Introducción. La enfermedad de Peyronie es una malformación adquirida del pene, originada por la deposición de placas fibróticas en la túnica albugínea. La prevalencia en Estados Unidos oscila entre el 0.39% y 11.8%, en Europa 8.9%, en Latinoamérica no existe un porcentaje puntual de prevalencia actual debido a la escasez de reportes de esta patología. Este análisis bibliométrico busca describir la evolución terapéutica de la Enfermedad de Peyronie en la literatura de los últimos 62 años, así como la distribución geográfica de estas publicaciones. Metodología. Estudio observacional, descriptivo, un análisis bibliométrico desde 1957 hasta 2019, utilizando GoPubMed y FABUMED. Resultados. Se obtuvieron 721 referencias sobre tratamiento quirúrgico en enfermedad de Peyronie, con un aumento de la producción científica a lo largo del periodo de estudio. The Journal of Urology fue la revista con mayor cantidad de publicaciones, el 57.9% dentro de la categoría de artículo científico. El país líder fue Estados Unidos con 191 publicaciones. Discusión. Existe poca literatura sobre los avances terapéuticos para el tratamiento de enfermedad de Peyronie, lo que dificulta la comparación de las investigaciones a lo largo de los años en diferentes zonas del mundo. La investigación en Latinoamérica es escasa. Conclusión. La investigación sobre el tratamiento quirúrgico en enfermedad de Peyronie muestra un patrón ascendente en la productividad científica durante los años estudiados. Los países con mayores ingresos económicos son de mayor desarrollo en el tema y en menor medida regiones con recursos limitados. El análisis evidencia la importancia de aumentar producción científica en Colombia, así como estimular la investigación sobre este tema, ya que existen muy pocas publicaciones sobre la evolución del tratamiento quirúrgico para esta enfermedad. Palabras clave: Induración Peniana; Enfermedades del Pene; Bibliometría; Fibrosis; Erección Peniana
Introduction. Peyronie's disease is an acquired malformation of the penis, caused by the deposition of fibrotic plaques in the tunica albuginea. The prevalence in the United States ranges between 0.39% and 11.8%, in Europe 8.9%, in Latin America there is no specific percentage of current prevalence due to the scarcity of reports of this pathology. This bibliometric analysis seeks to describe the therapeutic evolution of Peyronie's Disease in the literature over the last 62 years, as well as the geographic distribution of these publications. Methodology. This is an observational, descriptive study, with a bibliometric analysis from 1957 to 2019, using GoPubMed and FABUMED. Results. 721 references on surgical treatment in Peyronie's disease were obtained, with an increase in scientific production throughout the study period. The Journal of Urology was the journal with the highest number of publications, 57.9% within the scientific article category. The leading country was the United States with 191 publications. Discussion. There is a limited amount of literature on therapeutic advances for the treatment of Peyronie's disease, which makes it difficult to compare research over the years in different areas of the world. Research in Latin America is scarce. Conclusion. Research on surgical treatment in Peyronie's disease shows an increasing pattern in scientific productivity over the years. Countries with higher economic income have greater development in the subject and to a lesser extent regions with limited resources. The analysis shows the importance of increasing scientific production in Colombia, as well as stimulating research on this topic, since there are few publications on the evolution of surgical treatment for this disease. Keywords: Penile Induration; Penile Diseases; Bibliometrics; Fibrosis; Penile Erection
Introdução. A doença de Peyronie é uma malformação adquirida do pênis, causada pela deposição de placas fibróticas na túnica albugínea. A prevalência nos Estados Unidos varia entre 0.39% e 11.8%, na Europa 8.9%, na América Latina não existe um percentual específico de prevalência atual devido à escassez de relatos desta patologia. Esta análise bibliométrica tem como objetivo descrever a evolução terapêutica da Doença de Peyronie na literatura dos últimos 62 anos, bem como a distribuição geográfica destas publicações. Metodologia. Estudo observacional, descritivo, análise bibliométrica de 1957 a 2019, utilizando GoPubMed e FABUMED. Resultados. Foram obtidas 721 referências sobre tratamento cirúrgico na doença de Peyronie, com aumento da produção científica ao longo do período do estudo. The Journal of Urology foi o periódico com maior número de publicações, 57.9% dentro da categoria artigo científico. O país líder foram os Estados Unidos com 191 publicações. Discussão. Há pouca literatura sobre avanços terapêuticos para o tratamento da doença de Peyronie, o que dificulta a comparação de pesquisas ao longo dos anos em diferentes partes do mundo. As pesquisas na América Latina são escassas. Conclusão. As pesquisas sobre o tratamento cirúrgico da doença de Peyronie mostram um padrão crescente de produtividade científica ao longo dos anos estudados. Os países com maior rendimento económico são mais desenvolvidos no assunto e, em menor medida, regiões com recursos limitados. A análise mostra a importância de aumentar a produção científica na Colômbia, bem como estimular a pesquisa sobre o tema, uma vez que existem poucas publicações sobre a evolução do tratamento cirúrgico desta doença. Palavras-chave: Induração Peniana; Doenças do Pênis; Bibliometria; Fibrose; Ereção Peniana
Penile Diseases , Penile Induration , Fibrosis , Penile Erection , BibliometricsABSTRACT
This study aimed to investigate the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on erectile function in Chinese patients with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS). A retrospective study was conducted on 657 CP/CPPS patients who visited The Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University (Changsha, China) from November 2018 to November 2022. Patients were divided into two groups based on the timeline before and after the COVID-19 outbreak in China. The severity of CP/CPPS, penile erection status, anxiety, and depression was evaluated using the National Institutes of Health-Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Index (NIH-CPSI), International Index of Erectile Function-5 (IIEF-5), Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7), and Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) scales, respectively. Compared with patients before the COVID-19 outbreak, more CP/CPPS patients developed severe erectile dysfunction (ED) due to depression and anxiety caused by the pandemic. After developing moderate-to-severe ED, mild and moderate-to-severe CP/CPPS patients exhibited more apparent symptoms of anxiety and depression ( P < 0.001 and P = 0.001, respectively), forming a vicious cycle. The COVID-19 pandemic has adversely affected the psychological status of CP/CPPS patients, exacerbating their clinical symptoms and complicating ED. The exacerbation of clinical symptoms further worsens the anxiety and depression status of patients, forming a vicious cycle. During the COVID-19 pandemic, paying more attention to the mental health of CP/CPPS patients, strengthening psychological interventions, and achieving better treatment outcomes are necessary.
Male , Humans , Erectile Dysfunction/etiology , Pandemics , Penile Erection , Prostatitis/complications , Retrospective Studies , East Asian People , COVID-19/complications , Chronic Disease , Pelvic Pain/complicationsABSTRACT
Erectile dysfunction (ED) refers to the persistent inability to achieve and/or maintain a sufficient erection of the penis to obtain a satisfactory sexual life,which affects the quality of life of the patients and their sexual partners.To decipher the pathophysiological mechanism of ED,researchers have established a variety of animal models and achieved a series of progress.The cavernous nerve (CN) of rodents,anatomically similar to that of humans,is cost-effective,thick,and easy to be identified,which has gradually become the mainstream of animal models.In this paper,we reviewed the modeling methods of the neurological ED caused by bilateral CN injury in rats in recent years,summarized the model evaluation indicators,and discussed the application and progress of ED models in basic experimental research.
Humans , Male , Rats , Animals , Erectile Dysfunction/etiology , Quality of Life , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Disease Models, Animal , Penile ErectionSubject(s)
Humans , Male , Botulinum Toxins, Type A/therapeutic use , Erectile Dysfunction/drug therapy , Penis , Penile ErectionSubject(s)
Humans , Male , Erectile Dysfunction/epidemiology , Penile Erection , Demography , Pandemics , Latin America/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Introducción. La fractura de pene es una emergencia urológica rara, se desconoce la incidencia real dado el subregistro causado por la reducida consulta de los pacientes, resultado del embarazoso contexto. En Estados Unidos alcanza un 38% donde la etiología de índole sexual predomina. En Colombia hay escasos reportes publicados. El diagnóstico de esta entidad es netamente clínico. El objetivo de este trabajo es reportar una evolución satisfactoria en términos de función miccional y eréctil en un paciente sometido a reconstrucción cavernosa y uretral temprana en rotura bilateral de origen traumático mediante una técnica quirúrgica poco convencional, de acuerdo con lo hallado en la literatura. Presentación del caso. Paciente masculino de 30 años, previamente sano, quien consultó al servicio de urgencias por uretrorragia, edema y dolor peneano secundario a trauma contuso del mismo durante relación sexual. El reporte ecográfico mostró disrupción en túnica albugínea del cuerpo esponjoso, hematoma y aparente transección uretral; se realizó exploración quirúrgica 6 horas después, con evidencia de fractura de cuerpos cavernosos, laceración del 40% de la circunferencia, transección completa de la uretra y cuerpo esponjoso. Se realizó rafia de cuerpos cavernosos y uretroplastia término terminal de uretra bulbar, con evolución clínica satisfactoria. Discusión. La reconstrucción quirúrgica en menos de 24 horas en fractura de pene disminuye significativamente la estancia hospitalaria y complicaciones precoces; asimismo, desciende el riesgo de disfunción eréctil, erecciones dolorosas y problemas miccionales. No hay publicaciones que comparen resultados a largo plazo entre los dos abordajes quirúrgicos. Conclusiones. La fractura de pene es una patología poco frecuente con diagnóstico clínico, la cual debe manejarse de manera temprana por cualquier urólogo y, en caso de ser posible, con experiencia reconstructiva y excelentes resultados en la función sexual y miccional.
Introduction. Penile fracture is a rare urological emergency, the real incidence is unknown given the underreporting caused by the reduced consultation of patients, resulting from the embarrassing context. In the United States it reaches 38%, where sexual etiology predominates. In Colombia there are few published reports. The diagnosis of this entity is purely clinical. The aim of this work is to report a satisfactory evolution in terms of voiding and erectile function in a patient who underwent early cavernous and urethral reconstruction in bilateral rupture of traumatic origin by means of an unconventional surgical technique, in accordance with what has been found in the literature. Case Presentation. A 30-year-old male patient, previously healthy, consulted the emergency department for urethrorrhagia, edema and penile pain secondary to blunt trauma to the penis during sexual intercourse. The ultrasound report showed disruption in the tunica albuginea of the corpus spongiosum, hematoma and apparent urethral transection; surgical exploration was performed 6 hours later, with evidence of fracture of the corpora cavernosa, laceration of 40% of the circumference, complete transection of the urethra and corpus spongiosum. Sutures to the corpora cavernosa and end-to-end urethroplasty of the bulbar urethra were performed, with satisfactory clinical evolution. Discussion. Surgical reconstruction in less than 24 hours in penile fractures significantly reduces hospital stay and early complications; it also reduces the risk of erectile dysfunction, painful erections and voiding problems. There are no publications comparing long-term results between the two surgical approaches. Conclusions. Penile fracture is a rare pathology with clinical diagnosis, which should be managed early by any urologist and, if possible, with reconstructive experience and excellent results in sexual and voiding function.
Introdução. A fratura peniana é uma emergência urológica rara, a real incidência é desconhecida dada a subnotificação causada pela reduzida consulta de pacientes, resultado do contexto constrangedor. Nos Estados Unidos chega a 38% onde predomina a etiologia de natureza sexual. Na Colômbia há poucos relatórios publicados. O diagnóstico desta entidade é puramente clínico. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar uma evolução satisfatória da função miccional e erétil em um paciente submetido à reconstrução cavernosa e uretral precoce em ruptura bilateral de origem traumática por meio de técnica cirúrgica não convencional, de acordo com o que foi encontrado na literatura. Apresentação do caso. Paciente do sexo masculino, 30 anos, previamente saudável, procurou o pronto-socorro por uretrorragia, edema e dor peniana secundária a trauma contuso durante a relação sexual. O relatório do ultrassom mostrou ruptura na túnica albugínea do corpo esponjoso, hematoma e transecção uretral aparente; a exploração cirúrgica foi realizada 6 horas depois, com evidência de fratura dos corpos cavernosos, laceração de 40% da circunferência, transecção completa da uretra e corpo esponjoso. Foram realizadas ráfia dos corpos cavernosos e uretroplastia término-terminal da uretra bulbar, com evolução clínica satisfatória. Discussão. A reconstrução cirúrgica em menos de 24 horas nas fraturas penianas reduz significativamente o tempo de internação e as complicações precoces. Da mesma forma, diminui o risco de disfunção erétil, ereções dolorosas e problemas de micção. Não há publicações comparando os resultados a longo prazo entre as duas abordagens cirúrgicas. Conclusões. A fratura peniana é uma patologia rara com diagnóstico clínico, que deve ser tratada precocemente por qualquer urologista e, se possível, com experiência reconstrutiva e excelentes resultados na função sexual e miccional.
Penis , Urethra , Wounds and Injuries , Penile Erection , Plastic Surgery ProceduresABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Introduction: Over the years, since Binder and Kramer described the first Robotic-assisted Radical Prostatectomy (RARP) in 2000, different Nerve-sparing (NS) techniques have been proposed by several authors (1). However, even with the robotic surgery advantages, functional outcomes following RARP, especially erection recovery, still challenge surgeons and patients (2, 3). In this scenario, we have described different ways and grades of neurovascular bundle preservation (NVB) using the prostatic artery as a landmark until our most recent technique with lateral prostatic fascia preservation and modified apical dissection (4-6). In this video compilation, we have illustrated the anatomical and technical details of different grades of NVB preservation. Surgical technique: After the anterior and posterior bladder neck dissection, we lift the prostate by the seminal vesicles to access the posterior aspect of the prostate. Then, we incise the Denonvilliers layers and work between an avascular plane to release the posterior NVB from 5 to 1 and 7 to 11 o'clock positions on the right and left sides, respectively6. In sequence, we access the prostate anteriorly by incising the endopelvic fascia bilaterally (close to the prostate) until communicating the anterior and posterior planes. Finally, we control the prostatic pedicles with Hem-o-lok clips and then proceed for the apical dissection preserving the maximum amount of urethra length and periurethral tissues. Considerations: Potency recovery following radical prostatectomy remains a challenge due to its multifactorial etiology. However, basic concepts for nerve-sparing are crucial to achieving optimal outcomes, such as minimizing the amount of traction used on dissection, avoiding excessive cautery, and neural preservation based on anatomical landmarks (arteries and planes of dissection).
Humans , Male , Prostatic Neoplasms/surgery , Robotic Surgical Procedures , Prostate/surgery , Prostatectomy/methods , Penile ErectionSubject(s)
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Hypogonadism/diagnosis , Erectile Dysfunction/complications , Erectile Dysfunction/physiopathology , Testosterone/blood , Penile Erection , Sildenafil Citrate/administration & dosage , Hypogonadism/etiology , Erectile Dysfunction/drug therapy , Obesity/complicationsABSTRACT
The aim of this article is to assess the outcomes of a low-intensity extracorporeal shock wave therapy (LiESWT) protocol for the treatment of Peyronie's disease (PD). Patients treated for PD were prospectively recorded, and data were retrospectively reviewed. Age, characteristics of fibrous plaques, concomitant treatments, International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5), Lue score, and pain score on Likert scale were collected. Patients in acute phase of PD and an angulation of <40° were included. The protocol consisted of 6 weekly sessions of 4000 pulses each, applied from different directions, with a maximal power of 20 W and 8 Hz frequency. We included 39 patients (median age: 56.8 years, interquartile range [IQR]: 35.8-62.2 years). The median number of sessions received per patient was 7.2. After treatment, the median Lue score decreased from 6.8 initially to 3.3 (P = 0.003), the median Likert pain score dropped from 1.8 to 0.7 (P = 0.004), the median plaque size was reduced from 2 cm to 1.2 cm (P = 0.08), and the median penile curvature diminished from 31° to 17° (P = 0.07). On univariate and multivariate analysis, the only predictors of success were younger age (odds ratio [OR] = 0.95, P = 0.03 and OR = 0.91, P = 0.04, respectively) and concomitant use of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors (PDE5i; OR = 0.92, P = 0.02 and OR = 0.93, P = 0.01, respectively). LiESWT had a favorable impact on Lue score and notably penile pain, curvature, plaque size, and erectile function in patients treated for PD during the early inflammatory phase, with no side effects. Younger age and concomitant use of PDE5i were the only success predictors.
Adult , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy , Penile Erection , Penile Induration/therapy , Penis , Retrospective Studies , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate the erectile function in patients who underwent partial penectomy and identify factors associated with penile functional status. Materials and Methods: We identified patients who underwent partial penectomy due to penile cancer between 2009 and 2014. Clinical and pathological characteristics included patient age at the time of diagnosis, obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, smoking, metabolic syndrome, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) status, penile shaft length, tumor size, primary tumor stage (pT), clinical nodal status, and local recurrence. Erectile function was assessed prospectively with the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5) at least 3 months after partial penectomy. Results: A total of 81 patients met analysis criteria. At the diagnosis, the median age was 62 years (range from 30 to 88). Median follow-up was 17 months (IQR 7-36). Of total patients, 37 (45%) had T2 or higher disease. Clinically positive nodes were present in 16 (20%) patients and seven (8.6%) developed local recurrence. Fifty patients (62%) had erectile dysfunction (ED) after partial penectomy, 30% had moderate or severe erectile dysfunction scores. Patients with ED versus without ED were similar in baseline characteristics except for age, penile shaft length, and presence of inguinal adenopathy (p <0.05). Multivariate analysis using logistic regression confirmed that older patients, shorter penile shaft length, and clinically positive lymph node were significantly associated with ED. Conclusion: Partial penectomy due to penile cancer provides adequate local control of the disease, however, proper counselling is important especially in relation to ED consequences. Preservation of penile length yields to more optimal erectile recovery.
Humans , Male , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Penile Neoplasms/surgery , Erectile Dysfunction/etiology , Penis/surgery , Penile Erection , Middle Aged , Neoplasm Recurrence, LocalSubject(s)
Humans , Male , Penile Neoplasms/surgery , Erectile Dysfunction/etiology , Penis/surgery , Penile ErectionABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose: To describe penile fracture (PF) findings with non-sexual etiology in a referral emergency hospital, with emphasis on demographic data, clinical and intraoperative findings and long-term outcomes. Materials and Methods: Patients with PF of non-sexual cause operated at our institution from January 2014 to January 2019 were submitted to surgical treatment and monitored for at least three months after surgery. Etiology of trauma, epidemiological and clinical presentation data, time to intervention and operative findings were reviewed retrospectively. The evaluation of postoperative erectile function was carried out by filling out the International Index of Erection Function - 5 (IIEF-5). The tool used to assess urinary function was the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) questionnaire. Results: Of a total of 149 patients submitted to surgical treatment for PF, 18 (12%) reported non-sexual etiology. Twelve (66.6%) cases were due to penile manipulation through the act of bending the penis during morning erection, three (16.6%) when rolling over in bed with erect penis, one (5.5%) when embracing the wife during erection, one (5.5%) to laying on the partner with erect penis and the other (5.5%) when sitting on the toilet with an erection. Operative findings were unilateral corpus cavernosum injury in all cases. Only one (5.5%) patient had a partial urethral lesion. Follow-up time varied from 3 to 18 months (mean, 10.1 months). Three (16.6%) patients developed erectile dysfunction six months after surgery. However, all of them responded to treatment with IPDE-5 and reported improvement of erection, with no need for medication, on reevaluation after 18 months. One (5.5%) patient developed penile curvature < 30 degrees. Thirteen (72.2%) patients developed penile nodules. No patient presented voiding complaints during follow-up. Conclusions: PF is a rare urologic emergency, especially with the non-sexual etiology. However, PF should always be considered when the clinical presentation is suggestive, regardless of the etiology. Penile manipulation and roll over in bed were the most common non-sexual causes. These cases are related to low-energy traumas, usually leading to unilateral rupture of corpus cavernosum. Urethral involvement is uncommon but may be present. Early treatment has good long-term clinical outcome, especially when performed in specialized centers with extensive experience in FP.
Humans , Male , Penile Diseases , Penis/surgery , Referral and Consultation , Rupture/surgery , Penile Erection , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , HospitalsABSTRACT
Objective@#To observe the clinical effect and safety of Shanhaidan Granules (SHDG) combined with tadalafil tablets (TT) in the treatment of ED.@*METHODS@#In this open multi-center case-control clinical trial, we enrolled 247 ED patients according to the designed criteria, and treated them orally with SHDG at 10 g per time tid (n = 74), TT at 5 mg per time bid (n = 52), or SHDG + TT at the above doses (n = 121), all for 8 weeks. Before and after medication, we recorded the IIEF-6, erection hardness scores (EHS), traditional Chinese medicine syndromes (TCMS) scores, penile cavernous blood flow parameters and adverse reactions, and compared them between the 3 groups of patients.@*RESULTS@#After 8 weeks of treatment, all the patients showed significantly increased IIEF-6, EHS and TCMS scores in comparison with the baseline (P < 0.05). The total effectiveness rates in the SHDG, TT and SHDG + TT groups were 60.8%, 67.3% and 69.4% respectively based on the IIEF-6 scores, remarkably higher in the TT and SHDG + TT groups than in the SHDG group (P < 0.05), and 40.5%, 32.7% and 63.6% respectively according to the TCMS scores, markedly higher in the SHDG and SHDG + TT groups than in the TT group (P < 0.05). Single-center data manifested significantly increased peak systolic velocity (PSV) of the penile artery in the SHDG + TT and TT groups (P < 0.05). The improvement values of relevant parameters were remarkably higher in the SHDG + TT group than in the TT and SHDG groups, so were IIEF-6 scores in the TT than in the SHDG group, and TCM syndromes in the SHDG than in the TT group. No medication-related adverse events were found in any of patients after treatment, except for some mild side effects including muscle soreness and gastrointestinal reactions in a few cases, all soon relieved, none with abnormalities in blood and urine routine tests or hepatic and renal function indicators.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Shanhaidan Granules combined with tadalafil can significantly improve the erectile function and reduce TCM syndromes in ED patients, and therefore can be applied effectively and safely in clinical practice./.
Humans , Male , Erectile Dysfunction/drug therapy , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Penile Erection , Syndrome , Tadalafil/therapeutic useABSTRACT
ABSTRACT To evaluate the efficiency of an energy density of 0.05mj/mm2 of low intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy (Li-ESWT) on erectile dysfunction (ED) patients.A total of 45 ED patients met the inclusion criteria, including 7 PDE5i responders and 38 nonresponders. All the patients have already been delivered 10000 shockwaves of total seven treatment points twice a week for 4 weeks. Simultaneously, questionnaires of International Index of Erectile Function-Erectile Function (IIEF-EF), Erectile Hard Score (EHS) and Minimal Clinical Important Differences (MCID) were evaluated for the efficiency and safety at 8th and 16th weeks.The changes in the IIEF-EF score by MCID suggested that Li-ESWT treatment was effective in 22 PDE5i nonresponders patients (58%) at 8th week. Then at 16th week the number of patients who were effectively treated increased to 27 (71%). Among PDE5i responders, 5 patients (71%) were effective base on MCID at 16th week. Among PDE5i nonresponders 22 patients (58%) achieved erection hard enough for vaginal penetration and increased to 27 (71%) patients at 16th week (EHS ≥3). Moreover, even 3 patients achieved EHS 4 in PDE5i nonresponders at 16th week. Among PDE5i responders, 4 of 7 patients reached EHS of 4 from EHS 3 at 16th week. Apart from this, Li-ESWT treatment was also effective in 9 patients (24%) in PDE5i nonresponders without follow-up PDE5i.Energy flux density (EFD) of 0.05 of Li-ESWT could improve the erectile function of ED patients with PDE5i response. In addition, EFD of 0.05 of Li-ESWT treatment could turn PDE5i nonresponders to responders.
Humans , Male , Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy , Erectile Dysfunction/therapy , Penile Erection , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
SUMMARY INTRODUCTION: The vascular evaluation of the erectile function through Color Duplex-Doppler Ultrasound (CDDU) of the penis can benefit the therapeutic decision-making process. Unfortunately, there is no standard procedure for CDDU conduction, a fact that results in high result-interpretation variability. OBJECTIVE: The aims of this review are to promote greater standardization during CDDU of the penis and discuss the fundamental principles for its accurate conduction. METHODS: CDDU is initially conducted with the penis in the flaccid state; the whole penis must be assessed (images at B mode) with a high-frequency linear transducer (7.5-18 MHz). Intracavernous injection of vasodilating agents (prostaglandin E1, papaverine, phentolamine) is performed to induce a rigid erection. Serial measurements at different times should be taken during the CDDU session and penile rigidity must be assessed in each evaluation. RESULTS: It is important to monitor the erection response after the vasoactive agent (hardness scale), and scanning during the best-quality erection should be contemplated. Manual self-stimulation, audiovisual sexual stimulation (AVSS), and vasoactive agent re-dosing protocols must be taken into account to reduce the influence of psychogenic factors and to help the patient to get the hardest erection possible. Such measurements contribute to the maximal relaxation of the erectile tissue, so the hemodynamic parameters are not underestimated. CONCLUSIONS: CDDU is a relevant specialized tool to assess patients with erectile dysfunction; therefore, this guideline will help to standardize and establish uniformity in its conduction and interpretation, taking into consideration the complexity and heterogeneity of CDDU evaluations of the penis.
RESUMO INTRODUÇÃO: A avaliação vascular da função erétil por meio da ultrassonografia com Doppler colorido do pênis (UDCP) pode trazer benefícios na tomada de decisão. Infelizmente, a falta de padronização na condução de UDCP resulta em alta variabilidade do exame, além de poder comprometer a interpretação dos resultados. OBJETIVO: Os objetivos desta revisão são promover uma maior padronização durante o UDCP e discutir os princípios fundamentais para sua correta condução e interpretação. MÉTODOS: O UDCP é conduzido inicialmente com o pênis no estado flácido; todo o pênis deve ser avaliado (imagens no modo B) com um transdutor linear de alta frequência (7,5-18 MHz). A injeção intracavernosa de agentes vasodilatadores (prostaglandina E1, papaverina, fentolamina) é realizada para induzir uma ereção rígida. Medições seriais em momentos diferentes podem ser realizadas durante a sessão da UDCP e a rigidez peniana deve ser estimada em cada avaliação. RESULTADOS: É importante monitorar a resposta da ereção após o agente vasoativo (escala de rigidez), bem como realizar avaliação hemodinâmica durante a ereção de melhor qualidade. Os protocolos de estimulação sexual manual e audiovisual (AVSS) e redosagem de agente vasoativo devem ser levados em consideração para reduzir a influência de fatores psicogênicos e ajudar o paciente a obter a ereção mais rígida possível. Tais medidas contribuem para o relaxamento máximo do tecido erétil, de modo que os parâmetros hemodinâmicos não são subestimados. CONCLUSÕES: O UDCP é uma ferramenta especializada relevante para avaliar pacientes com disfunção erétil; portanto, esta diretriz ajudará a padronizar e estabelecer uniformidade em sua condução e interpretação, se considerarmos a complexidade e a heterogeneidade das avaliações do pênis por UDCP
Humans , Male , Penis , Penile Erection , Ultrasonography, Doppler, Color , Hemodynamics , Erectile DysfunctionSubject(s)
Humans , Aged , Penile Erection , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/epidemiology , Libido , Incidence , CondomsSubject(s)
Humans , Male , Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy , Erectile Dysfunction , Sexual Behavior , Penile ErectionABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate epidemiological aspects of priapism in patients with sickle cell disease, and these aspects impact on adult sexual function. Methods This was a cross-sectional study including individuals with sickle cell disease who were evaluated at a reference center for sickle cell. Participants completed a structured questionnaire about their sociodemographic characteristics and priapism events. Sexual function was assessed using validated two instruments, the Erection Hardness Score and one about the sex life satisfaction. Results Sixty-four individuals with median aged of 12 (7 to 28) years were interviewed. The prevalence of priapism was 35.9% (23/64). The earliest priapism episode occurred at 2 years of age and the latest at 42 years. The statistical projection was that 71.1% of individuals of the study would have at least one episode of priapism throughout life. Patients with episodes of priapism (10/23) had significantly worse erectile function Erection Hardness Score of 2 [1-3]; p=0.01 and were less satisfied with sexual life 3 [3-5]; p=0.02. Conclusion Priapism is usually present in childhood, and severe episodes are associated with cavernous damage, impairment in the quality of the erection, and lower sexual satisfaction.
RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar aspectos epidemiológicos do priapismo em pacientes com doença falciforme e o impacto desses aspectos na função sexual de adultos. Métodos Trata-se de estudo transversal, que incluiu indivíduos com doença falciforme acompanhados em um centro de referência. Os participantes responderam a um questionário estruturado acerca das características sociodemográficas e eventos de priapismo. A função sexual foi avaliada por meio de dois instrumentos validados, a Escala de Rigidez de Ereção e um sobre satisfação com a vida sexual. Resultados Foram entrevistados 64 indivíduos com média de idade de 12 (7-28) anos. A prevalência de priapismo foi de 35,9% (23/64). O episódio mais precoce ocorreu aos 2 anos de idade e o mais tardio, aos 42 anos. A projeção estatística foi de que 71,1% desses sujeitos teriam pelo menos um episódio de priapismo ao longo da vida. Pacientes adultos com episódios de priapismo (10/23) apresentaram função erétil significativamente pior Escala de Rigidez de Ereção de 2 [1-3]; p=0,01 e estavam menos satisfeitos com a vida sexual 3 [3-5]; p=0,02. Conclusão O priapismo manifesta-se desde a infância, e episódios graves estão associados a dano cavernoso, prejuízo na qualidade da ereção e menor satisfação sexual.
Humans , Male , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Priapism/physiopathology , Priapism/epidemiology , Erectile Dysfunction/physiopathology , Erectile Dysfunction/epidemiology , Anemia, Sickle Cell/physiopathology , Anemia, Sickle Cell/epidemiology , Priapism/etiology , Quality of Life , Penile Erection/physiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Retrospective Studies , Age Factors , Statistics, Nonparametric , Disease-Free SurvivalABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose We aimed to evaluate the effects of smoking cessation on the sexual functions in men aged 30 to 60 years. Materials and Methods Male patients aged 30 to 60 years that presented to the smoking cessation polyclinic between July 2017 and December 2018 were prospectively included in the study. The amount of exposure to tobacco was evaluated in pack-year. The patients filled the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) form before the cessation and six months after cessation of smoking. Patients were subgrouped according to age, education level and packs/year of smoking and this groups were compared in terms of IIEF total and all of the IIEF domains. Results The evaluations performed by grouping the patients according to age (30-39, 40-49 and 50-60 years) and education level (primary-middle school and high school-university) revealed that the total IIEF scores obtained after smoking cessation were significantly higher compared to the baseline scores in all groups (p=0.007 for the 30-39 years group and p <0.001 for the remaining groups). According to grouping by exposure to smoking (≤25, 26-50, 51-75, 76-100 and 101≥ packs/year), the total IIEF scores significantly increased after smoking cessation in all groups except 101≥ packs/year (p=0.051 for the 101≥ group and p <0.001 for the remaining groups). Conclusions Erectile function is directly proportional to the degree of exposure to smoking, and quitting smoking improves male sexual function in all age groups between 30-60 years of age regardless of pack-year and education level.
Humans , Male , Adult , Smoking Cessation , Prostate , Penile Erection , Smoking/adverse effects , Surveys and Questionnaires , Erectile Dysfunction/etiology , Middle AgedABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o impacto da reabilitação peniana na recuperação da função erétil em pacientes submetidos a ressecção anterior do reto (RAR) ou a prostatectomia radical (PR), comparando os resultados entre esses dois grupos. Materiais e Métodos: Foi realizado estudo de coorte retrospetivo unicêntrico, em pacientes avaliados na nossa consulta multidisciplinar de oncosexologia, entre janeiro de 2015 e janeiro de 2018, submetidos a PR ou RAR (homens) com disfunção sexual. Avaliamos as características oncológicas dos pacientes, idade, estado civil, tipo de disfunção sexual, Índice Internacional de Função Erétil (IIEF-5) na primeira e última consulta e terapêutica utilizada. Foi realizada análise estatística. Resultados: Foram incluídos 55 pacientes, 60% (33) realizaram RAR e 40% (22) PR. Em relação à disfunção sexual após a cirurgia, a disfunção erétil (DE) foi encontrada na maioria dos pacientes (> 95%). Na pontuação inicial do IIEF-5, os pacientes com RAR e PR apresentaram, com maior frequência, DE moderada ou grave (escore 5-11), em 78,8% e 59,1% dos casos, respetivamente. Ao reavaliar a pontuação do IIEF-5 de cada paciente durante o acompanhamento, verificou-se melhoria em 69,7% dos pacientes com RAR e 72,7% dos pacientes com PR (p = 0,81). Quanto à abordagem terapêutica, 84,8% dos pacientes com RAR foram medicados com inibidores da fosfodiesterase-5 (PDE5I) exclusivamente e 3% com injeção de Alprostadil. Os pacientes com PR foram medicados com PDE5I em 63,6% e com injeção de Alprostadil em 31,8% (p <0,05). Conclusões: Apesar das diferenças técnicas destas cirurgias, do ponto de vista sexual, os pacientes se beneficiaram com a reabilitação peniana.
ABSTRACT Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of penile rehabilitation in restoring erectile function in patients submitted to anterior resection of the rectum (ARR) or radical prostatectomy (RP), comparing the results between these two groups. Materials and Methods: We performed a unicenter retrospective cohort study, on patients evaluated in our multidisciplinary oncosexology consultation, between January 2015 and January 2018, submitted to RP or ARR (males) and presenting sexual dysfunction. We evaluate the patient and oncologic characteristics, the type of sexual dysfunction, marital status, assessed the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF-5) on the first and last consultation and the therapeutic approach. A statistical analysis was performed. Results: A total of 55 patients were included, 60% (33) performed ARR and 40% (22) RP. Regarding the sexual dysfunction after surgery, erectile dysfunction (ED) was found in the majority of patients (>95%). On the initial IIEF-5 scoring, ARR and RP patients had, most frequently, severe or moderate ED (score 5-11), 78.8% and 59.1% respectively. When reassessed the IIEF-5 scoring of each patient during follow-up, there was an improvement in 69.7% of ARR patients and 72.7% of RP patients (p=0.81). Regarding the therapeutic approach, 84.8% of ARR patients used phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors (PDE5I) exclusively, 3% used Alprostadil injection, while RP patients used 63.6% and 31.8%, respectively (p<0.05). Conclusions: Despite the technical differences of these surgeries, from the sexual point of view these patients benefit with a penile rehabilitation.