OBJECTIVE@#To explore correlation between imaging classification of knee osteoarthritis (KOA) and axis angle of tibiofemoral and patellofemoral joints.@*METHODS@#A retrospective analysis of 739 middle-aged and elderly patients with KOA (1 026 knee joints) who underwent vertical X-ray examination of both lower limbs and lateral knee joints from September 2018 to December 2020. Among them, 63 patients with K-L 0 grade (95 knee joints), 100 patients with K-L 1 grade (130 knee joints), 161 patients with K-L 2 grade (226 knee joints), 187 patients with K-L 3 grade (256 knee joints), and 228 patients of K-L 4 grade (319 knee joints). According to relative position of knee joint center and line between hip joint center and ankle joint center, the affected knee was divided into varus group(844 knees joints) and valgus group (182 knees joints). According to Install-Salvati method, the affected knee was divided into three groups, such as high patella (patella height>1.2 mm, 347 knees joints), median patella (patella height ranged from 0.8 to 1.2 mm, 561 knees joints), and low patella (patella height<0.8 mm, 118 knees joints). Lower femur angle, upper tibia angle, femoral neck shaft angle, femoral tibial angle, joint gap angle, hip-knee-ankle angle, patella-femoral angle and patella height among different groups were observed and compared.@*RESULTS@#(1) In varus KOA group, there were statistical differnces in hip-knee-ankle angle, tibiofemoral angle, lower femoral angle, upper tibial angle, joint space angle, and femoral neck shaft angle of patients with different K-L grades (P<0.05). Hip-knee-ankle angle, tibiofemoral angle, lower femoral angle, upper tibial angle, joint space angle and K-L grade were significantly positively correlated at 0.01(P<0.05);femoral neck shaft angle and K-L grade showed negative correlation at 0.01(P<0.05). (2) In valgus KOA group, hip-knee-ankle angle, there were statistical differences in tibiofemoral angle, inferior femoral angle, superior tibial angle, joint space angle, and femoral neck shaft angle of patients with different K-L grades(P<0.05). Hip-knee-ankle angle, tibiofemoral angle, lower femoral angle, upper tibial angle, and femoral neck shaft angle showed negative correlation with K-L grades at level of 0.01 (P<0.05);joint gap angle and K-L grades showed significantly positive correlation at level of 0.01(P<0.05). (3) In high patella group, there were statistically differences in patellar height and patellar femoral angle of different K-L grades(P<0.05);there were no statistical difference in patella height and patellar femoral angle of different K-L grades in median patella group. There was no significant difference in patella heightin low patella group with different K-L grades(P>0.05), and there was statistical difference in patellofemoral angle(P<0.05). Patellar height and patella-femoral angle of high patella group were significantly positively correlated with K-L grades at the level of 0.01 (P<0.05);patella height and patella-femoral angle were not correlated with K-L grades in median patella group(P>0.05). There was no correlation between height of patella and K-L grade in low patella group (P>0.05). There was significant negative correlation between patella-femoral angle and K-L grade at level of 0.05 (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Inferior femoral angle, tibiofemoral angle, joint gap angle, hip-knee-ankle angle, femoral neck shaft angle and high patella are related to K-L classification of varus KOA, which could be used for early diagnosis and provide objective data for efficacy analysis of conservative treatment.
Aged , Middle Aged , Humans , Patellofemoral Joint/diagnostic imaging , Osteoarthritis, Knee/diagnostic imaging , Retrospective Studies , Knee Joint , Femur/diagnostic imaging , TibiaABSTRACT
El manejo de la inestabilidad patelofemoral se basa en una adecuada evaluación de alteraciones anatómicas predisponentes. Patela alta es una de las causas más importantes de inestabilidad objetiva. La alteración biomecánica que ésta produce puede conducir a luxación patelar recurrente, dolor y cambios degenerativos focales. El examen físico es fundamental en la toma de decisiones. La evaluación imagenológica ha evolucionado desde métodos basados en radiografía hacia mediciones en resonancia magnética, que permiten una orientación más acabada de la relación existente entre la rótula y la tróclea femoral. El tratamiento se fundamenta en la corrección selectiva de los factores causales, donde la osteotomía de descenso de la tuberosidad anterior de la tibia y la reconstrucción del ligamento patelofemoral medial son herramientas que deben considerarse racionalmente. Este artículo realiza una revisión de la literatura, otorgando los fundamentos quirúrgicos que explican la importancia del tratamiento específico de patela alta en inestabilidad rotuliana.
Patellofemoral instability management is based on a thorough evaluation of predisposing anatomical factors. Patella alta is one of the utmost causes of objective instability. As a result, biomechanical disturbance can lead to recurrent patellar instability, pain, and focal degenerative changes. Physical examination is paramount in decision making. Imaging evaluation has evolved from X-rays based methods to magnetic resonance measurements, which allows a more accurate assessment of the patellotrochlear relationship. Treatment is based on a selective risk factors correction, where tibial tubercle distalization osteotomy and medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction must be considered altogether. This article reviews the surgical rationale of patella alta treatment in patellofemoral instability.
Humans , Osteotomy/methods , Patellar Dislocation/surgery , Patellofemoral Joint/surgery , Joint Instability/surgery , Osteotomy/adverse effects , Postoperative Care , Biomechanical Phenomena , Patellar Ligament/surgery , Knee Dislocation/diagnostic imaging , Patellofemoral Joint/diagnostic imaging , Joint Instability/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
La inestabilidad patelofemoral es una entidad que afecta principalmente a adolescentes y adultos jóvenes. En su diagnóstico se consideran elementos clínicos e imagenológicos, en especial para medir la distancia entre la tuberosidad anterior de la tibia y el surco intercondíleo, que permite la selección de la técnica quirúrgica en cada paciente, en específico la transferencia de la tuberosidad anterior de la tibia. En este artículo se exponen brevemente algunos aspectos de interés sobre el tema: métodos imagenológicos empleados en estos pacientes (radiografía simple, tomografía axial computarizada, imagen por resonancia magnética) y valores de referencia considerados como normales; también se describe por pasos cómo medir la distancia entre la tuberosidad anterior de la tibia y el surco intercondíleo.
The patellofemoral instability is an entity that mainly affects adolescents and young adults. In its diagnosis clinical and imaging elements are considered, especially to measure the tibial-tuberosity to trochlear groove distance that allows the selection of the surgical technique in each patient, in specific the transfer of the tibial-tuberosity. In this work some aspects of interest on the topic are shortly exposed: the imaging methods used in these patients (simple x-rays, computerized axial tomography, magnetic resonance imaging) and the reference values considered as normal; it is also described step by step how to measure the tibial-tuberosity to trochlear groove distance.
Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Patellofemoral Joint/pathology , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Patellofemoral Joint/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Resumen: Objetivo: Presentar los diferentes procedimientos quirúrgicos en el tratamiento de las inestabilidades femoropatelares objetivas, incluyendo la osteotomía de la tuberosidad tibial anterior y la trocleoplastía femoral. Material y métodos: Con un diseño prospectivo con seguimiento a cinco años que incluyó a 21 pacientes (21 rodillas) tratados por luxación rotuliana recidivante entre Marzo de 2010 y Agosto de 2014, tratándose de forma quirúrgica mediante dos técnicas diferentes según el tipo de inestabilidad estructural de base. Para determinarlo, se analizó el índice radiográfico de Caton-Deschamps (para la evaluación de la altura rotuliana) y parámetros tomográficos para valorar el configuración troclear y distancia desde la tuberosidad tibial anterior hasta la tróclea femoral (TT-TG) en la superposición de imágenes en el plano axial. Resultados: Hemos tenido resultados satisfactorios tanto con la transferencia de la tuberosidad tibial anterior como con la trocleoplastía. En ambos procedimientos se realizó una reconstrucción del ligamento patelofemoral medial (LPFM). Conclusiones: La recurrencia de inestabilidad es muy rara después de estos procedimientos y es más probable que ésta resulte de anomalías asociadas no diagnosticadas o subestimadas. Se requiere una planificación precisa preoperatoria para determinar la altura rotuliana, la ubicación de la tuberosidad tibial anterior y la configuración troclear para obtener resultados satisfactorios.
Abstract: Objective: To present the different surgical procedures in the treatment of objective femoropateral instability, including osteotomy of anterior tibial tuberosity and femoral trocleoplasty. Material and methods: With a prospective 5-year follow-up design that included 21 patients (21 knees) treated for relapsing patellar dislocation between March 2010 and August 2014, treated surgically using 2 different techniques depending on the type of basic structural instability. To determine this, the Caton-Deschamps X-Ray Index (for the evaluation of the patellar height) and tomographic parameters were analyzed to assess the troclear configuration and distance from the anterior tibial tuberosity to the femoral trochlea (TT-TG) in the overlapping of images in the axial plane. Results: We have had satisfactory results both with the transfer of the anterior tibial tuberosity and with the trocleoplasty. In both procedures, a reconstruction of the medial patelo-femoral ligament (LPFM) was performed. Conclusion: Recurrence of instability is very rare after these procedures and is more likely to result from undiagnosed or underestimated associated abnormalities. Precise preoperative planning is required to determine the patellar height, location of the anterior tibial tuberosity, and troclear configuration for satisfactory results.
Humans , Patellar Dislocation , Patellofemoral Joint , Joint Instability , Tibia/surgery , Tibia/diagnostic imaging , Prospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Patellar Dislocation/surgery , Patellar Dislocation/diagnostic imaging , Patellofemoral Joint/surgery , Patellofemoral Joint/diagnostic imaging , Joint Instability/surgery , Joint Instability/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
The objective was to establish the reference standards for elastography of the main structures of the canine stifle joint. The medial meniscus, patellar and cruciate ligaments of thirty healthy beagles was evaluated by B-mode and ARFI elastography (n=60 joints). Analysis detected a positive correlation of the shear wave velocity (SWV) of structures according to age. Patellar ligament presented a gradual stiffness increase in relation to age, while medial meniscus and cruciate ligament were more rigid in puppies than in adults. However, greater stiffness of these structures was observed in elderly animals. Elasticity of each structure was evaluated according to gender and reproductive status. Females presented greater stiffness of all structures, with SWV differing 0.3 and 0.36m/s between genders. Only the medial meniscus was not stiffer in neutered animals when compared to intact animals, differing only 0.02m/s in menisci and 0.4 to 0.47m/s in ligaments between groups. These findings corroborate with literature data that states a higher prevalence of ligament insufficiency in elderly dogs, females and neutered animals. It was concluded that ARFI elastography of the canine stifle joint is feasible and its application can be potentially effective in early diagnosis of ligament and meniscal changes.(AU)
O objetivo foi estabelecer os padrões normais para elastografia das principais estruturas da articulação do joelho em cães. O menisco medial, ligamento patelar e cruzado de trinta beagles saudáveis foram avaliados pelo modo B e elastografia ARFI (n=60 articulações). A análise detectou uma correlação positiva da velocidade de cisalhamento (SWV) das estruturas com a idade. O ligamento patelar apresentou um aumento gradual da rigidez em relação à idade, enquanto o menisco medial e o ligamento cruzado foram mais rígidos em filhotes do que em adultos. Entretanto, observou-se maior rigidez dessas estruturas em idosos. A elasticidade de cada estrutura foi avaliada de acordo com o sexo e o estado reprodutivo. As fêmeas apresentaram maior rigidez em todas as estruturas, com SWV diferente de 0,3 e 0,36m/s entre os sexos. Somente o menisco medial não foi mais rígido nos animais castrados quando comparado não castrados, diferindo apenas 0,02m/s no menisco e 0,4 a 0,47m/s nos ligamentos entre os grupos. Esses achados corroboram com dados da literatura que afirmam maior prevalência de insuficiência ligamentar em cães idosos, fêmeas e animais castrados. Concluiu-se que a elastografia ARFI da articulação do joelho canino é viável e sua aplicação pode ser eficaz no diagnóstico precoce de alterações ligamentares e meniscais.(AU)
Animals , Dogs , Patellofemoral Joint/diagnostic imaging , Meniscus/diagnostic imaging , Knee Joint/diagnostic imaging , Ultrasonography/veterinary , Elasticity Imaging Techniques/veterinaryABSTRACT
Este trabalho teve o objetivo de determinar as características e a aplicabilidade do exame de ressonância magnética na avaliação de enxerto ostecondral autógeno, em formato íntegro ou macerado, associado ou não ao fator de crescimento semelhante à insulina tipo 1 (IGF-1), utilizado no reparo de lesões induzidas na cartilagem articular de coelhos. Foram utilizados 9 coelhos da linhagem Nova Zelândia, em que as 18 articulações fêmoro-tíbio-patelares foram submetidas à enxertia osteocondral autógena no sulco troclear femoral. Estas foram divididas em quatro grupos, denominados como enxerto osteocondral íntegro + IGF-1 (n=5), enxerto osteocondral íntegro + solução fisiológica (n=4), enxerto osteocondral macerado + IGF-1 (n=5) e enxerto osteocondral macerado + solução fisiológica (n=4). Os animais foram eutanasiados em 12 semanas após a cirurgia e as articulações foram submetidas ao exame de ressonância magnética utilizando um aparelho scanner de 1,5 Tesla de alto campo magnético. Além disso, amostras dos locais de enxertia foram submetidas aos exames anatomopatológicos. O exame de ressonância magnética mostrou-se eficaz como um método não invasivo para avaliação do tecido de reparação em enxertos osteocondrais na cartilagem articular do fêmur de coelhos, fornecendo dados complementares aos exames macroscópicos e histológicos. Por meio destas imagens e dos exames anatomopatológicos, foram observados resultados satisfatórios em relação ao processo de reparação dos enxertos osteocondrais autógenos na cartilagem de coelhos, independentemente de seu formato ou da adição de IGF-1.(AU)
This study aimed to determine the characteristics and applicability of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the evaluation of autogenous osteochondral graft in intact or macerated format, with or without insulin-like growth factor type 1 (IGF-1) used in repair of cartilage lesions induced in rabbits. Nine New Zealand rabbits were used, in which 18 stifle joints underwent grafting procedure in the femoral trochlear groove. These were divided into four groups, referred as intact osteochondral graft + IGF-1 (n=5), intact osteochondral graft + saline solution (n=4), macerated osteochondral graft + IGF-1 (n=5) and macerated osteochondral graft + saline solution (n=4). Animals were euthanized 12 weeks after surgery and the joints were subjected to MRI using a high magnetic field scanner of 1.5 Tesla. In addition, samples of grafting sites were subjected to anatomopathological examination. The MRI was effective as a noninvasive method to evaluate the repair tissue in osteochondral grafts in articular cartilage of the femur of rabbits by providing complementary data to macroscopic and histological examinations. Through these images and anatomopathological examinations satisfactory results were observed in relation to the repair process of autogenous osteochondral grafts in cartilage of rabbits, regardless of its format or the addition of IGF-1.(AU)
Animals , Rabbits , Tibia/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Bone Transplantation/veterinary , Receptor, IGF Type 1 , Patellofemoral Joint/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Introducción: existen diferentes estudios radiológicos de rodilla en los cuales realizamos medidas que pueden orientarnos a la etiología del dolor anterior de rodilla. Nuestro objetivo fue identificar cambios morfo-radiológicos y cambios en medidas útiles en proyecciones radiográficas de rodilla de pacientes con dolor anterior de rodilla. Material y métodos: El presente es un estudio transversal en el cual se incluyó los estudios radiológicos de pacientes con dolor anterior de rodilla registrando medidas en proyecciones anteroposteriores, laterales y axiales de rótula con un posterior análisis de datos. Resultados: Entre los resultados identificamos como diagnóstico clínico más frecuente la Gonartrosis y en segundo lugar el Síndrome femoropatelar. El tipo de patela más frecuentemente encontrado fue la tipo 1. Los ángulos femoro-rotulianos fueron en su mayoría paralelos, siendo convergentes en un menor porcentaje. No existe diferencia significativa entre el tipo de patela y la lateralización rotuliana. Con un valor P de 0.820. Discusión: En base a esto podemos afirmar que el ángulo de desplazamiento de Muñoz es más útil para medir el desplazamiento rotuliano. El ángulo de congruencia de toda la población estudiada oscila entre 120° y 145°. Conclusión: No existe una diferencia significativa de lateralización rotuliana de acuerdo al ángulo de desplazamiento de Muñoz en pacientes con patela Tipo I o II. El ángulo de Muñoz es más útil que el índice de Muñoz para identificar la lateralización rotuliana. El ángulo de congruencia puede encontrarse normal incluso si existe subluxación rotuliana.
Background: there are different radiological studies of the knee in which we perform radiological measurements that can guide us to the etiology of knee pain. Our objective was to identify morpho-radiological and measure changes in radiographic knee images of patients with anterior knee pain. Methods: The present study is a cross-sectional study in which the radiological studies of patients with anterior knee pain were recorded, recording measurements on Anteroposterior, lateral and Skyline patella projection with a posterior data analysis. Results: Among the results we identi ed as the most frequent clinical diagnosis Knee osteoarthritis and in second place Patellofemoral Syndrome. The most frequently encountered type of patella was type 1. Patellofemoral angles were mostly parallel, being convergent in a lower percentage. There is no signi cant difference between the type of patella and patellar lateralization. (P value = 0.820). Discussion: Based on this, we can say that the Muñoz displacement angle is more useful for measuring patellar displacement. The congruence angle of the studied population ranges from 120° to 145°. Conclusions: We conclude that there is no signi cant difference in patellar lateralization according to the Muñoz displacement angle in patients with type I or II patella. Muñoz angle is more useful than the Muñoz index to identify patellar lateralization. The angle of congruence may be normal even if there is patellar subluxation.
Humans , Adult , Knee Joint/anatomy & histology , Pain Measurement , Pain/diagnostic imaging , Patellofemoral Joint/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
El objetivo de nuestro trabajo fue comparar dos grupos de pacientes tratados con trasplantes osteoarticulares del fémur distal en términos de evaluar: 1) el volumen del fémur distal del receptor y del trasplante, 2) la superficie articular de contacto del fémur distal del receptor y del trasplante, 3) el ángulo del valgo anatómico femoral del fémur distal del receptor y del trasplante. Materiales y métodos: se realizó una búsqueda retrospectiva entre 2002 y 2012 analizando a pacientes tratados con un trasplante osteoarticular de fémur distal. Se incluyó un total de 32 pacientes. Estos fueron divididos en dos grupos de acuerdo con el método de selección del trasplante: Grupo 1, conformado por 16 pacientes con trasplantes seleccionados mediante tomografía 2D y Grupo 2, 16 pacientes con trasplantes seleccionados a través de un método 3D. La evaluación fue realizada por un observador independiente y ciego para los dos grupos. Resultados: las diferencias en las pruebas de estimación de volumen y superficie articulares entre el donante y el receptor no fueron estadísticamente significativas (p>0,05). Sin embargo, la diferencia entre los ángulos de valgo del fémur receptor y el fémur donante, seleccionados por el método 2D fue significativa (p<0,05), mientras que la diferencia de estos ángulos en el método 3D no lo fue (p>0,05). Conclusión: el método de selección de un aloinjerto, mediante la utilización de un banco de huesos virtual 3D para la reconstrucción con un trasplante osteoarticular de femur distal, permite obtener una mejor alineación del miembro comparado con aquellos seleccionados solo con un método bidimensional. (AU)
The aim of our study was to compare two groups of patients treated with distal femur osteoarticular allograft in terms of: 1) the volume of the distal femur of the allograft and patient, 2) the articular surface contact, 3) the anatomical femoral valgus angle. Material and methods: a retrospective review was performed between 2002 and 2012 and all patients with an osteo-articular allograft of the distal femur were analysed. A total of 32 patients were included in the study. Patients were divided into two groups according to the selection method of the allograft: Group 1, 16 patients with allograft selected by 2D (CT) and Group 2, 16 patients selected through a 3D method. The evaluation was done by an independent and blind observer. Results: the differences in terms of volume estimation and joint surface contact between the donor allograft and patient distal femur were not statistically significant (p>0.05). However, the difference between the valgus angle showed significant differences between donor and patient femurs selected by the 2D method (p<0.05) but no difference in the group of patients selected by 3D method (p>0.05). Conclusion: the 3D method for allograft selection of the distal femur showed better results in limb alignment compared to 2D selection method. (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Tomography/methods , Bone Banks/trends , Femur/surgery , Allografts/diagnostic imaging , Postoperative Period , Bone Transplantation , Patellofemoral Joint/physiology , Patellofemoral Joint/diagnostic imaging , Femur/anatomy & histology , Femur/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Several tendon graft and fixation methods have been introduced in medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) reconstruction for recurrent patellar dislocation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results of MPFL reconstruction using a gracilis autograft fixation without bone tunnel in patients with recurrent patellar instability. METHODS: Nine patients (four males and five females) diagnosed with recurrent patellar instability from July 2009 to January 2013 and had MPFL reconstruction using a gracilis autograft were included. The average age of the patients was 24.6 years (range, 13 to 48 years), and the average follow-up period was 19.3 months (range, 12 to 30 months). For every patient, femoral attachment was fixed using suture anchors securing the patella by suturing the periosteum and surrounding soft tissue. Clinical evaluation included the Kujala, Lysholm, and Tegner scores; in addition, patients were examined for any complication including recurrent dislocation. The congruence angle and patella alta were assessed radiologically before and after surgery. RESULTS: The Kujala score improved from an average of 42.7 ± 8.4 before surgery to 79.6 ± 13.6 (p = 0.008) at final follow-up; the Lysholm score improved from 45.8 ± 5.7 to 82.0 ± 10.5 (p = 0.008); and the Tegner score improved from 2.8 ± 0.8 to 5.6 ± 1.5 (p = 0.007). The Insall-Salvati ratio changed from 1.16 ± 0.1 (range, 0.94 to 1.35) before surgery to 1.14 ± 0.1 (range, 0.96 to 1.29; p = 0.233) at the final follow-up without significance. The congruence angle significantly improved from 26.5°± 10.6° (range, 12° to 43°) before surgery to -4.0°± 4.3° (range, -12° to 5°; p = 0.008) at final follow-up. Subluxation was observed in one patient and hemarthrosis occurred in another patient 2 years after surgery, but these patients were asymptomatic. CONCLUSIONS: We achieved good results with a patellar fixation technique in MPFL reconstruction using a gracilis autograft employing soft tissue suturing in patients with recurrent patellar dislocation.