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Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 24(1): 55-62, jan.-mar. 2024. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1572051


Objetivo: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa cujo objetivo foi sumarizar a literatura atual referente à documentação odontológica e suas aplicações, relacionada à responsabilidade civil do cirurgião-dentista. Metodologia: Foi realizada uma busca nas bases de dados PubMed, LILACS, Scielo e Periódicos CAPES, e na literatura cinza (Google Acadêmico) entre agosto e setembro de 2022, bem como em endereços eletrônicos oficiais para busca de leis e normativas, utilizando a combinação dos descritores: "documentação", "responsabilidade legal", "odontologia" e "odontologia legal". Resultados: Encontrou-se dez publicações no âmbito da odontologia forense quatro relacionadas à documentação odontológica (prontuários, termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido, odontograma, imagens), quatro em relação as ações judiciais, uma sobre prescrição de medicamentos e uma sobre notificação dos casos suspeitos e confirmados de violência. Conclusão: As universidades, instituições de ensino superior e as unidades de saúde tem um papel importante na formação e capacitação do odontólogo para o preenchimento correto das prescrições de medicamentos, de prontuário, de notificações compulsórias, armazenamento de documentos odontológicos, bem como, esclarecimento sobre responsabilidade subjetiva e objetiva do cirurgião dentista, dano e nexo causal... (AU)

Objective: This is an integrative review whose objective was to summarize the current literature regarding dental documentation and its applications, related to the civil liability of the dental surgeon. Methodology: A search was carried out in the databases PubMed, LILACS, Scielo and Periódicos CAPES, and in gray literature (Google Scholar) between August and September 2022, as well as in official electronic addresses to search for laws and regulations, using the combination of descriptors: "documentation", "legal responsibility", "dentistry" and "legal dentistry". Results: Ten publications were found in the field of forensic dentistry, four related to dental documentation (medical records, informed consent form, odontogram, images), four related to legal actions, one on medication prescription and one on case notification suspected and confirmed cases of violence. Conclusion: Universities, higher education institutions and health units have an important role in training and qualifying dentists to correctly fill out medication prescriptions, medical records, compulsory notifications, and storage of dental documents, as well as, clarification on the dentist's subjective and objective liability, damage and causal link... (AU)

Objetivo: Se trata de una revisión integradora cuyo objetivo fue resumir la literatura actual sobre la documentación odontológica y sus aplicaciones, relacionadas con la responsabilidad civil del cirujano dentista. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos PubMed, LILACS, Scielo y Periódicos CAPES, y en literatura gris (Google Scholar) entre agosto y septiembre de 2022, así como en direcciones electrónicas oficiales para buscar leyes y regulaciones, utilizando la combinación de descriptores: "documentación", "responsabilidad legal", "odontología" y "odontología legal". Resultados: Se encontraron diez publicaciones en el campo de la odontología forense, cuatro relacionadas con documentación odontológica (historia médica, consentimiento informado, odontograma, imágenes), cuatro relacionadas con acciones legales, una sobre prescripción de medicamentos y una sobre notificación de casos sospechosos y confirmados. de violencia. Conclusión: Las universidades, instituciones de educación superior y unidades de salud tienen un papel importante en la formación y calificación de los odontólogos para el correcto llenado de recetas de medicamentos, historias clínicas, notificaciones obligatorias y almacenamiento de documentos odontológicos. así como, aclaración sobre la responsabilidad subjetiva y objetiva del odontólogo, daño y nexo causal... (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Patients , Medical Records , Liability, Legal , Damage Liability , Forensic Dentistry
Rev. cuid. (En línea) ; 15(2): 1-12, 20240501.
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1570341


Introduction: Multiple sclerosis significantly affects the quality of life of those suffering from this specific condition. Objective: To assess the quality of life of people with multiple sclerosis and analyse the correlation between the disease and its associated effects and different sociodemographic, clinical, and functional variables. Materials and Methods: An observational, cross-sectional, descriptive-correlational and quantitative study conducted using a non-probabilistic convenience sample composed of 70 patients suffering from multiple sclerosis registered with the Multiple Sclerosis Association of the Central Region of Portugal. The data collection protocol included sociodemographic and clinical questions, the Family Apgar Scale, and the Barthel Index. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to process the data. Data collection took place between April and July 2021. Results: The majority of participants reported a moderate overall quality of life (M=51,78 ± 24,09). Higher scores were observed in the social relationships and environmental health domains, while lower scores were recorded for the physical domain. Better quality of life was found to be positively associated with being under 45 years old, having higher educational qualifications, living in functional families, and experiencing greater functional independence in activities of daily living. Discussion: The variables with the strongest association were those capable of influencing the physical and social domains. Those variables explained 59.00% and 53.00% of the variability. Conclusions: These results indicate that people with multiple sclerosis have a compromised quality of life, highlighting the need for new strategies focusing on early diagnosis and effective preventive interventions meant to improve quality of life across all its domains.

Patients , Quality of Life , Demyelinating Diseases , Central Nervous System Stimulants , Multiple Sclerosis
Rev. Pesqui. Fisioter ; 14(1)mar., 2024.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570171


INTRODUCTION: Inpatient rehabilitation is extremely important for patients recovering from cardiac surgery. Although a walking diary is routinely used in clinical practice, it has yet to be adequately tested and reported in the literature. OBJECTIVES: To establish whether the use of a walking diary affects the number of steps taken following cardiac surgery and whether this is related to the patient's level of cardiac anxiety. METHODS: An open, controlled, randomized clinical trial was conducted with adult patients submitted to elective valve and/or coronary surgery, who had no motor impairment. All the participants used a pedometer to register the number of steps taken over five consecutive days in the hospital. Twenty-nine individuals were randomized to create an intervention group that used the walking diary as treatment strategy, while twenty-three were allocated to a control group. The Mann-Whitney test was used to compare the number of steps between the two groups, while Spearman's correlation coeficiente was performed to evaluate the relationship between the number of steps and the level of cardiac anxiety. Statistical significance was defined as p<0.05. RESULTS: The groups were similar regarding their demographic, clinical and surgical characteristics. There was no difference between the groups regarding the total number of steps taken: control group=1,496 (477.5 - 2992.5) vs. Intervention group=1,468.5 (494.2 - 2,678) (p=0.902). CONCLUSION: The use of the walking diary had no effect on the number of steps taken and was unassociated with the level of cardiac anxiety in inpatients following cardiac surgery.

INTRODUÇÃO: A reabilitação hospitalar é extremamente importante para pacientes em recuperação de cirurgia cardíaca. Embora o diário de caminhada seja rotineiramente utilizado na prática clínica, ele ainda não foi adequadamente testado e relatado na literatura. OBJETIVOS: Estabelecer se o uso do diário de caminhada afeta o número de passos dados após cirurgia cardíaca e se isso está relacionado ao nível de ansiedade cardíaca do paciente. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um ensaio clínico aberto, controlado e randomizado com pacientes adultos submetidos à cirurgia eletiva de valva e/ou coronária, sem comprometimento motor. Todos os participantes usaram um pedômetro para registrar o número de passos dados ao longo de cinco dias consecutivos de internação. Vinte e nove indivíduos foram randomizados para um grupo intervenção para usar o diário de caminhada como estratégia de tratamento, enquanto vinte e três foram alocados para um grupo controle. O teste de Mann-Whitney foi utilizado para comparar o número de passos entre os dois grupos, enquanto o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman foi realizado para avaliar a relação entre o número de passos e o nível de ansiedade cardíaca. A significância estatística foi definida como p < 0,05. RESULTADOS: Os grupos foram semelhantes quanto às características demográficas, clínicas e cirúrgicas. Não houve diferença entre os grupos quanto ao número total de passos dados: grupo controle=1.496 (477,5 - 2.992,5) vs. grupo intervenção=1.468,5 (494,2 - 2.678) (p=0,902). CONCLUSÃO: O uso do diário de caminhada não teve efeito no número de passos dados e não foi associado ao nível de ansiedade cardíaca em pacientes internados após cirurgia cardíaca.

Cardiac Rehabilitation , Patients , Walking
HSJ ; 14: 1-10, Março 2024.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571178


Objective: To synthesize evidence involving pathophysiological and clinical-epidemiological linking mechanisms in women with breast cancer and metabolic syndrome. Method: This is a structured scoping review according to the Joanna Briggs Institute and was conducted in the PubMed, BDENF, LILACS, IBECS, CUMED, WPRIM, BINACIS, and Embase databases. This review is registered in the Open Science Framework. Result: Regarding the level of evidence of the included studies, moderate and strong evidence levels were predominant. There were no weak evidence findings in this research. The chronic inflammatory state of breast adipose tissue in patients with obesity can worsen the negative impact on cancer cells, directly affecting survival and recurrence. Unexplained weight gain or loss is associated with shorter survival in women with breast cancer, highlighting the need for specific guidance during treatment. Conclusion: Metabolic syndrome is associated with the risk of breast cancer; however, massive weight loss during active disease can be associated with a worse prognosis and should therefore be prevented. Patients should be advised to maintain a stable weight during chemotherapy and to receive guidance on adequate nutrition and physical activity to increase muscle mass

Objetivo: Sintetizar as principais evidências envolvendo os mecanismos de ligação fisiopatológico e clínico-epidemiológico em mulheres com câncer de mama e a síndrome metabólica. Método: Trata-se de uma revisão de escopo estruturada conforme o Instituto Joanna Briggs, realizado nas bases de dados PubMed, BDENF, LILACS, IBECS, CUMED, WPRIM, BINACIS e Embase. Esta revisão encontra-se protocolada no Open Science Framework. Resultado: Com relação ao nível de evidência dos estudos inclusos, houve predominância para níveis fortes de evidência. Não houve achados de evidência fraca nesta pesquisa. O estado inflamatório crônico do tecido adiposo mamário em casos de obesidade pode agravar o impacto negativo nas células cancerígenas, afetando diretamente a sobrevida e recorrência. Ganho ou perda de peso inexplicável estão associados a uma menor sobrevida em mulheres com câncer de mama, sublinhando a necessidade de orientações específicas durante o tratamento. Conclusão: A síndrome metabólica esta associada ao risco de câncer de mama, entretanto, a perda maciça de peso durante a doença ativa pode ser um fator de pior prognóstico, devendo assim, ser realizada de forma preventiva. Os pacientes devem ser orientados a manter um peso estável durante a quimioterapia e receber orientações sobre alimentação adequada e atividade física em busca de aumento de massa muscular

Humans , Female , Therapeutics , Breast , Breast Neoplasms , Exercise , Cells , Metabolic Syndrome , Patients , Prognosis , Recurrence , Research , Science , Women , Weight Gain , Weight Loss , Adipose Tissue , Disease , Risk , PubMed , Diet , Drug Therapy , Nutritional Sciences , LILACS , Methods , Muscles , Neoplasms , Obesity
HSJ ; 14: 1-8, Março 2024.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571992


Objective: To analyze temporal trends in the incidence and spatial distribution of spider bites in Santa Catarina. Methods: This was a mixed ecological study, with a descriptive approach involving multiple groups and a temporal trend analysis, of spider bite notifications recorded in the Information System for Notifiable Diseases from 1 Jan 2011 to 31 Dec 2021. Result: There were 62,671 reported cases, corresponding to an average annual rate of 83.27 per 100,000 population. The linear regression indicated an annual decline rate of 2.94 per 100,000 population. Conclusion: There was a high incidence of spider bites, higher than the national average, with a declining trend during the study period. The occurrences were concentrated in the Western and Northern regions of the state, in urban areas. Most victims were young adults. The lethality and mortality rates were low, and most patients had favorable outcomes

Objetivo: analisar a tendência temporal da taxa de incidência e distribuição espacial de picadas de aranha em Santa Catarina. Método: Estudo ecológico misto, descritivo, de múltiplos grupos, e com análise de tendência temporal, das notificações de picada de aranha registradas no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação, entre 1º de janeiro de 2011 e 31 de dezembro de 2021. Resultado: Houve 62.671 casos notificados, o que corresponde a taxa média anual de 83,27 casos/100.000 hab. A regressão linear indicou taxa de queda anual de 2,94 casos/100.000 hab. Conclusão: Houve elevada taxa de incidência de picadas de aranhas, superior à média nacional, com tendência de queda no período. As ocorrências se concentraram na Região Oeste e Norte do estado, em áreas urbanas. As vítimas, na maioria, são adultos jovens. A taxa de letalidade e mortalidade foi considerada baixa, e a grande maioria dos casos teve evolução favorável

Spider Bites , Spiders , Bites and Stings , Incidence , Health Information Systems , Patients , Population , Accidents , Linear Models , Residence Characteristics , Mortality , Urban Area , Methods
HSJ ; 14: 1-11, Março 2024.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561479


Post-Covid-19 Syndrome (PCS) is a condition that causes persistent symptoms and impacts nutritional status such as loss of muscle mass. The objective of this study was to review and map scientific evidence on nutritional management in the loss of muscle mass in patients with PCS. The scoping review protocol was prepared following the PRISMA-ScR guidelines. Review articles not written in English or those that included only hospitalized patients and pertained to conditions other than PCS were excluded. Data extraction followed the methodology outlined by the Cochrane Review Group. Of the 81 articles initially identified, only five met the inclusion criteria. The selected studies emphasized the importance of recovering muscle mass, higher protein and caloric intake, and physical strength exercises. Consequently, nutritional interventions aimed at mitigating muscle mass loss should prioritize strategies that increase caloric and protein consumption.

A Síndrome Pós-covid-19 (SPC) é uma condição que acarreta sintomas persistentes e impactam o estado nutricional, como a perda de massa. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar revisão para mapear evidências científicas acerca do manejo nutricional na perda de massa muscular em pacientes com SPC. O protocolo da revisão de escopo foi elaborado de acordo com o PRISMA-ScR. Foram excluídos artigos de revisão que não estivessem em inglês ou português, que incluíssem apenas pacientes hospitalizados e com outras condições que não a SPC. Os dados foram extraídos com base no Cochrane Review Group. 81 artigos foram identificados e a amostra final incluiu cinco estudos. Para a recuperação da massa muscular, maior ingestão proteica, calórica e exercícios físicos de força foram descritos nos estudos. A intervenção nutricional para recuperar a perda de massa muscular deve considerar estratégias que visam o aumento do consumo calórico e proteico.

Humans , Exercise , Proteins , Nutritional Status , COVID-19 , Patients , Health Strategies , Eating , Muscles
HSJ ; 14: 1-7, Março 2024.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570876


Objective: To determine the epidemiological profile of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in a teaching unit. Method: In this observational, cross-sectional, and descriptive study, data from the medical records of consultations conducted between February 2020 and May 2022 at an endocrinology outpatient clinic in a teaching unit in Northeast Brazil were evaluated. A descriptive analysis of the data was performed, with percentage values, medians, and interquartile ranges (IQRs) reported. Result: Data were collected from the medical records of 118 patients, and the medical records of 95 patients were used for statistical analysis after the exclusion of records with insufficient data. Seventy patients (73.6%) were female, with a median age of 57 years (IQR 51.5-65), a median body mass index (BMI) of 28.9 kg/m2 (IQR 25.7-33.1) and a median age at diagnosis of 47.5 years (IQR 38-55). The median glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and fasting blood glucose levels during follow-up were 7.6% (IQR 6.6-9.7) and 132.8 mg/dL (IQR 113.5-201.7), respectively, and only 36.8% (n=35) of patients were within their HbA1C therapeutic target range. Approximately 73.6% (n=70) of the patients used statins, but only 18 (18.9%) had LDL-c within their therapeutic target range. Twenty-seven patients (28.4%) had kidney dysfunction, either albuminuria or a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) reduction, and 6 of them (22.2%) did not use any nephroprotective medication. Fewer than half of the patients underwent fundoscopy, and 32.5% of them showed some degree of retinopathy. Neuropathy was present in 33 patients (34.7%), with 3 patients (3.16%) presenting with amputations. Conclusion: Adequate glycemic control was achieved in just under half of the patients, and a relevant proportion of patients experienced microvascular complications. Strategies for the early detection of complications and more aggressive treatment of the disease and its comorbidities are necessary

Objetivo: Traçar o perfil epidemiológico de pacientes com Diabetes Tipo 2 de uma unidade docente-assistencial. Método: Estudo observacional, transversal e descritivo com dados de prontuário de consultas realizadas entre fevereiro de 2020 e maio de 2022 no ambulatório de endocrinologia de uma unidade docente-assistencial no nordeste brasileiro. Procedeu-se à análise descritiva dos dados, sendo informados os valores percentuais, mediana e intervalo interquartil. Resultado: De um total de 118 prontuários, foram analisados 95 pacientes após a exclusão daqueles com dados insuficientes. Destes, 73,6% (n=70) são do sexo feminino, com idade mediana de 57 anos (IIQ 51,5-65), mediana do IMC 28,9kg/m2 (IIQ 25,7-33,1) e idade ao diagnóstico de 47,5 anos (IIQ 38-55). As medianas da última HbA1C e glicemia em jejum foram 7,6% (IIQ 6,6-9,7) e 132,8 mg/dL (IIQ 113,5- 201,7), e apenas 36,8% (n=35) foram classificados como dentro da meta pela HbA1C. Cerca de 73,6% (n=70) dos pacientes utilizavam estatinas, mas somente 18 (18,9%) tinham LDL-c dentro da meta terapêutica. Vinte e sete pacientes (28,4%) apresentavam disfunção renal, seja albuminúria e/ou redução da TFG, e 6 (22,2%) não usavam nenhuma medicação nefroprotetora. Menos da metade dos pacientes realizou fundoscopia, e, destes, 32,5% apresentavam algum grau de retinopatia. Neuropatia está presente em 33 pacientes (34,7%), com 3 pacientes (3,16%) apresentando amputações. Conclusão: O controle glicêmico adequado foi obtido em pouco menos da metade dos pacientes e uma proporção relevante apresenta complicações microvasculares. Estratégias de detecção precoce de complicações e de tratamento mais agressivo da doença e suas comorbidades são necessárias

Blood Glucose , Quality Indicators, Health Care , Diabetes Mellitus , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 , Endocrinology , Glycemic Control , Patients , Teaching , Therapeutics , Health Profile , Glycated Hemoglobin , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Body Mass Index , Records , Medical Records , Disease , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Fasting , Health Strategies , Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors , Diagnosis , Albuminuria , Faculty , Ambulatory Care Facilities , Glomerular Filtration Rate , House Calls , Methods
HSJ ; 14: 1-9, Março 2024.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570880


Objective: To estimate the relative risk of COVID-19 in-hospital mortality rates among patients according to residing in the two largest cities of each state or residing in any smaller city, and to describe different patterns across states and macro-regions of Brazil. Method: The sample included all hospitalizations confirmed for COVID-19 that occurred in Brazil with a recorded outcome of the hospitalization by the end of December 2021. The exposure assessed was patients residing in the two largest cities of the state or any smaller cities. The outcome was in-hospital mortality rates caused by COVID-19. Multilevel Poisson regression was used to estimate adjusted relative risks for each state and macro-region of Brazil. Result: The analytic sample was composed of 1,658,934 hospitalized COVID-19 cases. For the whole country, living in the two largest cities of each state was associated with a lower risk of in-hospital mortality rate. Nevertheless, in two states of the North region (Amazonas and Pará), individuals living in the largest cities presented greater in-hospital fatality rates than those living in smaller cities. Conclusion: At the two biggest states of the Brazilian North region, the pattern of association between living in the largest cities and in-hospital fatality was inverse, and higher proportions of deaths without access to a hospital bed were identified, indicating singular vulnerability. The findings highlight the need for a more equitable distribution of health care services and qualified professionals in the vast territory of Brazil

Objetivo: Estimar o risco relativo de taxas de mortalidade hospitalar pela COVID-19 entre pacientes de acordo com residir nas duas maiores cidades de cada estado ou residir em qualquer cidade menor e descrever diferentes padrões entre estados e macrorregiões do Brasil. Método: A amostra incluiu todas as internações confirmadas por COVID-19 ocorridas no Brasil com registro da internação por COVID-19 até o final de dezembro de 2021. A exposição avaliada foi pacientes residentes nas duas maiores cidades do estado ou em cidades menores. O desfecho estudado foi as taxas de mortalidade hospitalar causadas pela COVID-19. A regressão de Poisson multinível foi utilizada para estimar os riscos relativos ajustados de cada estado e macrorregião do Brasil. Resultado: A amostra analítica foi composta por 1.658.934 casos hospitalizados por COVID-19. Para todo o país, morar nas duas maiores cidades de cada estado foi associado a um menor risco de taxa de mortalidade hospitalar. Apesar disso, em dois estados da região Norte (Amazonas e Pará), os indivíduos residentes nas maiores cidades apresentaram maiores taxas de letalidade hospitalar do que aqueles residentes nas cidades menores. Conclusão: Nos dois maiores estados da região Norte brasileira, o padrão de associação entre morar nas maiores cidades e mortalidade hospitalar foi inverso, e foram identificadas maiores proporções de mortes sem acesso a leito hospitalar, indicando vulnerabilidade singular. Os resultados destacam a necessidade de uma distribuição mais equitativa dos serviços de saúde e de profissionais qualificados no todo território do Brasil

Humans , Mortality , Hospital Mortality , State , Delivery of Health Care , COVID-19 , Health Services , Patients , Reference Standards , Societies , Beds , Risk , Disaster Vulnerability , Hospital Bed Capacity , Hospitalization , Hospitals
HSJ ; 14: 1-8, Março 2024.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1570954


Objective: To assess the quality of sleep among surgical inpatients and to determine the associated clinical, environmental, and psychological factors. Method: A cross-sectional observational study using descriptive correlation analysis was conducted on 150 surgical inpatients at a Portuguese hospital center. A sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index - Portuguese version (PSQI-PT) were administered. Result: Most participants seemed to experience poor sleep quality (PSQI > 5 = 89.3%) during hospitalization.Factors associated with poor sleep quality include several clinical variables whose scores were significantly worse among cancer patients, patients undergoing colorectal surgery or esophagogastroduodenoscopies, those with longer hospital stays, and those experiencing pain and health-related complications. Variables related to sleep disturbances included noise, persistent changes in sleeping position, feelings of anxiety, and health concerns. Conclusion: Findings revel a high prevalence of poor sleep quality during hospitalization caused by an increased sleep latency period, a decline in total sleep time, and lower sleep efficiency

Objetivo: Avaliar a qualidade de sono do doente cirúrgico internado e determinar os fatores clínicos, ambientais e psicológicos associados. Método: Estudo observacional com matriz transversal e análise descritivo-correlacional, realizado com 150 doentes internados para procedimento cirúrgico, num centro hospitalar português. Foi aplicado um questionário para caracterização sociodemográfica e clínica, bem como o Índice de Qualidade do Sono de Pittsburgh ­ versão portuguesa (PSQI-PT). Resultado: A maioria dos participantes apresentou uma má qualidade de sono (PSQI > 5 = 89,3%) durante o internamento. Os fatores associados à má qualidade de sono incluem variáveis clínicas com piores escores nos doentes oncológicos, submetidos a cirurgia colorretal e esofagogastroduodenal, maior tempo de internamento, presença de dor e complicações. Como variáveis perturbadoras do sono destacam-se o ruído, a alteração da posição para dormir, sentir-se ansioso e a preocupação com a própria saúde. Conclusão: Observou-se uma elevada prevalência da má qualidade de sono, resultante do aumento do período de latência, diminuição do tempo total de sono e da sua eficiência durante o internamento

Humans , Sleep , Emotions , Sleep Latency , Sleep Quality , Sleep Duration , Hospitalization , Anxiety , Pain , Patients , Psychology , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Health , Prevalence , Surveys and Questionnaires , Endoscopy, Digestive System , Efficiency , Hospitals , Inpatients , Length of Stay , Methods , Neoplasms
HSJ ; 14: 1-7, Março 2024.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571093


Objective: To analyze the muscle mass and cross-sectional area of the muscular fiber of the hemiparetic soleus in an animal model, in order to identify the muscular adaptations that occur in ischemic stroke.Method: Twelve Rattus norvegicus were divided into 2 groups: stroke group (n=6) and control group (n=6). Each group was subdivided into two subgroups, with evaluations at 7 days (CG7 and SG7) and 21 days (CG21 and SG21) after the accident. Their soleus muscles were removed for muscle mass analysis and cross-sectional area of the muscular fibers (CSAMF) measurement. The adopted statistical significance was 5%.Result: Significant differences in the muscle mass were observed between CG7 (0.120 ± 0.005 g) vs. SG7 (0.100 ± 0.004 g; p=0.035), and between CG21 (0.130 ± 0.010 g) vs. SG21 (0.078 ± 0.006; p=0.012). Significant differences in the relative muscle mass were observed between CG7 (0.044 ± 0.002 g) vs SG7 (0.039 ± 0.003; p=0.025), and CG21 (0.044 ± 0.003) vs. SG21 (0.028 ± 0.002; p=0.011). The CSAMF showed significant differences between CG7 (2,322 µm2 [2312-2453]) vs. SG7 (2,056 µm2 [2,022-2,135]; p=0.012), and CG21 (2,667 µm2 [2,692-2,845]) vs. SG21 (2,050 µm2 [2,034-2,161]; p=0.006).Conclusion: In this study in animal models of ischemic stroke, there was a significant loss of muscle mass, and this loss was accentuated in the longer term of the injury, highlighting the importance of future research on types of muscle fibers and applicability in human patients

Objetivo: Analisar a massa muscular e a área de secção transversal da fibra muscular do sóleo hemiparético em um modelo animal, a fim de identificar as adaptações musculares que ocorrem no acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico.Método: Doze Rattus norvegicus foram divididos em 2 grupos: grupo AVC (n=6) e grupo controle (n=6). Cada grupo foi subdividido em dois subgrupos, com avaliações aos 7 dias (CG7 e SG7) e 21 dias (CG21 e SG21) após o acidente. O músculo sóleo foi removido para análise de massa muscular e medição da área de secção transversal das fibras musculares (CSAMF). O nível de significância estatística adotado foi de 5%.Resultado: Diferenças significativas na massa muscular foram observadas entre CG7 (0,120 ± 0,005 g) vs. SG7 (0,100 ± 0,004 g; p=0,035), e entre CG21 (0,130 ± 0,010 g) vs. SG21 (0,078 ± 0,006; p=0,012). Diferenças significativas na massa muscular relativa foram observadas entre CG7 (0,044 ± 0,002 g) vs. SG7 (0,039 ± 0,003; p=0,025), e CG21 (0,044 ± 0,003) vs. SG21 (0,028 ± 0,002; p=0,011). A CSAMF mostrou diferenças significativas entre CG7 (2.322 µm2 [2.312-2.453]) vs. SG7 (2.056 µm2 [2.022-2.135]; p=0,012), e CG21 (2.667 µm2 [2.692-2.845]) vs. SG21 (2.050 µm2 [2.034-2.161]; p=0,006).Conclusão: Neste estudo em modelos animais de acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico, houve uma perda significativa de massa muscular, e essa perda foi acentuada no longo prazo da lesão, destacando a importância de futuras pesquisas sobre tipos de fibras musculares e aplicabilidade em pacientes humanos

Animals , Stroke , Ischemic Stroke , Patients , Research , Wounds and Injuries , Accidents , Control Groups , Muscle, Skeletal , Models, Animal , Forecasting , Methods , Muscles
J. Health Biol. Sci. (Online) ; 12(1): 1-9, jan.-dez. 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554635


Objetivo: analisar o perfil de micro-organismos presentes e resistência destes aos antimicrobianos em uroculturas de pacientes transplantados renais no período de 2021-2022. Métodos: trata-se de um estudo transversal com análise quantitativa dos dados de uroculturas positivas de pacientes transplantados renais, acompanhados no Hospital Geral de Fortaleza entre janeiro de 2021 a dezembro de 2022. Foi empregado um instrumento de pesquisa elaborado, contendo variáveis classificatórias, e os dados foram obtidos por meio de registros das uroculturas existentes no sistema de prontuário eletrônico utilizado pelo hospital. Resultados: das 534 uroculturas solicitadas, 36,7% apresentaram resultado positivo, sendo 60,4% de mulheres com idades entre 20 e 59 anos. A maioria dos casos foram desenvolvidos por pacientes que receberam acompanhamento ambulatorial (56,2%). Os micro-organismos isolados foram, predominantemente, enterobactérias (81,34%), com prevalência de E.coli (69,30%). Os perfis de sensibilidade antimicrobiana variaram, com a resistência da E.coli a antibióticos como ampicilina, ácido nalidíxico, norfloxacino e ciprofloxacino. Conclusões: essas descobertas fornecem informações importantes sobre métodos clínicos específicos, métodos preventivos e melhorias na qualidade de vida dos transplantados renais.

Objective: to analyze the profile of microorganisms present and their resistance to antimicrobials in urocultures of renal transplant patients in 2021-2022. Methods: it is a cross-sectional study with quantitative data analysis from positive urocultures of renal transplant patients accompanied at the General Hospital of Fortaleza between January 2021 and December 2022. An elaborate research instrument containing classification variables was employed, and the data were obtained through records of the urocultures existing in the electronic checkbook system used by the hospital. Results: of the 534 urocultures requested, 36.7% showed a positive result, of which 60.4% were women aged between 20 and 59. Most cases were developed by patients who received outpatient follow-up (56.2%). The isolated microorganisms were predominantly enterobacteria (81.34%), with the prevalence of E.coli (69.30%). Antimicrobial sensitivity profiles varied, with E.coli resistance to antibiotics such as ampicillin, nalidixic acid, norfloxacin, and ciprofloxacin. Conclusion: these findings provide important information about specific clinical methods, preventive methods, and improvements in the quality of life of renal transplant patients.

Humans , Male , Female , Microbiota , Transplant Recipients , Anti-Infective Agents , Patients , Kidney
Curitiba; s.n; 20240215. 82 p. ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1562060


Resumo: O presente trabalho de desenvolvimento tecnológico aborda a criação de um e-book que reuniu evidências, informações e orientações para subsidiar o cuidado de Enfermagem ao paciente em período perioperatório. Trata-se de uma pesquisa metodológica desenvolvida em duas fases: (I) exploratória, que constituiu duas etapas: revisão de literatura e busca em manuais e diretrizes; (II) elaboração da tecnologia, com seis etapas: definição do conteúdo, avaliação do e-book, definição do editor de texto, editoração do e-book e seleção de imagens, produção de vídeos e edição final do e-book. Como resultado, obteve-se um e-book intitulado MELHORES PRÁTICAS DE ENFERMAGEM NO ATENDIMENTO A PACIENTES EM PERÍODO PERIOPERATÓRIO, que versa sobre a historicidade e evolução do ato anestésicocirúrgico, o processo de trabalho da Enfermagem e as práticas assistenciais disponibilizadas ao paciente em período perioperatório. Concebido para ser uma ferramenta de educação permanente, tem como característica a alta complexidade, uma vez que é fruto da associação de diferentes atores e interação de múltiplos conhecimentos como os de design, produção de vídeo e editoração de texto. A característica inovatória pauta-se no conteúdo, por ser um compilado de evidências científicas atuais sobre a temática, com a inclusão de vídeos educativos, instrumentos e escalas utilizados no período perioperatório, além de atividades para revisão, fixação e autoavaliação. De abrangência nacional, tem impacto científico, social e na educação por propiciar unidade nas informações para o atendimento ao paciente e excelência nas práticas, com contribuição de novos conhecimentos para a área de Enfermagem.

Abstract: This technological development work addresses the creation of an e-book that brought together evidence, information and guidance to support nursing care for patients in the perioperative period. This is a methodological research developed in two phases (I) exploratory that constituted two stages: literature review; search in manuals and guidelines; (II): elaboration of the technology, with six stages: definition of the content; e-book evaluation; definition of the text editor; e-book publishing and image selection; video production; and final e-book edition. As a result, an e-book entitled MELHORES PRÁTICAS DE ENFERMAGEM NO ATENDIMENTO A PACIENTES EM PERÍODO PERIOPERATÓRIO, was obtained, which deals with the historicity and evolution of the anesthetic-surgical act, the nursing work process and the care practices available to patients during the period. perioperative. Designed to be a permanent education tool, it is characterized by high complexity, as it is the result of the association of different actors and the interaction of multiple knowledge such as design, video production and text editing. The innovative characteristic is based on the content being a compilation of current scientific evidence on the topic, with the inclusion of educational videos, instruments and scales used in the perioperative period, in addition to activities for review, fixation and self-assessment. Of national scope, it has a scientific, social and educational impact, by providing unity in patient care and excellence in practices, with the contribution of new knowledge to the nursing area.

Patients , Educational Technology , Education, Continuing , Perioperative Period , Patient Safety , Nursing Care
Chinese Medical Journal ; (24): 172-180, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007740


BACKGROUND@#Oral anti-coagulants (OAC) are the intervention for the prevention of stroke, which consistently improve clinical outcomes and survival among patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). The main purpose of this study is to identify problems in OAC utilization among hospitalized patients with AF in China.@*METHODS@#Using data from the Improving Care for Cardiovascular Disease in China-Atrial Fibrillation (CCC-AF) registry, guideline-recommended OAC use in eligible patients was assessed.@*RESULTS@#A total of 52,530 patients with non-valvular AF were enrolled from February 2015 to December 2019, of whom 38,203 were at a high risk of stroke, 9717 were at a moderate risk, and 4610 were at a low risk. On admission, only 20.0% (6075/30,420) of patients with a diagnosed AF and a high risk of stroke were taking OAC. The use of pre-hospital OAC on admission was associated with a lower risk of new-onset ischemic stroke/transient ischemic attack among the diagnosed AF population (adjusted odds ratio: 0.54, 95% confidence interval: 0.43-0.68; P  <0.001). At discharge, the prescription rate of OAC was 45.2% (16,757/37,087) in eligible patients with high stroke risk and 60.7% (2778/4578) in eligible patients with low stroke risk. OAC utilization in patients with high stroke risk on admission or at discharge both increased largely over time (all P  <0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that OAC utilization at discharge was positively associated with in-hospital rhythm control strategies, including catheter ablation (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 11.63, 95% confidence interval [CI] 10.04-13.47; P <0.001), electronic cardioversion (adjusted OR 2.41, 95% CI 1.65-3.51; P <0.001), and anti-arrhythmic drug use (adjusted OR 1.45, 95% CI 1.38-1.53; P <0.001).@*CONCLUSIONS@#In hospitals participated in the CCC-AF project, >70% of AF patients were at a high risk of stroke. Although poor performance on guideline-recommended OAC use was found in this study, over time the CCC-AF project has made progress in stroke prevention in the Chinese AF, NCT02309398.

Humans , Administration, Oral , Anticoagulants/therapeutic use , Atrial Fibrillation/complications , Patient Discharge , Patients , Registries , Risk Factors , Stroke/drug therapy
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013422


Introduction@#Spirituality was defined as a way individual seek and express meaning and purpose and the way they experience their connectedness to the moment. Studies showed that spiritual beliefs provided comfort to cancer patients and that different dimensions were related with the different aspects of health.@*Objectives@#The aim of the study is to determine the correlation on effects of spirituality and the quality of life among patients enrolled in the outpatient chemotherapy clinic.@*Methodology@#An analytical cross-sectional study using a non-probability convenience sampling was done of which validated questionnaires on the Spirituality and Quality of Life were the research instruments of the study. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient/Spearman rho computed on the relationship between the dimensions of spirituality and subscales of the quality of life among cancer patients. Chi Square/Fisher’s test was used to determine the correlation among the types and stages of cancer with the quality of life and spirituality of the respondents.@*Results@#A total of 105 cancer patients participated in this study, with ages ranging from 21 to 76 years and a mean age of 51 +/- 11 years, 2/5 were married females and 4/5 were Roman Catholic. Fifty-six percent of the cancer patients have Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (Breast Cancer). Most of the respondents are at stages 2 and 3 with equal percentages of 41%. This study revealed that most of the cancer patients enrolled in the outpatient chemotherapy clinic had a mean score of 3.56 + 0.35 indicating moderate to high level of spirituality. It also showed a mean score of 5.41 +.53 indicating high QOLs. Dimensions of spirituality which were found to have significant association with QOL domains (p < 0.05) were Mindfulness and Feeling of Security which were both found to have positive correlation with Emotional Wellbeing and Social Status.@*Conclusion@#Spiritual care should be included as one of the non-pharmacological modalities in the comprehensive management and palliative care for the Filipino cancer patients in order to improve the over-all well-being, healthcare outcomes and quality of life of patients and their families.

Neoplasms , Patients , Quality of Life
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 962024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1550960


Introducción: Los pacientes críticos pediátricos son susceptibles de presentar alteraciones del flujo sanguíneo cerebral que impliquen un deterioro de su estado de salud funcional. Objetivo: Identificar factores predictores de mayor riesgo de mala evolución funcional en pacientes pediátricos críticos con sepsis. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohortes retrospectivo con menores de 18 años de edad con sepsis, ingresados en la unidad de cuidados intensivos pediátricos. Se recogieron variables epidemiológicas, clínicas y del estado de salud funcional previas al ingreso, al alta y a los 6 meses. El estado de salud funcional se evaluó mediante la escala de categorías de estado global y cerebral pediátrico. Se evaluó el cambio del estado funcional entre el ingreso y a los 6 meses del alta. Se realizó un análisis univariante para comparar grupos considerando el mal pronóstico y el cambio del estado funcional y su relación con las variables. Resultados: Se incluyeron 46 pacientes. A los 6 meses del alta, cuatro (8,7 por ciento) presentaron mal pronóstico funcional y ocho (17,4 por ciento) empeoramiento funcional respecto al ingreso. No se encontraron asociaciones entre las variables predictoras y la morbilidad, aunque se observó cierta tendencia en algunas como mayor soporte inotrópico (VIS > 20: 12,5 por ciento vs. 50 por ciento, p= 0,075), extracorpóreo y de reemplazo renal (25 por ciento vs. 2,6 por ciento, p= 0,074) y estancia hospitalaria más prolongada (50 por ciento vs. 15,8 por ciento , p= 0,055). Conclusiones: El soporte en la unidad de cuidados intensivos pediátricos no fue un predictor de morbilidad funcional en la muestra(AU)

Introduction: Critically ill pediatric patients are susceptible to cerebral blood flow alterations that imply a deterioration of their functional health status. Objective: To identify predictors of a higher risk of poor functional outcome in critically ill pediatric patients with sepsis. Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted with children under 18 years of age with sepsis, who were admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit. Epidemiological, clinical, and functional health status variables were collected prior to admission, discharge, and after 6 months. Functional health status was assessed using the Pediatric Global State and Brain Status Category Scale. The change in performance status between admission and 6 months after discharge was assessed. A univariate analysis was performed to compare groups considering poor prognosis and change in functional status and their relationship with the variables. Results: A total of 46 patients were included. At 6 months after discharge, four (8.7 percent) had a poor functional prognosis and eight (17.4 percent) had functional worsening at admission. No associations were found between the predictor variables and morbidity, although some trends were observed in some variables, such as greater inotropic support (SIV > 20: 12.5 percent vs. 50 percent, p = 0.075), extracorporeal and renal replacement (25 percent vs. 2.6 , percent p = 0.074), and longer hospital stay (50 percent vs. 15.8 percent , p = 0.055). Conclusions: Support in the pediatric intensive care unit was not a predictor of functional morbidity in the sample(AU)

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Cerebrovascular Circulation , Health Status , Risk Factors , Sepsis/epidemiology , Patients , Intensive Care Units, Pediatric , Retrospective Studies , Cohort Studies , Critical Care/methods
Cienc. Salud (St. Domingo) ; 8(1): [8], 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551343


Introducción: Las distrofias musculares son trastornos miogénicos hereditarios caracterizados por una atrofia muscular progresiva y una debilidad de distribución y gravedad variable. La población de Republica Dominicana es fruto de una mezcla de etnias, haciéndola portadora de una herencia cromosómica y ADN diverso, siendo susceptibles a poder presentar cualquier desorden de carácter hereditario. Material y métodos: Con una muestra de 17 pacientes obtenidos entre septiembre 2019- marzo 2020, se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo y transversal, en el cual se hizo una revisión de los expedientes de la clínica de miopatías en la consulta de neurología pediátrica del Hospital Infantil Doctor Robert Reid Cabral, para describir el perfil clínico de los pacientes con distrofia muscular y los hallazgos de electromiografía en los casos que la misma. Resultados: se encontró que la distribución de la edad correspondió a 5-9 años en un 53%, siendo el sexo masculino, el más frecuente. En el 70.59% presentaron antecedentes familiares de distrofia muscular. Los principales motivos de consulta fueron cansancio y caídas frecuentes. Conclusión: En los hallazgos de electromiografía, el porcentaje de pacientes que presentó esta prueba con alteraciones fue de 88.24% y sin alteraciones el 11.76%. Esto nos demuestra, la gran utilidad de dicho estudio en el diagnóstico de las distrofias musculares en países donde no se cuenta con estudio molecular, siendo una de las pruebas esenciales en el abordaje diagnóstico de los pacientes con sospecha clínica de dichas patologías.

Introduction: Muscular dystrophies are hereditary myogenic disorders characterized by progressive muscular atrophy and weakness of variable distribution and severity. The population of the Dominican Republic is the result of a mixture of ethnic groups, making it the bearer of a diverse chromosomal inheritance and DNA, being susceptible to presenting any hereditary disorder. Methods: With a sample of 17 patients obtained between September 2019-March 2020, a retrospective, descriptive and cross-sectional study, in which a review of the files of the myopathies clinic was made in the pediatric neurology consultation of the Children's Hospital Doctor Robert Reid Cabral, to describe the clinical profile of patients with muscular dystrophy and the electromyography findings in the cases with the same. Results: The age distribution corresponded to 5-9 years; 53%, being the masculines, the most frequent sex. In 70.59%, there was a family history of muscular dystrophy. The main reasons for consultation were fatigue and frequent falls. Conclusion: In the electromyography findings, the percentage of patients who presented this test with alterations was 88.24% and 11.76% without alterations. This result shows us the great utility of said study in the workup of muscular dystrophies in countries with no availabilities for molecular studies, being one of the essential tests in the diagnostic approach of patients with clinical suspicion of said pathologies.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Prednisone , Muscular Dystrophies , Patients , Pediatrics , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Electromyography
Audiol., Commun. res ; 29: e2850, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533843


RESUMO Objetivo Analisar a associação da independência funcional com aspectos clínicos de comprometimento neurológico, a localização e extensão do dano neuronal e os fatores sociodemográficos em pacientes na fase aguda do AVC. Método Estudo analítico de recorte transversal, realizado com 90 pacientes adultos e idosos acometidos por AVC isquêmico, que tiveram admissão no ambiente hospitalar nas primeiras 24 horas após o evento vascular. A coleta dos dados referentes aos aspectos clínicos e fatores sociodemográficos foi realizada pelo prontuário eletrônico e/ou entrevista para descrever o perfil dos pacientes, Oxfordshire Community Stroke Project, Alberta Stroke Programme Early CT Score, National Institute of Health Stroke Scale e a Medida de Independência Funcional. Resultados O comprometimento neurológico, de acordo com a National Institute of Health Stroke Scale, foi associado à funcionalidade nas primeiras 24 horas após o AVC. Além disso, a presença de hipertensão arterial, idade, trabalho inativo, tabagismo e extensão do dano neuronal estiveram associados à dependência funcional, mas não permaneceram no modelo final deste estudo. Conclusão A dependência funcional está associada à hipertensão arterial, idade, trabalho inativo, tabagismo, extensão do dano neuronal e grau de comprometimento neurológico nas primeiras 24 horas após o evento vascular. Além disso, um nível mais elevado de comprometimento neurológico foi independentemente associado a níveis aumentados de dependência funcional.

ABSTRACT Purpose To analyze the association of functional independence with clinical aspects of neurological impairment, the location and extent of neuronal damage and sociodemographic factors in patients in the acute phase of stroke. Methods Analytical cross-sectional study in 90 adult and older patients affected by ischemic stroke, admitted to the hospital within 24 hours of the vascular event. Sociodemographic factors and clinical aspects data were collected from electronic medical records and/or interviews in order to depict the patients'profile, Oxfordshire Community Stroke Project, Alberta Stroke Programme Early CT Score, National Institute of Health Stroke Scale, and Functional Independence Measure. Results Neurological impairment, according to the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale, was associated with functioning in the first 24 hours after the stroke. Furthermore, the presence of arterial hypertension, age, inactive work, smoking and extent of neuronal damage were associated with functional dependence, but did not remain in the final model of this study. Conclusion Functional dependence is associated with arterial hypertension, age, inactive work, smoking, extent of neuronal damage, and degree of neurological impairment in the first 24 hours after the vascular event. Furthermore, a higher level of neurological impairment was independently associated with increased levels of functional dependence.

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Activities of Daily Living , Acute-Phase Reaction , Stroke/complications , Stroke/diagnosis , Functional Status , Sociodemographic Factors , Patients
Rev. Headache Med. (Online) ; 15(1): 18-24, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538390


INTRODUCTION: Migraine is a disease that affects the overall performance of the patient, especially attention and executive functions (EF), with a direct impact on the person's functionality, highlighting the importance of studies in order to minimize its damage. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate if there is a link between migraine and executive and attentional functions. METHODOLOGY: Observational study (44 subjects; 29 migraineurs and 15 non-migraineurs) on attentional and executive functioning changes in migraine. Subjects over 18 years of age were included in the study, regardless of gender, recruited for convenience at CAM FAME, FAME and Centro AMA, primary recruitment centers, following the criteria of the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD-3). The participants underwent neuropsychological tests that estimated executive and attentional functioning. For attention, the Psychological Attention the Assessment Battery (AAB) was used, and for EF, the Five-Digit Test (FDT) was used. Student's t test, ANOVA, Mann-Whitney and/or Kruskal-Wallis U test were used, whose analyzes fixed the type I error at 0.05. RESULTS: All AAB subtests pointed to a reduction in the attentional potential in migraineurs when compared to the control group. The FDT showed lowering in the migraineurs group subjects, when compared with the non- migraineurs group. Multivariate analysis identified a relationship between EF, Attention and migraine (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: migraineurs present a decrease in executive functioning and attentional skills and an increase in execution time when compared to non-migraineurs individuals

INTRODUÇÃO: A enxaqueca é uma doença que afeta o desempenho global do paciente, principalmente a atenção e as funções executivas (FE), com impacto direto na funcionalidade da pessoa, destacando a importância de estudos a fim de minimizar seus danos. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar se existe ligação entre enxaqueca e funções executivas e atencionais. METODOLOGIA: Estudo observacional (44 indivíduos; 29 com enxaqueca e 15 sem enxaqueca) sobre alterações de atenção e funcionamento executivo na enxaqueca. Foram incluídos no estudo indivíduos maiores de 18 anos, independente do sexo, recrutados por conveniência no CAM FAME, FAME e Centro AMA, centros primários de recrutamento, seguindo os critérios da Classificação Internacional de Cefaleias (ICHD-3). Os participantes foram submetidos a testes neuropsicológicos que estimaram o funcionamento executivo e atencional. Para atenção foi utilizada a Bateria de Avaliação da Atenção Psicológica (AAB) e para FE foi utilizado o Teste de Cinco Dígitos (FDT). Foram utilizados teste t de Student, ANOVA, Mann-Whitney e/ou teste U de Kruskal-Wallis, cujas análises fixaram o erro tipo I em 0,05. RESULTADOS: Todos os subtestes da AAB apontaram redução do potencial atencional em enxaquecosos quando comparados ao grupo controle. O FDT apresentou redução nos indivíduos do grupo com enxaqueca, quando comparado com o grupo sem enxaqueca. A análise multivariada identificou relação entre FE, Atenção e enxaqueca (p<0,05). CONCLUSÃO: enxaquecosos apresentam diminuição do funcionamento executivo e das habilidades de atenção e aumento no tempo de execução quando comparados a indivíduos não enxaquecosos

Humans , Male , Female , Patients/statistics & numerical data , Executive Function/classification , Migraine Disorders/complications
Rev. Headache Med. (Online) ; 15(1): 7-12, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1551344


BACKGROUND: In 2020, the first vaccines were approved, according to the WHO. However, speculations arose regarding their efficacy and post-vaccination adverse events (AEFV). OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the prevalence of headache as AEFI from the SARSCoV-2 vaccine in Piauí, Brazil. METHODS: This is a quantitative, observational, cross-sectional, and prevalence study. Data were provided by the Post-Vaccination Adverse Event Information System (SI-AEFV), from reported cases from January to September 2021. Data were analyzed, and the research was approved by the UFPI Research Ethics Committee. RESULTS: A total of 2,008 cases were analyzed. Headache was reported in 752 cases (27.99%) as an AEFV after vaccination against SARS-CoV-2. In most cases, patients were from Teresina (67.62%), of brown race/ethnicity (52.67%), female (79.00%), and the majority were not healthcare professionals (54.27%). The most common age of patients, with the original data, was 33 years. After data correction, the most common age was 28 years. The majority of these cases were not severe (96.44%), and the majority of cases were associated with the first dose of the Covid-19-Covishield-Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine (43.18%).CONCLUSION: Thus, it is concluded from the partial analysis of the results that headache is the most common adverse event after vaccination against SARS-CoV-2. The profile of patients with the most notifications was brown women aged 30 to 40 years who received the first dose of the Covid-19-Covishield-Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine. Regarding the severity of events, the vast majority were considered non-severe, and no deaths were mentioned, demonstrating the safety of immunobiologicals.

FUNDAMENTO: Em 2020, foram aprovadas as primeiras vacinas, segundo a OMS. No entanto, surgiram especulações quanto à sua eficácia e eventos adversos pós-vacinais (EAPV). OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência de cefaleia como EAPV da vacina SARSCoV-2 no Piauí, Brasil. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo quantitativo, observacional, transversal e de prevalência. Os dados foram fornecidos pelo Sistema de Informação de Eventos Adversos Pós-Vacinação (SI-AEFV), dos casos notificados no período de janeiro a setembro de 2021. Os dados foram analisados ​​e a pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da UFPI. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados ​​2.008 casos. Cefaleia foi relatada em 752 casos (27,99%) como EAPV após vacinação contra SARS-CoV-2. Na maioria dos casos, os pacientes eram procedentes de Teresina (67,62%), de raça/etnia parda (52,67%), do sexo feminino (79,00%) e a maioria não era profissional de saúde (54,27%). A idade mais comum dos pacientes, com os dados originais, era de 33 anos. Após correção dos dados, a idade mais comum foi 28 anos. A maioria desses casos não foi grave (96,44%), e a maioria dos casos esteve associada à primeira dose da vacina Covid-19-Covishield-Oxford/AstraZeneca (43,18%).CONCLUSÃO: Assim, conclui-se a partir da análise parcial dos resultados de que cefaleia é o evento adverso mais comum após vacinação contra SARS-CoV-2. O perfil dos pacientes com mais notificações foi de mulheres pardas com idade entre 30 e 40 anos que receberam a primeira dose da vacina Covid-19-Covishield-Oxford/AstraZeneca. Quanto à gravidade dos eventos, a grande maioria foi considerada não grave e não foram mencionados óbitos, demonstrando a segurança dos imunobiológicos.

Humans , Male , Female , Vaccines/immunology , Vaccination/adverse effects , COVID-19/virology , Patients/classification , Safety/standards , Health Personnel/organization & administration
Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 37: e220069, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559144


ABSTRACT Objective: Oxidative stress is triggered by malnutrition and antioxidant losses due to dialysis in hemodialysis patients and thus, oxidative stress increases the risk of mortality in patients with cardiovascular disease and obesity. The study aims to determine differences in cardiovascular risk scores and obesity indices between hemodialysis and control groups and to examine the relationship between the tertiles of dietary total antioxidant capacity with cardiovascular risk, and obesity in hemodialysis and control groups. Methods: This is a cross-sectional case-control study involving hemodialysis patients (n=46) and healthy individuals (n=46). Participants' general characteristics were obtained via a questionnaire, and the Framingham Risk Score was calculated. The dietary total antioxidant capacity was calculated using two methods based on a seven-day food record. Obesity indices, such as Basal Metabolism Index and Body Shape Index, were calculated using anthropometric measurements. Results: The mean age of the participants was 51.1±10.4 years. In the hemodialysis group, obesity indices including body weight, Basal Metabolism Index, waist circumference, fat mass index, and fat-free mass index were lower, while Framingham Risk Score values ​​were higher than the control group (p<0.05). Energy-adjusted dietary total antioksidant capacity values were lower ​​in hemodialysis group, and most patients were in the low tertiles of Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity, total radical-trapping antioxidant parameter, ferric reducing-antioxidant power and vitamin C equivalent antioxidant capacity (p<0.05). Conclusion: Providing hemodialysis patients with a healthy diet can increase the dietary total antioxidant capacity, and potentially reduce cardiovascular risk, and obesity indices.

RESUMO Objetivo: O estresse oxidativo é desencadeado pela desnutrição e perdas de antioxidantes devido à diálise em pacientes em hemodiálise, portanto, o estresse oxidativo aumenta o risco de mortalidade em pacientes com doenças cardiovasculares e obesidade. O estudo visa determinar as diferenças nos escores de risco cardiovascular e índices de obesidade entre os grupos de hemodiálise e controle, bem como examinar a relação entre os tercis da capacidade antioxidante total da dieta e o risco cardiovascular e obesidade nos grupos de hemodiálise e controle. Métodos: Este é um estudo transversal de caso-controle envolvendo pacientes em hemodiálise (n=46) e indivíduos saudáveis (n=46). As características gerais dos participantes foram obtidas por meio de um questionário, e o Escore de Risco de Framingham foi calculado. A capacidade antioxidante total da dieta foi calculada utilizando dois métodos baseados em um registro alimentar de sete dias. Índices de obesidade como o Índice de Metabolismo Basal e o Índice de Forma Corporal, foram calculados por meio de medidas antropométricas. Resultados: A média de idade dos participantes foi de 51.1±10.4 anos. No grupo de hemodiálise, os índices de obesidade, incluindo peso corporal, Índice de Metabolismo Basal, circunferência da cintura, índice de massa gorda e índice de massa livre de gordura, foram menores, enquanto os valores do Escore de Risco de Framingham foram maiores do que no grupo controle (p<0.05). Os valores de dTAC ajustados pela energia foram menores no grupo de foram hemodiálise, e a maioria dos pacientes estava nos tercis mais baixos de Capacidade antioxidante equivalente ao Trolox, parâmetro antioxidante total de captura de radicais, poder antioxidante redutor férrico e capacidade antioxidante equivalente à vitamina C (p <0.05). Conclusão: Fornecer aos pacientes em hemodiálise uma dieta saudável pode aumentar a capacidade antioxidante total da dieta, reduzindo potencialmente o risco cardiovascular e os índices de obesidade.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Renal Dialysis/adverse effects , Oxidative Stress , Heart Disease Risk Factors , Antioxidants/therapeutic use , Patients/statistics & numerical data , Body Weight , Body Mass Index , Malnutrition , Waist Circumference , Obesity