se evaluó mediante un ensayo de inmunodifusión doble con muestras de suero de pacientes con paracoccidioidomicosis, histoplasmosis, aspergilosis y donantes de sangre aleatorios. Resultados. Se observó reacción cruzada con Paracoccidioides spp. cuando se evaluaron los antígenos de P. brasiliensis, P. restrepiensis y P. lutzii frente a los anticuerpos policlonales contra P. lutzii y P. brasiliensis, respectivamente. No hubo reactividad cruzada con los anticuerpos policlonales contra Histoplasma capsulatum y Aspergillus fumigatus, ni contra los donantes de sangre aleatorios. El protocolo propuesto permitió la producción estable, repetible y reproducible de antígenos dirigidos de un género específico (Paracoccidiodes) en un tiempo corto de cultivo y a un menor costo. Conclusión. El protocolo propuesto permitió obtener antígenos específicos de un género, que pueden ser desarrollados y reproducidos en todos los laboratorios de Antígenos de Paracoccidioides spp.: protocolo rápido Brasil y Surámerica donde la paracoccidioidomicosis es una enfermedad endémica y desatendida. Estos antígenos pueden contribuir al diagnóstico precoz de la infección, independientemente de la especie.

Paracoccidioides , Antigens , Paracoccidioidomycosis , Immunologic Tests
Arq. bras. neurocir ; 40(2): 195-199, 15/06/2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362266


Neuroparacoccidiodimycosis (NPDM) is an uncommon granulomatous disease, which more frequently affects immunocompromised male patients over 30 years of age in the course of chronic lung disease. Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (PB) is an endemic fungus in Brazil, and grows as thick-walled yeast (with round to oval bodies) measuring 10 µm to 60 µm in diameter. Neuroparacoccidiodimycosi may develop many years after transmission and/or primary lung involvement. The authors describe a case of NPDM affecting a male patient, 52 years of age, farmer, heavy smoker, with clinical complaint of headache, asthenia, seizures, and prostration in the previous nine months. Upon physical examination, the patient presented regular general condition, without other relevant physical alterations. Computed tomography (CT) showed multiple bilateral pulmonary nodules associated to enlargement of the mediastinal lymph node. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and CTscans of the central nervous system showed six heterogeneous nodular lesions compromising the frontal and parietal lobes, the largest one measuring 3.8 3.2 3.2 cm. The hypothesis of a neoplastic process compromising the lung and brain was considered. A biopsy of the mediastinal lymph node showed epithelioid granulomas, which exhibited round, thin-walled fungal structures in Grocott silver stain. The stereotactic biopsy of the frontal lesion was constituted by necrotic tissue admixed with some round to oval, thin-walled fungi measuring 10 µm to 60 µm, compatible with PB (identified on Grocott silver stain/confirmed in culture). The diagnosis of NPDM was then established. The employed therapeutic regimen was intravenous amphotericin B, itraconazole, and sulfamethoxazole-trimetropin. After ninety days of clinical follow-up, no episodes of seizures/neurological deficits were identified, and a marked decrease in the number and size of the lung and brain lesions were found.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Paracoccidioidomycosis/therapy , Immunocompromised Host , Central Nervous System Fungal Infections/surgery , Antifungal Agents/therapeutic use , Paracoccidioides , Paracoccidioidomycosis/diagnostic imaging , Central Nervous System Fungal Infections/diagnostic imaging
An. bras. dermatol ; 96(3): 346-348, May-June 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1285064


Abstract Paracoccidioidomycosis is an endemic systemic mycosis caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis complex and P. lutzii. It is a rare disease in non-HIV-induced immunosuppressed individuals. In organ transplant recipients, it is more frequently associated with immunosuppression after kidney transplantation. In a liver transplant patient, only one case has been published in the literature to date. The present report comprises the case of a 47-year-old female patient with disseminated skin lesions associated with signs and symptoms of systemic involvement of paracoccidioidomycosis that manifested one year after liver transplantation and under an immunosuppression regimen with tacrolimus and mycophenolate mofetil.

Humans , Female , Paracoccidioides , Paracoccidioidomycosis/diagnosis , Paracoccidioidomycosis/diagnostic imaging , Kidney Transplantation , Liver Transplantation/adverse effects , Transplant Recipients , Middle Aged
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 116: e210203, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346579


BACKGROUND Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a systemic mycosis endemic to Latin America. Etiological agents are Paracoccidioides species that diverge phylogenetically throughout South America. OBJECTIVES This study aimed to document the epidemiology of PCM in Venezuela. METHODS We have performed a retrospective cross-sectional descriptive study in 31,081 clinical records of patients from two reference centres during 65 years (1954-2019). FINDINGS PCM diagnosis was confirmed in 745 patients. Chronic PCM was the most prevalent form (90.06% cases); 80.67% were male and the most affected age range was 41-60. Farming and construction were the most prevalent occupation and Miranda State had a higher prevalence. Lung and skin were the most affected organs, followed by oral manifestations. Direct examination, culture and serology showed a high sensibility, and no statistical difference was observed among the diagnostic tools. Out of 17 Paracoccidioides isolates genotyped from Venezuela, one was typed as Paracoccidioides americana and 16 as Paracoccidioides venezuelensis. MAIN CONCLUSIONS Clinical manifestations observed, information about the epidemiology and molecular profile is essential not only for diagnosis but also for understanding therapeutic responses to mycotic drugs and prognosis. Therefore, it is necessary to sequence all positive isolated strains in order to confirm the dominance of P. venezuelensis in Venezuela.

Humans , Male , Paracoccidioides/genetics , Paracoccidioidomycosis/genetics , Paracoccidioidomycosis/epidemiology , Venezuela/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies
Braz. j. infect. dis ; 25(4): 101605, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1339437


ABSTRACT Background: Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemic mycosis considered endemic and limited to Latin America with the majority of registered cases originating from Brazil. The purpose of this paper was to report a case of a female patient with paracoccidioidomycosis mimicking inflammatory bowel disease and to systematically review available cases of the intestinal presentation of this infectious disease. Case report: Female patient, 32-years old, previously asymptomatic, presenting with acute pain in the lower right abdomen, associated with signs of peritoneal irritation and abdominal distension. Urgent surgery was performed, which identified a severe suppurative perforated ileitis. The anatomopathological study revealed fungal structures shaped as a ship's pilot wheel in Grocott-Gomori's staining, suggestive of Paracoccidioides spp. Methods: Studies were retrieved based on Medical Subject Headings and Health Sciences Descriptors, which were combined using Boolean operators. Searches were run on the electronic databases Scopus, Web of Science, MEDLINE (PubMed), BIREME (Biblioteca Regional de Medicina), LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature), SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online), Embase, and Languages were restricted to English, Spanish and Portuguese. There was no date of publication restrictions. The reference lists of the studies retrieved were searched manually. Simple descriptive analysis was used to summarize the results. Results: Our search strategy retrieved 581 references. In the final analysis, 34 references were included, with a total of 46 case reports. The most common clinical finding was abdominal pain and weight loss present in 31 (67.3%) patients. Most patients were treated with itraconazole (41.3%) and amphotericin B (36.9%). All-cause mortality was 12.8%. Conclusions: Paracoccidioidomycosis should be suspected in endemics areas, specially as a differential diagnosis for inflammatory bowel disease. Endoscopic tests and biopsy are useful for diagnosis and treatment with antifungal drugs seem to be the first treatment option to achieve a significant success rate.

Humans , Female , Adult , Paracoccidioides , Paracoccidioidomycosis/diagnosis , Paracoccidioidomycosis/drug therapy , Amphotericin B , Itraconazole , Antifungal Agents/therapeutic use
Braz. j. infect. dis ; 25(5): 101607, 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350318


ABSTRACT Purpose: In-house Paracoccidioides spp. antigens are commonly used in the serological diagnosis of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM). The sensitivity and specificity of a commercial Paracoccidioides spp. antigen was assessed for PCM serological testing. Method: Counterimmunoelectrophoresis and double immunodiffusion were used to evaluate the Paracoccidioides ID Antigen reagent in sera from PCM cases and patients with other diseases. Results: All active PCM sera (n=24) were reactive using counterimmunoelectrophoresis (sensitivity = 100%), including 11 cases of infection by P. brasiliensis sensu stricto and one by P. americana. Fifteen (88%) out of 17 sera from patients on treatment or cured were reactive, including one case of P. lutzii infection. One to three bands of antigen-antibody precipitate were observed on the agarose gel, with a predominance of two to three bands in the test with untreated PCM sera or at the beginning of antifungal therapy. All sera from patients with histoplasmosis (n=7), aspergillosis (n=5), and other diseases (n=27) tested negative (specificity = 100%). The overall sensitivity and specificity using the commercial antigen and double diffusion test were 75% and 100%, respectively. Conclusion: The commercial antigen performed satisfactorily and may contribute to the dissemination of the use of serological tests for the PCM diagnosis.

Humans , Paracoccidioides , Paracoccidioidomycosis/diagnosis , Counterimmunoelectrophoresis , Immunodiffusion , Antigens, Fungal
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 116: e200592, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154883


BACKGROUND Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a systemic mycosis with high prevalence in Latin America that is caused by thermodimorphic fungal species of the Paracoccidioides genus. OBJECTIVES In this study, we used quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) to investigate the expression of genes related to the virulence of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (Pb18) and P. lutzii (Pb01) strains in their mycelial (M) and yeast (Y) forms after contact with alveolar macrophages (AMJ2-C11 cell line) and fibroblasts (MRC-5 cell line). METHODS The selected genes were those coding for 43 kDa glycoprotein (gp43), enolase, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), 14-3-3 protein (30 kDa), phospholipase, and aspartyl protease. FINDINGS In the Pb18 M form, the aspartyl protease gene showed the highest expression among all genes tested, both before and after infection of host cells. In the Pb18 Y form after macrophage infection, the 14-3-3 gene showed the highest expression among all genes tested, followed by the phospholipase and gp43 genes, and their expression was 50-fold, 10-fold, and 6-fold higher, respectively, than that in the M form. After fibroblast infection with the Pb18 Y form, the 14-3-3 gene showed the highest expression, followed by the phospholipase and aspartyl protease genes, and their expression was 25-fold, 10-fold, and 10-fold higher, respectively, than that in the M form. Enolase and aspartyl protease genes were expressed upon infection of both cell lines. After macrophage infection with the Pb01 Y form, the 14-3-3 gene showed the highest expression, followed by the phospholipase and aspartyl protease genes, and their expression was 18-fold, 12.5-fold, and 6-fold higher, respectively, than that in the M form. MAIN CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, the data show that the expression of the genes analysed may be upregulated upon fungus-host interaction. Therefore, these genes may be involved in the pathogenesis of paracoccidioidomycosis.

Humans , Paracoccidioides/genetics , Paracoccidioidomycosis/genetics , Virulence Factors/genetics , Fibroblasts , Macrophages , Paracoccidioides/pathogenicity , Gene Expression , Latin America
Arq. bras. neurocir ; 39(4): 306-310, 15/12/2020.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362343


Paracoccidioidomycosis is a systemicmycosis caused by the Paracoccidioides brasiliensis fungus, which is endemic in Latin America. Brazil is the country with the highest number of cases. The affection of the central nervous system (CNS), a potentially fatal condition, occurs in 12% of the cases. The following forms of presentation are identified:meningeal, which is unusual;meningoencephalitic; and pseudotumoral, the latter two being more frequent. Imaging tests are essential for the diagnosis, but the histological identification of the fungus is required for confirmation of the pathology. The clinical picture depends on the neuraxial location.We present a case of amale rural worker, with expansive lesions in the CNS compatible with paracoccidioidomycosis.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Paracoccidioidomycosis/surgery , Paracoccidioidomycosis/drug therapy , Paracoccidioidomycosis/epidemiology , Central Nervous System Fungal Infections/therapy , Paracoccidioides/pathogenicity , Paracoccidioidomycosis/diagnostic imaging , Central Nervous System Fungal Infections/mortality , Central Nervous System Fungal Infections/diagnostic imaging
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 26: e20200023, 2020. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135136


Endemic systemic mycoses remain a health challenge, since these opportunistic diseases are increasingly infecting immunosuppressed patients. The simultaneous use of antifungal compounds and other drugs to treat infectious or non-infectious diseases has led to several interactions and undesirable effects. Thus, new antifungal compounds should be investigated. The present study aimed to evaluate the activity of liriodenine extracted from Annona macroprophyllata on agents of systemic mycoses, with emphasis on the genus Paracoccidioides. Methods: The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum fungicide concentration (MFC) were determined by the microdilution method. The cellular alterations caused by liriodenine on a standard P. brasiliensis (Pb18) strain were evaluated by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Results: Liriodenine was effective only in 3 of the 8 strains of the genus Paracoccidioides and in the Histoplasma capsulatum strain, in a very low concentration (MIC of 1.95 µg.mL-1); on yeasts of Candida spp. (MIC of 125 to 250 µg.mL-1), including C. krusei (250 µg.mL-1), which has intrinsic resistance to fluconazole; and in Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii (MIC of 62.5 µg.mL-1). However, liriodenine was not effective against Aspergillus fumigatus at the studied concentrations. Liriodenine exhibited fungicidal activity against all standard strains and clinical isolates that showed to be susceptible by in vitro tests. Electron microscopy revealed cytoplasmic alterations and damage to the cell wall of P. brasiliensis (Pb18). Conclusion: Our results indicate that liriodenine is a promising fungicidal compound that should undergo further investigation with some chemical modifications.(AU)

Paracoccidioides , Microscopy, Electron , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Cryptococcus neoformans , Cryptococcus gattii , Mycoses , Antifungal Agents/isolation & purification
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 115: e200208, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1135227


Paracoccidioides spp. isolation from environmental samples is rare and hardly reproducible. Molecular techniques have facilitated the fungal detection. However, it can be still difficult. Some strategies to enhance the capacity of DNA detection have been adopted, including the analysis of soil samples belonging to the habitat of animals from which Paracoccidioides spp. have already been isolated, notably armadillo burrows. To date, the detection of Paracoccidioides spp. has not yet been reported from outbreak hotspots. Clusters and outbreaks of acute paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), usually a more severe clinical form, have currently occurred in urban areas being associated to climate changes, deforestation, and great constructions. These occurrences potentially signalise the fungus' environmental niche, a riddle not yet solved. The authors performed an environmental investigation in a deeply disturbed area, after a highway construction in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where a recent outbreak of acute PCM occurred. Specific DNA sequences of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis were detected in shallow soil samples around the highway, reinforcing the association between the road construction and this PCM outbreak.

Animals , Paracoccidioides/isolation & purification , Paracoccidioidomycosis/microbiology , Armadillos , DNA, Fungal/genetics , Paracoccidioides/growth & development , Paracoccidioides/genetics , Soil Microbiology , Brazil , Base Sequence , Sequence Analysis, DNA , Ecosystem
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 115: e200238, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1135258


BACKGROUND Paracoccidioides spp. causes paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), an important and frequent systemic mycosis that occurs in Latin America. The infectious process begins with contact between the fungus and lung cells, and the molecular pattern of this interaction is currently poorly understood. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that regulate the gene expression in many biological processes, including in the infections. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to analyse the expression of miRNAs in lung cells as response to infection by Paracoccidioides spp. METHODS A quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) based screening was employed to verify differentially expressed miRNAs in human lung cells infected with three different species; Paracoccidioides lutzii, Paracoccidioides americana, and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Furthermore, the in silico predictions of target genes and pathways for miRNAs were obtained. FINDINGS The results showed that miRNAs identified in the lung cells were different according to the species studied. However, based on the predicted targets, the potential signaling pathways regulated by miRNAs are common and related to adhesion, actin cytoskeleton rearrangement, apoptosis, and immune response mediated by T cells and TGF-β. MAIN CONCLUSIONS In summary, this study showed the miRNAs pattern of epithelial cells in response to infection by Paracoccidioides species and the potential role of these molecules in the regulation of key pathogenesis mechanisms of PCM.

Humans , Paracoccidioides/pathogenicity , Paracoccidioidomycosis , MicroRNAs/metabolism , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Latin America , Lung/cytology
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 78: 1-9, dez. 2019. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-SP, SESSP-ACVSES, SESSP-IALPROD, SES-SP, SESSP-IALACERVO | ID: biblio-1147471


Oitenta porcento dos casos de paracoccidioidomicose (PMC) ocorrem no Brasil. As regiões brasileiras com maior número de casos são: sul, sudeste e centro-oeste, sendo emergente no norte e nordeste. A imunodifusão dupla em gel de agarose assume grande importância no diagnóstico, por permitir o monitoramento da doença e por oferecer subsídios para levantamentos soroepidemiológicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi de avaliar e caracterizar os pacientes atendidos no Laboratório de Imunodiagnóstico das Micoses do Instituto Adolfo Lutz de São Paulo, em 2016. Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo realizado utilizando-se dados secundários e avaliando-se as seguintes informações: idade, sexo, procedência do pedido médico, resultado e histórico sorológico dos pacientes. Dos 1.408 pacientes, 12,8% apresentaram reatividade sorológica para Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Destes, 42,5% não possuiam histórico sorológico, sendo considerados como casos novos da doença. A classificação dos pacientes reagentes por gênero demonstrou que 83,4% eram do sexo masculino, com razão de masculinidade de 5:1. A faixa etária variou de um (1) a 92 anos, e aproximadamente 40% dos pacientes eram da faixa etária de 41 a 60 anos. Este estudo demonstra e reforça a importância da implementação dos estudos soroepidemiológicos como ferramenta auxiliar para nortear as ações de vigilância e políticas em saúde na PCM. (AU)

Eighty percent of paracoccidioidomycosis (PMC) cases occur in Brazil. The highest numbers occur in south, southeast and center-west region, being emergent in the north and northeast areas. The double immunodiffusion in agarose gel is valuable for its diagnosis, as it allows the monitoring of the disease and offers subsidies for the seroepidemiological surveys. This study evaluated and characterized the patients attended in 2016 at the Mycoses Immunodiagnosis Laboratory of Adolfo Lutz Institute of São Paulo. This retrospective study, based on the secondary data, evaluated the information: age, sex, medical request origin, result and serological history of the patients. Of 1,408 patients, 12.8% presented positive serological reactivity for Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Of them, 42.5% had no serological history and they were considered as new cases. The classification of reactive patients by gender showed that 83.4% were males, being the masculinity ratio of 5:1. The age range was one (1) to 92 years old, and ±40% of the patients were of age ranging from 41-60 years old. This study reinforces the importance of the implementation of the seroepidemiological studies as to guide the surveillance actions and the public health politics in PCM. (AU)

Paracoccidioides , Paracoccidioidomycosis , Patients , Immunologic Tests
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 78: e1770, dez. 2019. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1489596


Oitenta porcento dos casos de paracoccidioidomicose (PMC) ocorrem no Brasil. As regiões brasileiras com maior número de casos são: sul, sudeste e centro-oeste, sendo emergente no norte e nordeste. A imunodifusão dupla em gel de agarose assume grande importância no diagnóstico, por permitir o monitoramento da doença e por oferecer subsídios para levantamentos soroepidemiológicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi de avaliar e caracterizar os pacientes atendidos no Laboratório de Imunodiagnóstico das Micoses do Instituto Adolfo Lutz de São Paulo, em 2016. Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo realizado utilizando-se dados secundários e avaliando-se as seguintes informações: idade, sexo, procedência do pedido médico, resultado e histórico sorológico dos pacientes. Dos 1.408 pacientes, 12,8% apresentaram reatividade sorológica para Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Destes, 42,5% não possuiam histórico sorológico, sendo considerados como casos novos da doença. A classificação dos pacientes reagentes por gênero demonstrou que 83,4% eram do sexo masculino, com razão de masculinidade de 5:1. A faixa etária variou de um (1) a 92 anos, e aproximadamente 40% dos pacientes eram da faixa etária de 41 a 60 anos. Este estudo demonstra e reforça a importância da implementação dos estudos soroepidemiológicos como ferramenta auxiliar para nortear as ações de vigilância e políticas em saúde na PCM.

Eighty percent of paracoccidioidomycosis (PMC) cases occur in Brazil. The highest numbers occur in south, southeast and center-west region, being emergent in the north and northeast areas. The double immunodiffusion in agarose gel is valuable for its diagnosis, as it allows the monitoring of the disease and offers subsidies for the seroepidemiological surveys. This study evaluated and characterized the patients attended in 2016 at the Mycoses Immunodiagnosis Laboratory of Adolfo Lutz Institute of São Paulo. This retrospective study, based on the secondary data, evaluated the information: age, sex, medical request origin, result and serological history of the patients. Of 1,408 patients, 12.8% presented positive serological reactivity for Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Of them, 42.5% had no serological history and they were considered as new cases. The classification of reactive patients by gender showed that 83.4% were males, being the masculinity ratio of 5:1. The age range was one (1) to 92 years old, and ±40% of the patients were of age ranging from 41-60 years old. This study reinforces the importance of the implementation of the seroepidemiological studies as to guide the surveillance actions and the public health politics in PCM.

Humans , Paracoccidioides/isolation & purification , Paracoccidioidomycosis/diagnosis , Paracoccidioidomycosis/blood , Serotyping , Brazil , Immunodiffusion , Immunologic Tests
Infectio ; 23(2): 167-175, abr.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-989948


Objetivo: Evaluar la validez diagnóstica de las pruebas inmunológicas en la infección por Paracoccidioides, a partir de un metaanálisis de la literatura publicada entre 1972-2017. Métodos: Se realizó un metanálisis según las fases de identificación, tamización, elección e inclusión descritas en la guía PRISMA. Se evaluó la calidad metodológica con la guía QUADAS y se garantizó la reproducibilidad en la selección de estudios y extracción de la información. Se estimó la sensibilidad, especificidad, razones de verosimilitud, OR diagnóstica y área bajo la curva ROC usando Meta-DiSc. Resultados: Se identificaron 21 estudios que evaluaron 32 pruebas diagnósticas con una población de 1.404 individuos sanos, 2.415 con otras infecciones y 2.337 con Paracoccidioides. La mayoría de pacientes son de Brasil y Colombia. Las pruebas analizadas incluyen inmunodifusión, western blot, ELISA, aglutinación en látex. Las pruebas presentaron una sensibilidad y especificidad superior al 90%, razón de verosimilitud positiva y negativa de 24,7 y 0,08 respectivamente. La OR diagnóstica fue 495,9 y el área bajo la curva de 0,99. En la meta-regresión por tipo de antígeno se encontró que las mezclas de antígenos y el gp43 presentaron resultados satisfactorios en todos los parámetros; por su parte, los que utilizaron el antígeno p27 no presentaron resultados aceptables en ninguno de los parámetros. Conclusión: La elevada validez diagnóstica hallada en las pruebas serológicas que utilizan mezclas de antígenos o gp43 purificada evidencia la pertinencia de su uso en clínica y en programas de tamización.

Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic validity of the immunological tests in Paracoccidioides infection, from a meta-analysis of the literature published between 1970-2017. Methods: Meta-analysis according to the identification, screening, eligibility and inclusion phases of PRISMA. The methodological quality was evaluated with the QUADAS guide and the reproducibility in the selection of studies and extraction of the information was guaranteed. Sensitivity, specificity, likelihood ratios, diagnostic OR and area under the ROC curve were estimated using Meta-DiSc. Results: We identified 21 studies that evaluated 32 diagnostic tests with a population of 1404 healthy individuals, 2415 with other infections and 2337 with Paracoccidioides. The majority of patients are from Brazil and Colombia. The tests analyzed include immunodiffusion, western blot, ELISA, latex agglutination. The tests presented a sensitivity and specificity higher than 90%, positive and negative likelihood ratio of 24,7 and 0,08 respectively. The diagnostic OR was 495,9 and the area under the curve was 0,99. In the meta-regression by type of antigen it was found that mixtures of antigens and gp43 showed satisfactory results in all parameters; those who used the p27 antigen did not present acceptable results in any of the parameters. Conclusion: The diagnostic validity of the serological tests using mixtures of antigens or purifed gp43 is clinically similar, for the other antigens the validity was scarce.

Humans , Male , Female , Paracoccidioides , Tropical Medicine , Mass Screening , Meta-Analysis , Resource Guide , Diagnosis , Infections
HU rev ; 45(1): 93-97, 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1048670


Introdução: a paracoccidioidomicose (PCM) é uma micose sistêmica causada pelo fungo Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. O Brasil é considerado país endêmico da doença, que afeta principalmente trabalhadores rurais adultos, do sexo masculino, em contato constante com a vegetação e solo. Objetivo: relatar o caso clínico de uma paciente gestante de 23 anos, apresentando linfadenomegalia em região cervical, supraclavicular e axilar de origem desconhecida, moradora de área urbana em Juiz de Fora - MG e seguimento de diagnóstico e tratamento durante período de internação em unidade hospitalar. Relato de caso: as informações foram obtidas por meio de revisão do prontuário a partir da assinatura do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido, entrevista com a paciente, registro fotográfico dos métodos diagnósticos aos quais a paciente foi submetida e revisão da literatura; realizada biópsia do linfonodo acometido, obtendo o laudo histopatológico de Paracoccidioidomicose. Terapêutica medicamentosa específica foi administrada em regime hospitalar e o quadro sintomático da paciente prosseguiu com involução. Apaciente segue em acompanhamento em pré-natal na unidade, não observando, até o momento, repercussões materno-fetais ao uso da Anfotericina B, prosseguindo assim, com involução do quadro. Conclusão: verificou-se que a Paracoccidioidomicose na gravidez deve ser abordada clinicamente de forma atenta e enérgica tendo em vista minimizar ou tornar nulas as repercussões materno-fetais graves

Introduction: paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a systemic mycosis caused by the fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Brazil is considered endemic to this disease, affecting mainly adult rural male workers in constant contact with vegetation and soil. Objective: to report the clinical case of a 23-year-old pregnant woman, showing lymphadenomegaly in the cervical, supraclavicular and axillary spots, living in an urban area. Case report: the information was obtained by reviewing the medical files after the Free Informed Consent was signed, interviewing the patient along with pictures of the diagnostic methods the patient was submitted and literature review; a biopsy of the affected lymph node obtained the histopathological report of Paracoccidioidomycosis. Specific drug therapy was started on an in-patient basis, and the patient's clinical picture proceeded with involution. The follow up has been made on out-patient prenatal care, and has not observed, until now, maternal-fetal repercussions on the use of Amphotericin B, followed by clinical signs involution. Conclusion: It has been observed that paracoccidioidomycosis in pregnancy should be approached more aggressively in order to minimize or render serious maternal-fetal repercussions void.

Humans , Female , Adult , Paracoccidioides , Paracoccidioidomycosis , Therapeutics , Pregnancy , Amphotericin B , Pregnant Women , Diagnosis , Lymphadenopathy
Sci. med. (Porto Alegre, Online) ; 29(2): ID32705, 2019.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1022316


OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a eficácia da terapia fotodinâmica com Brilliant Blue G no tratamento de um modelo experimental de artrite por Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (P. brasiliensis). MÉTODOS: Após a indução de artrite experimental com isolado de P. brasiliensis da linhagem Pb18 nos joelhos de ratos Wistar, os animais foram divididos em grupos e submetidos a terapia fotodinâmica com fotossensibilizador Brilliant Blue G intra-articular e a laserterapia apenas, sem o Brilliant Blue G. Todos os grupos receberam seus respectivos tratamentos do sétimo ao 11º dia. Para análise do edema foi mensurado o diâmetro latero-lateral do joelho de cada animal diariamente e após o período de tratamento os animais foram sacrificados para dissecação do joelho experimental e coleta de sangue para análise por ELISA, a fim de quantificar os níveis de anticorpos anti-P. brasiliensis. RESULTADOS: A aplicação da terapia fotodinâmica foi capaz de impedir a formação de edema quando comparado ao controle (p>0,005), bem como a produção de anticorpos anti-Gp-43 de P. brasiliensis (p=0,001). No exame anatomopatológico foi possível observar maior grau de sinovite e maior presença de granulomas com o fungo em seu interior no grupo que não recebeu tratamento quando comparado aos grupos que receberam a terapia fotodinâmica. CONCLUSÕES: A terapia fotodinâmica foi eficaz para atenuar a artrite experimental induzida por P. brasiliensis no modelo articular proposto.

AIMS: To evaluate the effectiveness of photodynamic therapy with Brilliant Blue G in the treatment of an experimental model of arthritis by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis (P. brasiliensis). METHODS: After the induction of experimental arthritis with isolated from P. brasiliensis of lineage Pb18 in the knees of Wistar rats, the animals were divided into groups and submitted to photodynamic therapy with intra-articular Brilliant Blue G photosensitizer and laser therapy only, without Brilliant Blue G. All groups received their respective treatments from the seventh to the 11th day. For edema analysis, the knee lateral-lateral diameter of each animal was measured daily and after the treatment period the animals were sacrificed for experimental knee dissection and blood collection for analysis by ELISA, in order to quantify levels of anti-P. brasiliensis antibodies. RESULTS: The results showed that the application of photodynamic therapy was able to prevent the formation of edema when compared to the control (p>0.005), as well as the production of anti-Gp-43 antibodies from P. brasiliensis (p=0.001). In the anatomopathological examination it was possible to observe a higher degree of synovitis and a greater presence of granulomas with the fungus inside the group that did not receive treatment when compared to the groups that received the photodynamic therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Photodynamic therapy was effective in attenuating the experimental arthritis induced by P. brasiliensis in the proposed joint model.

Photochemotherapy , Paracoccidioides , Arthritis, Experimental , Rheumatology , Medicine
An. bras. dermatol ; 93(6): 902-904, Nov.-Dec. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1038284


Abstract: Molecular studies have shown more than one species of the genus Paracoccidioides to be the causal agent of paracoccidioidomycosis. Efforts have been made to correlate the identified species with epidemiological and clinical data of patients, aiming to determine the real meaning and impact of new species. Bearing this objective in mind, the authors report a clinical case of paracoccidioidomycosis, from São Paulo state, Brazil, that manifested as uncommon sarcoid-like cutaneous lesions and was caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis sensu stricto (S1a). The patient was treated with itraconazole 200mg/day for 12 months, with complete clinical remission.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Paracoccidioides/classification , Paracoccidioidomycosis/diagnosis , Paracoccidioidomycosis/microbiology , Sarcoidosis/diagnosis , Paracoccidioides/isolation & purification , Paracoccidioidomycosis/drug therapy , Itraconazole/therapeutic use , Diagnosis, Differential , Antifungal Agents/therapeutic use