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Int. j. morphol ; 36(1): 69-73, Mar. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-893189


SUMMARY: In mammals, the Musculus quadriceps femoris is a well-developed extensor muscle of the thigh. It is also relatively well developed in bats. The muscle group consists of a distally elongated muscle belly, which is important for the full extension of the knee joint during terrestrial locomotion. However, most bats species demonstrate poor terrestrial locomotion, although several species are able to crawl on the ground. Among the crawling bats, knee joint extension is necessary for crawling. Among bat species generally, the M. quadriceps femoris has a distally elongated belly for extending the shank, although the feature also occurs among poor crawling bat species. The relationship between a relatively well-developed M. quadriceps femoris and poor crawling ability in bats is incongruous, but there is a possibility that bats with a reduced M. quadriceps femoris have not yet been found. The greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) has long been known to be incapable of crawling, but there are no detailed descriptions in the literature concerning this bat's M. quadriceps femoris. The findings of this study reveal that the M. quadriceps femoris of Rh. ferrumequinum has a short muscle belly attached to the proximal portion of the femur; furthermore, the insertional tendon of this muscle and its patellar ligament are very thin. These morphological features suggest that this species cannot exert a strong and long-distance extension of its knee joints, unlike most other bat species. In addition to the above described morphological features, the M. rectus femoris of Rh. ferrumequinum is fused with the vasti in the M. quadriceps femoris. This M. quadriceps femoris arises from the pelvis and inserts onto the femur. Therefore, Rh. ferrumequinum has an M. quadriceps femoris specialized for flexion of the hip joint.

RESUMEN: En los mamíferos, el Musculus quadriceps femoris es un músculo extensor bien desarrollado del muslo. Este músculo también está relativamente bien desarrollado en murciélagos. El grupo muscular consiste en un vientre muscular distalmente alargado, lo que es importante para la extensión completa de la articulación de la rodilla durante la locomoción terrestre. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las especies de murciélagos muestran limitada locomoción terrestre, aunque varias especies pueden arrastrarse por el suelo. Entre los murciélagos reptantes, la extensión de la articulación de la rodilla es necesaria para gatear. Entre las especies de murciélagos en general, el M. quadriceps femoris tiene un vientre distalmente alargado para extender la rodilla, aunque la característica también ocurre entre las especies de murciélagos de rastreo limitado. La relación entre un M. quadriceps femoris relativamente bien desarrollado y la escasa capacidad de rastreo en los murciélagos es incongruente, pero existe la posibilidad de que aún no se hayan encontrado murciélagos con M. cuádriceps femoral poco desarrollado. Se sabe desde hace tiempo que el murciélago de herradura (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum) es incapaz de gatear, pero no hay descripciones detalladas en la literatura sobre el M. quadriceps femoris de este murciélago. Los hallazgos de este estudio revelan que el M. quadriceps femoris de Rh. ferrumequinum tiene un vientre muscular corto, unido a la epífisis proximal del fémur; además, el tendón de inserción de este músculo y su ligamento patelar son muy delgados. Estas características morfológicas sugieren que esta especie no puede ejercer una extensión importante y de larga distancia de la articulación de la rodilla, a diferencia de la mayoría de otras especies de murciélagos. Además de las características morfológicas descritas anteriormente, el M. rectus femoris de Rh. ferrumequinum está fusionadocon el vasto del M. quadriceps femoris. El M. quadriceps femoris se origina de la pelvis y se inserta en el fémur. Por lo tanto, Rh. ferrumequinum tiene un M. quadriceps femoris especializado para la flexión de la articulación de la cadera.

Animals , Chiroptera/anatomy & histology , Patellar Ligament/anatomy & histology , Quadriceps Muscle/anatomy & histology
Professional Medical Journal-Quarterly [The]. 2015; 22 (9): 1192-1195
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-173772


Background: Anterior cruciate ligament [ACL] is commonly injured especially in sportsmen. Autografts using tissue from various sources including the quadriceps tendon and patellar ligament are popular but still controversial due to varying degree of success. The morphological characteristics of the quadriceps tendon and the patellar ligament are of prime importance for this purpose

Objectives: This cadaveric study was undertaken to evaluate the morphometric characteristics of the quadriceps tendon and patellar ligament as an autograft for ACL reconstructive surgery

Study design: Qualitative cadaveric study

Material and Methods: The morphometric observations of the quadriceps tendon and patellar ligament on 36 [18 male and 18 female] adult formalin fixed cadavers were recorded by dissection. The observations included the length, breadth and thickness of the quadriceps tendon and the patellar ligament and were recorded on both sides separately in the male and female subjects. The data were tabulated, compared and statistically analyzed

Results: There was no significant difference in measurements on the right and left sides both in the male and in the female specimens. However the length and width of the quadriceps tendon was more in the males as compared to the females. The patellar ligament was significantly longer in the male specimens as was its width. Thickness of the patellar ligament, however, was not significantly different in the two genders

Conclusion: Both the quadriceps tendon and the patellar ligament are safe and convenient sources of autograft tissue for reconstruction of the ACL

Humans , Male , Female , Tendons , Patellar Ligament/anatomy & histology , Cadaver , Anterior Cruciate Ligament , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
Braz. j. morphol. sci ; 28(4): 250-254, Oct-Dez. 2011. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-644155


The possible association between disorders of the femoropatellar joint and geometrical anatomical variations in the patellar facet and femoral sulcus motivated us to conduct a morphometric study on the angle of the femoral sulcus and to correlate this with possible variation factors, such as: length, width at the midpoint of the femur, femur inclination angle, distance between condyles and depth of the patellar facet. The material consisted of 56 dry femurs of both sexes and various ages: 24 from the right side and 32 from the left side. The patellar facets were photographed at three positions: a) start level; b) middle level; and c) end level. The angle formed in each of these positions was measured using graphical tools in CorelDraw X4. To analyze the results, the statistical tests used were chi-square and Student’s t-test for correlations. The results obtained were: a) angle of the patellar facet: mean for start level of the patellar facet = 129°01; mean for middle level = 131°35 and mean for end level = 132°14; b) mean distance between condyles = 50.29  mm; c) mean depth of the patellar facet = 9.55 mm; d) mean for Ficat and Bizou’s condylar depth index = 5.45. We concluded that the angle of the femoral sulcus increased from the start of the patellar facet to its end, and that its variability was weakly influenced by the length, width, femur inclination angle and side, according to the t-test (significance of 5%) for the correlation coefficients found.

Humans , Male , Female , Femur/anatomy & histology , Knee Joint , Patellar Ligament/anatomy & histology , Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome , Arthrometry, Articular , Knee Joint , Dissection , Femur
Acta ortop. bras ; 18(1): 19-22, 2010. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-545319


OBJETIVO: Avaliar a relação entre o comprimento e largura do ligamento patelofemoral lateral (LPFL) e a largura da faceta articular patelar lateral (FAPL) em cadáveres. A instabilidade patelofemoral está intimamente relacionada com a morfologia patelar e com a tensão das estruturas retinaculares laterais. Estudos evidenciam que quanto mais larga a faceta patelar lateral e quanto mais tenso o retináculo lateral, maior a propensão do desenvolvimento de uma enfermidade na articulação patelofemoral. MÉTODOS: Foram dissecados 20 joelhos em 20 cadáveres. Identificamos as peças quanto ao gênero, idade, lado dissecado, comprimento e largura do LPFL e a largura da FAPL. Foi utilizado o nível de significância estatística de 5 por cento (0,050) e a aplicação da análise de correlação de Spearman. RESULTADOS: O LPFL apresentou em média 16,05 milímetros de largura (desvio-padrão 2,48) e 42,10 milímetros de comprimento (desvio-padrão 8,84). A largura da FAPL variou de 23 a 37 milímetros (média 28,1). A relação entre a largura da FAPL e a largura do LPFL é estatisticamente não-significante (p=0,271), enquanto que a relação entre a largura FAPL e o comprimento do LPFL é estatisticamente significante (p=0,009). CONCLUSÃO: O comprimento do LPFL e a largura FAPL apresentam valores inversamente proporcionais.

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study, with cadavers, is to evaluate the relationship between the width and length of the lateral patellofemoral ligament (LPFL) and the size of the lateral patellar articulate facet (LPAF). Patellofemoral instability is closely related to patellar morphology and the lateral retinacular layers. Studies evidence that the wider the lateral patellar facet and the more strained the lateral retinacule, the greater the tendency for development of pathology in the patellofemoral joint. METHODS: 20 knees were dissected in 20 cadavers. The parts were identified according to gender, age, dissected side, length and width of LPFL and width of LPAF. In order to carry out the statistical analysis we adopted the significance level of 5 percent (0.050) and also used Spearman's Coefficient of Rank Correlation. RESULTS: The LPFL presented a mean width of 16.05 millimeters (standard deviation 2.48) and 42.10 millimeters of length (standard deviation 8.84). The width of the LPAF varied from 23 to 37 millimeters (mean 28.1). It was observed that the relationship between the LPAF and LPFL widths is not statistically significant (p=0.271), whereas the relationship between the LPAF width and the LPFL length is statistically significant (p=0.009). CONCLUSION: The shorter the LPFL the greater the width of the LPAF.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Chondromalacia Patellae , Patellar Ligament/anatomy & histology , Patellar Ligament/physiology , Patellar Dislocation , Patellar Ligament , Cadaver , Dissection/methods , Joint Instability , Knee/anatomy & histology
Int. j. morphol ; 27(2): 311-315, June 2009. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-563075


The study was aimed to determine the accurate location of giving incision and the width of the incision required to correct the problem of upward patellar fixation during blind method of medial patellar desmotomy. We took measurements of patellar ligaments in stifle joint of 50 indigenous and 50 crossbred slaughtered cattle without any apparent musculo-skeletal disorders were analysed. The average length and width of lateral, middle, and medial patellar ligaments for indigenous cattle were 9.360 +/- 0.339 and 3.056 +/- 0.226; 10.230 +/- 0.382 and 2.019 +/-0.258; 10.519 +/- 0.429 and 2.430 +/-0.232; for crossbred cattle 10.636 +/- 0.601 and 3.608 +/- 0.368; 11.580 +/- 0.724 and 2.330 +/- 0.205; 12.366 +/- 0.710 and 2.890 +/- 0.234 cm respectively. The average groove width for indigenous cattle and crossbred cattle between middle and medial ligament were 1.356 +/- 0.160 and 1.828 +/-0.186 cm and the highest width of groove between middle and medial patellar ligaments from the level of most cranial bulging of the cranial tibial tuberosity in the upward direction were 4.234 +/- 0.269 and 5.645 +/-0.358 cm respectively. Parameters measured were significantly different (p0.05) between indigenous and crossbred cattle. This study was suggested that incision should be made 4.234 +/- 0.269 and 5.645+/-0.398 cm proximally from the level of the most cranial bulging of cranial tibial tuberosity at the groove between middle and medial patellar ligaments, 2.430 +/-0.232 and 2.890+/-0.186 cm the mean width of the medial ligament to be cut during blind method of medial patellar desmotomy in indigenous and crossbred cattle respectively during surgical correction of upward patellar fixation.

El estudio fue dirigido a determinar la ubicación exacta de la incisión y el ancho necesario de la incisión para corregir el problema de la fijación superior patelar durante la técnica ciega de la desmotomia medial patelar. Se tomaron y analizaron medidas del ligamento patelar en la rodilla de 50 bovinos indígenas y 50 bovinos mestizos de criadero, sacrificados sin aparentes trastornos músculo-esqueléticos. El promedio de longitud y ancho lateral, central y medial del ligamento patelar para el ganado indígena fueron 9,360 +/- 0,339 y 3,056 +/- 0,226; 10,230 +/- 0,382 y 2,019 +/- 0,258; 10,519 +/- 0,429 y 2,430 +/- 0,232, y para el ganado mestizo 10,636 +/- 0,601 y 3,608 +/- 0,368; 11,580 +/- 0,724 y 2,330 +/- 0,205; 12,366 +/- 0,710 y 2,890 +/- 0,234 cm, respectivamente. El promedio del ancho del surco para el ganado bovino indígena y el mestizo entre el ligamento medio y ligamento medial fue 1,356 +/- 0,160 y 1,828 +/- 0,186 cm, y el máximo ancho del surco entre el ligamento medio y ligamento medial patelar desde el nivel más craneal del abultamiento de la tuberosidad tibial craneal en dirección hacia superior fueron 4,234 +/- 0,269 y 5,645 +/- 0,358 cm, respectivamente. Los parámetros medidos fueron significativamente diferentes (p 0,05) entre el ganado indígena y el ganado mestizo. Este estudio puede sugerir que la incisión puede ser hecha 4,234 +/- 0,269 y 5,645 +/- 0,398 cm proximalmente desde el nivel más craneal del abultamiento de la tuberosidad tibial craneal hasta el surco entre el ligamento patelar medio y medial. 2,430 +/- 0,232 y 2,890 +/- 0,186 cm fue la media del ancho del ligamento medio a ser cortada durante la técnica ciega de la desmotomía medial patelar del ganado indígena y mestizo respectivamente, durante la corrección quirúrgica de fijación superior patelar.

Male , Adult , Cattle , Animals , Posterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology , Posterior Cruciate Ligament/surgery , Patellar Ligament/anatomy & histology , Patellar Ligament/surgery , Anatomy, Veterinary , Cattle/anatomy & histology , Cattle/surgery , Surgery, Veterinary/methods , Reference Standards/ethnology , Reference Standards/methods
Rev. bras. ortop ; 43(7): 300-307, jul. 2008. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-492433


OBJETIVOS: Descrever o ligamento patelofemoral lateral (LPFL) por meio de dissecação anatômica de joelhos de cadáveres frescos. Na literatura existe particular interesse pelo LPFL. Essa especial atenção é dada pela sua importância anatômica, biomecânica e pela necessidade da sua reconstrução nos casos de instabilidade medial da patela. MÉTODOS: O LPFL foi estudado em 20 joelhos de 20 cadáveres frescos por meio de dissecações anatômicas. As dissecações foram padronizadas e os dados anotados enviados para análise estatística. RESULTADOS: O LPFL apresentou em média 16,05mm de largura (desvio-padrão: 2,48), 42,10mm de comprimento (desvio-padrão: 8,84). Sua inserção femoral mostrou-se no epicôndilo femoral lateral e com expansão em forma de leque das suas fibras, predominantemente na região posterior e proximal ao epicôndilo lateral. Na patela a inserção encontrada foi na região súpero-lateral (na metade do terço superior no plano coronal), também com expansão das fibras, mas com menor intensidade. No plano sagital, o ligamento situava-se na metade posterior da borda da patela. O LPFL foi isolado na segunda camada retinacular lateral, o retináculo transverso profundo. CONCLUSÃO: O LPFL situa-se na camada retinacular transversa profunda, com a presença de uma expansão das suas fibras em forma de leque, tanto na inserção femoral quanto na patelar. No epicôndilo femoral a inserção encontra-se mais posterior e proximalmente e na patela está na metade posterior da borda patelar (plano sagital) e no aspecto súpero-lateral.

OBJECTIVES: To describe the lateral patellofemoral ligament (LPFL) after anatomical dissection of fresh cadaver knees. The literature shows a particular interest for the LPFL. Such special attention is due to its anatomical and biomechanical importance, and also due to the need to reconstruct the ligament in the cases of medial patellar instability. METHODS: The LPFL was studied in 20 knees of 20 fresh cadavers by means of anatomical dissections. The dissections were standardized and the data were noted down and forwarded to statistical analysis. RESULTS: The LPFL presented a mean 16.05 mm width (standard deviation of 2.48), 42.10 mm length (standard deviation of 8.84). The femoral insertion was found at the lateral femoral epicondyle and with a fan-like expansion of the fibers, predominantly in the posterior region proximal to the lateral epicondyle. In the patella, the insertion found was in the upper-lateral region (in the middle of the upper third of the coronal plan), also with expanded fibers, but less intensely so. In the sagittal plan, the ligament was located in the posterior half of the border of the patella. The LPFL was isolated in the second lateral retinacular layer, the deep transverse retinaculum. CONCLUSION: The LPFL is located in the deep transverse retinacular layer with the presence of a fan-like expansion of its fibers both in the femoral and in the patellar insertions. The insertion is more posterior and proximal at the femoral epicondyle and in the posterior half of the patellar border (sagittal plan) and in the upper-lateral aspect.

Humans , Cadaver , Dissection , Joint Instability , Patellar Ligament/anatomy & histology , Patellar Dislocation
Clinics ; 63(4): 541-544, 2008. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-489666


OBJECTIVE: To determine the metric measurements and to verify the attachment levels of the medial patellofemoral ligament in human cadavers. METHODS: Seventeen knees (eight right and nine left knees) from 10 cadavers (nine male and one female) were dissected and stored in a 10 percent formaldehyde solution. All of the knees were whole and did not show any macroscopic signs of injuries. RESULTS: The medial patellofemoral ligament was present in 88 percent of the knees studied, localized transversally between the medial femoral epicondyle and the medial margin of the patella. Its dimensions were quite variable, even between the knees of the same individual. The width of the patellar insertion ranged from 16 to 38.8 mm, with a mean of 27.90 mm, and its mean length was 55.67 mm. The margins of the ligament were concave or rectilinear. At the upper margin, the concave form predominated and was better characterized, while at the lower margin, the rectilinear form predominated. CONCLUSIONS: The medial patellofemoral ligament is a very distinct structure with variable anatomical aspects and is always located in a plane inferior to the vastus medialis obliquus muscle.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Medial Collateral Ligament, Knee/anatomy & histology , Patellar Ligament/anatomy & histology , Cadaver , Models, Biological
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 43(4): 466-475, 2006. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-461501


Para descrever a anatomia ultra-sonográfica foram examinados os ligamentos patelares (medial, intermédio e lateral) e as estruturas relacionadas de 20 articulações fêmuro-tibio-patelares de cavalos adultos. Tanto a ecogenicidade como o alinhamento das fibras de colágeno, a espessura, a forma e relação com as estruturas vizinhas foram avaliadas. Os três ligamentos apresentaram ecogenicidade uniforme e paralelismo das fibras colágenas. Em secção longitudinal os ligamentos patelares medial (LPM) e intermédio (LPI) apresentaram maior espessura do segmento distal (p<0,01) quando comparado com o proximal. Comparando-se o mesmo segmento entre os três ligamentos, o LPI apresentou espessura maior (p<0,01) em relação ao LPM e ligamento patelar lateral (LPL). Em secção transversal (cm2) o LPL apresentou a maior área (p <0,01), seguido pelo LPI e LPM. Em secção transversal do segmento médio, o LPM apresentou forma triangular, o LPI em forma triangular ou circular, e o LPL formato achatado. As estruturas adjacentes identificadas durante o exame dos ligamentos foram cristas femorais, cartilagem articular, tecido gorduroso periligamentar, patela e tíbia proximal.

In order to describe the ultrasonographic anatomy of patellar ligaments (medial, middle, lateral) and associated structures, 20 femorotibiopatellar joints of adult horses were investigated. Echogenicity, collagen fibers alignment, size, shape and surrounding structures were evaluated. All ligaments presented uniform echogenicity and collagen fibers parallelism. The longitudinal section of the medial and middle patellar ligaments presented a significant larger thickness (p<0,01) of the distal region when compared to the proximal region. When comparing the same site between the three ligaments, LPI was thicker (p<0,01) than lateral patellar ligament (LPL) and LPM. The LPL transversal section (cm2) presented a significant larger area (p<0,01), followed by the LPI and LPM. The transversal section of the medium region revealed a LPM with triangular shape, triangular or circular LPI, and flattened LPL. The surrounding structures observed during the evaluation were: femoral groove, articular cartilages, periligamentar fat tissue, patella and proximal tibia.

Animals , Male , Female , Horses , Patellar Ligament/anatomy & histology , Patellar Ligament
Int. j. morphol ; 22(4): 303-306, dez. 2004. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-396050


Con el objetivo de investigar los aspectos morfológicos y las relaciones del músculo articular de la rodilla, así como la disposición de las fibras musculares a nivel del fémur, además de comparar la masa muscular del referido músculo con el resto de la masa muscular del miembro inferior, fueron analizados 15 miembros inferiores de cadáveres humanos adultos, de ambos sexos, fijados en formol y seccionados transversalmente, a nivel del tercio medio del muslo y tercio proximal de la pierna. El músculo articular de la rodilla estaba presente en todo el material analizado y en el 93,3 por ciento de los casos tenía su punto de origen en la parte anterior distal del fémur. Entre las piezas analizadas, un 40 por ciento mostró una masa muscular bastante reducida y en forma trapezoidal. Ese músculo presentó en la inserción una distancia promedio de 3,07 cm arriba del borde superior de la tróclea, variando los haces musculares entre 2 y 7. Éstos, en su mayoría, presentaron una dirección vertical. El músculo mostró una disposición anterior en el tercio distal del fémur. Nuestro resultado sugiere que el tamaño y las relaciones del músculo articular de la rodilla con la bolsa sinovial suprapatelar, pueden estar directamente relacionados con el resto de masa muscular del miembro inferior. Por tal motivo, cuando se trabaja para aumentar el tono muscular del músculo recto femoral, se está provocando, de manera indirecta, la hipertrofia del músculo articular de la rodilla y potenciando su desempeño en la cavidad articular.

Humans , Male , Female , Knee Joint/anatomy & histology , Muscles/anatomy & histology , Knee/anatomy & histology , Dissection , Patellar Ligament/anatomy & histology , Muscle Tonus
Acta ortop. bras ; 9(2): 26-40, abr.-jun. 2001. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-297254


Com o objetivo de avaliar a reigidez do ligamento cruzado anterior e dos enxertos preparados para sua reconstrução a partir da porção central do ligamento patelar e dos tendões dos músculos semitendíneo e grácil duplos, oriundos dos mesmos joelhos, o autor utiliza 20 joelhos de cadáveres humanos, frescos, todos masculinos, com idade média de 32,2 ñ8,9 anos, variando de 17 a 47 anos. As estruturas analisadas foram submetidas a três ensaios mecânicos de tração, com intervalos de 10 minutos para recuperação, em máquina Kratos K-5002 (eletromecânica), com velocidade de 20mm/min até atingir 147,15 N (15 kgf), mantendo-as alongadas por um período de 15 minutos. Todas as estruturas observadas apresentam um aumento da rigidez aos sucessivos testes realizados, exceto entre o 2§ e o 3§ teste do ligamento cruzado anterior onde não apresentou diferença estatística. A análise estatística permite concluir que os ciclos sucessivos dos ensaios mecânicos determinam um aumento da rigidez dos enxertos analisados.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology , Patellar Ligament/anatomy & histology , Cadaver , Tensile Strength/physiology , Transplants