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Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 59(1): 101-106, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559608


Abstract Objective: This is a retrospective cohort study to analyze the long-term outcomes of thoracolumbar spine fracture patients who underwent minimally invasive percutaneous fixation. Methods: The cases of 17 patients with thoracolumbar spine fractures who had percutaneous fixation between 2009 and 2011 were the subject of a retrospective analysis. Clinical and radiographic variables were collected. For the clinical evaluation the questionnaires SF-36 and Oswestry were used. Radiographic parameters were evaluated using fracture's classification based on Magerls's criteria, the fractured vertebra's wedging angle, and the affected segment's segmental Cobb angle. The measures were made at different stages: before surgery, immediately after surgery, one year later, and at a late follow-up (5 years later). Trauma associated injuries, postsurgical and implant related complications were among the additional information taken into account. Results: The SF-36 questionnaire showed averages above 63,5% in all domains in the late postoperative data (from 5 years after the surgery). Oswestry questionnaire answers showed minimal or no physical limitations in 80% of the patients with a mean score of 10,8% ± 10,5. The average preoperative Cobb angle value was 5,53º ± 13,80º of kyphosis, the immediate postoperative 2,18º ± 13,38º of kyphosis, one year postoperative 5,26 ± 13,95º of kyphosis, and the late follow-up 8,78º ± 15,06º of kyphosis. The mean correction was 3,35º, and mean loss of correction was 6,6º. There were no complications observed, no case of neurological deficit, infection or implant failure occurred. Conclusion: Thoracolumbar vertebrae fractures can be surgically treated with positive late clinical and radiological outcomes and low complication rates using a minimally invasive percutaneous method.

Resumo Objetivo: Este é um estudo de coorte retrospectivo para analisar os desfechos em longo prazo de pacientes com fratura da coluna toracolombar submetidos à fixação percutânea minimamente invasiva. Métodos: Os casos de 17 pacientes com fraturas da coluna toracolombar submetidos à fixação percutânea entre 2009 e 2011 foram objeto de análise retrospectiva. Variáveis clínicas e radiográficas foram coletadas. A avaliação clínica foi baseada nos questionários SF-36 e Oswestry. Os parâmetros radiográficos foram avaliados de acordo com a classificação de fratura baseada nos critérios de Magerls, o ângulo de cunha da vértebra fraturada e o ângulo de Cobb do segmento acometido. As medidas foram feitas em diferentes momentos: antes da cirurgia, imediatamente após a cirurgia, um ano depois e no acompanhamento tardio (cinco anos depois). Lesões associadas a traumas, complicações pós-cirúrgicas e relacionadas a implantes também foram consideradas. Resultados: O questionário SF-36 apresentou médias acima de 63,5% em todos os domínios no período pós-operatório tardio (a partir de cinco anos após a cirurgia). As respostas do questionário Oswestry mostraram limitações físicas mínimas ou nulas em 80% dos pacientes, com pontuação média de 10,8% ± 10,5%. O valor médio do ângulo de Cobb foi de 5,53º± 13,80º de cifose no período pré-operatório, 2,18º ± 13,38º de cifose no pós-operatório imediato, 5,26 ±13,95º de cifose no pós-operatório de um ano e de 8,78º ± 15,06º de cifose no período pós-operatório tardio. A correção média foi de 3,35º e a perda média de correção foi de 6,6º. Não foram observadas complicações, casos de déficit neurológico, infecções ou falhas do implante. Conclusão: As fraturas das vértebras toracolombares podem ser tratadas cirurgicamente com desfechos clínicos e radiológicos tardios positivos e baixas taxas de complicações usando um método percutâneo minimamente invasivo.

Humans , Spinal Fractures/surgery , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures , Patient Outcome Assessment
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 43(3): 139-142, sept. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1517906


Introducción: la medicina basada en el valor ha logrado mejorar la calidad de atención del paciente y/o la satisfacción de las personas, reduciendo costos y obteniendo mejores resultados. Se apoya sobre tres pilares básicos: la medicina basada en la evidencia, la atención centralizada en el paciente, y la sustentabilidad. Sin embargo, existen pocas publicaciones sobre la estrategia de personas navegadoras para pacientes con cáncer de pulmón, que podrían ser una herramienta clave para brindar apoyo, asegurando que tengan acceso al conocimiento y los recursos necesarios a fin de completar la vía de atención clínica recomendada. Estado del arte: se trata de una intervención en salud cuyo objetivo principal es lograr vencer las barreras relacionadas con la atención (p. ej., logísticas, burocrático-administrativas, de comunicación y financieras) para poder mejorar la calidad y el acceso a la salud en el marco de la atención del cáncer. Estas personas cumplen un papel de guía para pacientes durante el proceso de diagnóstico y tratamiento activo. Su labor consiste en vincular al paciente con los proveedores clínicos, brindar un sistema de apoyo, asegurar un acompañamiento individualizado, garantizar que tengan acceso al conocimiento y a los recursos necesarios para completar el seguimiento y/o tratamiento adecuado. Discusión/Conclusión: indudablemente, es un elemento cada vez más reconocido en los programas de cáncer, centrado en el paciente y de alta calidad. Su implementación será de especial interés en la Unidad de Práctica Integrada para personas con cáncer de pulmón. (AU)

Introduction: Value-based medicine has succeeded in improving the quality of patient care and or patient satisfaction, reducing costs, and obtaining better outcomes. It rests on three fundamental pillars: evidence-based medicine, patient-centered care, and sustainability. However, there are few publications on the people navigator strategy for lung cancer patients, which could be a crucial tool for providing support, ensuring that they have access to the knowledge and resources needed to complete the recommended clinical care pathway. State of the art: It is a health intervention whose main objective is to overcome care-related barriers (e.g., logistical, bureaucratic-administrative, communication, and financial) to improve quality and access to health in the context of cancer care. These individuals play a guiding role for patients during the diagnostic and active treatment process. Their job is to link the patient with clinical providers, provide a support system, ensure individualized accompaniment, and guarantee that they get access to the knowledge and resources necessary to complete the appropriate follow-up and, or treatment. Discussion/Conclusion: Undoubtedly, patient navigators represent an increasingly recognized element of high-quality, patient-centered cancer programs. Its implementation will be of specific interest in the Integrated Practice Unit for people with lung cancer. (AU)

Humans , Patient Navigation/organization & administration , Lung Neoplasms , Patient Care Team , Patient Satisfaction , Patient-Centered Care/methods , Access to Information , Quality Improvement , Patient Navigation/history , Patient Outcome Assessment , Patient Reported Outcome Measures , Health Services Accessibility/trends
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 9(2): 29306, 31 ago. 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1509303


Considerando o ciclo das Políticas públicas, o planejamento e a avaliação são elementos cruciais, favorecendo organização e julgamento de valor a respeito de uma intervenção ou sobre qualquer um dos seus componentes, envolvendo tanto quem faz uso dos serviços como quem produz os mesmos. Na perspectiva da melhoria da assistência prestada à mulher e ao recém-nascido na porta de entrada dos serviços de atenção materno-infantis, é realizado o Acolhimento com Classificação de Risco Obstétrico que cursa como uma ferramenta de apoio à tomada de decisão clínica que tem como intuito a identificação da paciente crítica ou mais grave, permitindo um atendimento de maneira rápida e segura de acordo com o potencial de risco, com base nas evidências científicas existentes. Objetivo: Realizar uma reflexão teórica acerca dos avanços e limitações relacionados aoplanejamento e avaliação dos serviços deAcolhimento com Classificação de RiscoObstétrico.Metodologia:Trata-se de um estudo de caráter descritivo, em formato de artigo de reflexão, em que foram definidas duas dimensões categóricas que retratam o contexto do planejamento e avaliação dos serviços de Acolhimento com Classificação de RiscoObstétrico.Resultados:Percebemos que ainda é possível identificar muitas arestas no planejamento e na qualidade da prestação deste tipo de serviço, principalmente no que diz respeito à garantia da integralidade e do cuidado de acordo com as necessidades da mulher.Conclusões:Para que uma articulação entre os diferentes atores seja alcançada são necessárias estratégias de planejamento que tornem viável buscar a qualidade assistencial e que deem condições de avaliar essa assistência prestada (AU).

Considering the cycle of Public Policies, planning and evaluation are crucial elements, favoring organization and judgment of valuesregarding an intervention or any of its components, involving both those who use the services and those who produce them. With a view toimproving the care provided to women and newborns at the entranceto maternal and child care services, the Reception with Obstetric Risk Classification iscarried out as a tool to support clinical decision-making which aims to identify critical or more severe patients, allowing a quick and safe care according to the risk potential, based on existing scientific evidence.Objective:To carry out a theoretical reflection on the advances and limitations related to the planning and evaluation of Reception serviceswith Obstetric Risk Classification.Methodology:This is a descriptive study, in the form of a reflection article, in which two categorical dimensions were defined and that portray the context of planning and evaluation of Reception serviceswith Obstetric Risk Classification.Results:We realized that it is still possible to identify many edges in the planning and quality of the provision of this type of service, especially with regard to ensuring comprehensiveness and care according to the needs of women.Conclusions:In order to achieved thearticulation between the different actors, it is necessary to plan strategies that make it feasible to seek care quality and that provide conditions for evaluating this assistance provided (AU).

Considerando el ciclo de las Políticas Públicas, la planificación y la evaluación son elementos cruciales, favoreciendo la organización y el juicio de valor sobre una intervención o cualquiera de sus componentes, involucrando tanto a quienes utilizan los servicios como a quienes los producen. Con el objetivode mejorar la asistenciabrindadaa lasmujeresy recién nacidosen elingresoa los servicios de atención materno-infantil, se realiza laAcogidacon Clasificación de Riesgo Obstétrico como una herramienta de apoyo a la toma de decisiones clínicas que tiene como objetivo identificar las pacientes más graves, permitiendo una atención rápida y segura de acuerdo al potencial de riesgo, segúnla evidencia científica existente.Objetivo: Realizar una reflexión teórica sobre los avances y limitaciones relacionados con la planificación y evaluación de los servicios de Acogida con Clasificación de Riesgo Obstétrico.Metodología:Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, en forma de artículo de reflexión, en el que se definieron dos dimensiones categóricas que retratan el contexto de planificación y evaluación de los servicios de Acogida con Clasificación de Riesgo Obstétrico. Resultados: Percibimos que aún es posible identificar muchas asperezasen la planificación y calidad de la prestación de este tipo de servicio, especialmente en lo que se respectaa garantizar la integralidad y la atención acorde a las necesidades de las mujeres. Conclusiones: Para que se logre una articulación entre los diferentes actores, son necesarias estrategias de planificación que viabilicen la búsqueda de la calidad de la atención y que proporcionen condiciones para evaluar esta asistencia brindada (AU).

Quality of Health Care , Pregnancy , Process Assessment, Health Care , Maternal-Child Health Services , Health Planning/methods , Epidemiology, Descriptive , User Embracement , Patient Outcome Assessment
Respirar (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 15(2): 81-87, jun2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437510


Introducción: la evidencia de vida real muestra deficiencias en alcanzar los objetivos de control del asma, con elevado consumo de agonistas beta-2 de acción corta (SA-BA) y sobreuso de corticoides sistémicos (CS). Métodos: estudio observacional, des-criptivo, aplicando la herramienta ReferID con 4 preguntas para identificar pacientes con asma no controlada y/o en riesgo de crisis severas: en los últimos 12 meses [1] ¿Re-cibió ≥2 ciclos de CS y/o los usó como mantenimiento?; [2] ¿Tuvo ≥2 visitas a emergen-cias por asma?; [3] ¿Estuvo intubado o en Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) por as-ma?; [4] ¿Cuántos inhaladores de SABA ha utilizado? Una respuesta afirmativa a las preguntas 1, 2 o 3, o usar ≥3 envases de SABA, sugieren riesgo de ataque grave, nece-sidad de CS y/o riesgo vital. En estos pacientes se recomienda evaluación por especia-listas. Resultados: participaron 441 pacientes de 7 instituciones del Área Metropolita-na de Buenos Aires. Al 60,1% (intervalo de confianza del 95% [IC95]:55,5%-64,7%) se le recomendó evaluación por especialista. El 33,8% (IC95:29,39%-38,21%) recibió ≥2 ciclos de CS y/o los usaba como mantenimiento. El 36,1% (IC95:31,62%-40,58%) asis-tió ≥2 veces a emergencias. El 41,5% (IC95:30,06%-38,94%) usó ≥3 envases de SABA. El 8,8% (IC95:6,16%-11,44%) tenía historia de intubación o UCI. El 37,2% se atendió en instituciones públicas, con indicadores de gravedad significativamente mayores que en las privadas. Conclusiones: ReferID es una herramienta simple que ayuda a identificar a pacientes en riesgo de crisis severa y/o que pudieran tener diagnóstico de asma gra-ve; y que se beneficiarían de una evaluación por un especialista. AU

Introduction: real-life evidence shows deficiencies in achieving asthma control goals, with high use of short-acting beta-2 agonists (SABA) and overuse of systemic cortico-steroids (SC). Methods: observational, descriptive study, applying the ReferID tool with 4 questions to identify patients with uncontrolled asthma and/or at risk of severe crisis: in the last 12 months [1] Have you received ≥2 cycles of CS and/or used them as main-tenance therapy?; [2] Have you had ≥2 emergency visits for asthma?; [3] Have you ever been intubated or admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for asthma?; [4] How many SABA inhalers have you used? An affirmative answer to questions 1, 2 or 3, or using ≥3 canisters of SABA, suggests risk of severe attack, need for CS and/or life-threatening risk. In these patients, evaluation by specialists is recommended. Results: 441 patients from 7 institutions in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires were enrolled. An evalu-ation by specialists was recommended for 60.1% (95% confidence interval [95%CI]: 55.5%-64.7%); 33.8% (95%CI:29.39%-38.21%) received ≥2 cycles of CS and/or used them as maintenance; 36.1% (95%CI:31.62%-40.58%) attended ≥2 times to the emer-gency department; 41.5% (95%CI:30.06%-38.94%) used ≥3 containers of SABA; 8.8% (95%CI:6.16%-11.44%) had a history of intubation or ICU admission; 37.2% were as-sisted in public institutions, with significantly higher severity indicators than in private ones. Conclusions: Refer ID is a simple, useful tool to quickly identify asthma patients who are at risk of severe exacerbations and/or may have a diagnosis of severe asthma and would benefit from evaluation by a specialist. AU

Humans , Primary Health Care , Asthma/diagnosis , Surveys and Questionnaires , Argentina , Referral and Consultation , Patient Outcome Assessment
Coluna/Columna ; 22(3): e273450, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520791


ABSTRACT: Objective: To describe the epidemiological profile of the list of patients with pediatric scoliosis (0 to 18 years old) treated at a tertiary public hospital in the Midwest Region. Methods: A cross-sectional analytical study of patients with scoliosis from the orthopedic service of a reference center was carried out, and data collected on age, sex, date of menarche, weight, height, etiology, curve classification, form of referral, treatment performed before and after care and waiting time for surgery after indication. The sample consisted of 60 patients randomly selected among those treated. Results: 60 patients were evaluated, 44 (73.3%) were female, and 16 (26.7%) were male, with a mean age of 13.4 years. Until the moment of the study, six patients underwent surgery after being treated at the reference center. Idiopathic scoliosis was the most frequent in 38 (63%) patients. No conduct had been performed in 47 (78.3%) patients before referral to the reference center. Aftercare at the reference center, surgical treatment was indicated in 44 (73.3%) patients. The mean waiting time for surgery after the indication was 22 months, ranging from 6 to 40 months. Conclusions: The list of patients with pediatric scoliosis treated at the reference center in the Midwest region is composed of young girls with idiopathic scoliosis who, for the most part, did not have the indication of using a brace before being referred to the reference center, and most of them had an indication for surgery for adequate treatment. Level of Evidence IV; Descriptive Study.

RESUMO: Objetivo: Descrever o perfil epidemiológico da lista de pacientes com escoliose pediátrica (0 a 18 anos) atendidos em hospital público terciário da Região Centro-Oeste. Métodos: Foi realizado estudo analítico transversal de pacientes com escoliose do serviço de ortopedia do centro de referência e coletados dados de idade, sexo, data da menarca, peso, altura, etiologia, classificação da curva, forma de encaminhamento, tratamento realizado antes e após o atendimento e tempo de espera para cirurgia após indicação. A amostra foi composta por 60 pacientes selecionados randomicamente. Resultados: Dos 60 pacientes avaliados, 44 (73,3%) eram do sexo feminino e 16 (26,7%) do sexo masculino, com idade média de 13,4 anos. Até o momento do estudo, seis pacientes foram submetidos a cirurgia após o atendimento no centro de referência. A escoliose idiopática foi a mais frequente em 38 (63%) pacientes. Nenhuma conduta havia sido realizada em 47 (78,3%) pacientes antes do encaminhamento ao centro de referência. Após o atendimento no centro de referência, o tratamento cirúrgico foi indicado em 44 (73,3%) pacientes. O tempo médio de espera pela cirurgia após a indicação foi de 22 meses, variando de 6 a 40 meses. Conclusões: A lista de pacientes com escoliose pediátrica atendidos no único centro de referência da região Centro-oeste é composta por meninas jovens, com escoliose idiopática, que em grande parte não tiveram a indicação do uso de colete antes do encaminhamento ao centro de referência, e tiveram em sua maioria indicação de cirurgia para tratamento adequado. Nível de Evidência IV; Estudo Descritivo.

RESUMEN: Objetivo: Describir el perfil epidemiológico de pacientes con escoliosis pediátrica (0 a 18 años) atendidos en un hospital público terciario de la Región Centro Oeste. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio analítico transversal de pacientes con escoliosis del servicio de ortopedia del centro de referencia y se recogieron datos sobre edad, sexo, fecha de la menarquia, peso, talla, etiología, clasificación de la curva, forma de derivación, tratamiento realizado antes y después de la atención y el tiempo de espera para la cirugía después de la indicación. La muestra estuvo constituida por 60 pacientes seleccionados aleatoriamente. Resultados: De los 60 pacientes, 44 (73,3%) eran mujeres y 16 (26,7%) hombres, con edad media de 13,4 años. Hasta el momento del estudio, seis pacientes fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente. La escoliosis idiopática fue la más frecuente, en 38 (63%) pacientes. En 47 (78,3%) pacientes no se había realizado ninguna conducta antes de la derivación al centro de referencia. Tras la atención en el centro de referencia, se indicó tratamiento quirúrgico en 44 (73,3%) pacientes. El tiempo medio de espera de la cirugía fue de 22 meses, con un rango de 6 a 40 meses. Conclusiones: La lista de pacientes con escoliosis pediátrica atendidos en el único centro de referencia de la región Centro Oeste está compuesta por niñas jóvenes, quienes en su mayor parte no tenían indicación de uso de ortesis, y la mayoría tenía indicación de cirugía para un adecuado tratamiento. Nivel de evidencia IV; Estudio Descriptivo.

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Orthopedics , Spine , Elective Surgical Procedures , Patient Outcome Assessment
Rev.chil.ortop.traumatol. ; 63(1): 25-32, apr.2022. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1435709


OBJETIVO Describir el resultado funcional informado por el paciente de una cohorte de pacientes sometidos a artroplastia unicompartimental de rodilla (AUR) en un hospital universitario chileno. MÉTODOS Se diseñó un estudio de cohorte histórica. Se incluyeron todos los pacientes que se sometieron a AUR de platillo fijo entre 2003 y 2019. Un evaluador independiente se puso en contacto con los pacientes en junio de 2020. Se utilizó el índice de artritis de las universidades de Western Ontario y McMaster (WOMAC) para comparar los procedimientos de AUR (medial o lateral), la edad (mayor o menor de 70 años), y el seguimiento (más o menos de 5 años). RESULTADOS Se incluyeron 78 pacientes, en un total de 94 AURs. La mediana de edad fue de 64 años (rango: 43 a 85 años). Hubo 72 (76,6%) casos de AUR medial. Un paciente necesitó revisión para artroplastia total de rodilla (ATR). Un total de 60 pacientes (76,9%), correspondientes a 72 AURs (76,7%), fueron contactados con éxito por teléfono para el seguimiento final. La mediana del puntaje en los dominios del WOMAC fue: dolor ­ 1 (rango: 0 a 12); rigidez ­ 0 (rango: 0 a 4); y función física ­ 2 (rango: 0 a 29). La mediana del puntaje total en el WOMAC fue de 4 (rango: 0 a 44). Los pacientes sometidos a AUR lateral lograron mejores puntuaciones funcionales (p » 0,0432), y el puntaje total en el WOMAC fue similar en pacientes mayores o menores de 70 años (p » 0,3706). CONCLUSIONES La AUR es un tratamiento eficaz y reproducible para pacientes con artrosis de rodilla unicompartimental. La edad parece no afectar los resultados funcionales, y la AUR es un tratamiento eficaz en pacientes mayores de 70 años. Estos resultados deberían animar a los cirujanos de rodilla a aprender esta técnica y a los responsables de las políticas de salud pública a considerar la AUR para la osteoartritis de rodilla.

PURPOSE To describe the patient-reported functional outcome of a cohort of patients undergoing unicompartmental knee arthroplasty (UKA) in a Chilean university hospital. METHODS A historical cohort study was designed. All patients who underwent fixedbearing UKA between 2003 and 2019 were included. An independent evaluator contacted the patients in June 2020. The Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC) was used to compare UKA procedures (medial or lateral), age (over or under 70 years), and follow up (longer or shorter than 5 years). RESULTS A total of 78 patients, corresponding to 94 UKAs, were included. The median age was 64 years (range: 43 to 85 years). There were 72 (76.6%) cases of medial UKA. One patient needed revision to total knee arthoplasty (TKA). A total of 60 patients (76.9%), corresponding to 72 UKAs, were successfully contacted by phone for the final follow-up. The median scores on the WOMAC domains were: pain ­ 1 (range: 0 to 12); stiffness ­0 (range: 0 to 4); and physical function ­ 2 (range: 0 to 29). The median total score on the WOMAC was 4 (range: 0 to 44). Patients submitted to lateral UKA had better functional scores (p » 0.0432), and the total WOMAC score was similar among patients older or younger than 70 years of age (p » 0.3706). CONCLUSIONS For patients with unicompartmental knee osteoarthritis, UKA is an effective and reproducible treatment. Age does not seem to affect the functional results, and UKA is an effective treatment in patients over 70 years old. These results should encourage knee surgeons to learn this technique and those responsible for public health policies to consider UKA for knee osteoarthritis

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee/methods , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Chile/epidemiology , Osteoarthritis, Knee/surgery , Osteoarthritis, Knee/epidemiology , Osteoarthritis, Knee/diagnostic imaging , Patient Outcome Assessment
Rev. cuba. ortop. traumatol ; 36(1)abr. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1409040


Introducción: La estenosis lumbar degenerativa altera la calidad de vida y disminuye la capacidad funcional en adultos mayores. La obesidad representa un problema de la salud mundial actual. Objetivo: Detallar los efectos de la obesidad sobre el riesgo quirúrgico, los índices de complicaciones posoperatorias y los resultados funcionales en pacientes adultos mayores sometidos a cirugía electiva por estenosis lumbar degenerativa. Métodos: Estudio prospectivo-descriptivo, con pacientes adultos mayores intervenidos quirúrgicamente por diagnóstico de estenosis lumbar degenerativa y valorados un año después. Resultados: 55 pacientes, 23 obesos, 32 no obesos; relación de sexos 1,5:1 masculino-femenino, mayor cantidad de espacios intervenidos, tiempo quirúrgico y pérdida de sangre en obesos. Los obesos presentaron un mayor número de complicaciones postquirúrgicas y resultados funcionales menos buenos. Conclusiones: La obesidad constituye un mayor riesgo quirúrgico, que, aunque la diferencia en los resultados clínicos no sea muy importante, provoca intervenciones más prolongadas y mayor incidencia de complicaciones quirúrgicas(AU)

Introduction: Degenerative lumbar stenosis alters quality of life and decreases functional capacity in older adults. Obesity represents a current global health problem. Objective: To detail the effects of obesity on surgical risk, postoperative complication rates, and functional outcomes in older patients undergoing elective surgery for degenerative lumbar stenosis. Methods: Prospective-descriptive study with elderly patients who underwent surgery for a diagnosis of degenerative lumbar stenosis, who were evaluated one year later. Results: Fifty-five patients, 23 obese, 32 non-obese; sex ratio 1.5:1 male-female, higher number of intervened spaces, surgical time and blood loss in obese subjects. The obese patients showed higher number of post-surgical complications and less good functional results. Conclusions: Obesity constitutes a higher surgical risk, even when the difference in clinical results is not very important, it causes longer interventions and higher incidence of surgical complications(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Postoperative Complications , Quality of Life , Constriction, Pathologic/surgery , Obesity , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prospective Studies , Patient Outcome Assessment
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-943039


Objective: To investigate the experience of patients in the implementation of enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) strategy after radical gastrectomy and the factors affecting the treatment experience. Methods: A prospective cohort study was carried out. Patients who were diagnosed with gastric cancer by pathology and underwent radical gastrectomy at the Xijing Digestive Disease Hospital from December 2019 to December 2020 were consecutively enrolled. Those who received emergency surgery, residual gastric cancer surgery, preoperative neoadjuvant chemotherapy, non-curative tumor resection, intraperitoneal metastasis, or other malignant tumors were excluded. Patients' expectation and experience during implementation were investigated by questionnaires. The questionnaire included three main parts: patients' expectation for ERAS, patients' experience during the ERAS implementation, and patients' outcomes within 30 days after discharge. The items on the expectation and experience were ranked from 0 to 10 by patients, which indicated to be unsatisfied/unimportant and satisfied/important respectively. According to their attitudes towards the ERAS strategy, patients were divided into the support group and the reject group. Patients' expectation and experience of hospital stay, and the clinical outcomes within 30 days after discharge were compared between the two groups. Categorical data were reported as number with percentage and the quantitative data were reported as mean with standard deviation, or where appropriate, as the median with interquartile range (Q1, Q3). Categorical data were compared using the Chi-squared test or Fisher's exact test, where appropriate. For continuous data, Student's t test or Mann-Whitney U test were used. Complication was classified according to Clavien-Dindo classification. Results: Of the included 112 patients (88 males and 24 females), aged (57.8±10.0) years, 35 patients (31.3%) were in the support group and 77 (68.7%) in the reject group. Anxiety was detected in 56.2% (63/112) of the patients with score >8. The admission education during the ERAS implementation improved the patients' cognitions of the ERAS strategy [M(Q1, Q3) score: 8 (4, 10) vs. 2 (0, 5), Z=-7.130, P<0.001]. The expected hospital stay of patients was longer than the actual stay [7 (7, 10) days vs. 6 (6, 7) days, Z=-4.800, P<0.001]. During the ERAS implementation, patients had low score in early mobilization [3 (1, 6)] and early oral intake [5 (2.25, 8)]. Fifty-eight (51.8%) patients planned the ERAS implementation at home after discharge, while 32.1% (36/112) preferred to stay in hospital until they felt totally recovered. Compared with the reject group, the support group had shorter expected hospital stay [7 (6, 10) days vs. 10 (7, 15) days, Z=-2.607, P=0.009], and higher expected recovery-efficiency score [9 (8, 10) vs. 7(5, 9), Z=-3.078, P=0.002], lower expected less-pain score [8 (6, 10) vs. 6 (5, 9) days, Z=-1.996, P=0.046], expected faster recovery of physical strength score [8 (6, 10) vs. 6 (4, 9), Z=-2.200, P=0.028] and expected less drainage tube score [8 (8, 10) vs. 8 (5, 10), Z=-2.075, P=0.038]. Worrying about complications (49.1%) and self-recognition of not recovery (46.4%) were the major concerns when assessing the experience toward ERAS. During the follow-up, 105 patients received follow-up calls. There were 57.1% (60/105) of patients who experienced a variety of discomforts after discharge, including pain (28.6%), bloating (20.0%), nausea (12.4%), fatigue (7.6%), and fever (2.9%). Within 30 days after discharge, 6.7% (7/105) of patients developed Clavien-Dindo level I and II operation-associated complications, including poor wound healing, intestinal obstruction, intraperitoneal bleeding, and wound infection, all of which were cured by conservative treatment. There were no complications of level III or above in the whole group after surgery. Compared with the support group, more patients in the reject group reported that they had not yet achieved self-expected recovery when discharged [57.1% (44/77) vs. 22.9% (8/35), χ2=11.372, P<0.001], and expected to return to their daily lives [39.0% (30/77) vs. 8.6% (3/35), χ2=10.693, P<0.001], with statistically significant differences (all P<0.05). Only 52.4% (55/105) of patients returned home to continue rehabilitation, and the remaining patients chose to go to other hospitals to continue their hospitalization after discharge, with a median length of stay of 7 (7, 9) days. Compared with the reject group, the support group had a higher proportion of home rehabilitation [59.7% (12/33) vs. 36.4% (43/72), χ2=4.950, P=0.026], and shorter time of self-perceived postoperative full recovery [14 (10, 20) days vs. 15 (14, 20) days, Z=2.100, P=0.036], with statistically significant differences (all P<0.05). Conclusions: Although ERAS has promoted postoperative rehabilitation while ensuring surgical safety, it has not been unanimously recognized by patients. Adequate rehabilitation education, good analgesia, good physical recovery, and early removal of drainage tubes may improve the patient's experience of ERAS.

Female , Humans , Male , Enhanced Recovery After Surgery , Gastrectomy , Length of Stay , Pain , Patient Outcome Assessment , Postoperative Complications/surgery , Prospective Studies , Retrospective Studies , Stomach Neoplasms/surgery , Treatment Outcome
Ethiop. j. health sci. (Online) ; 32(6): 1101-1106, 2022. tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1402262


BACKGROUND: Computed Tomography plays a priceless role for diagnostic and therapeutic purpose; however,applying an optimized Computed Tomography Technique to produce qualified image while delivering minimum radiation dose to patients is the common challenge. The main objective of this study was to establish local diagnostic reference levels for adult patients who visited abdominopelvic Computed Tomography examination. METHODS: A total of 158 patients who had taken abdominopelvic Computed Tomography examination from three selectedAmhara region hospitals were investigated. Both prospective and retrospective techniques of data collection were used while collecting the data in the entire sample. Two GE - Optima Computed Tomography 540 (16 slices) and one Phillips ­ Brilliance (64slices), were employed during data collections. Data for patient demographics scan protocols, Computed Tomography dose descriptors and machine specifications were collected and analyzed by using SPSS software version 26. RESULTS: The third quartile estimated computed tomography dose index volume and dose length product, which is the local Diagnostic Reference Levels, were 12 mGy and 1904 cm.mGy respectively. The investigated local Diagnostic Reference Levels of Computed Tomography Dose index volume (mGy) was comparable to other international Diagnostic Reference Levels. However, the third quartile value of dose length product (cm.mGy) was higher than other reported international Diagnostic Reference Levels. CONCLUSION: The values of local Diagnostic Reference Levels presented in this work can be used as a baseline upon which future dose measurements can be compared in Amhara region

Humans , Patients , Four-Dimensional Computed Tomography , Tomography , Dosage , Patient Outcome Assessment
Ghana Medical Journal ; 56(3): 206-214, )2022. Figures, Tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1398796


Objectives: This study identified the predictors of weight reduction among adult obese patients in a Family Practice Setting and developed a statistical model to predict weight reduction. Design: A prospective cohort design. Setting: The Family Practice Clinic, University College Hospital, Ibadan, Nigeria Participants and study tools: Obese adults were recruited into a three-month weight reduction program. Patient Information Leaflets were used for counselling, while questionnaires were administered to obtain socio-demographic and lifestyle factors. Potential predictors were assessed using the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, Zung Depression Scale, Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale, Garner's Eating Attitude Test-26 (EAT-26), 24-hour dietary recall and International Physical Activity Questionnaire-short form. Anthropometric indices, blood pressure and Fasting Lipid Profile were assessed. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for analysis with a significance set at α0.05. Results: Most 99(76.2%) of the 130 participants achieved weight reduction and had a median weight change of -2.3kg (IQR-4, -0.5), with 66 (66.7%) out of 99 attaining the weight reduction target of 10%. The regression model showed predictors of weight reduction to be Total Cholesterol [TC] (p=0.01) and Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol [LDLC] (p=0.03). The statistical model derived for Weight reduction = 0.0028 (LDL-C) -0.029 (TC)-0.053 (EAT-26) +0.041(High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol). The proportion of variance of the model tested was R 2 = 0.3928 (adjusted R2 = 0.2106). Conclusion: Predictors of weight reduction among patients were eating attitude score, Total Cholesterol, Low-Density Lipid and High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol levels. A statistical model was developed for managing obesity among patients

Clinical Laboratory Information Systems , Diet, Reducing , Obesity , Patient Outcome Assessment , Epidemiological Models
Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP ; Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP;56: e20220171, 2022. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1406760


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the reasons correlated with the omission of nursing care in a university hospital. Method: Analytical cross-sectional design, developed in a university hospital in Northeast Brazil, from January to February 2020. The study population consisted of nurses and nursing technicians who worked in direct patient care. The Brazilian version of the Missed Nursing Care Survey was applied in a convenience sample consisting of 227 participants (79 nurses and 148 nursing technicians). Univariate and bivariate statistics were calculated in the software Statistical Package for Social Science, version 26.0. Results: The most omitted nursing care was walking three times a day or as prescribed (70.9%). The most prevalent reason was an unexpected increase in the volume and/or severity of patients in the unit (93.0%). Positive, albeit weak, correlations were found between overall care omission, as well as omissions by priority level, and reasons for omission given by nurses and nursing technicians (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The study showed that the omission of nursing care covered all five dimensions of the instrument, mainly correlated with labor and material resources.

RESUMEN Objectivo: Evaluar los motivos correlacionados con la omisión de cuidados de enfermería en un hospital universitario. Método: Diseño transversal analítico, desarrollado en un hospital universitario en el Nordeste de Brasil, de enero a febrero de 2020. La población de estudio estuvo compuesta por enfermeros y técnicos de enfermería que actuaban en el cuidado directo del paciente. La versión brasileña de la Missed Nursing Care Survey en una muestra por conveniencia compuesta por 227 participantes (79 enfermeros y 148 técnicos de enfermería). Las estadísticas univariadas y bivariadas se calcularon en el Software Statistical Package for Social Science, versión 26.0. Resultados: El cuidado de enfermería más omitido fue caminar tres veces al día o según prescripción (70,9%). El motivo más prevalente fue un aumento inesperado en el volumen y/o gravedad de los pacientes en la unidad (93,0%). Se encontraron correlaciones positivas, aunque débiles, entre la omisión de cuidados generales, así como por nivel de prioridad, y las razones de omisión atribuidas por enfermeros y técnicos de enfermería (p < 0,05). Conclusión: El estudio mostró que la omisión del cuidado de enfermería abarcó las cinco dimensiones del instrumento, principalmente correlacionadas con los recursos laborales y materiales.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar as razões correlacionadas à omissão de cuidados de enfermagem em um hospital universitário. Método: Delineamento transversal analítico, desenvolvido em um hospital universitário do Nordeste do Brasil, nos meses de janeiro a fevereiro de 2020. A população do estudo compreendeu enfermeiros e técnicos de enfermagem que atuavam na assistência direta ao paciente. Aplicou-se a versão brasileira do Missed Nursing Care Survey em uma amostra por conveniência composta por 227 participantes (79 enfermeiros e 148 técnicos de enfermagem). Foram calculadas estatísticas uni e bivariadas no software Statistical Package for social Science, versão 26.0. Resultados: O cuidado de enfermagem mais omitido foi deambulação três vezes por dia ou conforme prescrito (70,9%). A razão mais prevalente foi aumento inesperado do volume e/ou gravidade dos pacientes da unidade (93,0%). Foram verificadas correlações positivas, embora fracas, entre a omissão de cuidados geral, bem como por nível de prioridade, e razões de omissão atribuídas pelos enfermeiros e técnicos de enfermagem (p < 0,05). Conclusão O estudo evidenciou que a omissão de cuidados de enfermagem abrangeu todas as cinco dimensões do instrumento correlacionados principalmente aos recursos laborais e materiais.

Patient Outcome Assessment , Nursing Care , Risk Management , Health Evaluation , Patient Safety
Femina ; 50(6): 379-384, 2022. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1380722


O SARS-CoV-2 é um vírus RNA transmitido pelo contato direto ou indireto por gotículas infectadas. No que se refere à COVID-19 e à gestação, referências apontam que nesse período as mulheres possuem maior susceptibilidade a complicações obstétricas e perinatais. O presente estudo objetiva compreender e compilar aspectos da infecção e os principais desfechos negativos maternos e fetais documentados na literatura atual, relacionados à infecção pelo novo coronavírus durante a gestação. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura embasada pela análise de 2.441 artigos no total, dos quais 62 foram incluídos na pesquisa, sendo 38 deles da base de dados PubMed e 24 da BVS (Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde), nos idiomas inglês e português. Em conclusão, mulheres grávidas com diagnóstico da patologia podem precisar de assistência de alta complexidade. A associação à doença pode apresentar riscos ou complicações como coagulopatias, pré-eclâmpsia, prematuridade e outros desfechos negativos que serão abordados neste artigo.(AU)

SARS-CoV-2 is an RNA virus, transmitted by direct or indirect contact by infected droplets. Regarding to COVID-19 and pregnancy, references indicate that during this period, women are more susceptible to obstetric and perinatal complications. This study aims to understand and compile aspects of infection and the main negative maternal and fetal outcomes documented in the current literature, related to the infection by the new coronavirus during pregnancy. This is an integrative literature review based on the analysis of 2,441 articles in total, of which 62 were included in the survey, 38 from the PubMed database and 24 from BVS (Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde) in English and Portuguese languages. In conclusion, pregnant women diagnosed with the pathology may need highly complex assistance. The association with the disease may present risks for complications such as coagulopathies, pre-eclampsia, prematurity and other negative outcomes that will be addressed in this article.(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious , SARS-CoV-2/pathogenicity , COVID-19/complications , Pre-Eclampsia , Pregnancy Outcome , Databases, Bibliographic , Embolism and Thrombosis , Diabetes, Gestational , Fatal Outcome , Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical , Patient Outcome Assessment
Más Vita ; 3(2): 15-22, jun 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1253889


La Atención Prehospitalaria (APH) es uno de los pilares fundamentales de los Sistemas de Emergencias Médicas que intenta brindar la mejor asistencia, en el menor tiempo y al menor costo. Para eso requiere componentes principales como recursos humanos y recursos físicos. Objetivo: Determinar si las competencias profesionales del personal del Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social (IESS) de la Ciudad de Guayaquil responden al Servicio de Atención Prehospitalaria de acuerdo con los perfiles legales de contratación. Materiales y métodos: La investigación es de enfoque cuantitativo, de diseño observacional, prospectivo y de corte transversal. El tipo de estudio es descriptivo; gracias a que permitió recoger información y medir de manera individual o grupal la variable estudiada. La población de este estudio se constituyó por los profesionales con cargo de paramédicos del Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social de la Ciudad de Guayaquil, los cuales son un total de 32 profesionales. Resultados: Una vez obtenido los datos se reflejó que, el 56,3% de los profesionales son de sexo femenino. Con respecto al título de los profesionales registrado en el Senescyt, solo el 56,3% lo posee de manera incompleto. El 56,3% de los profesionales tienen el puesto de paramédico 1. El 81,3% cumple con su tiempo de experiencia en el trabajo equivalente. En el aseguramiento de la escena el 46,9% cumple lo requerido. Los procedimientos en la atención Prehospitalaria del IESS es uno de los puntos de suma importancia en este estudio, ya que se identificó que el 65,6% cumple de manera parcial este procedimiento de atención. Conclusión: En la revisión de las competencias deducimos que no todo el personal fue contratado de acuerdo al perfil de contratación emitido por el MDT. Se Pudo observar una clara diferencia entre los perfiles de contratación entre paramédico 1 al paramédico 5, lo cuales tienen diferentes tipos de relevancia, lo que nos demuestra que hay una falta de formación a todos los niveles(AU)

Prehospital Care (PHC) is one of the fundamental pillars of Emergency Medical Systems that attempts to provide the best assistance, in the shortest time and at the lowest cost. For this purpose, it requires main components such as human resources and physical resources. Objective: To determine if the professional competencies of the personnel of the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security (IESS) in the city of Guayaquil respond to the Prehospital Care Service in accordance with the legal hiring profiles. Materials and methods: The research has a quantitative approach, observational, prospective and cross-sectional design. The type of study is descriptive, since it allowed the collection of information and the individual or group measurement of the studied variable. The population of this study consisted of 32 professionals working as paramedics at the Ecuadorian Institute of Social Security in the city of Guayaquil. The results: Once the data were obtained, 56.3% of the professionals were female. With respect to the degree of the professionals registered in Senescyt, only 56.3% of them have incomplete degrees. For the professionals, 56.3% have the position of paramedic 1. 81.3% have the equivalent amount of work experience. In securing the scene, 46.9% meet the requirements. Pre-hospital care procedures at the IESS is one of the most important points in this study, since 65.6% of the patients were found to be partially compliant with these care procedures. Conclusion: In the review of competencies, we deduced that not all personnel were hired according to the hiring profile issued by the MDT. We could observe a clear difference between the hiring profiles between paramedic 1 to paramedic 5, which have different types of relevance, which shows that there is a lack of training at all levels(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Professional Competence , Health Personnel , Prehospital Care/ethics , Hospital Care , Job Description , Bioethics , Emergency Medical Services , Patient Outcome Assessment
Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao ; (6): 560-565, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-942217


OBJECTIVE@#To understand the relationship between health literacy and patient experience of outpatients in China, and to explore its mechanism.@*METHODS@#The conceptual framework was developed based on Andersen's behavioral model of health services use and health literacy skills framework. An online cross-sectional survey was conducted with snowball sampling method, while the health literacy was measured by self-designed patient health literacy scale, and the patient experience was measured by the Chinese patient experience questionnaire for ambulatory care developed by Peking Union Medical College. And a structural equation model was built to explore the relationship between them and test the mechanism of health literacy influencing patient experience.@*RESULTS@#A total of 2 773 subjects were investigated. The average score of health literacy was (90.72±12.90) points, accounting for 78.89% of the full score, and the dimension of seeking social support had the lowest score. The average score of overall rating of patient experience was (3.71±0.74) points, and the scores of each dimension of patient experience were between 3.56 and 3.80. The model fit indices of structural equation model for overall rating of patient experience among the outpatients were χ2/df=9.29 (χ2=4 107.27, df=442), root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA)=0.055 (< 0.06), comparative fit index (CFI)=0.926 (>0.90), Tucker-Lewis index (TLI)=0.918 (>0.90), standardized root mean square residual (SRMR)=0.061 (< 0.08), the model was acceptable. The variance in patient experience explained by the model was 0.108. The structural equation model analysis results showed that the overall rating of outpatient experience was directly affected by health literacy (β=0.263, P < 0.001), also indirectly affected by health literacy (β=0.012, P < 0.001). In other words, the overall rating increased by 0.275 units for each standard deviation increase of health literacy. Self-evaluated health status mediated the relationship between health literacy and the overall rating of outpatient experience. In terms of diffe-rent dimensions of patient experience, the standardized path coefficient of the total effect of health literacy on patient experience was as follows: Information guidance 0.337, humanistic care 0.319, communication with doctors 0.294, service efficiency 0.240, and hospital environment 0.173.@*CONCLUSION@#The patients with higher level of health literacy were more likely to have a better outpatient experience in China, and the information guidance experience and humanistic care experience were most affected by health literacy. And the communication and information utilization ability had the greatest influence on patient experience.

Humans , China , Cross-Sectional Studies , Health Literacy , Outpatients , Patient Outcome Assessment , Surveys and Questionnaires
Borno Med. J. (Online) ; 17(1): 1-8, 2020. tab
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1259676


Background: Appropriate infant feeding is still a challenge to HIV-positive mothers especially in the developing world despite their desire to breast feeding beyond the WHO recommended 12 months' duration. Objective: To determine the duration of breast feeding and correlate with outcome of HIV-exposed infants in UDUTH, Sokoto. Methods: This descriptive observational study was conducted among HIV-exposed infants attending Paediatric ART(PMTCT) clinic, UDUTH, Sokoto. The demographics, infant post-exposure prophylaxis, duration of breast feeding and results of early infant diagnosis (EID) of the infants using HIV-DNA PCR machine; and maternal highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) history were documented. The data were analyzed using SPSS version 24.0. A p-value of ≤0.05 was taken as significant. Results: One hundred and sixty-three HIV-positive mother-infant pairs were studied, 103(61.7%) of the HIV-positive mothers were aged 25-34 years, 105(62.9%) were of lower socio-economic class and 94(56.3%) had informal education. One hundred and fifteen (62.5%) were on TDF/3TC/EFV and 143 (85.6%) were on HAARTs prior to the index pregnancy. One hundred and sixty-three of the HIV-exposed infants studied were breast-fed and 165 (98.8%) had nevirapine as infant PEP. The mean duration of breast feeding among HIV-exposed infants was 13.2(±3.5) months with a range 6 ­ 20 months. Ninety-eight (60.1%) infants were breastfed beyond 12months. All the HIV-exposed infants were not infected at the end of breastfeeding for 12 months or more. Conclusion: Majority of the HIV-positive mother's breastfed beyond WHO recommended 12 months and their infants were uninfected. This may support the upward review of the duration of breast feeding of HIV-exposed infants in our community

Breast Feeding , Duration of Therapy , HIV Seropositivity , Infant , Nigeria , Patient Outcome Assessment
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1088504


Resumo Objetivo Validar definições conceituais e operacionais para os indicadores do resultado NOC "Autocontrole da doença cardíaca". Métodos Estudo metodológico de validação consensual desenvolvido em três etapas: revisão integrativa da literatura, elaboração de definições conceituais e operacionais para os indicadores do resultado NOC "Autocontrole da doença cardíaca" e validação das definições por consenso de 20 especialistas. Foi realizado teste binomial para análise da proporção de especialistas que concordaram que as definições elaboradas eram relevantes e claras. Valores de p inferiores a 0,05 indicavam diferença significativa na opinião dos especialistas quanto à relevância e a clareza das definições. Resultados Na avaliação dos especialistas, as definições conceituais de 43 indicadores apresentaram valores de p > 0,05 para clareza e 43 para relevância. Nas definições operacionais 36 indicadores apresentaram valor de p>0,05 para clareza e 43 para relevância. Para indicadores com o p<0,05 reajustes foram feitos conforme as sugestões dos especialistas. Conclusão O estabelecimento de definições conceituais e operacionais para indicadores NOC torna o processo de avaliação mais confiável, orientando a prática clínica em direção a melhores resultados. Quando validados, esses indicadores podem oferecer maior precisão, aumentando a efetividade da prática clínica.

Resumen Objetivo Validar definiciones conceptuales y operativas para los indicadores del resultado NOC "Autocontrol de la enfermedad cardíaca" Métodos Estudio metodológico de validación consensual realizado en tres etapas: revisión integradora de la literatura, elaboración de definiciones conceptuales y operacionales para los indicadores del resultado NOC "Autocontrol de la enfermedad cardíaca" y validación de las definiciones por consenso de 20 especialistas. Se realizó test binomial para analizar la proporción de especialistas que estaba de acuerdo con que las definiciones elaboradas eran relevantes y claras. Valores de p inferiores a 0,05 indicaban diferencia significativa en la opinión de los especialistas con relación a la relevancia y claridad de las definiciones. Resultados En el análisis de los especialistas, las definiciones conceptuales de 43 indicadores presentaron valores de p>0,05 respecto a la claridad y 43 a la relevancia. En las definiciones operativas, 36 indicadores presentaron valores de p>0,05 respecto a la claridad y 43 a la relevancia. Con relación a los indicadores con p<0,05, se realizaron ajustes según las sugerencias de los especialistas. Conclusión Establecer definiciones conceptuales y operativas para indicadores NOC permite que el proceso de evaluación sea más confiable, lo que orienta la práctica clínica a la obtención de mejores resultados. Al validarlos, estos indicadores pueden ofrecer mayor precisión y aumentar la efectividad de la práctica médica.

Abstract Objective To validate conceptual and operational definitions of the indicators for NOC outcomes: cardiac disease self-management. Methods This consensus-validation study was developed in three steps: integrative literature review, development of conceptual and operational definitions of the indicators for NOC outcome: cardiac disease self-management, and consensus-validation of definitions by 20 nursing specialists. A binomial test was conducted to analyze the proportion of nursing specialists who agreed on the relevance and clarity of definitions. P-values lower than 0.05 indicated a significant difference of the opinion among nursing specialits concerning the relevance and clarity of definitions. Results After the reviewing by nursing specialits, the conceptual definitions of 43 indicators for clarity and 43 for relevance had a p >0.05. Operational definitions of 36 indicators presented for clarity and 43 for relevance had a p-value >0.05. Indicators showing p <0.05 were adjusted accordingly to reflect the opinion of nursing specialists. Conclusion To establish conceptual and operational definitions for NOC indicators turn the assessment process more, and guide the clinical practice towards better results. Once validated, these indicators may provide higher precision and increase effectiveness in clinical practice.

Humans , Patient Outcome Assessment , Self-Control , Standardized Nursing Terminology , Heart Diseases , Heart Failure , Health Status Indicators , Evaluation Study , Validation Studies as Topic
Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP ; Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP;53: e03470, Jan.-Dez. 2019. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1020385


RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar a frequência e as razões da omissão do cuidado de enfermagem e verificar se as razões de omissão diferem entre categorias profissionais. Método Estudo quantitativo e transversal realizado nas unidades de internação adulto de hospital público de uma instituição de ensino. A coleta de dados foi realizada no período de fevereiro a abril de 2017, por meio de uma ficha de caracterização pessoal e profissional e pelo instrumento MISSCARE-BRASIL. Resultados Participaram do estudo 58 profissionais de enfermagem responsáveis pela assistência direta ao paciente, dos quais 74,1% relataram pelo menos uma atividade de enfermagem omitida no turno de trabalho. As principais razões atribuídas à omissão do cuidado foram o dimensionamento inadequado dos profissionais, as situações de urgência com os pacientes durante o turno de trabalho e a não disponibilidade de medicamentos, materiais ou equipamentos quando necessário. Conclusão A maioria dos cuidados foi "sempre" ou "frequentemente" realizada, e as razões atribuídas para a omissão do cuidado estão relacionadas aos recursos laborais, materiais e estilo de gestão. Os enfermeiros diferem dos técnicos quanto às razões para a não realização dos cuidados.

RESUMEN Objetivo Evaluar la frecuencia y las razones de la omisión del cuidado de enfermería y verificar si las razones de omisión difieren entre categorías profesionales. Método Estudio cuantitativo y transversal llevado a cabo en las unidades de hospitalización de adultos de un hospital público de un centro de enseñanza. La recolección de datos fue realizada en el período de febrero a abril de 2017, mediante una ficha de caracterización personal y profesional y por el instrumento MISSCARE-BRASIL. Resultados Participaron en el estudio 58 profesionales de enfermería responsables de la asistencia directa al paciente, de los que el 74,1% relataron por lo menos una actividad de enfermería omitida en el turno de trabajo. Las principales razones atribuidas a la omisión del cuidado fueron el dimensionamiento inadecuado de los profesionales, las situaciones de urgencias con los pacientes durante el turno de trabajo y la no disponibilidad de fármacos, materiales o equipos cuando necesario. Conclusión La mayoría de los cuidados fue "siempre" o "a menudo" realizada, y las razones atribuidas para la omisión del cuidado están relacionadas con los recursos laborales, materiales y estilo de gestión. Los enfermeros difieren de los técnicos en cuanto a las razones para la no realización de los cuidados.

ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the frequency and reasons for missed nursing care and to verify whether the reasons for omission differ between professional categories. Method A quantitative and cross-sectional study carried out in the adult hospitalization units of a public hospital of a teaching institution. Data collection was performed from February to April 2017, through a personal and professional characterization form and the MISSCARE-BRASIL instrument. Results Fifty-eight (58) nursing professionals responsible for direct patient care participated in the study, of which 74.1% reported at least one missed nursing care activity during the work shift. The main reasons attributed to missed care situations were an inadequate amount of professionals, urgent situations with the patients during the work shift, and the non-availability of medicine, materials or equipment when necessary. Conclusion Most care was "always" or "often" performed, and the reasons given for missed care are related to work resources, materials, and management style. Nurses differ from the technicians as to the reasons for not performing care.

Humans , Patient Outcome Assessment , Nursing Care , Health Evaluation , Cross-Sectional Studies , Patient Safety
Medisan ; 23(4)jul.-ago. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1091115


Introducción: Una de las secuelas más recurrentes de la rama neurológica es la parálisis facial, que no solo afecta al área motora, sino también a la psicológica, por ser el rostro la imagen representativa de la persona. Objetivo: Evaluar la influencia de la digitopuntura como alternativa terapéutica en pacientes con parálisis facial, mediante la aplicación de la técnica fotográfica para la medición de ángulos según los indicadores de evaluación propuestos. Métodos: Se efectuó un estudio experimental y longitudinal de tipo panel, con un pretest y un postest, en el Servicio de Fisioterapia del Hospital Clínico-Quirúrgico Militar Central Dr. Carlos Juan Finlay, en el municipio de Marianao, La Habana, de mayo a julio del 2016, para lo cual se conformaron dos grupos: uno de control, en el cual se aplicó tratamiento convencional (masaje, ejercicios de la mímica y agentes físicos), y otro de experimento, que recibió digitopuntura adicionada al masaje. Resultados: En la evaluación de ambos grupos, se obtuvo que en el de control los mejores resultados figuraron en el eje central de la boca, seguido de la contracción muscular, mientras que en el grupo de experimento el total mostró notables cambios en todos los indicadores, con predominio de la contracción muscular. Al comparar los resultados de ambos grupos en el pretest y el postest, se evidenció la incidencia y efectividad de la digitopuntura en el grupo de experimento. Conclusiones: La digitopuntura, como parte de la rehabilitación en personas afectadas por parálisis facial, influyó en una mejor recuperación y disminuyó considerablemente el tiempo de tratamiento, lo que incidió mayormente en las féminas.

Introduction: One of the most recurrent sequels in the neurological branch is the facial paralysis which not only affects the motor area, but also the psychological one, as the face is the person's representative image. Objective: To evaluate the influence of digitopuncture as therapeutic alternative in patients with facial paralysis, by using the photographic technique for measuring angles according to the proposed evaluation indicators. Methods: A panel experimental and longitudinal study was made, with a pretest and a posttest, in the Physiotherapy Service of Dr. Carlos Juan Finlay Hospital Central Military Clinical-surgical, in Marianao municipality, Havana, from May to July, 2016, for which two groups were formed: a control group, in which conventional treatment was applied (massage, exercises of the pantomime and physical agents), and an experiment group which received digitopuncture besides massage. Results: In the evaluation of both groups, it was obtained that in the control group the best results were in the central axis of the mouth, followed by the muscle contraction, while the whole experimental group showed remarkable changes in all the indicators, with prevalence of the muscle contraction. When comparing the results of both groups in the pretest and posttest, the incidence and effectiveness of the digitopuncture was evidenced in the experimental group. Conclusions: Digitopuncture, as part of the rehabilitation in patients affected due to facial paralysis, influenced in a better recovery and decreased the time of treatment considerably, which had a higher incidence in the female group.

Facial Paralysis , Patient Outcome Assessment , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Physical Therapy Department, Hospital
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; Arq. neuropsiquiatr;77(7): 460-469, July 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011372


ABSTRACT Facial nerve injury, affecting mainly the marginal mandibular branch, is the most frequent neurologic complication from parotidectomy. Objective To test a modified Sunnybrook Facial Grading System as a new tool to assess the facial nerve function following parotidectomy, emphasizing the marginal mandibular branch. Methods We reviewed the medical records of 73 post-parotidectomy patients (40 female, 18-84 years old, mean age 53.2 years) with facial nerve sparing, referred to the Department of Physical Therapy. All patients had parotid neoplasms or advanced skin cancer, and were followed by the principal author between 2006 and 2014. Results The muscles innervated by the marginal mandibular branch were the most frequently affected (72.6%), particularly in patients undergoing neck dissection (p = 0.023). The voluntary movement scores obtained with the modified system were significantly lower compared with the original version (p < 0.001). The best and worst scores were observed in patients with benign parotid tumors and skin cancer, respectively. Patients requiring neck dissection (p = 0.031) and resection of other structures (p = 0.021) had the lowest scores, evidenced only with the modified version. Patients with malignant tumors had significantly worse ratings, regardless of the Sunnybrook system version. The post-physiotherapy analysis involved 50 patients. The worst facial rehabilitation outcomes were related to the marginal mandibular branch function. Conclusion The modified Sunnybrook Facial Grading System improved the marginal mandibular branch assessment, preserving the evaluation of other facial nerve branches.

RESUMO A lesão do nervo facial é a principal complicação neurológica relacionada às parotidectomias e, em geral, o ramo marginal mandibular é o mais frequentemente acometido. Objetivo Testar um Sistema Sunnybrook de Graduação Facial modificado (mS-FGS) como uma nova ferramenta para avaliar a função do nervo facial após a parotidectomia, enfatizando o ramo marginal mandibular. Métodos Estudo retrospectivo, baseado em prontuários de 73 casos (40 do sexo feminino, 18-84 anos, idade média = 53,2), submetidos à parotidectomia, com preservação do nervo facial. Todos os pacientes apresentavam neoplasias parotídeas ou câncer de pele avançado, e foram tratados pela autora principal entre 2006 e 2014. Resultados Neste estudo, os músculos inervados pelo ramo marginal mandibular foram os mais acometidos (72,6% dos casos), principalmente nos pacientes que realizaram esvaziamento cervical (p = 0,023). Os Escores de Movimento Voluntário obtidos pelo sistema modificado foram inferiores aos obtidos pelo original (p < 0,001). As melhores pontuações foram observadas em pacientes com tumores benignos parotídeos e os piores resultados, naqueles com câncer de pele. Pacientes que necessitaram de esvaziamento cervical e ressecção de outras estruturas, além da parótida, apresentaram escores menores (p = 0,031 e p = 0,021), evidenciados apenas pelo sistema modificado. Os tumores malignos geraram escores significativamente menores, independentemente do instrumento empregado. A análise pós fisioterapia envolveu 50 casos. Os piores resultados, após a intervenção fisioterapêutica, também foram observados nos músculos inervados pelo ramo marginal mandibular. Conclusão A avaliação da disfunção facial pós-parotidectomia, através do Sistema Sunnybrook com a modificação proposta permitiu uma apreciação mais detalhada do ramo marginal mandibular, sem prejuízo à avaliação dos demais ramos.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Skin Neoplasms/surgery , Parotid Neoplasms/surgery , Facial Nerve Injuries/diagnosis , Facial Nerve/surgery , Parotid Gland/surgery , Postoperative Complications , Skin Neoplasms/physiopathology , Surgical Procedures, Operative/methods , Parotid Neoplasms/physiopathology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Retrospective Studies , Facial Nerve Injuries/surgery , Facial Nerve Injuries/etiology , Facial Nerve Injuries/physiopathology , Facial Nerve/physiopathology , Facial Paralysis/etiology , Facial Paralysis/physiopathology , Patient Outcome Assessment