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Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BNUY, UY-BNMED | ID: biblio-1568769


Apesar de não muito frequente, nos últimos 20 anos, houve um aumento significativo dos relatos sobre rotura do peitoral maior, normalmente associadas à prática de atividade física em que ocorre contração intensa e/ou uso de cargas pesadas exercendo resistência sobre o músculo. Neste relato de caso temos um paciente de 51 anos referindo dor no tórax à direita e no braço direito há 3 dias após tentar consertar o guidão da moto. Apresentava assimetria dos peitorais, perda de força do membro superior direito, dificuldade de movimentação e hematoma. A ressonância magnética demonstrou rotura completa da junção miotendínea do peitoral maior, com tendinopatia com fissuras insercionais e intrasubstanciais infraespinhal e tendinopatia com rotura parcial do tendão subescapular. Foi indicado por médico ortopedista o acompanhamento com o uso de medicação analgésica.

Although not very common, in the last 20 years, there has been a significant increase in reports of rupture of the pectoralis major, normally associated with the practice of physical activity in which intense contraction occurs and/or the use of heavy loads exerting resistance on the muscle. In this case report we have a 51-year-old patient reporting pain in his right chest and right arm for 3 days after trying to fix his motorcycle's handlebars. He had asymmetry of the pectorals, loss of strength in the right upper limb, difficulty moving and hematoma. Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated complete rupture of the myotendinous junction of the pectoralis major, with tendinopathy with insertional and intrasubstantial infraspinatus fissures and tendinopathy with partial rupture of the subscapularis tendon. An orthopedic doctor recommended follow-up with the use of analgesic medication.

Aunque no es muy común, en los últimos 20 años se ha observado un aumento significativo en los reportes de rotura del pectoral mayor, normalmente asociado a la práctica de actividad física en la que se produce una contracción intensa y/o al uso de cargas pesadas ejerciendo resistencia sobre el mismo. el músculo. En este caso clínico tenemos un paciente de 51 años que refiere dolor en el pecho derecho y en el brazo derecho durante 3 días después de intentar arreglar el manillar de su motocicleta. Presentó asimetría de pectorales, pérdida de fuerza en miembro superior derecho, dificultad de movimiento y hematoma. La resonancia magnética demostró rotura completa de la unión miotendinosa del pectoral mayor, con tendinopatía con fisuras de inserción e intrasustancial del infraespinoso y tendinopatía con rotura parcial del tendón subescapular. Un médico ortopédico recomendó seguimiento con el uso de medicación analgésica.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Pectoralis Muscles/injuries , Pectoralis Muscles/diagnostic imaging , Upper Extremity/injuries , Upper Extremity/diagnostic imaging , Myotendinous Junction/injuries , Myotendinous Junction/diagnostic imaging
Int. j. morphol ; 41(3): 769-774, jun. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514309


El músculo esternal corresponde a una variante muscular supernumeraria de la musculatura torácica, cuya descripción más antigua se remonta al año 1604. A lo largo de la historia ha sido denominado músculo "epiesternal", "preesternal", "recto torácico" o "recto esternal". Se ubica entre la fascia superficial y el músculo pectoral mayor, tiene una prevalencia de entre 3 % y 8 % en la población general, se presenta de forma unilateral o bilateral exhibiendo una alta variabilidad interracial y puede ser motivo de dilemas diagnósticos durante cirugías y exámenes de imagen. Disección en un cadáver adulto de sexo masculino. Se encontraron dos músculos esternales conectados superiormente por un tendón central. El músculo esternal derecho se extendía desde el manubrio esternal hasta el séptimo cartílago costal derecho. El músculo esternal izquierdo se extendía desde el manubrio esternal hasta el sexto cartílago costal izquierdo. Su inervación estaba dada por ramos cutáneos anteriores de los nervios intercostales y su vascularización por ramas perforantes provenientes de los vasos torácicos internos. El músculo esternal presenta una alta variabilidad morfológica y su prevalencia se ve influenciada por factores raciales. Conocer esta variación muscular enriquece la capacidad diagnóstica y quirúrgica reduciendo la posibilidad de iatrogenia.

SUMMARY: The sternal muscle corresponds to a supernumerary muscle variant of the thoracic musculature, whose oldest description dates to 1604. Throughout history it has been called the "episternal", "presternal", "rectus thoracis" or "rectus sternalis" muscle. It is located between the superficial fascia and the pectoralis major muscle, has a prevalence of between 3 % and 8 % in the general population, presents unilaterally or bilaterally, exhibits a high interracial variability and can be the cause of diagnostic dilemmas during surgery and imaging examinations. Dissection in an adult male cadaver. Two sternal muscles were found connected superiorly by a central tendon. The right sternal muscle extended from the sternal manubrium to the right seventh costal cartilage. The left sternal muscle extended from the sternal manubrium to the left sixth costal cartilage. The innervation was given by anterior cutaneous branches of the intercostal nerves and the vascularization by perforating branches coming from the internal thoracic vessels. The sternal muscle presents a high morphological variability and the prevalence is influenced by racial factors. Knowing this muscle variation enriches the diagnostic and surgical capacity, reducing the possibility of iatrogenesis.

Humans , Male , Aged , Pectoralis Muscles/abnormalities , Sternum , Cadaver
Rev. argent. cir. plást ; 29(1): 24-31, 20230000. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1428575


Introducción. La reconstrucción mamaria inmediata con implantes prepectorales permite realizar la mastectomía oncológica con un resultado estético en un solo tiempo quirúrgico y con menor morbilidad del área dadora. Las indicaciones son precisas, en directa relación con las condiciones de la mastectomía. Material y métodos. Se presentan 83 pacientes en el período comprendido entre febrero de 2020 a febrero de 2022 con mastectomías uni- y bilaterales, con conservación del complejo areola-pezón los cuales fueron injertados en 7 casos. La incisión en surco submamario se realizó en 60 casos, radiada externa en 8 casos, vertical en 8 casos y 7 casos con patrón de reducción en el Instituto Oncológico Alexander Fleming. Los criterios de exclusión que utilizamos son tumores mamarios a menos de 1 cm del complejo areola pezón y tumores localmente avanzados. Resultados. En total se realizaron 98 mastectomías, de las cuales 86 fueron terapéuticas y 12 profilácticas por mutaciones genéticas. La extracción de ganglios se realizó por una incisión axilar, excepto en el patrón de reducción donde se realizó a través de la incisión de la mastectomía. En 42 pacientes se utilizaron implantes anatómicos y en 56 casos redondos texturizados. El seguimiento de las pacientes fue a 25 meses. Conclusión. La reconstrucción mamaria prepectoral lleva a la reconstrucción de la mama en el mismo espacio con una baja morbilidad y resultado natural. Las indicaciones para esta técnica deben ser muy precisas para lograr obtener los resultados deseados. En nuestra experiencia, la reconstrucción mamaria inmediata con implante directo es una técnica segura y reproducible, con excelentes resultados en pacientes en las que está debidamente indicada la técnica, con una baja tasa de complicaciones y disminución en el tiempo de tratamiento y de recuperación.

Introduction. Immediate breast reconstruction with pre pectoral implants allows to perform oncologic mastectomy with an aesthetic result in a single surgical time and with less morbidity of the donor area. The indications are precise and directly related to the conditions of the mastectomy. Material and methods. We present 83 patients in the period from February 2020 to February 2022 with uni and bilateral mastectomies, with preservation of the nipple-areola complex which was grafted in 7 cases. The incision in the submammary sulcus was performed in 60 cases, external radiated in 8 cases, vertical in 8 cases and 7 with reduction pattern at the Alexander Fleming Oncological Institute. The exclusion criteria we used are breast tumors less than 1 cm from the nipple areola complex and locally advanced tumors. Results. A total of 98 mastectomies were performed, of which 86 were therapeutic and 12 prophylactic for genetic mutations. Node removal was performed through an axillary incision, except in the reduction pattern where it was performed through the mastectomy incision. Anatomical implants were used in 42 patients and textured round implants in 56 cases. The follow-up of the patients was 25 months. Conclusion. Pre pectoral breast reconstruction leads to reconstruction of the breast in the same space with low morbidity and natural results. The indications for this technique must be very precise to achieve the desired results. In our experience, immediate breast reconstruction with direct implant is a safe and reproductible technique, with excellent results in patients in whom the technique is properly indicated, with a low rate of complications and decrease in treatment and recovery time.

Humans , Female , Pectoralis Muscles , Mammaplasty , Breast Implants , Mastectomy
Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 30(1): [1-16], jan.-mar. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1373683


Cervical disorders and the shortening of the pectoralis minor are advocated to play an important role in patients with subacromial pain syndrome, despite the absence of evidence. This study aimed to compare the deep cervical flexor muscle function and the shortening of the pectoralis minor between patients with subacromial pain syndrome and controls. Secondarily, this study aimed to analyze the relationship of clinical tests with pain and disability among patients. This is a case-control study with 32 patients with subacromial pain syndrome [mean age: 33 ± 6.9 years; sex: 22 (65.6%) men; right dominance: 31 (96.9%)] and 32 controls matched for age, sex, handedness, and affected side. Participants filled the Numerical Pain Rating Scale, the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index; and performed the clinical tests which were compared between patients and controls. Pectoralis minor length of the patient's group (median = 9.0) was similar to the controls (median = 9.7) (U = 421.5; p = 0.22). The deep neck muscle function presented no statistical difference between patients and controls (χ2 = 4.319; p = 0.504). There was no statistically significant correlation between clinical tests and patient self-reported measures. Therefore, deep cervical flexor muscle and the pectoralis minor muscle were not impaired in patients with subacromial pain syndrome and did not show a relationship with self-reported measures.

Distúrbios cervicais e o encurtamento do músculo peitoral menor são apontados como tendo um papel importante em pacientes com síndrome da dor subacromial, apesar da ausência de evidências. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a função dos músculos flexores cervicais profundos e o encurtamento do músculo peitoral menor entre pacientes com síndrome da dor subacromial e controles. Secundariamente, este estudo objetivou analisar a relação dos testes clínicos com a dor e incapacidade entre os pacientes com síndrome da dor subacromial. Trata-se de um estudo caso-controle com 32 pacientes com síndrome da dor subacromial [idade: 33 ± 6,9 anos; sexo: 22 (65,6%) homens; dominância direita: 31 (96,9%)] e 32 controles pareados por idade, sexo, lateralidade e lado afetado. Os participantes preencheram a Numerical Pain Rating Scale, o Shoulder Pain and Disability Index, realizaram os testes clínicos e os resultados dos pacientes e controles foram comparados. O comprimento do músculo peitoral menor no grupo de pacientes (mediana = 9,0) foi semelhante ao grupo controle (mediana = 9,7) (U = 421,5; p = 0,22). A função do músculo flexor cervical profundo não apresentou diferença estatística entre pacientes e controles (χ2 = 4,319; p = 0,504). Não houve correlação estatisticamente significativa entre os testes clínicos e as medidas relatadas pelos pacientes. Portanto, o músculo flexor cervical profundo e o músculo peitoral menor não foram prejudicados em pacientes com síndrome da dor subacromial e não mostraram relação com medidas autorreferidas.

Humans , Male , Adult , Neck Pain , Shoulder Pain , Diagnosis , Pectoralis Muscles , Wounds and Injuries , Shoulder Impingement Syndrome , Upper Extremity , Test Taking Skills , Chronic Pain
Int. j. morphol ; 39(5): 1353-1357, oct. 2021. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385494


SUMMARY: The anatomical variations of the pectoralis major muscle (PMM) and latissimus dorsi muscle (LDM) range from agenesis to the presence of supernumerary fascicles with a variety of insertions and relationships with the muscles, fascia, vessels, nerves and skeletal components of the shoulder girdle and the axilla. Many of these variations are clinically irrelevant, but extremely interesting and revealing from the perspective of comparative anatomy, ontogeny, and phylogeny. In this report, we present two different supernumerary muscles in the chest of one adult male body, identified during dissection practice of undergraduate medical students at Universidad Surcolombiana. These supernumerary fascicles in the axillary region were caudal to the lower edge of the PMM on the right side of the chest, and in contact with the anterior edge of the LDM on the left side of the chest; each fascicle was inserted in the ipsilateral coracoid process. These observations are congruent with the pectoralis quartus muscle and an incomplete and superficial axillary arch, respectively.

RESUMEN: Las variaciones anatómicas del músculo pectoral mayor (MPM) y del músculo latísimo del dorso (MLD) van desde la agenesia hasta la presencia de fascículos supernumerarios con una variedad de inserciones y relaciones con los músculos, fascias, vasos, nervios y componentes esqueléticos de la cintura escapular y la axila. Clínicamente, muchas de las variaciones son irrelevantes, pero extremadamente interesantes y reveladoras desde la perspectiva de la anatomía comparada, la ontogenia y la filogenia. En este estudio, presentamos dos músculos supernumerarios diferentes en la pared torácica de un hombre adulto, identificados durante la práctica de disección de estudiantes de medicina de la Universidad Surcolombiana. Estos fascículos supernumerarios en la región axilar estaban caudales al margen inferior del MPM en el lado derecho del tórax y en contacto con el margen anterior del MLD en el lado izquierdo del tórax; cada fascículo se insertaba en el proceso coracoides ipsilateral. Estas observaciones son congruentes con el músculo pectoral cuarto y un arco axilar incompleto y superficial, respectivamente.

Humans , Male , Aged , Pectoralis Muscles/anatomy & histology , Anatomic Variation , Superficial Back Muscles/anatomy & histology , Axilla
Rev. argent. cir. plást ; 27(2): 60-66, 20210000. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1357632


La ubicación habitual de los marcapasos y cardiodesfibriladores implantables (CDI) es en el plano subcutáneo subclavicular. Este bolsillo, de fácil realización, no está exento de complicaciones propias (necrosis de piel, seromas, síndrome de Twiddler) así como también provocar un defecto estético al visualizarse el aparato bajo la piel. Estas complicaciones son mayores en pacientes delgadas y con actividad deportiva debido a la exposición traumática. Con el objeto de evitar los factores mencionados anteriormente, así como para mejorar el aspecto cosmético, mostramos nuestra experiencia en la ubicación en un plano más profundo, submuscular (entre m. pectoralis major y m. pectoralis minor, T.A.). Creemos que esta ubicación es de elección en pacientes muy delgadas, deportistas, con riesgo de traumatismo en la zona y en todos aquellos donde ha fallado la ubicación subcutánea.

The pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD) location is in the subcutaneous plane, subclavicular zone. This pocket, easy to perform, is not free of complications (skin necrosis, seroma, Twiddler syndrome) as well as an aesthetic defect due to the device being observed under the skin. These complications are higher in thin and sportive patients. In order to avoid the above factors as well as to improve the cosmetic appearance, our experience shows better results on a deeper level, submuscular (between m. pectoralis major and m. pectoralis minor, T.A.). We believe that this location is preferable in very thin patients and athletes because it avoids the risk of trauma to the area. Also,we advise this plane in particular cases which failed subcutaneous locations

Humans , Pacemaker, Artificial , Pectoralis Muscles/surgery , Dissection
Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 56(1): 31-35, Jan.-Feb. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1288648


Abstract Objective To evaluate the electrophysiological activity of the injured pectoralis major (PM) muscle of operated patients who perform weightlifting, more specifically bench press exercises, especially the activity of the clavicular and sternocostal portions of the PM. Methods All athletes in study I (10 patients) had unilateral complete ruptures during bench press exercises and a history of use of anabolic steroids, an association that is described in up to 86.7% of PM tendon ruptures. The control group included 10 men without PM tendon injury who did not perform bench press exercises. Description of the cross-sectional design. The p-values were obtained by multiple comparisons with Bonferroni correction. Results In the comparison between the control (C) group and the weightlifters during the postoperative period (POS), we found no evidence of differences in any measurements obtained in the clavicular and sternocostal portions of the PM muscle: clavicular average level (p = 0.847); clavicular standard deviation (SD) (p = 0.777); clavicular area (p = 0.933); clavicular median (p = 0.972); sternocostal average level (p = 0.633); sternocostal SD (p = 0.602); sternocostal area (p = 0.931); and sternocostal median (p = 0.633). Conclusion In the present study, the electromyographic activity of the PM muscle in weightlifters (bench press exercise) who underwent surgery was within the normal parameters for the clavicular and sternocostal portions studied.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a atividade eletrofisiológica do músculo peitoral maior (PM) lesionado de pacientes operados que realizam halterofilismo, mais especificamente exercícios de supino, especialmente a atividade das porções clavicular e esternocostal do PM. Métodos Todos os atletas no estudo I (10 pacientes) tiveram rupturas completas unilaterais durante o exercício de supino, e tinham histórico de uso de esteroides anabolizantes, associação descrita em até 86,7% das rupturas tendinosas do PM. O grupo controle incluiu 10 homens sem lesão no tendão do PM que não realizaram exercícios de supino. Descrição do projeto transversal. Os valores de p foram obtidos por múltiplas comparações com a correção de Bonferroni. Resultados Na comparação entre o grupo controle (C) e os halterofilistas durante o pós-operatório (POS), não foram encontradas diferenças nas medidas obtidas nas porções clavicular e esternocostal do músculo PM: nível médio clavicular (p = 0,847); desvio padrão (DP) clavicular (p = 0,777); área clavicular (p = 0,933); mediana da clavícula (p = 0,972); nível médio esternocostal (p = 0,633); DP esternocostal (p = 0,602); área esternocostal (p = 0,931); e mediana esternocostal (p = 0,633). Conclusão Neste estudo, a atividade eletromiográfica do músculo PM em atletas de halterofilismo (exercício de supino) que foram submetidos a cirurgia esteve dentro dos parâmetros normais para as porções claviculares e esternocostais estudadas.

Humans , Pectoralis Muscles/injuries , Athletic Injuries , Electromyography
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 290-293, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-886400


@#OBJECTIVE: It is common to get lost during a comminuted proximal humerus surgery, and the pectoralis major insertion is always a constant. Therefore, this study aimed to do a cadaveric study on the Filipino population to assess the distance from the pectoralis major tendon to the top of the humeral head (PMT) as a reference during proximal humerus surgery. METHODS: This study dissected the shoulders of cadavers. The distance from the pectoralis major tendon insertion to the top of the humeral head (PMT) was measured using a caliper. This PMT distance was also correlated to the cadaver's height and sex. RESULTS: This study dissected 110 shoulders (55 cadavers | 24 females, 31 males). The median PMT was 5.40 cm for males and 4.90 cm for females, with a combined value of 5.40 cm overall. There was a direct and moderate correlation between the PMT with overall height. Height and PMT of both the left and right shoulder were significantly longer among males compared to females. The study showed that for every centimeter increase in the height of males, there was a corresponding 0.02 cm increase in the PMT, adding the constant factor of 1.83. A corresponding 0.04 cm increase in the PMT for females added the constant factor of -0.81. CONCLUSION; The pectoralis major tendon insertion is a consistent landmark that can accurately restore humeral length when reconstructing complex proximal humerus fractures where landmarks are otherwise lost because of comminution.

Pectoralis Muscles , Humerus , Tendons , Fractures, Bone
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 290-293, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-886401


@#OBJECTIVE: It is common to get lost during a comminuted proximal humerus surgery, and the pectoralis major insertion is always a constant. Therefore, this study aimed to do a cadaveric study on the Filipino population to assess the distance from the pectoralis major tendon to the top of the humeral head (PMT) as a reference during proximal humerus surgery. METHODS: This study dissected the shoulders of cadavers. The distance from the pectoralis major tendon insertion to the top of the humeral head (PMT) was measured using a caliper. This PMT distance was also correlated to the cadaver's height and sex. RESULTS: This study dissected 110 shoulders (55 cadavers | 24 females, 31 males). The median PMT was 5.40 cm for males and 4.90 cm for females, with a combined value of 5.40 cm overall. There was a direct and moderate correlation between the PMT with overall height. Height and PMT of both the left and right shoulder were significantly longer among males compared to females. The study showed that for every centimeter increase in the height of males, there was a corresponding 0.02 cm increase in the PMT, adding the constant factor of 1.83. A corresponding 0.04 cm increase in the PMT for females added the constant factor of -0.81. CONCLUSION; The pectoralis major tendon insertion is a consistent landmark that can accurately restore humeral length when reconstructing complex proximal humerus fractures where landmarks are otherwise lost because of comminution.

Pectoralis Muscles , Humerus , Tendons , Fractures, Bone
J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 32: e3214, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250173


ABSTRACT Resistance training protocols performed to muscle failure (MF) have been employed in an attempt to maximize activation and neuromuscular fatigue. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the surface electromyography amplitude (EMGRMS) and frequency (EMGFREQ) of the pectoralis major between protocols performed to MF and non muscle failure (NMF). Seven trained men performed three sets at 60% of a repetition maximum, with a 3 min rest period and a 6s repetition duration. MF protocol was performing with maximum number of repetitions in all sets, while in NMF protocol subjects performed 6 repetitions in 3 sets. For data analysis two two-way repeated measures ANOVAs (Protocol x Repetition) were used and when necessary, Bonferroni post hoc was performed. The EMGRMS was higher in the protocol MF compare to NMF, but there was no difference in EMGFREQ between protocols. Although there were no significant differences in the frequency domain between protocols, perform repetitions to MF was a determining factor to generate higher amplitude of the electromyography signal. Thus, perform repetitions to MF could be considered an effective strategy to increase muscle activation in trained individuals, however, with similar neuromuscular fatigue.

RESUMO Protocolos de treinamento realizados até a falha muscular (FM) têm sido realizados na tentativa de maximizar a ativação e a fadiga neuromuscular. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a amplitude do sinal eletromiografico (EMGRMS) e a frequência (EMGFREQ) do peitoral maior entre os protocolos realizados até a FM e sem falha muscular (SFM). Sete homens treinados realizaram três séries com 60% de uma repetição máxima, com um período de descanso de 3 min e uma duração da repetição de 6s. O protocolo FM foi realizado com o número máximo de repetições em todas as séries, enquanto no protocolo SFM os indivíduos realizaram 6 repetições em 3 séries. Para análise dos dados, foram utilizadas duas ANOVAs two-way com medidas repetidas (Protocolo x Repetição) e, quando necessário, foi realizado o post hoc de Bonferroni. Como resultado, a EMGRMS foi maior no protocolo FM comparado ao SFM, mas não houve diferença na EMGFREQ entre os protocolos. Embora não houvesse diferenças significativas no domínio da frequência entre os protocolos, a realização de repetições até a FM foi um fator determinante para gerar maior amplitude do sinal eletromiográfico. Assim, a realização de repetições até a FM pode ser considerada uma estratégia eficaz para aumentar a ativação muscular em indivíduos treinados, porém com fadiga neuromuscular semelhante.

Humans , Male , Adult , Pectoralis Muscles/physiology , Morbidity , Muscle Fatigue/physiology , Men , Supination/physiology , Range of Motion, Articular/physiology , Electromyography , Resistance Training/instrumentation , Mentoring/methods
Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 55(6): 787-795, Nov.-Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156189


Abstract Evaluate the results of a series of 28 cases of high obstetric paralysis treated with the Sever-L'Episcopo technique modified by Hoffer, between 2003 and 2016. Children (mean age, four years and seven months) with adduction contracture and internal rotation of the shoulder without secondary bone deformities (Mallet class II) underwent lengthening of the pectoralis major muscle and tenotomy of the subscapularis muscle associated with transfer of the latissimus dorsi and teres major muscle to the infraspinatus muscle, moving to the function of external rotators and elevators. The mean follow-up was three years and 10 months. At the end of the study, 24 patients achieved excellent functional assessment scores, mainly of the abduction and external rotation, passing from Mallet class II to class IV. Four patients still demonstrated some degree of global movement limitation, passing from class II to class III. Regardless of the final functional gain, all patients were able to perform tasks that were previously difficult. The data from this study suggest that Hoffer's surgery is an effective method in the treatment of the sequelae of high obstetric paralysis without secondary bone deformities.

Resumo Avaliar os resultados de uma série de 28 casos de paralisia obstétrica alta tratadas com a técnica Sever-L'Episcopo modificada por Hoffer, entre 2003 e 2016. As crianças (idade média, quatro anos e sete meses) com contratura em adução e rotação interna do ombro sem deformidades ósseas secundárias (Mallet classe II) foram submetidas ao alongamento do músculo peitoral e tenotomia do músculo subescapular associada à transferência do latissimus dorsi e músculo redondo maior para o músculo infraespinhal, movendo-se para a função de rotadores externos e elevadores. O seguimento médio foi de 3 anos e 10 meses. Ao final do estudo, 24 pacientes obtiveram excelentes escores de avaliação funcional, principalmente de abdução e rotação externa, passando de Mallet classe II para classe IV. Quatro pacientes ainda demonstraram algum grau de limitação de movimento global, passando da classe II para a classe III. Independentemente do ganho funcional final, todos os pacientes foram capazes de realizar tarefas que antes eram difíceis. Os dados deste estudo sugerem que a cirurgia de Hoffer é um método eficaz no tratamento das sequelas de paralisia obstétrica alta sem deformidades ósseas secundárias.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Paralysis, Obstetric , Pectoralis Muscles , Shoulder , Congenital Abnormalities , Rotator Cuff , Contracture , Tenotomy , Superficial Back Muscles , Movement , Muscles
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.);86(5): 545-551, Sept.-Oct. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132633


Abstract Introduction: Cancer of the oral cavity and oropharynx presents aggressive behavior and its diagnosis is, in most cases, performed in advanced stages. Total glossectomy is a therapeutic option in locally advanced cancer, and the only one in the recurrent or residual disease, after chemoradiotherapy. Objective: To evaluate the clinical-epidemiological profile, postoperative complications, survival rates and functional aspects of patients with oral cavity and oropharynx cancer after total glossectomy. Methods: It was a retrospective study where 22 patients were included with oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancer after total glossectomy at the Hospital Regional do Vale do Paraíba, em Taubaté, São Paulo. Results: All patients were male, with a median age of 57 years, most of tumors are located in the tongue and floor of the mouth and classified as stage IVa. Total glossectomy as initial treatment was performed in 18 and as salvage in four patients. The major pectoralis myocutaneous flap was used for reconstruction in all cases. The main postoperative complication was wound infection and salivary fistula. Conclusion: Overall survival was 19% and cancer-specific survival was 30.8% in five years. Eight patients were rehabilitated for exclusive oral feeding without the dependence tracheostomy and enteral tube, all with an overall survival greater than 15 months.

Resumo Introdução: O câncer da cavidade oral e da orofaringe apresenta comportamento agressivo e seu diagnóstico é, na maioria dos casos, realizado em fases avançadas. A glossectomia total é uma opção terapêutica no câncer localmente avançado e a única no resgate de pacientes com doença residual ou recorrente, após a quimiorradioterapia. Objetivo: Avaliar o perfil clínico-epidemiológico, as complicações pós-operatórias, as taxas de sobrevida e os aspectos funcionais de pacientes com câncer da cavidade oral e da orofaringe submetidos à glossectomia total. Método: Estudo retrospectivo em que foram incluídos 22 pacientes com câncer de cavidade oral e orofaringe submetidos à glossectomia total no Hospital Regional do Vale do Paraíba, em Taubaté, São Paulo. Resultados: Todos os pacientes eram do gênero masculino, com mediana de 57 anos, com tumores principalmente na língua e no assoalho da boca e classificados, em sua maioria, como estádio clínico IVa. A glossectomia total como tratamento inicial foi realizada em 18 e como resgate em quatro pacientes. O retalho miocutâneo peitoral maior foi utilizado para a reconstrução em todos os casos. A principal complicação pós-operatória foi a infecção da ferida operatória e a fístula salivar. Conclusão: A sobrevida global foi de 19% e a específica por câncer de 30,8% em cinco anos. Oito pacientes foram reabilitados para alimentação oral exclusiva sem a dependência de traqueostomia e ou de dieta enteral, todos com sobrevida global maior do que 15 meses.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Oropharyngeal Neoplasms , Pectoralis Muscles , Tongue Neoplasms , Tracheostomy , Retrospective Studies , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Glossectomy
Pensar Prát. (Online) ; 2317/04/2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1097534


O objetivo do estudo foi comparar a variação da espessura muscular (EM) ao longo do peitoral maior (PM) após três séries de 8 a 12 repetições máximas de supino reto. A amostra foi composta por 12 homens treinados. O comportamento da EM foi avaliado pré e imediatamente após a realização do exercício através de ultrassonografias, em três sítios do feixe esternal do PM: medial (próximo ao esterno), central e lateral (próximo ao úmero). Como resultado, o sítio medial apresentou variação relativa da EM de 14,78%, o central de 11,83% e o lateral de 10,04%, com diferença significativa apenas entre o sítio medial quando comparado ao lateral (p=0,036). Tal efeito pode estar relacionado a maior ativação do trecho medial do PM durante o supino reto ou pela específica morfologia do PM.

The aim of this study was to compare the variation of muscle thickness (MT) over the pectoralis major muscle (PM) after 3 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions of bench press. The sample was consisted of 12 trained men. Ultrasound images were acquired, to analyze the MT behavior, at three sites of the PM's sternal head: medial, central and lateral. The medial site had a MT relative variation of 14.78%, the central one of 11.83% and the lateral one of 10.04%, with a statistical difference observed only between the medial site when compared to the lateral site (p = 0.036); The possible cause of these effects might be related to a possible greater activation of the medial site during the bench press or due to PM's morphology. We conclude that the PM shows heterogeneous MT acute variation.

El objetivo del estudio fue comparar la variación de la espesura muscular (EM) a lo largo del pectoral mayor (PM) después de tres series de 8 a 12 repeticiones de press de banca. El comportamiento de la EM fue evaluado pre e inmediatamente después de la realización del ejercicio con ultrasonografías, en tres sitios de la cabeza esternal del PM: medial (cerca del esternón), central y lateral (cerca del húmero). Como resultado, el sitio medial presentó 14,78% de variación relativa de la EM, el central 11,83% y el lateral 10,04%, con diferencia significativa apenas entre el sitio medial cuando comparado al lateral (p = 0,036) . Este efecto puede estar relacionado con la mayor activación del sitio medial del PM durante el press de banca o por la morfología del PM.

Humans , Male , Pectoralis Muscles , Exercise , Sternum , Behavior , Humerus , Men
Rev. colomb. ortop. traumatol ; 34(2): 138-188, 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1372601


La ruptura del tendón del músculo pectoral mayor es un evento raro para el cual está indicado la reparación quirúrgica en pacientes jóvenes y atléticos. La reparación puede hacerse de forma aguda o crónica, hasta o despúes de 8 semanas, respectivamente. Las reparaciones agudas han demostrado excelentes resultados, sin embargo, hasta el momento no se encuentran reportes de reparaciones quirúrgicas dentro de las primera 24 horas de la lesíon. Presentamos un caso de reparación quirúrgica inmediata de una ruptura del tendón del músculo pectoral mayor en un hombre de 45 años sin antecedentes de uso de esteroides, que ocurrió mientras levantaba pesas. El diagnóstico inmediato se confirmó con una RM de emergencia más la evaluación clínica. La intervención quirúrgica se realizó en menos de 24 horas. Se instauró un protocolo de rehabilitación gradual con ejercicios pasivos. Seis meses después de la cirugía, se encontró recuperación de la amplitud de movimiento y la fuerza del hombro, así como la restauración anatómica completa. Concluimos que la reparación quirúrgica precoz de una ruptura del tendón del músculo pectoral mayor, el primer día de la lesión, en menos de 24 horas, acompañada de una buena técnica quirúrgica y un protocolo de rehabilitación gradual, arrojó excelentes resultados seis meses después del trauma, similares a los reportados en la literatura para reparaciones agudas (<6 semanas). Nivel de evidencia: Nivel IV

The rupture of the pectoralis major muscle tendon in young and athletic patients is a rare event for which surgical repair is indicated. The repair can be acute or chronic, up to or after 8 weeks, respectively. Acute repair has shown excellent results, and so far there are no reports of surgical repairs within the first 24hours of the injury. A case is presented of the immediate surgical repair of a ruptured pectoralis major muscle tendon occurring in a 45-year-old man with no history of steroid use, while lifting weights. The immediate diagnosis was confirmed with an emergency MRI plus clinical evaluation. The surgical intervention was performed in less than 24hours. A protocol of gradual rehabilitation with passive exercises was established. Six months after surgery, there was recovery of range of motion and shoulder strength, as well as complete anatomical restoration. It is concluded that early surgical repair of a rupture of the pectoralis major muscle tendon on the first day of the injury, or in less than 24hours, accompanied by a good surgical technique and a gradual rehabilitation protocol, yielded excellent results six months after the trauma, similar to that reported in the literature for acute repairs. Evidence level: Level IV

Humans , Tendon Injuries , Pectoralis Muscles , Rupture , Weight Lifting
Int. j. morphol ; 37(4): 1262-1266, Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040122


El músculo axilopectoral (MAP) es una estructura fibromuscular accesoria de la región axilar, que se relaciona con el plexo braquial, vasos y linfonodos axilares, y es reportado en los diferentes grupos poblacionales con incidencia variable. Se evaluaron un total de 106 axilas correspondientes a 53 cadáveres frescos que fueron sometidos a autopsia. El MAP se presentó en 5 regiones axilares (4,7 %), con tres casos unilaterales (2,8 %) y uno bilateral (0,9 %). La longitud total del MAP estuvo en un rango de 81,6-119,7 mm, mientras que su segmento tendinoso midió 13,3-28,1 mm. El espesor de su vientre muscular fue de 7,1-52 mm y del tendinoso 6,920,1 mm. En todos los casos, el MAP se originó del músculo latísimo del dorso y se insertó en el labio lateral del surco intertubercular del húmero, adyacente a la inserción del músculo pectoral mayor. Los MAP evaluados fueron inervados por el nervio toracodorsal. En dos casos, el vientre muscular del MAP cursó con trayectoria antero medial a las fibras infraclaviculares del plexo braquial, mientras que en los tres restantes, los segmentos fibrosos de inserción del MAP estuvieron relacionados con el plexo. La incidencia del MAP encontrada en el presente estudio es similar a los reportes previos realizados en cadáveres y considerablemente mayor a los reportes anatomoquirúrgicos. La importancia del MAP radica en su implicación con el síndrome de salida torácica, trombosis profunda del miembro superior y en las complicaciones en la linfadenectomía axilar.

The axillary pectoral muscle (APM) is an accessory fibromuscular structure of the axillary region. It is related to the brachial plexus, axillary vessels and lymph nodes, and is reported with variable incidence in different population groups. A total of 106 axilla were evaluated corresponding to 53 fresh cadavers. The APM was presented in 5 axillary regions (4.7 %), with three unilateral cases (2.8 %) and one bilateral (0.9 %). The total length of the APM ranged from 81.6-119.7 mm, while its tendinous segment measured 13.3-28.1 mm. Muscular belly thickness was 7.1-52 mm and the tendinous segment measured 6.9-20.1 mm. In all cases, the APM originated from the latissimus dorsi muscle and inserted into the lateral lip of humerus intertubercular sulcus, adjacent to the pectoralis major muscle insertion. The evaluated APMs were innervated by the thoracodorsal nerve. In two cases, the APM muscular belly had an anterior medial trajectory to brachial plexus fibers, while in the remaining samples, long fibrous segments of APM insertion were related to the plexus. The incidence of the APM found in the present study is similar to previous reports carried out in cadavers; it was considerably higher than previous anatomy-surgical reports. The importance of APM relies on its involvement with thoracic outlet syndrome, deep thrombosis of the upper limb and complications in axillary lymphadenectomy.

Humans , Pectoralis Muscles/anatomy & histology , Axilla/anatomy & histology , Cadaver , Cross-Sectional Studies , Colombia
Int. j. morphol ; 37(4): 1342-1346, Dec. 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040135


The musculus sternalis is an anatomical variant that occurs in 3-8 % of the world population and its incidence is higher in women. It can be found unilaterally or bilaterally and is located in the anterior wall of the thorax, where its fibers run parallel to the sternum and superficial to the medial part of the pectoralis major muscle. The main objective of this study was to quantify the incidence of musculus sternalis in the population of Caldas (Colombia) and, therefore, 68 cadavers of adult individuals were used during a period of twenty years to determine the incidence of this muscle and describe its anatomical characteristics. Two cadavers had this muscle, which was equivalent to 2.94 % of the sample, where one was located unilaterally and in other bilaterally. In the case of unilateral presence, the muscle presented an oblique direction thatdoes not coincide with any subtype of the classification given for these muscles. In bilateral presentation, both muscles were continuous at their upper ends with the respective sternocleidomastoid muscle. In addition, the right musculus sternalis had a digastric shape, which also does not coincide with any subtype of the classification.

El músculo esternal es una variante anatómica que se presenta entre el 3 % y 8 % de la población mundial y su incidencia es mayor en mujeres. Puede hallarse de manera unilateral o bilateral y se localiza en la pared anterior del tórax, donde sus fibras corren paralelas al esternón y superficial a la región medial del músculo pectoral mayor. El objetivo del presente estudio fue cuantificar la incidencia del músculo esternal en la población de Caldas (Colombia). Fueron revisados 68 cadáveres de individuos adultos durante un lapso de doce años, con el fin de determinar el grado de presencialidad del músculo y sus características anatómicas. Dos cadáveres, que equivale al 2,94 % de la muestra, presentaron el músculo esternal, uno de manera unilateral y el otro bilateral, a los cuales se les hizo una descripción anatómica detallada. En la presentación unilateral, el músculo presentó una dirección oblicua que no coincide con ningún subtipo de la clasificación dada para estos músculos. En la presentación bilateral, ambos músculos se continúan por su extremo superior con el respectivo músculo esternocleidomastoideo. Además, el músculo esternal derecho tiene una configuración digástrica, que tampoco coincide con ningún subtipo de la clasificación.

Humans , Male , Female , Pectoralis Muscles/anatomy & histology , Sternum/anatomy & histology , Cadaver , Colombia , Anatomic Variation
Cuad. Hosp. Clín ; 60(2): 49-53, dic. 2019. ilus.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1046790


El registro electromiográfico es una forma de evaluación de los impulsos eléctricos aferentes y eferentes del sistema muscular al sistema nervioso, su valoración permite explorar lesiones nerviosas o patologías neuromusculares en unidades motoras o nerviosas específicas, en este caso, valoramos el plexo braquial y se desea comparar la actividad de este plexo entre los músculos del brazo con el pectoral mayor, ya que, este último puede servir como una opción de valoración del plexo braquial y además de fácil acceso. Este estudio se realizó comparando 4 pacientes de la unidad de neurofisiología de la Caja Nacional de Salud de la ciudad de La Paz, donde se comparó la actividad eléctrica de los músculos del brazo y el pectoral mayor. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que el músculo pectoral mayor sería suficiente para valorar la actividad eléctrica en las lesiones del plexo braquial, hemos observado que, sirve para valorar lesiones, tanto del tronco superior e inferior del plexo braquial como una lesión total de este plexo, además, permite mejor acceso que los músculos del brazo en caso de accidentes con lesión de los miembros superiores.

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Pectoralis Muscles , Arm Injuries , Brachial Plexus , Electromyography/methods
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 34(3): 315-323, jul.-sep. 2019. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1047145


Introdução: As cirurgias de aumento de mamas com implantes de silicone estão entre os procedimentos de cirurgia plástica mais realizados. O objetivo desse estudo é avaliar os casos de pacientes com prótese de silicone, submetidas à mamoplastia secundária, apresentando uma alternativa de abordagem com ressecção em monobloco do tecido mamário, cápsula fibrosa e prótese de silicone; e o neoposicionamento do implante em loja retromuscular peitoral parcial. Métodos: Foram analisados 24 casos de mamoplastia secundária com neoposicionamento da prótese, apresentando os motivos da indicação da cirurgia e o detalhamento da abordagem cirúrgica para maior facilidade na execução do procedimento e a obtenção de resultados mais satisfatórios. Resultados: Todos os casos operados apresentavam alterações no exame físico das mamas, como: ptose mamária contratura capsular, posicionamento inadequado dos implantes e assimetrias mamárias. Nos casos estudados, as próteses com revestimento de poliuretano e sua completa adesão à cápsula fibrosa permitiram a ressecção mais prática, mesmo com variáveis graus de contratura capsular. As cápsulas fibrosas que envolviam implantes texturizados tinham características mais finas e a instabilidade das próteses, pela presença de seroma residual ou pelo excessivo tamanho da loja da prótese, desencadearam maior dificuldade na ressecção. Conclusão: A realização de mamoplastia secundária com troca de prótese, empregando a ressecção em monobloco e neoposicionamento do implante no espaço retromuscular peitoral parcial com suturas do músculo ao tecido mamário, oferece uma alternativa para otimizar o procedimento, maior estabilidade do músculo até completa cicatrização e a formação de nova cápsula fibrosa.

Introduction: Breast augmentation with silicone implants is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures. The objective of this study was to evaluate patients with previous silicone implantations undergoing secondary mammaplasty, presenting an alternative approach with en block resection of breast tissue, fibrous capsule, and silicone implant, followed by implant repositioning in the partial retropectoral pocket. Methods: This study included 24 cases of secondary mammaplasty with implant repositioning. It presents the indications for surgery and details the surgical approach for easier procedures and more satisfactory results. Results: All the included cases presented breast changes on physical examination, such as breast ptosis, capsular contracture, improper implant position, and breast asymmetry. In the studied cases, the use of polyurethane-coated implants and their complete adherence to the fibrous capsule resulted in a more practical resection even with varying degrees of capsular contracture. Fibrous capsules of textured implants were thinner, and implant instability due to the presence of residual seroma or pockets bigger than necessary resulted in more difficult resection. Conclusion: Secondary mammaplasty with en bloc resection, along with implant replacement and repositioning in the partial retropectoral pocket with sutures involving muscle and breast tissue is an alternative to optimize the procedure, providing greater muscle stability until complete healing and new fibrous capsule formation.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , History, 21st Century , Pectoralis Muscles , Prostheses and Implants , Surgery, Plastic , Breast , Retrospective Studies , Mammaplasty , Breast Implantation , Implant Capsular Contracture , Pectoralis Muscles/surgery , Prostheses and Implants/adverse effects , Surgery, Plastic/adverse effects , Surgery, Plastic/methods , Breast/surgery , Mammaplasty/adverse effects , Mammaplasty/methods , Breast Implantation/methods , Breast Implantation/rehabilitation , Implant Capsular Contracture/surgery
Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.);85(3): 351-356, May-June 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1011630


Abstract Introduction: The pectoralis major flap is a reconstructive option to consider in the treatment of pharyngocutaneous fistula after a total laryngectomy. There are not large studies assessing variables related to pharyngocutaneous fistula recurrence after removal of the larynx. Our objectives were to review the results obtained with this type of treatment when pharyngocutaneous fistula appears in laryngectomized patients, and to evaluate variables related to the results. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed our results using either a myocutaneous or fasciomuscular pectoralis major flap to repair pharyngocutaneous fistula in 50 patients. Results: There were no cases of flap necrosis. Oral intake after fistula repair with a pectoralis major flap was restored in 94% of cases. Fistula recurrence occurred in 22 cases (44%), and it was associated with a lengthening of the hospital stay. Performing the flap as an emergency procedure was associated with a significantly higher risk of fistula recurrence. Hospital stay was significantly shorter when a salivary tube was placed. Conclusions: The pectoralis major flap is a useful approach to repair pharyngocutaneous fistula. Placing salivary tubes during fistula repair significantly reduces hospital stay and complication severity in case of pharyngocutaneous fistula recurrence.

Resumo Introdução: O retalho do músculo peitoral maior é uma opção a ser considerada no fechamento de fístula faringocutânea pós-laringectomia total. Não há grandes estudos que avaliem as variáveis relacionadas à recorrência da fístula faringocutânea após esse procedimento. Nossos objetivos foram avaliar os resultados obtidos com esse tipo de tratamento em pacientes laringectomizados com fístula faringocutânea e as variáveis relacionadas aos resultados. Método: Revisamos retrospectivamente os nossos resultados em 50 pacientes nos quais um retalho miocutâneo ou fasciomuscular do músculo peitoral maior foram utilizados para reparar a fístula faringocutânea. Resultados: Não houve casos de necrose de retalho. Após o reparo da fístula com um retalho do músculo peitoral maior, a ingestão oral foi restaurada em 94% dos casos. Houve recorrência da fístula em 22 casos (44%), a qual foi associada à duração da hospitalização. O uso do retalho como procedimento de emergência foi associado a um risco significativamente maior de recorrência da fístula. A permanência hospitalar foi significativamente menor quando utilizado um tubo de derivação salivar. Conclusões: O uso do retalho do músculo peitoral maior é uma abordagem útil para reparar a fístula faringocutânea. A colocação de tubos de derivação salivar durante o reparo da fístula reduz significativamente o tempo de hospitalização e a gravidade das complicações em caso de recorrência da fístula faringocutânea.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Pectoralis Muscles/transplantation , Surgical Flaps/transplantation , Pharyngeal Diseases/surgery , Cutaneous Fistula/surgery , Laryngectomy/adverse effects , Postoperative Complications , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Cutaneous Fistula/etiology
Hig. Aliment. (Online) ; 33(288/289): 3077-3081, abr.-maio 2019. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1482517


O peito de frango é muito procurado, principalmente como alternativa para alimentação mais saudável por sua baixa porcentagem de lipídeos e boa quantidade de proteína (20,0% em média), isso numa carne de peito saudável. Redes de “fast foods” chegam a vender 100 bilhões de hambúrgueres em todo mundo, sendo uma média de 75 hambúrgueres por segundo. Este estudo foi conduzido no Laboratório de Análise de Alimentos de Origem Animal da FCAV, UNESP. Objetivou-se utilizar carne de peitos de frangos acometidos pela miopatia “white striping” na fabricação de hambúrgueres contendo 100% de peito e pele de frango como gordura e observar os efeitos das miopatias no armazenamento de 120 dias. O armazenamento de hambúrgueres por até 120 dias ocasiona maiores perdas durante o cozimento e maior retração de hambúrgueres.

Meat , Freezing , Food Preservation , Pectoralis Muscles/injuries , Muscular Diseases/veterinary , Chickens