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Acta cir. bras ; 38: e381223, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1439111


Purpose: To evaluate the quality of breast reconstruction service at a university hospital, as assessed by the patients. Methods: This cross-sectional study enrolled adult women who underwent immediate or delayed breast reconstruction by any technique performed at a university hospital between 1 and 24 months before the assessment. The Brazilian version of the Health Service Quality Scale (HSQS) was self-applied to the participants. The HSQS produces percentage scores, which are expressed in values ranging from 0 to 10 for each domain of the scale, and into an overall percentage quality score. The management team was asked to establish a minimum satisfactory score for the breast reconstruction service. Results: Ninety patients were included. The management team considered 8.00 the minimum satisfactory score for the service. The overall percentage score was 93.3%. Only one domain, 'Support,' had an average score lower than that considered satisfactory (7.22 ± 3.0); while the others had higher scores. The domain that scored highest was 'Qualification' (9.94 ± 0.3), followed by 'Result' (9.86 ± 0.4). There was a positive correlation between 'type of oncologic surgery' and 'intentions of loyalty to the service' (ρ = 0.272; p = 0.009) and a negative correlation between 'education' and 'quality of the environment' (ρ = ­0.218; p = 0.039). The higher the patient's level of education, the higher the score attributed to 'relationship' (ρ = 0.261; p = 0.013) and the lower the score of 'aesthetics and functionality' (ρ = ­0.237; p = 0.024). Conclusion: The quality of the breast reconstruction service was considered satisfactory, but there is a demand for structural improvements, better interpersonal relationships, and a stronger support network for patients.

Humans , Female , Health Services Administration/statistics & numerical data , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Mammaplasty , Breast Neoplasms , Hospitals, University
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 30(3): 54-59, 18-jul-2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1379493


Introducción: la satisfacción con la calidad en la atención de enfermería por parte del paciente es el resultado de la relación profesional entre la enfermera y el paciente. Objetivo: evaluar la satisfacción con la calidad en la atención de enfermería de los pacientes de hemodiálisis de un hospital de especialidades en Sonora. Metodología: estudio cuantitativo, observacional, descriptivo, transversal y prospectivo, realizado mediante la aplicación del cuestionario SERVQHOS-E, que consta de 16 ítems y una encuesta de opinión y sirve para medir la satisfacción del paciente y la calidad percibida de la atención de enfermería. El análisis de datos se hizo con estadística descriptiva, frecuencias relativas y absolutas. Resultados: se estudiaron 146 pacientes. En cuanto a percepción de la calidad de la atención de enfermería, 99.3% estuvieron satisfechos y solo 0.7% estuvieron insatisfechos. En relación con la satisfacción global, el 100% se manifestaron satisfechos y 99.3% de los pacientes recomendaría el servicio. Conclusión: los pacientes con hemodiálisis de un hospital de especialidades en Sonora se encuentran satisfechos.

Introduction: Patient satisfaction with the quality of nursing care is the result of the professional relationship between nurse and patient. Objective: To assess patient satisfaction with hemodialysis as relates to the quality of nursing care in a specialty hospital in Sonora. Methodology: observational, descriptive, cross-sectional and prospective study, which was carried out using the SERVQHOS-E questionnaire, which consists of 16 items and one survey and measures the patient satisfaction and the perceived quality about nursing care. Data analysis was completed through descriptive statistics, relative and absolute frequencies. Results: 146 patients were studied. Concerning the perceived quality of nursing care, 99.3% were satisfied and only 0.7% reported dissatisfaction. Regarding global satisfaction, 100% of patients expressed satisfaction with their stay and 99.3% would recommend the services received to others. Conclusion: Hemodialysis patients at a specialty hospital in Sonora are satisfied.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Quality of Health Care/statistics & numerical data , Renal Dialysis/nursing , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Nursing Care/statistics & numerical data , Socioeconomic Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective Studies
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e18849, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360168


Abstract To assess the performance indicators for pharmaceutical services (PS) in primary health care (PHC), the level of satisfaction with pharmacy services among users and managers / pharmacists' impressions in relation to the findings were evaluated. The study used mixed methods, including a retrospective and descriptive study of the performance indicators for PS in PHC, an observational study on the level of satisfaction and a qualitative study of users' perception of pharmacy services at Health Units. Managers and pharmacists' impressions of the study results were also collected. Only 44.4% of pharmacies had a full-time pharmacist. From the establishments visited, 5.3% did not have an air-conditioned environment, and only 33.3% of the items essential to the Good Practices of Storage of Medicines and Supplies criteria were fulfilled. Although 77.9% of the prescribed medicines were dispensed, it did not reach the 80% standard. The satisfaction level of users was 3.2±0.6, indicating dissatisfaction with pharmacies' services. By means of an evaluation of each item within the questionnaire, it was possible to observe that variables related to pharmaceutical care presented low scores in relation to other domains, thus evidencing the fragility of the pharmaceutical- patient relationship in users' perception. Managers and pharmacists suggested that these results were related to the inadequate physical infrastructure of pharmacies, work overload, lack of recognition and undervaluation of pharmacists, lack of interaction within the PHC team, high turnover of pharmacists, and lack of PS prioritization by the administration. PS in PHC has structural and organizational weaknesses that require changes. In general, users are dissatisfied with pharmacies' services, especially with pharmaceutical care.

Humans , Male , Female , Patients , Personal Satisfaction , Pharmacists/classification , Pharmaceutical Services/organization & administration , Primary Health Care/classification , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Consumer Behavior , Emergency Medical Services/organization & administration , Health Manager , Organization and Administration/statistics & numerical data , Pharmacies , Diagnosis of Health Situation , Surveys and Questionnaires , Equipment and Supplies/supply & distribution , Health Research Evaluation
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e20390, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403729


Abstract Patient's satisfaction with healthcare services has an influence on pain management, which can be improved by patient education. Therefore, this study was aimed at identifying primary care health service opportunities in the treatment of neuropathic pain and assessing patients' satisfaction with the provision of drug information by clinical pharmacists. This was a cross- sectional, prospective study conducted at a pain unit during March-May 2017. Patients aged >18 years; diagnosed with neuropathic pain; and who used amitriptyline, gabapentin, pregabalin, or duloxetine were included. They were verbally informed about drug treatment by a clinical pharmacist, and their satisfaction was evaluated after 1 month. In all, 90 patients were included. The median duration for which the patients experienced pain until hospital admission was 3.6 years; furthermore, this duration was longer among women (p < 0.05). However, the median time to seeking advice from doctors was 3 months. The patients (15.6%) were less likely to admit pain unit initially and 46.7% had visited different units before being admitted to a pain unit. More than 95% of the patients indicated that they had received information from a pharmacist at a clinic and were satisfied with the provision of information (median duration, 8.5 min). Thus, the involvement of pharmacists in multidisciplinary pain management may help improve health- related outcomes at hospitals and/or in community care settings

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Pain , Patients/classification , Pharmacists/ethics , Patient Education as Topic/classification , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Analgesics/administration & dosage , Neuralgia/pathology , Primary Health Care/methods , Pharmaceutical Preparations/standards , Delivery of Health Care/methods , Health Services , Amitriptyline/administration & dosage
Rev. Bras. Cancerol. (Online) ; 68(3): e-072151, Jul-Set. 2022.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1410884


Introdução: A maioria dos pacientes não possui um grau satisfatório de compreensão acerca do câncer. Para que o processo de comunicação de informações seja verdadeiramente efetivo, é necessário identificar anteriormente o nível de conhecimento do paciente. Objetivo: Verificar a estabilidade teste-reteste do instrumento EORTC QLQ-INFO25 em sua versão em português do Brasil, para avaliação da necessidade de informação do paciente oncológico. Método: O instrumento foi aplicado em 253 pacientes hospitalizados nas enfermarias clínicas e cirúrgicas de um hospital de alta complexidade no tratamento do câncer situado no município do Rio de Janeiro, por meio de um questionário com entrevista individual. Para testar a adequação do processo de aferição, 85 pacientes aderiram ao reteste, com intervalo de sete a 15 dias. Os dados foram inseridos em um banco de dados por dupla digitação independente no programa Microsoft Excel. A análise foi realizada por meio da estatística Kappa simples e ponderada. Resultados: As respostas mostraram-se estáveis, e as estimativas de confiabilidade teste-reteste variaram de boas a excelentes (0,66 a 0,99). O instrumento também demonstrou boa estabilidade quando aplicado em outras populações e em pacientes com diferentes tipos de câncer. Conclusão: O instrumento EORTEC QLQ-INFO25 pode contribuir para a mensuração da satisfação do paciente em relação à sua necessidade de informação, uma vez que os resultados sugerem alta estabilidade das informações, tornando viável a sua aplicabilidade na população brasileira

Introduction: Most patients do not have a satisfactory degree of understanding about cancer. For the information communication process to be truly effective, it is necessary to identify the patient's level of knowledge beforehand. Objective: To verify the test-retest stability of the EORTC QLQ-INFO25 instrument, in its Brazilian Portuguese version, to assess cancer patient's information needs. Method: The instrument was applied in 253 patients hospitalized in the clinical and surgical wards of a highcomplexity cancer treatment hospital located in the city of Rio de Janeiro through the application of a questionnaire in an individual interview. To test the adequacy of the measurement process, 85 patients adhered to the retest, with an interval of 7 to 15 days. Data were entered into a database by independent double typing in the Excel program, and the analysis was performed using simple and weighted Kappa statistics. Results: Responses were stable, and test-retest reliability estimates ranged from good to excellent (0.66 to 0.99). The instrument also demonstrated good stability when applied to other populations and patients with different types of cancer. Conclusion: The EORTEC QLQ-INFO25 instrument can contribute for the measurement of patient satisfaction in relation to their need for information since the results suggest a high stability of information, making its applicability in the Brazilian population viable

Introducción: La mayoría de los pacientes no tiene un grado satisfactorio de conocimiento sobre el cáncer. Para que el proceso de comunicación de la información sea realmente efectivo, es necesario identificar de antemano el nivel de conocimiento del paciente. Objetivo: Verificar la estabilidad testretest del instrumento EORTC QLQ-INFO25, en su versión portuguesa de Brasil, para evaluar la necesidad de información en pacientes con cáncer. Método: El instrumento se aplicó a 253 pacientes hospitalizados en las salas clínico-quirúrgicas de un hospital de tratamiento oncológico de alta complejidad ubicado en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro mediante la aplicación de un cuestionario a modo de entrevista individual. Para probar la idoneidad del proceso de medición, 85 pacientes se adhirieron a la nueva prueba, con un intervalo de 7 a 15 días. Los datos se ingresaron en una base de datos mediante doble entrada independiente, en el programa Excel, y el análisis se realizó utilizando estadísticas Kappa simples y ponderada. Resultados: Las respuestas fueron estables y las estimaciones de fiabilidad test-retest variaron de buenas a excelentes (0,66 a 0,99). El instrumento también demostró una buena estabilidad cuando se aplicó a otras poblaciones y pacientes con diferentes tipos de cáncer. Conclusión: El instrumento EORTEC QLQINFO25 puede contribuir a la medición de la satisfacción del paciente en relación a su necesidad de información ya que los resultados sugieren una alta estabilidad de la información, viabilizando su aplicabilidad en la población brasileña

Humans , Male , Female , Reproducibility of Results , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Validation Study , Health Communication , Neoplasms
Brasília; Fiocruz Brasília;Instituto de Saúde de São Paulo; 5 nov. 2021. 28 p.
Non-conventional in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS, PIE | ID: biblio-1362985


O problema: A satisfação é um relevante indicador de qualidade da atenção, particularmente entre usuários com doenças crônicas, como diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) e hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS). Ela pode estar relacionada a diversos aspectos do cuidado ofertado na Atenção Primária à Saúde, e sua avaliação possibilita repensar as práticas profissionais e a forma de organização do cuidado. Busca de evidências: As buscas foram realizadas em sete bases de literatura científica para identificar revisões sistemáticas (RS) sobre satisfação de pacientes com DM2 ou HAS com os cuidados recebidos em serviços de saúde. Resultados: De 562 registros recuperados nas bases, 18 RS foram selecionadas para esta síntese de evidências. A avaliação da qualidade metodológica, realizada com a ferramenta AMSTAR 2, classificou uma RS como de confiança moderada, duas de confiança baixa e dezesseis de confiança criticamente baixa. Os dados extraídos das RS puderam ser categorizados em quatro opções para melhorar a satisfação dos usuários. Opção 1. Esquemas terapêuticos para pessoas com DM2: Seis RS analisaram o efeito de diversos esquemas terapêuticos sobre a satisfação de usuários. Os resultados mostraram uma preferência dos participantes dos estudos pelos seguintes medicamentos em relação a seus comparadores: insulina inalada, insulina glulisina de ação curta, terapia combinada com dose fixa de rosiglitazona-metformina, dulaglutida. É importante ressaltar que nenhum desses medicamentos faz parte da RENAME 2020. Opção 2. Gestão do cuidado para pessoas com DM2: Cinco RS avaliaram a satisfação de usuários que receberam cuidados de profissionais de saúde. Os resultados mostraram associação entre satisfação e cuidados liderados por enfermeiros, grupo de educação para autogerenciamento da diabetes, e tratamento conduzido por equipe multidisciplinar. Opção 3. Monitoramento da glicemia para pessoas com DM2: Quatro RS avaliaram a satisfação de usuários com a utilização de estratégias de monitoramento da glicemia, mostrando resultados positivos para o monitoramento contínuo. Opção 4. Atendimento de telessaúde para pessoas com DM2 e HAS: Três RS analisaram a satisfação de usuários com o atendimento de telessaúde apontando resultados favoráveis a intervenções de telemedicina para usuários com HAS e teleatendimento de DM2. Considerações finais: Esta síntese de evidências indica que há poucos estudos que mensuraram a satisfação dos usuários, particularmente aqueles com HAS. Embora a maioria dos resultados tenha mostrado satisfação de pessoas com DM2 quanto às estratégias estudadas, observa-se que há várias incertezas. Desse modo, há necessidade de mais estudos com alta qualidade metodológica que investiguem intervenções para melhorar a satisfação dos usuários.

The problem: Satisfaction is a relevant indicator of quality of care, particularly among users with chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) and systemic arterial hypertension (SAH). It may be related to several aspects of the care offered in Primary Health Care, and its evaluation makes it possible to rethink professional practices and the way in which care is organized. Search for evidence: Searches were carried out in seven scientific literature bases to identify systematic reviews (SR) on the satisfaction of patients with DM2 or SAH with the care received in health services. Results: Of 562 records retrieved from the databases, 18 RS were selected for this evidence synthesis. The methodological quality assessment, carried out with the AMSTAR 2 tool, classified one RS as moderately confident, two as low confidence and sixteen as critically low confidence. The data extracted from the SRs could be categorized into four options to improve user satisfaction. Option 1. Therapeutic regimens for people with DM2: Six SRs analyzed the effect of different therapeutic regimens on user satisfaction. The results showed a preference of study participants for the following drugs over their comparators: inhaled insulin, short-acting insulin glulisine, rosiglitazone-metformin fixed-dose combination therapy, dulaglutide. It is important to note that none of these drugs are part of RENAME 2020. Option 2. Management of care for people with DM2: Five SRs evaluated the satisfaction of users who received care from health professionals. The results showed an association between satisfaction and care led by nurses, education group for diabetes self-management, and treatment conducted by a multidisciplinary team. Option 3. Blood glucose monitoring for people with DM2: Four SRs evaluated the satisfaction of users with the use of blood glucose monitoring strategies, showing positive results for continuous monitoring. Option 4. Telehealth care for people with DM2 and SAH: Three SRs analyzed the satisfaction of users with telehealth care, pointing to favorable results for telemedicine interventions for users with SAH and telecare for DM2. Final considerations: This synthesis of evidence indicates that there are few studies that have measured user satisfaction, particularly those with SAH. Although most results have shown satisfaction of people with DM2 regarding the strategies studied, it is observed that there are several uncertainties. Thus, there is a need for more studies with high methodological quality that investigate interventions to improve user satisfaction.

Humans , Primary Health Care , Patient Satisfaction , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Telemedicine , Patient Reported Outcome Measures , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 , Hypertension
Rev. Pesqui. (Univ. Fed. Estado Rio J., Online) ; 13: 1068-1074, jan.-dez. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Spanish, Portuguese | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1252944


Objetivo: analisar o nível de satisfação dos usuários com os cuidados de enfermagem no ambiente hospitalar. Métodos: estudo transversal, analítico, quantitativo, realizado com 101 pacientes de um hospital do Centro-Sul do Piauí, no período de março de 2016 a janeiro de 2017. Utilizou-se a "Escala de satisfação do cliente" da Classificação dos Resultados de Enfermagem, com análise dos resultados a partir do Software Statistic Package for Social Sciences. Resultados: os pacientes se mostraram satisfeitos com os cuidados de enfermagem (58,4%). As variáveis que apresentaram associação estatisticamente significante com a satisfação foram "raça/cor" (p=0,028) e "situação conjugal" (p=0,030), além dos indicadores "alimentar-se" (p=0,018) e "higiene" (p=0,035) da escala de autocuidado. Conclusão: a satisfação dos pacientes permite a identificação de potencialidades e deficiências fornecendo contribuições para a reorganização das atividades assistenciais, gerenciais e de ensino

Objective: to analyze the level of user satisfaction with nursing care in the hospital environment. Method: cross-sectional, analytical, quantitative study, carried out with 101 patients from a hospital in the Center-South of Piauí, from March 2016 to January 2017. The "Customer Satisfaction Scale" of the Results Classification of Nursing, with analysis of the results using the Statistic Package for Social Sciences Software. Results: patients were satisfied with nursing care (58.4%). The variables that showed a statistically significant association with satisfaction were "race / color" (p = 0.028) and "marital status" (p = 0.030), in addition to the indicators "eating" (p = 0.018) and "hygiene" (p = 0.035) of the self-care scale. Conclusion: patient satisfaction allows the identification of potential and deficiencies, providing contributions for the reorganization of care, management and teaching activities

Objetivo: analizar el nivel de satisfacción del usuario con la atención de enfermería en el entorno hospitalario. Método: estudio transversal, analítico, cuantitativo, realizado con 101 pacientes de un hospital del Centro-Sur de Piauí, de marzo de 2016 a enero de 2017. La "Escala de satisfacción del cliente" de la Clasificación de resultados de Enfermería, con análisis de resultados utilizando el Paquete Estadístico para Software de Ciencias Sociales. Resultados: los pacientes quedaron satisfechos con los cuidados de enfermería (58.4%). Las variables que mostraron una asociación estadísticamente significativa con la satisfacción fueron "raza / color" (p = 0.028) y "estado civil" (p = 0.030), además de los indicadores "comer" (p = 0.018) e "higiene" (p = 0.035) de la escala de autocuidado. Conclusión: la satisfacción del paciente permite la identificación de potenciales y deficiencias, aportando contribuciones para la reorganización de las actividades de atención, gestión y enseñanza

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Hospital Care/statistics & numerical data , Nursing Care/statistics & numerical data , Standardized Nursing Terminology
Esc. Anna Nery Rev. Enferm ; 25(1): e20200046, 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1124789


Resumo Objetivo Analisar uma ferramenta de telessaúde de um centro de referência em Diabetes Mellitus sob a ótica dos cuidadores. Método Estudo transversal, com abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvido em um centro de referência em Diabetes Mellitus, com cuidadores de crianças e adolescentes que utilizaram a Hot-Line e responderam ao questionário online, no período de novembro de 2018 a fevereiro de 2019. Resultados A amostra foi constituída de 90 participantes, sendo 76 (84,4%) do sexo feminino, tendo como o maior parentesco o materno 68 (75,6%). Quanto aos motivos das ligações, 31 (34,4%) referem-se às orientações gerais, 41 (45,6%) ao ajuste de dose de insulina, 6 (6,7%) à hipoglicemia aguda, 6 (6,7%) à hiperglicemia aguda, 2 (2,2%) aos dias de doença e 4 (4,4%) referem-se aos resultados de exames. Os participantes apresentaram um alto índice de satisfação com o uso da linha telefônica. Conclusão e implicações práticas O teleatendimento produz benefícios imediatos aos pacientes, sendo resolutivo no manejo da doença. Cabe ressaltar que o uso da telessaúde como forma de promoção da saúde contribui para a prevenção de agravos de maneira rápida, satisfatória e sem o deslocamento do paciente e sua família.

Abstract Objective To analyze a telehealth tool of a reference center in Diabetes Mellitus from the caregivers' perspective. Method A cross-sectional study, with a quantitative approach, developed at a reference center in Diabetes Mellitus, with caregivers of children and adolescents who used the Hot-Line and responded to the online questionnaire, from November 2018 to February 2019. Results The sample consisted of 90 participants, 76 (84.4%) were female, and the highest kinship was the maternal 68 (75.6%). Regarding the reasons for the telephone callings, 31 (34.4%) refer to general guidelines, 41 (45.6%) to the insulin dose adjustment, 6 (6.7%) to the acute hypoglycemia, 6 (6.7%) acute hyperglycemia, 2 (2.2%) to the days of disease and 4 (4.4%) refer to the test results. The participants presented a high level of satisfaction with the use of the telephone line.Conclusion and implications for practice: The call center produces immediate benefits to patients, being effective in the management of the disease. It should be emphasized that the use of telehealth as a form of health promotion contributes to the prevention of health problems in a fast, satisfactory way and without the displacement of the patient and his family.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Telemedicine/statistics & numerical data , Diabetes Mellitus/prevention & control , Socioeconomic Factors , Health Education/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Caregivers/statistics & numerical data , Diabetes Mellitus/therapy , Age and Sex Distribution
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 57: e19008, 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1345462


The study aimed to examine the psychometric properties of the Urdu version of Patient Satisfaction with Pharmacist Services Questionnaire (PSPSQ 2.0). We applied the forward-backward procedure to translate the PSPSQ 2.0 in the Urdu language. The test-retest reliability was assessed through Cronbach's alpha reliability analysis. The validity of the translated PSPSQ 2.0 was constructed by using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) through principal axis factoring extraction and Oblique rotation with Kaiser Normalization onto 2 predetermined factors. The Quality of Care (QOC) construct exhibited Cronbach's alpha values of 0.900 (Test) and α = 0.871 (Retest) at two-time points. The Interpersonal Relationship (IPR) Construct had alpha values of 0.845 (Test) and α = 0.819 (Retest). The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy for the factor analysis was 0.899. Barlett's Test of Sphericity was significant (Chi-square = 1192.72; p < 0.05) revealing relationships of the data and suitability of CFA. Two factors explaining the total variance of 40% were extracted whereby loading values were acceptable (> 0.50) for all items of the translated version of PSPSQ 2.0. Results of this study conclude that the translated version of PSPSQ 2.0 is a valid instrument in regions where Urdu is a prime language of communication

Pharmacists/ethics , Quality of Health Care , Surveys and Questionnaires/statistics & numerical data , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Psychometrics , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Communication , Methods
RFO UPF ; 25(1): 66-73, 20200430. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1357725


Objetivo: avaliar a satisfação dos usuários atendidos nas clínicas integrais do curso de Odontologia da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco e a associação com fatores relacionados ao paciente, ao acesso e ao atendimento. Método: trata-se de um estudo descritivo, quantitativo, de corte transversal, partindo de uma amostra de conveniência, realizado com 81 pacientes adultos, de ambos os sexos. Foi aplicado um questionário semiestruturado com questões do Questionário de Avaliação dos Serviços de Saúde Bucal (QASSAB), uma questão de ansiedade ao tratamento odontológico (Dental Anxiety Question modificada) e dados individuais do paciente, como sexo, idade, escolaridade, local de residência e procedimentos realizados. Resultados: os resultados demonstraram que os usuários consideraram a obtenção de uma vaga como razoável ou fácil (75,3%), e o tempo na fila de espera como razoável ou curto (66,7%). A maioria dos participantes respondeu que o motivo da procura por atendimento na clínica era o fato de não ter dinheiro para pagar o tratamento particular, e 40,7% dos pacientes manifestaram algum sinal de ansiedade. Houve uma avaliação positiva do ambiente físico do serviço por parte dos usuários, para a maioria das variáveis pesquisadas. No entanto, apenas a variável organização foi significativamente associada com a satisfação dos usuários. Conclusão: de forma geral, os resultados encontrados nesta pesquisa indicam um bom nível de satisfação, porém, tornam-se necessárias reavaliações periódicas para obtenção de informações importantes que possibilitem melhorias na estrutura e no atendimento das clínicas.(AU)

Objective: to evaluate patient satisfaction at the Dental School Clinics at the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil, and the association with factors related to the patient, access and care. Method: this is a descriptive, quantitative, cross-sectional study, based on a convenience sample, conducted with 81 adult patients, of both sexes. A semi-structured questionnaire was applied with questions from the Oral Health Services Assessment Questionnaire (QASSAB), a question of anxiety to dental treatment (modified Dental Anxiety Question) and individual patient data, such as sex, age, education, place of residence and procedures performed. Results: the results showed that users considered obtaining a place as reasonable or easy (75.3%) and the time in the queue as reasonable or short (66.7%), most participants answered that the reason why they chose theservice was the fact that they did not have the money to pay for private treatment and 40.7% of the patients showed some sign of anxiety. There was a positive evaluation of the physical stucture of the service by users, for most of the variables surveyed. However, only the organization variable was significantly associated with user satisfaction. Conclusion: in general, the results found in this research indicate a good level of satisfaction, however, periodic reassessments are necessary to obtain important information that will allow improvements in the structure and care of clinics.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Universities , Dental Care/statistics & numerical data , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Dental Clinics/statistics & numerical data , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Dental Anxiety/epidemiology , Age and Sex Distribution , Health Services Accessibility/statistics & numerical data
Gac. méd. Méx ; 156(1): 47-52, ene.-feb. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249869


Resumen Antecedentes: La satisfacción del usuario es clave para definir y valorar la calidad de la atención, sin embargo, no existe una escala rápida de satisfacción del paciente en México. El objetivo fue determinar la validez y consistencia de la Escala Rápida de Satisfacción del Paciente de Consulta Externa (ERSaPaCE). Método: Estudio comparativo, observacional, transversal, prolectivo. En la fase 1 se elaboró un modelo de escala rápida, que se sometió a la valoración de expertos en atención médica; se realizaron pruebas piloto con 10 pacientes por ronda, tantas veces como fuera necesario hasta lograr 20 aprobaciones. En la fase 2 se aplicó el cuestionario resultante y la escala de Satisfacción del Usuario de Consultas Externas (SUCE) a usuarios de consulta externa; la ERSaPaCE se reaplicó telefónicamente siete a 10 días después. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva, a de Cronbach, Spearman y coeficiente de correlación intraclase (CCI). Resultados: Se reclutaron 200 pacientes, 53 % con edad de 31 a 60 años, 51.5 % mujeres y 48.5 % hombres de la consulta externa de 13 especialidades; a de Cronbach de ERSaPaCE = 0.608, CCI = 0.98 (p = 0.000) y validez convergente = 0.681 (p = 0.000) por rho de Spearman. Conclusiones: ERSaPaCE fue un instrumento válido y consistente para evaluar la satisfacción del usuario de consulta externa.

Abstract Background: User satisfaction is key to define and assess the quality of care; however, there is no patient satisfaction rapid scale in Mexico. Our objective was to determine the validity and consistency of an outpatient department user satisfaction rapid scale (ERSaPaCE). Method: Comparative, observational, cross-sectional, prolective study. In phase 1, a rapid scale model was developed, which was submitted to experts in medical care for assessment; the instrument was pilot-tested in 10-patient groups, using as many rounds as required until it obtained 20 approvals. In phase 2, the resulting questionnaire and the Outpatient Service User Satisfaction (SUCE) scale were applied to outpatient department users. ERSaPaCE was reapplied by telephone 10 days later. Descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s a, Spearman’s correlation and intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) were used. Results: Two-hundred patients were recruited, out of which 53 % were aged 31-60 years; 51.5 % were women and 48.5 % men, all of them users of the outpatient services from 13 specialties. Cronbach’s a for ERSaPaCE was 0.608, whereas ICC was 0.98 (p = 0.000). Convergent validity was 0.681 (p = 0.000) using Spearman’s rho. Conclusion: ERSaPaCE was a valid and consistent instrument for the assessment of outpatient department user satisfaction.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Outpatients/statistics & numerical data , Quality of Health Care , Surveys and Questionnaires , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Ambulatory Care/standards , Outpatients/psychology , Patient Admission , Attitude of Health Personnel , Cross-Sectional Studies , Reproducibility of Results , Statistics, Nonparametric , Health Facility Environment/standards
Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 40(1): 7-12, ene.-mar 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144630


ABSTRACT Introduction: Adequate bowel preparation is one of the most important factors related to the yield of colonoscopy. Low quality bowel preparation has been associated with lower adenoma detection rates and increased healthcare expenses. Bowel preparation is a major impediment to undergo colonoscopy since it is perceived as an unpleasant experience by patients. Objective: This study was aimed to assess tolerance and acceptability of the bowel preparation using either polyethylene glycol (PEG) or mannitol solution. Materials and methods: We enrolled 140 patients with indications of screening for colorectal cancer or with suspected large bowel diseases. They received either mannitol solution or PEG as bowel preparation. Patients were asked to fill a questionnaire about the bowel preparation experience. Results: Patients perceived more burdensome the preparation with PEG than mannitol for the variables nausea overall experience, post-procedure discomfort, disagreeable flavor, volume ingested and cost (p<0.05). A similar tolerance was reported for abdominal pain, bloating and anal irritation (p>0.05). The acceptability was 82.9% and 71.4% in the Mannitol group and in the PEG group, respectively (p=0.10). Conclusion: Acceptance of the bowel preparation between mannitol solution and PEG was comparable. However, mannitol was better tolerated by the patients in regard to most of the evaluated items.

RESUMEN Introducción: La preparación intestinal adecuada es uno de los factores más importantes relacionados con el rendimiento de la colonoscopía. La preparación intestinal de baja calidad se ha asociado con tasas de detección de adenoma más bajas y mayores gastos de atención sanitaria. La preparación intestinal es un impedimento importante para someterse a una colonoscopía, ya que los pacientes la perciben como una experiencia desagradable. Objetivo: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la tolerancia y la aceptabilidad de la preparación intestinal utilizando polietilenglicol (PEG) o solución de manitol. Materiales y métodos: Fueron incluidos 140 pacientes con indicación de pesquisa de cáncer colorrectal o con sospecha de enfermedades del intestino grueso. Los pacientes recibieron solución de manitol o PEG como preparación intestinal. Se pidió a los pacientes que completaran un cuestionario sobre la experiencia de preparación intestinal. Resultados: Los pacientes percibieron más agobiante la preparación con PEG que el manitol para las variables náuseas, experiencia general, molestias posteriores al procedimiento, sabor desagradable, volumen ingerido y costo (p<0,05). Se informó una tolerancia similar para el dolor abdominal, distensión abdominal e irritación anal (p>0,05). La aceptabilidad fue de 82,9% y 71,4% en el grupo de manitol y en el grupo de PEG, respectivamente (p=0,10). Conclusión: La aceptación de la preparación intestinal entre la solución de manitol y el PEG fue comparable. Sin embargo, el manitol fue mejor tolerado por los pacientes con respecto a la mayoría de las variables evaluadas.

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Polyethylene Glycols/adverse effects , Cathartics/adverse effects , Colonoscopy , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Mannitol/adverse effects , Polyethylene Glycols/administration & dosage , Cathartics/administration & dosage , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective Studies , Outcome Assessment, Health Care , Mannitol/administration & dosage
Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 47: e20202398, 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1136601


RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade de vida de pacientes submetidos a simpatectomia torácica bilateral de R5 a R8 como forma de tratamento da hiperidrose compensatória (HC) grave e debilitante em pacientes que foram previamente submetidos a simpatectomia torácica bilateral para tratamento da hiperidrose localizada. Métodos: Doze pacientes com hiperidrose compensatória grave e debilitante foram submetidos a simpatectomia estendida no Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brasil, entre setembro de 2016 e maio de 2019. Os seguintes desfechos foram estudados: nível de satisfação com a operação, escore de qualidade de vida e as possíveis complicações cirúrgicas. Resultados: Houve significativa melhora na qualidade de vida em 66% da amostra. Em todas as esferas de função, foi evidenciada relevância estatística no que se refere ao alívio dos sintomas relacionados à hiperidrose compensatória. Conclusões: A simpatectomia estendida de R5 a R8 mostrou-se efetiva na maioria dos casos operados, caracterizando este procedimento como promissor, podendo, após estudos futuros, ser incluído como uma opção terapêutica para a hiperidrose compensatória.

ABSTRACT Objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the quality of life of patients who had undergone bilateral thoracic sympathectomy from R5 to R8 as a treatment for severe and debilitating compensatory hyperhidrosis (CH). Methods: Twelve patients with severe and debilitating compensatory hyperhidrosis underwent extended sympathectomy (R5-R8) from September 2016 to May 2019 at the Hospital das Clínicas, Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil. Outcomes such as the level of patient satisfaction with the operation, quality of life scores as well as postoperative complications were assessed. Results: There has been a substantial improvement in the quality of life score of 66% of the sample. In all four domains, a statistical significant difference was seen, regarding the relief of compensatory hyperhidrosis symptoms. Conclusions: Extended sympathectomy from R5 to R8 was shown to be quite effective in most cases, leading us to believe that this approach could be a therapeutic option for severe compensatory hyperhidrosis.

Humans , Quality of Life/psychology , Sympathectomy/methods , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Hyperhidrosis/surgery , Sympathectomy/psychology , Severity of Illness Index , Treatment Outcome , Hyperhidrosis/psychology
Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 29(3): e2019429, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1101147


Objetivo: avaliar os fatores associados à insatisfação dos usuários dos centros de especialidades odontológicas (CEOs) do Brasil. Métodos: estudo transversal, com dados do Programa de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade dos CEOs; realizado em 2014, o estudo incluiu amostra não probabilística de usuários; foram classificados como insatisfeitos aqueles que responderam ser o atendimento por eles recebido regular, ruim ou muito ruim. Resultados: foram incluídos 8.730 usuários, dos quais 4,8% relataram insatisfação; maior tempo de deslocamento até o serviço (OR=1,38 - IC95% 1,10;1,74) e maior tempo de espera (OR=1,37 - IC95% 1,07;1,75) associaram-se positivamente à insatisfação; encontrou-se associação negativa com o acolhimento (OR=0,12 - IC95% 0,09;0,16), a possibilidade de tirar dúvidas (OR=0,37 IC95% 0,24;0,58) e o recebimento de orientações (OR=0,33 - IC95% 0,25;0,44). Conclusão: a insatisfação dos usuários teve baixa prevalência e foi associada a fatores relativos à organização dos serviços e ao recebimento de informação e apoio.

Objetivo: evaluar los factores asociados con la insatisfacción de los usuarios de los centros de especialidades dentales (CEO) de Brasil. Métodos: estudio transversal con datos del Programa de Mejoramiento de Acceso y Calidad de los Centros de Especialidad Dental de 2014, que incluyó una muestra no probabilística de usuarios; los que respondieron que el servicio recibido era regular, malo o muy malo fueron clasificados como insatisfechos. Resultados: se incluyeron 8.730 usuarios, 4,8% reportaron insatisfacción; mayor tiempo de viaje (OR=1,38 - IC95% 1,10;1,74) y espera (OR=1,37 - IC95% 1,07;1,75) se asociaron positivamente con la insatisfacción; hubo asociación negativa con la recepción (OR=0,12 - IC95% 0,09;0,16), la posibilidad de despejar dudas (OR=0,37 - IC95% 0,24;0,58) y recibir orientación (OR=0,33 - IC95% 0,25;0,44). Conclusión: la prevalencia de insatisfacción fue baja y se asoció con factores relacionados con la organización de los servicios y la recepción de información y apoyo.

Objective: to evaluate factors related to the dissatisfaction of users of the specialized dental care centers (CEO) in Brazil. Methods: this was a cross-sectional study with data from the Dental Specialty Center Access and Quality Improvement Program; the study was conducted in 2014 and included a non-probabilistic sample of users; those who answered that the service received was regular, poor or very poor were classified as dissatisfied. Results: a total of 8,730 users were included, 4.8% reported dissatisfaction; longer time taken to get to the service (OR=1.38 - 95%CI1.10;1.74), and longer waiting time until treatment (OR=1.37 - 95%CI1.07;1.75), were positively associated with dissatisfaction, whereas negative association was found with attention received (OR=0.12 - 95%CI0.09;0.16), the possibility of asking questions about treatment (OR=0.37 - 95%CI0.24;0.58), and receiving advice during treatment (OR=0.33 - 95%CI0.25;0.44). Conclusion: prevalence of user dissatisfaction was low and was associated with factors related to service organization and receipt of information and support.

Humans , Oral Health/statistics & numerical data , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Dental Health Services/organization & administration , Specialties, Dental , Secondary Care , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. chil. salud pública ; 24(1): 40-48, 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1121735


INTRODUCCIÓN: La calidad y seguridad de la atención constituyen pilares fundamentales del sistema de salud, basándose en el respeto por la dignidad y autonomía de los usuarios. Esto demanda que la atención considere características propias de las personas al evaluar su satisfacción con sus servicios; sin embargo, las encuestas de satisfacción usuaria suelen indagar solamente en generalidades como infraestructura y tiempos de atención. EL OBJETIVO de este trabajo era evaluar los factores socio-demográficos y clínicos asociados a la satisfacción usuaria de padres/cuidadores en un hospital pediátrico de alta complejidad en Santiago, Chile. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se aplicó la encuesta Pediatric Acute Care, adaptada al castellano, a 304 padres/cuidadores de pacientes pediátricos. Se analizó el comportamiento psicométrico del instrumento, y se aplicó un modelo lineal generalizado para evaluar las características sociodemográficas y clínicas asociadas al puntaje de satisfacción usuaria. RESULTADOS: Los padres/cuidadores que perciben la salud del niño/a como "buena" presentan, en promedio, 4,64 puntos más de satisfacción en comparación a quienes consideran la salud como "mala" (IC95% 0,9 ­ 8,38; p=0,015). Del mismo modo, a medida que aumenta la edad del niño/a en un mes, la satisfacción aumenta en 0,026 puntos (IC95% 0,01 ­ 0,041; p=0,001). No obstante, la satisfacción disminuye en 0,06 puntos por cada día que el niño/a pasa hospitalizado/a (IC95% -0,69 ­ -0,003; p=0,034), ajustando por otras variables. DISCUSIÓN: La satisfacción usuaria de padres/cuidadores de niños/as hospitalizados está asociada a características personales de los mismos. Los profesionales de la salud deben considerar estas características con el objetivo de otorgar una atención de calidad, ajustada a las necesidades de los usuarios.

INTRODUCTION: Assuring the quality of care and patient safety are central pillars of health sys-tems, in order to respect patients' dignity and autonomy. On the basis of these principles, healthcare systems should consider users' personal characteristics to evaluate their satisfaction with services; however, most user satisfaction surveys only ask about general issues, such as infrastructure and wait times. THE OBJECTIVE of this study was to evaluate socio-demographic and clinical factors related to parent/caregiver's user satisfaction in a tertiary pediatric hospital located in Santiago, Chile. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The Pediatric Acute Care questionnaire was adapted and applied to 304 parents/caregivers. Psychometric characteristics were evaluated, and a generalized linear model was applied to obtain socio-demographic and clinical factors related to the user satis-faction score. RESULTS: Parents/caregivers who perceive their child's health as 'good' obtained, on average, 4.64 more satisfaction points than those who consider their child's health as 'bad' (IC95% 0.9 ­ 8.38; p=0.015). Likewise, as a child's age increases by one month, satisfaction increases by 0.0026 points (IC95% 0.01 ­ 0.041; p=0.001). Nonetheless, each additional day a child is hospitalized decreases user satisfaction by 0.06 points (IC95% -0.69 ­ -0.003; p=0.034), holding other variables constant. DISCUSSION: User satisfaction is associated with parents/caregivers' personal characteristics. Health workers should consider these characteristics in order to deliver better care, adjusted to their users' needs

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adult , Parents/psychology , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Caregivers/psychology , Parent-Child Relations , Psychometrics , Socioeconomic Factors , Logistic Models , Child, Hospitalized , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Social Determinants of Health , Hospitals, Pediatric
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 34(4): 477-484, oct.-dec. 2019. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1047906


Introdução: Sabe-se que o câncer de mama é hoje a segunda neoplasia mais frequente entre as mulheres, as quais são submetidas desde a tratamentos clínicos até cirúrgicos mutilantes da mama. Ter mamas bonitas e harmoniosas é um direito legítimo, sendo assim o conceito de reconstrução mamária e do complexo areolo papilar se torna importante na reinserção social feminina. Este estudo visa apresentar uma técnica eficaz de reconstrução areolar, utilizando enxerto cutâneo livre palpebral bilateral, demonstrando sua eficácia através de resultados fotográficos, comparação com outras técnicas já descritas e questionários de satisfação dos pacientes. Resultados: Foram avaliados, retrospectivamente, 50 pacientes operados de reconstrução areolar com enxerto de pele palpebral e outras técnicas já descritas, operados por um único cirurgião sênior. O grupo de pacientes operados com pele palpebral não obtiveram diferenças significativas dentro da análise de resultados, comparados com outras técnicas de reconstrução. Houve boa satisfação por parte dos pacientes, quanto ao resultado das cirurgias das aréolas. Conclusão: O estudo obteve baixos índices de complicações, apresentando-se como boa opção terapêutica, dentro do arsenal cirúrgico de reconstrução areolar.

Introduction: Breast cancer is currently the second most common neoplasm among women who undergo clinical treatments and breast-mutilating surgeries. Having beautiful and harmonious breasts is a legitimate right, so the concept of reconstructing the breast and nipple-areolar complex becomes important in female social reinsertion. This study aimed to present an effective technique of areolar reconstruction using free bilateral eyelid skin grafts and demonstrate its effectiveness through photographic results, comparison with previously described techniques, and patient satisfaction questionnaires. Results: The authors retrospectively evaluated 50 patients who underwent areolar reconstruction with eyelid skin grafts and other techniques performed by a single senior surgeon. Patients who underwent eyelid skin graft surgery did not achieve significantly different results from those who underwent other reconstruction techniques. Patients who underwent areola surgeries reported good satisfaction. Conclusion: The study revealed low complication rates and demonstrated that the use of eyelid skin is a good therapeutic option for areolar reconstruction.

Humans , Female , History, 21st Century , Patients , Skin , Transplantation , Breast , Patient Satisfaction , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Esthetics , Eyelids , Nipples , Transplantation/methods , Transplantation/statistics & numerical data , Breast/surgery , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Eyelids/surgery , Nipples/surgery
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 36(4): 658-663, oct.-dic. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058782


RESUMEN Con el objetivo de conocer el nivel de satisfacción de los usuarios de consultorios externos de cuatro hospitales públicos de la región Ica luego de la implementación del plan «Cero colas¼ se encuestó a 1067 usuarios, utilizando un instrumento que indagaba sobre las características generales, calificación del servicio y satisfacción global. Se encontró un nivel de satisfacción global «muy satisfecho/satisfecho¼ del 72,5% en el Hospital de Apoyo de Nazca, 70,6% en el Hospital Santa María del Socorro de Ica, 72,1% en el Hospital Regional de Ica y 73,7% en el Hospital San Juan de Dios de Pisco. Se concluye que la implementación del plan «Cero Colas¼ mejoró el nivel de satisfacción global, el buen trato, el cumplimiento del horario de atención médica y la claridad e información brindados por encima del estándar esperado.

ABSTRACT In order to know the level of satisfaction of users from outpatient clinics in four public hospitals in the Ica region after the implementation of the "Zero Queues" plan, 1,067 users were surveyed by using an instrument that inquired about general characteristics, service qualification, and overall satisfaction. A global satisfaction level "very satisfied/satisfied" of 72.5% was found in the Support Hospital of Nazca; 70.6% in Hospital Santa María del Socorro of Ica; 72.1% in the Regional Hospital of Ica, and 73.7% in Hospital San Juan de Dios of Pisco. It is concluded that the implementation of the "Zero Queues" plan improved overall satisfaction, courteous treatment, compliance with health care hours, and the clarity and information provided above the expected standard.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Quality of Health Care , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Hospitals, Public/standards , Peru , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 36(4): 620-628, oct.-dic. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1058788


RESUMEN Objetivos. Estimar la satisfacción con la atención en salud recibida en los establecimientos del Ministerio de Salud (MINSA) en el Perú y determinar sus factores asociados en adultos peruanos. Materiales y métodos. Estudio analítico de corte transversal empleando datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Hogares sobre Condiciones de Vida y Pobreza (ENAHO) 2018. La satisfacción con la atención en salud recibida fue calificada como: muy mala, mala, buena, y muy buena. Se describieron las características de la población en estudio mediante frecuencias y proporciones ponderadas. Para determinar los factores asociados a la satisfacción con la atención recibida, se estimó un modelo logístico ordinal generalizado. Resultados. Se incluyó un total de 14 206 adultos (población expandida: 7 684 602) que reportaron haber sido atendidos en algún establecimiento de salud del MINSA. A nivel nacional, el 74,3% de usuarios reportó una satisfacción con el servicio recibido como «bueno o muy bueno¼. Padecer una enfermedad crónica, tener una lengua materna nativa o vivir en aglomeraciones poblacionales mayores a 2000 personas se asoció con una menor satisfacción con la atención recibida. Vivir en la selva se asoció con un reporte de mayor satisfacción con la atención. Conclusiones. Tres de cada cuatro usuarios externos califican como buena o muy buena la atención recibida en establecimientos del MINSA. Existen subgrupos poblacionales con una menor satisfacción de la atención recibida. Incidir en la mejora de la satisfacción de estos usuarios mejoraría la calidad de la atención en el MINSA, el mayor prestador en salud en Perú.

ABSTRACT Objectives. To estimate satisfaction with the healthcare received at facilities of the Ministry of Health (MINSA) of Peru and determine its associated factors in Peruvian adults. Materials and Methods. Analytical cross-sectional study using data from the National Household Survey on Living Conditions and Poverty (ENAHO) 2018. Satisfaction with healthcare received was rated as very bad, bad, good, and very good. The characteristics of the study population were described using weighted frequencies and proportions. To determine the factors associated with satisfaction with the care received, a generalized ordinal logistic model was estimated. Results. The study included a total of 14,206 adults (expanded population: 7,684,602) who reported having been treated at a MINSA healthcare facility. At the national level, 74.3% of users reported satisfaction with the service received as "good or very good". Having a chronic illness, having a native mother tongue, or living in a population with agglomerations of more than 2000 people were associated with lower satisfaction with the care received. Living in the jungle area was associated with a report of greater satisfaction with the care. Conclusions. Three out of four external users rate the care received at MINSA facilities as good or very good. There are population subgroups with less satisfaction with the care received. Improving the satisfaction of these users would improve the quality of care at the facilities of MINSA, the largest health provider in Peru.

Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Quality of Health Care , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Delivery of Health Care/standards , Peru , Residence Characteristics/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 41(10): 613-620, Oct. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042319


Abstract Objective To evaluate the association between the acceptance on the part of the patients and their reasons to consent to or refuse medical student attendance during gynecological outpatient care, considering the participants' demographic characteristics, consultation experience, and gender bias or lack thereof. Methods Face-to-face interviews with patients waiting for gynecological consultations that had been scheduled in advance at Hospital Universitário de Brasília. Contingency analyses were used to determine the levels of association among the patient variables. The accepted significance level was values of p<0.05. Results We interviewed 469 patients. The comfort level with the presence of a student was strongly related to the number of students present during the consultation (Cramér V=0.671). The inclination to grant consent (a series of reasons to consent to or refuse student attendance) was significantly related (p<0.001) to the overall receptivity to student participation (ρ=0.482), the positive appraisal of student-doctor demeanor in previous consultations (ρ=0.253, N=408), and to greater levels of schooling (ρ=0.158). The patients' receptivity was significantly related (p<0.001) to the lack of bias regarding the gender of the physician (CramérV=0.388), previous experience with students (Cramér V=0.235) and awareness of the fact that they would be present (Cramér V=0.217), older age (ρ=0.136, p=0.003), and multiparity (ρ=0.102, p=0.027). Conclusion Greater receptivity to student participation related significantly to five conditions in decreasing order of strength of association: lack of bias regarding the gender of the Ob-Gyn, previous experience with student involvement, awareness of the presence of students, older age, and multiparity. We also found that a more positive inclination to consent to student attendance correlated positively with a greater receptivity to student participation and to a suitable student-doctor demeanor.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a associação entre as razões das pacientes para consentir ou recusar a presença de estudantes de medicina no ambulatório de Ginecologia, considerando seus fatores demográficos, experiência prévia com alunos, e sensibilidade com relação ao gênero. Métodos Entrevistas com as pacientes que aguardavam consultas ginecológicas previamente agendadas no Hospital Universitário de Brasília. Análises de contingência foram utilizadas para determinar os níveis de associação entre as variáveis das pacientes. Valores de p<0.05 foram considerados estatisticamente significativos. Resultados Foram entrevistadas 469 pacientes. Observou-se forte associação entre o conforto com a presença do estudante e o número destes presentes à consulta (V de Cramér=0.671). A tendência ao consentimento (relação de motivos para consentir ou discordar da presença do estudante) relacionou-se significativamente (p<0.001) à maior receptividade à participação dos alunos (ρ=0.482), a uma avaliação positiva do comportamento aluno-médico em consultas anteriores (ρ =0.253, N=408), e a maior escolaridade das pacientes (ρ =0.158). Observou-se associação significativa entre receptividade das pacientes (p<0.001) e ausência de discriminação quanto ao gênero do médico (V de Cramér=0.388), experiência prévia com estudantes (V de Cramér =0.235), ciência de que estariam presentes à consulta (V Cramér=0.217), idade mais avançada (ρ=0.136; p=0.003), e multiparidade (ρ=0.102; p=0.027). Conclusão Maior receptividade à participação dos estudantes relacionou-se a cinco condições em ordem decrescente de força de associação: ausência de discriminação quanto ao gênero do médico ginecologista-obstetra, experiência prévia com estudantes, conhecimento antecipado sobre a presença deles, idade mais avançada, e multiparidade. Também foi observada correlação positiva entre maior tendência ao consentimento e maior receptividade à participação dos alunos e comportamento adequado médico-estudante.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Patients/psychology , Patient Acceptance of Health Care/psychology , Patient Satisfaction/statistics & numerical data , Ambulatory Care/psychology , Gynecology , Referral and Consultation , Students, Medical , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Middle Aged