OBJETIVO: avaliar a contribuição da pandemia por COVID-19 sobre os tempos de atendimento e desfechos clínicos de admissões relacionadas à Síndrome Coronariana Aguda. MÉTODO: Coorte retrospectiva. Os dados foram analisados pelo SPSS, versão 20.0, empregados em testes paramétricos e não paramétricos para comparar os grupos. Aplicado o Modelo linear generalizado para análise multivariada. RESULTADOS: Incluídos 434 pacientes no período pré-pandemia e 430 durante a pandemia. Delta-t foi maior no período durante a pandemia (p=0,003). Não encontramos diferença nos tempos de atendimento e mortalidade. Admissão no período da pandemia (RR1,56; IC95%:1,30-1,87) e ter diagnóstico de cardiopatia isquêmica prévio (RR1,82; IC95%:1,50-2,20) foram associados ao aumento do Delta-t. CONCLUSÃO: Não houve diferença no número de pacientes que acessou a emergência por Síndrome Coronariana Aguda nos períodos analisados. Apesar do Delta-t ter sido maior durante a pandemia, não foram observados piores desfechos clínicos.
OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on response times and clinical outcomes of acute coronary syndrome admissions. METHOD: Retrospective cohort study. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.0 with parametric and non-parametric tests for group comparisons. Generalized linear modeling was used for multivariate analysis. RESULTS: 434 patients were included in the pre-pandemic period and 430 during the pandemic. Delta-t was higher during the pandemic period (p=0.003). There were no differences in response times and mortality. Admission during the pandemic period (RR 1.56; 95% CI: 1.30-1.87) and a previous diagnosis of ischemic heart disease (RR 1.82; 95% CI: 1.50-2.20) were associated with increased delta-t. CONCLUSIONS: There was no difference in the number of patients presenting to the emergency department with acute coronary syndrome during the periods analyzed. Despite longer Delta-t during the pandemic, no worse clinical outcomes were observed.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Emergency Service, Hospital , Acute Coronary Syndrome , COVID-19 , Patient Admission , Retrospective Studies , Cohort Studies , Hospitals, UniversityABSTRACT
Objetivo: Analisar a demanda de enfermagem nos cuidados de pacientes em pós-operatório imediato, desde sua recepção do centro cirúrgico até sua acomodação ao leito na unidade de internação. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo e analítico. A população foi constituída por pacientes adultos, egressos do centro cirúrgico. A amostra foi calculada considerando-se que o serviço realiza uma média de 118 cirurgias ao mês. Considerando que a amostra mínima seria de 91 pacientes com um intervalo de confiança de 95%, optou-se por trabalhar com amostra de 100 pacientes. Os dados foram coletados no momento em que os pacientes eram recebidos da SRPA. Resultados: Os grupos cirúrgicos Angiologia, Coloproctologia, Otorrinolaringologia e Urologia demandaram no máximo dois profissionais de enfermagem. Os grupos de Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço, Cirurgia Plástica, Nefrologia e Ortopedia demandaram pelo menos dois profissionais. O grupo da Coloproctologia teve maior média de tempo de acomodação ao leito. Cerca de 15% dos pacientes demandaram oxigenoterapia, quase 50% receberam analgésicos e 34% estavam usando cateter vesical de demora. Conclusão: O tempo destinado à acomodação dos pacientes variou de 5 a 30 minutos, com média de 15,19 ± 4,7. Não há indícios de que mais ou menos profissionais atuando juntos alterem o tempo de acomodação do paciente. Descritores: Admissão do paciente; Transferência do paciente; Cuidados de enfermagem; Enfermagem perioperatória.
Objective: To analyze the nursing demand in the care of patients in the immediate postoperative period, from their admission to the surgical center to their accommodation in bed in the admission unit. Methods: Prospective and analytical study. The population consisted of adult patients, discharged from the surgical center. The sample was calculated considering that the service performs an average of 118 surgeries per month. Considering that the minimum sample would be 91 patients at a 95% confidence interval, we chose to work with a sample of 100 patients. Data were collected at the time patients were received from the PACU. Results: The Angiology, Coloproctology, Otorhinolaryngology and Urology surgical groups required a maximum of two nursing professionals. The Head and Neck Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Nephrology and Orthopedics groups required at least two professionals. The Coloproctology group had a higher average time of accommodation in bed. About 15% of the patients required oxygen therapy, almost 50% received analgesics and 34% were using an indwelling urinary catheter. Conclusion: The time allocated to the accommodation of patients ranged from 5 to 30 minutes, with an average of 15.19 ± 4.7. There are no indications that a greater or lesser number of professionals acting together alter the accommodation time of the patient. Descriptors: Patient admission; Patient transfer; Nursing care; Perioperative nursing.
Patient Admission , Perioperative Nursing , Patient Handoff , Nursing CareABSTRACT
Introdução: a tecnologia assistencial visa melhorar a qualidade da assistência de enfermagem aos pacientes admitidos em unidades de terapia intensivas oncológicas. Objetivo: desenvolver uma ficha de admissão de enfermagem para pacientes de unidade de terapia intensiva oncológica. Materiais e método: estudo metodológico realizado em três etapas: 1ª) revisão integrativa da literatura para compor o conteúdo da ficha de investigação; 2a) validação de conteúdo, que contou com a participação e o julgamento de 15 especialistas (enfermeiros) por meio do método de validação de concordância de Pasquali; 3a) apresentação da versão final da ficha. Resultados: na revisão, 20 artigos foram incluídos; a partir da síntese temática, foi estruturada a primeira versão da ficha; da validação de conteúdo, participaram 15 especialistas e, após o preenchimento do instrumento, verificou-se que todos os itens obtiveram índice de validação de conteúdo ≥ 0,85; com base nas sugestões, a ficha de admissão foi organizada a partir dos blocos de itens: identificação, breve histórico, condições de admissão e exame físico, com um total de quatro itens. Conclusões: a ficha de investigação de enfermagem para pacientes admitidos em unidades de terapias intensivas oncológicas está adequada para ser aplicada pela equipe de enfermagem no momento da admissão do paciente, o que possibilita o registro de dados para subsidiar o planejamento e a sistematização da assistência no contexto da unidade de terapia intensiva oncológica.
Introducción: la tecnología asistencial pretende mejorar la calidad de los cuidados de enfermería a los pacientes ingresados en unidades de cuidados intensivos oncológicos. Objetivo: desarrollar un formulario de admisión de enfermería para pacientes ingresados en una unidad de cuidados intensivos oncológicos. Materiales y método: estudio metodológico realizado en tres etapas: 1ª) revisión bibliográfica integradora para componer el contenido del formulario de investigación; 2ª) validación del contenido, que contó con la participación y el juicio de 15 especialistas (enfermeros) mediante el método de validación por acuerdo de Pasquali; 3ª) presentación de la versión final del formulario. Resultados: se incluyeron 20 artículos en la revisión; a partir de la síntesis temática, se estructuró la primera versión del formulario; 15 especialistas participaron en la validación de contenido y, tras completar el instrumento, se constató que todos los ítems tenían un índice de validación de contenido ≥ 0,85; con base en las sugerencias, el formulario de admisión se organizó en bloques de ítems: identificación, historia breve, condiciones de admisión y examen físico, con un total de cuatro ítems. Conclusiones: el formulario de investigación de enfermería para pacientes ingresados en unidades de cuidados intensivos oncológicos es adecuado para ser utilizado por el equipo de enfermería en el momento del ingreso de los pacientes, permitiendo registrar datos que apoyen la planificación y sistematización de los cuidados en el contexto de la unidad de cuidados intensivos oncológicos.
Introduction: Assistive technology is aimed at improving the quality of nursing care for patients admitted to oncology intensive care units (ICUs). Objective: To develop a nursing admission form for patients admitted to an oncology intensive care unit. Materials and methods: This is a methodological study conducted in three stages: 1) an integrative literature review to compose the content of the research form, 2) content validation, which included the participation and approval of 15 specialists (nurses) using Pasquali's concordance validation method, and 3) presentation of the final version of the form. Results: A total of 20 articles were included in the review; the first version of the form was structured based on the thematic synthesis; 15 specialists participated in content validation and, after completion of the instrument, it was found that all the items had a content validation index ≥ 0.85; based on the suggestions, the admission form was organized into blocks of items: identification, brief history, admission conditions, and physical examination, with a total of four items. Conclusions: The nursing survey form for patients admitted to oncology ICUs is suitable for use by the nursing team at the time of patient admission, enabling data recording to support the planning and systematization of care in the oncology ICU setting.
Patient Admission , Nursing , Validation Study , Intensive Care Units , NeoplasmsABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION: The pathological status of obesity can influence COVID-19 from its initial clinical presentation, therefore, the identification of clinical and laboratory parameters most affected in the presence of obesity can contribute to improving the treatment of the disease. OBJECTIVE: To identify the clinical, laboratory, and tomographic characteristics associated with obesity and BMI at t hospital admission in adult patients with COVID-19. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional observational study with a total of 315 participants with COVID-19 confirmed by rt-PCR. The participants were divided into non-Obese (n=203) and Obese (n=112). Physical examinations, laboratory tests, and computed tomography of the chest were performed during the first 2 days of hospitalization. RESULTS: Patients with obesity were younger, and they had higher systolic and diastolic blood pressure, higher frequency of alcoholism, fever, cough, and headache, higher ALT, LDH, and red blood cell count (RBC), hemoglobin, hematocrit, and percentage of lymphocytes. Also, they presented a lower value of leukocyte count and Neutrophil/Lymphocyte Ratio (RNL). The parameters positively correlated with BMI were alcoholism, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, fever, cough, sore throat, number of symptoms, ALT in men, LDH, magnesium, RBC, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and percentage of lymphocytes. The parameters negatively correlated with the BMI were: age and RNL. CONCLUSION: Several parameters were associated with obesity at hospital admission, revealing better than expected results. However, these results should be interpreted with great caution, as there may be some influence of a phenomenon called the Obesity Paradox that can distort the severity and prognosis of the patient.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Patient Admission , Tomography , Biomarkers , Body Mass Index , Clinical Laboratory Techniques , COVID-19 , Obesity , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
Introduction: Eclampsia, a hypertensive disorder, is one of the leading causes of maternal mortality in developing countries like Nigeria. We evaluated the relationship between the pattern of liver enzymes and maternal mortality in eclamptic women. Method: A retrospective study of 55 eclamptic women admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), University College Hospital, Nigeria, was conducted. Data were obtained on their demographic, obstetric, and clinical characteristics, liver enzyme patterns, and maternal outcome. Analysis was by descriptive statistics, univariate analysis, and non-parametric tests with level of significance set at p<0.05. Results: Maternal deaths occurred in 27.3% and elevation of liver enzymes was observed more among the dead patients compared with those who survived. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) was the most commonly elevated liver enzyme, occurring in almost all (90.9%) the patients. Maternal mortality was significantly associated with age (p=0.001), saturated oxygen levels (p=0.007), elevated alkaline phosphatase (p=0.008), alanine aminotransferase (p=0.013), aspartate aminotransferase (p=0.016), and total bilirubin (p<0.001). Conclusion: Maternal mortality due to eclampsia was clinically associated with age, elevated liver enzymes and a lower serum level of total bilirubin. Liver transaminases are therefore important prognostic indicators associated with eclampsia.
Critical Care , Pregnant Women , Eclampsia , Enzymes , Patient Admission , Maternal DeathABSTRACT
Introduction: Little information is available regarding the characteristics of patients attending the emergency centre (EC) in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This study aims to provide some epidemiological and clinical aspects of patients admitted to the emergency centre at Beni General Referral Hospital. Methodology: For a year, from January to December 2021, a cross-sectional study was conducted. Data regarding patients' characteristics, admission modality, stay duration, reason for admission, and discharge modality was anonymously collected from patients' registers. A descriptive analysis was done with Epi-Info 7. Result: A total of 1404 patients were admitted to the EC, with a male-to-female ratio of 1.2 to 1. The age group below 18 years accounted for 35.4%. Most of the patients (75.7%) originated from urban areas. In 83% of cases, there was no recommendation from another medical facility for EC admission. The most common reasons for admission are non-traumatic gathering on top of neuropsychiatric and non-specific symptoms. Road traffic accidents are the most frequent causes of trauma symptoms. Few patients (14.7%) spent less than 12 hours in the EC. Globally, 7.3% of patients admitted to the EC were discharged after being managed, and 89% were transferred to different wards. The intra-emergency centre mortality rate was 11.8% among admitted patients in the ER at Beni General Referral Hospital. Conclusion: This epidemiology database underlines the need for developing globalizing and multi-sectoral interventions (diagnosis, therapeutic strategy, organization, health program, or health policies) in the perspective of bringing change and/or taking action in the Democratic Republic of Congo's emergency medical system.
Humans , Male , Female , Patient Admission , Wounds and Injuries , Emergencies , Emergency Medical Services , Health Policy , Accidents, TrafficABSTRACT
Introduction: approximately 15% of COVID-19 patients develop symptoms necessitating admission. From 2020 to 2022, Mashonaland West Province had an institutional case fatality rate of 23% against a national rate of 7%. Therefore, we evaluated the COVID-19 admissions in the province to determine the factors associated with COVID-19 mortality. Methods: we conducted an analytical cross-sectional study based on secondary data from isolation centers across the province using all 672 death audit forms and patient records. We obtained data on patient demographics, signs and symptoms, clinical management and oxygen therapy administered, among other things. Data were entered into an electronic form and imported into Epi-info 7 for analysis bivariate and multivariate was conducted. Results: we found that being an older man, aOR 1.04 (1.03-1.05), who had diabetes aOR 6.0 (95% CI: 3.8-9.2) and hypertension aOR 4.5 (95% CI: 2.8-6.5) were independent risk factors. Patients put on dexamethasone aOR 2.4 (95% CI: 1.6-3.4) and heparin/clexane aOR 1.6 (95% CI: 1.1-2.2) had a higher mortality risk. However, vitamin C aOR 0.48 (95% CI: 0.31-0.71) and oxygen therapy aOR 0.14 (95% CI: 0.10-0.19) and being pregnant aOR 0.06 (95% CI: 0.02-0.14) were protective. Conclusion: mortality risk increased in older male patients with comorbidities and with those on dexamethasone and heparin therapy. Oxygen therapy and vitamin C were protective. There is a need to conduct further study of the source of these variations in risk across patients to establish the true impact of differences in individuals' mortality.
Humans , Male , Female , Patient Admission , Therapeutics , Diagnosis , COVID-19 , Risk Factors , MortalityABSTRACT
INTRODUÇÃO: Pacientes com câncer em estágio avançado continuam a receber cuidados médicos cada vez mais agressivos perto da morte, apesar da crescente preocupação de que isso reflita uma má qualidade de cuidados. No entanto, existem poucos dados na literatura sobre os ônus das admissões na UTI de pacientes com câncer consideradas inapropriadas ou potencialmente inapropriadas. Assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar as características, uso de recursos e desfechos dos pacientes com câncer com admissão potencialmente inapropriada na UTI. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte retrospectiva de pacientes com câncer internados nas UTIs do Hospital A.C.Camargo Cancer Center entre janeiro de 2017 e dezembro de 2018. Os pacientes foram classificados como apropriados, potencialmente inapropriados ou inapropriados para admissão na UTI de acordo com as diretrizes da Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM). O desfecho principal foi o tempo de internação na UTI, tendo a morte como evento competitivo. Os desfechos secundários foram a mortalidade em um ano, na UTI e no hospital, o tempo de internação hospitalar e o uso de recursos durante a internação na UTI. Utilizamos modelos de regressão de Fine e Gray (risco competitivo) para o desfecho primário, e de regressão logística para análise da mortalidade em 1 ano. RESULTADOS: Dos 6.700 pacientes admitidos, 5803 (86,6%) foram classificados como apropriados, 683 (10,2%) como potencialmente inapropriados e 214 (3,2%) como inapropriados para admissão na UTI. Após a análise ajustada para fatores de confusão, os pacientes com admissões na UTI potencialmente inapropriadas e inapropriadas tiveram uma menor probabilidade de alta da UTI do que os pacientes com admissão apropriada (sHR 0,55; 95% CI 0,49 0,61 e sHR 0,65; 95% CI 0,53 0,81, respectivamente). Dentre os pacientes com internação apropriada, potencialmente inapropriada e inapropriada, a mortalidade na UTI foi 4,8%, 32,6% e 35,0%, e a mortalidade intra-hospitalar foi 12,2%, 71,6% e 81,3%, respectivamente (p < 0,01). As admissões potencialmente inapropriadas e inapropriadas também foram associadas a uma maior mortalidade em 1 ano (OR 6,39; 95% CI 5,607,29 e OR 11,12; 95% CI 8,33-14,83, respectivamente). O uso de suporte orgânico na UTI foi mais comum e mais prolongado nos pacientes com admissão potencialmente inapropriada. CONCLUSÕES: A inadequação da admissão na UTI de pacientes com câncer foi associada ao maior uso de recursos e à maior mortalidade a curto e longo prazo. Esses achados destacam a necessidade de se melhorar a utilização da UTI entre os pacientes com câncer em estágio avançado.
INTRODUCTION: Patients with advanced-stage cancer continue to receive increasingly aggressive medical care near death, including admission to intensive care unit (ICU) within the last month of life, despite growing concerns that this reflects poor quality care at end of life. However, there is a lack of data regarding the burden of inappropriate and potentially inappropriate ICU care among patients with cancer. The aim of the study was to evaluate the characteristics, resource use and outcomes of critically ill patients with cancer according to appropriateness of ICU admission. METHODS: Retrospective cohort study of patients with cancer admitted to ICU in a dedicated cancer center in Brazil from January 2017 to December 2018. Patients were classified as appropriate, potentially inappropriate, or inappropriate for ICU admission according to the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) guidelines. The primary outcome was ICU length of stay (LOS). Secondary outcomes were one-year, ICU and hospital mortality, hospital LOS, utilization of ICU organ support, and decisions to forgo lifesustaining therapies during the ICU stay. We used logistic regression competing risk models accounting for relevant confounders for the primary outcome analyses, and a logistic regression model for one-year mortality analysis. RESULTS: From 6,700 admitted patients, 5,803 (86.6%) were classified as appropriate for ICU admission, 683 (10.2%) as potentially inappropriate and 214 (3.2%) as inappropriate for ICU admission. After adjusted analysis, potentially inappropriate and inappropriate ICU admissions had lower likelihood of being discharged from the ICU than patients with appropriate ICU admission (sHR 0.55, 95% CI 0.49 - 0.61 and sHR 0.65, 95% CI 0.53 - 0.81, respectively). Among patients considered to have had appropriate, potentially inappropriate, and inappropriate ICU admissions, ICU mortality was 4.8%, 32.6% and 35.0%, and in-hospital mortality was 12.2%, 71.6% and 81.3%, respectively (p < 0.01). Potentially inappropriate and inappropriate ICU admissions were also associated with higher 1-year mortality (OR 6.39, 95% CI 5.60-7.29 and OR 11.12, 95% CI 8.33-14.83, respectively). Use of organ support was more common and longer among patients with potentially inappropriate ICU admission. CONCLUSIONS: Inappropriateness for ICU admission among patients with cancer was associated with higher resource use in ICU and higher one year mortality among ICU survivors. These findings highlight the need to improve utilization of ICU services among patients with advanced-stage cancer
Humans , Male , Female , Intensive Care Units , Patient Admission , Length of Stay , NeoplasmsABSTRACT
Este artigo é um relato de experiência cujo objetivo é refletir sobre a atuação de uma psicóloga no contexto da urgência e emergência no hospital a partir da psicologia jungiana. Utilizou-se como método o recurso da sistematização da experiência, que consiste em sua interpretação crítica, cujo foco é o ordenamento e a reconstrução das experiências para explicitar a lógica do processo vivido. Por meio da reflexão de situações clínicas foi possível proporcionar um lugar para a subjetividade diante do disruptivo e da objetividade institucional do hospital. Teoricamente, o texto descreve as experiências de atendimento hospitalar, espaço em que urge o inesperado e o desconhecido. Aposta-se no simbolismo como movimento da psique para lidar com aquilo que o sujeito ainda não pode nomear, significar, incluindo a vulnerabilidade, as perdas e a questão da morte e do luto, este entendido como a ruptura de um vínculo. Dessa forma, a psicologia analítica se volta para como a entrada no hospital e a fugacidade do contexto de urgência e emergência afetam a psique dos sujeitos atendidos e de que forma esse psiquismo reage às vivências disruptivas e inesperadas.(AU)
This work is an experience report whose objective is to reflect on the role of a psychologist in the context of urgency and emergency in the hospital from the perspective of Jungian psychology. The resource of systematization of the experience was used as method, which consists of a critical interpretation, whose focus is the ordering and reconstruction of experiences to explain the logic of the process experienced. With the reflection of clinical situations, it was possible to provide a place for subjectivity in the face of the disruptive and the institutional objectivity of the hospital. Theoretically, the text describes the experience of entry in a hospital, a place in which the unexpected and the unknown are faced. We believe on symbolism as a movement of the psyche to deal with what the patient cannot yet name or give a meaning, including vulnerability, losses, and the issue of death and grief, this last one understood as the rupture of a link. Thus, analytical psychology will focus on how the entry in a hospital and the fleetingness of the emergency context affect the psyche of the patients and how this psyche reacts to the disruptive and unexpected experiences.(AU)
Este reporte de experiencia pretende reflejar sobre el papel de una psicóloga en el contexto de urgencia y emergencia en el hospital desde la perspectiva de la psicología junguiana. El método utilizado fue el recurso de sistematización de la experiencia, que consiste en una interpretación crítica, cuyo enfoque es el ordenamiento y reconstrucción de experiencias para explicar la lógica del proceso vivido. A partir del reflejo de situaciones clínicas se logró dar lugar a la subjetividad frente a la objetividad institucional del hospital. Teóricamente se describen las vivencias en la atención hospitalaria, un espacio donde se encuentra lo inesperado y lo desconocido. Se considera el simbolismo como un movimiento de la psique para lidiar con lo que el sujeto aún no puede nombrar, incluidas la vulnerabilidad, las pérdidas y el tema de la muerte y el dolor, este último comprendido como un quiebre del vínculo. De esta manera, la psicología analítica se centrará en cómo la admisión al hospital y la fugacidad del contexto de emergencia afectan la psique de los sujetos atendidos y cómo esta psique reacciona a estas experiencias disruptivas e inesperadas.(AU)
Humans , Psychology , Psychology, Medical , Emergencies , Anxiety , Anxiety Disorders , Patient Admission , Patient Discharge , Patients , Psychophysiology , Psychotherapy, Brief , Quality of Life , Self Concept , Social Problems , Sociology , Suicide, Attempted , Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms , Therapeutics , Violence , Wounds and Injuries , Behavioral Sciences , Burns , Bereavement , Radiography , Family , Oxygenation , Individual Diseases , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Ultrasonography , Caregivers , Psychotherapeutic Processes , Crisis Intervention , Personal Autonomy , Death , Interdisciplinary Communication , Diagnosis , Electrocardiography , Emergency Medical Services , Empathy , User Embracement , Fractures, Bone , Health Care Facilities, Manpower, and Services , Resilience, Psychological , Vital Signs , Interactive Ventilatory Support , Ambulatory Care , Treatment Adherence and Compliance , Clinical Observation Units , Posttraumatic Growth, Psychological , Therapeutic Alliance , Sadness , Patient Care , Psychosocial Intervention , Cognitive Psychology , Psychological Well-Being , Happiness , Health Promotion , Health Services , Amputation, Surgical , Hospitalization , Abdominal Injuries , Individuation , Intensive Care Units , Length of StayABSTRACT
La neumonía adquirida en la comunidad constituye una de las afecciones respiratorias que provoca más demanda de asistencia médica, y es responsable del mayor número de fallecidos por enfermedades infecciosas en Cuba. El objetivo del estudio ha sido determinar el comportamiento de características seleccionadas en pacientes hospitalizados por neumonía y precisar la existencia de asociaciones entre algunas de estas características.Se realizó un estudio observacional, con diseño descriptivo, que incluyó 1,809 pacientes hospitalizados por neumonía entre enero de 2012 y febrero de 2020. Fueron analizadas características relacionadas con las condiciones de base, clínico-radiológicas, y relativas al manejo y la evolución, mediante análisis bivariante y multivariante (regresión logística). La serie estuvo constituida fundamentalmente por pacientes ancianos (79%), mientras que el 20% presentaba la condición de encamamiento. Esta condición se asoció significativamente con el estado de demencia avanzada (OR 7,6[5,5;10,4]), y fue determinante en la presentación "solapada" del proceso (OR 1,5[1,09;2]). La presentación "solapada" de la neumonía estuvo significativamente asociada al ingreso tardío (OR 1,6[1,2;2,2]). Como conclusiones se ratifica el lugar que ocupan varios elementos en las características de la morbilidad por neumonía: edad avanzada, presencia de comorbilidades, y presentación no clásica del proceso. Fueron constatadas interrelaciones de importancia práctica entre la presencia de comorbilidades particulares, las formas clínicas de presentación, el momento del ingreso, y la utilización de antimicrobianos durante la atención prehospitalaria del paciente. Se destaca el papel del encamamiento en la extensión radiológica del proceso neumónico y en la presencia de derrame pleural de mediana o gran cuantía al momento del ingreso.
Community-acquired pneumonia is one of the respiratory conditions that causes the greatest demand for medical care, and is responsible for the largest number of deaths from infectious diseases in Cuba. The objective of the study was to determine the behavior of selected characteristics in patients hospitalized for pneumonia and to specify the existence of associations between some of these characteristics. An observational study, with a descriptive design, was carried out, which included 1,809 patients hospitalized for pneumonia between January 2012 and February 2020. Characteristics related to the basic, clinical-radiological conditions, and relative to management and evolution were analyzed, through analysis bivariate and multivariate (logistic regression). The series consisted mainly of elderly patients (79%), while 20% were bedridden. This condition was significantly associated with the state of advanced dementia (OR 7.6[5.5;10.4]) and was decisive in the "overlapping" presentation of the process (OR 1.5[1.09;2]). The "overlapping" presentation of pneumonia was significantly associated with late admission (OR 1.6[1.2;2.2]). As conclusions, the place occupied by several elements in the characteristics of pneumonia morbidity is ratified: advanced age, presence of comorbidities, and non-classical presentation of the process. Interrelationships of practical importance were found between the presence of comorbidities, the clinical forms of presentation, the time of admission, and the use of antimicrobials during the patient's prehospital care. The role of bed rest in the radiological extension of the pneumonic process and in the presence of medium or large pleural effusion at the time of admission is highlighted.
Humans , Middle Aged , Aged , Patient Admission , Pneumonia/epidemiology , Community-Acquired Infections/epidemiology , Pleural Effusion/epidemiology , Pneumonia/drug therapy , Time Factors , Alcohol Drinking/epidemiology , Smoking/epidemiology , Comorbidity , Logistic Models , Analysis of Variance , Community-Acquired Infections/drug therapy , Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive/epidemiology , Dementia , Diabetes Mellitus/epidemiology , Bedridden Persons , Heart Failure/epidemiology , Hospitalization , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Introduction: Fractures pose a tremendous burden on the health care systems due to the prolonged duration of admission. Addressing various determinants that prolong hospital stay will help minimize the cost of treatment. Objective: To study the determinants associated with the duration of hospital stay among patients admitted with fractures. Methods: This was a retrospective observational study conducted at a private tertiary care hospital in Mangalore. A semi-structured proforma was used for collecting data from the medical records. Results: The mean age of the 124 patients were 48.3±21.4 years. The majority were males [69(55.6 por ciento)] and were from urban areas [86(69.3 por ciento)]. Co-morbidities were present among 69(55.6 por ciento) patients. Out of the total patients, 8(6.4 por ciento) were alcoholics, and 10(8.1 por ciento) were tobacco smokers. The majority [50(40.3 por ciento)] had fracture of the femur. Five (4 por ciento) patients developed complications during the post-operative period. Seventy-eight (62.9 por ciento) patients had medical insurance facilities. The mean duration of hospital stay was 9.6±3.2 days among the patients. The mean duration of hospital stay among patients (n=115) before surgery was 2.4±1.6 days. Increased pre-operative stay, increasing age, rural residential status, open type of fracture, and being given general anaesthesia for the operative procedure were significant predictors determining the period of stay among patients in the hospitals. Alcoholic status independently influenced the period of stay in the pre-operative period. Conclusion: Both patient and treatment characteristics were important determinants associated with the duration of hospital stay. Targeting these predictors will help to manage in-patients better and shorten their duration of hospital stay(AU)
Introducción: Las fracturas suponen una enorme carga para los sistemas sanitarios debido a la duración prolongada del ingreso. Abordar varios determinantes que prolongan la estadía en el hospital ayudará a minimizar el costo del tratamiento. Objetivo: Estudiar los determinantes asociados a la duración de la estancia hospitalaria en pacientes ingresados con fracturas. Métodos: Este es un estudio observacional retrospectivo realizado en un hospital privado de atención terciaria en Mangalore. Se utilizó una proforma semiestructurada para la recolección de datos de las historias clínicas. Resultados: La edad media de los 124 pacientes fue de 48,3±21,4 años. La mayoría eran hombres [69 (55,6 percent)] y de áreas urbanas [86 (69,3 percent)]. Las comorbilidades estuvieron presentes en 69 (55,6 percent) pacientes. Del total de pacientes, 8 (6,4 percent) eran alcohólicos y 10 (8,1 percent) fumadores. La mayoría [50 (40,3 percent)] tenía fractura de fémur. Cinco (4 percent) pacientes desarrollaron complicaciones durante el postoperatorio. Setenta y ocho (62,9 percent) pacientes tenían seguro médico. La duración media de la estancia hospitalaria fue de 9,6±3,2 días entre los pacientes. La duración media de la estancia hospitalaria de los pacientes (n=115) antes de la cirugía fue de 2,4±1,6 días. El aumento de la estancia preoperatoria, el aumento de la edad, el estado residencial rural, el tipo de fractura abierta y la anestesia general para el procedimiento quirúrgico fueron predictores significativos que determinaron el período de estancia entre los pacientes en los hospitales. El estado alcohólico influyó de forma independiente en el tiempo de estancia en el preoperatorio. Conclusión: Tanto las características del paciente como las del tratamiento fueron determinantes importantes asociadas con la duración de la estancia hospitalaria. Abordar estos predictores ayudará a manejar mejor a los pacientes hospitalizados y acortar la duración de su estadía en el hospital(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Patient Admission , Fractures, Bone/therapy , Retrospective Studies , Observational Studies as TopicABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Background Inpatient consultations are a fundamental component of practice in tertiary care centers. However, such consultations demand resources, generating a significant workload. Objectives To investigate the profile of inpatient consultations requested by other specialties and provided by the Vascular and Endovascular Surgery team at an academic tertiary hospital. Methods Prospective observational study. Results From May 2017 to May 2018, 223 consultations were provided, representing 2.2% of the workload. Most consultations were requested by Oncology (16.6%), Hematology (9.9%), Nephrology (9.0%), and Cardiology (6.3%). The leading reasons for inpatient consultation were: need for vascular access (51.1%) and requests to evaluate a vascular disease (48.9%). Acute venous diseases accounted for 19.3% of consultations, chronic arterial diseases for 14.8%, acute arterial diseases for 7.2%, diabetic feet for 5.4%, and chronic venous diseases accounted for 2.2%. Surgical treatment was performed in 57.0%, either conventional (43.9%) or endovascular (13.0%). Almost all (98.2%) patients' issues were resolved. Conclusions Inpatient consultations with the Vascular and Endovascular Surgery team in a tertiary academic hospital accounted for 2.2% of the team's entire workload. Most patients were elective and underwent low-complexity elective surgical procedures. There may be an opportunity to improve healthcare, redirecting these patients to the outpatient flow.
RESUMO Introdução Interconsultas são um componente fundamental da prática clínica em centros de atendimento terciários. No entanto, esse tipo de consulta requer recursos, resultando em uma alta carga de trabalho. Objetivo Investigar o perfil das interconsultas solicitadas por outros departamentos e realizadas pela equipe de Cirurgia Vascular e Endovascular em um hospital universitário terciário. Métodos Estudo observacional prospectivo. Resultados De maio de 2017 a maio de 2018, foram realizadas 223 consultas, correspondendo a 2,2% da carga de trabalho. A maioria das consultas foram solicitadas pelos departamentos de Oncologia (16,6%), Hematologia (9,9%), Nefrologia (9,0%) e Cardiologia (6,3%). As principais razões das interconsultas foram a necessidade de acesso vascular (51,1%) e de avaliação de doenças vasculares (48,9%). As doenças venosas agudas corresponderam a 19,3% das avaliações; as doenças arteriais crônicas, a 14,8%; as doenças arteriais agudas, a 7,2%; o pé diabético, a 5,4%; e as doenças venosas crônicas corresponderam a 2,2%. Foi realizado tratamento cirúrgico em 57,0% dos casos, tanto convencional (43,9%) quanto endovascular (13,0%). Foram resolvidos os problemas de quase todos os pacientes (98,2%). Conclusão As interconsultas realizadas pela equipe de Cirurgia Vascular e Endovascular em um hospital universitário terciário corresponderam a 2,2% da carga de trabalho total. A maioria dos pacientes eram eletivos e foram submetidos a procedimentos cirúrgicos eletivos de baixa complexidade. O redirecionamento desses pacientes para o atendimento ambulatorial poderia auxiliar na melhoria dos serviços de saúde.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Patient Admission , Referral and Consultation , Tertiary Healthcare/methods , Tertiary Care Centers/organization & administration , Vascular Surgical Procedures/organization & administration , Prospective Studies , Workload , Elective Surgical Procedures/methods , Health Resources , Hospitals, UniversityABSTRACT
Background: Gauteng province (GP) was one of the most affected provinces in the country during the first two pandemic waves in South Africa. We aimed to describe the characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients admitted in one of the largest quaternary hospitals in GP during the first two waves. Objectives: Study objectives were to determine factors associated with hospital admission during the second wave and to describe factors associated with in-hospital COVID-19 mortality. Method: Data from a national hospital-based surveillance system of COVID-19 hospitalisations were used. Multivariable logistic regression models were conducted to compare patients hospitalised during wave 1 and wave 2, and to determine factors associated with in-hospital mortality.Results: The case fatality ratio was the highest (39.95%) during wave 2. Factors associated with hospitalisation included age groups 4059 years (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 2.14, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.084.27), 6079 years (aOR: 2.49, 95% CI: 1.235.02) and ≥ 80 years (aOR: 3.39, 95% CI: 1.358.49). Factors associated with inhospital mortality included age groups 6079 years (aOR: 2.55, 95% CI: 1.115.84) and ≥ 80 years (aOR: 5.66, 95% CI: 2.1215.08); male sex (aOR: 1.56, 95% CI: 1.221.99); presence of an underlying comorbidity (aOR: 1.76, 95% CI: 1.372.26), as well as being admitted during postwave 2 (aOR: 2.42, 95% CI: 1.334.42). Conclusion: Compared to the recent omicron-driven pandemic waves characterised by lower admission rates and less disease severity among younger patients, COVID-19 in-hospital mortality during the earlier waves was associated with older age, being male and having an underlying comorbidity.
Patient Admission , Health Surveillance System , Pandemics , COVID-19 , Inpatients , MortalityABSTRACT
Background. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on healthcare systems globally as most countries were not equipped to deal with the outbreak. To avoid complete collapse of intensive care units (ICUs) and health systems as a whole, containment measures had to be instituted. In South Africa (SA), the biggest intervention was the government-regulated national lockdown instituted in March 2020. Objective. To evaluate the effects of the implemented lockdown and institutional guidelines on the admission rate and profile of non-COVID-19 patients in a regional and tertiary level ICU in Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu-Natal Province, SA. Methods. A retrospective analysis of all non-COVID-19 admissions to Harry Gwala and Greys hospitals was performed over an 8-month period (1 December 2019 - 31 July 2020), which included 4 months prior to lockdown implementation and 4 months post lockdown. Results. There were a total of 678 non-COVID-19 admissions over the 8-month period. The majority of the admissions were at Greys Hospital (52.4%; n=355) and the rest at Harry Gwala Hospital (47.6%; n=323). A change in spectrum of patients admitted was noted, with a significant decrease in trauma and burns admissions post lockdown implementation (from 34.2 - 24.6%; p=0.006). Conversely, there was a notable increase in non-COVID-19 medical admissions after lockdown regulations were implemented (20.1 - 31.3%; p<0.001). We hypothesized that this was due to the gap left by trauma patients in an already overburdened system. Conclusions. Despite the implementation of a national lockdown and multiple institutional directives, there was no significant decrease in the total number of non-COVID-19 admissions to ICUs. There was, however, a notable change in spectrum of patients admitted, which may reflect a bias towards trauma admissions in the pre COVID-19 era
Humans , Male , Female , Disease Prevention , COVID-19 , Government , Intensive Care Units , Patient AdmissionABSTRACT
El Consejo Internacional de Enfermeras (CIE) define a la EnfermeriÌa como los cuidados, autónomos y en colaboración, que se prestan a las personas de todas las edades, familias, grupos y comunidades, enfermos o sanos, en todos los contextos. Incluye la promoción de la salud, la prevencioÌn de la enfermedad y los cuidados de los enfermos, discapacitados y personas moribundas. A su vez Berbiglia y Banfield citan a Orem, ésta plantea que la práctica de la Enfermería en relación con los individuos se institucionaliza alrededor del proceso de una persona, la/el enfermera/o, que proporciona ayuda directa a otra persona, cuando eÌsta persona es total o parcialmente incapaz de ayudarse a siÌ misma en el cumplimiento de los cuidados diarios relacionados con la salud, a causa de la situación de salud existente. La misma autora define al estado de salud que indica la necesidad de asistencia enfermera como "la incapacidad de las personas de proporcionarse por siÌ mismas y continuamente el autocuidado (AC) de calidad y cantidad necesarios seguÌn las situaciones de la salud personal". Expresa tambieÌn que los factores baÌsicos condicionantes son "los factores internos o externos a los individuos que afectan sus habilidades para involucrarse en el autocuidado o afectan el tipo y cantidad de autocuidado requeridos". El objetivo, Sistematizar y acordar las intervenciones y cuidados de enfermería en la admisión del paciente con diabetes, con un enfoque desde los factores baÌsicos condicionantes del autocuidado y la capacidad de la agencia de Autocuidado, que ingresan al servicio de urgencias de adultos, de un Hospital público, 2020. En este sentido el profesional de EnfermeriÌa cumple un rol fundamental dentro del equipo de salud para identificar el deÌficit de autocuidado y promover, gestionar e impulsar diversas estrategias para la promoción de la salud, la prevención de la enfermedad y su tratamiento[AU]
O Conselho Internacional de Enfermeiras (ICN) define Enfermagem como cuidado autoÌnomo e colaborativo, prestado a pessoas de todas as idades, famílias, grupos e comunidades, doentes ou saudáveis, em todos os contextos. Inclui a promoçaÌo da saúde, a prevenção de doenças e o atendimento de doentes, deficientes e moribundos. Berbiglia e Banfield, por sua vez, citam Orem, que afirma que a prática de enfermagem em relaçaÌo aos indivíduos é institucionalizada em torno do processo de uma pessoa, a enfermeira, que fornece ajuda direta a outra pessoa, quando essa pessoa é total ou parcialmente incapaz de ajudar a si mesma na realização dos cuidados diários relacionados à saúde, devido aÌ situaçaÌo de saúde existente. O mesmo autor define o estado de saúde que indica a necessidade de assistência de enfermagem como "a incapacidade das pessoas de proverem a si mesmas e continuamente o autocuidado (CA) de qualidade e quantidade necessárias de acordo com as situações de saúde pessoal". Também expressa que os fatores condicionantes básicos saÌo "fatores internos ou externos aos indivíduos que afetam suas habilidades para se envolver em autocuidado ou afetam o tipo e a quantidade de autocuidado necessária". O objetivo sistematizar e acordar intervenções e cuidados de enfermagem na admissão do paciente com diabetes, com foco nos fatores condicionantes básicos do autocuidado e na capacidade da agência de Autocuidado, que entra no pronto-socorro de adultos, de um hospital público, 2020. Nesse sentido, o profissional de enfermagem desempenha papel fundamental dentro da equipe de saúde para identificar o déficit de autocuidado e promover, gerenciar e promover diversas estratégias de promoção da saúde, prevenção e tratamento de doenças[AU]
The International Nurses Council (INC 2015) defines Nursery as the independent and accompanied care given to people of all ages, ethnicity, gender, rather family, group and communities, ill or heathy in all sort of contexts. Including Heath`s promotion, sickness prevention and different cares of patients, disable and dying people. In turn, Berbiglia and Banfield cite Orem, which states that the practice Nursing practice as the relationship individuals, which is institutionalized around the process of one person the Nurse, the one who helps directly to the other person, when this one is not fully or partially capable on their own means to help themselves to take charge of their daily health care, caused by the actual health situation remaining. The same author defines the state of health that indicates the Nurses assistance as "The non-capacity of people to assure by themselves the continued self-care, nor in quality and quantity necessary according to the situation of personal health". On the other hand, the author, also states that the basic conditioning factors are "internal or external factors handled by individuals who affect their abilities to engage in self-care or affect the type and amount of self-care required ". The objective is to systematize and agree on interventions and nursing care in the admission of the patient with diabetes, with an approach from the basic conditioning factors of self-care and the capacity of the Self-care agency, who enter the emergency department of adults, of a public hospital, 2020 In this sense, the nursing professional plays a fundamental role within the health team to identify the deficit of self-care and promote, manage and promote various strategies for health promotion, disease prevention and treatment[AU]
Humans , Male , Female , Patient Admission , Self Care , Diabetes Mellitus/nursing , Health Promotion , Nursing Assessment , Nursing Care , Quality Indicators, Health CareABSTRACT
El triaje ayuda a clasificar, seleccionar al individuo de acuerdo a la condición de salud que mantenga la persona, actuando el personal de enfermería como la pieza principal gracias a la valoración céfalo caudal y a través de los signos vitales, priorizando siempre la afectación del paciente. Objetivo: Describir la importancia del triaje, como puerta de entrada al nivel hospitalario. Materiales y métodos: Este artículo fue realizado bajo los parámetros de la revisión documental, de nivel descriptivo, monográfico. La técnica aplicada fue el fichaje bibliográfico y el análisis sistemático de los documentos encontrados en la web. Resultados: El proceso de triaje, se da cuando un evento de emergencia supera los recursos de un centro hospitalario. Este proceso, es lo que determina a priori, la situación del paciente, clasificándolos según la prioridad de atención que requiere. Conclusión: El triaje es un proceso importante ante las emergencias, porque permite optimizar lo recursos y las atenciones a las personas afectadas garantizando el tratamiento adecuado y necesario en el momento indicado(AU)
Triage , Emergencies , Emergency Service, Hospital , Patient Admission , Emergency Medicine , Patient CareABSTRACT
La percepción que tienen los usuarios y su nivel de satisfacción frente a servicios brindados durante su atención es considerada como un indicador de calidad en el sector salud, además de reafirmar que la atención se centra sobre el paciente, familia o comunidad. Objetivo: analizar los factores determinantes en el nivel de atención y su relación con la satisfacción de los usuarios que acuden a la sala de emergencias del hospital Dr. Carlos del Pozo Melgar de Muisne. Materiales y Métodos: El estudio fue de tipo mixto, con diseño transversal y alcance descriptivo. Se aplicó un cuestionario desarrollado por el Ministerio de Salud Pública y adaptado a la población de estudio. La muestra fue de 165 personas que acudieron a la emergencia del hospital. Además, para registrar los datos se utilizó una ficha de observación durante la atención que se brindaba. Resultados: el 45% de los usuarios se sintieron muy satisfechos en cuanto al grado de satisfacción por la ubicación de la casa de salud. El 78% de los usuarios consideraron que la atención recibida fue personalizada. El 10% expresaron percepciones de discriminación por parte del personal de salud durante su atención. Se encontró que del 17% que poseían grado académico superior, el 10% no se encontraba satisfecho con la atención recibida. Conclusiones: existe un alto nivel de satisfacción en la mayoría de la muestra estudiada, en donde los principales factores determinantes fueron el grado académico de los usuarios y el estado de la infraestructura de la casa de salud(AU)
The perception of users and their level of satisfaction with the services provided during their care is considered an indicator of quality in the health sector, in addition to reaffirming that care is centered on the patient, family or community. Objective: To analyze the determining factors in the level of care and their relationship with the satisfaction of users attending the emergency room of the Dr. Carlos del Pozo Melgar Hospital in Muisne. Materials and Methods: The study was of a mixed type, with a cross-sectional design and descriptive scope. A questionnaire developed by the Ministry of Public Health and adapted to the study population was applied. The sample consisted of 165 people who attended the hospital emergency room. In addition, an observation form was used to record the data during the care provided. Results: 45% of the users were very satisfied with the location of the health center. Seventy-eight percent of the users considered that the care they received were personalized. In addition, the 10% expressed perceptions of discrimination on the part of the health personnel during their care. It was found that of the 17% who had a higher academic degree, 10% were not satisfied with the care received. Conclusions: there was a high level of satisfaction in the majority of the sample studied, where the main determining factors were the academic degree of the users and the state of the infrastructure of the health center(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Patient Satisfaction , Emergency Service, Hospital , Hospital Care , Patient Admission , Quality of Health Care , Medical CareABSTRACT
La importancia de la evaluación inicial de la gravedad del paciente con neumonía es una acción diagnóstica de importancia bien establecida. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar la relación entre la frecuencia y calidad del proceso de estratificación de pacientes con neumonía, y el cumplimiento de las sugerencias de ubicación intrahospitalaria y de tratamiento antimicrobiano inicial de un instrumento de estratificación. Se realizó un estudio descriptivo sobre una población de 1,809 pacientes hospitalizados durante 10 años. Se analizó el comportamiento de los índices de ubicación intrahospitalaria y tratamiento antimicrobiano inicial acorde a la sugerencia de un instrumento de estratificación utilizado; en el análisis estadístico se utilizó el Odds ratio y el estadígrafo X2, con un nivel de significación de 95%. En los resultados se destacan que la ubicación intrahospitalaria estuvo acorde a la sugerencia del instrumento en el 96%, con el valor más bajo en los pacientes con neumonía grave y altas probabilidades de recuperación (82%, p<,05). Se constató mayor frecuencia de ubicación intrahospitalaria acorde a la sugerencia del instrumento en los pacientes bien estratificados (p<,05), fundamentalmente en los pacientes con neumonía grave y altas probabilidades de recuperación. La correspondencia del tratamiento antimicrobiano inicial con la propuesta del instrumento fue del 61%; el estrato IIIA mostró el valor más elevado (80%, p<,05). Como conclusiones del estudio se constató un elevado desempeño en el cumplimiento de la sugerencia de ubicación intrahospitalaria del instrumento de estratificación, no así en el cumplimiento de la sugerencia de tratamiento antimicrobiano inicial. Se demostró la existencia de una relación entre el proceso de estratificación y el cumplimiento de la ubicación intrahospitalaria sugerida por el instrumento empleado.
The initial evaluation of the patient's condition with pneumonia is a very important assistance action. The objective was evaluate the relationship between the frequency and quality of the stratification process of the patient with pneumonia, and the execution of suggestions of intrahospitalary location and the initial antimicrobial treatment of stratification instrument. A descriptive study was done on a population of 1,809 patients hospitalized during 10 years. The indexes of intrahospitalary location and of antimicrobian initial treatment were analized according to the suggestions of the instrument; in the statistical analysis it was used the odds ratio and the statistician X2, with a significant level of 95%. The intrahospitalary location was in agreement with the suggestion of the instrument in 96% of the cases, with the lowest value in patients with serious pneumonia and high recovery probabilities (82%, p <,05). The frequency of intrahospitalary location was bigger and veryfied with the suggestion of the instrument in the termed well stratified patients (p <,05), fundamentally in the patients with serious pneumonia and high recovery probabilities. The correspondence of the initial antimicrobial treatment with the proposal of the instrument was of 61%; the stratum IIIA showed the highest value (80%, p <,05). As conclusions, a high performance in the execution of the suggestion of the intrahospitalary location has been one of the characteristics of the process, although as a negative element it stands out the frequent non-fulfillment of the suggestion of the initial antimicrobial treatment. There was a relationship between the stratification process and the execution of the suggestion of the intrahospitalary location.
Humans , Patient Admission/statistics & numerical data , Pneumonia/diagnosis , Pneumonia/drug therapy , Community-Acquired Infections/diagnosis , Community-Acquired Infections/drug therapy , Anti-Infective Agents/therapeutic use , Severity of Illness Index , Cuba , Patient Acuity , Hospitalization/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: analisar a associação de variáveis sociodemográficas e clínicas com o desfecho de pacientes com Aids admitidos em unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI). MÉTODO: Estudo transversal, analítico, retrospectivo, de abordagem quantitativa, realizado num hospital de ensino com 55 pacientes. Os dados foram obtidos de fontes secundárias referentes aos anos de 2016 a 2018. Foi realizado análise estatística descritiva e inferencial. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos pacientes era homem (76,4%), não aderente à terapia antirretroviral (88,6%) e coinfectado (58,2%). A insuficiência respiratória aguda (52,7%) foi a principal causa de admissão. Durante a internação, hemotransfusão (50,9%) foi a medida terapêutica mais comum e infecção (49,1%) a complicação mais recorrente. Citomegalovírus, sífilis, hemodiálise, tosse, dispneia, náuseas, convulsão e tempo de permanência na UTI foram estatisticamente associados (p<0,05) à mortalidade na UTI e/ou hospital. CONCLUSÃO: Há necessidade de aprimorar as políticas de saúde do homem para incrementar a vigilância à saúde daqueles acometidos por Aids.
OBJECTIVE: to analyze the association of sociodemographic and clinical variables with the outcome of patients with Aids admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). METHOD: A cross-sectional, analytical, retrospective study with a quantitative approach carried out in a teaching hospital with 55 patients. Data were obtained from secondary sources for the years 2016 to 2018. A descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was performed. RESULTS: Most patients were male (76.4%), non-adherent to antiretroviral therapy (88.6%), and were co-infected (58.2%). Acute respiratory failure (52.7%) was the main cause of admission. During hospitalization, blood transfusion (50.9%) was the most common therapeutic measure and infection (49.1%) was the most recurrent complication. Cytomegalovirus, syphilis, hemodialysis, cough, dyspnea, nausea, seizure, and length of stay in the ICU were statistically associated (p<0.05) with mortality in the ICU and/or hospital. CONCLUSION: It is necessary to improve men's health policies to increase the health surveillance of those affected by Aids.
OBJETIVO: analizar la asociación de variables sociodemográficas y clínicas a la evolución de los pacientes con Sida ingresados en la unidad de cuidados intensivos (UCI). MÉTODO: Estudio transversal, analítico, retrospectivo, con abordaje cuantitativo, realizado con 55 pacientes en un hospital docente. Los datos se obtuvieron de fuentes secundarias relativas a los años 2016 a 2018. Se realizó análisis estadístico descriptivo e ilativo. RESULTADOS: La mayoría de los pacientes eran hombres (76,4%), no adherentes a la terapia antirretroviral (88,6%) y coinfectados (58,2%). La insuficiencia respiratoria aguda (52,7%) fue la principal causa de ingreso. Durante la hospitalización, la transfusión de sangre (50,9%) fue la medida terapéutica más común y la infección (49,1%) fuela complicación más recurrente. El citomegalovirus, la sífilis, la hemodiálisis, la tos, la disnea, las náuseas, las convulsiones y la estancia en la UCI se asociaron estadísticamente (p<0,05) a la mortalidad en la UCI y/o el hospital. CONCLUSIÓN: Es necesario mejorar las políticas de salud de los hombres para aumentar la vigilancia de la salud de las personas que viven con el VIH.
Humans , Male , Female , Patient Admission , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active , Inpatients , Intensive Care Units , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
La calidad de la gestión y adecuación del ingreso de los pacientes en los servicios de medicina interna es un tema relevante en el ámbito sanitario, dado que resulta un indicador del equilibrio existente entre la atención primaria de salud, el servicio de urgencia hospitalaria y la funcionalidad del propio servicio de medicina interna. Sin embargo, en este equilibrio se presentan irregularidades debido a determinadas problemáticas vinculadas a un insuficiente nivel teórico de los prestadores y a carencias en las habilidades prácticas y organizativas para ejecutar la hospitalización. En este artículo se abordan algunas de estas deficiencias que dañan la calidad de la gestión del ingreso en dicho servicio, y que requieren la proyección de una estrategia sustentada en un modelo formativo sociohumanista y asistencial, a fin de lograr avances significativos en el contexto hospitalario.
The quality of management and adaptation of admission of patients to the internal medicine services is a relevant topic in the health environment, as it is an indicator of the existing balance between primary health care, the emergency hospital service and the functioning of the internal medicine service itself. However, there are irregularities in this balance due to certain problems linked to a scarce theoretical level of the providers and to scarcities in the practical and organizational skills to carry out hospitalization. Some of the deficiencies damaging the quality of management during admission in this service, which require the projection of a strategy based on a health, formative, and social-humanistic model are presented in this work, with the aim of achieving significant advances in the hospital context.