INTRODUCTION: Little is known about the early events in the interaction between Paracoccidioides brasiliensis and its host. To understand the effect of carbohydrates in the interaction between the fungus and epithelial cell in culture, we analyzed the influence of different carbohydrate solutions on the adhesion of P. brasiliensis yeast cells to CCL-6 cells in culture. METHODS: Fungal cells were cultivated with the epithelial cell line, and different concentrations of D-fucose, N-acetyl-glucosamine, D-mannose, D-glucosamine, D-galactosamine, sorbitol and fructose were added at the beginning of the experiment. Six hours after the treatment, the cells were fixed and observed by light microscopy. The number of P. brasiliensis cells that were adhered to the CCL-6 monolayer was estimated. RESULTS: The number of adhesion events was diminished following treatments with D-fucose, N-acetyl-glucosamine, D-mannose, D-glucosamine and D-galactosamine as compared to the untreated controls. Sorbitol and fructose-treated cells had the same adhesion behavior as the observed in the control. P. brasiliensis propagules were treated with fluorescent lectins. The FITC-labeled lectins WGA and Con-A bound to P. brasiliensis yeast cells, while SBA and PNA did not. CONCLUSIONS: The perceptual of adhesion between P. brasiliensis and CCL-6 cells decreased with the use of D-mannose, N-acetyl-glucosamine and D-glucosamine. The assay using FITC-labeled lectins suggests the presence of N-acetyl-glucosamine, α-mannose and α-glucose on the P. brasiliensis cell surface. An enhanced knowledge of the mediators of adhesion on P. brasiliensis could be useful in the future for the development of more efficient and less harmful methods for disease treatment and control.
INTRODUÇÃO: Pouco se conhece a respeito dos eventos iniciais que mediam as interações entre Paracoccidioides brasiliensis e seus hospedeiros. Com a intenção de compreender a importância de carboidratos junto a estas interações, foram analisados os efeitos de soluções de carboidratos sobre a adesão de células leveduriformes de P. brasiliensis sobre culturas de células CCL-6. MÉTODOS: As células fúngicas foram cultivadas com as células epiteliais e diferentes concentrações de D-fucose, N-acetyl-glucosamina, D-manose, D-glicosamina, D-galactosamina, sorbitol e frutose foram adicionadas ao cultivo no início da interação. Após 6h de tratamento, as células foram fixadas e observadas em microscópio óptico. RESULTADOS: Os tratamentos utilizando D-fucose, N-acetil-glicosamina, D-manose, D-glicosamina e D-galactosamina reduziram os números de adesões quando comparados com o controle. Os tratamentos realizados com o uso de sorbitol e frutose apresentaram os mesmos resultados observados no controle. Para detectar a presença de carboidratos na superfície do fungo, propágulos de P. brasiliensis foram tratados com lectinas fluorescentes. WGA-FITC e Con-A-FITC se ligaram às células de P. brasiliensis ao contrário de SBA e PNA. CONCLUSÕES: O percentual de adesão entre P. brasiliensis e células CCL-6 foi reduzido com o uso de D-manose, N-acetil-glicosamina e D-glicosamina. O uso de lectinas marcadas sugeriu a presença de N-acetil-glicosamina, α-manose e α-glicose na superfície de P. brasiliensis. Estes resultados contribuem para o aumento do conhecimento relacionado aos mediadores de adesão de P. brasiliensis, e poderão ser utilizados no futuro para o desenvolvimento de medidas mais eficientes para o controle e tratamento deste patógeno.
Carbohydrates/pharmacology , Host-Pathogen Interactions/physiology , Paracoccidioides/physiology , Cell Line , Cell Adhesion/physiology , Host-Pathogen Interactions/drug effects , Paracoccidioides/metabolismABSTRACT
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, a thermal dimorphic fungal pathogen, produces a melanin-like pigment in vitro and in vivo. We investigated the involvement of carbohydrates and monoclonal antibody to CD18, on phagocytosis inhibition, involving macrophage receptors and the resistance of melanized fungal cells to chemically generated nitric oxide (NO), reactive oxygen species (ROS), hypochlorite and H2O2. Our results demonstrate that melanized yeast cells were more resistant than nonmelanized yeast cells to chemically generated NO, ROS, hypochlorite and H2O2, in vitro. Phagocytosis of melanized yeast cells was virtually abolished when mannan, N-acetyl glucosamine and anti-CD18 antibody were added together in this system. Intratracheal infection of BALB/c mice, with melanized yeast cells, resulted in higher lung colony forming units, when compared to nonmelanized yeast cells. Therefore, melanin is a virulence factor of P. brasiliensis.
Animals , Mice , Antifungal Agents/pharmacology , Macrophages/microbiology , Melanins/biosynthesis , Oxidants/pharmacology , Phagocytosis , Paracoccidioides/pathogenicity , Antibodies, Monoclonal/pharmacology , /drug effects , Carbohydrates/pharmacology , Mice, Inbred BALB C , Paracoccidioides/drug effects , Paracoccidioides/metabolism , Virulence Factors/physiologyABSTRACT
Inteins or "internal proteins" are coding sequences that are transcribed and translated with flanking sequences (exteins). After translation, the inteins are excised by an autocatalytic process and the host protein assumes its normal conformation and develops its expected function. These parasitic genetic elements have been found in important, conserved proteins in all three domains of life. Most of the eukaryotic inteins are present in the fungi kingdom and the PRP8 intein is one of the most widespread inteins, occurring in important pathogens such as Cryptococcus neoformans (varieties grubii and neoformans), Cryptococcus gattii, Histoplasma capsulatum and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. The knowledge of conserved and non-conserved domains in inteins have opened up new opportunities for the study of population variability in pathogenic fungi, including their phylogenetic relationships and recognition or diagnoses of species. Furthermore, inteins in pathogenic fungi should also be considered a promising therapeutic drug target, since once the autocatalytic splicing is inhibited, the host protein, which is typically vital, will not be able to perform its normal function and the fungal cell will not survive or reproduce.
Cryptococcus/genetics , Histoplasma/genetics , Inteins/genetics , Phylogeny , Paracoccidioides/genetics , Cryptococcus/metabolism , Histoplasma/metabolism , Paracoccidioides/metabolismABSTRACT
The rise in antifungal resistance, observed as a result of the increasing numbers of immunocompromised patients, has made the discovery of new targets for drug therapy imperative. The description of the Paracoccidioides brasiliensis transcriptome has allowed us to find alternatives to refine current therapy against paracoccidioidomycosis. We used comparative analysis of expressed sequence tags to find promising drug targets that have been addressed in other pathogens. We divided the analysis into six different categories, based on the involvement of the targeted mechanisms in the cell: i) cell wall construction, ii) plasma membrane composition, iii) cellular machinery, iv) cellular metabolism, v) signaling pathways, and vi) other essential processes. Through this approach, it has been possible to infer strategies to develop alternative drugs against this pathogen.
Humans , Antifungal Agents/pharmacology , Drug Design , Expressed Sequence Tags , Paracoccidioides/genetics , Transcription, Genetic/genetics , Paracoccidioides/drug effects , Paracoccidioides/metabolism , Cell Wall/drug effects , Cell Wall/enzymology , Cell Wall/metabolismABSTRACT
In the struggle for life, the capacity of microorganisms to synthesize and secrete toxic compounds (inhibiting competitors) plays an important role in successful survival of these species. This ability must come together with the capability of being unaffected by these same compounds. Several mechanisms are thought to avoid the toxic effects. One of them is toxin extrusion from the intracellular environment to the outside vicinity, using special transmembrane proteins, referred to as transporters. These proteins are also important for other reasons, since most of them are involved in nutrient uptake and cellular excretion. In cancer cells and in pathogens, and particularly in fungi, some of these proteins have been pointed out as responsible for an important phenotype known as multidrug resistance (MDR). In the present study, we tried to identify in the Paracoccidioides brasiliensis transcriptome, transporter-ortholog genes from the two major classes: ATP binding cassette and major facilitator superfamily transporter. We found 22 groups with good similarity with other fungal ATP binding cassette transporters, and four Paracoccidioides brasilienses assembled expressed sequence tags that probably code for major facilitator superfamily proteins. We also focused on fungicide resistance orthologs already characterized in other pathogenic fungi. We were able to find homologs to C. albicans CDR1, CDR2, and MDR1, Saccharomyces cerevisiae PDR5 and Aspergillus AtrF genes, all of them related to azole resistance. As current treatment for paracoccidioidomycosis mainly uses azole derivatives, the presence of these genes can be postulated to play a similar role in P. brasiliensis, warning us for the possibility of resistant isolate emergence.
Humans , Antifungal Agents/pharmacology , Expressed Sequence Tags/metabolism , Paracoccidioides/drug effects , Drug Resistance, Multiple, Fungal/genetics , Transcription, Genetic , ATP-Binding Cassette Transporters/genetics , Paracoccidioides/genetics , Paracoccidioides/metabolism , Membrane Transport Proteins/drug effects , Membrane Transport Proteins/genetics , Membrane Transport Proteins/physiology , Drug Resistance, Multiple, Fungal/physiology , ATP-Binding Cassette Transporters/drug effects , ATP-Binding Cassette Transporters/metabolismABSTRACT
The human fungal pathogen Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is an ascomycete that displays a temperature-dependent dimorphic transition, appearing as a mycelium at 22 degrees C and as a yeast at 37 degrees C, this latter being the virulent form. We report on the in silico search made of the P. brasiliensis transcriptome-expressed sequence tag database for components of signaling pathways previously known to be involved in morphogenesis and virulence in other species of fungi, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Cryptococcus neoformans, Candida albicans, and Aspergillus fumigatus. Using this approach, it was possible to identify several protein cascades in P. brasiliensis, such as i) mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling for cell integrity, cell wall construction, pheromone/mating, and osmo-regulation, ii) the cAMP/PKA system, which regulates fungal development and virulence, iii) the Ras protein, which allows cross-talking between cascades, iv) calcium-calmodulin-calcineurin, which controls cell survival under oxidative stress, high temperature, and membrane/cell wall perturbation, and v) the target of rapamycin pathway, controlling cell growth and proliferation. The ways in which P. brasiliensis responds to the environment and modulates the expression of genes required for its survival and virulence can be inferred through comparison with other fungi for which this type of data is already available.
Humans , Expressed Sequence Tags , Paracoccidioides/physiology , Fungal Proteins/metabolism , Transcription, Genetic , Signal Transduction/genetics , Sequence Alignment , Pheromones/metabolism , Fungi/cytology , Fungi/metabolism , Fungi/pathogenicity , Osmosis/physiology , Paracoccidioides/metabolism , Paracoccidioides/pathogenicity , Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases/metabolism , Cyclic AMP-Dependent Protein Kinases/metabolism , ras Proteins/metabolism , Signal Transduction/physiologyABSTRACT
The translational and post-translational modification machineries of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis were assessed by means of comparative analyses of PbAESTs (P. brasiliensis assembled expressed sequence tags) with sequences deposited on different databases. Of the 79 sequences corresponding to cytosolic ribosomal proteins, we were able to find 78 in the P. brasiliensis transcriptome. Nineteen of the 27 Saccharomyces cerevisiae genes related to translation initiation were also found. All eukaryotic elongation factors were detected in P. brasiliensis transcriptome, with eEF1A as one of the most expressed genes. Translation termination is performed, in eukaryotes, by factors 1 and 3 (eRF1, eRF3). In P. brasiliensis transcriptome it was possible to identify eRF3, but not eRF1. Sixteen PbAESTs showing aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase-predicted activities were found in our analyses, but no cysteinyl-, leucyl-, asparagyl- and arginyl-tRNA synthetases were detected. Among the mitochondrial ribosomal proteins, we have found 20 and 18 orthologs to S. cerevisiae large and small ribosomal subunit proteins, respectively. We have also found three PbAESTs similar to Neurospora crassa mitochondrial ribosomal genes, with no similarity with S. cerevisiae genes. Although orthologs to S. cerevisiae mitochondrial EF-Tu, EF-G and RF1 have been found in P. brasiliensis transcriptome, no sequences corresponding to functional EF-Ts were detected. In addition, 64 and 28 PbAESTs associated to protein modification and degradation, respectively, were found. These results suggest that these machineries are well conserved in P. brasiliensis, when compared to other organisms.
Genome, Fungal/genetics , Protein Modification, Translational/genetics , Paracoccidioides/metabolism , Ribosomal Proteins/metabolism , Expressed Sequence Tags/metabolism , Paracoccidioides/genetics , Ribosomal Proteins/genetics , Gene Expression Regulation , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/genetics , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/metabolism , Transcription, GeneticABSTRACT
Annotation of the transcriptome of the dimorphic fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis has set the grounds for a global understanding of its metabolism in both mycelium and yeast forms. This fungus is able to use the main carbohydrate sources, including starch, and it can store reduced carbons in the form of glycogen and trehalose; these provide energy reserves that are relevant for metabolic adaptation, protection against stress and infectivity mechanisms. The glyoxylate cycle, which is also involved in pathogenicity, is present in this fungus. Classical pathways of lipid biosynthesis and degradation, including those of ketone body and sterol production, are well represented in the database of P. brasiliensis. It is able to synthesize de novo all nucleotides and amino acids, with the sole exception of asparagine, which was confirmed by the fungus growth in minimal medium. Sulfur metabolism, as well as the accessory synthetic pathways of vitamins and co-factors, are likely to exist in this fungus.
Expressed Sequence Tags/metabolism , Paracoccidioides/metabolism , Gene Expression Regulation, Fungal , Transcription, Genetic , Amino Acids/metabolism , Sulfur/metabolism , Phosphorylation , Carbohydrate Metabolism , Paracoccidioides/genetics , Pyrimidines/metabolism , Purines/metabolism , Fatty Acids/metabolismABSTRACT
We have demonstrated that laminin mediates the adhesion of P. brasiliensis to monolayers of epithelial cells through specific binding to the surface glycoprotein gp43. This binding seems to be related to the fungal pathogenesis. We now report the confirmation of these findings by scanning electron microscopy and show that some isolates that do not secrete gp43 do express the protein as seen studying whole cell extracts. This results confirm the ability of these strains to produce paracoccidioidomycosis but should not be used for serological purposes since the absence of gp43 in exoantigens may lead to false negative results
Cattle , Dogs , Cricetinae , Mice , Animals , Laminin/metabolism , Membrane Glycoproteins/isolation & purification , Paracoccidioides/metabolism , Paracoccidioides/pathogenicity , Paracoccidioides/ultrastructure , Fungal Proteins/isolation & purification , Adhesiveness , Antibodies, Monoclonal , Blotting, Western , Cells, Cultured , Membrane Glycoproteins/metabolism , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Paracoccidioides/pathogenicity , Paracoccidioides/ultrastructure , Fungal Proteins/metabolismABSTRACT
A paracoccidiodomicose (blastomicose sul-americana) é uma doença sistêmica muito mais freqüente no sexo masculino, causada pelo fungo dimórfico Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Um sistema radiométrico foi utilizado para estudar a atividade metabólica e o efeito de drogas sobre este fungo "in vitro". A forma Y do fungo, cultivada em Sabouraud líquido, foi inoculada em frascos estéreis contendo o meio aeróbio 6B, juntamente com 2,0 uCi de substâncias marcadas com carbono-14. Frascos-controle, preparados da mesma foram inoculados com fungos autoclavados. Para estudar os efeitos da anfotericina B (AB) (0,1 e 10 microng/ml) e do dietilestilbestrol (DEB) (1,5 e 10 microng/ml), controles adicionais foram preparados, contendo fungos viáveis mas näo a droga. Todos os frascos foram incubados a 35-C e o metabolismo medio diariamente com uma máquina Bactec. A produçäo de CO2 pelo P.brasiliensis foi lenta e pôde ser acompanhada por 50 dias. Concentraçöes de 10 microng/ml de AB e 5 microng/ml de DEB inibiram o metabolismo e tiveram efeito fungicida. Os resultados com DEB poderiam explicar a baixa incidência da doença em mulheres. Esta técnica é promissora para estudar as vias metabólicas, investigar substâncias marcadas mais adequadas para tornar mais rápida a detecçäo radiométrica do fungo e para acompanhar os efeitos de outras drogas e fatores sobre o metabolismo do P.brasiliensis "in vitro" (