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Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 22(1)feb. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1560086


Introducción: La patente es un título de propiedad industrial otorgado por el Estado al inventor de un nuevo producto o tecnología, susceptible de ser comercializado para obtener ganancias de forma exclusiva a un plazo de tiempo determinado. Objetivo: Determinar el número de patentes otorgadas a las universidades peruanas en el campo biomédico de 2010 a 2020, en comparación con la producción de otros inventores. Material y método: Este estudio descriptivo, observacional, retrospectivo y transversal analizó 73 patentes provenientes de un universo de 759, obtenidas de la base de datos del Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual en el Perú, de 2010 a 2020. Para comparar el número de patentes otorgadas a las universidades respecto a otros inventores, se aplicó la prueba del Chi Cuadrado de Pearson con la corrección de continuidad de Yates. Resultados: En el Perú, durante 2010 a 2020 se han otorgado 759 patentes, de las cuales 73 pertenecen al campo biomédico (9,61 por ciento), de los cuales las universidades han generado 24,66 por ciento; es decir 2,47 por ciento del total. Además, las universidades presentaron diferencias significativas de producción de patentes (p = 0,019) en comparación a otros autores. Conclusiones: En el campo biomédico, la producción de patentes en las universidades peruanas ha sido muy limitadas desde 2010 a 2020. Además, las universidades presentaron significativamente menor producción de patentes en comparación a otros inventores, observándose que desde 2016, no se les ha otorgado ninguna patente de invención en el campo biomédico(AU)

Introduction: A patent is an industrial property title granted by the State to the inventor of a new product or technology, susceptible of being marketed for profit on an exclusive basis for a determined period of time. Objective: To determine the number of patents granted to Peruvian universities in the biomedical field from 2010 to 2020, in comparison with the production of other inventors. Material and Methods: This descriptive, observational, retrospective and cross-sectional study analyzed 73 patents from a universe of 759 patents obtained from the database of the National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property in Peru, from 2010 to 2020. To compare the number of patents granted to universities with respect to other inventors, Pearson's chi-square test with Yates' continuity correction was applied. Results: In Peru, during the years 2010 to 2020, 759 patents have been granted, of which 73 belong to the biomedical field (9.61 percent), of which universities have generated 24.66 percent, i.e. 2.47 percent of the total. Furthermore, universities showed significant differences in patent production (p = 0.019) compared to other authors. Conclusions: In the biomedical field, patent production in Peruvian universities has been very limited from 2010 to 2020. In addition, universities presented significantly lower patent production compared to other inventors, noting that since 2016, they have not been granted any invention patents in the biomedical field(AU)

Humans , Patents as Topic
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; 72(3): 218-230, sept. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1399301


Introduction: This article addresses the legal regulations for Foods for Specified Health Uses (FOSHU) in the main trade associations of Latin America (LATAM), based on the Codex Alimentarius system. Objective: The objective is to determine regulatory progress in the trade of FOSHU products. Material and methods: This study includes a review of the literature emanating from the databases from 2018 to 2022, according to the framework of three general food marketing regulations: food safety claims; inspection regulations, and food manufacturing and labeling. Results: The results reveal the absence of a specific legislation for FOSHU foods, as these are only mentioned in the area of nutrition. Conclusions: The legal framework in the trade of these products is based on jus cogens. Registration of industrial patents in the main member countries of LATAM trade associations can be facilitated through the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH)(AU)

Introducción: El artículo aborda las regulaciones jurídicas en Alimentos para Uso Específico de Salud "FOSHU" en las principales asociaciones comerciales de América Latina (LATAM), basados en el sistema Codex Alimentarius. Objetivo: Determinar el avance regulatorio en la comercialización de productos FOSHU. Materiales y métodos: Se revisa la literatura emanada de las bases de datos desde el año 2018 al 2022, según el marco de tres regulaciones generales de comercialización de alimentos: las declaraciones de seguridad alimentaria; las regulaciones de inspecciones, las de manufacturas de alimentos y etiquetado. Resultados: Los resultados revelaron la ausencia de una legislación específica para alimentos FOSHU, siendo solo mencionados en el área de la nutrición. Conclusiones: El revestimiento jurídico en la comercialización de estos productos; se cimienta en el ius cogens. Las inscripciones de patentes industriales en los principales países miembros de las asociaciones comerciales en LATAM pueden facilitarse por la vía del Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH)(AU)

Patents as Topic , International Law , Functional Food , Products Commerce , Legislation, Food , Food Safety , Food Labeling/legislation & jurisprudence , Food Technology/legislation & jurisprudence , Food Supply/legislation & jurisprudence , Latin America
Rev. cub. inf. cienc. salud ; 32(1): e1815, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1280197


Las patentes no se publican con la misma celeridad que los artículos científicos porque tiene que transcurrir como mínimo 18 meses de examen de la invención entre su solicitud y el registro público de su concesión en forma de documento de patente. Por eso, el mayor número de patentes publicadas hasta ahora abarca los anteriores coronavirus que afectan a humanos, como son el Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo Severo y el Síndrome Respiratorio de Oriente Medio, de los cuales sí existen patentes de técnicas de diagnóstico, tratamientos e incluso vacunas, así como un menor número de patentes relacionadas con la actual pandemia causada por la COVID-19 por el poco tiempo transcurrido y la alta virología de la enfermedad. La presente de investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar el comportamiento de las invenciones solicitadas y concedidas sobre COVID-19 que han sido registradas en la Oficina Internacional de Patentes de los Estados Unidos. El estudio, por su naturaleza, empleó un enfoque mixto de la investigación, donde se articularon de forma sistémica métodos de corte cualitativo y cuantitativo que permitieron la complementación de los diferentes análisis métricos. Los resultados mostraron que el mayor poderío tecnológico se agrupa en titulares de Estados Unidos, seguidos por Irán, Israel, Bulgaria, Canadá y Reino Unido, y que el número de investigaciones sobre COVID -19 se centra en: técnicas para su identificación y diagnóstico; sistemas informáticos; péptidos; radioterapia; reconocimiento de datos modelos computacionales; mutación e ingeniería genética; colorimetría; procesamiento de datos eléctricos digitales; entre otros temas, que conforman la vanguardia tecnológica innovadora que existe hoy en el mundo sobre la COVID -19(AU)

Patents are not published as quickly as scientific articles because at least 18 months of examination of the invention must elapse between its application and the public record of its grant in the form of a patent document. For this reason, the largest number of patents published so far cover the previous coronaviruses that affect humans, such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, of which there are patents for diagnostic techniques, treatments and even vaccines. There are fewer patents related to the current pandemic caused by COVID-19 due to the short time that has elapsed and the high virology of the disease. The objective of this research was to analyze the behavior of the requested and granted inventions on COVID-19 that have been registered in the United States International Patent Office. The study by its nature used a mixed approach to research where qualitative and quantitative cutting methods were articulated in a systemic way that allowed the complementation of the different metric analyzes. The results showed that the greatest technological power is clustered in the headlines of the United States, followed by Iran, Israel, Bulgaria, Canada and the United Kingdom, and that the number of investigations on COVID-19 are focused on techniques for its identification and diagnosis, in: computer systems; peptides; radio-therapy; data recognition; computational models; mutation and genetic engineering; colorimetry; digital electrical data processing; among other topics that make up the innovative technological vanguard that exist today in the world on COVID -19(AU)

Humans , Patents as Topic/statistics & numerical data , Inventions , COVID-19 , United States , Retrospective Studies
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008466


In order to find the trends in Panax notoginseng industries of China, a combination of data analysis and empirical analysis was applied to analyze the application of global P. notoginseng patents, the innovation field, the distribution of patent assets, the patent citation network, the distribution of enterprises, the talent team, the competition and cooperation situation based on the financial big data platform of intellectual property industry. From the perspective of industrial technology hotspots, the clinical application of P. notoginseng is becoming more and more widespread, and its clinical treatment field is further expanding. From the perspective of industrial fields, the P. notoginseng industry has gradually expanded from the traditional Chinese medicine field to food, cosmetics, beverages, tea and other daily consumer goods. From the perspective of patent quality, the average maintenance life of P. notoginseng patents of China is lower than the global level, and the value and quality of patents need to be further improved. And the quality of P. notoginseng of China related patent applications has gradually improved in recent years. We analyzed the technology, capital, and talent issues of P. notoginseng industry of China, and summarized and forecasted the status and trends of P. notoginseng industry development of China. It is considered that scientific and technological innovation has become the core engine for the development of the P. notoginseng industry and intellectual property, especially patent protection, escorted the sustainable development of the P. notoginseng industry. Based on the above analysis, several suggestions were put forward to promote the high-quality development of the P. notoginseng industry. It should strengthen scientific and technological support, especially the need for a large number of high-quality scientific and technological output, expand multi-party cooperation, build a high-level technological innovation platform for the P. notoginseng industry, guide long-term capital to continuously and stably invest, and help the P. notoginseng industry to revitalize.

China , Drug Industry/trends , Drugs, Chinese Herbal , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Panax notoginseng/chemistry , Patents as Topic
s.l; s.n; 2020. 157P p.
Non-conventional in Portuguese | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1119989


Em março de 2020 foi criada a Vitrine do Conhecimento em Enfermagem da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde - área Enfermagem (BVS - Enfermagem), a qual tem como pano de fundo a celebração dos 200 anos de Florence Nightingale, assim como, a comemoração do ano internacional da enfermagem, como parte da Campanha Nursing Now, iniciada em fevereiro de 2018. A campanha mundial denominada Nursing Now, com duração de três anos, tem a finalidade de colocar a enfermagem em primeiro plano. Por isso, a realização da campanha estaria aderente às celebrações dos 200 anos de Florence Nightingale. A campanha Nursing Now foi implementada em colaboração entre o International Council of Nurses (ICN) e a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), com o apoio do Burdett Trust for Nursing, em conjunto com a união de um grupo de enfermeiras e outros apoiadores.1 Atualmente, há 587 grupos ativos do Nursing Now espalhados por 117 países, incluindo o Brasil...(AU)

Humans , Patents as Topic , Nursing , Inventions , History of Nursing , Diffusion of Innovation , Health Communication , Inventions/classification
Salud colect ; 16: e2897, 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1252136


RESUMEN Ante la amenaza latente de futuras pandemias, este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar -desde el eje de los medicamentos- la sostenibilidad del sistema sanitario, la cobertura, la eficiencia del gasto y su vinculación al sistema de patentes farmacéuticas. En este marco, el sistema de patentes farmacéuticas adquiere un papel determinante, dado que fomentar su existencia estimula la producción de investigación pero, a su vez, su existencia no suscita un rápido avance, debido al desarrollo legislativo protector que han tenido las patentes y que ha dado lugar a un acomodamiento de la industria. Como la industria farmacéutica ha conseguido extender la duración de patentes y evitar la incorporación de genéricos, se analiza la influencia de las patentes farmacéuticas que ha dado lugar a reflexionar acerca de la posibilidad de consorciar esfuerzos realizando alianzas entre varias empresas y el sector público para afrontar los retos que plantean nuevas enfermedades producidas por virus que dan lugar a epidemias y pandemias.

ABSTRACT Taking into account the latent threat of future pandemics, the objective of this study is to analyze - particularly with respect to medications - the sustainability of the health system, healthcare coverage, budgetary efficiency, and connections with the pharmaceutical patent system. In this context, the pharmaceutical patent system acts as a determining factor, given that promoting its existence stimulates the production of research, but in turn its existence stands in the way of rapid advancements, primarily due to the development of protective legislation concerning patents, which has largely accommodated the industry. Given that the pharmaceutical industry has managed to extend the duration of patents and avoid the incorporation of generics, our analysis focuses on the influence of pharmaceutical patents; this influence has led to reflection on the possibility of combining efforts by forging alliances between numerous companies and the public sector in order to face the challenges posed by new diseases caused by viruses that give rise to epidemics and pandemics.

Humans , Antiviral Agents/economics , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Patents as Topic , Virus Diseases/drug therapy , Drug Costs , Drug Industry/organization & administration , Health Policy , Health Services Accessibility/organization & administration , Virus Diseases/economics , Virus Diseases/prevention & control , Virus Diseases/epidemiology , Program Evaluation , Global Health , Drugs, Generic , Pandemics
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 18: eGS4816, 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056056


ABSTRACT Objective To expose the current situation of the Brazilian Nuclear Medicine in relation to innovation, taking into account the Intellectual Property protection and the particularities of this field. Methods The number and the origin of patents filings from Brazil, United States and European Patent Convention countries were retrospectively compared in a 20-year period. Results The number of accumulated patents filings of conventional pharmaceuticals was ten times higher compared to the radiopharmaceuticals in the three regions studied. Conclusion The largest number of Brazilian patents filings corresponded to the international patent applications, which is related to the country development conditions, as well as to the difficulties in the process of patent filing.

RESUMO Objetivo Evidenciar a situação atual da Medicina Nuclear brasileira em relação à inovação, considerando a proteção à Propriedade Intelectual e suas particularidades na área. Métodos Foi realizado um levantamento comparativo do número e da origem de depósitos de patentes relacionadas a essa área no Brasil, nos Estados Unidos e em países participantes da European Patent Convention , em um período de 20 anos retroativos. Resultados O número de depósitos acumulados de patentes de medicamentos convencionais foi dez vezes maior quando comparado às famílias relacionadas aos processos que envolvem radiofármacos, nas três regiões estudadas. Conclusão O maior número de depósitos de patentes brasileiras correspondeu aos pedidos de patentes internacionais, refletindo as condições de desenvolvimento do país, bem como as dificuldades encontradas no processo de depósito de uma patente.

Humans , Patents as Topic/statistics & numerical data , Radiopharmaceuticals , Nuclear Medicine/trends , Patents as Topic/legislation & jurisprudence , United States , Brazil , Inventions/legislation & jurisprudence , Inventions/statistics & numerical data
Electron. j. biotechnol ; 37: 41-46, Jan. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1051228


Background: Science and technology are two desirable elements for the economic and social development of a country. Biotechnology has a particularly important potential for economic development. Nevertheless, patent production in Latin America remains underdeveloped, which creates the need to analyze its trend and the efforts made to promote patent production. Therefore, the purpose of this study was, on the one hand, to determine trends in biotechnology-related PCT (Patent Cooperation Treaty) applications in Chile, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, and Cuba from 1999 to 2015, and, on the other hand, to determine whether there is a relationship between the gross domestic expenditure on research and experimental development as a percentage of gross domestic product (GERD/GDP) and PCT applications for biotechnological inventions from 2007 to 2015 (in this case, the period under study was limited from 2007 to 2015, due to data availability for GERD/GDP in the five selected countries). Results: The first part of this study shows that the growth in biotechnology PCT applications has been moderate and gradual and the trend was fitted to a linear model. The second set of results shows that GERD/GDP is associated with biotechnology-related PCT applications issued during the study period with a significance level of α = 0.01. Conclusions: Even though results indicate a gradual and modest progress, it is necessary that these five representative Latin American nations continue acting toward the protection of intellectual property in the area of biotechnology, especially by configuring strategies for further progress based on investments on research and development.

Biotechnology/trends , Biotechnology/statistics & numerical data , Patents as Topic/statistics & numerical data , Argentina , Research , Brazil , Technological Development , Technological Development/statistics & numerical data , Chile , Cuba , International Cooperation , Latin America , Mexico
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 18(2): 346-356, mar.-abr. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1014174


Introducción: La rehabilitación física puede verse beneficiada con el uso de dispositivos, los cuales en su mayoría suelen ser patentados. La oficina de patentes y marcas de los Estados Unidos (USPTO) es una de las oficinas de patentes y marcas más grandes y reconocidas. Resulta de interés evaluar las características y la evolución de las patentes para la rehabilitación física; sin embargo, existen pocos estudios al respecto. Objetivo: Identificar las características de las patentes de dispositivos de rehabilitación física de extremidades, registradas en la oficina de patentes y marcas de los Estados Unidos. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal. Se realizó una búsqueda en UPSTO usando una lista de palabras clave relacionadas con la rehabilitación. Se eligieron 10 grupos de patentes relacionados con la rehabilitación. Las variables estudiadas fueron: número de la patente, fecha de publicación, país, titular, área de la patente, extremidades para las cuales es útil la patente y portabilidad. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo usando STATA v.14. Resultados: Se analizaron 1971 patentes, de las cuales 16,2 por ciento fueron incluidas en los grupos de rehabilitación y 83,8 por ciento en ejercicio físico. El 36,6 por ciento de todas las patentes fueron patentadas por un titular corporativo, el 29,9 por ciento fueron portables, y el 46,3 por ciento tenían utilidad para ambas extremidades. Conclusiones: De las patentes encontradas las enfocadas para ejercicio físico fueron las predominantes. Existe una mayor cantidad de patentes útiles para ambas extremidades. Además, existe una tendencia ascendente en el tiempo, en el número de patentes del área de rehabilitación y de las invenciones portables(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Physical rehabilitation can be benefitted from the use of devices, which are usually patented. The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is one of the largest and most recognized patent and trademark offices. The characteristics and evolution of patents for physical rehabilitation is of great interest; however, there are few studies in this respect. Objective: To identify the characteristics of patents of physical rehabilitation devices for the physical rehabilitation of damaged limbs registered the United States Patent and Trademark Office. Material and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted. A search was made at UPSTO using a list of keywords related to rehabilitation. Ten groups of patents related to rehabilitation were chosen. The variables studied were: patent number, publication date, country, holder, patent area, limbs for which the patent is useful, and portability. A descriptive analysis was performed by using STATA v.14. Results: A total of 1971 patents were analyzed, of which 16.2 percent were included in the rehabilitation groups and 83.8 percent in the physical exercise groups. The 36.6 percent of them were corporate-owned patents, 29.9 percent were portable, and 46.3 percent had usability which demonstrated to be useful for both extremities. Conclusions: Of the patents found, those focused on physical exercise were predominant. There is a greater number of useful patents for both extremities. In addition, there is an upward trend over time, the number of patents in the area of ​​rehabilitation, and portable inventions(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Patents as Topic/ethics , Rehabilitation , Equipment Design , Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine , United States , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. bras. enferm ; 72(1): 9-18, Jan.-Feb. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-990664


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the scientific production, generation of patents and researchers training among Brazilian Collective Health professors who were awarded a Pq/CNPq productivity scholarship from 2000 to 2012 and to verify the existence of an association between these production modalities and the characteristics of the professors, such as gender, training and origin. Method: An analytical cross-sectional study was carried out from 2000 to 2012, and the Prevalence Ratio was calculated using Poisson regression. For the statistical analyzes, the SPSS® program was used. Results: Of particular note are regional and institutional concentration, consistent scientific output, important researchers training, and a primordial but still timid generation of patents. We found an association between the "scientific production", "researchers training" outcomes, and the gender characteristics, such as the formation and origin of the Pq professor. Conclusion: These findings can guide the decision-making aimed at the deconcentration of scientific production and researchers training in the Brazilian Collective Health.

RESUMEN El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar la producción científica, la generación de patentes y la formación de investigadores entre docentes de la Salud Colectiva brasileña que fueron contemplados con becas de productividad Pq/CNPq en el período de verano y verificar la existencia de la asociación entre estas modalidades de producción; y las características de los docentes, como el género, la formación y el origen. Método: Se realizó un estudio transversal analítico en el período de referencia y se calculó la razón de prevalencia por medio de la regresión de Poisson. Para los análisis estadísticos se utilizó el programa SPSS®. Resultados: Se destacan la concentración regional e institucional, la consistente producción científica, la importante formación de investigadores; y la significativa, pero aún tímida, generación de patentes. Se encontró una asociación entre los resultados de la producción científica, la formación de investigadores y las características género, formación y origen del docente Pq. Conclusión: Esos hallazgos pueden orientar la toma de decisiones dirigidas a la desconcentración de la producción científica y la formación de investigadores en Salud Colectiva en Brasil.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a produção científica, geração de patentes e formação de pesquisadores entre docentes da Saúde Coletiva brasileira que foram contemplados com bolsas de produtividade Pq/CNPq no período 2000-2012 e verificar a existência de associação entre estas modalidades de produção e características dos docentes, como gênero, formação e origem. Método: Foi realizado um estudo transversal analítico no período 2000-2012 e foi calculada a razão de prevalência por meio da regressão de Poisson. Para as análises estatísticas, utilizou-se o programa SPSS®. Resultados: Destacam-se a concentração regional e institucional, consistente produção científica, importante formação de pesquisadores e primordial, mas ainda tímida geração de patentes. Foi encontrada associação entre os desfechos "produção científica", "formação de pesquisadores", e as características de gênero, como formação e origem do docente Pq. Conclusão: Estes achados podem orientar a tomada de decisões voltadas para a desconcentração da produção científica e formação de pesquisadores em Saúde Coletiva no Brasil.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Research Personnel/standards , Efficiency , Faculty/standards , Fellowships and Scholarships/trends , Patents as Topic/statistics & numerical data , Research Personnel/statistics & numerical data , Brazil , Poisson Distribution , Sex Factors , Public Health/education , Cross-Sectional Studies , Staff Development/methods , Staff Development/trends , Educational Status , Faculty/statistics & numerical data , Geography , Middle Aged
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008328


Classical Representative Famous Prescription is the valuable cultural heritage of Chinese medicine. In November 2018,the State Council issued the " Intensive Implementation of the National Intellectual Property Strategy in 2018 to Accelerate the Construction of IP Strong Country",explicitly proposing to strengthen the intellectual property protection of Classical Representative Famous Prescription.How about the current situation of intellectual property protection of lassical Representative Famous Prescription in China? We selected Liuwei Dihuang Pills,Shengmai Powder and Guizhi Fuling Pills( three representative drugs on market) from Chinese Pharmacopoeia2015 Volume I issued by Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commission to analyze their patent layout,reflecting its status quo of patent protection as follows: first,in recent years,the number of related patent applications for Classical Representative Famous Prescriptions has declined,which was positively correlated with the drug registration and approval policies in recent years,but the policy dividend has not been reflected in the patent application,which may be related to the long period of pharmaceutical R&D; secondly,the patent applicant in the field of Chinese medicine is mainly based on individuals,but the applicant of Classical Representative Famous Prescription is mainly of enterprises,and in addition,the company applicants have the highest authorization rate; thirdly,the main technologies are to improve preparation method and the dosage form in the research and development of Classical Representative Famous Prescription,but these two types of authorized patents have much difficulty in further application on the market. Therefore,the innovative entities shall look for a new breakthrough in secondary development and utilization of Classical Representative Famous Prescriptions.

China , Drug Combinations , Drugs, Chinese Herbal , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Patents as Topic
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-766325


As dental implant surgery and bone grafts were widely operated in Korean dentist, many bone substitutes are commercially available, currently. For commercially used in Korea, all bone substitutes are firstly evaluated by the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) for safety and efficacy of the product. After being priced, classified, and registration by the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service (HIRA), the post-application management is obligatory for the manufacturer (or representative importer) to receive a certificate of Good Manufacturing Practice by Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. Currently, bone substitutes are broadly classified into C group (bone union and fracture fixation), T group (human tissue), L group (general and dental material) and non-insurance material group in MOHW notification No. 2018-248. Among them, bone substitutes classified as dental materials (L7) are divided as xenograft and alloplastic bone graft. The purpose of this paper is to analyze alloplastic bone substitutes of 37 products in MOHW notification No. 2018-248 and to evaluate the reference level based on the ISI Web of Knowledge, PubMed, EMBASE (1980–2019), Cochrane Database, and Google Scholar using the criteria of registered or trademarked product name.

Humans , Bone Substitutes , Dental Implantation , Dental Implants , Dental Materials , Dentists , Heterografts , Insurance, Health , Korea , Patents as Topic , Transplants
Acta cir. bras ; 34(1): e20190010000008, 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-983687


Abstract Purpose: To create a question and answer tool on patents on EMHO. Methods: Was used the Thinking Design methodology divided into four phases: Discovery, Definition, Development and Delivery. Discovery Phase: Desk research was carried out in: SciELO, Pubmed, LILACS, Google and Google Scholar. Once the target audience was selected, the interviews were conducted. Definition Phase: the interviewees' difficulties were mapped, on an Excel spreadsheet. Development Phase: a brainstorming was conducted with the public interviewed. Delivery Phase: the prototype, validation and final elaboration of the tool were made. Results: Discovery Phase: 10 inventors were identified and the interviews were carried out. Definition Phase: 80% of the interviewees determined lack of information as one of the problems. The main content was defined as: the patent process, from the beginning of the idea to the deposit (70%), search for precedence (40%) and informing partners (30%). Development Phase: with the brainstorming, the tool type was defined as an interactive site. Delivery Phase: a prototype with content framework and an interactive video was presented for validation. After approval, the interactive website was developed, which was made available to the public. Conclusion: A question and answer tool on patents in EMHO was developed.

Humans , Patents as Topic , Dental Equipment/standards , Equipment and Supplies, Hospital/standards , Surveys and Questionnaires , Retrospective Studies , Qualitative Research , Inventors
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 52: e20180246, 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041535


Abstract INTRODUCTION: Leishmaniasis is a global public health concern. Currently available treatments are associated with considerable side effects. The use of nanotechnology has shown promise for improving efficacy and bioavailability and minimizing side effects. METHODS: This study investigated available literature, including patents and scientific articles, to identify advances in the use of nanotechnology for the treatment of leishmaniasis. RESULTS: Our findings revealed a stable number of patents and scientific articles published over the past five years. CONCLUSIONS: There is a need to intensify research on the use of nanotechnology for the treatment of leishmaniasis.

Humans , Leishmaniasis/drug therapy , Nanotechnology/statistics & numerical data , Biomedical Research/statistics & numerical data , Antiprotozoal Agents/administration & dosage , Patents as Topic/statistics & numerical data , Bibliometrics
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 33(4): 484-492, out.-dez. 2018. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-979967


Introdução: A abdominoplastia, um dos procedimentos de cirurgia plástica mais comuns no Brasil, ficou em quarto lugar no ranking mundial, segundo dados da International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Diversas técnicas cirúrgicas visam restaurar o contorno abdominal. A indicação da técnica utilizada deve visar a melhoria da deformidade individual presente no abdome. A marcação da abdominoplastia se faz por meio de régua, transferidor, compasso, fio de náilon, palito, canetas e/ou azul de metileno, de acordo com a preferência do cirurgião. O objetivo é produzir um instrumento cirúrgico com a finalidade de otimizar o tempo de marcação no procedimento de abdominoplastia. Métodos: O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, foram desenvolvidos desenhos gráficos para identificar cada uma das partes do instrumento, foi realizada a busca de anterioridade e, posteriormente, realizado o pedido de patente. Resultados: Foi desenvolvido um instrumento para marcação da abdominoplastia, que configura uma régua horizontal que recepciona uma régua vertical no seu ponto médio e duas réguas pivotantes com transferidor basal, todas essas peças milimetradas e com vazado central, que permitem o risco nessa região com o azul de metileno ou caneta afim e, por conseguinte, a marcação do procedimento de abdominoplastia. Além disso, também funciona como compasso e de cujas laterais derivam réguas pivotantes com transferidor de grau basal. Conclusão: O instrumento desse estudo foi criado para minimizar a quantidade de material utilizado e otimizar o tempo da marcação da abdominoplastia.

Introduction: Data from the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery indicate that abdominoplasty is the fourth most common plastic surgery performed worldwide. Several surgical techniques aim to restore the abdominal contour. The indication for the technique used should aim to improve any individual deformity present in the abdomen. Abdominoplasty marking is done using a ruler, protractor, compass, nylon thread, toothpick, pen, and/or methylene blue, according to the surgeon's preference. Here we aimed to produce a surgical instrument that optimizes the abdominoplasty marking procedure. Methods: The study was approved by the ethics research committee. Graphic designs were developed to identify each part of the instrument, a precedence search was performed, and a patent application was requested. Results: We developed an abdominoplasty marking instrument consisting of a horizontal ruler that receives a vertical ruler at its midpoint, two pivotal rulers with a basal protractor, all marked in millimeters, and a central area that allows marking in this region with methylene blue or a pen. Moreover, it acts as a compass and features side pivotal rulers derived from a basal grade protractor. Conclusion: The instrument developed in this study was designed to minimize the amount of material used and optimize abdominoplasty marking time.

Humans , Ethics Committees/standards , Plastic Surgery Procedures/adverse effects , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Abdominoplasty/methods , Abdomen/surgery , Patents as Topic , Surgical Instruments , Ethics Committees, Research
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 17(5): 426-440, sept. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-915675


A research was conducted in scientific databases using keywords related to the composition, biological activity and toxicity of bee pollen from 2007 to July 2017. It was verified that this product is rich in carbohydrates, proteins and lipids, as well as various minerals and phenolic compounds. Its functional biological properties can be attributed mainly to the high content of flavonoids and polyphenols and a considerable antioxidant capacity has been reported, also highlighting antimicrobial activity and against cancer. However, current research still lacks deeper experimental evidence to justify the use of bee pollen for these purposes. The potential risks of their consumption can be attributed to contamination by pesticides, heavy metals and due to their allergenicity. A search of patents executed in technological databases with respect to the main properties of bee pollen has demonstrated a high interest in the development of technological products based on its many applications. The number of articles and patents found with this theme highlights the importance of this natural product in the scientific-technological advance, focusing on the development of natural supplements.

Há sido realizada una investigación en bases de datos científicas utilizando palabras clave relacionadas a la composición, actividad biológica y toxicidad del polen apícola en el período de 2007 a julio de 2017. Se ha verificado que este producto es rico en carbohidratos, proteínas y lípidos, además de diversos minerales y compuestos fenólicos. Sus propiedades biológicas funcionales pueden ser atribuidas principalmente al alto contenido de flavonoides y polifenoles y se ha reportado una considerable capacidad antioxidante, con destaque también para la actividad antimicrobiana y contra el cáncer. Sin embargo, las investigaciones actuales todavía carecen de evidencias experimentales más profundas para justificar el uso del polen apícola para estos propositos. Los riesgos potenciales de su consumo pueden ser atribuidos en gran parte a la contaminación por pesticidas, metales pesados y debido a su alergenicidad. Una búsqueda de patentes realizada en bases de datos tecnológicas con relación a las principales propiedades del polen apícola ha revelado un alto interés en el desarrollo de productos tecnológicos con base en sus diversas aplicaciones. La cantidad de artículos y patentes encontrados con ese tema evidencia la importancia de ese producto natural en el avance científico y tecnológico, con enfoque para el desarrollo de suplementos naturales.

Pollen/adverse effects , Pollen/chemistry , Bees , Patents as Topic
Rev. cub. inf. cienc. salud ; 29(3): 1-18, jul.-set. 2018. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-978360


Objetivo: proponer un procedimiento metodológico para la realización de búsquedas de libertad de acción utilizando información técnica legal de documentos de patentes. Métodos: primeramente se caracterizaron numerosas bases de datos de patentes de acceso gratuito disponibles en internet (Patentescope®, Latipat, Espacenet, Invenes, Depatisnet, y Patentinspiration) con respecto a la cobertura temporal y a la cantidad de patentes cubanas, y se identificaron y estudiaron dos fuentes de información que recogen estados legales de estas (INPADOC y WIPO Register Portal). Resultados: Patentscope® e Invenes se consideraron como las mejores bases, ya que permiten la búsqueda en el documento completo (título, resumen, descripción y reivindicaciones) mediante palabras clave; y Depatisnet se considera útil cuando se consulta mediante el Código Internacional de Patentes reclasificado por la Oficina de Patentes Alemana. No obstante, se recomienda el uso de todas las bases estudiadas para evadir errores relacionados con los contenidos y otras limitaciones relacionadas con las facilidades de búsqueda. A partir de las prestaciones detectadas en las fuentes de información analizadas, se implementó y perfeccionó un proceso de búsqueda sobre un medicamento preventivo contra el VIH/SIDA que demostró que existía libertad de acción en Cuba para su explotación, así como también la pertinencia de las herramientas y la metodología utilizadas para realizar este tipo de búsquedas. Conclusiones: este estudio de caso permite poner en práctica un procedimiento para realizar búsquedas y evidencia la importancia de la implementación del servicio de búsqueda libertad de acción para facilitar el acceso a invenciones patentadas, especialmente en el campo médico-farmacéutico(AU)

Objective: a methodological procedure is proposed to conduct freedom-to-operate searches using patent documentation-related legal technical information. Methods: first, characterization was performed of a large number of open-access patent databases available on the Internet (Patentescope®, Latipat, Espacenet, Invenes, Depatisnet, and Patentinspiration) with respect to time coverage and number of Cuban patents, followed by identification and analysis of two information sources referring to their legal status (INPADOC y WIPO Register Portal). Results: Patentscope® and Invenes were considered to be the best databases, since they allow to search the entire document (title, abstract, description and claims) by means of key words. Depatisnet was found to be useful for inquiries about the International Patent Classification as re-classified by the German Patent Office. However, it is recommended to use all the databases studied to avoid content-related errors and other limitations to do with search functions. Based on the possibilities offered by the information sources analyzed, a search procedure for an HIV/AIDS preventive drug was implemented and perfected, showing that there was freedom-to-operate in Cuba for its exploitation, as well as the relevance of the tools and the methodology used to perform this type of search. Conclusions: in this case study a procedure is made operational and evidence is provided of the importance of implementing the freedom-to-operate search service to facilitate access to patented inventions, especially in the medical-pharmaceutical field(AU)

Humans , Patents as Topic/legislation & jurisprudence , Medical Informatics Applications , Databases as Topic/standards , Access to Information
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-771691


The United States Patent and Trademark Office(USPTO) issued Interim Guidance on Patent Subject Matter Eligibility on December 16, 2014, bringing certain effects to the review rules on patent application of Chinese medicine compositions. Based on the Interim Guidance, cases analysis was used in this paper to analyze the patent subject matter issues of traditional Chinese medicine compositions in the United States. The researches have shown that the application documents should be properly written in the United States when the patent for Chinese medicine compositions is applied, which can improve the probability of authorization.

Drugs, Chinese Herbal , Chemistry , Reference Standards , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Reference Standards , Patents as Topic , Research , United States
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-771722


Paris is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and has antitumor, antibacterial, sedative, analgesic and hemostatic effects. It has been used as an ingredient of 81 Chinese patent medicines, with a wide application and large market demand. Based on the data retrieved from state Intellectual Property Office patent database, a comprehensive analysis was made on Paris patents, so as to explore the current features of Paris patents in the aspects of domestic patent output, development trend, technology field distribution, time dimension, technology growth rate and patent applicant, and reveal the development trend of China's Paris industry. In addition, based on the current Paris resource application and development, a sustainable, multi-channel and multi-level industrial development approach was built. According to the results, studies of Paris in China are at the rapid development period, with a good development trend. However, because wild Paris resources tend to be exhausted, the studies for artificial cultivation technology should be strengthened to promote the industrial development.

Drug Development , Drugs, Chinese Herbal , Pharmacology , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Melanthiaceae , Chemistry , Patents as Topic , Plants, Medicinal , Chemistry
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 34(6): e00097517, 2018. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-952411


Na década de 1990, com o desenvolvimento da microeletrônica e das tecnologias de comunicações, emergiu o paradigma da tecnologia da informação, caracterizado pela intensidade de informação que, transformada em conhecimento e inovação, desempenha um papel crucial para o desenvolvimento. Entretanto, para que isso ocorra, é necessário que os países construam arranjos institucionais apropriados. Com isso, surge o modelo de sistemas de inovação da Tríplice Hélice, que compreende a inovação e o progresso técnico, em uma Economia do Conhecimento, como o resultado de um conjunto complexo de relações entre universidade, empresa e governo. Nesse contexto, o presente estudo tem o objetivo de identificar o impacto da produção de conhecimento e das políticas públicas para a produção de depósitos de patentes dos pesquisadores pertencentes ao domínio científico Ciências da Vida e da Saúde, no âmbito das universidades federais de Minas Gerais, Brasil. A análise considerou o período de 1995 a 2016, e utilizou técnicas de econometria em painel de dados. Os resultados mostram que fatores educacionais (orientações em pós-graduação), econômicos (produtos tecnológicos e prestação de serviços tecnológicos) e políticos (arcabouço legal, recursos financeiros e políticas de estímulo) impactam a produção de depósitos de patentes dos pesquisadores selecionados. Por meio da análise dos resultados, podem-se perceber os esforços do governo, mesmo que ainda incipientes, na tentativa de promover o salto tecnológico.

In the 1990s, the development of microelectronics and communication technologies spawned the information technology paradigm, characterized by an intensity of information which, transformed into knowledge and innovation, plays a crucial role for development. In order for this to occur, countries need to build appropriate institutional arrangements. This led to the Triple Helix model for systems innovation, which views innovation and technical progress in a Knowledge Economy as the result of a complex set of relations between universities, companies, and government. In this context, the current study aims to identify the impact of knowledge production and public policies for the production of patent applications by life sciences and health sciences researchers affiliated with federal universities in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The analysis covered the years 1995 to 2016 and used econometric techniques in panel data. According to the findings, educational factors (thesis supervision), economic factors (technological products and the provision of technological services), and political factors (legal framework, financial resources, and incentive policies) impact the production of patent applications by the selected researchers. The results reveal efforts by government, although incipient, in the attempt to promote a technological leap.

Durante la década de 1990, con el desarrollo de la microelectrónica y las tecnologías de la comunicación, surgió el paradigma de la tecnología de la información, caracterizado por la intensidad de información que, transformada en conocimiento e innovación, desempeña un papel crucial para el desarrollo. No obstante, para que esto ocurra, es necesario que los países construyan marcos institucionales apropiados. Por ello, surge el modelo de sistemas de innovación de Triple Hélice, que abarca innovación y progreso técnico en una Economía del Conocimiento, como resultado de un conjunto complejo de relaciones entre universidad, empresa y gobierno. En este contexto, el presente estudio tiene como objetivo de identificar el impacto de la producción de conocimiento y de las políticas públicas, con el fin de producir depósitos para patentes de investigadores, pertenecientes al campo científico de las Ciencias de la Vida y la Salud, en el ámbito de las universidades federales de Minas Gerais, Brasil. El análisis consideró el período de 1995 a 2016, y utilizó técnicas de econometría de panel de datos. Los resultados muestran que los factores educacionales (orientación durante el posgrado), económicos (productos tecnológicos y prestación de servicios tecnológicos) y políticos (marco legal, recursos financieros y políticas de estímulo) impactan en la producción de depósitos para patentes de los investigadores seleccionados. Mediante el análisis de los resultados, se pueden percibir los esfuerzos del gobierno, aunque sean incipientes, en la tentativa de promover el salto tecnológico.

Humans , Patents as Topic/statistics & numerical data , Universities/statistics & numerical data , Health/statistics & numerical data , Biological Science Disciplines/statistics & numerical data , Inventions/statistics & numerical data , Public Policy , Research/statistics & numerical data , Research Personnel/statistics & numerical data , Universities/trends , Brazil , Economic Development/trends , Economic Development/statistics & numerical data , Inventions/trends , Government , Industry